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` A

Industrial Training Report

in partial fulfillment
for the award of the Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Seminar Coordinator: Submitted By:

Mrs. Abha Jain Bhawesh Verma

Department of Computer Science & Engineering Swami

Keshvanand Institute of Technology, M & G, Jaipur
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota
Session 2022-2023
Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,
Management & Gramothan, Jaipur
Department of Computer Science and Engineering



It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or indirectly

contributed into the development of this work and who influenced my thinking,
behavior, and acts during the course of study.

I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Mukesh Kumar Gupta, HOD, (CSE) for
providing me an opportunity to work in a consistent direction and providing all
necessary means to complete my presentations and report thereafter.

I would like to thank my esteemed supervisor Mrs. Abha Jain , Department of

Computer Science & Engineering, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology,
Management and Gramothan, Jaipur for her valuable suggestion, keen interest,
constant encouragement, incessant inspiration and continuous help throughout this
work. Her excellent guidance has been instrumental in making this work a success.

I express my sincere heartfelt gratitude to all the staff members of Department of

Computer Science & Engineering who helped me directly or indirectly during this
course of work.

I would also like to express my thanks to my parents for their support and
blessings. A special thank goes to all my friends for their support in the completion
of this work.

Bhawesh Verma




1.1 About Project .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective of Project ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Need of Project........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Scope of Project ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Facilities given our Project...................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Advantage and Disadvantage .................................................................................................. 5
1.7 Technical Aspects ................................................................................................................... 6



2.1 Technical platform .................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.1 Introduction to Bootstrap ....................................................................................................... 7

2.1.2 About J Query ................................................................................................................. 8

2.1.3 About CSS ......................................................................................................................9

2.1.4 About MS.SQL .............................................................................................................. 10

2.2 Software /Hardware requirement ............................................................................................ 11

2.3 Installation of tools..................................................................................................................12

2.4 Introduction Front End language ............................................................................................ 18

2.4.1 About Visual STUDIO.......................................................................................................18

2.4.2 Visual Studio Editions ...................................................................................................... 19
2.4.3 About ASP.NET ...............................................................................................................20

2.4.4 Features of ASP.NET ........................................................................................................ 21

2.4.5 Advantage of ASP.NET ..................................................................................................... 23

2.5 Database Tools ........................................................................................................................ 24

2.5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 24

2.5.2 Advantage of MS SQL ................................................................................................... 25

2.5.3 Features of MS SQL ...................................................................................................... 26

2.5.4 Comparison to others ..................................................................................................... 27

2.5.5 Installation Steps ............................................................................................................ 28


Design And Architecture

3.1 Introduction about all types of entities or parties of project ................................................... 32

3.2 Flow Chart of Project .............................................................................................................. 34

3.2.1 User or Admin Login Flow Chart .................................................................................. 36

3.2.2User or Admin Signup Flow Chart ................................................................................. 37

3.3.E-R Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 38

3.4 Use Case Diagram .................................................................................................................... 39

3.4.1 Use Case Diagram For User / User ............................................................................... 39

3.4.2 Use Case Diagram For Admin ........................................................................................ 42

3.5 DFD Diagram......................................................................................................................... 44

3.5.1 0 Level DFD Diagram .................................................................................................44

3.5.21 Level DFD Diagram ..................................................................................................45



4.1 Home Page ............................................................................................................................... 49

4.2 Aboutus Page ........................................................................................................................... 50

4.3 Contactus Page ......................................................................................................................... 51

4.4 Signup page .............................................................................................................................. 52

4.5 Login Page ............................................................................................................................... 53

4.6 Home Page After Login .......................................................................................................... 54

4.7 Admin Database Table ............................................................................................................. 55

4.8 User/User Database Table........................................................................................................ 56

4.9 Admin Login Page ................................................................................................................... 57

4.10 Admin Page ............................................................................................................................ 58

4.11 Admin Data Show .................................................................................................................. 59



5.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 60

5.2Future Scope ............................................................................................................................ 60

5.3 Limitation ................................................................................................................................ 61

5.4 References ............................................................................................................................... 63


2.1 Download Visual Studio ................................................................................................... 13

