(Teach Yourself Books) A. A. Luce, Arthur Aston Luce - Teach Yourself Logic To Think More Clearly-Association Press (1959)

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The document discusses a book that teaches logic in order to think more clearly. The book explains the basics of terms, propositions, and syllogisms.

The book is about logic and teaches the basics of terms, propositions, and syllogisms in order to help the reader think more clearly.

The author recommends first focusing on the outline structure of syllogisms by selectively reading chapters to understand terms, propositions, and syllogisms before reading the entire book continuously.

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M.C., D.D., Litt.D.
Trinity College, Dublin



Copyright © 1958 by The English Universities Press Ltd.

First printed in Great Britain, 1958,

under the title TEACH YOURSELF LOGIC

First U.S.A. edition, 1959, by

Association Press, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.

Theology Library

Library of Congress catalog card number: 59-12113

Printed in the United States of America

Loaic can be taught in various ways, and a teacher soon
finds by experience the method that best suits his own
style. The following hints are for those who are teaching
themselves from this textbook. The book follows the
natural articulations of the subject-matter, and it can be
read through solidly from beginning to end. For be-
ginners, however, I recommend the selective reading,
indicated below, which concentrates first on the outline
structure or skeleton of syllogistic Logic, before going on
to the complete, continuous reading. This plan of reading
keeps the structure of Logic steadily before the learner’s
eye; the details are seen in perspective; and the skeleton
is gradually clothed with flesh and blood.
The plan would work out as follows: Glance through
the first chapter and get the general notion. From
Chapters II, II, IV, and V select pages 12-18, 34-55,
and 64-95 for slow, patient, and thorough study. Do
exercises as you go along, your own or from those printed
at the end of the chapter. Understand as you tread,
and do not read far ahead of what you have under-
stood. From these selections you will learn enough about
terms to understand the structure of the proposition, and
enough about propositions to grasp the structure of the
syllogism, and enough about syllogisms to be able to prove
the Special Rules of the Figures. When you can prove
those rules with ease, you have grasped the outline structure
and skeleton of syllogistic Logic.
That done, go back to Chapter I and read the whole
book continuously. The gaps will now close. The sections
on the technical classifications of terms, and non-categorical
propositions, etc., omitted at the first reading, will now
come easily to you, and you can pass on to the study of the
Moods and Reduction, and thence to the more miscel-
laneous contents of Chapters VII and VIII. Chapters IX
and X point on to more advanced studies and should be
left for the last.
May reminiscence be permitted here and a piece of
personal experience? I taught myself Logic in my youth
from a small old-fashioned manual. It was not written
for logicians, but for the non-specialized pass-man, and
without unnecessary technicalities or trimmings it set out
the basic and timeless truths of traditional Logic, some
knowledge of which is essential, in my opinion, to a
consciously correct and rational use of our mother-tongue.
I found the subject difficult at first; it was not like any
of my school subjects ; but when I had crossed the thres-
hold, an inner door swung open. I took a step forward
in self-knowledge, and thought and speech became self-
conscious. Like Moliére’s M. Jourdain who found that
he had long been speaking prose, I found that I had long
been forming propositions. I said to myself, “‘ Yes, I
form propositions when my tongue does more than wag.
I form them out of terms. I say something about some-
thing. Therefore I ought to be able, in serious talk, to
pin-point those two parts of my proposition. I ought to
know exactly what I am talking about, and exactly what
J am saying about it.” Soon inference, too, became self-
conscious. From a child I had inferred and reasoned ;
now I began to do so wittingly, aware of the traps and the
pitfalls, and aware of a norm and an ideal.
In lecturing on Logic to University men and women,
over and over again I have seen the same door swing open,

the same step forward taken, the same marked develop-

ment. The nerveless, juvenile letter written to the College
Tutor twelve months previously, has now turned into
a logical, well-knit communication, its subject-matter
thought out, its phrasing clear and concise. Logic can
do this for you. Other maturing influences there are, of
course, but Logic can open that inner door of the mind
and promote that advance in self-knowledge; and in
doing so Logic is living up to its historic title, the Organon
or Instrument of knowledge.
Our Logic is the lineal descendant of the ars /ogica, one
of the three introductory disciplines that constituted the
trivium which was the groundwork of education in the
Middle Ages. The traditional place of Logic in our
curriculum is that of a propaedeutic or preliminary discipline,
a non-specialist introduction to general culture and know-
ledge ; and for the non-specialized student the traditional
place of Logic is still the correct place.
Recent developments of Logic go far afield, and may
make the traditional Logic seem narrow in range and scope.
That narrowness is more apparent than real; for a little
key can open a large door. Or should we say that the
‘narrowness’ of Aristotelian Logic is part of its razson
@’étre? Its primary purpose is not to impart information
about Logic, or about the logic of Logic, or about any
other subject, but to drill and discipline the young thinker’s
mind and discourse; and drill and discipline are best
taught within the narrow bounds of the parade-ground.
I am much indebted to Ax Introduction to Logic by
H. W. B. Joseph; references are to the second edition,
revised, 1916. References to Aristotle are to the Oxford
translation, ed. W. D. Ross, vol. I, 1928. I have consulted
The Elements of Logic by T. K. Abbott, 1883, Principles of

Logic by G. H. Joyce, 3rd ed. 1920, Studies and Exercises

in Formal Logic by J. N. Keynes, 1928, General Logic by
R. M, Eaton, 1931, Fundamentals of Symbolic Logic by A.
Ambrose and M. Lazerowitz, 1950, and Introduction to
Symbolic Logic, by A. H. Basson and D. J. O’Connor, 1953.
From the last-mentioned work, now in the second edition,
I have taken below (pp. 203-4) Chapter and Section head-
ings to indicate the scope of elementary Symbolic Logic,
as it is taught today, and I am obliged to the publishers,
University Tutorial Press Ltd., and to the authors, Messrs.
Basson and O’Connor, for permission to do so.
I thank my colleagues, Mr. F. La T. Godfrey, Mr. W. V.
Denard, and my son Mr. J. V. Luce, who read the work in
typescript and advised on it, Professor D. A. Webb for his
help with the section on the methodology of Plant Biology,
Professor W. D. Gill for recasting the section on turbidity
currents, and Professor E. J. Furlong for reading the
proofs and for his valuable suggestions.
A. A. Luce
Trinity College, Dublin


Logic and Discourse. Truth and Validity. Form

and Formalism. Aristotle and the Historical Origin
of ce Natural Logic. Practical Value of the

II. TERMS : . ° . . . 12

Terms and Propositions. Thought and_ Speech.

Abstract and Concrete terms. Singular, Common,
and Collective terms. Positive, Negative, Privative,
and Infinite terms. Contradictory and Contrary
terms. Connotation and Denotation; Intension and
Extension. Non-connotative terms. Definition.
Description. Division.

III. PROPOSITIONS . . . . ° ° 34
Subject, Predicate, and Copula. Propositions and
Sentences. Setting out the Proposition in Logical
Form. Symbols. Quality and Equipollence.
Quantity of Propositions. The Four Types. Dis-
tribution of Terms. Cofnplex and Compound Cate-
gorical Propositions. Hypothetical Propositions.
Disjunctive Propositions. Modal Propositions.


Inference and Implication. Immediate and Mediate
Inference. Subalternation. Opposition. Obversion.
Conversion. Contraposition. Inversion and other

THE SYLLOGISM . . . . 83
Its Structure and Technical terms. The General
Rules. The Figures. The Special Rules. The


Methods of Reduction. The Moods Reduced.

Aristotle’s Views. The Principles of the Figures.
Aristotle’s Dictum. The Value of the Syllogism.
Does it ‘beg the Question’? The ‘Laws of


The Ten Categories. Aristotle’s Heads of Predi-
cables. Classification. -Genus and Species. Arbor
Porphyriana. Plant Biology and Modern Hierarchical
Classification. The Eulerian Diagrams.


Enthymeme. Sorites. Hypothetical Syllogisms.
Disjunctive Syllogisms. Dilemmas. Analogy.
Fallacies in Syllogistic Reasoning. Aristotle’s Lists
of Fallacies (a) in dictione, (b) extra dictionem.


Aristotle’s Induction. Bacon’s Criticism. Mill’s
Inductive Logic. His Experimental Methods.

SYMBOLIC LOGIC . . . . . 190

The two Logics. Historical Sketch. The Symbols,
Aims and Programmes,



THE word Logic comes from the Greek Adyos, which

means discourse. ‘The study of Logic began in ancient
Greece when men set to work to master the guiding
principles of discourse, and Logic stil] is a discipline of
discourse. Wherever men debate, discuss, and argue,
Logic is a court of appeal in the background; whenever
a man debates a matter in his own mind, a silent Logic
arbitrates. No man in his senses will willingly and per-
sistently defy a clear verdict by Logic. Whoever sets out
to break Logic, as has been said, Logic will break him.
For many centuries the study. of Logic was an essential
preliminary of higher education, and it has left a deep and
lasting mark on the language and outlook of cultured
men. Logic is in the air we breathe. Many still study
it with profit, and many who have not time to study it
for themselves benefit unconsciously from the logical
labours of past generations.
Discourse is connected thought, expressed in words.
It moves this way and that, like the shuttle in the loom (as
Plato said), weaving the fabric of reasoned argument. In
discourse with others opinion is formed, knowledge is
acquired, and truth attained. What is said by one speaker,
combined with what is said by another speaker, may yield
a truth, not previously known to either speaker. In that
discourse with oneself which is called reflection or medita-
tion, a truth learned today links up with a truth learned
yesterday, and the two truths may point the way to some

advance or even discovery of tomorrow. From what

others have said or from what we ourselves have thought,
conclusions and inferences are drawn, and they are the
special concern of Logic. It is all too easy to draw wrong
conclusions and false inferences ; and discourse without
the discipline of Logic is a fruitful source of false opinion,
ignorance, and error.
Logic trains the mind to draw the right conclusion, and
to avoid the wrong, to make the true inference and not
the false. It has formulated rules of inference to govern
and guide debate and to promote discovery. Logic has
to deal as well with other important elements of discourse,
but its main province has always been, and still is, Inference.

Truth and Validity

Idle talk and trivial conversation do not rank as discourse
for our purpose. Logic has little to do with the frivolous ;
its business is with the serious statement which admits
truth or falsity. Logic promotes truth; yet we can go
far in Logic without knowing or caring much whether
a particular statement is true or false, in the ordinary
acceptation of those words. By /rve in ordinary speech we
mean frue to fact, and by false we mean the opposite. Now
a statement, true to fact, may in its context infringe a rule
of Logic ; and a statement, false in fact, may in its context
conform to the rules of Logic. The logician, as such, is
not directly concerned with fact, but is much concerned
with the observance of the rules of Logic, and therefore
he uses a pair of technical terms, valid and invalid, to express,
respectively, what conforms to the rules of Logic, and what
*“ Propositions as have in them either truth or falsity...”
Aristotle, De Interpretatione, ch. 4, 174.

does not conform thereto. By aid of these terms he can set

out the rules of reasoning without committing himself as to
whether a particular statement is true to fact,ornot. Valid
comes from the Latin, va/idus, strong. <A valid passport
may: make mistakes in fact, but if duly signed and not out
of date, it may do its work and get you through the
barrier. On the other hand, it may give the colour of
the eyes and all the other facts correctly, but if it is out of
date, it will not do its work ; it isinvalid. The distinction
between fruth and validity must be carefully observed.
It is illogical and therefore incorrect to speak of a frue
syllogism, if you mean a valid syllogism, or of a valid
conclusion, if you mean a /rve conclusion.

Form and Content

Logic is Formal Logic; it studies the form of discourse.

The opposite of form is content or subject-matter. We think
and speak of many things ; the forms employed are rela-
tively few and fixed. Consider the three sentences:
Man is mortal.
The whale is a mammal.
The grass is green.
They are similar in form; in content they differ widely.
One is about human mortality ; one is about the classing
of whales, and the third about the colour of grass. Logic
has nothing to teach about mortality or grass or whales,
but has much to teach about the form, called propositional,
which the three sentences have in common. Men discuss
religion, ethics, politics, and the why and the wherefore of
this, that, and the other. Whatever they happen to be
thinking and speaking about, their discourse, like the
shuttle in the loom, pursues.a set course or track. That
course or track is the form that Logic studies. Logical
form is the common and constant element in precision-
thinking. We may picture form as a course or track or
framework, or as a mould that shapes the jelly ; but the
most comprehensive account of it is furnished by the Table
of Contents on page ix, which tells what this book is
about. It is about terms, propositions, syllogisms, con-
cepts, judgments, inferences, hypothetical and disjunctive
arguments, dilemmas, etc.—all that constitutes the form
of discourse ; in those ways man’s discursive thinking

Form and Formalism

Formal Logic need not become formalist, and it loses

touch, if it does. We are not studying dead words, but
living discourse. For instance, the word and is no mete
connective form. ‘ Three and two make five’ is the same
mathematically as ‘ Two and three make five’; but ‘ He
learned Logic and died ’ is not the same as ‘ He died and
learned Logic.’ For in discourse and involves sequence.
Form in Logic must be kept in touch with Content ; the
two are distinct, yet inseparable, like concave and convex.
The most nimble thinker cannot think about nothing, and
if we had nothing to think about there would be no thought
at all. We can separate cream from milk; we cannot
separate the form of discourse from its content.
Francis Bacon compared Logic to athletics! and an
illustration from athletics may help readers to master this
delicate: distinction, Every athlete knows what it is to
1“ A kind of athletic art to strengthen the sinews of the
standing.” Bacon, Novum Organum, Preface. under-

be above or below form. Athletic form is a real thing,

distinct from performance on the field, yet inseparable
from it. Form in cricket is taught at the nets. At the
nets there are no runs to be scored; there the coach cares
little how hard the batsman hits, or how far the ball would
travel. The coach watches how the batsman places his
feet and holds his bat and faces the bowling. He teaches
form, not run-getting, and stance, grip, and concentration
are batting-form. If the coach can correct, improve, and
perfect this form, the runs and centuries and victories will
come all in good time, when the nets are rolled up, and
the real game is on. But here, as also in Logic, the dis-
tinction is no division. Cricket form is inseparable from
the matter of the game. Good batting-form is no good,
unless it issues in good cuts, and glances and drives, etc.
Stance and grip affect the placing and timing and power
of the stroke, and the stroke reacts upon the stance and
The point of the illustration is this. In the pages that
follow we take the form of discourse seriously and
systematically, pointing out the correct forms, as does the
coach at the nets, and giving warning of the incorrect;
but we do not make a clean cut between form and content,
nor study form for form’s sake. The objects about which
we think and speak affect the forms of thought and
speech employed, and training in the right use of these
forms must not ignore their content, but must have an
eye to the all-round improvement of discourse itself.


The demand for Logic arose in ancient Greece from the

Sophistic movement. The Sophists were the pioneers of
higher education, and they taught largely by ‘ disputa-
tions’ in study circles. Their disputations required rules
for regulating discussion and formulating agreed con-
clusions. Logic supplied the rules, taking up where
grammar left off. The historic connection between Logic
and grammar should be noted. Many of the distinctions
and definitions, contained in Logic, are little more than
higher grammar; and that is as it should be; for Logic
and grammar both deal with discourse, and the one
discipline shades off into the other.
Adumbrations of Logic are found in Plato’s works ;?
but, by and large, the science of logic was founded by
one man, Aristotle of Stagira (384-322 B.c.). Aristotle
was the son of a Macedonian physician at the court of
Amyntas II, the father of Philip of Macedon. At the age
of seventeen Aristotle went to Athens and there for
twenty years he studied at Plato’s Academy, as pupil and
associate. On Plato’s death he left Athens, and taught
for a time at Assos. Invited by Philip of Macedon to
Pella, he spent seven years there, and amongst his pupils
was Philip’s son, Alexander the Great. When Alexander
came to the throne, Aristotle returned to Athens, and set
up his own school or university, known as the Lyceum.
Aristotle was one of the greatest thinkers of all time,
and he wrote on most of the sciences, known in his day.
His writings on Logic include, (1) the Prior Analytics,
which deals mainly with the formal aspect of syllogistic
reasoning, (2) the Posterior Analytics, which treats of the
Cf, “ Disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus ”, Acts xix 9,
cf. ib. xvii 17.
* The method of enquiry by hypothesis, Phaedo, 99d-rore, cf.
Republic, 511b, 533a-d, and Parmenides, 135d-136c; the principle
of contradiction, Republic, 436b; subject and predicate, S ophist,
261d ff.; genus and species, Sophist, 218b ff.; denotation and con-
notation, Theaefetus, 146c-148d.

deeper problems of inference, and (3) the Topics, which

deals with the technique of establishing and refuting
arguments. These works with some minor pieces received
the title of ‘ Aristotle’s Organon’ (or Organum,? i.e.
instrument) ; for Logic is not an end in itself, but is a
means or instrument for fitting the mind to acquire know-
ledge in any branch of the humanities or science.
Aristotle was the first to see the problem of Logic as
a whole, and in large measure he found the solution. He
has left the door open for extensions and developments,
but certainly the Logic of discourse which from his day
to ours has been the accepted Instrument of European
culture sprang full-grown from Aristotle’s teeming mind,
like Pallas Athene in the legend from the head of Zeus.

The study of Logic and Natural Logic

Aristotle’s achievement is without a parallel. Other
great men have founded sciences, and the sciences have
matured gradually, several minds contributing. Aristotle
virtually completed the Logic that he began. The results
have been some good, some bad. It is good that there
should be a compact, consistent body of doctrine, like
Aristotelian Logic, handed down from generation to
generation, relatively unchanged, on a subject that from
the nature of the case does not change, with a great name
guaranteeing the goods; for Logic proper? is still in
1 Hence Francis Bacon, who thought he had discovered a new
logic, entitled his famous book Novum Organum, i.e. the New Instru-
2 By ‘Logic proper’ is meant Logic in the historic sense of the
word, unqualified by adjectives, such as ‘symbolic’, which are used
to express later developments of Logic. Historic claims are generally
recognized in such matters, but the extension of the term is of course
quite legitimate.
essence Aristotelian Logic. It is good that there should
be unity and continuity in higher education and the
approaches to general culture. But a price has been paid,
and some may think it high.‘ An sndue deference to the
authority of Aristotle has resulted. That is a bad thing.
It has meant that such mistakes in Logic as Aristotle made
were slow to be corrected. It has meant that too much
has been claimed for his Logic, and too much expected
from it. Men pass readily from one extreme to the other.
Excessive claims and expectations provoke violent re-
actions, and Aristotle’s Logic has been from time to time
a target for attack. By and large, however, it stands
unshaken ; it still serves the modest purpose for which it
was designed; and no substitute for it as a propaedeutic,
or introductory instrument of general culture, has yet been
In the seventeenth century John Locke (1632-1704)
voiced contemporary opinion when he wrote 4@ propos
Logic,! “God has not been so sparing to men to make
them barely two-legged creatures, and left it to Aristotle
to make them rational.” Locke expressly says that his
words were not meant ‘to lessen Aristotle”, and the
context shows that he did not intend them to ‘lessen’
Logic. The words are not a gibe, but a serious reminder
that Logic ultimately owes its authority to nature and
nature’s God; for behind our Logic, taught and self-
taught, there stands a Natural Logic, or (in Locke’s
words) “a native faculty to perceive the coherence or
incoherence of its ideas”. Anyone who has taught Logic
with enjoyment and success builds on that Natural Logic
and appeals to that ‘ native faculty’; he does not attempt
to impart information from a dry textbook on a remote
1Locke’s Essay IV, xvii 4.

subject; he awakens the logic that is dormant in the

pupil’s mind. And those who are teaching themselves
Logic should act in the same spirit. Learning Logic is
drudgery to those who merely memorize mechanical rules ;
the study takes on a new flavour and interest when viewed
as a conscious awakening of an unconscious natural endow-
ment. Let me add that the study acquires a new status
and dignity when, with Locke, we view Natural Logic
as a phase of our God-given reason, the pride and the
privilege of man. The Greeks of old did not need
Aristotle to teach them how to think and discourse ration-
ally ; no more do we; but they were the better thinkers
and reasoners for his Logic, and so may we be. Aristotle
would have been the last to wish us to bow to his spse
dixit, but only the ignorant or the narrow-minded. will
belittle our debt to him, and especially to his Logic.

What the study of Logic can do for you

Do not expect the wrong thing. Logic is no royal
road. It will not teach you to know « good cigar; but
it should help you to acquire and retain knowledge, and
to detect a bad argument. Like drill and exercise Logic
is an all-round tonic. Not only your thinking, but your
speaking and writing should benefit; they should gain
in clarity, precision, and firmness; the lack of Logic
shows itself in the ‘ deficiency diseases’ of the mind—
vagueness, woolliness of expression, and feeble grip of
the matter in hand. .‘ All classes of books sold here.’ It
is not the classes, but the books that are sold. Why not
tell the public so? It is just as easy, and more correct
to say, ‘Books of all classes sold here.’ The study of
Logic helps to correct such minor inaccuracies ; logical

analysis drills the mind into exactitude ; we learn to break

up our sentences into their component parts; we draw
a circle, so to speak, round our subject, and another circle
round our predicate ; and when we have drawn those two
circles, then, and not till then, we know precise/y what we
are speaking about, and precise/y what we are saying about
it. Precision is the first fruit of the study of Logic, and
precision will sharpen your statements, and add point and
force to your arguments.
‘My dear Sir, do be logical.’ Almost certainly he is
asking you to be consistent. Do not blow hot and cold
about capital punishment, or whatever else is under dis-
cussion. Do not demand domestic economy and cham-
pagne suppers. Do not contradict yourself. Consistency
in thought and speech, in feeling, character, and action, is
a mark of rationality and a fruit of Logic.
Logic should help you in weighing pros and cons, and
in sifting evidence; the stage of logic-chopping and
splitting hairs will soon pass, and will leave you with a
mature, critical faculty and a standpoint of your own,
Other disciplines can do this for you, too; but Logic,
where it acts, acts quickly.
Lastly, the study of Logic points beyond itself; almost
certainly it will introduce you to deep questions about
mind and body, and to the problems of thought and thing.
Such questions and problems are philosophical, and they
lie outside the province of Logic proper; but the thinker
must meet them sooner or later, and the limits of Logic
are not hard and fast; at its lower levels Logic blends
with grammar ; at its height Logic merges in philosophy.

Questions on Chapter I
1. What does Logic study ? What are the practical aims of
the discipline ? What benefits may be expected from a course
of Logic P
2. Why is it called Formal Logic?
3. What is formalism ?
4. ‘My dear Watson, the conclusion you draw about the
case from yout own observations is va/id, but it is not frue.’
If you found that remark in Sherlock Holmes’ Memoirs, what
inference would you draw about his education? What would
the remark mean?
5. What does Logic owe to Aristotle ? Give an account
of his life and writings? What was his Organon?
6. What is Natural Logic?

Discourse begins when something is ‘ proposed ’, that is,
set forth in terms, about something or someone. The
Proposition is the unit of discourse, and the constituents
of propositions are Terms. Propositions lead on to
Inference. Connected Propositions yield syllogisms and
other forms of inference. Terms, Propositions, and
-Syllogisms are the main elements of Aristotelian Formal
Logic. We shall treat them in that order, but some
anticipation here and there is unavoidable.
In a proposition of the simplest type there are two
terms, the Subject and the Predicate. ‘ Silence is golden.’
That is a proposition, believed by the speaker to be true,
or at least proposed for acceptance in discourse as true.
Silence is its Subject ; golden is its Predicate ; golden is predi-
cated (affirmed) of Silence. ‘The logical subject corresponds
roughly to the grammatical subject ; it is that about which
the statement is made. The logical predicate has no close
equivalent in grammar; but it has one sure mark; it is
that which is affirmed or denied about the subject. Main
verbs (not verbs in relative clauses, etc.) belong to the
predicate, and sometimes constitute it. The Copula (is,
are, etc.) is discussed below (p. 34).
There are no terms, properly speaking, apart from
propositions. The word wolf by itself, said or written,
is not, strictly, a term; it proposes nothing. In ‘ The
wolf is coming ’, wo/fis aterm. Of course, wolf by itself
and other nouns and adjectives in isolation are often called
terms, because they could be used as terms. Potentially
they are terms ; they cou/d be used as subject or predicate
of a proposition, even when they are not actually being
so used. Particles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.—+the,
a, in, of, but, when, etc.—are not terms in the ordinary way.
We cannot go far in discourse without them; but we do
not speak of them as a rule, nor predicate them of subjects.
A term may consist of one word, or of several words
linked. Each of the following words or groups of words
is one term, when subject or predicate of a proposition,
or considered as such—wolf, big bad wolf, man, the
human race, the sons of Adam, the daughters of Eve,
ships that pass in the night, Shakespeare, the Swan of
Avon, the last word of the finest sonnet of the Swan of
Avon. A term in its verbal aspect is defined as, A word or
combination of words which can stand by itself as the subject
or predicate of a proposition.
But terms have another aspect which is expressed by,
and is to some extent represented by, the word or com-
bination of words. The real wolf bites; the word wolf
does not bite, though it expresses and to some extent
represents the wolf that bites. A term im its real aspect is
defined as, Whatever we can think of and speak of as the
subject or predicate of a proposition.
This double meaning of the word erm is accepted in life
and sanctioned by usage, and we must accept it in Logic.
It has its advantages and its disadvantages, and the former
outweigh the latter. The context usually makes it quite
clear which meaning is intended; for instance, when we
speak of Concrete Terms as persons or things, we are
thinking and speaking of real terms. When we style
Socrates a Concrete Term, we do not mean the eight-lettered
name, Socrates, but the real Socrates who had a snub-nose
and who drank the hemlock cheerfully. Some logicians
try to get round the difficulty by distinguishing verbal
terms as ‘names’ and real terms as ‘concepts’. This
distinction eases the situation to some extent, but on the
whole it raises more problems than it solves. It is better
to keep the one word ¢erm with its two meanings, or two
shades of meaning, and interpret it according to its context.
The word ¢erm comes from the Latin serminus, a limit
or boundary; for the terms of a proposition limit the
movement of the thought, as Euston and Paddington
limit the movement of the trains.

The Order of the Terms

The order of the terms in a proposition is, for Logic,
neither here nor there. In English we place the subject
first, as a rule, and the predicate second. Aristotle in his
Logic does the opposite. For emphasis we often reverse
the order, as in ‘ Great is Diana of the Ephesians.’ Great
comes first, but is not the subject; for nothing is said
about it. Diana of the Ephesians comes second, but is not
the predicate; for that goddess is the subject of the
predication. The important thing to look at is, not the
order of the terms, but the meaning of the proposition.
About what (or whom) are we speaking? That is the
first question to ask, and the answer to it gives the subject.
The second question to ask is, What are we saying about
the subject? The answer to it gives the predicate.
There are doubtful cases, like ‘Honesty is the best
policy’. Is the subject Honesty or The best policy? It is
arguable; for there are two possible propositions con-
cealed, so to speak, in the proverb, and the context has
to decide which of the two is intended. Generally, I
think, people quote the proverb to answer the question,
What is the best policy? How should I treat my cus-
tomers? In that case The best policy is subject, and honesty
is predicated of it. On the other hand, if a parent or
teacher, wishing to commend honesty to the young, or
if a moralist, discussing the sanctions of the moral law,
quotes the same proverb, the words would have a different
stress and would bear a different meaning. The parent
or teacher or moralist would be taking Honesty as the
subject, and would be predicating about it that it pays,
that it is the best policy.
At this stage the student should practise himself in
detecting terms, and in distinguishing subject and predi-
cate. Take the following example of Mr. Jingle’s narra-
tive style (C. Dickens, Pickwick Papers, ch. 2). Imagine
it is a telegram, just received, and that it is your job to
translate it into ordinary prose for a newspaper column.
With a little ingenuity you should be able to turn it into
some twenty propositions, with forty terms, twenty
subjects and twenty predicates.
Conquests! Thousands. Don Bolaro Fizzgig—Grandee—
only daughter—Donna Christina—splendid creature—loved
me to distraction—jealous father—high-souled daughter—
handsome Englishman—Donna Christina in despair—prussic
acid—stomach-pump in my pottmanteau—operation performed
—old Bolaro in ecstasies—consent to our union—join hands
and floods of tears—romantic story—very.

Thought and Speech

Discourse is thought. Discourse is speech. Aristotle

passes easily from thought to speech, and from speech to
thought; and because the term ‘ discourse’ covers and
combines both activities, it is still the best general term for
the subject-matter of logic. It keeps the student alive to
the problem, but does not force upon him a rigid or
premature solution. We meet the problems in various
forms. How are terms related to words? Terms are
not the same as words; but are they so very different ?
How are judgments related to propositions ? How are
inferences related to syllogisms ?! In all such questions
the logician meets the one, wide, philosophical problem,
How is thought related to speech? The following
remarks on the problem will indicate the position adopted
in this book, and will, I hope, justify its phrasing, or the
greater part of it.?
Thought and speech are very close to us, and it is hard
to see them in perspective. They are clearly not the same
thing ; yet they are not so very different. Sometimes we
speak without thinking. Or do we? Well, we speak
quickly, without reflection, saying the first thing that
comes into our heads, without “ stopping to think’. But
we are thinking all the same. Sometimes, too, we think
without speaking. Or do we? Well, without audible
speech, without speaking aloud ; but we may be speaking
all the same. Inner speech is an inescapable fact. Is
meditation thought or inner speech? Who can say?
A speaker within makes a running commentary on the
thinker’s thoughts. We can often catch ourselves in the
act of speaking to ourselves. In deep reflection, especially
when men are under some emotional stress, lips move,
tongue moves, vocal chords are a-quiver, framing retorts
that are never said audibly, coining propositions that are
never uttered.

1 The term syllogism is explained below, p. 83.

_* Tadd the qualification ; for I do not believe that absolute con-
sistency is practicable or desirable.
In view of these facts it is unwise to identify the inner
and the outer, or to press too far the distinction between
them. In discourse the inner and the outer factors meet,
but do not merge. The conventional view is that we
first think and then express our thoughts in words; it
is a useful convention up to a point; but applied to the
finer points of Logic it misleads. It places speech in too
subordinate a position, and blinds men to the wonder of
words. Thought and speech are co-ordinate, concomitant
functions of man’s dual nature; because he is a rational
spirit he thinks ; because he is a rational spirit in a living
body he utters (‘ outers’) his thoughts, ie. he speaks
them. If we try to confine Logic to what goes on in
the mind or to what goes on in the body we get into
difficulties. Discourse is neither speechless thought, nor
thoughtless speech. It is useless to make a clean cut
between the judgment or concept in the mind and the
proposition or term on the tongue. Speech is not a mere
function of the body, like sneezing and coughing, and the
union of speech with mind and spirit is an ultimate fact
of our make-up which the logician must accept, as do
other folk. His unit, the proposition, is a proposition
J#dged, not merely spoken, and it is a proposition w/tered
(in speech or writing), not merely judged. A similar
analysis applies to terms. Terms are words, but words
conceived. Terms are concepts, but concepts uttered.
Terms are words in a proposition; they are words zz the
mind of the speaker for the mind of the hearer. Words
have their outer aspect ; they can be heard when spoken,
and seen when written down; but they have their inner
aspect, too; they are far more than vibrations of air or
spidery ink-marks on paper; words have meaning ; they
signify; and they thus have external reference, and can

build up into creative constructions such as Shakespeate’s

The upshot for us is this: when you and I make a pro-
position, and set forth something in terms, we are not
tying empty words or names together ; we are predicating
something about someone or something, and we are saying
what we believe to be true. For instance, when we say
‘Man is mortal’, we are not saying that one name is
another name; we are not saying that the monosyllabic
name man is the dissyllabic name mortal; that would be
untrue and nonsense ; we are affirming a judged fact about
humanity, proposed and set forth in terms.
We come now to certain classifications of terms,
important for the work of Logic.

Abstract and Concrete terms

In a quiz when people are trying to guess the object

thought of, one of the first questions is, as a rule, Is it
abstract? If the answer is Yes, the mind goes off on
generalities or qualities and objects which cannot be seen
and touched. If the answer is No, we turn our attention
to individual things, especially to visible and tangible
things, to objects with definite shapes and sizes, and whose
names do not end in -ness. We call the former class of
objects Abstract, and the latter Concrete. It is only a
rough and ready distinction, but it is a useful one in Logic
and in life, provided we do not push it too far and are
prepared for border-line cases. The working definition is
as follows: Concrete terms are persons or things ; Abstract
terms are qualities or attributes of persons or things.
The general notion behind the definition is that the mind
starts with solid, compact objects, and reaches the less
solid and less compact by a process of taking away or
leaving out. By ‘concrete reality’ is usually meant the
chair, the table, the stick, or the stone ; for they and other
sensible things are composed, so it appears, of clustered
groups of qualities, of colours, touches, sounds, smells,
and tastes, etc., that hang together like a swarm of bees,
or like the grains of sand and drops of water and cement
that compose builders’ concrete. Sensible things present
a firm front to the observer, and they are good instances
of concrete reality; but they are not the only instances.
Persons, composed of body and mind, of flesh and blood,
of cells and tissue and fibres and nerves, of a myriad
memories and thoughts, of hopes and fears and desires—
persons also present a firm front to the observer, as we
realize when a clash of personalities occurs.
To ‘abstract’ is to take away from, or to omit. The
thief abstracts the notes from the wallet, and both from
the pocket. Miss Dolly Daydreams is ‘ in a fit of abstrac-
tion ’ when her thoughts are far away. Abstraction is the
mental act by which we detach, think apart, and remove
from sight and attention those qualities, characteristics,
aspects, and attributes which are in fact conjoined and
given together in the concrete thing., There are two sides
to any separation; if the notes are detached from the
wallet, the wallet is detached from the notes. The name
abstract is usually given to the part we take info our ken,
but it can be given also to the part we leave outside. One
of the aims and uses of abstraction is to find out what
individuals or groups have in common, and so abstract
often means the common element, as opposed to the
individual feature, or the general as opposed to the
In applying the distinction common sense must be

used. ‘Humanity’ is abstract, if it means the physical and

moral qualities that make a man ; but in ‘ Humanity dreads
war’ it is equivalent to mankind or all men, and is therefore
Many abstract terms are not used in the plural, and not
infrequently the -s, marking the plural, is an indication
that a term, normally abstract, is being used in concreto,
ive. as concrete. In ‘College society forms character’,
society is abstract; in ‘ College societies run into debt’,
Societies 1§ concrete.

Singular, Common or General, and Collective terms

Singular terms are individuals, either persons, like
Socrates, Jack, Jill, the present chess champion, the ‘ reigning
toast’, ot individual things, like the Book of Kells, the
first space-satellite, the last rose of summer, the largest fish
in the lake. ‘Those designations which are permanently
appropriated to an individual are called Proper Names.
Singular terms are, as a rule, subjects of their propositions ;
they can be predicated only of another Singular term;
e.g. ‘ The Principality is Wales ’, where the predicate tells
what the subject designates.
Common terms are so called because they are common
to several persons or things; e.g. shoes, ships, sealing-
wax, cabbages, kings. They are also called General terms,
because they are shared by members of a genus or group.
A Common term, when uniquely described, becomes
Singular; e.g. ‘ the gloomy Dean’, ‘ the first Gentleman
of Europe’.
Collective terms apply to groups of persons or things,
but not to the individuals composing the group. Such
are: the Parliament, the British Parliament, the militia,

the South Down militia, the cricket club, the Marylebone

Cricket Club.

