Natural Gas Processing Plants - 2019 - tcm19 4271

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Natural Gas
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Extracting maximum value
from natural gas
02 Contents


03 Introduction

04 Components and pretreatment of natural gas

06 World-scale, tailor-made LPG plants

08 World-scale, stick-built NGL plants

11 Amur gas processing plant: Showcasing Linde´s expertise

12 CRYO-PLUS™ proprietary technology for standardised

mid-scale NGL plants

16 StarLNGL™ – LNG co-production for NGL plants

17 Complementary technologies and services

20 Innovating service delivery through digitalisation


24 Execution excellence – every step of the way

Introduction 03


Natural gas is a valuable source of clean energy and a useful
feedstock for many chemical processes. Before it can be used for
these applications, however, it must be processed to separate and
recover the valuable components contained in the gas and then plants have been delivered
transport it cost-effectively over long distances. by Linde around the globe.

Extracting maximum value from

natural gas

Natural gas contains various components, pre-FEED (front-end engineering design) and
some of which have a higher value than the FEED services to detailed engineering and
actual natural gas mixture. So it makes turnkey plant construction. The cryogenic
economic sense to extract and fractionate equipment such as plate-fin heat exchangers,
natural gas liquids (NGL), liquefied petroleum coil-wound heat exchangers or cryogenic
gas (LPG), condensate and pure components expanders at the heart of these plants is
such as methane, ethane, propane and manufactured at our specialised, in-house
butane. This is typically done in cryogenic workshops.
processing plants tailor-made or standardised
in accordance with local market and customer
requirements. Maximising customer value every
step of the way

Proven expertise across the entire Having successfully built more than 4,000
natural gas value chain plants worldwide, Linde Engineering combines
a track record in engineering excellence with
Linde Engineering has vast, proven the latest digitalisation innovations to
experience in the project development, maximise efficiencies at all stages of your
planning and execution of turnkey customised project lifecycle. Through this extended
and standardised natural gas processing portfolio, Linde continues to add value to your
plants. In fact, our expertise extends along operations long after we have completed
the entire natural gas processing chain, construction of your gas processing plant.
starting with feasibility studies through
04 Components and pretreatment of natural gas

Components and pretreatment

of natural gas.

Composition and applications of natural gas

Natural gas is a mixture of gases, with hydrocarbons representing the largest share. It is
colourless and odourless in its pure form. It is the cleanest of all fossil fuels, releasing less
carbon dioxide when burnt. It is also an important feedstock for fertilisers and petrochemicals.

Natural gas pretreatment

sour gas removal units
built by Linde Engineering Natural gas pretreatment typically consists of mercury removal, gas sweetening and drying.
over the last 25 years. Drying of the wet natural gas is typically performed at the pretreatment stage in molecular
adsorbers. Depending on the downstream processing steps and the concentration of the sour
gas components, it may also be necessary to remove hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) (referred to as sour
gas sweetening) and carbon dioxide (CO₂) from the natural gas. Scrubbing processes such as
MDEA, Benfield or SULFINOL are used for this step. If the sour gas content is low, the sour
components and water can be removed by means of adsorption. Mercury guard beds are
recommended to protect people and equipment.

Pretreatment of natural gas

Core elements of natural gas pretreatment

Mercury CO₂/H₂S H₂O Sales gas

Mercury Sour gas Extraction/

FEED gas Inlet facilities Dehydration
removal removal separation

Heavy ends Product

Components and pretreatment of natural gas 05

Natural gas processing

Cryogenic processes are the most economical method for breaking Nitrogen removal can be combined with helium removal (assuming
natural gas down into its constituent components. Nitrogen is removed helium is present). High-purity helium is produced by the combination
from natural gas to reduce transportation volumes and to increase its of cryogenic and pressure swing adsorption process steps.
heating value. If helium is present in the natural gas mixture, it is also
removed at this stage. Cryogenic and pressure swing adsorption NGL, LPG, condensate and pure components (methane, ethane,
process steps are combined to recover high-purity helium. propane and butane) are extracted and fractionated in tailor-made
processing plants. We have vast experience in the design and delivery
Condensate, also known as the C₅₊ fraction, is the heaviest fraction in of customised, turnkey plants for all pretreatment, separation and
natural gas. It can be used, for instance, as gasoline or steam cracker extraction steps.
feedstock. Often, it is necessary to remove this fraction from natural
gas mixtures to meet the dew point specifications of pipeline gas.

