Locomotion and Movement

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Locomotion and (b) 30

(c) 24
Movement (d) 21

9. The lower jaw in mammals is made up

1. Extremities of long bones possess of
cartilage (a) Mandible
(a) calcified (b) Dentary
(b) fibrous (c) Maxilla
(c) elastic (d) Angulars
(d) hyaline
10. Which of the following is the
2. A deltoid ridge occurs in contractile protein of a muscle?
(a) Radius (a) Myosin
(b) Ulna (b) Tropomyosin
(c) Femur (c) Actin
(d) Humerus (d) Tubulin

3. Number of cervical vertebrae in camel 11. Tendon is made up of

is (a) adipose tissue
(a) more than that of rabbit (b) modified white fibrous tissue
(b) less than that of rabbit (c) areolar tissue
(c) same as that of whale (d) yellow fibrous connective tissue
(d) more than that of horse
12. Ligament is a
4. Long bones function in (a) modified yellow elastic fibrous tissue
(a) support (b) inelastic white fibrous tissue
(b) support, erythrocyte and leucocyte (c) modified white fibrous tissue
synthesis (d) none of these
(c) support and erythrocyte synthesis
(d) erythrocyte formation
13. The joint found between sternum
and the ribs in humans is
5. Which ion is essential for muscle (a) angular joint
contraction? (b) fibrous joint
(a) Na (c) cartilaginous joint
(b) K (d) gliding joint
(c) Ca
(d) Cl 14. Which one of the following is a skull
6. Which is part of pectoral girdle? (a) Atlas
(a) Glenoid cavity (b) Coracoid
(b) Sternum (c) Arytaenoid
(c) Ilium (d) Pterygoid
(d) Acetabulum
15. What is sarcomere?
7. The number of floating ribs in the (a) Part between two H-lines
human body, is (b) Part between two A-lines
(a) 6 pairs (c) Part between two I-bands
(b) 5 pairs (d) Part between two Z-lines
(c) 3 pairs
(d) 2 pairs 16. Which statement is correct for
muscle contraction?
8. Total number of bones in the hind (a) Length of H-line decreases
limb of man is (b) Length of A-band remains constant
(a) 14 (c) Length of I-band increases
(d) Length of two Z-lines increase. 24. Three of the following pairs of the
human skeletal parts are correctly
17. What will happen if ligaments are matched with their respective inclusive
cut or broken? skeletal category and one pair is not
(a) Bones will move freely at joints matched. Identify the non-matching
(b) No movement at joints pair. Pairs of skeletal parts Category
(c) Bones will become unfix (a) Sternum and Ribs Axial skeleton
(d) Bones will become fixed (b) Clavicle and Glenoid Pelvic girdle cavity
(c) Humerus and Ulna Appendicular
18. Which of the following pairs, is skeleton
correctly matched? (d) Malleus and Stapes Ear ossicles
(a) Hinge joint - between vertebrae
(b) Gliding joint - between zygapophyses of 25. Select the correct statement regarding the
the successive vertebrae specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system : -
(c) Cartilaginous - skull bones joint (a) Muscular dystrophy – age related shortening or
(d) Fibrous joint - between phalanges muscular
(b) Osteoporosis – decrease in bone mass and
19. An acromian process is higher chance of fractures with advantages eyes.
characteristically found in the:
(c) Mysthenia gravis – Auto immune disorder
(a) pelvic girdle of mammals
which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments.
(b) pectoral girdle of mammals
(d) Gout – inflammation of joints due to extra
(c) skull of frog
(d) sperm of mammals deposition of calcium.