Positive, Negative, Privative, Infinite, Contradictory,

and Contrary terms
These are useful classifications, some for Logic, some
for life, and some for both. The classes are not rigidly
distinct ; they are linked together, and there is some over-
lapping. They all turn on the fundamental difference
between Yes and No. There are Yes-terms (terms of
affirmation) and No-terms (terms of denial); and there
are Yes-terms that shade off into No-terms, and there are
No-terms that shade off into Yes-terms; for a Yes can
suggest a No, and a No can suggest a Yes. Mere terms,
that is terms outside judgments, neither affirm, deny, nor
suggest ; but we can speak of them as doing so because
terms ate viewed more properly as elements in judgments,
which do affirm, deny,-and suggest.
Positive terms are those that posit, i.e. affirm or suggest
the presence of an attribute. Such are: gleaming, alive,
Negative terms are those that deny the presence of an
attribute, or suggest its absence. Such are: dark, in-
sincere, untrue.
Privative terms are those that deny the presence of an
attribute, or suggest its absence, where its presence was to
be expected. Such are: dumb, deaf, illogical.
The designations, positive, negative, and privative do not
apply to all terms, but only to those that are attributes,
and to the abstract terms that go with the attribute; e.g.
happy, unhappy, happiness. Negative terms give rise to
several philosophical difficulties that need not be discussed

here. In Logic they are of importance in the rules of

contradiction and contrariety (see below, p. 68), and in
the processes of obversion and contraposition (see below,
p- 74 ff.).
Infinite terms. A concrete, general term negated, like not-
man, was called by Aristotle ‘an infinite term’. Infinite
terms are a class of contradictories, and in the logic of
propositions they have an important place; but viewed
purely as terms, they have little significance. ‘ Beast is
not man’ is a true and useful denial. ‘ Beast is not-man ’
does not affirm anything significant about Beast. Not-man
has been styled “a mere figment of logic” +; as a term
it has no meaning, and would not naturally occur to our
thoughts. Why then is it called ‘infinite’? Because if
we suppose it to denote everything that is not man, there ate
no limits to its meaning. Fish, fowl, good red-herring,
earth, air, fire, water, sun, moon, stars, and textbooks on
logic—all that and much more is #ot-man, and is covered
by the term. In this way of speaking man and not-man
between them cover the universe, and leave nothing out.
See below on the Law of the Excluded Middle (p. 125).
The same holds of worm and not-worm, and any such pair
of contradictories. It does not hold of pairs of attributive
terms, like hospitable and inhospitable. Inhospitable has a
meaning and occurs naturally in our thoughts. Whether
it is to be classed as a negative term or privative is a matter
of opinion, and depends on outlook ; but it is naturalized
in language, as its form shows, and therein differs from
not-man, and from terms like non-consumer goods, invented
for purposes of contradiction and argument.
Contradictory and Contrary terms. Opposite pairs of terms
are Contradictory or Contrary. Two terms are contra-
1H. W. B. Joseph, Am Introduction to Logic, 2nd ed., p. 42.
dictory when the one is the negative of the other. Such
are: white, not-white—wise, not-wise—late, not-late.
The full significance of contradiction is best brought out
by contrasting it with contrariety. Two terms are con-
trary when they are the most opposed of those coming
under the one head or class. Such are: white, black—
wise, foolish—late, early. White and black are usually
regarded as colours, and (whether literally or meta-
phorically) as at opposite ends of the scale; cf. “I am
black, but O, my soul is white.” 1 No+-white is far wider
than black and goes outside the colour class (see above,
p. 22, under Infinite terms). Wise and foolish apply only
to intelligent beings; m#of-wise can be applied as well to
the inanimate ; unwise and nof-wise are almost identical in
meaning, when both are said of intelligent beings ; but
unwise could not be said of the inanimate; there is no
difference between an snwise and a not-wise chess-player;
the automaton chess-player of last century could be called
not-wise, but hardly wmwise. Words like unwise, securely
lodged in the language, tend to acquire a more positive
meaning than their purely negative counterparts.
Contradictory terms are mutually exclusive ; they cannot
both apply to the same thing ; if the one does not apply
to a given thing, the other does. Contrary terms also
are mutually exclusive; the same object cannot be both
wise and foolish; but there are many objects that are
neither wise nor foolish.

Connotation and Denotation. Intension and Extension

Common terms possess two distinct types of meaning,

and the four technical terms in this section heading, or
1W. Blake, The Little Black Boy.
three of them at least, are required to make the distinction
clear. We will take an instance.
What is a house? What does the tetm mean? What
does it- denote? Oh, it denotes anything from a city
mansion to a shooting lodge. A cottage is a house; so
is a suburban villa, and so is a royal palace. The term
house means those buildings, and many more. You could
point to any of those buildings, and say, That is a house.
The term house denotes all those buildings. That type of
meaning is called Denotation, and that cottage, palace,
villa, lodge, etc., are all part of the denotation of the term
Thank you for the information, says Mr. Jones, your
friend in the Civil Service; but it is not what I want.
Pointing at buildings does not help me; for Lam Chairman
of a Housing Committee ; we are drafting a Housing Bill ;
we need to know what a house is, what constitutes a house,
what the term /ouse essentially means, or shall mean for
purposes of the Act. We want to know what house
connotes, or shall for our present purpose connote.
This deeper meaning is called Connotation.? It is
harder to come at than denotation in most cases ; anyone
can point to a building and recognize it as a house; but
not everyone is prepared to say precisely what constitutes
a house. Connotation is a statement of the essential
attributes of the term, and such a statement is often a
matter for experts. The essential attributes of a house
would include at any rate, (1) building or structure, to
exclude caves, etc., (2) permanence, to exclude tents,
booths, caravans, etc., (3) fitness for human habitation,
to exclude sheds, sties, etc. On the basis of such a list
1 From the Latin connotare, used by the Scholastics to express the
notion of a second, or supplemental, meaning.
the connotation of the term ouse would be, ‘a permanent
building fit for human habitation’. Housing Acts would
almost certainly require more precise attributes, such as
some upper and lower limits of size in terms of floor-space.
All common terms carry this twofold meaning. I
suggest that the reader should choose one or two with
which he is familiar, say, table, boat, or car, and work
out for himself in detail the connotation and denotation
of each ; when he is clear on the difference, let him tackle
with me the further distinction between Intension and
Intension is quite easy. It is what you intend your term
to mean. It is the inner meaning, given to the term by
the public, the expert, or yourself. It is a statement of the
attributes, and is therefore identical with connotation, and
the two technical terms for the one thing-are not really
needed. In some ways intension is the better term, but
on balance connotation is to be preferred, because it has
the cognate verb /o-connote. We can say that the term
house connotes so and so, but not that it intends so and
Extension is used by some logicians as the equivalent
of Denotation ; but it is better to keep the names distinct,
and there is work for both of them to do. They are alike
in facing outwards; in shat both are opposed to both
connotation and intension; but while denotation points
the finger at the individual, extension waves the hand
towards the class to which the individual belongs. The
term boat extends to and covers the classes of rowing-boat,
fishing smack, yacht, barge, liner, battleship, etc. Those
1 Some logicians distinguish the two terms, making Connotation
relatively fixed and objective, and Intension varying with the indi-
vidual, The distinction is hard to sustain.
if we
classes are part of the extension of the term. But
the classes to the indivi dual boats, then we
descend from
must speak of denotation. The term boat denotes Noah’s
Ark, the flagship of Solomon’s navy, the fastest trireme
that fought at Salamis, the Golden Hind, Nelson’s Victory
the Queen Mary, the Kish lightship in Dublin Bay, and
millions more.

Inverse Variation of Connotation and Extension

Very often when we increase the connotation of a term

we automatically decrease its extension, and, vice versa,
when we decrease its connotation, we increase its extension.
A boat is a structure that floats on water; add wooden to
the connotation, and the number of classes in the extension
is reduced. On the other hand omit structure, and the
number of classes is increased ; for rafts, hollow logs and
planks might rank as boats.
Practice in varying connotation and extension and
observing the results is of use in classifying, and in fixing
definitions. Whether the variation is inverse in all cases
may be doubted (see Joseph, op. cit., p. 137 ff.). Note
also that what goes for extension does not always go for
denotation. You can alter the number of trout in the lake
without altering the number of classes of trout; but it
would be hard to alter the number of their classes without
altering the number of trout. If you alter the connotation
of a term, almost certainly you alter its denotation; but
alter its denotation without altering its extension, and you
do not alter its connotation.
Non-connotative terms!

J. S. Mill taught that proper names and specific abstract

terms have no connotation. In his eyes Sir Walter Scott,
for instance, has only one meaning ; it would denote the
famous writer of that name, but connote nothing, not
even a person of the male sex or the author of Waverley.
On this view his name is a mark distinguishing him from
other people, but otherwise without meaning. His name
may suggest his sex and what he was and did, but does not
mean any of those things.
Bosanquet? thought that Mill was wrong on the point,
and said that a proper name “ has a connotation, but not
a fixed general connotation”; but whether a private and
personal connotation, particularly if always changing, could
come up to what we ordinarily mean by ‘ connotation’
seems very doubtful. Connotation is usually taken to
imply common attributes of a relatively fixed character;
and provided we distinguish acquired meaning from
original, and limit Mill’s doctrine to a denial of original
meaning in proper names it is correct. (As to abstract
terms Mill is on weaker ground.) Many proper names,
such as Smith, were not originally proper names, but
common terms, and of course ¢hen they had a connotation ;
but that fact does not affect the present question.

Definition is a difficult art, but a necessary duty in honest
discourse, especially when unfamiliar or ambiguous terms
1 The question is of minor importance. ‘Those who wish to pursue
it should read J. S. Mill, Logic I ii 5, and, for different views, H. W. B.
Joseph, op. cit., p. 150 ff. (2nd ed.).
- 8.Bosanquet, The Essentials of Logic, Lect. V.

have to be employed. Unless we define our terms with

such degree of accuracy as the subject-matter and our
knowledge permit, clear thought and convincing statement
are impossible. To define a term is to state its limits (fines).
Connotation gives the limits, and therefore Definition is
the statement of the connotation of the term.
The perfect definition is an ideal; but some are better
than others. Faulty and weak definitions, and even mere
descriptions (see below, p. 30), can be better than nothing.
To make weak definitions stronger, and bad ones better,
and to set a high standard for all who define, the following
five Rules of Definition have long been laid down, The
fifth Rule carries with it most of the requirements of the
other four.
(1) The definition must be Adequate, i.e. Commensurate ;
it must measure up to the term to be defined; it must
fit like a glove, and be neither too wide nor too narrow.
The extension and denotation of the term test the adequacy
of the definition. The definition is adequate if the classes
and individuals it covers ate exactly equal to those covered
by the term defined, and are neither too many, nor too
few. Examples :
(2) ‘A gillaroo? is a trout with a gizzard.’ The definition
is adequate. The number of trouts with a gizzard, and
of their classes, is exactly equal to the number of gillaroos
and of their classes.
(b) ‘A musical comedy is a dramatic representation with
a happy ending.’ The definition is too wide; it covers
all comedies.
(c) ‘A University student is a man on the books of
1 The word ‘ gillaroo’ comes from the Irish ‘ giolla ruadh’, and
means ‘red fellow’. The species is found in some Irish lakes,
notably Lough Mask. Whether its ‘ gizzard’ is a true gizzard is, in
its turn, a question of definition.
a University.” The definition is too narrow; most
universities today admit women.
(2) The definition must be Precise and Clear. It must
not contain anything superfluous, nor be expressed in
obscure or ambiguous terms. Examples :
(az) ‘An isosceles triangle is a three-sided rectilinear
figure with two of its sides equal.’ The definition is
precise and clear.
(b) ‘An isosceles triangle is a three-sided rectilinear
figure with two of its sides equal and its three angles
together equal to two right angles.’ The definition is not
precise ; it needs pruning ; the latter clause is superfluous.
(3) The definition must not contain a term equivalent
to the term to be defined. A breach of this rule is called,
A Circle in Definition. Circular definitions go round on
themselves, and make no advance. Examples:
(a) “ Network—Any thing reticulated or decussated, at
equal distances, with interstices between the intersections ”
(Dr. S. Johnson). .Circular (rete is Latin for a nef) and
contains something superfluous.
(6) And what #s an archdeacon? ‘An archdeacon, my
dear Sir, is a man who performs archidiaconal functions.’
(c) ‘ Life is the operation of vital forces.’ Circular;
vita is Latin for 4fe.
(4) As far as possible the definition should not be by
negative attributes. Examples:
(a) ‘ Matter is something we know not what.’ Though
partly positive in form, the nerve of the definition relates
to ignorance, i.e. not-knowing.
(b) ‘ A teetotaller is one who does not drink alcoholic
beverages.’ ‘ Teetotaller’ is a privative term, and it is
hardly possible to define it in fully positive terms.
(5) The definition should be per genus et differentiam.
A genus (see below, p. 131) is a group or family, especially
a natural family or kind. A differentia is that which dis-
tinguishes one species in a genus from another species.
Trout is a genus. Gillaroo trout have a lump in the throat
that grinds down the shells of water-snails ; and that lump
is the differentia of the gillaroo species of trout. The
definition given above under (1) (a) is therefore per genus
et differentiam. Here is another instance: Homo animal
risibile, i.e. Man is an animal that can laugh. ‘ Man is an
animal ’, that is true, but it is no definition; for it leaves
man undefined in a wide ocean of other animals. ‘Man
can laugh’, that is true, and a most significant truth,
implying conscious self-reference ; but it is no definition ;
it does not pin-point man; only when we put the two
truths together, do we reach a worthy definition at the
point of intersection. We must first compare ourselves
with the other animals in the genus that, like ourselves,
live, breathe, and move, and then contrast ourselves with
those that cannot laugh, and have not otr differentia.
When we have thus considered the term man per genus,
and then per differentiam, we have determined its ‘ bound-
aries ’ (fines); we have defined man, and, incidentally, can
appreciate the gift of laughter.

Description is a partial statement of the connotation of
the term, sufficient to distinguish it from other terms. To
the logician, a description is an imperfect definition, but
to the man of letters description is a fine art and a difficult
art. Individuals can be described, but not, strictly, defined.
‘A gillaroo is a fish ’—that description goes a very short
way; but it might be better than nothing. ‘A gillaroo
is a trout ’—that is better again. ‘Pleasure is a test of
a formed habit "—that is a good Aristotelian description,
not far from.a definition.

Logical Division is like analysis in the experimental
sciences ; it breaks up the material into its component
parts. Division is the complementary process to defini-
tion, dealing with extension and denotation, as definition
deals with connotation. Division is much like Classifica-
tion; but in Division we start with the whole and work
down to the parts, while in Classification we usually start
with the parts and work up to the whole. For instance,
a treatise on the racial characters of man- would have to
begin by dividing mankind into Aryans, Semites, Magyars,
etc. The main divisions would be sub-divided, and the
sub-divisions perhaps sub-divided. The resulting table
could be called ‘a Division of Man’, or ‘a Classification
of men’. Division is mainly concerned with the orderly
atrangement of class and species; but class and species
can be divided into the individuals composing them.
Individuals themselves are not capable of logical division ;
hence their name.
There are three main Rules of Logical Division :
(1) It must be adequate. ‘The parts must together be
equal to the whole, and no part must be overlooked.
The contents of Logic are divided into terms, proposi-
tions, and syllogisms. In dividing natural species, etc.,
it is often hard to ensure that no part has been omitted.
(z) It must be distinct. There must be no overlapping
ot blurred outlines. Europeans are correctly divided into
British, Irish, French, Germans, Dutch, Swedish, etc., but
not into British, Scottish, Irish, French, Germans, Dutch,
Swedish, Scandinavians, etc. The logic of the shop-sign
‘ Ladies, Gents, and Clerical Tailoring ’ is open to criticism.
(3) There must be only one Principle of Division. The
Principle of Division is the basis on which the division is
made. If we divide mankind by race or by colour, then
race or colour is the Principle of Division. Whatever
Principle we adopt, we must stick to it, as far as possible.
We must not divide mankind into Aryans, Semites, white
men, redskins, intellectuals, workers, ancients, and
moderns. Books may be divided into fiction, history,
travel, poetry, biography, etc., but not into fiction, octavo,
quarto, manuscript, printed, bound and unbound. It is
not always possible or desirable to keep strictly to this
rule; and if the two Principles are very close or con-
gruous, a cross-division will do no great harm.

Dichotomy is a form of division, suggested by Plato
and criticized by Aristotle. The word means ‘ cutting
into two parts’. Dichotomy divides a genus into two
parts, one of which possesses the differentia and the other
not. ‘Thus animal would dichotomize into rational and
irrational. Rational beings would dichotomize into mortal
and immortal. The division is necessarily exhaustive, and
the species necessarily exclude one another. The method
is of some use, and we still divide into vertebrates and in-
vertebrates; but the members of the class zuvertebrates have,
most of them, little incommon. The historic dichotomy,
known as Arbor Porphyriana, is shown below (p. 134).

Questions and Exercises on Chapter II

1. Define serm as used in Logic. Give its derivation. How

does a #erm differ from a word?
2. How do we know the difference between Subject and
Predicate ? Which comes first?
3. The problem of thought and speech meets us everywhere
in Logic. A final solution must obviously wait on experience
and mature reflection. Can you suggest a commonsense
approach to the problem in the early stages of Logic?
4. Take a paragraph or two from the news columns of a daily
paper. List the nouns that could serve as zerms ; then classify
them as abstract, concrete, or doubtful. Discuss the doubtful
5. Arrange the following terms under the headings, Singular,
Common, Collective: The Queen of Sheba, Solomon’s navy,
the Light Brigade, the Charge of the Light Brigade, the first
breath of spring, bee, the queen bee, queen bees, Jacob, ladder,
Jacob’s Ladder, European, John Smith, Smith and Co. Ltd.
6. What difficulties are associated with negative terms?
How do negative terms differ from privative?
7. Does ‘not-man’ mean anything? What did Aristotle call
it? Why?
8. Give the contradictories of the following: <A, kindly,
book, logical, warm, foolish.
9. Give the contraries of the following: Alpha, man, warm,
10. Why are several technical terms needed for meaning in
logic ?
11. Give the connotation and denotation of the terms,
motor-cat, party.
12. Explain ‘the inverse variation of connotation and ex-
tension’. Discuss it.
13. Do proper names connote anything?
14. Give with examples the rules of definition and division.
15. ‘I could describe a Regatta; but I could not define
the term.” Comment.
_ 16. Discuss the value of dichotomy.

THE structure of the Proposition was outlined in the

previous chapter; for terms cannot be understood apart
from propositions. Propositions are as necessary to terms
as terms are to propositions. In this chapter we discuss
the Proposition in detail. We first deal with those com-
paratively simple propositions, like ‘ Silence is golden’,
which ate called Categorical ; they assert categorically, that
is, without conditions or strings. We then (from p. 56)
discuss non-Categorical propositions.
Propositions in the Logic of discourse ‘ propose ’ some-
thing about something or someone; they ‘ propose’ a
predicate about a subject; they affirm a predicate of a
subject, or they deny a predicate of a subject. Each such
proposition has therefore two terms, a subject and a
predicate, not isolated but joined by the copula, expressed
or implied. The subject is that about which the affirmation
or denial is made. The predicate is that which is affirmed
or denied of the subject. In ‘Silence is golden’ Silence
is subject, golden is predicate, and is is copula.

The Copula
The Copula is the hinge of the proposition ; on it turns
the relation between subject and predicate. The copula
is the connecting link. Silence is silence, and golden is
golden; but if you wish to express the golden character
of silence, you must connect the two words by the copula.

No copula, expressed or implied, no proposition. Take

away the copula (e.g. ‘silence, golden’), and the unity of
the proposition is destroyed, and its two terms fall asunder,
like a broken coupling.
The copula, if expressed, is the present tense of the
verb fo be—is, is not, are, are not, etc. If the copula is
expressed, the predicate is often an adjective or an adjec-
tival attribute. Examples:
Larch trees are deciduous. Fir trees are not deciduous.
The elephant is long-lived. The mouse is not long-lived.
Cycling is the cheapest form of Books are a solace to the
transport. weary.
A policeman’s lot is not a
happy one.

The copula, if implied, is shown usually by the inflection

of the verb. Examples:
Birds fly. Ostriches cannot fly.
Sunshine ripens the corn. The moon does not affect the
Starlings congregate in the weather.
autumn. History repeats itself.
Traffic-lights facilitate the Statesmen must compromise.

In poetry the copula can be left entirely to the imagina-

tion. Examples:
Happy the man who all his time and toil
Hath spent through life upon his native soil! (i.e. Happy és
the man who . .)
Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas. (i.e. Felix es# qui. . .)

The copula is a mark of predication; it shows that

something is asserted or denied of a subject. It is not a
mark of existence. When we say ‘ The elephant is long-
lived’, we do not say, or mean, that the elephant exists
long-lived. Existence may be implied; but what we
affirm is simply that the attribute /ong-/ived applies to the
species elephant. The notion of existence comes in, not
from the copula, but from the fact that we usually speak
about existent things.?
The copula does not indicate present time. In ‘ Soc-
rates is mortal’ nothing is said about the present existence
of Socrates; when we say it, we are scarcely thinking of
time at all, and any latent time-reference there may be in
the proposition as a whole is certainly not expressed by
the copula. How to deal with propositions that make
explicit assertions about past, present, or future time is
shown below (p. 42).

Propositions and Sentences

Our propositions come from the limitless sea of human
discourse. They are sentences to which the principles of
Logic apply ; they are selected in accordance with those
principles, and are ‘ prepared’, to meet the requirements
of logical form. In other words, we select our proposi-
tions from the raw material of sentences, and then ‘ pre-
pare’ them and fit them for the processes of Logic.
All propositions are sentences, but not all sentences are
propositions. Ejaculations, exclamations, prayers, wishes,
commands, and questions are not propositions. The dis-
tinguishing mark of a proposition is its capacity for truth
or falsity. A sentence is a proposition for Logic if, and
only if, it is capable of being true or false. The one sen-
tence cannot be true and false at the same time; but to
1 The various meanings of existence form a philosophical problem.
It and the implications as to the existence of subject and predicate in
the different types of propositions are usually discussed in more
advanced works on Logic under the heading, * Existential Import ’,
take its place in Logic and to rank as a proposition, it
must be of such a character that we can say of it, ‘ That is
true’ or ‘ That is false.” ‘ How many miles to Babylon ?’
“Turn again, Whittington.’ ‘Wasn’t that a pretty dish
to set before a king!” ‘May I die the death of the
righteous.’—Such sentences are not capable of being true
or false. They are not propositions. ‘ Whittington was
Lord Mayor of London.’ ‘The birds began to sing.’
* He died the death of the righteous.’—-Such sentences are
capable of being true or false; they are propositions.
In applying this rule, go by the sense, and not by the
sound or the look. There are sentences that do not look
like propositions, but are, and there are sentences that look
like propositions, but are not. “ Are not Abana: and
Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of
Israel? ”? 1 That is a rhetorical question; one does not
answer it; for it is the same as saying, ‘ Abana and
Pharpar .. . are better than all the waters of Israel.’ It
can be true; it can be false; it is a proposition. ‘ Hora-
tius kept the bridge ’—that is true; it is a proposition,
‘Lars Porsena kept the bridge "—that is false; it is a
proposition. ‘Who will stand on either hand, and keep
the bridge with me ?’—that is a question; it cannot be
true or false; it is not a proposition. ‘ Herminius will
stand at my right hand, and keep the bridge with me ? ’"—
that, too, is a question, though it looks like a proposition ;
we know it by the question mark ; Herminius knew it by
the tone of voice and rising inflection. Horatius’ prayer
to Father Tiber, his wishes and vows, his orders (if any)
to his comrades—such sentences lie outside the scope of
Logic; they are not propositions; they cannot be true
or false.
12 Kings v 12.
‘Preparing ’ the Proposition
The Proposition must be ‘ prepared’ for the technical
processes of Logic, as specimens in the laboratory are
‘ prepared ’ for the microscope. Not all propositions are
equally suitable for logical treatment at the elementary
stages, and of those that are suitable some are the better
of minor alterations in form. Logic, like other disciplines,
has its natural limits, and cannot deal efficiently with all
propositions. Those on the following list and others
like them are unsuitable for logical treatment. They are
propositions ; they admit truth or falsity; but in one
respect or another they fail to measure up to the standards
of subject-predicate form:
It is snowing.
It never rains, but it pours.
Anything might happen.
There is nothing there.
He is not here.
A is equal to B.
This is greater than that.
Boys will be boys.
There’s many a slip ’twixt cup and lip.
The expedition is one hundred miles from the South
It is just a list of types of proposition; it could be ex-
panded indefinitely, and could be criticized both for what
it contains and for what it omits. It is meant to cover,
(a) colloquialisms, like ‘ Boys will be boys ’, which is little
more than an exclamation or grunt, (b) vague and con-
ventional statements about common physical phenomena,
where we do not know precisely what is what, or what
does what, (c) statements of abstract relations, such as

mathematical equality or comparative size, and (d) state-

ments of position, distance, and other spatial relations.
They have all one thing in common ; they are deficient in
respect of subject-predicate form. Either the terms are
unclear, or the predication is vague; either we cannot
say precisely what the subject is, or what the predicate
is, or what exactly is affirmed or denied. Such proposi-
tions lack therefore requirements of ‘logical form’, and
we can afford to ignore them. It is not the duty of
Logic to deal with every type of proposition, every type
of sentence, every nicety of discourse. Logic has better
and more important material, and can never run short of
clear affirmations and denials about sterling subjects of
worth-while knowledge. Logic gains, not loses, if types
of propositions, unsuitable for logical treatment, are left

Setting out the Proposition in Logical Form

By ‘ Logical Form’ I mean the most convenient form
for teaching Logic, Aristotelian Logic. There is room
for difference of opinion about the phrase ‘ Logical Form’,
and from one point of view any subject-predicate pro-
position is eo ipso in logical form. Anyone is entitled to
take up that position, and whoever does so has only to
regard the following instructions as explaining how to set
out the proposition in fuller or optimum logical form.
There are two distinct steps to be taken, and the two
rules for taking them are: (1) Express the guantity of the
proposition, if it is not expressed already, and (2) Express
the copula, if it is not expressed already, and make conse-
quential changes in the predicate. We will explain and
illustrate both these rules.
(1) Take our proposition, ‘Silence is golden.’ It is
capable of truth or falsity. Its subject and its predicate
are both perfectly clear; its predication is well defined.
It has passed the initial tests, and might appear to be in full
logical form. But is it? No. We should find it defec-
tive, if we tried to use it in argument; for we have not
yet been told whether golden is said of ail silence, or only
of some. Silence, where we ought to speak, can be any-
thing but golden; it can even be brazen. This defect in
Logic must, if possible, be put right. The Quantity of
the proposition and the Distribution of its subject (which
amount to the same thing, see below, p. 49) are to be
expressed, if that is not already done, and if we have the
material for doing so. By this ‘ grooming’, if we may
call it so, the pair of indefinite propositions, symbolized
by ‘A is B’ and ‘A is not B’ becomes the quartet of
definite propositions, on which the primary work of Logic
centres, viz.
All A is B.
No A is B.
Some A is B.
Some A is not B.

(2) The second step concerns the copula. Take the

proposition, ‘ Silence gives consent.’ Strictly its logical
form is just as good as the logical form of (say) ‘ Silence
is golden.’ Subject, predicate, and predication are per-
fectly clear in both cases. The one states what silence is,
the other what silence does. The word consenting is not
used absolutely ; if it were, ‘ Silence is consenting ’ could
be substituted for ‘ Silence gives consent’, just as ‘ Sea
trout are migrants’ can be substituted for ‘Sea trout
migrate.’ We must, however, recognize that syllogistic

and other processes in Aristotelian Logic are, as a rule,

more conveniently and with less risk of error, carried out
with propositions that express the copula and have adjec-
tival predicates or the equivalent. Whether this is due to
an accident of language or to some deeper reason, we
need not here discuss. Aristotle recognized ‘ Man walks ’
as a good logical proposition; but the vast majority of
the examples in his Organon are of the‘ Ais B’ type. We
follow his example. Without any reflection on the logical
character of propositions that only imply the copula, we
shall regard those that express the copula, as being for
practical purposes of Logic in optimum logical form, and
shall ‘set out’ the proposition accordingly, wherever
language permits and it can conveniently be done.

Exercises in logical form. Practical instructions

Make a list of propositions of your own choosing, and

work them out on paper. Choose easy examples at first,
and vary the type. Avoid long, complex, and highly
idiomatic propositions. Make sure that all are proposi-
tions, i.e. are capable of truth or falsity. Admit only
those with a clearly marked subject and predicate. In-
clude both affirmations and denials. Include both those
with the copula expressed and those with the copula
Have three columns, one for the Subject, one for the
Copula, and one for the Predicate. Under subject and
ptedicate, respectively, enter the whole term not the noun
only, but also its adjective, relative clause, and anything
that logically goes along with it. Enter the negative (if
any) with the copula in the rough work. When the mark
of quantity is added in the fair copy, the ‘ all’ of a universal
negative combines with the ‘not’ to make ‘ No’ which
is prefixed to the proposition. On no account allow
such propositions to keep the form ‘ All... not’ (see
below, p. 54). If the mark of quantity (a// or some) is
not expressed, and if you can tell which is intended,
add it.
Then tackle those propositions that need to have the
copula expressed, with consequential changes in the predi-
cate. Your aim should be to convey the same sense with
the minimum of outward change; that usually means
transferring the idea of the verb into an adjective or
adjectival clause, and making it the predicate or part of it.
Since the copula does not express the notion of time,
propositions, like ‘Babylon was once a great city’, or
‘ Troy will rise from its ruins’ must be treated in one or
other of two ways. (a) Transfer the time-notion to the
predicate, and write ‘ Babylon is what was once a great
city ’, and ‘ Troy is a fortress that will rise from its ruins ’,
or (b) Ignore the time-notion, and write simply, ‘ Babylon
is a great city’, and ‘ Troy rises from its ruins.” The
former method is usually clumsy, and the latter method is
usually both neat and adequate. What we are really doing
when we ignore the time-notion is just what poets, his-
torians, and raconteurs do in vivid narrative ; we are pictur-
ing ourselves as contemporary with the events of which
we speak; we are projecting our thoughts backwards or
forwards into (what might be called) ‘ the timeless present
of logical predication’.
Finally, do not waste time on stubborn propositions.
The resources of language are limited, and if you cannot
find a good adjectival or attributive equivalent for your
verb, turn to some other proposition. Examples:

Propositions In logical form

Men die. All men are mottal.
Cain killed Abel. Cain is the killer of Abel.
Grass is green. All grass is green.
Water does not run uphill. No water runs uphill.
Abel was killed by Cain. Abel is the man who was
killed by Cain.
Feathered animals have bills. All feathered animals have
Learning satisfies the learned. Learning is a satisfaction to
the learned.
All leaves taper to a point. All leaves are pointed.
No sugats are insoluble’ in (the same)
No birds have four legs. No birds are quadrupeds.
‘The quality of mercy is not No acts of metcy are of
strained.’ strained quality.
Poachers do not observe the No poachers are law-abiding.
Rolling stones gather no moss. No rolling stones are mossy
(or, discarding the meta-
phor), None who change
jobs frequently are success-
Virtuous people do not always Some virtuous people are not
succeed in life. successful,
It is a wise father who knows All fathers who know their
his own child. own children ate wise.
Virtue alone is happiness All who are happy on eatth
below. ate vittuous.
Steam is H,O. All steam is H,O.

Propositions and Symbols

From this on considerable use will be made of symbols
both for terms and for propositions. S is the accepted
symbol for the subject, and P for the predicate. ‘Sis P’
is the accepted symbol for the affirmative proposition,
and ‘Sis not P’ for the negative. SP can be used where
there is no need to distinguish affirmative from negative.
Other symbols will be introduced, and mentioned, as the
need for them arises.
Symbols have their uses and their abuses. They are
a mental shorthand, enabling miich ground to be covered
in a short time; further, they encourage the mind to
attend to propositional form without being distracted by
colourful content. But the use of symbols in Logic is
not an end in itself; too many symbols at an early stage
make the study of Logic much harder than it need be.
In the following pages the rules of Logic are illustrated,
so far as is practicable, both in abstract symbols and in
concrete terms. The student is recommended to do his
practice work along similar lines, at least until his mind
turns with ease from the concrete case to the abstract
symbol, and back again from the abstract symbol to the
concrete case.

The Quality of Propositions

Quality is a specialized term in Logic; the word comes
from the Latin gualis, which means, Of what sort? Of
what sort is the proposition? What is its fundamental
character? Is it affirmative or is it negative? Proposi-
tions have either the affirmative quality or the negative
quality. They are either affirmations or denials. There
are several ways of expressing denials in English. The
two chief forms are:
S is not P,
No S is P.

Equipollent Propositions
Propositions that differ in quality, but have the same
meaning, the same subject, and contradictory predicates,
are called Equipollent. Such are:
Conversation is a pleasant pastime.
Conversation is not an unpleasant pastime.

Affirmation is one thing; denial is another thing; and

the same proposition cannot both affirm and deny. How
then is Equipollence possible? Because when the pro-
position is taken as a whole an alteration in the quality of
the predication can be offset by an equal and opposite
alteration in the predicate. LEquipollent propositions,
understood as they occur in living discourse, generally
display slight differences of tone or emphasis.
The machinery of Equipollence is as follows: If the
given proposition is negative, the negation is simply trans-
ferred from the predication or the copula to the predicate.
‘Sis not P’ becomes ‘ S is not-P’. If the given proposi-
tion is affirmative, two negations are introduced, one into
the predication or copula, the other into the predicate,
thus cancelling out. ‘S is P’ becomes ‘S is not not-P’.
The change operates more smoothly when the copula is
expressed and the predicate is adjectival ; and for the pur-
pose of Equipollence the proposition, if not already in
this form, should be put into it.
As a process of Inference Equipollence is called Obver-
sion (see below, p. 74), and is of technical importance on
that account. In actual discourse it is used to alter the
tone of statements. A Chairman might not like to call
an item of business ‘important’, but might prefer to say
it was ‘not unimportant ’.
The Quantity of Propositions and of their Terms
The Quantity (Latin, quantum) of a proposition is the
answet to the question, How much does it affirm or
deny ? What is the extent of its assertion? The Quantity
of its Terms is the answer to similar questions about its
subject and its predicate.
The proposition is a statement about its subject, and
therefore the extent and reference of the proposition and
of its subject are necessarily the same. If the subject is
‘ All men’, the proposition is about ‘ All men’; if the
subject is ‘Some men’, the proposition is about ‘ Some
men’. The quantity of the proposition is the same as that
of its subject. The Quantity of the Predicate is a different
matter, and is determined in a different way, and, as a rule,
is not called Quantity, but is called Distribution instead.
The Quantity of the subject, too, is better known as
Distribution. We speak, therefore, of the Ouantity of the
proposition, and of the Distribution of its Terms.
In respect of Quantity three classes of propositions are
recognized by Logic, viz. Universal, Particular, and
Singular. Universal propositions are about the whole of
a kind. Examples:
All woodcock have long bills.
Snipe (sc. all snipe) have long bills.
No partridge have long bills.

Particular propositions are about part of a kind. Ex-

Some duck dive.
Weather forecasts can be accurate.
Some pheasants do not crow.

