Exchange Visitor - Terms and Conditions (2022)

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Exchange Visitor: SWT Terms and Conditions

Please read this document carefully and make certain you understand it completely as it is written in English, before moving forward with
our BridgeUSA Summer Work/Travel cultural exchange program. If you have any questions regarding this document please contact our
team prior to signing.

Exchange Visitor Last Name(s):

Exchange Visitor Given Name:

Home Country Agency Name:

Please be ready to provide proof that you are:

 Between the ages of 18 and 28 years old.
 Currently enrolled in an accredited university outside of the USA as a full time student.
 Able to live independently and function in an English speaking society.
 Able to arrive to the USA in time for your employment start date and honor your program end date.
 Joining this program to participate in cultural exchange, not to earn a profit.

Program Conditions:
• You are joining a cultural exchange program sponsored by United Work and Travel, a division of APEI. This is not a
program to earn a profit. The intention of this program is to learn more about the American Culture, way of life, and to
share your culture.
• You will participate in an orientation provided by your local recruitment agency and/or Sponsor in your home
• You must bring enough money to the USA to cover food, transportation and other personal expenses for a minimum
period of up to three weeks. This should be at least $900.00. This is in addition to the funds needed for your
housing deposit and first rent payment if they are not due in advance.
• You are required to report to and work for the employer listed in section #1 of your DS-2019 form. Failure to do
sowill result in dismissal from the program. Reporting to the United States with no intention to work for the
employer presented to the US Embassy in your home country is considered Visa Fraud and will be reported.
• You will not request your primary placement to work around your 2nd job.
• You will not work past the program end date listed on your DS 2019 form.
• You do not have any weekend work restrictions and are available to work on any day of the week.
• You will not work for the same host company more than 2 program years, if you engage in employment at the
samehost company for a 3rd year, your program will be shortened to begin travel.
• The DS-2019 form that is issued to you by United Work and Travel enables you to apply for a Summer Work/Travel
visa. The U.S. Embassy or Consulate will either grant or deny your application for a visa. We cannot change their
• Even if you receive a visa, your entrance to the USA may be denied by the USCIS.
• You will apply for your social security number within 7-21 days of your program arrival check-in. Once you
receivethis number, you must provide your host company employer(s) with this immediately.
• If United Work and Travel, a division of APEI dismisses you from your program, you must leave the United States
within 10 days or you may face further penalties from USCIS.
• You will leave the USA within 30 days (grace period) of your program end date listed on your DS 2019 form with
enough time to begin your University classes. You are not able to change your visa status! Your SWT Program cannot
be extended.
• You will return to your home country at the end of your BridgeUSA program as this is a program requirement.
Overstays are reported accordingly and as required.
• You are agreeing to allow your employer, sponsor, or home country recruiter use all photographs and videos
receivedfor sponsor contests or taken during the course of the program for future website updates, displays, or
marketing material. It is understood there will be no compensation for the use of these photos.
• You should first contact your sponsor with any issue or concern; however, you may contact the U.S. Dept. of State at
any time to report an emergency, misconduct or lack of sponsor responsiveness. The number is 1-866-283-9090.

Revised 8/10/2021 (for use in program year 2022)
Program Monitoring:

You MUST complete your first program check in with UWT within 72 hours of your arrival to the United States and your
vetted program housing and then every 30 days thereafter. Please log into your student account at to check
in online or call our toll free number. Email check ins are not permitted. Failure to complete the regulatory check in’s will
result in the immediate loss of insurance and you will automatically fall out of valid Visa status in the USA.
Employment Conditions

• Your employment position is not 100% guaranteed and may be changed prior to arrival in the USA if a scheduled
employer cancels their available job positions for any reason. In this scenario, UWT will support you in securing a
new job placement.
• If your employer cancels your employment position for any reason after your arrival to the USA, UWT will make our
best effort to place you in another available position.
• Employment terms, such as housing setup and location, job position, pay rate, and hours per week may be changed by
your employer due to many varying factors. As changes are made, you will be informed by your employer and/or
• Your employer may terminate your employment at any time for misconduct or poor job performance. If you are
terminated from your position, we will not be responsible for finding you alternate employment. However, we will
support your job search and assist in any way possible. You will be required to present new employer documents for
approval within 10 days or your travel period will begin.
• You will only be paid for hours worked. You will not be compensated for shifts when you call out of work or do not
report to work.
• You must be capable (both physically and mentally) of performing all duties and tasks outlined in your job
• We require a minimum of three (3) weeks at the host company listed on your DS 2019 Form before we
will consider employment changes. This is considered our training period where you learn and acclimate.
• All requests for employment changes after 3 weeks must be reviewed and approved by UWT. If you are
experiencing a problem with your job you must contact UWT as soon as possible so we can assist you.
• If your employment change request is approved, standard protocol in the USA and our requirement is a two
week notice before leaving employment. Even if your change is approved, failure to give a 2 week notice will
result in program dismissal.
• In the event you must leave your employment position to return home, after speaking with and gaining approval from
UWT, you will give your employer as close to a two week notice as possible and provide UWT with documentation of
your flight to end your program in good standing.
• Should you choose to work in a “second job”, different from your host company employer, this job and new host
company employer must be verified and approved by your sponsor before you can begin working.
• Engaging in unauthorized employment will result in immediate dismissal from the program. We will not honor
any requests for 2nd jobs that impact your primary placement. Requesting your primary job to honor your 2nd
job will require further consideration from UWT if may remain on the BridgeUSA Program.
Housing Conditions

