Uts - Activity # 10 - Module 10

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1. Define the operational meaning of digital self

 It refers to the identity that individuals wearing when engaged in technological

activities. A digital self is an extension of an individual's identity into the online
environment, to which corresponds a digital unconscious building a digitally
split self. Simply, it is the self you use to interact to other people through
online interactions.

2. Identify the Filipino values of social networking;

 Filipinos value social networking through "liking", "reacting", “commenting”,

and ‘sharing” to various Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram postings, which
contributes to their positive self-concepts. People are trying to portray
themselves in order to impress others, thus boosting their self-esteem.

3. Explain the role of mobile phone, internet, and social networking in

developing the digital self.

 Mobile phone, internet, and social networking play important role in developing
the digital self. Nowadays, communication has become more easier with the help
of technology and we can interact with them even they are not by our side.
People we interact with influence the way we think of ourselves. Most of us use
technology because we think that it is really beneficial to us and makes our life
easier but in technology, we are also creating this digital self-wherein we have a
mask that protects us from insult and danger. We all have a “true self” that is
complex and fragile, but ultimately, is our essence.

4. Explain the role of the government, school, and church in the prevention of
identity theft, false information, and fake new.

 The government makes regulations and punishes persons who commit

identity theft or spread misleading information and fake news. While
education and religion teach us morality and right behavior, they do not teach
us to do those unlawful doings.

5. Explore the significant provisions under the Data Privacy Act of 2012


Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843) sets out the rules and principles governing the
collection, use, disclosure and care for your personal data or information by a
data controller or processor. It recognises a person’s right (data subject
rights) to protect their personal data or information by mandating a data
controller or processor to process (collect, use, disclose, erase, etc) such
personal data or information in accordance with the individual’s rights. The
Act also established the Data Protection Commission as an independent
statutory body to ensure and enforce compliance.

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