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Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic

Mapping Review


Computer Science, University of Brasília, Brasil
ANA PAULA BERNARDI DA SILVA, Master in Governance, Technologies and Innovation,
Catholic University of Brasília, Brasil
ARI MELO MARIANO, Department of Production Engineering, University of Brasília, Brasil

Modeling is one of the most important steps in developing a database. In traditional databases, the Entity
Relationship (ER) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) models are widely used. But how are NoSQL
databases being modeled? We performed a systematic mapping review to answer three research questions
to identify and analyze the levels of representation, models used, and contexts where the modeling process
occurred in the main categories of NoSQL databases. We found 54 primary studies where we identified that
conceptual and logical levels received more attention than the physical level of representation. The UML, ER,
and new notation based on ER and UML were adapted to model NoSQL databases, in the same way, formats
such as JSON, XML, and XMI were used to generate schemas through the three levels of representation. New
contexts such as benchmark, evaluations, migration, and schema generation were identified, as well as new
features to be considered for modeling NoSQL databases, such as the number of records by entities, CRUD
operations, and system requirements (availability, consistency, or scalability). Additionally, a coupling and
co-citation analysis was carried out to identify relevant works and researchers.
CCS Concepts: • Information systems → Database design and models;
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Data modeling, NoSQL databases, systematic mapping
ACM Reference format:
Harley Vera-Olivera, Guo Ruizhe, Maristela Holanda, Ruben Cruz Huacarpuma, Ana Paula Bernardi da Silva, 116
and Ari Melo Mariano. 2021. Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review. ACM
Comput. Surv. 54, 6, Article 116 (July 2021), 26 pages.

This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) -
Finance Code 001.
Authors’ addresses: H. Vera-Olivera (corresponding author), G. Ruizhe, and M. Holanda, Department of Computer
Science, University of Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasília, DF, Brasil; emails: [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]; R. C. Huacarpuma, Software AG, Brasília - DF, Brasil; email:
[email protected]; A. P. B. da Silva, Master in Governance, Technologies and Innovation, Catholic University of
Brasília, Brasília, Brasil; email: [email protected]; A. M. Mariano, Department of Production Engineering, Univer-
sity of Brasília, Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, Brasília, DF, Brasil; email: [email protected].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee
provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and
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© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery.
0360-0300/2021/07-ART116 $15.00

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
116:2 H. Vera-Olivera et al.

The advance and evolution of social networks, the Internet of Things, web technology, and mobile
devices has resulted in the explosion of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data gen-
erated by applications around the world. Individuals and organizations produce large quantities
of data at a high-speed rate [7, 21]. This enormous data volume is usually called big data. How-
ever, as technology and big data applications have grown and new needs such as availability or
flexibility have appeared, the traditional relational database has become less equipped to manage
rapidly growing large data volumes and the complexities of data structures.
To store a large volume of data, NoSQL database systems are commonly used and there are
many different NoSQL families [19]. However, NoSQL databases have some design characteris-
tics in common [21]. First, they adopt more flexible data models that are mostly schemaless. Sec-
ond, eventual consistency transactions are reached by relaxing ACID properties to scale-out while
achieving high availability and low latency [25]. Third, query performance is not only achieved
by co-locating data, but rather mainly via horizontal and elastic scalability [25]. Fourth, data can
simply be replicated and horizontally partitioned over local and remote servers [25].
Before being stored, big data needs to be modeled; in fact, one of the most critical stages in the
development of an information system is a data model for the database [60]. A data model is used
to represent, abstract, and limit a problem in the real world by graphics and symbols. At high-level,
concepts that are familiar with the way users note data are provided by conceptual models. At low-
level, concepts that describe the aspects of how data are saved on the computer are provided by
physical models. Within these two limits exists a class of representational models, which provide
concepts that may be easily understood by end-users, although it is not extremely far removed
from the form in which data are organized on the computer.
But modeling NoSQL databases is not an easy task because of heterogeneity. Currently, there
are many NoSQL databases available with different consistency and durability guarantees, differ-
ent data access APIs, and different characteristics of the data model. This vast heterogeneity has
opened up new problems for designers. Moreover, a complete and fully standardized data modeling
procedure for NoSQL databases does not exist yet. There are also challenges in data modeling for
NoSQL databases, such as at how many levels of representation (conceptual, logical, or physical)
should a NoSQL database be modeled, what models (ER, UML, etc.) should be used at each level
of representation for each category of NoSQL database and so on. In our article, we will use the
classification based on [21, 37]:
• Graph databases model data as a graph structure including nodes and edges describing the
relationships between nodes. Each node may also include properties that describe data in-
cluded within each object. On the other hand, edges may also have their properties.
• In column-oriented databases, a tabular format of rows and column families is used to rep-
resent data. The schema of a column-family is flexible and a column has a name and a value
with a complex or simple structure.
• Key-value databases store data as an associative collection of entries. Every element in the
database is put away as an attribute name (“key”), together with its value.
• Document-oriented databases are extended key-value stores in which the value is repre-
sented as a document encoded in conventional semistructured formats such as JSON, or Bi-
nary JSON (BSON). In document-oriented databases, a document can contain denormalized
data. The choice of denormalizing data depends on the end-user.
Most NoSQL databases are schema-less; however Atzeni [10] argues that data modeling effects
can be useful and illustrates two research directions. First, the diversity of systems and models

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review 116:3

could create difficulties for developers and their organizations so modeling-based approaches lever-
age the necessity for standardization and regular access. Second, data models can give a basis of a
description of generic approaches to the logical and physical design. Likewise, Kaur and Rani [37],
argue that there is yet a need to model NoSQL databases to adequately understand the storage of
data. Additionally, Gomez et al. [27] and Reis et al. [50] show an experiment utilizing MongoDB
with many alternative data models and a set of queries. They used these to demonstrate how
structuring data in NoSQL databases has a large impact on data size, readability of the code, and
query performance, all factors which influence maintainability and software debugging.
In this context, this systematic mapping aims to answer three research questions: (1) What levels
of representation are presented in the methodologies for modeling NoSQL databases?; (2) What
models are used at each level of representation for modeling NoSQL databases?; and (3) In what
context does the modeling process occur? The analysis performed on 54 primary studies selected
from 2008 to the first semester of 2019 showed that the UML, ER, and new notation based on ER
and UML were adapted to model NoSQL databases. In the same way, formats such as JSON, XML,
and XMI were used to generate schemas through the three levels of representation. Conceptual and
logical levels received more attention than the physical level of representation and new contexts
such as migration, evaluations, benchmark, and schema generation were identified. Moreover, new
features to be considered for modeling NoSQL databases such as CRUD operations, number of
records by entities, system requirements (availability, consistency, or scalability) were identified.
Additionally, a coupling and co-citation analysis was carried out to identify relevant works and
researchers in the area of data modeling of NoSQL databases.
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 shows the background to NoSQL databases and
data modeling. Section 3 shows related works. The systematic mapping method is shown in Sec-
tion 4, including the identification of the need for mapping, defining the research questions and
defining the protocol to be used. Section 5 gives the result of our systematic mapping. A discussion
of the results is presented in Section 6. In Section 7, the threats to validity are outlined. Finally, in
Section 8, our conclusions are presented.

