HydroElectric Generator ACDC

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938 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City



In partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Program and for the Completion of the course EE 004 DC and AC Machinery through the Design of
Experiment entitled: “Development of Experiment on How Hydroelectric Generator Can Generate Electric

Submitted by:

Fernandez, Karl Bryann L.

Submitted to:

Engr. Alvin T. Dela Cruz


October 10, 2019

I. Background of the Design of Experiment

Electricity is already part of our daily lives. In Ancient History. Hydroelectric energy has been in use

for thousands of years where Ancient Romans built turbines, which are wheels turned by flowing water.

Roman turbines were not used for electricity instead it is used for grinding grains to make flour and breads.

Another source of hydroelectric energy is water mills. Water mills, are large wheels usually located on the

banks of moderately flowing rivers. It generates energy that powers such diverse activities as grinding grain

or creating hot fires to create steel.

According to Wikipedia, hydroelectricity is defined as electricity produced from hydropower or by

the work of water. There were different forms of hydro energy, it can be kinetics energy from the current

flow in rivers and potential energy from high heads of water retained in dams. Many resourceful ways have

been developed or invented to generate electricity but most involve directing the water flow through a

turbine which is the mechanism in a hydroelectric generator.

There are a lot of advantages in using hydroelectricity such as it is fueled by water so it's a clean

fuel source, meaning it won't pollute the air like power plants that burn fossil fuels. Hydroelectric power

plant is a domestic source of energy, allowing each state to produce their own energy without being reliant

on international fuel sources. The energy generated through hydropower relies on the water cycle, which is

driven by the sun, making it a renewable power source, making it a more reliable and affordable source

than fossil fuels that are rapidly being depleted.

One of the disadvantages of hydroelectricity is that hydroelectric plants are expensive to build and

must be built to a high standard. Creating one can also destroy natural environment as it can cause

flooding of lands.
II. Statement of the Purpose

The main purpose of the experiment is to let students evaluate how hydroelectric generator

produces power, which also, particularly attempts to answer the following objectives:

 To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of hydro-electric power.

 To acquire knowledge about hydro-electric power.
 To conclude how much voltage output a hydro-electric generator produces.
 To determine the power produced by hydro-electric generator.
 To accumulate information on how hydro-electric generator work. To apply knowledge of DC motor
in the proposed experiment

III. Significance of the Experiment

The result of the experiment will benefit the following:

D.O.E Team - With this experiment, the researchers will benefit the knowledge or concepts on how hydro-

electric power generates electricity and it can be used in future references.

Business sector - With this experiment, it can help the business owners and also other people to produce

or make this kind of project to have a renewable energy.

Students - This experiment can be used as a reference to other projects especially in concern of hydro-

electric power.
III. Discussion of Methodology

The team aims to design of experiment: to produce a data and to prove the way hydroelectric

generators such as turbines can generate an electric power. The team used a prototype, mini

hydroelectric turbine, to gather data. To make a propeller, the researchers used a plastic container and

cut it into a circular form. Afterwards, it is divided into eight and the divided parts are then adhered on

the stick. The propeller was the inserted into a plastic container. To make the stand, the team used a

magazine rack to construct the planned base of the turbine. The turbine is then placed into the stand

and then we’ve executed the experiment.

Block Diagram

The team started their design of experiment on researching regarding their topic “Design of

Experiment on How Hydroelectric Generator Can Generate Electric Power”. They inquire the possible

materials and how to perform the experiment. Then, the team went on electronic shops to buy the

materials needed. Creating the prototype is one of the most significant part of this process. The team

started working on the hydroelectric turbine by using plastic bottle. Before testing of the prototype, the

group set up the circuit base on the schematic diagram. When the prototype is furnished, the team started
to do the experiment and trials. They setup the prototype and started to feed with a flowing water. At that

time, they started to record and compare the results. After the results were verified, they make a

necessary calculations for documentation.

Circuit Diagram
Figure 1. Circuit Diagram of Dynamo

In this design of experiment, the dynamo generator is connected in a parallel manner on the light

emitting diode. The dynamo generator produces an amount of 1 amperage of current and a 9 electromotive

force. The LED is connected thus the researcher can prove that there is a current flowing and a voltage

existingwhenever we rotate the dynamo generator.

IV. Materials Used
Materials Illustration Description

Dynamo (12V)
A device that converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy.

