Introduction To Abstract Algebra - Dubisch

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. Abstract Algebra

Abstract Algebra

The Teaching of Mathematics

Intermediate Algebra
with Vernon E. Howe: and Steven J. Bryant

Self-Teaching Intermediate Algebra

with Vernon E. Howe:

Higher Algebra for the Undergraduate

with Marie J. Weir:
Abstract Algebra



New York London Sydney
Copyright © 1965

John Wiley 8; Sons, Inc.

All Rights Reserved

This book or any part thereof must not
be reproduced in any form without the
written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 65-16405

Printed in the United States of America

The aim of this text is to provide a gradual introduction to the basic concepts
of abstract algebra. It begins very slowly with the development of a set of
postulates for the natural numbers and, throughout, alternates between dis-
cussions of familiar systems and their more abstract generalizations. Thus the
discussion of natural numbers and the integers is followed by a discussion
of integral domains; the discussion of rational numbers is followed by a dis-
cussion of groups and fields, etc.; and in the last two chapters the concept of a
vector is applied to polynomials, and standard results on the theory of equa-
tions are presented. Following the same principle of gradual development,
the text presents induction in Chapter 2 in its simplest form and then returns
to a more sophisticated treatment in Chapter 5; the simple concept of a group
is presented in Chapter 7 with further work on this topic given in Chapter 9.
In addition to a large number of problems of varying degrees of difficulty,
the text includes, at the end of each chapter, a list of problems for further
investigation. These are, in general, open-ended questions designed to stimu-
late active investigation by the student and to lead him to further reading not
only in the standard texts on the subject but also in such journals as the
American Mathematical Monthly.
For a student with a background of four years of conventional secondary
school mathematics, the material in this text should serve for approximately
two-thirds of a year’s course in abstract algebra to be followed by material
in linear algebra. Students with a background of more modern secondary
school mathematics should be able to cover the material in less time.
Within any chapter, theorems and definitions are numbered sequentially.
A reference to a theorem or definition in another chapter will include the
chapter number and the number of the theorem or definition. Thus, for
example, Theorem 7.2 refers to Theorem 2 of Chapter 7. An asterisk pre-
ceding a problem indicates a more difficult problem; a notation such as [Bl]
refers to the books listed in the bibliography; a list of symbols used appears
just before the text.
Rov Dusxscn
Seattle, Washington
February, 1965

Symbols Used and Pages where first Introduced ix

Chapter 1. Sets 1
1 . Definition 1
2. Set Membership and Set Inclusion 2
3. Union and Intersection of Sets 3
4. Ordered Pairs 4
5. Binary Operations 5
Chapter 2. The Natural Numbers 6
1. The Problem 6
2. Closure 6
3. The Commutative and Associative Laws 7
4. The Distributive Law for Multiplication with
Respect to Addition 8
5. The Remaining Postulates 9
6. Isomorphism 11
7. The Principle of Finite Induction 13
8. The Peano Postulates 15
Chapter 3. Equivalent Pairs of Natural Numbers 17
1. Equivalence 17
2. Definition of Addition and Multiplication 20
3. Properties of Addition and Multiplication 23
Chapter 4. Equivalence Classes and the Integers 27
l. Relations 27
2. Partitioning of a Set 29
3. Constructing the Integers 31
4. Further Properties of the Integers 32
5. The Natural Numbers as a Subset of the Integers 34
6. Zero and Subtraction 35
Chapter 5. Integral Domains 37
1. Definition of an Integral Domain 37
Elementary Properties of Integral Domains 40

Division in an Integral Domain 42

Ordered Integral Domains 45
Variations of the Principle of Mathematical Induction 49
The Greatest Common Divisor 52
Unique Factorization in I 56
Chapter 6. The Rational Numbers 59
1. Equivalence 59
2. Addition and Multiplication of Rational Numbers 60
3. Properties of the Rational Numbers 61

Chapter 6 (continued)
4. The Integers as a Subset of the Rational Numbers 64
S. Additive and Multiplicative Inverses in R 65
6. The Ordering of the Rational Numbers 66
Chapter 7. Groups and Fields 70
Definitions and Examples 70

Further Examples of Groups 73

Some Simple Properties of Groups 76
Permutations 77
Mappings 82
Isomorphisms and Automorphisms of Groups 85
Automorphisms of a Field 89
Cyclic Groups 95
Subgroups 98
Chapter 8. The Real Numbers 102
1. Rational Numbers as Decimals 102
2. Sequences 103
3. Cauchy Sequences 105
4. Null Sequences 107
5. The Real Numbers 108
6. The Rational Numbers as Real Numbers 110
7. v2 as a Real Number 112
8. Ordering of the Real Numbers 115
9. The Field of Real Numbers 118
10. Additional Remarks 119
Chapter 9. Rings, Ideals, and Homomorphisrns 125
1. Subrings and Ideals 125
2. Residue Class Rings 129
3. Homomorphisms 131
4. Homomorphisms of Groups 135
5. Lagrange’ s Theorem 14-2
Chapter 10 Complex Numbers and Quaternions 145
Complex Numbers as Residue Classes 145

Complex Numbers as Pairs of Real Numbers 146

Algebraically Closed Fields 147
De Moivre' s Theorem 147
Quatemions 151
Chapter 11. Vector Spaces 154
1. Definition 1 54
2. The Basis of a Vector Space 156
3. The Dimension of a Vector Space 159
4. Fields as Vector Spaces 162
Chapter 12. Polynomials 165
1. Definitions 165
2. The Division Algorithm 167
3. Greatest Common Divisor 170
4. Zeros of a Polynomial 174
5. The Cubic and Quartic Equations 180
Bibliography 185
Index 189
Symbols used and pages where first introduced

set membership 2

set inclusion 2
null set 1
Union for sets 3
intersection for sets 3
complement of a set 4-
for sets 4

Cartesian product of sets 5

natural numbers 17
equivalence 18
I(a,b> integer 3l
1 integers 38
rational numbers 38
real numbers 38
complex numbers 38
x divides y 38
residue class 39
set of residue classes 39
greater than 47
less than 47
absolute value 48
rational number 60
symmetric group 78
alternating group 82
isomorphic 85
greatest integer 91
set of 1—1 mappings 92
positive rational numbers 105
residue class 129
residue class ring 130
kernel of homomorphism 133
normal subgroup 138
complex number 148
space of n-tuples 155


1. Definition

Modern algebra, as we shall see, does not deal only with the properties of
numbers and the solution of equations. One of the simplest examples of a
nonarithmetical nature is elementary set algebra; we will also find it useful
to use some of the language of sets throughout this book.f
A set is simply a collection of objects, finite or infinite, either exhibited
explicitly or described in some definite fashion.

Example I. The set {1, 4-, 5} consists of the integers 1, 4, and 5.

Example 2. The set of all names in the Seattle telephone directory as of

November, 1964.

Example 3. The set of all the points in a plane.

Example 4. The set of all positive integers.

Often the so-called set-builder notation is used. Thus {xlx is a number and
x + 3 = 5} is read, “The set of all x such that x is a number and x + 3 = 5."
Clearly {xlx is a number and x + 3 = 5} = {2}. Often phrases such as “x
is a number” are left out and simply implied by the context. Thus
{x|x + 3 = S} = {x]x is a number and x + 3 = 5}. Similarly the set of all
numbers greater than 3 may be written {xlx > 3}.
A set is calledfinite if it can be put into one-to-one (1 — 1) correspondence
with the set of positive integers {1, 2, . . . , n} for some positive integer n;
that is, if we can match up each element of the given set with each element
of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}. Thus the sets in Examples 1 and 2 are finite but
the sets in Examples 3 and 4 are not finite and are called infinite.
It is convenient to introduce the convention of the null set, denoted by z ,
with no elements. (Do not confuse (a with the set {0}, which has the one
element, 0, in it. For example, {xlx + 3 = 3} = {0} but {xlx > 0 and
x + 3 = 3} = 121.)
T In fact, many of the newer texts on elementary and secondary mathematics make
extensive use of the concept of a set.
2 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

2. Set Membership and Set Inclusion

If x is an element of a set A we write x e A; if x e A implies x e B, we

every element of A is an element of B and if every element of B is an element
of A. In symbols: A = B if x EA implies x e B and x e B implies x 6A.
If A S B we will say that A is a subset of B. Note that, by our definition,
A E A and hence A is a subset of A. But if A g B and B 96 A, we say that
AisapropersubsetofBandwriteAC B. ByA2BwemeanBSA
and by A D B, we mean B C A.

Example 1. HA = {1, 2, 3}, 1 EA.

Example 2. {1} C {1, 2, 3}.
Example 3. {1} ¢ {1, 2, 3} (“¢” means “is not an element of”).
Example 4. 1 5}; {1, 2, 3} (“ $ ” means “is not a subset of").
Example 5. {1,2, 1} = {1, 2}.
Example 6. {1, 2} E {1, 2} but {1, 2} q: {1, 2}.

Exercises 1.2

1. Decide which of the following statements are true and which are false.
(8) 1 60.2} (b){1)E{1,2}
(C) 1 C {1, 2) (d) {1} C {1, 2}
(e) {1.2) EU. 2.1. 2. 1} (f) (1. 2} 2 {1. 2. 1. 2.1}
(g) deladall (h) {1, 2} = {1,2, 1,2,1}
(0 £3 EMJflD (j) {Z C{fl.w))
(k) {1} €{{1}.{2}} (1) {1) C {(11.9)}
(mu. 1,2} = (1.2} (n) {1. 2} 3 {1. 1.2}
(o) {xix is a number and x” — 5x + 6 = 0} = {2, 3}.
(p) {xlx is an integer and x is divisible by 3} = {yly is an integer and y is
divisible by 3).

2. Prove that if A, B, and C are sets such that A S B, B E C, and C E A,

then B = C.

3. Prove that, for all sets A, g S A.

4. Suppose that A, B, and C are sets. Prove that if A C B and B C C, then

A C C.
5. Prove that if (x, y} = (x, z}, then y = a.

*6. Does there exist a set A such that A e A?

3. Union and Intersection of Sets

If A and B are two sets we define their union, A U B, to be the set of ele-
ments which are either in A or in B (or in both). That is, x e A U B if and only
if x E A or x e B.

Example I. A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {4, 5, 6}; A U B = {1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

Example 2. A = {l, 2, 3}, B = {2, 3, 4}; A U B = {1,2, 3,4}.
Example 3. A = {xlx is an integer and x 2 3}, B = {x|x is an integer and
x 2 6}; A U B = A.
By the intersection, A n B, of two sets, A and B, we mean the set consisting
of the elements that are in both A and B. That is, x e A n B if and only if
x e A and x e B.

Example 4. A = {1, 2, 3}, B = {2, 3, 4}; A n B = {2, 3}.

Example 5. A = {1,2, 3},B = {4, 5,6};A n B = 13.

Example 6. A = {xlx 2 2}, B = {xlx S 5}; A n B = {x|2 S x S 5}.

We are now in a position to prove many simple theorems in set theory such
l. A n B = B n A; A U B = B U A (commutative laws).
2. A n A = A; A U A = A (idempotent laws).
3. An(Bn C) =(AnB)n C;AU (BU C) = (AUB)U C(associative
4. An(BUC)=(AnB)u(An C);AU(Bn C)=(AU B)n (AU C)
(distributive laws).


