Chap 1 SE 1 Det, Indet., Stability

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures


Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

1.1 Classification of structures

Structures in general can be classified as

1. Skeletal structures – Idealized to a series of straight or curved lines – Eg. Roof trusses,
lattice girders, building frames etc
2. Surface structures – Idealized to a plane or curved surface – Eg., slabs, shells etc
3. Solid structures – massive structures having all the three dimensions considerably large –
Eg. Dam, solid retaining walls etc

Skeletal structures can further be classified as

1. Pin jointed structures – Considered to be of frictionless joints connected by pins, members

are subjected only to axial tension and/or axial compression due to the externally applied
loads being applied only at the joints
2. Rigid jointed structures – Angles between the joined members remain unchanged even
after loads being applied, members may be subjected to bending moments, twisting
moments, shear forces and axial forces

Skeletal frames may also be classified as

1. Plane frame – All members and the applied loads are assumed to be in one plane
2. Space frame (three dimensional frame) – All members do not lie in one plane and there by
forces/loads also do not fall in one plane

1.2 Equations of static equilibrium

According to cartesian coordinate system, equations of static equilibrium are written as

ΣFx = ΣFy = ΣFz = 0 – Algebraic sums of components of all external forces along x, y and z axes = 0

ΣMx = ΣMy = ΣMz = 0 – Algebraic sums of components of all moments along x, y and z axes = 0

External forces can be divided in to two groups: 1. Applied loads, 2. Reactive forces

For the static equilibrium of plane structures three equations of equilibrium are enough to be
satisfied. They are, ΣFx = 0, ΣFy= 0 and ΣMz = 0.

For the static equilibrium of space structures all the above mentioned six equations of
equilibrium are to be satisfied.

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

1.3 Degree of static indeterminacy

Statically indeterminate structures are those structures which cannot be analyzed with the help
of equations of static equilibrium alone. A structure is statically indeterminate when it possesses
more members or is supported by more reactive restraints than are strictly necessary for stability
and equilibrium. In analysis of statically indeterminate structures, the number of unknowns is
greater than the number of independent equations derived from the conditions of static
equilibrium. Additional equations based on the compatibility of deformation must be written in
order to obtain sufficient number of equations for the determination of all the unknowns. The
number of such additional equations required for the determination of all the unknowns is
known as the degree of static indeterminacy or degree of redundancy of the structure.

1.4 Degree of External indeterminacy

External indeterminacy is related to how stably the support system exerts reaction components.
It can be calculated as the number of external reaction components in excess of the number of
equilibrium equations required for the static determinacy or minimum number of reaction
components required for stability. A structure is usually externally indeterminate or redundant if
the reactions at the supports cannot be determined by using the available equations of
equilibrium. The external indeterminacy (E) can thus be said as

Total number of reaction components (R) – minimum number of reaction components required
for stability (r)

Ie. E = R – r

The degree of external indeterminacy is E = (R – 6) for space structures and E = (R – 3) for plane

1.5 Degree of internal indeterminacy

Internal indeterminacy is related to the members that are more in number than that is required
for stability. When there is more number of members in the structure, there could be more
numbers of stress resultants that are unknowns to be found for the complete analysis.

It can be said that the internal indeterminacy is based on the number of additional members
present in the frame than that is required for a determinate structure, in the case of pin jointed
structures and is based on the excess number of internal stress resultants in the case of rigid
jointed structures. In a pin jointed structure the number of internal stress resultants is only one,
ie either tension or compression. Hence instead of saying as number of excess stress resultants it
can be said as number of excess members. For pin jointed plane structures to be internally
determinate, the equation to be satisfied is m = 2j – 3; where m = number of members and j =
number of joints.

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

The basic pin jointed plane internally determinate structure can be a triangular structure with 3
members and 3 joints. See fig. 1.1.

Fig 1.1
Fig 1.2

Further the pin jointed plane internally determinate structure can be created by adding 2
members and 1 joint. See fig 1.2. Hence the equation to be satisfied for the structure to be
determinate can be coined as number of members (m) = 2 times number of joints (j) – first three
joints. (Of course, for the basic triangular structure, No. of members = number of joints)

The basic pin jointed space truss to be determinate should contain at least 6 members and 4
joints. See fig. 1.3. Further expansion of such determinate space truss can be done by adding 3
members and one joint. See fig. 1.4.