Typical components of NG and related processing plants

Helium plants
Non-hydrocarbons Separation, purification, liquefaction
e.g. nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide,
hydrogen sulfide, water, etc. NRU
Nitrogen rejection units

LNG plants
Methane (C₁)
Purification, liquefaction

Ethane (C₂)

Natural Propane (C₃) NGL plants

gas from Natural gas liquids
well Butane (C₄)

Heavier fractions:
–– Pentanes plus (C₅+)
–– Natural gasoline
–– Condensate
06 World-scale, tailor-made LPG plants

World-scale, tailor-made
LPG plants.

Extraction of hydrocarbons

Due to their added value, heavier To achieve these high C₃ recovery rates, we
hydrocarbons are often extracted from implement an absorber column upstream of
Linde offers adsorber process natural gas and fractionated by means of the de-ethaniser. Here the feed gas is
with guaranteed recovery rate of several processing steps. scrubbed with a light hydrocarbon reflux

coming from the top of the de-ethaniser. LPG
is separated from the heavier hydrocarbons
Maximising recovery rates downstream of the de-ethaniser using a
distillation column.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is widely
used as an alternative fuel for cars or as a
chemical feedstock. It consists of propane
and butane (C₃/C₄).

Linde offers an absorber process enabling

recovery rates as high as 99.9% for LPG/C₃₊.
Highlights include low specific energy
consumption and a higher CO₂ tolerance in the
feed gas compared with conventional
expander processes, which reduces the effort
for CO₂ separation.

LPR (Low-Pressure Recontacter) process for C₃₊ extraction

Residue gas


Feed gas


References for LPG/C₃₊ recovery plants 07

References for LPG/C₃₊ recovery plants.

Natural gas liquefaction plant in Constanta (Romania)

Client Petrom S.A. (member of OMV Group)

Process Cryogenic turbo expander process
Capacity Feed gas 160,000 Nm³/h
Scope of work Basic and detailed engineering, procurement, construction,
start-up supervision
Start-up 2009

Natural gas separation unit in Kollsnes (Norway)

Client Troll Group

Process Cryogenic turbo expander process
Capacity Feed gas 1,061,700 Nm³/h
Sales gas 984,000 Nm³/h
C₃₊ 1,000,370 t/a
Scope of work Basic and detailed engineering, procurement, construction,
start-up supervision
Start-up 2004
08 World-scale, stick-built NGL plants

World-scale, stick-built NGL plants.

Minimising lifecycle costs

NGL consists of ethane and heavier hydrocarbons (C₂₊) and constitutes Highlights include the use of internal refrigeration, using the high feed
an ideal feedstock for steam crackers producing olefins. It has a higher gas inlet pressure via turbo expander to the maximum extent possible
sales value than pipeline gas, making its extraction financially in order to minimise or even eliminate the need for external
appealing. refrigeration. Typically, leaner feed gases do not require external
refrigeration. This lowers your investment and lifecycle costs to the
Linde Engineering offers a proven expander process enabling recovery greatest possible extent.
rates of up to 98% for NGL/C₂₊. This cryogenic process utilises an
expander to provide the refrigeration duty, which is necessary for the
partial liquefaction of natural gas upstream of distillation.

GSP (Gas Subcooled Process) for C₂₊ extraction

Residue gas

Feed gas


References for NGL/C₂₊ recovery plants 09

References for NGL/C₂₊ recovery plants.