The rapid growth of technologies such as the Internet of Things has resulted in the explosion of
structured, semistructured, and unstructured data. In the past, relational databases were used to
store data, but high data traffic has rendered them incapable of sustaining these new features [25].
New requirements also emerged to support the large amount of data, including horizontal scal-
ability, high availability, fault tolerance, schema-less design and eventual consistency [21]. For
traditional Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), it is very difficult to meet
these requirements mainly for the following reasons [21]: First, the growth of data in these sys-
tems requires its transfer to new servers with upgraded hardware. Second, the complexity and
cost of joining distributed normalized data are increased by scaling out the RDBMSs. Third, pre-
defined schemas in relational databases make the evolution costly due to the complexity of data
migration. These three requirements are complex and can be tackled by sacrificing the ones that
are not required according to the requirements of applications. In this way, a new generation of
non-relational databases, called NoSQL, emerged.
A strong consistency model is implemented by relational databases [25], where the transac-
tions are immediately committed, and clients operate over correct data states. Reads over the
same data will present an equal value to all client requests. Unlike relational databases, NoSQL
databases can be scaled horizontally over thousands of servers but don’t offer the same level of
data consistency as relational databases. Although horizontal scalability may seem better, the CAP

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
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theorem [14] shows that when network partitions occur, designers have to choose between consis-
tency and availability. Some NoSQL database designers choose higher availability over a strict con-
sistency strategy, this approach is known as BASE (Basically Available, Soft-state, and Eventually

2.1 NoSQL Data Models

A data model is a representation of entities and their relationships of a problem in the real world.
Entities, relationships, attributes, and cardinalities are the primary elements or constructions of a
model. Although the constructions, defined in ER and UML, are widely used to model in relational
databases, we wondered if those constructs work well for modeling NoSQL databases and big data
and their new features.
In relational databases, three levels of representations are well known by the academic and
business community: the conceptual, logical, and physical models. At a low level, the physical
model depends on the specifications and semantics of the target database management sys-
tem (DBMS). Physical design is performed by converting logical design into table definitions,
including pre-deployment design, table definitions, normalization, primary and foreign key rela-
tionships, and basic indexing. At a high-level, a problem in the real world is represented by the
conceptual model. ER and UML are the most used models to represent a real problem using ER and
class diagrams, respectively. Between these two models, a logical model defines how the system
should be implemented regardless of the DBMS. In this level relational or dedicated models (with
a metamodel using UML class diagram) are used frequently to represent the data model. On the
other hand, it is not clear yet how many levels of representation should be used, and what models
should be used for each level of representation in NoSQL databases.
Although NoSQL databases are schema-less and more flexible, there are more benefits if NoSQL
databases are previously modeled [10, 37]. But at this point, some questions arise like: Which is
the methodology or standard used to model NoSQL databases? Is there a standard widely accepted
by the academic and business community? How many levels of representation should be used to
model NoSQL databases? Obtaining answers to these questions is not a trivial task because of the
heterogeneity of NoSQL databases. However, many researchers are proposing new methods to
model NoSQL databases [9].
NoSQL databases are essentially categorized into graph, document-oriented, key-value and col-
umn. A determined number of features characterize each of these NoSQL databases and make
them adequate for a specific application scenario.

2.1.1 Key-Value. In this NoSQL database, data are represented as pairs (key, value) stored in
key-based, high-scalable and efficient lookup structures such as Log-Structured Merge-trees and
Distributed Hash Tables [21]. A key is simple or complex; it can be defined either by the application
or by the key-value system. A value represents data that can be of different structure, type, or
size duly represented by a unique indexed key. Querying and indexing based on values are not
supported by the Key-value systems due to the schemaless structure of stored values. However,
advanced key-value systems provide extra functionalities for querying and indexing the content
of values of specific data types like document (Riak KV), tabular (IBM Spinnaker, HyperDex, and
Yahoo Pnuts), or list data types (Redis and Aerospike) [21].
Key-value systems can be classified into three kinds, based on data persistence [21]: in-memory
key-value systems, that provide notably fast access to data by keeping it in memory, such as Mem-
cached; persistence key-value systems, that provide access to data by being stored in HDD/SSD,
such as Riak KV; hybrid key-value systems, that keep data in memory and store them when some
conditions are satisfied, such as Redis and Aerospike.

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The most representative key-value systems are Redis, Memcached, Hazelcast, etcd, Ehcache,
Aerospike, and Riak KV.
2.1.2 Column. In this NoSQL database, data are represented in a tabular format of rows and a
determined number of column-families with names and values that are logically related to each
other. This is the reason why data in column systems are physically stored in columns instead of
rows. Super-column-families is a feature that some column systems such as Cassandra offer. This
means that a column-family is nested by another column-family [21]. A primary key, composed
by one or more columns, is used to identify each row in the table. The primary keys are used in
column systems to provide row uniqueness and to assure that some sets of rows are stored in the
same physical node, in this way these rows can be quickly retrieved together. For this purpose,
some column systems like Cassandra and ScyllaDB [22] divide the primary key into the partition
key and the clustering key. The partition key is used to spread rows over the same node, with the
aim that all the rows with the same partition key are stored in the same node. The clustering key,
which can be optional, is used to sort rows with the aim of being easily retrieved. The elements
that share the same partition key value are sorted according to their clustering key. On the other
hand, in systems such as HBase or BigTable, columns of a table are grouped into disjoint sets that
are never retrieved together [22].
For performance purposes, some column systems (Cassandra) restrict query access to the set
of rows connected with a single partition key, the retrieval of data from different partitions in a
single query is not possible. Column systems do not provide support for joins between tables. On
the other hand, the denormalization in column systems has a side effect, namely the expensive
insertion of new data or updating existing ones [22].
Some representative column systems are Cassandra, Hbase, Datastax Enterprise, Microsoft
Azure Table Storage, Accumulo, and Google Cloud Bigtable.
2.1.3 Document-Oriented. A document-oriented system is considered as an extension of key-
value systems [21] where values are represented as documents and each document is represented by
a unique key. A document can be encoded in standard formats such as XML, JSON, or BSON (Binary
JSON). A document has a flexible schema, where attributes can be removed or added at runtime and
can have more than one value. Search functionalities and indices based on their attribute names
and values are supported by document-oriented databases.
Collection or bucket is an aggregate offered by systems such as MongoDB and Couchbase
Server [21]. It consists of a set of documents describing the same kind of information. A collection is
similar to a table in relational databases, where a document with a unique key, but not necessarily
with the same schema as other documents, represents a row in a table. In this way, using collections,
features like security, persistence, replication, and resources can be managed for each group of
Reference or embedding documents are supported by document-oriented databases for model
relationships between documents. To avoid requiring a join operation, designers can embed one or
many relationships in a single document, so applications do not need to join data from documents,
and a single request can retrieve all data. On the other hand, document-oriented databases such
as ArangoDB and OrientDB use referenced documents to develop a hybrid graph/document data
model [21].
The most commonly document-oriented systems in this category are MongoDB, Couchbase,
Firebase Realtime Database, CouchDB, Realm, Google Cloud Firestore, RethinkDB, and RavenDB.
2.1.4 Graph. In these databases, entities are represented by vertices and relationships are rep-
resented by edges, it is based on the graph-theoretical foundation. Some graph structures are

