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16 Marks Python

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16 Marks Python

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1. What are the building blocks of an algorithm? Explain in detail.

The building blocks of algorithm
are -Statements
-Control flow
There are 3 types of statements:
-Input/Output Statement
-Assignment Statement
-Control Statement
There are 3 types of state:
-Initial state
-Current state
-Final state
Control flow:
The sequence structure is the construct where one statement is executed after
another -Selection
The selection structure is the construct where statements can executed or skipped depending on whether
a condition evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. There are three selection structures in C:
1. IF
2. IF – ELSE
The repetition structure is the construct where statements can be executed repeatedly until a condition
evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. There are two repetition structures in C:
2. FOR
A function is a block of organized reusable code that is used to perform a single action.

2. Briefly describe iteration and recursion. Illustrate with an example.

S.no. Iteration Recursion

1 The process is repeated until the The function calls itself until the base condition is
condition fails. satisfied.

2 It consumes less memory. It consumes more memory

3 It is faster It is slower

4 The code is long . The code is short.

5 Tracing is easier if any problem Tracing is difficult if any problem occurs.


Example: Iterative algorithm for factorial of a number

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read numbern
Step 3: Call factorial(n)
Step 4: Print factorial f
Step 5: Stop

Step 1: Initialize f=1,i=1
Step 2: Repeat step 2.1 and 2.2 until i<=n
Step 2.1: f= f*i
Step 2.2: Increment i by 1 (i=i+1)
Step 3: Return f

Example: Recursive algorithm for factorial of number

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read numbern
Step 3: Call factorial(n)
Step 4: Print factorial f
Step 5: Stop

Step 1: If n==1 then return 1
Step 2: Else
Step 3: Return f
3. Explain in detail Algorithmic problem solving.

4. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to calculate 2 .
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Initialize the value of result, r=1.
Step 3: Repeat step4 for 4 times
Step 4: calculate r=r*2
Step 5: Print the value of r
Step 6: Stop

5. a) Describe pseudo code with its guidelines.
Pseudo code consists of short, readable and formally-styled English language used for explaining an
algorithm. Pseudo code does not include details like variable declarations, subroutines etc.

Preparing a Pseudo Code

 Pseudo code is written using structured English.
 In a pseudo code, some terms are commonly used to represent the various
actions. For example,
for inputting data the terms may be (INPUT, GET, READ),
for outputting data (OUTPUT, PRINT, DISPLAY),
for calculations (COMPUTE, CALCULATE),
for incrementing (INCREMENT),
in addition to words like ADD, SUBTRACT, INITIALIZE used for addition, subtraction, and
initialization, respectively.
 The control structures—sequence, selection, and iteration are also used while writing the pseudo code.
 The sequence structure is simply a sequence of steps to be executed in linear order.
The selection constructs—if statement and case statement. In the if-statement, if the condition is true
then the THEN part is executed otherwise the ELSE part is executed. There can be variations of the if-
statement also, like there may not be any ELSE part or there may be nested ifs. The case statement is
used where there are a number of conditions to be checked. In a case statement, depending on the
value of the expression, one of the conditions is true, for which the corresponding statements are
executed. If no match for the expression occurs, then the OTHERS option which is also the default
option, is executed.
 WHILE and FOR are the two iterative statements.

b) Give an example for pseudo code.

Pseudocode for finding maximum in a list:

SET numlist=[ ]
FOR i=1 to n
GET numlist elements
SET maximum = numlist[0]
FOR i in numlist
IF (n > maximum)
maximum = n

c) Write the pseudo code for Towers of Hanoi.

Procedure Hanoi(disk, source, dest, aux)
IF disk = = 0, THEN
move disk from source to dest
Hanoi(disk - 1, source, aux, dest)
move disk from source to dest
Hanoi(disk - 1, aux, dest, source)
END Procedure

6. a) What is flowchart?

Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the logic for solving a task. A flowchart is

drawn using boxes of different shapes with lines connecting them to show the flow of control.
The purpose of drawing a flowchart is to make the logic of the program clearer in a visual form.
b) List down symbols and rules for writing flowchart.

c) Draw a flowchart to count and print from1 to 10.

7. a) Write an algorithm and give the flowchart to find the net salary of an employee.


Step 1: Start
Step 2 : Read the basic salary
Step 3 : IF the basic is greater than or equal to 4000 ELSE Goto Step 4
Step 3.1 : DA= 0.32 * basic (Dearness Allowance)
Step 3,2 : HRA = 0.15 * basic (House Rent Allowance)
Step 3.3 : CCA = 325 (City Compensatory Allowance)
Step 3.4 : Net Salary basic + DA HRA + CCA
Step 4 : Print the Net Salary
Step 5 : Stop
b) Write an algorithm and give the pseudo code to guess an integer number in a range.

step 1: Start the program
step 2: Read an 'n' number
step 3: Read an Guess number
step 4: if Guess> n; print "Your Guess too high" Step 5: elif Guess <n ; print "Your Guess
too low" step 6: elif Guess = = n; print "Good job"
Step 7: else print"Nope "
Step :8 Stop the program
READ Guess = 20
IF Guess> n
print"Your Guess too High" elif Guess< n
print "Your Guess too low" elif Guess = = 20
print "Good Job"

8. a) Write an algorithm to insert a card in a list of sorted cards.

Step 1: Start
Step 2: Declare the variables N, List[],I and X
Step 3: READ Number of element in sorted list as N
Step 4: SET i=0
Step 5: IF i<N THEN go to step 6 ELSE go to step 9
Step 6: READ Sorted list element as List[i]
Step 7: i=i+1
Step 8: go to step 5
Step 9: READ Element to be insert as X
Step 10: SET i=N-1
Step 11: IF i>0 AND X<List[i] THEN go to step 12 ELSE go to step 15
Step 13: i=i-1
Step 14: go to step 11
Step 15: List[i+1]=X
Step 16: Stop
b) Write an algorithm to find the minimum number in a list.