Fig 1.4
Fig 1.3

For the basic structure as in fig 1.3, the governing equation can be framed as m = 3j – 6. The
same equation is applicable for further addition of members and joints to form determinate
space structure.
The degree of internal indeterminacy in case of pin jointed structures can then be written as
I = m – (2j – 3) for plane trusses &
I = m – (3j – 6) for space trusses
Generally the degree of internal indeterminacy in case of rigid frames is determined as the
number of unknown internal stress resultants minus the number of equilibrium equations.
1.6 Total degree of Indeterminacy
Total degree of indeterminacy or redundancy is equal to the number by which the unknowns (ie.
Reaction components as well as stress resultants) exceed the condition equations of equilibrium.
The excess restraints are called as redundant.

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

1.7 Unstable structure

When more equations are available than the number of forces that constrain the body in space,
then the structure is unstable

1.8 Difference between determinate and indeterminate structures

S. No. Determinate Structures Indeterminate Structures
Conditions of equilibrium are not
Equilibrium conditions are fully adequate
1 adequate to fully analyze the
to analyze the structure.
Bending moment or shear force at any Bending moment or shear force at any
2 section is independent of the material section depends upon the material
property of the structure. property.
The bending moment or shear force at The bending moment or shear force at
3 any section is independent of the cross- any section depends upon the cross-
section or moment of inertia. section or moment of inertia.
Temperature variations do not cause
4 Temperature variations cause stresses.
5 No stresses are caused due to lack of fit. Stresses are caused due to lack of fit.
Extra conditions like compatibility of
Extra conditions like compatibility of
displacements are required to analyze
6 displacements are not required to
the structure along with the
analyze the structure.
equilibrium equations.

1.9 Determinate beams

A stable structure should have at least three reactive components, but not always sufficient, for
external stability of a 2D structure, which are non-concurrent and non-parallel.

Cantilever beam No. of external reactions = 3
No. of equilibrium equns = 3

Fig. 1.5. Stable & determinate. Hence stable and determinate

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

W No. of external reactions = 3

Simply supported beam
No. of equilibrium equns = 3

Hence stable and determinate

Fig. 1.6. Stable & determinate.

W No. of external reactions = 3

Simply supported with
two side over hang No. of equilibrium equns = 3

Hence stable and determinate

Fig. 1.7. Stable & determinate.

1.10 External indeterminacy in beams


Propped Cantilever
3 + 2 =5

Fig. 1.8. Stable and indeterminate to two degrees

No. of reactions possible = 5

No. of Equations of equilibrium available = 3

Degree of External indeterminacy = 5 - 3 = 2

Fixed beam

3 3 =6

Fig. 1.9. Stable and indeterminate to three degrees

No. of reactions possible = 6

No. of Equations of equilibrium available = 3

Degree of External indeterminacy = 6 - 3 = 3

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Simply supported
beam with hinged
2 +
2 =4

Fig. 1.10. Stable and indeterminate to one degree

No. of reactions possible = 4

No. of Equations of equilibrium available = 3

Degree of External indeterminacy = 4 - 3 = 1

Continuous beam

3 + 1 + 2 + 2=8

Fig. 1.11. Stable & externally indeterminate to 5th degree

1.11 Plane Trusses

Determine the external, internal and total degree of indeterminacy and conditions of stability
of the trusses shown in fig 1.12 through 1.15

4 8

2 3 5 7 9 11

1 6 10

Fig. 1.12

External Indeterminacy:

Total number of external reaction components for general loading (R) = 8

Number of equilibrium equations (r) = 3

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Degree of External indeterminacy E = R – r = 8 – 3 = 5

Internal indeterminacy: Number of members = m = 11

Number of joints = j = 7

Degree of internal indeterminacy I = m – (2j – r) = 11 – 2(7) + 3 = 14 – 14 = 0

Hence internally determinate

Total degree of indeterminacy = E + I = 5 + 0 = 5


4 6 12 15

1 3 5 7 9 14 16 18

2 8 13 17

Fig. 1.13

External Indeterminacy:

Total number of external reaction components for general loading (R) = 3

Number of equilibrium equations (r) = 3

Degree of External indeterminacy E = R – r = 3 – 3 = 0

Hence externally determinate

Internal indeterminacy: Number of members = m = 18

Number of joints = j = 10

Degree of internal indeterminacy I = m – (2j – r) = 18 – 2(10) + 3 = 21 – 20 = 1

Total degree of indeterminacy = E + I = 0 + 1 = 1


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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