26. Which one of the following pairs of

20. In human body, which one of the
chemical substances is correctly
following is anatomically correct? categorized?
(a) Collar bones - 3 pairs (a) Calcitonin and thymosin - Thyroid
(b) Salivary glands - 1 pairs hormones
(c) Cranial nerves - 10 pairs (b) Pepsin and prolactin - Two digestive
(d) Floating ribs - 2 pairs enzymes secreted in stomach
(c) Troponin and myosin - Complex proteins
21. Which one of the following items in striated muscles
gives its correct total number? (d) Secretin and rhodopsin - Polypeptide
(a) Floating ribs in humans - 4 hormones
(b) Amino acids found in proteins - 16
(c) Types of diabetes - 3 27. The characteristics and an example
of a synovial joint in humans is:
(d) Cervical vertebrae in humans - 8
Characteristics Examples
(a) Fluid filled between Skull bones two
22. Which one of the following is the joints, provides cushion
correct matching of three items and (b) Fluid filled synovial Joint between cavity
their grouping category? Items Group between two atlas and axis bones
(a) ilium, ischium, pubis - coxal bones of (c) Lymph filled between gliding joint two
pelvic girdle bones, limited between movement carpals
(b) actin, myosin, - muscle proteins (d) Fluid cartilage Knee joint between two
rhodopsin. bones, limited movements
(c) cytosine, uracil, - pyrimidines thiamine
(d) malleus, incus, - ear ossicles cochlea 28. Select the correct statement with
respect to locomotion in humans:
(a) Accumulation of uric acid crystals in
23. Elbow joint is an example of:
joints causes their inflammation
(a) hinge joint
(b) The vertebral column has 10 thoracic
(b) gliding joint vertebrae.
(c) ball and socket joint (c) The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a
(d) pivot joint fibrous joint
(d) The decreased level of progesterone
causes osteoporosis in old people 35.Lack of relaxation between successive
stimuli in sustained muscle contraction is
29. The H-zone in the skeletal muscle known as
fibre is due to: (a) tonus
(a) The central gap between myosin (b) spasm
filaments in the A-band. (c) fatigue
(b) The central gap between actin filaments (d) tetanus
extending through myosin filaments in the
A-band 36. Sliding filament theory can be best
(c) Extension of myosin filaments in the explained as
central portion of the A-band. (a) action and myosin filaments do not
(d) The absence of myofibrils in the central shorten but rather slide pass each other
portion of A-band. (b) when myofilaments slide pass each other,
myosin filaments shorten while actin
30. Select the correct statement with filaments do not shorten
respect to disorders of muscles in (c) when myofilaments slide pass each other
humans actin filaments shorten while myosin
(a) Rapid contractions of skeletal muscles filaments do not shorten
causes muscle dystrophy (d) actin and myosin filaments shorten and
(b) Failure of neuromuscular transmission slide pass each other.
in myasthenia gravis can prevent normal
swallowing 37. Which one of the following is a sesamoid
(c) Accumulation of urea and creatine in bone?
the joints cause their inflammation (a) Pterygoid
(d) An overdose of vitamin D causes osteoporosis. (b) Pelvis
(c) Patella
31. During muscle contraction in (d) Pectoral girdle
humans the
(a) Actin filaments shorten 38.Glenoid cavity articulates
(b) Sarcomere does not shorten (a) clavicle with acromion
(c) A band remain same (b) scapula with acromion.
(d) A, H and I bands shorten (c) clavicle with scapula
(d) humerus with scapula
32.Which muscle possesses multinucleate
structure (Syncytium) ?  39. What are the main aims of locomotion in
(a) Striated muscle  animal ? 
(b) Skeleton muscle  (a) For shelter, search of food 
(c) Non Striated muscle  (b) For the escape of enemy, for predation 
(d) a and b both  (c) To get a place for reproduction 
(d) All a, b, c.
33. Name the ion responsible for unmasking
of active sites for myosin for crossbridge 40. Which cartilage is present at the end of
activity during muscle contraction. long bones?
(a) Calcium (a) Calcified cartilage
(b) Sodium (b) Hyaline cartilage
(c) Magnesium (c) Elastic cartilage
(d) Potassium (d) Fibrous cartilage

