T2 COI Assignment

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T2 COI Assignment

Union Executive:
The Union Executive authorises powers to the government to implement laws
that fall under Articles 52 to 78 of Chapter- I of Part IV. Due to Its important
activities, the Union Executive became the most significant branch of the
government. The union executive of India consists of the President, the head
of the State, Vice-president and Prime Minister, and Council of Ministers who
governs the Union and Attorney General. The Indian Constitution empowers the
President’s executive authority but is not allowed to exercise it alone. The
Prime Minister supervises the Council of Ministers helps the President exercise
executive power.


The President is the head of the state and the Union Executive who exercises
executive powers under the supervision and direction of the Prime Minister and
the Council of Ministers. All the executive powers were implemented in the
name of the President.

Qualification and duration to hold office:

The President must be a citizen of India. The Article 56 says that the minimum
age of the President should be thirty-five and he must be India’s citizen. Also,
he has to be qualified as the elective member of the House of People. As per
Article 56(1), The President can hold office for 5 years from when he take
charge of his office from the first day. The office of the President can be empty
in case of his resignation or impeachment and if he dies or is disqualified by the
Supreme Court.

Power and Functions:

Under Article 53, the President of the Indian Constitution can implement laws
and order and is a policymaker. He can supervise the armed force as a Supreme
Commander. He can address both Parliaments. He can appoint judges of both
the Supreme and High Court and high officials of India. The President can
announce war and peace under the prime minister’s direction and the Council of
Ministers. He can summon as well as dissolve the parliament by his legislative
powers The President also exercises special power in times of National as well
as State and Financial emergencies.

2. Vice President:
The Vice-President is elected by members of an electoral college consisting of
members of both Houses of Parliament in accordance with the system of
proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. He must be a
citizen of India, not less than 35 years of age, and eligible for election as a
member of the Rajya Sabha. His term of office is five years, and he is eligible
for re-election. His removal from office is to be in accordance with procedure
prescribed in Article 67 b.
The Vice-President is ex-officio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha and acts as
President when the latter is unable to discharge his functions due to absence,
illness or any other cause, or till the election of a new President (to be held
within six months when a vacancy is caused by death, resignation or removal or
otherwise of President). While so acting, he ceases to perform the function of
the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.

3. Prime Minister
Under Article 73, the Prime Minister is selected by the representatives of the
people among the members of the Lok Sabha. He is the chief head of the
Government and head of the Council of Ministers. He advises the President.
Qualification and duration to hold office:
The Prime Minister has to be a member of Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha. He has to
be twenty-five years old, in case he is the member of Lok Sabha or more than
30 years of age, if he is a Rajya Sabha candidate. He must be a citizen of India.
He cannot be a part of any office that runs for profit under the Indian
Government of any state. He can hold the office for indefinite time, but has to
gain confidence of President and Lok Sabha.
Power and Function:
The Prime Minister became the communication link between the parliament and
the President. He is responsible for advising the President to distribute work
under various ministries working for the Indian Government. The council of the
union executives must give all the information regarding Union affairs or
decisions taken for the Cabinet meetings’ administration.

4.Council of Minister
Under Article 74, the council of the union executives is the constitutional body
in parliament. The Council of Ministers belongs to 60 to 70 ministers, including
The State Ministers as well as the Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

Qualification and duration to hold office:

The Council of Ministers must qualify to be a member of either House of the
Parliament. He must be a citizen of India. There is no duration specified for
them, and the Prime Minister can ask any Minister to resign, and the President
can appoint any Minister.

Power and Function:

As the union executive of india consists of the Council of Ministers, they can
exercise combined power with the Legislative Assemblies. The true power in
the Country is held by the Council of Ministers. Ministers, rather than the
Governor, take maximum decisions in the cabinet.

Lok Sabha:

Also known as the ‘House of People’, Lok Sabha has 543 members directly
elected by the country’s citizens responsible for the president’s confidence in
choosing the country’s prime minister. Lok Sabha members have a tenure of 5
years, after which the Assembly and the members dissolve to have a fresh
election. Rajya Sabha members can alter and review the bills passed by the
assembly with proper voting.The members who appoint the prime minister of
the country, Lok sabha members, have more powers than the Rajya Sabha
members. One of the most powerful is that they can pass a no-confidence
motion against the ruling party and can dissolve the existing Assembly.
Responsible for the ruling government’s proper functioning, Lok sabha
introduces and passes bills for defence, finance, and home affairs of the country.

Rajya Sabha:
The upper house of the parliament, the Rajya Sabha, is responsible for the
affairs of the state and the protection of state rights in response to the centre and
union legislature. Implementing the passed bill in the state has to be passed in
the Rajya Sabha. Rajya Sabha is a permanent house whose one-third of
members are elected every two years.
It consists of 250 Rajya Sabha members, with the vice-president as the head of
the Sabha. Rajya Sabha is limited to some powers compared to Lok sabha; still,
it can protect the various rights of state and union territories.

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