Expanded Syndicates
Expanded Syndicates
Expanded Syndicates
Expanded Syndicates
Common Criminals Syndicates
Bandits tend to be the most common criminal in any society. Members of syndicates are involved in organized crime often
Many are simply ordinary people who have taken this path in the form of thieves guilds or crime rings. These
due to a wide variety of causes such as bad luck, war, poverty, organizations have numerous contacts through all levels of
or simply because they had the power to do so. society trading information, currency, goods, and services to
those who pay the right price.
Bandit Raider
Bandit raiders tend to rely on numbers and intimidation to Guild Rogue
get what they want. Although they lack training and skill, they These individuals are the foot soldiers of most syndicates
make up for it with the element of surprise and numbers to acting as their eyes and ears on the streets. They prefer to
overwhelm their enemies. fight on their own terms using numbers, their knowledge of
their surroundings; and the element of surprise to their
Bandit Burgular advantage.
Bandit burglars prefer to stealthily acquire treasure rather
than use violence. When confronted, they'll typically only Street Mage
engage long enough for them to make their escape. However, These individuals use their arcane talents for deception and
if they outnumber their opponents they can prove to be quite misdirection. As a result, they are an extremely versatile
deadly. member of any crime ring. Also they have several offensive
capabilities, they are especially effective at using their
Bandit Thug abilities to find contacts, swindle the naive, and blackmail
Bandit thugs often serve as the muscle or for criminals using rivals.
their strength smash through reinforced doors and vaults
that protects valuable goods. Guild Thief
These individuals excel at the art of burglary. Syndicates
Bandit Mage employ these individuals during heists to efficiently acquire
Bandit mages are individuals who have acquired a basic their prize. In combat, the thief has a number of tools to
knack for spellcasting, using their abilities to intimidate enable them to make a quick escape only engaging if there is
others to get what they want. Due to their limited arcane skill, no other alternative.
they rely on the element of surprise or distractions from their
allies to defeat more capable opponents. Arcane Collector
These individuals are often the masterminds behind entire
Bandit Enforcer crime rings. Due to their extensive connections and
Enforcers typically are a standard above the common bandit. knowledge, they have acquired a vast array of artifacts at their
These individuals often are hired as bodyguards to escort disposal.
crime bosses or to make a show of force against rivals. They Their affinity for such rare artifacts has granted them keen
excel at hand to hand combat using their iron grip to prevent knowledge of their hoard. In combat, they can prove to be
their opponent's escape extremely dangerous and unpredictable opponents as they
unleash their full magical arsenal to defend themselves.
Renegade However, the hardest part about fighting an arcane
Renegades are individuals who combine their criminal wit collector is actually getting to them in the first place; it is
with their charismatic charm. These individuals often are nearly impossible to track these individuals down unless one
able to organize unruly bandits to work towards a sustainable has insider knowledge from the syndicate, not to mention the
goal beyond simple ambushes l. As a result, they are known collector would have a number of protections and wards
to use tactics such as holding towns hostage for tribute under against their treasure.
the threat of a raid. When using the arcane collector statblock, its equipment is
Thief Lord equivalent to +3 generic weapons and armor. You can build
Some criminals have gained a legendary and oftentimes your arcane collector how you see fit add any additional
notorious reputation for their exploits. Despite their renown, effects their magic items may possess.
their true identity is often shrouded by a number of aliases. Due to the wide variety of magic items and their varying
Although many are known to lead multiple bands of strengths, the challenge rating of the Arcane collector. A good
criminals, they are known as a source of inspiration for guideline for gauging their strength is to increase their
criminals far beyond their reach. challenge rating by 2 or 3 if they are equipped with 6 items of
At times, these individuals have been known to be popular equal or greater strength to a +3 generic armor or weapon.
enough among the masses to lead rebellions or provide aid in
times of crisis or oppression.
Bandit Raider Bandit Burglar
Medium Humanoid, varies
Medium Humanoid, varies
Armor Class 14 (Leather Armor)
Armor Class 13 (Leather Armor) Hit Points 23 (4d8+4)
Hit Points 23 (4d8+4) Speed 30ft.
Speed 30ft.
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Bandit Thug Bandit Mage
Medium Humanoid, varies
Medium Humanoid, varies
Armor Class 14 (Leather Armor)
Armor Class 14 (Breastplate Armor) Hit Points 23 (4d8+4)
Hit Points 27 (4d8+8) Speed 30ft.
Speed 30ft.
