Unit 1 - Friends Student Book

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Grammar Question forms. Tense review. Adverbs of frequency

Vocabulary Friendship expressions
UsefuI phrases Meeting friends unexpectedly

Speaking & Reading

1 Write down the names of three people who are important to you:
a) a relative; b) a friend; c) a famous person.

Ask a pafiner about the people they have chosen. Find out as much as you can.

2 Read the questionnaire about the American actor, David Schwimmer. According to
his answers, which of these famous people is the odd one out?

Dostoevsky Sophia Loren Mahatma Gandhi Martin Luther King

Leonardo da Vinci Chartie Chaplin Michael Jackson

David Schwimmer was born in New York and grew up in Los

Angeles. He appeared as Ross Geller in the popular TV show,
Friends. He's also a stage actor and a film director.

when were you happiest? Where would you like to tve?

Before lrealised my parents, sister Near the ocean, one day.
and I were alt mortal.
what is your guittiest pteasure?
What is your greatest fear? Pizza and tetevision, hopefutty
Besides death? Standing on stage together.
in front of thousands of peopte,
Who would you invite to your dream
forgetting what happens next, but
dinner party?
knowing l'm supposed to be doing
Dostoevsky, Sophia Loren, Mahatma
it. Also, being in the ocean alone
Gandhi, Gene Kelly, Martin Luther
and feeLing something large brush
King Jr, Leonardo da Vinci, Charlie
against my leg.
ChapLin, Cole Porter, Sade, my famity,
What is your earliest memory? my friends, my lady and a translator.
Diving off a piece of furniture and
when did you last cry, and why?
onto my parents'bed.
Three days ago, when I saw the
What or who is the greatest love of fiIm, Lo Vie en Rose. lt reminded me
your [ife? how brief our time is here, and how
The theatre. wonderful it is to falt in love.

ls it better to give or to receive? What song would you tike played at

I am atways happier giving, rather your funera[?
than receiving, a gift - and happiest Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough by
when I give anonymously. Michael Jackson.

Work with a pafiner. Look at the questionnaire and discuss what David Schwimmer
says about the following subjects. it's a
a) The theatre lt's the greltest loue of his life. good think
b) The ocean c) Gifts d) Pizza and television e) La Vie en Rose f) Love
he would like to live near the ocean he give gifts it's his pleasure he cry at this movie

Choose the five most interesting questions from the questionnaire and think about
your own answers. Work with a padner and compare your questions and answers.

4 Friends

Speaking & Grammar
1 Work with a partner. Match the beginnings (a-l) with the endings (1-12) of these

About you: Q&A

a) 1 you do for a living?
b) 2 music do you listen to?
c) 3 been to an English-speaking country?
d) Are ... 4 you doing at this time yesterday?
e) How often do you ... 5 do you come from?
0 What do ... 6 you lasi go on holiday?
8) What kind of ...
7 you studying for any exams at the moment?
h) How long ... 8 brothers and sisters have you got?
i) Have you ever . .. 9 do you admire most?
, When did ... 10 your name mean?
k) 1441at were .. .
11 have you been learning English?
1) Who... 12 see your parents?

Ask each other the questions. How many of your answers are the same?

Question forms Classify the questions a-l from the Q&A above in the following table of tenses.
A.ere does he come from?
Has he been here [ong?
ce fgl d i h
rt hat was he doing?
rt ho saw him first? j k
Which two tenses are not included in the Q&A?

Questions sometimes end in a preposition, for example questions a and g

in the Q&A above. Rewrite these questions in the corect order.
a) learnirrg / English / What / you / for / are / ?
What are yotL learning English for?
b) arc / at / solt of things / rNhat / good / ?
/ you
c) kind of things / tNhal / in / are / interested / yoLr / ?
d) money / you / on / do / spend / most / What / ?
e) clubs or groups / tdhat / lo / belong / you / do / ?
f) What / about,/ kind of things / you / do / worty / ?
8) lunch / you / usually ,/ Who / have / do / with / ?
h) in / you / do ,/ confide / \Nho / ?

Ask your partner the questions.

3.What sort of things are you gppd at? Look at these questions and answers. In which question is Who the subject?
What kind of things are you interested in?
What do you spend most money on? a) 'Who do you confide in?' 'I confide in fohn.'
What do you belong b) 'Who confides in you?' 'John confides in me.'
Who do you usually have lunch with?
Who do you confide in? Do you use the auxiliary do when Who, What or lMicL is the subject?

