M933-9602-104-Kaleido-MX 4K 1RU Installation Manual v9.20

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Installation & Service Manual



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Copyright © 2015–2018, Grass Valley USA, LLC. All rights reserved.
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other jurisdictions. Grass Valley, Kaleido-MX 4K, Kayenne, Karrera, iControl, NVISION, and
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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using Kaleido Multiviewer
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Title Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) Installation & Service Manual

Part Number M933-9602-104

Revision 5 March 2018, 11:55 am

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Important Safety Information

This section provides important safety guidelines for operators and service personnel.
Specific warnings and cautions appear throughout the manual where they apply. Please
read and follow this important information, especially those instructions related to the risk
of electric shock or injury to persons.

Symbols and Their Meanings

Indicates that dangerous high voltage is present within the equipment

enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric

Indicates that the user, operator or service technician should refer to the product
manuals for important operating, maintenance, or service instructions.

This is a prompt to note the fuse rating when replacing fuses. The fuse
referenced in the text must be replaced with one having the ratings indicated.

Identifies a protective grounding terminal which must be connected to earth

ground prior to making any other equipment connections.

Identifies an external protective grounding terminal which may be connected to

earth ground as a supplement to an internal grounding terminal.

Indicates that static sensitive components are present, which may be damaged
by electrostatic discharge. Use anti-static procedures, equipment and surfaces
during servicing.

Indicates that the equipment has more than one power supply cord, and that all
power supply cords must be disconnected before servicing to avoid electric

The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has
been tested and certified as complying with applicable Canadian Standard
Association (CSA) regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.

The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has
been tested and certified as complying with applicable Underwriters Laboratory
(UL) regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.

The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley equipment means that it has
been tested and certified as complying with applicable Intertek Testing Services
regulations and recommendations for USA/Canada.


The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley product means that it complies
with all applicable European Union (CE) directives.

The presence of this symbol in or on Grass Valley product means that it complies
with safety of laser product applicable standards.

A warning indicates a possible hazard to personnel, which may cause injury or
death. Observe the following general warnings when using or working on this
• Appropriately listed/certified mains supply power cords must be used for the
connection of the equipment to the mains voltage at either 120 V AC or 240 V AC.
• This product relies on the building's installation for short-circuit (over-current)
protection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker for 120 V AC or 240 V AC is used on the
phase conductors.
• Any instructions in this manual that require opening the equipment cover or enclosure
are for use by qualified service personnel only.
• Do not operate the equipment in wet or damp conditions.
• This equipment is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cords. To
avoid electrical shock, plug the power cords into a properly wired receptacle before
connecting the equipment inputs or outputs.
• Route power cords and other cables so they are not likely to be damaged. Properly
support heavy cable bundles to avoid connector damage.
• Disconnect power before cleaning the equipment. Do not use liquid or aerosol
cleaners; use only a damp cloth.
• Dangerous voltages may exist at several points in this equipment. To avoid injury, do
not touch exposed connections and components while power is on.
• High leakage current may be present. Earth connection of product is essential before
connecting power.
• Prior to servicing, remove jewelry such as rings, watches, and other metallic objects.
• To avoid fire hazard, use only the fuse type and rating specified in the service
instructions for this product, or on the equipment.
• To avoid explosion, do not operate this equipment in an explosive atmosphere.
• Use proper lift points. Do not use door latches to lift or move equipment.
• Avoid mechanical hazards. Allow all rotating devices to come to a stop before servicing.
• Have qualified service personnel perform safety checks after any service.

A caution indicates a possible hazard to equipment that could result in equipment
damage. Observe the following cautions when operating or working on this
• This equipment is meant to be installed in a restricted access location.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

• When installing this equipment, do not attach the power cord to building surfaces.
• Products that have no on/off switch, and use an external power supply must be
installed in proximity to a main power outlet that is easily accessible.
• Use the correct voltage setting. If this product lacks auto-ranging power supplies,
before applying power ensure that each power supply is set to match the power
• Provide proper ventilation. To prevent product overheating, provide equipment
ventilation in accordance with the installation instructions.
• Do not operate with suspected equipment failure. If you suspect product damage or
equipment failure, have the equipment inspected by qualified service personnel.
• To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that
contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so. Refer all
servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing should be done in a static-free
• This unit may have more than one power supply cord.  Disconnect all power supply
cords before servicing to avoid electric shock.
• Follow static precautions at all times when handling this equipment.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Protection

Electrostatic discharge occurs when electronic components are improperly
handled and can result in intermittent failure or complete damage adversely
affecting an electrical circuit. When you remove and replace any card from a frame
always follow ESD-prevention procedures:
• Ensure that the frame is electrically connected to earth ground through the power cord
or any other means if available.
• Wear an ESD wrist strap ensuring that it makes good skin contact. Connect the
grounding clip to an unpainted surface of the chassis frame to safely ground unwanted
ESD voltages. If no wrist strap is available, ground yourself by touching the unpainted
metal part of the chassis.
• For safety, periodically check the resistance value of the antistatic strap, which should
be between 1 and 10 megohms.
• When temporarily storing a card make sure it is placed in an ESD bag.
• Cards in an earth grounded metal frame or casing do not require any special ESD

Cautions for LCD and TFT Displays

Excessive usage may harm your vision. Rest for 10 minutes for every 30 minutes of
If the LCD or TFT glass is broken, handle glass fragments with care when disposing
of them. If any fluid leaks out of a damaged glass cell, be careful not to get the liquid crystal
fluid in your mouth or skin. If the liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, wash it off
immediately using soap and water. Never swallow the fluid. The toxicity is extremely low
but caution should be exercised at all times.


Mesures de sécurité et avis importants

La présente section fournit des consignes de sécurité importantes pour les opérateurs et le
personnel de service. Des avertissements ou mises en garde spécifiques figurent dans le
manuel, dans les sections où ils s’appliquent. Prenez le temps de bien lire les consignes et
assurez-vous de les respecter, en particulier celles qui sont destinées à prévenir les
décharges électriques ou les blessures.

Signification des symboles utilisés

Signale la présence d’une tension élevée et dangereuse dans le boîtier de

l’équipement ; cette tension peut être suffisante pour constituer un risque de
décharge électrique.

Avertit l'utilisateur, l’opérateur ou le technicien de maintenance que des

instructions importantes relatives à l'utilisation et à l'entretien se trouvent dans
la documentation accompagnant l’équipement.

Invite l'utilisateur, l’opérateur ou le technicien de maintenance à prendre note du

calibre du fusible lors du remplacement de ce dernier. Le fusible auquel il est fait
référence dans le texte doit être remplacé par un fusible du même calibre.

Identifie une borne de mise à la terre de protection. Il faut relier cette borne à la
terre avant d’effectuer toute autre connexion à l’équipement.

Identifie une borne de mise à la terre externe qui peut être connectée en tant
que borne de mise à la terre supplémentaire.

Signale la présence de composants sensibles à l’électricité statique et qui sont

susceptibles d’être endommagés par une décharge électrostatique. Utilisez des
procédures, des équipements et des surfaces antistatiques durant les
interventions d’entretien.

Le symbole ci-contre signifie que l’appareil comporte plus d’un cordon

d'alimentation et qu’il faut débrancher tous les cordons d'alimentation avant
toute opération d’entretien, afin de prévenir les chocs électriques.

La marque C-CSA-US certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par l'Association
canadienne de normalisation (CSA) et reconnu conforme aux exigences
applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux États-

La marque C-UL-US certifie que l’appareil visé a été testé par Underwriters
Laboratory (UL) et reconnu conforme aux exigences applicables en matière de
sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux États-Unis.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

La marque ETL Listed d’Intertek pour le marché Nord-Américain certifie que

l’appareil visé a été testé par Intertek et reconnu conforme aux exigences
applicables en matière de sécurité électrique en vigueur au Canada et aux États-

Le marquage CE indique que l’appareil visé est conforme aux exigences

essentielles des directives applicables de l’Union européenne en matière de
sécurité électrique, de compatibilité électromagnétique et de conformité

Le symbole ci-contre sur un appareil Grass Valley ou à l’intérieur de l’appareil

indique qu’il est conforme aux normes applicables en matière de sécurité laser.

Les avertissements signalent des conditions ou des pratiques susceptibles
d’occasionner des blessures graves, voire fatales. Veuillez vous familiariser avec les
avertissements d’ordre général ci-dessous :
• Un cordon d’alimentation dûment homologué doit être utilisé pour connecter
l’appareil à une tension de secteur de 120 V CA ou 240 V CA.
• La protection de ce produit contre les courts-circuits (surintensités) dépend de
l’installation électrique du bâtiment. Assurez-vous qu'un fusible ou un disjoncteur pour
120 V CA ou 240 V CA est utilisé sur les conducteurs de phase.
• Dans le présent manuel, toutes les instructions qui nécessitent d’ouvrir le couvercle de
l’équipement sont destinées exclusivement au personnel technique qualifié.
• N’utilisez pas cet appareil dans un environnement humide.
• Cet équipement est mis à la terre par le conducteur de mise à la terre des cordons
d’alimentation. Pour éviter les chocs électriques, branchez les cordons d’alimentation
sur une prise correctement câblée avant de brancher les entrées et sorties de
• Acheminez les cordons d’alimentation et autres câbles de façon à ce qu’ils ne risquent
pas d’être endommagés. Supportez correctement les enroulements de câbles afin de
ne pas endommager les connecteurs.
• Coupez l’alimentation avant de nettoyer l’équipement. Ne pas utiliser de nettoyants
liquides ou en aérosol. Utilisez uniquement un chiffon humide.
• Des tensions dangereuses peuvent exister en plusieurs points dans cet équipement.
Pour éviter toute blessure, ne touchez pas aux connexions ou aux composants exposés
lorsque l’appareil est sous tension.
• Avant de procéder à toute opération d’entretien ou de dépannage, enlevez tous vos
bijoux (notamment vos bagues, votre montre et autres objets métalliques).
• Pour éviter tout risque d’incendie, utilisez uniquement les fusibles du type et du calibre
indiqués sur l’équipement ou dans la documentation qui l’accompagne.
• Ne pas utiliser cet appareil dans une atmosphère explosive.
• Présence possible de courants de fuite. Un raccordement à la masse est indispensable
avant la mise sous tension.


• Après tout travail d’entretien ou de réparation, faites effectuer des contrôles de sécurité
par le personnel technique qualifié.

Mises en garde
Les mises en garde signalent des conditions ou des pratiques susceptibles
d’endommager l’équipement. Veuillez vous familiariser avec les mises en garde ci-
dessous :
• L’appareil est conçu pour être installé dans un endroit à accès restreint.
• Au moment d’installer l’équipement, ne fixez pas les cordons d’alimentation aux
surfaces intérieures de l’édifice.
• Les produits qui n'ont pas d’interrupteur marche-arrêt et qui disposent d’une source
d’alimentation externe doivent être installés à proximité d'une prise de courant facile
• Si l’équipement n’est pas pourvu d’un modules d’alimentation auto-adaptables, vérifiez
la configuration de chacun des modules d'alimentation avant de les mettre sous
• Assurez une ventilation adéquate. Pour éviter toute surchauffe du produit, assurez une
ventilation de l’équipement conformément aux instructions d’installation.
• N’utilisez pas l’équipement si vous suspectez un dysfonctionnement du produit. Faites-
le inspecter par un technicien qualifié.
• Pour réduire le risque de choc électrique, n'effectuez pas de réparations autres que
celles qui sont décrites dans le présent manuel, sauf si vous êtes qualifié pour le faire.
Confiez les réparations à un technicien qualifié. La maintenance doit se réaliser dans un
milieu libre d’électricité statique.
• L’appareil peut comporter plus d’un cordon d'alimentation.  Afin de prévenir les chocs
électriques, débrancher tous les cordons d'alimentation avant toute opération
• Veillez à toujours prendre les mesures de protection antistatique appropriées quand
vous manipulez l’équipement.

Protection contre les décharges électrostatiques (DES)

Une décharge électrostatique peut se produire lorsque des composants
électroniques ne sont pas manipulés de manière adéquate, ce qui peut entraîner
des défaillances intermittentes ou endommager irrémédiablement un circuit
électrique. Au moment de remplacer une carte dans un châssis, prenez toujours les
mesures de protection antistatique appropriées :
• Assurez-vous que le châssis est relié électriquement à la terre par le cordon
d'alimentation ou tout autre moyen disponible.
• Portez un bracelet antistatique et assurez-vous qu'il est bien en contact avec la peau.
Connectez la pince de masse à une surface non peinte du châssis pour détourner à la
terre toute tension électrostatique indésirable. En l’absence de bracelet antistatique,
déchargez l’électricité statique de votre corps en touchant une surface métallique non
peinte du châssis.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

• Pour plus de sécurité, vérifiez périodiquement la valeur de résistance du bracelet

antistatique. Elle doit se situer entre 1 et 10 mégohms.
• Si vous devez mettre une carte de côté, assurez-vous de la ranger dans un sac
protecteur antistatique.
• Les cartes qui sont reliées à un châssis ou boîtier métallique mis à la terre ne
nécessitent pas de protection antistatique spéciale.

Précautions pour les écrans LCD et TFT

Regarder l’écran pendant une trop longue période de temps peut nuire à votre
vision. Prenez une pause de 10 minutes, après 30 minutes d’utilisation.
Si l'écran LCD ou TFT est brisé, manipulez les fragments de verre avec précaution au
moment de vous en débarrasser. veillez à ce que le cristal liquide n'entre pas en contact
avec la peau ou la bouche. En cas de contact avec la peau ou les vêtements, laver
immédiatement à l'eau savonneuse. Ne jamais ingérer le liquide. La toxicité est
extrêmement faible, mais la prudence demeure de mise en tout temps.

Visit www.grassvalley.com for recycling information.

Certification and Compliance

Safety Compliance
This equipment complies with the European Directive 2006/95/EC – Low
voltage directive, in addition to the following standards on safety of
information technology equipment:
– CAN/CSA 22.2 No. 60950-1-07, 2nd Edition, A1:2011
– UL 60950-1:2007, 2nd Edition
– IEC 60950-1:2005, 2nd Edition, A1:2009
– EN 60950-1:2006, A11:2009, A1:2010, A12:2011
The power cords supplied with this equipment meet the appropriate national standards for
the country of destination.


Electromagnetic Compatibility
This equipment has been tested for verification of compliance with FCC Part 15,
Subpart B requirements for class A digital devices.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference
when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and, if
not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment
in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements of the
EMC directive 2014/30/EU:
• EN 55022 Class A Radiated and conducted emissions
• EN 61000-3-2 Limits for harmonic current emissions
• EN 61000-3-3 Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker
• EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic discharge immunity
• EN 61000-4-3 Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity
• EN 61000-4-4 Electrical fast transient immunity
• EN 61000-4-5 Surge transient immunity
• EN 61000-4-6 Conducted disturbances immunity
• EN 61000-4-11 Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations

Environmental Compliance

有毒有害物质或元素 (Toxic or hazardous substances and elements)

铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯
部件名称 Part name (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr6) (PBB) (PBDE)
电缆及电缆组件 Cables and cable assemblies X O O O O O
电路模块 Circuit modules X O O O O O
显示装置 Display assemblies X O O O O O
组装风扇 Fan assemblies X O O O O O
金属零件 Metal parts X O O O O O

O: 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572-2011 规定的

O: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous
materials for this part is below the limit requirement in GB/T 26572-2011.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

X: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572-2011

X: Indicates that this toxic or hazardous substance contained in at least one of the
homogeneous materials for this part is above the limit requirement in GB/T 26572-2011.
技术条款解释:此声明所依据之数据由 Grass Valley 环境管理部门向我们的部件供
应商获取。Grass Valley 公司相信此信息的正确性,但由于数据来源于公司外部,我
Technical explanations: This statement is based on the information provided by our
suppliers of components and collected through our Grass Valley’s environmental
management system. Grass Valley believes this environmental information to be correct
but cannot guarantee its completeness or accuracy as it is based on data received from
sources outside our company. All specifications are subject to change without notice.


Table of Contents

1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Related Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Software and Firmware Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Current Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Available Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Optional Ancillary Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Kaleido Software Minimum Version Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Getting Organized / Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Required Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Required Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Physical Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Front of the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Rear of the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Card Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Mechanical Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Mounting the Kaleido-MX 4K in a Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) fan speed control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3 Multiviewer Cabling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Cabling Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Signal Connections to the Multiviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Output Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
System Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Input Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
GPI I/O Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Commissioning the Multiviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4 Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Using the Densité Frame Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Navigating the Local Control Panel Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Local Control Panel Menu Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Enabling the Frame Automatic Restore Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Disabling the Automatic Restore Feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Table of Contents

Saving a Restore Point to the CPU-ETH2 for a Single Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Saving Restore Points to the CPU-ETH2 for All Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Changing the Mosaic Output Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Enabling EDID Auto-Detection from the Monitor Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Networking Essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Assigning an IP Address to Each Device in your System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Setting the Multiviewer’s IP addresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Setting a Densité Frame Controller’s IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Setting the Multiviewer’s Time and Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Configuring the Network Settings for a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Network Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
TCP/UDP Port Usage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Network Considerations for a Multiviewer Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5 System Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
System Requirements for a Client PC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Multiviewer Model Representation in XEdit and XAdmin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
XEdit Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Installing Kaleido Software Client Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Installing XEdit from your Multiviewer’s Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Uninstalling XEdit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Installing Router Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Uninstalling Router Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Installing Signal Path Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Uninstalling Signal Path Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Opening XAdmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Connecting to a Multiviewer with a Different XEdit Version from your PC’s Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Ways to Access XAdmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Opening XAdmin from a Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Opening XAdmin from XEdit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Enabling the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
XAdmin Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Enabling XAdmin Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Changing the XAdmin Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Disabling XAdmin Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Closing a Password-Protected XAdmin Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Opening Signal Path Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Viewing a Multiviewer’s Status Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Remote Control Using iControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Kaleido-MX 4K Service Control Panels in iControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Output Settings Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Network Settings Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Info Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Setting the System Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Genlocking the Multiviewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Configuring the RCP-200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Configuring the RCP-200’s IP settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Specifying multiviewers for the RCP-200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Specifying lookup servers for the RCP-200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

Logging on to the RCP-200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Correlating Monitor Wall Destinations and KX Router Logical Routers for the RCP-200 . . . . . . . . . . 111
Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Assigning a static IP address to the Kaleido-RCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Selecting a room for the Kaleido-RCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Connecting the Kaleido-RCP2 to Other Kaleido Multiviewer Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Logging on to the Kaleido-RCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Configuring an Audio Bridge Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s Network Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Available Hardware and Software Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Enabling Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

6 Maintenance & Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

System Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Verifying the Kaleido-MX 4K Multiviewer Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Verifying the Kaleido-RCP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Loading a Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Customizing Layouts, Logical Sources, and other Kaleido-IP Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Verifying the Audio Bridge Terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Verifying the Multiviewer’s IP Addresses and Application Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Required Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Field Replaceable Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Opening and Closing the Front Door . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Replacing Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Replacing the Frame Controller Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Replacing the GPI-1501 Card. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Replacing Power Supply Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Cooling Fan Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Replacing KMX-3911 Card Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Replacing Frame Ventilation Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Replacing the Frame’s Air Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Generating a System Snapshot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Upgrading the Multiviewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Pre-upgrade Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Upgrade Oveview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Downgrading the Multiviewer System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Troubleshooting with the card's front edge USB connector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Dashboard Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Troubleshooting Common Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

7 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Kaleido-MX 4K Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Video Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Discrete Audio Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Table of Contents

Kaleido-MX 4K Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Kaleido-MX 4K Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Reference Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
LTC Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
GPI-1501 GPI I/O module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Multiviewer Integration with other Systems and Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Optional Drivers for Controlling Routing Devices from the Multiviewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Optional Drivers for Controlling Tally Interface Devices from the Multiviewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Optional Drivers for Scoreboards and Timers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Built-in Communications Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
RS-422 Connection Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166


Welcome to the Kaleido family of multiviewers! This Installation & Service Manual is
designed to help you get your Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer up and running. The following
chapters will guide you through the installation of a Kaleido-MX 4K system in its default
configuration. This chapter provides an overview of the Kaleido-MX 4K unit.
The Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer offers seamless 4K pictures (without visible quadrants) for
monitoring on large 4K UHD screens. The Kaleido-MX 4K is an ultra high-definition
multiviewer that can natively drive a 4K UHD display for the most demanding monitoring
applications. Available in four configurations for up to 64 SD/HD or 3G inputs, the Kaleido-
MX 4K is perfect for high-end in-studio TV productions, outside broadcast trucks, as well as
playout facilities.

Related Documentation
Use the following related documentation to configure the multiviewer and to better
understand the features available with this multiviewer. You can obtain the latest product
documentation from the Documentation Library section of Grass Valley’s website

Document Number Title

M770-2800 Kaleido Software User’s Manual
M770-2103 Kaleido Software Release Notes
M770-9904 Kaleido Software Product Comparison Charts
GVB-1-0498B-EN-DS Kaleido-MX 4K Datasheet
M770-9905 Kaleido Multiviewers Documentation Resource Guide
M933-9602 Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) Hardware Description & Installation Manual
M659-9900 CPU-ETH2 Guide to Installation and Operation
M906-9900 GPI-1501 Guide to Installation and Operation
M735-9902 Kaleido-RCP2 Guide to Installation and Operation
M876-9900 RCP-200 Guide to Installation and Operation
M770-0900 Kaleido Remote Control Protocol (Gateway) User’s Guide
M796-9902 Audio Bridge Terminal Guide to Installation and Operation
M807-9700 KXI-DVI-Bridge User’s Manual
M407-9900 iControl Router User Guide
Published online iControl Online Help
iControl Solo Online Help

Software and Firmware Updates

Software and Firmware Updates

You can obtain the latest software, drivers, and sample databases from the Downloads section
of the Grass Valley’s website (www.grassvalley.com/dl/multiviewers).