Step 1 : Start
Step 2 : Initialize the value of minimum = 0
Step 3 : Enter the input number (n) of items in a list.
Step 4 : Get all the elements using for loop and store it in a list.
Step 5: Assign the first element in a list as minimum.
Step 6: Compare maximum with the first element in a list,n.
Step 7: Repeat step 8,9 until list becomes empty.
Step 8 : If n is less than the minimum
Step 9 : Assign minimum = n
Step 10 : Display mi nimum

SET numlist=[ ]
FOR i=1 to n
GET numlist elements
SET minimum = numlist[0]
FOR i in numlist
IF (n <minimum)
minimum = n
PRINT minimum

1. What is the role of an interpreter? Give a detailed note on python interpreter and
interactive mode of operation.

An interpreter is a computer program that executes instructions written in a

programming language. It can either
 execute the source code directly or
 translates the source code in a first step into a more efficient representation and executes
this code

Python interpreter and interactive mode

With the Python interactive interpreter it is easy to check Python commands. The Python
interpreter can be invoked by typing the command "python" without any parameter followed by
the "return" key at the shell prompt:

$ python


Once the Python interpreter is started, you can issue any command at the command prompt
For example,let us print the "Hello World" statement:
> print "Hello
World" Hello
In the interactive Python interpreter the print is not necessary:

> "Hello World"

> 3

Typing an end-of-file character (Ctrl+D on Unix, Ctrl+Z on Windows) at the primary prompt
causes the interpreter to exit with a zero exit status. If that doesn’t work, you can exit the
interpreter by typing the following command: quit().
When commands are read from a tty, the interpreter is said to be in interactive mode. In this
mode it prompts for the next command with the primary prompt, usually three greater-than
signs (>>>); for
continuation lines it prompts with the secondary prompt, by default three dots (...). The
interpreter prints a welcome message stating its version number and a copyright notice before
printing the first prompt:
Continuation lines are needed when entering a multi-line construct. As an example, take a look
at this if statement:
> the_world_is_flat = 1
> if the_world_is_flat:
... print "Be careful not to fall off!"
2. (a) List down the rules for naming the variable with example.
A variable is a name that refers to a value. An assignment statement creates new
variables and gives them values:
Variable names can be arbitrarily long. They can contain both letters and numbers, but
they have to begin with a letter. It is legal to use uppercase letters, but it is a good idea to
begin variable names with a lowercase letter .
The underscore character, _, can appear in a name. It is often used in names with
multiple words, such as my_name or variable_name.
If you give a variable an illegal name, you get a syntax error:

(b) List down the different types of operators with suitable examples.
3.What do you mean by rule of precedence? List out the order of precedence and demonstrate in
detail with example.
When more than one operator appears in an expression, the order of evaluation depends on the
rules of precedence. For mathematical operators, Python follows mathematical convention. The
acronym PEMDAS is a useful way to remember the rules,

• Parentheses have the highest precedence and can be used to force an expression to evaluate
in the order you want. Since expressions in parentheses are evaluated first,
2 * (3-1) is 4, and (1+1)**(5-2) is 8.
You can also use parentheses to make an expression easier to read, as in (minute * 100) / 60,
even if it doesn’t change the result.

• Exponentiation has the next highest precedence, so 2**1+1 is 3, not 4 and 3*1**3 is 3, not

• Multiplication and Division have the same precedence, which is higher than Addition
Subtraction, which also have the same precedence. So 2*3-1 is 5, not 4, and 6+4/2 is 8, not 5.

• Operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right (except exponentiation).
So in the expression degrees / 2 * pi, the division happens first and the result is multiplied by
pi. To divide by 2π, you can use parentheses or write degrees / 2 / pi.

4. Explain the role of function call and function definition with example.
A function is a named sequence of statements that performs a computation. When you
define a function, you specify the name and the sequence of statements. Later, you can
“call” the function by name.
> type(32)
<type 'int'>
The name of the function is type. The expression in parentheses is called the argument
of the function. The result, for this function, is the type of the argument. A function
“takes” an argument and “returns” a result. The result is called the return value.
Type conversion functions
Python provides built-in functions that convert values from one type to another. The int
function takes any value and converts it to an integer, if it can, or complains otherwise:

> int('32')
> int('Hello')

ValueError: invalid literal for int(): Hello

int can convert floating-point values to integers, but it doesn’t round off; it chops
off the fraction part:

> int(3.99999)
> int(-2.3)

float converts integers and strings to floating-point numbers:

> float(32)
> float('3.14159'
) 3.14159

Finally, str converts its argument to a string:

> str(32)
> str(3.14159)

5. How do you make use of math functions in

Python? Math functions
Python has a math module that provides most of the familiar mathematical functions.
A module is a file that contains a collection of related functions.
Before we can use the module, we have to import it:

>>> import math

This statement creates a module object named math. If you print the module object,
you get some information about it:

>>> print math

<module 'math' (built-in)>

The module object contains the functions and variables defined in the module. To
access one of the functions,specify the name of the module and the name of the
function, separated by a dot (also known as a period). This format is called dot notation.

