Future Proofing Tomorrows Accounting Graduates

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AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.

3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

Graduates: Skills, Knowledge and Employability

Michelle Anne O'Shea1, Dorothea Bowyer 2, Gina Ghalayini 3


The future of work has generated robust debate among governments, industry, academics and social
commentators. The intensity of these debates has extended to the accounting profession. Accordingly,
and drawing on the experiences and interpretations of accounting professionals, tertiary students, and
academics involved in a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experience, the present research
problematises tensions and gaps between employer skill and knowledge expectations and student
interpretations of what employers want. The research unpacks how tertiary curriculum development
and learning, and teaching practice innovations can meet employer skill and knowledge expectations.
Key findings include students interpreting that highly developed technical skills and grades would
enhance their post-degree employability. In contrast and problematically, employers were seeking
graduates with highly developed soft skills. The research findings have significant implications for
graduate employability and can inform contemporary tertiary accounting curriculum development.

JEL classification: M40

Keywords: Employability, soft skills, work-integrated learning, curriculum development

Western Sydney University, Australia
Western Sydney University, Australia
Western Sydney University, Australia

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

1. Introduction

1. Introduction
The present research's timeliness and unique contribution is underpinned by the significant
changes expected to shape work and the accounting profession more specifically. The speed
and pervasiveness of technological advancements and their allied impact on the profession
continue to receive increased academic and industry attention (Kotb 2019).
Previously acknowledged important technological developments shaping the
accounting profession, such as those arising from the US Pathways Commission 2015
Technology Task Force, include the identification of twenty-five priority technologies
comprising electronic spreadsheets, business intelligence and analytics technologies. More
recently and further underpinning changes to accounting practice, blockchain distributed ledger
and dynamic business analytics metrics (Al-Htaybat, von Alberti-Alhtaybat & Alhatabat 2018,
p.334) are reshaping the accounting profession. These changes are placing new and complex
demands on accrediting institutions such as universities.
Notwithstanding these innovations and other changes relevant to globalisation and the
enhanced competitiveness of domestic and international labour markets (Mohamed & Lashine
2003) research points to the continued and rising importance for the accounting profession of
soft skills (Fouché 2013; Williams, Horner & Allen 2019). Indeed, Deloitte Australia’s 2019
Report ‘The path to prosperity: Why the future of work is human’, postulates how automation
of routine jobs and tasks will both curtail and enable opportunities. New work and skills are
hypothesised as including, among others, interpersonal capabilities and creativity. These trends
are conceived of as ‘liberating’ rather than ‘alarming’ as the “boring, repetitive work will be
done by robots, leaving the more challenging and interesting work for humans” (Deloitte
Australia 2019, p. ii).

1.1 Knowledge gaps and the study’s objectives

Given contemporary developments and hypothesised work futures, the importance of
soft skills development among accounting graduates remains salient and is the focus of the
present research. While scholars have previously identified the importance of these skills,
persistent gaps and definitional and conceptual debates remain. Noting the problematic gaps
between accounting graduate skills and the knowledge and professional skills accounting
demands, Fouché (2013) renews calls to fundamentally change accounting education practice.
Very recently and reflecting the present study’s research focus, Williams, Horner & Allen
(2019) identified the need to ‘move accounting students towards deeper learning approaches
and understandings’ (p.333).
Deep approaches to learning are underpinned by the suggestion that students learn
through understanding. Work-integrated learning experiences (WIL) are seen as especially
valuable contexts in which to facilitate this deep learning and critically contribute to enhanced
graduate employability (Rowe & Zegwaard, 2017). Through these pedagogical approaches,
students are encouraged to seek out understanding through engaging with real work contexts,
enquiry and questioning. The idea of relatedness strongly connects with the value of WIL
frameworks as students are provided with opportunities to learn in applied contexts. A growing
body of research explores the utility of both deep-level and work-integrated learning
approaches in accounting education. Central to this learning and teaching approach are
opportunities and resources from which students can draw on to critically reflect on their
experiences. By thinking reflexively about their assumptions and practices in the workplace
surface level learning can be deepended and collaborative, responsive and ethical ways of
working in and manging organisations might be valued and enabled (Ripamonti et al 2018).