6 Look at these sentences. Write questions with Wfto.

6. Who remembers always my b-day?
Who wears the best clothes?
a) Jenly talks the most. d) Becky texts me the most.
Who texts me the most? IMo tnlks the most? e) David lives the closest to me.
Who lives the closet to me? b) Tom always remembers my birthday. f) Rick has knorm me the longest.
Who has known me the longest? c) Brad wears the best clothes.

Think about your close friends and answer the questions (a-f). Ask your partner.

1 S r.or Listen and repeat the fractions in the box.
1/z 1/s l+ 3/s a/s 1/e 3/to 1/zo

2 Match each percentage with the equivalent fraction.

a) 5'/. 1/za c) 25"k e) 33.3% g) 75%
b) 12.5./. d) 30% 0 50% h) 80%

S t.o2 Listen, check and repeat.

1 Write down the names of five ftiends. When was the last time you were in touch?
How did you communicate (face-to-face / by phone / online messaging / ... )?
Tell a partner.

2 Work with your partnet Read the results of a survey about keePing in touch with
friends. Read each statement (a-7) and decide which altemative is most likely to be true.

a) The average young person nas g+ I +A numbers in their mobile phone.

b) On average, young peopte communicate regutarly online and face'to'fuce with
5 / 53 friends.
c) The group who has the targest number of friends are girts / boys aged 14-2L'
d) Of alt the peopte surveyed, those who spend the most time ontine (3r hours per
week) are women I men aged zz-24.
e) over haLf of young people said that they like messaging because they can tatk
about more things than face-to-face / ifs cheap.
D The top messaging topic is work or school / gossip.
c) Technology has resulted in young people having more / fewer ctose friendships.
h) Technology has replaced / improved face-to-face interaction.
D Technologv makes young people happier / more stressed.

i) 5g'/. I 29% of young peopte prefer television to their computer.

S t,o3 Listen and check your ideas. Which are the mosUleast surprising results?

1 Three people (Adam, Carole and Sharon) were aske{'How do you
usually contact your friends?' Guess their answers and complete
their responses with the words in the box.

emails letters online phone Skype text

Adam Carole Sharon

'I (1) tuom time io 'I check mv (4) 'I never send (7) .

time. I usually speak on once a week. Iuse I (8) all the time. I
- (5) now and asain. don't often speak- on the
(3) twice a dav' I rarelv write (6) (9) - . I'm alwavs
nowadays.' (10) _ .'

S r.o+-r.oo Listen and check your ideas for Exercise 1. How many of the sentences are
true for you?

Adverbs of frequency 1 Add more adverbs of frequency from the sentences in the Listening section.
be + adverb AIways OIten Sometimes Not often Never
fm atways ontine. normally occasionally hardly ever
auxitiary + adverb + regularly
main verb
5he doesn't often phone
Look at the sentence below. Decide which adverbs in the table normally go in
position A and which ones normally go in position B,
adverb + main verb
I rarely wrjte letters. IQ contact my friends by phone S.
Position A: frlways, ...
Adverb phrases
fm on the phone
Guess which adverbs from the table would make these statements true for your
all the time.
partner. Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs you have chosen.
They contact me
from time to time. a) He/She writes letters.
He uses Skype now and
b; He/She listens to clascical music.
again. c) He,/She is late for appointments.
d) He/She remembers friends' birthdays.
e) He/She goes to the theatre.
f) HelShe buys chocolate.
Ask your partner questions to check your ideas.
'Do you eoer write lettersT"Hou often do you listen to classical musicT'

1 Look at the photos of Tina and Will at university and Tina and Will now. Discuss
whether you think the following statements are true or false.
a) Tina and Will had similar interests when they were at university.
b) They chose similar careers when they finished their studies.
c) They have similar jobs and lifestyles now.

Read the article and check your ideas.

Tina and Will met when they were both studying at the same university, Three
years later, we contacted them and asked them to take part in a survey to tind
out how many people had stayed triends. Here is what we found out.

'How did you meet Will?'
'I first met rifiU when I was looking for someone to share the house I was
renting. I put an advertisemeflt in the local newspaper, and he answered it.
'When we met, we clicked straightaway, and I told him he could moye in '

'What was it like living with Will?'