> ratio = signal_power / noise_power

> decibels = 10 * math.log10(ratio)
> radians = 0.7
> height = math.sin(radians)

The first example uses log10 to compute a signal-to-noise ratio in decibels (assuming
that signal_power and noise_power are defined). The math module also provides log,
which computes logarithms base e.
The second example finds the sine of radians. The name of the variable is a hint that sin
and the other trigonometric functions (cos, tan, etc.) take arguments in radians. To
convert from degrees to radians, divide by 360 and multiply by 2π:
> degrees = 45
> radians = degrees / 360.0 * 2 * math.pi
> math.sin(radians)

The expression math.pi gets the variable pi from the math module. The value of
this variable is an approximation of π, accurate to about 15 digits.

>>> math.sqrt(2) /
2.0 0.707106781187
6. Write a Python program to swap two
variables. x = 5
y = 10
# create a temporary variable and swap the
values temp = x
y = temp
print("The value of x after swapping:”,x))
print("The value of y after swapping:”,y))

7. Write a Python program to check whether a given year is a leap year or not.
# To get year (integer input) from the
user year = int(input("Enter a year"))
if (year % 4) == 0:
if (year % 100) == 0: if
(year % 400) == 0:
print("%d is a leap
year"%year) else:
print("%d is not a leap year"%d)
print("%d is a leap year"%year)
print("%d is not a leap year"%year)

8. Write a Python program to convert celsius to fahrenheit .

(Formula: celsius * 1.8 = fahrenheit –32).

# Python Program to convert temperature in celsius to fahrenheit

# change this value for a different result

celsius = 37.5

# calculate fahrenheit fahrenheit

= (celsius * 1.8) + 32
print('%0.1f degree Celsius is equal to %0.1f degree Fahrenheit' %(celsius,fahrenheit))
1. Explain types of operators.

i)Arithmetic Operators
Assume variable a holds 10 and variable b holds 20, then-

Operator Description Example

+ Addition Adds values on either side of a + b = 30

the operator

-Subtraction Subtracts right hand operand a – b = -10

from left hand operand

* Multiplication Multiplies values on either a * b = 200

side of the operator

/ Division Divides left hand operand by b/a=2

right hand operand

% Modulus Divides left hand operand by

right hand operand and
returns remainder

** Exponent Performs exponential power a**b =10

calculation on operators

// Floor Division The division of operands 9//2 = 4 and 9.0//2.0 = 4.0

where the result is the
quotient in which the digits
after the decimal point are

ii) Python Comparison Operators

These operators compare the values on either sides of them and decide the relation among them. They
are also called Relational operators.

Assume variable a holds 10 and variable b holds 20, then −

Operator Description Example

== If the values of two operands a == b is not true

are equal, then the condition
becomes true.

!= If values of two operands are a!=b is true

not equal, then condition
becomes true.

<> If values of two operands are a <> b is true

not equal, then condition
becomes true

> If the value of left operand is a > b is not true

greater than the value of right
operand, then condition

becomes true

< If the value of left operand is a < b is true

less than the value of right
operand, then condition
becomes true

>= If the value of left operand is a >= b is not true

greater than or equal to the
value of right operand, then
condition becomes true

<= If the value of left operand is a <= b is true

less than or equal to the value
of right operand, then
condition becomes true

(iii) Logical operators

There are three logical operators: and,or, and not. For example,x > 0 and x < 10 is true only if
x is greater than 0 and less than 10. n%2 == 0 or n%3 == 0 is true if either of the conditions is
true, that is, if the number is divisible by 2 or 3. Finally, the not operator negates a Boolean
expression, so not(x > y) is true if x > y is false, that is, if x is less than or equal to y. Non
zero number is said to be true in Boolean expressions.

(iv) Assignment operators

Operator Description Example

= Assigns values from right c = a + b assigns value of a +

side operands to left side b into c

+= Add AND It adds right operand to the c += a is equivalent to c = c +

left operand and assign the a
result to left operand

-= Subtract AND It subtracts right operand c -= a is equivalent to c = c -

from the left operand and a
assign the result to left

*= Multiply AND It multiplies right operand c *= a is equivalent to c = c *

with the left operand and a
assign the result to left

/= Divide AND It divides left operand with c /= a is equivalent to c = c /

the right operand and assign ac /= a is equivalent to c = c /
the result to left operand a

%= Modulus AND It takes modulus using two c %= a is equivalent to c = c

operands and assign the % a
result to left operand

**= Exponent AND Performs exponential power c **= a is equivalent to c = c

calculation on operators and ** a
assign value to the left

//= Floor Division It performs floor division on c //= a is equivalent to c = c //

operators and assign value to a
the left operand

2. Explain conditional alternative and chained conditional.

The simplest form of if statement is:
if x > 0:
print 'x is positive'

The boolean expression after ‘if’ is called the condition. If it is true, then the indented
statement gets executed. If not, nothing happens. if statements have the same structure as
function definitions: a header followed by an indented body. Statements like this are called
compound statements. There is no limit on the number of statements that can appear in the
body, but there has to be at least one. Occasionally, it is useful to have a body with no
statements .In that case, you can use the pass statement, which does nothing. if x < 0:

pass # need to handle negative values!

Alternative execution (if-else):
A second form of if statement is alternative execution, in which there are two possibilities
and the condition determines which one gets executed. The syntax looks like this:
if x%2 == 0:
print 'x is even'
print 'x is odd'
If the remainder when x is divided by 2 is 0, then we know that x is even, and the program displays a
message to that effect. If the condition is false, the second set of statements is executed. Since the
condition must be true or false, exactly one of the alternatives will be executed. The alternatives are
called branches, because they are branches in the flow of execution.
Chained conditionals(if-elif-else):
Sometimes there are more than two possibilities and we need more than two branches.
One way to express a computation like that is a chained conditional:
if x < y:
print 'x is less than y'
elif x > y:
print 'x is greater than y'
print 'x and y are equal'
elif is an abbreviation of “else if.” Again, exactly one branch will be executed. There is no limit on
the number of elif statements. If there is an else clause, it has to be at the end, but there doesn’t have
to be one.
if choice == 'a':
elif choice =='b':
elif choice =='c':

Each condition is checked in order. If the first is false, the next is checked, and so on. If one of them
is true, the corresponding branch executes, and the statement ends. Even if more than one condition is
true, only the first true branch executes.