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
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undirected/directed graphs, labeled graphs, attributed graphs, multigraphs, hypergraphs, and nested
graphs [? ]. Because these structures are not mutually exclusive, the property graph can be a com-
bination of directed, labeled, and attributed structures, for example.
In an undirected graph, all relationships are bidirectional, but in a directed graph each edge from
one vertex to another is a directed tuple. In labeled graphs, edges and vertices are tagged with
scalar values; these labels may represent roles in different domains or attached data. To represent
the properties of graphs, a list of attributes is attached to edges and vertices. It is usually applied in
social networking applications with social interaction between users. A multigraph has multiple
edges between two vertices even with the same label, and self-loops are allowed, too. A hypergraph
is a generalization of a graph. In contrast with ordinary graphs where an edge connects exactly
two vertices, a hyperedge can join any number of vertices. Finally, in a nested graph, each vertex
can contain another graph.
Storage techniques are categorized into native and non-native graph stores [? ]. Based on the
features of the graph data model, the storage is adapted in a native graph store. To optimize the stor-
age, three well-known techniques are used: Compressed Sparse Row (CSR), adjacency list, and edge
list. The most representative graph NoSQL databases are Neo4j, JanusGraph, GraphDB, Dgraph,
TigerGraph, and OrientDB.
This broad heterogeneity has opened up new problems and challenges for designers. Addition-
ally, there is no standard to model NoSQL databases accepted by both the business and academic

With the emergence of NoSQL databases and the need to model these databases, many academic
works have been published to fill this knowledge gap. Table 1 presents academic works that have
been produced as expert surveys or assessments but none of them as systematic mapping. Al-
though data modeling is mentioned as a part of the work, in [30] and [31], the concept of data
modeling is related to the structure, organization, and the method of storing data in NoSQL sys-
tems, but not how to model the data using levels of representation and specific models. In the same
way, Gil and Song [26] introduced the term “conceptual modeling” for big data using techniques
like ontology, semantics, RDF schemas, and SPARQL Language. This work discussed the strengths
and weaknesses of the different benchmark design approaches.
In 2018, two academic works were published: the first one [21] a general discussion on four non-
orthogonal model bases of distributed database systems: data partitioning, data models, the CAP
theorem, and consistency model. Again, the data model in this academic work is just understanding
in the sense of organization, structure and the way of storing data. The second one is the academic
work [9], a survey precisely focused on the data model of NoSQL databases, and despite not being
a systematic mapping, important information was found. The main focus of this academic work
is the methodology applied by different works. For this, a classification of methodologies was pro-
posed, first by works aiming to unify most NoSQL databases under a uniform design methodology
and second, by categories of NoSQL databases.
In the next section, our systematic mapping planning, and systematic mapping implementation
are presented.


In this section, we will define and justify the research questions and the systematic mapping pro-
tocol to conduct the systematic mapping.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review 116:7

Table 1. Academic Works about Data Modeling in

NoSQL Databases

Review Study Year Context

Hencht & Jablonski [31] 2011 NoSQL Databases
Han et al. [30] 2011 NoSQL Databases
Big Data
Gil & Song [26] 2016 modeling and
NoSQL databases
Assad & Baïna [9] 2018
design methodology
Davoudian et al. [21] 2018 NoSQL Databases

Fig. 1. Systematic mapping process adapted from [39].

4.1 Systematic Mapping Planning

For planning the systematic mapping review, two guidelines were considered: Petersen et al. [48]
and Kitchenham et al. [39]. The first one is designed to give a summary of a research area through
classification and counting contributions about the categories of that classification. The second
one is a method for identifying, evaluating, and interpreting all possible research relevant to a
particular topic area. We set our systematic mapping method based on [48] and our analysis on [39].
Figure 1 illustrates the adopted protocol.

4.1.1 Need for a Systematic Mapping. New ways of storing data started with the emergence
NoSQL databases. Some of these new technologies for storing data, like key-value, document-
oriented, column, graphs, and others have properties that allow more reliable performance when
saving a large quantity of data. Nonetheless, there are no methodologies for data modeling widely
admitted by the business community and the academic world in these new technologies. Though
there are clearly three levels of representation, not all of them are used to model, nor has it been
determined which model to use at each level of representation. New proposals to model data are
emerging in NoSQL databases but due to the heterogeneity the number of levels of representation
is not clear, nor are the models used in each level, or even the construction used for each model.
Our interest is to conduct research in this area, and given that there are still no academic works
that answer the research questions posed, we consider this to be a relevant undertaking.
A systematic mapping was chosen to carry out this mapping because of the methodological
advantage, since its process minimizes the possibility of bias whereas it maximizes the coverage
possibility, moreover, systematic mapping studies have not yet been conducted. Also, this will be
a starting point for future research work.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
116:8 H. Vera-Olivera et al.

Table 2. Generic Search String

( (design OR model OR “data structure” OR “relational data”) AND nosql )

( modeling AND ( key-value OR column OR document OR graph ) AND ( nosql OR database
OR schema ) )

4.1.2 Research Questions. The purpose of this mapping research is to find out how the different
models applied in traditional databases are being applied to NoSQL databases. For this proposal,
three research questions (RQ) were defined.
RQ1. What levels of representation are presented in the methodologies for modeling NoSQL
databases? The purpose of this question is to identify which and how many levels of representa-
tion (conceptual, logical, and physical) are being applied in the process of data modeling in NoSQL
databases. The level of representation used to model a NoSQL database will influence the proper-
ties or specifications to be considered for the modeling process.
RQ2. What models are used at each level of representation for modeling NoSQL databases? The
purpose of this question is to identify what models are used according to the number of levels of
representation proposed in the different methodologies for modeling NoSQL databases.
RQ3. In what context does the modeling process occur? This question seeks to answer how the
models were used in some particular contexts of methodologies to model NoSQL databases, for
example, in design guidelines, schema recommendation, migration tools, case studies, or bench-
4.1.3 Systematic Mapping Protocol. A protocol defines in detail the steps to perform mapping
in a specific domain of knowledge [39]. In that sense, we define data sources, determine search
strategy, select primary studies by following a selection strategy, extract information from pri-
mary studies by a method to extract and finally summarize the data. As data sources to search for
candidates for primary studies, we chose ISI Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus. These databases
have mainly conferences and journals in computer science. To define the search string, initially
seed keywords determined from the three research questions were selected. The keywords were
“model”, “NoSQL database”, “graph”, “document”, “column”, and “key-value”. To limit the search
to NoSQL databases the “NoSQL database” keyword was used. To search academic works directly
related to our research the keywords “graph model”, “document model”, “column model”, “key-
value model” and “model” were used. To search academic works related to the process or method of
modeling the keyword “method” was used. Additionally, to identify more representative keywords
and maximize the number of candidate academic works for primary studies, a deeper analysis was
performed. For this purpose, we used the Scopus database and Vosviewer1 software to find new
keywords related to data modeling for NoSQL databases.
As a result of the additional analysis, many important new keywords were identified. Finally,
the new set of keywords was defined as the generic search string shown in Table 2. The generic
search string was determined with the aim of getting the largest number of candidates for primary
studies. It was not possible to apply the generic search string to Scopus and Web of Science because
of tool constraints, therefore we adjusted the generic search string shown in Table 2 to apply to
both search engines chosen.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were specified as a selection strategy for relevant primary
studies, considering the purpose of mapping and research questions. The criteria were set to


ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review 116:9

guarantee that only relevant studies and academic works related to the context of modeling of
NoSQL databases should be selected.
The inclusion criteria defined are:
• IC-1. Any academic work that primarily addresses data modeling for NoSQL databases as an
essential part of the study.
• IC-2. Any academic work that was published in conferences or journals.
The exclusion criteria are:
• EC-1. The academic work is not available on the web.
• EC-2. The academic work is not in English.
• EC-3. The academic work was published as a short paper.
• EC-4. The academic work is a review, such as a survey or a systematic mapping or systematic
• EC-5. The academic work is primarily related to an area other than information systems,
computer science, and engineering.
• EC-6. Academic works presenting non-peer reviewed material.
• EC-7. Academic works outside the range 2008 to 2019.
To include a work into primary studies, both IC-1 and IC-2 criteria must be fulfilled. Any work
excluded by EC-4 will be discussed.

4.2 Systematic Mapping

To conduct the mapping, the following steps were necessary: identifying academic works using the
search string, selecting the primary studies, checking the quality of primary studies, extracting and
synthesizing data. For this work, we had two students (Harley and Guo), one external collaborator
(Ruben), and three supervisors (Ana, Ari, Maristela). Students, collaborator, and supervisors are all
authors of this article.

4.2.1 Identifying Primary Studies. To identify the candidates for primary studies, first, we ap-
plied the generic search string (Table 2) to the Scopus and WoS search engines. As a result, we
obtained 6,508 documents in total from the two sources. Moreover, a manual search (Snowballing
technique) was carried out in Google Scholar with the aim of finding more academic works related
to data modeling for NoSQL databases.

4.2.2 Selecting Primary Studies. In this step, we applied the exclusion and inclusion criteria
through the process shown in Figure 2, the objective of this step is to filter academic works that
are not relevant for our study. For this work, the two students together with the collaborator par-
ticipated. First, we removed academic works before 2008 (EC-7), and as a result, 2,038 academic
works remained. Second, the exclusion and inclusion criteria EC-1 to EC-6 and IC-1 were applied
and, as a result of this step, 60 academic works remained. Third, the snowballing technique was ap-
plied adding 11 new academic works. Finally, the full text-reading step was applied to the academic
works leaving 59 academic works.

4.2.3 Assessing the Relevance of Primary Studies. For this step, the students, collaborator, and
supervisor participated. The main objective of this step was to eliminate those academic works
with less relevance in data modeling for NoSQL databases. As a result of this step, five extra aca-
demic works were eliminated exclusively for relevance reasons. Finally, a complete list of academic
works selected as primary studies is shown in Table 10. They are classified by the contexts where
the process of data modeling occurred in NoSQL databases.

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Fig. 2. The study selection process.

4.2.4 Extracting Data from Primary Studies. In this step, the students and collaborator analyzed
in more detail the primary studies. We read the selected academic works by reviewing their ti-
tles, abstracts, keywords, and, when necessary, introductions and conclusions. It was performed
through a detailed content analysis driven by identifying keywords and graphics representing
methods, models, and levels of representation within the whole academic work. In this step, the
two students were responsible for extracting the data, they completed the data extraction form and
the collaborator checked the data, and confirmed that the extraction of data was correct. When-
ever there were doubts about extracting data in some primary studies, supervisors were contacted
to resolve the doubts. To extract data from primary studies, we used a form with generic and
common attributes like title, abstract, and keywords. In addition to these attributes, we defined
the attributes’ levels of representation, type of NoSQL database, context of data modeling, and

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Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review 116:11

Table 3. Form Items to Extract Data from Primary Studies

Data Item Value RQ

Title Name of the article RQ1, RQ2, RQ3
Abstract Abstract of the article RQ1, RQ2, RQ3
Keywords Keywords of the article RQ1, RQ2, RQ3
Levels of Levels of representation for modeling NoSQL RQ1, RQ2
representation databases (conceptual, logical, or physical)
Type of NoSQL database Document-oriented, graph, column or key-value RQ1, RQ2
Context of The context of data modeling, for example, RQ1, RQ3
data modeling guideline, benchmark, or another
Model A specific model used to model in a level of RQ2
representation, for example ER or UML

For RQ1 (“What levels of representation are presented in the methodologies for modeling NoSQL
databases?”), six attributes (see column RQ in Table 3) were chosen for data extraction and to assess
this research question. From this information, we identified the levels of representation proposed
by primary studies selected based on the type of NoSQL databases.
For RQ2 (“What models are used at each level of representation for modeling NoSQL
databases?”), six attributes (see column RQ in Table 3) were chosen for data extraction and to as-
sess this research question. The models used in each level of representation were identified along
with the types of NoSQL databases.
For RQ3 (“In what context does the modeling process occur?”), four attributes were selected (see
column RQ in the Table 3). From this information, we identified the context of the methodologies
proposed by primary studies selected, for example, guidelines, process transformation, benchmark,
and so on.

In this section, a general description of primary studies and answers to research questions are
presented. Section 5.1 presents a description type, authors, and origin of primary studies, as
well as a coupling and co-citation analysis to identify relevant authors and works in the area.
Section 5.2 answers the first research question (RQ1) on the levels of representation used for mod-
eling NoSQL databases. Section 5.3 answers the second research question (RQ2) about the models
used at each level of representation. Finally, Section 5.4 presents the contexts where the modeling
process occurs.

5.1 General Description of Primary Studies

In this section, results are shown from the extraction and synthesis process according to our pro-
tocol (Section 4.1.3).
In general terms, Figure 3 shows the distribution of primary studies over the years of study (from
2008 to the first semester of 2019). The figure shows data by publication type (journal or confer-
ence). Symposiums and workshops are considered as conferences. The growth in the number of
studies in NoSQL database modeling is constant over the years. Academic works for NoSQL data-
base modeling appeared at conferences starting in 2011, while academic works published in jour-
nals have only appeared since 2016. Twenty three percent of academic works selected as primary
studies were published in journals while 77% of academic works were published in conferences.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
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Fig. 3. Visual distribution of primary studies over the years.