We will prove here that A n B E A and that A n (B n C) = (A n B) n C

leaving the rest as exercises for the student.
For the first of these we simply remark that if x e A n B, x is in A and in
B and hence certainly in A. Thus at e A n B implies an EA and therefore
A n B E A. For the second equality we note that if x e A n (B n C) it is
in A and also in B n C. But if x GB 0 C it is in B and also in C. Hence
3: EA n (B n C) if and only if it is in A, B, and C. But if it is in A, B, and
C, it is in An B and in C, and thus in (AnB)n C. Thus An (Bn C)
S (A n B) n C. An entirely similar argument shows that (A n B) n C
Q A n (B n C) and hence we may conclude that A n (B n C) =
(A n B) n C.
4 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Exercises 1.3

1. HA = (a, b, c}, B = (a, J, e}, and C = {d,f}, find

(a)AnB (b)CnA
(c)An(BnC) (d)Au(BnC)
(c)An(BUC) (f) (AuB)n(AuC).
2. Give an example of three sets A, B, and C such that An B 9E fl, Bn C
¢g,andAn 096:3 but(An B)nC =rz.
. Prove the statements 1, 2, 4, and the second part of 5 given above.

. ProvethatAn Q‘ = Z andAU Q =AforallsetsA.

. ProvethatAn B = AifandonlyifA E B.

. Suppose A E S. Define A = {xlx E S and x ¢ A}. (A— is called the comple-

ment of A relative to S.)
(a) ShowthatifB g sum = in BandAnB = Aug;
(b) What is E and what is 5
(c) What is Z? '
*7. Suppose S is a set and A S S, B E S. For A and 1-5; defined as in problem
6 we define A/B = A n B—. Prove that
(a) A/A = 21
(b) (A/B)/(A/B) = A U B
(c) (A/A)/(B/B) = A n B.

4. Ordered Pairs

The set {a, b} is equal to the set {b, a}. For an orderedpair, (a, b), however,
we wish to make the requirement that (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if a = c and
b = (1. Thus, for example, {1, 2} = {2, 1} but (1, 2) ye (2, 1).
We can do this in an elegant fashion by utilizing the concept of a set and
defining (a, b) = {{a}, {a, b}}. To show, then, that (a, b) = (c, J) implies
a = c and b = J we first prove that
(l) {x, y} = {x, 2} implies y = 2.
For, if {x, y} = {x, 2}, we have y e {x, z} so that either y = x or y = 3.
But, also,ze{x,y} so thatz = xorz =y. Thuswehavey = z or x = y = 2.
Now suppose that (a, b) = {{a}, {a, b}} = (c,d) = {{c}, {a, d}}. Then
{a} e {{c}, {5, d}} and hence {a} = {c} or {a} = {c, d}. In either case 0 e {a} and
hence c = a.
With 1: = a we have {{a}, {a, b}} = {{a}, {a, J}}. By (1) it follows that
{a, b} = {a, d} and, again by (1), that b = J. On the other hand, if a = c and
b = J it is obvious that (a, b) = (c, J).
This shows that if we define (a, b) = {{a}, {a, b}}, then (a, b) = (c, d) if
and only ifa = c and b = d.
sets 5

If S and T are sets, then the Cartesian product, S x T, of S and T is the

set of all ordered pairs (s, t) with 5 e S and t e T. That is, S x T =
{(s, t)|s e S, t e T}. For example, if S and T are both taken to be the set of
real numbers, then S x T is the set of all ordered pairs ((1, b) where a and b
are real numbers. The elements of this set correspond to the points in the
Cartesian plane in the way utilized in analytic geometry; hence the name
Cartesian product.
As another example, let S = {1, 2} and T = {3, 4-, S}. Then S X T =
{(1, 3), (l, 4), (l, 5), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)} and T x S = {(3, 1), (3,2), (4, 1),
(4, 2), (5, l), (5, 2)}. Note that here, and in general, S x T 96 T x S
unless S = T.

5. Binary Operations

If we have given a set S such that every ordered pair, (at, y), of elements
x, y e S determines uniquely another element, x a y in S, we say that we have
defined a binary operation on S. For example, if S is the set of positive integers
we might define as t y as x + y and observe that, since the sum of two positive
integers is a positive integer, x I y e S. On the other hand, if S is the set of
odd positive integers and x, y e S, x + y is even so that x + y ¢ S. Hence
in this case we have not defined a binary operation on S. But if we define
x a y as xy we have a binary operation on the set of odd positive integers
since the product of two odd integers is again an odd integer.

Exercises 1.5

Determine whether or not the following operations are binary operations on

the given set S.
l. S = set of even integers; x *y = x + y.
2. S = set of even integers; x * y = xy.
3. S = set of nonzero integers; x s y = x + y.
4. S = set of subsets of the set of integers; x « y = x n y.
5. S = set of subsets of the set of integers; x a y = x U y.
6. S = set of positive integers; x w y = x — y.
7. S = setofintegers;x*y = x +y.
8. S = (0,1);xay =x +y.
9. S = (0,1);xty =xy.
10. S = (1/2‘ln a positive integer}; x *y = x + y.


[H2], [H3]. [K1]. 1K2]. [SJ].
The Natural Numbers

1. The Problem

In the game of “Twenty Questions,” A says, “I am thinking of something,"

and B asks A, for example, ”Is it a mineral?” If the answer is “Yes," B
tries a further question to find out what kind of a mineral it is, while if the
answer is “No," he may ask, “Is it a vegetable?” Eventually, with skill and
luck, B may arrive at an answer to what A is thinking of within the limits of
the twenty allowable questions.
If I now pose my own variety of “Twenty Questions” and say to you,
“I am thinking of a set on which are defined two binary operations," and I
am thinking of the natural numbers—«the ordinary counting numbers of
arithmetic—1, 2, 3, . . . ,—can you ask the right questions to discover the
answer? As we shall see at the end of the chapter, there is more than one set
of questions which might be asked; the one we give now is only one possibi-
Stated in a more formal fashion, we ask: How may the natural numbers be
uniquely characterized? Since the natural numbers may be used (as we
shall see) to develop the other number systems used in elementary algebra,
this is a basic question.

2. Closure

We are given a set S with two binary operations defined on it. Now since
we know that we are going to end up with the natural numbers and the ordi-
nary operations of addition and multiplication, it is natural to use the ordinary
symbols for these operations. To do so, however, at this stage of the game is
to prejudge the question. So let us hedge by using 9 and ® to desig-
nate the two operations with the understanding that, at the moment, a ® b
might turn out to mean, for example, a + b for a and b nonzero rational
numbers or that a e b might mean a U b for a and b sets. Since we are
requiring that 69 and ® be binary operations on S we may list as our first
postulate the requirement of closure with respect to these operations.
Pastulate 1.1faeS and hes, then aebeSand a®beS.

Exercises 2.2

Determine whether or not the following sets with the given operations satisfy
Postulate l.
l. S = rational numbers; a (ab = ab, a ® b = a + b.
S = rational numbers; a (-Bb =a — b, a ®b =b —a.

S = setofsubsetsofagivensetA;a ®b = an b,a ®b = aU b.
S =setofodd integers; a @b =a +b, a ®b =ab.
S =setofevenintegers;a (-Bb =11 +b,a ®b =ab.
S = setofrationalnumbers; a @b = a — b, a 8 b = a +b.
S = set of nonzero rational numbers; a G) b = a — b, a ® b = a + b.

. S = set of natural numbers; a 63 b = 2:; + b, 11 ® b = 2ab.

S = set of irrational numbers; a' e b = a + b, a 69 b = ab.

S=(0};a®b =a +b;a ®b =ab.

3. The Commutative and Associative Laws

Postulate 2. If aeS and beS, then deb = baa and a®b=

b ® a (the commutative laws).

Pastulate 3. Ifa eS,b ES, andceS,then(a $ b) 6 c = a 6 (b 6):)

and (a ® b) ® c = (1 ® (b ® c) (the associative laws).

Now if we take S to be the set of integers and a 9 b = a - b we see that

Postulate 1 is satisfied but Postulate 2 is not, since, for example, 2 — 3 96
3 — 2. To return to our game for a moment (and we shall not do so again
explicitly) suppose your first question was, “Is it true that a e b = b 9 a
and a (8) b = b (8 a?” If I answer truthfully, “Yes,” you would know now
some of the sets together with binary operations that I was not thinking of!
For example, I could not be thinking of the set of integers with a Q b
= a — b. On the other hand, since the integers with a Q b =
a + b and a (8 b = ab satisfy Postulates l and 2, I could, as far as you would
know from your question, be thinking of the integers under ordinary addition
and multiplication instead of the natural numbers. In other words, Postulates
1 and 2 certainly do not uniquely characterize the natural numbers.
Now let S = {(1, b, 5}. (Note that it is not necessary to say anything about
the “meaning” of a, b, and cl) Define 63 by the table
8 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

By this we mean that the table is used as an ordinary addition table would
be used: a 6 a = a, a 6 b = c and so on. Finally, let x ®y = a for all
x, y e S. It is easy to see that Postulates 1 and 2 are satisfied by this system,



Note, however, that the rational numbers under ordinary addition and
multiplication still satisfy all of our postulates, so that these three postulates
still do not uniquely characterize the natural numbers.
Before going on to the next postulate we remark that it is possible to give
examples of systems in which Postulate 1 holds and the first half of Postu-
late 2 (a 6 b = b $ a) but not the second ((1 ® b = b (8 a). Similarly,
we can give examples of systems in which Postulates 1 and 2 and the first
half of Postulate 3 hold, but not the second. Or, we can give examples of
systems where Postulates l and 3 hold, but not 2, and so on. A great multi-
plicity of examples, however, may be confusing at this stage and if the student
will simply have faith that such examples exist, nothing will have been lost
by omitting discussion of them at this time. (See also the exercises below.)

Exercises 2.3

1. For the following sets and operations determine whether or not the opera-
tions are commutative and/or associative (both for (9 and for ®).
(a) S = rational numbers; a e b = (lb/2, a 8) b = (a + b)/2.
(b) S = rational numbers; a (43 b = b, a ® b = a.
(c) S =set ofsubsets ofa given set A; a (-Bb =an b, a ®b =aU b.
(d) S = set ofintegers; a @b = a — b,a ‘8 b = ab.
(e) S = setofintegers;a 69b = 2a + b, a ® b = 2ab.

2. Find a set S and operations ® and ® on S such that Postulate 1 is satisfied

(a) a @b = b (Babut,foratleastsomea,beS,a ®b aéb ®a.
(b)a ®b = b ®abut,foratleastsomea,beS,u (-Bb #bGBa.
(c) Postulate 2 is satisfied and (a (-B b) (+3 0 = a 6-) (b 6 0) but, for at
least some a,b,cES, a ®(b ®c) ¢ (a 8b) ®c.
(d) Postulate 3 is satisfied but one or both parts of Postulate 2 do not hold.

4. The Distributive Law for Multiplication with Respect to Addition

Postulate 4. If a e S, b ES, and c 6 S, then a ® (b Q t) = (a ® b)®

(a (8) c).

If we let S be the set of integers and define a e b = ab, a (8 b = a + b

we see immediately that Postulates 1 to 3 are satisfied. Postulate 4 is not
satisfied, however, since




We note, however, that the rational numbers under ordinary addition and
multiplication also satisfy Postulates 1 to 4 so these four postulates still do
not uniquely characterize the natural numbers.