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

Consistent with the changing future of work, tertiary institutions and their remits
continue to evolve. Universities are under increasing pressure to produce work-ready graduates
who are able to navigate ongoing change and enhanced uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic
and allied economic and societal effects further underscore this uncertainty and disruption.
In reference to tertiary graduates and WIL, a 2015 Graduate Careers Australia Outlook
survey report suggested that all degree programs introduce work-integrated learning within
their courses. This necessity was especially pronounced for graduates from disciplines such as
accounting who were found to be ‘less job ready’ (p.25) than students from other professions.
Notwithstanding the establishment of national accounting learning standards, the
purpose of which is to elevate the standing and credibility of accounting as a profession and
discipline, accounting education continues to be criticised for producing graduates who are ill
equipped to meet existing and emerging industry demands and employer needs (Williams,
Horner & Allen 2019). For example, Bayerlein and Timpson’s (2017) analysis of the alignment
between accredited undergraduate accounting degrees and the profession’s minimum
educational expectations revealed inconsistencies and lack of alignment. In line with the
present study’s focus on soft skills development through work integrated learning experiences,
accounting students lacked skills and knowledge relevant to communication, teamwork and
self-management. Among the study cohort their ability to apply skills and exercise judgment
were also wanting.
While acknowledging the conceptual complexities relevant to how work readiness and
post degree employability is understood the intersections between tertiary curricula and work
increasingly intersect. Work-integrated learning (WIL) is considered instrumental in equipping
new graduates with the required employability skills to function effectively in the work
environment (Jackson 2015, p. 350). Moreover, and drawing on Jackson and Collings (2018)
conceptualisations, work integrated learning is a vital context through which the shared
responsibility among employers, higher education providers and students is embraced for
developing career-ready graduates who can make an impactful contribution to contemporary
work environments.
In line with this view the present research is underpinned by the conception that a work
integrated learning framework can enable the development of deep level learning which
connects with the development of soft skills including but not limited to problem solving,
decision making, collaboration, initiative and enterprise.
Accounting students enrolled in WIL-engaged units at an Australian public university
were chosen as the most appropriate sample for this study as they were exposed to a ‘hands on’
project experience that required them to embrace, become aware of and extend their existing
project management skills and meet specified and mutually agreed client deliverables. This
WIL experience was designed and facilitated by the academic to mirror a work-based
consultancy. That is, students attended off-site project briefings; lodged tenders to apply for
particular projects and had to nominate their role on the consulting team. Proceeding this
nomination process and consultancy team development multiple client “check-in” sessions
facilitated client-student interactions. During these sessions project milestones were reviewed,
and formalised timely feedback from their industry partner was received. Through industry
supervisor guidance and mentorship, students undertook primary data collection, analysis and
reporting. Accordingly, meeting deadlines, being responsible for time management and
effective group collaboration was also monitored.
Given their important societal role universities are arguably expected to lead the way
as the accounting landscape changes. By understanding stakeholder perceptions and
experiences in the mentioned WIL learning experience, the present research in part contributes
to this theoretical and practical end by answering the following research questions:

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

1. What professional skills and knowledge do accounting stakeholders (industry, students,

academics) prioritise and perceive as necessary for career readiness?
Having identified the nature of professional skills and knowledge perceptions a further
research question is proposed:
2. How do accounting practitioners (employers), students and academics perceive that
necessary professional skills and knowledge are advanced through tertiary accounting
degree programmes?

