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Notes b.

Application of the rules emanating from the

CORPORATION LAW primary doctrine:
1. Majority Equity Ownership and Interlocking
CHAPTER 3 Directorship, Officership or Shareholders
The corporation is primarily a medium for commercial Mere ownership by a single shareholder or by
pursuits. another corporation of al or nearly all the
caporal stock is not, by itself, sufficient ground
III. SEPARATE JURIDICAL PERSONALITY AND for disregarding the separate corporate
THE DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE VEIL OF personality. There must be fraud or alter-ego
CORPORATE FICTION elements. Pacific v CA

(1) Main doctrine: A corporation has a Ownership of a majority of capital stock and
personality separate and distinct from its the fact that majority of directors of a
directors or trustees, officers, its corporation are the directors of another
shareholders or members. Article 44, corporation creates no employer-employee
section 2, NCC) relationship with the latter’s employees.
Freyssinet v Lapuz
Assets: assets of shareholders are not assets
of the corporation (Situs v Asiatrust) Majority of the stockholders cannot be held
personally liable for the attorney’s fees
Liabilities: corporation will not answer charged by a lawyer for representing the
liabilities of its shareholders and vice versa. corporation. Laperal v CA
(General Credit Corp v Alsons)
Having interlocking directors, corporate
Purpose of legal fiction: officers and shareholders is not enough
For convenience and to subserve the ends of justification to pierce the veil of corporate
justice fiction in the absence of fraud or other public
policy considerations. Velarde v Lopez
a. Doctrines emanating from the primary
attribute of separate juridical personality 2. On being a corporate officer or shareholder:

1. DOCTRINE OF LIMITED LIABILITY: Being a corporate officer or shareholder does

Shareholders/members cannot be held liable not by itself make one’s property also that of
for the liabilities of the corporation, except to the corporation, and vice versa. Good earth v
the extent of their investments or promised CA
2. AGENCY LAW PRINCIPLE: directors/trustees, It is hornbook law that corporate personality
officers and other corporate agents do not is a shield against personal liability of its
become personally liable for corporate officers. Intestate estate of Alexander v CA
contracts that they enter into on behalf of the
corporation The president of the corporation which is
liable for the accident caused by its truck
Debt or credit: if of shareholders, not of driver cannot be held solidarily liable for the
corporation and vice versa judgment obligation arising from quasi-delict.
Secosa v Suarez
Obigations: obligations of a shareholder in
one corporation cannot be offset from the When the compulsory counterclaim filed
obligation of a shareholder in a second against corporate officers for their alleged
corporation. fraudulent act indicate that such corporate
officers are indispensable parties in the
Consequence of a corporation’s separate litigation, the original inclusion of the
personality: corporation in the suit does not thereby allow
Consent made through its representatives is the denial of a specific counter-claim being
not consent of the representatives, personally filed to make the corporate officers personally
liable. Lafarge v Continental Cement
3. On privileges enjoyed convincingly established, it cannot be
presumed. Suldao v Cimech
Tax exemption clause of the corporation
cannot be extended to controlling b. Classification of Piercing Cases
shareholders. Manila Gas v CIR
• Fraud piercing
4. On suits for or against the corporation Entity is used to commit a
crime, undertake fraud, do a
A corporation has no legal standing to file suit wrong or to evade the
for recovery of parcels of land owned by its consequences of one’s
members in individual capacity. Sulo v criminal or fraudulent acts.
• Alter-ego piercing
Shareholders have no standing to intervene in Entity is merely a farce since it
a collection case covering the loans of the is merely an alter-ego,
corporations. Shareholder’s interest in the business conduit or
corporate entity is purely inchoate. Saw v CA instrumentality of a person or
another entity
A corporate defendant against whom a writ of
possession has been issued, cannot use the • Equity piercing / Defeat of
fact that it has obtained controlling equities in public convenience
the corporate plaintiffs to suspend its Inconsistent with the business
enforcement. Silverio v Filipino Business purpose or merely confuse
legitimate issues.
Shareholders have no standing to recover Corporation is used as a
damages arising from the wrongful vehicle for the evasion of
attachment of the corporation’s assets. existing obligation.
Stronghold Insurance v Cuenca
c. Objectives and effects of the
(2) Piercing the veil of corporate fiction application of the piercing doctrine

a. Source of Incantation: US v Main effect: shareholders are held personally liable