C₂₊ recovery plant in Asaluyeh (Iran)

Client Pars Petrochemical Company (PPT)

Process Propylene pre-cooled turbo expander process
Capacity Feed gas 3,000,000 Nm³/h
Sales gas 2,700,000 Nm³/h
Ethane 1,700,000 t/a
Propane 980,000 t/a
Butane 570,000 t/a
Gasoline 86,000 t/a
Scope of work Process design, basic & detailed engineering, procurement,
commissioning, training
Start-up 2005

Marun ethylene plant in Bandar Imam (Iran)

Client National Petrochemical Company

Process Propane pre-cooled turbo expander process
Capacity Feed gas 977,700 Nm³/h
Sales gas 813,000 Nm³/h
C₂₊ 1,909,000 t/a
Scope of work Process design, basic & detailed engineering, procurement,
commissioning, training
Start-up 2005

Gas processing plant in Svobodny (Russia)

Client Gazprom
Process Combined NGL/ NRU and helium recovery
Capacity Feed gas 6 x 875,000 Nm³/h
Scope of work Engineering, procurement, start-up supervision

Start-up Expected 2020

Amur GPP: World´s largest gas processing plant complex 11

Amur gas processing plant.

Showcasing Linde´s expertise.

Our proven experience across the entire →→ NGL recovery unit In addition, the plant can handle feed gas
natural gas processing chain inspired →→ Nitrogen/helium rejection unit with 8 mole% nitrogen. The treated gas is
Gazprom, Russia’s largest oil and gas →→ Heat pump unit exported to China with a nitrogen content of
company, and its general contractor NIPIgas to →→ De-ethaniser unit less than 2 mole%. The plant also produces
select Linde Engineering to help it build what liquid helium with 99.9995 mole% purity,
will be one of the world’s largest gas The helium purification and liquefaction unit is ethane and C₃₊.
processing plant complexes. The complex is designed for an annual liquid helium
part of Gazprom’s project to supply Russian production capacity of 20 million Nm³.
gas from eastern Siberian gas fields to China Design features:
via the ‘Power of Siberia’ pipeline. This Amur Engineering highlights include a CO₂-tolerant
Gas Processing Plant (Amur GPP) is being design plus an integrated NGL/NRU. In other →→ Feed gas with 8 mole% N₂ and 0.5 mole%
constructed in five phases, scheduled for words, concentrations of up to 0.5 percent of CO₂
completion at the end of 2024. this otherwise problematic gas can now be →→ Sales gas exported to China with N₂
tolerated in the natural gas stream without content of less than 2 mole%
Linde has been contracted to engineer and any risk of harmful solid deposits. The concept →→ Ethane and C₃₊ product
supply units for ethane and natural gas liquids behind this new solution is ingeniously →→ Liquid helium grade 5.5 with
(NGL) extraction, for nitrogen rejection, and for simple. The diluted CO₂ is maintained in a 99.9995 mole% purity
helium purification, liquefaction and storage. temperature range that is warm enough to →→ Integrated NGL/NRU
The NGL/NRU unit is designed for a feed gas prevent it from freezing. It may then remain →→ CO₂-tolerant design
processing capacity of 7 billion standard cubic within the final natural gas stream, where it is
metres per year (~875,000 Nm³/h) and consists of no consequence in low concentrations.
of four sections:

Simplified block diagram of CO₂-tolerant Amur gas processing plant


Amine wash Helium

Feed gas Liquid He
unit liquefaction


Water Dryer

Tail gas


NGL Heat
unit pump


12 CRYO-PLUS™ technology

CRYO-PLUS™ proprietary technology for

standardised mid-scale NGL plants.