Actions Spellcasting
The bandit mage is an 4th level spellcaster. Its
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5ft, one spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 12,
target. Hit: 5 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage +4 to hit with spell attacks). The bandit mage has
Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, the following spells prepared:
100/400ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8+2) piercing Cantrips(At will) Firebolt, Minor Illusion, Mage Hand,
damage Message, Prestidigitation
1st Level Spells (4/long rest) Charm Person, Burning
Hands, Identify, Sleep
2nd Level Spells (3/long rest) Invisibility, Knock,
Suggestion, Wristpocket
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, 5ft, one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4+2) piercing damage
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Renegade Enforcer
Medium Humanoid, varies
Medium Humanoid, varies
Armor Class 14 (Breastplate)
Armor Class 18 (Leather Armor) Hit Points 51 (6d8+18)
Hit Points 51 (6d8+12) Speed 30ft.
Speed 40ft.
Actions Actions
Multiattack The enforcer can make two attacks with
Multiattack The renegade can make three scimitar its morningstar It can substitute any number of
attacks. Alternatively, it can make two crossbow these attacks for a heavy crossbow attack
Maorningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft,
Scimitar Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5ft, one one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage
target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) slashing damage
Heavy Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, 5ft, one 100/400ft, one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+3) piercing
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+3) piercing damage damage
Uncanny Dodge When the renegade is hit with an
attack, it can use its reaction to take half damage
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Guild Rogue
Medium Humanoid, varies
Multiattack The guild rogue can make two attacks with
their knife. It can substitute any number of these
attacks for a hand crossbow attack
Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, 5ft, one target.
Hit: 6 (1d4+3) piercing damage
Hand Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
30/120ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage
Uncanny Dodge When the guild rogue is hit with an
attack, it can use its reaction to take half damage
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Hired Killers Mercenaries
Many guilds and crime rings employ hired killers to take out Bounty hunters and bounty mages are individuals who
rivals or to fulfill contracts for clients. These mercenaries specialize in finding and taking down targets for clients
have perfected the art of death seeking to kill their opponent (either dead or alive).
quickly and silently.
Bounty Hunter and Bounty Mages
Assassins Most mercenaries tend to be largely objective, lending their
Assassins are extremely patient combatants only engaging at services to those who pay the most. However, it is not
the perfect opportunity and will never engage in a prolonged uncommon for those individuals to be regularly hired under a
fight. If they are unable to slay their foes within a matter of specific individual or organization.
seconds they will attempt to make a quick escape. Although many mercenaries have been known to work
alone, a lot of them tend to work in small groups of 4(1d6) on
Faceless challenging contracts to ensure the job is easily completed
Faceless assassins are the masters of disguise. They are
known to carefully study their targets and their Bounty Hunter
acquaintances in order to get close enough for a killing blow. Bounty hunters tend to be patient opponents seeking to find
Their special training even allows them to shield their mind as much information they can about their opponent and then
against effects that would blow their cover. devising a plan to target their weakness. The more
information they are able to acquire, the easier their task
Nightblade becomes.
Night blades have mastered the art of camouflage to avoid In general, bounty hunters and bounty mages tend to be
detection. They are at their strongest during the night very versatile in their skillset. Firstly, that makes them more
capable of seemingly walking up upon their quarry virtually lucrative to potential clients and it also enables them to
unseen. handle nearly any challenge. However, the one downside to
many bounty hunters is that many times, they will back out of
Venomblade a bounty if the price is not worth the risk or involves more
These assassins specialize in using various toxins to that what they were paid.
debilitate their target these poisons are crafted to be
especially effective against any creature and can be tailored
to weaken their opponents according to their specific
strengths .
Snipers have mastered the ability to eliminate foes from long
distances. Thanks to their keen vision and stealthy tactics,
they are able to fire on their unsuspecting opponent without
revealing their position.
Mage Spy
These individuals have mastered the ability to find
information for their clients. As their goal is primarily to
acquire intel or track a target, they only engage long enough
to make a quick escape. However their primary weapon is to
rely on deceit and subterfuge to evade detection or
confrontation by erasing their very presence from one's
Mage Assassin
Mage assassins are just as lethal as their martial
counterparts. Once targeted by these mages, there is no
escaping their gaze except by planar travel. If possible, the
mage prefers to stealthily eliminate its opponent using their
ability to silently cast spells even while being in another
room. If their cover is blown, they have an arsenal of
enchantment spells to confuse their enemy long enough for
them to either finish the job or to make a hasty retreat.
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Assassin Variants
Challenge Rating Increases by 2
Potent Toxin When the assassin deals poison
False Persona The assassin's thoughts can't be read damage, it can ignore resistance and immunity when
by telepathy or other means unless it allows it. It can dealing poison damage or saving against the
present false thoughts by making a Charisma poisoned condition.