2.2 Choose: Workloads ........................................................................................................... 14
2.3Choose: Individual Components(optional) ........................................................................ 15
2.4 Install Language Packs (optional) ..................................................................................... 16
2.5Select the installation location(optional) .............................................................................17
2.6Visual Studio Frame work ................................................................................................. 20
2.7 Press ctrl+shift+A ............................................................................................................. 28
2.8Select Sql Server Base ....................................................................................................... 29
2.9 Click on add ...................................................................................................................... 30
2.10 The popup window will open press yes .......................................................................... 30
2.11 Get Server Explore .......................................................................................................... 31
3.1 User Admin Login Flow Chat ............................................................................................ 36
3.2 User Admin Signup Flow Chat .......................................................................................... 37
3.3 E-R Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 38
3.4 Use case Diagram For User.............................................................................................. 41
3.5 Use case Diagram For Admin .......................................................................................... 42
3.6 Zero Level DFD ................................................................................................................ 44
3.7 First Level DFD ................................................................................................................ 45
4.1 Home page ........................................................................................................................ 49
4.2 About us ............................................................................................................................ 50
4.3 Contact us.......................................................................................................................... 51
4.4 Sign up .............................................................................................................................. 52
4.5 Login ................................................................................................................................. 53
4.6 Home page after signup/login .......................................................................................... 54
4.7 Admin Database Table ...................................................................................................... 55
4.8User Database Table .......................................................................................................... 56
4.9 Admin Log in Page ........................................................................................................... 57
4.10 Admin Page ..................................................................................................................... 58
4.11 Admin Data Show ........................................................................................................... 59


4.7 Admin Database Table ....................................................................................................... 55

4.8 User Database Table .......................................................................................................... 56



1.1 About Project :-

E - Learning management system is a website. User can study about programming subjects in
our website. Whenever a user sign up / login with E- mail id & password. User can start learning
from our website about programming subjects, subject related videos , subject related details and
subject related Multiple Choice Questions. Whenever user forgets his/her password he/she can
use (link forgot password). User can click on that link and change the password. We ask for
1.New password 2. Confirm password then send OTP (one time password ) to the user’s E-mail
Id to reset password. User can ask questions by writing on Q/A page. Other user / Admin can
answer the question asked by the user .

We have made a Admin login page where only admin would be able to access that page by
logging into it. Admin can delete a profile if he see any bad or abusive things done by the user.

There a user profile page is there on our website that helps the user to edit the data given by the
user during sign up. Like the user want to change e-mail id or city so he would be able to access
that by user profile page. That is a very useful page for the user. From user profile page user can
also delete his/her profile if the user want to.

E-Learning is the computer and network enable transfer of skills and knowledge .It include out
of classroom and in classroom educational experiences via technology .E-learning is naturally
suited to distance learning and flexible learning .It is available anywhere, anytime .It is self
interactive instructive presented over the internet to browse equipped learners. The E- learning
solution is empowering ,engaging ,effective and economical.

Earlier E-Learning system based on computer based learning (CBL) and training after
attempts to replicate autocratic teaching style whereby the role of e-Learning system was to
transfer knowledge as opposed to the system developed later which were based on computer
support collaborative learning (CSCL) which encourage the share development of knowledge
nowadays it is an increasing trend to create virtual learning environment (VLE). The courses
offered by the environment is interactive.

Why E-learning is the most effective solution?

Many employers and learners cannot effort time to a class. Travelling itself makes the learning
process expensive and disruptive. E-learning is revolutionizing the learning world by eradicating
the geographical boundaries. The resources are available 24*7 a week, and any computer enabled
with internet facility can use the system.

E-learning ranges over a number of subjects and has a number of features.

1.2 Objective of Project:-

The main objective of my project is now a day (During covid-19) Users can’t go outside. My
website users can study about programming subject related Details and Video.

In today’s condition our website is most useful. It is more useful for Users. Mostly learning
website don’t provide free learning courses but on our website there are free learning courses.
Our website videos are free of cost. Users can easily learn from our website. Users can easily
download videos to learn.

Our website can also be used by the teachers, teacher can enhance their teaching skills. User can
learn something new by sitting at home . User can study on our website when they are not able
to go to Coaching centers by any situation like the current situation. Under any situation , the
User can do his studies from this website.

1.3 Need of Project:-

So all we know in this pandemic time due to corona virus .All College’s and School’s are closed
in between the session .Our group made a website name E-learning which helps User’s to study
in different Programming subject like VB.Net ,Python, Android, PHP, C, C++,Core
Java ,AdvancedJava,JSP,ASP.Net ,MVC, Data Structure, HTML, Java Script, CSS. In this
subjects Users can easily clear there doubts by putting there doubts on Q/A page provided by our
website. These questions will be shown to every user of our website. Andany other user/Admin
who knows the correct answer can help by giving the answer .

We have provided all subject information so that user can read and let to know about the basic of
that subject.

Many people face problem during this pandemic time so they cannot go outside to learn so we
are providing facility to study from home. So by sitting at home user can learn something about
programming subjects.

1.4 Scope of Project:-

“Universities won’t survive. The future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional
classroom. Distance learning is coming on fast”.

Education has historically been what I call “Just in case education”, which gives you all kinds of
facts and figures just in case it may become relevant to you. But today what we need is “just in
time education,” which has two characteristics:

1. It never stops. It’s lifelong, you’re always learning.

2. It’s focused on learning how to learn and learning how to solve problem.

In future we will add many things to our website:

1. We will develop our security by connecting it with MS SQL Database.

2. We will add chatbot which will help the user to get information about the website in which
user is facing a problem by interacting with the user by chat.

