Class 5 Maths

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 What is fraction? A fraction is a numerical quantity that is not a whole number.

For example,
½ is a fraction of
1 as numerator and
2 as a denominator

Fractions having the same denominator are called like fractions.

For example,
½,3/2, 5/2, 7/2, are
all like fractions.

 Fractions having different denominators are called, unlike fractions.

For example,
½, 2/3, ¾, 4/5,
are all unlike fractions

 A fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator is called proper fraction.
For example,
8/9, 7/8, 6/7, 5/6
are all proper fractions.

 A fraction whose numerator is greater than the denominator is called improper fraction.
For example,
3/2, 4/3, 5/4, 6/5
are all improper fractions.
Fractions which represent same or equal values are called equivalent
For example,
1/3, 2/6, 3/9, 4/12
are all equivalent fractions

EXAMPLE 1: Find the fraction of shaded and unshaded part.

SOLUTION: Total Part= 8 Fraction of shaded part= 3/8 Fraction of unshaded part= 5/8

EXAMPLE 2: Find the fraction of red balls, green balls and blue balls.
SOLUTION: Total number of balls= 10 Number of red balls= 4

Fraction of red balls= 4/10= 2/5

Fraction of green balls= 5/10= ½

Fraction of blue balls= 1/10

Fraction as a division

 Any fraction can be expressed as a division by writing its numerator as dividend and
denominator as divisor


= Dividend ÷ Divisor


EXAMPLE 1: Write 1÷2 as a fraction.


EXAMPLE 2: Write 2/3 as division.

To convert a mixed no. into an improper fraction & vice versa

 To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction multiply the quotient with the divisor and
add the product with remainder in the numerator. The denominator will contain the divisor.

 To convert an improper fraction into a mixed number, divide the numerator of the fraction by the
denominator. Write the quotient as the whole number. The remainder in the numerator and the
divisor in the denominator.

Finding and checking equivalent fraction

 To find the equivalent fraction to a given fraction, divide or multiply the numerator or
denominator by the same number. (other than zero)

 To check for equivalent fractions, we need two equivalent fraction.

SOLUTION: 2x4=8 3X3=9 8≠9

Hence, the fractions are not equal.

Find the greater fraction!

To find a fraction in its lowest term

 A fraction is in its lowest term when the numerator and the denominator don’t have a common
factor, except 1.
 There are two methods of finding a fraction in its lowest term. They are:
Method 1:
Divide the numerator
and denominator with their
common factor till we are left
with only the common factor 1

Method 2:
Divide the numerator
and denominator of the
given fraction with their HCF.

To find the fraction of a number or quantity

 Divide the number by the denominator. Then, multiply the quotient so obtained by the

EXAMPLE 1: A group has 120 children. 4/5 of them are girls. Find the number of boys.

No. of boys= (120-96) = 24

EXAMPLE 2: Find 1/4 of a year in months.

SOLUTION: A year has 12 months.

¼ X 12 = 3 months [ANS]

To compare unlike fractions

 First find the LCM of the denominators of the given fractions.

 Then convert the unlike fractions into equivalent like fraction with LCM as their common
 Compare the like fractions.

Convert mixed fractions

into improper fractions to
compare them.

To add/subtract unlike fractions

 Find the LCM of the denominator of unlike fraction.

 Then convert the unlike fraction into equivalent like fraction with LCM as common
 Add/subtract the like fraction so obtained.

EXAMPLE 1: Add/subtract ½ and/from 1/6.

SOLUTION: LCM of 2 and 6 is = 2x3=6 2|2,6 1,3

Reciprocal of a fractional number

 When the product of two fraction is 1, we say that each of the fraction is the reciprocal or
multiplicative inverse of the other.

Division of fractions

 Division is repeated subtraction.

 Division by a fraction is same as multiplication by its reciprocal.
0 has no reciprocal.
The reciprocal of 1 is 1.
0 divided by any non-zero number = 0
Practice these questions


 LCM of denominators is to be found only while performing addition or subtraction of unlike

 While multiplying fractions we can change their order, but the product remains the same.
(commutative property)
 If a fraction is multiplied by 0, the product is always zero.
 If a fraction is multiplied by 1, the product is the same fraction.
 A fraction is in the lowest term when the only common factor between the numerator and the
denominator is 1
 If any of the fraction is a mixed number or a whole number, change it to an improper function
and then multiply.

