Soul Pops

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iaaeeae JOHNNY BE ROBERTA FLACK AL GREEN DONNY HATHAWAY GLADYS KNIGHI MAIN INGREDIENT GEORGE McCRAE BILLY PAUL CRE Re eee Geers THE STAPLE SINGERS JOHNNY TAYLOR Ww, PIANO/VOCAL/CHORDS E SOMETHING GOOD ONT YOU WORRY CE / ROCK YOUR BA i my CHERIE AM Ni F US (Wants To Be First To Say Good WHERE 1S THE LOVE? / ME IN THE MORNING / l HOW AND TELL HT TRAIN TO TAY TOGETHER YOU SEEN HER / I'LL 'Y PLAYS THE FOOL IN THE RAL in’ On The) DOCK OF 1 BELIEVE IN Y PIANO/VOCAL/CHORDS HOLLYWOOD SWINGING / TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD / HANG ON IN THERE, BABY / DON’T YOU WORRY "BOUT A THING / YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE / FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE / THE FIRST TIME EVER 1 SAW YOUR FACE / LAST TIME 1 SAW HIM / ROCK YOUR BABY / YOU HAVEN'T DONE NOTHIN’ / MY CHERIE AMOUR / NEITHER ONE OF US (Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye) / WHERE IS THE LOVE? / TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING / MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA / SHOW AND TELL / LET'S STAY TOGETHER / ME AND MRS. JONES / HAVE YOU SEEN HER / I'LL TAKE YOU THERE / EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL (Sometime) / IN THE RAIN / (Sittin’ On The) DOCK OF THE BAY / | BELIEVE IN YOU (You Believe In Me). Song Ti Antist Page (Sittin’ On The) DOCK OF THE BAY... Otis Redding. 18 DON'T YOU WORRY ‘BOUT A THING Stevie Wonder . 6 EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL (Sometime) . Main Ingredient 28 (The) FIRST TIME EVER | SAW YOUR FACE . Roberta Flack ceeee 25 FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE... - Stevie Wonder .... ee co) HANG ON IN THERE, BABY . Johnny Bristol .. 54 HAVE YOU SEEN HER. . . The Chi-Lites. 4 HOLLYWOOD SWINGING. Kool & The Gang... 4 | BELIEVE IN YOU (You Believe In Me) - Johnny Taylor... 72 I'LL TAKE YOU THERE... . - Staple Singers. 18 IN THE RAIN .. don - Dramatics. . 78 LAST TIME | SAW HIM. « Diana Ross... a7 LET'S STAY TOGETHER. - Al Green. . 78 ME AND MRS. JONES....... Billy Paul... 38 MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA. " Gladys Knight & The Pips . 69 MY CHERIE AMOUR : . Stevie Wonder . 62 NEITHER ONE OF US (Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye) .. Gladys Knight & The Pips . 20 ROCK YOUR BABY . ceeees es George McCrae -60 SHOW AND TELL eee - Al Wilson. - 66 TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD. . Rufus. 12 TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING . Diana Ross. er o9) WHERE IS THE LOVE Roberta Flack & Donny Hathaway 57 YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE .. Stevie Wonder 30 YOU HAVEN'T DONE NOTHIN ........ Stevie Wonder 2 Editor: Pepper Oxley Production! Frank J: Heckinson Printor: Ganteal Lito (iar) Copyright © 1974 by Screen Gems-Columbia Publi diviaion of Columbia Pictures Industries, Ie. ‘eva WE, Sth Avenue, Minml, Fin 33138 YOU HAVEN’T DONE NOTHIN Words and Music by ee STEVIE WONDER, area + mazed but not a - mused much con-cerned——— but not in - volved all the things you say that you'll ci-sions that are made by fis gly ey ap | But we are 1.2. Sick and tired of hear - ing your song___. | Koop_on mak — ing us hear your song = “"Conyht © 198 y Joe Made Cs a8 Dek al Ma I G46 St i ywon, Cat 90028 ‘stmt Cop © 197 by Ste i ote ak Dali Mn a Internationa Copii Sosa Ba "Rights Revered Tell - in’ how Tell = in' us you are how you gon - are na change right from wrong... right from wrong. chang ing = —} tease a you real - ly want It's not too