3. We will bank transaction in our website so that user would be able to buy paid courses.

4. We will add a business account in which user can add his/her own courses .And Users would
be able to buy that courses.

5. We will add features so the business account users can provide online class to the Users.

6. We will make android app for this so that users can download that app in there mobile phone.

7. If the user gives exam for a subject we will allot online certificate for that particular subject.
But the user have to qualify that exam to get that certificate.

1.5 Facilities Given By Our Project :-

• E- learning management system website supports content in various formats: subject

details , video, Question paper etc.
• User ask question in write a comment box.
• Teacher’s / Admin can answer the question asked by the User .
• User can solve the question paper .
• User can study by sitting at home.

1.6Advantages and Disadvantages:-


1. User can study by sitting at home.

2. User can solve papers for better enhancement.

3. User can give feedback if any problem faced by the user. We will try to resolve that as soon as

4. User can put questions if he/she is having any doubt on Q/A page provided by our website and
any other user can answer if anyone knows the answer.

5. If the user account is disabled by any situation then user can request the admin for recovery of
his/her account.

6. If the user think for any new feature so the user can request by sending us e-mail shown on
contact us page.


1. We don’t have many securities.

2. Teachers cannot put their videos on our website.

3. Teachers cannot do video call on our website.

4. When any user sign up in our website the e-mail is not checked by the google whether it exist
or not.

5. Online certification is not available.

1.7 Technical Aspects:-


• Admin can Delete the record.

• Admin add subject details and videos.

User/User :-

• User Can login and sign up.

• User can edit Profile.
• User can study in subject details and videos .
• User can ask question on Q/A page.
• User can solve papers provided by our website.

Chapter 2

Methodology and Technology

A Software Development Methodology or system development methodology in software

engineering is a framework that is used to structure, plan, and control the process of developing
in information system.

2.1 Technical Platform

2.1.1 Introduction to Bootstrap:-

Bootstrap is a free and open-source tool collection for creating responsive websites and web
applications. It is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing
responsive, mobile-first web sites. It solves many problems which we had once, one of which is
the cross-browser compatibility issue. Nowadays, the websites are perfect for all the browsers
(IE, Firefox and Chrome) and for all sizes of screens (Desktop, Tablets, Phablets, and Phones).
All thanks to Bootstrap developers -Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton of Twitter, though it was
later declared to be an open-source project.

Why Bootstrap?

• Faster and Easier Web-Development.

• It creates Platform-independent web-pages.
• It creates Responsive Web-pages.
• It designed to be responsive to mobile devices too.

1. Bootstrap was released in August 2011 by twitter.
2. It is an open source product, developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton.
3. It was developed to standardize the front end tools of engineers across the company.
4. Most excitement feature of bootstrap is that which allow to built responsive web design.
5. The website like, Appsetter, Quciklinkr , & many more are designed using
▪ How to use Bootstrap in webpage:
✓ There are two ways to include Bootstrap in the website.
• Include Bootstrap from CDN link.
• Download Bootstrap from and use it.

2.1.2 About JQuery:-

• JQuery is a lightweight, "write less, do more", JavaScript library.

• The purpose of JQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website.
• JQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to
accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.
• JQuery also simplifies a lot of the complicated things from JavaScript, like AJAX calls
and DOM manipulation.
• The JQuery library contains the following features:
• HTML/DOM manipulation
• CSS manipulation
• HTML event methods
• Effects and animations
• Utilities

2.1.3 About CSS:-

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a simple design language intended to simplify the
process of making web pages presentable.It can control the layout of multiple web pages all at

CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the colour of the
text,the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what
background images or colour are used, layout designs, and variations in display for different
devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.

CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, you can control the colour of the
text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what
background images or colours are used, layout designs, and variations in display for different
devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects.

CSS is easy to learn and understand and it provides powerful control over the presentation of an
HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the mark up languages HTML or

CSS3 is the latest standard of CSS and it was started in 1998 and is still under development.

Earlier versions were CSS2 and CSS1 that were came out of W3C as a recommendation in
December 1996.

2.1.4 About MS-SQL:-

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a

database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving data
as requested by other software applications—which may run either on the same computer or on
another computer across a network (including the Internet). Microsoft markets at least a dozen
different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at different audiences and for workloads
ranging from small single-machine applications to large Internet-facing applications with many
concurrent users.

Why to use MSSQL:-

1. Scalability :- Platform allow you to scale as your business grows. You can use for small

2. High-performance:- A database is your application’s backbone. It stores your all of data, so

you need a database that can return data in less than a second. MSSQL can handle this type of
high-performance speed.