Working with a number of refineries in a bid to solve their excess fuel CRYO-PLUS also improves the recovery of heavier hydrocarbon liquids
gas problems, Linde Engineering North America developed the such as C₂₊, thus allowing gas processors to meet the heating value
innovative CRYO-PLUS process in connection with a modular NGL plant requirements for natural gas while boosting their bottom line. The
concept. In contrast to the typically tailor-made world-scale plants like ethane and heavier hydrocarbons recovered become valuable feeds for
the Amur Gas Processing Plant, this concept applies standardised crackers producing olefins, and subsequently for polyethylene and
solutions which allow for low CAPEX and faster time to market. It is polypropylene plants. CRYO-PLUS also results in an overall increase in
ideal for processing low-pressure refinery off-gas streams. the production of high-octane, low-sulfur gasoline.

This patented process provides unparalleled recovery rates for

ethylene, ethane, propylene and propane. The incremental recovery of
olefins such as ethylene, propylene and butene means that more
feedstock is available for alkylation and polymerisation.
CRYO-PLUS™ technology 13

Higher recovery with less energy “CRYO-PLUS™ is a process to

recover ethylene, ethane,
Designed to be used in natural gas or shale In addition, CRYO-PLUS provides a high level
propylene, propane and
gas applications, the patented CRYO-PLUS of ethane recovery in ethane recovery mode,
process requires less energy to recover more and a high level of propane recovery in
heavier components with less
ethane and heavier components than ethane rejection mode. The process can energy than traditional
traditional liquid recovery processes. It quickly and easily change between the two hydrocarbon liquid processes.”
operates with a lower inlet pressure while modes of operation.
maintaining the same product discharge
Proven performance

Greater flexibility To date, over twenty CRYO-PLUS recovery

systems have been installed globally, offering
CRYO-PLUS provides more robust and flexible return on investment within as little as one
performance over a wide pressure range and year in some instances. More than fifteen of
feed composition envelope. This feature is these systems were designed for recovery of
especially important for the treatment of wet propylene, propane and heavier hydrocarbons.
shale gas, known for its marked compositional CRYO-PLUS has been successfully deployed for
variability over time. the recovery of ethylene, ethane, C₂ and C₃₊
hydrocarbons in both refineries and natural
gas plants.

CRYO-PLUS™ recovery process for C₂₊ extraction

Residue gas

Feed gas


14 CRYO-PLUS™ technology

Modular plant construction

On-site construction of gas processing plants presents a number of logistical and timeline
challenges. To overcome these challenges, we have developed a range of modularised plant
solutions – all designed to accelerate construction timelines and reduce cost.
of typical technical project
requirements are covered by
Faster time-to-solution
standard documents.
Fabrication in the field means that workers are exposed to the elements. Adverse weather
conditions can compromise quality and timelines. Linde’s skilled and experienced engineering
team can work in a controlled environment at one of the finest fabrication facilities in the US.
This enables them to meet delivery deadlines – to ISO 9001 quality standards – regardless of the

Greater safety and less downtime

On-site construction work in the vicinity of operational equipment carrying high-pressure

hydrocarbons increases occupational safety risks. In addition, the cost of downtime to enable
construction work to proceed can have a big impact on total project costs.

A controlled environment increases worker safety while also eliminating the risk of human error
“Reducing costs and downtime and unnecessary plant downtime. On completion, we transport the prefabricated and pre-
by building units off-site.” assembled system to your site, where a small crew quickly and safely installs the equipment.

Module fabricated at Linde’s workshop in Port of Catoosa, Oklahoma, USA.

CRYO-PLUS™ technology 15

References for CRYO-PLUS™ NGL plants.

Cryogenic natural gas plant

Client Williams
Process CRYO-PLUS™
Capacity 450 MMSCFD (~500,000 Nm³/h)
Scope of work Engineering, procurement, construction management
Start-up 2009

Cryogenic natural gas plant

Client Williams
Process CRYO-PLUS™
Capacity 350 MMSCFD (~400,000 Nm³/h)
Scope of work Engineering, procurement, construction (EPC); turnkey lump
sum (TKLS)
Start-up 2000

Cryogenic natural gas plant

Client Devon Energy

Process CRYO-PLUS™
Capacity 200 MMSCFD (~220,000 Nm³/h)
Scope of work Engineering, procurement, construction (EPC);
turnkey lump sum (TKLS)
Start-up 2002
16 StarLNGL™ - LNG co-production for NGL plants

StarLNGL™ – LNG co-production

for NGL plants.