2. Literature Review
2.1 Soft Skills: Definitional complexities and understanding
While aspects of the accounting profession such as compliance work declines and transactional
activities are automated these changes are simultaneously placing greater importance on skills
and knowledge that draw on highly developed soft skills such as communication, analytical
capabilities, change readiness and strategy development.
Broadly, and arising from existing research soft skills can be conceived of as the
interpersonal and social skills, including the behaviours and attitudes, which influence how
people interact with others and their career success (Matteson, Anderson & Boyden 2016;
Robles 2012; Tan & Laswad 2018). The term “soft skills” differs between countries and it has
been used interchangeably with terms such as non-technical skills, generic skills, personal
transferrable skills or employability skills (Clayton et al. 2003; Tempone et al. 2012; Watty,
Jackling & Wilson 2014).
Despite the wide range of terms and conceptualisations drawn on to describe these
skills, they can be viewed as critical behavioral skills required in all workplaces. The most
common skills cited in the literature include interpersonal skills, teamwork skills,
communication skills, problem solving skills and professionalism. While technical skills have
been referred to as hard skills or discipline based skills (Tran 2016) which are required to
perform a particular job, soft skills are seen to have the attribute of transferability (Freudenberg,
Brimble & Cameron 2011), that is they go beyond disciplinary or technical skills which can
become dated, soft skills can be transferred across different disciplines and into new career
paths (Kavanagh & Drennan 2008).
With shifts away from traditional accountancy work, mostly overtaken by automation,
towards more business advisory or consultancy activities (Gardner 2017), accountants have
increased expectations to possess soft skills and a diverse range of competencies to complement
their technical knowledge. Researchers O’Connell et al (2015) hypothesise how graduate
accountants will be increasingly called upon to comprehend and interpret data. Graduates will
need to interrogate report preparedness and analyse results. Advice and recommendation for
value creation together with an ability to be “effective communicators, negotiators and conflict
managers in different contexts” (O’Connell et al. 2015, p.57) will persist.
Notwithstanding this elevated focus on soft skills, studies have shown a disparity
between the skills graduates feel they have gained at university and those required for career
progression compared to the skills that industry are expecting from graduates (Jackling & De
Lange 2009).

2.2 Employability: the demands and expectations within the accounting profession
Job advertisements provide a valid representation of the knowledge, skills and
competencies accounting employers require (Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016). They show that
employers placed greater emphasis on soft skills in their advertisements. The most commonly
cited soft skills were communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills (Dunbar, Laing &
Wynder 2016).

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

Jackling & De Lange’s (2009) investigation of graduate and employer perspectives

relating to the importance of technical and generic skills developed during tertiary accounting
courses found that, although both graduates and employers acknowledged the importance of
technical (or ‘hard’) skills, a gap existed between the skills acquired at university as perceived
by accounting graduates and the skills expected by employers. This gap has been referred to as
the “expectation gap” (Freudenberg et al. 2011; Low et al. 2016; Yap 2012) and in part frames
the study findings and conclusions. In particular, interpersonal skills, teamwork, verbal
communication and leadership skills were consistently rated most highly among employers
(Jackling & De Lange 2009).
Given the importance of soft skill expectations, employers increasingly expect that
universities play a major role in developing the soft skills that will produce professional work
ready graduates (Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson et al. 2017; Low et al. 2016). As a first step
toward better understanding and enabling soft skills development among tertiary accounting
students, a tabulated literature-derived Soft Skill Competencies Platform is provided that
describes the meaning of the sift-skills discussed in this paper.

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 O’Shea, Bowyer & Ghalayini | Future Proofing Tomorrow’s Accounting