Exercises 2.4

1. Determine whether or not Postulate 4 is satisfied for the sets and operations
given in problem 1 of Exercises 2.3.
2. Find a set S closed under the operations (49 and ® such that
(a) Postulates 2 and 4 are satisfied but one or both parts of Postulate 3
do not hold.
(b) Postulates 3 and 4 are satisfied but one or both parts of Postulate 2
do not hold.

5. The Remaining Postulates

Postulate 5. (the cancellation laws) If a e S, b e S, and c e S, then

(1) ifa®c= [1&4 thena = b;
(2)‘ifa®c= b®c,thena =11.
Postulate 5 has the effect of eliminating the rational numbers with a (8 b =
ab from our list of examples, since, for example, 2 x 0 = 3 x 0 but 2 9E 3.
On the other hand, thepositive rational numbers under ordinary addition and
multiplication still continue to satisfy Postulate 5, as well as Postulates] to 4,
so that we must conclude that Postulates 1 to 5 still do not uniquely charac-
terize the natural numbers.
Postulate 6. (the existence of a unit for multiplication) There exists
a unique element in S, which we will denote by the
symbol 1, such that for every a e S, 1 ® a = a.
The set of all whole numbers greater than 1 under the usual definition of
addition and multiplication satisfies Postulates 1 to 5 but not Postulate 6.
10 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

On the other hand, the positive rational numbers under ordinary addition
and multiplication still satisfy Postulate 6, as well as Postulates 1 to 5.
We have seen that the set of positive rational numbers under ordinary
addition and multiplication has been difficult to eliminate as a “candidate"
for the title of a set of natural numbers in that it continues to satisfy all of
the various postulates that we have laid down. We now outlaw it and almost
all others by requiring that the principle of finite (or mathematical) induction

Pastulatc 7. If R is a subset of S such that 1 E R and whenever k e R

then Ice 1 ER, then R = S.

This postulate is clearly satisfied by the natural numbers under ordinary

addition since if R is a subset of the set of whole numbers and 1 ER, we
then have 191 =26R, 2®1=3eR,...; R=the set of all
natural numbers. On the other hand, let S be the set of positive rational num-
bers under ordinary addition and let R be the set of rational numbers


Then 1 e R and whenever k e R, k $ 1 e R but, certainly, R 75 S.

We still are able, however, to exhibit a peculiar system which satisfies
Postulates l to 7 and which is not the set of natural numbers under ordinary
addition and multiplication. Such a system is the set S consisting of the
single element “1” when we define


To check Postulates 1 to 6 for this system is then very trivial since in every
such postulate we must take a = b = c = l, and every possible computation
yields the answer of 1. Furthermore the only nonempty subset of S is S
itself so that Postulate 7 is trivially satisfied.

Pastulare 8. (existence of solution of equations) If a ES and 6 ES

then one and only one of the following alternatives hold:
(1) a = b; (2) there exists an x e S such that a e x = b;
or (3) there exists a y e S such that a = b $ y.

In our system S described in connection with Postulate 7 consisting of 1

alone we have, for a = b = 1, not only (1) holding but also both (2) and (3)
(take .7: = y = 1).
Now while it is true that in order for a set S with two binary operations

defined on it to satisfy Postulates 1 to 8, S must be“ the set of natural num-

bers under ordinary addition and multiplication, we as yet have no proof
of this fact. It is true that we may examine set after set with varying defini-
tions of Q and (8 and not find another which satisfies all of our postulates,
but since the number of sets is infinite, we can never arrive at a conclusion
by this method.
We shall not attempt a proof here1 but simply assume the result. Or, to
put it another way, we may define the natural numbers and addition and
multiplication on them as the (unique)5 set with the two binary operations of
GB and ® which satisfy Postulates 1 to 8.

Exercises 2.5

Check each of the eight postulates for the following systems.

1. S =rationalnumbers; a®b =a +11, 8812 =ab.
2. S = positive rational numbers;a C13 1; = a + b,a ® b = ab.
3.S=integers;a®b=a +b,a®b=ab.
4. S = natural numbers; :16]: = 2(a' + b), a 8b = ab.
={0};a®b=a+b, a®b=ab.
7. S =setofsubsetsofagivensetA(4: a);a©b =a a®b =anb.
={a +bflaandbintegers);a®b =a +b,a®b=ab.
9. S =natural numbers; deb =ab,a 8b :2 +b.
10. S =setofeven naturalnumbers; aeb =a +b,a ®b =ab.

6. Isomorphism

For precision we had to use the word “isomorphism” in the previous

section in stating that the natural numbers were the “unique” set satisfying
Postulates 1 to 8. Otherwise, for example, someone might claim we had two
such sets:

3 = {1,2, 3,4, ...} and s' = {1, II, III, IV, ...}
Clearly, however, S and S’ differ only in the symbols used in designating the
elements of the set. More specifically, by the usual rules in regard to Roman
numerals versus Arabic numerals, there is a one-to-one (1—1) correspondence
between the symbols used to describe S and the symbols used to describe S'.
Thus, for example, 1H I, 24—» II, 194—) XIX. (It is true that the Roman
numeral scheme tends to break down for larger numbers, but we can easily
7 Up to an “isomorphism.” This term will be defined precisely in the next section.
3 See, for example, [B4].
§Again, up to an isomorphism.
12 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

imagine an extension of it.) Furthermore, this correspondence is "preserved

under addition and multiplication.” For example,

21—)II 3<—>III
2+3=5 II+III=V

2x3=6 IIxIII=VI
and 5 4—) V, 6 H VI.
Let us contrast this with the situation where our two sets are: S =
{1, 2, 3, 4, . . . , n, . . .} and T = {2,4, 6, 8, . . . , 2n, . . .). It is still possible
to set up a 1—1 correspondence between the elements of the two sets; for
example, 1 (—> 2, 2 H 4, 3 <—> 6 etc. Then n 4—» 2n, rm—v 2m and, if the corres-
pondence is preserved under addition, we must have both 1: + m<—->
2 (n + m) and n + rn<—>2n + 2m. Since 2n + 2»: = 2(n + m) we conclude
that the correspondence is indeed preserved under addition. But, for example

2H4, 3H6


2x3=6, 4x6=24

and we would want 64—» 24 if the correspondence is to be preserved under

multiplication. But, under our defined correspondence, 6 <—> 12 and not to 24.
Our defined correspondence is not the only one possible, of course, but if,
as we stated, the natural numbers are the unique set—up to an isomorphism—
satisfying Postulates 1 to 8 then we cannot possibly have such a correspon-
dence since the set T with its operations does not satisfy Postulate 6. Ac-
tually, it is easy to show in a more direct fashion that no 1—1 correspondence
exists that is preserved under multiplication. Thus, suppose that we have
such a correspondence in which, in particular, 1 4—» 2]: for some natural
number k. Then we must have 1 -1(—>(2k)-(2k). But 1 -l = 1 and hence
I H 4k2 so that 2k = 412” which is impossible.
We now make a formal definition of isomorphism.

Definition 1. Let S and S' be two sets. On S are defined the binary
operations +, x , . . . while on S’ are defined the binary
operation: +’, x’, . Then we say that S and S’
are isomorphic (with respect to the operations defined
on them) if
(1) There is a 1—1 correspondence between the elements of
S and S’.

(2) If mad and b’ (a, (MES; 11’, b'ES') under

this correspondence, then a + b<—> a’ +’b’, a x be
a' x ’ b’, . . . .

Since we must have a 1—1 correspondence it is clear that two finite sets
with a different number of elements cannot possibly be isomorphic.
We will consider the topic of isomorphisms again in greater detail in Section

Exercises 2.6

l. LetS ={2,4,6, ...,2n, ...}andS’ ={3,6,9, ...,3n,...).Showthat

S and S’ are isomorphic with respect to addition.
2. If S = 3’, an isomorphism between S and S’ is called an automorphism
of S. If S = {a + b Vila and b integers} show that the correspondence
a + b 1/5 H a — b V5 is an automorphism of S with respect to addition
and multiplication.
*3 Suppose that S is a set on which there is defined a binary operation +.
Furthermore, suppose that there exists an element 2 E S with the property
that x + e = x for all x e S. Finally, suppose that +’ is a binary operation
on S’ and that S and S’ are isomorphic with respect to these operations.
Show that there is an element e’ e S’ such that x’ + e’ = x’ for all x’ e S’
and that e <—> e’.
*4. Let s={a+bx/f|a and b integers) and S’=(a+b\/§la and b
integers). Prove that S and S’ are isomorphic with respect to addition but
not with respect to multiplication.
‘5. In problem 1, show that S and S are isomorphic with respect to multipli-

7. The Principle of Finite Induction

Let us return now to the principle of finite induction as a tool for the proof
of propositions involving natural numbers. For example, consider the
If n is a natural number, then
n(n + l)
To prove this we let S be the set of natural numbers, n, for which
n(n + 1)
14 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

That is,
n(n + 1)
S = {n In a natural number and 1 + 2 + +n = T}

(Conceivably, S = ,3 or {I} or {1, 2} and so on.) We want to prove that

S = N, the set of all natural numbers. By the principle of finite induction,
if(l)1eSand(2)keSimpliesk + 1 ES, thenS = N.
Now 1 E S since 1 is a natural number and
1 1(1 + 1)
_ 2
Furthermore, if k e S, then

[:02 + l)
(1) 1+2+...+k _ 2 ,

Hence, adding It + l to both sides of (1), we have

1+2+...+k+(k+l)= k+1
(2) =k2+k+2k+2
2 2
k2+3k+2 (k+1)(k+2) (k+1)[(k+1)+l]
2 = 2 = 2 '
But (2) is the statement that
n(n + 1)
whenn = I: +1;i.e., thatk + 1 ES. Thus S= N.
We have considered this simple example in some detail to emphasize the
rationale behind the manipulations. It is, of course, important that we show
that 16S and that less implies k + 1 ES. Thus consider the (false)
If u is a natural number, then 1;2 = u.
If we let S = {n|n a natural number and n2 = n} we do have 1 e S but,
of course, we do not have k e S implies k + l E S. On the other hand, con-
sider the (false) statement:
If n is a natural number, then u + 1 = u.
If we let S = {n|n a natural number and n + l = n} and assume I: e S we
have Iz+1=k. Hence (k+l)+l=k+l which is n+l=n for
n = k +1. Thus ifkeS, thenk + 1 ES. But, ofcourse, 1 $3.

In Section 5.5 we will consider further the uses of mathematical induction

and present alternative forms of the principle.

Exercises 2.7

1. Use the principle of finite induction to establish the following equalities:

(a) 1’ +2: + +n’ =n(n +1)(2n +1)/6
0)) 1-2 + 2-3 + ... + n(n +1) =n(n +1)(n + 2)/3
(c) 13 + 23 + + n3 = [n(n +1)/2]a
l l 1 n
(d)fi+fi + .
(e) 1’ +42 +72 + +(3n—2)’=n(6n’—3n—l)/2
(f)1‘I —2‘ +3“ + + (-1)"”n° = (71° +3n5—5n3+3n)

();+;+;+ ++—M_
3 1-2-3 2-3-4 3.45 n(n+l)(n+2)_4(n+1)(n+2)
(h)1 +2 +2: +... +2"-1=2"—1
(i) 3 +3‘ +35 + +3""1 =i(9" —1)

(i) (l+%)(l+%)(1+%)...(1+%) =n +1.

2. Define a1 =a and a“” = mal for 1: 71-1, keN, and aeN. Prove by
induction that (a) 1‘ = 1; (b) a"a" = a’”"; (c) (a”)" = a" for all m,
n 6N.

