Class 9 English Unit No.4
Class 9 English Unit No.4
Class 9 English Unit No.4
Read the text and find out the names of the students who collected information on the following topics. Write the
answers in your notebook.
1. Personality and achievements of the Quaid
Ans: Tahira
2. Political acumen and contribution of Allama Iqbal
Ans: Farheen
3. The Quaid's aspirations for the Muslims
Ans: Huma
4. Allama Iqbal's aspirations for the Muslims
Ans: Tahira
5. Personality and achievements of Allam Iqbal
Ans: Lubna
6. The Quaid's political acumen and contribution.
Ans: Tahira
Exercise 3: (Done above) Exercise 4: (Group Activity) ) (ںیقشماتکبںیملحرکںی۔ہیاکماکیپںیمںیہنانھکلPage No.85
Exercise 5, 6: (Book Work) )(ںیقشماتکبںیملحرکںی۔ہیاکماکیپںیمںیہنانھکل Page No.86
Go back to exercise 6 and find out when and where these words spoken. After this write seven complete sentences in
your notebook like this.
1. On August, 1947, in the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
2. In 1938, in a message on Allama Iqbal’s death, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
3. In 1930, at the Allahabad meeting of All-India Muslim League, Allama Iqbal said these words in his address.
4. Allama Iqbal said these words in Allahabad address.
5. Quaid-e-Azam said these words. on August, 11 1947, the Azam on his election as the first President of the Constituent
Assembly of Pakistan
6. On August, 1947, in the Constitution Assembly of Pakistan, the Quaid-e-Azam said these words.
7. Quaid e Azam Said these words on August, 11 1947, the Azam on his election as the first President of the Constituent
Assembly of Pakistan.
Exercise 8: Page No.88
Work in pairs and orally discuss the reasons for the following statements. After you have discussed the reasons,
rewrite the following statements in your notebooks by stating the reasons. The first one has been done as an example.
1. Jinnah's achievement is unparalleled in recent history because, unlike most other leaders who only free their countries
from foreign rule, he not only got freedom but also manage to create a new state for the Muslim.
2. The Quaid was greatly respected by the people of all faiths because he gave respect people of other faiths and
he wanted to make such country where every people have equal right.
3. Quaid e Azam left the Indian National Congress because Indian national Congress supported only Hindus
and Hindus ideology.
4. Despite strong opposition by the British and the Hindus Quaid e Azam succeeded in creating Pakistan because
Quaid-e-Azam was Steadfastness person that is why he was continuously doing hard work and succeeded in
creating Pakistan.
5. Allama Iqbal could point out some of the defects in the philosopher system of the west because Muslim and
Hindu groups are all separate Nations. The principal of West democracy cannot be applied to India without
recognizing the fact of different groups.
6. Dr. Iqbal did not seek re-election to the Punjab legislative council because he had become deeply involved with
the Muslim League activities.
7. One of Iqbal's biggest political contributions is his Allahabad address because in his address he made a define
demand for a separate Muslim state in South Asia.
8. Allama Iqbal wanted the Muslims to put their faith in Islam because if you put our faith in Islam, we will
become strong and united once again and save ourselves from complete destructions.
Exercise 9 Page No.88
Work in groups of three and make mind-maps on the following aspects of both these great personalities.
• Qualities as a person.
• Academic achievements.
• Vision for Pakistan.
• Dream about Pakistan.
• What should we do to
• Advice to Muslims.
make Pakistan great?
• Qualities as a person:
• He was steadfastness person.
• He was well discipline man.
• He always works with honesty.
• Vision for Pakistan:
• He wanted to make a complete and impartial government and rule of law in Pakistan.
• Quaid e Azam vision for Pakistan was never to build a sectarian state, but a state where people belonging to any
religion or sect are free to live according to their religion.
• Academic achievements:
• He passed his M.A in 1899 from the University of the Punjab.
• He was appointed professor of Arabic at the Oriental College Lahore.
• He was awarded a degree of Ph.D. by Munich University for his work on Persian philosophy
• Dream about Pakistan:
• Iqbal's dream for Pakistan was that was every Muslim ought to free to perform his religious prayers
• He also wanted that Punjab, North West frontier province, Sindh and Balochistan United under a single Muslim state.
• Advice to Muslims:
• He always advice the Muslim to remain true to their faith and to practice it in letter and spirit
• He said put your faith in Islam. You will become strong and United once again and save yourselves from complete