cool tobe ri ~ di-culed— but would not care to wake up to the—— night ~ = you brought thisup-on your-self, mare that's be-com-in' real life, world istired__ of pac-i-fiers,_ we want the truth andnoth-ing else, — when mis-led,— who knows a per - sons mind can turn as cold as ice, — +. Repeat good on DS, 2, And "we are Why do you Jack - son Five join doo doo wop doo doo wop DS. $6 al-B-Coda 00 doo wop Coda doo doo wop bum bum a= long with me sing doo doo wop Chorus: i hoy hoy hoy doo doo wop naw naw naw to Coda-@ doo doo wop bum bum bum doo doo wop bum bum bum repeat chorus to fade bum sing it loud for tho peo-ple say DON’T YOU WORRY ‘BOUT A THING Words and Music by STEVIE WONDER Moderate Latin Rhythm, a ry-bod y's got 8 thing, — but somedon't_ know how to. han - — yourstyle— of life’ aa drag, — and that you must go—— oth-er pla - ‘ry-bod y needs — change, a chanceto—_ check — out the new. cone naff ban # ae F — AL - waysreach = in’ out in vain, — But just don’t_ you feel_____too bad, — But you're the on ly one to see, Don't You Worry = A Copyright © 1973 by Stein & Van Stock, In, and Black Bull Musi, In. Holywood, Cal International Copyright Secured. ‘Mate US.A. "Alt RightsReserved ah to) cpt - not worth hav : = + ing: But Don't You Worry Bout A you get fooled by smil - = ~— = _ing face- 8, But Don't You Worty "Bout A ‘changes you take your-self through. — Don't YouWor-ty "Bout A Don't You Wor-ry “Bout A Thing, Ma Thing, Don't YouWor-ry ‘Bout A Thing, Ma Thing, Don't You Worry "Bout A Thing, Pretty Ma may eat tex To Coda on— the — side “Cause.Il be stand ~ in"Jon—— the — When you check — it — Vin the — wings ———} \ | Don’t You Worry -2 aa 1 i Le They say— out, gies ‘When you get your trip. gives eg Be ete Dont (¥ cu Woe ey) rt kenrg eee eee cme cee cna acre nee oe a eee OE EEE Don't You Wor-ry ‘Bout A Thing. —————______ coms = i fe gf fs a) emg ah bs) Bum bum, bum bum,— “bum Don’t You Worry -4 pF hs Don't You Wor - ry ‘Bout A Don't You Wor - ry "Bout A Thing. Thing, Ma - ma, “Cause IM be stand - ingon— the — side, — = Bi = HE ip baw ° fe — When you check— it out. \ Don't You Worry 5 a When you get olf an 3rd Verse- i of DAS. al Coda your trp. Penta _g Don't You Wor-ry ‘Bout A fo) Don't You Worry -6 Thing. Ad lib and fade Don't You Wor-ry "Bout A TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD Words and Music by Moderately Fast STEVIE WONDER, ‘You ain't "got no, 2 feel - ing in - side. known, to say. ap 1 got Ti make Tell Me Something Good-1 ‘Conysgh © 1974 by Sci & Van Sts In and yk al Mas ne 6464 Sunset Ba Holy woo Cal. 90028 Ti acgenan Cinch’ 198 by Se 8 Va Ste ea Bek a Mo International Copyught Seed Rigs Reserved fae eat ae thin'_that - Il sho ~ muff set your stuff, there was for - ty 1 - eight ho 8 - urs to each — day. a You've re prob ~ lem fore your pride. like, you should. ots ge" He it (FB Bas) Tell me some- thing . (synthesizer)Tell_ me, tell me, tell D.S. and fade with Chorus (0 a9 Tell me that youfiove mej like it Tell Me Something Good -3 15 (Sittin’ On) THE DOCK OF THE BA Words and Mu STEVE CROPPER and Moderately OTIS REDDING a Sit-tin' in the morn - ing sun, Tl be sittin’ when the eve-nin'— come,— left — my— home — inGeor - gla, head-odfor the Fris-co— Ba Sit —tin'here rest-in’ my bones and this lone ~ li-ness won't leave me a-lone. — watch - in! the ships roll in, ———— then I have noth-ing to live look Tike Two thousand miles I roam just to (Sic On) The Dock of he Bay 2 cy a er ek ai nd nro Copyright Se ‘hicte uS. a Right Reseed 16 el watch ‘emrolla-way a - gain. ‘Yeah! I'm sit -tin' on the dock of the bay,— noth=ing gon-na come my way. So, ['mjustgon-na sit fon the dock of the bay, — make this dockmy— home. Now, I'mjustgon'na sit, at the dock of the bay,— 7 ? 