CO Arts6 q2 Mod5 Digital-Painting

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MAPEH - Arts
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Digital Painting

MAPEH - Arts
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 5: Digital Painting
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Jean Corinne G. Tubiera
Editor: Joyce M. Toriaga
Reviewers: Margie R. Ibuyan, Rovie C. Abello, Rebecca Y. Ibarreta,
Mahnnie Q. Tolentino, Hajji S. Tropa
Illustrator: Danny U. Nagtalon
Layout Artist: Gerry D. Almanon
Management Team: Ramir B. Uytico, Pedro T. Escobarte
Miguel Mac D. Aposin, Jerson B. Labos
Elena P. Gonzaga, Donald T. Genine, Jerry A. Oquendo
Dobie P. Parohinog, Mahnnie Q. Tolentino
Rebecca Y. Ibarreta, Hajji S. Tropa, Rovie C. Abello

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Department of Education – Region VI – Western Visayas

Office Address: Duran St., Iloilo City
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MAPEH - Arts
Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Digital Painting
Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master art. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning
situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order
in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the module you are now
After going through this module, the learner is expected to:
1. Create a digital painting similar with the Master’s (e.g., Van Gogh,
Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc. A6PR-IIc

What I Know

Write T is the statement is True and F if it is False. Write the answer on your

_____1. Digital brushes are the engine room where you will make most of your
_____2. In making digital painting, any version of the program will NOT provide
you with a toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen.
_____3. Like traditional painting, digital painting primarily makes use of a lot of
_____4. You have to assemble everything to create a finished digital painting.
_____5. In making your own Digital Painting, you have to follow some steps.
_____6. NOT all brush properties can be accessed in the Brushes Palette.
_____7. You can draw out your outlines with the use Digital Pen.
_____8. Do not use the Artist’s Brushes in creating a digital painting similar with
anyone of the Masters.
_____9. Print completed painting.
____10. Using the Pencil Tool, you can sketch a portrait that will transform into
a 3D portrait.

1 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5

1 Digital Painting

After going through this lesson, the learner is expected to create a Digital
Painting similar with the Masters’ Paintings (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms
of style, theme, etc. A6PR-IIc

What’s In

Put a check mark(/) if the statement is true and X if the statement is false.
Answer it on your paper.
_____1. Digital Painting is a fun hobby.
_____2. Meedhu Joseph is the great impressionist.
_____3. It is a real painting if the canvas peeps through the oil paint, and if the
brushstrokes appear thick or thin on the board or canvas
_____4. Each artist mixes and blends colors to build forms in real painting.
_____5. If the watercolor washes can blend, and if the watercolor is deposited on
rough paper, it is considered as a real painting.
_____6. One of the advantages in using computers in paintings is that errors can be
easily corrected.
_____7. Stages and version(s) of the artwork cannot be saved, filed, and easily
retrieved with the use of computer in painting.
_____8. You have to understand how the elements and principles of artwork
are applied on designs.
_____9. Elements and Principles in making a Digital Painting is not effective to use.
____10. Set your equipment and tools for Digital Painting.

Clap! Clap! Clap! If you got 10.

Don’t be sad if you got 5 below.

What’s New

In this lesson, you will be more equipped of the knowledge in making a

Digital Painting.

How do you assemble everything to create a finished digital painting?

Familiarize yourself with the various components to create a digital painting
more confidently.

2 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
What is It

In Module 2.1.3, you have studied the materials and techniques available to
you, work must begin. Try your hand here at creating your own digital painting. The
following steps walk you back through the process:

Make Your Digital Painting

1. Open Gimp (Open Source) for tablet PC. Any version of a program will provide
you with a toolbar on the left-hand side of the screen.The first few tools at the
top are your selection tools. With these tools, you can select any part of your
image independently. The square tool will define for you an area – your virtual
canvas- where you can work.

2. Using your digital pen, draw out your outlines. Indicate your foreground,
middle ground, and background shapes. You can also select the character of your
line switching from brush, to pen, to pencil, or airbrush in a second. The pencil lines
should touch the edge of your rectangle or virtual canvas. If the line does not touch
the edge, it will allow other colors to bleed into that shape.

3 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5

3. Then, use the paint bucket tool to dump color into large areas. Use the color
pattern and colored textures in the toolbox for added effect. Add lighter colors for the
highlights and darker colors for shadowing. The texture of the “fill-ins” and
background canbe chosen too. Use the Eraser tool if you must.