3. Explain in detail about Fruitful Functions.

Return values
Some of the built-in functions we have used, such as the math functions, produce results.
Calling the function generates a value, which we usually assign to a variable or use as part of
an expression.
The first example is area, which returns the area of a circle with the given
radius: Eg:
def area(radius):
temp = math.pi *
radius**2 return temp
We have seen the return statement before, but in a fruitful function the return statement
includes an expression. This statement means: “Return immediately from this function and use
the following expression as a return value.” The expression can be arbitrarily complicated, so
we could have written this function more concisely:
def area(radius):
return math.pi * radius**2
On the other hand, temporary variables like temp often make debugging easier. Sometimes it is
useful to have multiple return statements, one in each branch of a conditional:
def absolute_value(x):
if x < 0:
return -x
return x
4. Write a Python program to find the square root of a number.
n=int(input("Enter a number to find Square Root:"))
approx = 0.5 * n
better = 0.5 * (approx + n/approx)
while better != approx:
approx = better
better = 0.5 * (approx + n/approx)

5. Explain RECURSION.
The process in which a function calls itself directly or indirectly is called recursion and the
corresponding function is called as recursive function. Using recursive algorithm, certain
problems can be solved quite easily. Examples of such problems are Towers of Hanoi (TOH),
Inorder/Preorder/Postorder Tree Traversals, DFS of Graph, etc.
Python program:
# take input from the user
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
def fact(n):
if n == 1:
return n
return n*fact(n-1)
print(“Factorial of n numbers is :%d” %(fact(n)))

6. Explain string slices and string immutability.

String slices
A segment of a string is called a slice . Selecting a slice is similar to selecting a character:
> s ='Monty Python'
> print s[0:5]
>>> print s[6:12]
The operator [n:m]returns the part of the string from the “n-eth” character to the “m-eth”
character, including the first but excluding the last. If you omit the first index (before the colon), the
slice starts at the beginning of the string. If you omit the second index, the slice goes to the end of
the string:
>>> fruit = 'banana'
> fruit[:3]
> fruit[3:]
If the first index is greater than or equal to the second the result is an empty string, represented by
two quotation marks:
> fruit ='banana'
> fruit[3:3]
An empty string contains no characters and has length 0, but other than that, it is the same as any
other string.
String immutability.
Python strings are immutable. ‘a’ is not a string. It is a variable with string value. You can’t mutate
the string but can change what value of the variable to a new string. Eg:

a = “foo”
# a now points to
foo b=a
# b now points to the same foo that a points
to a=a+a
# a points to the new string “foofoo”, but b points to the same old “foo”
print a
print b
# Output
It is observed that b hasn’t changed even though ‘a’ has changed the value.
7. Explain string functions and methods.
There are a number of useful operations that can be performed with string. One of the most useful
of these is the function split. This function takes a string (typically a line of input from the user)
and splits it into individual words.
Another useful function is lower, which converts text into lower case.
>>> line = input(“What is your name?”)
What is your name? Timothy Alan Budd
> lowname = line.lower()
> print lowname.split()
[‘timothy’, ‘alan’, ‘budd’]
Other useful functions will search a string for a given text value, or strip leading or trailing
white space from a string. An alternative version of split takes as argument the separator string.
The string is broken into a list using the separator as a division. This can be useful, for example,
for breaking a file path name into parts:

> pathname = ‘/usr/local/bin/ls’

> pathname.split(‘/’)
[‘usr’, ‘local’, ‘bin’, ‘ls’]
The inverse of split is the function join. The argument to join is a list of strings. The value to the
left of the dot is the separator that will be placed between each element. Often this is simply an
empty string. The values in the list are laminated along with the separator to produce the result
> lst = [‘abc’,’pdq’,’xyz’]
> pri
nt ‘::’.join(lst)
String methods
A method is similar to a function—it takes arguments and returns a value—but the syntax is
different. For example, the method upper takes a string and returns a new string with all uppercase
Instead of the function syntax upper(word), it uses the method syntax word.upper()
.>>> word = 'banana'
> new_word = word.upper()
> print new_word
This form of dot notation specifies the name of the method, upper, and the name of the string to
apply the method to, word. The empty parentheses indicate that this method takes no argument. A
method call is called an invocation ; in this case, we would say that we are invoking upper on the
word. As it turns out, there is a string method named find that is remarkably similar to the function
we wrote:
> word = 'banana'
> index = word.find('a')
> print index
In this example, we invoke find on word and pass the letter we are looking for as a parameter.
Actually, the find method is more general than our function; it can find substrings, not just
> word.find('na')
It can take as a second argument the index where it should start:
> word.find('n', 3)

> name ='bob'

> name.find('b', 1, 2)
This search fails because b does not appear in the index range from 1 to 2 (not including 2).