Singular propositions are about an individual person

or thing. Examples:
Noah built an ark.
The first animal to enter was the last to leave.
The earliest primrose is not the best.
Singular propositions, for most purposes, can be treated,
and are treated, as universal; for their subjects, being
singular, are necessarily taken in their whole extent.
“Some Socrates? makes no sense. In the main, then, we
have only to think of two quantities in Logic, universal
and particular.
Logical Quantity is not concerned with numbers.
When we say “ All men are mortal”’, we are not thinking
of millions or billions of men, or of any aggregate of men.
Races, nations, classes, families, and individuals are covered
by the assertion; but the assertion itself is not about any
count of men, but about that without which there would
be no men to count, viz. the human kind, humanity,
Man. -A// in logic means the whole kind; Some in logic
means part of the kind, at least one; the words A// and
Some give no further indication as to numbers.

Quality and Quantity taken together

There are two types of proposition according to Quality,
affirmative and negative, and there are two types (for our
purpose) according to Quantity, universal and particular.
Thus there are four types in all, universal affirmative,
universal negative, particular affirmative, and particular
negative. To each of these four types of proposition a
symbolic vowel, as shown in the following table, has been
assigned. A and I stand for the two affirmative types;
E and O for the two negative types. They are easy to
remember ; for A and I are the first two vowels of afirmo,
I affirm, and E and O are the vowels of nego, I deny.


A Universal Affirmative . . All S is P SaP

E Universal Negative : . No Sis P SeP
I Particular Affirmative . wHSomerSiiseP. See
O Particular Negative 4 - Some S is not P SoP

Singular Propositions
Singular propositions have a singular term for subject.
Examples :
Socrates taught Plato.
Socrates did not teach Aristotle.
As stated above they rank as universals for most purposes
(A or E). Some logicians place them in a class apart,
neither universal nor particular. On balance the present
arrangement is to be preferred. Four types are easier to
manage than six, and singular propositions are like univer-
sal propositions in that their subjects are wholes, not

Enumerative Propositions

Enumerative Propositions are those that gather together

a limited number of instances of a class or members of a
kind, and enumerate them in one statement, usually pre-
faced by ‘ All the...’ or ‘ All these...’ They have to
1 The student may use the shorthand notation of the fourth column
when he is thoroughly familiar with the rules of Inference ; till then
he should use the notation in the third column.
be treated as universals in Logic, but they fall short of
true universality in respect of their extension and denota-
tion. For example, ‘ All the Apostles were Jews’ is an
Enumerative proposition ; it enumerates and summarizes
a set of given instances. St. Peter was a Jew. St. James,
St. John, etc. were Jews. Therefore all these Apostles,
mentioned, were Jews. Compare it with a true universal,
like ‘ All Apostles have a sense of mission ’, and one sees
the difference at a glance. The former proposition is
based on a limited list of individuals, the latter proposition
is based on the notion and meaning of apostleship.

The Distribution of Terms in a Proposition

A term is said to be Distributed if the whole of it is
covered by the predication; and if only part of it is covered
by the predication, it is said to be Undisttibuted. In ‘ All
lunar eclipses occur at the full-moon’ /unar eclipses is
Distributed ; for there are none not covered by the state-
ment; but occur at the full-moon is Undistributed; for
there are many other occurrences at that time. Déstri-
buted and Undistributed, said of terms, correspond, respec-
tively, to Universal and Particular, said of propositions;
some logicians use Universal and Particular quantitatively
of terms as well as of propositions.
The Distribution of the subject, as already explained
(p. 46), goes along with the quantity of the proposition.
If the proposition is Universal, affirmative or negative
(A or BE), the subject is Distributed, and if the subject is
Distributed, the proposition is Universal. If the proposi-
tion is Particular, affirmative or negative (I or O), the
subject is Undistributed, and if the subject is Undistributed,
the proposition is Particular.
In deciding the quantity of the proposition and the
distribution of the subject, go by the sense. Many
universals have no outward mark of quantity. Most
proverbs, just because they are proverbs, are universal.
General statements, like ‘ Roses suffer from green-fly ’ are
usually intended universally. On the other hand, ‘ All’
prefixed is no guarantee of universality. On the enumera-
tive ‘ All’ see above (p. 48), and on the idiomatic ‘ All
... not’ see below (p. 54).
Questions about Quantity concentrate attention on ex-
tension and denotation, and tend to make us forget that
terms have connotation as well. Individuals form groups
in virtue of connotation shared. Some swans are white,
and some swans are black, and those that are white are
not those that are black ; but all swans share ‘ swanship ’,
which is a deeper and broader thing than surface colour.
‘ Swanship ’ means the connotation of the term swan, its
essential attributes, and in virtue of it the two propositions,
“Some swans are white, and some black’ have the same
subject, though it is taken in different parts of its extension
or its denotation.
The Distribution of the predicate is determined by the
quality of the proposition, and is not affected by the Distri-
bution of the subject. Beginners find this a difficult point,
and part of the difficulty is their natural tendency to regard
a proposition as an equation. It cannot be repeated too
often that a proposition is wo¢ an equation. Its predicate?
does not equal its subject, but is affirmed or denied of its
subject. The nature of predication decides the distribu-
tion of the predicate. The predicate of affirmative pro-
1Sir William Hamilton’s doctrine of ‘ The Quantification of the
Predicate’ finds few supporters today. It is discussed by Joseph,
op. cit., p. 222 ff.
positions (A and |) is Undistributed ; the predicate of
negative propositions (E and QO) is Distributed.
These are two-way rules, both of them, and we must be
prepared to argue it either way. Given an affirmative
proposition, we know that its predicate is undistributed.
Given an undistributed predicate, we know that its pro-
position is affirmative. Given a negative proposition,
we know that its predicate is distributed. Given a distri-
buted predicate, we know that its proposition is negative.
The above are the rules for the Distribution of the
predicate, which apply to our four ordinary, simple ways
of affirming and denying, A, E, I, and O. Learn the
rules, apply them, and by degrees you will come to see
the reasons for them. Why must the predicate of an
affirmative proposition be undistributed ? Why must the
predicate of a negative proposition be distributed? Well,
try to break these rules, and you will not find it so easy
todoso. Try to make up an affirmation with a distributed
predicate ; or try to make up a denial with an undistributed
predicate, and you will find either that you cannot do it
at all, or that, to do it, you have to depart from our
ordinary, simple ways of affirming and denying.
‘ All philosophers are wise.” The predicate ‘ wise’ is
obviously undistributed ; for many other people, besides
philosophers, are wise, to say nothing of animals. The
affirmation is about the subject; we affirm wise about all
philosophers. The affirmation is not about the predicate
wise; we do not affirm anything about a// the wise; nor
can we do so as Jong as we are content to talk simply and say
one thing at a time. ‘ All philosophers are wise ’—that
simple affirmation implies that wise philosophers are part
of the extension of the term wise, but from the nature of
affirmation it says nothing and implies nothing as to the
whole extension of the term wise. What holds of this
simple affirmation holds of all simple affirmations ; there-
fore the predicate of all A and I propositions must be
In a simple denial, on the other hand, like ‘ No philo-
sophers are fools’, the predicate as to be taken in its
whole extension. Philosophers are excluded from the
whole class ‘fools’, or there is no denial. That fact is
what makes denials hazardous. The denial is about the
subject, and is not aboxt the predicate, but the denier
must know his facts, and must be in a position to exclude
his subject from the whole extension of the predicate.
Therefore the predicate of all E and O propositions must
be distributed.
So much for the four standard forms, A, E, I, and O,
where the marks of quantity (All, No, and Some) are
attached to the subject-term. We will glance now at
some less common forms of predication, where the fore-
going rules do not apply directly. In propositions of the
form ‘ Only A is B’, the predicate is distributed, though
the proposition is affirmative, and in those of the form
‘A is not the only B’ the predicate is undistributed,
though the proposition is negative. These are com-
pressed ways of speaking; we are saying two things at
once. When we say ‘ Only philosophers are wise’, we
are in effect saying, ‘ Philosophers are wise, and all the
wise are philosophers.’ ‘None but the brave deserve the
fair’ is equivalent to ‘ The brave deserve the fair, and all
who deserve the fair are brave.’*. When we say ‘ The
1 On affirmative propositions with predicates accidentally distributed
like ‘ All equilateral triangles ate equiangular ’, see below (p. 78).
2 Dryden wrote the line (of Alexander), ‘None but the brave
deserves the fair ’, presumably meaning, ‘ The brave (sc, Alexander)
deserves the fair, and no one else does.’

English are not the only lovers of sport ’, we are implying

that the English are lovers of sport, but denying that all
the lovers of sport are English.
The beginner should avoid these more complex predica-
tions, and should at present confine his attention to the
four standard forms, and before proceeding further he
should master the rules for the Distribution of Terms, as
set forth in the following table:


Proposition Subject Predicate

/ Nye aN leis tl 2 Distributed Undistributed
No S is P Distributed Distributed
I Some S is P Undistributed Undistributed
O Some S is not P Undistributed Distributed

The Marks of Quantity

The normal Marks of Quantity are A//, No, and Some,

as given in the preceding table, and they should be used
in elementary work. There are many variants in common
speech, requiring attention. In all cases the sense of the
proposition should be the first consideration.
Often no mark of quantity is expressed. Generaliza-
tions of a poetical type, such as ‘ The grass withereth;
the flower fadeth ’ should be read as universals. Whether
“Books are a solace to the weary’ is universal, or meant
universally, is arguable. Proverbs are usually universal,
and often leave the mark of quantity to the imagination,
He who..., They who..., Whoever, usually introduce
universals. Must and may, when quantitative,’ indicate
universals and particulars, respectively. ‘Knaves must
1On the modal must and may see below (p. 61).
be fools’ means ‘ All knaves are fools.’ ‘ The learned may
be wise’ means ‘Some learned are wise.’ “A man may
like Logic, and must be the better of it is a way of saying,
‘Some men like Logic, and all are the better of it.” Can
be and (in Ireland) cou/d be could be particular. “ Parting
can be such sweet sorrow ’, i.e. ‘ Some partings are sweet
sortow.’ ‘Inexpensive salmon could be poached ’, i.e.
‘Some inexpensive salmon are poached.’
Every is often the equivalent of A//; where they differ,
Every is distributive, and A// collective. ‘ Every man has
his price.’ ‘All men are fond of money.’ Never and
Never a... can take the place of Nowe or No. Particular
propositions are often introduced by A few, most, many,
or by the adverbs, often, generally, sometimes.
The formula A//. . . not deserves a special note. Con-
sider the following:
All things lawful are not expedient.
All that glitters is not gold.
All that shivers is not cold.
All three propositions look universal, but are particular.
The Ai]... not is an English idiom for Some... not.
The same holds of all propositions of that form. They |
ate all O propositions. The point needs careful attention.
What is the justification for this strange idiom? Why
do we say A// when we mean Some? The first answer is
that to say, ‘ All that glitters is not gold’ is much stronger
than to say, ‘ Some things that glitter are not gold.” And
the reason for that additional force is that there is an
expectation to be answered, as well as a statement to be
made. People expect glittering things to be gold, shiver-
ing things to be cold, and lawful things to be expedient.
We begin with ‘ All’ in order to answer that presumption.
We deny it by means of the deferred ‘not’. We do not
say, ‘No glittering things are gold ’—which would be
untrue; but we limit the universality of our own denial,
and make it particular by using the formula, A//.. . not.

Simple, Complex, and Compound Categorical Propo-


He gave me a categorical command ; that is, he told me

to do it without qualification or condition. Similarly, a
Categorical Proposition is one stated without qualification
or condition. The main variety is the Simple Categorical
Proposition, with which we have been dealing till now—
Sis P, Sis not P. These form the backbone of discourse
and of the Logic of discourse, and they are usually referred
to simply as propositions. If the proposition is essentially
one predication about one subject, but subject or predicate
is complicated by a relative clause or the like, the proposi-
tion is sometimes called Complex. Example: ‘ All who
saw the accident or who had other sources of information
communicated with Scotland Yard.’ The complexity is
grammatical ; logically it is a straightforward categorical
proposition. The term Complex is sometimes used to
describe Hypothetical and Disjunctive Propositions.
Compound Categorical Propositions are otherwise
known as Conjunctive. They consist of two or more
categorical propositions, joined by and or the equivalent.
Examples: ‘ Rain, hail, snow, and prolonged sunshine
put the trout down.’ That sentence predicates the same
thing of four different subjects; it is four propositions,
compounded ; for logical treatment they must be set out
separately. ‘Rain puts the trout down. Hail puts the
trout down... etc.’ ‘Neither Arran Chief nor Epicure
is suitable for the main-crop.? There we have two cate-
gorical denials compounded, ‘ Arran Chiefs are not suit-
able for the main-crop ; Epicures are not suitable for the
Sometimes the link is adversative ; it joins by a contrast,
Example: ‘I am black, but comely.’ That sentence
would have to be treated as two co-ordinate propositions
“I am black. I am comely ’—a poor substitute for the
original, but the best that Logic can do. We must not
expect Logic to be equal to all the niceties of language.
No rational man is always reasoning.

Non-Categorical Propositions
Hypothetical and Disjunctive Propositions make use of
categorical predications, but are not themselves categori-
cal; they connect two or more categorical predications
in various ways, but do not themselves predicate anything
of a subject categorically. The Hypothetical conjoins the
truth of one predication to the truth of another. The
Disjunctive disjoins the truth of one or more predications
from the truth of one or more predications. Some Hypo-
theticals can be represented by Categoricals, and Dis-
junctives can be represented by Hypotheticals; but in
both cases the representation is inadequate. Hypotheticals
and Disjunctives are distinct and important ways of making
statements. They are in everyday use, and play a con-
siderable part in law and science, and from time im-
memorial they have been treated as part of Logic.

Hypothetical Propositions
The Hypothetical Proposition states by supposition. If
my opponent opens P-K4, says the chess player to him-

self, I shall play the French Defence, P-K3. If it rains,

says the angler, I go a-fishing, and if I go, I shall need rod,
reel, book, and creel. If I scorn delights and live labori-
ous days, says the ambitious student, success will be mine.
The Hypothetical is in constant use, and, I must add, is
being constantly misused by those who have never studied
its logical structure and the rules for its use.
The Hypothetical Proposition consists of two predica-
tions, of which the one is stated as a supposition or
hypothesis or condition, and the other as a consequence;
e.g. If Ais B, Cis D. The supposition (A is B) is called
the Antecedent ; for it often comes first to the mind and
first on the tongue ; but the order of expression is neither
here nor there. The other predication (C is D) is called
the Consequent ; it is logically dependent on the Ante-
cedent, and often follows it.
There are two main forms of Hypothetical, (a) Different
predicates are affirmed or denied of the one subject. If
A is B, it is C. If the wind is from the south, it blows
the fly to the fish’s mouth, and ()) Different predicates are
affirmed or denied of different subjects. If A is B, Cis D.
If the wind is from the north, the wise angler stays at
The word ‘if’ has various shades of meaning, and the
meaning of Hypotheticals varies correspondingly. Some-
times they imply a high degree of doubt, sometimes
scarcely any doubt at all. Often ‘7’ can be replaced by
when or where without substantial change of meaning.
Sometimes if refers to a particular event or occasion ; at
othet times if ever ot if at any time can be substituted.
Sometimes the hypothesis is general, sometimes specific.
These considerations affect the question of interchang-
ing Categoricals and Hypotheticals. Hach case must be
considered on its merits with reference to the content of the
proposition. ‘ Far fields are green’ is a pithy equivalent
of ‘ If fields are far, they are green’; but the Hypothetical
form expresses the true intent of the proverb.
The Hypothetical Proposition, as a whole, is an affirma-
tion; it affirms the dependence of the consequent on the
antecedent; but the constituent predications, either or
both, may be negative. Examples:
If the barometer does not fall, I shall turn the hay.
If the barometer does not fall, the rain will not come.

Disjunctive Propositions
A Disjunctive Proposition affirms alternatives. It, too,
is affirmative as a whole, though its constituent clauses may
be affirmative or negative. It is a useful form for setting
out the constituents of a complex situation without com-
mitting yourself to a premature decision. The farmer
finds no fruit on his tree. He cannot state the cause for
certain ; but he can set out the possibilities, and that may
help him another year. Either the frost nipped the
blossom, or the caterpillar ate the leaf, or the worm
devoured the fruit. He states the possibilities disjunc-
tively, i.e. as alternatives. In theory there is no limit to
the number of alternatives and the clauses that express
them ; but for simplicity’s sake we will confine ourselves
to two.
The terms of the two predications may be disposed in
three different ways, and there are three corresponding
types of Disjunctive Propositions.
(1) The subject of both is the same and the predicates
differ. A is either B or C. He is either a fool or a

(2) The subjects differ, and the predicate is the same.

Either A or Bis C. Hither Oxford or Cambridge won the
boat race.
(3) Both subjects differ, and both predicates differ.
Either A is B or C is D. Either he stole the money or
justice miscarried.’
The standing difficulty in disjunctions both in Logic and
in life is to know how far the disjoining is meant to be
carried. Is it partial or complete? Is it a distinction or
a separation? To put the same thing in another way—
the word or, owing to the native elasticity of living dis-
course, is ambiguous; it may make the alternatives
mutually exclusive, or it may not. The ambiguity is often
a convenience, often the reverse, and always a reason for
caution where disjunctions are concerned, ‘ Oatmeal por-
ridge should be eaten with sugar or salt.”~ Sugar and salt
are alternatives. Are they Aard alternatives? The pro-
position would be understood in different ways on both
sides of the Tweed. Some folk would take it to mean
that salt-cellar and sugar-bowl are not doth required on
the breakfast-table; but there are some quite rational
people who like both condiments, and they would
take a different view. Where the alternatives are
not meant to be mutually exclusive, the civil servant
shows it by ‘and/or’, and the lawyer’ slips in ‘or
both ’.
The distinction between the two types of disjunction
has long been recognized in Logic, and enters into the
rules of the Disjunctive Syllogism (see below, p. 149).

1N.B. ‘Neither... nor’ is not the mark of a disjunction, but

is the combination of two denials. ‘ He is neither man nor boy, but
a hobbledehoy ’ combines two categorical denials with one categorical
An attempt has been made to get rid of the ambiguity by
altering the traditional names. It has been suggested that
the term ‘ disjunctive ’ should be confined to the mutually
exclusive type, and that the other type should be called
‘ Alternative’. The suggestion, however, has not been
universally accepted, and it is a ‘ doubtful improvement’ ;
for listing alternatives is the essence of all disjunction.
Both types set out alternatives, and to call one type
Alternative and not the other is misleading. Moreover
both types disjoin, though one type carries the disjoining
further than does the other. Logic must adapt itself to
discourse, or it becomes illogical. The ambiguity in the
wotd or is inherent in the human situation. We shall
therefore keep the old name Disjunctive for both types,
and where the distinction is necessary, we shall call the
one Exclusive or Strong disjunction, and the other Non-
Exclusive or Weak disjunction.
This is a notable case in which the logic of the Form
requires a reference to the Content (see above, p. 4).
There is no way of knowing apart from the Content of
the proposition which type of disjunction is intended.
* Either Oxford or Cambridge won the boat race.’ The
disjunction is strong, not because of the Form of the pro-
position, but because of the nature of the race. On the
other hand, ‘ He is a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge’
is by Form and Content indecisive. Said of a young
man, it would probably be a strong disjunction; said
of a scholar of established reputation, it might well be
An Exclusive Disjunctive Proposition can be resolved
1In Latin aut and ve/ correspond roughly to strong and weak dis-
junctions, respectively, ‘ Aut Caesar aut nullus’ is a historic example
of the former.
into four Hypotheticals. ‘A is either B or C (but not
both)’ can be represented by:
1PuA. 16 Bo it. tsenot CG,
if A. is C, itis not B.
If Asis not,b, it is C:
If A is not C, it is B.

A non-Exclusive Disjunctive Proposition can be re-

solved into two Hypotheticals. ‘ A is either B or C, or
both’ can be represented by:
If Ais not B, its"C.
if A.is not C. it is B,

Modal Propositions
In Modal Propositions the predication is qualified by
words such as, may be, must be, is (emphatic), possible,
probable, impossible, necessary. Such words bring the
speaker’s mind into the proposition, and express his
attitude to what he is saying. All propositions are Modal
to some slight extent; for we cannot keep ourselves
entirely out of what we are saying. The farmer almost
succeeded in doing so, who, when congratulated by a
townsman on his fine field of turnips, replied, ‘ Them’s
mangolds.’? He did not mean, they may be, might be,
must be, mangolds. He voiced what is called ‘ the objec-
tive fact’. His statement was all about the crop and not
about his attitude to it; it was factual, not modal.
Modal propositions are of three main types, Assertoric,
Problematic, and Apodeictic. Assertoric Propositions
predicate confidently, usually after doubt; e.g. ‘ Yes,
after all; they are mangolds.’ A Problematic Proposition

states a possibility, viewed as a problem for further study ;

e.g. ‘ Well, they way be mangolds.’ Apodeictic Proposi-
tions imply knowledge with a reason; they aspire after
certainty, attained by reflection and reasoning. Mathe-
matics aims at the ideal of apodeictic certainty. A triangle
not only may have, not only has, but must have its angles
equal to. two right angles.

Questions and Exercises on Chapter III

1. Distinguish Propositions from other Sentences.
2. Has a simple Categorical Proposition two parts or three ?
Justify your answer. From one point of view, indeed, a
proposition has no parts, but is an indivisible whole?
3. Set out the following propositions in optimum logical
form, or as neat to it as possible.
(2) Caesar built a bridge over the Rhine.
(b) Oil prospectors take great risks, and may make great
(c) Golden lads must come to dust.
(2) Prophets teach righteousness.
(e) Alexander Selkirk ruled all he surveyed.
(f) The scholar lives in the past.
(zg) Young men see visions, and old men dream dreams.
(4) “ The best laid schemes 0’ mice and men Gang aft
a-gley ”? (Burns).
(4) Dog won’t eat dog.
(/) “A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism
but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about
to religion ” (Bacon).
4. What is meant by the ‘ quality’ of a proposition? The
quality of most propositions can be altered without seriously
affecting the sense?
5. How is the quantity of a proposition determined ? What
is to be done supposing it has no mark of quantityP
6. How is the distribution of the predicate determined ?
Can you justify the rules?
7. State the quantity of the following propositions, and the
distribution of each term:
(a) All X is Y.
(b) No X is Y.
(c) Some X is Y.
(d) Some X is not Y.
(e) All X is not Y.
(f) All learned men are not wise.
(g) All unlearned men are not foolish.
(4) Rabbits are destructive pests.
() Pheasants pick in stubble fields.
(j) Partridge do not take long flights.
g. A, E, I, and O propositions—take one of each; how
many distributed terms have you in all?
9. How do Hypothetical Propositions differ from Disjunc-
tives? What types of each may be distinguished?
10. What are Modal Propositions?
In the previous chapter propositions were treated rather
like concrete blocks ; we sized them up, sorted them out,
and gave technical names to various types. In the present
chapter we restore the life and movement they possess;
for in the flow of discourse one proposition passes into
another, as wave passes into wave. Robinson Crusoe
had no one to talk to aloud; but when he first saw the
tell-tale footprint in the sand, quick as lightning the
proposition, ‘ That’s a footprint’ brought into his mind
the further proposition, ‘A man made it.” That ‘ bring-
ing in’ of a proposition from one or more propositions
is called in Logic Inference.+
Inferences are good and bad, valid and invalid. Purists?
confine the term to good and valid inferences, and there
is- much in their argument that a bad inference is no
inference. But the wider usage suits the logic of life.
In life we often meet the hasty inference and the crooked
inference; and it is the task of Logic to halt the hasty
and straighten out the crooked. From ‘ Joab was the son
of Zeruiah ’ most folk infer that Zeruiah was the father of
Joab. Thatis a hasty inference. Zeruiah was his mother,®
and her sons evidently drew their sturdy qualities from
the distaff side.

1From the Latin inferre, to bring in,

i.e. sticklers for correct usage.
82 Samuel xvii 25.
The two aspects of Inference
Inference has two aspects; it is both in the mind and
in the facts. Inference is an activity of the mind; it is
something we do, and know that we do, and do well or
ill. We men infer, and often make mistakes in doing so,
and need Logic to educate our faculty of inference. But
that is not the whole account. We could not draw out
the inference, unless it were already there in the facts;
we find it, not make it. If we are to infer validly, our
inferring must be controlled by the facts, and the facts are
propositions to which the mind responds, and which tend
to carry the mind forward by their own momentum.
The inference in the facts is often called implication.
Implication is a metaphor from folding. The logical infer-
ence is viewed as enfolded in the facts, and w#folded by
the activity of inferring mind.

Immediate and Mediate Inference

Immediate here does not mean quick, but without a middle

term; its opposite is Mediate. In Immediate Inference
we start from the two terms of a proposition, given true
or given false, and without the intervention of any other
term we go straight to a second proposition, called the
Conclusion, which employs the same two terms. In
Mediate Inference, on the other hand, we start from two
propositions which have one term in common, called the
Middle Term, and proceed to a third proposition, called
the Conclusion, which employs the other two terms (see
below, p. 83).?
1N.B. Discussion of the Rules of Inference is conducted in the
symbolic notation of the four propositional types, A, E, I, O; and
at this point the student should look back to the tables on pp. 48
The principal modes of Immediate Inference are, by
Subalternation, by Opposition, by Obversion, by Con-
version, and by Contraposition, Subalternation can be
treated under Opposition, if Opposition be understood in a
broad sense. The old term Superalternation, recently re-
vived, is correct, but is not required here; for where
there is a super (above) there must be a sub (below), and
the shorter term has for centuries been recognized as
covering both aspects of the relation. N.B. These modes
are here treated only in so far as they apply to propositions
in one or other of the four standard forms (A, E, I, and O).


Subalternation is the relation existing between two pro-

positions which differ in quantity, but have the same quality,
and the same terms as subject and predicate, respectively.
The name Subalternation is given also to the inference
based on that relation. N.B. By a natural convention the
universal is regarded as above (super) and the particular
as below (sab). Examples:
All shepherds seek the good of Some shepherds seek the good
their flocks. of their flocks.
No canals contain running Some canals do not contain
water. running water.
Some patriots are disinter- All patriots are disinterested.
Some arts are not crafts. No arts are crafts.

In symbols the subaltern pairs are: A—I, E—O, I—A,

O—E. If we consider any pair of subalterns we see that
and 53, and make sure that he has mastered them, and understands
their detail.
both propositions may be true, or both may be false, and
that the universal may be false and its particular true. In
two cases, and in two cases only, there is material for valid
inference, viz. From the truth of the universal, we may
infer the truth of the particular, and, From the falsity of
the particular, we may infer the falsity of the universal.
‘Everyone knows the saying, ‘ You cannot argue from
the particular to the universal’, and it is a true saying
with regard to arguments from truth to truth, but it is not
true with regard to arguments from falsity to falsity. "To
argue from ‘ Some children get mumps’ to ‘ All children
get mumps’ is a downright fallacy. It is the argument
from the ¢ru¢h of the particular to the ¢rath of the universal
—a fallacy to which the human mind is as prone as children
are to measles and to mumps. On the other hand, to
argue from the falsity of ‘Some drones gather honey’”to
the falsity of ‘ All drones gather honey ” 1s perfectly valid.
It is a straightforward application of the second rule,
stated above, and that rule is plain commonsense. A
single drone that does not gather honey is enough to upset
the statement that all drones gather honey. Here we are
told that it is false that some drones gather honey, which
is the same as saying that some drones do not gather it;
and so the statement in question is upset. It is false that
all drones gather honey. The same argument applies,
whatever the subject and predicate; if it is false that
some students like Logic, it must be false that all students
like it. In general, if it is false that some S is P, it must be
false that all Sis P. In setting out and testing arguments
from subalternation we must be careful to state whether
the argument is from truth to truth or from falsity to
Opposition is the relation between two propositions
which have the same terms as subject and predicate, res-
pectively, but which differ in quality. The name, Opposi-
tion, is also given to inference based on that relation.
There are three modes of Opposition, Contradiction,
Contrariety, and Subcontrariety.


Of two Contradictory Propositions the one affirms what

the other denies. They differ both in quality and in
quantity. They cannot both be true, nor can they both
be false. One of them must be true, and the other must
be false. Examples :

All poets try to please. Some poets do not try to

No poets try to teach. Some poets try to teach.
** Some books are lies fraeend No books are lies frae end to
to end,” end.
Some books ate not worth All books are worth binding.
In symbols the contradictory pairs are: A—O, E—I,
I—E, O—A.
The rules of Inference are :
(1) From the truth of either contradictory we may infer
the falsity of the other.
(z) From the falsity of either contradictory we may infer
the truth of the other. Therefore,
If A is true, O is false.
If E is true, I is false.

If I is true, E is false.
If O is true, A is false.
If A is false, O is true.
If E is false, I is true.
If I is false, E is true.
If O is false, A is true.

Contradiction, according to the foregoing rules, is be-

tween propositions with a common term as subject;
where the subject is a singular term, contradiction is
irregular. ‘ Jack loves Jill’ is adequately (for practical
purposes) contradicted, however, by ‘ Jack does not love

Contradiction in practice

Logical Contradiction is a precise thing, and not just

any form of verbal opposition. If you think that a state-
ment needs contradicting, contradict it; but know the
rules and keep them. Contradict the statement rather
than the man who made it. ‘I shall contradict him flat ;
there is not a word of truth in what he said.’ That is the
wrong approach ; that is the spirit of all-out opposition—
the club, and not the rapier. If it suffices to contradict a
statement, it is bad tactics to do more. You will ‘ go
beyond your brief’, as the lawyers say, and expose your-
self to a damaging counter-attack. Supposing someone
says, ‘No corporal punishment is justifiable’, and you
feel the proposition should be contradicted, begin system-
atically. It is an E proposition; therefore its contra-
dictory is I. ‘Some corporal punishment is justifiable.’
If you know your justifiable types, then you have suffici-
ently disproved the statement to which you took exception.
If you go to the opposite extreme and say, ‘ All corporal
punishment is justifiable’, you are playing into your
opponent’s hands, and he will upset your statement by
producing some harsh statute of former days, that no one
today could defend.

Of two Contrary Propositions the one denies in its
whole extent what the other affirms. They cannot both
be true, but they may both be false. They must be
universal and of different quality, and therefore, in symbols,
they are A and E. Examples:


All Cretans are liars. No Cretans are liars.

No actions are free. All actions are free.

The rule of Inference is: From the truth of one Con-

trary we can infer the falsity of the other.
N:B. Since both Contraries may be false, we cannot
argue from falsity to truth, as we can in Contradiction.
For instance, if it is false that all punishment is remedial,
or that no punishment is remedial, there is no valid infer-
ence as to the truth of their Contraries.
The rules of Inference and non-Inference from Con-
traries can be deduced from those of Subalternation (s)
and Contradiction (c), as follows:
If A is true, I is true (by s); therefore E is false (by ¢).
If A is true, O is false (by ¢); therefore E is false (by 5).

If E is true, O is true (by s); therefore A is false (by ¢).

If E is true, I is false (by ¢); therefore A is false (by 5).

If A is false, O is true (by ¢); thence there is no infer-

ence as to E.
If E is false, I is true (by ¢) ; thence there is no inference
aseto Az

Of two Subcontrary Propositions the one affirms par-
ticularly what the other denies particularly. They may
both be true; they cannot both be false. Being both
particular and differing in quality, they are, in symbols,
I and O. Examples:


Some rivers are alkaline. Some rivers are not alkaline.

Some slow driving is not good Some slow driving is good
driving. driving.

The rule of Infetence is: From the falsity of either

Subcontrary we may infer the truth of the other.
N.B. Since both Subcontraries may be true, we cannot
argue from truth to falsity, as in Contrariety. The rules
of Inference and non-Inference can be deduced from those
of subalternation and contradiction, as follows:

If I is false, E is true (by ¢); therefore O is true (by 5).

If O is false, A is true (by c); therefore I is true (by 5).

If I is true, E is false (by ¢) ; thence there is no inference

as 40),
If O is true, A is false (by ¢); thence there is no infer-
ence as to I.
These rules can be deduced also from those of Contra-
diction and Contrariety, as follows: If possible, let I and
O both be false ; then their contradictories E and A must
both be true; but E and A are contraries, which cannot
both be true. Therefore I and O cannot both be false;
ie. if I is false, O is true, and if O is false, I is true.
On the other hand, if I and O are both true, their
contradictories E and A are both false, which is consistent
with the rules of contrariety.
Aristotle! suggested that there is no real opposition
between subcontraries, because, for example, those rivers
that are acid are not those that are alkaline; but rivers
are rivers, acid or alkaline. Terms have connotation as
well as denotation and extension (see above, p. 23). The
two subcontraries are distinguished and contrasted, if not
actually opposed, and they have, in fact, one common
subject, taken in different parts of its extension or of its
The following ancient diagram, known as ‘ Aristotle’s
Square ’ or (less correctly) as ‘The Square of Opposition’,



1Analytica Priora, TI, 15, 63b 27.

shows graphically the relations between propositions under
Subalternation and Opposition.

The other Modes of Immediate Inference

Before we consider in detail Obversion, Conversion,

and Contraposition, there are one or two general points
to be noted. These three Modes rank with the two
already explained as processes essential to the logic of
the syllogism. This trio, however, is not quite on all
fours with the other two. Obversion, Conversion, and
Contraposition rest on relations, as do Subalternation and
Opposition, but in themselves they are active mental pro-
cesses consciously aimed at inference. They make changes
in the given; some of the processes alter quality, turning
affirmations into denials, and denials into affirmations;
some of the processes displace both terms; turning subject
into predicate and predicate into subject. How can these
changes be justified, and how can inferences that rest on
them be valid? The answer brings us back to a truth
which is always in danger of being overlooked, namely
the unity of the whole proposition. The proposition is
an organic unity. The logician analyses, as the anatomist
dissects. He breaks up the proposition into subject and
predicate, and treats them as separate parts ; but in actual
discourse the parts are not separate, and the proposition
is an organic whole. ‘Man is mortal’ is not the bare
association of two separate terms, man and mortal; it is
the assertion of one truth—the mortality of mankind.
Within the limits of that truth we may change the outward
form of that assertion, and all such changes are justified.
Inferences that rest upon the assertion in its changed form
rest upon ‘the given’, and are valid.


In Obversion, otherwise known as Permutation, the

quality of the proposition is changed, and for the predicate
its contradictory term (see above, p. 22) is substituted;
the meaning of the proposition remains substantially un-
altered. The given proposition is called the Obvertend;
the derived proposition is called the Obverse. Obvertend
and Obverse should be equipollent. They have the same
subject, and much the same thing is predicated of it in
both propositions; but the one affirms the predicate,
while the other denies its contradictory.
To obvert a proposition proceed as follows: (1) Leave
the subject and its quantity as they are, (2) Substitute for
the predicate its contradictory, (3) Change the quality
thus, (2) in A and I propositions attach a not to the copula,
(b) in E and O propositions omit the not (or its equivalent)
from-the copula. The given proposition must be in full
logical form with the copula expressed (see above, p. 39) ;
established contradictories, like suntrue, irrational, etc.,
should be used in preference to compounds with not or
non. When introducing a no¢ into an A proposition,
beware of the trap, ‘All... not’ (see above, p. 54).
When practised in the elementary method, the student
should obvert with a freer hand, taking care to secure
substantial equivalence. Examples:

Obvertend Obverse
All S is P. No S is not-P.
No S is P. All Sis not-P.
Some S is P. Some § is not not-P.
Some §S is not P. Some S is not-P.
All men are reasonable. No men are unreasonable.
No tigers are merciful. All tigers are merciless.
Obvertend Obverse
Some rebukes are deserved. Some rebukes ate not un-
Some conifers are not decidu- Some conifers are not-decidu-
ous. ous, or
Some conifers keep their
leaves in winter.
All textbooks on logic are not Some textbooks on logic are
suitable for beginners. unsuitable for beginners.
No women live on Mt. 1 The entire population of
Athos. Mt. Athos is male.
No men are admitted. All men are excluded.
Some tongues wag too freely. Some people do not curb
their tongues.
Some ills are not wholly evil. 1It’s an ill wind that blows
no one any good.

