PHY1701 Syllabus July 2017

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Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus

PH Y1 01 Engineering Physics L,T,P,J ,C

3 , 0 , 2 ,4 ,5
M o dule s To pics SLO
1 Intro ductio n to Mo dern Physics: Planck ’s con cept
(hyp oth esi s) ( AB 6 6 -6 7 ), Compt on E ffect ( AB 8 0 -8 6 ), Particle
prop erties of wav e: Matt er Waves ( AB 1 0 4 -1 1 4), Davisso n
Germer Exp eri ment (AB 1 1 5 -1 1 7 ), Heisenb erg Un certaint y 6 1 ,2
Princi ple ( AB 1 1 9 -1 28 ), Wave fu nctio n (AB 1 8 2 -1 84 & 1 90 -
1 95 ), and Schrodi ng er equ ation ( time depend ent &
indep end ent) ( AB 1 8 7 -1 9 0 & 1 95 -1 97 ).
2 App licatio ns o f Quantu m P hysics: Particle i n a 1 -D b ox
(Eigen Valu e an d Eig en Fu ncti on) ( AB 1 9 8 -2 0 2), 3 -D Analy si s
5 1 ,2
(Qu alitative), T u nnelin g E ffect (Qu alitative) (AB 2 0 5 ),
Scanni ng T u nneli ng Micr o scop e (ST M) *.
3 Nano physics: Introdu ct ion to Nano -materials, Mo ore’ s la w,
Prop erties o f Nan o -material s *, Qu antu m con fi nement,
Qu antu m well, wir e & dot (CF 2 2 6 -2 36 ), Carbon Nano -tu bes 5 1
(CNT ) (CF 115 -1 2 5 ), Applicatio ns o f nan otech nol og y in
indu stry *.
4 Laser Principles and Eng inee ring Applicatio n: Laser
Characteristi cs, S patial and T emp oral Coh erence (WS 3 6 -3 9 ),
Einst ein Co effi ci ent & it s sig nifi can ce (W S 9 0 -9 2 & 2 1 5 -
2 21 ), Popu lation in ver sio n (WS 2 3 4 -2 3 5 & 2 90 -2 92 ), T wo,
6 1 ,2
three & fou r lev el sy stems (WS 2 9 5 -3 04 ), Pu mping schemes,
T hresh old gain coeffi cient (WS 2 4 7 -2 51 ), Compo nents o f
laser, Nd -Y AG *, H e -Ne (W S), CO 2 (WS) and Dye laser * and
their en gin eerin g app licatio ns *
5. Electro mag netic Theo ry and its appl icatio n : Ph ysi cs o f
Diverg en ce, Gradient and C u rl (DJG 1 3 -2 0), Qu alitative
u nder standin g o f su rfa ce an d v olu me int egra l (DJG 2 4 , 26 , 27 ) ,
Maxwell E qu ations (Qu alitative) (DJG 2 3 2 , 3 21 -3 27 ), Wave 6 2 ,4
Equ ation (Derivatio n) (DJG 3 6 4 -36 6 ), EM Waves, Phase
velo cit y, Grou p v elo cit y, Grou p in dex *, Wave gu ide
(Qu alitative) (DJG 4 05 )
6. Pro pag atio n o f EM wav es in Optical fibers : Light
propagatio n thr ou gh fib er s, Acceptance an gle, N u merical
Ap ertu re, T ypes o f fib ers - st ep i nd ex, graded in dex, sin gle 6 1
mo de & mu ltimo de *, Att enu ation, D i sp er sion -i nter mo dal and
intramo dal (AG 2 9 -4 0 , 6 5 , 7 8 )
7. Opto electro nic Dev ices & Applicatio ns o f Optical fibers :
Sou rces -LED & Laser Dio de, D etect ors -P hot od etector s - PN &
6 2 ,4
PIN (AG 2 0 9 , 23 5 , 2 38 ) - Ap pli cation s o f fi ber opti cs in
co mmu ni cation - End o scop y *
8. Special Theo ry o f Relativ ity: , Frame of refer en ce, Galilean
relativity, Po stu late o f sp ecial t heory o f r elativit y (RR 3 , 8 ,
5 1 ,2
1 8 -2 8 , 3 5 , 3 8 ) , Simu ltaneity, lengt h contracti on an d ti me
dilation (RR 5 0 , 5 6 , 68 , 78 ) .
To tal Lecture Ho urs 45
Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus

 Self Study
# Mo de: Flipped C lass Ro om, [Lectu re to be vid eo ta p ed], Use of
phy si ca l a nd co mpu ter mo del s t o lectu re, Vi sit t o Indu stry and stu dy t he
ther ma l equ ip ment s, Min of 2 lectu res b y i ndu stry exp erts

Pr o jec t 60
M o dule 1 [Non
 Computer Simulation on Compton Effect Cont
 Schrodinger wave equation in 3D using Laplace equation and polar coordinates act
 Variance in temperature corresponding to different colored iron and steel rods hrs]
(related to black body radiation)
 2-D graphical simulation of Schrödinger’s waves
 Experimental verification of Wien’s displacement and Stefan law using Black
body radiation kit.
 Visualizing the bound state wave functions from Schrödinger’s equation through
Python and C. .
 Demonstrate the Compton wavelength shift using computer simulation.
 Demonstrate Davisson and Germer experiment (use computer animation)

M o dule 2
 Simulate the particle in a box potential for different energy Eigen values and
Eigen functions
 Reproduce the scanning tunneling microscope design using some professional
engineering drawing software.

M o dule 3
 Experimental determination of quantum confinement phenomenon in nano-
structured semiconductors.
 Determining the optical energy band gap properties of nano-materials.
 Verifying the optical, electrical and structural properties of nano-materials.
 Verifying the surface to volume ratio of nano-materials.
 Studying the industrial role and impact of nano-materials in food, energy,
construction and consumer goods.
 How nano-particles can be used to purify water.
 How nano-particles can be used for drug delivery in the human body.
 Possible solution to global warming: physics point of view
 Demonstrate (computer animation/simulation) the quantum dot, quantum well
and quantum wire.
 Applications of nano-science in modern electronics.
 Nano-materials for solar cell applications
 Determination of food quality by using infrared spectroscopic technique
 Deposition of thin films on substrate: physicochemical understanding
 Understanding the physical properties of the nano-scale materials: theory and
 Desalination of salt water: cost effective methods
Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus

M o dule 4
 Build a Laser Beam Burglar Alarm
 Measurement of small angles; build a laser range finder
 Build basic Laser Communication Systems
 Laser based display of sound and resonance; build a laser spirograph
 Demonstrate the principals of bar code scanning by using lasers
 Build and demonstrate a nitrogen laser.
 Designing a Laser Communication Device
 Study Effects of Weather on Laser Communications
 Build a Laser-Based Device to Weigh Small Masses
 Determining the Type of Particle in an Air Sample by Using Laser Light
 Diffractive Bending of Laser Beams Around Objects
 Effect of Different Color Filters on Energy of a Laser Beam
 Determine the capacity difference between various medias (CDs and DVDs)
when created with different lasers
 Make your own home laser show
 Make a laser projector with a custom stand
 Create burning red and blue lasers
 Make a wicked sweet laser blaster gun.
 Use a laser as a long distance listening device.
 Simulate the Einstein’s coefficients and find out the saturation intensity of a laser
 Demonstrate the two level, three level and four level pumping schemes (using
computer animation)
 Design a laser based on the characteristics and components you have learned in
this module
 Demonstrate the lasing action in CO2 laser (computer animation)
 Demonstrate the ring cavity dye laser in detail (start from the dye molecule
selection, pump laser characteristics and the design of the laser)
 Applications of laser in computers, printers, scanners and telecommunications.
 Safety measures to handle the high power laser and dye laser. Demonstrate with
some examples

M o dule 5

 Simulation of EM waves
 Simulation of vector field of TE and TM mode for a fixed dimension rectangular
wave guide.
 Simulate the wave equations from Maxwell’s equations
 Based on the Maxwell’s equations, design and analyse transmission lines and
waveguides, such as microstrip line.
 Demonstrate phase velocity, group velocity and group index (use animation)
 Demonstrate the Physical significance of Maxwell’s equation (use simulation
software and animation)
 Application of concept of vector identities in Maxwell’s equations
Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus

M o dule 6
 Broadband antireflective coatings for fiber- optics communication
 Fiber waveguide arrays as model system for discrete optics
 Ophthalmological instruments with fiber optics
 Analysis of surface defects using fiber-optics laser scanning system
 Fiber-optics sensors for monitoring vibration in the bearings of large stationary
 Demonstrate the propagation of light in optical fibers by varying the core and
cladding material, core and cladding thickness (by computer animation)
 Fiber optic loss and fiber coupling efficiency, what are the things need to taken
into consideration to improve the efficiency of the fiber. Give examples and
simulation results.
 How the different modes of light can be converted into a Gaussian beam in a
single mode fiber, explain different modes of propagation in the multimode fiber.