Milwaukee for the acts and contracts of the corporation Republic
v Mega Pacific
Individuals composing the corporation will be
treated as identical, if the corporate entity is When two business enterprises are owned and
being used as a cloak or cover for fraud or controlled by the same parties, both law and equity,
illegality, justification for a wrong, or as an when necessary to protect rights of third parties,
alter-ego, an adjunct, or a business conduit disregard the legal fiction. General Credit v Alsons
for the sole benefit of the shareholders.
Gochan v Young 1. Recent attempts to narrow the
objectives for availing of piercing
The court has pierced the corporate veil to
ward off a judgment credit, to avoid inclusion Piercing is not allowed unless the remedy
of corporate assets as part of the estate of the sought is to make the officer or another
decedent, to escape liability arising for a debt, corporation pecuniarily liable for
or to perpetuate fraud and/or confuse corporate debts. Indophil v Calica
legitimate issues either to promote or to
shield unfair objectives to cover up an Rationale of piercing:
otherwise blatant violation of the prohibition To remove the barrier between the
against forum shopping. PNB v Andrada corporation and the persons comprising it
to thwart the fraudulent schemes of those
When the notion of legal entity is used to who use the corporate personality.
defeat public convenience, justify wrong,
protect fraud, or defend a crime, the law will Reverse Piercing:
regard the corporation as an association of a. Outsider reverse: piercing occurs
persons. The wrongdoing must be clearly and when a party with a claim against an
individual or corporation attempts to corporate entity which the law aims to
be repaid with the assets of a protect by this doctrine. Traders Royal
corporation owned or substantially Bank
controlled by the defendant
4. Not applicable to theorize or to
b. Insider reverse piercing: the advance/create ne rights or interest.
controlling members will attempt to
ignore the corporate fiction in order Piercing the veil cannot be availed of
to take advantage of a benefit under a theory of co-ownership to justify
available to the corporation, such as continued use and possession by
an interest in a lawsuit or protection shareholders of corporate properties.
of persona assets. IAME v Litton Boyer-Roxas v CA

Piercing cannot be availed of to dislodge

2. Applicable to Third Parties from SEC’s jurisdiction on the ground that
Respondents are not shareholders of the petitioning individuals be treated as
record does not make them non-parties, real petitioners to the exclusion of the
since it is alleged that the corporations petitioning corporate debtor. Doctrine
are mere alter-egos of the director- only applies on cases of fraud, etc. Union
petitioner’s fiduciary duty to FGSRC. Bank v CA
Corporate entity will be pierced if used to
cloak fraud, justify a wrong or used as an Application of the piercing of the
alter-ego for the benefit of shareholders. subsidiary company to merge with the
Gochan v Young holding company cannot be allowed to
support a theory of set-off or
3. Piercing has only res judicata effect compensation, there being no allegation
of or proof of fraud. Nische v PCI Bank
Res judicata- has already been judicially
decided An employee who retires and avails of her
retirement benefits, but continued as a
Application of the doctrine to a particular consultant with affiliate companies,
case does not deny the corporation of cannot employ piercing in order to treat
legal personality for any and all purposes, her stint with the affiliate companies as
but only for the particular transaction or part of her employment with the main
instance, or the particular obligation for company she retired from- there is no
which the doctrine was applied. Koppel v fraud or employment of unfair shielding.
Yatco Rivera v United Laboratories