Absolute equivalence of Obvertend and Obverse is only

to be had with abstract symbols, and theré the equivalence
is purely formal. In the other examples, given above, a
slight difference in meaning or tone will be detected; for
an affirmation, however offset in the predicate, can hardly
ever have quite the same force as a denial (see on Equi-
pollence above, p. 45).


Conversion is the interchange of the subject and the

predicate, so that the original subject becomes the predi-
cate, and the original predicate becomes the subject. The
otiginal proposition is called the Convertend ; the derived
proposition is called the Converse. The convertend and
1 These two examples of free obversion may be questioned, but
can be justified on the ground that the obverse puts positively in
substance what the obvertend puts negatively. The former example
is almost an ‘ obverted converse’ (see below, p. 78).
the converse have the same quality ; they may, or may not,
differ in quantity.
No term which is undistributed in the convertend may be
distributed in the converse. This is the rule of rules. The
student should memorize it, should practise applying it,
and should try to understand the reason for it. Let us
study a. breach of this rule which is all too common. In
some circles, where Logic is undervalued, it is a short
step in argument from, say, ‘ All learned men are wise’
to ‘ All wise men are learned.’ It is a short step, but an
utterly false step ; and what is wrong is that the inference
goes beyond the given. In the given the term wise is un-
distributed (being the predicate of an affirmation) ; in the
inference it is distributed ; from a proposition, given true,
connecting the learned with some wise men, we have
‘ deduced’ a proposition connecting the learned with a//
wise men; we have no ground for the ‘ deduction’, and
the supposed inference proves to bea fallacy. In inference
we must not take from the given more than is there to take.
This is the fundamental principle of all inference, mediate
or immediate.
It is a one-way rule, be it noted; and beginners are
apt to take it both ways. The rule does not state that
terms must have the same quantity in convertend and con-
verse; and there is nothing against a term, distributed
in the convertend, being undistributed in the converse,
as with /earned in the instance given above. In a word,
what we take out of the given may be /ess than is given;
but must not be wore.
There are two modes of Conversion, as defined above,
Simple and Per Accidens. When the quantity of the con-
verse is the same as that of the convertend, Conversion is
Simple. Only E and I propositions convert simply.
When the convertend is universal, and the converse par-
ticular, Conversion is Per Accidens. Only A propositions
convert Per. Accidens. The Latin name is opposed to
per se, which means essential. When the converse is par-
ticular, it is regarded as dealing with unessential, accidental
attributes. O propositions cannot be converted, and this
breach of symmetry has often led logicians to widen the
definition of Conversion, so as to make it include Contra-
position. Examples :
Convertend Converse
No S is P (E). No P is S (£).
No proteins are free from No things free from nitrogen
nitrogen. ate proteins.
No fish stir in our heaving No things that stir in our
‘nets. heaving nets are fish.
Some S is P (1). Some P is-S (1).
Some turf is combustible. Some combustible material is
Some ‘ drag’ hunts are mono- Some monotonous occupa-
tonous. tions are ‘drag’ hunts.
New brooms may sweep clean. Some efficient workers are
new brooms.
Convertend Converse
All S is P (A). Some P is S (1).
All sugars are soluble in water. Some things soluble in water
ate sugars.
All followers of Izaak Walton Some who love virtue and
love virtue and angling. angling are followers of
Izaak Walton.

If we try to convert A propositions simply, we break the

fundamental rule, and make the undistributed predicate
of the convertend into the distributed subject of the
converse. This is a common mistake in hasty argument,
especially when the marks of quantity are not
In mathematics and occasi onally elsewh ere we may come
on A propositions which appear to convert simply,
do not really do so; e.g.
All equilateral triangles are equiangular.
All equiangular triangles are equilateral.
The two propositions are established independentl
one definit ion. The one is
or they both flow from the
the other. The true conver se of
not an inference from
‘All equilateral triangles are equiangular’ is ‘Some
equiangular figures are equilateral triangles.’

Conversion of Singular Propositions

Singular propositions cannot be converted where only

the subject is singular; e.g. Great is Diana of the Ephe-
sians. Wecanalter the order of the words, but we cannot
transpose subject and predicate. Where both terms are
singular, conversion is possible in theory ; e.g. “ Tully is
Ciceto’ becomes ‘ Cicero is Tully’; but this change is
little more than verbal.

Obversion of the Converse

The obverted converse has for its subject the original
predicate, and for its predicate the contradictory of the
original subject. The inference to the obverted con-
verse is valid. N.B. O propositions have no converse.
Examples :
Convertend Converse Obverted Converse

All S is P Some P is S Some P is not not-S

No S is P No P is S All P is not-S
Some S is P Some P is S Some P is not not-S

Contraposition consists in first obverting, and then con-
verting the obverse. The chief use of the process is to
alter the quality of a negative convertend; it transfers
the negation to the predicate, and thus enables the con-
verse to admit an undistributed predicate. In this way
it does for O propositions what conversion proper can-
not do.

A is contraposed simply ; for its obverse is E.

E is contraposed per accidens; for its obverse is A.
I cannot be contraposed; for its obverse is O.
O can be contraposed simply ; for its obverse is I.
Examples :
Original Contrapositive
All S is P. No not-P is S.
No S is P. Some not-P is S.
Some S is not P. Some not-P is S.
All safe weed-killers are selec- No non-selective preparations
tive. ate safe weed-killers.
All mistakes are excusable. Nothing inexcusable is a mis-
No Arabs ate inhospitable. Some hospitable people are
No incunabula were pub- Some books, not published
lished later than A.D. 1500. later than A.D. I500, are
No legends are historical. Some unhistorical tales are
Some spaniels do not retrieve. Some dogs that do not re-
trieve are spaniels.
Some remedies ate not pleas- Some unpleasant things are
ant. temedies.
In all these cases the original subject is the predicate

of the contrapositive, and the contradictory of the original

predicate is its subject. No further process is required
in syllogistic logic; but contraposition can be carried a
stage further, by obverting the contrapositives, yielding
as the inferred predicate the contradictory of the original

Other forms of Non-syllogistic Inference

(1) Inversion
Inversion is a complex process by which from one
proposition (the Invertend) another (the Inverse) is in-
ferred, having as its subject the contradictory of the original
subject. Inversion proceeds by twice alternately obvert-
ing and converting the invertend, beginning with obver-
sion in the case of A, and with conversion in the case of E.
In the cases of I and O inverses are not obtainable.t
(2) Inference by Added or Subtracted Determinants and Complex
These designations are given to inferences, based on
informal arguments, which we intuitively see to be valid.
They are hard to classify; but some of them, such as
‘ A negro is a man; therefore a sick negro is a sick man’
can be explained as extensions of the principle of Subalter-
nation (Substitution). The argument, ‘ A red ant isa red
insect; therefore an ant is an insect’ is of this type.
Arguments. like, Foxes rob hen-roosts ;_ therefore those
who hunt foxes hunt the robbers of hen-roosts, or, Jonah
was one of the minor prophets ; therefore the whale that
1 Inversion is a logical exercise of little practical value, but of con-
siderable theoretical importance ; for it appears to issue in the fallacy
known as Illicit Process, It brings up the question of the existential
import of propositions.
swallowed him swallowed one of the minor prophets, are
judged valid on practical grounds.
Questions and Exercises on Chapter IV
I. Distinguish Immediate inference from Mediate.
2. What inferences by Subalternation ate legitimate?
3. Explain the difference between Contradictory and Con-
trary Opposition. Which is the safer weapon in controversy ?
4. Contradict :
Shorn lambs feel the cold.
Winds are not tempered to shorn lambs.
No lambs are shorn.
All books are valuable.
All books are not valuable.
Military service is a necessary evil in time of peace.
To vote is the first duty of a citizen.
No incunabula ate written by hand.
Some hae meat that canna eat. (Is there any doubt as to
which term is subject, and which predicate ?)
Some psychological facts are significant, some not.
The Tories are always right.
“A. Give the Contrary of:
Every cloud has a silver lining.
No policemen carry firearms.
All politicians compromise.
No snow falls on high seas.
The King can do no wrong.
6. Deduce the rules of Inference and non-Inference from
Contraries from those of Subalternation and Contradiction.
7. Obvert :
No A is B.
Some A is B.
Some A is not B.
All bicycles require oiling.
All sailors are handy men.

Top hats never go out of fashion.

Some partings are sweet sorrows.
Some sunny days are not good washing days.
8. Truth always triumphs. This opinion has triumphed.
Therefore it is true. Is the inference valid? If not, why not?
9. Write a note on Inversion.
10. Convert:
Brutus killed Caesar.
All tax-payers have the vote.
No aliens have the vote.
Cigarettes for the troops are not dutiable.
11. Conttapose:
Some birds cannot fly. Some marmalade is not made
All that glitters is not gold. with oranges.
Not all lawyers are barris- All snakes are not poisonous.
ters. Some logicians do not class
Some wines are not dutiable. Contraposition under Con-


THE Syllogism is composed of propositions, which in turn

are composed of terms, and its structuge should be con-
sidered and described as made up both of propositions
and of terms.
A Syllogism is a triad of connected propositions, so related
that one of them, called the Conclusion, necessarily follows
from the other two, which are called the Premisses. That
is the simpler and easier description. :
The other description is more penetrating and more
instructive. A Syllogism is an argument to prove! that two
terms which are each related, as subjector as predicate,
to the same third term, are necessarily related, as subject
or as predicate, to one another.
The two descriptions are complementary. The syllo-
gism must have three subject-predicate propositions, two
to join terms 1 and 2 to the same third term, and one to
join them to one another. Thus, suppose we wish to
construct an argument to prove that the two terms 4n-
selfish and happy, which are each related, as subject or as
predicate, to the same third term good, are necessarily
related, as subject or as predicate, to one another, three
propositions suggest themselves at once, and together
constitute (in outline) a syllogism, the first two proposi-
tions, which relate the two terms to the same third
term, being the premisses, and the third proposition
1i.e. proving, or at least purporting to prove, in a particular case.
On ‘invalid inferences’ which include ‘invalid syllogisms’, see
above, p. 64.

which relates the two terms to one another being the

The good are happy.
The unselfish are good.
Therefore! the unselfish are happy.
Aristotle defined syllogism as “ discourse in which,
certain things being stated, something other than what
is stated follows of necessity from their being so,’.?
The mesh of the definition is too wide, and would let in
non-syllogistic inferences; in other respects it well
describes the three essentials of a syllogism, (1) The da/a,
the ‘things stated’, ie. the premisses, (2) The result or
conclusion, the ‘ something other’, and (3) The necessity
of the consequence.
Syllogistic Inference is known as Mediate, because it
hinges on the ‘ third term ?, known as the Middle Term,
the Medius Terminus. The word syllogism comes from the
Greek ovddoyouds, which originally meant a reckoning up
and which later came to mean reasoning in general. To
syllogize is thus by derivation and usage “to put two and
two together ’ in regulated discourse, and to gather from
them (in Aristotle’s phrase) ‘something other ’. There
ate other ways of reasoning ;3 but men do syllogize and
reason in syllogisms ; and the logic of the syllogism is
to the average man of education a gymnasium in which to
1 From this on, the word Therefore when it marks the formal con-
clusion of a syllogism, will be represented by the sign of the three
ots ..
2 Analytica Priora, 1, 1, 24b.
8 e.g. judgments of comparative size or quantity, such as, ‘ A is
greater than B, B is greater than C, .”. A is greater than C’; or
judgments of equality, such as, * A is equal to B, B is equal to C,
“. A is equal to C’; or, again arguments a fortiori ; suchas, “ If
God so clothe the grass of the field . . . shall He not much more
clothe you . . .”—Matthew vi 30.
study and practise the finer points of reasoning, The
structure of the syllogism is neat, and its Figures and
Moods, with their Rules, form a notable chain or network
of close argument comparable to Euclidean geometry in
clarity and cogency. The syllogism is a test for con-
sistency ; it can furnish proof for propositions, accepted
or disputed, and it can be an instrument for ascertaining
new truth. Syllogizing helps a man to seek and find truth ;
for conscious syllogizing, conducted in a liberal spirit, is
a general tonic for the mind. Disguised syllogisms occur
in ordinary discourse. A knowledge of syllogistic tech-
nique curbs hasty inference, disciplines slovenly thought,
promotes precise statement, clears up ambiguities, and
corrects fallacies. Syllogizing encourages a man to seek
premisses, to examine them, and to value good premisses ;
and it is first-class training in drawing conclusions and
testing them.

Truth and Validity

This distinction, made at the outset (p. 2), is of special
importance here; for in the study of the syllogism, as
such, Logic concentrates on the form of the reasoning,
for the most part, and is not directly concerned with the
truth of its contents. If the syllogism complies with the
formal rules, it is valid; if not, not. If the conclusion
follows from the premisses, the conclusion is valid, and
the syllogism, as such, is valid, even though premiss and
conclusion may not be true to fact. Example:

All fish are cold-blooded.

Whales are fish.
.. Whales are cold-blooded.

The first premiss is true; the second is false; the con-

clusion is false; but the conclusion is correctly drawn
from the premisses, and is therefore valid in its syllogism,
even though it is not true to fact.
The reverse can happen, too. A proposition, true to
fact, may appear as the conclusion of an invalid syllogism.
The industrious are prudent.
Ants are prudent.
~, Ants are industrious.

These examples are warnings against the habit of judging

the validity or invalidity of a syllogism by the truth or
falsity of the conclusion. As students of Logic our first
duty is to look at the working of the syllogism, and to judge
its validity, or otherwise, by the rules. No good comes of
confusing the two sets of terms, as is sometimes done.
Truth is truth, and validity is validity, and neither term
can do duty for the other. The lazy habit of styling a
valid conclusion true, or a true conclusion valid, weakens
both our sense of truth and our feeling for logic.
The three connected propositions to make a syllogism
must comply with the following structural conditions:
(a2) Their terms, numerically six, must be in fact three
terms, each occurring twice, (b) The subject of the con-
clusion must occur in one of the premisses, (¢) The predi-
cate of the conclusion must occur in the other premiss,
(d) The third term, known as the Middle term, must
occur in both premisses, but not inthe conclusion. With
the above disposition of terms, the syllogism is a con-
nected whole ; for the Middle term joins the two premisses
together, and the two other terms join the premisses to
the conclusion.

The following technical terms should be noted. The

subject of the conclusion is called the Minor term, and
the premiss that contains it is the Minor Premiss. The
predicate of the conclusion is called the Major term, and
the premiss that contains it is the Major Premiss.: The
Major and Minor terms, when spoken of together, are
called the Extremes. The Conclusion before it is proved
is known as the Question.
The allocation of the names, Major and Minor, was
made by Aristotle, and is universally accepted. In some
cases it is arbitrary, in others not. In a conclusion, like
‘Some students are athletes’, it is arbitrary. The term
students is not minor in relation to athletes, nor is the term
athletes major in relation to students. Aristotle when he
assigned the names had principally in mind ‘ scientific’
conclusions, like ‘ All cows are ruminants’, where the
predicate describes an important feature of the subject,
and extends beyond it to other subjects.
N.B. The order of the three propositions has nothing
to say to the validity of the syllogism. The accepted
order is Major Premiss, Minor Premiss, Conclusion. The
student should observe that order, at any rate at first.
The Middle Term is the hinge of the syllogism ; with-
out it the premisses would fall apart, and no mediate
inference would be possible. The name goes back to
Aristotle who named it so, because he wrote it in the
middle. He normally wrote his syllogisms in the form,
*P is predicated of M. M is predicated of S. P is predi-
cated of S.’ Probably, too, he thought of it as coming
midway in meaning, as well as in position.
The General Rules!

The General Rules of syllogism, as here listed, are

seven in number. The number can be increased by re-
garding structural features as Rules. The General Rules,
as distinct from the Special Rules, are those that apply to
all syllogisms, irrespective of Figure. They are:
(1) The middle term must be distributed at least once.
If the middle term is not distributed at least once, it
cannot serve the purpose of a middle term; it cannot
bring the extremes together ; for it might be taken in one
part of its extension in one premiss, and in a different part
of its extension in the other premiss; and then the pre-
misses would fall asunder. Example:
Fat men can swim.
Jones can swim.
.. Jones is a fat man.

‘There are fat swimmers and lean swimmers, and there is

nothing in the premisses to show to which part of the
extension of swimmers Jones belongs. The correspond-
ing fallacy (see below, p. 160) is called Undistributed Middle.
(2) No term, undistributed in its premiss, may be distributed
in the conclusion.
A statement, given true of a term in respect of part
only of its extension or denotation, need not be true of
the rest. The same point is explained above (p. 76) with
regard to Immediate Inference.
A breach of this rule is known as Illicit Process, which
may be of the Major term, or of the Minor term. N.B.

1 The two rules for the distribution of the predicate (above, p. 50)
play a large part in the proofs of these Rules, and the student should
refer to them,
This rule does not require a term to have the same quantity
in premiss and conclusion. There is nothing against a
term, distributed in its premiss, being undistributed in.
the conclusion, except that in such cases one is generally
entitled to conclude about a//; and if one is entitled to.
conclude about a//, it is usually (but not always) pointless.
to conclude about some.
Corollary. From Rules rand 2, taken together, it follows.
that There must be at least one more distributed term in the
premisses than in the conclusion. For a term distributed
in the conclusion must have been distributed in its premiss,
and in addition the premisses contain the middle term, at:
least once distributed.
The next three rules concern Quality.
(3) From two negative premisses nothing follows. If one
man says, ‘ A is not B’, and another adds, ‘B is not C ‘4
no advance is registered. Nothing has been affirmed.
A and C have been excluded from B; but that does not
include A in C, or exclude A from C. The data do not
relate A and C positively or negatively. The universality
of this rule has been challenged from time to time, and
there are notable discussions of it in the Port Royal Logic:
and in Keynes’ Logic.1 ‘The gist of these discussions is
that where cases occur of two negative premisses, appar-
ently yielding a valid conclusion, either one of the pre-
misses is a disguised affirmation, or there are four terms,
or in some other way the inference is non-syllogistic.
There ate no good grounds for doubting the universality
of Rule 3.
(4) From two affirmative premisses a negative conclusion
cannot follow. In other words, if the conclusion is nega-
tive, one of the premisses must be negative. For when.
1jJ. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 4th ed., p. 295.
both premisses are affirmative, the extremes include or
are included in the middle term; but that can give no
ground for asserting that the one extreme excludes the
(5) If either premiss is negative, the conclusion is negative.
In this case the one premiss is affirmative, and the other
negative; that is to say, the one extreme includes, or is
included in, the middle term, and the other extreme
excludes, or is excluded from the middle term. If any-
thing follows, it must be the exclusion of the one extreme
from the other, not the inclusion of the one extreme in
the other; it must be the denial of relation between
them, not the affirmation of relation between them.
The next (and last) two rules concern Quantity.
(6) From two particular premisses nothing follows. Sup-
pose it possible that there could be two particular pre-
misses. These must be II, IO, OI, or OO. II contains
no distributed term and is excluded by Rule 1. IO and
OI contain only one distributed term apiece, and are
excluded because by Rule 5 the conclusions of both must
be negative, and their predicates distributed, and therefore
by the Corollary of Rules 1 and 2 vo distributed terms
apiece in the premisses would be required. OO is ex-
cluded by Rule 3.
(7) If either premiss is particular, the conclusion is par-
ticular. First case. Both premisses are affirmative. These
must be A and I, which between them have only one
distributed term, and ¢wo would be required by the above
Corollary, if the conclusion were universal. The con-
clusion therefore is particular. Second case. One of the
premisses is negative. The pairs must be either AO or EI.
Each of these pairs contains only two distributed terms,
and since the conclusions are negative, ‘ree would be

required by the Corollary, if the conclusions were univer-

sal. Therefore the conclusions are particular.
N.B. The General Rules should be mastered before the
student goes on to the Figures and their Special Rules.

The Figures of Syllogism

All syllogisms have a common structure, as explained
above ; but within that structure there are four varieties,
called Figures, determined by the varying position of the
middle term. It can be subject of both premisses, predi-
cate of both premisses, subject of the major and predicate
of the minor, or predicate of the major and subject of the
minor. Thus arithmetically four Figures are possible, and
four Figures are taught. The Fourth Figure, however,
does not rank with the other three, and Aristotle did not
recognize it, though he knew of it. "The Schemata of the
Four Figures are as follows:
First Figure Second Figure Third Figure Fourth Figure

S P Ss P Se Ss P

It assists the visual memory to take the arrangement of

terms in the First Figure as typical, as in a sense (see
below, p. 109) itis, and to note that in the Second Figure,
the major premiss, in the Third Figure the minor premiss,
and in the Fourth Figure both premisses, vary from the
type. The Fourth Figure exactly reverses the typical
When the General Rules of syllogism are applied to the
peculiarities of each Figure, a new set of rules emerges
which are called the Special Rules. The seven General
Rules apply to all syllogisms, just as school rules apply to
every member of the school. In addition each of the
Four Figures has its own Special Rules which apply to
every syllogism in that figure, just as, in addition to school
tules, classes in the school have their own class rules,
which apply to every member of the class.
The best way to master the Special Rules is to work out
on paper the proof of each rule with the Schema of each
Figure before one’s eyes. After a little practice the sight
of the Schema suggests the appropriate rules. For in-
stance, as soon as we see the two predicate ‘Ms in the
Second Figure, we see that one of the premisses must be
negative in order to give a distributed middle term.

Special Rules of the First Figure

(1) The minor premiss must be affirmative. M P

(2) The major premiss must be universal. SM
Proofs. Suppose the minor to be negative; then the
major would be affirmative (by G.R.3) and its predicate
undistributed, avd the conclusion would be negative (by
G.R.5) and its predicate distributed; but in the first
figure the predicate of the conclusion is the predicate of
the major. The supposition of a negative minor thus
results in a fallacy, the Illicit Process of the Major; it
requires the major term to be undistributed in the premiss
and distributed in the conclusion; which is absurd.
Therefore the minor must be affirmative.
The second rule is proved from the first. Since the
minor is affirmative, its predicate, the middle term, is
undistributed ; the middle term is therefore distributed

in the major (by G.R.1). It is subject of the major, which

is therefore universal.
N.B. In the first figure both extremes occupy the
same position, respectively, in the premiss and in the con-
clusion. This accounts for the special clearness of most
first figure syllogisms. Example:
All men are mortal.
Heroes are men.
., Heroes are mortal.

Special Rules of the Second Figure

(1) One of the premisses must be negative. P M
(2) The major premiss must be universal. SM


Proofs. The middle term is predicate of both premisses,

and if both were affirmative, the middle term would be
undistributed in both—a breach of G.R.1. The second
tule is proved from the first. Since one of the premisses
is negative, the conclusion must be negative (by G.R.5)s
and its predicate distributed. The predicate of the con-
clusion is subject of the major, which is therefore universal.
N.B. In the second figure the minor term occupies
the same position in premiss and conclusion, and the
major term occupies a different position in premiss and
conclusion. Example :
No fish have lungs.
Whales have lungs.
., Whales are not fish.
Special Rules of the Third Figure
(1) The minor premiss must be affirmative. MP
(2) The conclusion must be particular. MS
Proofs. For proof of the first rule see proof of the
same rule in the first figure (p. 92). The second rule
follows from the first. Since the minor is affirmative, its
predicate is undistributed ; its predicate is subject of the
conclusion, which is therefore particular.
N.B. In the third figure the major term occupies the
same position in premiss and conclusion ; the minor term
occupies a different position in premiss and conclusion.
Example :
All educated men tolerate opposition.
Some educated men are impulsive.
*, Some impulsive men tolerate opposition.

Special Rules of the Fourth Figure

They are three in number, and are all con- PM
ditional, arguing from quality to quantity. MS

(1) If the major premiss is affirmative, the minor
premiss is universal.
(2) If the minor premiss is affirmative, the conclusion
is particular.
(3) If a premiss is negative, the major premiss is
Proofs. (1) If the major is affirmative, its predicate,
the middle term, is undistributed. The middle term in

the minor must therefore be distributed (by G.R.1). It

is subject of the minor, which must therefore be universal.
(2) If the minor is affirmative, its predicate, the minor
term, is undistributed, and is therefore undistributed in
the conclusion (by G.R.z), which is therefore particular.
(3) If one premiss is negative, the conclusion is negative
(by G.R.5), and its predicate distributed. The major
term must therefore be distributed in its premiss (by
G.R.2z), where it is subject. The major premiss must
therefore be universal.
N.B. In the fourth figure both extremes occupy differ-
ent positions, respectively, in premiss and conclusion.
Aristotle regarded the fourth as an inverted first figure.
Its acceptance as a distinct figure is erroneously attributed
to Galen, the celebrated Greek physician, and it is named
after him the Galenian Figure. Example:
A strictly forbidden thing is smoking.
All smoking is pleasant.
. Some pleasant things are strictly forbidden.

The Moods of Syllogism?

Syllogisms are classified still further by their Moods.
Mood, from the Latin modus, is the determination of the
syllogism according to the quality and the quantity of its
constituent propositions. Each of the three propositions
is designated by its appropriate vowel, A, EH, I, or O,
and the three vowels, written consecutively in the con-
ventional syllogistic order—major premiss, minor premiss,
conclusion—designate the Mood of the syllogism. Thus
an AAA syllogism is one with three universal affirmative
1 For the so-called indirect Moods see Joseph, op. cit., pp. 268-9.
propositions. An EAE syllogism is one with a universal
negative major, a universal affirmative minor, and a
universal negative conclusion.
Mood Names have developed naturally from Mood
vowels. An AAA syllogism can occur only in the first
figure ; an EAE syllogism can occur in the first or second
figures. An EIO syllogism can occur in any of the four
figures. In order to distinguish mood from mood within
the figure, and at the same time to designate both the
figure and the mood, the mood vowels have from time
immemorial been incorporated into Mood Names, different
names with the same vowels being used to indicate the
different figures. Thus the mood vowels EAE are in-
corporated into the mood name Celarent in the first figure,
and into Cesare in the second figure; and Celarent and
Cesare are the mood names for EAE syllogisms in the
first and second figures, respectively. Similarly, Ferio,
Festino, Ferison, and Fresison are the mood names for EIO
syllogisms of the first, second, third, and fourth figures,
Mood names, fashioned on the same principle, have
long! been bestowed on every valid mood in all four
figures. Most of them are cleverly devised, and have a
Latin air about them, though they are Latin words only
per accidens. ‘They have been collected and versified in
the mnemonic lines which follow. ‘The mood names are
printed in italics; the other words are merely a Latin
framework. The meaning is roughly, ‘The moods Bar-
bara, etc. are of the first figure. Cesare, etc. are of the
second figure. The third figure has Darapti, etc. The
fourth adds Bramantip, etc.’

1 Apparently since the thirteenth century; see historical note in

Joseph, op. cit., p. 267.
Barbara, Célarént, Dari, Feriogué pridris.
Césdré, Caméstrés, Féstiné, Barocé, sécindae.
Tértia Darapti, Disdmis, Datisi, Felapton
Bocardo, Férisén habét; quarta insipér addit
Bramantip, Caménés, Dimdaris, Fésapo, Frésison.

Deduction of the Moods

Owing to the differing positions of the terms, moods

possible in one figure are not possible in another figure.
To find out which moods are valid in each figure we
proceed to deduce them from the General Rules and the
Special Rules, using the Method of Elimination.
Sixteen pairs of premisses are possible mathematically ;
for each of the four letters (A, E, I, and O), representing
the major, could combine with each of the same four,
representing the minor. Of these sixteen, seven pairs,
viz. EE, EO, II, IO, OE, OI, OO, are excluded by the
rules against two negatives and two particulars. In addi-
tion IE is excluded by G.R.2; for the major term is
distributed in the negative conclusion, but would have
to be undistributed in the I premiss.
The remaining eight possible pairs, viz. AA, AE, AI,
AO, EA, EI, IA, OA, must now be tried in each figure.
First Figure. AE and AO are excluded by the first
Special Rule, and IA and OA by the second. That leaves
AA, AI, EA, and EI as possible pairs of premisses in the
first figure. Now consider the conclusions possible with
1 The lines should be memorized; for they are packed with
meaning, as will appear later. To assist memory let me add that
the lines are metrical. The metre is the hexameter, familiar to readers
of Virgil. ‘ How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning!” (Isaiah xiv 12) is a Biblical hexameter which may
help those who do not read Latin to give the right stresses. The
long (—) vowels and the short (v) are marked above.
each pair. AA and AI require affirmative conclusions,
EA and EI require negative conclusions, and AI and EI
require particular conclusions. The possible moods thus
are: AAA, (AAI), AII, EAE(EAO), and EIO. Where it
is legitimate to draw the conclusions A and E, it is also
legitimate to draw the conclusions I and O, respectively ;
and therefore the moods AAA and EAE in the ordinary
way render the moods AAI and EAO unnecessary ; the
latter pair are known as ‘ Weakened moods ” or ‘ Subaltern
moods’, and are not included in the list. The valid
moods left then are AAA, EAE, AII, and EIO, which
have received the names Barbara, Celarent, Darii, and
Ferio, respectively.
Second Figure. AA, AI, and IA are excluded by the first
Special Rule, and IA and OA by the second. That leaves
AE, AO, EA, and EI as possible pairs of premisses ; these
could yield six moods; but, as before, disregarding the
“weakened ’ moods, we are left with four valid moods,
EAE, AEE, EIO, and AOO, which have received the
names Cesare, Camestres, Festino, and Baroco, respectively.
Third Figure. AE and AO are excluded by the first
Special Rule. That leaves AA, AI, EA, EI, IA, and OA
as possible pairs of premisses ; these yield six valid moods,
viz. AAI, AIT, EAO, EIO, IAI, and OAO, which have
teceived the names Darapti, Datisi, Felapton, Ferison,
Disamis, and Bocardo, respectively.
Fourth Figure. AI and AO are excluded by the first
Special Rule, and OA by the third. That leaves AA, AE,
BA, EI, IA as possible pairs of premisses ; these could
yield six valid moods, but disregarding the ‘ weakened
mood’ AEO, we are left with five, viz. AAI, AEE, EAO,
EIO, and IAI, which have received the names Bramantip,
Camenes, Fesapo, Fresison, and Dimaris, respectively.
Questions and Exercises on Chapter V
1. Explain the structure of the syllogism. Why are the
major and minor terms so called? How did the middle term
get its name? What is its function?
2. List the General Rules of Syllogism. Why are they called
* General ’ ?
3. The premisses must contain at least one more distributed
term than the conclusion. Why ?
4. What determines the Figure of Syllogism? Give the
schemata of the Four Figures, using the traditional symbols,
S, P, and M.
5. State and prove the Special Rules of all four Figures.
6. Write a note on the Fourth Figure.
7. What is meant by Mood of Syllogism? How are the
names of the Moods formed?
8. Construct (a) a Barbara syllogism with the terms, good
books, lasting possession, worth their price, (4) a Camestres
syllogism with the terms, carols, sonnets, have a simple struc-
ture, (c) a Bocardo syllogism with the terms, covenanted sub-
scription, liable to income tax, benefit charity, and (¢) a Camenes
syllogism with the terms, X, Y, and Z,.
9. Show that only in the First Figure can there be an A
10. EIO is a valid mood in every Figure. IEO is an invalid
mood in every Figure. What makes the difference ?
11. If the conclusion be substituted for one or other premiss
in Barbara, Celarent, Bramantip, Cesare, Camenes, and Cames-
tres, we obtain legitimate pairs of premisses, yielding conclu-
sions, but not in other moods.
12. Which moods admit distributed middle terms in both
premisses ?
13. Examine the following arguments.
(2) The sun is insensible. The Persians worship the sun.
, They worship a thing insensible (Port Royal Logic).
(b) That which has no parts cannot perish by the dissolution
of its parts. The soul has no parts. ., It cannot
perish by the dissolution of its parts (Port Royal Logic).

(c) He who believes himself to be always in the right in his

opinion lays claim to infallibility. You always believe
yourself to be right in your opinion (else it would not
be your opinion). .. You lay claim to infallibility
(d) No evil should be allowed that good may come of it.
Punishment is an evil. .*, Punishment should not be
allowed that good may come of it (Whateley).


Many syllogisms can be transposed from one figure into

another, as a musical theme can be transposed from one
key to another. Aristotle assigned a position of privilege
to the first figure (see below, p. 108), and in consequence
attention has been concentrated on transposition from
the other figures into the first, and with that special
problem Reduction is traditionally concerned.
The given syllogism in the second, third, or fourth
figure is called the Reducend. The syllogism in the first
figure to which it is reduced is called the Reduct. Redu-
cends of most moods transpose directly into their Reducts
by the logical processes, already familiar to us, of Conver-
sion, which interchanges subject and predicate, and Meta-
thesis (Mutation), which interchanges the major and minor
premisses. This method is called Direct or Ostensive
Reduction; it takes the given material and re-shapes it
directly into a syllogism of the first figure. There are,
however, two moods—Baroco in the second figure, and
Bocardo in the third—which cannot be reduced directly
by the processes used for the other moods, because they
contain an O premiss. They can be reduced directly, as
is shown below, by using Contraposition ; but it is cus-
tomary to employ in their cases a totally different method,
called Indirect Reduction, which reduces by means of a
first figure syllogism, not #o a first figure syllogism.
Indirect Reduction is also known as Reduction per conira-
dictionem because it employs contradiction, and as Reduction

per impossibile, because it argues ‘If it be possible .. a

and goes on to show that it is not.possible. Both these
methods and both parts of the aims of traditional Reduc-
tion are covered by the following description. Reduction
is the process of expressing the reasoning of a syllogism
in the second, third, or fourth figure, by a syllogism in the
first figure.
Direct Reduction is effected with mechanical ease by an
intelligent use of the mnemonic hexameters (see p. 97)-
It will be remembered that the mood name indicates the
figure and mood of the syllogism, and that its vowels
indicate the quality and quantity of the component proposi-
tions. Attention must now be paid to the following
points. Most of the consonants (not all) have a meaning.
The initial consonant of Reducend and of Reduct is the
same. ‘Thus, Festino reduces to Ferio, and Darapti to
Darii; of the medials, /, r, and ¢ are without significance ;
the following table shows the meaning of the others:
c, medial—Indirect Reduction per contradictionem.
m, medial—Metathesis, i.e. interchange of premisses.
p, medial or final—per accidens Conversion of the preceding
s, medial or final—simple Conversion of the preceding pro-
Now apply this technique to an actual case. We are
asked to reduce the following syllogism:
No poisons are remedies.
All antibiotics are remedies.
.. No antibiotics are poisons.

The first step is to find its figure and mood and mood
name. It is in the second figure; its mood is EAE;
its mood name is Cesare. The name Cesare tells us that

it can be reduced directly to Celarent by simple conversion

of the E premiss. The following method of displaying
the successive steps will be found useful:
Reducend Reduct
E No poisons ate s No remedies E No remedies ate
temedies. are poisons. poisons.
A All antibiotics A All antibiotics
are remedies. are remedies,
E No antibiotics E_ No antibiotics
ate poisons. ate poisons.