'lt was fun. tiFe soon found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became
close friends. \(re had the same ideas about politics and other less irnportant
things like cookiflg. \Ve also liked the same music, and that's impofiant whe[
you're sha.ing a hor.rse. \7e fell out a couple of times about the housework. \N/iI
thinks I'm untidy, but I think life's too short to wony about things like that.'
'What happened when you left university?'
'When we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways, and since then
our lives have been very diffelent. I went back b my home town and got a job
as a production assistant for an exhibitions. I love my job but I'm living with my
parents because I'm flot ea.ning very mtrch. \fill thints I'm crazy, because money
is very important to him now, bul I get a lot of satisfaction from my job. He's
eerning a lot of money, but he doesn't have time to spend wifi his family. Our
lifbstyles ale so different now that when he comes for the weekend we have a
1augh, llut we dont have very much to talk about.'

'What klnd of relationship did you have with Tina at university?'
'Tina and I got on very well togelher. vhen we first met, we hit it off
immediately and we ended up sharing a house for nearly three years. Ve had our
ups and downs but we had the same attiflrde to the important things in life, and
the only thing we argued about was the housework. I'm a Virgo, so I'm very tidy,
whereas Tina's the opposite. I don't think she ever found out where we kept the
vacuum cleanerl'
'What did you do when you left universiM'
'\irhen I left university, I moved to London and got a job in a finance company.
I have fo work long hours and I don't really enjoy what I'm doing but I earn a
3s very good salary I'm very ambitions and I enioy spending money on CDs, clotles
and a nice car. Tina's worting really hard as we1l, but she's not earning much. I
don't understand why she's doing it-'
'Are you still in touch with one another?'

2 Underline the conect name.

a) Tina / Will was lookire for someone d) Tina / Will has a well-paid job.
to share the house with. e) Tina / Will loves her,/his job.
b) Tina / Will is a very tidy person. f) Tina / Will has a nice car
c) Tina / Will lives at home now.

1 Complete these expressions to talk about friendship from the article on page 8.
a) 'we liked one another as soon as we first met' - we clickd / we hit it
b) 'we had similar interests' = ure had a lot
c) 'we got to know one another very \,\,e11' = we becafle
d) 'we argued' = ue fell
e) 'we became / have become more distant ftom each other' = we went our sepnrate
_ / we'oe drifted _
f) 'we enjoyed one another's company' - we gof otr
g) 'we had good moments and bad moments' - ue hqd our
h) 'I know I can count on her when I need a friend' = I knoto she'll always be

Look again at the text and check your answers,

The following is a summary of Tina and Will's friendship. Put the lines of the
summary in the correct order.

met Thev became close

L] separate ways and they've drifted
L] friends and got on
!l Tina and Will hit it
tr in common. Now they have gone their
tr off immediately when they first
L] out and they say that they are still
tr there for each other

tr apart. They haven't fallen

tr well together. They had a lot

3 How many friends have you stayed in touch with from:

a) primary school; b) secondary school; c) university? Compare with a partner.

Speaking: anecdote
1 S r.oz Listen to Antonia talking about a friend who is different from her and look at
the questions. Which two questions does she not answer?
4 a) What is your friend's name? 1 In Paris.
7 b) How long have you known 2 Back8rounds, tastes,
each other? personalities, Iooks.
1 c) Where did you meet? We support Chelsea.
8 d) Why did you become friends? 4 Jackie.
Antonia 2 e) ln what ways are you different? 5 Three or four times a year
3 f) What do you have in common? 6 We go out for lunch; talk
g) Have you ever fallen out? about football or Paris.
5 h) How often do you see one another? 7 Ten years.
6 i) What sort of things do you do together? 8 We were both in the same
j) When was the last time you saw situation; both from Englaltd.
your friend?
Match the questions with the answers (1-8). Listen again and check.

2 You're going to tell your partner about a friend who is different from you.
. Ask yourself the questions in Exercise [.
. Think about zr7ftal to say and ftoru to say it.
. Tell your partner about a close friend.

Friends re
1 Look at the photos of Tina and Will at university and Tina and Will now' Discuss
whether you think the follorving statements ate true or false.
a) Tina ald Will had similar interests when they were at university.
b) They chose similar careers when they finished their studies.
c) They have similar jobs and lifestyles now.
Read the article and check your ideas.

Tina and Will met when they were both studying at the same university. Three
years later, we contacted them and asked them to take part in a survey to find
out how many people had stayed friends. Here is what we found out.