d. PIERCING DOCTRINE as an Equitable Piercing can be applied where clear

Remedy evidence support the fact that a
corporation’s affiliates have received
1. It is a remedy of last resort. large amounts which became the
Not available when other remedies are consideration for the company’s
still available. Umali v CA execution of a real estate mortgage over
its properties.
2. Available only to prevent fraud or to
achieve an equitable end. Piercing cannot be used to justify service
Meant to prevent fraud. Cannot be used of summons on the subsidiary to be
to perpetrate fraud or a wrong. Araneta v binding on the parent company unless the
Tuason subsidiary is but a business conduit or
there is fraud. Luzon Dev. Group v
3. Party invoking the piercing doctrine must Bridgestone
have a “victim standing”.
Being merely an equitable remedy,
employment of the piercing doctrine can
only be for the protection of the interests
of innocent third persons dealing with the
5. Piercing must therefore be based on c. Guiding Principles in Fraud Cases:
• Fraud or evil-motive
It is eementary that the wrongdoing cannot • Corporate fiction is used as a
be presumed and must be clearly and means to commit fraud or
convincingly established. PNB v Andrada avoid the consequences
Clear and convincing evidence: degree of • Main action should seek
proof which produces in the mind of the court enforcement of pecuniary
a firm belief or conviction as to the allegation claims pertaining to the
sought to be established. It is adduced to corporation against corporate
overcome a prima facie case or a disputable officers or shareholders
Probative Factors for Fraud Piercing:
6. Piercing is a power belonging to the
courts and cannot be assumed Corporate fiction is used as a means to commit fraud
improvidently by a sheriff Cruz v Dalisay or avoid the consequences of one’s unlawful or
wrongful acts. Concept Builders v NLRC
(3) Fraud Piercing Cases
Absence of the elements prevents the piercing of the
a. Corporate fiction used to do wrong or evade corporate veil. Lim v CA
consequences thereof:
Two corporations may engaged in the same business,
When a shareholder, who has absolute share same address, or have interlocking
control, enters into a contract with another incorporators, directors or officers but absence of
corporation through fraud and false fraud or pubic policy consideration, does not warrant
representations, such shareholder shall be piercing. McLeod v NLRC
liable solidarily with co-defendant
corporation. NAMARCO v Associated Finance Mere substantial identity of incorporators does not
imply fraud nor warrant the piercing of the corporate
Mere allegation of fraud or bad faith, without veil. Laguio v NLRC
evidence supporting such claims cannot
warrant the piercing. DBP v CA That a corporation owns all of the stocks of another
corporation does not amount to fraud per se, and
Attempt to make security agencies appear as does not justify their being treated as one entity Nisce
two separate entities, when in reality they v Equitable PCI Bank
were but one is not permitted. Enriquez
Security v Cabotaje (4) Alter Ego Piercing Cases:

Piercing will be applied if there is indubitable a. Using the corporation as a mere conduit or
link between a CBB’s cosure and re-emerging alter ego
in the person of Binswanger. Livesey v
Binswanger Capital stock is owned by one person and functions
only for the benefit of such individual owner, the
Courts has the responsibility to uphold the corporation and the individual is deemed the same.
doctrine of separate entity, concomitant to Arnold v Willets
piercing. Hence, the application of piercing
should be done with caution. Pacific v CA When the corporation is merely an adjunct, business
conduit or alter ego of another corporation, the
b. Shell or Fictitious company fiction of separate and distinct corporation entities
should be disregarded. Tan Boon Bee v Jarencio
Fraudulent or may also sere as fronts for
government officials: Corrupt government Alter ego piercing does not require establishing fraud
officials creating a fictitious company that will or wrongdoing, but only that the corporate
serve as a vehicle to secure contract awards. personality has been used as an instrumentality for
Republic v Mega Pacific the personal agenda of its controlling shareholder.
Lipat v Pacific Banking Corp.
b. Xxx Probative factors in Alter Ego Piercing:
c. Mixing-up operations of two companies;
disrespect to the corporate entity Instrumentality or Control Test requires mere
majority or complete stock control, but
Employment of same workers, single place of compete domination of finances, policy and
business, etc. may indicate alter ego situation and business practices with respect to the
justify the Court of Industrial Relations to retain transaction in question. California v Advanced
jurisdiction over the labor case. La Campana v Tech System
Kaisahan ng Manggagawa
Mere existence of a parent-subsidiary
Mixing of personal accounts with corporate bank relationship between two corporation or that
accounts would authorize piercing. Ramirez v Bank of one corporation is affiliated with another
America does not by itself allow alter ego piercing.
Koppel v Yatco
Where two business enterprises are owned,
conducted and controlled by the same parties, both Just because two foreign companies came
law and equity will, when necessary to protect the from the same country and closely worked
rights of third persons, disregard their separate legal together on certain projects would the
fictions and treat the as identical. Sibagat v Garcia conclusion arise that one was the conduit of
the other, thus piercing the veil of corporate
When a foreign parent company leased a large parcel fiction. Marubeni v Lirag
of land purposely for the benefit of its subsidiary,
which took over possession of the leased premises, Use of a controlling shareholder’s initials in
the subsidiary was a mere alter ego. Mariano v Petron the corporate name is not sufficient reason to
pierce, since by that practice alone does it
When a corporation lawfully terminates its employees mean that the said corporation is merely a
based on ceasing of operations, the terminated dummy of the individual shareholder,
employees cannot make a sister company liable for provided such act is lawful. LBP v CA
their claims. Ownership of one corporation of all or a
great majority of stocks of another corporation and If used to perform legitimate functions, a
their interlocking directorates may serve indicia of subsidiary’s separate existence shall be
control, by themselves and without more, they are respected, and the liabilities of the parent
insufficient to establish an alter ego relationship that corporation and the subsidiary will be
will justify the puncturing of the latter’s corporate confined to those arising in their respective
cover. Zambrano v PCMC business. Even when the parent corporation
agreed to the terms to support a standby
A subsidiary company’s separate corporate credit agreement in favor of the subsidiary,
personality may be disregarded only when the does not mean that its personality has
evidence shows that such separate personality was merged with that of the subsidiary. MR
used by its parent or holding corporation to Holdings v Bajar
perpetrate fraud or evade an existing obligation.
Maricalum v Florentino (5) EQUITY PIERCING: “Defeat of Public
d. Guiding Principles in Alter Ego Cases
a. Corporate fiction is raised to confuse
• Doctrine applies even in the absence of evil legitimate issues
intent, because of the direct violation of a Where employee in the mother company was
central corporate law principle of separating detailed/assigned to a sister company
ownership from management. whereat the employee died by reason of
• Doctrine in such cased is based on estoppel: if work-related illness, and workmen’s
shareholders do not respect the separate compensation benefits were sought against
entity, others also cannot also be expected to the sister company, there would be proper
be bound by the separate juridical entity. basis to pierce the veil of corporate fiction to
• Piercing in alter ego cases may prevail even treat the two companies as one to allow
when no monetary claims are sought to be jurisdiction over the case to be retained by
enforced against the shareholders or officers. the Workmen’s Compensation Commission to
rule on the defense of the lack of employer-
employee relationship. The separate juridical shareholders, and corporation has no visible
personality should not be used to confuse assets
legitimate issues. Telephone Engineering v
WCC b. Fraud Piercing: false pretense, fraudulent act
or fraudulent means perpetrated upon the
b. Raise Lega Technicalities investing public; made to believe that the
corporation has financial capacity
A complaint for unfair labor practice filed
against the President and controlling
shareholder and the judgment for c. Equity Piercing: corporation is under the
reinstatement and damages was in the name control of the shareholders who ran-up a
of company. The judgment can be enforced printing company who is in no position to pay
against the company and its properties on the for the accounts ; personally benefited from
ground of equity piercing. Cannot be the operations of the company which they
remanded for it is contrary to speedy never paid subscription in full; company has
adjudication of labor cases disregarding such no visible assets
technicalities. Emilio Cano v CIR
(7) Evasion, Avoidance or Minimization of
Where the main purpose in forming the Taxes
corporation was to evade one’s subsidiary civil
liability for damages in a criminal case, the
corporation may not be heard to say that it Alter ego piercing: use of dummies for the benefit of
has a personality separate and distinct from the shareholder to avoid payment of war profit taxes;
its members, because to allow it to do so allows tax authorities to levy upon corporate
would be a shield to further an end subversive properties to enforce the tax assessment against the
justice. Palacio v Fely controlling shareholder Marvel v David