Table 1: Soft Skill Competencies Platform

Soft Skill Competencies Literature Reference

People skills; ability to secure outcomes through (Bolli & Renold 2017; Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Freudenberg, Brimble & Cameron 2011; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackling &
interacting with people De Lange 2009; Low et al. 2016; Stanley 2017; Tan & Laswad 2018; Tempone et al. 2012)
Working effectively with others and contributing to (Bolli & Renold 2017; Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackling & De Lange 2009; Jackson 2013; Jackson
Teamwork a respectful, supportive and cooperative & Chapman 2012; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Low et al. 2016; Pernsteiner 2015; Ritter et al. 2018; Stephenson 2017; Tan
environment & Laswad 2018; Tempone et al. 2012; Vogler et al. 2018)
Giving and receiving feedback, public speaking, (Bolli & Renold 2017; Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Freudenberg, Brimble & Cameron 2011; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackling &
participating in meetings; ability to present, discuss De Lange 2009; Jackson 2013; Jackson & Chapman 2012; Keevy 2016; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Low et al. 2016;
and defend views Pernsteiner 2015; Stephenson 2017; Tan & Laswad 2018; Tempone et al. 2012; Vogler et al. 2018; Yap 2012)
(Bolli & Renold 2017; Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Freudenberg, Brimble & Cameron 2011; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson &
Written Presenting knowledge and ideas in a professional,
Chapman 2012; Keevy 2016; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Low et al. 2016; Pernsteiner 2015; Tan & Laswad 2018; Tempone
communication clear and structured written format
et al. 2012; Vogler et al. 2018; Yap 2012)
Completing tasks through discussion, problem (Jackson & Chapman 2012; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Ritter et al. 2018; Rowe & Zegwaard 2017; Smith, Ferns & Russell
solving and planning, listening 2016; Tan & Laswad 2018; Vogler et al. 2018)
(Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Freudenberg, Brimble & Cameron 2011; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson 2013; Jackson &
Problem solving/ Reasoning, analysing, diagnosing, evaluating and
Chapman 2012; Keevy 2016; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Low et al. 2016; Pernsteiner 2015; Smith, Ferns & Russell 2016;
decision making making predictions
Stephenson 2017; Tan & Laswad 2018; Tempone et al. 2012; Yap 2012)
Self-management/ Perception and appraisal of oneself in terms of (Bridgstock 2009; Freudenberg, Brimble & Cameron 2011; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson 2013; Jackson & Chapman 2012; Tan
self-awareness abilities, values, goals and interests & Laswad 2018; Tempone et al. 2012)

Initiative and entrepreneurship, creativity, managing change and (Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson 2013; Jackson & Chapman 2012; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Tempone et al. 2012; Vogler
enterprise demonstrating flexibility et al. 2018)
(Bolli & Renold 2017; Crebert et al. 2004; Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Howieson et al. 2014; Jackson 2013, 2017; Jackson &
Time management, organisation, autonomy,
Professionalism Chapman 2012; Keevy 2016; Levant, Coulmont & Sandu 2016; Pernsteiner 2015; Smith, Ferns & Russell 2016; Tan & Laswad
multitasking, prioritising and completing tasks
2018; Tempone et al. 2012; Yap 2012)
Influence, motivate and inspire individuals and (Dunbar, Laing & Wynder 2016; Jackling & De Lange 2009; Jackson 2013; Stephenson 2017; Tempone et al. 2012; Vogler et al.
groups to achieve results 2018)

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Ado, Rashid, Mustapha & Ademola | Audit Quality and Creative Accounting

3. Methodology
As previously established, by drawing on the experiences and interpretations of accounting industry
practitioners, students and academics the present study identifies and explores the contemporary
skills and knowledge required and valued by these key accounting industry stakeholders. Arising
from this understanding, similarities and differences within and between stakeholder group
perceptions are identified, analysed and discussed. The research questions driving the study aims
are as follows:
1. What professional skills and knowledge do accounting stakeholders (industry, students, and
academics) prioritise and perceive as necessary for career readiness when referring to the
identified skills and knowledge perceptions?
2. How do accounting practitioners (employers), students and academics perceive that priority
professional skills and knowledge are advanced through tertiary accounting degree
The primary data sources were interviews and focus groups which allowed the identification of
gaps within and between employer graduate expectations, students’ interpretations of what
employers want and contemporary tertiary curriculum and practice. Figure 2 illustrates the number
of participants, the sampling technique and how the views of all three stakeholder groups are