7 watch-in' the tide roll a= way, watch -in'thetide roll a ~ way, watch-in' the tide roll a~ way, Be ae ol sit ~tin’ onthe dock of the bay, sit-tin' onthedock ofthe bay,——— wast ~ in' time. sittin’ onthe dock of the bay, wast - in’ time, r (Siti) The Dock of he Hay-2 Look— like noth-ing gon-na change; FT ESF age SF 4 a ae ao ev - ry-thing still re-mains the same, _can'tdowhattenpeg-ple tell meto do, — 3 3 —- - : T¥ Fg DS. $6-a1-4 Coda ae ee so Iguess!'ll re-main—the same. — = T 7 cel’ te tee | eR SE Whistle Repeat ad lib till fade-out TLL TAKE YOU THERE Words and Music by ALVERTIS ISBELL, ‘Moderately slow re Re cree fe TL take you there. 1 take you _ = =a Tl take you there, TM take you — there, Lot me take you now. a You NONr11 cake you there. Repeat and fate Let me ‘take— you there. 1111 take you there. T11 take you 20 NEITHER ONE OF US (Wants To Be The First To Say Good-bye) Words and Music by JIM WEATHERLY Slow It’s sad to think__ we'renot gon-na make it, — got -ten tothe point where we just can’t But for just won't let Neither One OF Ue onyright © 1971, 1973 by Keca Masi, nc, 7033 Sunset Bis, Holly wod, Calif, 90028 Antenatal GopyrigtSscred ‘Maden USAL SR Rights Reserved 21 a. (c Bass) 1 guess nei ther one wants to be thefirst to say good I keep won-d'ring what Til do with: out you, And I guess you must wonder ing that ro a 2 same thing Neither One OF Us-2 J(C Bass) Ht nei-ther one of us wants ¥ to be the first to say good time I find thenerve to ay. old mem-o-ries Neither One OF Us-3 bye. 23 Lord knowsit’s on-ly me that Pm de + ceiving; — 4 am #)(c ass) When it comes to say - ing good-bye, that’s a word just can’t 3 ‘There canbe no way this can have a hap-py So we just go on ________ hurting and pre~ Neither One OF U4 And con - vine - ing our selves to tend - ing, —— a Bc nas just one more try, Be- cause nei- ther one of us - ae if) a HHH (CC Base) wants to be the one to say good - bye; Be -cause Fic aes) aR a i fee nei-ther one of us wants to be the first to say good - bye, | Ie either One OFU-5 25 THE FIRST TIME EVER ISAW YOUR FACE Words and Music by EWAN MacCOLL Slowly a 6 F 1, The first time ev-er I saw your— face 2. And the first time ev-er I kissed your— mouth 3, And the first time ev-er I lay with— you. of ft a aan I thought the sun rose —._ in your eyes I felt the earth move— in my hand, I felt yourheart so. close to “mine, Zz conv, 136, 1968, 1972 Stig Mas ng 20 it $70 Sta Ne Yo NY. 1009 yh Sc at bmg nee Clb Po Intenaonl Go Rips Reserved 26 and the moon like the trem and I knew fee sifts you gave cap + tive bird —— fill the earth & (6 Bass (6 Bas) and the stars — bling heart — our joy— and the end of the at my com- til theend of ‘The first time _—— your face your face a > s fy your face ol 28 EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL Sometime Words and Music by Mosorate RUDY CLARIC KENNY WILLIAMS Spoken: Okay, so your heart broke. You sit around mopin’, cryin’, eryin'! You say you're even thinkin’ about dyin’? Well, before you do anything rash, dig this there's no ex-cept - tion to some-time. ‘They use your heart the rule— like 2 tool.