'How did you meet Will?'
'I first met will when I was looking for someone to share the house I was
renting. I put an advefiisement in the local newspaper, and he answered it.
V{hen we met, we clicked straightaway, and I told him he could move in.'
'What was it like living with Will?'
'lt was fun. \0e soon found out rhat we had a lot in common and quickly became
close friends. !7e had the same ideas about politics and other less imporlant
things like cooking.'N/e also liked the same music, and that's important when
you're sharing a house. we fell out a couple of times about the housework. \rill
thinks I'm untidy, but I think life's too short to worry about things like that.'
'What happened when you left university?'
' en we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways, and since then
our lives have been very different. I went back to my home town and got a job
as a production assistant for art exhibitions. I love my job but I'm living with my
pareflts because I'm not eatning very mr.rch. W]ll thinks I'm crazy, because money
is very importanl to him now, but I get a lot of satisfaction from my iob. Heh
earning a lot of money, but he doesn't have time to spend with his family our
lifestyles are so differeflt now that when he comes for the weekend we have a
laugh, but we don't have very much to talk about.'

'What kind of relationship did you have with Tina at university?'
'Tina and I got on very well together. lwhen we first met, we hit it off
immediately and we ended up sharing a house for nearly three years. We had our
ups and dowrx bnt we had the same attitude to the important things in life, and
the only thing we argued about was the housework. I'm a virgo, so I'm very tidy,
whercas Tina's the opposite. I don't thint she ever found out where we kept the
vaarnrm cleanerl'
'What did you do when you left universiM'
'$ihen I left university, I moved to Londofl and got a iob in a finance company.
I have to work long hours and I don't really enjoy what I'm doing but I earn a
very good salary. I'm vety ambitious and I enioy spendiog money on CDs, clothes
and a nice car. Tina's working really hard as well, but shes not eaming much. I
don't understand why she's doing it.'
'Are you still in touch with one another?'
'Our lifestyles are very different now, so we've drifted apart. \fe still ralk on the

2 Underline the correct name.

a) Ina / Will was looking for someone d; Tina / Will has a well-paid job.
to share the house with. e) Tina / Will loves her,/his job.
b) Tina / Will is a very tidy person. f) Tina / Will has a nice car.
c) Tina / Will Iives at home now.

1 Complete these expressions to talk about friendship from the article on page 8.
a) 'we liked one another as soon as we first met' = we clicked / we hit it
b) 'we had similar interests' = we hod q lot
ct 'we sot to know one another verv well' = wt becfifie -
d) 'we areued' = ue fell
e) 'we became / have become more distant fuom each other' - we went our separate
_ / we'oe drit'ted
f) 'we enjoyed one another's company' = we lot 011
- and bad moments' rue hod our
s) 'we had good moments -
h) 'I know I can count on her when I need a friend' = I know she'll always be
Look again at the text and check your answers.
The following is a summary of Tina and Will's friendship. Put the lines of the
summary in the correct order.

E met. They became close

tr separate ways and they've drifted

tr friends and got on

tr Tina and Will hit it
tr in common. Now they have gone their
tr o{f immediately when they first

tr out and they say that they are still

tr there for each other.

tr apart. They haven't fallen

T well together. They had a lot

3 How many friends have you stayed in touch with from:

a) p mary schooli b) secondary schooli c) university? Compare with a partner.

Speaking: anecdote
1 S r.oz Listen to Antonia talking about a friend who is different from her and look at
the questions. Which two questions does she not answer?
a) IAl.rat is your friend's name? 1 In Paris.
b) How long have you known 2 Backgrounds, tastes,
each other? personalities, 1ooks.
c) Where did you meet? 3 We support Chelsea.
d1 Why did lou become friends) 4 Jackie.
Antonia e) In what ways are you different? 5 Three or four times a year
f) What do you have in common? 6 We go out for lunclu talk
g) Have you ever fallen out? about football or Paris.
h) How often do you see one another? 7 Ten years.
i) What sort of things do you do together? 8 We were both in the same
j) When was the last time you saw situation; both from England.
your friend?
Match the questions with the answers (1J). Listen again and check.

You're going to tell your partner about a friend who is different Irom you.
. Ask yourself the questions in Exercise 1.
. Think about ruhctt to say ar.d hoto lo say it.
. TeII your partner about a close friend.

Usefut phrases
1 S f.og Listen to three conversations between friends. Are the following statements
true or false?
a) Cathy meets her friends by chance.
b) The friends are all in a hurry.
c) Cathy makes plans to meet her friends again.