34. A cricket player is fast chasing a ball in 41. Which are characteristic properties of
the field. Which one of the following groups muscles ? 
of bones are directly contributing in this (a) Electricity, excitability 
movement? (b) Extensibility, elasticity
(a) Pelvis, ulna, patella, tarsals (c) Contractility  
(b) Sternum, femur, tibia, fibula (d) All a, b, c
(c) Femur, malleus, tibia, metatarsals
(d) Tarsals, femur, metatarsals, tibia 42. Which one of the following pairs of
chemical substances, is correctly
(a) Calcitonin and thymosin Thyroid
hormones (c) Bones will move freely at joint and no
(b) Pepsin and prolactin Two pain.
Digestive enzymes secreted in stomach (d) Bone will become fixed
(c) Troponin and myosin Complex proteins in
striated muscles 50. Which flat bone is present in the middle
(d) Secretin and rhodopsin Polypeptide line of thorax region of human ? 
Hormones (a) Sternum  
(b) Vertebral column
43. The functional unit of skeleton muscle is (c) Collar 
called as......  (d) Femur
(a) Myofibrils 
(b) Hensen’s line  51.Sternum is connected to ribs by
(c) Krause membrane (a) white fibrous cartilage
(d) Sarcomere  (b) hyaline cartilage
(c) bony matter
44. Which one of the following is the correct (d) areolar tissue.
description of a certain part of a normal
human skeleton? 52. The pivot joint between atlas and axis is
(a) First vertebra is axis which articulates a type of :
with the occipital condyles. (a) Cartilaginous joint
(b) The 9 th and 10 th pairs of ribs are called (b) Synovial joint
the floating ribs. (c) Saddle joint
(c) Parietal bone and the temporal bone of (d) Fibrous joint
the skull are joined fibrous joint.
(d) Glenoid cavity is a depression to which 53. Out of 'X' pairs of ribs in humans only 'Y'
the thigh bone articulates pairs are true ribs. Select the option that
correctly represents values of X and Y and
45. In human body, which one of the provides their explanation:
following is anatomically correct (a) X = 12, Y = 5 True ribs are attached
(a) Salivary glands 1 pair dorsally to vertebral column and sternum on
(b) Collar bones 3 pairs the two ends.
(c) Cranial nerves 10 pairs (b) X = 24, Y = 7 True ribs are dorsally
(d) Floating ribs 2 Pairs attached to vertebral column but are free on
ventral side.
46. Which one of the following items gives its (c) X = 24, Y = 12 True ribs are dorsally
correct total number? attached to vertebral column but are free on
(a) Floating ribs in humans ventral side.
(b) Amino acids found in proteins (d) X = 12, Y = 7 True ribs are attached
(c) Types of diabetes dorsally to vertebral column and ventrally to
(d) Cervical vertebrae in humans the sternum.

47. The contractile protein of skeletal muscle 54. Calcium is important in skeletal muscle
involving ATPase activity is contraction because it
(a) myosin (a) Binds to troponin to remove the masking
(b) aactinin of active sites on actin for myosin.
(c) troponin (b) Activates the myosin ATPase by binding
(d) tropomyosin to it.
(c) Prevents the formation of bonds between
48. Which is the essential mineral element the myosin cross bridges and the actin
for muscle contraction ?  filament.
(a) Ca++   (d) Detaches the myosin head from the actin
(b) Mg++   filament
(c) K+  
(d) Na+ 55. Select the correct option.
(a) 8th, 9th and 10th pairs of ribs articulate
49. What will happen if ligaments are torn ? directly with the sternum.
(a) Bone less movable at joint and pain. (b) 11th and 12th pairs of ribs are connected
(b) Bone will become unfixed. to the sternum with the help of hyaline
(c) Each rib is a flat thin bone and all the
ribs are connected dorsally to the thoracic
vertebrae and ventrally to the sternum.
(d) There are seven pairs of vertebrosternal,
three pairs of vertebrochondral and two
pairs of vertebral ribs.

