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International Food Research Journal 21(6): 2487-2492 (2014)

Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

Isolation, identification and characterization of probiotic Lactobacilli spp.

from Tarkhineh
Vasiee, A. R., Tabatabaei Yazdi, F., Mortazavi, A. and Edalatian, M. R.

Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Mashhad, Iran
Article history Abstract
Received: 30 August 2013 “Tarkhineh” is a traditional fermented food produced from a mixture of spontaneously fermented
Received in revised form: butter milk and wheat flour in Iran. Nine samples of Tarkhineh were collected from different
9 June 2014
rural areas in Kermanshah province, Iran. The isolates were grouped and identified using a
Accepted: 13 June 2014
combination of phenotypic and genotypic methods including repetitive extragenic palindromic
Keywords polymerase chain reaction (REP-PCR) fingerprinting, biochemical methods and carbohydrate
profiling and then evaluation the probiotic properties of them. According to the results these 54
Tarkhineh isolates belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum (19), Lactobacillus fermentum (17), Lactobacillus
Lactobacillus pentosus (9), Lactobacillus brevis (8) and Lactobacillus diolivorans (1) that profile bonding
Probiotic characteristics
from rep-PCR showed Lactobacillus plantarum have a high intra-species diversity. Media of pH
= 2.0–7.0 and bile salt concentrations of 0.0-0.5% were used as stress conditions. Antibacterial
activity of the probiotic Lactobacillus was determined by means of the spot-on-lawn method.
In conclusion, our results showed that 3 strains have potential probiotic value that two of them
was Lactobacillus fermentum and one of them was Lactobacillus plantarum.
© All Rights Reserved

Introduction in order to get the medicinal benefit (Setyawardani

et al., 2011). Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in that
Tarkhineh is a traditional Iranian fermented they favorably alter the intestinal microflora balance,
cereal based food product. An overview of the promote good digestion, inhibit the growth of harmful
production of Tarkhineh is shown in Figure 1. It and pathogen bacteria, boost immune function and
is widely prepared and used as a soup especially increase resistance to infection (Dhanasekaran et al.,
on cold days. Lactic acid bacteria “LAB” have an 2010; Sieladie et al., 2011). Some other benefits of
important role in the fermentation of Tarkhineh. probiotics include removal of carcinogens, lowering of
LABs are widely distributed in the nature and present cholesterol, immunostimulating and allergy lowering
in fermented foods. The lactic acid fermentation effect, synthesis and enhancing the bioavailability of
which these bacteria perform has long been known nutrients, alleviation of lactose intolerance (Sieladie
and applied for making foodstuff (Hoque et al., 2010; et al., 2011). Two of the famous understood probiotic
Barakat et al., 2011) are Generally Recognized As bacteria include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
Safe (GRAS) and can be used well for medical and genera (Iñiguez-Palomares et al., 2007; Kisworo,
veterinary applications (Hoque et al., 2010). LABs 2008). During the last fifteen years, the Lactobacillus
are known as microorganisms that have probiotic genus has evolved and contains to date more than
attributes. They can produce inhibitory compounds 80 species. They are present in raw milk and dairy
such as lactic acid, diacetyl, acetaldehyde, hydrogen products such as cheeses, yoghurts, fermented milks
peroxide and bacteriocin. These compounds are and fermented cereal based food. Lactobacillus
able to inhibit the growth of harmful and pathogen comprise a large and diverse group of gram positive,
microorganisms (Allameh et al., 2012). Probiotic non-spore forming, catalase negative, rod bacteria,
microorganism, as defined in a FAO/WHO (2002) non-mobility, able to produce lactic acid as the main
report, “are live microorganisms which when end-product of the fermentation of carbohydrates. In
administered in adequate amounts confer a health order to exert their beneficial effect, probiotics must
benefit on the host” (Sieladie et al., 2011). Family survive in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, persist in
of LAB are Grame-positive bacteria that ferment the host, and prove safety for consumer. To survive
carbohydrate into energy and lactic acid (Liu et al., in the gut, organisms must be tolerant to low pH
2009). In the processed fermented food, the number and bile salts in the upper digestive tract (Sieladie
of probiotic bacteria should be 106-107 CFU/g or 108- et al., 2011). Potential probiotic usually evaluate
109 CFU in 100 g or 100 ml daily food consumption based on some criteria such as acid and bile salts

*Corresponding author.
Email: [email protected]
2488 Vasiee et al./IFRJ 21(6): 2487-2492

(4oC) refrigerator to protect contamination and

deterioration. Finally, samples were transported to
the laboratory for further analysis.