Tables: Platform use the standard relational database table model to store data in rows and

2.2 Software And Hardware Requirements:-

Software Requirements:-

Name of Component Specification

Operating System Windows 10 Home, Professional, Education,
and Enterprise

Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2016

Windows 8.1 Core, Professional, and


Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials,

Standard, Datacenter

Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional,

Enterprise, Ultimate
Language with C#
Database My SQL Server
Web Server Internet Information Server (IIS)
Software Development Kit .Net framework4.7.1

Hardware Requirements:-

Name of Component Specification

Processor 1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or
better recommended
RAM 2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended
Hard disk Minimum of 800MB up to 210 GB of
available space
Monitor Video card that supports a minimum display
resolution of 720p (1280 by 720)

2.3 Installation of Tools :-

Step 1 - Make sure your computer is ready for Visual Studio

Before you begin installing Visual Studio:

1. Check the system requirements. These requirements help you know whether your computer
supports Visual Studio 2019.
2. Apply the latest Windows updates. These updates ensure that your computer has both the
latest security updates and the required system components for Visual Studio.
3. Reboot. The reboot ensures that any pending installs or updates don't hinder the Visual
Studio install.
4. Free up space. Remove unneeded files and applications from your %SystemDrive% by, for
example, running the Disk Cleanup app.

For questions about running previous versions of Visual Studio side by side with Visual Studio
2019, see the Visual Studio 2019 Platform Targeting and Compatibility page.

Step 2 - Download Visual Studio

Next, download the Visual Studio bootstrap file.

To do so, choose the following button, choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want,
choose Save, and then choose Open folder.

Step 3 - Install the Visual Studio installer

Run the bootstrap file to install the Visual Studio Installer. This new lightweight installer
includes everything you need to both install and customize Visual Studio.

1. From your Downloads folder, double-click the bootstrap that matches or is similar to one of
the following files:
o vs_community.exe for Visual Studio Community
o vs_professional.exe for Visual Studio Professional
o vs_enterprise.exe for Visual Studio Enterprise

If you receive a User Account Control notice, choose Yes.

2. We'll ask you to acknowledge the Microsoft License Terms and the Microsoft Privacy
Statement. Choose Continue.

Figure 2.1

Step 4 - Choose workloads

After the installer is installed, you can use it to customize your installation by selecting the
feature sets—or workloads—that you want. Here's how.

1. Find the workload you want in the Visual Studio Installer.

Figure 2.2

For example, choose the "ASP.NET and web development" workload. It comes with the default
core editor, which includes basic code editing support for over 20 languages, the ability to open
and edit code from any folder without requiring a project, and integrated source code control.

2. After you choose the workload(s) you want, choose Install.

Next, status screens appear that show the progress of your Visual Studio installation.

Step 5 - Choose individual components (Optional)

If you don't want to use the Workloads feature to customize your Visual Studio installation, or
you want to add more components than a workload installs, you can do so by installing or adding

individual components from the Individual components tab. Choose what you want, and then
follow the prompts.

Figure 2.3

Step 6 - Install language packs (Optional)

By default, the installer program tries to match the language of the operating system when it runs
for the first time. To install Visual Studio in a language of your choosing, choose the Language
packs tab from the Visual Studio Installer, and then follow the prompts.

Figure 2.4

Change the installer language from the command line

Another way that you can change the default language is by running the installer from the
command line. For example, you can force the installer to run in English by using the following
command: vs_installer.exe --locale en-US. The installer will remember this setting when it is run
the next time. The installer supports the following language tokens: zh-cn, zh-tw, cs-cz, en-us, es-
es, fr-fr, de-de, it-it, ja-jp, ko-kr, pl-pl, pt-br, ru-ru, and tr-tr.

Step 7 - Select the installation location (Optional)

You can reduce the installation footprint of Visual Studio on your system drive. You can choose
to move the download cache, shared components, SDKs, and tools to different drives, and keep
Visual Studio on the drive that runs it the fastest.

Figure 2.5

Step 8 - Start developing

1. After Visual Studio installation is complete, choose the Launch button to get started
developing with Visual Studio.
2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.
3. In the search box, enter the type of app you want to create to see a list of available templates.
The list of templates depends on the workload(s) that you chose during installation. To see
different templates, choose different workloads.

You can also filter your search for a specific programming language by using
the Language drop-down list. You can filter by using the Platform list and the Project
type list, too.

4. Visual Studio opens your new project, and you're ready to code!

2.4 Introduction Front End Language :-

2.4.1 About Visual Studio:-

Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment(IDE) developed by Microsoft to

develop GUI(Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps,
cloud, and web services, etc. With the help of this IDE, you can create managed code as well as
native code. It uses the various platforms of Microsoft software development software like
Windows store, Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows API, etc. It is not a language-specific IDE
as you can use this to write code in C#, C++, VB(Visual Basic), Python, JavaScript, and many
more languages. It provides support for 36 different programming languages. It is available for
Windows as well as for macOS.