Base Color Shadow Highlights

Illustrations by Danny U. Nagtalon
4. Create Virtual brushstrokes. Change the brush to blend in the effects under the
paintbrush tool. If needed, change the size and shape of the paintbrush as well.
Observe how the colors are blended and what parts of the work are being
manipulated. The moreyou blend colors, the more the work would look as if it were
painted by hand. You may also enlarge the size of the painting.

4 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
Brushes Tool Options
5. Work in layers. Once you have selected a portion of the image, copy and paste it
over the left side of the screen. At the bottom, you will find the layers panel. When
you copy and paste a selection, it will automatically create a new layer above the
background layer. As you add more layers, the ones that are higher in the layer order
will be on top of your image. You can change this order by simply dragging the layers
up and down.
Layer Panel
6. Use the Artist’s Brushes. Switch to artists’ brush should you like to create a
digital painting similar with anyone of the Masters (Impressionist, Seurat, Van Gogh,
etc.) in terms of style or theme. Learn from these masters to build a sense of the
world outside of your own.

5 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
Brush Dynamics

Illustrated by Danny U. Nagtalon

7.Print the completed painting. Finally, when you are satisfied with your painting,
a paper printout, suitable for reproduction, can be obtained. Use only small amounts
of glue to mat your work, so it would not soak through the paper. Display your work
in an art exhibit. Post it online as well. Appreciate any feedbacks that you receive
from your friends and family. They could provide you with ideas that will enable you
to make better decisions.

Student work

Illustrated by Danny U. Nagtalon

Notes to the Teacher

Check the work of your learner if he/ she met your objectives. Give
some praises.

6 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
What’s More

Activity 1: Expressions in Digital Painting

Materials: digital camera, laptop or any personal computer
Today, technology allows you the means to experiment beyond the alphabet.
Try your hand doing all or any of the following activities with your computer:

1. Look for a photograph of any finished portrait painting.

Sample photograph:
2. Copy and paste your source photo nine times.
• Use the computer and software to manipulate and make each image
different from each other. For example: change the original colors
(Brush Tool) of each one.
• Make the face of your first image yellow, the second image pink, and
the third image in black and white.
• Stretch your imagination further by sharpening the contrast (Dodge
or Burn Tool) between colors, placing it on another background (Move
Tool), or zooming in (Zoom Tool) on a part to put a third eye or color
the image’s lips alone.

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3. Arrange them in a series or in the style of the famous Pop Art artist, Andy

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What I Have Learned

Did you get it?

Go over the list of topics and put a check mark (/) on how you understand
Digital Painting.

Topics I have a good I still have I don’t get it.

understanding. questions.

Brush Tools

Digital Brushes

Software Tools
Used in Digital

Layers in Digital

Wow! Great! Congratulations!

9 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
What I Can Do

1. Explore painting techniques further. For example, give your 2D image a 3D

effect digitally.

2D Drawing 3D effect Digital painting
a. Using the Pencil Tool, sketch a portrait that you will transform into a 3D
b. Play with the facial features; zoom in on part of the picture for closer editing
by using the Zoom tool from the toolbar.
c. Add elements of lighting and shadow into your flat image. Use the Gradient
Tool, Burn Tool, and Dodge Tool to help you accomplish this in a believable
way. Define the shape as well as the depth and dimension of your art.

2. Make an abstraction - just lines, shapes, colors, or textures- like the work of
action painter Jackson Pollock or Filipino painter Vivian Komando. Go to Artist’s
Brushes Selector menu to select the brush technique that you want in your work.
Spatter, pointillize, dab, use the palette knife, or explore impasto.

10 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5

Put a check mark (/) before each statement that describes your attitudes
and feelings during and after doing the artwork.
_____1. I realized that art processes, elements, and principles still apply even with
the use of technologies.
_____2. I can appreciate the elements and principles applied in digital art.
_____3. I can apply concepts on the use of the software (commands, menu, etc.)
_____4. I can utilize art skills using new technologies (hardware and software) in
digital painting.
_____5. I can create a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh,
Amorsolo, etc.)
_____6. I can understand my classmates better through their participation in class.
_____7. I can accept the remarks and suggestions of others.
_____8. I can clean and take good care of the things in my classroom after using
_____9. I can see myself improving in how I think and work in this activity.
____10. I am happy with, and proud of my works.

Additional Activities

Create a digital painting using your available device.

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CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5 12
What I Know What’s In
1. F 1. /
2. F 2. x
3. T 3. /
4. T 4. /
5. T 5. /
6. F 6. /
7. T 7. x
8. F 8. x
9. T 9. x
10.T 10./
Answer Key
Retrieved from:

13 CO_Q2_Arts6_Module5
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)

Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex

Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600

Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985

Email Address: [email protected] * [email protected]

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