Quantum Numbers

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General Chemistry 2

3rd Qtr

Unit: Atoms

Lesson 3: Quantum Numbers

Were you able to find out Schrӧdinger’s notable work? His is well known for his
development of the quantum mechanical equation. This paved way for the development
of the quantum mechanical model of an atom. This atomic model described the location
of each electron in an atom. Niels Bohr was the one to suggest that electrons revolve
around the nucleus of an atom, but his atomic model can only describe one atom and that
is the hydrogen atom. Before Schrӧdinger developed this model, there are other scientists
who tried to improve the flaws of the atomic model (planetary model) of Bohr. There were,
Louis de Broglie hypothesized that particles including electrons could also behave like
waves. Thus the movement of electrons are in a wave like pattern.
Werner Heisenberg stated that in order to locate an electron around the nucleus of an
atom, it is more like a probability rather than a certainty. Thus he proposed the uncertainty
principle. And finally, Erwin Schrӧdinger provided an equation (quantum mechanical
equation) that predicts the path of an electron. He called his atomic model as the Quantum
Mechanical Model. The quantum mechanical equation discovered out 3 of the 4 quantum

There are 4 quantum numbers:

In order to complete the set of quantum numbers of an atom, all 4 quantum

numbers must be present.

A. Principal Quantum Number (symbol is n)

This quantum number represent the main or principal energy level.
Each main energy level has an equivalent value. These are:
n=1 n=5
n=2 n=6
n=3 n=7

There are only 7 because the maximum energy level of an atom is up to 7.

B. Angular Quantum Number/Azimuthal or Orbital (the symbol is 𝑙)

This quantum number represents the sub-level/sub-shells of an atom’s electron
Each sub-level namely s, p, d and f has an equivalent value. These are:

C. Magnetic Quantum Number (the symbol is ml)

This quantum number represents the orbitals in each energy levels.
Each orbital in a sub-level have values that are as follows:
s = 0
p = -1, 0, 1
d = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2
f = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3

Notice that the number of values in each sub-level are equal to the number of orbitals.
s = 0 1 orbital
p = -1, 0, 1 3 orbitals
d = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 5 orbitals
f = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 7 orbitals

D. Spin Quantum Number (the symbol is ms)

This quantum number represents the upward and downward spin of electrons inside
each orbital. Each spin have the following values:
Upward spin = +1/2
Downward spin = -1/2

The Spin Quantum number was based on Pauli’s Exclusion Principle.

In order to write the quantum numbers of an atom, it is important to write the electron
configuration and must be familiar with the orbital diagram of at least the last configuration.


The 4 sets of quantum numbers for the element 26Fe:

1. First write the electron configuration.

Fe = 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d6

2. The set of quantum numbers depend on each configuration. Draw a table with 5
columns and the rows will always depend on the number of configurations. For iron,
from 1s2 to 3d6 there are 7 configuration, so the number of rows for this example is 7.
The first column will be for the configuration and the other 4 are the quantum numbers.
Write the symbol for each quantum number.

Configuration n l ml ms
(per energy






4. Use the values above as reference for each quantum number.

Configuration n l ml ms
(per energy
1s2 1 0 0 +1/2 -1/2

2s2 2 0 0 +1/2 -1/2

2p6 2 1 -1,0,1 +1/2 -1/2, +1/2 -1/2, +1/2 -1/2

3s2 3 0 0 +1/2 -1/2

3p6 3 1 -1,0,1 +1/2 -1/2, +1/2 -1/2, +1/2 -1/2

4s2 4 0 0 +1/2 -1/2

3d6 3 2 -2,-1,0,1,2 +1/2 -1/2, +1/2, +1/2, +1/2, +1/2

On the n column, the principal quantum numbers are the numerical coefficients of each
configuration. On the l column, the azimuthal quantum numbers are the equivalent values
of the sub-levels in each configuration. On the ml column, the magnetic quantum numbers
are the values for each orbital. Finally, on the ms column, the magnetic spin quantum
numbers are the values for the elctrons’ spin in each orbital. All configurations except for
the last have full orbitals. That is why each orbital have both upward and downward spin
electrons with quantum numbers represented by +1/2 and -1/2. But in the case of the 3d6
configuration, not all orbitals have filled electrons. It only has 1 orbital which is the first one
to have paired electrons (both upward and downwards spins) while the rest are unpaired
electrons each having a quantum number of +1/2 to represent upward spins.

To illustrate the orbital diagram:


2s2 and 2p6

3s2 and 3p6

4s2 and 3d6

Notice that on the 3d6 configuration, the first orbital has electrons while the rest have only
one. This is the reason why the ms for 3d6 is +1/2 -1/2, +1/2, +1/2, +1/2, +1/2.
(up and down), (up), (up), (up), (up)

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