StarLNGL, our integrated Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) technology,
uses proven design concepts to enhance LNG production in existing and new mid-scale NGL
recovery plants. As part of the StarLNG family, StarLNGL builds on our worldwide experience
across the entire LNG value chain. StarLNGL can be used with a variety of NGL recovery
technologies including CRYO-PLUS, GSP and RSV. Compared with a stand-alone LNG plant, the
integrated StarLNGL solution provides the following benefits:

“Less capital expenditure →→ No impact on availability or reliability of the NGL recovery plant
compared with stand-alone →→ Same or higher levels of ethane and propane recovery
→→ Less capital expenditure compared with stand-alone LNG solutions
LNG solutions.”
→→ Highly efficient process
→→ Shared maintenance
→→ Lower operating cost

This concept utilises the heat integration of the NGL plant by taking a portion of the cold vapour
stream from the recovery column, thus improving the efficiency of the LNG and NGL units.

Technology highlights include:

→→ Cold vapour feed to the StarLNGL unit
→→ Minimum tie-ins to existing NGL unit required
→→ On-spec LNG ethane and propane recovery
→→ Standard refrigeration technology
→→ Refrigeration options include no hydrocarbon storage
→→ Compact rotating equipment design

Natural gas liquefaction plant, Melkøya, Norway.

Complementary technologies and services 17

Complementary technologies
and services.

Rounding out our offering of world-scale, Alternatively, an NRU can be used to recover
tailor-made LPG plants, our stick-built NGL methane from tank return or end-flash gas. It
plants and our leading mid-scale modular NGL is also considered economical to remove
plants, we also offer a range of nitrogen from low-BTU (British Thermal Unit)
complementary technologies and services to gas to either allow for liquefaction or to avoid
meet all of our customers’ processing needs unnecessary flaring and resulting air pollution. concentration of nitrogen in
and maximise efficiencies at all stages of the Gas with a low heating value needs to be liquid natural gas for storage
solution lifecycle. treated before it can be fed into the grid with or transport.
the required Wobbe index.

Extraction of non-hydrocarbons
Tailored nitrogen rejection technology
Natural gas is a mixture of gases, with
hydrocarbons being the main component. We offer nitrogen rejection units with tailored
However, raw natural gas also frequently process technology to ensure the highest
contains the inert gas nitrogen. Nitrogen levels of cost and operational efficiency. Our
lowers the heating value of natural gas and portfolio includes designs with single columns,
increases transport volumes. Pipeline single partitioned columns, double columns
specifications for nitrogen vary. Typically, and double columns with enrichment
however, no more than 3–4% nitrogen is processes, with configurations tailored to the
allowed in most specifications. individual composition of the gas.

LNG should not contain more than 1% nitrogen Typically, we recommend the double column
to avoid storage problems. Some state-of-the- process as this maximises heat integration.
art, world-scale LNG plants thus feature a Depending on the nitrogen content of the feed
nitrogen rejection unit (NRU) for the safe and gas, an additional enrichment column may be
economical rejection of nitrogen. This is included upstream of the actual removal
required, for instance, if surplus nitrogen process to increase efficiency further.
cannot be sent to gas turbines. Not only does
the rejection of nitrogen reduce transportation
volumes, it also increases the heating value of
18 Helium recovery and liquefaction plants

NRU double-column process






E1 E2

Helium recovery and liquefaction plants

Helium is a rare gas and highly valued in the market, making its recovery – even in small
amounts – from natural gas and subsequent liquefaction an attractive option. It is used, for
example, in the space industry, MRI and NMR equipment (superconducting magnets), welding
and shielding processes, lasers and optical fibre manufacturing.

