Sample Paper 1 Grade 10

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Class X (Session 2022-2023)
Max. Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50

General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.

2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A &Section B.

3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjectivetype questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5+ 10 =) 15
questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.

5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.


i. This section has 05 questions.

ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

iii. There is no negative marking.

iv. Do as per the instructions given.


i.This section has 16 questions.

ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.

iii. Do as per the instructions given.

Iv. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.

Q – 1 Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions on Employability Skills: (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
i. A person is involved in a type of self-employment in which he is running a business to satisfy the
needs of people along with looking for ways to make it better, he is a/an:- 1
a. Wage employed b. Entrepreneur
c. Self-employed d. Businessman
ii. Which of the following is/are healthier working/ study habits? 1
a. Try to please everyone.
b. Proper Time Management
c. Focusing on negative aspects
d. Eating Junk food
iii. Which of the following is one of the steps to manage emotional intelligence: 1
a. Creating Confusion b. Organize Things
c. maintain to-do list d. rationalize
iv. Rahul wants to store the recorded information on computer. Suggest him thebest option to do
this by selecting an appropriate option: 1
a. handwritten text on paper b. written text using pencil
c. written text using a typewriter d. written text saved in MS Word
v. Which of the following is /are correct about a Word processor? 1
a. Change the appearance of a document.
b. Do not mark or correct any spelling mistake.
c. Insert images, Headers, and Footers.
d. All of these
vi. Which of the following is not a quality of an entrepreneur: 1
a. They are confident b. Take responsibilities for their work
c. Joining gym d. Keep trying new ideas
Q – 2 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions: (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. Which of the following is a shortcut key to open data source toolbar? 1
a. F2 b. F3 c. F4 d. F1

ii. In the soft copy of the document, each entry in the table of content functionsasto the topic
content. 1
a. Hyperlink b. Button
c. Image d. Plain Text
iii. Which of the following is useful when user creates a watermark or wrap an

image in the background? 1

a. Watermark b. Import
c. Transparency d. Download
iv. Which of the following is not a one of the data sources for mail merge? 1
a. MySQL b. MS Access
c. Oracle d. MS Word
v. Minesh wants to quickly apply a pre-designed set of formatting on the document at once to give a
professional, formal look. Which of the following will help him to do so? 1
a. Template b. Styles
c. Table of content d. Index
vi. Nimisha has created table of contents in her document. Now she wants to prevent accidently
changes to her Table of contents. Which option she should mark from the following, help her by
selecting an appropriate option? 1
a. Protected against manual changes b. Protected changes automatically
c. Protected Changes with password d. Review and protect changes

Q – 3 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Narendra is stock market agent; he wants to know the up and down values ofa market in different
situations, Which of the following feature will help her? 1
a. Goal seek b. Subtotal
c. Data consolidation d. Scenario
ii. Which feature of the electronic spreadsheet allows the user to repeat a taskthe same way over
and over again? 1
a. Goal Seek b. Macros
c. Scenarios d. Sharing worksheets
iii. Raman wants to collect data together from separate worksheets into a masterworksheet. Which of
the following feature should he use? 1
a. Scenarios b. Data consolidation
c. Subtotals d. Goal seek