Plastic Container

Used a plastic container to cover

the turbine

A case for protection of the motor
from water

A tool used for melting solder and

Soldering Iron applying it to metals that are to be

Nozzle with Hose

Used to control the flow of water

and carries it

Used to hold the water that will be



Used to place the equipment

Tachometer Used to measure the speed of an


Used to measure two or more

Digital Multimeter electrical values such as voltage,
current and resistance

For the software simulation, the team simulates the circuit in multi-sim itself that gives us an idea

for a real-time measured values that the experiment will give. A multi-sim is a software that gives us a real-

time needed values in voltage and ampere without the presence of the external factor like voltage drops

from the wires. It also gives us the expected values when we perform the experiment.
V. Data and Results

Table 1. Data Results

Speed (RPM) Voltage (V) Current (A) Power(W)

No. of Trials
1 304.8 3.19 0.3 0.957
2 681.6 5.75 0.2 1.15
3 704.5 6.84 0.2 1.368
4 726.8 7.07 0.2 1.414
5 403.8 6.89 0.2 1.378
6 627.6 7.69 0.3 2.307
7 762.9 7.88 0.3 2.364
8 806.5 8.06 0.2 1.612
9 850.6 8.59 0.2 1.718
10 856.0 8.88 0.3 2.664
The formula of equation 1, E=kON, it will not be considered to compute. Since, the k is constant
and the flux is constant, too, their relationship will be disregarded at the correlation. Thus, the only
computation that will be considered is the power formula from equation 4, which is P=VI.

Trial 1:
P = VI = (3.19 V) (0.3 A) = 0.975 Watts
Trial 2:
P = VI = (5.75 V) (0.2 A) = 1.15 Watts
Trial 3:
P = VI = (6.84 V) (0.2 A) = 1.368 Watts
Trial 4:
P = VI = (7.07 V) (0.2 A) = 1.414 Watts
Trial 5:
P = VI = (6.89 V) (0.2 A) = 1.378 Watts
Trial 6:
P = VI = (7.69 V) (0.3 A) = 2.307 Watts
Trial 7:
P = VI = (7.88 V) (0.3 A) = 2.364 Watts
Trial 8:
P = VI = (8.06 V) (0.2 A) = 1.612 Watts
Trial 9:
P = VI = (8.59 V) (0.2 A) = 1.718 Watts
Trial 10:
P = VI = (8.88 V) (0.3 A) = 2.664 Watts
The experiment team gathered ten main data which is the resistance, the output voltage, speed, output

power, flow rate, water density, and height. The design team run the prototype ten consecutive times

obtaining ten different result for each distinct variable. The current and the voltage is obtained by using a

multi-meter while the output power was calculated using the formula P=IV. The resistance was calculated

by using the formula of Ohm’s Law.

VI. Synthesis

In this experiment, the team designed an experiment and we are given as how hydroelectric

generator can generate electric power. Since our population and modern technologies are growing, we

need a vast amount of electricity for creating, building and expanding that is why we defined electricity as

one of the most essential things in the world. Hydroelectric power is a form of energy that is a renewable

resource. As showed in the background of this experiment, hydroelectric power comes from flowing water it

includes streams, lakes, spring runoff from mountain and etc. When it is falling by the force of gravity, water

can be used to turn turbines and generators into producing electricity. According to the Reclamation

Managing Water in the West, hydropower is an essential contributor in the national power grid because of

its ability to respond quickly to rapidly varying loads or system disturbances, which base load plants with

steam systems powered by combustion or nuclear processes cannot accommodate. Hydropower works

from being a kinetic (moving) energy, when flowing water turns blades in a turbine, the form is changed to

mechanical (machine) energy. The turbine turns the generator motor which then converts this mechanical

energy into another energy form, electricity.

VII. Test Validation

Statistical Analysis

Residuals Versus Speed (RPM)

Residual 7

Speed (RPM)
3 Voltage vs. RPM
The graph showing the relation of the generated voltage and the speed of the armature shaft,
relates the two
1 factors as direct proportion the data has plotted. In the means of the computational analysis
and the data gathered, has due to the internal constant characteristic of n to each other and that as the
armature shaft200
speed increases
the voltage400
generated also
increases, resulting
to a positive
slope line.

Residuals Versus Current (RPM)

Residual 0.07



Current vs. RPM
The characteristic manifested in the graph and that current is inversely proportional to the speed.
This data analysis
0.01 just proves previous discussions that speed is directly proportional to voltage and
inversely proportional to the magnetic flux, then the flux is directly proportional to the current
0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32
Pictorial Evidences
Trial 1:
Voltage RPM

Trial 2:
Voltage RPM
Trail 3:
Voltage RPM

Trial 4:
Voltage RPM
VIII. Conclusion

We therefore conclude that as we go through in our design experiment, we were able to prove that

through water, you can produce electricity and how the hydroelectric generator can generate electric power. We

also conclude that hydropower is one of the most environmental friendly among all the different power

resources because it does not contain several extraction of natural resources and it doesn’t effect on

adding up pollution to the nature. Moreover, we conclude that you can produce electricity by the energy and

form of the motion of water and the faster the turbine rotates, the brighter the LED gets due to greater

power produced.
VIII. Bibliography

Electro-Tech-Online. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/bicycle-dynamo-


usbr. (2005). Retrieved from https://www.usbr.gov/power/edu/pamphlet.pdf

Kwan, D. (2011). Hydro-Electric Generation System for DC House Project.








1. Electrical Technology vol 2.
2. Electrical Machines and drives.
3. Principles of Electrical Machines.
4. Hydraulic Machines textbook.
5. Dynamo Electric Machinery.
6. Electrical Machinery and Transformers.

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