UAS - Language Assessment 2021

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Date : 29 November – 10 Desember 2021 Number :
Lecturer : Novian Faqih Class :


A. Analyze the following test sample by answering the questions that follow.
1. Define the microskills and macroskills covered in the reading tests. Also mention which number and part
to justifiy your finding.
2. Provide one more example of reading activity you can make from the text in the example.
B. Analyze the following test sample by answering the questions that follow.

3. Define the microskills and macroskills covered in the listening tests. Also mention which number and
part to justifiy your finding.
4. Provide one more example of listening activity you can make from the text in the example.
C. Please compose a set of Writing assessment by the following Table of Specification.

D. Adapted from (Field, 2008; Flowerdew & Miller, 2010; Graham, 2011; Rost, 2013) there are Nine
characteristics of listening that make listening “difficult” as follows:
1. Clustering: attending to appropriate “chunks” of language-—phrases, clauses, constituents
2. Redundancy: recognizing the kinds of repetitions, rephrasing, elaborations, and insertions that
unrehearsed spoken language often contains and benefiting from that recognition
3. Reduced forms: understanding the reduced forms that may not have been a part of an English learner's
past learning experiences in classes where only formal “textbook” language was presented
4. Performance variables: being able to “weed out” hesitations, false starts, pauses, and corrections in
natural speech
5. Colloquial language: comprehending idioms, slang, reduced forms, and shared cultural knowledge
6. Discourse markers: understanding discourse markers such as “my first point,” “secondly,”
“nevertheless,” “next,” “in conclusion,” and so on, which can be especially difficult in academic lectures
7. Rate of delivery: keeping up with the speed of delivery, processing automatically as the speaker
8. Stress, rhythm, and intonation: correctly understanding prosodic elements of spoken language, which is
almost always much more difficult than understanding smaller phonological bits and pieces
9. Interaction: managing the interactive flow of language from listening to speaking to listening, and so on

Now, plan or invent similar list as above for speaking (what makes speaking difficult) that could form a set of
specifications to pay special attention to when assessing speaking. Provide your references if any.

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