Where a debtor registers his residence to a A taxpayer has the legal right to decrease the amount
family corporation in exchange of shares, and of what otherwise would be his taxes or altogether
continues to live therein, then the separate avoid them by means which the law permits, which
juridical personality may be disregarded. therefore would only constitute tax avoidance which
PBCom v CA would allow piercing even in the absence of fraud
under the guise that the use of corporate separate
Where corporate fiction was used to corporate veil was a means to defeat public
perpetrate social injustice or as a vehicle to convenience.
evade obligations or confuse legitimate issues,
the two corporations would be merge as one. However, when the maintenance of the separate
Azcor v NLRC juridical entities serve only to minimize the collective
taxes that the corporation are paying, whereas in their
In cases where the employees are put in a operations they are operated by overlapping and
disadvantageous position as a result of the informal manner, would justify the piercing based on
employer’s separate juridical personalities, alter ego considerations for purposes of collecting the
pursuant to the fundamental doctrine that proper taxes. Yutivo v CTA
corporate fiction should not be used as a
subterfuge to commit injustice and To avoid payment by the incorporating spouses of the
circumvent labor laws, piercing applies. Lee v estate taxes on the properties transferred to the
Samahang Manggagawa ng Super Lamination corporation. Piercing applies. Gala v Ellice

(6) The Case for Thinly-Capitalized Where the corporation is merely an adjunct, business
Corporations: conduit or alter ego of another corporation or when
they practice fraud on internal revenue laws, the
fiction of their separate and distinct corporate
a. Alter Ego Piercing: corporation has no existing identities shall be disregarded, and both entities
assets of its own and the operation of the treated as one taxable person, subject to assessment
corporation was so merged with those of the for the same taxable transaction. CIR c Menguito
shareholders as to be practically
indistinguishable; same office, funds held by
(8) Due Process Clause Considerations in basis has been adduced during trial to apply the
Piercing Cases piercing doctrine. Jacinto v CA

a. Suit against controlling shareholder is Arcilla v CA

not a suit against the corporation or Lawful application of the piercing doctrine where the
the subsidiary that would allow the President was held liable although it was not a party
piercing doctrine to be applied to the collection suit before the trial court.Violago v
against the latter BA Finance Corp

Failure to implead the corporation is a violation of due The elements of control laid down in Concept Builders
process for it would be disregarding the distinct to allow the application of the piercing doctrine must
separate personality without a hearing. PCGG v be properly pleaded and proved during the hearing on
Sandiganbayan the merits, and cannot be merely raised for the first
time in the motion for the issuance of an alias writ of
No summon means not acquiring jurisdiction over the execution. Pacific House c CA
person. The general principle is that no person shall
be affected by any proceedings to which he is a
stranger, and strangers to a case are not bound by the
judgment rendered by the court. Padilla v CA

Before the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil can

be applied, based on the evidence presented, it is
imperative that the court must first have jurisdiction
over the corporation. Mayor v Tiu

BUT: Piercing of the corporate veil is premised on the

fact that the corporation concerned must have been
properly served with summons or properly subjected
to jurisdiction of the court a quo.

Exception: if it is shown by clear and convincing proof

that the separate and distinct personality of the
corporation was purposefully employed to evade a
legitimate and binding commitment and perpetuate
fraud or like wrongdoings. International Academy of
Management and Economics v Litton

However: A suit brought against the corporate

officers sued in their official capacity would allow the
application of the piercing doctrine to make the
corporation liable since the corporation, although not
made a formal party to the case, as not denied due

b. To make acting officers personally

liable under the piercing doctrine, is
there a need to bring new case
against the officer?

Application of the piercing doctrine may be made

even during the enforcement of the judgment debt of
the corporation against the controlling shareholders.
McConnel v CA

There is no denial of due process to hold officers liable

under the piercing doctrine, provided that evidential

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