Baroco and Bocardo are reduced direttly to Ferio and

Darii, respectively, as follows :
Baroco. All P is M.
Some S is not M.
., Some S is not P.

Contrapose the major and obvert the minor.

No not-M is P.
Some S is not-M.
.. Some S is not P.
Bocardo. Some M is not P.
All M is S.
., Some S is not P.

Contrapose the major, and then transpose the premisses by

metathesis, and contrapose the conclusion.
All M is S.
Some not-P is M.
.. Some not-P is S. .°, Some S is not P.
Indirect Reduction is a complicated, but interesting,
process; it can be applied to other moods, but it is
chiefly in use for Baroco and Bocardo. Baroco and
Bocardo ate reduced indirectly as follows:
Substitute for the O premiss the contradictory of the
conclusion. ‘That yields a valid Barbara syllogism, with
a conclusion which contradicts an original premiss given
true, and which is therefore false. Our new Barbara
syllogism is valid, but has a false conclusion; that can
only be because one of its premisses is false. One of its
premisses is given true; therefore the other must be
false, viz. the contradictory of the original conclusion.
Thus by a syllogism in the first figure the contradictory
of the original conclusion has been proved false, that is,
the original conclusion has been proved true. The
method is ‘ per impossibile’, because the original substitu-
tion of the contradictory of the conclusion for the O
premiss is equivalent to saying, ‘If it be possible, let the
conclusion be false; then its contradictory will be true
..’, and then proceeding to show that its contradictory
is false. It is a roundabout, but ingenious method.
Example :
ALP is M,
Some S is not M.
., Some S is not P.

It is a Baroco syllogism ; the minor is negative and cannot

stand in the first figure. As major (obverted) it cannot
stand; for it would be particular. As the ¢ indicates,
we must contradict the conclusion and substitute the
contradictory for the O premiss and proceed indirectly.
This yields the valid Barbara syllogism,

All P is M.
All S is P.
.. All S is M.
This conclusion contradicts the O premiss, given true,
and is therefore false. All P is M is given true. ‘There-
fore the other premiss, All S is P, is false. Therefore its
contradictory, Some S is not P, is true. O.E.D. Bocardo
is reduced in a similar way.
I will now take the moods seriatim, and will indicate in
symbols how each is to be reduced.

Second Figure
Cesare No P is M s No M is P
to All S is M AllS is M
Celatrent No S is P No S is P

Camestres All P is M~m~-NoSisM gs No Mis S

to No S is M>~ All P is M All
P is M
Celarent No S is P No P is S

s No S is P
Festino No P is M s NoM is P
to Some S is M Some S is M
Ferio Some S is not P Some S is not P

Batoco All P is M If possible, let Some S is not P

by Some S is not M be false; then All S is P, its
Barbara Some S is not P contradictory, is true. Substi-
tute it for the O premiss, and
thus reach the syllogism in
Barbara (with P as middle term),
All P is M
All S is P
All S is M

This conclusion, All S is M,

contradicts the O premiss which
is given true. It is therefore
false. It has been reached, how-
ever, by a valid syllogism.
How can it be false? Because
while one premiss All P is M
is given true, the other premiss
is only supposed true, viz. All
Sis P. This latter premiss must
therefore be false. Since it is
false that All S is P, its contra-
dictory, Some S is not P, is
trac. (OLED:

Third Figure

Darapti All M is P All M is P

to AllMisS p Some S is M
Darii Some S is P Some S is P

Disamis Some M is ie All M is S All M is S

to All M is S Some Mis P s Some P is M
Darii Some S is P Some P is S

Some S is P

Datisi All M is P All

M is P
to Some MisS -s Some S is M
Darii Some S is P Some S is P

Felapton No M is P No M is P
to All Mis S p Some S is M
Ferio Some Sis not P Some S is not P

Bocardo Some M is not P_ Suppose the conclusion is false,

by All M is S then its contradictory, All S is P,
Barbara Some S is not P must be true. °Substitute it for

the O premiss, and thus reach

the Barbara syllogism, with S
as middle term,
All S$ is P
All M is S
All Mis P
This conclusion, All M is P,
contradicts the O premiss which
is given true. It is therefore
false. It has been reached, how-
ever, by a valid syllogism. How
can it be false? Because while
one premiss, All M is S, is given
true, the other premiss, All S is
P, is: only supposed true. This
latter premiss therefore must be
false. Since it_is false that All
S is P, its contradictory, Some S
is not P, is true. O.E.D.

Ferison No M is P No M is P
to Some MisS_ 5s Some S is M
Ferio Some S is not P Some S is not P

Fourth Figure
Bramantip All P is M te All M is S
by All M is S All P is M
Barbara Some S is P All PisS p Some Sis P

Camenes All P is M Se No M is S
to No M is S All P is M
Celatent No S is P No Pis S 5 No Sis P

Dimaris Some P is SG All

M is S
to All M is S Some
P is M
Darii Some S is P Some PisS s Some S is P

Fesapo No P is M s No M is P
to AllMisS p SomeSisM
Ferio Some Sis not P Some S is not P

Fresison No Pis M s NoMisP

to Some MisS s Some S is M
Fetio Some Sis not P Some S is not P

Reduction without using the Mood Names

As set out above Reduction tends to become a purely
mechanical exercise. ‘To correct this tendency the student,
as soon as he has mastered the method, should practise
reduction without the aid of the mood names. It can be
readily done, if he takes as reducend a simply-worded
syllogism, not in the first figure, notes the points in which
it differs from the requirements of the first figure as to
the position of the middle term and the special rules, and
infers from the reducend new premisses that comply with
those requirements.

Aristotle’s views on Reduction

Aristotle called the first figure “the perfect figure”’,

and he regarded it as self-evident and as the true type of
reasoning. He regarded the second and third figures as
imperfect ways of reasoning. He thought that they were
not self-evident, and that the best way to prove their
validity was to show that their arguments could be reduced
to the form of the first figure.t He did not accept the
fourth figure as independent of the first. Holding these
1“ All the imperfect syllogisms are made perfect by means of the
first figure.” ‘Analytica Priora, I, 7, 29a.

views he naturally took Reduction very seriously, regard-

ing it as a logical necessity, without which the validity of
the second and third figures would remain in doubt. I
discuss below the independence of those figures. Here
let me say that even if we admit, as I think we have to do,
that Aristotle claimed too much for Reduction, that is no
reason for going to the other extreme and claiming too
little. In any case Reduction remains an important part
of Logic. It promotes and tests proficiency in the
syllogistic system, and rounds off the doctrine of inference
with a sustained and elegant piece of reasoning that
suggests the unity of reason, as geometry suggests the
unity of space.
In the first place, then, there is no denying that the first
figure has advantages over the others. In it alone can
an A conclusion be drawn; in it alone-can conclusions
in all four types (A, E, I, O) be drawn ; and owing to the
placing of its terms first figure arguments are, as a rule,
clear to follow and easy to accept. The first figure is
the superior figure, and its universal moods (Barbara and
Celarent) often possess the cogency associated with
scientific demonstrations. To admit that superiority,
however, is not to admit that there is any positive imper-
fection in the second and third figures. They stand on
their own feet and are valid in their own right. They
have their own special uses and represent actual move-
ments of the mind.
The fourth figure is not independent, and it has no
special use. Arguments in it are, as a rule, awkward and
unnatural, With these points in mind we will now con-
sider seriatim concrete examples of argument in the second,
third, and fourth figures.
Second Figure Inference
The second figure is distinguished outwardly by being
always in the negative mood, and by the position of the
middle term as predicate of both premisses. Is there in
it a distinctive mode of inference to match these distinc-
tive outward characters? Take a normal Cesare syllogism
and compare it with its reduct, Celarent.
Cesare Celarent
No brown trout are migrant No migrant fish are brown
fish. trout.
All sea trout ate migrant fish. All sea trout are migrant fish.
». No sea trout are brown .. No sea trout are brown
trout. trout.

On Aristotle’s view the Celarent syllogism is superior

to its Cesare equivalent, and possesses a higher degree of
cogency, because it exemplifies more clearly the principle
(as he saw it) of syllogistic reasoning. Anyone in doubt
about the validity of the Cesare syllogism ought, on the
Aristotelian view, to ‘ validate’ it by converting its major
and thus reducing the syllogism to Celarent. Now when
you see the two examples side by side, it is hard to believe
that Aristotle is right in this case ; for here the conversion
of the major is no improvement, but the reverse. It is
more natural to deny that brown trout are migrants than
to deny that migrants are brown trout. The Cesare form
is perfectly natural and convincing and its inference is
distinctive. We argue in effect that if sea trout were
brown trout, they would stay in their river, and would
not go down to the sea; but they do go down to the sea.
We perceive the validity of the conclusion by perceiving that
its contradictory is inconsistent with given fact. Itisatrue
and independent movement of thought, characteristic of

inference in the second figure. What holds of Cesare

holds of the other moods of the second figure. Of course,
we may happen on a particular syllogism in the second
figure that would go more naturally in the first figure;
but such ‘stray sheep’ prove nothing. We must judge
each figure by its characteristic movement.

Third Figure Inference

The third figure is distinguished outwardly by the
position of the middle term as subject of both premisses,
and by the particularity of all its conclusions. It is known
as the ‘ Inductive figure’, because its conclusions, being
particular, furnish material for induction (see below, p. 172).
Has it a distinctive mode of inference? Take a syllogism
in Datisi, and compare it with its reduct, Darii.

Datisi Darit
All men are mortal. All men ate mortal.
Some men are philosophers. | Some philosophers are men.
Some philosophers are .. Some philosophers are
mortal. mortal.

Here too it is hard to accept Aristotle’s view. Do you

find the Datisi argument any less clear than the Darii ?
Could any doubts about the former be removed by trans-
posing to the latter? The shoe is on the other foot. It
is distinctly more natural to say ‘Some men are philo-
sophers’ than to say ‘ Some philosophers are men.’ The
affirmative moods of the third figure bring together two
general terms (e.g. philosophers and mortal) by means of
the middle term (e.g. men). The negative moods of the
third figure exclude two general terms, the one from the
other, by means of the middle term. The third figure in

all its moods shows us the validity of its conclusions by re-

minding us of the particular instances that confirm its truth.
‘Some philosophers are mortal.’ Yes, Plato, Aristotle,
Locke, Berkeley, Kant and Hegel. They all exemplified
the truth of the conclusion. In the third figure these
confirmatory instances readily come to mind. Aristotle
himself mentioned this feature of third figure inference ;
he called it ‘Exposition’, and accepted it as a mode
of validation, a second-best (for him) alternative to re-
duction. We must go further here than Aristotle, and
must regard this ‘ expository’ feature of the third figure,
as establishing it as an independent mode of inference,
with a special use and a distinctive movement of thought,
valid in its own right.

Fourth Figure Inference

The fourth figure is distinguished outwardly by the fact

that in it both extremes occupy different positions in pre-
miss and conclusion. It has no special use; it is depen-
dent on other figures, and its syllogisms rarely exhibit a
natural movement of thought. Its moods fall into two
groups. In the # group (Bramantip, Camenes, and
Dimaris) the premisses are in an unnatural order ; restore
the natural order by metathesis, and the inference proceeds
naturally in the first figure. The other two moods (Fesapo
and Fresison) do not admit metathesis. For our purpose
they may be treated as one ; for wHat goes for the universal
minor goes also for the particular minor. Take this
Fesapo syllogism:
No voters are aliens.
All aliens are industrious.
.. Some industrious people are not voters.

Ass it stands the validity of the inference is not obvious;

it is valid, but one has to refer to the rules to be sure. The
syllogism lacks clarity ;for the terms of its major premiss
are in an unnatural order. Three transpositions are pos-
sible: (¢) We can convert the minor, and transpose into
the second figure (Festino), (b) We can convert both
premisses, and transpose into the first figure (Ferio),
(¢) We can convert the major only, and transpose into the
third figure (Felapton). The Festino form leaves the
awkward major unconverted. The Ferio transposition
is better; but the Felapton form is best; for it involves
the least change, and the characteristic third figure move-
ment of thought appears in the Felapton form:
No aliens are voters.
All aliens are industrious.
*, Some industrious people are not voters.

Aristotle’s Dictum

Aristotle’s Dictum de omni et de nullo is a formula to

express the principle of syllogistic reasoning. It has come
down to us in several forms, of which the shortest is that
given by Zabarella,1 What is predicated about any whole
is predicated about any part of that whole.” That Aristotle
formulated and used some such principle, and connected
it in a special way with the first figure is certain; but as
we do not know for certain the form in which he expressed
it, nor the exact use he made of it, several disputed points
about it must be left unsettled.
The principal passage about it in Aristotle’s extant works

Count Jacopo Zabarella, Italian philosopher and logician,

6. 1533-89.
is the following. ‘That one term should be included
in another as in a whole is the same as ‘for the other to be
predicated of all of the first. And we say that one term
is predicated of all of another, whenever no instance of the
subject can be found of which the other term cannot be
asserted ; ‘ to be predicated of none’ must be understood
in the same way.” It is a highly compressed passage.
The word predicated covers both affirmation and denial,
and that explains the full title of the Dictum. It is de omni
et de nullo, because it is about a// and none, i.e. it is about
the universal affirmative (A) and about the universal
negative (E). To bring out the full meaning of the
Dictum it should be expanded into two statements, viz.:
Whatever is affirmed of any whole is affirmed of any part
of that whole. Whatever is denied of any whole is denied
of any part of that whole.
The Dictum de omni (universal affirmative) is clearly
exemplified in the Barbara syllogism, and likewise the
Dictum de nullo (universal negative) inthe Celarent syllogism.
For instance, take the following Barbara:
All men are mortal.
All pigmies are men.
.. All pigmies are mortal.
Mortal, affirmed of the whole man-kind, is clearly affirmed
of its part pigmy-kind. The cogency of the argument
leaps to the eye; one almost sees its validity. The same
holds of the universal negative in the first figure. Take
for instance, the following Celarent:
No fresh-water fish attain a great size rapidly.
All brown trout are fresh-water fish.
.. No brown trout attain a great size rapidly.
1 Analytica Priora, 1, 1, 24b.

Rapid growth, denied of all fresh-water fish, is eo ipso

denied of a section of that group, namely brown trout.
In all such cases the visual imagery of inclusion and ex-
clusion greatly assists the ‘inference.
Whether Aristotle regarded the Dictum as the principle
of a// syllogistic reasoning, and if so, whether he was right
to do so, are matters in dispute. Logicians are also not
agreed as to the sense in which ‘ whole and part’ in the
Dicium ate to be understood. Do the terms apply only
to denotation and extension, or to connotation as well ?
Again, does the clarity attaching to the Barbara and Cela-
rent syllogisms trace to the nature of the first figure, or to
the universality of the moods or to the combination of
both? However these questions are answered, Aristotle’s
Dictum retains its historic interest and importance as an
attempt to penetrate into the heart of reasoning and solve
the problem of inference as a whole.

The value of the Syllogism

The syllogism has long been a target for criticism. It
has been cried up and cried down unduly. Extravagant
claims for it have been countered by an undeserved de-
preciation. ‘ All reasoning is syllogistic’, some have
said, claiming that any valid argument ought to be
expressible in syllogistic form. “‘ Everything is a syllo-
gism ”’, a philosopher once said in a dialectical flight.
Backwards and forwards the pendulum has swung.
Francis Bacon (see below, p. 176) attacked the syllogism,
and the attack has often been repeated since his day. Much
of this criticism is misdirected; it should be aimed, not
at the syllogism itself, but at excessive claims made for it
by its undiscerning champions. The syllogism in itself
is a sound and useful instrument of reasoning, and most
of its critics are fairly met by the frank admission that
there are other ways of reasoning, and that not all argu-
ments will go into syllogistic form.
One specific charge against the syllogism must now be
considered at some length. It is an old criticism, urged
in antiquity ; and it received new force last century when
Mill wrote, “It must be granted that in every syllogism,
considered as an argument to prove the conclusion, there
is a petitio principii.” 1 If this charge were admitted in
full, the value of syllogistic studies would be seriously
reduced, though, as Mill is at pains to point out, the
syllogism would still possess value as a register of know-
ledge gained. In my view the charge ought not to be
admitted in full, nor rejected out of hand. The criticism
should force us to examine our syllogisms, and distinguish
those that are open to this charge from those that are not.
In the syllogism,
All men are mortal.
Socrates is a man.
., Socrates is mortal,

there is a petitio principii, says Mill; that is, we beg the

question, and assume what we set out to prove. Is
Socrates mortal? ‘That is the Question. We assume
that he is mortal when we say ‘ All men are mortal’ ;
for if he were not mortal, that major premiss would not be
true. In Mill’s words, “‘ We cannot be assured of the
mortality of all men, unless we are already certain of the
mortality of every individual man.”
I have raised the question in Mill’s words, because the
1J. S. Mill, A System of Logic, Book I, iii, 3.

discussion owes much to his presentation of the case;

and those who wish to go further into the question should
tead what he has to say about it. But there is some
doubt as to the details of his teaching, and it is not quite
certain what he meant by his qualification ‘ considered as
an argument to prove the conclusion’, We shall there-
fore leave Mill out of it. Let us simply consider whether
the syllogism does necessarily ‘ beg the question’, and if
so, whether the syllogism loses much in value.
Petitio Principii or ‘ Begging the Question’ (see below,
p- 167) is the fallacy of assuming what you pretend to
prove, or ought to prove. As a charge against the
syllogism it amounts to saying that we put into the pre-
misses what we intend to take out in the conclusion, that
therefore the argument of every syllogism ends where it
began, like the circumference of a circle, and registers no
advance from the known to the unknown. The charge
in a nutshell is that the syllogism is circular, i.e. that it
“goes round in circles’. In discussing the question we
ought to begin by distinguishing between syllogism and
syllogism ; we ought not to ‘lump’ them all together.
It is a case in which we cannot go by the form of the
syllogism alone, and it does not follow that because some
syllogisms are circular, all are. Syllogisms in symbols
ate of no use here; we must study the content, and then
we find that some syllogisms are circular, some rectilinear,
and some doubtful. It is also important to distinguish
between collective knowledge, say the knowledge repre-
sented by an encyclopedia, and personal knowledge, your
knowledge and mine. A conclusion of a syllogism may
represent no advance in collective knowledge, and yet
may be a very significant advance in personal knowledge.
‘ Socrates is mortal ’ is a truism to us; but it meant a step

forward in knowledge to young Socrates himself long ago.

Men are learners, and there is always more for us to learn.
We cannot take out of a pair of premisses what is not
there; but we can take out, and often do take out, what
we did not put there, The personal aspect of syllogizing
must not be overlooked. Syllogisms have no tongues;
they cannot argue or infer or go round in circles. The
man who syllogizes does these things. When we discuss
whether or not the syllogism is circular, we are really
discussing whether we ourselves are begging the ques-
tion, when we syllogize; and that way of putting the
problem often makes a difference to the answer. If, for
instance, I were asked whether I assume the mortality of
Socrates when I assert that all men are mortal, I should
reply, No. So far as I can judge the workings of my own
mind, I do not beg that question. Others may do so;
each man must speak for himself. ‘ All men are mortal ’
—I frame and assert that premiss without any thought,
good, bad, or indifferent, of Socrates or of any other
individual. In other syllogisms I might beg the question,
but not in this case. If by ‘ All men are mortal’ you mean
that all men up to date have died, then of course you cannot
know its truth without first knowing that Socrates has
died. But that is not what I mean by the major premiss.
To make it mean merely that all men up to date have
died seems to me unnatural. It is like saying that St.
Paul’s ‘ All have sinned . . .” means ‘ All men up to date
have sinned...’ St. Paul did not mean it so, and the
average reader would not take it so. The All in ‘ All
men are mortal’ and in ‘ All have sinned’ is not said of an
arithmetical aggregate, but of the whole of a kind; and
both predicates in their natural meaning are qualities or
attributes of our common humanity, essential parts of the

connotation of the term wan. The circularity, or other-

wise, of this particular syllogism turns, it seems to me, on
the question of denotation or connotation. ‘Those who
understand the ‘ All men are mortal’ solely in terms of
denotation, would by implication include Socrates in it,
and the syllogism to them would be circular. But those
who understand it primarily in terms of connotation, as
seems more natural, would take it to mean that mortality
is a universal attribute of mankind, and on learning from
the minor premiss that Socrates is a man, they would go
on in a straight line to infer that he is mortal.
Now consider a very homely syllogism :
All College societies are open to men and women.
Chess clubs are College societies.
.. Chess clubs are open to men and women.
Here thought is moving within the narrow field of College
regulations. All recognized College societies are to be
open to students of both sexes, and chess clubs are to
rank as College societies. These rules are not written
across the sky; they are just matters of College policy,
alterable by a stroke of the pen. The Governing Body
could remove chess clubs from the list of College societies,
and then the conclusion would not be true. As things
are, it is given true, and that must be because ‘ All College
societies ’ really means ‘ All the College’ societies on the
official list, including chess clubs.’ The Officers of the
College might well regard that syllogism as circular.
They would be only taking out of it what they themselves
put in, and would not be advancing from the known to the
unknown. The Freshman, however, might extend his
knowledge of College regulations from the syllogism ; if
so it would not be circular to him.

A scientific syllogism such as the following, has a deeper

character. :
All Ranunculi bulbosi have drooping sepals.
This flower is a Ranunculus bulbosus.
.. It has drooping sepals.
This syllogism represents a hard-won insight into the
structure of plant life and a long development of scientific
method to express and systematize the facts. Buttercups
are buttercups ; but some have bulbs and some have creep-
ing runners, and those with bulbs have drooping sepals,
and those with creeping runners have spreading sepals.
It is one of many correlations within the genus that goes to
build scientific knowledge. Botanists teach from it with-
out recourse to particular observation. If we regard the
major premiss as merely a shorthand statement about the
sepals of a host of individual buttercups, past, present,
and to be, its truth would need checking in every instance,
and the syllogism as a basis of inference would be circular.
But that interpretation does less than justice to the bio-
logical knowledge involved in the major premiss. Cer-
tainly in the mouth of a botanist the major premiss would
be a true universal, and not merely an enumerative state-
ment about an aggregate of specimens of buttercup. If
a trained botanist used the syllogism in question, one
would expect it to be to him rectilinear, and not circular.
Finally a student of this question should weigh the
evidence of what might be called ‘a syllogism in the
making’. If we confine our attention to completed,
‘ ready-made’ syllogisms, we are apt to regard them as
circular, because we forget the actual progress in know-
ledge they represent. But if it is the case that we some-
times do acquire truth syllogistically, and not merely register

it in a syllogism, if we first learn one true premiss, and

then after an interval a second true ptemiss, and if on
putting the two premisses together, we infer a true con-
clusion, completely unexpected at the outset, if in fact
we sometimes /earn a truth by building a syllogism, then
it becomes impossible to write off a// syllogisms as circular,
without any advance from the known to the unknown.
Take the case of a young philosopher who is seriously
interested in conduct and the science of ethics. One
Michaelmas term, we will suppose, he makes an intensive
study of the pleasure-motive. Were the Epicureans right
about it, or the Stoics? Ought man to seek pleasure, or
despise it, or ignore it, or be neutral towards it? Is
hedonism ethical? With such questions in mind our
young philosopher gets down to it. He compares pleasure
with pleasure, noting the transience of some pleasures and
the relative permanence of others; he weighs the satis-
faction of pleasure over against the prior want and the
subsequent regret. The paradox of hedonism impresses
him ; if you want to ge¢ pleasure, forget it. If pleasure is
so mixed with pain, can it be really part of the happy life ?
He then turns from pleasure in the abstract to concrete
pleasures. Food and drink, family life, social life, fresh
air and exercise, leisure and hobbies, conversation, music
and the merry heart, art, learning and piety, the love of God
and man—how could anyone be really happy without some
at least of these pleasant things? Admitting that there
are apparent pleasures that issue in pain and that abstract
pleasure is a phantom, still it would seem that concrete
pleasures must form part of concrete human happiness.
And so our young moralist concluded when he summar-
ized the results of his Michaelmas research in the general
statement, ‘ All true pleasures conduce to happiness.’
122 ‘LOGIC
Now suppose in the next Hilary term he appro
angle, and ex-
the problem of conduct from a different
altrui sm and egois m,
amined the points at issue between
duty and self-i nteres t.
and the eternal conflict between
consid er the contra st betwe en
He would be forced to
higher and lower pleasures, between real and appar
the conne ction betwe en unself ishnes s and
pleasures, and
d self-in terest. His resear ch along those lines
might well culminate in the principle, ‘ All unselfish
are true pleasures.’ If that happened—a nd such things
lly a
do happen in the higher work of mind—automatica
syllogistic link has been established between his
elmas term yielde d the major premis s,
terms’ work. Micha
the next Hilary term yielde d the minor premis s. No
thinking man could refuse to put this ‘two and two’
together, and draw the conclusion:
All true pleasures conduce to happiness.
All unselfish acts are true pleasures.
*, All unselfish acts conduce to happiness.
It is a valid syllogism enshrining an important truth.
Viewed as a ‘ syllogism in the making’ it is not circular ;
to the young learner who thought it out, it is a rectilinear
argument, advancing from the known to the unknown.
Is the syllogism circular? It is an instructive question,
and it deserves a discriminating answer. Undoubtedly
there are circular syllogisms, and how they may be known
has been pointed out above, and the value of such syllo-
gisms lies principally in their power to end disputes and
cut short debates by presenting a record and register of
agreed truth and accepted principle. Then, too, there
are doubtful cases and border-line cases; there are
syllogisms that are circular to one man, and not to another;

occupation, time of life, and maturity of judgment affect the

way in which premisses are stated and conclusions drawn.
But undoubtedly there are, it seems to me, syllogisms that
are not circular, in which there is a valid inference, and
an advance from the known to the previously unknown.
Such syllogisms extend the knowledge of the individual,
and probably therefore in the long run extend collective
The syllogism in general has value; it has stood the
test of time; in studying its technique we are studying a
form of discursive thinking, which is in actual use, and has
made a contribution to human knowledge. We use
syllogistic reasoning even when we do not stop to put our
argument into syllogistic form. We use the syllogism
unconsciously ; we do well to learn to use it consciously.
In mastering its mechanism and learning the drill we are
alerted to many dangers that attend other sorts of reason-
ing as well. Good art-forms foster good taste all round ;
and good syllogizing helps to make good reasoners ; for
the syllogism is a standardized pattern of right reasoning,
easily studied and always at hand; it is non-specialized,
and it well suits the more important affairs of the human
spirit, and the graver arguments in which the mind of
man engages.

The ‘Laws of Thought’?

The phrase the ‘ Laws of Thought’ refers traditionally
to three rules of right thinking which from Aristotle’s day
1 These ‘ Laws’ can be studied under Immediate Inference, with
reference to Contradiction and Contrariety ; but a discussion of them
is not necessary there, and they belong more naturally to an advanced
stage. For fuller treatment see J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 4th ed.,
London, 1928, Appendix B.
have been recognized as occupying a position of funda-
mental importance. They ate, the Law of Identity, the
Law of Contradiction, and the Law. of the Excluded
Middle. The term Law is metaphorical, as in the phrase
‘Laws of Nature’; but the Laws of Thought and the
Laws of Nature are Laws in rather different senses. The
Laws of Thought are mainly sormative, while the Laws
of Nature are mainly descriptive. The Laws of Nature
describe the ways in which Nature behaves; they may
regulate our behaviour /owards Nature; but they do not
regulate the behaviour of Nature. The Laws of Thought
to some extent describe the ways in which we think;
but their chief purpose is to regulate and control our
thinking by setting up a orm, i.e. an example and standard,
of right thinking. Human thinking follows the pattern
of being, and naturally the Laws of Thought often take on
the aspect of Laws of Being; but for Logic they are
ptimarily Axioms of Consistent Thinking. They apply
both to terms and to propositions, but in connection with
propositions their value is most clearly seen. All three
Laws are closely related. Contradiction is the negative
side of Identity, and finds its complement and completion
in the Exclusion of the Middle.
The Law of Identity is expressed in the formula, A is A.
Eggs are eggs, and must be called so. Things are what
they are, and so far as in us lies, the terms in which we
speak of them must be used with a clear, defined, and
fixed meariing. Serious discourse with folk who do not
bother, or do not care, to fix the meaning of their terms,
or who vary their meaning without notice, is impossible.
The Law of Contradiction is expressed in the formula,
A is not not-A, or Ais not both B and not-B. Contradic-
tion puts negatively what Identity puts positively. Eggs
areeggs. Eggsarenot not-eggs, The same rose cannot be
both red and not-red. If someone urges that one part of
the same rose might be red, and another part not-red, or
that the rose which is red today may be faded and grey
tomorrow, we have only to make the Law more explicit
by adding ‘in respect of the same part’, or ‘at the same
time’. Two contradictory propositions cannot both be
The Law of the Excluded Middle adds that they cannot
both be false. It is expressed in the formula, A is either
B or not-B. Middle has nothing to do with the middle
term of the syllogism; it is just a convenient name for
a supposed mid-way position. There is no ‘half-way
house’, as we say, between B and not-B, and therefore
‘ Ais B’ and ‘ A is not-B’ cannot both be false. There is
a Middle between wise and foolish, e.g. imprudent; and so
* Jones is wise ’ and ‘ Jones is foolish ’ could both be false.
Jones might be neither wise nor foolish, but imprudent.
That Middle is not excluded. There is no Middle between
wise and not-wise. “Smith is wise’ and ‘ Smith is not-
wise’ cannot both be false. If he is not one, he is the

Questions and Exercises on Chapter VI

1. Distinguish direct reduction from indirect. Which moods
cannot be reduced directly by the ordinary methods?
2. Show how to reduce (2) with the mood names, and ()
without them, in concrete terms.
3. Invent a Baroco syllogism, and reduce it.
4. Using symbols as terms, take syllogisms in Cesare, Darapti,
and Camenes, and reduce them.

5. How did Aristotle view the problem of reduction?

Examine his view.
6. State the special uses (if any) of each of the our figures.
Indicate their peculiarities and characteristics, external and
internal, and discuss the question of their validation.
7. What is Aristotle’s Dictum? Discuss the details of it, and
estimate its worth.
8. Discuss the present-day value of the syllogism, with
special reference to Mill’s criticisms.
9. Specify the traditional ‘Laws of Thought’; show the
relation between them, and explain their force and meaning
and application.



The Categories and Predicables

Both these Aristotelian doctrines have deeply influenced
thought. Both concern predicates. Casegory is a Greek
word for predicate, and the doctrine of the Categories treats
predicates as they ate in themselves. The doctrine of the
Predicables treats predicates in their varying relations to
the subject of the proposition.

The Ten Categories

Here is Aristotle’s list, with examples:
Substance . . man, horse, stone
Quantity. . . large, small
Quality ~~. =. good, bad, blue, wet
Relation. . . alike, different, near, far, larger
Place es hetes theres in Londons in- Dublin
Timea n i .2 eo) Now, then, never A.p.91066
Situation. . . sitting, standing, upside down
State. . . . healthy, wet through, distressed
Action . . . swimming, writing, planning
Passion . . . being beaten, bleeding (e.g. a bleeding nose ;
medical ‘ bleeding’ would be Action)

The Categories, as conceived by Aristotle, were types

of predicates and types of being. ‘They answer the ques-
tions, What is this predicate in itself ? What is this being
in itself? The two questions amount to much the same

thing ; for a predicate must have some sort of being, or

it would not be said of a subject. The predicate is what
its subject is; but when we take examples, we soon find
that the word ‘is’ has different aspects and represents
different types of being. The fish is a trout. The fish is
four pounds, The fishis fresh. The fish is smaller. The
fish is in the net. ‘The fish is in the month of June. The
fish is tailing. The fish is tiring. The fish is taking the fly.
The fish is netted. ‘These ten statements about the one
subject all make sense; but they all differ in character.
The first stands out above the rest, and provides the peg,
as it were, on which the others hang. ‘The fish is a four-
pound trout, a fresh trout, a smaller trout, etc. Being
a trout it is (as we say) a ¢bing that can have these and the
other predicates. To be a shing is to be a substance in
technical language. Substance is the first and most impor-
tant category; it means that which exists in itself, and all
the other categories may be viewed as ways in which sub-
stances exist. There is nothing that exists, in Aristotle’s
view, that cannot be brought under one or other of the
ten categories. If the predicate is not a substance, then
it must be a quantity, a quality, a time, a place or state,
etc.; one or other of them must be predicable of every-
thing ; they are ‘ ultimates ’ ; we cannot go behind them ;
a time is not a place or a state, nor is a quantity a quality.
Aristotle’s list of categories is open to criticism, and
attempts have been made, notably by Kant and Mill, to
improve on it; but it is still the best list available for
general purposes. There is some overlapping in it;
quality and state tend to run into one another, and so do
place and situation ; there may be some omissions from the
list ; and it is extremely hard to say what Substance is,
and what is, and is not, a substance; but by and large

Aristotle’s doctrine of the Categories has great value still ;

it helps us to classify our predicates, and to understand
fundamental features of discourse and of the mysterious
world in which and of which we discourse.

The Predicables

Under Cavegories terms were considered as standing by

themselves out of construction. Under Predicables predi-
cates ate to be considered standing in construction in
relation to their subjects.
Man is animal.
Man is rational.
Man is temperamental.
The three propositions have the same outward form; but
they differ in force and scope, because their predicates are
related to their subjects in very different ways. Animal
is predicable of man.in one way; rational is predicable
of man in a very different way. Aristotle recognized five
Heads of Predicables, Definition, Genus, Differentia,
Property, Accident.1 These technical terms are household
words; they are enshrined in homely proverbs and
maxims, as well as in axioms and scientific principles.
They show how deeply Aristotle penetrated into the nature
of discourse, and what an abiding influence his Logic has
been, and is, on the thought and speech of educated and
uneducated alike.
Definition (see above, p. 27) is a statement of the
essence of anything. Genus (see below, p. 131) is part of
1 Topica, I, 4, 101b, 17-25. Porphyry (A.D. 233-¢. 304), Greek
philosopher, whose Isagoge (i.e. Introduction to Aristotle’s Categories)
was used as a manual of Logic in the middle ages, substituted Species
for Definition—a departure from the original plan of the doctrine.
can be
the essence of a thing, namely that part which
ing from it in kind.
predicated also of other things, differ
essenc e of a thing, but is
Differentia, too, is part of the
s it from other species of its
that part which distinguishe
Property is a more difficult notion and somewhat
fluid. Aristotle meant it to be (as the name shows) an
attribute proper and peculiar to the Subject, but not part
of its essence. We often speak of ‘ essential properties
An Accide nt is an
Accident covers all other attributes.
attribute which may, or may not, belong to the subject;
e.g. Socrates is in the Piraeus.
‘As stated above, a good definition defines per genus et
differentiam. “Man is a rational animal’ is a good defini-
tion ; it states the genus animal that man shares with horses
and cattle, etc., at the same time specifying the differentia
rational that marks him off from other species of animal.
But is man not also differentiated by laughter, tears, and
speech? It is hard to find a fully satisfactory answer.
Laughter, tears, and speech are prized privileges of man,
bound up with rationality. They are certainly not acci-
dental ; but they seem to fall short of essence. He may
not be able to speak or laugh or cry; but ‘ A man’s a man
for a’ that’. If Property is to be that which borders on
essence, yet falls short, we may fairly class laughter and
tears and speech as Properties of man.
The Five Predicables could be illustrated from the being
and nature of Man as follows:
Definition of Man. Rational animal
His Genus . . . Animal
His Differentia . . Rational
His Properties . . Laughter, tears, speech
His Accidents . . Cooking food, living for seventy years
The Predicables can be grouped in two ways; above
we put together Definition, Genus and Differentia as dealing
with essence, and over against those three stand Property
and Accident. In respect of Commensurability they fall
into a different grouping.
Subject and predicate are said to be Commensurate,
when the extension of both terms is identical; that is,
when either term can be said of everything whereof the
other term is said. This can happen only when the
predicate is a Definition or a Property. Definition and
Property therefore form one group. ‘ Man is a rational
animal’; subject and predicate are commensurate, because
the extension of Man and of rational animal coincide. ‘Man
can laugh’; laughter is his Property; no other animal
can laugh; Man and can laugh are Commensurate. Not
so with Genus, Differentia, and Accident; they are not
Commensurate. ‘Man is an animal’; animal is his
Genus; but there are many other animals, besides man.
‘Man is rational’; reason differentiates man from all
other animals, but not from all other beings, so far as we
know. God, ex hypothesi, is rational, and the Intelligences
or angelic beings are assumed to be rational. ‘ Man lives
for seventy years’; so do elephants and carp. Thus
where Genus, Differentia, and Accident are predicated,
subject and predicate are not commensurate.