Evolution of Visual Studio: The first version of VS(Visual Studio) was released in 1997, named
as Visual Studio 97 having version number 5.0. The latest version of Visual Studio is 15.0 which
was released on March 7, 2017. It is also termed as Visual Studio 2017. The supported .Net
Framework Versions in latest Visual Studio is 3.5 to 4.7. Java was supported in old versions of
Visual Studio but in the latest version doesn’t provide any support for Java language.

2.4.2 Visual Studio Editions :-

There are 3 editions of Microsoft Visual Studio as follows:

1. Community: It is a free version which is announced in 2014. All other editions are paid. This
contains the features similar to Professional edition. Using this edition, any individual developer
can develop their own free or paid apps like .Net applications, Web applications and many more.
In an enterprise organization, this edition has some limitations. For example, if your organization
have more than 250 PCs and having annual revenue greater than $1 Million(US Dollars) then
you are not permitted to use this edition. In a non-enterprise organization, up to five users can
use this edition. Its main purpose is to provide the Ecosystem(Access to thousands of extensions)
and Languages(You can code in C#, VB, F#, C++, HTML, JavaScript, Python, etc.) support.

2. Professional: It is the commercial edition of Visual Studio. It comes in Visual Studio 2010 and
later versions. It provides the support for XML and XSLT editing and includes the tool like
Server Explorer and integration with Microsoft SQL Server. Microsoft provides a free trial of
this edition and after the trial period, the user has to pay to continue using it. Its main purpose is
to provide Flexibility(Professional developer tools for building any application type),
Productivity(Powerful features such as CodeLens improve your team’s productivity),
Collaboration(Agile project planning tools, charts, etc.) and Subscriber benefits like Microsoft
software, plus Azure, Pluralsight, etc.

3. Enterprise: It is an integrated, end to end solution for teams of any size with the demanding
quality and scale needs. Microsoft provides a 90-days free trial of this edition and after the trial
period, the user has to pay to continue using it. The main benefit of this edition is that it is highly
scalable and deliver high-quality software.

Figure 2.6

2.4.3 About ASP.Net:-

ASP.NET is a technology used for creating Web applications and Web services that are executed
in the IIS server. The ASP.NET pages are compiled making the application faster that classic
ASP. It provides good level of consistency over the web applications. It has a large set of user
controls, XML based components and user authentication.

2.4.4 Features of ASP.Net:-

1. Common Language Runtime:

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) is used as execution engine for .NET framework. All
the ASP.NET code is executed in the CLR. It performs functions like security, memory
management, exception handling, thread execution, code verification, code security. The Just In
time compiler is used for compilation of the ASP.NET code.

The source is compiled into the intermediate language code. The JIT compiler coverts the IL
code into native code that is specific to the system.

2. Base Class Library:

The Base Class Library is the functionality available to all the .NET framework languages. It
provides various features like database connectivity, XML document manipulation, classes and
interfaces that are reusable with the CLR.

3. ADO.NET and XML:

ADO.NET is used for the database operations in .NET. It works efficiently with SQL Server,
OLEDB, XML. The operations like accessing data from the data source, updating and
manipulating data are performed through ADO.NET. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is
useful for designing the web pages in .NET

4. Windows Forms:

The windows Forms application is used for creating window application in .NET. There are wide
controls and designing features available for Windows Forms.

5. ASP.NET Web Forms and Services:

The Web Forms user to create Web based applications. They include web pages and several GUI
components for designing. It helps simultaneous addition of controls at runtime and design time.

Web Services are used when the user needs specific task to be executed. They are used for
creating single application or distributed on the web.

6. Common Language Specification:

The Common Language Specification (CLS) is a set of language features used for developing
web application and web services. It ensures interoperability among applications without the
language dependency. It defines a subset of Common Type System (CTS) providing objects of
different languages to interact with each other.

7. Visual Studio .NET:

The Visual Studio .NET is used for developing all the web and windows applications. The GUI
interface and extensive built in class libraries are provided in the component. Web Services can
be developed and deployed using Visual Studio.

2.4.5 Advantages of ASP.NET

1. The code is reduced for building application through ASP.NET.

2. It is server side technology , the code is executed at the server before sending it to the browser.

3. It is easy to deploy applications as the components are not registered in the system.

4. The applications developed are safe and secure due to Windows authentication.

5. The performance is better due to early binding, just in time compilation, and code optimization.

6. It is language independent providing user the flexibility to develop the application.

7. The ADO.NET used for data binding makes the application run faster with large volume of

2.5 Data Base Tools :-

2.5.1 Introduction :-

SQL SERVER is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It

is primarily designed and developed to compete with MySQL and Oracle database.