56. Match the following columns and select

the correct option.
Column-I Column-II
(a) Floating Ribs (i) Located between
second and seventh ribs
(b) Acromion (ii) Head of the Humerus
(c) Scapula (iii)Clavicle
(d) Glenoid cavity (iv) Do not connect with
the sternum
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(2) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(3) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(4) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv
Solutions : Solution: (a)
1. Lower jaw is made of mandible.
Solution: (d) 10.
Hyalin Cartilage forms the cushions‘ or Solution: (a)
pads‘ upon the articular surfaces at the Actin and tropomyosin are part of thin
joints of long bones and called articular filaments of skeletal muscle. Tubuline is
cartilage‘. Its role in adult body is to presents in microtubules. Myosin is muscle
withstand forces of compression and protein.
torsion at the joints. 11.
2. Solution: (b)
Solution: (d) Tendons are made of inelastic white
A deltoid ridge is present along the ventral fibrous connective tissue. A tendon (or
side of humerus (bone of upper arm - sinew) is a tough band of fibrous
Brachium) which provides the insertion to connective tissue that connects muscle to
muscles. bone or muscle to muscle and is designed
3. to withstand tension. Tendons are similar
Solution: (c) to ligaments except that ligaments join one
All mammals have 7 cervical vertebrae in bone to another. Tendons and muscles
their neck (it is one of the typical work together and can only exert a pulling
mammalian characters). Though they force.
become long in camel &giraff but the 12.
number is 7 only. As whale is also a Solution: (a)
mammal it also possess the same 7 cervical Ligament contain both yellow elastin fibres
vertebrae. and collagen fibres. The latter are arranged
4. in a manner to allow for stretching.
Solution: (b) Ligaments help in binding bone to bones.
Long bones gives us support as well as 13.
their bone marrow (the peripheral part) Solution: (c)
synthesizes (in adults) the blood and its In angular joint articulating surface of one
cells. bone is oval and convex whereas that of the
5. other is elliptical and concave, it allows
Solution: (c) movement only in two directions e.g. Wrist.
Movement of Ca2+ out in sarcoplasmic Fibrous joints are unmovable joints e.g.
reticulum controls the making and Sutures of skull. Cartilaginous joints have
breaking of actin and myosin complex little motility due to disc of fibrocartilage
actomyosin due to which muscle between the articular ends. In gliding joints
contraction and relaxation takes place. articulate end of both the bones are either
Albert Szent Gyorgyi worked out flat or curved to allow gliding movements.
biochemical events of muscle contraction. e.g. between carpels and wrist.
6. 14.
Solution: (a) Solution: (d)
Glenoid cavity is a shallow concavity on Atlas is the first cervical vertebra. Coracoid
the lateral side of pectoral girdle in which is part of the pectoral girdle. Pterygoid is a
the head of humerus fits making the small bone articulated with palatine.
shoulder joint. 15.
7. Solution: (d)
Solution: (d) Darks bands on the myofibril form A-band.
In a human body, there are two pairs of Middle part of A-band contains light
floating ribs. i.e., 11th and 12th pairs. zonesHensen line (H-lines). Light band on
These ribs are not attached to either to myofibril is called I-band. Middle part of
sternum or the cartilage of another rib. Iband contains Z-lines. Sarcomere is part
They protect the kidneys. between two Z-lines.
8. Solution: (b) 16.
Each hind limb contain 30 bones namely 1 Solution: (b)
femur in the thigh, 1 petala in the knee, 1 When Ca+ ions combine with troponin
tibia and 1 fibula in the lower leg, 7 tarsals contraction of muscles initiates. During
in the ankle, 5 metatarsals in the sole and Contraction the Z lines come closer
14 phalanges in toes. together and the sarcomere becomes
shorter. The length of A band remains Solution: (b)
constant. I bands shortens and H-band Major causative factors of osteoporosis are
narrows. imbalances of hormones like calcitonin of
17. thyroid, parathormone of parathyroids, and
Solution: (c) sex hormones and deficiencies of calcium
Ligments are specialised connective and vitamin D.
tissues which connect bones together, 26.
hence if they are cut or broken the bone Solution: (c)
will be come unfixed Troponin is a protein which is found on
18. actin filament and myosin protein is found
Solution: (b) in myosin filament. Both actin and myosin
Hinge joint: elbow joint, knee joint, ankle are complex proteins in striated muscles.
joint, inter phalangeal joint. Gliding joint: Thymosin is a hormone secreted by the
Intercarpal joint, intertarsal joint, thymus that stimulates development of T
sternoclavicular joint and joint between pre cells. Prolactin is a hormone released by