So, if helium is also present in the natural gas stream, nitrogen rejection is typically combined
with the recovery of helium.

We offer field-proven processes and plants for the cryogenic recovery of raw helium from
natural gas, the purification of the raw helium in pressure swing adsorption (PSA) units, the
liquefaction and production of high-purity helium (>99.999%) and its storage at temperatures of
around −270°C. Our technologies cover each step in the helium value chain, enabling us to offer
complete plants on a turnkey, lump-sum basis. Our wide range of process technologies is
tailored to the capacity and helium concentration in the feed gas for optimum recovery results.

More information:
References for NRUs and helium plants 19

References for NRUs and helium plants.

NRU and helium recovery in Svobodny (Russia)

Client Gazprom
Process Combined NGL/NRU/He
Capacity Feed gas 6 x 875,000 Nm³/h
Scope of work Engineering, procurement, start-up, supervision
Start-up Expected 2020

NRU and helium recovery in Karratha (Australia)

Client Woodside Burrup Pty. Ltd.

Process Combined NGL/NRU/He
Capacity Feed gas 78,000 Nm³/h
Scope of work Basic engineering, detail engineering, procurement,
module construction, start-up assistance
Start-up 2010

N₂ removal in LNG plant in Hammerfest (Norway)

Client Snøhvit Group

Process N2 expander with coldbox
Capacity Feed gas 71,400 Nm³/h
Scope of work Basic engineering, detail engineering, procurement,
construction, construction supervision, start-up, supervision
Start-up 2007

NRU integrated in a helium plant in Skikda (Algeria)

Client Helison S.p.A., Skikda

Process N₂ removal in He recovery plant
Capacity Feed gas 47,000 Nm³/h
Scope of work Basic engineering, detail engineering, procurement,
construction, construction supervision, start-up, supervision
Start-up 2005
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Innovating service delivery through digitalisation 21

Innovating service delivery

through digitalisation.

We combine the experience and hands-on insights we have gained through our engineering “Up to 15 times more effective
and operational references with the latest digitalisation technologies to create truly innovative than classroom training.”
customer experiences. Emerson study

We have been rolling out digital technologies across all business lines for a number of years
now, as evidenced by the five Remote Operation Centres (ROC) tasked with the remote
management of around 1,000 industrial plants around the world. We are using the huge trove of
digital data that we already possess to accelerate the development and delivery of new
products and services for our customers.

For example, thousands of sensors in hundreds of Linde plants across the globe have been
gathering extremely detailed data on the status and health of components for many years now.
We are using this information to develop predictive maintenance capabilities that allow us to
accurately predict when a component is likely to fail so we can take appropriate action. This
information can also be channelled into the optimisation of component design.

Virtual training platform

Our gold mine of digital data includes detailed CAD files for every project we have executed. We
use this data to create impressively detailed 3D simulations of large-scale plants, known as
“digital twins”. A virtual reality application uses these “digital twins” to train operators before a
plant has even been constructed. This VR application can also be used to visualise design
changes during the planning phase. Operators of what will be one of the world’s largest gas
processing complexes can already take a virtual tour of the plant in Amur, for instance. All they
need is a VR headset, a laptop and a hand-held controller, and they can explore all of the
module’s platforms and study its valves and compressors from every angle. They can even step
inside process components such as heat exchangers and coldboxes – so they are thoroughly
familiar with the plant’s inner workings by the time it goes on stream.

This service means that plant operators can accelerate the start-up process on completion of the
plant as the staff is ready to spring into action. It can also save operators millions by ensuring
that staff are trained to deal with critical or dangerous situations before they even arise. In
addition, virtual training avoids unnecessary travel expenses to attend classroom-based
training courses. Looking beyond the logistical benefits, studies indicate that VR technology
makes the learning process 15 times more effective than classroom-based training, with
learning curves accelerating by 33 percent.

Top-to-bottom competence for

your peace of mind.