8. Explain string module.

The string module contains number of useful constants and classes, as well as some deprecated
legacy functions that are also available as methods on strings. Eg:

import string
text = "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
print "upper", "=>", string.upper(text)
print "lower", "=>", string.lower(text)
print "split", "=>", string.split(text)
print "join", "=>", string.join(string.split(text), "+")
print "replace", "=>", string.replace(text, "Python", "Java")
print "find", "=>", string.find(text, "Python"), string.find(text, "Java")
print "count", "=>", string.count(text, "n")
Eg: Using string methods instead of string module functions
text = "Monty Python's Flying Circus"
print "upper", "=>", text.upper()
print "lower", "=>", text.lower()
print "split", "=>", text.split()
print "join", "=>", "+".join(text.split())
print "replace", "=>", text.replace("Python", "Perl")
print "find", "=>", text.find("Python"), text.find("Perl")
print "count", "=>", text.count("n")

9. Explain list as arrays.

10. Write a Python program to find GCD of two numbers.
d1=int(input("Enter a number:"))
d2=int(input("Enter another number"))
while rem!=0 :
print("gcd of given numbers is : %d" %(d2))
11. Write a Python program to find the exponentiation of a number.
print("Calculation of X^Y")
x=int(input("Enter X Value :"))
y=int(input("Enter Y Value :"))
powered = x
if y == 0:
while y > 1:
powered *= x
y -= 1

12. Write a Python program to sum an array of numbers.

def sum_arr (arr,size):
if (size = = 0):
return 0
return arr[size-1]+ sum_arr (arr, size-1)
n = int(input(“Enter the number of elements for the list:”))
for I in range (0,n):
element = int (input(“Enter element:”))
a.apppend (element)
print (“ The list is: ”)
print a
print ( “ The Sum is : ”)
b = sum_arr(a,n)
13. Write a Python program to perform linear search.
data = []
n = int(raw_input('Enter Number of Elements in the Array: '))
for i in range(0, n):
x = raw_input('Enter the Element %d :' %(i+1))
e= int(raw_input('Enter the Element to be Search '))
pos = 0
found= False
while pos < n and not found:
if int(data[pos])==e:
found= True
pos = pos+1
if found:
print('Element %d Found at Position %d ' %(e,pos+1))
print('Element %d is Not Found in the Array '%(e))

14. Write a Python program to perform binary search.

data = []
n = int(input('Enter Number of Elements in the Array: '))
print('Enter the Elements in Ascending Order' )
for i in range(0, n):
x = int(input('Enter the Element %d :' %(i+1)))
e= int(input('Enter the Element to be Search '))
first = 0
last = n-1
found = False
while( first<=last and not found):
mid = (first + last)/2
if int(data[mid]) == e :
found = True
if e < int(data[mid]):
last = mid - 1
first = mid + 1
if found:
print('Element %d Found at Position %d ' %(e,mid+1))
print('Element %d is Not Found in the Array '%(e))

1. Explain in detail about lists, list operations and list slices.
A list is an ordered set of values, where each value is identified by an index. The values that make up a list
are called its elements. Lists are similar to strings, which are ordered sets of characters, except that the
elements of a list can have any type. There are several ways to create a new list. The simplest is to enclose
the elements in square brackets ([and]):
[10, 20, 30, 40]

["spam", "bungee", "swallow"]

The following list contains a string, a float, an integer, and (mirabile dictu) another list:

["hello", 2.0, 5, [10, 20]]

A list within another list is said to be nested. Lists that contain consecutive integers are common, so Python
provides a simple way to create them:

>>> range (1,5) [1, 2, 3, 4].


The + operator concatenates lists

: >>> a = [1, 2, 3]
> b = [4, 5, 6]
>>> c = a + b
>>> print c [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Similarly, the * operator repeats a list a given number of times:
> [0] * 4 [0, 0, 0, 0]

> [1, 2, 3] * 3 [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3]


The slice operator also works on lists:

> t = ['a', 'b', 'c',’d’, 'e', 'f']

> t[1:3] ['b', 'c']

> t[:4] ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

> t[3:] ['d', 'e', 'f']

If we omit the first index, the slice starts at the beginning. If we omit the second, the slice goes to the end.
So if we omit both, the slice is a copy of the whole list.

>>> t[:] ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

Since lists are mutable, it is often useful to make a copy before performing operations that fold, spindle or
mutilate lists. A slice operator on the left side of an assignment can update multiple elements:

> t = ['a', 'b', 'c',’d’, 'e', 'f']

> t[1:3] = ['x', 'y']

> print t ['a', 'x', 'y', 'd', 'e', 'f,]

Like strings, lists can be indexed and sliced:

> list =[2,4,"usurp",9.0,"n"]
> list[2]
> list[3:]
[9.0, 'n']
Much like the slice of a string is a substring, the slice of a list is a list. However, lists differ from strings in
that we can assign new values to the items in a list:

> list[1]= 17
> list
[2, 17, 'usurp', 9.0, 'n']

We can assign new values to slices of the lists, which don't even have to be the same length:

> list[1:4]=["opportunistic","elk"]
> list
[2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n']

It's even possible to append items onto the start of lists by assigning to an empty slice:

> list[:0]=[3.14,2.71]
> list
[3.14, 2.71, 2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n']

Similarly, you can append to the end of the list by specifying an empty slice after the end:

> list[len(list):]=['four','score']
> list

[3.14, 2.71, 2, 'opportunistic', 'elk', 'n', 'four', 'score']

You can also completely change the contents of a list:

> list[:]=['new','list','contents']
> list
['new', 'list', 'contents']

The right-hand side of a list assignment statement can be any iterable type:

> list[:2]=('element',('t',),[])
> list
['element', ('t',), [], 'contents']

With slicing you can create copy of list since slice returns a new list:

> original = [1, 'element', []]

> list_copy = original[:]
> list_copy
[1, 'element', []]
> list_copy.append('new element')
> list_copy
[1, 'element', [], 'new element']
> original
[1, 'element', []]

Note, however, that this is a shallow copy and contains references to elements from the original list, so be
careful with mutable types:

> list_copy[2].append('something')
> original
[1, 'element', ['something']]

