Feasibility Study On Tuna Longganisa

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Summary of the Findings

I. Background of the Study

The project aims to manufacture a nutritous tuna sausage branded as JE Homemade Longganisa, the
first of its kind in -agayan de Oro -ity. Tuna is an eicellent source of heartffriendly niacin, free radicalf
scavenging selenium and musclefbuilding protein. Some of the selenium are found in the form of
selenoneine, which has antoiidant propertes. Tuna is also a very good source of energyfproducing
vitamin B6 and thiamin. In additon, it is a good source of antfinnammatory omegaf3 faty acids
(including eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA, and docosaheiaenoic acid or DHA), phosphorus, magnesium
and potassium

Filipino people is known for eatng a breakfast in the morning with carbohydrates food which is the rice
to have energy for the whole day. And some people said that eatng breakfast is the most important
thing to do in the morning. So the researcher came up with a unique and afordable product which is
tuna camote balls. The researcher come up with this product because it is very easy and is very
accessible to all type of customers. Nowadays this kind of product is very popular because it is atractve
to the customer. The researcher conducted a survey to be a basis, to be answered by the following
respondents. The researches choose this because it is the way to organize by the given questons. Afer
conductng a survey for tuna camote balls know that 35% of the survey answered by girls and 65% is the
boys. So the researchers known that the product we come up is feasible to the guys customers. The
researchers come up with a unique and afordable product which is tuna camote balls, this study has a
content to be feasible to all kind of customers with one goal which is to gain more income that’s why the
researchers focus with this study. Also the researcher conducted a survey to be a basis to know the
product tuna camote balls is feasible with all kind of customers the survey consists of diferent questons
to be answered by the following respodents. And the researcher chose this kind of method because it is
the easy way to organize the following questons and answer. Afer conductng a survey to the
respondents the researcher know that their product is feasible only for boys but the litle percentage is
for girls, that’s why the researcher conducted this study.
II. Marketng Feasibility

The proposed product is based on the market opportunity discovered by the proponents about a
diferent kind of sausage coming from fish, especially tuna. The demand of the product is taken from the
total number of households in the second district of -agayan de Oro -ity. Based on the fivef year
projecton (2013f2017), the total households in the second district of the city would reach 1,100,712;
the total demand would then reach to 45,696,336.The projected demandfsupply gap analysis provides
42,678,096 units of sold tuna sausage, which is 93 % of the total demand.

Despite the presence of several compettors selling similar products, tuna sausage will capture an inital
market share of 45%. The proponents used the costfbased pricing of the product with 15% mark up. It is
sold in a package of 5 pieces at P37.00

In terms of advertsing and promoton, the project will utlize leanets, tarpaulins, banners and social
media. Likewise, the marketng manager will establish connecton with eiistng companies in -agayan de
Oro and neighboring towns to ofer corporate accounts with special discounts so that JE Enterprise
could supply tuna sausage in their respectve canteen. School canteens are also target of distributon
through consignment with canteen administrators.

Tuna caught and landed in General Santos -ity are approiimately 45% of tuna are approiimately
skipjack, 25% yellowfin, and 23% frigate and bullet tuna. The rich waters of Sarangani Bay provide the
city the tastest tunas in Mindanao which has been served not only in the Philippines but also in the
world. It is also near internatonal waters which has a large collecton of the sought –afer fishes. Today,
the price ranges around Php 270f 300 per kilo, depending on the class,” he eiplains as he pierces the
fish with a long probe. The greasier the probe comes back, the higher the grade. Nothing is wasted; all
parts of the tuna are maiimized for profit. Even meats from the gills are sold to be processed as fish
food. The head is priced at Php 75 per kilo, the innards at Php 70, the bihod (caviar) is priced at Php
180 and the bagabay ( fish gonad) at Php 170”, reveals Dario Barcelona, a middleman. These parts are
sold to the local market and are usually served at homegrown restaurants like Ranchero, situated at SM
-ity General Santos. Try their kinilaw (ceviche) trio (Php 295) which is perfect as appetzer, pulutan or
main dish. It is composed of classic tuna kinilaw (Php 175), sinuglaw (Php 235) – a marriage of grilled
pork belly and classic tuna kinilaw and kinilaw ala ranchero (Php 195) – kinilaw with a touch of coconut
cream and sprinkled with mango slices,” eiplains Rachel Sunglao. The grilled tuna belly (Php 85 /100
gram) does not disappoint either; they usually use bigeye (Thunnus obesus) since it has a high fat
content perfect for grilling.

III. Producton/Technical Feasibility

Today, consumers are very healthf conscious. They are very selectve on the kind of food they purchase
and eat. Organic food is always a top priority as tuna fits the bill because of its nutrients. The product
provides a good source of high quality protein and other essental vitamins and minerals. It is filled with
Omegaf3 faty acids which help maintain a healthy heart by lowering blood pressure, good brain
functon and development of vision and nerves of infants during pregnancy. It decreases the risk of
depression, dementa, diabetes and arthrits.
The producton process: wash the ground fish, drain and set aside for a while. Prepare and measure the
other ingredients. In a miiing bowl, combine all ingredients eicept for the sausage casing. Mii all
ingredients properly. Tie one end of the sausage casing and slowly fill the casing with the miiture and
then te the other end. Put the packages in a refrigerator one day before the distributon.