8. The Peano Postulates

At the beginning of this chapter we commented that there is more than one
way to characterize the natural numbers. A very neat way is to replace our
eight postulates by the following (due to G. Peano, [1858—1932]).
Our undefined terms are natural number, successor, and 1.

Pastulate I. l is a natural number.

Postulate 2. For each natural number it there exists a unique natural

number, 11’, called the successor of n.

Portulate 3. 1 is not the successor of any natural number.

Pastulate 4. If n’ = m’, then m = n.

Postulate 5. If S is a set of natural numbers such that (1) l e S and

(2) n e S implies n’ e S, then S is the set of all natural
16 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

If we interpret x’ to mean at + 1, it is easy to show that our previous

postulates imply the Peano postulates. We leave this as an exercise for the
reader. It is also possible, with the appropriate definitions of addition and
multiplication, to show that the previous postulates are implied by the Peano
postulates. For details the reader is referred to [B4] or [L1].

Exercises 2.8

1. Prove that Peano’s postulates for the natural numbers are implied by the set
of eight postulates previously given.
'2. Formulate a suitable definition of the sum, in + n, of two natural numbers
m and n in terms of the successor.
*3. Formulate a suitable definition of the product, run, of two natural numbers
m and n in terms of the successor.


1. Investigate the possibility of a set of postulates that would characterize

the integers, {. . . , ——2, —1, 0, 1, 2, . . .} as our postulates characterized
the natural numbers. [B4], [M1]
2. Investigate the possibility of a set of postulates for the rational numbers.
[K3], [M1]
3. Investigate the possibility of a set of postulates for the real numbers.
[K3], [M1]
4. Show that the Peano postulates imply the original set of postulates given
for the natural numbers. [B4], [K3]
5. The principle of mathematical induction enables us to prove such equalities
as 1 + 2 + . . . + n = n(n + 1)]2. Can you devise a method for conjec-
turing the answers to such sums (whose validity can then be established
by induction)? [M4]


[A3]. [H3]. [K2]. [K3], [L1]. [M1]. [R1].
Equivalent Pairs of Natural Numbers

We now have available the natural numbers. If we consider such equations

as x + 2 = 6 and x + 4 = 7, we see that they have solutions, 4 and 3
respectively, that are natural numbers and that these solutions are determined
by the ordered pairs (6, 2) and (7, 4) respectively. On the other hand, the
equation x + 6 = 2 has no solution in natural numbers. Nevertheless the
concept of the pair (2, 6) is just as meaningful (or nonmeaningful!) as the
concept of the pair (6, 2) and it may at least serve as the symbolic solution
to the equation x + 6 = 2. In other words we can set up a 1—1 corres-
pondence between ordered pairs of natural numbers (a, b) and equations
as + b = a by (a, b) <—» x + b = a. We will call (a, b) the symbolic solution
to x + b = :1.
Now there is no reason to be mysterious about our goal. Eventually we
hope to arrive at a collection of sets of pairs of natural numbers which will
provide us with a system isomorphic to the ordinary integers of algebra:
. . . , —4, —3, —2, —1, 0,1, 2, 3, 4, . . . . Thus, since the equationsx +1 =
2, x + 2 = 3, x + 3 = 4, . . . all have the solution x =1, we will want to
have the integer 1 be represented by the set of ordered pairs {(2, 1), (3, 2),
(4, 3), . . .}. Similarly we will want to represent the integer —-1 by the set of
ordered pairs ((1,2), (2, 3), (3,4), . . .}. But (and this is the important
point) we wish to base our discussion firmly on the properties of the natural
numbers as postulated in Chapter 2. We shall now proceed to this task.
For convenience we will let N = {x|x a natural number}.

1. Equivalence
Let us go back to our reason behind the introduction of ordered pairs
of natural numbers and suppose that we are working with equations whose
solutions are natural numbers. In particular, suppose that the equation
x + b = a has a solution in natural numbers that is the same asthe solution
in natural numbers of the equation x + d = c. More precisely, suppose that
a, b, c, and d are natural numbers, A = {xlx E N and x + b = a} = B =
{xlx EN and x + d = c}, and A aé 21. We claim that A = B if and only
if a + d = c + b.
18 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

To prove this, suppose first that s e A. Then 3 + b = a. If, also, t e A,

then 1 + b = a and hence t + b = s + b. Then, by the cancellation law
for addition of natural numbers, t = 3. Hence A = {5}. Similarly there is a
natural number a such that B = {u}. Thus if A = B, then r = u and we
haves+d=caswellass+b=a. Butthen (s+d)+b=c+band
since (3 + d) + b = s + (d + b) by the associative law of addition for
natural numbers, we have

s + (d + b) = c + b

Continuing, we have

s + (b + d) = c + b by the commutative law of addition inN

(s + b) + d = c + b by the associative law of addition in N

a+d=c+b sinces+b=a

Thus if A = B, it follows that a + d = c + b.

Now suppose a + d = c + b. We wish to prove that A = B. Since
A ={s}andB={u}wehaves+b=aandu+d=c. Thus(:+b)+d
= a + d = c + b. Continuing, we have

x + (b + d) = c + b by the associative law of addition in N

r + (d + b) = c + b by the commutative law of addition in N
(s + d) + b = c + b by the associative law of addition in N
r+d = c by the cancellation law of addition in N

Hence 3 e B and since B = {u}, 3 = u and A = B.

We have shown that if the two equations x + b = a and x + d = c have
solutions in natural numbers, they have the same solutions if and only if
a + d = c + b and we have used only the properties of natural numbers in
arriving at this result. Since the symbolic solutions have been indicated as
(a, b) and (c, 11) respectively, we are led to make the following definition.
Definition 1. (a, b) ~ (c, :1) (read “(a, b) is equivalent to (c, (1)") if and
only if a + d = c + b.
Examples. (2,1) ~ (4, 3) since 2 + 3 = 4 + 1; (1,4) ~ (5, 8) since
1+8=5+4. (Compare a—b=c—d if and only if
a + d = c + b.)
Note that we are not stating that (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if a + d =
c + b. Indeed we have previously said that (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if
a = c and b = d. Equality is restricted to mean identity. When we write

a = b for two natural numbers a and b we mean that a and b are identical
natural numbers. Thus, for example 1 + 2 = 3 means that “1 + 2” and
“3” name the same number. When, however, we define (a, b) ~ (1:, d) if
and only if a + d = c + b we are defining “~” in terms 0 “=” and we
have no guarantee that “~ ” has any of the properties of “=”. Thus, for
example, if we were to define (a, b) ~ (c, d) if and only if a + b = c we would
not even have (2, 1) ~ (2, 1) since 2 + l yé 2.
We note that if (a, b) = (c, :1) then (a, b) ~ (c, (I). For if (a, b) = (c, d)
Furthermore, we may prove that “ ~ ” does indeed possess some of the most
significant properties 0 “=”.
Theorem 1.
(1) (a, b) ~ (a, b) (~ is reflexive);
(2) If (a, b) ~ (c, d), then (c, (1') ~ (11, b) (~ is rymetrtl‘);
(3) If (a, b) ~ (c, d) and (c, d) ~ (2, f), then (a, b) ~ (2, f) (~ is transitive).
(1) (a, b) ~ (a, b) since a + b = a + b.
(2) If (a, b) ~ (c, 4), then (c, d) ~ (a, b) since if a + d = c + b we have
c + b = a + d.
(3) If (a,b) ~ (c,d) and (0,4) ~ (e,f), then a + d = c + b and l.‘ +f
= e + d. Hence
a + (d + e) = (c + b) + e by the associative law of addition in N
a + (e + d) = (c + b) + e by the commutative law of addition in N
a+(£+f) =(c+b)+e sincee+d=c+f
a + (f + c) = (c + b) + e by the commutative law of addition in N
(a + f) + c = c + (b + e) by the associative law of addition in N
(a + f) + t‘ = (e + b) + c by the commutative law of addition in N
a +f= e + b by the cancellation law of addition in N
But ifa +f = e + b, then (a, b) ~ (e,f) as desired.
We have written this proof out in great detail with reasons for each step.
From now on we will condense steps and frequently omit reasons. Until the
student is thoroughly familiar with this type of proof he should supply the
omitted steps and give a reason for each step.

Exercises 3.1
1. Let S be the set of all triangles in the plane. If a, b E S we write a g b
if and only if a and b are congruent triangles. Is “ g" reflexiveP; symme-
tric?; transitive?
2. Let S be the set of all integers. If a, b e S we write a ~ b, if and only if
a — b is divisible by 7. Is “~” reflexive?; symmetric? ; transitive?
20 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

3. Let S be the set of all natural numbers. If a, b 6 S we write a < b if and

only if there exists a natural number n such that a + n = b. Is “ <”
reflexive?; symmetric?; transitive?
4. Let S be the set of all ordered pairs, (a, b), of natural numbers. If (a, b),
(c, d) e S we write (a, b) ~(c,d) if and only if a = d and b = c. Is
“~” reflexive?; symmetric?; transitive?
5. Let S be the set of rational numbers. If a, b E S we write a ~ b if and only
if a2 = b”. Is “~” reflexive?; symmetric?;, transitive?

2. Definition of Addition and Multiplication

If, again, 9: + b = a and y + d = c are equations solvable in natural

numbers where a, b, c, and d are natural numbers, we have (x + b) + (y + d)
= a + c. Now we apply the associative and commutative laws for the addi-
tion of natural numbers and obtain


(The student should supply the details.) Thus, since (a, b) is the symbolic
solution of x + b = a and (c, d) the symbolic solution of y + d = c we
see that (a + c, b + d) is the symbolic solution of z + (b + d) = a + c
where a = x + y. Hence it is natural to make the following definition.

Definition 2. (a, b) e (c, d) = (a + c, b + d).

Example. (2,S)®(1,6) =(3,11).(cf.(—3) +(—5) = —s.)
The student should note two items: (1) To avoid confusion between the
newly defined addition of pairs of natural numbers and our addition in N
we have used the symbol 6 for the defined addition; (2) our use of “="
rather than “~” is correct here since we are simply stating that (a, b) e
(c, d) is another symbol for (a + c, b + d).
Similarly we have, from x + b = a and y + d = c for natural numbers
at, y, a, b, c, and d,
(l) xy+dx+by+bd=ac.
(Again, the student should supply reasons beginning with (x + b) (y + J)
= ac.)7 But from y + d = c we have by + bd = be and hence (1) becomes
(2)xy+dx+bc= ac.
Then from (2) we obtain
i Note that the very writing of xy + dx + by + bd implies the existence of the
associative law for addition. We do not need to worry whether any + dx + by + bd
means (xy + dx) + (by + bd) or xy + [dx + (by + (211)] etc. since, by the associative
law, all of these various expressions are equal.