****Table 2 about here****

Table 2: Post degree employability skills and knowledge linkages

The analysis was structured by the concepts: soft skills and post-degree employability. The
Leximancer qualitative data mining software package was used to examine the transcripts to
discover the presence, frequency, strength, and definition of key concepts from all the data sets to
seek the language used regarding soft skills and employability expectations. The researchers
deemed it appropriate for the data analysis due to Leximancers ability to portray individual data
sets to assist with conceptual and thematic analyses. All stakeholders were asked to reflect
on the characteristics and meanings they attributed to the term soft skills. For the first stage of
analysis, pivot tables were created using frequency analysis in Excel to rank the skills that the three
stakeholder groups perceived to be most important, as well as the top 3 requirements to be
employable, were also identified as guided by the set of interview questions asking the participants
about their perceptions of employability skills. Stakeholder responses from questions relating to
graduate employability formed the second phase of the analysis. An interpretative paradigm
assisted with the data analysis of the interview transcripts. The conceptual maps were created to
give a visual representation of the results and assist the authors in interpreting the data sets when
analysed separately using the Leximancer 4.51 qualitative data mining software. A thematic and
AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Nanayakkara & Colombager | Does compliance to Green Bond Principles matter?

relational analysis was performed to identify themes, similarities/differences between stakeholders

based on the identified concepts. This approach facilitated a multi-source comparative
consideration of the three stakeholder groups’ namely the students, employer (industry), and
academics to inform how active learning initiatives embedding soft skill development could be the
answer to prepare students for the accounting profession in the future work environment.
4. Findings and Discussion
Accounting, like other professionals, has and continues to experience profound change (Fouché
2013; Williams, Horner & Allen 2019). Tertiary institutions play a pivotal role in producing work-
ready graduates against a fluid and dynamic professional and broader work context (Deloitte
Australia 2019).
Following analysis of stakeholder experiences/ perceptions and in accordance with the study
research questions, the paper proceeds by reporting (a) how professional skills are conceptualised.
In doing so, (b) professional skills and post-degree employability expectations arising from each
stakeholder group are discussed. Finally, (c) findings relevant to how through curriculum design
and renewal post-degree employability outcomes can be enhanced.

4.1 Conceptualising Soft Skills

The term ‘soft skills’ as perceived by the sample and relevant to this study is illustrated below.
Despite each stakeholder group having a different interpretation and understanding thereof, the
findings indicate that the meaning of the term soft skills is related to vocabulary and words that
emphasise an association with communication, interpersonal abilities, professional talents (time
management, problem solving, teamwork, asking questions) and analytical skills.

Table 3: Stakeholder interpretation of soft skills

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Ado, Rashid, Mustapha & Ademola | Audit Quality and Creative Accounting

Arising from these conceptualisations and in response to RQ1 several key findings emerged. In
relation to the industry/employer group soft skills were fundamentally important to student post
degree employability outcomes. Soft skills expressed in relation to attitude, people and team work
skills emerged as particularly important. Tellingly I2 remarked that: “They [graduates] have to be
able to work as a team … so that’s a really vital soft skill. Flexibility and working with other people
is a soft skill you need”.
In contrast, students characteristically interpreted how highly developed technical skills
would enable their employability, “your academic performance as well as extra-curricular
activities, yes like volunteering or anything else you do whilst studying will get you the job” (UG1).

Table 4: Industry and Student perceptions of soft skills and graduate employability

Industry views on soft skills and graduate employability Student (PG and UG) views on soft skills and graduate
employability requirements

