Navyug English Medium School CBSE in Ladavali has scheduled an Open House on Saturday, November 19th from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for parents of students from Nursery to 10th standard. Parents will be allowed to check their child's answer papers during the Open House but are not permitted to take photos. The notice also reminds parents to pay any pending fees by November 19th, including any outstanding balances from the 2021-22 academic year, in order to be eligible to take the third periodic test. Suggestions from parents to upgrade the school are also welcomed.
Navyug English Medium School CBSE in Ladavali has scheduled an Open House on Saturday, November 19th from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for parents of students from Nursery to 10th standard. Parents will be allowed to check their child's answer papers during the Open House but are not permitted to take photos. The notice also reminds parents to pay any pending fees by November 19th, including any outstanding balances from the 2021-22 academic year, in order to be eligible to take the third periodic test. Suggestions from parents to upgrade the school are also welcomed.
Navyug English Medium School CBSE in Ladavali has scheduled an Open House on Saturday, November 19th from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for parents of students from Nursery to 10th standard. Parents will be allowed to check their child's answer papers during the Open House but are not permitted to take photos. The notice also reminds parents to pay any pending fees by November 19th, including any outstanding balances from the 2021-22 academic year, in order to be eligible to take the third periodic test. Suggestions from parents to upgrade the school are also welcomed.
Navyug English Medium School CBSE in Ladavali has scheduled an Open House on Saturday, November 19th from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm for parents of students from Nursery to 10th standard. Parents will be allowed to check their child's answer papers during the Open House but are not permitted to take photos. The notice also reminds parents to pay any pending fees by November 19th, including any outstanding balances from the 2021-22 academic year, in order to be eligible to take the third periodic test. Suggestions from parents to upgrade the school are also welcomed.
"Your exam results do not define you as a person and/or predict
your future.”
Laura Henry
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you, on Saturday 19th November 2022, we have arranged
Open House for Grade Nursery to 10th standard.
Timing for Open House: 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Parents please follow the timing strictly.
You are allowed to check Answer paper of your ward.
No photos should be clicked of answer papers.
You can note marks of your ward.
Please pay pending fees of your ward by Saturday 19th 2022
Those parents have balance fees of Academic year 2021-22 please meet Mr Mayur Joshi and clear the dues. It is mandatory to clear the fees before Periodic Test -3
Your suggestions are welcome for schools up gradation.