02advantage1 MorePractice2

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Unit 2 More Practice


1 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use the correct form of the word where
controversial ■ convenient ■ costly ■ cutting-edge ■ enable ■ feature ■ invent ■ perform
search ■ upgrade
1 I think I’m going to have to my laptop.
2 This machine has the latest technology.
3 Franz uses his drone to all kinds of tricks and stunts.
4 This tablet has all the latest , including fingerprint recognition.
5 He is a very politician.
6 This app you to turn your photos into artwork.
7 You can for the price on the web.
8 It’s actually quite old technology – it was in the last century.
9 Maria says it’s very to have all her files in the cloud.
10 A new tablet is going to be quite .
2 Complete these sentences using collocations with keep and save involving the words below.
Use the correct form of the verb.
a diary ■ a promise ■ company ■ energy ■ life ■ posted ■ the day ■ the trouble ■ track of
1 When I lost my keys, Paul by climbing in through the bathroom window.
2 Look at how late it is! I wasn’t the time.
3 We will you of any change in our plans.
4 The firefighters his when his house caught fire.
5 I know Jim said that he wouldn’t let you down, but he never .
6 Jane has gone to her grandfather while her grandmother is away.
7 We bought a more expensive fridge-freezer because it will over the course of a year.
8 If you buy bread on the way home from work, it me of going out.
9 I used to when I was young, but I put everything in my computer nowadays.
3 Complete the sentences using the adjectives below.
aware ■ disappointed ■ interested ■ jealous ■ keen ■ proud
1 I think he might be quite on you!
2 Well done! You should be of yourself.
3 The company is very with these latest sales figures.
4 We are of the problem with deliveries and we’re doing everything we can to fix it.
5 He’s of you – you can see it in his face!
6 I’m in all kinds of photography.

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Unit 2 More Practice

4 The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them by replacing the words in bold.

1 We had to get off our bikes and push them over the tough ground.
2 Nuria will be leaving work early today in order to attempt the rush-hour traffic.
3 That was a really great campaign. I think you can be really aware of your team.
4 I don’t know where the dog is! He went stunning when we were in the woods.
5 Are you really going to buy that? I thought you were saving energy for your holiday.
6 I don’t think it’s skilful to wear high heels when hiking.
7 The search towards cloud storage is only going to increase over the coming years.
8 The upgrade of buying everything online is the huge amount of packaging that you have to dispose of.

5 Complete these sentences in a logical way. Pay attention to the words in bold.

1 If you do something wrong, you can save face by ......................................................................................................... .

2 One of the most convenient things about a tablet computer is .................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .
3 I am absolutely mad about ............................................................................................................................................................ .
4 The downside of living here is that .......................................................................................................................................... .
5 I always have to keep an eye on ................................................................................................................................................ .

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Unit 2 More Practice


1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets and the Future Perfect Simple or
Future Continuous.
1 They (play) against the best team in the league on Saturday.
2 We (not see) Eric until next week.
3 you (finish) your homework before they arrive?
4 Jack (go out) by the time I get home.
5 you (go) into the city centre today?
6 We (not have) time to organise that before the party.
7 That new shop (open) by the end of the week.
8 Sarah (organise) it – ask her.
2 Four sentences are incorrect. Write the sentences correctly.
1 Will you have done that by the end of the week?
2 The bus will leave by the time you’re ready.
3 I don’t think you will have eat this before.
4 What will you doing tomorrow after work?
5 Look out! You’re going to drop it!
6 Karen will be celebrating her birthday next Saturday.
7 They’ll be played football at 3.30, so call in the evening.
8 Nigel can keep a secret – he won’t tell anyone about it.

3 What do you think will happen by the year 2060? What will life be like? What will we be doing?
What will have happened by then? Write two sentences using the Future Perfect Simple and two
sentences using the Future Continuous.
Future Perfect Simple:
1 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Future Continuous:
1 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2 ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Unit 2 More Practice

4 Write complete sentences using the words below and the Future Perfect Simple or the
Future Continuous.
1 with any luck / we / increase / profits / by / the end / of the year / .

2 everyone / go / home / at that time / .


3 they / not leave / home / by then / .


4 the restaurant / close / by 11.30 / .


5 what time / game / start / tomorrow / ?


6 the company / upgrade / all its computers / next month / .


7 robots / do / all our work / in / 20 years’ time / .


8 we / plan / everything / by / the end / of the week / .


5 Complete the report using a suitable future tense.

Anyone who 1 (buy) a drone in the UK in future
(need to) register it and take a safety test under new rules being
drawn up to prevent collisions with passenger planes.
This year, ministers 3 (propose) measures that include punishment for
anyone who operates a drone in no-fly zones near airports and prisons.
There are already strict rules for users, but drones have become increasingly popular recently, and
are now available in high-street shops and online.
The government wants the drone industry, which 4 (increase) in value
to £100 billion by the middle of the next decade, to continue growing safely.
It is thought that more and more transport providers, emergency services and conservation groups
(use) drones to improve their services and respond to incidents.
Drones which 6
(fly) for commercial purposes may soon need the pilot
to be licensed. Allegedly, Amazon 7
(make) commercial deliveries
using drones in the near future.

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