Available in two form factors (1 RU, and 3 RU), and four configurations, the Kaleido-MX 4K
ultra high-definition multiviewer can monitor up to 64 video inputs, on a 4K UHD display,
without visible quadrants.
A Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer system in its default configuration includes a number of
layout presets. Each preset shows the video signals from a specific input module (card).
Refer to the Kaleido Software User’s Manual (see Related Documentation, on page 17) for
instructions on how to create rooms and layouts to meet your specific requirements.
Available in two form factors (1 RU, and 3 RU), the Kaleido-MX 4K supports up to 64 video
inputs. Pre-configured Kaleido-MX 4K systems are available in the following sizes:

Frame Inputs × outputs

16 inputs × 1 UHD output

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) frame

32 inputs × 1 UHD output
48 inputs × 1 UHD output
64 inputs × 1 UHD output

Kaleido-MX 4K (3RU) frame

Kaleido-MX 4K features
Uncompromised • Up to 64 inputs 3G/HD/SD SDI formats
I/O capabilities • Quad-link 3 Gb/s output or HDMI 2.0 output at 3840 × 2160 @ 59.94/50p
Unmatched image • Unmatched multiviewer picture quality and superior on-screen
quality and layout graphics.
flexibility • Ultimate level of layout flexibility, with unlimited signal repetition and
sizing across all displays, without blocking, grouping restrictions or
bandwidth restrictions
• Display up to 128 images (64 unique) on a 4K UHD display

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Kaleido-MX 4K features (continued)

Router and • Kaleido-MX 4K offers rich integration with the NVISION router family and
switcher Grass Valley’s Kayenne/Karrera production switchers
integration • Supports third-party routers and production switchers for tally and
Robust and • Fast automated recovery after a cold spare is inserted into the frame
serviceable design • Hot-swappable modules and power supplies
• 1 RU and 3 RU frame models with quiet cooling
Seamless control • Kaleido multiviewers can be mixed-and-matched to create a seamless
across multiple monitoring system across a facility
multiviewers • Choice of control options such as standalone Kaleido-RCP2/RCP-200
panels, integrated with router control systems and panels, iControl and
third-party control systems
Scalable for the • Virtually limitless multiviewer system expansion with upstream NVISION
largest systems router
• A combined multiviewer/router system may include up to 1152 video
inputs, and 72 UHD multiviewer outputs
Advanced probing • Closed captioning and teletext subtitling display and alarming to ensure
and alarming compliance with regulation, includes XDS and AFD
• Software licensable Dolby E metadata extraction for metering and
content alarming
• On-screen alarm displays for operator alerts, supporting multicolor and
blinking statuses based on severity, latching and status

Current Limitations
The Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer supports a subset of the features offered by other Kaleido
Multiviewer series models as shown in the Kaleido Multiviewer Product Comparison Guide
(see Related Documentation, on page 17).

Available Options
The following multiviewer option is available:
• Second power supply for redundant power security

Optional Ancillary Equipment

The following optional equipment may be supplied with your order.
• Kaleido RCP-2 or RCP-200 multi-function remote control panel
• Audio Bridge Terminal (ABT)

Kaleido Software Minimum Version Compatibility

A Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer cannot be downgraded to a Kaleido Software version earlier
than 7.70. When downgrading this multiviewer, certain other requirements and limitations
may be in effect; see Upgrading the Multiviewer, on page 141 for more information.

Kaleido Software Minimum Version Compatibility

To upgrade a multiviewer, see Upgrading the Multiviewer, on page 141.

Whenever possible, upgrade the multiviewer to use the latest Kaleido Software version to
take advantage of the latest bug fixes and stability enhancements. See the Kaleido
Software Release Notes for more information about a Kaleido Software release.


This chapter provides information about system requirements, items shipped with your
Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer and it will guide you through the installation of a Kaleido-
MX 4K multiviewer.

Getting Organized / Unpacking

This section provides information about system requirements, and items shipped with your
Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU).

Required Tools
Use a field-supplied Phillips #2 screwdriver to install optional modules into the frame.

Required Materials
Make sure the following items have been shipped with your Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 system. If
any of these are missing, contact your distributor or Grass Valley (see Grass Valley Technical
Support, on page 166).
Your Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 system package includes the following:
• A Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) unit with pre-installed cards (1 input card, 2 output cards, a
Densité CPU-ETH2 controller card, and a GPI-1501 GPI I/O module), and 1 or 2 power
supplies (second power supply optional)
CPU-ETH2 card Slot 1 (empty) Output card in slot 3 GPI-1501 in slot 5

Input card in slot 2 Output card in slot 4

The table below indicates how the cards included in your Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 are
distributed in the housing frame:

Slot Card Card model

2 Input A KMX-3901-IN-16-Q
3 Output A KMX-3901-OUT-D
4 Output B KMX-3901-OUT-D
5 GPI I/O GPI-1501

• Two AC power cords

• Two cable retainers

Required Materials

• One quad link SDI to HDMI 2.0 converter

• One WECO mating connector for the CPU-ETH2 controller card’s GPI output.

Note: Due to space constraints at the 1RU rear panel, the Kaleido-MX 4K
16 × 1model does not support analog audio outputs. Audio monitoring is
available at the SDI outputs only.

• Two serial port adapters (one with straight cabling and one with crossover cabling —
see RS-422 Connection Diagram, on page 164):

Part number Adapter cabling RS-422 pinout at the DE-9P connector

1737-3000-102 Straight Controller (SMPTE master) mode
1792-3700-100 Crossover Tributary (SMPTE slave) mode

• The Kaleido Multiviewers Documentation Resource Guide, which provides instructions on

how to access the documentation you need to install and use your new multiviewer.
See Related Documentation, on page 17.

Note: In line with our commitment to environmental preservation, only the

Kaleido Multiviewers Documentation Resource Guide, and some related
documents (e.g., welcome letters, warranty cards) are distributed in printed
form. You can obtain the latest version of the Kaleido Software User’s Manual
and Installation & Service Manual for this multiviewer model, as well as the
Release Notes, from the Documentation Library section of the Grass Valley
website. Software, drivers, and sample databases are available from the
Downloads section of the website.

In addition to the above, you might need the following (not supplied):
• One 4K UHD display
• A dedicated 100Base-T Ethernet switch with enough ports for the Kaleido-MX 4K, client
PCs, Kaleido-RCP2, and Audio Bridge Terminals
• Client PC (see System Requirements for a Client PC, on page 61)
• Cables (to connect your multiviewer to the video sources, to the display, and to the

Cable type Purpose

CAT-5 For Ethernet connectivity
Display cables Standard coaxial cables with DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors, to connect the
multiviewer’s SDI outputs to a 4K UHD display, or to the SDI to HDMI 2.0
Video cables Standard coaxial cables with DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors

Note: On all Kaleido multiviewers, the network adapters are set to auto-
negotiate. By default, the connection speed and duplex mode will be set
automatically based on the corresponding port settings on the switch.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Physical Interface

Front of the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 frame

Opening the frame door reveals that the unit is visually divided into three sections:

Left The controller card with its attached control panel is seen
on the left. The card itself is installed in a horizontal slot
near the top. A power supply is located below the
controller card in the frame.

Center Four card slots are laid out horizontally, two across by two down. Two output cards
occupy slots 3 and 4, on the right, and an input card occupies slots 1 and 2, on the
left. (The input card itself is inserted in slot 2, at the bottom.) The center area of a
Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 system appears as follows:
Slot 1 (empty) Output card in slot 3

Input card in slot 2 Output card in slot 4

Right A second power supply is located on the lower right,

and above it is a single slot (slot 5) reserved for system
Note: This slot supports ONLY designated system
cards; do not insert any other cards. At the time of
writing, only the GPI-1501 card is supported.

To open the front door, see Opening and Closing the Front Door, on page 129.
The table below indicates how the cards included in your Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) are
distributed in the housing frame:

Slot Card Card model

2 Input A KMX-3901-IN-16-Q
3 Output A KMX-3901-OUT-D
4 Output B KMX-3901-OUT-D
5 GPI I/O GPI-1501

When the frame door is closed, the status LED on each of the cards in the frame is visible via
a light pipe in the door. No other controls or indicators are present.

Rear of the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 frame

Output A card status

Controller card status Input card status Output B card status GPI-1501 card status

Rear of the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 frame

The rear of the Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) frame is organized in three sections, matching the

Viewed from the back of the frame, the three sections are laid out as follows:

Right This area contains inputs and outputs for the controller
card: the fan speed control setting switch, a GPI port and
two Ethernet ports. It also contains the power socket for
the power supply located beneath the controller card,
and one of the two frame fans.
Center This area contains the connectors associated with your multiviewer’s input and
output cards.

Left This area contains the power socket for the power
supply located beneath the GPI-1501 card, and one of
the two frame fans.

Note: The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) offers a wide variety of ports for incoming
and outgoing signals. With a view towards future expansion, there are ports
whose connections exist but that are currently not fully supported. The
FlexBridge IN ports are reserved for future expansion, and the SFP ports are
not yet supported.

Kaleido-MX 4K systems with 16 inputs share the same rear-panel as the Kaleido-MX 16 × 4
multiviewer model, including 16 input connectors, 4 HD-SDI monitoring outputs, 1 SDTI
audio input, 1 LTC input, 1 reference input, 2 Ethernet connectors, 1 RS-422 connector,
20 GPI inputs, and 8 configurable GPI input/output.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 rear panel

• Do not use the 4 HDMI outputs with this system configuration. A seamless
4K UHD output is only supported at the SDI OUT connectors.
• Due to space constraints at the 1RU rear panel, the Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1
model does not support analog audio outputs. Audio monitoring is
available at the SDI outputs only.

Card Interfaces

Kaleido-MX 4K Input Card Interface

SDI LEDs 1–8

SDI LEDs 9–16

Boot status 1
Status LED
Boot status 2
Select button (not used)
Power LED
Input card (top) Input card (bottom)

Summary view of the interface on the top, and on the bottom of a Kaleido-MX 4K input card

Input card Status LED

The Status LED is located on the front edge of a Kaleido-MX 4K card, immediately above the
Select button, and is visible through the front access door of the Densité frame. This multi-
color LED indicates the status of the card, by color, and by blinking/steady illumination:

Status LED Color Meaning

Green Normal (communication established with an output card)
Blinking orange Booting (or the card is selected for local control)

Card Interfaces

Status LED Color Meaning

Red Default color before firmware initialization is complete / update in
progress (may last up to 10 minutes)
Blinking red Fan failure / no rear

The Status LED always shows the most severe detected error status. In the table above,
error severity increases from top to bottom, with green representing no error/disabled, and
blinking red the most severe error conditions.
If the Status LED is blinking orange, it means that the card is selected for local control using
the Densité frame’s control panel (or that the card is booting up). See Using the Densité
Frame Control Panel, on page 42 for details.
If the Status LED is steady red (not blinking), use the Densité frame control panel to review
card status information (see Local Control Panel Menu Structure, on page 43). If the card
status menu reports that an update is in progress, then you know that you should not
interrupt this process (by reseating the card, for example).

Input card power LED

Monitors the status of the 1.8V and 3.3V power supplies on board the Kaleido-MX 4K input

Power LED Color Meaning

Green OK
OFF Failure of the 1.8V or 3.3V on-board PSUs

This group of LEDs monitors the status of the 16 inputs to the Kaleido-MX 4K input card.
The frame door must be open for the LEDs to be visible.

SDI LED Color Meaning

Green SD-SDI, HD-SDI or 3G input signal detected
Red No input signal detected

This LED monitors the status of the ABT/MADI input on the Kaleido-MX 4K input card.

ABT LED Color Meaning

Green ABT/MADI signal detected
Red No signal detected

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

This LED monitors the status of the REF input on the Kaleido-MX 4K input card.

REF LED Color Meaning

Green Black-burst or tri-level-sync signal detected
Red No signal detected

Boot status LED 1

Monitors the status of the firmware.

Boot Status LED

Color Meaning
Green Normal (firmware has completed initialization and communication was
established with at least one output card)
Blinking orange Error or no communication with an output card
Blinking green/red Transitory state during firmware initialization
Red Initial state

Boot status LED 2

This LED is always red, and currently not relevant.

Kaleido-MX 4K Output Card Interface

Every output module also has one USB connector, into which you may connect a mouse,
keyboard, or USB flash memory for a software upgrade or data backup. The diagram below
shows the USB connector, between various LED indicators and the Select button, on the
output cards’ front edge.

Card Interfaces

Output card

Other side:
(future use)
CPU 0 LED (not used)

SD card access LED

Heartbeat LED

USB connector

Status LED

Select button

Power LED

Summary view of the interface on a Kaleido-MX 4K output card edge

Output card Status LED

The Status LED is located on the front edge of a Kaleido-MX 4K card, immediately above the
Select button, and is visible through the front access door of the Densité frame. This multi-
color LED indicates the status of the card, by color, and by blinking/steady illumination:

Status LED Color Meaning

Green Normal
Blinking orange Booting (or the card is selected for local control)
Red Firmware initialization in progress / no Ethernet / SD card error / CPU
kernel error / update in progress (may last up to 10 minutes)
Blinking red Fan failure / no rear / duplicate IP address

The Status LED always shows the most severe detected error status. In the table above,
error severity increases from top to bottom, with green representing no error/disabled, and
blinking red the most severe error conditions.
If the Status LED is blinking orange, it means that the card is selected for local control using
the Densité frame’s control panel (or that the card is booting up). See Using the Densité
Frame Control Panel, on page 42 for details.
If the Status LED is steady red (not blinking), use the Densité frame control panel to review
card status information (see Local Control Panel Menu Structure, on page 43). If the card
status menu reports that an update is in progress, then you know that you should not
interrupt this process (by reseating the card, for example).

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Output card power LED

Monitors the status of the power supplies on board the Kaleido-MX 4K output cards.

Power LED Color Meaning

Green OK
OFF Failure of an on-board PSU, or there was a glitch on the 3.3V PSU (in
which case reseating the card may resolve the problem). In the first case,
reseating the card will not resolve the problem.

Output card heartbeat LED

Monitors the status of the system firmware.

Heartbeat LED
Color Meaning
Blinking red System OK (heartbeat signal)

Memory card access LED

Monitors read/write operations to the SD memory card.

Memory Card
Access LED Color Meaning
OFF No read/write operations in progress
Blinking green Read of write operation in progress

ETH communication LED

This LED is always OFF, and currently not relevant.

CPU 0 LED (not used)

This LED is always orange, and currently not relevant.

Monitors the status of the firmware during the startup process.

CPU 1 LED Color Meaning

Green Normal (the Kaleido Software, XEdit, XAdmin are available)
Blinking orange Firmware initialization completed (waiting for the Kaleido Software to
Orange Transitory state during firmware initialization
Red Initial state

Output module FlexBridge input LEDs

The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) has 4 LEDs monitoring the status of the FlexBridge inputs located
on its rear connector panel. The FlexBridge inputs are reserved for future expansion.

Card Interfaces

4 Flexbridge input LEDs on

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) rear panel
(future use)

FlexBridge input
LED Color Meaning
Green HD-SDI or 3G-SDI signal detected
Red No SDI signal detected

The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) has 8 SFP LEDs located on its rear connector panel. These LEDs are
always OFF, and currently not relevant.

8 SFP LEDs on Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)

rear panel (future use)

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Mechanical Installation

Mounting the Kaleido-MX 4K in a Rack

The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) housing frame occupies 1RU, in a standard 19-inch rack.
To mount the frame
1 Open the front door to expose the rack mounting flanges at the ends of the chassis (see
Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 Install the frame in the rack using 4 standard rack-mounting screws (not supplied)
through the four holes in the mounting flanges.

In a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU), ventilation is provided by two fans, one located at each end of
the rear panel.The fans draw air through the frame and exhaust it to the rear. Ventilation
slots in the front panel allow air to flow into the frame, and an air filter is mounted in the
frame door.

To ensure proper cooling, the front panel of the Kaleido-MX 4K frame must
be closed at all times when cards are installed and operating.

The frame-mounted fans are supplemented by thermostatically-controlled fans mounted

in each power supply. They are not field-serviceable.
Ensure that the front panel ventilation slots are not obstructed. Check the air filter regularly
to ensure that it is not plugged up with debris. The filter may be cleaned by rinsing in warm
water. Dry thoroughly before replacing it in the frame. See Replacing the Frame’s Air Filter
on page 139, for details.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) fan speed control

On the Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
frame’s rear panel, a slider
switch beside the controller-
side fan allows the speed of the
two rear-panel fans to be
specified by the user. Two
settings are provided:
• FULL – The fans operate at
top speed at all times.
• VAR – The fan speed is
managed by the controller
card, which is monitoring
the temperature inside the
frame. This is the factory-
default setting, and it is appropriate for most situations.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) fan speed control

Use a small tool (e.g., a pen tip or a small screwdriver) to change the switch setting.

Multiviewer Cabling

This chapter shows how to interconnect the multiviewer with its associated equipment.

Cabling Diagram

Cabling diagram, showing the rear view of a Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 system

Multiviewer Cabling
Signal Connections to the Multiviewer

Signal Connections to the Multiviewer

This section describes the connectors found on the Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) models’ rear

Output Modules

Output module connectors on Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1

The following table lists the function of each connector associated with the output heads.

Connector label Connector type Function

SDI OUT A1 DIN 1.0/2.3 Serial digital HD output signal from Output A, Head 1.
Top-left quadrant of quad link (square division) 4K UHD
output (with embedded audio). See Multiviewer Mosaic
Output to a 4K Display Input Cable Connections on
page 35 for connection information.
SDI OUT A2 DIN 1.0/2.3 Serial digital HD output signal from Output A, Head 2.
Bottom-left quadrant of quad link (square division) 4K
UHD output (with embedded audio).
SDI OUT B1 DIN 1.0/2.3 Serial digital HD output signal from Output B, Head 1.
Top-right quadrant of quad link (square division) 4K
UHD output (with embedded audio).
SDI OUT B2 DIN 1.0/2.3 Serial digital HD output signal from Output B, Head 2.
Bottom-right quadrant of quad link (square division) 4K
UHD output (with embedded audio).
MV OUT A1, HDMI Not supported for 4K UHD monitoring. A seamless 4K UHD
MV OUT A2, output is only supported at the SDI OUT connectors. The
MV OUT B1, quad-link SDI to HDMI converter that ships with each
MV OUT B2 multiviewer provides one progressive scan HDMI 2.0
SFP A1 1, SFP A1 2, — Optional ports. Not yet supported.
SFP A2 1, SFP A2 2,
SFP B1 1, SFP B1 2,
SFP B2 1, SFP B2 2
FLEXBRIDGE IN A1, DIN 1.0/2.3 Reserved for future expansion

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Multiviewer Mosaic Output to a 4K Display Input Cable Connections

The multiviewer’s display can be rotated when the license for this feature is enabled (see
Available Hardware and Software Options, on page 119). The following display orientations
are supported.

90° 90°

Portrait: Display Rotated Landscape: Portrait: Display Rotated

90° Counter-Clockwise Not Rotated 90° Clockwise

To support a 4K UHD display, connect the four multiviewer mosaic outputs to an SDI to
HDMI 2.0 Converter. The way the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter connections are made to the
multiviewer will change according to the display’s mounting orientation.

Landscape Multiviewer Display Orientation

When the display’s orientation is landscape, connect the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter as

Multiviewer Output Connects to the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter Input


Refer to Creating a 4K UHD Room, and to 4K UHD Spanning, in the Kaleido Software User’s
Manual, for instructions on how to create 4K UHD rooms and layouts. See Related
Documentation, on page 17.

Portrait Multiviewer Display Orientation

When the display’s orientation is portrait, connect the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter as above,
however the connections between the multiviewer and the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter are
to be made according to the table below.

Connects to the SDI to HDMI 2.0 Converter Input

Output Display is Mounted 90° Counter-Clockwise Display is Mounted 90° Clockwise

Furthermore, the display rotation must be set in the Kaleido Software for this configuration
to work. In the Kaleido Software User’s Manual, see Creating a 4K UHD Room, 4K UHD

Multiviewer Cabling
System Control

Spanning, and Changing a Display’s Rotation. See Related Documentation, on page 17.

System Control

System control connectors on Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1

The Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 has two Ethernet connectors, labelled ETHA (for Output A), and
ETHB (for Output B). The RS-422 port is located at the other end of the rear panel, next to
the input module connectors. The following table lists the purpose of every connector
associated with system control.

Connector label Connector type Function

ETHA, ETHB RJ-45 100 Base-T Ethernet connection
RS-422 RJ-45 Connect to an RS-422 (SMPTE ST 207,
EBU-3245) or RS-485 device or network

Note: The Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewers’ RS-422 ports have an RJ-45

connector in order to preserve space on a busy panel. The RS-422 interface
specifies a DE-9 connector, so if you are using this interface, you will require
a DE-9-to-RJ-45 adapter. Grass Valley supplies two adapter models, correctly
wired for this application: a straight adapter (part no. 1737-3000-102), and a
crossover adapter (part no. 1792-3700-100).

Input Modules

Input module connectors on Kaleido-MX 4K 16 × 1 (same rear panel as Kaleido-MX 16 × 4)

The following table lists the function of each connector associated with the input modules.

Connector label Connector type Function

3G/HD/SD IN 1 to DIN 1.0/2.3 SD-SDI, HD-SDI, or 3G-SDI video inputs
3G/HD/SD IN 16
ABT/MADI IN DIN 1.0/2.3 Multiplexed audio from an external device (e.g., MADI
multiplexer, or Audio Bridge Terminal)

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Connector label Connector type Function

LTC IN DIN 1.0/2.3 Time code input
REF IN DIN 1.0/2.3 Reference signal to genlock the multiviewer to the
local plant. See Genlocking the Multiviewer, on
page 107.

GPI I/O Module

The GPI-1501 module supports 20 GPI inputs, and 8 configurable GPI input/output
terminals. The pinout of the associated DB-44 connector, labelled GPI-I/O, is as follows:

Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal

1 GPIO-1 + 12 GPI-I 7 23 RS422-TX + 34 GPIO-5 –
2 GPIO-3 – 13 GPI-I 4 24 GPI-I 19 35 GND
3 GPIO-4 + 14 GPI-I 1 25 GPI-I 17 36 GPIO-7 +
4 GPIO-6 – 15 GND 26 GPI-I 13 37 RS422-RX –
5 GPIO-7 – 16 GPIO-1 – 27 GPI-I 11 38 GPI-I 20 / LTC
6 GPIO-8 + 17 GPIO-2 + 28 GPI-I 8 39 GPI-I 16
7 RS422-TX – 18 GPIO-4 – 29 GPI-I 5 40 GPI-I 14
8 GPI-I 18 19 GPIO-5 + 30 GPI-I 2 41 GND
9 GPI-I 15 20 GPIO-6 + 31 GND 42 GPI-I 9
10 GPI-I 12 21 GPIO-8 – 32 GPIO-2 – 43 GPI-I 6
11 GPI-I 10 22 RS422-RX + 33 GPIO-3 + 44 GPI-I 3

GPI-I/O connector layout

For ease of connection, you may use the GPI-1501-TBA terminal block adapter with integral
44-pin connector. Refer to the GPI-1501 Guide to Installation and Operation for more
information. Refer to the Kaleido Software User’s Manual for detailed instructions on
configuring a GPI-1501 within your multiviewer system. See Related Documentation, on
page 17.