Table 4. Main Conferences

Initials Conference name

ER International Conference on Conceptual Modelling
WorldCIST World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
TENCON IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference
IEEE International Congress on Big Data
International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based
Applications & Services
IDEAS International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium

Table 4 shows the most relevant conferences found in our primary studies in terms of the num-
ber of publications. One of the most notable conferences in the area of data modeling is the “In-
ternational Conference on Conceptual Modelling - ER”. In this conference, four papers related to
data modeling for NoSQL databases were published. The articles published in journals were spread
over 13 journals. Table 5 shows the more relevant journals, in this table the relevance of journals
is shown with the H-Index and SJR metrics. The 54 academic works selected were produced by
185 authors, from 91 research institutions public and private, located in 30 countries. Such num-
bers show how diffuse the research in data modeling for NoSQL databases is. Figure 4 shows all
countries that contributed to the production of the 54 academic works selected related to data
modeling for NoSQL databases. The most productive countries, sorted by the number of academic
works produced, are France followed by Spain, Brazil, India, and China.
The most productive institutions in data modeling of NoSQL databases are shown in Table 6
and it is notable that Europe and Asia are the most productive continents in this research area. In
particular, France has been working with a strong collaboration between private companies (TRI-
MANE), research institutes (CEDRIC-CNAM) and universities. Table 7 shows the top 10 most pro-
ductive researchers in data modeling of NoSQL databases, once again the participation of French
researchers is noticeable. Although Table 7 shows the most productive authors based on the num-
ber of publications, it does not mean that they are the most influential within the area of NoSQL

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Table 5. More Relevant Journals

H-Index SJR Journal title Publisher

148 1.14 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge IEEE Computer Society
and Data Engineering
17 1.12 Journal of Big Data Springer Open
189 0.72 Communications of the ACM Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM)
56 0.7 Knowledge and Information Systems Springer London
42 0.65 Enterprise Information Systems Taylor and Francis Ltd.
19 0.2 International Journal of Data Warehousing IGI Publishing
and Mining

Table 6. The top Nine Most Productive Research Institution in Data Modeling for NoSQL
Databases from 2008 to the First Semester of 2019

Pos Research Institution Country No Studies

1 TRIMANE France 6
2 Centre d’études et de recherche en informatique France 5
et communications (CEDRIC-CNAM)
3 Toulouse Capitole University France 4
4 National Institute of Technology India 4
5 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Israel 3
6 Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria 3
7 Babes-Bolyai University Romania 3
8 University of Brasilia Brazil 3
9 Universita Roma TRE Italy 3

Fig. 4. Visual distribution of production of academic works by countries.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
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Table 7. The Top 10 Most Productive Researchers in Data Modeling for NoSQL Databases
from 2008 to first Semester of 2019

Pos Researcher Research Institution Country # Studies

1 Abdelhedi F. TRIMANE and IRIT (Institut de Recherche France 5
en Informatique de Toulouse)
2 Ait-Brahim A. Toulouse Capitole University & IRIT (Institut France 5
de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse)
3 Zurfluh G. Toulouse Capitole University France 5
4 Atigui F. Centre d’études et de recherche France 5
en informatique et communications
5 Gonzalez Aparicio M. T. University of Oviedo Gijon Spain 4
6 Imam A.A Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia 4
7 Basri S. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia 4
8 Ahmad R. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia 4
9 Sarkar A. National Institute of Technology India 3
10 Banerjee S. National Institute of Technology India 3

Fig. 5. Co-citation network map of authors.

database modeling. For this reason, a cocitation analysis was carried out using VOSviewer software,
Figure 5 shows a network map of the cocitation analysis between 2008 and the first semester of
2019. The closer the authors, the greater the similarity of the works and the larger their name, the
more cited he or she was. From Figure 5, three important authors can be identified as Riccardo
Torlone, Paolo Atzeni, and Francesca Bugiotti.
Additionally, a coupling analysis was carried out in the 54 primary studies selected to find those
works that are at the forefront of research in the area of data modeling of NoSQL databases. Figure 6
shows a coupling analysis. According to the network map, three authors stand out: Kaur and
Rani [37] with the academic work “Modeling and Querying Data in NoSQL Databases”, Bugiotti
et al. [15] with the academic work “Database Design for NoSQL Systems,” and Chebotko et al. [16]
with the academic work “A Big Data Modeling Methodology for Apache Cassandra”.

5.2 Levels of Representation for Modeling NoSQL Databases

After the extraction of items shown in Table 3, we answered this research question (RQ1) according
to each category of NoSQL databases.
Figure 7 shows the levels of representation by each category. In the case of document-oriented
NoSQL databases, academic works focus on modeling in the logical level of representation, while
in two levels of representation works focus on the logical-physical levels of representation. No
work with three levels of representation was found. For column NoSQL databases, the literature
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
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Fig. 6. Network map of Bibliographic Coupling.

Fig. 7. Levels of representation by categories of NoSQL databases.

focuses on the physical level of representation and the logical-physical levels of representation. No
work with three levels of representation was found, and a single logical level was not considered
in this category of NoSQL databases. In graph databases, it is notable that the works focus on
modeling graph databases using one level of representation; in this case, the conceptual level of
representation. The second level that was used most frequently in this category was the logical.
Finally, the key-value NoSQL databases are the least explored by researchers. the only three works
found were in conceptual, conceptual-logical, and conceptual-physical levels of representations.
Analyzing Figure 7, we can also see the levels of representation applied through the categories
of NoSQL databases. For the document-oriented NoSQL databases, the most used level of repre-
sentation was the logical level, for column NoSQL databases the physical level was the most used,
the most used level of representation in graph and key-value NoSQL databases was the conceptual
level. Finally, overall, we can see that most of the efforts were applied to the logical and conceptual

5.3 Models Used at Each Level of Representation for Modeling NoSQL Databases
To answer RQ2, attributes were selected from primary studies in accordance with Table 3. The
models used were classified according to the NoSQL database type and the levels of representation
(conceptual, logical, and physical). Table 8 shows the different models used, along with the three
levels of representation in the four categories of NoSQL databases.
From Table 8, we can see that, in general, the models widely used in the process of modeling tra-
ditional databases, ER, EER, and UML, were used in the first level of representation for NoSQL data
modeling as a conceptual model. However, new notations, such as new cardinalities notations [33],

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Table 8. Models and Formats Used in Document-Oriented, Graph, Key-Value and Column NoSQL
Databases by Levels of Representation