Isolation of lactic acid bacteria

Ten g sample was transferred to 90 ml 0.1%
peptone water (Merck, Germany) and homogenized
with a Stomacher (Seaward model, Germany). Then
0.1 ml of homogenized samples was spread on MRS
agar (Merck) and all plates were incubated at two
different temperatures, 30°C and 45°C for 48 h in
anaerobic condition to remove unwanted bacteria
(Sengun et al., 2009). Colonies sub-cultured three
times on new MRS agar to obtain single pure colonies
(Allameh, 2012). For long time storage, isolates were
Figure 1. Flow diagram for Traditional Tarkhineh kept at (−20°C) in MRS broths containing 15% (v/v)
production glycerol.
tolerance, antibiotic susceptibility, antibacterial test
and adhesion properties as antagonistic effect against Identification of Lactobacillus
pathogens (Hoque et al., 2010). Traditionally, LABs At the first step after isolation, morphological
have been classified based on phenotypic properties characteristic tests were done which included Gram
including physiological tests and sugar fermentation staining and physiological characteristics of LAB
patterns. Molecular techniques have been used as tests such as catalase, growth at various temperatures
an effective and accurate method to identify and (10, 37, and 45oC), survival at various pHs (4.4 and
characterize the dominant flora in complex bacterial 9.6), survival at 6.5% NaCl and ability to produce CO2.
communities such as fermented food for the last 20 The identification of Lactobacillus spp. isolates was
years (Kesmen et al., 2012). In particular, PCR-based conducted using 10 different types of carbohydrates
genomic fingerprinting techniques are believed to and the media used for this reactions was Phenol Red
have the highest potential for more rapid, reliable and Broth (based) (Quelab, Canada).
repeatable detection, identification and classification
of LAB. PCR amplification of repetitive bacterial pH tolerance
DNA elements (rep-PCR) has been recognized as a Fifty four strains of lactobacilli were subjected
simple PCR-based technique with the characteristics to primary screening for acid tolerance in MRS broth
like, high discriminatory power, low cost, suitable adjusted to pH 2.5 with 1N HCl for 90 minutes
for a high-throughput of strains, and considered to at 37°C. Streak method on MRS agar plates was
be a reliable tool for classifying and typing a wide performed to determine for survival isolates, and the
range of Gram-negative and several Gram-positive growth was observed after 24-48 h after anaerobic
bacteria (Geversa et al., 2001). This technique assigns incubation at 37°C. Isolates grown on agar were
molecular fingerprints based on the amplification of considered to be acid resistant strains. These strains
repetitive sequences specific to the organism and were cultivated in MRS broth under anaerobic
commonly found in non-coding regions of bacterial condition at 37°C. Cultures (107–108 cfu/ml) were
genomes (Behringer et al., 2011). In this study we inoculated in 10 ml of 0.05 M sodium phosphate
used three different formulations of Tarkhineh. buffer adjusted to pH 2.0, 3.0, and 7.0 with 1 N HCl.
Including local butter milk, local high-fat yogurt and Samples were incubated at 37°C for 2 h. Cells were
local low-fat yogurt. The main objective of our study serially adjusted to 10-fold dilution by phosphate
was isolation and identification of Lactobacillus spp. buffer pH 7.0. For determination of viable cells
from Tarkhineh, evaluation probiotic characteristics the dilution was plated on MRS agar after 48 h of
and typing them. incubation. The survival rate was calculated as the
percentage of colonies grown on MRS agar compared
Materials and Methods to the initial cell concentration. Experiments was
performed in triplicate (Klayraung et al., 2008).
Sample collection
Tarkhineh samples were collected from Bile salt tolerance
Kermanshah province, Iran. Then samples of Survival of isolates in the presence of bile salts
Tarkhineh were stored aseptically in low temperature was determined by adjusting the early log phase
Vasiee et al./IFRJ 21(6): 2487-2492 2489