Quiz for Fractions

Q.1 Which one is a proper fraction?

a) 44/11

b) 24/6

c) 19/78

d) 7 1/11


We all have heard of this word in the field of mathematics as well as in our everyday lives. For
example when we divide a chocolate in two pieces, it is a fraction. When we eat half of an apple
it’s a fraction. In mathematics fraction plays a very important role and let’s find out how?


Understanding Fractions

A fraction consists of two parts:

1. Numerator: The part which is written above the horizontal line is called as numerator.
2. Denominator: The part which is written below the sleeping line horizontal line is called
as denominator.

Thus a number is written above and a below the horizontal line and then the arrangement is
called as fraction.


Types of Fractions

There are three types of fractions

1. Proper Fraction: - Fraction whose numerator is less than the denominator is called a
proper fraction.

Example 2: 1/4, 5/8, 3/5, 4/7, etc.

2. Improper Fraction: Fraction whose numerator is either equal or greater than the

Example 3: 5/2, 7/4, 9/7, 13/11, 2/2, etc.

3. Mixed Fraction: - A combination of a whole number and fraction together is called

mixed fraction.

Example 4: Convert the fraction 17/4 in mixed fraction.


Example 5: Solve the above example.

Solution: To solve this we will follow 3 steps

 Multiply the whole no. with denominator. (2 x 3 = 6).

 Add the answer obtained in step 1 to the numerator

(6 +1 = 7).

 Place the result obtained in step 2 in the place of numerator and the denominator remains the

Hence the fraction becomes 7/3 which is an improper fraction.

There is another category of fractions called as

Equivalent Fractions: Those fractions which look different but on solving become same.
 To find an equivalent fraction of a given fraction, you may multiply both the numerator and the
denominator of the given fraction by the same number.


 To find an equivalent fraction, we may divide both the numerator and the denominator by the
same number.

 A fraction is said to be in the simplest (or lowest) form if its numerator and denominator have no
common factor except 1 andHCF helps us to reduce a fraction to its lowest form.

Like and Unlike Fractions

Fractions with same denominators are called like fractions. For example 2/3, 4/3, 5/3 etc are all
like fractions.

Fractions which don’t have same denominators are called as Unlike Fractions. For example,
2/5, 4/7, ½, etc. is unlike fractions

Comparing Fractions

Comparing means to find out some characteristics like which one is smaller and which is greater
when two or more numbers are observed together which means compared together.
Here we are going to compare two fractions whose denominators are same that is they
are like fractions.

Now observe the numerator, the fraction whose numerator is greater will be the greater fraction.

Example 7: Compare who is greater 6/7 or 5/7.

Solution: Here both the fractions have the same denominator and hence on observing the
numerators we get that 6 is greater than 5 there 6/7 is greater than 5/7.

6/7 > 5/7

When we have to compare two fractions which don’t have same denominators that is they are
unlike fractions then we will compare them in the following manner:

1. a) Check if the numerator is same or not, if yes then the fraction with the lower value of
denominator will be greater.
2. b) If the numerator is not same then try to make the either the numerator or denominator
of both the fractions same then use the previous steps.

Computing operations on fractions

As we all know that addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are the computing

Here we are going to study only the first two computation operations on fractions.

Addition and Subtraction of Fractions

Two fractions with the same denominator can be added or subtracted by using the two steps:

 Observe that the denominators of both the fractions are same.

 Add or subtract the numerators as asked in the questions.

Example 8: Add and subtract 4/5 and 3/5.

Solution: As we can see the denominators of both the fractions is same and hence we can
add and subtract them by using the numerators.

Therefore, 4/5 + 3/5 = 7/5 and 4/5 – 3/5 = 1/5.

 When the denominators are different then we will take the LCM of the denominators to make the
denominators same and multiply the same factor with numerator and then add or subtract the
numerators as asked in the question.

Practice Questions
Question 1:Write the natural numbers from 102 to 113. What fraction of them are prime
Question 2: Which one is smaller 1/13 or 13/13?

Question 3: Solve the mixed fraction 5 ½.

Question 4: State True or False:

4. 3/4 > 1/4.