Non-Continuous slices
It is also possible to get non-continuous parts of an array. If one wanted to get every n-th occurrence of a
list, one would use the :: operator. The syntax is a:b:n where a and b are the start and end of the slice to be
operated upon.
> list =[iforiin range(10) ]
> list
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
> list[::2]
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
> list[1:7:2]
[1, 3, 5]

2. Explain in detail about list methods and list loops with examples.
Python provides methods that operate on lists. Some of the methods are

 Append()
 Extend()
 Sort()
 Pop()

> t = ['a', 'b', 'c']

> t.append('d')

> print t ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

> t1 = ['a', 'b', 'c']

> t2 = ['d', 'e']

> t1.extend(t2)

> print t1 ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

This example leaves t2 unmodified. sort arranges the elements of the list from low to high:

> t = ['d', 'c', 'e', 'b', 'a']

> t.sort()

> print t ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']

Remove the item in the list at the index i and return it. If i is not given, remove the the last item in the list and
return it.
> list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

> a = list.pop(0)
> list

[2, 3, 4]

> a
List methods are all void; they modify the list and return None.

Here are two functions that both generate ten million random numbers, and return the sum of the numbers.
They both work.

import random
joe = random.Random()
def sum1():
""" Build a list of random numbers, then sum them """ # Generate one random ˓→number
xs = []
for i in range(10000000):
num = joe.randrange(1000 )
xs.append(num) # Save it in our list
tot = sum(xs)
return tot
def sum2():
""" Sum the random numbers as we generate them """
tot = 0
for i in range(10000000):
num = joe.randrange(1000)
tot += num
return tot

3. Explain in detail about mutability and tuples with a Python program.


Unlike strings, lists are mutable, which means we can change their elements. Using the bracket operator on
the left side of an assignment, we can update one of the elements:

> fruit = ["banana", "apple", "quince"]

> fruit[0] = "pear"

> fruit[-1] = "orange"

> print fruit [’pear’, ’apple’, ’orange’]

With the slice operator we can update several elements at once:

> list = [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’]

> list[1:3] = [’x’, ’y’]

> print list [’a’, ’x’, ’y’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’] \

We can also remove elements from a list by assigning the empty list to them:

> list = [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’]

> list[1:3] = []

> print list [’a’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’]

And we can add elements to a list by squeezing them into an empty slice at the desired location:

> list = [’a’, ’d’, ’f’]

> list[1:1] = [’b’, ’c’]

> print list [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’f’]

> list[4:4] = [’e’]

> print list [’a’, ’b’, ’c’, ’d’, ’e’, ’f’]

Tuple assignment

It is often useful to swap the values of two variables. With conventional assignments, you have to use a
temporary variable. For example, to swap a and b:

> temp = a

> a=b

> b = temp

This solution is cumbersome; tuple assignment is more elegant:

>>> a, b = b, a

The left side is a tuple of variables; the right side is a tuple of expressions. Each value is assigned to its
respective variable. All the expressions on the right side are evaluated before any of the assignments. The
number of variables on the left and the number of values on the right have to be the same:

>>> a, b = 1, 2, 3

ValueError: too many values to unpack More generally, the right side can be any kind of sequence (string,
list or tuple). For example, to split an email address into a user name and a domain, you could write:

>>> addr = 'monty@python.org'

>>> uname, domain = addr.split('@')

The return value from split is a list with two elements; the first element is assigned to uname, the second to

> print uname monty

> print domain python.org

4. What is tuple assignment? Explain it with an example.

It is often useful to swap the values of two variables. With conventional assignments, you have to use a
temporary variable. For example, to swap a and b:

> temp = a

> a=b

> b = temp

This solution is cumbersome; tuple assignment is more elegant:

>>> a, b = b, a

The left side is a tuple of variables; the right side is a tuple of expressions. Each value is assigned to its
respective variable. All the expressions on the right side are evaluated before any of the assignments. The
number of variables on the left and the number of values on the right have to be the same:

>>> a, b = 1, 2, 3

ValueError: too many values to unpack More generally, the right side can be any kind of sequence (string,
list or tuple). For example, to split an email address into a user name and a domain, you could write:

> addr = 'monty@python.org'

> uname, domain = addr.split('@')

The return value from split is a list with two elements; the first element is assigned to uname, the second to

> print uname monty

> print domain python.org

5. Is it possible to return tuple as values? Justify your answer with an example.

Yes, it is possible to return tuple as values. Example: Functions can return tuples as return values. For
example, we could write a function that swaps two parameters:

def swap(x, y):

return y, x
Then we can assign the return value to a tuple with two variables:

a, b = swap(a, b)

In this case, there is no great advantage in making swap a function. In fact, there is a danger in trying to
encapsulate swap, which is the following tempting mistake:

def swap(x, y): # incorrect version

x, y = y, x

If we call this function like this: swap(a, b) then a and x are aliases for the same value. Changing x inside
swap makes x refer to a different value, but it has no effect on a in main. Similarly, changing y has no effect
on b. This function runs without producing an error message, but it doesn’t do what we intended. This is an
example of a semantic error.

The built-in function divmod takes two arguments and returns a tuple of two values, the quotient and
remainder. You can store the result as a tuple:

> t = divmod(7, 3)

> print t (2, 1)

Or use tuple assignment to store the elements separately:

> quot, rem = divmod(7, 3)

> print quot 2

> print rem 1

Here is an example of a function that returns a tuple: def min_max(t): return min(t), max(t) max and min are
built-in functions that find the largest and smallest elements of a sequence. min_max computes both and
returns a tuple of two values.

