Cat System Reproductive

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The Gonads and Genital Tract of Cats

By Harry W. Momont, DVM, PhD, DACT, Department of Medical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Last full review/revision Aug 2018 | Content last modified Oct 2020
The Ovaries
The Testes
The Female Genital Tract
The Male Genital Tract
Both sexes have a pair of sexual organs or gonads (ovaries or testes), the main functions of which are to
produce eggs or sperm, respectively, and hormones.

The Ovaries

Ovaries are female gonads that produce eggs and female sexual hormones, including estrogen and
progesterone. Estrogen is necessary for the development of eggs, and progesterone prepares the uterus
for pregnancy. Once puberty is reached and the cat starts having estrous (heat) cycles, the size and form
of the ovaries change. Within the ovary, a special group of cells called a follicle surrounds each egg.

The estrous cycle begins when follicle stimulating hormone causes follicles to grow, leading to
maturation of eggs. Follicle stimulating hormone also stimulates the production and release of estrogen.
Cats are induced ovulators, which means that the mechanical stimulation of the vagina and cervix during
mating causes the release of luteinizing hormone from the brain, which stimulates the ovary to release
the eggs (a process called ovulation). Progesterone, which is released from the ovaries, prepares the
uterus for pregnancy and the mammary glands for milk production. Estrogen and progesterone are
required for the development of female characteristics and sexual behavior.

Estrual cycling is seasonal in cats and is controlled by light. Cats require at least 12 hours of light in order
to have estrous cycles. In the Northern Hemisphere, under natural lighting, cats reproduce in the spring
and summer, with reduced or absent cycling during the shorter days of winter. Cats that are kept indoors
under artificial light will tend to have heat periods more often than cats housed under natural lighting

The Testes

The testes are male gonads that produce sperm and male sexual hormones. Sperm maturation is
stimulated by the production and release of follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone. During
ejaculation, sperm are transported from the testes through the ductus deferens (narrow tubes
connecting the testicles to the urethra). Testosterone is required for development and function of
accessory glands (such as the prostate), sexual organs, male sex characteristics, and sexual behavior. For
normal sperm production, testes must descend into the scrotum (a pouch of skin outside the abdomen),
because normal body temperature is too high for sperm to develop normally. The function of the
testicles can be assessed by an evaluation of semen samples and hormonal tests. In addition, testicle
examination and measurement can help evaluate fertility and may reveal reproductive diseases.

The Female Genital Tract

The reproductive system of the female cat.

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The reproductive system of the female cat.
The female genital tract consists of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, oviducts, and ovaries. The oviducts
(also called Fallopian tubes) are small tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus. The end of the uterus
is called the cervix. It separates the uterus from the vagina and provides a barrier against infection. The
vagina, a muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the outside, is connected to the vulva, which is
the external opening of the female genitals. Oviducts are associated with each ovary. After ovulation,
mature eggs are transported to the uterus via the oviducts. Secretion of fluid in the tubes provides a
proper environment for survival of the mature egg, fertilization, and the first few critical days of
embryonic life. The proper functioning of the uterus and cervix are also required for the establishment
and maintenance of pregnancy.

Infections may cause female infertility because they interfere with the proper function of the uterus.
Infertility in female cats can be diagnosed through various tests, including x-rays, ultrasonography,
abdominal examination, evaluation of vaginal cells and discharge, and blood tests. The vagina and vulva
serve as the copulatory organ and as the last part of the birth canal. They also provide a route for
infections, particularly when the vulva cannot function properly due to trauma, relaxation, or

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