The Leximancer conceptual map represents the views of the industry and student
stakeholders when asked about factors relevant to tertiary education that would develop career
readiness. By interpreting the similarities of the maps, both stakeholder groups indicated that it is
experience (lived experience and on-the-job training and work experience) and possessing the
required skills that are demanded by the world-of-work that can assist graduate employability. The
Leximancer output of ‘skills’ refers to the combination of soft skills and hard skills; an in-depth
analysis of the concepts differentiated between soft and hard skills as exemplified in the quotes
below. While students did not perceive the importance of soft skills to their post-degree
employability when they were explicitly asked to reflect on what soft skills might be of value to
employers, communication skills dominated. For example, PG18 remarked, “I think both play an
important role, oral and written communication because how you write also presents yourself, the
way you write, the way you communicate in the written way is also really important”. Similarly,
among the employer group communication was the number one workplace skill an industry
respondent perceived that, “…as opposed to technical skills I would say soft skills needed to be
employable and stay in the job are communication” (I2).
Among employers and students, attitude emerged as a fundamentally important soft skill.
Among the employer group attitude was the second most important skill they expect when hiring
graduates; for academics, attitude rated fifth. Among respondents employer’s attitude was
characteristically conceived of as an enquiring mind and willingness to adapt to changing
workplace demands and contexts. For instance, (I6) reflected on how, “we look at students … that
AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Nanayakkara & Colombager | Does compliance to Green Bond Principles matter?

have the understanding of complex situations, being able to engage. I mean emotional intelligence
type engagement. Being able to formulate questions and strategies to answer those questions”.

Table 5: Ranking of soft skills as employability indicators

Respect further emerged in the interviews as exemplified by one participant that, “being courteous
to people, showing respect to people and to everybody basically and not be too self-indulgent. A
lot of the younger generation are very self-indulgent as it’s all about ‘me’ as opposed to ‘us’” (I8).
In connection, humility and confidence emerged in the interviews as desirable skills: “Humility
and there’s confidence, so it depends on what type of student it is that comes out here. They’ll often
be able to liaise with the line manager or a team quite effectively but sort of engaging with an
executive for some of them can be quite intimidating” (I1).

4.2 Employability needs and perceptions: inherent tensions and gaps

Analysis of student and industry perceptions concerning knowledge and skills development
illuminated several tensions and gaps. Notably, among industry respondents technical skills and
competencies were not highlighted. Rather, these skills were assumed knowledge commensurate
with a Bachelor’s degree level award. Students without these technical skill and competencies will
not have graduated from a tertiary education provider.
The term ‘presentation’ was used in various scenarios by the sample with broad ranging
meanings such as the presentation of self in person to the employer and how one presents
themselves virtually and in writing. Among the industry cohort, presentation (resume, interview,
dress code) were rated third highest in Table 5. For example, (I4) remarked how when recruiting
graduates, they evaluate how student’s “present themselves confidently in interviews, being able
AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Ado, Rashid, Mustapha & Ademola | Audit Quality and Creative Accounting

to … dress well and that’s how people are assessed these days it’s not only just on your result
[grades]. It’s being able to present yourself … talk about what are your interests … that’s actually
quite important to us”. It was concerning that, in contrast, students did not perceive their resume or
personal presentation to be important.
While organisational fit was rated fourth highest among employer’s student participants
rated this factor as being of least importance. The salience of cultural fit and the intersections with
other identified soft skills was exemplified through (I5) remarking how, “it is so important to us to
see whether we are a good fit for them. They don’t have to be an HD student … the grades are not
as relevant. It’s about whether they know about us whether they are able to communicate and are
able to explain themselves clearly”
Arising from this analysis and further connecting with RQ1 we next discuss the skills and
knowledge students lacked. By identifying these knowledge and skills gaps, the results foreground
the study’s secondary focus relevant to how learning and teaching practices can be modified
to enhance post-degree employability outcomes.

4.2.1 Knowledge and Skill gaps

Similar knowledge and skill gaps emerged among each participant group that were
exemplified in the interviews and are shown in Table 6. The skill gaps referred to the lack of
communication, communication, public speaking, research skills, inability to be a team player,
presentation skills, and being unaware of formal work settings. Despite these similarities, several
employers shared a sentiment that students were often unable to critically and meaningfully reflect
on their knowledge and capabilities. I3 expressed this ability as “understand[ing] what they don’t
know. I think students can’t do that” (I3). The findings illuminate how a lack of reflection about
their individual knowledge and skills gaps was challenging for employers seeking graduates who
have the will to grow with their organisations. This finding accords with Jackson (2017)
problematising the intersections between pre-professional identity and employability. Jackson
(2017, p.833), stipulates that a student’s comprehension of the “skills, qualities, behaviours, values
and standards” of their chosen profession, together with their reflexive capabilities in terms of
“professional self”. To understand the deeper meaning of the key skills below, we refer the reader
to the soft skill platform in Table 1 and the discussion that follows.

