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Course’s name: Research Methodology

Course Code: MNS105204
Lecturer’s name: Chử Bá Quyết
Student’s name: Nguyễn Tùng Lân
Student’s ID: 19071396

Hanoi, 8 January 2022

Table of content
Part 1: Literature Review ........................................................................................ 3

Part 2: Identification of variables and research questions................................... 4

Part 3: Survey Design .............................................................................................. 5

I. Introduction.................................................................................................... 5

II. General information ....................................................................................... 6

III. Evaluating satisfaction of the course ............................................................. 7

IV. Contact information ....................................................................................... 8

Part IV: Reference ................................................................................................... 8

Part 1: Literature Review
The report includes a set of questions on student satisfaction with the course
Business Research Method in order to assist the school in developing new courses
and improving the quality of existing ones. Students are thought to make decisions
based on their own assessment of the school's efforts. Furthermore, students'
satisfaction with this course is determined by an assessment of the course's quality
and whether or not student expectations or needs were satisfied.
The study, published in the Journal of Education and Practice (2016, v7 n24 p59-
63), discovered a robust link between student happiness and academic success.
Satisfaction is also linked to academic success and student retention, according to
the research.
According to Oliver (1985) [1], satisfaction is the consumer's response to the
satisfaction of wants. This definition implies that satisfaction is the satisfaction of
consumers in consuming a product or service because it fulfills their wants,
including the degree of fulfillment above and beyond the desired level. According
to Kotler (2012) [2], satisfaction is the degree of a person's feeling state resulting
from comparing the results obtained from the product/service with the person's
expectations. Expectations here are considered human wishes or expectations. It
originates from personal needs, previous experiences, and external information
such as advertising, word of mouth information of friends, family, etc.
Students' satisfaction is a multifaceted process driven by a variety of factors. The
most impactful element on student happiness is the grade point average (GPA).
Teaching ability, flexible curriculum, university status and prestige, independence,
faculty caring, student growth and development, campus climate, and social
conditions have also been identified as major determinants of student satisfaction in
higher education. [3] The SERVQUAL model of higher education assesses the

quality of education from different perspectives/perspectives: students, parents,
lecturers, and employers. In most of the components of the model (empathy,
responsiveness, trust, tangible means, service capacity), students' expectations are
higher than what they get.
The difference between perception and expectation appears in two components
including tangible means and service capacity. Tran Xuan Kien studied the factors
affecting the satisfaction of 260 students at Thai Nguyen University of Economics
and Business Administration. Nguyen Thi Tham (2010) questioned students at the
University of Natural Sciences - Vietnam National University about their
satisfaction with training activities. Student satisfaction is determined by the
following components, in order of decreasing influence, according to the regression
analysis' findings: first, the training program's appropriateness and responsiveness,
then the training program itself. The teachers' competence and devotion, the general
abilities that students acquire after finishing the course, the school's response, and,
finally, the learning equipment and conditions.
As a result, this survey offers readers with an overview of the factors that impact
student satisfaction with the course, which may be used to improve future courses.
The strategy is based on the administration of a brief questionnaire to all students
who have taken an International School course. The question system goes into
further depth, focusing on teacher assessments, study materials, and tests.

Part 2: Identification of variables and research questions

People feel that identifying factors prior to doing research is critical. In order to
conduct research on student satisfaction with the course Business Research Method
in an International School, the following dependent and independent variables
would be used:

Two research questions which should be answered are:
1. Does the outcome of the evaluation assist the student in improving his or her
academic performance?
2. How satisfied are you with the course material in terms of meeting the
knowledge, attitude, and skill objectives?

Part 3: Survey Design

I. Introduction
This poll is for International School students who have finished the Business
Research Method course this semester. The poll is divided into four sections and
takes around five minutes to complete. Your response assists us in determining the
effectiveness of the course. Then we may work to increase the quality of
subsequent courses.

The findings of the poll would only be utilized for internal research. The data you
submit will be kept absolutely private.
Please contact the information below if you have questionaires or comments:
• Researcher: Nguyen Tung Lan_19071396
• Phone Number: 0389665999
• E-mail Address: [email protected]
II. General information
1. How old are you?
A. 19 years old
B. 20 years old
C. 21 years old
D. 22 years old
E. Over 22 years old
2. What year are you a collage student?
A. First year
B. Second year
C. Third year
D. Forth year
a. Others( fifth year or postgraduate)
3. What is your major? (Write down your answer)
4. What is your hometown?...............................................................................
5. Are you religious?
A. Yes
B. No
6. What is your gender?

A. Male
B. Female
7.What is your subject status?
A.This is the first time you enter the course.
B.Because you have failed the exam before, you enter the course again.
C.You passed the course with a bad score so you enter the course again to improve
your score.
III. Evaluating satisfaction of the course
1. Does instructor apply diverse and effective the teaching methods?
a. Yes b. No
1. What sources of learning materials that you feel are the most useful and
a. School library
b. Provivded by instructor
c. Internet
d. Others
2. How do you evaluate the support of library resources?
a. Very unsatisfied b. Unsatisfied c. Normal d. Satisfied e. Very satisfied
3. How do you agree the support of IT resources?
a. Very agree b. Agree c. Normal d. Disagree e. Very disagree
4. Which language does the instructor use to deliver the lecture content?
(You can choose more than 1 answer if necessary)
 Vietnamese
 English
 Korean
 Japanese
 Germany
5. Do the facilities in classroom support well to the course? (Please skip this
question if you enter online class)
a. Yes b. No
6. Does the method of evaluation correctly represent the student's
knowledge and abilities?
a. Yes b. No
7. How do you evaluate the assessment result help student improve
academic performance?
a. Very unsatisfied b. Unsatisfied c. Normal d. Satisfied e. Very satisfied
8. How is your satisfaction level with course content that can meet the
objectives of knowledge, attitudes and skills?
a. Very unsatisfied b. Unsatisfied c. Normal d. Satisfied e. Very satisfied
9. What is your general opinion about this course?
2. Contact information
It is useful information for us to contact to you
1. Your Telephone Number
2. Your E-mail
3. Link Facebook or Instagram
4. Your recommends

Part IV: Reference

1. The google form is attached below. Please access the link for a more detailed
look at this survey:
2. Nabil El-Hilali, Sara Al-Jaber, Lina Hussein (2015), Students’ Satisfaction and
Achievement and Absorption Capacity in Higher Education, Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Volume 177, Pages 420-427, ISSN 1877-0428. Available at:
doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.384 [Accessed on January 9, 2022]
3. Dhaqane, M. K., & Afrah, N. A. (2016). Satisfaction of Students and Academic
Performance in Benadir University. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(24), 59-
63. Available at: eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1112855 [ Accessed on January 9, 2022]
[1].Oliver, R. L. & W. O. Bearden, “Disconfirmation Processes and Consumer
Evaluations in Product Usage”, Journal of Business Research, 13 (1985), 235-246.
[2].Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. Principles of Marketing, 14th Edition, Global
Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, (2012).
[3].Marzo-Navarro, M., Iglesias, M. & Torres, M., 2005. A new management
element for universities: satisfaction with the offered courses. International Journal
of Educational Management, 19(6), pp. 505-526.

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