Multiviewer Cabling
Commissioning the Multiviewer

Commissioning the Multiviewer

To make the multiviewer operational
1 With the Kaleido-MX 4K frame installed in its designated rack position, and before
powering up the unit, verify that each card is securely seated in its slot, and leave the
frame door open so that you can monitor all the card’s LEDs.

Note: For more information on the card’s LEDs, see Card Interfaces, on
page 25.

2 Power up the frame.

The multiviewer starts up. The startup sequence takes approximately four minutes,
during which time every card’s status LED is blinking orange. See Input card Status LED,
on page 25 and Output card Status LED, on page 28.
Once the startup has completed, the status LEDs on the output cards should be red
(steady) because the cards are not connected to the network yet. See Input card Status
LED, on page 25 and Output card Status LED, on page 28.
3 Connect the Kaleido-RCP2 and the Audio Bridge Terminal (if available) to a dedicated
100Base-T Ethernet switch (see Cabling Diagram, on page 33). You can also connect a
mouse and a keyboard to your Kaleido-RCP2.

• You may need to upgrade your Audio Bridge Terminal and Kaleido-RCP2
devices (if available) to the latest firmware. See Software and Firmware
Updates, on page 18. Refer to the Kaleido-RCP2 Guide to Installation and
Operation, and to the Audio Bridge Terminal Guide to Installation and
Operation (see Related Documentation, on page 17) for instructions on
how to determine the firmware level, and how to perform the upgrade for
these devices.
• The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) supports only one ABT device.

4 Connect the multiviewer’s outputs to your 4K UHD display, using the SDI-to-HDMI
converter that shipped with your system, if needed. See Multiviewer Mosaic Output to
a 4K Display Input Cable Connections, on page 35.
5 Connect one or more video sources to the multiviewer’s inputs (see Cabling Diagram,
on page 33).
6 Connect a reference source (if available) to one or more reference inputs.

Note: A reference is optional but, if minimal processing delay is required for

your monitoring purposes, then you must reference your system. However, if
you must monitor 50 Hz input signals on 60 Hz displays (or vice-versa), then
do not reference your system.

7 Connect the controller card’s ETHERNET 1 port to your Ethernet switch (see Cabling
Diagram, on page 33).

Note: The Kaleido-MX 4K does not support the controller card’s second
Ethernet port (ETHERNET 2).

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

8 Connect the output cards’ ETH ports to your Ethernet switch.

Make sure to connect your Densité controller and output cards to the same
subnet, and that your Ethernet switch remains isolated from the rest of your
network (consult your network administrator if necessary) until all required
networking setup is complete.

You can now proceed with the networking setup (see Networking Essentials, on
page 48).

Multiviewer Cabling
Commissioning the Multiviewer

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP
Network Setup

This chapter shows the multiviewer interfaces, explains the local operations that can be
performed, and it explains how to implement IP network connectivity with the multiviewer.
The Kaleido-MX 4K can be controlled in the following ways:
• In the housing frame, you can monitor card operating status of your Kaleido-MX 4K
input and output cards by looking at the card-edge LEDs (see Card Interfaces, on
page 25), and use the Densité CPU-ETH2 local control panel and its buttons to navigate
menus and adjust parameter values (see Using the Densité Frame Control Panel, on
page 42).
• The loading and management of layouts is handled via a Java-based application, XEdit,
accessed through a dedicated Ethernet port (refer to the Kaleido Software User’s
Manual; see Related Documentation, on page 17).
• Grass Valley’s iControl system can be used to access the card’s operating parameters
from a remote computer, using a convenient graphical user interface (see Remote
Control Using iControl, on page 97).
• A GPI interface allows remote layout selection.
• The RCP-200 advanced remote control panel, and the Kaleido-RCP2 control panel allow
you to perform operations on the monitor wall, either by themselves or in association
with an external keyboard and a mouse. Refer to the RCP-200, Kaleido-RCP2, and
Kaleido Software documentation (see Related Documentation, on page 17).

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Using the Densité Frame Control Panel

Using the Densité Frame Control Panel

All of the cards installed in a Densité frame are connected to the frame’s controller card,
which handles all interaction between the cards and the outside world. There are no
operating controls located on the cards themselves. The controller supports remote
operation via its Ethernet ports, and local operation using its integrated control panel.
The local control panel is fastened to the controller card, and consists of a display unit
capable of displaying two lines of text, each 16 characters in length, and five buttons.

Densité CPU-ETH2 local control panel

The panel is assigned to operate any card in the frame by pressing the Select button on the
front edge of that card. The Status LED on the selected card will then be blinking orange.
Press the CONTROLLER button on the control panel to select the controller card itself.

Navigating the Local Control Panel Menu

The Kaleido-MX 4K has operating parameters which may be adjusted locally at the
controller card interface. Press the Select button on the front edge of a Kaleido-MX 4K input or
output card (see Card Interfaces, on page 25) to assign the local control panel to operate the
card. The local control panel displays a menu that can be navigated using the four buttons
located next to the display. The functionality of the buttons is as follows:

[+] and [-] Used for menu navigation and value modification.

SEL Gives access to the next menu level. When a parameter value is shown, pressing this
button once enables modification of the value using the [+] and [-] buttons;
pressing a second time confirms the new value.

ESC Cancels the effect of parameter value changes that have not been confirmed;
pressing ESC causes the parameter to revert to its former value.
Pressing ESC moves the user back up to the previous menu level. At the main menu,
ESC does not exit the menu system. To exit, press the Select button on the front
edge of the card being controlled.

If no controls are operated for 30 seconds, the controller reverts to its normal standby
status, and the selected card’s Status LED reverts to its normal operating mode. If a
parameter was changed on the card but not submitted (SEL was not pressed) and the
30 second timeout occurs, the parameters will be confirmed as if the SEL button had been

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Local Control Panel Menu Structure

Where applicable, default values are underlined.

Kaleido-MX 4K output card local menu

RESOLUTION HEAD1 {List of resolutions;* = current}**
HEAD2 {List of resolutions;* = current}**
NETMASK EDIT ###.###.###.###
DEFAULT GW EDIT ###.###.###.###
LINK MODE EDIT Auto-negotiate
100Mbps half-duplex
100Mbps full-duplex
OUTPUT A IP EDIT ###.###.###.###
OUTPUT B IP EDIT ###.###.###.###
* All output cards within a Kaleido-MX 4K frame must have their output heads configured with the same
refresh rate. If your frame is referenced, then the heads’ refresh rate must also match the reference signal's
refresh rate.
** Parameters shown here in braces { } will display the actual value of the item and not the text shown above.

Kaleido-MX 4K input card local menu

2 {FORMAT}**
3 {FORMAT}**

16 {FORMAT}**

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Enabling the Frame Automatic Restore Feature

Kaleido-MX 4K input card local menu (continued)

** Parameters shown here in braces { } will display the actual value of the item and not the text shown above.
*** The Kaleido-MX 4K does not support converting an input module into a 4K UHD prescaler. The SFP ports
are not yet supported.

Enabling the Frame Automatic Restore Feature

To enable the CPU-ETH2 automatic restore feature
1 On the Densité frame’s local control panel, press the CONTROLLER button. See Using
the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42.
2 Press the [–] button repeatedly until RESTORE POINTS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
3 Press the [–] button repeatedly until DEFAULT ACTION appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
• If the control panel’s display shows UPDATE SETTINGS, then the automatic restore
feature is already enabled.
• If the control panel’s display shows KEEP SETTINGS, navigate to UPDATE SETTINGS
by pressing the [–] button, and then press the SEL button to apply your change.
4 Press the CONTROLLER button to exit the controller’s menu.

Disabling the Automatic Restore Feature

To disable the CPU-ETH2 automatic restore feature
1 On the Densité frame’s local control panel, press the CONTROLLER button. See Using
the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42.
2 Press the [–] button repeatedly until RESTORE POINTS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
3 Press the [–] button repeatedly until DEFAULT ACTION appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
• If the control panel’s display shows KEEP SETTINGS, then the automatic restore
feature is already disabled.
• If the control panel’s display shows UPDATE SETTINGS, navigate to KEEP SETTINGS
by pressing the [+] button, and then press the SEL button to apply your change.
4 Press the CONTROLLER button to exit the controller’s menu.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Saving a Restore Point to the CPU-ETH2 for a Single Card

To save a restore point to the controller’s non-volatile memory
1 On the Densité frame’s local control panel, press the CONTROLLER button. See Using
the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42.
2 Press the [–] button repeatedly until RESTORE POINTS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
3 Press the [–] button repeatedly until SAVE A CARD appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
4 Press the [–] button repeatedly until CARD # N—where N matches the slot number for
the Kaleido-Modular card whose configuration you wish to save—appears on the
display, and then press the SEL button.
5 Press the CONTROLLER button to exit the controller’s menu.

Saving Restore Points to the CPU-ETH2 for All Cards

To save restore points to the controller’s non-volatile memory, for all cards
1 On the Densité frame’s local control panel, press the CONTROLLER button. See Using
the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42.
2 Press the [–] button repeatedly until RESTORE POINTS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
3 Press the [–] button repeatedly until SAVE ALL CARDS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
4 Press the CONTROLLER button to exit the controller’s menu.

Changing the Mosaic Output Resolution

Within a Kaleido-MX 4K system, all output heads must be configured with
the same refresh rate. If your system is referenced, then the heads’ refresh
rate must also match the reference signal's refresh rate. If you must monitor
50 Hz input signals on 60 Hz displays (or vice-versa), then do not reference
your system.

To change the display resolution from the Densité controller’s local control panel
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of the output card whose heads you wish to
configure. See Kaleido-MX 4K Output Card Interface, on page 27.
The Status LED on the selected card flashes orange, and the associated control menu
appears on the LCD display of the Densité frame’s local control panel.
2 On the local control panel, press the [–] button twice, until RESOLUTION appears on the
LCD display. See Using the Densité Frame Control Panel on page 42.
3 Press the SEL button.
HEAD 1 appears on the LCD display.
4 Press the SEL button again.

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Enabling EDID Auto-Detection from the Monitor Wall

5 The current resolution for the monitor wall display that is connected to the
multiviewer’s output head 1 (i.e. through the MV OUT 1 connector) appears on the LCD
6 Press the [+] and [–] buttons, to navigate to a suitable output resolution for your
monitor wall display.
7 Press SEL to apply the value shown on the LCD display.
The selected resolution is applied to the multiviewer’s output head 1.
8 Press ESC to return to the previous level in the local control menu.
HEAD 1 appears again on the display.
9 If you wish to change the resolution on the second output head (if available), then
press the [–] button.
HEAD 2 appears on the LCD display and you can repeat step 4 to step 8 above to verify
or configure the resolution of the display that is connected to the multiviewer’s output
head 2 (i.e. through the MV OUT 2 connector).
10 When you are satisfied with the selected output resolution settings, press the Select
button on the front edge of the output card to exit the control menu.

• If you do not press any button on the local control panel, the Densité
CPU-ETH2 controller will revert to its normal standby mode, and the
selected card's status LED will revert to its normal operating mode, after 30
• If you changed a parameter from the card’s control menu, but have not
applied your change (you did not press the SEL button on the local control
panel), once the 30-second timeout has occurred, the parameters will be
confirmed as if you had pressed the SEL button.

Enabling EDID Auto-Detection from the Monitor Wall

• The monitor EDID auto-detection feature is enabled by default in order to
facilitate the initial setup of a Kaleido Software system. Setting an output
head to a specific resolution, from a multiviewer service panel in iControl
(if available), or from a Densité controller’s local control panel disables the
EDID auto-detection for this head (see See Using the Densité Frame
Control Panel on page 42).

To enable EDID auto-detect for a display

1 Right-click the monitor wall background, and then click Display Resolution on the

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

2 Select the Use detected monitor resolution check box.

3 Click OK.

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Networking Essentials

Networking Essentials
The following network prerequisites must be met:
• Any multiviewer you wish to configure or access by using XEdit or XAdmin must be
connected to an Ethernet switch.
• A client workstation must be connected to the LAN or Ethernet switch to access the
multiviewer by using XAdmin or XEdit.
• The Ethernet switch must support 100 Mbps full-duplex connections.
• The port on the Ethernet switch to which the multiviewer is connected should be
configured to auto-negotiate. By default, multiviewers have their Ethernet ports set to
auto-negotiate. If a switch does not support auto-negotiation, the recommended
settings are 100 Mbps, full-duplex.

Assigning an IP Address to Each Device in your System

Multiviewers and most peripheral devices that are part of a Kaleido-MX 4K system
communicate through a TCP/IP network. Configuring your system’s network parameters
includes the following:
• Assigning an IP address, and specifying the appropriate network mask, gateway
address, and a system name for each multiviewer. See Setting the Multiviewer’s IP
addresses, on page 48.
• Assigning an IP address, and specifying the appropriate network mask, gateway
address to the frame’s controller. See Setting a Densité Frame Controller’s IP Address, on
page 51.
• Configuring the RCP-200, if available. See Configuring the RCP-200, on page 108.
• Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2, if available. See Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2, on
page 112.
• Configuring the Audio Bridge Terminal (ABT), if available. See Configuring an Audio
Bridge Terminal, on page 115.

Setting the Multiviewer’s IP addresses

For the Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer to join a TCP/IP network, it must be configured with a
system name, appropriate IP addresses, network mask, and gateway settings. You must also
configure the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s networking parameters, and any Kaleido-RCP2
and Audio Bridge Terminal units you may have ordered, and a client PC to communicate
with the multiviewer and its peripheral devices (see Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s
Network Settings, on page 116).
A Kaleido-MX 4K requires three IP addresses (one for each output card, one for the system).
The Kaleido-MX 4K is shipped with the following default settings:
Kaleido-MX 4K default IP settings
System IP address
Network mask

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Kaleido-MX 4K default IP settings (continued)

Output A IP address
Output B IP address

Note: The default gateway address is either, or the default system IP
address. Both settings result in the same system behavior.

Kaleido-MX 4K frames are shipped with their CPU-ETH2 controller configured with the
following default settings:
Densité CPU-ETH2 controller default IP settings
IP address 1
Network mask
IP address 2
Network mask

To set the system name and IP addresses for your Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer
1 Configure the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller with an appropriate IP address (see Setting
a Densité Frame Controller’s IP Address, on page 51).
2 Verify that the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s automatic restore feature is enabled (see
Enabling the Frame Automatic Restore Feature, on page 44).

Note: For the card hot swap feature to function properly, the CPU-ETH2
automatic restore feature must be activated.

3 Configure your output cards’ networking parameters, by replacing the system

IP address, network mask, default gateway, and both output cards’ IP addresses as
appropriate. See Configuring the Network Settings for a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) on
page 53.
The system IP address will be your system’s virtual IP address. This is the address you will
use to access your system from XEdit and XAdmin, for example.
4 Configure the Kaleido-RCP2, and Audio Bridge Terminal units you have connected to
your system, if any. See Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2 on page 112, and Configuring an
Audio Bridge Terminal, on page 115.
5 Complete your Kaleido-MX 4K system configuration by changing the system name, if
desired. See Setting the System Name on page 103.

Note: If there are more than one multiviewer in the same network
environment, it is important to assign each a unique system name, so that
you can tell them apart (for example, when using a remote control panel
such as the Kaleido-RCP2 or RCP-200).

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Setting the Multiviewer’s IP addresses

You are now ready to open XAdmin and XEdit, from a client PC, and verify your system
communication status (see Multiviewer Model Representation in XEdit and XAdmin,
on page 61, and System Verification, on page 123).

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Setting a Densité Frame Controller’s IP Address

To set the Densité controller’s IP address
1 On the Kaleido-MX 4K frame’s local control panel, press the CONTROLLER button. See
Using the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42.
2 Press the [–] button repeatedly until ETH1 OPTIONS appears on the display, and then
press the SEL button.
3 Press the [–] button repeatedly until IP ADDRESS appears on the display.
4 Press the SEL button.
The current value appears on the display.
• Press the [+] and [–] buttons, to change the digit at the current input position.
• Press SEL to move one position to the right.
• Press ESC to move one position to the left.
5 When the display shows the desired value, press SEL repeatedly until you reach the last
position (if needed), and then press SEL once more to save your changes and return to
the previous menu level.

Note: Pressing ESC when the input focus is in the first position returns to
the previous menu level. Pressing SEL when the input focus is in the last
position saves the changes and returns to the previous menu level.

IP ADDRESS appears on the control panel’s display.

6 Press the [–] button.
NETWORK MASK appears on the control panel’s display.
7 Repeat step 4 and step 5 to configure the netmask.
8 Once you have set the network mask, press the [–] button again.
GATEWAY appears on the control panel’s display.
9 Repeat step 4 and step 5 to configure the gateway.
10 Once you have set the gateway, press the CONTROLLER button to exit the controller’s
The Densité controller restarts.

Make sure the controller’s internal clock is set to the correct date and
To set the multiviewer’s date and time, see Setting the Multiviewer’s Time
and Date, on page 52.

11 Connect the controller card’s ETH 1 port to your management network (see Cabling
Diagram, on page 33).

• To avoid IP-address conflicts, you should wait until you have configured
the appropriate network settings for your KMX-3901 output cards before
connecting the output cards’ ETH ports to the management network.

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Setting the Multiviewer’s Time and Date

Setting the Multiviewer’s Time and Date

The multiviewer receives date and time information from the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller
upon startup. The date/time or NTP settings for this multiviewer cannot be configured in
XAdmin. Make sure the controller’s internal clock is correctly set. The clock settings will
persist for 10 days after a power loss. Should you need to change the time on a Densité
CPU-ETH2 controller, then make sure to restart all multiviewers located in the same housing
frame as the controller card.
Once you have set the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s IP address, you can access the Densité
CPU-ETH2 controller’s web interface through the network to set the frame’s parameters
such as the multiviewer’s time and date. You can obtain the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s
IP address through the:
• frame’s local control panel. See Setting a Densité Frame Controller’s IP Address, on
page 51.
• XAdmin web interface, found under System Configuration, Housing frame. See
Configuring a Multiviewer’s IP Settings with XAdmin, on page 97.
The multiviewer uses an internal clock to keep time. A network timeserver can optionally
be used to keep the multiviewer’s clock synchronized to a network time source using the
Network Time Protocol (NTP). Using NTP synchronization eliminates the long term drift that
affects the internal clock and ensures that all networked equipment operate with respect to
the same network time reference.
To set the time and date
1 With your PC, open a Web browser window and type the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s
IP address in the address bar.
The Densité CPU-ETH2 controller’s home page appears.
2 Click Time/Date or Date and Time under Setup in the left hand menu tree.
The time and date configuration parameters are shown.

3 Enable NTP Synchronization, then set the IP address of one of more time servers and set
how often the network time server is to update the internal clock (NTP Refresh Rate).
Otherwise disable NTP Synchronization and set the current time and date.
4 Click Apply.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Configuring the Network Settings for a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)

To configure the network settings for a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of one of your system’s output cards. See
Kaleido-MX 4K Output Card Interface, on page 27.
The Status LED on the selected card flashes orange, and the associated control menu
appears on the display of the Densité frame’s local control panel.
2 On the local control panel, press the [–] button repeatedly until NETWORK SETTINGS
appears on the display, and then press the SEL button. See Using the Densité Frame
Control Panel, on page 42.
FRAME IP ADDRESS EDIT appears on the display.
3 Press the SEL button again.
The current value appears on the display.
• Press the [+] and [–] buttons, to change the digit at the current input position.
• Press SEL to move one position to the right.
• Press ESC to move one position to the left.
4 When the display shows the desired value, press SEL repeatedly until you reach the last
position (if needed), and then press SEL once more to save your changes and return to
the previous menu level.

Note: Pressing ESC when the input focus is in the first position returns to
the previous menu level. Pressing SEL when the input focus is in the last
position saves the changes and returns to the previous menu level.

FRAME IP ADDRESS EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.

5 Press the [–] button.
NETMASK EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
6 Repeat step 3 and step 4 to configure the netmask.
7 Once you have set the network mask and navigated back to the previous menu level,
press the [–] button again.
DEFAULT GW EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
8 Repeat step 3 and step 4 to configure the gateway.
9 Once you have configured the gateway and navigated back to the previous menu level,
press the [–] button again.
LINK MODE EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
10 Press the SEL button.
11 The current link mode (“Auto-negotiate”) appears on the LCD display.

Note: On all Kaleido multiviewers, the network adapters are set to auto-
negotiate. By default, the connection speed and duplex mode will be set
automatically based on the corresponding port settings on the switch.

12 If your network's mode of operation requires you to change the link mode, press the [+]
and [–] buttons to navigate to the suitable option (100 Mbps half-duplex, or 100Mbps
full-duplex), and then press SEL to apply the value shown on the display.

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Configuring the Network Settings for a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)

The selected link mode is applied.

13 Press ESC to return to the previous level in the local control menu.
LINK MODE EDIT appears again on the LCD display.
14 Press the [–] button.
OUTPUT A IP EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
15 Repeat step 3 and step 4 to configure the IP address for Output A.
16 Once you have set the IP address for Output A, and navigated back to the previous
menu level, press the [–] button again.
OUTPUT B IP EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
17 Repeat step 3 and step 4 to configure the IP address for Output B.
18 Once you have set the IP address for Output B, press the Select button on the front edge
of the output card to exit the control menu.

• If you do not press any button on the Densité frame local control panel, the
Densité controller will revert to its normal standby mode, and the selected
card's Status LED will revert to its normal operating mode, after 30
• If you changed a parameter from the card’s control menu, but have not
applied your change (you did not press the SEL button on the local control
panel), once the 30-second timeout has occurred, the parameters will be
confirmed as if you had pressed the SEL button.

After a moment, both output cards restart. The startup sequence takes approximately
four minutes, during which time the cards’ Status LEDs are first red and then blinking
19 Once the startup has completed, check both cards’ Status LEDs again, and make sure
that they do not indicate an error condition.

Green Normal
Blinking orange Booting (or the card is selected for local control)
Red Firmware initialization in progress / no Ethernet / SD card error
Blinking red Fan failure / no rear / duplicate IP address

Should a Status LED indicate an error condition, see Card Interfaces, on page 25.
20 Verify that both cards’ and the system’s new IP addresses are effective, by referring to
Verifying the Multiviewer’s IP Addresses and Application Version, on page 126.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Network Considerations
This multiviewer generates a low to moderate amount of client-to-server data traffic, and
therefore has a minimal bandwidth impact on a network.