Now we observe that from x + b = a we obtain dx + db = da or dx +

bd = ad so that (3) may be rewritten as
Thus since (a, b) is the symbolic solution of x + b = a and (c, d) the sym-
bolic solution of y + d = c, we see that (ac + bd, ad + bc) is the symbolic
solution for z + (ad + be) = at + bd where z = xy. Hence it is natural
to make the following definition.
Definition 3. (a, b) ® (c, d) = (ac + bd, ad + be).
Example. (2, 5) ® (1, 6) = (2 + 30, 12 + 5) = (32, 17). (Compare(—3)
x (—5) = lS(= 32 — 17) and the remarks following Definition 2.)
As well motivated as our definitions are, we have one problem. For
natural numbers, if a = c and b = d we have a + b = c + dand ab = cd
from the very meaning of equality as identity. Here, however, ~ is not
identity and it is conceivable that we might have (a, b) ~ (c, d) and (e, f) ~
(:4, v) and yet have (a, b) 63 (e, f) ~ (0, d) 69 (u, v) or (a, c) ® (e, f) w (c, d)
® (14,11). (1» is read “not equivalent to.”) Surely this would be a most
undesirable state of affairs. Our next theorem states that this unpleasant
situation does not occur.
Theorem 2. If (a, 11) ~ (c, d) and (e,f) ~ (u, u), then
(1) (a,b)@(e»f) ~ (6, (1)6304, 0)
(2) (a, b)®(¢»f) ~ (G l106904: 0)-
I’mafi We prove part (2) only leaving (1) as an exercise for the student.
We have given (a, b) ~ (1:, d) and (e, f) ~ (u, 1)) so that

(3) a+d=e+bande+v=u+f.

Now (a, b) (8 (e,f) = (ae + bf, af + be) and (c, d) ® (u, v) = (cu + do,
w + 1114). Thus (2) becomes (are + bf, af + be) ~ (cu + do, w + du) so
that, by definition of ~ , (2) is equivalent to

(4) (ae + bf) + (w + du) = (cu + 111)) + (af+ be).

That is, to establish (2) we need to derive (4) from (3). We proceed.
From (3) we obtain, by the distributive law in N, ae + de = cc + be and
C: + a! = cu + cf, which then yield, by addition,
22 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

(5) (ac + dc) + (cc + w) = (cc + be) + (cu + cf).

By a liberal use of the associative and commutative laws for addition in N

we transform (5) into

(6) (ae+de+w)+ce=(be+cf+cu)+c¢.

Now we apply the cancellation law for addition in N to obtain

(7) ae+de+w=be+cf+cu

which at least bears a faint resemblance to the desired (4). We continue.

Again from (3) we obtain

(8) cf+bf=af+dfanddu+df=de+dv.

Combining (7) and (8) by addition we have

(9) (ae+de+w)+(6f+bf)+(du+df)


We apply the associative and commutative laws for addition in N once again
to obtain, from (9),


from which we obtain the desired (4) by the cancellation law.

Exercises 3.2

1. Use Definitions 2 and 3 to perform the following indicated operations:

(a) (2,1) 69 (4, 6); (2,1) ® (4, 6)
(b) (3,4) (90,5); (3. 4) ® (1, 5)
(C) (1, 2) 69 (1. 3); (1.2) ®(1, 3)
(d) (5. 2) @ (6,4); (5, 2) ® (6,4)-
2. Verify Theorem 2 for the following cases:
(a) (2,1) ~ (4, 3); (4, 6) ~ (1, 3)
(b) (3. 4) ~ (1. 2); (1, 5) ~ (3. 7)
(C) (1, 2) ~ (4. 5); (1, 3) ~ (2, 4)
(d) (5’ 2) ~(4,1); (6, 4) ~ (5» 3)
3. Prove part (1) of Theorem 2.

3. Properties of Addition and Multiplication

Theorem 3. (a, b) e (c, d) = (c, d) ® (a, b)

(a, b) e (c, d) = (a + c, b + d) Definition 2
(a + c, b + d) = (c + a, d + b) Commutative property of addition
in N
(c + a, d + b) = (c, d) e (a, b) Definition 2

Theorem 4. [(a, b) e (c, (1)] e (e, f) = (a, b) EB [(M1) 63 (em-

[(41.11) 63 (mu 9 (e.f) = (a + c, b + d) e (e,f) Definition 2
(o+c,b+d)®(e,f) =([o+c]+e,[b:l-d]+f) Definition2
([o+c] +e,[b+d]+f)=(a+ [c+e],b+ [d+f]) Associative
property of
addition in N
(a + [c + e], b + [d +f]) = (o, b) 6 (c + e, d +f) Definition 2
(a, b) e (E + e, d + f) = (a, b) @ [(c, d) $ (e, f) Definition 2

Theorem 5. (a, b) ® (c, d) = (c, d) (8 (a, b).

(a, b) ® (c, d) = (ac + bd, od + bc) Definition 3
(at + bd, ad + be) = (ca + db, do + cb) Commutative property of mul-
tiplication in N
(co + db, do + cb) = (ca + db, cb + do). Commutativepropertyofaddi-
tion in N
(to + db, cb + do) = (c, d) 8) (a, b) Definition 3

We thus see that the commutative laws of addition and multiplication and
the associative law of addition for these pairs of natural numbers may be
proved on the basis of our definitions and the postulates for the natural
The proofs for the associative law of multiplication and the distributive law
for multiplication with respect to addition are entirely similar. But since
they reflect no new principles and involve somewhat tedious computations
24 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

we leave them as possible exercises for the student. We continue by consider-

ing whether or not there are theorems for the integers similar to the remaining
postulates for the natural numbers.
Postulate 5 (the cancellation laws for addition and multiplication in N)
needs some modification here. We give this as our next theorem.

Theorem 6. (1) If (a, b) @ (c, d) ~ (e,f) G) (c, d), then (a, b) ~ (e,f).
(2) If (a, b) (8 (c, d) ~ (e,f) (X) (c, d) and c 9E d, then (a, b) ~ (e,f).
Proof of(1) Since (a, b) e (c, d) = (a + c, b + d) and (e,f) e (c, d)
= (e + c, f + d) we see that our hypothesis implies

But then, by Definition 1,


We now use the associative and commutative properties for the natural
numbers to obtain


from which, by the cancellation law of addition for natural numbers, we

a +f = e + b

and hence

(a: 1’) ~ (of)

Proof of (2). Since (a, b) ® (1:, d) = (ac + bd, ad + be) and (e, f) ®
(c, d) = (cc + fd, rd + ft) we see that our hypothesis implies that

(at + bd, ad + be) ~ (ec + fd, ed + fc)

But then

(ac + bd) + (ed +fc) = (cc +fd) + (ad + be)

We now use the associative, commutative, and distributive properties for

the natural numbers to obtain


Now if c = d this reduces to an identity from which no conclusion can be

drawn. But if c aé d (and this is part of our hypothesis), we have, by Postu-
late 8 for the natural numbers, that there exists a natural number x such that
c = d + x or there exists a natural number y such that c + y = d. Suppose
that the first alternative holds. Then we have


Again using the appropriate properties of natural numbers we now obtain

(ax+fx)+(ad+fd+db+de)=(ex+bx)+(ad+fd+db + (1:)

Applying the cancellation law of addition for natural numbers we have


(a +f)x = (e + b)x
Now, finally, we apply the cancellation law of multiplication for natural
numbers to obtain a + f = e + b and, hence, (a, 11) ~ (e,f).
The case when there exists a natural number y such that c + y = :1
presents no new difliculties and we leave this case to the student. (Note that
the case of t = d corresponds to x -0 = y -0 even when x aé y.)
Using only single ordered pairs we have come about as far as we can in
our efforts to develop the integers from the natural numbers. Thus if we
examine our set of pairs of natural numbers for an analogy to Postulate 6 we
find that (2,1), (3, 2), (4, 3), and, in general, (11 + 1, n) all serve as unit
elements for multiplication in the sense that, for example, (2, 1) ® (a, b) =
(241 + 17, 2b + a) ~ (a, b).
We turn now, in the next chapter, to a consideration of equivalence classes
and will construct the integers as classes of equivalent pairs of natural

Exercises 3.3

1. Complete the proof of part 2 of Theorem 6.

2. Prove the associative law of multiplication for these pairs of natural num-
26 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

3. Prove the distributive law for multiplication with respect to addition for
these pairs of natural numbers.
*4. Prove that if (x, y) ® (a, b) N (a, b) for all pairs (a, b), then (x, y) ~
(2, 1).


l. Suppose that S is again the set of all ordered pairs of natural numbers,
(a, b), where now (a, 17) ~ (6, d) if and only if a = c and b = d, (a, b) e
(c, d) = (a + c, b + d), and (a, b) ® (c,d) = (ac, bd). Provide an ana-
logous treatment for S and its operations to the treatment just given.
Suppose that Mr. X dislikes working with “signed” numbers. He replaces

all non-negative integers, a, by 2a + 1 (e.g. 0 by 1, l by 3, 2 by 5 etc.)

and all negative integers, —a, by 2a (e.g. —1 by 2, —2 by 4, —3 by 6 etc.).
He then replaces the computations in the column on the left below with
the computations in the column on the right.
2+3=s se7=5+7—1=11
(—2)+(—3)=—s 4®6=4+6=10
(—2)+3=1 4®7=7+4=7—4=3
(—3)+2=—1 6®5=(6—5)+1=2
We note that, in Mr. X’s scheme of things, the first answer of 5 in the
left hand column does indeed correspond to his answer of 11 [= (2 X 5) +1].
Similarly, —5 corresponds to 10 (=2 x 5), 1 to 3, and —1 to 2.
Can you describe in general his scheme for addition of “signed” numbers?
Can you invent a similar scheme for multiplication? [D4].


[H3]. [L1]. [M1]. [R1]. [T2]-

Equivalence Classes and The Integers

1. Relations

The subject of relations in mathematics is a very large one. Our major

concern here will be with the special class of relations, known as equivalence
relations, which may be considered as a generalization of the idea of equality.
For example, equality is a relation on the natural numbers: If a and b are
natural numbers, then either a = b or a ye b. Another relation on N is that
of being less than: If a and b are natural numbers, then a < b or a 4: b.
Suppose now that we consider the set of all triangles in a plane and the re-
lationship of similarity: If A and B are two triangles, then A ~ B or A 4-:
To generalize these examples we let S be any set and, for x, y e S, we write
x R y to mean that x is in the relation R to y and x R y to mean that x is not
in the relation R to y. Thus if S = N and R is the relationship of less than,
we have2R3 but 3 R2.
Definition 1. R is said to be a relation on a set S ifx, y e S implies
either x R y or x R y, but not both.

It should be evident that the concept of a relation is a very broad one

indeed. All that we require is that, given two elements at and y e S, we be
able to determine whether or not x Ry.

Definition 2. A relation R on a set S is said to be an equivalence

relation if
(1) a R a for all a e S (reflexive property)
(2) If a R b, then b R a (symmetric property)
(3) IfaRbandbRc, then aRe
(transitive property)
The relation of identity in any set is clearly an equivalence relation and
hence, in particular, equality of natural numbers is an equivalence relation.
Furthermore, the relation ~ as defined in Chapter 3 for pairs of natural
numbers is an equivalence relation (Theorem 1, Section 3.1), as is similarity
for triangles in a plane. On the other hand, the relationship of less than on
28 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

the natural numbers is not an equivalence relation for, while we do have the
transitive property (a < b and b < c implies a < c), we do not have the
reflexive (a < a) or symmetric (a < b implies b < a) properties.

Exercises 4.1

1. Determine, for the following sets and relations, whether or not the relation
is (i) reflexive, (ii) symmetric, and (iii) transitive.
(a) S = N; a R b if and only if a divides b.
(b) S = integers; a R b if and only if a — b is divisible by 3.
(c) S = integers; a Rb if and only if a S lbl.
(d) S = integers; a R b if and only if a2 = b”.
(e) S = lines in a plane; a R b if and only if a is perpendicular to b.
(f) S = lines in a plane; a R b if and only if a is parallel to b.
(g) S = set of all people; a R b if and only if a is a sibling of b.
(h) S = set of all people; a R b if and only if a is a spouse of b.