2 6 10 13

1 3 5 7 16
9 12 14

4 8 11 15

Fig 1.14

External Indeterminacy:

Total number of external reaction components for general loading (R) = 3

Number of equilibrium equations (r) = 3

Degree of External indeterminacy E = R – r = 3 – 3 = 0

Hence externally determinate

Internal indeterminacy: Number of members = m = 17

Number of joints = j = 10

Degree of internal indeterminacy I = m – (2j – r) = 17 – 2(10) + 3 = 20 – 20 = 0

Even though the internal degree of indeterminacy becomes zero, the structure is
unstable due to no inclined panel member available in one of the panels.

Total degree of indeterminacy no question to calculate because the structure is unstable



7 8

5 6

Fig 1.15

External Indeterminacy:

Total number of external reaction components for general loading (R) = 2

Number of equilibrium equations (r) = 3

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Degree of External indeterminacy E = R – r = 2 – 3 = -1

Hence externally unstable

Internal indeterminacy: Number of members = m = 9

Number of joints = j = 6

Degree of internal indeterminacy I = m – (2j – r) = 9 – 2(6) + 3 = 12 – 12 = 0

Even though the internal degree of indeterminacy becomes zero, the structure is
unstable due to supports being rollers which are not able to exert a restriction against horizontal

Total degree of indeterminacy no question to calculate because the structure is unstable


W M =0
4 7 10 12 15
6 9 14 16 19
3 5 11 A 13 17

Fig 1.16

External Indeterminacy:

Total number of external reaction components for general loading (R) = 4

Number of equilibrium equations + one condition equation (r) = 3 + 1 = 4

Degree of External indeterminacy E = R – r = 4 – 4 = 0

Internal indeterminacy: Number of members = m = 20

Number of joints = j = 12

The number of equilibrium equations + one condition equation ie (r) = 3+1 = 4

The condition equation at joint A : ΣM at the joint A = 0

Degree of internal indeterminacy I = m – (2j – r) = 20 – 2(12) + 4 = 24 – 24 = 0

Hence the structure is internally stable

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Total degree of indeterminacy = E + I = 0 + 0 = 0 ie the structure is determinate

Condition equations

In indeterminate structural analysis, the number of equilibrium equations may be used to construct some limited
number of equations to solve for limited number of unknowns only. Where special internal conditions of
construction exist, it is possible to write additional statical equations for use in the determination of unknowns. Such
equations are called condition equations. Some of such condition equations can be (a) bending moment at an
internal hinge is zero, (b) vertical deflection at firm supports is zero, (c) algebraic sum of bending moments at the
ends of members joining at a joint is zero etc.

1.12 Degree of indeterminacy for multistoreyed frame

Method 1: Consider the two bay two storeyed frame shown in the fig 1.17.

External indeterminacy: Total number of external reactions = 9

Hence the degree of external indeterminacy = R – r = 9 – 3 = 6




Fig 1.17

Internal indeterminacy:

Consider the upper storey. Let the number of vertical members in the storey be x. Number of
internal reactions corresponding to x vertical members is 3x. Since three statical equations of
equilibrium are available the degree of internal redundancy for this storey is

3x – 3 = 3(x – 1)

If there are n number of storeys and each storey has x vertical members, then the degree of
internal redundancy would be 3(x – 1)(n – 1).

If the number of vertical members is different for different storeys, say x1 for the first storey and
x2 for the second storey etc.,

Total degree of internal indeterminacy = 3(x2 – 1)+3(x3 – 1)+ ….. +3(xn – 1)

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

= 3(x2+ x3+…..+ xn) – 3(n – 1)

(x2+ x3+…..+ xn) = Total number of columns in the upper storeys excluding the first storey.