TCP/UDP Port Usage

The various Kaleido-MX 4K communication protocols require access to specific ports. In
networks where a firewall is present between device A and device B, the ports used to
communicate from device A to device B must be open on the incoming (external) side of
the firewall.

Note: All necessary ports are open by default on the multiviewer. There is
no mechanism provided for changing the default settings.

From client to multiviewer

The following ports must be open on the Client (i.e., the workstation running XEdit):

Port Used for Transport Notes

443 HTTPS TCP Used by XAdmin for secure access
7 HTTP TCP Used by XEdit for ping probing
80 TCP Used by XEdit and XAdmin
5122 TCP Used by XEdit for keepalive (heartbeat)
5432 TCP Used by XEdit for export operations
7600 TCP Used for troubleshooting the REST API (remote control)
13000 TCP Online connection
13100 TCP Used for calibration data from XEdit
5120 RCP2 TCP Used to listen for Kaleido Software discovery packets
10000 TCP For RCP2 protocol
10001 TCP For RCP2 protocol
5120 UDP On multicast for RCP2 protocol
5121 UDP For RCP2 protocol

From multiviewer to client

Port Used for Transport Notes
1024–5000a Java RMI TCP Remote Method Invocation (client/server
49152-65535b communication). Dynamic Allocation of ports.
Required for communication between client and
Application Server.
a. For Windows XP and earlier
b.For Windows 7 and later

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
TCP/UDP Port Usage

From multiviewer to multiviewer

The following ports, used for inter-frame communications, are open by default on all
Kaleido Software systems:

Port Used for Transport Notes

22 SSH TCP Secure Shell Login is required to login to a multiviewer for
4160 Java Jini TCP Responsible for discovery and communications between
devices/services on a network.
8082 TCP Internal communication
8083 TCP Internal communication
8084 TCP Internal communication
8085 TCP Internal communication
8086 TCP Internal communication
8087 TCP Used for debugging purposes
8090 TCP Web service
32769 TCP filenet-rpc
5120 UDP On multicast for RCP2
7572 UDP On multicast for “keep-alive” (heartbeat)
7571 UDP For “keep-alive” (heartbeat)
5100 Densité TCP Internal communication within a Kaleido-MX,
Kaleido-MX 4K, or Kaleido-Modular-X multiviewer
system; communication with modules housed in a
Densité frame.

From iControl to multiviewer

Port Used for Transport Notes
4160 Java Jini TCP Responsible for discovery and communications between
devices/services on a network.
32768– Java RMI TCP Remote Method Invocation (client/server
65535 communication). Dynamic Allocation of ports. Required
for communication between client and Application
Server. This range can be restricted to match specific
security requirements. A minimum of 4000 ports should
be allocated.

Between multiviewer and remote control panel

The following ports, used for communications to/from RCP-200 and Kaleido-RCP2 control
panels, are open by default on all Kaleido Multiviewer systems:

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Port Used for Transport Notes

5120 RCP2 TCP Used to listen for Kaleido Software discovery packets
10000 TCP For RCP2 protocol
10001 TCP For RCP2 protocol
5120 UDP On multicast for RCP2 protocol
5121 UDP For RCP2 protocol
80 HTTP TCP Used by the RCP-200 to obtain information from the
multiviewer’s system database
13000 TCP Used by the RCP-200 to control the multiviewer via the

From multiviewer to peripheral devices

Port Used for Transport Notes
25 SMTP TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, for e-mail alerts.
8851 Alpermann+Velte TCP Used to obtain information from Plura
(Alpermann+Velte) Studio Production Timer (SPT)
5100 GPI-1501 TCP Used to obtain information from GPI-1501 General
Purpose Interface I/O modules.a
8910b TSL (network) TCP Used to obtain information from TSL devices that use
the TSL UMD version 5.0 protocol.
a. See also: From multiviewer to multiviewer, on page 56.

From peripheral devices to multiviewer

The following ports must be open on peripheral devices (e.g., router controllers):

Transport Port Notes

TCP 2000 Used to control the multiviewer’s internal router via the SAM (Snell/Pro-
Bel) SW-P-02 protocol
TCP 4381 Used to control the multiviewer’s internal router via the Nevion
(Network) protocol
TCP 5194 Used to control the multiviewer’s internal router via the NVEP Router
(NP0016) protocol.
TCP 14000 Used to control the multiviewer’s internal router via the SAM (Snell/Pro-
Bel) SW-P-08 protocol

Router drivers also use default ports:

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
TCP/UDP Port Usage

Driver Port Transport Notes

ETL 4000 TCP
GVG 7000 Native 12345 TCP
NVEP NV9000 (NP0017) 9193 TCP
VikinX Modular 4381 TCP
Quintech 9100 TCP
Sony HKSPC 12345 TCP GVGNP Emulator
Utah RCP-3 5001 TCP SC-4 Ethernet
SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) SW-P-02 2000 TCP
SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) SW-P-08 14000 TCP

Note: This is configurable in XEdit—you can choose any UDP or TCP/IP port
to use for communications between the multiviewer and an external router.

Between multiviewer and SNMP managers

Port Used for Transport Notes
161 SNMP UDP Used for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
communications between external SNMP managers and a
multiviewer (e.g., sending get, get-next, and set messages
to a multiviewer’s SNMP agent, and receiving the response).
1161 UDP Used for SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
communications between external SNMP managers and a
Kaleido-IP multiviewer (e.g., sending get, get-next, and set
messages to a multiviewer’s SNMP agent, and receiving the

Between multiviewer and NTP server

The following ports, used for communications to/from Network Time Protocol servers, are
open by default on all Kaleido Multiviewer systems:

Port Used for Transport Notes

123 NTP TCP Used for Network Time Protocol synchronization. Port
needs to be open in both directions.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Network Considerations for a Multiviewer Cluster

Before changing the system name or IP address of a multiviewer
associated with a cluster, review the following.

• If you change the system name or IP address of a cluster member while another cluster
member is offline or otherwise unavailable, the cluster’s integrity will be broken. If you
attempt to make such a change, XEdit will alert you of the situation, prompting you to
cancel the operation and try again later, when all cluster members are available.
However, in the advent that such a change was made by mistake, or that it as been
forced for some reason, you will have to repair the broken cluster (see “Repairing a
Cluster System” in the Kaleido Software User’s Manual).
• Changing the system name or IP address of a KMV-3901/3911 multiviewer associated
with a cluster, by using the card’s control panel on the Densité housing frame, or by
using the KMV-3901/3911 control panel in iControl, is not supported.
• To maintain the integrity of a cluster configuration, such changes must be made by
using the system configuration features available in XAdmin.

Frame Control Panel Operation and IP Network Setup
Network Considerations for a Multiviewer Cluster

System Configuration

This chapter shows how to configure the multiviewer.

System Requirements for a Client PC

A client PC or laptop meeting the following requirements is required to access the XAdmin
Web client, and the other Kaleido Software client applications.

Operating system Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, or Windows 7.

Processor The minimum required by the operating system or better.
Memory The minimum required by the operating system plus 2 GB or more.
Disk space The minimum required by the operating system plus 2 GB or more.

Multiviewer Model Representation in XEdit and XAdmin

The name used by XAdmin and XEdit to represent this multiviewer model is KMX-3901.

System Configuration
XEdit Installation

XEdit Installation

Installing Kaleido Software Client Applications

In addition to the XAdmin Web client, which does not require installation, the Kaleido
Software includes the following client applications:
• XEdit is a client application used to create layouts for the monitor wall, and to configure
your multiviewer system, from your PC. When this PC has network connectivity to the
multiviewer, you can use XEdit to modify layouts and settings directly on the
multiviewer, or you can work locally on the computer and then export your changes to
the multiviewer.
• If you have only one multiviewer (or if you have more than one but you intend to
always have the same version of the Kaleido Software on all of them), download the
XEdit installer file from the multiviewer’s home page. Whenever you install a new
version of the Kaleido Software on the multiviewer, the next time you open XEdit, your
copy of the application will be automatically updated from the multiviewer. See
Installing XEdit from your Multiviewer’s Home Page on page 62.
• The Router Control Software Single Bus and Matrix View applications (also part of the
iRouter Router Control Software packaged with iControl Application Servers) can be
used to control your multiviewer’s logical sources and monitor wall destinations, via
the KX Router logical router, or to control other logical routers configured within your
multiviewer system. See Installing Router Control on page 67.
• Signal Path Viewer opens as a standalone panel, updated in real time, showing
assignment information between router sources and multiviewer inputs. Signal Path
Viewer is not used with Kaleido-IP. See Installing Signal Path Viewer on page 70.

Installing XEdit from your Multiviewer’s Home Page

To install XEdit from your multiviewer’s home page
1 With your PC, open a Web browser window and type the multiviewer’s IP address in the
address bar.
The multiviewer’s home page appears.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

2 Click the XEdit button.

The browser prompts you to save an executable file to your hard drive (Kaleido-
windows32-online.exe1). This file is an online installer, which will download XEdit and
other companion elements from your multiviewer, and install them. Some browsers
may allow you to run the file directly. Depending on your browser’s security features,
warnings may appear, which you may safely dismiss.
3 Unless your browser let you run the file (and you chose to do so), navigate to the
location were you saved the installer file and open it.
More security warnings or prompts may appear, which you may safely dismiss or
A window appears, showing the download and installation progress.

At the end of the installation process:

• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10, shortcuts ( ) are added to your desktop
and to the Start menu (under All Programs).

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8, XEdit will appear on your desktop, in the
Apps view with all the other applications on your PC (Windows 8.1), or in your Start
screen (Windows 8).

1.Installers for Linux or Mac OS X are not yet available.

System Configuration
Installing XEdit from your Multiviewer’s Home Page

Once the installation has completed, the XEdit startup screen appears.

Depending on your Windows Firewall settings, a security alert may appear.

• Click Allow access to unblock the application.
If XEdit cannot find all of the fonts it needs already on your PC or laptop, it downloads
them from the multiviewer automatically, in which case a message will appear to
confirm the font update, and instruct you to restart the application.

• Click OK to continue, and then open XEdit again, by using the shortcut on your
desktop, in your Apps view (Windows 8.1) or Start screen (Windows 8), or from the
Start menu (Windows 7, Windows 10).

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

4 When prompted to specify a database, choose one from the Path list, or click Browse to
navigate to the database you wish to use as your local workspace, and then click OK.

Once the database has completed loading, XEdit’s main application window appears.

Note: Once it has been installed from the multiviewer, XEdit remains on
your PC or laptop, and can be launched from the shortcut that was added
to your desktop, Apps view, or Start screen (see page 63), or from the Start
menu. Whenever you install a new version of the Kaleido Software on the
multiviewer, the next time you open XEdit, your installed copy of the
application will be automatically updated from the multiviewer.

For more information about calibrating your system, configuring rooms, creating layouts,
and operating the monitor wall, refer to the Kaleido Software User’s Manual. See Related
Documentation, on page 17.

System Configuration
Uninstalling XEdit

Uninstalling XEdit
With recent versions of XEdit, an uninstall program is available from the Windows Start
menu. See Uninstalling XEdit (Dynamic Version 7.20 or Later), on page 66.
If you have been using XEdit versions earlier than 7.20 you may want to uninstall them, by
clearing the Java cache, on your PC or laptop. See Uninstalling XEdit (Version 7.11 or Earlier)
on page 66.

Uninstalling XEdit (Dynamic Version 7.20 or Later)

To uninstall XEdit (dynamic version 7.20 or later)
1 Close all XEdit windows you may have open.
2 Locate the Uninstall XEdit shortcut.
• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10: Open the Start menu, click All Programs,
scroll to the Grass Valley (or Miranda Technologies2) folder, and then expand the
Kaleido folder.

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8: Switch to the App view or your Start
3 Click Uninstall XEdit.
An uninstall screen appears.

4 Click Uninstall.
This removes XEdit, including all shortcuts, launchers, and other elements that were
installed with it, from your system.

Uninstalling XEdit (Version 7.11 or Earlier)

To uninstall XEdit (version 7.11 or earlier)
1 Close all Java applications you may have open.

2.Launcher icons for versions 7.20–7.52 would have been installed in the Miranda Technologies folder.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

2 On the Start menu, click Control Panels, and then click Java (32-bit).
Java Control Panel opens.
3 In the General tab, click Settings.
4 In Temporary Files Settings, click Delete Files.
5 In Delete Files and Applications select all the check boxes, and then click OK.
6 Close Temporary Files Settings, and then Java Control Panel, by clicking their OK

Installing Router Control

To install Router Control from your multiviewer’s home page
1 From a workstation on the same subnet as the multiviewer, open a Web browser
window and type the multiviewer’s IP address in the address bar.
The multiviewer’s home page appears.
2 Click the Router Control button.
The browser prompts you to save an executable file to your hard drive
(Kaleido__RouterControl-windows32-online.exe3). This file is an online installer,
which will download Router Control and other companion elements from your
multiviewer, and install them. Some browsers may allow you to run the file directly.
Depending on your browser’s security features, warnings may appear, which you may
safely dismiss.
3 Unless your browser let you run the file (and you chose to do so), navigate to the
location were you saved the installer file and open it.
More security warnings or prompts may appear, which you may safely dismiss or
A window appears, showing the download and installation progress.

At the end of the installation process:

• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10, shortcuts ( ) are added to your desktop
and to the Start menu (under All Programs).

3.Installers for Linux or Mac OS X are not available.

System Configuration
Installing Router Control

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8, Router Control will appear on your
desktop, in the Apps view with all other installed applications on your PC
(Windows 8.1), or in your Start screen (Windows 8).
Once the installation has completed, the Router Control main application window
appears. The application automatically connects to your multiviewer. The main
window lists all logical routers configured within your multiviewer system, in addition
to the KX Router logical router.

4 In Router Control, click the router you want to control, and then click Open.
Depending on your Windows Firewall settings, a security alert may appear.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

• Click Allow access to unblock the application.

The Matrix View application window opens.

On the Help menu, click Help to access the online documentation, or refer to the
iControl Router User Guide; see Related Documentation, on page 17.

• Once it has been installed from the multiviewer, Router Control remains on
your PC or laptop, and can be launched from the shortcut that was
added to your desktop, Apps view, Start screen (see page 67), or from the
Start menu. Whenever you install a new version of the Kaleido Software on
the multiviewer, the next time you open Router Control, your installed
copy of the application will be automatically updated from the
• Router Control can also connect to other Kaleido multiviewers or iControl
Application Servers, and control their routers.
• Routers configured within a Kaleido multiviewer system are compatible
with the Router Control modules packaged with iControl Application
Servers version 6.10 and later.
• When Router Control is connected to an Application Server, a router
manager configuration application is available from the main application
window. When Router Control is connected to a Kaleido multiviewer, this
router manager configuration application is not available (router
configuration is performed with XEdit, in this case).

System Configuration
Uninstalling Router Control

Uninstalling Router Control

To uninstall Router Control
1 Close all Router Control windows you may have open.
2 Locate the Uninstall Router Control shortcut.
• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10: Open the Start menu, click All Programs,
scroll to the Grass Valley folder, and then expand the Kaleido folder.

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8: Switch to the App view or your Start
3 Click Uninstall Router Control.
An uninstall screen appears.

4 Click Uninstall.
This removes Router Control, including all shortcuts, and other elements that were
installed with it, from your system.

Installing Signal Path Viewer

To install Signal Path Viewer from your multiviewer’s home page
1 From a workstation on the same subnet as the multiviewer, open a Web browser
window and type the multiviewer’s IP address in the address bar.
The multiviewer’s home page appears.
2 Click Launch the Signal Path Viewer.
The browser prompts you to save an executable file to your hard drive
(Kaleido__SignalPathViewer-windows32-online.exe4). This file is an online
installer, which will download Signal Path Viewer from your multiviewer, and install it.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Some browsers may allow you to run the file directly. Depending on your browser’s
security features, warnings may appear, which you may safely dismiss.
3 Unless your browser let you run the file (and you chose to do so), navigate to the
location were you saved the installer file and open it.
More security warnings or prompts may appear, which you may safely dismiss or
A window appears, showing the download and installation progress.

At the end of the installation process:

• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10, shortcuts ( ) are added to your desktop
and to the Start menu (under All Programs).

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8, Signal Path Viewer will appear on your
desktop, in the Apps view with all the other installed applications on your PC
(Windows 8.1), or in your Start screen (Windows 8).
Once the installation has completed, the Signal Path Viewer panel appears. Depending
on your Windows Firewall settings, a security alert may also appear.

4.Installers for Linux or Mac OS X are not available.

System Configuration
Uninstalling Signal Path Viewer

• Click Allow access to unblock the application.

The application automatically connects to your multiviewer.

• Once it has been installed from the multiviewer, Signal Path Viewer
remains on your PC or laptop, and can be launched from the shortcut
that was added to your desktop, Apps view, Start screen (see page 71), or
from the Start menu. Whenever you install a new version of the Kaleido
Software on the multiviewer, the next time you open Signal Path Viewer,
your installed copy of the application will be automatically updated from
the multiviewer.
• Should you need Signal Path Viewer to connect to a different multiviewer,
then you must install it again, from the other multiviewer’s home page.

Uninstalling Signal Path Viewer

To uninstall Signal Path Viewer
1 Close all Signal Path Viewer windows you may have open.
2 Locate the Uninstall Signal Path Viewer shortcut.
• If you have Windows 7, or Windows 10: Open the Start menu, click All Programs,
scroll to the Grass Valley folder, and then expand the Kaleido folder.

• If you have Windows 8.1, or Windows 8: Switch to the App view or your Start

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

3 Click Uninstall Signal Path Viewer.

An uninstall screen appears.

4 Click Uninstall.
This removes Signal Path Viewer, including all shortcuts, and other elements that were
installed with it, from your system.

System Configuration
Opening XAdmin

Opening XAdmin

Connecting to a Multiviewer with a Different XEdit Version from your PC’s

When connecting to a multiviewer with your PC and your PC already has XEdit installed, the
XEdit version installed on your PC and the Kaleido Software version on the multiviewer
must be same as explained below.
The composition of a Kaleido Software / XEdit version numbering is explained in the
following table.

Kaleido Software / XEdit Version Reference Description

Version M.mp M is the major revision number
m is the minor revision number
p is the patch revision number

When you connect to a multiviewer, the multiviewer’s Kaleido Software major and minor
version must match the XEdit major and minor version installed on your PC. When there is a
version number mismatch between the multiviewer’s Kaleido Software version and your
PC’s XEdit version, you will receive the following error when you try to connect to the
multiviewer with your PC.

Under this circumstance, proceed as follows.

• There is no compatibility problem if only the patch revision number is different
between the Kaleido Software version on the multiviewer and the XEdit version on
your PC. Click Yes to the Software Version Check screen.
• There is a compatibility problem if the major version, minor version, or both are
different between the Kaleido Software version on the multiviewer and the XEdit
version on your PC. The solution is to downgrade / upgrade the XEdit version used on
your PC to the Kaleido Software version used by the multiviewer. Proceed as follows:
• Click No to the Software Version Check screen.
• Unistall XEdit from your PC (see Uninstalling XEdit, on page 66).
• Install XEdit from the multiviewer (see Installing XEdit from your Multiviewer’s
Home Page, on page 62).
If you regularly connect to different multiviewer systems that use different Kaleido
Software versions, and as a result you receive the Software Version Check error message,
the best solution to avoid this is to upgrade all of your multiviewer systems to the same
Kaleido Software version.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Ways to Access XAdmin

Access the XAdmin Web client as follows:
• from a Web browser (see Opening XAdmin from a Browser on page 75),
• from XEdit (see Opening XAdmin from XEdit on page 76),
The first time you access XAdmin for a multiviewer (and every time the multiviewer’s
IP address has changed), you may see a security warning or a certificate error message. The
procedures below include instructions on how to address these messages (see Registering
your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser on page 76). Internet Explorer
users may also need to enable compatibility view (see Enabling the Compatibility View in
Internet Explorer on page 86).

Opening XAdmin from a Browser

To open XAdmin from a browser
1 Open a Web browser window and enter the multiviewer’s IP address in the address bar.
The Kaleido Multiviewer’s home page appears.

2 Click the XAdmin button.

3 If you see a security warning, or a certificate error message, then see Registering your
Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser, on page 76.
4 If the “Log in to XAdmin” page appears, type the password, and then click Log in.

5 Internet Explorer users: If a blank page appears, then see Enabling the Compatibility
View in Internet Explorer, on page 86.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears. You can access all XAdmin features, by
clicking the links, in the navigation area on the left of the page.

System Configuration
Opening XAdmin from XEdit

Opening XAdmin from XEdit

To open XAdmin from XEdit
1 On the Configure menu, click Use XAdmin.
XEdit prompts you for the IP address of the multiviewer you want to access.

2 Type the IP address, and then click OK.

Your default Web browser opens.
3 If you see a security warning, or a certificate error message, then see Registering your
Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser, on page 76.
4 If the “Log in to XAdmin” page appears, type the password, and then click Log in.

5 Internet Explorer users: If a blank page appears, then see Enabling the Compatibility
View in Internet Explorer, on page 86.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears. You can access all XAdmin features, by
clicking the links, in the navigation area on the left side of the page.

Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser

When you open your multiviewer’s home page, or try to access XAdmin, your browser may
report a certificate error (Internet Explorer), warn you about the site’s security certificate
(Chrome), or report an untrusted connection (Firefox). Follow the appropriate procedure
below to register your multiviewer’s security credentials with your browser:
• Suppressing untrusted connection warning in Firefox, on page 76
• Suppressing certificate error in Internet Explorer or Chrome, on page 78
You will be then able to access your multiviewer’s client applications without seeing the
error message again, as long as the multiviewer’s IP address does not change.

Suppressing untrusted connection warning in Firefox

The first time you try to access XAdmin in Firefox, the browser may display the following
page instead, prompting you to confirm the multiviewer’s security credentials.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

To register your multiviewer’s security credentials with Firefox

1 Click I understand the Risks, at the bottom of the page.
The message expands.

2 Click Add Exception.

System Configuration
Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser

3 In Add Security Exception, click Confirm Security Exception.

Your multiviewer's home page appears. You will now be able to access your
multiviewer's client applications without seeing the warning. This will remain effective
until the multiviewer's IP address is changed, in which case you will need follow the
procedure again.