• The intention of this program is not to come to the USA to live with a relative or friend from your home country. This
type of housing arrangement will not be approved on the work period.
• Housing will vary from employer to employer. It is understood that you are accepting the fees and terms and
conditions of your housing based on your specific employment position. In all cases, housing will be kept clean and
damage free and rent will be paid on time to maintain good standing on the program.
• You will not be permitted to arrive more then 2-3 days ahead of your DS 2019 Form Start Date.
• All requests for housing changes must be reviewed and approved by UWT. If you are experiencing a problem at your
housing you must contact United Work and Travel, a division of APEI as soon as possible so we can assist you.
• If your housing change request is approved, we require a minimum two week notice to your current landlord before
moving. Even if your change is approved, failure to give a 2 week notice will result in program dismissal.

Revised 8/10/2021 (for use in program year 2022)
Participant Behavior/Zero Tolerance Policy

Our programs have a zero tolerance drug, alcohol, theft, violence, and sexual misconduct policy. Violation of this policy will
result in program dismissal and you will be asked to leave the program and return home within 10 days. If you are
terminated from your employment for theft, violence, or illegal activity of any type, your program will be terminated
and you will be required to return to your home country immediately. This is our Zero Tolerance Policy!
 While living in the USA, you will follow all federal, state, and local laws along with the rules and regulations of United
Work and Travel, a division of APEI. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the program under our Zero
Tolerance Policy.
 You must inform our staff of any arrest or incarceration within 24-hours of such event. United Work and Travel is not
responsible for any legal fees or costs associated with arrests or incarceration.
Health Requirements
Any preexisting medical condition that may impact your ability to work is required be reported directly to your sponsor prior
to program registration or as soon as you are made aware of a potential situation. This includes allergies. Doctor's notes are
required. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered by this programs accident and injury protection health insurance.

You must not currently be pregnant, and understand that UWT will not accept you on the program if you are pregnant. This is
for the health and safety of you and your unborn child. If you become pregnant prior to arrival, you must withdrawal from the
program and the proper refund will be returned. If you become pregnant on the program, you will be required to return
homewithin 7 days.

 In the event of a medical emergency requiring hospitalization, I give my full permission for the hospital staff or
medical doctor to speak with a representative of United Work and Travel, a division of APEI or my assigned insurance
company so that communication and any necessary arrangements with my family and home country agent may take
place regarding my condition, care, and needs.

Refund Policies
In case of a visa denial or voluntary cancellation prior to visa issuance, UWT will refund our program fee costs less a
fee of $125.00 and a $35.00 SEVIS Fee (if DS 2019 Form was issued). In order to qualify for a refund, proper
notification must be provided within 48 hours of a denial or cancellation. If you have been issued a visa, UWT will

refund your program fee costs less a $250.00 cancellation fee.

• If you plan to reapply for a visa after a denial, you must inform your sponsor immediately.
• All program fee refunds will be processed to be issued directly back to your overseas agent in August.
• All housing deposit refunds will be issued directly back to your overseas agent in your home country at least
60 days after successful program completion unless otherwise detailed on your job offer.

In the event that the J-1 SWT Program of a participant is cancelled due to a cause outside of the control of United Work

and Travel, UWT will refund our program fee costs less a $250.00 fee. These events may include, but are not limited to:
an act of war, act of god, act of government, pandemics, epidemics, embassy closures, etc.

In the event that the J-1 SWT Program of a participant is cancelled after the participant’s arrival to the USA, due to a
cause outside of the control of United Work and Travel, there will be no program refund. These events could include
but are not limited to: an act of war, act of god, act of government, pandemics, epidemics, embassy closures, etc.

In consideration of being accepted for participation in a Summer Work/Travel Program, I understand by signing this document, I
hereby forever discharge and agree to hold harmless, United Work and Travel, a division of APEI, their employees, their partner
organizations, and/or principals thereof from any and all liability claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well
as property damage and other expenses of any nature whether known to me or not. Any and all claims against United Work and
Travel, a division of APEI will not result in a refund greater than the total program fees received for your program participation.
(SEVIS fees, airline tickets, and Embassy interview fees will not be refunded for any reason). I will abide by and follow these Terms
and Conditions presented to me by my sponsor, United Work and Travel, a division of APEI.

Exchange Visitor Signature: Date:

Revised 8/10/2021 (for use in program year 2022)

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