and post zygapophysis of adjacent vertebra. the pituitary gland that stimulates breast
Fibrous joint (Synarthroses): Joints of development and milk production in
cranium - bones. Joints between teeth and women. Rhodopsin, also known as visual
Jaw bones. Cartilaginous joint purple, is not a hormone. It is a biological
(Amphiarthroses): Joints between pigment in photoreceptor cells of the retina
mammalian vertebrae and two innominate that is responsible for the first events in the
bones (pubic symphysis). perception of light.
19. 27.
Solution: (b) Solution: (b)
Each half of pectoral girdle has two bones Synovial joints are characterised by the
i.e. clavicle and scapula. A spine like, presence of a fluid filled synovial cavity
acromian process is attached to scapula for between the articulating surfaces of the two
articulation with clavicle bone. bones. Such an arrangement allows
20. considerable movement. These joints help
Solution: (d) in locomotion and many other movements.
Floating ribs are 2- pairs (11th and 12th Ball and socket joint (between humerus
pair) which are not attached to sternum and pectoral girdle), Hinge joint (knee
21. joint), Pivot joint (between atlas and axis),
Solution: (a) Gliding joint (between the carpals) and
In a humans total number of ribs are Saddle joint (between carpal and
Fourteen (14). These are of three types (1) metacarpal of thumb) are some examples.
True ribs-These are 7 in number. (2) False 28.
ribs- These are two (2) in number (3) Solution: (a)
Floating rise-These are 4 in number. Vertebral column has 12 thoracic
22. vertebrate. The joints between adjacent
Solution: (a) vertebrae is cartilaginous joint which
The pelvic girdle is formed by two permits limited movements. Progesterone is
innominate bones consists of three secreted by corpus luteum which supports
separate bones ilium, ischium and the in pregnancy in females.
pubis. 29.
23. Solution (b)
Solution: (a) Central part of thick filament , not
Elbow joint is an example of hinge joint. overlapped by thin filament. Is called the “H”
The elbow is a hinge joint; it can open and zone. “H” zones is called Hensen’s Line.
close like a door. Hinge joint is a form of autoimmune muscular disease. It causes
diarthrosis (freely movable joint) that allows breakdown of neuromuscular junction due
angular movement in one plane only, to which the brain loses control over
increasing or decreasing the angle between muscles. The symptoms may include
the bones e.g. elbow joint, knee joint etc. drooping eyelids, difficulty in swallowing
muscle fatigue, difficult breathing and
24. inability to control facial expressions.
Solution: (b) 31.
Glenoid cavity is found in pectoral girdle. Solution: (c)
25. Increase in Ca++ level into the sarcoplasm
leads to the binding of calcium with a (b) Cartilage is an important component of
subunit of troponin on actin filaments and skeleton. It consists of a firm matrix
there by remove the masking of active sites containing collagen and elastin fibres and
for myosin. Utilising the energy from ATP cells in fluidfilled lacunae. Cartilage has
hydrolysis, the myosin head now binds to many types. Elastic cartilage occurs in the
the exposed active sites on actin to form a pinna and external auditory canal of the
cross bridge. This pulls the attached actin ear, epiglottis, Eustachian tubes and tip of
filaments towards the centre of ‗A‘ band. the nose to make these organs flexible.
The ‗Z‘ line attached to these actins are also Fibrous cartilage is very strong yet has a
pulled inwards thereby causing a degree of flexibility. It is found in the
shortening of the sarcomere, i.e., intervertebral discs where it acts as a
contraction. It is clear from the above cushion and in pubic symphysis where it
steps, that during shortening of the allows parturition without damage to the
muscle, i.e., contraction, the ‗I‘ bands get girdle. Hyaline cartilage occurs in sternal
reduced, whereas the ‗A‘ bands retain the ribs where it allows expansion of chest
length. during inspiration. It also forms the tracheal
and bronchial rings and supports larynx and
32. nasal septum and also at the end of long
(d) Striated muscle  and Skeleton muscle  bones.
muscle possesses multinucleate structure
(Syncytium). 41.
(d) all
(a) Ca++ ions bind with Tpc unit of troponin 42.
which is responsible for masking of active (c) Troponin and myosin Complex proteins
sites for myosin through tropomyosin. The in striated muscles
event initiates cross-bridge activity during
muscle contraction mechanism. 43.
(d) A sarcomere is the basic contractile unit
of muscle fiber. Each sarcomere is composed
of two main protein filaments—actin and
(d) Tarsals, femur, metatarsals, tibia
myosin—which are the active structures
responsible for muscular contraction
(d) Lack of relaxation between successive
stimuli in sustained muscle contraction is (c) Parietal bone and the temporal bone of
known as tetanus the skull are joined fibrous joint.