= m (say)

Therefore degree of internal indeterminacy = 3m – 3(n – 1) = 3(m – n + 1)

In our case, m = 3, n = 2, The degree of internal indeterminacy = 3(3 – 2 + 1) = 6

Total degree of Indeterminacy = 6 + 6 = 12

Determine the degree of indeterminacy for the following multistoreyed frames given in fig.
1.18 and 1.19


Fig 1.18

External indeterminacy: Total number of external reactions = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6

Hence the degree of external indeterminacy = R – r = 6 – 3 = 3

Internal indeterminacy: Total number of columns in the higher storeys = m = 2

Number of storeys = n = 2

Degree of internal indeterminacy = 3(m – n + 1) = 3(2 – 2 + 1) = 3

Total degree of indeterminacy = 3 + 3 = 6

G External indeterminacy: Total number of
F H external reactions = 3 + 3 + 2 = 8

Hence the degree of external indeterminacy =

W R–r=8–3=5

D E Internal indeterminacy:

Total number of columns in the higher storeys =

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C 2 1 (CEng 2311) Page 11
Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Fig 1.19

Method 2: In the previous method, it was established that the internal indeterminacy for a
storey can be said as 3(x – 1) where x is the number of vertical members in that storey. But (x –
1) represents the number of bays in the storey.

Therefore, degree of internal indeterminacy = 3 * (total number of bays in the upper storeys
except the bottom storey.

For the frame in fig 1.17,

Degree of internal indeterminacy = 3 * (number of bays in upper storeys) = 3 * 2 = 6 (as before)

If there are internal hinges, the above equation can be modified as Degree of internal
indeterminacy = 3 * (number of bays in upper storeys) – Number of restraints added in internal
hinges to form a continuous member

Method 3: Consider the frame shown in fig. 1.17. If all the horizontal members are cut at the
span portion, the structure simplifies to three vertical cantilevers, which are externally
determinate. At each cuts, there are three unknown reactions.

Number of cuts in case of frame in fig. 1.17 = 4

Hence the total degree of indeterminacy = 3 * number of cut sections = 3 * 4 = 12.

If there are hinged or roller supports, then the vertical cantilever cannot be stable. Hence to
make the vertical cantilevers determinate ones, restraints have to be added.

In that case, total degree of indeterminacy

= 3 * number of cut sections – number of restraints added at the roller or/and hinged supports

In the frame shown in figure 1.18,

Number of cut sections possible = 3;

Number of restraints added = 2 (for one roller) + 1 (for one hinge) = 3

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

Hence total degree of indeterminacy = (3 * 3) – 3 = 6 (as before)

Method 4: The total degree of indeterminacy can also be found by this method. The internal
forces in a skeletal structural member are completely defined throughout the member once the
axial force, shear force and bending moment are determined at any point along the member.
Thus, three member actions must be determined for each member of the structure. Thus, if m is
taken to represent the actual number of member, and R continues to represent the actual
number of independent reaction components, then there are (3m + R) unknown quantities that
must be determined.

To determine these unknown quantities, three equation of equilibrium at each joint of the
structure can be generated. In addition, there may be equilibrium equations that can be written
by virtue of condition of construction. Thus, if there are j joints in the structure and n condition
equation, then there are (3j + n) equation available for the solution. Thus,
(3m + R) = (3j + n) is the relationship that must be satisfied if a plane rigid frame is to be statically

Method 5: A rigid jointed frame is statically determinate internally if its members form an open
configuration. An open configuration here means that there are no loops or closed cells. Any
one of the following two checks may be applied to verify that the structural configuration is open.

1. Starting from any point on the structure and proceeding along any route, it is impossible
to return to the same point without retracing the path.
2. It is impossible to make a cut anywhere in the structure without splitting the structure in
to two separate parts.

If a rigid structure does not have an open configuration, the structure is internally indeterminate.

For a rigid jointed plane frame, internal indeterminacy = 3 * Number of cuts to make a
determinate structure.

Consider the frame shown in fig 1.17,

The number of cuts to make a determinate structure = 2

(One possible way of cuts is shown in fig 1.20)

Fig 1.20
The degree of internal indeterminacy = 3 * 2 = 6 (as before)

For rigid jointed space frame, the degree of internal indeterminacy = 6 * Number of cuts to make
a determinate structure.

Determine the external, internal and total degree of static indeterminacy for the frame shown
in fig. 1.21
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Chapter B
1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy
C and Stability of Structures


M=0 at

Fig 1.21

In this problem number of internal hinges = 1 ie hinge H1; H2 is to be considered as external

hinge. Hence H1 has to be considered for the internal degree calculations; H2 has to be
considered for external degree calculations.