Suppressing certificate error in Internet Explorer or Chrome

The first time you try to access XAdmin in Internet Explorer or Chrome, the browser may
prompt you to confirm the multiviewer’s security credentials.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Internet Explorer’s security warning

Chrome’s security warning

System Configuration
Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser

Clicking Continue to this website (not recommended) (Internet Explorer), or Proceed

anyway (Chrome) will let you access XAdmin but the browser’s address bar will keep
indicating that the multiviewer’s identity is not verified. To suppress this warning, you need
to perform the following, in Internet Explorer, even if your preferred browser is Chrome.
To register your multiviewer’s security credentials with Internet Explorer
1 Click Continue to this website (not recommended).
The address bar now indicates the certificate error.

Special notes for Internet Explorer users

• If you see a blank page instead of XAdmin’s Status and Options page, then
see Enabling the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer, on page 86.
• You must have administrator status to accept the certificate error. If your
user account does not have administrator status, then close your browser
and, before you open it again, right-click the Internet Explorer icon, and
then click Run as administrator:

2 Click Certificate error.

3 In Untrusted Certificate, click View certificates.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

4 In Certificate, click Install Certificate.

5 In Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

System Configuration
Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser

6 In Certificate Import Wizard, click Place all certificates in the following store, and
then click Browse.

7 In Select Certificate Store, select Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and then click

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

8 Back in Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

System Configuration
Registering your Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser

9 Click Finish.

A security warning appears.

10 Click Yes.
11 Certificate Import Wizard reports that the import was successful.

12 Click OK to continue, and then click OK to close the Certificate window.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

13 Close all Internet Explorer (and Chrome, if any) windows, and then open your browser
You should now be able to access XAdmin, from your multiviewer home page without
ever seeing the security warning again, unless the multiviewer’s IP address is changed,
in which case you will want to repeat this procedure.

System Configuration
Enabling the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer

Enabling the Compatibility View in Internet Explorer

When you try to access XAdmin, from your multiviewer’s home page, in Internet Explorer 8,
9, or 10, you may see a blank page instead of XAdmin’s Status and Options page.5
To enable the compatibility view for your multiviewer’s XAdmin Web client
• Click the Compatibility View button at the end of your browser’s address bar.

XAdmin’s Status and Options page appears

The Compatibility View mode will remain enabled for this multiviewer as long as its
IP address does not change.

5.Should this happen with Internet Explorer 11, refer to Fix site display problems with Compatibility View, at

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

XAdmin Access Control

XAdmin supports a simple authentication mechanism to prevent unauthorized users from
modifying a multiviewer’s system configuration.

Enabling XAdmin Access Control

To enable access control in XAdmin
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.
2 Click Access control, in the navigation area on the left side of the page.
The Access Control page appears.

3 Type the password you want to enforce in both the New password and the Confirm
The password must contain between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters or symbols.
4 Click Save.
A confirmation message appears.

5 Click OK to close the message window.

The Apply settings button becomes available.

System Configuration
Changing the XAdmin Password

6 Click Apply settings.

XAdmin must upload the password to the multiviewer, for password enforcement to
take effect. A progress indicator appears momentarily, followed by a confirmation

7 Click OK.
The Log in to XAdmin page appears. Other XAdmin sessions open against the same
multiviewer are also redirected to the login page.

8 Type the password, and then click Log in.

The XAdmin Status and Options page appears.
9 Click Log out, when you are ready to close your session.

A confirmation message appears.

10 Click OK.
The login page appears. Only authorized users have access to XAdmin.

Changing the XAdmin Password

To change the password used to prevent access to your multiviewer from XAdmin
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

2 Click Access control, in the navigation area on the left side of the page.
The Access Control page appears.

3 Type the new password you want to enforce in both the New password and the
Confirm boxes.
The password must contain between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters or symbols.
4 Click Save.
A confirmation message appears.

5 Click OK to close the message window.

The Apply settings button becomes available.

6 Click Apply settings.

XAdmin must upload the password to the multiviewer, for the password change to take
effect. A progress indicator appears momentarily, followed by a confirmation message.

System Configuration
Disabling XAdmin Access Control

7 Click OK.
The Log in to XAdmin page appears. Other XAdmin sessions open against the same
multiviewer are also redirected to the login page.

Disabling XAdmin Access Control

To disable access control in XAdmin
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.
2 Click Access control, in the navigation area on the left side of the page.
The Access Control page appears.

3 Click Disable access control.

A confirmation message appears.

4 Click OK to close the message window, and then click Apply settings.
A progress indicator appears momentarily, followed by a confirmation message.

5 Click OK.
Unrestricted access to XAdmin is restored, for this multiviewer.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Closing a Password-Protected XAdmin Session

To close your XAdmin session
1 Click Log out, in the navigation area on the left side of the current page, when you are
ready to close your session.

A confirmation message appears.

2 Click OK.
The login page appears. Only authorized users have access to XAdmin for this

Opening Signal Path Viewer

To open Signal Path Viewer
• Double-click the Signal Path Viewer shortcut on your desktop.
The application automatically connects to your multiviewer, and the Signal Path Viewer
panel appears.

Note: Should you need Signal Path Viewer to connect to a different

multiviewer, then you must install it again, from the other multiviewer’s
home page. See Installing Signal Path Viewer on page 70.

System Configuration
Viewing a Multiviewer’s Status Information

Viewing a Multiviewer’s Status Information

To view the status information for a multiviewer
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.
XAdmin’s Status and Options page appears, showing the multiviewer model, and a list
of all modules and their statuses.

• Some heading rows may show a card type, serial number, firmware and safe mode
versions, a module status indicator, and input signal status indicators.
• You can identify which output card currently assumes the software master role (and
is thus assigned the multiviewer’s IP address) by looking for the word “master” next
to the card’s identifier, for example: “OUTPUT A (master)”.
• The module status indicator shows whether the card (or module) is running
normally (green) or in safe mode (red).
• The signal status indicators reveals the presence of a valid input signal at the
corresponding connector.
2 Move the pointer to an input signal status indicator to view the associated signal
Status indicator Card type Serial number

Version information
Input signal status
Input signal format

Note: The Kaleido Software does not distinguish neither between

1080PsF25 and 1080i50, nor between 1080PsF29.97 and 1080i59.94. Both
1080PsF25 and 1080i50 are reported as 1080i50, and both 1080PsF29.97 and
1080i59.94 are reported as 1080i59.94, on the monitor wall and in XAdmin’s
Status and Options page.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

3 Click the arrow button at the end of a module’s heading row to view more detailed
information about this card or multiviewer.

Expand details
Reset card
• At any time you can click the Refresh button to make sure the data displayed for
the selected module is up to date.
• Click the “Reset card” button to reset the card or reset the multiviewer remotely
from your Web browser.
4 Review the enabled options for each module, and make sure that no error is reported.

Status and option information for a Kaleido Multiviewer’s input and output cards (partial view)

For more information about Kaleido Software options, see Available Hardware and
Software Options, on page 119.

Configuring a Multiviewer’s IP Settings with XAdmin

The multiviewer’s current date and time are shown below in XAdmin, however the date and
time settings are configured through the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller. See Setting the
Multiviewer’s Time and Date, on page 52.
To change your system’s IP address and other parameters
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.

System Configuration
Viewing a Multiviewer’s Status Information

2 Click System configuration, in the navigation area on the left side of the page.
The System Configuration page appears, showing the current system name, IP settings,
as well as the date and time settings.

3 Optionally, type a descriptive name for your system to make it readily identifiable.
If there are more than one multiviewer in the same network environment, it is
important to assign each a unique system name, so that you can tell them apart (for
example, when using a remote control panel such as the Kaleido-RCP2 or RCP-200).

Note: Only lower-ASCII characters are allowed in the system name. Braces
and tilde are not allowed.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

4 Enter the appropriate IP information: frame or card IP addresses, network mask, and
default gateway.
By default, all network adapters are set to auto-negotiate. The connection speed and
duplex mode will be set automatically based on the corresponding port settings on the
associated switch. The current speed and link mode are displayed next to Detected link
mode, for every network adapter.
5 Should your network configuration require specific speed and duplex mode settings,
select the appropriate value from the Configured link mode list.

Note: As required by the IEEE-802.3 standard, section 28D.5, 1000 Mbps

full-duplex communication is only supported via auto-negotiation.

6 Click Save.
The new settings are saved locally.

7 Click OK.
The Apply settings button becomes available.

8 Click Apply settings.

The Kaleido Multiviewer system must be restarted for changes to the network
configuration to take effect. A message appears prompting you to reboot the system
9 Click OK.

System Configuration
Viewing a Multiviewer’s Status Information

Note: Settings cannot be applied to a multiviewer system while an

upgrade is in progress. If the multiviewer does not reboot after 10 seconds
or so, try clicking Apply settings again after a minute or two, until the
multiviewer reboots.

If you have changed the multiviewer’s IP address, you will need to edit the XAdmin URL
in your Web browser's address bar in order to log on to the multiviewer again.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Remote Control Using iControl

The Kaleido-MX 4K may be controlled by using Grass Valley’s iControl version 4.43 or later.
This section describes the two control panels associated with the Kaleido-MX 4K’s input
and output cards and their use. Refer to the iControl User’s Guide for information about
setting up and operating iControl. See Related Documentation, on page 17.
In iControl Navigator, iControl Web, or iControl Solo, double-click the icon for a Kaleido-
MX 4K input or output card (KMX-3901-OUT, or KMX-3901-IN-16-Q) to open the associated
control panel.

Kaleido-MX 4K Service Control Panels in iControl

The card label (KMX-IN-16-Q, and KMX-3901-OUT in the examples below) and the slot
number where the card is installed in the Densité frame are indicated in the window’s title
The service control panel for a Kaleido-MX 4K input card only offers information.

Service control panel for a Kaleido-MX 4K input card

See Info Panel on page 101 for more information.

In the KMX-3901-OUT control panel window, there are three main areas: the status icon
area, the navigation area, and the operating control area.

System Configuration
Kaleido-MX 4K Service Control Panels in iControl

Status icon

Click to hide control
or show the area

Navigation area
Service control panel for a Kaleido-MX 4K output card

The status icon area contains only one icon: the control status icon.
• A green control status icon indicates that the card is available for remote control
from the service control panel in iControl.
• A yellow icon indicates that someone is controlling the card from the control panel
on the housing frame (see Using the Densité Frame Control Panel, on page 42).
The navigation area contains buttons that control the contents of the main area.
• Click a button to access the associated features.
• Click the left side border (identified by a small arrow icon) to hide or reveal this area.
The operating control area contains the main operating controls for managing the Kaleido-
MX 4K multiviewer’s feature set. The contents change depending on the button you clicked
in the navigation area. The three panels are described individually in the following sections:
• Output Settings Panel, on page 99
• Network Settings Panel, on page 100
• Info Panel, on page 101

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Output Settings Panel

Set the resolution of the multiviewer output heads to 1080p50, or 1080p59.94, depending
on your display’s refresh rate. Each head corresponds to one quadrant of the quad link
(square division) 4K UHD signal that feeds the display. The output cards must not be
configured to use EDID (Extended Display Identification Data); make sure the check box is
not selected). The value you select in the Output resolution list will be used.

Note: All output cards within a Kaleido-MX 4K frame must have their output
heads configured with the same refresh rate. If your frame is referenced, then
the heads’ refresh rate must also match the reference signal's refresh rate.

System Configuration
Network Settings Panel

Network Settings Panel

Kaleido-MX 4K output cards are shipped with default network settings, which you must
replace with values suitable for your network environment. You may need to consult your
network administrator to get the correct values. Enter the appropriate IP address, mask and
gateway information to configure a Kaleido-MX 4K output card within your Ethernet

Click Apply to set these values into the card, or Cancel to leave the original values

• These settings apply to the rear-panel Ethernet port of the Kaleido-MX 4K
output cards; not to the Ethernet ports at the back of the Densité controller
• On all Kaleido multiviewers, the network adapters are set to auto-
negotiate. By default, the connection speed and duplex mode will be set
automatically based on the corresponding port settings on the switch.
• The position of the output card is not configurable; the information is
presented here for information only.
• Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) systems, which include two output cards, require
three IP addresses: one for each output card, and a virtual IP address for the

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Info Panel
When a Kaleido-MX 4K input or output card is included in an iControl environment, certain
information about the card may be made available to the iControl system. In the boxes with
a white background, you can type labels and comments that will make this card easier to
identify in a complex setup.

Label Type a label to identify this Kaleido-MX 4K card when it appears in iControl
applications. This label appears in the service panel’s title bar, in iControl Solo,
and in the iControl Navigator views

Short label Type the shorter label that iControl uses in some cases (8 characters).

Source ID Type a descriptive name for this Kaleido-MX 4K card.

Comments Type any desired text.

The remaining boxes show manufacturing information about this card.

Three buttons give access to additional information and controls:

System Configuration
Info Panel

Details Reports the firmware version, service version, and panel version for this card.

Output card Details window

Advanced Shows the Long ID for this Kaleido-MX 4K card. The Long ID is the address of
this card in the iControl network.

Remote system Opens the Joining Locators window, which lists remote lookup services to
administration which this Kaleido-MX 4K card is registered.

• Click Add to force the iControl service for this Kaleido-MX 4K card to register
itself on a lookup service, by using the following syntax in the Input window:
where <ip_address> is the IP address of the server running the lookup

• Select one of the services listed in the window by clicking on it, and then click
Remove to remove it from the list.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Setting the System Name

Once you have configured the output cards from the local control panel, use XAdmin to
complete your system’s network setup.
To set your Kaleido-MX 4K system name
1 Configure your client PC or laptop with an IP address in the same range as the
multiviewer’s current IP addresses if needed (see Configuring a PC to Configure an
ABT’s Network Settings, on page 116).
2 Open a Web browser window and enter the multiviewer’s system IP address in the
address bar (see Finding the System IP Address, on page 126, if needed).
3 The Kaleido Multiviewer’s home page appears.

4 Click the XAdmin button.

5 If you see a security warning, or a certificate error message, then see Registering your
Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser, on page 76.
6 If the “Log in to XAdmin” page appears, type the password, and then click Log in.

System Configuration
Setting the System Name

7 Internet Explorer users: If a blank page appears, then see Enabling the Compatibility
View in Internet Explorer, on page 86.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears.

8 Click System configuration, in the navigation area on the left of the page.
The System Configuration page appears, showing the current system name, IP
addresses, network mask, default gateway, connection-speed and duplex-mode

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

settings, information about your housing frame, the input cards and the output card
you are currently connected to.
The multiviewer’s current date and time are shown below in XAdmin, however the date
and time settings are configured through the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller. See Setting
the Multiviewer’s Time and Date, on page 52.

9 Under General, type the name you wish to use for your system.
If there are more than one multiviewer in the same network environment, it is
important to assign each a unique system name, so that you can tell them apart (for
example, when using a remote control panel such as the Kaleido-RCP2 or RCP-200).
Only lower-ASCII characters are allowed in the system name. Braces and tilde are not

Note: Under Ethernet, you may review the IP addresses, network mask,
gateway settings, and the detected connection speeds and duplex modes.
Should you wish to make any further changes to the network settings, you
may find it more convenient to use XAdmin’s System configuration page,
from now on.

System Configuration
Setting the System Name

10 Click Save.
The new settings are saved locally, and XAdmin reminds you to click Apply Setting
before closing your session.

11 Click OK.
The Apply settings button becomes available.

12 Click Apply settings.

The multiviewer must restart for changes to the network configuration to take effect. A
message appears prompting you to restart the system immediately.
13 Click OK.

Note: Settings cannot be applied to a multiviewer system while an

upgrade is in progress. If the multiviewer does not restart after 10 seconds
or so, try clicking Apply settings again after a minute or two.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Genlocking the Multiviewer

To genlock the multiviewer with other plant equipment, a reference signal is required. For
this, certain requirements must be met.
The Densité CPU-ETH2 Enhanced Ethernet Controller Card used in the Densité frame
housing the multiviewer must use firmware version 2.0.4 or higher. A controller with an
earlier version of the firmware cannot provide a time reference to the multiviewer card.

System Configuration
Configuring the RCP-200

Configuring the RCP-200

The RCP-200 is shipped with an IP address of On installation, you should consult
your system administrator and replace this address with an appropriate address for your
local network configuration (see Configuring the RCP-200’s IP settings on page 108). Once
your RCP-200 has an active connection to the network, you must then register the
multiviewers you want to operate from the RCP-200 (see Specifying multiviewers for the
RCP-200 on page 108), and their respective KX Router logical routers (see Specifying lookup
servers for the RCP-200 on page 109). Once this is completed, you will be able to control the
monitor wall from the RCP-200 (see Logging on to the RCP-200 on page 109).

Configuring the RCP-200’s IP settings

To assign an IP address to the RCP-200
1 Press the CONFIG button, located between the two screens on the front of the RCP-200.
2 Touch the COMM category at the top of the right-hand screen.
3 Touch the ETHERNET tab on the right-hand screen.
4 In the SELECT area, rotate the leftmost control knob to select IP ADDRESS.
5 Use the four control knobs in the CHANGE area to set the new address.
The current address is displayed in the CURRENT box for reference, and the new
address you are setting appears in the MODIFIED box, as well as at the controls.
6 Press the SAVE control knob to store the new address.
7 Repeat from step 4 to configure the NETWORK MASK and GATEWAY settings.
8 Press the RESTART control knob to apply the changes.
The panel will go dark for about 15 seconds before the startup screens appear.

Specifying multiviewers for the RCP-200

To specify a multiviewer for the RCP-200
1 Press the CONFIG button, located between the two screens on the front of the RCP-200.
2 Touch the COMM category on the right-hand screen.
3 Touch the KALEIDO DISCOVERY tab on the right-hand screen.
4 Use the four control knobs in the ADD TO LIST area to dial in the IP address of the
multiviewer you want to operate.
The address appears in the TO ADD box.
5 Press the ADD control knob.
The multiviewer’s IP address appears in the LOOKUP LIST area.
6 Press the CONFIG button, located between the two screens on the front of the RCP-200
to end the configuration process and return to normal operation.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Specifying lookup servers for the RCP-200

The RCP-200 needs to connect to a lookup server in order to control devices, including a
multiviewer’s KX router logical router.
To specify a lookup server for the RCP-200
1 Press the CONFIG button, located between the two screens on the front of the RCP-200.
2 Touch the COMM category on the right-hand screen.
3 Touch the DISCOVERY tab on the right-hand screen.
4 Use the four control knobs in the ADD TO LIST area to dial in the IP address of the
multiviewer you want to operate.
The address appears in the TO ADD box.
5 Press the ADD control knob.
The multiviewer’s IP address appears in the LOOKUP LIST area.
6 Press the CONFIG button, located between the two screens on the front of the RCP-200
to end the configuration process and return to normal operation.

Logging on to the RCP-200

Note: In a default system configuration, a multiviewer’s video outputs are

assigned to ROOM1.

To log on to a Kaleido Multiviewer room from the RCP-200

1 On an RCP-200 with an active connection to the network, press the LIST button.
All devices, and Kaleido Multiviewer rooms, detected by the RCP-200 appear on the left
screen. Kaleido Multiviewer rooms are listed in the form [multiviewer name]\[room
If a room belongs to a cluster system, its name appears once for each of the member
multiviewers (e.g., if two multiviewers, KX1 and KX2, are configured as a cluster, and
ROOM1 includes displays fed by both multiviewers, then both KX1\ROOM1 and
KX2\ROOM1 will be listed. To determine the one you should select, review the
• Has the RCP user configuration you want to use been replicated on every member
of the cluster? RCP Users are not automatically propagated to all multiviewers.
Before a user can log on to a room associated with a cluster system, the
corresponding RCP user configuration must be manually replicated on all member
multiviewers across the cluster. Refer to Managing RCP Users in the Kaleido
Software User Guide. SeeRelated Documentation, on page 17.
• Do you need to control an external router whose configuration is available only
from one or some specific members of the cluster?
• Does your system configuration include actions that were configured only on one
or some specific members of the cluster?
• Do you need to control a timer from the monitor wall in a cascade room?
If any of the above elements is available only from one or some specific members, then
make sure you select the room name prefixed with the appropriate multiviewer name.
In the case of a cascade room, unless you remember which multiviewer you were

System Configuration
Logging on to the RCP-200

connected to when you added the timer you need to control, you will have to proceed
by trial and error.
2 Touch the room you want to access (press the DOWN or UP soft keys to scroll the list as
The list of users assigned to this room appears on the right-hand screen.
3 Touch the user name under which you want to log on, enter your password, and then
touch LOG IN.

Note: By default, the user “Admin” has no password.

The following message appears on the right-hand screen: PLEASE SELECT A ROUTER
FROM THE LEFT-HAND SCREEN, prefixed with the name of the multiviewer that
appeared before the room name you selected in step 2.
4 In the list on the left-hand screen, touch the KX Router logical router associated with the
same multiviewer (you can see the multiviewer name, its IP address, and the size of that
particular KX Router).
5 Touch the Video level, in the area to the right of the router list, if it is not selected
already, and then push SELECT.
The room’s monitor wall control panel appears on the right-hand screen, with the
ASSIGN CHANNEL category selected. If a mouse is connected to the RCP-200, then after
touching WALL MOUSE you should be able to see and move the mouse pointer on the
monitor wall.
• If the room you selected belongs to a cascade system, touch a monitor showing a
source you can identify as coming from a different multiviewer than the one indicated
with the room name you selected in step 2.
• If the room you selected belongs to a cluster system, rotate the HEAD knob (or touch
the DISPLAY SELECT category) to display a head view from a different member of the
cluster, and then touch a monitor.
The ROUTER SELECT category becomes selected instead of ASSIGN CHANNEL, and the
right-hand screen shows the message prompting you to select a router from the left-
hand screen, prefixed with the name of the multiviewer, which means that you still
need to complete the correlation between some monitor wall destinations and the
representation of the KX Router logical router for this multiviewer. See Correlating
Monitor Wall Destinations and KX Router Logical Routers for the RCP-200 on page 111.
Repeat this for one head, with one layout, for every multiviewer that is part of the
cluster of cascade. If you need to connect to a different instance of the same room then
you will have to establish the correlation again, to be able to operate the monitor wall
from the different context.

• The RCP-200 will remember your user credentials until you log out
explicitly (by touching LOG OUT at the upper-right corner of the control
• The pointer may flicker when two RCP users access displays fed by the
same multiviewer output.
• Two users accessing the same display will be limited to sharing a single

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

For more information on the RCP-200, refer to the RCP-200 Guide to Installation and
Operation; see Related Documentation, on page 17.