Conceptual Logical Physical

New notation based on ER and JSON, Generic Model, MongoDB
Document-Oriented New notation based on UML,
UML, UML, OWL, FCA model
Relational Model
EER, UML, Generic Model, RDF JSON, Generic Model, XMI,
JSON, XML, Neo4j model,
Graphs O-ER, New notation based on ER, New notation based on ER, EER,
Generic Model, OrientDB model
New notation based on ER,
Key-Value JSON Oracle NoSQL model
JSON, new notation based
JSON, Generic Model, XML
UML, New notation based on ER, on UML,
column Cassandra model, Hbase model
ER, OWL Generic Model, XML,
Amazon DynamoDB model
Relational Model, XMI

based on ER and UML, were proposed according to the new features such as, the number of records
by entities, CRUD operations, or system requirements (availability, consistency, or scalability) of
specific NoSQL databases. These new notations, in some cases, mean the creation of new graphics
or the adaption of the model to represent specific new features of a NoSQL database. The W3C
Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a semantic web language designed to represent rich and
complex knowledge about objects and their relationships. Because of this feature, OWL was used
to model in the conceptual level of representation in the four NoSQL databases. In the primary
studies selected, the RDF (Resource Description Framework) standard is used to establish a
conceptual model for graph databases [18]. FCA (Formal Concept Analysis) is a way of deriv-
ing the formal ontology of a group of objects and their properties. FCA is used to define a model
for document-oriented NoSQL databases [64].
Although UML, ER, and EER were defined for the conceptual model, some authors also used
them at the logical level of representation, adding new features and properties to generate new no-
tations based on ER, UML, and EER. Some examples of these adaptations are shown in [29], [43],
and [58]. ER and EER were adapted at this level only for graph databases because of the easy rep-
resentation of graph properties, while the UML diagram class was adapted for document-oriented
and column databases. New schemas were defined at this level also, based on formats such as
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), XMI (XML Metadata Interchange), and CQL (Cassan-
dra Query Language) to bring the data model closer to a specific NoSQL database.
Finally, in the last level of representation (physical), the specific NoSQL database to use is known.
Therefore, to define the schema generally, each NoSQL database offers its schema model according
to the specific features used in the NoSQL database selected. For example, if the NoSQL database
selected is MongoDB, this tool offers a MongoDB schema to define the schema in the last level of
representation; similarly, we have a Neo4j schema or a Cassandra schema, and so on. However, in
many cases, JSON and XML (extensible markup language) formats are used as a basis for mod-
eling data in this level of representation. Additionally, a more detailed table showing the academic
works and models used by the level of representation can be seen in Table 9.

5.4 Context where the Modeling Process Occurs

We extracted the context where the process of data modeling occurred in NoSQL databases. After
analyzing the academic works selected, we classified the contexts as guidelines, process transform,
query oriented, schema generation, evaluation, ontology, benchmark, and migration. Table 10 shows
in detail the academic works selected in our study, classified by the context used to model NoSQL

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Table 9. Academic Works Detailed by Models Used on Levels of Representation

Academic work NoSQL Type Conceptual Logical Physical

Imam et al. [34] document-oriented — — JSON
Akintoye et al. [6] document-oriented, graph — — JSON
Martins de Sousa and del Val Cura [43] graph new based on ER new based on ER —
Vágner [68] graph EER — Neo4j model
Abdelhedi et al. [2] column — — Cassandra and Hbase models
Nogueira et al. [46] document-oriented — — JSON
Hamouda and Zainol [29] document-oriented — new based on UML —
document-oriented, graph,
Abdelhedi et al. [5] — generic model generic model
Imam et al. [36] document-oriented — new based on UML —
Suárez-Otero et al. [61] column ERD new based on UML —
Van Erven et al. [63] graph UML — —
Angles [8] graph generic model — —
Chiş-Raţiu and Buchmann [18] graph RDF — —
Villa et al. [67] graph O-ER — —
Imam et al. [33] document-oriented new based on UML — —
Roy-Hubara et al. [52] graph UML — —
Zhang [70] graph new notation — —
Mior et al. [45] column UML — Cassandra model
document-oriented, graph,
Banerjee and Sarkar [12] new based on ER JSON —
column, key-value
Shin et al. [58] document-oriented UML new based on UML —
Chillón et al. [17] — UML — —
Orel et al. [47] graph — — Neo4j model
Pokorný [49] graph ER — —
Bermbach et al. [13] column ER — —
Lima and Mello [42] document-oriented — new based on UML —
document-oriented, graph,
Banerjee and Sarkar [11] OWL — —
column, key-value
Abdelhedi et al. [3] column — XML —
Varga et al. [64] document-oriented FCA — —
Zhao et al. [72] graph new notation — —
De Lima and Dos Santos Mello [23] document-oriented — new based on UML —
Vera et al. [66] document-oriented new based on UML — —
Li et al. [40] — — new based on UML JSON
Mior [44] column — — Cassandra and Hbase models
Li et al. [41] column — — XML
Sedlmeier and Gogolla [57] graph — new based on UML —
Yoo et al. [69] graph new notation — —
Zhao et al. [71] document-oriented, graph — relational model —
Kaur and Rani [37] document-oriented — new based on UML —
Vajk et al. [62] column — — Amazon DynamoDB model
Schram and Anderson [56] column — OWN —
Santos and Costa [55] column — relational model —
Hewasinghage et al. [32] document-oriented — HeRM model —
Santisteban and Ticona-Herrera [54] graph — new based on ER —
De Virgilio et al. [24] graph O-ER — —
Daniel et al. [20] graph — — Neo4j or OrientDB models
document-oriented, graph MongoDB, Neo4j,
Abdelhedi et al. [4] — UML
column and Cassandra models
document-oriented, graph MongoDB, Neo4j,
Abdelhedi et al. [1] — XMI
column and Cassandra models
Imam et al. [35] document-oriented — — MongoDB models
Shoval [59] graph — UML —
Roy-Hubara et al. [53] graph — UML —
Reniers et al. [51] document-oriented — new notation —
de la Vega et al. [22] document-oriented, column — UML JSON
Varga et al. [65] graph ERD — XML
Bugiotti et al. [15] key-value UML — Oracle NoSQL model

databases. Most of the works proposed data modeling in the context of guidelines and process
The purpose of the benchmark context is to evaluate the performance of a data model based
on query response time. In the evaluation context, a new proposal of data modeling for graph
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116:18 H. Vera-Olivera et al.

Table 10. List of Primary Studies Selected, Classified by the Contexts where
the Process of Data Modeling Occurred in NoSQL Databases

Context Documents
Benchmark [46]
Evaluation [53]
[6], [8], [11], [13], [15], [17], [18], [24], [32], [33], [36], [37], [49], [54],
[58], [61], [63], [64], [65], [66], [68], [71], [72]
Migration [29]
Ontology [11]
[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [12], [20], [22], [23], [41], [42], [43], [44], [47], [51],
Process Transform
[52], [55], [56], [59], [62], [67], [69], [70]
Query Oriented [40]
Schema Generation [34], [35], [45]

databases [53] based on ER was evaluated; the evaluation of this method is by a controlled
experiment. A guideline context is the process of generating a data model from scratch, it could
start on a conceptual or logical level and go on to the physical level. In the migration context, a mi-
gration process from relational databases to a specific NoSQL database is proposed (this includes
data migration), and for that it is necessary to define a data model in a NoSQL database. The only
academic work found on the process of migration (see Table 10) started in the conceptual level of
representation in a relational database (ER diagram) and went on to the logical level of representa-
tion in a document-oriented NoSQL database. In the context of ontologies, a driven meta-model is
proposed to conceptualize data representation independently of any NoSQL database, proposing a
common conceptual level abstraction for NoSQL databases to generate logical or physical schemas.
For this purpose, a formal vocabulary is implemented using the Protégé tool based on the OWL
format. Unlike the context of migration (migration of model and data), a process transformation
in the context of relational and NoSQL databases, transforms a model expressed in most cases in
ER or UML, to a model in a NoSQL database (see Table 10). A model is required as input and, as
output, a model will be obtained in the conceptual, logical, or physical level in NoSQL databases.
In some cases, the process transformation occurs within NoSQL databases, from conceptual to log-
ical or from logical to physical level, for example. The academic work identified in the context of
query-oriented generates a data model and data schema based on the stored data and query require-
ments. The schema generation context generates schemas in the physical model. Three academic
works were found in this context that generate schema for document-oriented and column NoSQL
databases (see Table 10). For this, a list of inputs is required, like system requirement (availability,
consistency, or scalability), CRUD operations, entities, and a number of records.
A distribution of NoSQL databases types along with the contexts where the models were used
is shown in Figure 8. It is immediately clear that the guidelines and process transform contexts
were the most used. In guidelines context, document-oriented and graph NoSQL databases were
the most analysed, while in process transform graphs, column and document-oriented databases
were the most analyzed.

