Latihan Psas Bahasa Inggris Done

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Choose the best option to answer the questions.
1. Choose the appropriate expression to complete the dialog.
Mina : I cannot concentrate on the lesson today. I'm so hungry.
Yanti : Well, if you had breakfast today . . . .
Mina : Yes, I know that.
a. you won't be very hungry
b. you would be very hungry
c. you wouldn't be very hungry
d. you wouldn't have been very hungry
e. you would have been very hungry
2. Complete the sentence below with the correct form of conditional.
If we ….. (wake up) earlier, we would have reached school. a.
wake up
a. woke up
b. woken up
c. had woken up
d. have woken up
3. Complete the sentence below with the correct form of conditional.
Dinda would buy tens luxury houses if she ….. (win) the lottery.
a. win
b. won
c. wins
d. had win
e. had won
4. Answer the question.
Conditional sentences are statements discussing known factors or hypothetical
situations and their consequences. Conditional sentence consists of two part, they are .
. . and . . .
a. Main part and if part
b. Main clause and If clause
c. Main phrase and if phrase
d. If clause and main phrase
e. If phrase and main clause
5. Read the sentence carefully then answer the question.
If I passed the state university entrance test, My father would buy me a new
It means that . . . .
a. I don’t pass the state university entrance test.
b. I didn’t pass the state university entrance test.
c. I wasn’t passing the state university entrance test.
d. I am not passing the state university entrance test.
e. I was not passing the state university entrance test.
6. Read the text carefully and answer the question.

There are many simple things we can do to prevent global warming. One of them is
by choosing to buy local products rather than imported one, such as vegetables,
fruits, and meat. Local products can be obtained more easily, without the need for a
long distribution chain. The more fuel is saved, the more global warming will be
reduced. In addition, it also helps local farmers and ranchers. You will also get fresh
product than are good for health. Much healthier than eating frozen food or
packaged products. So, from now on start consume fresh local product to reduce
global warming and made you more healthy.

What information do you get from the text? a.

The ways to increase global warming
a. The effects of global warming
b. The ways to prevent global warming
c. The importance of consuming local product
d. Global warming and climate change don't have any relation.
7. Complete the sentence with the appropriate conjunction. . . . of staying up past
midnight, my sister was very tired.
8. a. As a result
a. As
b. So
c. Then
d. Because
9. Read the text carefully then answer the question.
Psychological Trauma at School
I was bullied by my friends at school. This is because I am the son of a baker. My
friends are rich kids. They treat me differently, bad different. I was locked in the
bathroom, they told me to buy lunch and the worst thing was they ever told me to do
all their assignments until mine had not been done. As a result of their actions, I
experienced psychological trauma. I became afraid to meet other people. even though
the incident of bullying was almost 10 years ago. I went to a psychiatrist to treat my
trauma and fear because I had a panic attack.

Which paragraph that shows the relation of cause and effect?

a. 1
a. 2&3
b. 1&3
c. 3
d. 2
10. Answer the question by reading the dialog.
Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The sentence in italic is . . .
a. Expressions of cause and effect
b. Asking for Help
c. Refusing help
d. Offering help
e. Conditional Sentence
11. Complete the dialog below.
Bob: Sony, will you give me that book?
Sony: Sure, . . .
a. I don’t want to
b. I am busy today
c. I will
d. I will not
e. I have not
12. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.
Jay : . . .
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Just don’t answer it.
a. Let’s stop studying and go playing.
b. Would you like a cup of coffee?
c. Let me help you work on it.
d. I can come to your house
13. Complete the following dialog.
Liz : I’m very thirsty. May:
a. Should I bring you a bottle of sauce?
b. Should I bring you a bowl of noodles?
c. Should I bring you a glass of fresh water?
d. Should I bring you a can of soup?
e. Should I bring you a plate of rice?
14. Read the dialog carefully and answer the question.
Nephew : “Where are doing Uncle?”
Uncle : “I’m waiting Taxi?”
Nephew : “By the way, What can I do for you Uncle?”
Uncle : “Please call the taxi”
Nephew : “OK. I will call it for you? By the way, Where do you go Uncle?”
Uncle : “I will go to work”
(a few minutes the taxi came)
Nephew : “Can I bring the bag?”
Uncle : “Yes, please. Thanks in advance”
Nephew : “Don’t mention it. Take care Uncle”