— " F fa fy a dp iq lis - ton ba-by it_may-befact ~ tual, may-beeruel___ 1___ ain't ly-in', lis - ten ba-by —theynev-ertell_you 80. inschool Breybody Mays The Foal 2 oprrgns ©1971 1972 by Gin Fees, 1674 Broabwry, New Invest Copyngh Seed "Mads a Uae a NX. 10019 29 a s 2 ql ev-ry-bod ~ yplays the fool__ Fall-ingin love is euch an but ev-ry-bod ~ y plays the fool. How canyouhelp it when the fade 3rd time a ER eas-y thing to do, music starts to play Andthere's noguar-an-teothat the oneyou love is gon-na love and your a-bil-i-ty to rea~son is swept a~ lov~in' eyesthey can-not see cer-tainpor-son could nev-erbe__ heav-enonearthis all you see you're out of tauch with re-al =i ~ ty eR C3 aay —. 2nd time, repeat and fade cloudyour mind withe-mo = tion, Jove runs deep-er thanan-y _o-cean you butwhen you're through, the nexttlmea-roundsome-onecrys for you. now you ery. veryody Pays Th Fol-2 YOU ARE THE SUNSHINE OF MY LIFE Moderately, with feel Words and Music by y s STEVIE WONDER You are the sun BB cornu that's why Tl al = ways be— = a= round. (2nd. time) stay— |— — ‘You re The Sunhine of my Life T i onyiht ©1972 y Stina 1 Bac Bt Maen 46 ae me Holy woot al 9028 i zag Coryahi ©1978 by Sen ka ck re Hast Bl Man ) Intrations Conyaht reed ‘A Rights Reseed 31 (8b Bas For-ev-er you'll— (aah Time’ ‘Fade 5 = ; ae i 5m ane coat be - gin ~ ning, You must have known that Iwas lone - ly, ———« fon feel like this is_ the. 32 -] . = BB saw s] jcome Eben "though I've loved you for. a mil ~ lion years. ___. ‘bo-cause you came. to my—— res-cue. a ee i OR if 1 thought. our love— was. T know that____— this must__ be és in end - ing, J my = sell, Face on ae how could so—————much_love. own tears. Whoa. of you? SSS ing_in my. —in - side You Are The Suan of my Life 3 33 TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING Lyric by RON MILLER Moderate Ballad, expressively Music by MICHAEL MASSER én par Bsus fn Hi aed 9) i A bas Bau. fi Touch me in the morn - ing, ‘Then just walk a ~ morn - ing, Then just close the 5 A Bass Ade {(D Bass We don't have to - mor - row, Leave me as you—— found me, Hose caseor but we had yes - ter emp-ty like be ~ Touch Mein he Morsing-1 Conyeht © 1972 Sen & Van Stok. 464 Sune Bow, Ca. 90028 International Copyright See ment Copysght © 1974 by Sin & Vat Stock, Pee Madea US. AIL Rights Resend 34 Moderato Peat (ey!) Wasen't it me_who said_that noth - int good's gon-na last for-ev - (Hey!) Was-n't it yes ~ ter-day_we used to laugh at the wind be~hind. ran car ig i Andwas-n't it me—who said_tet's just be glad for the time to~geth - er? Did-n't we run— a - way_and hope that time would-n't try to find us? aa fae ‘Must ~'ve been hard-to tell me,— that you've giv - en all youhad—— to give. Did ~ n't we take.each other: toa place—where no—— one's ev - ‘er been? * 35 I can un-der-standyour feel - in' that way. _-Ev-'ry-bod-y's got—their life to live. Yeah, Ireal-ly need you to-night. 'Causeyou'llnev-er takeme there— a - gain. ge FBR casa if Well, I can say__ good - bye. cold mor ing light. — Let me watch you go sun in my eyes, $cc ban ey 2 But can't watch love die in the warmth ofthe night. We'veseenhow love can grow,—— now we'll see. how it dies. Touch Mein the Morning: 3 36 (Aba # i i EH HE o—f-e If ve got to be strong,don'tyouknow need to have to-night.when you're gone? Till you go need to | = = = e 5 gl «(PSS tae | ea ae’ S Ta ba (Spoken or lie here and think a ~ Bout, the last time thatyou'll) Touch me in the Sung:) [2g ao a Ei IA Bass) hold you un-til the time, your hands reach out and touch me in the 4 aay ane a co i ————— z foe Co morn ing. ‘Them just-walle Morn-ings wereblue-and gold and we could feel one an-oth - er liv~ ing. ig SSS ae == = way. We walked withadream—to hold— and we could — cs Coy Ceo We don't.have to take what the worldwas giv - ing. — cl = A ar oS me a 8 wo Pe ‘There's noto-mor ~ row hero,-there's on-ly = = == Coy —ame we ter- love and th ne oF ———— sia