36. 45.
(a) Sliding filament theory can be best (d) Floating ribs 2 Pairs
explained as action and myosin filaments do
not shorten but rather slide pass each other. 46.
(a) There are twelve pairs of ribs which form
37. the bony lateral walls of the thoracic cage.
(c) sesamoid bone is a bone embedded within The first seven pairs are called true ribs;
a tendon or a muscle. eight, ninth and tenth pairs are called false
ribs. The last two pairs of ribs are called
38. floating ribs because their anterior ends are
not attached either to the sternum or the
(d) Upper rounded end of the humerus (bone
cartilage of another rib. The floating ribs
of arm) is called head that articulates into
protect the kidneys.
the glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle
(shoulder girdle) of scapula or shoulder blade
bone. 47.
(a) Myosin-II, a two-headed tailed variety of
39. myosin is involved in muscle contraction.
(d) all
(a) Calcium is the most abundant mineral in
the body and is essential for the
development and maintenance of bones and There are 7 pairs of true ribs each attached
teeth, intracellular signaling to enable the dorsally to the vertebral column and
integration and regulation of metabolic ventrally to the sternum. Out of the other 5
processes, impulse conduction in nervous pairs, 3 pairs are articulated to the ribs
system, muscle contraction and blood above while the other 2 are called floating
clotting ribs. There are 12pairs of ribs in total.
49. 54 (a)
(d) Bone will become fixed Calcium triggers contraction by reaction with
regulatory proteins that in the absence of
50. calcium prevent interaction of actin and
(a) Sternum  myosin. Two different regulatory systems are
found in different muscles. In actin-linked
51. regulation troponin and tropomyosin
(b) The sternum or breastbone is a long flat regulate actin by blocking sites on actin
bone located in the central part of the chest. required for complex formation with myosin;
It connects to the ribs via cartilage and in myosin-linked regulation sites on myosin
forms the front of the rib cage, thus helping are blocked in the absence of calcium.
to protect the heart, lungs, and major blood Ca2+ ions play an important role in muscle
vessels from injury. contraction by creating interactions between
the proteins, myosin and actin. The Ca2+ ions
bind to the C component of the actin
52 (b) filament, which exposes the binding site for
There are six types of freely movable the myosin head to bind to in order to
diarthrosis (synovial) joints: stimulate a muscle contraction
 Ball and socket joint. Permitting
movement in all directions, the ball 55 (d)
and socket joint features the rounded Vertebrosternal ribs are true ribs, dorsally
head of one bone sitting in the cup of they are attached to the thoracic vertebrae
another bone. Ex: include your and ventrally connected to the sternum with
shoulder joint and your hip joint. the help of hyaline cartilage.
 Hinge joint. The hinge joint is like a 56 (b)
door, opening and closing in one • Floating Ribs — Do not connect with the
direction, along one plane. Ex: include sternum
your elbow joint and your knee joint. • Acromion—Clavicle
 Condyloid joint. The condyloid joint • Scapula — Located between second and
allows movement, but no rotation. seventh ribs
Examples include your finger joints • Glenoid cavity —Head of the Humerus
and your jaw.
 Pivot joint. The pivot joint, also called
the rotary joint or trochoid joint, is
characterized by one bone that can
swivel in a ring formed from a second
bone. Ex are the joints between
your ulna and radius bones that
rotate your forearm.
 Gliding joint. The gliding joint is also
called the plane join. Although it only
permits limited movement, it’s
characterized by smooth surfaces that
can slip over one another. Ex: the
joint in your wrist.
Saddle joint. Although the saddle joint does
not allow rotation, it does enable movement
back and forth and side to side. Example :
the joint at the base of your thumb.
53. (d)

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