6. Explain in detail about dictionaries and its operations.


A dictionary is like a list, but more general. In a list, the indices have to be integers; in a dictionary they can
be (almost) any type. You can think of a dictionary as a mapping between a set of indices (which are called
keys) and a set of values. Each key maps to a value. The association of a key and a value is called a key-
value pair or sometimes an item. As an example, we’ll build a dictionary that maps from English to Spanish
words, so the keys and the values are all strings.

The function dict creates a new dictionary with no items. Because dict is the name of a built-in function,
you should avoid using it as a variable name.

>>> eng2sp = dict()

>>> print eng2sp {}

The squiggly-brackets, {}, represent an empty dictionary. To add items to the dictionary, you can use
square brackets: >>> eng2sp['one'] = 'uno' This line creates an item that maps from the key 'one' to the value
'uno'. If we print the dictionary again, we see a key-value pair with a colon between the key and value:

>>> print eng2sp {'one': 'uno'}

This output format is also an input format. For example, you can create a new dictionary with three items:

> eng2sp = {'one': 'uno', 'two': 'dos', 'three': 'tres'}

But if you print eng2sp, you might be surprised:

> print eng2sp {'one': 'uno', 'three': 'tres', 'two': 'dos'}

The order of the key-value pairs is not the same. In fact, if you type the same example on your computer,
you might get a different result. In general, the order of items in a dictionary is unpredictable. But that’s not
a problem because the elements of a dictionary are never indexed with integer indices. Instead, you use the
keys to look up the corresponding values:

>>> print eng2sp['two'] 'dos'

The key 'two' always maps to the value 'dos' so the order of the items doesn’t matter. If the key isn’t in the
dictionary, you get an exception:

>>> print eng2sp['four'] KeyError: 'four'

The len function works on dictionaries; it returns the number of key-value pairs:

> len(eng2sp)

The in operator works on dictionaries; it tells you whether something appears as a key in the dictionary
(appearing as a value is not good enough).

> 'one' in eng2sp True

> 'uno' in eng2sp False

To see whether something appears as a value in a dictionary, you can use the method values, which returns
the values as a list, and then use the in operator:

> vals = eng2sp.values()

> 'uno' in vals

The in operator uses different algorithms for lists and dictionaries. For lists, it uses a search algorithm, as in
Section 8.6. As the list gets longer, the search time gets longer in direct proportion. For dictionaries, Python
uses an algorithm called a hashtable that has a remarkable property: the in operator takes about the same
amount of time no matter how many items there are in a dictionary

Dictionary operations

The del statement removes a key-value pair from a dictionary. For example, the following dictionary
contains the names of various fruits and the number of each fruit in stock:

> inventory = {’apples’: 430, ’bananas’: 312, ’oranges’: 525, ’pears’: 217}

> print inventory {’oranges’: 525, ’apples’: 430, ’pears’: 217, ’bananas’: 312}

If someone buys all of the pears, we can remove the entry from the dictionary:

> del inventory[’pears’]

> print inventory {’oranges’: 525, ’apples’: 430, ’bananas’: 312}

Or if we’re expecting more pears soon, we might just change the value associated with pears:

> inventory[’pears’] = 0

> print inventory {’oranges’: 525, ’apples’: 430, ’pears’: 0, ’bananas’: 312}

The len function also works on dictionaries; it returns the number of key-value pairs:

> len(inventory) 4

7. Explain in detail about dictionary methods.


A method is similar to a function—it takes arguments and returns a value— but the syntax is different. For
example, the keys method takes a dictionary and returns a list of the keys that appear, but instead of the
function syntax keys(eng2sp), we use the method syntax eng2sp.keys().

>>> eng2sp.keys() [’one’, ’three’, ’two’]

This form of dot notation specifies the name of the function, keys, and the name of the object to apply the
function to, eng2sp. The parentheses indicate that this method has no parameters. A method call is called an
invocation; in this case, we would say that we are invoking keys on the object eng2sp.

The values method is similar; it returns a list of the values in the dictionary:

>>> eng2sp.values() [’uno’, ’tres’, ’dos’]

The items method returns both, in the form of a list of tuples—one for each key-value pair:
>>> eng2sp.items() [(’one’,’uno’), (’three’, ’tres’), (’two’, ’dos’)]

The syntax provides useful type information. The square brackets indicate that this is a list. The parentheses
indicate that the elements of the list are tuples. If a method takes an argument, it uses the same syntax as a
function call. For example, the method has key takes a key and returns true (1) if the key appears in the

>>> eng2sp.has_key(’one’)


>>> eng2sp.has_key(’deux’)


If you try to call a method without specifying an object, you get an error. In this case, the error message is
not very helpful:

> has_key(’one’) NameError: has_key 108

8. Explain in detail about list comprehension .Give an example.

List comprehensions

List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. It consists of brackets containing an expression followed by a
for clause, then zero or more for or if clauses. The expressions can be anything, i.e., all kinds of objects can be in lists.
The result will be a new list resulting from evaluating the expression in the context of the for and if clauses which follow
it. The list comprehension always returns a result list.

The list comprehension starts with a '[' and ']', to help you remember that the result is going to be a list.

The basic syntax is

[ expression for item in list if conditional ]
This is equivalent to:
for item in list:
if conditional:

List comprehension is a method to describe the process using which the list should be created. To do that, the
list is broken into two pieces. The first is a picture of what each element will look like, and the second is what
is done to get it.
For instance, let's say we have a list of words:
listOfWords = ["this","is","a","list","of","words"]

To take the first letter of each word and make a list out of it using list comprehension:

> listOfWords = ["this","is","a","list","of","words"]

> items = [ word[0] for word in listOfWords ]
> print items
['t', 'i', 'a', 'l', 'o', 'w']

List comprehension supports more than one for statement. It will evaluate the items in all of the objects
sequentially and will loop over the shorter objects if one object is longer than the rest.