ee eee (aba) repeat _and fade cS oo " Yes-ter-day's gonemy love,.there's on-ly now and it's time to face —— it. 38 ME AND MRS. JONES Words and Music by K. GAMBLE, L. HUFF Slow and Rhythmic and C. GILI ¥ = FEB ob aa) fs si eb vas cob assy Me and Miss-es 1. Jones 2. Jones, Misses Jones Misses JonesMisses Jones go - ing ony sa jab nas) We both know that it’s wrong, But it's much too strong tto let it cool now, <1 Me And Mes, Jones-1 Copyright © 1972 by Blackwood Music, In., 1650 International Copyright Sesured Mate ia Us away, Now York, N.Y, 10019 7 AL Rights Reserved 39 We the same ea - fe care fal meet day at ex = ta ev = "ty be We got-ta ob ass) thirty, 1, know she'll that we don’t build our hopes too high, H fae be there, hold - ing hands__ she’s “got mak -ing her all kinds of plans while th own ob- , a Miss-es Misses Me And te, Jones-2 Ii ga-tions and (sb Bass e juke —~ box plays our fa-vo-rite do song. 3b Baa DS. al Coda cob assy “ and Miss es Miss-es 40 fat cab Wel,t’s time for us Tt hurts so much,it hurts so much in- ‘mor-row we'll meet ol and Misses Miss-es 3 3 the same place the same Nowshell go her way But to- mine, cob bass) ———_ time, 3. 3 2 Repeat and fade cob bass) 4 HOLLYWOOD SWINGING Ri KOOL & THE GANG Moderate| Hey, hey, hoy a Hol-ly - wood i 42 he 2, to Cod qe | ‘Swinging, Hol-ly I .re-mem - ber wentto a thea-tre not too long a - go___ saw the kool and the gang show. al-ways want-ed___ to get in-to a band__ sing my song and then be-come 2 bad, pi-an- 0 play~ in’ man. = give a hand__ ci-ty of the stars, themov-ies, wo-men and cars.— 43 L Hol-ly - wood it - y. guess I'L, Tguess I'll the start, (Spoken) Hollywood Swing i cto | (Spoker) Hollywood Swinging, Hollywood Swinging (Spoken) Hollywood Swinging repeat and fade alywood Singing-3 PR HAVE YOU SEEN HER Words and Music by EUGENE RECORD and BARBARA ACKLIN Moderately a age 2 a Chorus: aa Bc, E Bay a Chorus: Go Lead Spoken: 1. One month ago today, I was happy as a lark and now Igo for walks fo the movies, maybe t0 the park, 1 2 °D An have a seat on the sam old bench to watch the children play, youkoow tornorrow’s their future but forme just another de 2 They all gather row me and they seem to know may name, we laugh, tela few jokes but it still doesn’t ease my pai. 4. Honow L can’t hide froma memory though day after day I've tied, [keep sayin she'l be back, but oda again I've led {Sung} ON a see her face ev-"ry-where 1 go;—On the street and e-ven at the picture show.—Have you hnear her voice a3 the cold wilds blow;— In the sweet music on my ra-di- 0 Have you ser Ex 1971 by aio an Mei In, HS Seventh Avenue Now York N.Y, 10019 International Copyeght Seared ‘de in USA Til Rights Reserved 45 reat cc bas a ic aa) a, ol» | seen her? Oh,— do, do, seen her? Oh, she {ther kiss upon my lips, but seo hor hand reachout tome — & DS. al Coda Jeft that break with-in my heart Jeft that break with in’ my Heart. Haveyou seen her? Tell mehave you seen her? Oh, I o 8 Sy HEB copa do, d0,d0, do,do,do,do, do, do, do,do,do,do,do,do,do,do.— Have you seenher? Tell me have you 1, Asanother day comes to av end, I'm lookin’ for @ letter or somethin’ Anything that she would send. With 2 alonely man, You know it’s funny J thought I had her in the palm of my hand. 3, Load ad lib Hf FBicom TB fe seen her? Oh do, do, all the people I know, I'm’ sult seen her? Have you seen her? Tell me have you Repeat and fade 46 » p “i | oom é a | Tell me have you ont Tell me have you seen her? - } SER iti BE nan A | aid have to leave and go a- way? | “been used —to-—

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