2. A relation is called circular if a R b and b R c implies cR a. Show that a

relation is reflexive and circular if and only if it is reflexive, symmetric, and

3 Let S = ((a, b)|a, b EN} and define (a, b) ~ (6, d) if and only if ad = bc.
Prove that ~ is an equivalence relation on S.

4. Find sets S and relations on them such that the relation is

(a) Reflexive but not symmetric or transitive
(b) Reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
(c) Reflexive and transitive but not symmetric
(d) Symmetric but not reflexive or transitive
(e) Symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
(f) Transitive but not reflexive or symmetric.

5. A relation R on a set S is said to partially order the set S if for all a, b, c in S

(i) aRa; (ii) ifaRbandbRa,thena = b; (iii) ifaRbandbRc, then
a R c.
(a) Give an example of a partially ordered set;
(b) If we define a relation R' on S by a R’ b if and only iba, show that R’
partially orders S if and only if R does.

6. What is wrong with the following argument showing that a relation which is
both symmetric and transitive is necessarily reflexive? a R b implies b R a
by symmetry; by transitivity, a R b and b R (1 implies a R a.

7. Let S = {nln GNand 1: >1}. Ifa, b ES define a ~b to mean thataand

b have the same number of positive prime factors (distinct or identical).
Show that ~ is an equivalence relation defined on S.
aqmvxucs cusses AND ms INTEGERS 29
2. Partitioning of a Set
Definition 3. A set S is said to bepartitioned by the sets A,B, C, . . .
(the partitioning classes) if
(1) AU BU CU... = S
(2) For any two partitioning classes X and Y we
haveX: Yoa Y: 25
Example 1. Let s = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and A = {1, 2}, B = {3,5}, 0 = {4}.
Then S is partitioned by A, B, and C.

Example 2. Let S = N and A = {x|x EN and x is an even number},

B = {xlx e N and x is an odd number}. Then S is partitioned by A and B.
The number of partitioning classes need not be finite. Thus if S = N
we have the infinite number of sets {1}, {2}, . . ., {k}, . . . as a (trivial) set of
partitioning classes. Other examples of the use of an infinite number of
partitioning classes will be gven later.
The general way of arriving at a partition of a set S is by the use of an
equivalence relation on S as described in the following basic theorem.
Theorem I. Let S be a set and R an equivalence relation on S. For any
a e S let Pa = {xIx E S and x R a}. Then the set of all such Pa is a partition
of S. Furthermore, if P1, P2, . . ., is a partition of S, then there exists a
unique equivalence relation R on S such that P, = {xlx e S and x R a,} for
somea,eS(i= 1,2, ...).
Proofl I. Suppose that R is an equivalence relation on S.
(1) We observe first that if a e S, then a 6 Pa since a R 0. Thus if we con-
sider all possible sets PI, for any y e S we will obtain all of the elements of S
at least once. That is, condition (1) of Definition 3 is satisfied:
U Py=P¢U PbU PCU = S
yE S

(2) Suppose that we have two partitioning classes Pa and Pb such that
that P,, n P, 9e {3 . We wish to show that Pa = P,J (condition (2) of Defini-
tion 3). Since Pa n P, aé 125 there exists an x e S such that x 6 Pa and x e Pb.
Now consider any element y 6 Pa. Then y R (1. Now as R a and x R b be-
cause at 6 Pa and x e Pb. But x R a implies a R a: (symmetric property)
and yRa and aRx implies n (transitive property). But also, xRb,
and again applying the transitive property (now to y R x and x R b) we obtain
y R b, so that y e Pb. Thus y E Pa implies y e P, and P,z E Pb. Similarly,
we obtain P, 9 Pa and hence Pa = P, as desired.
II. Now let P1, P2, . . . be a partition of S and define for x,y E S, x Ry if
and only if x and y are in the same partitioning class P,. It is easy to verify
that R is then an equivalence relation on S and this is left as an exercise for the
30 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

student. If R’ were another equivalence relation yielding the same partition

P1, P3, . . ., our definition of the partitioning classes as the sets {xlx e S and
x R’ a} shows that x R’ y if and only if x R y since 0: R y if and only if x and
y are in the same partitioning class. That is, R and R’ are the same.

Example 3. Let S = N and let a R b if and only if a and b are both odd
or both even. ThusZ R 6 and 3 R 5 but 2 R 3 and 3 R 6. Since all natural
numbers are either even or odd we have two partitioning classes,


Example 4. Let S = N and let aRb if and only if a = b. Then

P" = {xlxeN and a} = {xlxeN and x = n} = {n} and we have an
infinite number of partitioning classes, each consisting of a single natural

Example 5. Let S be the set of all triangles in a plane and let R be the
relation of similarity. Then each partitioning class of S is a set of similar
triangles. There are an infinite number of partitioning classes and each
partitioning class contains an infinite number of elements.

Example 6. Let S = N with the partition P1 = {xlx ES and x = 3n

forneN},P2 = {xlxeSandx = 3n +1forneN},a.ndP;3 = {x|xeSand
x = 3n + 2 for n e N}. The relation 3: Ry if and only if x and y are in the
same P. (i = 1, 2, 3) is an equivalence relation on S. It may be restated as
x R y if and only if x and y have the same remainder when divided by 3.

Exercises 4.2

1. Describe the partitioning classes of the set of integers under the equivalence
relation a R b if and only if a — b is divisible by S.
2. Consider the set S and the equivalence relation on it as given in problem 3
of Exercises 4.1. Describe the partitioning classes under this equivalence
3. Consider a set S and a relation R on it. Define, as before, P. = {xlx e S
and x Ra} for any a e S. Show, by examples, that the set of all such P.
is not a partition of S if (a) R is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric;
(b) R is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive; (c) R is reflexive and
symmetric but not transitive.
4. Give the details of the verification that, in the proof of the second part of
Theorem 1, R is an equivalence relation on S.

3. Constructing the Integers

In Chapter 3 we defined (a, b) ~ (c, d) if and only if a + d = c + b

and showed (Theorem 3.1) that ~ was an equivalence relation. Hence, by
Theorem 4.1, ~ defines a partition of the set of ordered pairs of natural
numbers. Let us list some of these partitioning classes and attach the common
names of these classes:

—2={(1,3),(2,4), ,(a,a+2),...}
—1 ={(1,2),(2,3), ,(a,a+ 1),...}
+1 ={(2,1),(3,2),...,(a+1,a),...}
+2={(3,1),(4,2), ,(a+2,a),...}
In general, for k a natural number, we define

+k = {(a, b)|(a, b) ~ (I: + 1,1)}

—k = {(a, b)|(a, b) ~ (1, k + 1)}
0 = {(a, b)|(a. b) ~ (1, 1)}
Note that we have not said that k = +k; k is a natural number and +1:
is a set of pairs of natural numbers so we could not possibly have k = +k.
Later on, however, we will show that the set {4-k a natural number} is iso-
morphic to the set {k|k a natural number} under addition and multiplication.
Thus we are now considering an integer as a set of ordered pairs.
Definition 4. An integer, I (a, b), when a and b are natural
numbers is defined by

I<a. 5) = {(1. y)|x,y E N and (x: J') ~ (0, 5)}

Note that (a, b) e [(41, b) since (a, b) ~ (a, b).
Theorem 2. [(a, b) = I(c, d) ifand only ifa + d = c + b.

Proof; If I (a, b) = I (c, 11) then, since (a, b) e I (a, b), we have (a, b)e
I(c, (1). Hence (a, b) ~ (1:, d) and thus a + d = c + b.
On the other hand, if a + d = c + b, then (a, b) ~ (c, d). If (x, y) e
1(a, b), (x, y) ~ (11, b). By the transitive property of ~ we have (x, y) ~
(1:, d) and hence (x, y) eI(c, d). Thus I (a, b) S I (c, d ). Similarly, we
obtain [(c, d) E 1(a, b) and hence [(a, b) = 1(c, d).
32 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Note that we are using the sign of equality in the proper sense of identity;
the two sets I (a, b) and I (c, d) are identical if a + d = c + b.

Example 1. [(5,4) = I(2,1);I(7,13)= [(1, 7).

Definition 5. I<a,b)+I(c,d)=[(a+c,b+d).

Definition 6. [(a, b) x I<c, d) = [(ac + M, ad + be).

Here, of course, we should use, say, 9 and (8) as in Chapter 3 to distinguish

the symbols used for the addition and multiplication of integers from the
symbols used for addition and multiplication of natural numbers. At this
point, however, no confusion is likely to result from the two distinct uses of
the same symbols.
Example 2. —2 = 1(1, 3), +3 = 1(4, 1). Then
(—2) + (+3) = [(1,3) + [(4,1) = 1<s,4) = [(2,1) = +1.
Also(—2) x (+3) = [(1,3) x [(4,1) = 1(7, 13) = [(1,7) = —6.
Before we can use Definitions 5 and 6 freely, however, we must prove the
following theorem.
Theorem 3. If [(a, b) = [(a’, b’) and [(c, d) = [(c’, (1’), then
(1)I(a,b) + [(c,d) = [(a’,b’) + I(c’,d’) and (2)I(a,b) x [(c, d) =
[(a’, b’) x [(c', (1’).
Since [(a, b) = I(a’, b’) if and only if a + b’ = a’ + b [that is, if and only
if (a, b) ~ (a’, b’)] it should be clear from this and Definitions 5 and 6 that
Theorem 3 is simply a rephrasing of Theorem 3.2.

Exercises 4.3

1. Perform the indicated operations and express your answer in the form
[(1, 1), [(12, 1), or [(1, k).
(a)I<2,3>+I<4,7> (b)1<3,1>+1<5.8>
(C)1<1.1> +I<5.2> (d) I<6,2> +I<8,3>
(e) [(2,3) x [(4,7) (f) [(3,1) x [(5,8)
(910.1) >< [(5,2) (h) 1(6.2> X [(8,3)
2. Verify Theorem 3 in the following cases.
(a) 19.3) =I<5,6>,I(4,7> =1<1.4)
0910.1) =I<514>11<5,8> =I(2.5>
(01(1)!) =I<3,3),I<5,2> =I(7,4>
(d) [(6,2) =[<8,4),[<8,3> =[<6,1>