M o dule 7
 Design and evaluation of a simple communication system to transfer audio
signals over short distance
 Comparison of optical properties of LEDs and laser sources available in the lab
using a simple photo-detector circuit.
 Comparison of the characteristics of pn and pin diode based photo-detectors.
 If you are given a laser diode, how do you design a stable diode laser which has a
line width of ~ kHz.
 Fiber optic applications in communication.

M o dule 8
 Application of length contraction and time dilation

# Generally a team project [5 to 10 members]

# Conc ept s stu died in XXXX shou ld hav e b een u sed
# Down t o earth ap pli cation an d in no vative i dea sh ou ld hav e b een
a ttempt ed
# Report i n Digital for mat wit h all drawi ng s u si ng so ft ware pack age to b e
su bmitt ed . [Ex. 1 . Opti mal d esign o f a cook ing v essel for min. heat lo ss
OR 2 . Exerg y analysi s o f th e Wi nd cu m solar street lig ht – wit h di ffer ent
con stra int s many batch es can work on t his. O r can j oin wit h R A and do a
pa rt of t h e Research Pr oject related t o th e su bject XXXX]
# Assessment o n a co ntinu ou s basi s wit h a mi n o f 3 reviews.
Te xt Bo o ks
1 . Co ncepts o f M o dern Physics, Arthur Beiser et al., Sixth Edi tio n, Tata
M c Graw Hill (2 0 1 3 ) (AB)
2 . Laser Funda mentals, Willia m Silf v ast, Ca mbridg e Univ ersity Pres s (20 08 )
3 . Intr o ductio n to Electro dynam ics, D. J . Griffith, 3 r d Editio n (2 01 3 ) (DJ G)
4 . Fiber Optic Co mmunicatio n Techno log y, Djafar K. M ynbaev and Lo well
L.Scheiner, Pearso n, 2 01 1
Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus

Re ference Boo ks
1 . M o dern Physics, Raymo nd A. Ser way , Clement J . M o sses, Curt A. M o yer,
Ce ng ag e learning [ 3 r d Indian Ed itio n], 2 0 10
2 . M o dern Physics fo r Scientists and Eng ineers, J o hn R. Taylo r, Chris D.
Zafirato s and M ichael A. Du bso n, PHI Learning Priv ate Ltd., 2 0 11
3 . M o dern Physics, Kenneth Krane, Wiley India n Editio n, 2 0 10
4 . M o dern Physics, Stephen T. Tho rnto n and Andre w Rex, Ceng ag e Learning ,
Fir st Indian Reprint, 2 0 08
5 . The Essential Understanding s o f N ano science and Nano techno lo g y, T .
Pr adeep, Tata M cGra w H ill , 2 0 07
6 . Laser Systems and Appl icatio ns, Nityan and Cho u dhary and Richa Verma,
PH I Learning Priv ate Ltd., 20 11
7 . Lasers: Principles and Applicatio ns, J . Wilso n and J .F.B. Ha wkes, Prentice
H all (2 0 03 )
8 . Lasers and Optical Instrumentatio n, S. Nag a bhush an a an d B.
Sathy an araya na, I.K. Internatio nal P ublishi ng Ho use Pvt. Ltd., 2 0 10
9 . Ele c tro mag netic Wav es , R. Shev g ao nkar, 1 s t Editio n (20 05 )
1 0 .Pr inciples o f Electro mag netics, M atthew N.O. S adi ku (Fo urth Editio n),
O xfo rd (20 10 )
1 1 .Intr o ductio n to Fiber Optics, Ajo y Gh ata k an d K. Thy ag ara jan, Ca mbridg e
Univ ersity Press, 2 01 0 (AG)
1 2 .Intr o ductio n to Nano Techno lo g y, Charles P Poo le J r., Frank J O wens, Willey
Publicatio n. (CF)
1 3 .Spe cial theo ry o f Relativ ity, R Re snick, Wiley Pu blicatio n (RR).

