Chapter 6

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Chapter 5: Ethics Social Impact – ethical climate of society, bribes to secure

Environmental Impact – a key area of business influence

 Set of moral principles or values that govern the action Ethical Challenges in Today’s World - Mercedes B. Suleik ( 02-13-2018
Ethical Principles
1. Integrity – be principled, honorable Chapter 7: Common Unethical Practices of Business Establishment
2. Honesty – be truthful, sincere
3. Trustworthiness and Promise Keeping – be worthy of trust, Misrepresentation
keep promises  Direct Misrepresentation
4. Loyalty (Fidelity) and Confidentiality – be faithful and loyal to  Indirect Misrepresentation
family Direct Misrepresentation – actively misrepresenting products or
5. Fairness and Openness – be fair and open-minded and accept customers
errors 1. Deceptive Packaging
6. Caring for Others - be caring kind, compassionate  Placing products in containers with exaggerated sizes.
7. Respect for others – demonstrate respect for human dignity Misleading shapes
8. Responsible Citizenship – obey just law 2. Misbranding or Mislabeling
9. Pursuit of Excellence – meeting personal and professional  False statement on label of products
responsibilities  Making container similar to other products
10. Accountability – foreseeable consequences. Parents and 3. False or Misleading Advertising
teachers lead by example  Useful purpose if conveys right information
 Whole truth and nothing but the truth
Ethical Behavior – necessary to function in an orderly manner 4. Adulteration
 Debasing a pure or genuine commodity
Chapter 6: Business Ethics  Imitating or counterfeiting
Business Ethics 5. Weight understatement or Short Weighing
 standard of moral conduct, behavior, and judgment in  Weighing scale is tampered, unobtrusively attached
business 6. Measurement understatement Short Measurement
 based on personal values  Measuring stick shorter than regular. Smaller volume
Main purpose: determine what business practices are right or wrong than standard
7. Quality understatement of Short Numbering
Economic Impact - wages it pays, materials it buys, prices charged
 Gives less than the number asked for or paid for Chapter 8: Ethical Dilemma

Indirect Misrepresentation – omitting adverse or unfavorable info’s Ethical Dilemma – situation a person faces in which decision must be
1. Caveat Emptor
 Means “let the buyer beware” SIX STEPS IN RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMA
 Common to salesmen
1. Obtain relevant facts
 Seller is not obliged to reveal any defect
2. Identify the ethical issues from the facts
2. Deliberate Withholding of Information 3. Determine who is affected
 Not Fair if does not exactly know what he is giving away or 4. Identify the alternatives
receiving in return 5. Identify the likely consequences
3. Passive Deception 6. Decide
 Businessmen are liars. Fact Buck
 Business ignorance is passive deception Chapter 9: Advocacy Against Corruption

Persuasion – the process of appealing. Urging him to buy item Corruption

Unethical Practices of BOD  abuse for personal gain

 acts of bribery, embezzlement
1. Plain Graft – help themselves to the earning. Voting for  receiving or giving gratification
 misuse of entrusted power
2. Interlocking directorship –conflict of interest. This leads to
 Dr. Petrus Van Duyne: Corruption is an improbity or decay
disloyal selling
 Dishonestly and criminal activity
3. Insider Trading – broker uses confidential info to trade
4. Negligence of Duty – failed to attend meetings regularly

Unethical Practices of Executive Officer and Lowe Level Managers

1. Claiming a vacation trip to be a business trip

2. Having employees do work unrelated to the business
3. Loose or ineffective controls
4. Unfair labor practice
5. ------
6. ---------
7. Sexual Harassment

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