5. 5/9 = 10/18.
6. 12/13 < 9/13.
7. 13 /11 is an improper fraction.
8. 11/11 is a proper fraction.
9. 15/17 is a proper fraction.

Question 6: Compute the answers of the following:

1. 4/3 + 5/2 = ?
2. 17/12 – 15/6 = ?
3. 5/2 + 1/4 = ?


 The part of a whole is fraction.

 Numerator and denominator are the parts of a fraction.
 Fractions can only contain integers
 If denominators are same then we can compare the fractions by comparing the numerators.
 If Numerator > or = Denominator then improper fraction.
 If Numerator < Denominator then proper fraction.
 A fraction is said to be in the simplest (or lowest) form if its numerator and the denominator have
no common factor except 1.
Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals

Roman numerals were originated in ancient Rome to calculate the numbers and values.

The number system we are using is Hindu-Arabic Numeral System.

How To Read Roman Numerals

Once you remember these seven symbols , reading roman numerals is very easy.

Have a look on roman numerals from 1-10.

If a symbol is repeated, its value increased as many times as it occurs, but the same symbol
cannot be used more than 3 times.

Example:I = 1, II=2, III = 3

                 X = 10, XX = 20, XXX = 30

Did you observe that we cannot use the same symbol more than 3 times?

There is no numeral value for zero.

So, there are seven basic symbols that we use to read and write roman numerals:

 How to Write Other Numbers?

 If a symbol of lower value is written to the left of greater value symbol, then its value is
subtracted from the value of the greater symbol.
If a symbol of greater value is written to the left of lower value symbol, then their values are


Practice Exercise

Write the Roman Numerals for following numbers:

 6
 28
 39
 50
 64

Answers: 1) VI   2) XXVIII   3) XXXIX   4) L   5) LXIV

 Write the numbers for following:

 C

Answers: 1) 7   2) 14   3) 29   4) 49   5) 100

 Match the Roman Numerals with Numbers:

V 60
XII 30
LX 104
XXX 12

V 5
XII 12
LX 60
CIV 104
XXX 30

 Roman numerals are represented with symbols.

 There is no roman numeral for zero.
 We cannot use same symbol more than 3 times.
 Important symbols: V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500,M=1000

Quiz for Roman Numerals

Q.1 Add XII and XIV

a) 20

b) 24

c) 26

d) 29

Basic Geometrical Ideas

Geometry in Mathematics is very important branch of Mathematics; it includes all the shapes,
size, and relative position of figures and the properties of space. Here we are going to learn about
the basics of different shapes, what are their properties and more importantly about their

Geometry is derived from a Greek work called “Geometron" .Geo means Earth and metron
means measurement.

 A pointin geometry is a location.

 It has no size i.e. no width, no length and no depth and the pointis shown by a dot.

 In Mathematics a lineis a straight one-dimensional figure, which has no thickness and can extend
infinitely in both directions.

 Here an important point is to be remembered that a line is always straight and has no end points.

 A line segment is a type of line which has definite end points that is its length can only be
infinite if the two end points are very-very far from each other.

 In a line segment all the points will lie within those end points.

 A rayis a part of a line that has one endpoint and goes on infinitely in only one direction.

Intersecting Lines: If two lines have atleast one common point then these are called as
intersecting lines.

Parallel Line: If two lines never meet that is they don’t have any common point are called as

In mathematics any figure which is not straight can be termed as curve, thus in simple words we
can say that a curve is a line but it need not to be straight.

There are basically two types of curves

1. a) Open curve: The curve whose two ends don’t meet are called as open curve.
2. b) Closed curve: The curve whose two end points finally meet are called as closed curve.

In geometry, a polygon is a plane figure made by atleast 3 line segments joined in such a manner
to obtain a closed figure.


 When two rays start from a common end point then an angle is made at the common end points.

 The two rays forming the angle are called the arms or sides of the angle.

 The common end point is the vertex of the angle.

While writing the name of an angle the name of the vertex is always written in the middle
Obtuse Angle: When the angle is greater than 90°.

Acute Angle: When the angle is less than 90°.

Right Angle: When the angle is exactly 90°.


A triangle is 3 sided polygon which means it is made from three line segments which are joined
in such a way to form a closed figure. And this closed figure is called as Triangle.

A four sided polygon is called as quadrilateral. Squares, Rectangles, Parallelograms are all
Here angle BAC and angle DCB are called as opposite angles and same with angle ADC and
angle ABC.