“All-round, full-lifecycle support Performance you can trust

for your plant – from training
and parts management to With our LINDE PLANTSERV™ portfolio, we deliver a broad range of services spanning every
step in the plant lifecycle – from operational support through maintenance and repairs to
repairs and revamps.”
modifications and revamps. You can even rely on LINDE PLANTSERV for complementary services
such as training and spare parts management – delivered through innovative digital platforms
for maximum convenience.

TCO optimisation

Not only does LINDE PLANTSERV give you a single point of contact for all your service,
maintenance and modernisation needs, it also helps to minimise your total cost of ownership
(TCO). Looking beyond the initial upfront investment, which our experienced engineers have
already optimised through cost-effective technologies, modularisation and global sourcing
capabilities, LINDE PLANTSERV focuses on also reducing your running costs.

Experience has shown that operating costs account for the lion’s share of total outlay. Although
energy costs play a large role here, so too do downtime, maintenance work, repairs and spare
parts management. Regular maintenance, predictive repairs, timely modernisation and efficient
spare parts management can reduce both the time and cost involved in maintaining smooth


LINDE PLANTSERV portal is a key building block in our PLANTSERV portfolio. Designed to help
you keep your plant up and running, this hub bundles all spare parts management processes in
one, easy-to-use app. With this e-marketplace, you can find, check and order spare parts, plan
turnarounds and manage maintenance activities and repairs more quickly, efficiently and easily
than you ever imagined possible. Highlights include a parts verification service, which draws on
the vast experience we have gained managing over 1,000 plants, and the ability to create a
“digital twin”, which documents every component that has ever been replaced, modified or
updated throughout the entire lifecycle of your plant.

More information:
Execution excellence – every step of the way. 23
24 Execution excellence – every step of the way

Execution excellence – every step

of the way.

At Linde, we have a strong focus on and (EPC) projects worldwide. Project managers
excellent track record in quality, health, safety with extensive experience in complex
and environmental (QSHE) protection. This has multinational/multi-partner projects
always been a top priority when planning and supported by advanced tools and methods for
building our plants all over the world. project control are the best way to ensure the
coil-wound heat exchangers success of your project. We have gained vast
manufactured. experience with modularisation concepts
Long-standing experience in during the many EPC turnkey, lump-sum
cryogenic plant design contracts we have successfully executed.

We have a large engineering and project

execution workforce for the implementation
of engineering, procurement and construction

Delivery of world’s largest coldbox weighing 800 tonnes for Jamnagar, India.
Execution excellence – every step of the way 25

Manufacturing excellence – made in-house

We design and manufacture all key and proprietary cryogenic components required for NG
plants in our own fabrication workshops. The fact that the plant and process engineering as well
as the manufacturing team are integral parts of one company ensures your project is seamlessly

Our in-house manufacturing expertise brings a range of benefits to our customers around the
world, including lowest total cost of ownership, timely deliveries, best-in-class fabrication
expertise, strict quality control and ongoing optimisation through digital feedback.

Key components for NG plants manufactured in house include:

→→ Coil-wound heat exchangers (CWHEs) & plate-fin heat exchangers (PFHEs) Linde Engineering
is the only manufacturer to specialise in both types of cryogenic heat exchanger typically
deployed in industrial-scale LNG plants – coil-wound and plate-fin models – both produced at
our Schalchen (Germany) plant
→→ Cryogenic pumps, manufactured by Linde Group member Cryostar; highlights include
submerged cryogenic pumps to export LNG from storage tanks to regasification or
filling stations
→→ Coldboxes
Also manufactured at our Schalchen plant, our coldboxes scale from pre-packaged,
pre‑tested models that are ready to operate to customised equipment assembled on site
→→ Expanders
Also manufactured by Linde Group member Cryostar – world quality leader in radial inflow
expansion turbine technology, pumps and LNG boil-off gas compressors, having also
developed a range of small-scale LNG or liquid biogas plants for on-shore natural gas or
biogas liquefaction projects
26 Execution excellence – every step of the way
Execution excellence – every step of the way 27

