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Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Registration in Opal

https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal Exam: likely be in the 3rd week of February (open book)

Technische Universität Dresden 90 min, successful report as requirement of entry

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Institute of Hydraulic Research and Technical Hydromechanics
User name: ZIH-Login
password: ZIH-Login

Contact Details: Lectures Tutorials

Dr.-Ing. Rocco Zimmermann Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Mathias

August-Bebel-Straße 30, 01219 Dresden August-Bebel-Straße 30, 01219 Dresden

4th Floor, Room: 04-010 3rd Floor, Room: 03-026
Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463 33201 Tel.: +49 (0) 351 463 34685
Mail: [email protected] Mail: [email protected]

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 2
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Syllabus Hydraulic Engineering

1. Introduction, River Engineering

(Hydrology, Flow Measurement, Discharge Calculation, Bed Load Transport, River Regulation, Flood Protection, Fish
Migration, …)

2. Interaction Ship/Waterway
(Ship-induced Propulsion, Safety of Embankments, Harbour Infrastructure, …)

3. Hydraulic Structures
(Weir, Dams, Spillways, Water Locks, Hydropower Plants, …)

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 3
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Overall Objectives

The main objectives of hydraulic engineering aim to minimize the natural adverse effects to human interests, and to
optimize the benefits to human interests.

drinking water
storage capacity
flood protection

Navigable rivers
manmade channels
harbours, lock chambers, shiplifts

Flood Protection:
landscape usage
urban areas
measurements pre/ post flood
(Pictures from Google Images)

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 4
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Multifunctional Importance of Rivers

Transport and
Recreation Water Supply
(domestic, industry)

Nature and
Environment Sewerage

Generation Agriculture,
Flood and
Ice routing

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 5
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Hydrological Cycle

Total Fresh Water = 35 000 000 Km3

Total Water Flowing in the Rivers = 2 120 Km3
Ratio is = 0.006 %

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 6
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Largest and Longest Rivers/Streams on the Earth

According to average discharge

Amazonas South America 180 000 m³/s
Zaire Africa 42 000 m³/s
Chang Jiang (Jangtsekiang) Asia 35 000 m³/s

Danube Europe 6 400 m³/s
Elbe Europe 700 m³/s
Amazonas (Google Maps)

According to river length

Nile 6 650 km
Amazonas – Ucayali – Apurimac 6 437 km
Mississippi – Missouri – Red Rock 6 020 km

Danube 2 850 km
Elbe 1 165 km Nile (Google Maps)

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 7
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Differentiation of Natural Watercourses

main single criteria influencing factor anthropogenic impacts

morphology fall, width, depth, bed climate, altitude, relief & sedimentation in reservoirs, a structure in
load & suspended load, incline, geology & stream profile (Dike), river regulation
erosion & sedimentation, vegetation of the catchment with deep erosion, structures in the river
spatial variability, area section (weirs, floor offset), deforestation
rearrangement of (added soil erosion)
hydrology average discharge, climate (precipitation, discharge influenced by dams or flood
discharge fluctuation, temperature, geology), increasing because of regulation and
flood, low water, timing vegetation) decrease of flood plains, decreasing of
dynamic discharge because of intake or diversion
biology fauna (fishes and history factors of extension, 1. water quality issue (because of a
microbes, geographic & topographic better waste water treatment lesser)
mikroorganism) & flora, extension barriers, expansion 2. reduction of the habitat (area &
amphibians, flora and of the habitat, river: biodiversity) because of regulation
fauna of the river valleys interaction between and extensive agricultural use,
morphology, discharge & changed river morphology, for
water quality example barrages, silt sampler

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 8
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Longitudinal Profile

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 9
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Watercourse Development

Accreting Bank

Eroding Bank

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 10
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Currents in Watercourses

Primary Current =?

Secondary Current

Spiral Current

Secondary Current

Rolls Rolls

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 11
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Meandering Rivers

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 12
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Vegetation Zones

Influencing Factors:
Water Level

Soil Texture
Bank Slope
Plant Communities
Light & Temperature
Water Chemistry
Nutrient Content

zone with with reed with willow bushes with hardwood

pondweed /softwood

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 13
Dresden / 13.10.2022
Groundwater Connection

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 14
Dresden / 13.10.2022

Getting started:

Chadwick et al. (2004): “Hydraulics in Civil and Environmental Engineering”. Fourth Edition, Published by Spon Press, London, GB.
ISBN: 978-0-415-30609-6

Chanson (2004): “The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow: An Introduction – Basic Principles, Sediment Motion, Hydraulic
Modelling, Design of Hydraulic Structures”. Second Edition, University of Queensland, Department of Civil Engineering, Australia.
ISBN: 978-0-7506-5978-9

Roberson et al. (1998): “Hydraulic Engineering”. Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, USA.
ISBN: 0-471-12466-4

Lecture MHSE-06: „Hydraulic Engineering“

Faculty of Civil Engineering / IWD / Dr. R. Zimmermann Introduction, River Engineering Slide 15
Dresden / 13.10.2022

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