In this section, we will discuss the results obtained in Section 5. For this, general results are shown
and analyzed first, then each research question is analyzed.
As shown in Figure 3, the research in this area started with only a few academic works in 2012,
and from there, many proposals appeared over time until the first semester of 2019. Research into
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Fig. 8. Contexts of data modeling by NoSQL databases types.

data modeling for NoSQL continues to increase. Despite an exhaustive search for data modeling
for NoSQL databases in journals, it was found that more academic works have been published
in conferences than in journals. One of the most important conferences on data modeling is the
“International Conference on Conceptual Modelling - ER ”, while one of the most important journals
for data modeling is “IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering”. Geographically,
most of the research and researchers working in data modeling of NoSQL databases are located
in Europe and Asia (Figure 4), France being the most productive country in researching this area.
According to Tables 6 and 7, France works in collaboration with private companies, research insti-
tutions, and universities. An analysis of co-citation (Figure 5) and bibliographic coupling (Figure 6)
was carried out to identify the most influential authors in data modeling for NoSQL databases.

6.1 Levels of Representation by Methodologies for Modeling NoSQL Databases

Three levels of representation for data modeling were considered to analyze the works, concep-
tual, logical and physical. These three levels are widely used in relational databases but their use
depends on the methodology used in NoSQL databases. When the methodology applied is the
guideline, the conceptual model in most cases was applied with the aim of generalizing the model
so that it could be applied to any NoSQL database [11] or for better representation of the prob-
lem to be modeled, as in [33], for example. For this reason, no academic works were found which
applied to the physical model independently. On the other hand, some academic works preferred
to start the model directly in the logical model. From our point of view, it is better if the problem
to be modeled is identified adequately along with the three levels of representation. To under-
stand a real problem to be modeled, entities, attributes, and relationships should be defined in a
conceptual model. Additionally, features such as system requirements (availability, consistency,
or scalability), number of records by entities, and CRUD operations should be identified. In the
logical level, the category of NoSQL to be used, and how to implement the database should be de-
fined regardless of the NoSQL system, for example, if the document-oriented category is selected,
embedded and/or reference relationships should be defined between entities; or primary key and
partition key should be defined if column category is selected. On the physical level, and accord-
ing to the specific NoSQL system selected, data storage on computers is defined using the specific
tools and formats of the NoSQL system.
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116:20 H. Vera-Olivera et al.

In this way, if a problem is modeled at an initial level of representation as a conceptual model,

it will be easier to get a specific schema for any NoSQL database. When you model at the logical
or physical representation levels, more specific details should be considered for generating the
schema, such as those identified in the conceptual model.

6.2 Models Used at Each Level of Representation for Modeling NoSQL Databases
Table 8 shows the different models used in our primary studies selected in each level of represen-
tation for four categories of the NoSQL databases. According to Shin et al. [58], the models that
can be used at the conceptual level are ER, UML, ORM (Object role Modeling), and FCO-IM
(Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling). According to our mapping study,
additional models were identified, such as OWL, FCA, RDF, OER, and new notations based on ER
and UML. In the logical level of representation, Shin et al. [58] consider as logical models the pro-
cess to develop a logical schema that describes data structured and managed in NoSQL databases.
It is dependent on the category used in the NoSQL database but independent of the NoSQL sys-
tem (software). Additionally these models can make use of more specific formats in every NoSQL
database identified by our mapping study, such as JSON, and XML, as well as relational models,
ER, EER, UML and new notation based on UML and ER. In the last level of representation (phys-
ical representation) Shin et al. [58] consider as models, physical schemas generated by a specific
NoSQL system using formats such as JSON, XML, or generic models. Each NoSQL system has spe-
cific features to be applied in the process of generating the schema to improve availability and
performance. Some NoSQL systems have a specific language to define schemas at the physical
level, such as Cassandra and CQL.
The key-value NoSQL database is the least explored, based on data modeling according to Fig-
ure 7. However, modeling is possible at the first level of representation using the models presented
in Table 8. In the logical level of representation,the only work that presented a proposed for mod-
eling was [12] but is not consolidated yet. In the physical level of the representation, no model
is identified in our mapping study because the database is implemented using the specific data
structure of a target data store, as shown in [15].
On the other hand, in document-oriented NoSQL databases, many proposals were made along
the three levels of representations; therefore, it is possible to model in the three levels. ER, UML,
and new notations based on ER and UML were used to generate schemas. Schemas based on JSON
and XMI formats were proposed also to generate schemas along the three levels of representation.
In the physical level, the schema generated will depend on the technology selected and the format
used to implement the NoSQL database. This is because of the different ways of representing data
to store on computers.
Similarly, in column family NoSQL databases, the conceptual level is used to understand and
represent a problem. For this purpose, UML, ER, OWL and new notations based on ER were used
to generate the conceptual schema. In the logical level, UML, the generic model, and relational
model were used to generate the logical schema. Additionally, CQL language, JSON, XML and
XMI formats were used to generate logical and physical schemas.
Finally, in graph databases, the most used model in the conceptual level is ER which can be used
independently of the tool selected for the next levels. At the logical level, it is possible to use UML
and ER to represent a more detailed schema regardless of any specific tool, but at the physical level,
the schema will depend on the tools selected, for example, Neo4j, infinity Graph, Orient DB, and
so on.
As one moves from a high-level model to a low-level one, the modeling process becomes more
difficult due to the heterogeneity of the NoSQL databases and it will depend on the tool se-
lected for modeling. In addition, operational factors must be taken into account, such as atomicity,
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sharding, indexes, number of records and so on. The number of levels of representation used to
model NoSQL databases will also depend on the methodology selected, in the case of guideline,
for example, it could be recommended to model with the three levels but it will be different if a
process transformation methodology is used.

6.3 Context where the Modeling Process Occurs

Researchers are focusing on two main contexts of modeling NoSQL databases, both guideline for
modeling a NoSQL database from scratch, and process transformation, for transforming relational
database models or a list of requirements into NoSQL data models. Therefore, there are two strong
lines of enquiry, one is trying to understand the problem to be modeled from scratch by consid-
ering new features of specific NoSQL databases and starting modeling in conceptual models. The
other is either transforming models from relational databases to the logical and physical level of
representation (process transform context), or trying to obtain models for the physical level of
representation (schema generation context) from a list of requirements.
For our mapping study, we considered the methods identified in [9] as contexts where the pro-
cess of modeling had occurred. Therefore, new contexts in our mapping study were identified as
we can see in Table 10, they are benchmark, evaluation, migration and schema generation. Addi-
tionally, more academic works were found in addition to the different contexts of modeling already
identified in [9].