Table 6: Skills gap perceptions

Industry Students Academics
Skills students lack include: Skills students lack include: Skills students lack include:
- Self-Confidence - Confidence - Understanding the
- Communication - Communication dynamics of an office
- Public speaking - Public speaking environment
- Presentation (dress, - Presentation (dress, - Presentation
behaviour) behaviour) - Communication
- Ability to undertake - Research skills - Ability to ask
primary research - Teamwork meaningful questions
- Teamwork - Networking - Ability to interact and
- Problem solving - Time management engage with others
- Decision making - Knowing the difference
- People skills between ‘industry’ and
- Ability to articulate ‘academic’ project
- Business mind/sense - English language
(professional skills) (international students)
- Flexibility - Professionalism
- Desire to learn - Wit ( common sense )

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Nanayakkara & Colombager | Does compliance to Green Bond Principles matter?

- Analytical - Analytical
- Design thinking
- Humility (humbledness)
- Self-awareness
- Assertiveness

4.3 Curriculum design and practice renewal: Advancing soft skills and knowledge
Arising from the identified and acknowledged soft skill needs and gaps, we next turn to
RQ2 exploring how professional skills and knowledge are best advanced from the three
stakeholder group perspectives through tertiary accounting degree programmes.
Overwhelmingly student respondents felt that soft skills were developed outside of the
classroom. For PG3 soft skills were those “skills that cannot be learnt in class …. they have to be
developed. They’re like interpersonal skills they need to be developed other than from the class
environment. They develop by experience as we do practical work so the skills develop by
In connection and supporting the very recent implementation of a WIL experience within
their unit of study (UG4) interpreted that, “I don’t think they [soft skills] can be taught I think they
are learned rather than taught. They’re learnt along the way and the only way to learn them is
through practice … you have to learn by doing.”
In further support of soft skill development and WIL orientated learning and teaching,
students interpreted how their self-confidence and ability to interact and communicate with others
(interpersonal skills) could be enhanced through the practical application of technical knowledge.
PG3 commented: “I think soft skills … they are improved with experience; with exposure. Just like
your own confidence level with public speaking.” (PG, 3)
Similarly, the employer group interpretations supported a relationship between work
integrated learning opportunities and post degree employability. For instance, (I6) remarked that ‘a
lot of [skill development] happens on the job and [learning from] people who exhibit some of those
skills like having a really good work nature. I think sometimes you don’t have to be the smartest
person at work but if you have got a really good attitude you learn from your mistakes and you’re
willing to learn I think that’s really a key fundamental”. Moreover, and further supporting WIL
curriculum opportunities (I2) said that, “the challenge is if you’ve come straight out of a university
degree and that degree is purely theoretical and they haven’t actually had a lot of time to apply
what they learned. Application and analytical skills and problem solving skills are really limited….
and we need to train them up”.

5. Limitations and Future Research

The present research has shed light on a salient area of research relevant to soft skills development
and accounting graduate post-degree employability. While the methodological approach sought to
capture the experiences and perceptions of a group of key stakeholders involved in a work-
integrated learning-focused accounting unit of study, it is acknowledged that the findings and
conclusions are particular to the participant group of accounting practitioners, academics and
students. Accordingly, future research could be expanded and encompass stakeholders involved in
similar learning and teaching approaches in other tertiary settings, both in Australia and abroad.
The university's role and in particular the role of the academic in active learning needs assessing.
In addition, future research could re-engage with the participant group after completing the unit of
study or after graduating from their program of study to reassess their career readiness. In doing
so, perspectives on lived experiences changes and can be explored. For example, after securing a
graduate employment opportunity or during the early stages of their post-degree appointment, how
has their valuing of particular knowledge and skills changed.

AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Ado, Rashid, Mustapha & Ademola | Audit Quality and Creative Accounting

Tsiligiris and Bowyer 2021 refer to the acceleration in the adoption of digital technologies
and the changes in work patterns due to the Covid-19 restrictions that require additional
investigation of the skills needed by future accountants. Given the significant and increasing role,
tertiary institutions are expected to play in graduate career readiness, further research is needed in
terms of whole-of-curriculum design focused on enabling work-ready graduates. The focus should
be placed on who the driver is of Accounting curricula.
The importance of this study focus is underscored by Williams, Horner and Allen 2019 criticism
of accounting education which in their estimation continues to produce graduates who are ill-
equipped to meet existing and emerging industry demands and employer needs. Accordingly, while
career-focused units and work-integrated learning opportunities represent essential opportunities
to develop skills and knowledge in work-like settings, accounting curriculum redesign can benefit
from positioning employability at the center of the design.

6. Implications
A contribution of the present research is to understand the tensions and gaps between the skills and
knowledge required and valued among industry/employers and graduates.
First, while students, employers, and academic respondents used similar vocabulary to
describe soft skills, namely communication, interpersonal abilities, professional talents (time
management, problem-solving, teamwork, asking questions) and analytical skills, their value
differed. This differential value has significant implications for graduate post-degree
employability. While employers valued and were seeking graduates with highly developed soft
skills student interpretations illuminate a key challenge. Students were disadvantaged when
entering the accounting profession by discounting the importance of soft skills and more explicitly
focusing on their technical skills and knowledge development.
Second, the before mentioned skills perception gap presents further implications. By
scaffolding and embedding work-integrated learning opportunities through the said accounting
program, academics responded to employer needs. Providing students with opportunities to
develop their soft skills by taking on the role of accounting consultants meant that they were
provided with a unique and valuable context in which to develop written and verbal skills. By virtue
of the group consultancy arrangement, students were also able to harness inter personal skills and
work together to solve industry-specific issues in a specified timeframe.
This study illuminates the need for further curriculum development as universities have to
improve their accounting programs using different strategies, and promote more real-life scenarios
as suggested by Chaffer and Webb (2017). It is universities that should be emphasising the
development of soft skills and personal competencies which have a long-lasting effect on graduate
employability (Suleman, 2018). Tsiligiris and Bowyer (2021) inform that there is a need for
university accounting education programs to achieve an optimum combination of skills across the
four key categories they propose in their developed framework: ethical skills; digital and data;
business skills; and oft skills. After all, universities according to Bridgstock and Jackson (2019)
are to to instil short-term graduate outcomes, professional readiness, and the capacity to live and
work productively and meaningfully across the lifespan.
This study supports that view, that providing students with guidance and support in terms
of how they should position and communicate their skills and knowledge gained and developed
through work-integrated learning opportunities has particular salience. Through reflective practice,
industry-engaged academics and employers can mentor students about how they should
communicate and position their skills and knowledge when applying for graduate accounting roles.

7. Conclusions
Drawing from data gathered through interviews among accounting industry practitioners, students
and academics the present study supports emerging scholarship and hypothesised work futures.
AABFJ | Vol. 16, No.3, 2022 Nanayakkara & Colombager | Does compliance to Green Bond Principles matter?

The salience of soft skills to the accounting profession and the valuing of these skills among
industry practitioners further underscores the emerging role that tertiary institutions play in
producing work-ready graduates. Problematically the research also points to the need for an
enhanced focus on enabling student reflective practice. Students showcased an appreciation of
employers’ perceptions of soft skill gaps more than the academics. Hence we call for practitioners
to increase their collaboration efforts with academics in ways to improve graduate soft skills
development, student comprehension of the importance of these skills and knowledge remains
Accordingly, in a bid to strengthen post-degree work readiness students must become more aware
of the world of work expectations and be able to communicate their professional capabilities in
order to enter and contribute to the accounting profession.


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