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This poem depicts Havisham, a allusionalcharacter, with
her aggression and mental instability after being
betrayed by her husband on her wedding day. By using
violent vocabulary, and vivid visual & auditory imagery,
Duffy successfully reflects Havisham's outraged on her
trauma and how she becomes depersonalized.
As Carol Ann Duffy uses allusion, she intends to speak
up about the thoughts & emotions of the misunderstood
character such as Havisham, so that it allows the reader
to be in the character's shoes and understand their
perspective. In the case of Havisham, Carol Ann Duffy
wants the reader to sympathize with her, but also let
them witness the destruction of her mental health that
led her to become a violent, fiendish woman.
A monologue
Reflect on Miss Havisham's mind as her fiance is
jilting her. )
plosive 'b' and 'd' - creates

a first impression of "Not", "haven't" -> Negative

anger, bitterness,...

connotation consecutively

Beloved sweetheart bastard. Not a day since then

1st perspective
I haven't wished him dead. Prayed for it religious
so hard I've dark green pebbles for eyes, Her aggresion and
jealousy is now
Green: represent ropes on the back of my hands I could strangle with affecting her
physical state
disgust, envy &
possessiveness Her aggression through her
Metaphor: traces of time, mental and physical stage
wrinkles on her hand
always leaves a deep
impression when it is
associated with the
Her grief &
scent torment
Isolation, Caesura - Stands Senses - Smell -> Associate
loneliness of her being labeled by Time past - The
out/highlight word "spinister"
stable hatred
-Double meaning-

Spinster, I stink and remember. Whole days Expressive

emotions -
Harsh cry of a crow - in bed cawing Nooooo at the wall; the dress Hopelessness
Agony, animal in pain -
Losing her human
yellowing, trembling if I open the wardrobe;
the slewed mirror, full-length, her, myself, who did this
Time past

Double meaning; "trembling" as a Internal caesura: Faster pace, creating Depersonalization - Blaming,
personification; but also refers to an impulsive, angry tone Detach with herself; no denial stage
(Perhaps this makes her emotions build
Havisham who quivering at she flashback to climax as it sounds like a flow of
longer recognize her
about that day thoughts
Dark red or purple-brown
color -> Reminds of
wounds, bruises Pain that unable to express to words ->
Rhetorical Highlights her unforgettable trauma

to me? Puce curses that are sounds not words. Dreaming of him
"Lost body" - The one fiancé
Some nights better, the lost body over me, that no longer in her life

my fluent tongue in its mouth in its ear

Objectified her fiancé
then down till I suddenly bite awake. Love's

Sexualization Her action during sex, but it "Love's hate" -

also perhaps shows how she Oxymoron -> Love
want to even eat him alive is hate: Conflicting
Her illusion and
conflicted feelings
Red >< White
White: Pureness, innocence Anger
but also shows the signature color of "Balloon bursting in her face" -
wedding; Veil: Blurred her face -> Shows >Metaphorically shows her
how she is conceal something embarrassment during the incidence plosive 'b' and 'd' ->

hate behind a white veil; a red balloon bursting Violent imagery -> Her
onomatopoeia hatred towards marriage
-> express how in my face. Bang. I stabbed at a wedding cake. life
her rage is in
the final straw Give me a male corpse for a long slow honeymoon. Corpse with honeymoon -
Contrast, associate
Don't think it's only the heart that b-b-b-breaks. something happy and joy
with a more menacing

Dark, deadly Plosive and stuttering Depicts/flashbacks back
imagery -> Not only does she lose faith in love
about her trauma at the
word and break her heart, but also her life
and mental state (fragility) wedding day
Sexualization, Deception, Individuality, Mental Health
In conclusion, ....

This is considered a protest poem since Duffy wants to
protest about the people's obsessive nature towards
money and their materialism, as well as the process of
how they obtain it.
She uses:
Vivid visual imagery
Short sentences structure
Choice of languages
Caesura + Short sentence ->
Creates a slower pace but more
determined tone

Turnover. Profit. Readies. Cash. Loot. Dough. Income. Stash.

tongue: eat, communication
Dosh. Bread. Finance. Brass. I give my tongue over -> His living/food resources depends
on money
to money; the taste of warm rust in a chipped mug
of tap water. Drink some yourself. Consider metaphor fr
an Indian man in Delhi, Salaamat the niyariwallah money

who squats by an open drain for hours, sifting shit sibilence

for the price of a chapati. More than that. His hands
his way of
living to raise in crumbling gloves of crap pray at the drains An Indian man who earn
his family money by sits in open
for the pearls in slime his grandfather swore he found. drains and sifting shit

religious; pray for

something that's
never come
sibilence & onomatopoeia
The juxtaposition
between sniffing a
Megabucks, Wages. Interest. Wealth. I sniff and snuffle "stench"

for a whiff of pelf; the stench of an abattoir blown

action of smoking
Alltiteration by a stale wind over the fields. Roll up a fiver, weed -> Money is
snort. Meet Kim. Kim will give you the works,
fluids to inject into her own worst enema, suck you, lick you, squeal
your rectum Vulgar terms: Show a
red weals to your whip, be nun, nurse, nanny, disrespectful manner
nymph on a credit card. Don't worry. Alliteration
Kim’s only in it for the money. Lucre. Tin. Dibs. A woman (name Kim) who
is selling herself off for
Colloquial language->
Show how it isn't
Sibilence =
Give some references about Personification

I put my ear to brass lips; a small fire's whisper Tonal shift

close to a forest. Listen. His cellular telephone

rings in the Bull's car. Golden hello. Big deal. Now get this
Double entendre
straight. Making a living is making a killing these day.
colloquial language -
Jobbers and brokers buzz. He paints out a landscape
Internal rhyme - Summary
by number. The Bull. Seriously rich. Nasty. One of us. for the whole poem:
People can killing to
obtain money
stocks A
representative Standouts
image of a gang
The future of the boy who
takes gun spend shells for
"naked" Fragility &
Vulnerability Salary. Boodle. Oof. Blunt. Shekels. Lolly. Gelt. Funds.

I wallow in coin, naked; the scary caress of a fake hand

Imerge in money
on my flesh. Get stuck in. Bergama. The boys from the bazaar
hide on the target-range, watching the soldiers fire. Between bursts,
they rush for the spent shells, cart them away for scrap.
Here is the catch. Some shells don't explode. Ahmat
runs over grass, lucky for six months, so far. So

Tonal shift bomb-collectors die young. But the money's good.

Highlights the importance of

money, is more than a boy's life
The risks of circus and how
people can do anything or

Palmgrease. Smackers. Greenbacks. Wads. I widen my eyes " a fortune" -> The knives
Show how they lose their humanity for
at a fortune; a set of knives on black cloth, shining, money
utterly beautiful. Week. The economy booms
like cannon, far out at sea on a lone ship. We leave imagery
Similies our places of work, tired, in the shortenning hours, in the time
of night our town could be anywhere, and some of us pause
Internal rhyme
in the square, where a clown makes money swallowing fire.
Dangerous behavior

Double meaning
Clown in circus 2 intepretation
The people is a fool themselves
Theme Global issues Structure
Greed Impact of greed on
Lots of short sentences
Vulgarity human decision
People being lowered Materialism
Cyclical (Paradox)
disenfranchised voices Avarice
In conclusion.....

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