SQL Server supports ANSI SQL, which is the standard SQL (Structured Query Language)
language. However, SQL Server comes with its own implementation of the SQL language, T-
SQL (Transact-SQL).

T-SQL is a Microsoft propriety Language known as Transact-SQL. It provides further

capabilities of declaring variable, exception handling, stored procedure, etc.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the main interface tool for SQL Server, and it
supports both 32-bit and 64-bit environments.

Version History SQL Server

• Microsoft and Sybase released version 1.0 in 1989.

• However, the partnership between these two ended in the early 1990s.
• Microsoft maintained ownership rights to the name SQL Server.
• Since the 1990s, subsequent versions of SQL Server have been released including SQL
Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019

SQL Server Editions

1. SQL Server Enterprise: It is used in the high end, large scale and mission Critical
business. It provides High-end security, Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, etc.
2. SQL Server Standard: It is suitable for Mid-Tier Application and Data marts. It
includes basic reporting and analytics.
3. SQL Server WEB: It is designed for a low total-cost-of-ownership option for Web
hosters. It provides scalability, affordability, and manageability capabilities for small to
large scale Web properties.
4. SQL Server Developer: It is similar to an enterprise edition for the non-production
environment. It is mainly used for build, test, and demo.
5. SQL Server Express: It is for small scale applications and free to use.

2.5.2 Advantages of MSSQL:-

1. Installation Is Streamlined:-

It can be installed via a setup wizard and the prerequisite updates are detected and downloaded
by the installer automatically.

2. Enhanced Performance:-

The MS SQL server has built-in transparent data compression feature along with encryption.
Users don’t need to modify programs in order to encrypt the data. The MS SQL server has access
control coupled with efficient permission management tools. Further, it offers an enhanced
performance when it comes to data collection.

3.Security Features Are Better:-

SQL Server 2008 uses Policy-Based Management to detect security policies that are non-
compliant. This feature allows only authorized personnel access to the database.

2.5.3 Features of MSSQL:-

1. Always Encrypted:-

The Always Encrypted feature protects data and enables the SQL Server to perform encrypted
data operations so that the owners can protect their confidential data by using an encryption key.

2. Dynamic Data Masking:-

This feature gives an obscured version of your confidential data to some people and allows only
authorized users to view it by defining masking rules. It is popularly used for managing credit
card information and similar databases.

3. Stretch Database:-

The Stretch Database permits you to extend your database to Azure where the data that is not
accessed regularly are moved to the cloud so that you can enjoy high-performance applications
while benefiting from the low-cost Azure store as only the frequently accessed data stays on

4. Row Level Security:-

The Row Level Security feature is a major development in this database management system as
it restricts some users to view data in tables by using an SQL Server login. It allows you to
implement row level security so that new users will not be able to detect whether the rows of
data were filtered for restricting data.

5.Scalability and Flexibility:-

SQL provide Scalability and Flexibility. It is very easy to create new tables and previously
created or not used tables can be dropped or deleted in a database.

2.5.4 Comparison to other Database :-

• SQL Server also referred to as MSSQL means Microsoft SQL Server. It was developed
by Microsoft. It was initially released in the year 1989. It was written in C and C++. It is
available in multi-languages like English, Japanese, French, Spanish, Chinese, etc.
• SQL Server has many editions like Enterprise edition, basic or Standard edition, Web
edition, BI, work group, and Express edition. SQL Server has many features like the
same database can be used by multiple developers. The database table model is used for
storing records or information. The syntax is very simple for writing the basic queries like
for Insert, create, update and delete, which is also referred to as CRUD statements
• SQL Server provides high scalability as it can be used for small projects as well as large
applications. It helps in taking care of millions of transactions per day. It gives better
performance and high speed while retrieving the data for the application. SQL Server also
used as a service like SSAS, SSRS, SSIS, SSNS. SQL Server has a feature to integrate
with a Visual studio for data programming.

1. SQL Server is a relational database management system.
2. SQL Server was developed by Microsoft.
3. SQL server supports only Linux and Windows platforms only.
4. It is commercial.
5. 5. SQL server syntax is simpler and easy to use.

2.5.5 Installation Steps :-

1.Start Visual Studio.

2.Create a new project.

3. Select ASP.NET Web Application(.net Framework) and click on create.

4. Select Empty Template.

5. Press Ctrl+Shift+A.

Figure 2.7

6. Go to Installed

7. Select SQL Server Database

Figure 2.8

8. click on Add

Figure 2.9

9. The pop window open click on yes

Figure 2.10

10. The database is added in App_Data folder.

11. go to Server Explorer.

Figure 2.11

12. In Data Connections option the database is added.

Chapter -3

Design And Architecture

Design Methodology refers to the development of a system or method for a unique situation
today, the term is most often apply to technological fields in reference to web design, software or
information system design.