External degree of indeterminacy: Total number of external reactions R = 3 + 2 + 1 = 6

Total number of reactions required for stability = 3, number of condition equations externally = 1

Hence r = 3 + 1 = 4 Degree of external indeterminacy = R – r = 6 – 4 = 2

Internal Degree of Indeterminacy: Number of bays in the upper floor = 1

Number of internal hinges = 1

Degree of internal indeterminacy = 3 * (number of bays in upper storeys) – Number of restraints

added in internal hinges to form a continuous member = 3*1 – 1 = 2

Total degree of indeterminacy by vertical cantilever method:

Number of cuts possible = 3 (in the span of DE, EF and GH)

Number of restraints added = 1*3(for 2 member hinges and one hinge support) + 2 (for roller
support) = 5

Total degree of indeterminacy = 3*Number of cuts – Restraints added = (3*3) – 5 = 4

In the frame, Number of members m = 8, Number of joints j = 8, Number of reactions R = 6,

Condition equations = 2

Hence, 3m + R = 3 * 8 + 6 = 30; 3j + n = 3 * 8 + 2 = 26; 3m + R > 3j + n

The structure is indeterminate, the total degree of indeterminacy = 30 – 26 = 4 (as before)

1.13 Degree of kinematic indeterminacy

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

A skeletal structure is said to be kinematically indeterminate if the displacement components of

its joints cannot be determined by compatibility equations alone. In the case of kinematic
indeterminate structure, the number of unknown displacement components is greater than the
number of compatibility equations. For these structures additional equations based on
equilibrium must be written in order to obtain sufficient number of equations for the
determination of all the unknown displacement components. The number of these additional
equations necessary for the determination of all the independent displacement components is
known as the degree of kinematic indeterminacy or the degree of freedom.

Pin jointed frame: Each joint of a pin jointed plane frame has two independent displacement
components (translation in x and y directions). The number of compatibility equations can be
said as equal to the number of constraints imposed by the support conditions (R).

Hence, Kinematic indeterminacy of a pin jointed plane frame = 2j – R

Similarly for pin jointed space frame, the independent displacement components per joint are 3
(translation in x, y and z directions)

Hence, Kinematic indeterminacy of a pin jointed space frame = 3j – R

Rigid jointed frame: Each joint of a rigid jointed plane frame has three independent
displacement components (translation in x and y directions & rotation in z direction). The
number of compatibility equations (c) can be said as equal to the number of constraints imposed
by the support conditions (R) plus other factors such as the inextensibility of members. If there
are ‘m’ number of members which are inextensible,

Kinematic indeterminacy of a rigid jointed plane frame = 3j – c = 3j – (R + m)

Similarly for rigid jointed space frame, the independent displacement components per joint is 6
(translation and as well as rotation in x, y and z directions)

Hence, Kinematic indeterminacy of a rigid jointed space frame = 6j – c = 6j – (R + m)

Determine the kinematic indeterminacy of the pin jointed plane frame shown in the fig. 1.22

Kinematic indeterminacy of a pin jointed plane frame = 2j – R

In our problem, number of joints j = 6,

Number of restrictions imposed by supports = 3

Hence Kinematic indeterminacy = (2 * 6) – 3 = 9 Fig.1.22

Determine the kinematic indeterminacy of the pin jointed space frame shown in the fig. 1.23

Kinematic indeterminacy of a pin jointed space frame = 3j – R

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

In our problem, number of joints j = 4,

Number of restrictions imposed by supports = 6

Hence Kinematic indeterminacy = (3 * 4) – 6 = 6 Fig.1.23

Determine the kinematic indeterminacy of the fixed beam with internal hinges shown in the
fig. 1.24, without considering inextensibility of members (Assume members are extensible)

Kinematic indeterminacy of plane rigid frame = 3j – R

In our problem, number of joints j = 4,

Number of restrictions imposed by supports R = 6 Fig.1.24

Hence Degree of freedom = (3 * 4) – 6 = 6

(The 6 degree of freedom are the two translations in x and y directions and one rotation in z
direction of the two internal hinges)

Determine the kinematic indeterminacy of the plane rigid frame shown in the fig. 1.25,
considering inextensibility of members (Assume members are inextensible)



A Fig.1.25

Kinematic indeterminacy of a rigid jointed plane frame = 3j – c = 3j – (R + m)

In our problem, number of joints j = 8,

Number of restrictions imposed by supports R = 6

Number of inextensible members = 8 (5 column members & 3 beam members)

Hence Degree of Kinematic indeterminacy = (3 * 8) – (6 + 8) = 10

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Chapter 1: Determinacy, Indeterminacy and Stability of Structures

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