> item = [x+y for x in'cat'for y in'pot']

> print item
['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'to', 'tt']

List comprehension supports an if statement, to only include members into the list that fulfill a certain

> print [x+y for xin'cat' for yin'pot']

['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'to', 'tt']
> print [x+y for xin'cat' for yin'pot' if x!='t'andy!='o']
['cp', 'ct', 'ap', 'at']
> print [x+y for xin'cat' for yin'pot' if x!='t'ory!='o']
['cp', 'co', 'ct', 'ap', 'ao', 'at', 'tp', 'tt']

9. Write a Python program for a) selection sort b) insertion sort.



def selectionsort( aList ):

for i in range( len( aList ) ):

least = i

for k in range( i + 1 , len( aList ) ):

if aList[k] < aList[least]:

least = k

swap( aList, least, i )

def swap( A, x, y ):

tmp = A[x]

A[x] = A[y]

A[y] = tmp

aList = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20]



Insertion sort:
def insertionSort(alist):

for index in range(1,len(alist)):

currentvalue = alist[index]

position = index

while position>0 and alist[position-1]>currentvalue:


position = position-1


alist = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20]



10. Write a Python program for a) merge sort b) quick sort.

Merge sort:

def mergeSort(alist):
print("Splitting ",alist)
if len(alist)>1:
mid = len(alist)//2
lefthalf = alist[:mid]
righthalf = alist[mid:]
while i < len(lefthalf) and j < len(righthalf):
if lefthalf[i] < righthalf[j]:

while i < len(lefthalf):

while j < len(righthalf):
print("Merging ",alist)
alist = [54,26,93,17,77,31,44,55,20]

from random import randrange

def partition(lst, start, end, pivot):

lst[pivot], lst[end] = lst[end], lst[pivot]

store_index = start

for i in xrange(start, end):

if lst[i] < lst[end]:

lst[i], lst[store_index] = lst[store_index], lst[i]

store_index += 1

lst[store_index], lst[end] = lst[end], lst[store_index]

return store_index

def quick_sort(lst, start, end):

if start >= end:

return lst

pivot = randrange(start, end + 1)

new_pivot = partition(lst, start, end, pivot)

quick_sort(lst, start, new_pivot - 1)

quick_sort(lst, new_pivot + 1, end)

def sort(lst):

quick_sort(lst, 0, len(lst) - 1)

return lst

print sort([-5, 3, -2, 3, 19, 5])

print sort([345,45,89,569,23,67,56,90,100])

11. Write a Python program to implement histogram.

def histogram( items ):
for n in items:
output = ''
times = n
while( times > 0 ):
output += '*'
times = times - 1
histogram([2, 3, 6, 5])

1. Write a function that copies a file reading and writing up to 50 characters at a time.
def copyFile(oldFile, newFile):
f1 = open(oldFile, "r")
f2 = open(newFile, "w")
while True:
text = f1.read(50)
if text == "":
2. (a) Write a program to perform exception handling.
def exists(filename):
f = open(filename)
return True
except IOError:
return False

(b) Write a Python program to handle multiple exceptions.

x = float(raw_input("Your number:
")) inverse = 1.0 / x
except ValueError:
print "You should have given either an int or a float"
except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Infinity"

3. Write a python program to count number of lines, words and characters in a text file.
def wordCount():
for line in f:
cl +=1
cw +=len(words)
cc +=len(line) print('No.
of lines:',cl) print('No. of
words:',cw) print('No. of
characters:',cc) f.close()

4. Write a Python program to illustrate the use of command-line

arguments. import sys
def inputCmd():
print ("Name of the script:", sys.argv[0]) print
("Number of arguments:", len(sys.argv)) print
("The arguments are:", str(sys.argv))
5. Mention the commands and their syntax for the following: get current directory, changing
directory, list, directories and files, make a new directory, renaming and removing directory.
(a) Get current directory: getcwd()
Syntax : import os
(a) Changing directory: chdir()
Syntax: os.chdir(‘C:\\Users’)
(b) List directories and files: listdir()
Syntax: os.listdir()
(c) Making a new directory: mkdir()
Syntax: os.mkdir(‘Newdir’)
(d) Renaming a directory: rename()
(e) Removing a directory: remove()

6. Write a Python program to implement stack operations using modules.

Module definition:

def getStack():
def isempty(s):
if s==[]:
True else:
False def top(s):
if isempty(s):
return None
return s[len(s)-
1] def push(s,item):
def pop(s):
if isempty(s):
return None
else: item=s[len(s)-
del s[len(s)-1]
return item

Program to call stack :

import stack

def today():
for item in range(1,7):
print('Pushing',item,'to stack')
print ('Stack items')
while not stack.isempty(mystack):
print('Poping',item,'from stack')

7. Write a program to illustrate multiple

modules. import wordcount,ex12,ex97

def test():

def test2():

def test3():


def fun():
x = float(raw_input("Your number:
")) inverse = 1.0 / x
except ValueError:
print "You should have given either an int or a float"
except ZeroDivisionError:
print "Infinity"
def inputNumber () :
x = input ('Pick a number: ')
if x == 17 :
raise ValueError, '17 is a bad number'
return x

def wordCount():
for line in f:
cl +=1
cw +=len(words)
cc +=len(line) print('No.
of lines:',cl) print('No. of
words:',cw) print('No. of
characters:',cc) f.close()

8. Write a Python program to dump objects to a file using

pickle. import pickle
def funMap():
cities = ["Chennai",
fh=open("cities.pck","w") pickle.dump(cities,fh)

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