Classification. Genus and Species?

Genus, species, group, family, class—these words arte

1 For the biological information I am indebted to my colleague,
Professor D, A. Webb
152 - LOGIC
often used indiscriminately in ordinary life for any sort of
collection of individuals; but some of them, especially
genus and species, have a long history, and there are certain
differences and distinctions which ought to be observed
by all who value precision, where precision is in place.
The first distinction is that between the natural class
and the artificial class. ‘The natural class is more properly
called the kind or the genus ; it is there whether we classify
or not; like man&éind, or animal-kind, it is something that
shows in every individual man or animal, a pattern of being
that makes the individual, man or animal, what it is. The
artificial class is made by the act of classing, and does not
mould the members of the class, nor make them what
they are. If there is a large heap of cobblestones on the
road, and the contractor shovels half to the right of the
road and half to the left, he has made a classification of
sorts; class A is on the right, and class B is on the left;
but you could transfer cobbles from the one pile to the
other without affecting the classes. Class A and Class B
are just aggregates in such a casé. On the other hand,
the natural class or genus is not a mere aggregate or a bare
collection. The genus in Logic is not properly a class at
all. The genus is exemplified in the members of the genus ;
they display the internal pattern and structure of the genus.
The class is not exemplified in the members of the class ;
at best they wear the external livery of the class. Smith
minor is in Class III. Class III is little more than an
aggregate of boys within certain limits of age and intelli-
gence. Smith minor could scarcely be said to exemplify
Class III; at any rate he does not exemplify that class as
he exemplifies his genus, human boy. He would be the same
Smith minor in Class IJ, or almost the same.
The genus of anything, says Joseph (op. cit., p. 84) is

““a scheme which it realizes, an unity connecting it with

things different from itself”.
In Logic genus and species are relative terms. Animal is
genus; man is species. Man is genus; Frenchman is species.
Frenchman is genus ; Parisian is species ; and no doubt there
are species of the genus Parisian. ‘That elastic system meets
most of the requirements of Logic, and is the method
followed, for the most part, in the random classifications
of ordinary life. It would not suit the present-day require-
ments of the sciences, which need more terms than genus
and species, and a rigid system of a hierarchical pattern.
Plants and animals are classified in the same way, and
biological method, while retaining genus and species and
assigning them definite places, has brought in other group-
terms (see p. 137) and arranged all in the form of a
In Logic we must always think of the connotation of
terms as well as of their denotation ; we pass in thought
from Frenchman to-man, not by counting heads, but by
abstracting qualities and attributes. Omit from the term
Frenchman white, witty, mercurial, and inhabitant of France,
and we have gone a long way towards forming the genus
man, of which Frenchman is a species. When two common
terms are so related that the connotation of the one includes
the connotation of the other, the term with the larger con-
notation is called the Species, and the term with the smaller
connotation is called the Genus.
Aristotle! defined genus as “‘ what is predicated in the
category of essence of a number of things exhibiting
differences in kind”. That is a compressed way of saying
that genus is that part of the essential meaning of a term
which is predicated also of other species. Thus man is the
1 Topica, I, 5, 1024.
genus of Frenchman, not because it has a wider extension,
but because manhood, our common humanity, is what the
species Frenchman, Englishman, etc., have in common.
Similarly animal is the genus of man, not because there are
more animals and more kinds of animals than men and
kinds of men, but because animal is what man shares with
horses and cattle, etc.
As far back as Plato the genus has been spoken of as
‘higher ’ than the species. ‘Higher’ is a mete metaphor,
based, it would seem, on the fact that the higher we climb
the more extension we see. ‘ Up and down’ do not apply
literally to genus and species; nor is the genus necessarily
higher in the scale of values than the species. The upper
limit of the abstracting process is known as the Genus
Summum, and its lower limit as the Species Infima. Both
Corporeal Incorporeal
Animate Inanimate

Sensible Insensible

Rational Irrational
Rational Animal
Mortal Immortal

limits are only ideal resting-places for the mind. The

imaginary line joining the Genus Summum to the Species
Infima, and passing through the intermediate genera and
species has been called a Predicamental Line. Such a line
is the Arbor Porphyriana, a historic classification which
‘ places ’ man in the scale of being by the method of logical
dichotomy (see facing page).
Turning to more recent times, let us view these ancient
terms in the light of the modern method.

Plant Biology and Modern Hierarchical Classification

I hold in my hand a broad bean. I see and touch it;

I could cook and eat it. There are countless millions more
like it, and of course it has no proper name ; but to single
it out and mark it off from other beans we will call it
*B.B.’. IfI only want to look at it and admire its colours
or eat it, the question of classification does not arise ; it is
just ‘B.B.’, one of many similar objects; but as soon as
I want to Avow about it, and to make it a spring-board
for further knowing, classification becomes necessary. I
lose interest in the individuality of ‘B.B.’. In thought
I abstract its place, time, age, weight, price, and proven-
ance, and all else about it that is not relevant to general
knowledge. What I now need to know is summed up
in the botanical statement that ‘ B.B.’ is a seed of Vicia
aba, ot, as the logician would be inclined to say, an
instance of Vicia faba. Vicia faba is its name to botanists
the world over. That name represents and assists in
perpetuating a vast apparatus of knowledge, methodically
acquired, not a little of it based on the logic of genus and
species. For Vicia is the genus of ° B.B.’, and faba is its
species. ‘There are many other species in the genus, amongst
them Vicia sepium, the common vetch that runs in our
hedgerows, and Vicia cracca, the tufted vetch. Each
species has its differentia, its distinctive character or peculi-
arity. Each species has something in common with all the
other species of Vicia, and that ‘something common’ is
the genus, i.e. the connotation of the term Vicia. This
genus is far more than a name ; it does more than designate
a collection of individual plants ; it designates. and is the
common fund of shared characters, which mark all members
of the genus, Vicia, as a family likeness, physical or mental,
marks all members of a human family.
For many centuries the botanist worked with a hand-
list of genera. Up to about the year 1500 the accepted
kinds of plants, each with a noun-name, Ranunculus (butter-
cup), Ulex (furze), Erica (heath), etc., were listed in
alphabetical order; but with the growth of knowledge
the first simple card-index system became totally inade-
quate, and shat in two directions; on the one hand, as
a result of observation and travel, there was an enormous
increase in the number of the known kinds and of the
varieties known to occur under each kind; and on the
other hand, there was an even more important advance
in scientific knowledge of the differentiating characters of
the kinds, their subtlety, complexity, and constancy.
Botany became Plant Biology. Naturalists realized that
the kind was a complex affair, covering several correlated
varieties of kinds, such as the varieties of buttercup, men-
tioned above, p. 120, in which the shape of the sepal is
correlated with the method of propagation. A mere
hand-list of genera in which all buttercups are lumped as
Ranunculi became totally inadequate to the new knowledge,
and the first step to meet the situation was to add the
adjective. The noun Ranunculus remained as the genus,

and under it were grouped its species, Ranunculus bulbosus,

Ranunculus repens, Ranunculus alpestris, etc., each marked
by an adjective that expressed its differentiating character.
In this system, established in the eighteenth century and
still the basis of botanical classification, the species (noun
and adjective) has taken the place of the original genus
(noun), and become the ultimate fact, the ‘kind’ men-
tioned in the Mosaic account of creation, the smallest
class in which correlated variation was regular and pre-
dictable. Darwin’s title, The Origin of Species, reflects this
usage, and the species still has a privileged position and is
regarded as more natural and less conventional than the
genus, The name genus in biology is now little more than
a convenient term for the aggregate of the species.
When the flora of America and the East was taken into
account, the material to be classified became so vast that
a much more elaborate system of classifying was called
for, and the following hierarchy of groups, though in
parts arbitrary, is fixed by usage and international con-
vention: Phylum, Class, Sub-class, Order, Family, Genus,
Species. Fully classified in accordance with this system,
the broad bean (‘B.B.”) from which we started this analysis
would have the following class-pedigree:
Phylum . Spermatophyta Seed-plants (distinct from ferns,
mosses, etc.)
Class. . Angiospermae Flowering plants (distinct from
Conifers, etc.)
Sub-class . Dicotyledones Seedlings with two leaves
Order. . Leguminosae Possessing a pod
Family . Papilionaceae Flowers like butterflies
Genus. . Vicia Style hairy, leaflets numerous, etc.
Species . Vueia faba Large seed, woolly lining to pod,

When one reflects on the foregoing classification of a

common broad bean from the garden, one sees something
of the complexity of nature, of her inexhaustible variety,
shot through and through with order and design. Any
of these higher classes can be regarded as the logical
* genus’ of the class beneath, and is so, not merely because
it includes a larger number of individuals, but because it
expresses some real character held in common by the
species ot classes beneath, of which it is the genus. If we
may suppose a botanist who has never before come across
the name Vicia faba, the first time he hears it, he will from
its form know two things about the specimen it denotes,
(1) that it partakes of the common fund of ‘ Vicia-ness ’,
and (2) that it differs in some feature or features from all
the other Vicia’s he knows.

The Eulerian Diagrams

Various systems of diagrams have been invented from

time to time to help the student to understand and remem-
ber the logical relations between subject and predicate in
the various types of proposition. If the student finds
them a help, well and good; but he may find them of
little assistance, and an additional burden, especially if he
is not of a mathematical turn of mind—in which case he
should pass them by ; they are not of the essence of Logic. .
Diagrams in any case must be received with reserve ; they
have one great drawback for the average man; they limit
attention to the mathematical aspects of propositions.
Diagrams, being spatial representations, can only represent
the extension and denotation of terms, their classes and
the individuals in the classes; they fail to represent the
deeper meaning of terms, their intension and connotation.

The most influential system is that of the Swiss mathe-

matician, Euler (1707-83). His system makes one circle
(S) stand for the subject and another circle (P) stand for
the predicate. The two circles are then paired off in five
different ways, according as the two circles cut one another,
or include one another (two cases), or exclude one another,
or coincide. There are thus five diagrams, which between
them cover all the ways in which the subject of a proposi-
tion can be related to its predicate by way of extension.
The diagrams can be used to illustrate the distribution of
the predicate, the opposition and conversion of proposi-
tions, and other forms of immediate inference. The
system can be applied to the rules of syllogism. The order
of the diagrams and the number assigned to each differ in
different textbooks. Keynes adopts the following order
and numeration:


1 Also to be mentioned are the systems of the German logician,

Lambert (1728-77), and of the Cambridge logician, J. Venn (1834-
1923). These systems together with Euler’s are explained in Formal
Logic, by J. N. Keynes, Part II, ch. IV.
There is no exact correspondence between the five
diagrams and the four types of propositions, A, E, I, and
O. AllE propositions fall under one diagram, viz. No. V,
and some O propositions fall under No. V. A, I, and O
propositions all require more diagrams than one.
A propositions, In a few A propositions, such as ‘ All
men can speak’, subject and predicate are virtually co-
extensive, and they are therefore represented by diagram I.
In the great majority of A propositions, such as ‘ All men
are mortal ’, or ‘ All philosophers speculate ’, the predicate
is wider than the subject, and they are therefore represented
by diagram II.
E propositions. In all E propositions no S is P, and no
P is S; ie. S and P lie completely outside one another in
respect of their extension and denotation. Therefore all
E propositions are represented by diagram V.
I propositions. I propositions are the most varied in
type. Many of them express partial coincidence, such as
‘Some men are black’, and therefore come under dia-
gram IV. Many of them express total inclusion of the
predicate in the subject, such as ‘ Some books are novels ’,
and therefore come under diagram III. A few of them
involve coincidence, such as ‘Some men can speak’, and
come under diagram I. In cases like ‘Some men are
mortal’, the ‘some men’ might be ‘all men’; then all
the subject would be included in the predicate, and there-
fore the proposition might come under diagram II. Total
exclusion of subject and predicate from one another is not
possible in I propositions.
O propositions. In ‘ Some fish are not trout’, the exten-
sion and denotation of srout lie entirely within that of ish,
and therefore it and other O propositions, like it, come
under diagram III. In ‘Some men are not brown’,

subject and predicate coincide partially, and such proposi-

tions come under diagram IV. In ‘ Some sunny days are
not good for angling’ the subject of course is undis-
tributed. In anticyclone weather all sunny days put fish
down and are bad for angling. If under such conditions
“Some sunny days’ proves to mean ‘ All sunny days’,
the O proposition would prove to be E, and subject and
predicate would fall completely outside one another, and
would come under diagram V. The foregoing analysis
is summarized in the following table.

A propositions . - I or I, but not III or IV or V

E 3 . . V, but not I or II or II or IV
I aa ‘ - I or II or Ill or IV, but not V
O x : . III or IV or V, but not I or II

Questions and Exercises on Chapter VII

1. What did the -word ‘category’ mean to the Greeks?
Aristotle gave it a technical sense.
2. List Aristotle’s Categories, illustrating each. Which was
the leading category for him? Why? Is the list of practical
value today?
3. How do Predicables differ from Categories?
4. Sketch the history of the doctrine of the Predicables.
5. What is a Property in logic? Specify a property of man.
Is it correct to speak of an ‘essential property ’ ?
6. What is the origin of the word ‘ differentiate ’ ?
7. How are genus and species related ? Can a genus be also a
Species ?
8. Show from the history of botany how the need for
classification arises. And how systems of classification are
modified and developed.
9. Diagrams in logic have advantages and disadvantages.
Explain Euler’s system.


An Enthymeme is a syllogism with one premiss or the
conclusion suppressed. It is in fact an abbreviated syllo-
gism, such as those that occur in actual discourse of in
writing. To express all three propositions would be
pedantry in most contexts, and bad policy. The art of
convincing often lies in hiding the fact that you are trying
to convince. Hearers or readers, confronted with the para-
phernalia of syllogistic argument, are on their guard, and
the combative instinct is aroused. Partly for policy, and
partly from laziness, if we want to ‘ get a syllogism across’,
as a rule we utter no more of it than is necessary, and we
leave the rest to the imagination. Any two of the three con-
stituent propositions are usually enough to suggest the third.
A premiss, major or minor, is left unsaid because, as a
tule, it says itself. The suppression of the conclusion is
not so common. When done, it is done for effect, and
it can be a most effective device. A suppressed conclusion
is like a sword suspended by a hair, not falling, but ever
ready to fall. Innuendos are often conveyed in this way,
and pointed thrusts which words would blunt. Examples:
Major premiss suppressed. Afforestation schemes remove
land from cultivation, and are therefore of little benefit
to the neighbourhood. The suppressed major is: All
schemes that remove land from cultivation are of little
benefit to the neighbourhood.
1 Aristotle used the term in quité a different sense. He says “an
enthymeme is a syllogism starting from probabilities or signs”.
Analytica Priora, Il, 27, 70a.

Minor premiss suppressed. Long-term investments, essen-

tial to the national economy, ultimately benefit every part
of the country. Therefore afforestation schemes ulti-
mately benefit every part of the country. The implied
minor is: Afforestation schemes are long-term invest-
ments, essential to the national economy.—
Conclusion suppressed. Cain hates his brother, and he that
hates his brother is a murderer. The conclusion ‘ Cain is
a murderer’ is suppressed.

Polysyllogisms. Sorites?
Several syllogisms, joined together like links in a chain,
the conclusion of one forming a premiss for another,
make a Polysyllogism. St. Paul’s argument in Romans viii
29-30 is in the nature of a polysyllogism, “ For whom he
did foreknow, he also did predestinate’. . Moreover
whom he did predestinate, them he also called ; and whom
he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified,
them he also glorified.”
The most interesting type of polysyllogism is the
Sorites ; the word comes from the Greek owpd¢, a heap.
The Sorites is a heaped argument; it is defined as A
polysyllogism in the first figure, with the intermediate con-
clusions suppressed, and supplied mentally as minor pre-
misses with the following major premiss. It has the form:
Sorites Suppressed Conclusions
Bais, G SESE.
C is D alrwarkiog
Dis E sa Ny tel S)
E is F
sree Ip 7]
1 Three syllables; pronounced Saw-ri-tees.
The minor premiss is written first, then its major
ptemiss; each suppressed conclusion becomes in turn
minor premiss to the subsequent major premiss. The
predicate of each premiss is subject of the next, and the
subject of the first premiss, and the predicate of the last
premiss are, respectively, subject and predicate of the final
conclusion. ‘The first and second premisses are minor and
major, respectively, of the first syllogism ; its conclusion
(suppressed) and the third premiss are minor and major,
respectively, of the second syllogism; and so on, till the
conclusion of the Sorites is reached.
The Sorites has two rules:
The first premiss alone can be particular.
The last premiss alone can be negative.
To prove these rules break the Sorites up into its com-
ponent syllogisms. ‘The first premiss is minor of the first
syllogism, and each suppressed conclusion acts in turn as
minor of the next following syllogism. If the first premiss
is particular, the intermediate and final conclusions will be
particular; but if any premiss, other than the first, were
particular, there would of necessity be an undistributed
middle in the syllogism that contained it; for each
expressed premiss after the first acts as major, having as
subject the middle term, which is required to be distributed
there, since it is undistributed in the corresponding minor,
which is affirmative and has the middle term as predicate.
Therefore the first premiss alone can be particular.
The last premiss can be negative, and if it is negative,
the conclusion of the whole Sorites is negative. No other
premiss can be negative; for if it were, there would be
an Illicit Process of the major term in the syllogism, next
following. All the intermediate conclusions, as we have

seen, serve as minor, each in the syllogism, next following ;

they must therefore be affirmative ; for a negative minor
would require the major to be affirmative and its predicate,
the major term, to be undistributed, and the conclusion
to be negative and its predicate, the major term, to be
distributed. Therefore the last premiss alone can be
In their more familiar form and order (1) The minor
ptemiss must be affirmative, and (2) The major premiss
must be universal, these rules echo the Special Rules of
the first figure, the Sorites being composed of first figure

Hypothetical and Disjunctive Syllogisms

These reasonings have much in common with syllogisms
in their inward movement, though unlike in outward
form. They have no middle term; the rules of syllogism
do not only apply to them, and Aristotle does not call
them syllogisms. The title sy//ogism can, however, be
justified on broad grounds. Though the reasoning is
complex, it is of the syllogistic order. Some Categorical
syllogisms can be set out as hypothetical reasoning, and
some hypothetical arguments transpose easily into syllo-
gistic form. ‘If he sows little, he reaps little’ is first
cousin to ‘ All who sow little reap little’, and to ‘ Niggard
sowers are niggard reapers’. The Categorical syllogism,
All who teach themselves logic are well taught.
He teaches himself logic.
.. He is well taught.
1 Sorites in other figures are theoretically possible; but they do
not occur normally.

differs little from the Hypothetical,

If he teaches himself logic, he is well taught.
He teaches himself logic.
*. He is well taught.
The word If has subtle shades of meaning.* Sometimes
the conditional element is-strong, and then the trans-
position of the argument to the Categorical form is not
so natural. Sometimes Jf means little more than Whenever,
and then the transposition is natural and easy. Compare
If he is sick, he sends for the doctor.
If ‘if’s’ and ‘an’s’ were pots and pans,
There’ld be no work for the tinkers’ hands.

Hypothetical Syllogisms?®

A Hypothetical syllogism with both premisses and the

conclusion hypothetical is called Pure, It is a valid mode
of argument, but it is not in common use; for its con-
stituent propositions (as the politician said at the news
conference) are too ‘iffy’. Example:
If the play is good, the audience will not eat chocolates.
If the actors know their parts, the play is good.
*. If the actors know their parts, the audience will not
eat chocolates.
1See above. p. 57.
2 Here the reader should refresh his memory about the Hypo-
thetical proposition, which was explained above (p. 56). Those
who wish a fuller discussion of the Pure Hypothetical Syllogism
(together with a distinction between Conditional and Hypothetical
propositions) should see J. N. Keynes, Formal Logic, 4th ed., Pt. I,
ch, ix, and Pt. ve

In the normal Hypothetical syllogism which is in fre-

quent use, one premiss, usually called the major, is a hypo-
thetical proposition, and the other premiss, usually called
the minor, and the conclusion are categorical propositions.
In a valid Hypothetical syllogism the categorical minor
affirms the antecedent of the major, or denies its conse-
quent, not vice versa; while the conclusion affirms the
consequent or denies the antecedent, not vice versa. If the
conclusion affirms the consequent, the syllogism is con-
structive, and its mood is known as Modus Ponens, because
it lays down (ponere)atruth. Ifit denies the antecedent, the
syllogism is destructive, and its mood is known as Modus
Tollens because it removes (ol/ere) an error. Examples :

Ti ASas: Bi iti isc. If A is, By is Y.

A ts) Be A is B.
erilteis Ce Tenens) Ye

If man has free-will, he is responsible for his actions.

Man has free-will.
.. He is responsible for his actions.
If it is freezing, we shall have skating.
It is freezing.
.. We shall have skating.
N.B. The quality of the constituent clauses of the
Hypothetical major has nothing to say to the mood of the
syllogism. Both the following syllogisms are in Modus
Ponens, though they contain negative clauses; they both
posit, i.e. establish, something, even though what is estab-
lished is a negative proposition.
If the rain does not fall, the salmon will not run.
The rain does not fall.
.. The salmon will not run.

If the cat’s at home, the mice will not play.

The cat’s at home.
“. The mice will not play.


If A is B, it is C. If A is B, X is Y.
A is not C. X is not Y.
.. It is not B. ~. A is not B.

If he gives the soft answer, he turns away wrath.

He does not turn away wrath.
«. He does not give the soft answer.

If the cticket XI wins the cup, the school gets a half-holiday.

The school does not get a half-holiday.
“. The cricket XI does not win the cup.
People can easily go wrong in hypothetical reasoning.
They mistake good arguments for bad, and bad arguments
for good. It is a case where natural logic is not enough.
Training and training-rules are required. The rules for
distinguishing good and bad are clear and definite, and
they spring from the nature of hypothesis and supposing ;
but students often find them confusing, and they would
be well advised to make a special effort at the outset to
get them clear in the mind. I make the following sugges-
tions: (1) Memorize the four rules listed below (a, «, b, B).
(2) Apply them to instances of your own choosing. In.
other words, make up hypothetical syllogisms; bring
them under the rules, and decide for yourself whether they
are valid, or not. (3) Avoid negative clauses in the major
at first. ‘There is nothing wrong with them, but they are
confusing. (4) There is only one valid argument in each
of the two moods, but corresponding to each of the two
valid arguments there is a plausible invalid argument

(a ‘trap for the unwary’, as we might say). It is well

therefore to formulate four Rules in all, two Rules of
Inference, two Rules of non-Inference, two to let in the
good arguments, and two to keep out the bad. They are:
(2) From the truth of the antecedent we can infer the
truth of the consequent; but («) From the truth of the
consequent we cannot infer the truth of the antecedent.
(2) From the falsity of the consequent we can infer
the falsity of the antecedent ; but (8) From the falsity of
the antecedent we cannot infer the falsity of the consequent.
Examples (using the same terms):

Valid arguments Invalid arguments

(2) If it is freezing, we shall («) If it is freezing, we shall
have skating. have skating.
It is freezing. We shall have skating.
.. We shall have skating. +, It-is fteezing;_ (No:
That is a fallacy; our
skating will be roller-
(4) If it is freezing, we shall () If it is freezing, we shall
have skating. have skating,
We shall not have skating. It is not freezing.
.. It is not freezing. .. We shall not have
skating. (Yes. We
shall; roller-skating.)

The Disjunctive Syllogism

Here the student should refer back to pp. 58 ff., and

refresh his memory on the constitution and purpose of the
Disjunctive Proposition, paying special attention to the
distinction between the two types of disjunction, Exclusive
and Non-exclusive.
A Disjunctive Syllogism is one which has a Disjunctive
a Cate-
Proposition as major premiss, and as minor premiss
or denyin g one of the altern atives
gorical Proposition, affirming
and a conclu sion denyin g or affirm ing
in the major premiss,
the other alternative. If the conclusion denies, the mood
is Ponendo Tollens, so-called because by establishing (‘ponen
the minor premiss, it destroys (ollens) the other altern
If the conclusion affirms, the mood is Tollendo Ponens,
do) the minor premis s,
called because by destroying (to//en
the syllogism establishes (ponen s) the other altern ative.
Examples :


A is either B or C. He is either a fool or a knave.

A is B. He is a fool.
., A is not C. ~, He is not a knave.

Either A is B or C is D. Hither the train left eatly, or he

reached the station late.
A is B. The train left early.
.. C is not D. *. He did not reach the station late.

Either A or B is C. Either Oxford or Cambridge won

the boat race.
A is C. Oxford won.
“. B is not C. “. Cambridge did not win.

The student is probably not altogether satisfied with

these arguments. They look plausible; some are con-
vincing, but some are not. The fact is that there has long
been a doubt about this mood, Ponendo Tollens. We
cannot say it is valid in all cases; nor can we say it is
invalid in all cases. It all depends whether the alternatives
stated in the major are mutually exclusive; if they are,
the argument is valid; if not, not. There is no way of

knowing from the form alone, whether the alternatives are

mutually exclusive. Some urge that they ought to be
mutually exclusive, if the form were properly used; but
that is a matter of opinion. It is often a convenience to
use the disjunctive form in both ways, just as it is a con-
venience to use an envelope both for the address and the
cotrespondence. We must take each case on its merits,
must try and decide from the contents whether the alterna-
tives are mutually exclusive, and must allow for the
doubtful case.
Of the six examples given above the three in symbols
are unrevealing. Not knowing what the letters stand for,
we have no information on the crucial point, and do not
know whether the alternatives are mutually exclusive, or
not, and we cannot say whether they represent valid
arguments, or not.
Of the three concrete examples, the first is arguable.
Arguing from the general nature of man, we should say
that he might be both fool and knave, in which case the
conclusion would be invalid. But if we knew the man
in question and the full facts of the case, we might well
mean by the major premiss that the man has committed
either a foolish act or a knavish act, and not both—in
which case the conclusion would be valid.
The second concrete example is on the evidence invalid.
There is nothing stated, and there is nothing in the nature
of things to make the alternatives mutually exclusive. It
is quite possible that the station clock was fast and so the
train left early, and that the man overslept and so reached
the station late. If we know, however, that the man was
a paragon of punctuality and that his alarm-clock and the
station clock were electrically synchronized, this possibility
would be reduced almost to zero; the two alternatives
would become mutually exclusive to all intents and
purposes, and therefore the conclusion would be valid.
The last example is clearly valid. Cambridge could not
win, if Oxford won. We are sure of it from the word won
and the nature of a race, not from the ‘either... or <
and the form of a disjunction. Races can be drawn or
abandoned, or in other ways fail to yield a result ; but if
one competitor won (as is stated in this instance), it stands
to reason that the other did not win. Those who say
that ‘won’ in the minor might mean only ‘ were not
beaten’ are taking a liberty with language which would
make nonsense of the major. The alternatives from the
nature of the race and the ordinary use of words are
mutually exclusive.
From these examples it becomes clear that men use the
disjunctive form of reasoning, not in the abstract, but in
relation to their own knowledge and that of those with
whom they ate conversing. They are quite right to do
so, and we logicians have no right to complain. Logic
would be a little simpler if these ambiguities did not exist ;
but Logic was made for man, not man for Logic. The
attempt has been made to separate ‘the pure disjunctive
form’ from ‘the mixed alternative’; but language would
lose by the separation ; it is better to keep the disjunctive
form, as men habitually use it, with its inherent and (often)
valuable ambiguity, explaining its uses and giving warning
of its abuses, as logicians for centuries have done.


This is the more useful of the two moods ; for it estab-

lishes affirmations, and there is no doubt about its validity ;
while the other mood, Ponendo Tollens, establishes denials,
and their validity, as we have seen, can in particular cases
be challenged. Examples:
A is either B or C. It is either a bush or a beat.
A is not B. It is not a bush.
Pe Aisne: .. It is a bear.

Either A is B, or C is D. Either the cartridge was old, or I

shot wide.
A is not B. The cartridge was not old.
Lgol GSR .. I shot wide.

Either A or B is C. Either physic or faith cured the

A is not C. Physic did not cure the fever.
Conese: .. Faith did.
These are all valid inferences ; the student should com-
pate them with the examples of the other mood, noting
the points of difference. In Tollendo Ponens the minor
denies one of the alternatives, and the conclusion affirms
the other ; in Ponendo Tollens the minor affirms one of the
alternatives, and the conclusion denies the other. Here
lies the strength of Ponens and the weakness of Tollens.
The nature of disjunction is such that by denying one
alternative, we establish the other, but by establishing one
alternative we do not necessarily deny the other.
To simplify the exposition of this difficult form I have
confined myself to disjunctions with only two members.
Many disjunctions have three or more members, but they
involve no new principle. In Tollendo Ponens we can argue
validly from the denial of all but one, to the affirmation
of that one, or from the denial of all but two to the
affirmation of those two as alternatives. From ‘The
animal is either lost or stolen or strayed’, if it was not
lost or stolen, we can infer that it strayed; and if it was
not stolen, we can infer that it was lost or that it strayed.
In the case of Ponendo Tollens with three or more members
the doubt as to its validity remains, as outlined above, in
particular cases.
N.B. In discussing this subtle form the student must
always bear in mind the distinction between truth and
validity. As logicians we are only concerned with whether
the conclusion follows from the given premisses. In
framing such premisses, as distinct from arguing from them,
we must consider whether the stated alternatives are
exhaustive, and whether mixtures and combinations of
alternatives are possible.

The Dilemma

By derivation a Dilemma is a double-grip argument,

a two-pronged fork. In ordinary speech the word has
lost much of its original force, and now means little more
than a quandary or an unpleasant alternative. To the
logician it has long been a delicate and intriguing piece
of mental machinery, and from ancient days it has been
the darling child of the rhetoricians. From the frequent
use made of it in controversy, it derives its unpleasant
associations. 3
The Dilemma combines hypothetical and disjunctive
reasoning. A good working definition is that of Whately,*
A syllogism which has a conditional major premiss, with
more than one antecedent, and a disjunctive minor premiss.
It fails to cover, however, some cases of the Simple Destruc-
tive Dilemma. Joseph? offers the rather wide definition,
1 Whately, R. (1787-1863), Archbishop of Dublin, author of Logie
1826, and other works.
2 op. cit., Pp. 358.
A hypothetical argument offering alternatives and proving
something against an opponent in either case. If the
Dilemma affirms the antecedent (antecedents) of the major,
it is called Constructive ; if it denies the consequent (conse-
quents), it is called Destructive. If the conclusion is the
same whichever alternative is accepted, it is called Simple ;
if different, it is called Complex. Examples:

If either A is B or C is D, E is F.
But either A is B or C is D.
ul Dis Gea

If either he travels by train or flies, he will be in time for the

But either he travels by train or flies.
.. He will be in time for the meeting.


If A is B, E is F, and if C is D, G is H.
But either A is B or C is D.
.. Either E is F or G is H.

If I go by bus, I shall have to wait till the office opens, and if

I walk, I shall be late.
But either I go by bus, or I walk.
.. Either I shall have to wait till the office opens, or I shall be

If A is B, C is D and E is F.
But either C is not D or E is not F.
~, A is not B.

If A is B, either C is D or E is F.
But neither is C D, nor is E F.
.. A is not B.
If bodies can move, they must move either where they are or
where they are not.
Bodies cannot move either where they are or where they are not.
”. Bodies cannot move:?

If A is B, E is F, and if C is D, G is H.
But either E is not F, or G is not H.
~, Either A is not B, or C is not D.

If a man has unfettered freedom of choice, he is responsible

for all his actions, and if he has a completely moral nature,
he must be fully aware of it.
But either a man is not responsible for all his actions, or he is
not fully awate of his moral nature.
+, Either he has not unfettered freedom of choice, or he has
not a completely moral nature.
The ancients pictured the alternatives as horns, because
if you escaped one, you were liable to be impaled on the
other. Hence the phrase ‘the horns of a dilemma’.
Keeping up the metaphor they listed three ways of meeting
an attack by dilemma, to escape between the horns, to
take it by the horns, and to rebut it. To escape between the
horns is to find another alternative. A body might move
from where it is to where itis not. That suggestion offers
a disputant a verbal escape, at least, between the horns of
Zeno’s paradox. To ‘take a dilemma by the horns’ is
to accept one or both of the alternatives, but to deny the
alleged consequence. A man might accept unfettered
freedom of choice, but might deny that it involved responsi-
bility for all his actions. Or he might accept a completely
moral nature, while denying the necessity of full conscious-
ness of it. Rebuttal consists in producing another dilemma
1 One of Zeno’s paradoxes of motion ; it is used by Joseph, op. cit.
Pp. 359, where see his discussion of the definition of dilemma.

with a conclusion which contradicts, or appears to con-

tradict, the original conclusion. The Greeks invented
several clever rebuttals. The most famous, known as
Litigiosus, ran as follows :
Protagoras agreed to teach Euathlus the-art of rhetoric.
Half of the fee was to be paid at the end of the course of
instruction, and the other half when Euathlus won his
first case at law. The instruction was given, and the first
moiety was paid. Euathlus did nothing further in the
matter. He brought no action in the Courts, and pleaded
no case. In need of money Protagoras took the initiative
and sued Euathlus for the balance of his fee. Protagoras
put his case to the Court in the form of this dilemma—If
Euathlus wins the case, he must pay me by the terms of
our agreement. If he loses, he must pay me by order of
the Court. He must either win the case or lose it. There-
fore in either event he must pay me. Euathlus rebutted,
as follows—If I win the case, I do not pay by order of the
Court, and if I lose the case, I do noc pay under the terms
of ouragreement. ButI must either win the case or lose it.
Therefore in either event I do not pay.