4. Further Properties of the Integers

From Definitions 4 to 6, Theorem 3, and the results of Chapter 3, it is
evident that the integers obey the commutative, associative, and distributive

laws and that the cancellation laws hold as modified in Theorem 3.6. That is,
ifI(a, b) + [(0, d) = I<e,f> + I(c, d), then I<a, b) = I<e,f> and if
I<a,b> x I<c,d) = I(e,f) x I<c, d) and: ye d,thenI(a,b> = I<e,f).
We now consider some additional properties of the integers.
Theorem 4. There is a unique multiplicative identity, +1, for the
Proof: We recall that +1 = I(2,1>.ThenI(2,1) x I(a, b) = I<2a+ b,
a + 2b) = [(a, b). Furthermore, if I<r, s) x I(a, b) = I<a, b) for all
natural numbers a and b, we have I(r, s) x I(a, b) = I(2, l) x I(a, b)
for all natural numbers a and b. Taking (1 ye b we may use the cancellation
law for multiplication to obtain I (r, s) = I (2, 1 >.
The student should compare the situation here very carefully with the
situation in Chapter 3. There we pointed out that, for example, both (2, 1)
and (3,2) were multiplicative identities and, while (2,1) ~ (3, 2), (2, 1) ye
(3, 2). Now we have I(2,1> = [(3, 2) = {(2,1), (3,2), (4, 3), . . .,
(k + 1, lg), . . . }. Thus Postulate 6 for the natural numbers continues to hold
for the integers.
Our next theorem is a modification of Postulate 8 for the natural numbers.
In the proof of this theorem and elsewhere the following lemma is useful.
Lemma. I(x + 5,9: + d) = I<c,d>.
Proof: By Theorem 2, I<x + c, x + d) = I(c, d) if and only if
(x+c)+d=c+(x+d). But
(at + c) + d = x + (e + d) Associative law of addition in N
= x + (d + c) Commutative law of addition in N
= (x + d) + c Associative law of addition in N
= c + (x + d) Commutative law of addition in N
Theorem 5. If I (a, b > and I (c, d ) are two integers, there exists a unique
integer, I(x, y) such that [(a, b) + I<x, y) = I(c, d). We have 1(x, y)
=10! + c,a +41).
I(a,b> +I<b+c,a+d) =I<a+(b+c),b+(a+d)>
Definition of addition
Associative law of addition in N
=I<(a+b) +c,(a+b) +11)
Commutative law of addition in N
= I (c, :1) Lemma
34 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

It remains to show that I (x, y) is unique. Now if I (a, b) + I (r, s) =

[(c, d) we have I<a, b) + I<x, y) = [(11, b) + [(7, 5). Then I<x,y)
+ I (a, b) = [(1, s) + I (a, b) and, by the cancellation law of addition for
integers, we have I (x, y) = I (r, s).
We have discussed, with respect to the integers, all of the eight postulates
given for the natural numbers except Postulate 7, the principle of finite
induction. That this is not a property of the integers is easily seen by consider-
ing the set S = {+k|lz a natural number} that is a subset of the set I of all
integers. Then +1, the multiplicative identity of I, is in S and if +1: 6 S,
then (+12) + (+1) = +(k + 1) ES. But S 9E Isince, for example, 0¢S.

Exercises 4.4

1. Verify Theorem 5 by explicitly exhibiting an I (x, y) for the following

(a) 101. b) = <3, 4), 1(6, d) = (3, 4)
(b) 101,") = (4'. 2), 1(6, d) = (6, 2)
(C) [(0, b) = (7. 3). 1(0. 11> = (2, 3)
(d)1<a, 17) = (1, 4). Kc. d) = (6. 2)
(0)1“. ’0 = (2, 5), 1(5, d) = (5. 8)
2. Restate Theorems 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 using the notation [(11, b) in place
of (a, b) etc.

5 The Natural Numbers as a Subset of the Integers

We have already remarked that the integers +1, +2, + 3, . . . as defined in

Section 3 are not the same as the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . . We do, how-
ever, have

Theorem 6. The subset {+1, +2, . . . , +12, . . . } of the integers

{. . . , —2, — 1, 0, +1, +2, . . . } is isomorphic to the set of natural numbers
{1, 2, 3, . . . } under the correspondence +k <—» k where k is a natural number
and +k= I<k +1,1>.

Proofl It is obvious that the correspondence is 1—1. Now suppose that

+k = Id: + l, 1)<—>kand +m = [(111 +1,1><—)m. Then(+k) + (+m)
= +(k + m)4—>k + masdesired. Similarly,(+k) x (+m) = I<k + 1,1)
x I(m+ l,1>=I<(k+1)(m+1)+ 1,(k+1)+(m+ 1))=I<km+k
+ m + 2, k + m + 2) = I<km +1, 1) = +(km)<—rkm as desired.

Exercises 4.5

1. Show that the correspondence +k H k of Theoremé is the only one possible

if the correspondence is to be preserved under addition and multiplication.
Is any other correspondence possible if we require preservation under
addition only?

2. Prove that the subset { — 1, —2, . . . , —k, . . . } of the integers is isomorphic

to the set of natural numbers under addition but not under multiplication.
*3. In problem 1 is any other correspondence possible if we require preservation
under multiplication only?

6. Zero and Subtraction

Theorem 7. Let I (a, b) be any integer. Then 0 + 1(a, b) = I (a, b)

+ 0 = I (a, b); that is, O is an additive identity. Furthermore, if I (x, y)
+ I(a, b) = [(11, b), then I(x,y) = 0.
Proofi Recall that 0 = I <1, 1). Thus
0 + I<a,b) = [(1,1) + I(a,b) = [(a +1,b + 1) = I(a,b),
and since I (a, b) + 0 = 0 + I (a, b) by the commutative law of addition
for integers, I (a, b) + 0 = [(41, b). We leave the proof of the uniqueness
of the additive identity as an exercise for the student.
Definition 7. —I(a, b) = I (b, a).
Definition 8. If I (a, b) + I (c, d) = 0 we call I (c, d) an additive
inverse of I (a, b).
Note that this definition is consistent with our previous definition of —Iz
as equal to {(a, b)[(a, b) ~ (1, I: + 1)} since we now have —I(k + 1, 1)
= 10,]: + l)whereI(k + 1,1) = +12.
We leave it to the student to prove the following theorem.
Theorem 8. The unique additive inverse of I(a, b) is I(b, a)( = —I (a, b ))
and [(b, a) + I<a, b) = 0. Also —(—I(a, b)) = I(a, b).
We now define subtraction of integers.
Definition 9. I<a, b) — [(c, d) = I(a, b) + (—I(c, (1)).
It is important to note here that the same symbol, “ — ”, is being used in
two quite different ways. This is as customary in elementary algebra, but it
can be the source of considerable confusion.f As used in Definition 7 it
indicates a unary operation that transforms the single integer I (a, b) into
another integer, I (b, a ). As used in I (a, b ) — I (c, d), on the other hand,
it indicates a binary operation between two integers, I (a, b) and I (c, d).
T This is recognized in several more recent elementary texts that use, for example,
'2 for —2 to introduce “signed numbers."
36 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

From these definitions, the usual rules of operation with integers follow
quickly. We state and prove two such properties here and list others as
exercises for the student.
Theorem 9. —(I<a, b) - 1(c, 11)) = —I(a, b) + 10:, d).

Proofi -(I<a, b>-I<c, d>)= -[1<a,b>+(-I<t.d>)]= -(I<a. 5)

+ I<d,c>) = —I<a + d, b + c) = I(b + c, a + d) by applying the de-
finition of addition of integers together with Definitions 7 and 9. On the
otherhand, —I<a,b) + I(c, d) = I(b, a) + I<c, d) = [(b + c, a + d)
Theorem 10. (—I<a,b>) x (—I<c,d)) = I<a,b> x I(c, d).

Proof. (—I(a, b)) x (—I(c, d)) = 1(1), a) x I(d, e) = I<bd+ ac,

be+ad). On the other hand, I<a, b) x I(e, d) = I(ae+bd, ad+bc).
Since bd + at: = at + bd and be + ad = ad + be, the desired conclusion
From now on we will write the integers in the usual way: . . . , —2, — l, 0,
l, 2, . . . ; indicate an arbitrary integer by a single letter such as a, b, x, y etc.;
and operate freely with integers as we do in elementary algebra.

Exercises 4.6

1. Complete the proof of Theorem 7.

2. Prove Theorem 8.
3. If x, y, and 2 represent arbitrary integers prove the following equalities:
(a) -(x + y) = (-x)-y
(b) x(y-z) =xy -x2
(e) (-x)y = -(xy) = x(—y)
(d) (—x)(y - z) = —(xy) + x5


1. In the set of all people, the relation “is an uncle of” is clearly connected
with the relations “is a brother of” and “is a parent of.” Can you state
any similar general rule for constructing a new relation out of two given
ones? [T1]

2. If R and T are any two relations on a set S can you gize reasonable inter-
pretations to R S S, R = S, R U S, and R n S, P R (See problem 6,
Exercises 1.3.) How far can you go in constructing an algebra of relations?


[B4]. [82]. [G2]. [R2]. [T1].
Integral Domains

One of the outstanding characteristics of modern mathematics is its ten-

dency to seek common properties of mathematical systems. For example, in
this chapter we will define a certain kind of mathematical stmcture called an
integral domain, and we will see that the integers, the rational numbers, the
real numbers, and the complex numbers (and other systems) are all examples
of integral domains. Thus any theorem that we can prove concerning integral
domains will automatically become a theorem concerning the integers, the
rational numbers, the real numbers, the complex numbers, etc.
In using as examples of integral domains the rational numbers, the real
numbers, and the complex numbers we are not, of course, being systematic
since we have only completed the formal development of our number system
through the integers. Since, however, the properties of these number systems
are familiar to you from your previous work in mathematics, there will be
no actual difficulty. And, in this way, we can alternate discussion of the fami-
liar with more general discussion of the less familiar.

1. Definition of an Integral Domain

Definition 1. Let D be a set containing at least two elements on which

are defined two binary operations, + and x , such that
(l)(a) (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)foralla,b,c eD
(associative property of addition);
(1)) (axb) x c=a>< (bx c)foralla,b,c 6D.;
(associative property of multiplication).
(2) ax(b+c)=(axb)+(axc)and(b+c)xa
= (b x a) + (c x a) for all a, b, c e D (distributive
(3) There exists a unique element 0 e D such that a + 0
= a for all a e D, (existence of an additive identity);
(4) For every a e D, there exists a unique element b e D
such that a + b = 0 (existence of additive inverses);
38 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

(5) (a) a + b = b + afar all a, b e D (commutatioepro-

perty of addition);
(b) a x b = b x a for all a, b e D (commutatioepro-
petty of multiplication);
(6) There exists a unique element 1 e D such that 1 x a
= a X 1 = a for all a e D (existence of multiplicative
(7)Ifa, beD andaxb=0, thena=Oorb=0
(absence of divisors of zero).
Such a set is called an integral domain.
As is the case in elementary algebra we write a x b as ab and denote the
additive inverse of a by —a. By the commutative property of addition we
note thatO + a = a and (—a) + a = 0.
Example 1. With the usual definitions of addition and multiplication, it
is easy to see that the integers, the rational numbers, the real numbers, and
the complex numbers form integral domains. Since we will be using these
sets of numbers quite frequently we will find it convenient to establish the
following notational conventions:
I = {xlx is an integer}
R = {xix is a rational number)
R“ = {x|x is a real number}
C = {xix is a complex number}
Example 2. The set N of natural numbers under the usual definitions of
addition and multiplication is not an integral domain (why?) not is the set
{0} (why?)~
Example 3. Let S be the set of all polynomials7 in x with integral co-
efficients. Then S is an integral domain under the usual definitions of addi-
tion and multiplication of polynomials. Here the identity for addition is the
polynomial 0(= 0 -x°), the identity for multiplication is the polynomial
l(= 1 -x°) and the additive inverse of aox" + alx"‘1 + . . . + an is (— ao)x"
+ (— a1)x"—1 + . . . + (— an).
To see the significance of Postulate 7 let us consider next an important
type of algebraic system—the residue classes modulo m.
Definition 2. Let a, b, and m be integers with m > 0. Then a a b (mod m)
(read “a is congruent to b modulo m”) if and only if
a — b is divisible by m.
We will use the notation x]y for “x divides y” and n for “x does not
divide y".
1 Here, too, we are considering polynomials only in the intuitive sense of elementary
algebra, leaving a more precise definition for later.