2 Work with a partner. Underline the most natural sounding altematives (1-5).


Cathy: Heyl How's it going?

Harry: Not bad.
Cathy: What have you been up to latety?
Harry: (1) I haven't done a lot reauy./ Not a
Lot, reatty. What abo.rt you?
Cathy: (2) 0h, I've been doing this and that./
0h, this and that.
Harry: Look, 1 must dash - I'tt give you a catt.


Cathy: Hetto,stranger!
Jim: Cathy! How's life?
Cathy: Great! What are you up to these days?
Jim: (3) 0h, keeping busy, you know. /
0h, I'm keeping busy. you know.
Cathy: You must come over for dinner some time.
Jim: That woutd be lovety. Better get back to
the office. see you.


Cathy: Hi. How are thinqs?

Ed: Fine. What about you?
Cathy: (4) 0h, things are pretty good. /
0h, pretty good. Are you doing
anything speciaI at the weekend?
Ed: (5) No, just taking it easy. No, I'm
just taking it easy.
Cathy: Me too.
Ed: Look, I'm afraid I can't stop. Take care.
Listen again and check.

3 Complete the table with the highlighted uselul phrases from the conversations.

Greetings How's it going? al How's life? b)

Saying things are OK Not bad. c) _ d)
Asking for news I4/hat have you been up to lately? e)

Saying you're in a hur5, Look. I must dash. fl s)

Goodbyes I'11give you a call. h) _ 0

S 1.09 Listen and repeat all the useful phrases in the table.

Work with a partner. Practise the conversations,

10 Friends
Vocabulary Extro
Using a dictionary
Work with a partner. What kinds of
information about words can you find
in a good dictionary? ,lresh ilowers hare been re.enuy pr.KrD
(=taken Aom the llace ihat they s?re
Look at this dictionary page and
sliesh waier is water in Lakes aDd fives
discuss the questions. that does hot contain any s.lt friendlv / iian(,tni. ad **
:re frerh fromlout of rtn if soheohe is r qnm;.np wh. !s r.i;rdlv i( hlurvi
a) How many different words are h€sh from a particrdar place or situation,
they have rccenlly .!me from therq Le uds
Dlcasant anil helDful tuw;.,is othe; peoDle
+\NrAENbi,r: He Dill be rcmembted ds d
defined? iutt a ki4 fresh .ut af tau vhaoL kin.l, lri dl! peren. . Th. l@dl peopla
uere ur, friu.tly ,ouuds us.
b) Which words are more frequent: resh airnountulthe air outside that is nice
if you de friendly Nith someone, you are
to breathe i 8RE1rr 2
r\eir lrie l: Jdnet dnd I use.l b be Dery
the rcd words (egy'iend) or the Ir€3hen ,/Tre(:)n/ ve,b [rt to mak. sonething
tesher, clenner, or more attractire. SAe
fnenltl!, t DolJors shouLdn r eet t@ frietdlr
black words (eg t'rignte)? qtitkl! frenlehed her mdkeup. -friendly /tren(drr/.uff. rusEd {u, <hnwinE
c) Which words do you already know? 6aL6gffi frerh.n up to wash your
hands and fa.e and make yourself cleaner
rhar sdnrethrne docs nut hrnr someurns
et*: uitdtiletien.lL! fdtuins nLthod\ .
d) Which words are completely new
Jretften ith up freshcn: frp.r,tea ,p
enDironmento|lj friend lj cleanins ma,qials
2 suiiablc for a palt,cular type ol p.rson:
to you (you've never seen them Jod raom aith a caot aJ paint. chi LU?ieNt L, restaurunts
frerher /TreIa/ noun lcis,rdr,a student ir frlcnd3hip tre.rd).1,p noun.iut* r
before)? fieir llrst year at unteEiiy relatj.nship betrveen treopr^ uho 1r.
friends: Whdtdrr luppened, I dtl nol ua t
e) Which new words can you frethly /1!elli/ adv
frerhman rrelo,n, ipru'a r,erhmen
dJ bse Sardh\ fnddship. . his lrlendnnp
@ilh d l@al businessman . She Jormed a
understand? / rr.lm)n ! nou. tcl4d .,da TBESHEB .toe f.iendshtp bith Vera Brittatn.
freshwater l rrelwrr./ adjlivins in wate. frles hzu nou' tp u arl rtslNcH PnEq
f) In your opiniory which new words thal does not contain salt frieze f.rzl ounlcla lLne otdecorarion
fret /fret/ !c.b{rl
to worry abolt somethine ar.xnd the walls ola rcom or building
would bc most useful to learn? frlEale /f g:t/ i.untclasnall fast ship ihat
f.etful /Tredr.)l,'adr someone who 1s tuettuI
is &onied ald unhappy fright /lra,t/n.unlsinsu rrul a sudden stronc
Match the following dictionary feclihg ofbei.g atraid:,9e aos shaking uith
friar /ftaD/ noun rcla man who is atyp. or
friEht. . Kell! iied out in tight-
abbreviations/symbols with their iroN8 (=a nember ofa Christian rcljaious
f ghten rra,t()rn/ re,btI *tomrc
samrune f*1 dfraid =s. The thoueht of
L'ar ftghte$ tu. . It frishtqs
meanings. lTiction / inklG)n/ ioui illl disaareemcnt: quickl! chi|lrcn ercu up thee dots. .
me hob