And angle BAD and angle ADC are called as adjacent angles.


 A circle is a simple closed curve which is not a polygon.

 It is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point called the

 The curve traced out by a point which moves such that its distance from a fixed point called
Centre is constant.

 The distance from Centre to the point is called as the radius of the circle.
 A chord of a circle is a line segment joining any two points on the circle.
 A diameter is a chord passing through the Centre of the circle.

 A sector is the region in the interior of a circle enclosed by an arc on one side and a pair of radii
on the other two sides.

 A segment of a circle is a region in the interior of the circle enclosed by an arc and a chord.

 The diameter of a circle divides it into two semi-circles.

Practice Questions

Q1) Differentiate between Line, Line Segment and Ray.

Q2) How many sides are there in a triangle?

Q3) Try to find out and identify different shapes present in your class and home.


 A point determines a location.

 A line segment corresponds to the shortest distance between two points.

 Two distinct lines meeting at a point are called intersecting lines and two lines in a plane are said
to be parallel if they do not meet.

 A polygon is a simple closed curve made up of line segments.

 A chord of a circle is a line segment joining any two points on the circleand diameter is a chord
passing through Centre.

 A triangle is a three-sided polygon whereas a quadrilateral is a four sided polygon.

 Geometry is the branch of mathematics that focuses on the measurement and relationship of
lines, angles, surfaces, solids, and points.

An angle is the combination of two rays with a common end-point.

 Angle is measured in degrees. A degree is denoted by °.

The types of angle are: acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, complete angle, zero angle, reflex
angle, and straight angle.
Acute Angle: An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees but greater than 0 degrees.
Obtuse Angle: An angle whose measure is less than 180 degrees but greater than 90 degrees.
Right Angle: An angle whose measure is 90 degrees is called right angle.
Complete Angle: An angle whose measure is 360 degrees is called complete angle.
Zero Angle: If the measure of an angle is zero, its called zero angle.
Reflex Angle: An angle whose measure is greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees is
called reflex angle.
Straight Angle: An angle whose measure is 180 degrees is called straight angle.

Note: 360 degrees angle and 0 degree angle are different. In 360 degrees, there is one full
rotation of one ray with respect to another. While in zero angle, there is no such rotation. Both
rays in 0 degree angle lie on the same plane.

Construction of a 20 degree angle using ruler and compass.


Lines are= AB, BC, CD, DE, EF, FA, AC, CE


 A circle is a shape with all points the same distance from its centre. Area of a circle= X R2

 A triangle is a plane figure with three straight sides and three angles.
 On the basis of sides, triangles are classified into: Scalene (all sides are different), Isosceles
(Two sides are equal), Equilateral (All sides are equal)

 On the basis of angels, triangles are divided into: acute(all angles are acute), right(one angle is 90
degree), Obtuse(one angle is obtuse), Equiangular(all angles are equal).


 In geometry, a cubeis a three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, sides, with
three meeting at each vertex.
EXAMPLE 1: The radius of the circle is 3 cm. Find its diameter, circumference, and area.

SOLUTION: Diameter= 2 X Radius = 2 X 3 = 6 cm

Circumference= 2 X X R = 2 X X 3= 18.84 cm Area= X R2 = X (3)2= 28.27 cm2

EXAMPLE 2: Find the number of triangles in the following figure and name them.

SOLUTION:Number of triangles= 3

They are= triangle ABC, triangle CDE, triangle AEF

triangle ABC= Right angle triangle
triangle CDE= Isosceles Triangle
triangle AEF= Right Angle Triangle
Perimeter and Area of Squares and Rectangles

 Area is a quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape in the plane.

Area of a rectangular surface= Length X Breadth units2

Area of a square surface= a X a = a2 units2

EXAMPLE 1: Find the area and perimeter of a rectangle with length 1cm and breadth 2cm

SOLUTION: Perimeter= 2 X (Length + Breadth) = 2 X (1+2)= 6 cm

Area= Length X Breadth= 1cm X 2cm= 2cm2

EXAMPLE 2: Find the area and perimeter of a square with side 3cm.