Producton schedule is based on the volume ordered in advance by customers and on the projected
seasonal increase of demand.

The proposed project site is at Macasandig, -agayan de Oro -ity. The locaton is strategic because it is
adjacent to the market and near the source of raw materials. Utlites required for the project are readily
available. The plant has an area of 72 square meters and fullyfsanitzed based on the requirements of
the -ity Health Department and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Tools, implements, and equipment needed for the project are locally available. The materials may cost P

All proponents will share manpower hours for the project.

Proper waste management will be strictly observed based on the guidelines of the city health

IV. Management and Personnel Feasibility

It will be a business partnership composed of seven (7) general partners. The organizaton set up follows
a line functon. The business shall have an inital capital of P 15,000.00. Each partner shall contribute
P21,430.00 for the business

The General Manager shall be the head of the organizaton. He is tasked to increase management
efectveness by recruitng and selectng right people for the right job, disciplining line managers,
communicatng values, crafing strategies, assigning accountabilites, planning, monitoring, and control.
Under him are the following key personnel: The Marketng OOcer is responsible for the marketng of the
product to the right market, develops annual marketng plan and budget, and develop/request training
for the sales force. The -hief Financial OOcer shall supervise the finance unit and is the financial
spokesperson for the organizaton. He is responsible for looking for financial sources. The Producton
OOcer oversees the producton process, draws up producton schedule, estmates producton costs and
sets quality standards. The Administratve OOcer is the Human Resource OOcer of the business. He
organizes meetngs, arranges appointments, forecasts and manages the oOce budget, keeps personnel
files, and supervises utlity and contractual guards of the plant.

V. Financial Feasibility

The proponents shall invest P 150,000.00 as the inital capital of the business. The contributon of each
partner would come from his own pocket. The proponents have assumed that the selling price of the
product, market share, general administratve eipenses and the selling eipenses will increase by five
percent (5%) annually.
An analysis of the Financial Statement of JE Enterprise indicates that Rate of Return on sales is
maintained at ten percent (10%) annually within fivefyear period projecton. It shows that the business
is growing over tme.

The Gross Profit Rato shows a constant nineteen percent (19%) per annum figure, indicatng a stable
gross profit margin over tme. Relatve to the shortfterm solvency and liquidity of the business, its
-urrent Rato shows an increasing figure from 3.972 % to 9.843 % within the fivefyear period projecton.
This means a strong financial positon of the business. With regards to the Working -apital of the firm,
the financial statement analysis shows an increasing working capital of the business from year one to
year five of projected operaton. On the Measures of Stability, the financial paper indicates that the
business has more assets than debts. Finally, regarding the Equity Rato of the firm, the financial paper
shows an increasing percentage within the fivefyear projecton period. Overall, the business, as
assumed, is stable and profitable.

VI. SociofEconomic Feasibility Going into business means investng in an actvity that provides
quality goods and services needed by the community. Aside from this, the business shall pay
its taies and other legal requirements to the government, which in return, will add to the
infrastructure budget for the constructon of farmftofmarket roads and school buildings, etc.
The business, as the need arises, will hire additonal manpower to augment its present
workforce in order to meet the increasing demand of the product over tme. Likewise, the
business will provide marketng opportunity to the retailers of the product. As the firm
grows, it will go into franchising to enable other interested partes to replicate the business
in other areas of the country. JE Enterprise will also fulfill its corporate social responsibilites
by providing medical and related health services to the community, put up recreatonal
facilites, conduct livelihood trainings and entrepreneurial assistance to the deserving
groups of the community.

As early 1970, Gensan has already been dubbed as the Tuna -apital of the Philippines, with its
surpassing amount of total daily catch compared to other fishing ports in thecountry. General Santos
-ity (GenSan) is located in South -otabato, in southwest Mindanao, and is a modern fish port. Tension
mounts at General Santos Fish Port -omplei (GSFP-), strategically located in Brgy.Tambler, General
Santos -ity in South -otabato, as determined buyers and eiporters compete for tuna. Sportng white
boots, hired laborers hurry like ants while lifing the gigantc fishes from the large boats to the weighing
statons. They are classified for pricing, and the best ones are eiported. The SO-SKSARGEN tuna
industry – 90% of which is based in General Santos -ity – lands around 350 metric tons of tuna
(yellowfin, skipjack and big eyes) per day. 30% is eiported to US, Europe and Japan, 30 % goes to the
local market and 40% is processed,” says John Lee, Quality -ontrol at the GSFP-. The Philippines is
ranked second largest canned and process tuna manufacturer in Asia, seven tuna canneries in the
country are based in General Santos -ity; making it the Tuna -apital of the Philippines”. Data from the
oOcial records of the Philippine Fish Port Development Authority (PFDA) shows a total of 193,867.55
metric tons of fish landings in 2014. This is the highest recorded fish landings since 2003. Together with
other eiporters, Tokyo Kawari, a trainee at Ten Point, an aOliate of Pescarich – a Japanese firm known
for its frozen sashimi, tuna and other marine products – eiamines the color and fat content of the tunas
that will be packed for sale overseas.
All the processing plants here are HA--P (Hazard Analysis and -ritcal -ontrol Point) accredited, a
system developed by the World Health Organizaton which is designed to ensure the safety of food
products processed by establishments around the world,” Lee contnues.


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