3.1 Introduction about all types of entities or parties of project

ER Model is used to model the logical view of the system from data perspective which consists
of these components:

Entity, Entity Type, Entity Set –

An Entity may be an object with a physical existence – a particular person, car, house, or
employee – or it may be an object with a conceptual existence – a company, a job, or a university

An Entity is an object of Entity Type and set of all entities is called as entity set. e.g.; E1 is an
entity having Entity Type User and set of all Users is called Entity Set. In ER diagram, Entity
Type is represented as:


Entity Type




Entity Set

Attributes are the properties which define the entity type. For example, Roll_No, Name,
DOB, Age, Address, Mobile_No are the attributes which defines entity type User. In ER diagram,
attribute is represented by an oval.

Key Attribute –
The attribute which uniquely identifies each entity in the entity set is called key attribute.
For example, Roll_No will be unique for each User. In ER diagram, key attribute Is
represented by an oval with underlying lines.

3.2 Flow chart of project :-

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe the dynamic aspects of the

Activity diagram is basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to another
activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

The control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential, branched,
or concurrent. Activity diagrams deal with all type of flow control by using different elements
such as fork, join, etc.

Initial State or Start Point

A small filled circle followed by an arrow represents the initial action state or the start point for
any activity diagram. For activity diagram using swimlanes, make sure the start point is placed in
the top left corner of the first column.

Activity or Action State

An action state represents the non-interruptible action of objects. You can draw an action state in
Smart Draw using a rectangle with rounded corners.

Action Flow

Action flows, also called edges and paths, illustrate the transitions from one action state to
another. They are usually drawn with an arrowed line.

Decisions and Branching

A diamond represents a decision with alternate paths. When an activity requires a decision prior
to moving on to the next activity, add a diamond between the two activities. The outgoing
alternates should be labeled with a condition or guard expression. You can also label one of the
paths "else."

Flow Chart is also called Activity diagram. Indicate the Data flow in diagram .

3.2.1 User or Admin Login Flow Chart

Enter Username & Password




Verification of username &


Login Successful

Home Page

Figure 3.1

3.2.2 User or Admin Signup Flow Chart

Sign Up

Fill all details Enter Username & Password




User sign up Successful

Home Page

Figure 3.2

3.3 E-R Diagram

Passwor Gender
User id

Full Sign Up


City Pin

User Admin

User Logi Admin


Password Passwor

Figure 3.3

E-R Diagram are the graphical representation of work flows of stepwise activities and actions
with support for choice, iteration and concurrency.

3.4 Use case Diagram :-

A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation of a user’s interaction with the system that
shows the relationship between the user and the different cases in which the user is involved. A
use case diagram can identify the different types of users of a system and the different use cases
and will often be accomplished by other types of diagrams as well. The use cases are represented
by either circle or ellipses.

3.4.1 Use case Diagram For User / User :-

This diagram shows the working of application with respect to the user. In this figure, many
fields are shown which are named as login, sign up, upload profile, view profile, delete profile,
forgot password, logout, and give feedback.


User can log into their account from the login page by providing the appropriate login detail.

Sign Up:-

User can sign up themselves on the website to use it. They have to provide their Full Name,
Email, Password, gender, state, country, pin code, city and they are ready to go.

Forgot Password:-

If the users anyhow forgot their password, then they can click on forgot button on the login
page .For this user have to provide their registered email so that password can be sent on their
mail id.

Update Profile:-

User can update their profile, when they want to change their details on website.


Whenever user wants to logout, they can log themselves out from the website.


User can give feedback to us on feedback page if the user is facing any problem.

Log In




Update Profile



Figure 3.4

3.4.2Use case Diagram For Admin :-

Delete User

View User

User Status

Log in & Signup

Data show

Figure 3.5

This diagram shows the working of application with respect to the Admin. In this figure, many
fields are shown which are named as Delete User , View User Details, User Status, Login &
Signup Data show.

Delete User :- Admin can un authentication delete user.

View User Details :- Admin can User Details.

User Status:- Admin can User Status.

Login & Signup Data show:- Admin can user Login & Signup Data show.

3.5 DFD Diagram

A data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information
system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as preliminary step to create an over
view of the system without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated.

3.5.1 0 Level DFD Diagram ;-

Manage Courses Login

User Profile E-LeaErning View Profile

Delete User System Change Profile

See Details

Admin User

Figure 3.6

This is Zero Level DFD of my website which is E-Learning System, where I have elaborated the
high level process of E-Learning System. It’s a basic overview of the whole website or process
which is being analyzed or modeled. It’s designed to be an at-a-glance view of profile, details
and E-Learning System as a high level process, with its relationship. It should be easily
understood by a wide audience. So, here I have described the high level data flow of the E-
Learning System.