MRS broth culture to pH 6 with 1 N NaOH and Table 1. Species and numbers of majority cultured
adding suspension of bile salts to obtain different microorganisms identified through different formulation
concentration (0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.5%). of Tarkhineh using molecular methods and sequencing
Viable bacteria were determined after 24 and 48 h Species
F1 F2 F3 Media Total
incubation at 37oC (Barakat et al., 2001). Lactobacillus plantarum 7 9 3 MRS 19
Lactobacillus fermentum 2 14 1 MRS 17
Lactobacillus pentosus 2 7 - MRS 9
Antibacterial activity Lactobacillus brevis
Lactobacillus diolivorans
The antibacterial activity of isolates was Formulation: F1: Tarkhineh with butter milk, F2: Tarkhineh with
High-fat yogurt, F3: Tarkhineh with Low-fat yogurt
determined by agar spot-on-lawn method. The
Table 2. Morphological, physiological and biochemical
indicator bacteria used in this study were Escherichia characteristics of isolated Lactobacillus
coli TISTR 780, Listeria innocua ATCC 33090 Biochemical Lactobacillus Lactobacillus Lactobacillus Lactobacillus Lactobacillus

and Staphylococcus aureus TISTR 029. One μl of characteristics

Gram reaction
each overnight culture of selected Lactobacillus Catalase test _ _ _ _ _
Growth at:15/45°C +/_ +/_ _/+ _/+ +/_
was spotted on MRS plates and incubated under CO2 production _ + + + _

anaerobic conditions for 48 h. A portion of 0.25 Growth at pH=4.4

Growth at pH:9.6
+ _
ml of 1:10 dilution of an overnight culture of the 6.5% NaCl + _ _ + _

indicator bacteria was inoculated in 9 ml of Brain

Heart Infusion (BHI) (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)
soft agar. The medium poured over the MRS plate
on which the Lactobacillus was grown. The plates
were incubated aerobically at 37°C for 24 h. The
antibacterial activity was related to the inhibition
zone which calculated as the difference between the
total of inhibition zone and the diameter of growth
spot of selected strains (Klayraung et al., 2008).

DNA extraction
DNA extraction of isolates was performed Figure 2. (A): REP-PCR typing profiles obtained with
according to procedure of Denazist extraction DNA primer BoxA2R among the 19 Lb. plantarum strains or
isolates from Tarkhineh. (B): dendogram of similarity of
kit, Iran.
the different typing patterns clustered by the UPGMA
method using the Simple Matching coefficient.
Typing of isolates
All Lb. plantarum isolates were grouped In total, 54 isolates from Tarkhineh were identified
by rep-PCR typing using primer BoxA2R (5′- from the counting plates of MRS-agar (Table. 1).
ACGTGGTTTGAAGAGATTTTCG-3′) according These 54 isolates were classified into 5 groups based
to Edalatian et al. (2012). PCR amplifications were on biochemical tests and carbohydrate fermentations.
performed in Labcycler Gradient 011-101 (Sensquest Table 2 showed the biochemical tests of Lactobacillus
Goettingen, Germany). Amplification products from spp. in Tarkhineh. Among 54 Lactobacillus strains
rep-PCR were subjected to electrophoresis in 1.5% which were isolated from Tarkhineh, 19, 17, 9, 8
agarose gels in 1x TBE buffer for at 90 min and 75V and 1 isolates belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum,
(Tamang et al., 2005). Bands were visualized under Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus pentosus,
UV light after staining with DNA Green Viewer and Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus diolivorans,
photographed. Pattern similarity was expressed via respectively. The Lb. plantarum and Lb. diolivorans
the simple matching (SM) coefficient, and patterns strains were not able to produce CO2 from glucose,
were clustered by the Un-weighted pair group method indicating they were homofermentative LAB. This
using arithmetic averages (UPGMA) (Edalatian et LAB group was only able to ferment glucose to lactic
al., 2012). acid. Whereas, Lb. fermentum, Lb. brevis and Lb.
pentosus were in the group of hetero-fermentative.
Results and Discussion LAB which they were able to ferment glucose to lactic
acid, ethanol/acetic acid, and CO2. Lb. plantarum, Lb.
Identification and typing of LAB species brevis and Lb. diolivorans strains were able to grow
All 54 strains isolated from Tarkhineh were at 10oC, but no growth at 45oC. While, Lb. fermentum
identified as Lactobacillus based on their morphology, and Lb. pentosus were able to grow at 45oC, but none
Gram staining, non-motility and catalase reaction. of the colonies grew at 10oC (Kam et al., 2012).
2490 Vasiee et al./IFRJ 21(6): 2487-2492

