Request For Proposal (RFP) For The Provision of Internet Services To The United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy
Request For Proposal (RFP) For The Provision of Internet Services To The United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy
Dear Sir/Madam,
The United Nations System Staff College (hereinafter UNSSC) is hereby undertaking the
• financial Proposal,
should reach the following email address by 30 September 2021 at 12:00 (UTC+02:00)
subject: RFP No. 2021_6 Selection of Internet Service Provider for the UNSSC
Annex I
Instructions to Offerors
This Annex outlines detailed procedures to be followed by interested offerors in
submitting their offer to UNSSC.
The Offeror is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications
contained in the solicitation documents. Failure to comply with these documents may
affect the evaluation of the Proposal.
The Offeror shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the
Proposal. The UNSSC will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless
of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.
The Proposals prepared by the Offeror and all correspondence and documents relating to
the Proposal exchanged by the Offeror and the procuring UNSSC entity shall be written in
the English language. Any printed literature furnished by the Offeror may be written in
another language so long as accompanied by an English translation of its pertinent
passages in which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Proposal, the English
translation shall govern.
Proposals shall remain valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days after the deadline for
submission for Proposals set by UNSSC. A Proposal valid for a shorter period may be
rejected by the UNSSC on the grounds that it is non-responsive.
In exceptional circumstances, the procuring UNSSC entity may solicit the Offeror’s
consent to an extension of the period of validity. The request and the responses thereto
shall be made in writing. An Offeror granting the request will not be required nor permitted
to modify its Proposal.
14. Proposals will be evaluated along the structure and the criteria illustrated in annex VI.
Any reservation or comments concerning the content of the UNGCC applicable to the
contract awarded under the terms and conditions of this proposal must be included in the
proposals. The absence of any reservation or comments will be considered by the
UNSSC as acceptance of all the terms stated in the applicable UNGCC. Such terms
include the regulation of the intellectual property rights, including but not limited to
patents, copyrights, and trademarks, which are the result, directly or indirectly of the
services provided to the UNSSC by the Offeror specified in this document, including its
Annex II
Terms of reference
The United Nations System Staff College was created by the General Assembly to serve
as a distinct, system-wide knowledge-management and learning institution.
The goal of the Staff College is to provide strategic leadership, strengthen interagency
collaboration, increase operational effectiveness, encourage cooperation with
stakeholders, and develop a more cohesive management culture within the UN System.
In particular, the Staff College is mandated to focus on economic and social development,
peace and security, and the internal management of the UN System.
The Staff College aims to tackle global challenges at their root by strengthening the
institutional and management capacities of the UN System. In particular by:
- Providing training and learning services to UN staff members;
- Delivering management solutions to UN organizations;
- Supporting inter-agency collaboration within the UN System;
- Encouraging cooperation with the private sector and civil society;
- Promoting good management practices throughout the UN System.
All the services required as described below need to be implemented at the premises of
the UNSSC.
UNSSC is located at pavilion “Oceania - 19” of the UN Campus in viale Maestri del
Lavoro 10, Torino (picture below).
UNSSC requires a dedicated, symmetric and permanent fiber optic connection at 1 Gb/s.
In order to ensure diversity and resiliency with existing solution, Proposers are requested
to provide details regarding the transport layer (including potential suppliers and paths)
and the IP layer (including upstream providers). Multiple proposals may be sent based on
different transport networks.
The fiber circuit has to be delivered at Oceania 19 Datacenter marked with “19” on the
map (please see above).
The connection must be traffic-independent flat fee, unlimited usage, without any further
restrictions of use (i.e. proxy, firewall, filtering server) and the internet bandwidth must be
a dedicated (1:1) , symmetric line, not shared with other customers.
The Internet Service Providers must not capture or record the receiving and sending
transmission and packets. Provider shall not scan traffic (should a scan be necessary to
find problems in the network, a prior agreement must be obtained).
ISP shall provide a topology map of their network, showing all major connections and
their associated bandwidths.
ISP shall have at least two upstream providers. It is desirable that these upstream are
Tier 1 or Tier 2 (please provide details).
It is desirable that the ISP is present in most important Internet Exchanges (IX) such as,
but not limited to, AMSIX, DECIX, LINX, PARIX, MIX, NYIIX.
Presence at Swiss Internet Exchanges such as CIXP, TIX, SwissIX will be an advantage.
ISP shall provide a matrix of baseline RTT between its PoP.
ISP shall not apply any measures to limit bandwidth nor any kind of QOS.
ISP may propose an optional anti-DDOS solution.
Bandwidth Guarantee
ISP shall provide a guarantee that
• 95% of the bandwidth will be available, at any moment, to reach a destination
within the ISP network
• 80% of the bandwidth will be available, at any moment, to reach a destination of a
major service or content provider (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google)
Latency Guarantee
ISP shall provide a guarantee that average RTT will not exceed more than 30% the
values provided in the baseline RTT for 99% of the time on a monthly basis.
Packet Loss
ISP shall provide a guarantee that packet loss will not exceed 0.01% for 99% of the time
on a monthly basis.
Packet loss will be measured from UNSSC network monitoring system by sending probes
to a set of defined targets within and outside the ISP network. ISP shall provide reliable
target(s) that can be used for this purpose.
SLA violations
ISP shall provide a document that describes compensations based on requested SLAs.
For this purpose, ISP shall provide a reporting platform which shows statistics and service
Installation Time
Service shall be activated within 60 calendar days from contract agreement.
Maintenance Windows
Notice of planned maintenance must be given to UNSSC SPOC at least 5 working days
before the activities take place.
All activities must be carried out in a maintenance window between 22 PM and 6 AM
The maintenance window does not apply to emergency work, which is expected to
happen no more than 2/3 times per year and to be carried out immediately. UNSSC still
expects to be notified before the start of activities.
ISP Contact
ISP shall provide a single point of contact (SPOC) for incident management and for
service requests and another single point of contact for contractual issues.
Technical Support
UNSSC requires a high level technical support always available (24H/day and 365
days/year) with proactive monitoring of the services. The technical support must be
provided directly by specialized technicians and not by a first level help desk center
(ticketing system only).
The support will be requested in:
• Link Fault Diagnosis and Management,
• Network Equipment fault Diagnosis and Management,
• Carrier fault Contacting,
• DNS modifications and problems
UNSSC requires the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to manage approximately 5 domains
during the duration of the contract. The domains are already in use by UNSSC and its
management shall already be included in the contract service.
9. DNS
The ISP is requested to provide a DNS service.
Having examined the Solicitation Documents, the receipt of which is hereby duly
acknowledged, we, the undersigned, offer to provide the services specified in your
Request for Proposal.
We undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to commence and complete delivery of all
services specified in the contract within the time frame stipulated.
We agree to abide by this Proposal for a period of 120 days from the deadline
We acknowledge that it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiration of that period.
We understand that you are not bound to accept any Proposal you may receive.
The Technical Proposal should not contain any pricing information whatsoever on
the services offered. Pricing information shall be separated and only contained in
the Financial Proposal (see annex V).
1. Technical Evaluation
The maximum score obtainable in the technical evaluation is 700 points. Technical
Proposals will be evaluated along the following matrix. Proposals must satisfy all the
general conditions of the following 4 groups
2. Financial Proposal
Proposals will be considered for financial evaluation only if the respective technical
a) Are respondent on all the categories of the technical evaluation (see technical
evaluation table above);
b) Passed the minimum technical score of 70% out of 700 points (equal to 490
points) in the evaluation of the technical Proposals.
The final score for the financial Proposal will be calculated as follows:
FS= 300 x LP/F