iv. A refers to a cell or a range of cells on a worksheet and canbe used to find
the values or data that you want formula to calculate. 1
a. Function b. Cell Reference
c. Worksheet d. Solver
v. The hyperlinks created in spreadsheets are 1
a. Internal or External b. Inside or Outside
c. Relative or Absolute d. Active or Inactive
vi. The subtotal option is available under _ menu 1
a. File b. Data
c. Tools d. Insert
Q – 4 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Ketan wants to store photos, music files, audio and video in a database, whichof following data
type he should use? 1
a. Large Numbers b. Varchar
c. Binary d. Object
ii. Which of the following are the dedicated computers that hold the actualdatabase and only
DBMS and related software? 1
a. Database Server b. Database Terminal
c. Database Client d. Database Workstation
iii. Raj wanted to set the mobile number along with ISD such as “+XX XXXXXXXXXX”. Select
appropriate field properties for him. 1
a. Entry Required b. Default Value
c. Length d. Format Example
iv. Which of the following statements will display the records in descending orderof department
names? 1
a. Select * from employee order by department asc
b. Select * from employee order by department desc
c. Select * from employee order by department descending;
d. Select * from employee order by department reverse(True)
v. Ganesh wants to increase the salary of IT department employees by 10%.Which of the
following command is correct for him? 1
a. Select department=’IT’ from emp where sal= sal + (sal*0.10)
b. Select sal = sal + (sal*0.10) from emp where department = ‘IT’
c. Update emp set sal = sal + (sal*0.10) where department=’IT’
d. Update department = ‘IT’ where sal = sal + (sal*.10)
Vi. Shreya wants to write a query to fetch records from a table in OO Base. Shewants to write the
command. Which option she should use out of the following? 1
e. Create in Design View g. Tools – SQL Command
f. Create query using wizard h. Create query in SQL View
Q – 5 Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
i. Which of the following covers huge area and connects computers acrossmetropolitan,
regional, or national boundaries? 1
a. Local Area Network b. Area Local Network
c. Metropolitan Area Network d. Internet
ii. A person having tremor issues can use which of the following feature? 1
a. Sticky Keys b. Filter keys
c. Toggle Key d. Control Key
iii. Which of the following is an IM software which can be downloaded and installed
on users’ computer? 1
a. Web Based b. Application Based
c. Interface Based d. Window Based
iv. Rajiv is a blogger, he wants to create a blog online. Which of the following toolis very popular to
creates blog online? 1
a. BlogDesk b. WordPress
c. Qumana d. Windows live writer
v. Vishal is working in a chemical company. Due to some unwanted reasons gaswas leaked in his

department. He needs to make the place empty. This process

is known as 1
a. Evacuation b. Explosion
c. Emergency d. Accident
vi. Which of the following is/are rules for first aid? 1
a. Assure the injured person to remain calm and not to panic

b. Keep them warm if they are under shock

c. Do not move the victim in case of back/neck injury

d. All of these
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills
(2 x 3 = 6 marks)
Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.
Q – 6 Write any four benefits of stress management. 2

Q – 7 Write three pointers to enhance ability to working independently. 2

Q – 8 Enlist various operating systems and their company. 2

Q – 9 Write and explain any two promotional functions of an entrepreneur.

Q–10 Enlist the qualities of an entrepreneur and explain optimism in detail. 2

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each

(2 x 4 = 8 marks)
Q–11 Identify the style categories for below given styles: 2
a) margins c) bold, italic & underline
b) line spacing d) number format
Q–12 What is the significance of goal seek feature in a spreadsheet? Explain with
example. 2
Q–13 Write any four advantages of macro? 2
Q–14 What is the difference between Tools-SQL and SQL View in OO Base? 2
Q–15 What do you mean by assistive technology and accessibility options? 2
Q–16 Avikshit is manager of Power House Ltd. He wanted to prepare a banner onfire
safety rules. Help him by writing fire safety rules. 2
Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each
(4 x 3 = 12 marks)
Q–17 Pranjal is accountant and he wants to prepare a worksheet which can beaccessed
by his colleagues. Help him to do the following:
a) Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing 1
b) Saving a shared spreadsheet 1
c) Record changes 1
d) Viewing the changes 1
Q–18 Write steps for following:
a) Create template using wizard 2
b) Setting a default template 2
Q–19 Vijay is working as PGT – Computer Science. His school wants to start a network
and internet for better connectivity and a website. His principal asked him to prepare a
summary report for the same. Help him byanswering the following questions:
a) Advantages of networking (Any 4) 2
b) How to get an internet connection 1
c) What are the best options to start a school website? 1
Q–20 Write queries based on the following table - Product:

ProNo ProName SuppCode Quantity

I001 Denim Jeans 101 150

I002 Levi’s Jeans 102 175

I003 Ruff n Tuff 103 250

I004 Wrangler 104 150

I005 Diesel 106 80

I006 Spykar 107 125

I007 Lee 105 75

Write command to create table – Assign ProNo as Primary key 2

a) Write queries to display data as follows: 2
i) Product number, Product name and supplier code which contains the wordJeans.
ii) Product number and Product name whose quantity is more than 150.
Q–21 Write steps to the following: 4
a) Create a form using wizard
b) Create a report using wizard

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