'l here is sone fri.tiah bett@ the Mri4B

a) abbrev -a adverb de@rhents in th. orgdnizdtion. 2 the fact
f.ishten sb into doins sth .liLerts that JrEht@
p@ple into brtins expensive s@trit!
b) adj \ uncounlable noun thai one suriace fubs against another
Frlday /frarder/ nclntc/ul**i the day afler *.ffi*a* frishten eb/tth a *ay or,frighten
c) adv \ synonym Thursdar_ and beforc Satur&\y: Ze,t g,o
suimntuE on Ftidaj. . We 6wllr tueet @
rblsth off lo make a Frson or animal so
airaid thal they run away
d) noun [C] \ abbreviation Iridoys (=every Friday). .,1{}
on d Fri.ldt this rcor.
rirt da, is frirht€n€d / hr,(rrnd rd r f&lhs u,
slro$rns feaf=\ \Ft- - itp puttty lDoked
e) noun [U] transitive verb fridge /trd3/ no,nrcl*,
that is uscd for sto.in8 food ,t low
picce ofeqli]rmcnt
cold andJiieht ed. t Brktnet uas
uat hine hitu aith uide, t ightened q,4. .
There s nothins to be triEhteted abour. .
f) verb [] adjective nrmlerntuf es:RE.nr!.RAron Ibealuals be friEhtded ot sndka. .
g) verb [] opposite frldgerrre€rGr .oun t.l 8.rnh a machine that
consists of a FM)c. and a FRCEZER picture
+lthat) t te. fi*ht@e4 tun he miEht see us.
. ttiqht i.Atod. srh Nou he is lright rud
h) sb/sth countable noun
fried /fMrd/ adj cooked in hotoil
i)= intransitive verb friand /rrc.d/ nount.t*** soheone sho
you lnow welland likc who is not,
,* somebody / something hetuber ofrour family: Sre'.r uls,:,i4.
friends in Sbtldhd. . HelEd is d cloe frid.l
ol nine. . I m hatrihe luhch bith aa oU
Find an example of each abbreviation ,r€d (=sons.e who hs been a friend
f.r alonatime).. Mar I iitro.lu.e Petd ,right€nint /na,i")r,!/ ad * makue )ud
or symbol on the dictionary page. llint d aer! old lridd af the lamil!. . She
hns a uide circL offtien ls l-'fonD af JriEhrdihi noise/lhoueht/ dperiene . lt
ftields). . ?1q! bed /o r€frisads (=wiih w epposed to be a hoiot llm but it
a) abbrev - Frl. abbreo Friday eacl\ athet). . TIE! madeJrieads uith the ta,tn t D.ry lriehtdinS. . It s lriShtening
rhildrd neat .16r I =.tarted to be their thdt p6pL like him Eet elected.

Refer to the dictionary page and discuss

these questions with your partner. From the l,4acmitlan Essential Dictionary (reduced to 85%)

a) How many phrasal verbs are there?

b) What are the eight most frequent adjective collocations lor friend?
c) Which of the following grammar pattems is no, possible?
I'm frightened about ... I'n ftightened of ... L'm fightened that ...
l'm frightened to ... I'm frightened with ...
d) Identify the seven words with the letter combination re. Which three
of these vowel sounds - /arl, lel. liJ, /er/, /re/, // are possible ways of
pronouncing le?

Write an example word for each of the three sounds.

e) What is the difference betweeny'l3htened and. frightening?

Check your own dictionary. How does it give the kinds of information
discussed on this page?

Friends 77

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