3.5.2DFD Level 1 :-

First Level DFD (1st Level) of social network site shows how the system is divided into sub-
systems, each of which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from the external agent and
which together provide all the functionality of the E-Learning system as a whole. It also
identifies the internal data stored in the database. DFD Level 1 provides a more detailed breakout
of pieces of the 1st Level DFD.

1. SIGN Up :-

Data Profile Request to store

Sign Up

Data Base

Figure 3.5.2

2. Log In:-

User Name Request

Log In


page Response Query Result

Data Base

Figure 3.5.3

3. Admin:-

User name Subject name


User Manag
Profil e

User Update

Data Data Base Request



Figure 3.5.4

4. User :-

Sign Up Log In



Response Response

Data Base


Request Request Response


Figure 3.5.5




Figure 4.1

1. We have attached the header and footer in the homepage.

2. We have used slide images on homepage.

3.We have placed a link button in the footer so that it can be clicked and the link which
will redirect to that page.


Figure 4.2

We have given all the description of our project that what are the things we provide to the user so
that he/she let to know about our website.


Figure 4.3

We have given some numbers e.g. number of admin, we have given e-mail with it. So that if
any user can call for doubt and subject related queries.

4.4 SIGN UP:-

Figure 4.4

In signup page we have used different boxes which include user to give complete information
about his/her. Like full name, email id, gender, country, state, city and pin code by filling all
these entries user can sign up.

4.5 LOGIN :

Figure 4.5

Login page is used when user complete his/her signup process. If the user is new then he/she
can't login direct. They have to complete their signup process. If it is completed then only user
can easily login by email id and password.


Figure 4.6

We have prepare a dropdownlist of courses, in which we have given many courses and material
in which user can study about subject information and subject related videos and online test
paper attached from which online paper examination will be held.

In the homepage we have given a logout button so, that user can logout by clicking on that
user will be redirected to the home page.


Figure 4.7

In the admin database table, the detail of admin is stored and admin can only login by this id
and password. This cannot be used by the user.


Figure 4.8

All the data provided by the user during signup will all be saved here in the database table. And
the status column shows weather user has verified his/her email or not. If email of that user is not
verified status will be unverified for that particular user.

4.9 Admin Login page :

Figure 4.9

In admin login page only the admin of website can login. The admin id and password cannot be
changed by the website. It need to be changed from the database.

4.10 Admin page :

Figure 4.10

Member detail page is used to keep the record of detail of the user. the admin can search user by
enter the email id of a user and the admin can delete the user Permanently.

4.11 Admin Data Show :

Figure 4.11

Member list is used for keeping the track record of every user. In member list we can search user
by Full Name, email id, Country, state, city, pin code.



5.1 Conclusion :-

1. The "E-Learning System" provides a platform for online learning Procedure.

2. It can be used by the Users of different Schools, Colleges, Universities in the various part
of the world.
3. The Project have a smart way to learning courses the user feel a friendly environment
anywhere and anytime. The system facility is available 24*7 a week.
4. Implementing the services for the building of the system provides a cleaner approach.
5. For a developing country like India, this online learning process is a new aspect.

5.2 Future Scope :-

1. A dealing technique (online payments ,etc.) i.e. how a company can deal with the service
providers can be designed and then the designed services can be used by service provider.
2. Different security measures can be implemented to secure use of services.
3. By accessing many more services provided by different service providers, this e-learning
project can be enriched by adding more features.

5.3 Limitations:-

1. E-Learning can cause social Isolation:-

Many of the Users and teachers who inevitably spend much of

their time online can start experiencing signs of social isolation, due to the lack of human
communication in their lives.

2. E-Learning requires strong self-motivation and time management skills:-

Lack of self-motivation among Users continues to be one of the primary reasons

why Users fail to complete online courses. Face-to-face communication with professors, peer-to-
peer activities, and strict schedules all work in unison to keep the Users from falling off track
during their studies.

3. Lack of communicational skill development in online Users:-

E-Learning methods are proven to be highly effective at improving the academic

knowledge of the Users. However, developing the communicational skills of the Users is an area
often neglected during online lessons. Due to the lack of face-to-face communication between
peers, Users and teachers in an online setting, the Users might find that they are unable to work
effectively in a team setting.

4. E-Learning is limited to certain disciplines:-

All educational disciplines are not created equal, and not all study fields can be
effectively used in e-learning. For now, at least. E-Learning tends to be more suitable for social
science and humanities, rather than scientific fields such as medical science and engineering
which require a certain degree of hands-on practical experience.

5. Online learning is inaccessible to the computer illiterate population:-

In India, for example, despite the country being one of the major players in the
world of E-Learning, there is still a large gap in computer literacy in the population. Until such
gaps in society exist, online education will not be able to reach all citizens.

5.4 References

Simple Snippets


Hariti Study Hub


IT Freedom


Haritha Computers & Technology



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