Fron the text we know that Uncle . . .

a. He has to go to the office
a. He sees his in nephew
b. He needs it in hurry
c. He gets sick
d. He come back from office
15. Complete the following sentence with the correct conjunction.
I didn’t bring any money, . . . I couldn’t buy anything there.
a. since
a. as a result
b. therefore
c. then
d. because
16. The only real difference in deciding whether to use first or second conditional is the
speaker's opinion about the probability of the situation. This conditional is possible
and could really happen. This conditional is possible and could really happen. What
type does the sentence?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
17. If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Japan.
What type does the conditional sentence above?
a. 0
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
18. Upin: I have a lot of things to do. I'm confused which one to do first.
Ipin : . . . .
What is the best expression to complete the dialog? a.
Where should we go?
a. When can you do that?
b. What can I do for you?
c. How do you do?
d. How are you?
19. Ronald: You look so busy, . . . .
Marry: No, thank you. I can handle them.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is . . . a.
I will leave you
a. Would you like some help?
b. Do you want to help me?
c. Sure, I would like to
d. Yes, please
20. Read the dialog carefully.
Ari : Why are you so sad?
Ira : I lost my pet, she has been missing for a whole day.
Ari : You mean your kitty?
Ira : Yes.
What makes Ira so sad?
a. She lost her kitty
a. Her kitty was dead
b. She could get a kitty
c. She did not have a pet animal
d. She was not allowed to get a kitty
21. Read the dialog below then answer the question.
Man : You look very happy. Is it good news?
Woman : Yeah… Guess what? I passed the SNMPTN.
Man : Oh really? That’s awesome! What faculty?
Woman : Medical faculty of Indonesian University.
Man : Wow! Marvelous. You’re going to study to become a doctor. You’ve
deserve it, because you’ve been working hard.
Why was the woman look happy?
a. She has been on the news
a. She has been accepted at medical faculty
b. She has become a doctor
c. She deserves to study hard
d. She didin’t make it.
22. Read the text below then answer the question.
Woman : What’s wrong mike? You look terrible.
Man : I have a terrible cough. I couldn’t sleep last night.
Woman : You should stop smoking. I’m sure, you’ll feel better soon.
Man : Maybe you’re right, this must be because of smoking.
What are they talking about?
a. Something wrong
a. A terrible cough
b. A problem to sleep
c. How to stop smoking
d. The effect of smoking
23. Complete the conditional sentence below with the appropriate verb.
If I advise her about travelling by plane with children, . . . to me?
a. will she listen
b. she will listen
c. would she listen
d. she would listen
e. is she listen
24. As a result of heavy rain, we canceled the camping event. In Indonesian, the sentence
above means . . .
a. Sebagai hasil dari hujan lebat, kami tidak jadi pergi berkemah.
b. Karena hujan sangat lebat, kami membatalakan acara berkemah.
c. Karena hujan lebat, kami jadi pergi berkemah.
d. Gara-gara hujan kami tidak jadi berkemah.
e. Hasil dari hujan lebat kami tidak jadi berkemah.

25. Read the text below and answer the question. I’m not an active smoker, but people
around me are smokers. I am a passive smoker because I often inhale cigarette
smoke. I thought it was a natural thing until I finally felt short of breath. I was taken e
the hospital because I could barely breathe. The doctor suggested a check-up and
found cancer cells in the lungs. The doctor said that it was the result of frequent
inhalation of cigarette smoke. Even though I am a passive smoker who must bear the
consequences of those who smoke.
What is the suitable topic of the text?
a. How to become a passive smoker.
b. The effect of inhaling cigarette smokes
c. The effect of a passive smoker
d. The result of inhalation of cigarette smoke.
e. Smoking cigarette can relieve stress
26. Tom: This question is so difficult to answer.
Jay : . . .
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. Just don’t answer it.
a. Let’s stop studying and go playing.
b. Would you like a cup of coffee?
c. Let me help you work on it.
d. I can come to your house

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