SOLUTION: Perimeter= 4 X 3 cm= 12cm

Area= 3cm X 3cm= 9cm2
Practice these questions
Q1) Name the angles.
Q2) Classify the triangles.
Q3) Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle. (Hint: Divide the irregular rectangles into two
regular rectangles.)
Q4) Find the area and perimeter of the square below.


 Only a surface can have area.

 Perimeter of rectangle= 2 X (Length + Breadth)
Perimeter of square= 4 X a
 Area of rectangle= Length X Breadth
Area of square= A2
 Area of Circle=
 Circumference= 2 X X R
 Diameter = 2 X Radius
 There are 7 angles= acute, obtuse, reflex, complete, zero, right, and straight angle.
 On the basis of sides, there are 3 triangles= scalene, isosceles, equilateral triangle.
 On the basis of angle, there are 4 triangles = acute, obtuse, right, and equiangular triangle

 A decimal is a fraction whose denominator is a power of ten and whose numerator is expressed
by figures placed to the right of a decimal point.

For example, 123.45 is a decimal number. The digits to the left of the point are an integral part or
whole number part and digits to the right of the point are decimal part or fractional part.

 Given below is how we write the decimal number on the place value chart:

Converting Fractions With 10, 100 As Denominators into Decimals

STEP 1: Consider the fraction and

STEP 2: Now, write 3 in tenths () place for . And write 4 at hundredths place for .
SOLUTION: The last digit in the numerator (2) will be written in tenths place as the number 12
is divided by 10.

In the place value chart, numbers are written from the right side to left. Because of this the
number 1 will be written left of the decimal point.

SOLUTION: The last digit in the numerator, 3, will be written in hundredths place as the
number, 123, is divided by 100.
The direction of writing the number in the place value chart is from right to left. Because of this
2 will be written at tenths place and 1 will be written at one’s place.

EXAMPLE 1: Convert 1.03 into a fraction.

SOLUTION: The number of digits in the decimal part is 2. [ Count 0 as a significant digit if it

is in between decimal point and
the lowest place value.]
Write a fraction and decimal number equivalent for the shaded portion.

EXAMPLE 2: Convert 012.340 into a fraction.


Don’t Count 0 as a significant digit:

i) If it is placed left of the highest place value.
ii) If it is placed right of the lowest place value after the decimal point.

Like and unlike decimals

 Decimals having the same number of decimal places are called like decimals.

For example,
23, 2.34, 3.45
each has 2 decimal
places. Hence, these are
like decimals.
 Decimals not having the same number of decimal places are called, unlike

For example,
1.2, 2.34, 3.456
each has decimal
places 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
Decimal places are not same. Hence,
these are unlike decimals.
EXAMPLE 1: Convert 6.7, 7.89, 8.901 to like decimals.

SOLUTION: 6.7 has 1 decimal place.

7.89 has 2 decimal places.
8.901 has 3 decimal places.
The highest number of decimal place is 3.
Hence, we have to put two 0 in 6.7 to make it 3 decimal places. And
one 0 in 7.89 to make it three decimal places. Now, the numbers are 6.700, 7.890, and 8.901 and
these 3 are like decimals.

Ordering of decimals

 Decimals can be arranged in ascending order and descending order. In ascending order, the
smallest number is placed first and largest number is placed last. In descending order, the largest
number is placed first and smallest number is placed last.

EXAMPLE 1: Arrange the three decimal numbers 1.203, 1.23, and 0.5 in ascending order.

SOLUTION: In a table, they look like this:

Compare using the first column(Ones)
Two of them are 1 while the last one is 0. Ascending order needs smallest first. Hence, 0.5 is
taken out.

 Now the table looks like:

 The tenths value, 2, is same for both the numbers. So, we will move to hundredth’s place. One
number has 0 in hundredth while the other has 6. 0<6, so the next smallest number is 1.203
 Hence, the numbers in ascending order are5, 1.203, 1.23. [ANS]

EXAMPLE 2: Arrange the number 1.24, 0.35, 67.891 in descending order.

SOLUTION: In a place value chart, the numbers look like this:


 Compare the next column(Ones).

1>0. Hence, the next largest number is 1.240.
 Thus, the numbers in descending order are 67.891>1.24>0.35>. [ANS]

Addition and subtraction of decimal

 To add decimal numbers, insert zeros in empty decimal place values so that all of the numbers
will have same decimal places.