6.4 Data Modeling Efforts in the Industrial Area

Due to the strict mapping protocol, when we applied our systematic mapping we only considered
academic works. However, contributions from the industrial area have also been made, mainly in
the development of software for data modeling, for example, Hackolade and KDM [16].
Hackolade is multi-platform visualization software for the data modeling of NoSQL databases.
It allows graphical schema design and physical data modeling, forward and reverse engineering,
schema model comparison, data model documentation, JSON nested objects, polymorphism, JSON
schema editing and persistence [28]. Hackolade is based on entity-relationship, Information En-
gineering notation and JSON schema standards. Currently, the databases and target support are
MongoDB, Couchbase, CouchDB, Elasticsearch, Google Real time Firebase, Google Cloud Fire-
store in document-oriented databases; Neo4j and TinkerPop in graph databases; DynamoDB in
key-value databases and Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase and ScyllaDB in column databases.
The Kashliev Data Modeler (KDM) is a Big Data modeling tool for Apache Cassandra [38]. It
follows the Chetboko data modeling methodology for Cassandra and ensures logical schema. It
applies a query-driven approach, different from Hackolade, KDM offers the entire cycle starting
with a conceptual model and access patterns, in the first level of representation, and ends with a
physical data model. KDM automates time-consuming data modeling tasks, such as conceptual to
logical mapping, logical to physical mapping, physical optimization, and CQL script generation.

6.5 Additional Results

As additional results, we found that the most used tools in the academic works selected were
as shown in Figure 9. In the document-oriented NoSQL databases, one of the most used tools is
MongoDB, one of the fastest-growing and most popular NoSQL databases with documentation and
the support of a large community. For graph NoSQL databases, Neo4j is one of the most used tools,
Neo4j is a high performance read and write scalability tool and, like MongoDB, has documentation
and the support of a large community. For column NoSQL databases, Cassandra and HBase were
the most used tools in the primary studies. Finally, for key-value NoSQL databases, Redis is one of
the most used tools in the academic works selected.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
116:22 H. Vera-Olivera et al.

Fig. 9. Tools used in primary studies selected.

This section addresses threats to validity that arise in the process of the research and actions
to minimize those risks. There are four categories: construct validity, internal validity, external
validity, and conclusions validity.

Construct Validity. A common threat in systematic reviews is that they do not ensure the in-
clusion of all relevant academic works in the field. This risk might arise for different reasons,
such as the keywords defined in titles and abstracts of academic works do not agree with the
keywords defined in 4.1.3 or contributions in the field of data modeling of NoSQL databases are
not indexed in the selected data sources. Accordingly, to minimize the construct validity threats,
the “NoSQL database” and “data model” keywords were established to determine a reliable search
string. Likewise, these initial keywords were combined with “key-value”, “document-oriented”,
“column” and “graph” to cover the largest number of academic works. Additionally, two reputable
and well-known data sources were chosen: ISI Web of Science and Scopus. Although only two
databases were used, the two data sources maximize the number of candidates, since both data
sources index most the of academic works in the most relevant digital libraries, such as IEEE
Xplore, ACM Digital Library, SpringerLink, and ScienceDirect. We included the snowballing tech-
nique, ensuring the inclusion of context articles that have had the biggest impact on our mapping

Internal Validity. Due to a huge number of definitions for the same concept, as well as the ab-
sence of clear descriptions or appropriate objectives and results in some academic works, there is
a clear risk of not covering relevant studies or including unrelated academic works. Such limita-
tions make the application of the exclusion and inclusion criteria difficult, as well as the extraction
of information, objectively and impartially. To minimize mistakes caused by subjective analyses,
we had several meetings to discuss conflicts and define a proper treatment. For example, when
there were doubts about whether or not to include an article (IC-1), an initial meeting between
two authors was held, and the final decision was made with the advisor in another meeting.

External Validity. We consider that industrial, scientific, and academic communities in the data
modeling of NoSQL databases can benefit from this mapping study.

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.
Data Modeling and NoSQL Databases - A Systematic Mapping Review 116:23

Reliability Validity. To maximize reliability, we defined our systematic mapping method, includ-
ing the data source, search string for data sources and systematic mapping implementation, taking
into account that the method must be replicable by any researcher in an objective way. A source of
reliability threat is related to the first exclusion criteria applied according to our selection process
(Figure 2), because the EC-2, EC-5 and EC-6 criteria of exclusion were applied using the filtering
tools of Scopus and Web of Science. Another source of reliability threat concerns the number of
academic works returned in the period of 2008 to the first semester of 2019, our study was done in
early 2019 (March, April). Therefore, some academic works from 2019 were probably not recovered
in our search.

The systematic study performed allows us to map important information and characteristics of
data modeling of NoSQL databases. Although some academic works have been published about
data models for NoSQL databases, no previous systematic reviews had been performed to analyze
academic works published in this area.
As a result of this mapping, 54 primary studies about data modeling for NoSQL databases were
selected from 2008 to the first semester of 2019, including only full academic works published in
conferences and journals. The number of documents found shows that this topic is still growing
slowly but constantly. Our mapping was guided by three research questions to analyze these 54
primary studies. Levels of representation by methodologies for modeling NoSQL databases, models
used at each level of representation for modeling NoSQL databases and contexts where the process
of modeling occurred.
One of the main goals in this mapping review was to ascertain the current trend in the modeling
of the NoSQL databases. Our main conclusion in this regard is that there is not yet a consensus
on the adoption of a standard to model NoSQL databases in a general and specific (document-
oriented, graphs, column and key-value) way. There is no single way or criterion for choosing the
most suitable conceptual model for each NoSQL database, or, similarly, the most suitable logical
and physical models for each NoSQL database. There is no consensus on the use of terms like
“model” or “method” and “phases of representations” or “level of representation”. New features to
model NoSQL databases are not being considered, such as sharding, system requirements (availabil-
ity, consistency or scalability), number of records by entities approximately or CRUD operations.
These features should be considered for generating models.
Models used in relational databases, like UML and ER and the three levels of representations
(conceptual, logical and physical), are being adapted to model NoSQL databases mainly in the
first level of representation, but the number of combinations between levels of representation and
models to model a NoSQL database are generating many new proposals without considering the
real importance of modeling a database.
As for future works, it is recommended to work in a new way to get requirements that capture
new features of NoSQL databases. Capturing these new features can help modelers recognize the
correct needs for database modeling in NoSQL databases. Alternatively, since many proposals were
made about data modeling for NoSQL databases, finding the best one in a specific category of
NoSQL database could be interesting. For this, comparative works should be done according to
some metrics.

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Received December 2019; revised January 2021; accepted March 2021

ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 54, No. 6, Article 116. Publication date: July 2021.

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