Appendix 2

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Name: Sean Louie Gabriel Rios Date: 09/22/22


1) My vision for the Fall 2022 semester is to see myself celebrating my success after graduating
from this certificate program, and using the knowledge I've gained to the nursing -related
programs that I aim to enroll to, like Paramedic or RPN and RN. Also, within 4 months of this
program, I want to see my progress of all important courses that I have learned that will
apply for the second semester. Lastly, I want to see my pathway leading to the right
direction to reach my goal and not leading to different direction.

2) In order to do that, I need to take my job as a full-time student seriously by participating on

class, doing my assignments, using my leisure time to enhance my understanding (no
procrastination or distraction involved), and preparing for assessments (such as exams,
quizzes, tests, etc.). Doing these procedures would not only lead me to getting decent GPAs
but to also prepare myself for my future nursing career.

3) 1. My first SMART goal is to find my specific goal. For instance, within 12 months I must
achieve a higher GPA at 90% or higher to help me practice becoming a competitive student.

2. My second SMART goal is Actionable, in able to achieve my goal by getting higher

percentage, I must break it down step by step. Like for example, September 19 to 23 I have
received 5 quizzes, 2 Labs, 1 assignment in a row for this week. To become successful
student, I must focus and prioritize one subjects at a time like Chemistry quiz and Lab, then
after you finish that one then focus to your next course.

3. My third SMART goal is Time-bound, as you see in the calendar in Appendix (1) I have
shown you of how I organise my courses to become prepared to my next class. For instance,
my goal for today is to finish the mapping the semester Appendix 1 and 2 assignments by
the end of today and submit it. This indicates of a perfect time goal to minimize your time to
focus to the next courses.

4) The three rewards that gave me successful to complete my goals by finishing all my daily
task are: First, I mostly make Q-cards to enhance my memory and to make it more exciting,
to keep myself motivated at all times. Second, after finishing my tasks, I manage to sneak my
exercise for 1 hour to keep my body healthy and to reduce stress in school. In addition, yoga
is a perfect example to maintain your mind focus and to make your body healthy. Third, I
always think to my love once especially to my family and friends who supported me to
pursue my dream and to leave far away to them, so I can achieve my goals and graduate
with a diploma to take home.
5) Looking myself during the past 2 weeks in this semester when it comes to lack of workload
has been a challenge for me, especially that one of those courses do have some challenges
like assignments, quizzes, and test. The major obstacles that affect my ability is not reaching
out to other people because if you noticed me in the classroom, I always engage with the
same people that is surrounds me but I did not try to expand myself to talk with other
people. To overcome this problem, I must try to approach with everyone so I can enhance
my learning from them and I can improve my skills such as confidence, communication skills,
and sharing good Ideas to everyone. According in Week 3, John Gardner and Betsy Barefoot
said, “No matter how good your academic skills are, you will not get most out of college
unless you become an engaged learner.” This quote means of having a good grade in school
does not mean that you will graduate in college, in order to improve your weaknesses, there
has to be a solution to make yourself a good engaged learner, if you succeed this obstacle.
Then I officially complete the challenge and you will succeed in life. Second, not balancing
my time when it comes to hobbies and school. During my daily routines, I always wake up at
4am to prepare my day to start study for before attending to the class, so I can be prepared
in the lecture. However, the only problem I am facing this semester is not balancing my time
wisely because during my daily week, I always focus on one course which made me stuck
within 3 hours or sometimes 5 hours and ended of not completing other homework.
When taking this course, I manage to understand the principles by following the SMART goal
setting which helps to my entire course. As a result, everything that I have shared here is
based of my obstacles and solutions that help me right now in my first experience in college.

6) The two resources that help me finish all my task in Durham college are:
First, DC-Connect because this helps me to monitor my deadlines like quizzes, assignments,
Test, and any activities. In addition, this website has a free access for textbook, PowerPoint
and to do practice questions. This website is life changer because sometimes If I’m really
busy, I didn’t bother attending the in person lecture and instead I rather start my day in DC
connect and begin of the following weeks module by watching the pre-recorded lecture. The
advantage of watching recorder lecture is that I can control with it like pause, rewind, fast &
slow track. And this gives me time to understand the lesson.

Also, this website is easy to use than other college resources, especially that the courses
dashboard are organize and easy to understand. The second resource that I used is DC-mail
because it helps me to reach out all my questions directly to my professors and student
advisors. I often used this for general inquiries like related to weekly modules, activities,
office-hours and making appointments. For example, if I do have concern regarding my
courses, then I will use this source to book an appointment for the student advisors.
Overall, the two resources that I shared you right now help me proven to monitor my work
in school and submitting my work on time. Not just that, this material do give me some
advantage to used it in my daily routine.

7) The reason why I choose Pre-health program pathway to certificate and diploma/ Advance
diploma and degree, so I can either go to college program like Paramedic or Practical
Nursing and for degree program could be Registered Nurse. Also, this program gives me the
foundation of basic anatomical terms and proper calculations skills for the dosage, especially
when it comes to critical thinking. Also, to achieve higher grades, so later in the future, if I
decided to go back in medical field in college but in different health care site, I can still be
able to use this GPA to get into the program. To achieve my success in the program, I must
use my time efficiently, I should not procrastinate for the entire year, I must study smart and
not study hard, I should maintain my healthy habit like eating vegetables or fruits and doing
daily exercise. If I do all this list, then my goal will be successful in the future. After
graduating this program, I am going to apply all the lessons that I have learned of going to
either of this program, Paramedic or Nursing, Next year in 2023 by spring and fall.

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