For example,
2+2.34+8 will
be written as 1.20+2.34+8.00
 To subtract a small decimal number from a larger decimal number, write them down with the
larger one on top and the decimal points underneath one another. Then calculate the subtraction
as you would for whole numbers.

EXAMPLE 1: Add 1.2 + 34.56 + 789.012

Answer: 23.26

Multiplication of a decimal number by a whole number

 Each time we multiply a decimal number by a power of 10, the decimal point is moved one place
to the right.

For example, see the following table:

0.123 X 1 = 0.123
0.123 X 10 = 1.23
0.123 X 100 = 12.3

 The total decimal digits in the multiplicand and multiplier should be equal to the decimal digits
in the product.
For example,
2 X 2 = 2.4 (1 decimal digit)

EXAMPLE 1: An electrician earns Rs.12.34 per hour. If he worked 256 hours this month, then
how much did he earn?


Money earned by the electrician=Rs. (12.34 X 256)

Hence, the electricians earned Rs.3130.88 for 256 hours of work. [ANS]

EXAMPLE 2: Which is greater: 12.3 X 40 or 123 X 4?

SOLUTION: 12.3 X 40 = 12.3 X (10 X 4) = (12.3 X 10) X 4 = 123 X 4 Hence, 12.3 X 40 and

123 X 4 are both equal.
Division of a decimal number by 10, 100, 1000

 The common way to divide decimals by powers of ten is to move the decimal point left as many
steps as there are zeros in the number 10, 100, 1000 etc.

Multiplication of a decimal number by a decimal number


Hence, 6.78 X 9.01 = 61.0878 [ANS]

Division of a decimal number by whole number & another decimal number

EXAMPLE 1: Divide the decimal number 23.45 by the whole number 5.

The quotient is 469. But, we had to put 0 twice to make the remainder divisible by 500.
Hence, put a decimal point 2 places from the lowest place value. [0 twice so 2 decimal

Therefore, the quotient is 4.69. [ANS]

EXAMPLE 2: Divide the decimal number 67.85 by another decimal number 2.5.

350 [Put 0]
1000 [Put 0]

The quotient is 2714. But, we added 0 twice. Because of this we have to put a decimal point
2 places left of the lowest place value. Hence, the answer is 27.14.

Converting a fractional number into decimal number

STEP 3: Write down 4 with decimal point 1 space from the right. (because 10 has 1 zero)

Answer= 0.4

EXAMPLE 2: Convert 16/3 into a decimal number.


STEP 1: There is no way to make 3 a multiple of 10, 100, or any 1 followed by any no. of zeros.

STEP 3: Now, 999 is nearly 1000, so let us write down 5333 with decimal point 3 spaces from
the right. (Because 1000 has 3 zeros)

Answer: 5.333 [Approx.]

Practice these questions

Q1) Convert the following decimal numbers into mixed fractions:
i)1.2 ii)23.45 iii)678.901

Q2) Arrange the decimal numbers in ascending order:

i)2.3, 1.34, 32.57, 0.89
ii) 1.23, 4.45, 6.35, 2.46, 2.57, 2.45

Q3) Arrange the decimal numbers in descending order:


Q4) Add the following numbers:

i)1.2+3.4 ii)56.78+90.12 iii)345.678+901.234

Q5) Subtract the following numbers:

i)5.6-3.4 ii) 78.901- 23.456 iii)234.567-56.789
Q6) Multiply the following numbers:
i) ii) 45.67 X 89.01 iii) 234.567 X 890.123

Q8) Subtract one and two-tenths from eleven and eighty-one hundredths.

Q9) If you ran 1km on Monday, 23.45 hm on Tuesday, 678.901 metres on Wednesday, how
many Kilometres did you run, total, for three days?

Q10) If you divide Rs.2345.6785 among 5 children, how much would each child get?


 Decimal numbers having equal number of decimal places are called like decimals.
 Decimal numbers having unequal number of decimal places are called unlike
 In XX.YY, the integral part is XX and the decimal part is YY
 While performing addition or subtraction always line up the decimal point.
 While performing multiplication of decimal numbers, the number of decimal places in the
product should be equal to the total decimal places in the multiplicand and multiplier.
 While performing division of decimal numbers, the total number of 0s added after the lowest
place value should be equal to the decimal places in the quotient.

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