A brief discussion of Analogy may serve to link deduc-
tive Logic to inductive; for analogy is an inference from
a resemblance between particular things, events, or occa-
sions to a further resemblance. Peisistratus, a political
leader at Athens, asked for a bodyguard, and by means
of it made himself tyrant. On this analogy, said Aristotle,
it might have been inferred that when Dionysius of
Syracuse asked for a bodyguard, he was aiming at supreme
Analogy always contains a pinch of uncertainty, and is
therefore distinct from logical inference. _Good democrats
have been known to ask for a bodyguard. The analogy
may hold, or it may not. Yet in spite of the uncertainty
analogy and logical inference have much in common ;
they both build on the genus, the kind, the repeated
instance. ‘‘ Probability is the very guide of life ”,* wrote
Bishop Butler, and analogy is probability, systematically
used, consciously directed, and woven into experience.
I am driving a car in traffic; an urchin darts across my
driving-field, nimbly threads his risky way, and reaches
the safety of the pavement. Though he is safe, instinc-
tively I slow down; for where there is one urchin, there
is probably another. Arguing on analogy I expect him,
too, to dart across ; for he, too, argues on analogy uncon-
sciously, and seeing his chum make the crossing safely
expects a similar success.?
Likeness and repetition—these are the foundations of
analogy. Where they are not, there is no analogy ; where
they are found, there is a basis, however slight, for analogi-
cal inference. We expect the sun to rise tomorrow,
because we think of tomorrow on the analogy of yesterday
andtoday. We notice similarities in the changing altitudes
of the sun, in the waxing and waning of the light, and in
our own sensations of freshness and fatigue; when we lie
down to rest, on analogy we expect to wake up next
morning refreshed, and to find the sun arising or arisen.
Analogy attends and uses belief in the uniformity of nature
and in natural law. Because objects or the relations
1 J. Butler (1692-1752), The Analogy of Religion, Introduction, 1736.
2 The probability which comes close to Analogy and in practice
guides a large part of human life must be distinguished from the
Probability which is confined to the numerical and calculable aspects
of events and is treated in the mathematical Theory of Probability.

between objects are alike in some points we conclude by

analogy that they are alike in other points also, and there-
fore analogy enters into thé inferential processes of
induction (see below, pp. 172 ff.).
Conscious analogy was originally based only on identical
relations, or very similar relations. It involved four
terms, and was seen at its best in mathematics. Such
analogy is in fact proportion; ais to b, ascistod. If
we know that the size of London is to that of Dublin as 10
to 1, and know the area of either city, we know the area of
the other. Given the population of London we could
form some idea of that of Dublin; but if we went on to
argue that London must have ten times as many cathedrals
and churches and art galleries as Dublin we should be
pushing analogy too far.
Resemblances other than those of -size, distance, and
number are less reliable as a basis for analogy. A minister
or parish priest is like a shepherd in his duties to his flock,
and the ‘ flock’ ate like sheep in respect of their spiritual
needs; outside that area the analogy soon breaks down.
Analogy is simpler when there are just two terms and
their resemblances. The man is like his portrait; harm
his portrait, says black magic, and you harm the man.
The looser analogies of quality are often more penetrating
than the strict analogies of quantity. An analogy of
quality, such as that implicit in the phrase ‘ mother-earth ’
or ‘ fatherland’, may touch the heart of things, while a
relation of quantity may only scratch the surface. In
estimating the value of an analogy we must have regard
to its character and relevance and real connection with the
inferred resemblance. Apparent strength can be decep-
tive, and quite faint analogies have led at times to great
discoveries. In using analogies caution is necessary.
A’s meat is B’s poison. The medicine that cured Lucy
may not cure a neighbour’s child. J. S. Mill who uses
this example happily compares analogy to a sign-post,
which may point the direction, but does not get you there.?
‘False Analogy’ is a recognized fallacy.


Men err, and most men err in similar ways. The stock
errors in logic to which the human mind is prone have
long been named and listed. They are known as Fallacies,
ice. Deceptive Arguments. To be made aware of them,
to know their names and just why they are fallacies, is
part of the discipline of logic. They are not the only
fallacies; but they are the chief ones. Every rule in
logic can be broken, and from that angle there are just
as many fallacies as there are rules.
In syllogistic reasoning the three main Fallacies are:
(1) Undistributed Middle. Example:
All followers of Izaak Walton love virtue and angling.
Jones loves virtue and angling.
“, He is a follower of Izaak Walton.
The middle term ‘love virtue and angling’ is undis-
tributed in both premisses ; therefore the conclusion does
not follow from the premisses, and the syllogism is
People who judge by general impression and not by
rule fall readily into this fallacy. In the above instance
Jones clearly is a follower of Izaak Walton in the ordinary
meaning of that term. None the less that proposition
cannot be inferred from the given premisses, and for all
Lye S. Mill; op er#., Ble. IU, esscx}75°! cf. Bk. TP iis;
we (as logicians) know to the contrary, there may be
a ‘splinter’ group of virtuous anglers who owe no
allegiance to the Compleat Angler and its author.
(2) Idicit Process. ‘This fallacy consists in taking uni-
versally in the conclusion a term given particularly in its
ptemiss; that is, in arguing from a term given undis-
tributed to the same term distributed. Illicit Process.
may be of the major, or of the minor. Examples:

Of the major Of the minor

Some clever men ate eccentric. All rooks are gregarious.
Smith is not eccentric. Some crows ate not gregari-
.. He is not a clever man. .. No crows are rooks.

(3) Two Middle Terms. Examples:

Chalk is different from cheese. Nothing is better than wisdom.
Cheese is different from butter. A crust is better than nothing.
.. Butter is different from .°, A crust is better than
chalk, wisdom.

They are only pseudo-syllogisms, of course, and are

not to be taken seriously ; but in the first case, cheese and
different from cheese look like middle terms, and in the
second case nothing and better than nothing might convey
asimilar impression. In all such cases set out the supposed
syllogism ‘in logical form’, and the fallacy would be
exposed at once. Resignation as a Christian virtue, and
Resignation as retirement from office, are different things,
and premisses which used the one word in the two senses
would be fallacious. The fallacy would be that of
Ambiguous Middle Term which is a variety of Two Middle
Terms, and is also known as the Fallacy of Four Terms,
in Latin, Oxaternio Terminorum.
Aristotle’s Lists of Fallacies?

Aristotle did not include among the Fallacies plain

breaches of the rules of inference, such as the foregoing:
He confined his lists to linguistic forms and faults in
thinking that habitually lead men astray in argument. He
distinguished fallacies in speech (in dictione) from other
fallacies (extra dictionem), and he made two corresponding
lists, with six fallacies in the former list, and seven in the
latter. His treatment is open to criticism; his types
overlap, and his fallacies extra dictionem are in part con-
cerned with the right use of words. But still his work
on the fallacies was invaluable in its day ; it was a pioneer
and penetrating achievement, rendered necessary by the
sophistry of his day, and the methods of disputation to
which the sophists? gave currency. It is of value still,
and is enshrined im the outlook and the language of
European culture.
Fallacies in Dictione
(1) Equivocation. To equivocate is to make illegiti-
mate use of ambiguous words. The practice is misleading,
and may often burke the issue. The term o/d, for instance,
may mean the old in years, or the men of old time. Hence
the following syllogism ‘ equivocates ’ and is fallacious :
The old are more likely to be right in their judgment
than the young.
1 The full Lists ate given for completefiess’ sake. The beginner
should not attempt to memorize them, but should read them sympa-
thetically for their historic interest, remembering that even those
fallacies that look to us trivial have become so largely as a result of
Aristotle’s work.
2 The Sophists were the pioneers of higher education in ancient
Greece. ‘Their movement fell into disrepute, because their methods
and principles, broadly speaking, subordinated truth to expediency.
The men who wrote a thousand years ago are old writers.
.. They are more likely to be right in their judgment
than those of our own day.
Unintentional equivocation almost inevitably creeps into
long arguments on religion, philosophy, ethics, politics,
etc. Words like right and good, happiness and pleasure,
church and state, government and people, are apt to take their
colour from their context, as the chamelecn is said to do,
and it is hard to pin them down to one precise, invariable
meaning. One must try one’s best to be. consistent.
(2) Amphiboly. Amphiboly is ambiguity in phrasing,
and is not quite the same as Equivocation, though often
the line between them is very fine. The ancient oracles
made frequent use of both ambiguities. In a famous
amphiboly King Croesus was informed that if he attacked
the Persians, he would destroy a great empire. Whether
the ‘ great empire’ was his own or that of the Persians,
the oracle did not- disclose. .
(3) Composition. The fallacy of Composition is the
illegitimate compounding of words or objects of thought,
as in ‘ Five and two are odd and even; therefore seven
is odd and even’. ‘This fallacy readily occurs when a//
(collective) is understood as a// (distributive). All the
XI made 10 runs ; therefore the whole side made 110 runs ;
ot was their total just 10 runs? The humorous suggestion
of the epitaph on Robert Boyle, ‘He was father of
Chemistry and brother of the Earl of Cork’ depends on
the mental Composition of the notions of spiritual and
physical relationship ; but of course the epitaph as such
is not fallacious.
(4) Division. The fallacy of Division is the converse
1From T. K. Abbott, Elements of Logic, p. 86.
of the preceding, and it is often hard to keep the two
apart. The stock instance which traces to Aristotle is
* Three and two are odd and even; therefore three and
two are odd and three and two are even.’ Similarly it
might be argued that if my neighbour and I share a party
wall, we each own half a party wall; or that if the clergy
and congregation contributed {100 to the Organ Fund,
the clergy contributed {100 and the congregation another
£100; and one could sub-divide both groups.
(5) Accent. Tone accent and stress and italics can
completely alter the meaning of words, and render an
argument fallacious. All invalids take tonic, and all
fallacies are invalid; but of course those facts provide
no basis for inference.
(6) Figure of Speech. Originally a ‘ Figure of speech’
meant a verbal inflexion which was ambiguous and gave
rise to a fallacy if an argument was based on it. A French-
man with a smattering of English was thanked by his
English friend for his ‘invaluable services’. Monsieur
took offence; knowing that inaudible and inaccurate were
the opposites, respectively, of audible and accurate, he
argued from the Figure of Speech—the prefix ‘ in- ’—
that invaluable was the opposite of valuable. ‘Today the
phrase covers ‘ Figures of Syntax’. In ‘Mr Weller took
his hat and his leave’ and ‘ She came home in a sedan
chair and floods of tears ’ the figurative and the literal are
combined. Phrases like ‘ took his leave’ and ‘in floods
of tears’ are figures of speech, which with all tropes and
metaphors are to be avoided in serious argument.
Fallacies Extra Dictionem
(1) Accident. According to Aristotle the fallacy arises
“whenever any attribute is claimed to belong in a like
manner to a thing and to its accident”.1 The sophists
argued that the dog was a father and was yours ; therefore
he was your father. Aristotle called this trick of speech
a fallacy of Accident. The argument presumes that the
animal is yours as a father, as he is yours asa dog. Today
Accident and Secundum Quid ate hardly distinguishable.
(2) Secundum Quid. In full, A Dicto simpliciter ad
Dictum secundum quid—which means, From something said
simply to something said according to something, i.e. with a
qualification. Joseph? describes Secundum Quid as “ one of
the subtlest and commonest sources of error. It consists
in using a principle or proposition without regard to the
circumstances which modify its applicability in the case or
kind of case before us.” ‘This broad way of expressing the
fallacy makes it unnecessary to distinguish between A Dicto
simpliciter ad Dictum secundum quid, and, A Dicto secundum
quid ad Dictum simpliciter. In both cases the qualification
is ignored whether at the head or the tail of the argument.
‘Thou shalt not kill’ is a Dictum simpliciter. ‘Thou
shalt do no murder’ is the same Dictum, secundum quid.
For murder is not simply A&élling, but taking human life
wrongfully, Not all killing is murder. Theologians,
moralists, and lawyers have to consider the distinction
with the greatest care, and advise the State accordingly.
The logician has to call attention to the fallacy of arguing
from a qualified statement to an unqualified, or vice versa.
In the argument,
Opium is a poison.
Physicians give their patients opium.
.. They give their patients poison.
1 De Sophisticis Elenchis, V, 166b. 2 op. cit., p. $89.
?From T, K. Abbott, of. cit., p. 88.

the fallacy is latent, rather than explicit. All three pro-

positions are statements of fact, until the third is under-
stood in a bad sense; and then the fallacy becomes
explicit ; the qualification ‘for remedial purposes ’, im-
plied in the second and third propositions, has been
(3) Ignoratio Elenchi. It is a legal phrase; for the
elenchus in Greek law was the refutation of the charge;
and ignoratio elenchi means ignorance of, or ignoring, the
charge to be refuted. The counsel who does not ‘ know
his brief? or who ignores it, cannot refute the charge,
and is reduced to spending time and eloquence in proving
what no one denies, in proving the irrelevant, or in
‘ abusing the plaintiff’s attorney ’. Similarly the disputant
who does not, or will not, understand the matter in dispute,
and who avoids or confuses the issue, or proves what is
beside the point, or passes off some irrelevance for proof,
is guilty of ignoratio elenchi.
An Argumentum ad hominem is not necessarily a fallacy ;
but if it is, it comes under this head; for the fallacious
arguer would fail to grasp the real issue, as it presents
itself to those with whom he is arguing.
An Argumentum ad hominem is an argument addressed
toaman. ‘This may mean one of two things. (a) Instead
of attacking the statement we attack the man who makes
it. When politicians, or others, instead of refuting a line
of policy, attack the character or motives of its advocate,
they are arguing ad hominem, instead of ad rem. (b) More
often an argument is called ad hominem (or, ad homines),
when its premisses are admitted by some of those who
hear it, but not by all. It is a sectional argument, valid
for those who accept the premisses, but not for the others.
No just wars are per se immoral.
Defensive wars are just wars.
.. Defensive wars are not per se immoral.
Actions that involve taking human life are uncondi-
tionally wrong.
Defensive wars are actions that involve taking human
.. Defensive wars are unconditionally wrong.
Both these arguments are ad homines; for their major
premisses would be accepted by one group of thinkers,
and rejected by another group; and those who accept
the premisses must accept the conclusions. There is
nothing illogical or fallacious so far; there is nothing
illogical or fallacious in an argument ad homines as such.
It only becomes a fallacy when he who accepts a con-
clusion on behalf of those who endorse its premisses,
goes on to use it as if it had been universally accepted.
(4) Petitio Principii. ‘The name means ‘ Asking for the
Principle’ ; in English it is called ‘ Begging the Question ’.
The Principle or Question is the conclusion before it is
proved. To ‘beg’ it is to ask for it to be granted in
advance. We beg the question, when we assume the
conclusion to be true, and use it as a premiss in a different
form of words, and from it draw the desired conclusion.
In this way of proceeding, there is no advance. The
conclusion is drawn from itself, and the arguer is going
round in circles.1 Hence the fallacy is also known as
arguing in a circle.
In high metaphysical arguments on ultimate questions
one has to assume something, or one might never get
1See above, p. 116 ff. for discussion of the circularity of the
syllogism in general,

started, and in those regions of thought it is hard to avoid

all circularity. Indeed a philosopher once said that arguing
in a citcle does not much matter, provided your circle is
big enough. However that may be, in ordinary argu-
ments between man and man on human affairs, begging
the question or arguing in a circle is a grave defect that
may render the whole train of reasoning worthless. If
‘we assume what requires proof, we are just beggars,
begging what we ought to earn by proof. Here is a typical,
though rather complex case, taken from life.
The Northumbrian theory of Early Christian art is that
the Irish missionaries arrived in Northumbria without any
att of their own, and learned their art, including their
superb art of illuminating copies of Holy Scripture, from
their Northumbrian converts. The fine copy of the
Gospels, known as the Book of Durrow, is a difficulty
on the theory; for Durrow is in the centre of Ireland.
The Book of Durrow is not known ever to have been
out of Ireland in ancient days; its true title is Irish; its
script is Irish ; Irish names, Patrick and Columba, occur
on its colophon page. The Northumbrian theory has to
assume that this ancient manuscript was written in North-
umbria, as indeed it may have been. But assumption is
not proof. Now here is the point of the illustration, If
the Book of Durrow was written in Northumbria, it could
hardly be older than ¢. 690 a.D.; for Northumbria was
too unsettled at an earlier date. Therefore the North-
umbrian theory has to assign it to a relatively late date,
though it contains strong indications of having been
written at an early date. Step by step the theory is built
up round the twin assumptions that the Book of Durrow
is of late date and was written in Northumbria. Then
one day some art critic, not familiar with all the ‘if’s’
in the case, jumps from assumption to proof, begs the
question, and writes, ‘Since the Book of Durrow was
written ¢, 700 in Northumbria, it is strong confirmation
of the Northumbrian theory of Irish art.’ It may be so,
but we do not prove such things by assuming them.
Logic prescribes suspense of judgment and hypothetical,
not categorical, propositions in all cases where proof is
wanting. |
(5) Non Causa pro Causa, ot False Cause. ‘This fallacy
consists in assigning as the cause of an event what is not
the cause, or in tracing a conclusion to a premiss with
which it has no connection. Farmers traditionally connect
changes in the weather with the quarters of the moon;
and superstition has attributed all sorts of causal pro-
perties to the Gulf Stream, and in recent times to the
atomic bomb. A very common variety of False Cause
is the fallacy, known as Post hoc ; ergo propter hoc, which
means—After this, therefore, because of this, eg. ‘I
walked under the ladder, and then left my gloves in the
bus. Things like that always happen to me when I walk
under ladders. It is very strange, and I cannot explain
it; but there must be some connection.’
(6) Consequent. The fallacy of the Consequent consists
in treating the condition and its consequence as inter-
changeable, as is done frequently in the case of the hypo-
thetical syllogism (see above, p. 148) where men argue
illegitimately from the truth of the consequent to the truth
of the antecedent, or from the falsity of the antecedent
to the falsity of the consequent. Aristotle also applies
the corresponding notion to terms. Water is necessarily
wet, and man is necessarily animal; wet and animal are
consequents ; but if we treat them as interchangeable with
their ‘ antecedents ’ and argue that everything wet is water,
and all animals men, we are guilty of the fallacy
(7) Many Questions. The fallacy lies, not so much in
asking several questions at once, as in trying to answer
them all at once. It might well be called the Fallacy of
the Single Answer. When the question is compound, we
it as if it were single. Only
must not try to answer
a simpleton will give a single (Yes or No) answer to the
stock question, Have you left off beating your Mother ?
For both Yes and No incriminate the answerer. Have you
half-a-crown? Will you lend me half-a-crown? Those
ate two separate questions. Have you half-a-crown to
lend me? That combines the two questions into the
outward form of one; but it is one compound question
that requires, and usually receives, a compound answer.
There are questions, simple in the asking, that become
compound in the answering. Is Mrs. Smith at home ?
If I ask that question, I want to be told whether she is in
the house, and if so, whether she is receiving, and if so,
whether she will receive me.
Then there are questions that, in lawyers’ language, are
void for uncertainty. Do you dig with the right foot ?
Do you hold the right views on compost heaps? One
is not bound to answer such questions ; but a pinch of
commonsense with one’s logic will usually indicate the
right reply. From Biblical days the ‘ subtle question ’ has
been a means of entangling people in their talk, and
scrupulous fairness in framing and asking questions, as
well as logical exactitude in answering them, are marks
of the fair and disciplined mind.

Questions and Exercises on Chapter VIII

1. Define Enthymeme, and give instances.
2. Explain the structure of a Sorites, and state and prove
the rules that govern it.
3. What are the pros and cons of calling Hypothetical and
Disjunctive reasonings sy/logisms?
4. Give an instance of Pure Hypothetical syllogism.
5. Explain the construction of the ordinary Hypothetical
syllogism. Name its two moods. Give instances of each,
and state the rules of Inference and non-Inference.
6. Determine the structure of the Disjunctive syllogism.
What is the ambiguity that haunts it? Is it useful? Give
concrete instances of its moods, and discuss their validity.
7. Define Dilemma, and describe its main varieties. What
ate the historic names for answets to dilemmas? Specify one
of the famous Greek dilemmas.
8. What is a Fallacy? What recurrent~fallacies in cate-
gorical syllogisms have recognized names? Give instances of
9. Describe the scope-of Aristotle’s lists of fallacies.
to. Give instances of Equivocation and Amphiboly.
11. The Fallacy of Secundum Quid is particularly subtle and
12. An Argumentum ad hominem means two distinct things.
Is it necessarily a fallacy ? How does it link up with Ignoratio
Elenchi ?
13. What is Begging the Question?
14. The Fallacy of Many Questions is mote propertly that of
the Single Answer. Explain, and give examples.

A common sight in the days of the horse-drawn tram was

a trace-horse, hitched to the tram at the approach to a
steep incline. Induction, as originally conceived by
Aristotle, was a trace-horse, or auxiliary process, designed
to help the syllogism in its difficulty about the universal
or general premiss. Subsequently Induction has broad-
ened out, and has become a Logic in its own right, or a
branch of Logic, but it still retains something of its
original character as a supplement to the Logic of the
syllogism, an annexe, as it were, of the main building.
By derivation Induction means a /eading on, as Deduction
means a /eading down from. As a logical process Induction
leads the mind on from fact to fact, like a working bee
passing from flower to flower ;1 while Deduction, like
the spider, draws down thread from thread, and weaves
its web. ‘The two processes meet at the General Proposi-
tion. Deduction must have general propositions to serve
as premisses, and Induction can supply the need, or go
some way towards it. To that extent Deductive Logic,
the Logic of the Syllogism, and Inductive Logic, the Logic
of Discovery, are complementary disciplines. They are
certainly not in opposition; Induction has to make use
of some deductive methods, while Deduction counts on
Induction for many of its premisses.
The main business of Induction is to lead on from the
particular to the general. Generalizations are its concern,
1 Bacon, Novum Organum, 1, 95.

Induction formulates rules for discovering generalizations,

for testing and justifying them. Induction is specially
interested in those generalizations we call Causes, and is
of special importance in the work of science. Inductive
Logic has left its mark on scientific tradition, and has
contributed not a little to the long-established procedure,
practised in our laboratories and known as Scientific

Aristotle’s Induction

Aristotle intended his Induction to be Induction by Com-

plete Enumeration, and as an illustration of his meaning he
gave what is known as the Inductive Syllogism:
Man, horse, mule, etc. live long.
Man, horse, mule, etc. are gall-less.
“. The gall-less animals live long.?
The conclusion is to be understood universally, and
it is valid, if and only if, the enumeration of the gall-less
animals is complete. This is where the shoe pinches;
for it is virtually impossible to make such an enumeration
complete, and in consequence Bacon styled the Aristotelian
process ‘simple enumeration’, implying that it was in-
complete. If we were content to take the conclusion as
an enumerative proposition, it would mean no more
than ‘ All these gall-less animals live long’, and that
would not be a true universal or general proposition;
we could not use it as a basis for inference or establish
by it any causal connection between longevity and the
absence of the gall; for short-lived gall-less animals
might be discovered. Aristotle, of course, was alive to
1 There is in fact no connection between longevity and the posses-
sion of the gall-bladder.
the difficulty. As a keen observer of nature, who himself
experimented in biology in a small way, he knew that
even an incomplete enumeration could be a useful collec-
tion of scientific facts; but as a logician he could not fail
to know that an enumerative conclusion could be known
to be true only of the specimens examined. That is why,
of course, he insisted that Induction must be by Complete
The Inductive Syllogism has long been a target for
criticism ; for it appears to be looking one way and going
the opposite way, like a man rowing a boat. But we must
remember that Aristotle did not put it forward as express-
ing a full account of Induction, and that it does express
well part of the process, namely that bee-like flower-to-
flower and fact-to-fact movement of thought which is the
beginning and the middle of Induction, but not its goal.
Take a homely modern instance. Mr. Jones installs a
‘domestic boiler’, of the best type, mechanically perfect.
It does its job and gives every satisfaction. In five years
time, however, the chimney begins to give trouble; cracks
occur ; plaster falls; stains show on ceilings and walls;
rooms must be re-decorated; and finally the chimney is
taken down and re-built. Mr. Jones’s case does not stand
alone; similar cases are reported from all over the
country. There is nothing wrong with the boiler per se ;
there is nothing wrong with the chimney when used for
an open fire; but chimney defects occur when the boiler
is installed. ‘The Ministry of Housing appoints a research
department to deal with the problem. Inductive methods
are used; the trouble is traced to internal damp ; the cure
is found, when the cause is established. The true general-
ization began to take shape in the minds of the researchers
when they passed from Mr. Jones’s defective chimney to

that of Mr. Smith, and the others, and found that ‘ All
these defective chimneys were boiler chimneys, and liable
to internal damp.’
Clearly then the mind of man does generalize along the
lines indicated by the Inductive Syllogism, even though the
completeness of the enumeration is an ideal, rarely realized.
But was Aristotle right in saying that we arrive at our first
principles by a process of Induction?! He was, provided
we do not take these words of his to mean that the enumer-
ation of instances is enough by itself. He was thinking
of the whole complex process of Induction, not of part.
It is not wise to trace our principles and generalizations,
be they homely or scientific, to any one source; some of
them are born of experience, some are dictates of reason;
some are bred in the bone; some are inferences; some
have a basis in vital instinct and some in intellectual intui-
tion. Aristotle was just the man to appreciate the mixed
character of our principles, and the varied sources of our
generalizations and premisses. He believed in reason, and
he believed in experience ; he was a realist about sensible
experience, and yet his mind moved easily in geometry
and the other deductive sciences. Now geometry sup-
plies the clue that explains his attitude to Induction; for
in geometry we never actually see the triangles and other
figures about which we reason so confidently. We see
very thin lines, possessing some breadth and a/most straight,
and triangles approximately isosceles; those approxima-
tions set us thinking about the ideal figures and properties
of space. Similarly Induction, as an observation and
enumeration of the individual facts of nature, was for
Aristotle a process that awoke thought, and ‘led on’ to
the general proposition. He wished Induction to be
1 See Analytica Posteriora, Tl, 19, 100b.
‘Perfect Induction’ resting on an ideally Complete
Enumeration; but he knew that in practice we have to
be content with less. Broadly, he viewed Inductive Logic
as a supplementary discipline, required by the limitations of
Syllogistic Logic, and he saw Induction as a systematic,
if imperfect, collection of scientific facts, as complete as
each case permits, to be followed by a leap of intuition
(Greek, votc), by which we see with the mind’s eye the
laws of nature, exemplified in particular instances, as the
geometer sees with his mind’s eye the laws of space
exemplified in the imperfect figures of space, which he
draws on paper or traces in the sand.

Bacon’s Criticism

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) criticized severely the Logic

of his day. It does more harm than good, he said; for
the syllogism is “no match for the subtlety of nature.
It commands assent therefore to the proposition, but does
not take hold of the thing ... Our only hope therefore
lies in a true induction.” That he had Aristotelian induc-
tion in mind here is shown by the following quotation,
** The induction which proceeds by simple enumeration is
childish ; its conclusions are precarious, and exposed to
peril from a contradictory instance; and it generally
decides on too small a number of facts, and on those only
which are at hand. But the induction which is to be
available for the discovery and demonstration of sciences
and arts, must analyse nature by proper rejections and
exclusions.” ?
It is easier to pull down than to build. Bacon’s own
Inductive method is hard to understand, and has never
1 Bacon, Novum Organum, I, 12-14, 105.

been widely used. It is contained in an incomplete form

in the second Book of his Novum Organum. It is an im-
practicable search for ‘ Forms’, and is of little account
today. Bacon’s lasting contributions to logic lie else-
where. They are, (1) His cutting attack onan unbalanced
cult of the syllogism. (z) His refusal to rest content with
mere tradition, and his inspiring call for reform in Logic
and for a ‘true induction’. (3) His insistence on ‘ the
negative instance ’, and on the ‘ rejections and exclusions ’,
which anticipate Mill’s methods, to which we now pass.

Mill’s Inductive Logic

Of later writers on Induction the most influential is
John Stuart Mill (1806-73). His general line is to play
up inductive Logic and to play down deductive. He
denies that he feels contempt for the syllogism, but as is
clear from the discussion above (pp. 116-23) on its alleged
circularity, he assigns it an inferior rdle. From the syllo-
gism Mill passes straight to the general proposition, saying
of it, “ Not only may we reason from particulars to par-
ticulars without passing through generals, but we per-
petually do so reason. All our earliest inferences are of
this nature... The child, who, having burnt his fingers,
avoids to thrust them again into the fire, has reasoned or
inferred, though he has never thought of the general
maxim, Fire burns.” 1
They are striking words, and they bring out the impor-
tant point that the question about the syllogism and its
premisses is bound up with the broader question, How do
we get our general notions and general propositions?
One could argue about the burnt child till the cows come
1 J. S. Mill, op. ci#., Book II, iii, 3.
home, and be no nearer agreement. Of course the child
does not consciously think of general maxims; but who
is to say that he does not all the same think of the general
properties of fire, and register a general note to that effect
in his subconscious mind? After all, the burnt child
dreads the fire, not this fire and that fire alone, but she
fire, fire in general, and he has not learned his lesson if
he dreads only the particular fire that burnt him. The
general judgment, Fire burns, is there in his mind, even if
the general maxim has not yet found expression by his
lips. The moth with singed wing dipping again and
again into the flame is symbolic of the man who goes (it
is supposed) from particular to particular, and never puts
two and two together. The reactions of moth or un-
conscious babe are neither here nor there; but it is
extremely doubtful whether a grown man, or even a child,
could in any true meaning of the words ‘reason from
particulars to particulars without passing through gen-
erals’. If he reasons, the minimum requirement is the
perception of similarity in the cases, and a particular
conceived as a similar is no longer perceived in its par-
ticularity, but is conceived as an instance of a general,
expressed or implied. Mill’s words, quoted above, have
been very influential, but they beg a big question.
Mill defines Induction as“ the operation of discovering
and proving general propositions”. He is at pains to
point out that propositions that merely sum up a number
of particular cases or that merely bind several facts
together in one statement are not properly called induc-
tions; here he has in mind Aristotle’s Induction by
enumeration; he held that piling up instances is not
enough, and he called it a ‘ mystery ’ why in some cases a
single instance will suffice to establish a general proposi-

tion, while in other cases a thousand instances will not

do so.
Mill’s next step is to bring his logic into close touch
with the external world of things, making our mental
processes run in double harness, as it were, with natural
process, and almost equating general propositions with
laws of nature.
Behind all our generalizations about the world there is,
he says, one primary assumption, viz. the uniformity of
nature. That day will follow night, and night, day,
that the seasons of the year will take their accustomed
course, that fruit trees will bud, and blossom, and bear
fruit, and shed their leaves, and begin the cycle all over
again—we rarely give these sequences a second thought
for they are all part of that great consistent pattern of
events that we call uniformity of nature, or the natural
order. The uniformity of nature is itself an induction,
and cannot explain our inductions ; and we have only to
look at the evidences of the ice age to realize that much that
we now regard as part of the natural order was not always
so; but the conception of, at least, a relative uniformity
and order lies behind our inductions, and Mill calls it
‘the general principle’ of Induction.
Elaborating his theme, Mill is led to the notion of a
grand uniformity made up of lesser uniformities, each of
which is called a law of nature. Thus the search for the
laws of nature becomes (in Mill’s words), “the search
for the fewest and simplest assumptions which being
granted the whole existing order would follow”.
Bodies unsupported fall. Hot air rises. Water seeks
its own level. Water quenches fire. Fire burns wood.
Sown seed grows. The sun will rise and set tomorrow.
These general propositions with hundreds more like them

we all accept, and use as major premisses for thought and

action. It matters little what we call them, and they
answer to different names in different contexts. They are
uniformities ; they are laws of nature; they are primary
assumptions ; they are major premisses ; they are master-
inductions. Whatever name we give them, they are sign-
posts to knowledge, leading to an ordered view of an
orderly universe. Inductive logic draws our attention to
them, makes us familiar with them, grateful for them, and
yet somewhat critical of them.
One would like to think that Induction had succeeded
in helping the tram to top the rise. But, alas, the trace-
horse itself sometimes can hardly keep its feet on the
slippery slope. There is nothing radically wrong with
either part of Logic, but both parts have to work with
something less than absolute certainty. And they are
none the worse, but all the better for that. Moral cer-
tainty and relative assurance ate in keeping with man’s
powers of mind and his station in the scheme of things.
One hundred years ago, and less, Newton’s Laws were
regarded as Gospel truth, and the skies would fall, men
thought, if those laws came down. Well, they have come
down in rank and status, and the skies have not fallen, and
the build-up of knowledge goes on. Major premisses,
whether ‘ deduced’ or ‘induced’, together with laws of
nature and general propositions of all sorts, should be
‘kept in solution’, that is, should be kept supple and
elastic, and not allowed to harden off; then they can be
revised from time to time, and kept in touch with the
growth of knowledge.
After discussing general propositions and premisses
Mill transposes his theme into a different key. He passes
to the allied search for causes, writing, “To ascertain,

therefore, what are the laws of causation which exist in

nature; to determine the effect of every cause, and the
causes of all effects—is the main business of Induction;
and to point out how this is done is the chief object of
Inductive Logic.” 1
Mill leaves efficient causes almost entirely on one side;
his Logic is not concerned with causes that actually make
changes begin to be. He understands cause and effect
in terms of before, after, and necessity. A cause, for him, is
the invariable and unconditional antecedent of the phe-
nomenon, and an effect is its invariable and unconditional
consequent. Such ‘causes’ are important for Logic, as
well as for science. They are signs whose connection
with the thing signified really is invariable and necessary;
and thus they form the material of the general propositions
we seek.
In the search for such signs or causes the two main aids
are the method of Observation and the method of Experi-
ment. A brief comment must be made on each method.
They are not, of course, completely separate, and they
can work together in harmony, sometimes one, some-
times the other, leading the way.
Observation means much more than a casual glance,
ot two. Observation must be systematic, continued, dis-
criminating, and comprehensive, and needless to say, it
must be honest. As often as not a whole network of
antecedents precedes the phenomenon in question, some
relevant, some not. A trained observer will distinguish
one antecedent from another, will note the relevant and
disregard the rest. The quality of the observation can
make a great difference to its results. Superficial observa-
tion may hide the cause, and not reveal it. Here is an
1j. S. Mill, op. cé#., Book III, vi. 3.

instance from the lighter side of life. The angler observes

that trout often, but by no means always, take just before
the rain, when the first few drops strike the surface of the
tiver or lake. What is the cause? One’s first instinct is
to attribute it to the rain itself, as freshening the stale
water. But if so, why does it not always happen ? Why
does the rain sometimes have the diametrically opposite
effect? Sometimes the rain puts the trout off the feed,
and may put them down for the rest of the day. Observa-
tion has to look at the phenomenon with discrimination ;
for it has a network of antecedents. Many things con-
dition the movements and the appetite of trout, and they
must all be considered. The force and direction of the
wind, the temperature of the water, the temperature of the
air, the colour on the water, the pattern, dressing and size
of the artificial fly—all these must be observed intelligently
and passed in review ; but they do not appear to have any
special connection with our phenomenon. It is not
the rain itself; for cold, driving, long-continued rain
does not produce the phenomenon ; it is an accompany-
ing circumstance of warm, soft, intermittent, summery
rain, which brings the trout up because it brings the fly
and midge down, along with the swallows, from the
upper air, and strews the surface of the lake with food.
Only in that sense is the rain the ‘ cause’ of the catch;
it is a sign to the trout to expect a fall of food, as it is a
sign to the angler to expect a rise of trout.
Experiment, as everyone knows, is the central feature
of many sciences, and the principal instrument of scien-
tific discovery. In one sense every meal cooked is an
experiment ; but the essence of scientific experiment lies
in ‘ varying the circumstances’ (in Bacon’s phrase). By
varying the circumstances the phenomenon in question can

sometimes be reproduced with a difference, and that can

be done accurately only under laboratory conditions. To
repeat the phenomenon and vary it under controlled and
measured conditions is the surest way of ascertaining its
‘invariable and unconditional antecedent ’, and thus test-
ing hypotheses and proving general propositions.
Take the case of a geologist interested in a bed of coarse
sand rock formed on the floor of the ocean. He wants
to know how such coarse sand can be carried far into the
ocean deep, and what gives rise to the features which
distinguish it from sands deposited in shallow water. He
wants to determine the causes and conditions and be in a
position to make sound and solid generalizations. He
observes with a trained eye similar deposits of past oceans
which have been heaved up to form the land of the present
time. From these observations he forms a hypothesis
that the coarse sands were carried into the oceans by fast-
moving, turbulent currents of muddy water called turbidity
currents, which originated from swollen rivers or from
avalanches on the steep ocean margins.
How can he test such a hypothesis ? He cannot experi-
ment directly. The chemist can place substances in test-
tubes and subject them to analysis. But there is no ex-
petimenting with swollen rivers or the bed of the ocean.
He cannot watch turbidity currents there nor vary the
conditions and circumstances. But he can experiment
indirectly: he can experiment with models ; he can
miniatur e in his own back garden a segment of an
struct in
floor. He can launch turbidity currents, can vary
s of
the slope of the ocean floor, the density and coarsenes
speed of the
the mixture, can watch and measure the
current at any distance from its source, cam measure
of current erosion at its
deposit of sand and the patterns

base which he is trying to explain. In such a case, if the

scaling and calculations were accurately done, the geol-
ogist’s hypothesis could be tested, and verified general
propositions about the turbidity currents in his back garden
could be reasonably extended to the action of turbidity
currents on the bed of the ocean.