Correlating Monitor Wall Destinations and KX Router Logical Routers for the
To operate the monitor wall from the RCP-200’s category/index router view, your system
must have been configured to be controlled as a router. In a layout, the RCP-200 can only
control monitors that have been assigned a monitor wall destination. The first time you log
on to a room from the RCP-200, you will be prompted to select a router from the left-hand
screen. By selecting the appropriate KX Router logical router, you will establish the
correlation between your multiviewer’s monitor wall destinations and the RCP-200’s
representation of the multiviewer’s KX Router logical router. In the case of a cluster or
cascade system, you will also be prompted to select a router, the first time to try to assign a
source to a monitor located in a part of the layout that belongs to a different member of the
cluster or cascade. You only need to do this once, for every multiviewer that is part of a
cluster (or cascade).
To correlate a monitor wall destination in a layout and the corresponding KX Router
logical router
1 In the list on the left-hand screen, touch the KX Router logical router associated with the
multiviewer whose name was indicated in the message prompting to select a router
(you can see the multiviewer name, its IP address, and the size of that particular KX
2 Touch the Video level, in the area to the right of the router list, if it is not selected
already, and then push SELECT.
The RCP-200 will remember the association with the KX Router logical router’s
destinations for the current multiviewer’s monitor wall destinations.

System Configuration
Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2

Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2

Note: The Kaleido-RCP2 unit is optional and is not included in the standard
Kaleido-MX 4K package.

The Kaleido-RCP2 is a multi-function remote control panel designed for use with Kaleido
multiviewers. Ethernet connectivity allows multiple RCP users to access multiple Kaleido
Multiviewer systems, allowing convenient access to the real-time operating features. When
logged on to a Kaleido multiviewer via its Ethernet connection, the RCP user can control
various operating features.

Before you can use the Kaleido-RCP2 to operate your Kaleido Multiviewer, you must set up
the Ethernet connection between the two devices. By default, the Kaleido-RCP2 is shipped
with DHCP enabled, so it will automatically be assigned an IP address by a DHCP server. If
no DHCP server is present on the network, the Kaleido-RCP2 will default to the static IP

• The Kaleido-RCP2 is powered through the RJ45 Ethernet connector. There
is no power ON/OFF button, so the device is ON whenever a powered
Ethernet cable is connected.
• If you purchased more than one Kaleido-RCP2 units, keep in mind that
they all ship with the same default static IP address. Make sure to assign
them different static IP addresses before connecting them to the network
if DHCP is not used. Refer to the Kaleido-RCP2 User Guide for more
information. See Related Documentation, on page 17.
• The time-out period before the Kaleido-RCP2 defaults to its static address
is 1 minute. To speed up the initialization, disable the DHCP option.

Assigning a static IP address to the Kaleido-RCP2

To assign a static IP address to the Kaleido-RCP2
1 Press and hold the ENTER button until the ESC button lights up, to display the
configuration menu.
2 Press the 8 key (to move down the list) until ETHERNET OPTIONS appears on the LCD

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

3 Press the ENTER key to display the ETHERNET OPTIONS menu.

4 Select the IP ADDRESS menu using the 2 key (to move up in the list) or the 8 key (to
move down the list), and then press ENTER.
5 Using the numeric keypad, type the chosen IP address, and then press ENTER.
6 Select the NETWORK MASK menu using the 2 key (to move up in the list) or the 8 key
(to move down the list), and then press ENTER.
7 Using the numeric keypad, type the chosen network mask, and then press ENTER.
You have assigned a static IP address to the Kaleido-RCP2.

Selecting a room for the Kaleido-RCP2

To select a room for the Kaleido-RCP2
1 Press and hold the ENTER button until the ESC button lights up, to display the
configuration menu.
2 In the ROOM SELECTION display, press ENTER again to get the room list from the
Kaleido Multiviewer systems that are currently available on the network.
3 In the room list, select the room you want to access by pressing the 2 key (to move up
in the list) or the 8 key (to move down the list).

Note: By default, a multiviewer’s video outputs are assigned to specific

rooms: the outputs are assigned to ROOM1.

4 When the appropriate room name is highlighted, press ENTER to accept the new
5 When prompted, log on to the selected room. See Logging on to the Kaleido-RCP2 on
page 114.

Connecting the Kaleido-RCP2 to Other Kaleido Multiviewer Systems

The unicast IP feature enables a Kaleido-RCP2 to find up to three Kaleido Multiviewer
systems on different subnets and connect to them (via network gateways), while
maintaining connections to Kaleido Multiviewer systems in its own subnet.

• To navigate the Kaleido-RCP2 menu, press the 2 key to move up, or the 8
key to move down.
• There is no need to configure unicast IP addresses for Kaleido Multiviewer
systems on the same subnet as the Kaleido-RCP2.

To configure a unicast IP address on the Kaleido-RCP2

1 Press and hold the ENTER button until the ESC button lights up, to display the
configuration menu.
2 Select ETHERNET OPTIONS on the LCD display, and then press ENTER.
3 Select Unicast host IP, and then press ENTER.

System Configuration
Logging on to the Kaleido-RCP2

4 Select Enable IP 1, and then press ENTER.

The Enable IP x parameter instructs the Kaleido-RCP2 to query the selected IP address
for a list of rooms.
5 Select Host IP ADDR, and then press ENTER.
6 Using the numeric keypad, type the IP address of a Kaleido Multiviewer on a remote
subnet, and then press ENTER.
7 Repeat step 4 to step 6 to add unicast IP addresses for up to three remote Kaleido
Multiviewer systems.

Logging on to the Kaleido-RCP2

As a network device, the Kaleido-RCP2 provides access to any room configuration on any
Kaleido Multiviewer system on the network. As a security measure, access is controlled by a
login procedure.
To log on to a Kaleido Multiviewer system from the Kaleido-RCP2
1 Press the LOGIN key.
The following message will appear on the LCD display:
LOGIN Position
2 Press ENTER to select “Admin”.
A message prompting you to enter a password will appear on the LCD display.
3 Press ENTER again (by default, there is no password).
The message “Access granted” will appear on the LCD display if the login is successful. If
a mouse is connected to the Kaleido-RCP2, then you should be able to see and move
the mouse pointer on the monitor wall.

Note: If at any time the message “Target system is offline” or “No login list
available” appears on the LCD display, press the ESC, ENTER and DEL keys
simultaneously and go back to step 1.

For more information, refer to the Kaleido-RCP2 Guide to Installation and Operation; see
Related Documentation, on page 17.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Configuring an Audio Bridge Terminal

The optional Audio Bridge Terminal (ABT) is an external audio multiplexer/serializer for the
Kaleido-MX 4K. The Kaleido-MX 4K supports audio channel inputs from the ABT-64 or ABT-
128 series of Audio Bridge Terminal panels through SDTI inputs. The ABT-64 supports
64 channels and the ABT-128 supports 128 channels.
The Audio Bridge Terminal (ABT) is an external audio multiplexer/serializer for Kaleido
multiviewers. The ABT provides connector space for audio signal inputs, and multiplexes all
the audio signals into combined serial feeds on coaxial cables that connect to Kaleido-
MX 4K input cards.

Note: The ABT is powered through the RJ-45 Ethernet connector. There is
no power ON/OFF button, so the device is ON whenever a powered Ethernet
cable (PoE) is connected.

To configure the IP address and other network settings of the ABT

1 Connect a PC to a switch.
2 Referring to Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s Network Settings, on page 116,
configure the PC with the following network settings:

Property Setting
Static IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway

3 Apply power to the Audio Bridge Terminal and make sure it is connected to the same
switch as the PC.
• If the switch is Power over Ethernet (PoE) enabled, simply connect it to the unit
using an Ethernet cable.
• If not, PoE mid-span (inserter) equipment must be placed between the switch and
the Audio Bridge Terminal.

System Configuration
Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s Network Settings

4 Press the RESET button (located on the right-hand side of the ABT rear panel beside the
ETHERNET/POWER RJ-45 connector) for at least 1 second.
The Audio Bridge Terminal will reboot with the following static network configuration:

Property Setting
Static IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway

5 Using a Web browser on the PC, connect to the ABT using the following address:
The home page of the ABT’s built-in Web server is displayed.
6 Click Network Configuration (in the navigation pane).
The Network Configuration page is displayed.

7 Change the ABT’s network settings, as necessary, and then click Apply & Reboot.

• The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) supports one ABT device.
• Keep in mind that all ABTs ship with the same default static IP address. If
you are adding more than one ABT to your network and do not use DHCP,
make sure to assign each ABT a different static IP address before
connecting them to the network.

For more information about the ABT, refer to the Audio Bridge Terminal Guide to Installation
and Operation; see Related Documentation, on page 17.

Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s Network Settings

The PC that you will use to communicate with the ABT must have an IP addresses within the
same subnet. The following procedure applies to a typical Windows 10, Windows 8, or
Windows 7 system.
To change the IP address of the client PC
1 Press the Windows key on your keyboard, type “control panel” and then press Enter.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

2 In the search box, type “adapter”, and then, under Network and Sharing Center, click
View network connections.
3 In Network Connections, right-click the network adapter you wish to configure (e.g.,
Local Area Connection, or Ethernet), and then click Properties. If the system prompts you
for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide
The Properties window for the selected network adapter opens.

4 On the Networking tab, under This connection uses the following items, click
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.
The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window opens.
5 On the General tab, click Use the following IP address.

System Configuration
Configuring a PC to Configure an ABT’s Network Settings

6 Type an IP address in the same range as the current ABT’s IP address.

For example, if the ABT’s IP address is, then the IP address of your client PC
could be If you are unsure, contact your network administrator.
7 Type a subnet mask in the same range as that of the ABT such as
8 Click OK.
9 In Local Area Connection Properties, click Close.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Available Hardware and Software Options

You can purchase various Kaleido Software and hardware options to expand your
multiviewer’s capabilities that are not part of the basic offer. Kaleido-MX 4K options are
enabled by entering a software key that has been sent to you once you have purchased the
option. The following tables list options that can be enabled via the XAdmin Status and
Options page (see Enabling Options on page 120).
Kaleido-MX 4K input options
Option Part No. Feature
3G KMX-IN-16-OPT-3GBPS 3 Gbps signal format license (16 inputs)
CC/XDS KMX-IN-16-OPT-CSX CC/subtitling and XDS data license (16 inputs).
The extraction of CC 608, CC 708, XDS and
Subtitling WST metadata are all activated as a
single option.
Dolby E KMX-IN-16-OPT-DOLBY Dolby metadata extraction license (16 inputs)

Kaleido-MX 4K output option

Option Part No. Feature
Display KMX-OUT-ROTATOR-D Rotation license. 2 licenses required for each
90-Degree Kaleido-MX 4K unit. See also Portrait Multiviewer
Rotation Display Orientation, on page 35.

System Configuration
Enabling Options

Enabling Options
To enable options on a multiviewer
1 Obtain a license key from Grass Valley.
2 Open XAdmin.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears.

3 Click the arrow button at the end of the heading row that corresponds to the module
for which you want to enable an option.

4 Locate the entry for the option you want to enable.

For example, to activate the Extraction of CC, Subtitling and XDS metadata option
(CC/XDS Option) for an input card, you would need to locate the appropriate card in
XAdmin’s Status and Options page, expand it, and then locate the KXI-16-CC/XDS
option line.
5 Click the Enable button.
A window appears prompting you for the license key.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

6 Enter the license key for the specific option in the box, and then click OK.
Once the option is enabled, the license key is displayed, and a Disable button replaces
the Enable button.

System Configuration
Enabling Options

Maintenance & Troubleshooting

This chapter shows you the various maintenance operations and corrective actions that
maybe required to be performed during system commissioning and over the multiviewer’s

System Verification

Verifying the Kaleido-MX 4K Multiviewer Status

You can check internal system statuses via the Web-based XAdmin application.
To verify the status of your Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer
1 Open a Web browser window and enter your multiviewer’s system IP address (the
virtual IP address you configured at step 5 on page 51) in the address bar.
The Kaleido Software home page appears.
2 Click the XAdmin button.
3 If you see a security warning, or a certificate error message, then see Registering your
Multiviewer's Security Credentials with your Browser, on page 76.
4 If the “Log in to XAdmin” page appears, type the password, and then click Log in.
5 Internet Explorer users: If a blank page appears, then see Enabling the Compatibility
View in Internet Explorer, on page 86.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears, displaying a list of all modules and their
6 Click Physical connections, in the navigation area on the left of the page.
The Physical Connections page appears, showing the current connection status for
your system, with a visual representation of the physical connections between the
detected input cards and the output cards associated with the frame IP address.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Verifying the Kaleido-MX 4K Multiviewer Status

7 Review the information on this page, to make sure your input and output cards are all
properly interconnected. Information in red indicates the location where a problem
was detected.
8 Click Status and options, in the navigation area on the left of the page, to go back to
the Status and Options page.
The module headings show the card type and serial number for the input and output
cards, and a summary view of the input signals for each input card.
9 Move the pointer to an input signal status icon to view the associated signal format.
Card type Serial number

Input signal status

Input signal format

10 Click the arrow button ( ) at the end of a module’s heading row to view detailed

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Reset card
Expand details

11 Review the enabled input and output options, and the main system statuses of the
Kaleido-MX 4K frame, to make sure that there are no status errors, and no alerts related
to system temperature, fan operation, FlexBridge connectivity, or card fault conditions.

• At any time you can click the Refresh button to make sure the data
displayed for the selected card is up to date. Click the Reset card button at
the end of a card’s heading row to reset the card remotely, directly from
your Web browser.
• See Available Hardware and Software Options, on page 119 for more
information on the available options.

Verifying the Kaleido-RCP2

To verify that the Kaleido-RCP2 is functioning normally
• Log on to the Kaleido-RCP2 (see Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2, on page 112), and then
test various operations using the Kaleido-RCP2 keyboard and the mouse (e.g. load a
predefined layout).

Loading a Layout
To load a layout on the monitor wall
1 Connect a mouse to the Kaleido-RCP2 (if available) and log on to the appropriate room,
if you have not already done so (see Configuring the Kaleido-RCP2, on page 112).
Alternatively, connect the mouse directly to the USB port at the front of one of your
system’s output card.
2 Right-click anywhere on the monitor wall, point to Monitor wall (if you clicked a
monitor), and then click Load layout on the menu.

Monitor wall menu

A layout browser appears on the displays associated with the current room.
3 Select the layout you wish to load from the list of available layouts for this room, and
then click OK.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Customizing Layouts, Logical Sources, and other Kaleido-IP Elements

The selected layout appears on the room displays.

Customizing Layouts, Logical Sources, and other Kaleido-IP Elements

Refer to the Kaleido Software User Manual to learn how to customize the Kaleido-IP to suit
your specific needs. See Related Documentation, on page 17.

Verifying the Audio Bridge Terminal

To verify that the ABT is functioning normally
• Inspect the ACTIVITY and front panel LEDs on the unit to make sure there are no error
The ACTIVITY indicator is located on the right-hand side of the rear panel. This LED
reports the status of the Ethernet connection as indicated in the table below.
Two LEDs are visible on the front panel, one for each power supply. When lit, they both
indicate the same status.
When the ABT is powered up, all three LEDs will be orange until the boot sequence is
terminated. This is a visual indicator that the LEDs are functioning properly.

ACTIVITY Indicator on Rear Panel Power-Supply LEDs on Front Panel

Color Status Color Status
Off No link detected Green Normal
Green Normal (good link) Flashing green Normal, rebooting
Orange Activity Orange Warning
Red Hardware fault Flashing orange Warning, rebooting
Flashing red Upgrading firmware Red Hardware fault
Flashing red Upgrading firmware

For more information, refer to the Audio Bridge Terminal Guide to Installation and Operation;
see Related Documentation, on page 17.

Verifying the Multiviewer’s IP Addresses and Application Version

Finding the System IP Address

To find your multiviewer’s system IP address
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of a Kaleido-MX 4K output card.
The Status LED on the selected card flashes orange, and the associated control menu
appears on the display of the Densité frame’s local control panel.
2 On the local control panel, press the [–] button repeatedly until NETWORK SETTINGS
appears on the display, and then press the SEL button.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

FRAME IP ADDRESS EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.

3 Press the SEL button again.
The current system IP address appears on the display. This is your system’s virtual
IP address (i.e., the address you will use to access your system from XEdit and XAdmin).
4 Press the Select button on the front edge of the output card to exit the control menu.

Verifying an Output Card’s IP Address and Application Version

To verify the IP address and application version on an output card
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of the Kaleido-MX 4K output card.
The Status LED on the selected card flashes orange, and the associated control menu
appears on the display of the Densité frame’s local control panel.
2 Note the position indication A or B in the card information shown on the first line of the
LCD display: either KMX-OUTA, or KMX-OUTB, followed with the slot number (e.g., KMX-
OUTA Slot 4).
3 On the local control panel, press the [–] button.
The version of the Kaleido Software that is running on the card (e.g. “8.40-build.987”)
appears on the display.
4 On the local control panel, press the [–] button repeatedly until NETWORK SETTINGS
appears on the display, and then press the SEL button.
FRAME IP ADDRESS EDIT appears on the control panel’s display.
5 If the card is identified as KMX-OUTA on the display, then press the [–] button
repeatedly until OUTPUT A IP EDIT appears. If the card is identified as KMX-OUTB, then
press the [–] button until OUTPUT B IP EDIT appears.
6 Press the SEL button.
The current IP address for this card appears on the display.

Note: If you have a single- or dual-head Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer, then

this IP address doubles as the system IP address.

7 Press the Select button on the front edge of the output card to exit the control menu.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Verifying the Multiviewer’s IP Addresses and Application Version

Verifying an Input Card’s Application Version

To verify the application version on an input card
1 Press the Select button on the front edge of the Kaleido-MX 4K input card.

Status LED

Select button

The Status LED on the selected card flashes orange, and the associated control menu
appears on the display of the Densité frame’s local control panel.
2 On the local control panel, press the [–] button.
The version of the Kaleido Software that is running on the card (e.g. “8.40-build.987”)
appears on the display.
3 Press the Select button on the front edge of the input card to exit the control menu.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual


Required Tools
Use a field-supplied Phillips #2 screwdriver to remove and install multiviewer hardware.

Field Replaceable Units

The following components are field replaceable units. The repair procedure is to swap in a
new (known good) component to restore system operation.
• Replacing the Frame Controller Card, on page 131
• Replacing the GPI-1501 Card, on page 131
• Replacing Power Supply Modules, on page 131
• Replacing Frame Ventilation Fans, on page 139
There are no user-serviceable parts within these components except that cooling fans can
be replaced on some cards and in some frame components. See Cooling Fan Replacement,
on page 132.

Opening and Closing the Front Door

The front door of the Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) frame is fastened in place by two captive
thumbscrews, one at each end of the door.

Opening the front door

To open the door
• Turn both thumbscrews counterclockwise until they release, and then pull the door
away from the front of the frame.
The door is attached to the frame by guides that slide out of the frame as the door is
pulled, and allow the door to be lowered below the frame so that cards and power
supplies can be removed and installed.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Replacing Cards

Removing the front door

To remove the door
• Slip the ends of the guides off the posts on the door assembly.

Note: You must tilt the door on an angle so the guides can move freely.
There are no electrical connections to the door.

Closing the front door

To close the door
• Slide it into position against the front of the frame, and then turn the captive
thumbscrews clockwise until the door is securely fastened into place.

Replacing Cards
All cards and rear panels can be installed with the frame power on. Each card has a
connector which plugs into the frame’s backplane for distribution of power and connection
to the controller card, and one or two connectors (depending on the card type) that plug
into the rear panel for inputs and outputs.

Removing a card

Note: Removing more than one input card from a Kaleido-MX 4K system in
operation is not supported.

To remove a card
1 Open the front door of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 Tilt the swivel handle, on the front of the card you wish to remove, to lever the
connectors apart, and then use the handle to pull the card straight out of the slot.
3 Close the front door of the frame (see Closing the front door, on page 130).

Installing a card
To install a card in a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
1 Open the front door of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 To install a card into an empty slot, slide the card into the slot, with the swivel handle to
the right, and push gently on the handle to seat the connectors. Inserting the card into
the wrong slot will not damage the card, and will be flagged by the on-card status LED
flashing to indicate that there is no connection to the rear panel.
3 Close the front door of the frame (see Closing the front door, on page 130).

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Replacing the Frame Controller Card

To replace the CPU-ETH2 controller card
1 Open the front door of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
In a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU), the controller card is located on the upper left-hand side of
the frame, above the left-hand power supply.
2 Grasp the metal handle on the upper left-hand side of the card; the handle will slide out
so that it can be gripped properly.
3 Pull gently until the card is released from the rear connector, and then slide the card out
of the frame.

Note: Do not pull on the control panel to remove the card.

4 Slide the new card into the controller slot, and push gently on the card edge to engage
the rear connectors.
5 Be sure to close the front door before operating the Kaleido-MX 4K, to ensure proper
ventilation (see Closing the front door, on page 130).

Replacing the GPI-1501 Card

In a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU), the GPI-1501 card is located on the upper right-hand side of the
frame, above the (optional) right-hand power supply.
To replace the GPI-1501 card
1 Open the front door of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 Tilt the swivel handle, on the front of the card, to lever the connectors apart, and then
use the handle to pull the card straight out of the slot.
3 Slide the new GPI-1501 card into the slot, with the swivel handle to the right, and push
gently on the handle to seat the connectors.
4 Close the front door of the frame (see Closing the front door, on page 130).

Replacing Power Supply Modules

The Kaleido-MX 4K frames support dual redundant hot-swappable power supplies. The
basic configuration includes a single supply, with an empty slot for the optional redundant
power supply. Installing a second power supply module and applying power to it
automatically engages the redundant supply mode. Each power supply has its own power
socket on the rear panel, and should be connected to the AC supply using the power cord
that shipped with your hardware, or other approved cord.

• A single power supply can be installed in either of the two slots. You may
prefer to install the power supply module in the right-hand slot to avoid
having to remove the controller card should you need to replace the
power supply.
• Power integrity is enhanced if the two power supplies are plugged into
different circuits.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Cooling Fan Replacement

To install or change a power supply module in a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)

1 Open the front door of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 If you are removing the left-hand side power supply, you must first remove the
controller card. See Replacing the Frame Controller Card below.
3 Remove the power supply module by pulling on the handle on its front panel and
sliding it out of the frame.
4 Slide the new power supply module into the slot, and push it gently into position to
seat the connectors.
There is no guiding slot — the supply base sits on the floor of the frame.
5 If you removed the controller card in step 2, reinstall it (see Replacing the Frame
Controller Card).
6 Close the front door of the frame (see Closing the front door, on page 130).
The door secures the power supplies in place.