(Deception) check contested by the mind reader's
Wisdom (Insight) check. Magic cannot compel it to Potent Poison (3/day)
speak the truth and always indicates that it is The assassin can use its bonus action to coat a
truthful unless it chooses not to. weapon with poison. The next time it hits a creature
with a weapon attack, the target must succeed a DC
Numerous Forms(1/short rest) The assassin can its 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving
appearance and voice. The assassin can change its throw, the target takes 28(8d6) poison damage and
appearance to match a humanoid it has seen is poisoned for one minute.
including features such as coloration, appearance of
gender, and hair length. However, it cannot change On a successful saving throw, creatures take half
its height, weight, or acquire significant biological damage and are not poisoned. Creatures poisoned
features it would otherwise its appearance, such as in this manner can repeat its saving throw at the end
horns, additional limbs, or tails. However minor of each of its turns ending it upon a success.
features such as pointed ears, eye color, or
Poisoned creatures suffer one of the following
sharpened teeth can be imitated. It also acquires
effects depending on the poison.
clothing appropriate to its form. You stay in the new
form until you use an action to revert to your true Mage Bane While poisoned, a creature cannot cast
form or until you die. spells for the duration of the effect.
Mimicry The assassin can mimic sounds it has heard, Pulsing Toxin While poisoned, a creature takes
including voices. A creature that hears the sounds 14(4d6) poison damage at the start of each of its
the assassin makes can tell they are imitations with turns.
a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by its Withering Toxin While poisoned, a creature cannot
Charisma (Deception) check.
recover hitpoints for the duration.
Misdirection If the assassin is hit with an attack
while within 5ft. of another creature, it can use its
reaction to cause that creature to take damage
Challenge Rating Increases by 1
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D8 Plot Hook Syndicate Motives Example
These organizations are one of the largest of all crime
factions. These syndicates have considerable resources A scheming archfey has brutally slain rival crime
Crime rivaling that of governments. They brutally crush and lords absorbing their followers into their massive
Empire absorb other crime factions under their banner. Even the syndicate. This conquest is all part of their quest
most powerful of governments are scared to push to rule the crime underworld.
against these organizations.
Some crime rings have grown powerful enough to create A pirate cove demands tribute from those who
Crime their own effective government or society. Such areas pass though their waters. They maintain a strict
Haven are typically ruled by a careful balance among numerous code of honor between numerous pirate factions
crime guilds. and will hunt down those who betray this code.
A gold dragon emperor has a secret order of
These secretive factions have dedicated themselves to
assassins and mages that act as the true eyes and
the arts of assassination and death. Only the wealthiest
Death ears of the throne.. Their primary goal is
2 of clients can afford to hire these individuals. However
Order protecting their ruler from scheming nobles and
once hired, their quarry is as good as found (dead or
to seek and destroy any major threat to their
master's plans.
These organizations typically precede the arrival of a war
A green dragon uses a network of spies and
or large scale attack. These individuals are secret agents
assassins to infiltrate a nearby megalopolis. Their
to find information about a cities or nations defenses
3 Intel Force goals are to disable the city's arcane defenses so
and vulnerabilities. If possible, they have been known to
the dragon can teleport her yuan-ti armies in the
cause chaos by eliminating prominent figures of power
midst of the city.
or key defenses.
Numerous bandit camps in the region have been
robbing numerous caravans and settlements over
Numerous bands of criminals and vagabonds have
Lord of the past few months. Each raid is marked with the
4 become much more organized under the banner of a
Thieves emblem of the Thief King. They have grown more
rising crime lord.
bold holding towns hostage underneath the
banner of this figure.
In some circumstances, various criminal factions A guild of thieves operate in the city slums
conduct illegal activities on behalf of the common protecting the innocent from other crime lords
5 people, typically stealing from the rich and powerful. and corrupt law enforcement. However, they are
This often puts them at odds with governments who see being hunted down by both law enforcement and
them a revolutionists or terrorists. crime guilds do to their vigilante antics.
A large crime syndicate silently pulls the strings of
These crime syndicates control local politics and even numerous cities within a region. All the ruling
6 entire cities through bribes, blackmail, and corruption of figures are puppets placed by the syndicate. Any
power. rivals or challengers to their rule are mysteriously
found dead.
These crime syndicates maintain a vast network across A scheming archfey has brutally slain rival crime
Smuggling the entire nations or even continents that is capable of lords absorbing their followers into their massive
Mogul acquiring and transporting items and even creatures syndicate. This conquest is all part of their quest
undetected with ease. to rule the crime underworld.
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Art Credits
Cover Art: Chasestone
Special Thanks
Thanks to
to the
the following
following Patrons
Jacob S.
Jacob S.
Razi R.
Razi R.
Tallon M.
Tallon M.
Captain Blackwood
Captain Blackwood
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This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.