Commissioning, training and customer service

Global reach

Skilled commissioning teams on site ensure smooth start-up and hand-over of the plant to your
team. And our support does not stop when your plant goes on stream. Our service specialists
spanning every engineering discipline will readily answer any requests you may have. They also
support plant modifications and revamps, maintenance and repair, spare parts, operational
support such as troubleshooting, immediate repairs, expert reviews for plants as well as
operator training over the entire lifecycle. We are represented in over
100 countries worldwide.
Global sourcing and localisation

Worldwide staffing and training, global procurement and fabrication capabilities and a broad
partner ecosystem bring maximum flexibility to your project.

Profitability matters

Worldwide staffing and training, global procurement and fabrication capabilities and a broad
partner ecosystem bring maximum flexibility and cost-efficiency to your project. At every stage
of the project – from your very first query to turnkey handover – our service-focused engineers
are there to support you. You can rely on our team to deliver the project development services
you need to make the best investment in natural gas processing technology and maximise your
return on that investment.

Talk to our experts today.

Read more:

Published by:

Linde Aktiengesellschaft
Engineering Division, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Strasse 6–14
82049 Pullach, Germany
Phone +49 89 7445-0, Fax +49 89 7445-4908
[email protected],
Your partner for the production and
processing of gases
Delivering reliable process plants for maximum capital efficiency
Linde has been optimizing gas processing technologies for 140 years, successfully delivering more than 4,000 plant
engineering projects around the globe. Favoring trusted, lasting business relationships, the company collaborates closely
with customers to enhance plant lifecycle productivity and innovate process flows. The company’s proven gas processing
expertise plays an indispensable role in the success of customers across multiple industries – from natural gas and oil
refining through petrochemicals and fertilizers to electronics and metal processing.

Operational excellence along the entire plant lifecycle

We work closely with our customers to gain an in-depth understanding of individual needs. Building on the unique
synergies of Linde as an integrated plant operator and engineering company, Linde offers innovative process technologies
and services to exceed our customers’ reliability and profitability expectations. This commitment to innovation extends
along the entire plant lifecycle. The LINDE PLANTSERV® service team supports customers every step of the way – from
maintenance and repairs to full revamps. Leveraging the latest digital technologies to offer on-site and remote operational
and support services, we consistently take asset performance to the next level.

Making the impossible possible

From the desert to the Arctic, from small- to world-scale, from standardized to customized designs, Linde’s engineering
specialists develop solutions that operate under all conditions. The company covers every step in the design, project
management and construction of gas processing plants and components. Customers can always rely on Linde to deliver the
plants, components and services that fit their needs best – anywhere in the world.

Discover how we can contribute to your success at

Get in touch with our component manufacturing team:

Phone +49 89 7445-3434, inquiry:

Core competencies at a glance

Plant engineering Component manufacturing Services

→→ Air separation plants →→ Coldboxes and modules →→ Revamps and plant modifications
→→ LNG and natural gas processing plants →→ Coil-wound heat exchangers →→ Plant relocations
→→ Petrochemical plants →→ Plate-fin heat exchangers →→ Spare parts
→→ Hydrogen and synthesis gas plants →→ Cryogenic columns →→ Operational support, troubleshooting
→→ Adsorption plants →→ Cryogenic storage tanks and immediate repairs
→→ Cryogenic plants →→ Liquefied helium tanks and containers →→ Long-term service contracts
→→ Carbon capture and utilization plants →→ Air-heated vaporizers →→ Expert reviews for plants, operations
→→ Furnaces, fired heaters, incinerators →→ Water bath vaporizers and spare part inventory
→→ Spiral-welded aluminum pipes →→ Operator training

Linde is a company name used by Linde plc and its affiliates. The Linde logo, the Linde word and CRYO-PLUS™, StarLNGL™, LINDE PLANTSERV® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Linde plc or its affiliates.
Copyright © 2018–19. Linde plc.

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