Table 3. Antimicrobial activity of the selected

Lactobacillus strains
Radius of inhibition zone (mm) of indicator strains
Strains S. aureus TISTR 029 E. coli TISTR L. innocua ATCC 33090
A54 6.20±0.45 4.76±0.65 5.00±0.78
B2 5.76±1.12 4.86±0.69 6.73±0.68
B20 7.26±0.65 6.10±1.34 6.36±0.74
mean ± standard deviation

Figure 4. Effect of bile salt concentration on survival of

Figure 3. Survival rates of isolated strains from Tarkhineh strain B2, B20 and A54 on MRS agar incubated at 37°C
with butter milk (F1), Tarkhineh with High-fat yogurt (F2) under anaerobic conditions.
and Tarkhineh with Low-fat yogurt, in incubation media
having pH 2.0 (A) and pH 3.0 (B). that high tolerance to low pH may due to the reason
that reduce the lethal effect of low pH on the cell wall
As shown in Table 2, the results indicated Lb. like production polysaccharides. When the pH was
plantarum was the predominant species in Tarkhineh raised to 3.0, more than 40% of isolates exhibited a
followed by Lb. fermentum, Lb. plantarum isolates survival rate higher than 75%. When the pH reached
were all subjected to rep-PCR typing to evaluate up to 7.0, all isolates could survive 100%. One of
intra-species diversity. Figure 2 shows the profiles the most important standard for selection of LAB as
obtained with the 19 Lb. plantarum isolates from probiotic is potential viability at low pH (Allameh
Tarkhineh, plus the similarity dendrogram for the et al., 2012). As Sahadeva et al. (2011) and Boke et
different typing patterns clustered by the UPGMA al. (2010) Confirmed the viability of all strains was
method and using the Simple Matching coefficient. significantly reduced at pH 2 compared with pH 3
Given the reproducibility of the assay isolates and pH 7. Among 54 strains, only 3 of them showed
sharing a percentage of similarity of >78% were significant resistance to the acid in the extremely
considered to be the same strain. Six different high concentration which were selected for further
profiles were considered to represent different strains studies.
for Lb. plantarum. A high intra-species diversity was
found among the Lb. plantarum isolates using rep- Effect of bile concentration
PCR, which suggests a high subsequent phenotypic To evaluate the potential of using LAB as effective
diversity. probiotics, it is generally necessary to evaluate their
ability to resist the effects of bile acid. Oxgall is a
Effect of pH natural dried bovine bile component containing both
It was reported that acids such as the hydrochloric conjugated and unconjugated bile salts (Barakat et
acid found also in human stomach, interrupt the al., 2011). All 3 isolates demonstrated good capacity
biomolecules of cells such as proteins, vitamins, fatty to resist bile salts but B2 showed better resistance
acids and DNA (Hassanzadazar et al., 2012). Low pH (Figure 4). The gradual decrease of viable cells
environments can inhibit the metabolism and reduce was observed when the concentration of bile salt
the growth and viability of Lactobacillus. The effect was increased up to 1.0% (Klayraung et al., 2008;
of pH range from 2.0 to 7.0 on the survival rate of Sahadeva et al., 2012). The protective effect of food
the 54 selected strains was studied. Good probiotic matrix, may prevent the bacteria from bile exposure
strain should withstand at least pH 3.0 (Ferna´ndez and hence, giving rise to the increased bile resistance
et al., 2002). The number of strains that survive and (Begley et al., 2005). Another important factor is the
their survival rate were represented in Figure 3. It bile salt hydrolase (BSH) activity that help for the
was found that the majority of strains could survive bile salt resistance (Sahadeva et al., 2011). Mourad et
approximately less than 50% in pH 2.0. Strain no. al. (2006) showed the survivability of Lb. plantarum
B20 showed the highest resistance or tolerance in strains in the conditions of high bile salt concentration
this regard. This strain could survive in pH 2.0 at the and low pH values. Hutari et al. (2011) said that Lb.
survival rate of 60.2%. Barakat et al. (2011) reported fermentum is the most tolerant isolate to bile salts 0.5
Vasiee et al./IFRJ 21(6): 2487-2492 2491

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