Cooling Fan Replacement

A cooling fan has moving parts that, over time, can wear out. In the final stages of fan wear
out, the fan may make a distinctive sound and it rotates at a slower speed, thereby reducing
airflow which undermines its ability to remove heat from electronic circuitry. Under this
condition, fan replacement is required.
Also, dust contained in the ambient air can accumulate on the fan and on surfaces around
the fan and heatsink, thereby reducing airflow, and preventing air from coming into direct
contact with the heatsink surfaces which undermines its ability to remove heat from the
electronic component. Under this condition, cleaning is necessary and fan replacement
may be required.
Some diagnostic procedures may interrupt normal system operation. Changing a card’s
cooling fan will interrupt normal system operation. Down time can be minimized by
swapping in a new or a known good card to restore system operation quickly. Schedule
maintenance operations during off hours when the system is not in use.

The KMX-3901 card’s electronic circuitry generates heat that must be shed by forcing air to
move across heat-generating components. Reduced air flow or high ambient temperature
results in heat build-up within temperature-sensitive components on the card. This can
cause unexpected behavior such as glitches or even a system freeze or shutdown. The
multiviewer self-diagnoses high temperature conditions by raising critical temperature and
fan alarms.
Critical temperature and fan alarms are reported through the following mechanisms:
• The alarm statuses in XAdmin are called XXXX fan failed where XXXX identifies the
specific fan. For example, DAP 0 fan failed.
• A Fan Failure message is displayed in the dashboard.
The fan alarm indicates that the fan is not rotating fast enough due to wear and thus it may
not provide enough cooling. A fan alarm must be addressed right away. A critical
temperature alarm can be ignored if it is accompanied by a fan alarm as the root cause is
the fan not rotating fast enough.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Otherwise, if the fan is running properly according to the fan alarm, then the Critical
Temperature Alarm Corrective Actions steps should be taken.

Critical Temperature Alarm Corrective Actions

If the fan alarm is inactive and the critical temperature alarm is active, then undertake the
following diagnostic steps in the following order:
1 Confirm that the room temperature is within multiviewer’s operating temperature
range specification. If necessary, take corrective actions by, for example, increasing the
amount of air conditioning made available to the multiviewer’s frame.
2 Confirm that air flow around the multiviewer’s frame is not obstructed. If necessary,
take corrective actions by, for example, removing obstructions or rerouting cables
around and away from the multiviewer’s frame.
3 When the previous corrective actions do not eliminate a critical temperature alarm,
verify that the Kaleido-MX 4K’s onboard fan is working correctly. See Fan Noise below.

Fan Noise
Over time, a fan’s performance (operating speed) can degrade which may raise critical
temperature and fan alarms. Under this circumstance, a fan may emit a rough-sounding
lower pitched sound as compared to the sound that other healthier fans emit. To confirm
that the card / module has an abnormally-sounding fan, during off hours when the system
is not in use, eject the card or if possible, the module from the multiviewer’s frame to verify
that the distinctive sound stops and take corrective actions (see below).
Or there may be no sound at all if the fan’s rotation is completely blocked. While the card /
module is in the multiviewer’s frame, make a visual inspection with a flashlight to confirm
fan rotation. If the fan is not rotating, then corrective actions must be taken.

Fan Alarm and Fan Noise Corrective Actions

When a fan alarm is raised, it must be addressed right away. During off hours when the
system is not in use, eject the card or if possible, the module from the multiviewer’s frame
and inspect the fan assembly: remove any accumulated dust and dirt from the card /
module with compressed air and remove any obstruction to the fan’s ability to freely rotate.
Reinsert the card / module into the multiviewer’s frame and restore system operation to see
if the fan alarm becomes inactive.
The multiviewer’s circuitry monitors the fan motor’s rotational speed to detect that the fan
is rotating fast enough to provide sufficient cooling; it raises a fan alarm when the fan’s
rotational speed has gone below a factory-set threshold.
When the fan is not rotating fast enough (as detect by a fan alarm), is making abnormal
noises, or is not rotating at all, the fan is worn out and it must be replaced with a new one.

Fan Replacement Kit

The replacement fan kit is available by contacting Customer Support. See Grass Valley
Technical Support, on page 166. The location of the card’s part number and serial number is
shown below.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Cooling Fan Replacement

Identifying the Fan to Replace for a Fan Fail Alarm

As some cards / modules have more than one fan, identify in XAdmin the specific fan to be
changed on the card / module: check each card / module individually in XAdmin for a fan
fail alarm. When there is a fan fail alarm for a fan in some modules, the entire fan assembly
must be replaced.

Fans are located on certain cards and within the multiviewer’s frame. To replace a fan:
• on a card, see Replacing KMX-3911 Card Fans, on page 135.
• within the multiviewer’s frame, see Replacing Frame Ventilation Fans, on page 139.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Replacing KMX-3911 Card Fans

Note: Fans must be connected to their intended power connector shown in

the tables below for XEdit to be able to correctly identify the specific fan that
has failed.

The location of the fans on the KMX-3901-IN card are shown below. The number of fans on
a card depends on the model.

J11 J9
SCALER0 Fan Connectors

DAP0 Fan

Right Side

Connectors Assembly Number
J12 J10

DAP1 Fan

Serial Number

Left Side

Applies to model
XEdit Fan Fail Uses Power
Alarm KMX-3901-IN-8-D KMX-3901-IN-16-D KMX-3901-IN-16-Q Connector
SCALER0 Fan Failed    J11
DAP0 Fan Failed    J9
DAP1 Fan Failed   J12
SCALER1 Fan Failed  J10

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Replacing KMX-3911 Card Fans

The location of the fan on the KMX-3901-OUT card is shown below.


P10 P11

Right Side

Assembly Number

Serial Number

Left Side

XEdit Fan Fail Alarm Uses Power Connector

FPGA Fan Failure P11

Fan Replacement Kit

The fan replacement kit is available by contacting Customer Support. See Grass Valley
Technical Support, on page 166. The location of the card’s part number and serial number is
shown in the illustrations above.

Required Tools
The following field-supplied material is required:
• Compressed air to remove dust from the card.
• Flashlight to perform a visual inspection to confirm fan rotation.
• Phillips screwdrivers:
• #1 jeweler’s screwdriver with a miniature shaft to remove the fan from the fan cover
assembly and install the replacement fan back onto the fan cover assembly.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

• #2 screwdriver to remove and install the fan cover assembly.

• Curved tweezers to disconnect the fan’s power connector from the KMX-3901 card.
• Anti-static bag or anti-static work surface to reduce the possibility of electrostatic
discharge damage to the card.

Anti-static Bag
used as a Work

Fan Power

Fan (inside Cover

Fan Cover Assembly)

Typical card with onboard fan, screwdrivers, tweezers, and anti-static bag

To replace a fan
1 During off hours when the system is not in use, eject the card from the multiviewer’s
frame. See Replacing Cards, on page 130.
2 Place the card on an anti-static bag or anti-static work surface.
3 Using curved tweezers, disconnect the fan power connector plug, very carefully; gently
wiggle the connector plug from the socket (jack). Do not pull on the wires. If the wires
are routed through wire holders, remove the wires from the holders first, before

Fan Power
Plug Fan Power

4 Free up the fan cover assembly by removing the 2 screws in the middle.
Once the 2 screws are removed, remove the fan cover assembly.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Replacing KMX-3911 Card Fans

5 Flip the fan cover over, and remove the last screw holding the fan with the #1 Phillips

6 Remove any accumulated dust from the card with compressed air.
7 Replace the fan with the new one, and replace all screws, in the reverse order.
8 Route the fan’s power wires through the wire holders, and make the connection to the
card’s fan power connector.
9 Restore system operation by inserting the card back into the multiviewer’s frame. See
Replacing Cards, on page 130.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Put the multiviewer into operation and confirm that the critical temperature and fan alarms
remain inactive.

Replacing Frame Ventilation Fans

The main cooling fans on the rear of Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) frames may be replaced in case of
failure. Replacement part number is #0969-2100.
To replace a frame ventilation fan in a Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
1 Remove the two screws that secure the fan assembly to the frame, and pull the fan
assembly straight out of the frame.
Retain the screws, as they will be used with the replacement fan.
2 Slide the new fan assembly into the opening on the rear panel, pushing it straight in,
and ensuring that the connector on the assembly mates with the socket in the frame.

The two ventilator fans are mounted at different angles, as shown in the above figure.
3 Align the circuit board on the fan assembly with the
notches in the edge of the rear-panel opening (see
arrows in figure at right) to ensure the correct
The socket into which the circuit board connects is
hidden from view by the fan assembly during
installation and there is no guide to ensure that
they are aligned. The easiest way to make sure that Alignment
the connector and socket have mated properly is to notches
install the fan with the frame power turned on. You
will hear the fan start up when the connection is
4 Use the two screws you retained from the old fan, to
secure the new fan assembly to the rear panel.

Replacing the Frame’s Air Filter

You may remove the air filter for cleaning or replacement.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Generating a System Snapshot

To remove the air filter

1 Open the front panel of the frame (see Opening the front door, on page 129).
2 Grasp the top of the filter installed on the rear of the door, and pull it gently out of its
mounting slot.
To install a filter
1 Slide the filter into the slot at the bottom of the front panel door, and ensure that the
filter is not bunched or folded.
2 Close the front panel of the frame (see Closing the front door, on page 130).

Generating a System Snapshot

A system snapshot creates a compressed file that contains information that can be used by
Technical Support for troubleshooting purposes.
To generate a system snapshot
1 Open XAdmin. See Opening XAdmin on page 74.
The XAdmin Status and Options page appears.

2 Click the Help & support link in the navigation pane.

The Technical Support page appears.

Click here
... or here

3 Click system snapshot.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

The system snapshot generation may take a few moments, after which your browser
prompts you to save the resulting compressed folder to your hard drive.
4 Browse to the location where you want to save the ZIP file, and then click Save.

Upgrading the Multiviewer

Whenever possible, upgrade the multiviewer to use the latest Kaleido Software version
number to take advantage of the latest bug fixes and stability enhancements. See the
Kaleido Software Release Notes for more information about a Kaleido Software release.

Pre-upgrade Checklist

Back up your system database
Before upgrading the multiviewer system, make sure you have a backup of
the current system database so that you can return to the previous Kaleido
Software version if necessary. Refer to Creating a Backup in the Kaleido
Software User’s Manual, for details. See Related Documentation, on
page 17.
Multiviewer may require new assignments
As of Kaleido Software version 7.51, URS time code information appears
under the SYSTEM module. You may need to reassign text, alarm, and time
code levels, in the sources table, after you have upgraded from version 7.50
or earlier.
You may need to upgrade the Kaleido Software, BEFORE upgrading the
Densité controller’s CPU-ETH2 firmware to version 2.2.0 (or higher)
Multiviewers with a version of the Kaleido Software earlier than 7.20 are not
compatible with CPU-ETH2 version 2.2.0 (and later). Using these
multiviewers with a Densité controller that has version 2.2.0 or higher of the
CPU-ETH2 firmware may result in an inoperative multiviewer system, in
which case you might need assistance from Grass Valley Technical Support.
Multiviewer may require a frame controller upgrade
To fully benefit from the auto recovery features introduced in Kaleido
Software version 7.20, this multiviewer requires a controller with at least
version 2.2.0 of the CPU-ETH2 firmware, and a 4 GB CompactFlash storage
card. (With version 2.1.2 of the CPU-ETH2 firmware, or with less than 4 GB
CompactFlash storage capacity, only IP address information, and frame
configuration are recovered from the Densité CPU-ETH2 controller non-
volatile memory.)
Multiviewer requires new restore points saved AFTER controller upgrade
After you have upgraded the CPU-ETH2 firmware from version 2.1.2 (or earlier)
to version 2.2.0 (or higher), you must save restore points to the CPU-ETH2
controller’s non-volatile memory, for all your multiviewer cards. See Saving
Restore Points to the CPU-ETH2 for All Cards, on page 45. Refer to the Densité
CPU-ETH2 Release Notes for more information.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Upgrade Oveview

IMPORTANT (continued)
Cluster and cascade systems
All multiviewers that are part of a cluster or cascade system must have the
same Kaleido Software version.
For cluster systems, Kaleido Software versions 8.70 and 6.50 introduce a hard
compatibility break with previous Kaleido Software versions.
Cluster backups you create with version 8.70 and 6.50 (or higher), cannot be
restored by using an earlier version of XEdit. Grass Valley recommends you
make a backup of the individual databases for every cluster member, before
upgrading from a pre-8.70 or pre-6.50 version, to version 8.70 or 6.50 (or
higher) respectively.
Virtual alarms used in iControl Web pages
The internal representation of virtual alarms has changed as of version 6.30
of the Kaleido Software. If you are upgrading the multiviewer from a version
prior to 6.30, then, once the upgrade is completed, it will be necessary to
reassign any virtual alarms that were created on the multiviewer before the
change, and used in iControl Web pages. Virtual alarms created in iControl
are not affected.
iControl Alarm latching
As of version 6.60 of the Kaleido Software, multiviewer GSMs have their
acknowledgement snooze duration set to 0 ms, by default. If you have set a
non-default value for the acknowledgement snooze duration in the past, you
may want to verify whether it is appropriate for your current purposes:
1 In the GSM alarm browser, click the Admin tab, and then click
Configuration on the second-level tab bar.
2 Review the value indicated for Acknowledgement snooze
3 Set it to 0 ms if needed, and then click Save.

Upgrade Oveview
Upgrade packages are made available by download from a Grass Valley FTP server. The
format of the file should be 971-31G01-xxx.zip. The upgrade package contains:
• the Kaleido Software Upgrade Manager application required to upgrade the
• one or more Kaleido Software operating system (.os, .zip, or .run) files.
• documentation, including the Release Notes.
If you do not have the upgrade package, contact Grass Valley Technical Support (see Grass
Valley Technical Support, on page 166).
If you have a cascade system, refer to the Cascade Upgrade section, in the Cascade Step-by-
Step Configuration guide for your system (see Related Documentation, on page 17).
You will need a USB key (not supplied) and a mouse to perform an
upgrade of the Kaleido Software system. The USB key should be
USB 2.0 compliant, have a capacity of at least 1 GB, and must be

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

formatted using the FAT32 file system. See Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key on
page 143.

Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key

Before upgrading the multiviewer system, review the following.
Kaleido-MX 4K
The first time you upgrade a Kaleido-MX 4K from version 7.80 R5 (or earlier) to
version 7.82 (or later), expect an additional delay, after the multiviewer has
restarted at the end of the installation process. See Kaleido-MX 4K input
cards on page 148.
Upgrading from a version prior to 6.60
Version 6.60 of the Kaleido Software introduced a change in the alarm
debouncing calibrations, which could result in alarms being raised earlier
and more frequently, after upgrading. The following properties have been
removed from the list of configurable parameters: Occurrences and
Detection window. After the upgrade, the system behavior will be based on
1 occurrence of an alarm event. A detection window is no longer used.
If, prior to the upgrade, the Occurrences parameter was set to a value other
than 1, then you will need to revise the Set duration value after the upgrade
to take this change into account. For example:
• Before the upgrade — If you had the following settings: Occurrences = 3,
Duration = 5 seconds, before the upgrade, then an alarm would be raised
after 15 seconds.
• After the upgrade — The former settings will be replaced with the
following: Set duration = 5 seconds, and the alarm will be raised after 5
In this example, after the upgrade, you should set the Set duration
parameter to 15 seconds to maintain the same behavior.
It is recommended to review and note down the alarm debouncing
calibrations prior to the update, and to re-calibrate the alarm debouncing as
needed after the upgrade.

To upgrade your multiviewer

1 Copy the upgrade package files to a USB key (see Preparing a USB Key, on page 143).
2 Upgrade your multiviewer’s Kaleido Software and firmware from the USB key (see
Upgrading the Kaleido Software and Firmware, on page 145).
3 Verify the version number to confirm that the upgrade was successful (see Verifying the
Version Number, on page 148).

Preparing a USB Key

To copy all files required for the upgrade to a USB key
1 Download the update files onto your PC’s hard drive. See Software and Firmware
Updates, on page 18.
2 Insert a USB key into one of your PC’s USB ports.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key

3 Locate and open the Kaleido Software Upgrade Manager application (XUpdate).

4 On the startup screen, click the appropriate update option for your multiviewer model:
KMX-3901 update

5 When prompted to select a type of update, click Smart update (recommended).

Note: If you click Total update (no prompt), then the update process, once
initiated, cannot be halted. This option should only be used to recover from
a failed upgrade.

6 If the Select USB Drive window appears, click the letter corresponding to the USB key
you inserted in step 2, and then click Select.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

7 When prompted to select an update file, locate and open the following Kaleido
Software operating system file, with the following format: kmxos-
The .os file will be copied to the USB key. This may take a few minutes.
When the copying process has finished, a message appears.

8 Click OK.
9 Click EXIT on the startup screen.
10 Click the Safely Remove Hardware icon in your desktop’s notification area, and
then click the USB key on the menu. When a message informs you that it is safe to
remove the key, do so.

Upgrading the Kaleido Software and Firmware

At this point, you are ready to upgrade the Kaleido system software and firmware. The
multiviewer should be powered up, with an active monitor wall display. You will need
access to the monitor wall to observe the progress of the upgrade, and you will use a
mouse to trigger a system restart from the monitor wall, once the upgrade has completed:
• If you have a Kaleido-RCP2, make sure that it is connected, and that you can use the
mouse to move the pointer on the monitor wall. If the mouse is unresponsive, try
rebooting the Kaleido-RCP2 by pressing ENTER+ESC+DEL on the Kaleido-RCP2’s
• If your system does not include a Kaleido-RCP2, connect the mouse directly to a
USB port on the multiviewer, and then make sure you can move the pointer on the
monitor wall. See Troubleshooting with the card's front edge USB connector, on
page 151 for more information about using the USB port on the multiviewer.
To upgrade the Kaleido system software and firmware
1 Insert the USB key into any USB port on the multiviewer. After a while, a message
appears at the bottom left corner of the monitor wall, reporting that the Upgrade
Manager is verifying software, firmware, and safe mode versions.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key


Click here to
show or hide

Note: You can click the Details button to view more information. The
button label alternates between Details and Hide.

The firmware verification process may take a minute or so.

Note: If nothing happens, very that you have loaded onto the USB key the
correct Kaleido Software operating system file, with the following
format: kmxos-9.00_build_xxxx.os

2 Once the verification process is complete, you will be advised what upgrade action, if
any, needs to be performed.

To cancel the upgrade process, you must click to ABORT within 30
During the 30-second countdown period, you may expect that removing the
USB key will cancel the upgrade. However, if you do so, the system will still
report that it is updating the software, but the upgrade will fail after a minute
or so.
Insert the USB key again to properly update your system.

3 The upgrade process begins automatically, starting with the Kaleido Software upgrade.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

In Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewers, all cards are updated in parallel, during
which time their status LEDs will be flashing red. Do not interrupt this
process. Do not insert or remove cards while an upgrade is in progress.

4 Once the Kaleido Software upgrade is complete, the firmware upgrade begins.

Note: Should the upgrade dashboard report that some cards’ software
upgrade could not be completed, then proceed with Troubleshooting an
Incomplete Upgrade, on page 148.

When the entire upgrade process has successfully completed, a red button appears at
the bottom of the dashboard on all displays that are connected to the system.

5 Click any of the Upgrade complete buttons to restart the system.

Note: When the firmware upgrade (or downgrade) process involves several
cards (for example, a fully populated expansion system), the dashboard may
still be displaying firmware upgrade progress messages while the Upgrade
complete button has already appeared. You can safely click the button to
restart the system at this point.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Upgrading the Multiviewer Using a USB Key

The multiviewer now restarts.

Kaleido-MX 4K input cards
If this is the first time you upgrade a Kaleido-MX 4K, from version 7.80 R5 (or
earlier) to version 7.82 (or later), then an additional update process will now
start on the input cards. This may take up to 20 minutes, after which the input
cards will automatically restart. When you next upgrade your system the
entire input card update will take place at the same time as the output card
update, and no additional card restart will be required.

Troubleshooting an Incomplete Upgrade

Should the upgrade dashboard report that some cards’ software upgrade failed, in a
Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewer, then follow the troubleshooting steps below to bring the
update to completion.
To bring a partially failed upgrade to completion
• If your system includes only one output card, and it failed to be upgraded, remove the
USB key, and then repeat the upgrade procedure (see Upgrading the Multiviewer Using
a USB Key, on page 143).
• If the upgrade was successful on at least one output card, then:
a Power down every output card by tilting its swivel handle, to lever the connectors
apart, and then use the handle to pull the card part way out of its slot.
b Power down the input cards, in the same fashion.
c Reseat a successfully updated output card.
This card becomes your system’s master card.
d Once the master card’s startup process has completed, reseat all other cards.
At this point, the system will recognize that the software version on some cards does
not match the master card’s version, and a live update process will start, to
automatically bring all cards to the same version. At the end of the process, all updated
cards will automatically restart.

Verifying the Version Number

You can verify the new version number by displaying the dashboard on the monitor wall.

Displaying the Dashboard

To display the dashboard
1 Right-click anywhere on the monitor wall. On the menu, point to Monitor wall, and
then click Show dashboard to display the dashboard associated with the current head.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Show dashboard

Monitor wall menu (within composite monitor menu)

Note: If you right-click the monitor wall background directly, then the
monitor wall menu appears immediately. Click Show dashboard.

Show dashboard

After a brief delay, the dashboard appears at the bottom-right corner of the monitor,
and the command Hide dashboard replaces Show dashboard on the menu.

Dashboard on the monitor wall

Downgrading the Multiviewer System

Before downgrading your Kaleido Software system, review the following.

• Alarm debouncing may need to be recalibrated: before downgrading from version

6.60 (or later) to version 6.50 (or earlier) of the Kaleido Software, make sure to review
your system’s alarm debouncing calibrations, some of which you may have to modify if
you wish to maintain the same behavior. See Upgrading from a version prior to 6.60, on
page 143 for details.
• Kaleido-MX 4K:
• Kaleido-MX 4K multiviewers cannot be downgraded to a Kaleido Software version
earlier than 7.70.
• Router control: as of Kaleido Software version 4.00, router configuration changes made
in Router Manager Configurator are not compatible with earlier versions of the Kaleido

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Downgrading the Multiviewer System

Software. Downgrading is supported but any change to the router configuration made
in Kaleido Software version 4.00 or later will be lost during the downgrade. After
downgrading, any router configuration will have reverted to what it was before the last
To downgrade your multiviewer to an earlier version of Kaleido Software
• Follow the upgrade instructions in the Release Notes that were published for the
Kaleido Software version you want to downgrade to.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual


Troubleshooting with the card's front edge USB connector

A USB mouse can be directly connected to the multiviewer card for troubleshooting
purposes (as opposed to connecting the mouse to a Kaleido-RCP2, for instance) with the
following conditions.
• The pointer can only travel between the displays supported by that card.
• When more than one display is connected to the card, the required mouse movement
to go between displays does not always follow the wall layout set in XEdit. For example,
you will have to move the mouse pointer horizontally or vertically in order to go from
one display to the next.