List o f experiments

1 . Deter minatio n o f Pla nck ’s co nstan t u sin g el ectrolu mi nescence process (Mo du le 1 )
2 . Electr on di ffraction (Mo du le 1 )
3 . Deter minatio n o f wav el engt h o f laser sou rce (He -Ne laser and dio de la ser s o f
different wavel en gt h s) u si ng di ffracti on tech niqu e (M odu le 4 )
4 . Disp ersi ve po wer o f p rism (M odu le 6 )
5 . Optical Fib er co mmu ni cation (sou rce + o ptical fib er + d etector ) (Modu les 7 + 8 )
6 . Deter minatio n o f size of fin e particl e u si ng laser di ffracti on ( Modu le 3 )
7 . Deter minatio n o f t he track widt h (p eriod icit y) in a written CD (Modu le 4 )
8 . PIN dio de characteri sti cs (Mo du le 8 )
9 . Bla ck bod y Radiation ( Modu l e 1 + 2 )
1 0 .Optical Fib er co mmu ni cation (sou rce + o ptical fib er + d etector ) (Modu les 7 + 8 )
1 1 .Ana ly si s o f cry stallite si ze and strain i n a nano -cr ystalline fil m u sin g X -ray
diffracti on ( Modu l e 3 )
1 2 .Nu merical solu tion s of Schröd ing er equ ation ( e. g. parti cle i n a box pro blem)
(Modu le 2 ) (can be giv en a s an assi gn ment)
1 3 .La ser coh erence l en gth measu rement (Mo du le 4 )
1 4 .Proo f for tran sv er se natu re o f E.M . waves (M odu le 6 )
1 5 .Qu a ntu m con fin ement and H ei senb erg 's u ncertainty prin cipl e ( Modu le 1 + 3 )
Curriculum for Applied Learning [CAL] - Syllabus


1 . Having an abilit y to ap ply math emati cs an d sci en ce in en gin eer ing

a pplicatio ns
2 . Having a cl ear u nder standi ng o f th e su bject relat ed co ncept s an d o f
cont emp orary issu es
3 . Having an abilit y to be socially i nt ellig ent wit h g ood SIQ (So ci al Intellig en ce
Qu otient) and EQ (Emotio nal Qu otient)
4 . Having S en se-Mak ing Sk ills o f creatin g u niqu e i nsi ght s i n wha t is b ei ng seen
or ob serv ed (Hig her l ev el t hink ing sk ill s whi ch cann ot b e codi fied)
5 . Having d esig n thi nk ing capability
6 . Having an abilit y to desi gn a compo nent or a produ ct ap plyi ng all the rel evant
standard s and with r ealisti c con straint s
7 . Having co mpu tational thi nk ing ( Abilit y t o translat e vast data in to ab stract
con cept s and to u nd er st and database r easo nin g)
8 . Having Virtu al Collaborating abilit y
9 . Having pr obl em solvi ng abilit y - solvi ng social i ssu es and en g ineering
probl ems
1 0 .Having a cl ear u nder standi ng o f pr ofessi onal an d et hical respo nsi bility
1 1 .Having int erest i n li fel on g learni ng
1 2 .Having adaptiv e t hink ing and adaptabilit y
1 3 .Having cr o ss cu ltu ral compet en cy ex hibit ed by work ing i n tea ms
1 4 . Having an abilit y to desi gn an d con du ct exp eriment s, a s well a s to anal yze
a nd int erpret data
1 5 .Having an abilit y to u se t he social media effectiv ely for pro d u ctive u se
1 6 .Having a go od work ing k no wl ed ge o f co mmu ni cating i n E ngli sh
1 7 .Having an abilit y to u se t echni qu es, sk ill s and mod ern
engi n eerin g to ol s n ecessary for engi neerin g practi ce
1 8 .Having criti cal thi nk ing an d in no vative sk ills
1 9 .Having a go od co gniti ve load management sk ills
2 0 .Having a go od digital fo otpri nt

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