Mill’s system of Experimental Methods

There are sciences where from the nature of the case

hypothesis and experiment can play only a very minor
part. When scientific information is required, for in-
stance, by a Department of Agriculture on the growth
or marketing of soft fruit, experiment would be desired;
but experiments with crops in the open air can rarely be
as exact and conclusive as laboratory experiments. It is a
widely held belief that strawberry beds containing mixed
varieties are more liable to virus disease than those con-
taining but one variety; but to prove it conclusively by
experiment would be difficult and costly. Now in such
cases where actual experiment in the laboratory or in the
open air is impracticable, a knowledge of Mill’s system
of Experimental Methods is invaluable; for familiarity
with his Methods ensures that at least the spirit of the
laboratory and of Scientific Method, with its insistence on
rigorous proof, will be carried into our other reasonings.
Mill elaborated five Methods, each with its Canon or
Rule, and they were probably intended as an inductive
counterpart to the figures and moods of the syllogism.
Mill makes high claims for them, maintaining that no
scientific truth was ever established without them. The
five Methods between them constitute a code of principles
of investigation which has always commanded attention

and respect, and which undoubtedly is an important con-

tribution to. scientific method. They are more useful
perhaps in eliminating error than in finding truth; but
they have a general correspondence with the mind’s in-
stinctive procedure when we are in doubt about a supposed
case of causal relationship. When we are in doubt as to
whether A is the cause of B, we take similar cases, AB,
aB, Ab, etc.; we study the points of agreement; we
study the points of difference; we study the agreements
plus differences ; we study residual factors and concomitant
variations. Those five lines of study are the principles,
respectively, of Mill’s Five Methods. Here are his
Methods, expressed in the form of Rules, with his Instances
in outline.

The Rule of Agreensent

Tf two or more instances of the phenomenon under investigation
have only one circumstance in common, the circumstance in which
alone all the instances agree is the cause (or effect) of the given
What is the cause of crystallization? ‘The instances in
which bodies assume crystalline structure may have no
other point of agreement ; but they have one circumstance
in common, viz. the deposition of a solid matter from a
liquid state. ‘That circumstance is therefore the invariable
antecedent and the cause. N.B. It is not wise to study
Agreements and overlook Differences.

The Rule of Difference

If an instance in which the phenomenon under investigation
occurs, and an instance in which it does not occur, have every
circumstance in common save one, that one occurring only in the
former, the circumstance in which alone the two instances differ,
is the effect, or the cause, or an indispensable part of the cause,
of the phenomenon.
If a man is shot through the heart, he dies, and the gun-
shot was the cause. It is the same man I saw and talked
to yesterday, same features, same coloured hair, same
clothes, same flower in buttonhole. Then he was alive
and whole and talking and bursting with energy. Now
he is dead and still and silent, and there is a gaping wound
in his left side. It was not old age or poison or a stroke.
The wound with the shot that made it is the cause.
The Rule of Agreement and Difference (‘ The Joint Method ’)
If two or more instances in which the phenomenon occurs have
only one circumstance in common, while two or more instances
in which it does not occur have nothing in common save the absence
of that circumstance ; the circumstance in which alone the two
sets of instances differ, is the effect, or the cause, or an indispens-
able part of the cause, of the phenomenon.
What is the cause of dew? Mill replies with a long,
methodical, and subtle discussion.1 He begins with a
preliminary operation, which he names ‘abstraction’, to
determine what exactly is meant by dew. It is not rain
nor the moisture of fogs, but the moisture that appears on
things exposed in the open air when no rain or visible
wet is falling.
Are there any similar phenomena? Yes; they are,
(1) the moisture on a cold metal or stone when we breathe
on it, (2) that which appears on a glass of water fresh from
the well in hot weather, (3) that which appears on windows
and windscreens when there is cold rain or hail outside,
(4) the sweat on walls indoors in a warm thaw after a long
1From Sir’ John Herschel’s Discourse om the Study of Natural
Philosophy, and Dr. Wells’ theory of dew.

frost. All these instances, similar to dew, agree in the

coldness of the thing on which the dew appears. Does
this hold of nocturnal dew? Yes, though at first one
might think otherwise. Place a thermometer on the be-
dewed thing, and another thermometer a little above it.
Invariably the bedewed thing is found to be colder.
Thus by the Method of Agreement we have established a
causal connection between dew and the coldness of the
bedewed thing ; but we have not found out which is cause
and which is effect, nor whether both the dew and the
cold are the effects of something else.
We must therefore turn to the Method of Difference;
we must collect more facts, and we must ‘ vary the cir-
cumstances ’,
No dew is produced on polished metals, but it is pro-
duced copiously on plates of glass. Here are our two
differing instances; but we cannot yet be sure that the
latter instance agrees with the former in every circum-
stance but one. All we know so far is that the cause of
dew will be found among the circumstances that distin-
guish the glass plates from the polished metals.
Various types of polished surfaces are then studied.
It is found that those are most strongly bedewed that
conduct heat worst. Good conductors resist dew. The
deposition of dew must therefore be in some proportion
to the body’s power of resisting the passage of heat.
Then substitute roughened surfaces for polished, and it is
found that the surface as well as the material is concerned.
Roughened iron, especially when painted or blackened,
bedews sooner than varnished paper. Surfaces that
radiate their heat most readily contract dew most copiously.
Texture is then studied. Stones, metals, and things of
firm texture do not bedew easily; but loose-textured

things, such as wool,! velvet, and cloth bedew easily.

Looseness of texture is therefore causally connected with
the deposition of dew. But this cause resolves itself into
the first; for substances of loose texture are used for
clothing just because they hinder the passage of heat from
the skin to the air. The one induction corroborates the
other. The instances of great deposit of dew agree in
this, and in this only, that they either radiate heat rapidly
or conduct it slowly, and therefore the body tends to
lose heat from the surface more rapidly than it can be
restored from within.

The Rule of Residues

Subduct from any phenomenon such part as is known by
previous inductions to be the effect of certain antecedents, and the
residue of the phenomenon is the effect of the remaining ante-
The Method of Residues is a modification of the Method
of Difference. It is an important way of investigating
nature. Examine, it says, what everyone else throws
away.2 Inquiry into the cause of sound left a residual
velocity unaccounted for. Laplace suggested that this
velocity might arise from the heat developed in the act
of condensation which takes place at every vibration by
which sound is conveyed.

1Jt is of some interest to note that a woollen fleece was used in the
earliest recorded experiment with dew (Judges vi ad fin.). To test
his ‘ call’ Gideon exposed a fleece of wool; next morning he wrung
a bowl of dew out of it, though the ground was dry. He tried the
same experiment next night, and the following morning the situation
was teversed ; the fleece was dry, and all the ground around it was
wet with dew. The ancient Semites, as dwellers in tents, were
naturally interested in the problem of dew, and the story of Gideon
looks as if they knew something about the Method of Difference.
2 Cf. the discovery of penicillin by the late Sir Alexander Fleming.

The Rule of Concomitant Variations

Whatever phenomenon varies in any manner whenever another
phenomenon varies in some particular manner, is either a cause
or an effect of that phenomenon, or is connected with it through
some fact of causation.
The chief use of this method is for dealing with cases
involying the ‘Permanent Causes’, which we cannot
remove; e.g. the sun, earth, air, etc. As the position
of the moon varies, there are corresponding variations
in the time and place of high water, and as the place is
always the part of the earth which is nearest to the moon,.
or that which is most remote from it, the moon is wholly
or partially the cause which determines the tides.
It is scarcely necessary to add that the student who
wishes to make an adequate study of Induction and Scientific
Method must go far beyond the contents of this present
work. All that was possible here within the space available
was a sketch of the historical landmarks in Inductive Logic,
introducing its leading themes. Other topics requiring
attention and dealt with in all treatises on Induction are :
(2) Explanation. What is the nature of Explanation ?
What are its aims, methods, and limits? How does
scientific explanation differ from historical explanation ?
When is a phenomenon scientifically explained? How
does the ‘ Deductive Method of Induction ’ (as Mill called
it) enter into Explanation?
(b) Theories and Hypotheses. Their construction and
verification. The planning and execution of research.
(c) Scientific Certainty. In what does it consist ?
(d) Cause and Effect. What do the words mean ?
What are the Causal Laws? Whole volumes have been
written on this subject. It is a case in which Logic soon
passes over into philosophy.


SymsBotic Logic is a comparatively recent development

of logical studies. About one hundred years old, it has
grown rapidly, and is still growing. Its aims have varied
from time to time, and in different countries it has taken
different forms. As taught at present in the British Isles,
it has an elastic programme, and its symbols in use at the
earlier stages are standardized; at the higher stages for
the specialist it appears to contain the possibility of almost
unlimited expansion with a correspondingly wide range of
symbols. The following notes are for the novice who
wishes to know what Symbolic Logic is about, something
of its history, and how it differs from Aristotelian Logic.
The Logic set out in the previous pages is a compact
and standardized body of doctrine, two thousand years
old and more. It is deeply rooted in our language, and
our language is deeply rooted in it. It has its defects
and its limitations, but it contains something for every-
body ; and it is relatively easy to learn and easy to teach.
In twenty to thirty lectures a good lecturer can teach the
bones of it to any co-operative student of university stand-
ing. A student teaching himself may require a rather
longer period; but after two to three months’ study he
should feel at home in it. When he has mastered the
structure of the syllogism and the Rules of the Figures, he
ought to be in a position to take stock and judge his own
aptitude for the subject. If then he feels an aptitude for
Logic and an interest in its deeper aspects, let him open a

textbook on elementary Symbolic Logic, and try his hand

at it.

The two Logics

The mathematically-minded are likely to be attracted.

Symbolic Logic is mathematical in origin, and mathe-
matical in technique and method. It is also known as
Mathematical Logic, or as Logistic! ; for it is concerned
with the logic of mathematics, as well as with the mathe-
matics of Logic. Its relation to Aristotelian Logic is
complex and difficult to describe briefly. The two Logics
are in competition; they are in opposition; they are
complementary. There is truth in all three statements,
but no one of them fully meets the case. The older
symbolists were strongly critical of the Aristotelian tradi-
tion, and preferred to be independent of it. The present
tendency is to look on Aristotle as the founder of both
Logics, and to speak of Symbolic Logic as a later develop-
ment from the earlier. There were developments in
Logicinancient times after the death of Aristotle, especially
among the Stoics, and what has been taught as Aristotle’s
has not always been what Aristotle taught; but the
evidence for any historic connection between Aristotle
and modern Symbolic Logic is slight. From the learnet’s
point of view the two Logics are different disciplines,
dealing with rather different aspects of human discourse.
The relation between Aristotelian Logic and Symbolic
Logic is not unlike that between arithmetic and algebra.
Arithmetic and algebra both speak of quantity ; but to the
beginner, at any rate, they speak in different languages.
Many of the semi-grammatical distinctions, traditionally
1From the Greek Aoytorxt, the science of calculation.

taught by Logic, are of little interest to the symbolist ;

but on the other hand he studies carefully particles and
connecting links which the traditional Logic tends to
take for granted. On the syllogism and the proposition
the two Logics take different views. The symbolist
regards the syllogism as a relatively unimportant mode of
inference, one amongst many, and the proposition as a
statement of a relation between two or more terms, and
not necessarily a predication. Thus the symbolist can
look at discourse from the wider angle and can treat of
sentences and arguments that Aristotelian Logic has to
leave on one side. This increased scope and range is not,
however, all pure gain. It is certainly of interest to know
that sentences, not in subject-predicate form, or only
imperfectly so, are capable of logical treatment ; but there
is much to be said for the old view that if a man has an
important contribution to make to knowledge, he will
almost certainly predicate, that is, he will assert or deny a
ptedicate of a subject. It is also true that syllogistic
inference has a position of importance in the build-up of
knowledge, and as a reasoner’s training-ground.
Attempts have been made to combine the two Logics
into one; but the results have not been altogether satis-
factory. High theory apart, from the practical standpoint
of the learner, the two disciplines are different, and belong
to different stages of development. The one can learn
from the other, of course; they can combine in that
sense, but it is doubtful whether they can be unified
without loss to both. Aristotelian Logic is an instrument
of general culture, carried out in the vernacular. Sym-
bolic Logic is a specialist study, which uses a specialist
technique, of interest and importance to the mathe-
matician and the professional logician.. J. Venn, an

eminent symbolist, who was the first to use the name

Symbolic Logic in the title of a book, appears to have been
of this opinion. He protested against the idea that
Aristotelian Logic had been superseded as a branch of
education, and maintained that it ought to be taught in
the traditional way. He gave three reasons: (1) Some of
the most instructive parts of common logic, such as
connotation and denotation, definition, and the ordinary
rules of conversion and opposition, do not come within
the scope of Symbolic Logic. (2) Perfect clearness on
these points is essential for accuracy, and is best acquired
in the ordinary manuals. (3) Common Logic has the
merit of close association with grammar and the ordinary
forms of speech.?


In the long history of Logic many attempts have been

made to improve the Aristotelian system, and to extend
its range. Leibniz (1646-1716), the famous _philoso-
mathematician, made such an attempt. He
pher and
suggested that a universal language of ideograms? should
be formed to express scientific concepts, and to make
possible a universal calculus of reasoning. Both those
notions reappear in Symbolic Logic ; but Leibniz himself
did not carry his suggestion far, and it had no positiv
A. de Morgan (1806-71) and G. Boole (1815-64) have
both been named as founders of the school. They were
both Professors of Mathematics, the former in Univer
College, London, the latter in Queen’s College, Cork.
De Morgan wrote Formal Logic or the Calculus of Inferen
3 Picture signs.
1J. Venn, Symbolic Logic (1881), p. xxvi.
London, 1847, and he developed and modified it in his
Syllabus of a Proposed System of Logic, London, 1860.
Boole’s main works were, Mathematical Analysis of Logic,
Cambridge, 1847, and Ax Investigation of the Laws of
Thought, London, 1854. Both writers used new sets of
symbols extensively. Boole aimed at determining the
basic laws of reasoning, and at expressing them in the
symbolic language of an algebraical calculus. He sought,
in his own words, “equations interpretable as proposi-
tions”. His system, which was nearly complete, was based
on new notions of the class, including that of the ‘ null
class’. De Morgan’s system was arithmetical. In the
Preface of his Sy//abus he says that his system was entirely
based on “the arithmetical view of the proposition and
syllogism”. The proposition is, he says, “‘ the presenta-
tion, for assertion or denial, of two names connected by a
relation ”’.1 The first-mentioned name, the name in rela-
tion, is, he says, the subject 5 the second name, the name
to which it is in relation, is the predicate. He treated the
syllogism on similar lines. A syllogism is valid, he says,
when its conclusion contains one item of quantity for
every unit-syllogism necessarily contained in the pre-
misses. De Morgan’s study of relations is influential still.
The influential Cambridge symbolist, J» Venn (1834-
1923), has already been mentioned; he made important
contributions on existential import, on the logic of classes,
and on implication, and he is remembered for his experi-
ments in a propositional calculus, and for his diagrams.
A decisive stage in the history of Symbolic Logic was
marked by the Principia Mathematica (1910) of A. N. White-
head and Bertrand Russell. The earlier symbolists applied
mathematics to Logic; Whitehead and Russell applied
1 Syllabus, p. 42.

Logic to mathematics. The earlier symbolists aimed at

reforming Logic on the mathematical model, at correcting
its errors, at freeing it from the yoke of Aristotle,
and at reaching a universal calculus which would auto-
matically settle the validity of an argument, or determine
the degree of probability it possessed. Whitehead and
Russell viewed the reform of Logic from the standpoint
of mathematics ; they studied its effects on the basic con-
cepts of mathematics, and used the new Logic to set those
concepts beyond criticism. In a later work, Ax Iniro-
duction to Mathematical Philosophy (1919), Lord Russell
writes (p. 194) that both mathematics and logic “ have
developed in modern times; logic has become more
mathematical and mathematics has become more logical.
The consequence is that it has now become wholly im-
possible to draw a line between the two; in fact the two
are one. They differ as boy and man; logic is the youth
of mathematics and mathematics is the manhood of logic.”
That impressive statement by one who has been pars
magna of the new movement deserves to be quoted; but
it is only fair to add (for the comfort of those who are
not mathematicians) that the words “in fact the two are
one ”, however true of mathematics and Symbolic Logic,
could hardly be said of mathematics and Aristotelian
Logic. Students understand Aristotelian Logic, and
profit by it, who are perfectly innocent of mathematics,
and who find Symbolic Logic very hard. For them ‘ the
two’ are wo. I think this needs to be said; for in the
universities today the struggle for existence among the sub-
jects of the curricula is keen. Logic has lost its former
proud position of ‘compulsory subject’, and is now
fighting for a place among the ‘ optionals’. IE it is to be
identified with Mathematical Logic, its appeal will be
confined to Honour students in mathematics, philosophy,
and statistics ; and the humanities and the professions will
be the poorer.
Finally, a recent work of an independent character that
cuts across the traditional lines must be mentioned. It
is Aristotle’s Syllogistic from the standpoint of Modern Formal
Logic (Oxford, 1951), by the eminent Polish logician, Jan
Lukasiewicz, who died recently. He held “ that there is
a fundamental difference between the Aristotelian and the
traditional syllogism”, and that, apart from his own
exposition “there does not exist today a trustworthy
exposition of the Aristotelian syllogistic”’. In his fourth
chapter, using a symbolism of his own, he sets out to
express Aristotle’s system in symbolist form, and has
* tried to complete this syllogistic on the lines laid down by
Aristotle himself”.1 It is an advanced work of singular
erudition that corrects the traditional view of Aristotle
on several points.

The Symbols
Symbolic Logic takes its name from its free and inde-
pendent use of symbols. Symbols have great educational
value; a good system of symbols constitutes a mental
shorthand which enables much to be said in a small space.
A symbol is something, e.g. a tally, that makes you think
of something else. Letters of the alphabet are symbols,
and so are words and figures ; but we are so accustomed
to them, and the mind passes so quickly from them to their
meaning that we scarcely think of them as symbols. The
word symbol today generally means an unusual sign, such
as an ideogram. Ordinary symbols, as we have seen, are
1 Tbid., Preface.

in use in Aristotelian Logic, and serve an important pur-

pose there ; but they are few in number, simple, and self-
explanatory, and the average student takes them in his
stride, and does not notice them as symbols. The symbols
of Symbolic Logic are far more numerous, more complex,
and they have a richer purpose. The symbols in Aristo-
telian Logic, like S, P, and M, or A, HE I, and O are
optional; they are an educational convenience, assisting
memory and facilitating argument. The symbols of the
symbolist are that, and a good deal more; how much
mote is not easy to say ; for some symbolists, not all, have
denied that symbols are essential to their work. How-
ever that may be, symbols are recognized as having this
advantage over words, for the symbolist, viz. that they
are an unusual medium, and thus they take the mind off
the concrete realities suggested by words, and fix it on
abstract forms, which can only with difficulty be expressed
in words. Moreover some important principles of
Symbolic Logic look trivial when expressed in words,
and the use of symbols lessens their trivial appearance.
The symbols in general use in the British Isles today
are, in the main, those advocated by Lord Russell ;
but some minor changes have been introduced into his
system. ‘They ate the joy of some students, the despair
of others. Students with mathematical abilities master
them with ease, and find them helpful and interesting ; to
some they are a hurdle to be surmounted, and some can
make nothing of them.
The basic symbols in the propositional calculus in
Russell’s system are as follows: (@) for Propositional
Variables, (b) for Logical Constants.
1 Those used by Lukasiewicz (see above, p. 196) are complete
(a) Propositions are represented by the letters p, g, and
r, which are called Propositional Variables, because they can
stand for azy propositions. Thus p can stand for ‘ Men
must work ’, ‘ Balbus built a wall’, ‘ Logic is worthy of
study ’, or any other statement that can be true or false.
(6) Contrasted with the Variables are the Logical Con-
stants, which connect the Variables, and form /#ruth-
junctions, as they are named in mathematical language.
There are four fundamental logical constants, not, and,
or, and if... then, with corresponding truth-functions.
These constants yield
(1) The Contradictory function, symbolized by ‘~’. ‘Thus
~p negates p, and means that the proposition p is false.
If p stands for ‘Men must work’, then ~p stands for its
contradictory, ‘Men must not work’, or ‘It is false that
men must work.’ Then if p is true, ~p is false; and if p
is false, ~p is true.
(2) The Conjunctive function, symbolized by ‘.’. ‘Thus
p-q stands for a compound sentence, like ‘Men must
work and women must weep’, which is true if its com-
ponent propositions are both true, and false if either or
both are false.
(3) The Disjunctive function, symbolized by ‘V’, from
the Latin ve, Thus pV gq means ‘either p or g’, and
stands for any disjunction, such as ‘Men must either
work or starve.” Now as we saw above (p. 59), the
word or in.English is ambiguous, and may be inclusive,
like ‘and/or’, or exclusive, like “or, but not both’.
Symbolists interpret or in the inclusive sense. Thus pV q
is true, except when both p and gare false. Some logicians
use the sign A to represent the exc/usive or, and those who
do so would mean by p Aq that if p is true, g is false,
and that if p is false, g is true.

(4) The Implicative function, symbolized by the sign 5.

Thus p> gq means, ‘If p, then g’, i.e. a hypothetical
proposition, such as, ‘If you lend me half-a-crown, I
will pay you back next week "—which could be expressed
in a round-about way as ‘ Your lending me half-a-crown
implies my paying you back next week.’ pq is true,
except when p is true, and ¢ false.

Truth-tables and Equivalence

Truth-tables are then formed for each truth-function.

The symbols T and F, or 1 and o are used, respectively,
for frue and false. Examples:
p q | Pva PUG Bs
T cAiee tT T T
epost ae Tt TB F
pol Tt tT Bowe F
F |F ler Ral F ie.&
When two propositions have the same truth-value, they
ate said to be equivalent or materially equivalent. ‘This diffi-
cult notion is represented by the symbol =, a variation
of the familiar sign of equality.


The foregoing symbols for constants and variables re-

quire punctuation when the system is worked out, and
logical punctuation is supplied by a system of parentheses
and brackets, or, in some systems, by strokes.
Other sets of Symbols
The symbols of the Propositional Calculus, outlined
above, are fundamental; they are carried forward into
the further developments of the system. New sets of
symbols are brought in, as they are required. For in-
stance, in the Predicate Calculus the letters a, b, and ¢ are
used for proper names, as individual constants, and the
letters f, g, and b, as predicate constants; and singular
propositions are symbolized by such combinations as
fa, 2a, fb, etc. "The treatment of Existential Propositions
and the Class Calculus gives rise to further sets of symbols.
The student will see from the above sketch that he
must be prepared for something like learning a foreign
language. Indeed the first steps in Symbolic Logic are
inevitably an exercise in translating from the mother
tongue with all its elasticity and wealth of suggestion and
risk of ambiguity into a rigorous scientific language of
symbols of a mathematical character. With practice, how-
ever, the unfamiliar medium becomes as simple and sug-
gestive, as, say, zero or the plus. and minus signs.

Aims and Programmes

What does Symbolic Logic teach, and aim at teaching?

Full and final answers to these questions are hard to come
by. Answers adequate yesterday and today might not
be true tomorrow. Philosophers find it hard to say what
philosophy teaches at any given time, let alone what it
will teach tomorrow. Eminent mathematicians have said
much the same about the higher mathematics. You must
enter the water before you can learn to swim; and the
proverb is true of Logic, both for those who teach it,

and those who learn. It is especially true of a com-

paratively new subject, like Symbolic Logic; we must
make a start on it before we take our bearings in it, and
we must go some way in it before we can forecast its
future developments.
It is, however, safe to say that Symbolic Logic does not
work to any cut-and-dried programme or with hard-and-
fast aims. Even at the elementary level there is no pro-
gramme, universally agreed, or course of study, compat-
able in fixity to that of the elementary Logic of tradition.
At the higher levels in both disciplines the doors of the
future remain wide open, and the directions taken by
logical studies will be decided, as in the past, by the leaders
of logical thought, interpreting the cultural needs of
their day.
Textbooks on Symbolic Logic in the last half-century
have differed considerably in their contents and arrange-
ment, and in their spirit and outlook. Some have been
more philosophical, some more mathematical ; some have
been more concerned with theory, and some with practice.
One opens with a chapter on the nature of thought, and
ends with a chapter on the nature of the universe. One
is occupied with the deducing of a chain of speculative
principles, connected like the propositions and theorems
of Euclidean geometry. One plunges straight into pro-
positional analysis and a sea of symbols. ‘Then there are
textbooks that share the aims of Aristotelian Logic, that
deal with common difficulties in higher grammar, that
keep close to the logic of discourse and the inferences and
reasonings of common life.
This mixture of aims and diversity of programme traces
in large part to its history. Symbolic Logic originated in
connection with mathematical theory and Aristotelian

Logic, the connection in the latter case being that of

critical opposition. Having these twin roots, Symbolic
Logic naturally gives teaching on (a) the logic of mathe-
matics, (4) Aristotelian Logic, and (¢) makes its own con-
tribution to the logic of discourse.
For its teaching on the logic of mathematics the student
should refer to the monumental classic, already mentioned,
Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell. Involv-
ing a close study of the primary concepts of mathematics,
it is a very advanced work, almost entirely for specialists.

What Symbolic Logic teaches about Aristotelian Logic

and its manner of teaching have varied considerably from
time to time. Common to all its expositors is the claim
that Symbolic Logic covers the same ground as Aristo-
telian Logic, but goes much further afield; and it seems
to be taken for granted that Symbolic Logic cannot be
taught without some reference to Aristotelian Logic. The
latter Logic appears to be required as a springboard, if
not as a basis. At first symbolists were content to supple-
ment tradition; they left it to conservative logicians to
teach the old Logic, and themselves came in with their
additional teaching, correcting mistakes of the old Logic,
widening its outlook, and dispelling the narrow cult of
the syllogism. This was a fair and natural division of
labour between the two schools of thought, which en-
riched the common stock; for valuable discussions of
existential import, class-membership propositions, and
similar topics were added—to the benefit of both Logics.
The two Logics existed side by side, much in the same
way as Deductive Logic and Inductive Logic had done.
The period of peaceful co-existence was interrupted when
symbolists asked, Why have two Logics, or three? Why

not have only one? Accordingly they have tried the

experiment of teaching Aristotelian Logic in textbooks
of Symbolic Logic, either presenting it as a more or less
connected whole, with a running commentary (as Mill
presented an account of Deductive Logic as a basis for
his Inductive Logic), or in what might be called the Built-
in Method, which incorporates the Aristotelian Logic
piecemeal into the symbolist system.?
Lastly, the student who wishes to form an idea of what
Symbolic Logic teaches apart from its discussion of
Aristotelian Logic can find out from a recent elementary
textbook, which works to the following programme: ?
The Calculus of Propositions, the Axiomatic Method,
Elements of the Predicate Calculus, and Further Develop-
Under the first of these four headings certain common
modes of thinking, speaking, and arguing, namely, Contra-
diction (Negation), Conjunction, Disjunction, Implication,
Equivalence, and Alternation, are grouped together,
treated as the basic formal concepts for propositional
analysis, and translated into the symbolic notation, out-
lined above. The formal concepts in combination with
propositional variables yield ‘ Propositional Functions’.
A matrix or truth-table is then constructed for each pro-
positional function, setting out the conditions under which
each function is true or false. In combination these
matrices ot truth-tables form an instrument for testing the

1Jt may be questioned whether either method is a success educa-

tionally. ‘The former method leaves the impression that Aristotelian
Logic is ‘ on its way out’, and the latter method destroys its unity
of structure. In my opinion the average, non-specialist student had
better learn Aristotelian Logic separately, and learn it first.
2 Introduction to Symbolic Logic (1953), by A. H. Basson and D. J.
validity of arguments. There are other methods, serving
a similar purpose, which are known as ‘ Decision
Procedutes ’.
The second section is an exercise in methodology, or
formation of a system or scaffolding of argument. The
Axiomatic Method aims at devising a system of abstract
principles of inference, analogous to the definitions, postu-
lates, and axioms of Euclidean geometry. The Axiomatic
Method builds on a ‘logical syntax’, which gives the
rules for using its symbols, as the laws of chess formulate
the rules governing the use of the symbols (ivory, bone,
or wooden) in which that game is carried out.
After the methodology we have another calculus. This
time it is the Predicate Calculus, which breaks down the
proposition into its constituent terms, and discusses their
Quantity and Existential Import. In this it differs from
the Propositional Calculus, which takes propositions as
units under the symbols p, g, and r, and does not analyse
them into terms.
The final section, as its title ‘Further Developments ’
suggests, is of an indefinite character, and is meant to be
introductory to the higher branches of Symbolic Logic.
In it various supplementary problems are discussed, in-
cluding the following: Formulae with more than one
Quantifier, Two-termed Predicates, Satisfiability, Finite
Domains, Infinite Domains, Logical Truth, Decision Pro-
cedures, and Axiom Systems.
Abstraction, 19 Differentia, 30, 129-30
Accident, 130; fallacy of, 164-5 Dilemma, 154-7
Amphiboly, 163 Disjunctive, Propositions, 58-61;
Analogy, 157-Go Syllogisms, 149-54
Antecedent, 57 Distribution, of Predicate, 49-52;
Arbor Porphyriana, 32, 134 of Subject, 40, 49-50; Table
Argumentum ad hominem, 166-7 of,53
Aristotle, 6, 9, 22, 157, 1753 Division, 31-2
his Dictum, 113; his Orga-
non, 6-7 ; on Reduction, 108 Enthymeme, 142-3
Equipollence, 45
Bacon, Francis, 7”, 115, 176-7 Equivocation, 162
Biology, Plant, system of classi- Eulerian diagrams, 139-41
fication, 135-8 Existence, 35, 36”
Boole, G., 193-4 Experiment, 182 ff.
Bosanquet, B., 27 Experimental methods, Mill’s
Categories, Aristotle’s List of, Explanation, 189
127-9 Extension, 25-6
Causal Laws, 189
Classification, 31, 131 ff. Fallacies, 160-70; Aristotle’s
Commensurability, 131 Lists of, 162
Concept, 14, 17 Figure of speech, 164
Connotation, 23-5, 28; Inverse Figure, the First, superiority of,
Variation of, 26 109
Consequent, 57; fallacy of, 169 Figures of Syllogism, the prin-
Content, and Form, 3, 60, 151-2 ciples of, 110-13
Contradiction, 68-70 Form and Content, 3, 60, 151-2
Contraposition, 66, 73, 77, 79-80 Form, logical, 3-5, 60
Contrariety, 70
Conversion, 66, 73, 75-8 Galen, 95
Copula, 34-6, 40-1; and time, Genus, 30, 129; and Species,
42 131 f .
Grammar and Logic, 6, 10
Definition, 27-30, 129-30 Greece, I, §
de Morgan, A., 193-4
Denotation, 23-6 Hypothetical, propositions, 56-8;
Description, 30 syllogisms, 145-9
Diagrams, 138
Dichotomy, 32, 135 Ignoratio Elenchi, 166
Dictum de omni et de nullo, 113-15 Illicit Process, 88, 161

Implication, 65 Probability, 158

Induction, 172-89; Aristotle’s, Property, 129-30
173 Propositions, 34 ff.; and Sen-
Inductive Logic, Mill’s, 177-89 tences, 36-7; logical treat-
Inference, 2, 64 ff., Immediate ment of, 38-42 ; Categorical,
and Mediate, 65-6; mnon- 55; Complex, 55; Con-
syllogistic, 80 junctive, 55; Disjunctive,
Intension, 25 58-61; Enumerative, 48;
Anvetsion, 80 Hypothetical, 56-8 ; Modal,
61-2; Particular, 46;
Leibniz, 193 Simple, 55 ; Singular, 46-8,
Litigiosus, 157 78; Universal, 46
Locke, J., 8-9
Logic and discourse, 1-2; Quality, 44
natural, 8-9; Symbolic, Quantity, marks of, 53-5; of
190-204 propositions, 40, 46-8; of
Lukasiewicz, J., 196 terms, see Distribution

Many Questions, Fallacy of, 170 Reduction, problem of, 101-5

Metathesis, 1o1 Russell, Bertrand, 194-5
Middle, Undistributed, 88, 160
Mille). S27 116, 128, 177 ff, Secundum Quid, fallacy of, 165
Mood Names, 96 Sophists, 5, 162
Moods of Syllogism, 95-6; Sorites, 143-5
deduction of, 97-8; the Subalternation, 66-7
weakened, 98 Subcontrariety, 71
Subject, 12, 34
Names and Terms, 14 Syllogism, 83 ff.; Aristotle’s
Names, Proper, 20 definition of, 84 ; Figures of,
Non Causa pro Causa, fallacy of, 91-5; General Rules of,
169 88-91; Moods of, 95-7;
Special Rules of, 92-5;
Obsetvation, 181-2 value of, 85, 115-23
Obversion, 45, 66, 73-5 ; of the Symbols, 43-4; of Symbolic
Converse, 78 Logic, 196-200
Opposition, 66, 68; The Square
of, 72 Terms, abstract, 18-20; and
propositions, 12-14, 17;
Permutation, see Obversion collective, 20-1 ; common,
Petitio Principii (‘ Begging the see general; conctete, 18-20;
Question ’), 116, 167 contradictory, 21-3; con-
Philosophy, 10 trary, 21-3; definitions of,
Plato, 1, 6 13; general, 20; infinite,
Polysyllogism, 143 21-2; Middle, 86-7; nega-
Precision, 10 tive, 21; positive, 21;
Predicate, 12, 34 privative, 21; singular, 20;
Premiss, 83, 87 verbal and real, 13-14
Thought, and speech, 15-18 Venn, J., 192, 194
Laws of, 123-5
Truth, 2-3, 85-6 Whitehead, A. N., 194

Validity, 2-3, 85-6 Zabarella, Count J., 113

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BC Luce, Arthur Aston, 1882-

-108 Teach yourself logic to think more clearly.
L8 ed.; New York, Association Press ;1959, °1958)
1959 - 207 p.. illus. 20 cm.
First published in London in 1958 under title: Teach
Bibliographical footnotes.

1. Logie. x. Title. II. Luce, Arthur Aston, 188:

Teach yourself logic. III. Title: Teach yourse li

HAS7 BC108.L8 1959 160 CCSC/els

Library of Congress ls (20,
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