Dashboard Messages
The following tables explain messages that may appear in the Status dashboard (lower right
corner) and in the Upgrade dashboard (lower left corner), on the Monitor wall.
Status dashboard messages
Message Description
Duplicate IP Address Another equipment on the network shares the same IP address as
Detected an output card.
Duplicate frame IP Another equipment on the network shares the same IP address as
address the multiviewer system (in a multiple output card setup).
Ethernet Link Down The output card to which this display monitor is connected has lost
its network connection.
Card temperature Card is overheating, which might result in decreased system
critical performance (e.g., green dots, flickering, card not starting). You
should halt operations until the overheating problem is resolved.
Card temperature high Temperature warning; this indicates that the card is warmer than
normal and that you should verify cooling and ventilation (e.g.,
check for anything obstructing the ventilation openings).
Critical voltage upper One of the voltages is above its critical threshold.
limit reached
Critical voltage lower One of the voltages is below its critical threshold.
limit reached
Critical current upper Current or power is above its critical threshold.
limit reached
FPGA fan failed FPGA fan failed
Firmware status Tells whether firmware is running properly on the card.
HDMI 0 power failed HDMI output for first head has a power failure.
HDMI 1 power failed HDMI output for second head has a power failure.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting consists of using fault-isolation techniques to narrow down the probable
cause to a specific multiviewer component. Schedule these maintenance operations during
off hours when the system is not in use if possible as troubleshooting can cause outage.
Use the following troubleshooting table to diagnose common issues and take corrective
actions to restore operation.

Symptom Probable cause Test Corrective action

Source signal Signal feed is unavailable. Apply a signal from signal Verify what the input status LEDs
input is generator test set or show. See Card Interfaces, on
unavailable. another source to the page 25.
multiviewer’s input.
Poor connection The input status LED is Trace the cable’s path and ensure
amber. connections at both ends are good.
Closed Insufficient licenses have View license status in Purchase and install a license for
captioning/XDS / been installed. XAdmin for each card. each card as required. Contact
Dolby E / SCTE / See Enabling Options, on Technical Support for more
Loudness does not page 120. Valid licenses information and see Available
work for certain have a green dot. Hardware and Software Options, on
tiles / video feeds. page 119.
See Grass Valley Technical
Support, on page 166.
Kaleido Software A Kaleido Software Review the Kaleido Install a software version that is
upgrade / installation requirement Software Release Notes compatible with your hardware or
downgrade has was not observed for information about upgrade your hardware as required.
failed compatibility, See also Kaleido Software
requirements, limitations, Minimum Version Compatibility,
known issues, and bug on page 19. See Related
fixes for a given software Documentation, on page 17.
version. Confirm that the
multiviewer’s memory
has sufficient capacity for
the upgrade.
Layout changes All network interfaces In XAdmin, Physical Follow the help instructions in the
aren't propagated have not been configured Connections, verify the right pane to correct any network
properly. Signal or all necessary network frame’s connection status. configuration issues.
probing and connections have not Ensure the frame is properly
metadata been made to a switch connected to a switch. See Cabling
extraction doesn't Diagram, on page 33.
work properly
System behaves The card’s database has - Using XEdit, restore a database
erratically and become corrupted. backup

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Symptom Probable cause Test Corrective action

Occasional frame Loss of Genlock signal. System will switch over to Make sure that the external
repeats. its internal frame rate. See reference is connected to the
At failure, a brief the reference source multiviewer. See Input Modules, on
impact on whole shown in XAdmin. page 36.
display is noticed.
½ second to
Input / Output In a system using Kaleido - Upgrade the multiviewer to
card live update: Software V7.3X or earlier, Kaleido Software V7.40 or higher
Downgrade to if you replace an output
Kaleido Software card with a card that
V7.3X or lower did shipped with Kaleido
not work Software V7.40 or higher,
initially or after repairs,
the system may not
automatically downgrade
the new carda.
In a system using Kaleido - Prepare a USB key with the Kaleido
Software V7.3X or earlier, Software version you want to keep
if you replace an input using, and reapply the upgrade
card with a card that (see Upgrading the Multiviewer,
shipped with Kaleido on page 141). Refer to the
Software V7.40 or higher, upgrade instructions in the
initially or after repairs, Release Notes that were published
the system will not for this earlier software version.
automatically downgrade
the new card.

a.KMX-3901-OUT cards with the latest hardware are not compatible with Kaleido Software versions earlier
than 7.40.

Should you need further assistance, see Grass Valley Technical Support, on page 166.

Swapping around a Card in a Multiviewer

Schedule this maintenance operation during off hours when the system is not in use if
possible as this procedure can cause multiviewer outage.
In an attempt to restore multiviewer operation and to perform fault isolation procedures,
you can swap the position of cards around in the multiviewer’s frame to see if the problem
follows the card or to see if normal multiviewer operation can be restored.
To swap the position of a card around in the multiviewer, you must first identify two identical
cards installed in the multiviewer’s frame. For example, the model number marked on each
card’s ejector tabs are the same. If two identical cards are found, eject both cards from the
multiviewer’s frame and exchange their positions within the frame before firmly reinserting the
cards into the frame. To RMA a defective card, see Grass Valley Technical Support, on page 166.

Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Common Issues

Swapping around a Power Supply in a Multiviewer

Schedule this maintenance operation during off hours when the system is not in use if
possible as this procedure can cause multiviewer outage.
In an attempt to restore multiviewer operation and to perform fault isolation procedures,
you can swap the position of a power supply around in the multiviewer frame to see if normal
multiviewer operation can be restored.
If the frame has an empty power supply slot (for example, for a redundant power supply unit
(PSU)), you can remove the PSU from the frame and insert it into the other power supply slot.
See Replacing Power Supply Modules, on page 131. Ensure to connect a power cable at the rear
of the frame’s chassis for the PSU’s new position in the frame. To RMA a defective PSU, see Grass
Valley Technical Support, on page 166.


This chapter lists equipment specifications for the Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) multiviewers and
their cards.

Kaleido-MX 4K Inputs

Video Inputs
Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) multiviewers support 16 signal inputs. The supported video input
types include SD-SDI, HD-SDI, and 3G-SDI (auto-detected). The processing delay is two
fields at the SDI outputs, if the video inputs are genlocked (two or three fields if the video
inputs are not genlocked), or four fields at the SDI to HDMI converter’s HDMI output. Signal
inputs require DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors.
SD-SDI inputs
Signal 4:2:2 SMPTE ST 259-C (270 Mbps), SMPTE ST 272
Formats 525 and 625
Audio SMPTE ST 274
Return loss > 15 dB up to 270 MHz
Alignment jitter (100 kHz) < 0.2 UI
Timing jitter (10 Hz) < 1 UI
Cable length 250 m (820 ft) (Belden 1694A)
150 m (492 ft) (Belden 1855A)

Video Inputs

HD-SDI inputs
Signal SMPTE ST 292-1 (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gbps)
Formatsa 720p29.97, 720p30, 720p50, 720p59.94
1080i50, 1080i59.94
1080PsF23.98, 1080PsF24, 1080PsF25, 1080PsF29.97
1080p23.98, 1080p24, 1080p25, 1080p29.97, 1080p30
Audio SMPTE ST 299
Return loss > 15 dB up to 1.5 GHz
Alignment jitter (100 kHz) < 0.2 UI
Timing jitter (10 Hz) < 1 UI
Cable length 100 m (328 ft) (Belden 1694A)
45 m (148 ft) (Belden 1855A)
a. The Kaleido Software does not distinguish between 1080PsF25 and 1080i50, between 1080PsF29.97
and 1080i59.94, between 720p29.97 and 720p30, and between 1080p29.97 and 1080p30. On the
monitor wall and in XAdmin’s Status and Options page, 1080PsF25 is reported as 1080i50,
1080PsF29.97 is reported as 1080i59.94, 720p30 as 720p29.97, and 1080p30 as 1080p29.97.

3G-SDI inputs
Signal SMPTE ST 424 (2.97, 2.97/1.001 Gbps)
Formats 1080p50
Audio SMPTE ST 299
Return loss > 15 dB up to 1.5 GHz
> 10 dB up to 3 GHz
Alignment jitter (100 kHz) < 0.3 UI
Timing jitter (10 Hz) < 2 UI
Cable length 100 m (328 ft) (Belden 1694A)
45 m (148 ft) (Belden 1855A)

Graphic converted to HD-SDI from KXI-DVI-Bridgea

Signal SMPTE ST 292-1 (1.485, 1.485/1.001 Gbps)
Format 1080p60
Cable length 100 m (328 ft) (Belden 1694A)
45 m (148 ft) (Belden 1855A)
a. A Dual Channel DVI to HD Bridge must be connected between the multiviewer and the PC or laptop
that provides the graphics to the multiviewer. To order this optional device (Part No. KXI-DVI-
BRIDGE), contact your Grass Valley sales representative.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Discrete Audio Inputs

The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) supports one ABT/MADI audio input.
MADI audio inputs
Signal AES10-2008
Sampling frequency 48 kHz nominal, 64 channels, synchronous with video reference
Return loss ≥ 15 dB 100 kHz to 125 MHz
Cable length 100 m (325 ft) (Belden 8281 or Belden 1694A)
Connector Coaxial via DIN 1.0/2.3, 75 Ω

ABT audio inputs

Signal SMPTE ST 259-C (270 Mbps), SMPTE ST 305
Format SDTI
Return loss > 15 dB up to 270 MHz
Alignment jitter (100 kHz) < 0.2UI
Timing jitter (10 Hz) < 1UI
Cable length 250 m (820 ft) (Belden 1694A)
150 m (492 ft) (Belden 1855A)
Connector DIN 1.0/2.3

Kaleido-MX 4K Outputs
The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) supports one seamless quad link (square division) 4K UHD output
(with embedded audio), using the multiviewer’s four SDI monitoring outputs.
3G-SDI monitoring outputs
Signal SMPTE ST 424 (2.97 Gbps / 2.97/1.001 Gbps)
Formats (Level A only) 1080p 50 Hz
1080p 59.94 Hz
Audio SMPTE ST 299-1 (limited to one pair, embedded on group 1, pair 1)
Return loss > 15 dB up to 1.5 GHz
> 10 dB up to 3 GHz
Alignment jitter (100 kHz) < 0.3 UI
Timing jitter (10 Hz) < 2 UI
Cable length 100 m (328 ft) (Belden 1694A)
45 m (148 ft) (Belden 1855A)
Connectors DIN 1.0/2.3
Quantization 8 bits

Kaleido-MX 4K Control

The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) multiviewer models support one progressive scan HDMI 2.0
output, via the quad link SDI to HDMI converter that ships with each multiviewer.
HDMI output
Signal HDMI 2.0
Format 4K UHDTV (3840 × 2160)
Supported refresh rates: 50 Hz and 59.94 Hz
Audio 24 bits (one pair, embedded on group 1, pair 1)
Connector HDMI standard type A connector
Signal path 8 bits 4:2:0 YCbCr

Kaleido-MX 4K Control

Reference Inputs
The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) models support one external reference input for system genlock.

Reference Input
Supported formats SMPTE ST 170
ITU 624-4
BT 470-6
Connector DIN 1.0/2.3

LTC Inputs
The Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) models support one unbalanced LTC input for clock
LTC Input
Signal SMPTE ST 309-1999, SMPTE ST 12-1995 (EBU-3097-E)
Level 500 mVp-p to 10 Vp-p
Impedance >12 kΩ
Connector DIN 1.0/2.3

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Ethernet (3)
Signal 10/100 BASE-T
Standard IEEE 802.3
Connector RJ-45

Serial port
Signal RS-422 (SMPTE ST 207, EBU-3245), RS-485
Connector RJ-45

USB (2)
Standard USB version 2.0
Peripherals supported Mouse, keyboard, memory stick
Connector USB type A

GPI-1501 GPI I/O module

A GPI-1501 card supports 20 GPI inputs, and 8 configurable GPI inputs/outputs.
GPI INPUT (up to 40)
Description Contact closure to GND
Connector DB-44
Pull-up voltage 2.3 Volts
Source current 2 mA when input shorted
Low-level activation 0.8 Volts max
Over voltage 25 Volts max

GPI bidirectional (up to 16)

Description Contact closure to GND
Signal Open collector 5 to 12 VDC
Connector DB-44
Input mode
Pull-up voltage 2.3 Volts
Source current 2 mA when input shorted
Low-level activation 0.8 Volts max
Over voltage 25 Volts max
Output mode

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) Frame

GPI bidirectional (up to 16) (continued)

Contact closure current 50 mA max
Reverse voltage -15 Volts max
Reverse current -50 mA max
V out low 0.6 Volts at 1.5mA

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU) Frame

Power supply Hot-swappable redundant power supply
Input voltage 100-240 V
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Power 150 W max
Dimensions 1RU × 485 mm (19 in) × 286 mm (11.25 in)
Weight 4 kg (8.7 lb)
Add 0,7 kg (1.5 lb) for the SDI to HDMI converter, if used.
Full spec. temperature 0–40°C (32–104°F) (ambient)
Max. storage humidity 90% RH non-condensing
Max. functional humidity 65% RH non-condensing
Communication ports Ethernet 10/100BASE-T
Alarm GPI contact

Multiviewer Integration with other Systems and Equipment

A number of configurable services are available to establish communications between the
multiviewer and a wide variety of devices.

Note:This multiviewer does not have an RS-232 serial port for use
with other systems and equipment. Any equipment integration must
be made using an IP connection. Only use drivers that are IP capable
before considering the use of the driver for a solution.

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

Optional Drivers for Controlling Routing Devices from the Multiviewer

Optional drivers are available to extend your Kaleido system with the ability to control
routing devices that comply with the protocols listed in the following table. Contact your
sales representative for details.

Company Protocol download Routers/Controllers
Datatek D-2815 Control Module No
ETL ETL Matrix Yes ETL Matrix
Evertz Quartz Type 1 Yes EQX
Grass Valley Densité Yes HRS-1801
No HCO-1821, HCO-1822
Grass Valley NVEP NV9000 – Deprecated Yes NV9000 system controllers
(Miranda/NVISION) (NP0017)a
NVEP NV9000 – Port Takes Yes
NVEP NV9000 – Device Takes Yes
NVEP Router (NP0016) No Compact router series
Grass Valley GVG-NP Emulation No Jupiter CM-4000 and CM-
4400 system controllers
GVG 7000 Native Protocold Yes Concerto-series routers,
Encore-series control panels
Grass Valley Jupiter ASCII No Jupiter VM-3000 system
(Thomson/Philips)e communications protocol controller, Venus-series and
Trinix-series routers
ES-Switch protocol (serial)f Yes Jupiter VM-3000 system
Imagine Harris XY Passthrough No Platinum, Xplus, Integrator,
Communications Protocol Via-32, Panacea, Xpress
Lantronix (Lightwave) Matrix-Hub No Matrix-Hub 1000
Nevion (Network Network Compact (serial) No VikinX Compact
Network Modular (Ethernet) No VikinX Modular
PESA USP (Unsolicited Status No Cheetah, Tiger, Jaguar,
Protocol) Cougar, Ocelot, Bobcat,
TDM3000, PERC2000 system
CPU Link Protocol No.1 No

Optional Drivers for Controlling Tally Interface Devices from the Multiviewer

Company Protocol download Routers/Controllers
Quintech XRM/SRM/MRF/MRM Series No SRM 2150 Matrix Switching
Protocol (serial) Systems
SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) General Switcher Protocol No
General Remote Protocol Yes Halo, Aurora and Sirius
(SW-P-08) Controller (serial control)
Sony Sony HKSPC (GVGNP No Sony routers (requires HKSPC
Emulator) card); GVG routers (Ethernet)
Utah Scientific PL-160/PL-320 No AVS-1B
RCP-1 No SC-1, SC-2, SC-3 series
RCP-3 Yes SC-4 series (Ethernet only)
a. Deprecated. To be used with legacy configurations only.
b.To be used in most cases. Supports native locks, and aliases from router (provided system controller
has NV9000 router control system version 6.0.6 or later)
c. To be used in very specific scenarios involving physical router interconnects with tie lines, or with
hybrid router configurations. Contact Technical Support for more information (see Grass Valley
Technical Support, on page 166).
d.For Thomson / Grass Valley Series 7000 devices, our current implementation of the Series 7000
Native Protocol supports serial devices, in addition to some Encore system controller models, which
are also supported over Ethernet. For other Series 7000 devices you wish to control via Ethernet, use
Sony HKSPC (GVGNP Emulator).
e. Our current implementations of the protocols listed above for Grass Valley (Thomson/Philips)
routers and controllers support neither the CM-4400 nor the CM-4000 system controllers.
f. In the case of the Kaleido-X, and Kaleido-X16 multiviewers, the ES-Switch protocol is only supported
with a baud rate of 19200.

Optional Drivers for Controlling Tally Interface Devices from the

Optional drivers are available to extend your Kaleido-X system with the ability to control
tally interface devices such as the ones listed in the tables below. Contact your sales
representative for more information.

Production Switchers
Company Device/System
Grass Valley (Thomson) Kayenne K-Frame, Karrera K-Frame, Kayenne, Kalypso, Zodiak,
KayakDD, Kayak SD/HD, DD35, XtenDD HD/SD series
Ross Acuity, Synergy, and Vision Tritium series (via the Kalypso Serial
Tally Protocol)
SAM (Snell & Wilcox) Kahuna
Sony DVS-9000, MVS-8000, MFS-2000

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

UMD controllers
Company Device/System
Grass Valley (Thomson) Andromeda UMD Controller
Image Video TSI-1000 Tally System Interface (requires option from Image
TSL UMD Controller (serial, TCP/IP or UDP/IP)
IP Limitation: only one screen index can be received per unicast

Automation systems
Company Device/System
Imagine Communications D-Series Playout Automation, A7500 Dual Master Automation
Sundance Digital Fastbreak NXT Automation (requires option from Sundance

Optional Drivers for Scoreboards and Timers

Company Device/System Sport Protocol version
Daktronics All Sport scoreboard controllers Basketball ED-16593, Rev 0–1
Football ED-16098, Rev 0–1
Baseball DD1492305, Rev 0
Soccer ED-16804, Rev 0–1
Volleyball ED-19266, Rev 0
Hockey ED-16092, Rev 0
Pitch timer (requires All Baseball DD3030549, Rev 1
Sport 5000, with All Sport CG
version 2.6 or later)

Timer systems
Company Device/System
Plura (Alpermann+Velte) Studio Production Timer (SPT)

Built-in Communications Protocols

The multiviewer itself can be controlled by external devices (e.g. Kaleido-RCP2, router
control panels) or applications (e.g. router control software application, Remote Control
Gateway) via built-in communications protocols. Such devices or applications can be used
to command monitor wall operations (e.g. source assignment) or routing operations.

RS-422 Connection Diagram

A router control device or application can control a Kaleido-X (7RU) or Kaleido-X16

multiviewer’s internal router module, or any multiviewer’s logical sources and monitor wall
destinations, via the KX Router logical router. It can also control other logical routers
configured within your multiviewer system. In the case of the KX Router logical router, the
device or application must support the NVEP Router (NP0016) protocol.
The supported communications protocols are listed in the following table, with an
indication of the supported connection types (TCP/IP or serial), and the dedicated port
number on the multiviewer, in the case of a TCP/IP protocol.

Company Protocol TCP/IP (port) Serial

Grass Valley (Miranda) Kaleido Remote Control Protocol Yes (13000) Yes
Grass Valley NVEP Router (NP0016) Yes (5194) No
Nevion (Network Network Compact N/A Yes
Network Modular Yes (4381) No
SAM (Snell/Pro-Bel) SW-P-08 Yes (14000) Yes
SW-P-02 Yes (2000) Yes

RS-422 Connection Diagram

Each output card supports one RS-422 serial port over an RJ-45 connector. This port allows
the Kaleido-MX 4K to connect to external serial devices such as a router, production
switcher, or router controller.

Note: The RS-422 ports each have an RJ-45 connector in order to preserve
space on a busy panel. The RS-422 interface specifies a DE-9 connector, so if
you are using this interface, you will require a DE-9-to-RJ-45 adapter. Grass
Valley supplies two adapter models, correctly wired for this application: a
straight adapter (part no. 1737-3000-102), and a crossover adapter (part no.

The pinout for the RS-422 signals on the RJ-45 connectors, and the wiring diagrams for the
appropriate adapters, are shown here:

RJ45 DE-9 male DE-9 female

Pinout of an RS-422 Pinout of straight adapter (Grass Pinout of RS-422
port’s RJ45 connector Valley part no. 1737-3000-102) connector on SMPTE
on the multiviewer slave device
Standard wiring between multiviewer and devices wired to SMPTE “slave” specification (e.g. most
routers, Ross Synergy switchers, Nevion ETH-CON)

Kaleido-MX 4K (1RU)
Installation & Service Manual

RJ45 DE-9 male DE-9 female

Pinout of an RS-422 Pinout of crossover adapter (Grass Pinout of RS-422
port’s RJ45 connector Valley part no. 1792-3700-100) connector on SMPTE
on the multiviewer master device
Standard wiring between multiviewer and devices wired to SMPTE “master” specification (e.g. Philips
Jupiter router control system, Grass Valley Presmaster PCS)

Note: The two RS-422 ports on the multiviewer side have no ground pin.
Using the appropriate DE-9S-to-RJ-45 adapter, an external device should be
able to communicate with a multiviewer despite the lack of a ground.

For more information about the serial ports’ specifications, see Serial port, on page 159. For
more information about the RS-422 serial connections, see the “Serial Connections” section
in the Routers chapter of the Kaleido Software User’s Manual.

Contact Us

Grass Valley Technical Support

For technical assistance, contact our international support center, at
1-800-547-8949 (US and Canada) or +1-530-478-4148.
To obtain a local phone number for the support center nearest you, consult the Contact Us
section of Grass Valley’s website (www.grassvalley.com).
An online form for e-mail contact is also available from the website.

Corporate Head Office

Grass Valley
3499 Douglas-B.-Floreani
St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 2C6
Telephone: +1 514 333 1772
Fax: +1 514 333 9828

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