Examples. 5 E 1 (mod 4) since 4|(5 —1); 16 E 6(mod 5) since 5|(l6 —6);

— 5 E —9 (mod 2) since 2][—5 -— (—9)].
Theorem I. For any fixed integer m > 0, the relation of congruence
modulo m is an equivalence relation on the integers.
Proof. (1) a E a (mod m) since a — a = 0 and mIO.
(2) If a E b (mod 1»), then m[(a — b). But then m|(b — a) and hence
b E a (mod m).
(3) If a E b (mod m) and b E c (mod m), then m](a — b) and m|(b —c).
Thus m[[(a —- b) + (b — c)] so that m](a — L‘) and hence a E 5 (mod m).
Since E is an equivalence relation we know, by Theorem 4.1, that it
partitions the integers. For example, if m = 5, the partitioning classes are:
{..., —1o,—5,0,s,10,...}
{..., —9, —4,1,6,11,...}
{..., —8, —3,2,7,12,...}
{..., —7, —2, 3, 8, 13,...}
{..., —6, —1,4,9,14,...}
In general, for given m, we denote these classes by 00,. . .,C,,,_1 where
C, = {“l“ 61 and a Ei(mod m)}, i = 0,1,.. .,m — 1.
Each one of those Ci is called a residue class and the set {Co,. . .,C,,,_1} will
be denoted by 1,”.
We now define addition and multiplication in 1,".

Definition 3. (1) C, + Ci = {ala eI and a E i +j (mod m)}

(2) C‘C, = {ala 6 land a E 1j(modm)}
Examples. In J5 we have C1+C2 = C3, C4+C3 = CR, CIC, = Ca,
030, = 0;, since 1 +2E3 (mod 5), 4 + 3 E2 (mod 5),1‘2E2(m0d
5), and 3 ' 4 E 2 (mod 5).
For brevity we frequently writeOfor Co, 1 for C1, . . ., k for Ck. Thus, for
example, we consider 13 ={0,1,2}with1 +1 = 2,1+ 2 = 0, 2 x1: 2,
2 x 2 = 1 etc.

Exercises 5.1

In problems 1—10 determine whether or not the given sets are integral
domains with respect to the usual definitions of addition and multiplication.
1. (b Vin; e R}
2. {3mlm e I}
3. {a + bx/Z—laJeI)
4. (a + bxfz‘la,b em
5. {a + bila,b ER)
6. {a + Ina/61a, b 512}
40 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

7. The set of all polynomials f(x) with integral coefficients such that
f( -x) = f(x)
3. {a + Ina/5 + mama, 12,: 6R}
9. The set of even integers
10. {1}
11. Construct addition and multiplication tables for J3, 1., and Is
’12. Show that the word "unique” may be omitted in Postulates 3, 4-, and 6
in Definition 1 ; that is, prove the uniqueness from the assumption of the
existence of at least one such element as described.

2. Elementary Properties of Integral Domains

Many of the most important properties of integral domains depend only

upon closure, the commutative law of addition, the associative laws, the dis-
tributive laws, the existence of an additive identity, and the existence of
additive inverses. For this reason it is useful to make the following definition.
Definition 4. A set R on which are defined two binary operations, +
and x , satisfying properties 1 to 5a of Definition 1 is
called a ring. A ring which also satisfies property 5b is
called a commutative ring.
We will discuss rings in more detail in Chapter 9. Here we prove only a few
simple properties.
All integral domains are, of course, commutative rings and hence any result
proved for rings or commutative rings will hold for integral domains. Some
examples of commutative rings that are not integral domains are:
l. The set of even integers (no multiplicative identity)
2. The set consisting of 0 alone (does not have at least two elements)
3. J4 (does not satisfy postulate 7 since 2 x 2 = 0 in 14 and 2 56 0).
Examples of noncommutative rings will be given later.
DefinitiouS. [fayéOandbaéOinoringRbuta xb=0weeall
a and b divisors of zero.
Thus 2 and 3 are both divisors of zero in ’6 since 2 x 3 = 0 but 5 is not
a divisor of zero since 5 x b = 0 if and only if b = 0.
Our main results concerning rings are given in the following theorem.
Theorem 2. In any ring R we have
(1) b + a = c + a implies b = e (cancellation law for addition);
(2) The equation x + a = c has the unique solution x = c + (——a);
(3) —(—a) = a;
(5) (—a)(—b) = ab;
(6) —(ab) = (—a)b = a(-b).

Proofof(I). Fromb + a = c + a we have (b + a) + (—a) = (c + a)

+ (—a). Re-associating we have b + [a + (—u)] = c + [a + (—a)].
Sincea +(~a) =0wehaveb+0=b=c+0=c.
Proof of(2). That .1: = c + (—a) is a solution follows from [c + (—a)]
+ a = c + [(—a) + a] = c + 0 = c. The uniqueness follows from the
cancellation law since if x + a = c and x’ + a = c, then x+a = x’ + a and
x = x'.
Proof of(3). Since (—a) + a = 0 it follows that a is the additive inverse
of —a; i.e., —(—a) = a.
Prado/(4). (ax0)+(a><a)=ax(0+a)=axa=0+(axa).
From(ax0)+(a xa)=0+(a>< a)weobtainax 0=0bythecan-
cellation law. The proof that 0 x a = 0 is similar and is left as an exercise
for the student.
Proofof(5). We have (—a)(—b) + [(—a)b + ab] = (—a)(-b) + [(—a)
+ a]b = (—a)(—b) + 0 x b = (—a)(——b) + 0 = (—o)(—b). But, also,
(—a)<—b> + [(—a)b + ab1= [(—a)(—b)+(—a)b1+ ab = (—a)[(—b) + b]
+ ab = (—a) x 0 + ab = 0 + ab = ab. Therefore, (—a)(—b) = ab. (The
student should supply reasons for each step.)

Proof of(6). By definition of —(ab) it is the unique solution to the equa-

tion ab + x = 0. But, also, ab + (—a)b = [a + (—a)]b = 0 x b = 0 so
that (—a)b is also a solution to ab + x = 0. Hence (—a)b = —-(ab). The
proof that —(ab) = a(—b) is left as an exercise for the student.
Theorem 3. Suppose D is an integral domain and a, b, c ED. Then
ab = ac and a 95 0 implies that b = a (cancellation law for multiplication).
Proof. If ab = ac, ab + [—(ac)] = at: + [—(ac)] = 0. But —(ac)
= a(—c) by Theorem 2 and hence ab + [—(ac)] = ab + a(—t) = a[b
+ (—c)] = 0. Therefore, since a 56 0, the absence of divisors of zero
demands that b + (—c) = (—c) + b = 0. Hence b = —(—c) = c.
Definition 6. In any rinne definafor a, b e R, a - b = a + (-b).

Exercises 5.2

1. Determine which of the sets in problems 1—10 of Exercises 5.1 are rings.
2. Prove that J... is a ring for every m e N.
3. Consider the set S of pairs of rational numbers (a, b) with equality, addition,
and multiplication defined as follows: (a, b) = (c, d) if and only if a = cand
b = (1; (a,b) + (c,d) = (a + c,b + :1); (a,b) x (c,d) = (ac,bd). Prove
that S is a ring but not an integral domain.
42 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

4. In any ring S prove that, for x, y, z E S,

(a) --(x H!) = (-x) -y
(b)x(y - 2) = xy - x:
(C) (—x)(y — x) = —(xy) + xz
(d) -(x -y) = —x +y
5. If a ring R has a unity element, 1, prove that (—1)a = —a for all a e R.
6. Complete the proof of (4) of Theorem 2.
7. Complete the proof of (6) of Theorem 2.
‘8. Let R be the set of all subsets of a given set S. For A, B E R we define
A +B ={xlA orxeBbutx¢An B) and/I x B =An B. Prove
that R is a ring under these two operations.

3. Division in an Integral Domain

Definition 7. Let D be an integral domain with a, b, c 6D. Then if

ab = c we say that a divide: c or that a is a divisor of c
and write ale.
Definition 8. If D i: an integral domain, a e D, and all we say that
a is a unit of D.
Clearly in any integral domain the multiplicative identity, 1, and its
additive inverse, — 1, are units.
Example 1. If D = I it is obvious that the only units of D are 1 and — 1.
Example 2. Let D = {a + bi|a, b 51} (i = 1/ —. 1). It is easy to show
that D is an integral domain and that the units of D are 1, — l, i, and —i.

Example 3. Let D = R. Then since for every nonzero rational number

a/b, 1 + (a/b) = b/a, every nonzero rational number is a unit of R.
Definition 9. Let D be an integral domain with a, b ED. We call a
and b associates if a = bu where u is a unit of D and
ab 96 0.
Example 4. In the integral domain of Example 2, 5, —5, Si, —-Si are the
four associates of 5.

Example 5. If D = R every number except 0 is a unit (Example 3) and

hence any two nonzero numbers are associates.
Theorem 4. If D is an integral domain and u and u’ are units of D, then
1414' is a unit of D.
Proof. ull and u’ll. Thus there exist 1:, 5’ ED such that at = l and
u’c’ = 1. Hence (uc)(u'c) = (uu’)(ec') = 1 and uu’ll.

Theorem 5. Define a R b if and only if a and b are associates. Then R is

an equivalence relation on the set of nonzero elements of an integral domain

Proof. (1) a Ra since a = a-l and 1 is a unit of any integral domain.

Hence R is reflexive.
(2) If a R b, then a = bu where u is a unit of D. Hence there exists c e D
such that at = cu = 1. Thus all and c is also a unit of D. But ac = (bu)c
= b(uc) = b -1 = b so that b is equal to a times a unit of D. Thus b R a and
hence R is symmetric.
(3) If a Rb and b R c we have a = bu, b = cu' where u and u’ are units
of D. Then a = bu = (cu’)u = c(u’u). Since u’u is a unit of D by Theorem 4
it follows that a R e and hence that R is transitive.

Definition 10. If D is an integral domain and a e D we say that a is a

prime or irreducible element of D if a is not a unit and if
a = be implies b or e is a unit. Ifa is neither a prime nor
a unit we say that it is composite or reducible.

Example 6. In I the prime elements are the ordinary primes of arithmetic,

(i2, i3. 15. ---)-
Example 7. It is easy to verify that the set of all polynomials with integral
coeflicients is an integral domain D and that the units of D are 1 and —1.
Then, for example, it:2 + x + 1, 2x + S, and 7 are all prime elements of D
but 3:2 + 5x + 6 [= (x + 2)(x + 3)], 2x + 6[= 2(x + 3)] and 8(= 24)
are not.

Example 8. Let D = {a + b x/EIa, b e I}. We leave it to the student to

verify that D is an integral domain and now seek to determine the units of
D. To do this it is convenient to introduce what is called a norm in D.’f To
this end suppose that at = a + b x/g e D. Then N(ac), the norm of a, is
defined by

N(at) = a2 — 5b2 61
If, now, [3 = e + d x/g e D, direct computation shows that N(aq3) =
N(a)N(fl). Now if at = a + b \/§ is a unit, then there exists ,3 = c + d 1/5
e D such that at! = 1 and hence N(afi) = N(1) = 1. Thus we must have

Non) = New) = (.2 — 519c — 542) = 1

1 This will indeed be useful. Unfortunately, not all integral domains have useful
44 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Hence if at is a unit we must have (a2 — 5b2‘)(c2 — 5113) = 1. Thus N(at)

= a2 — 5b2 = :1 if at = a + b\/5_ is a unit. On the other hand, if N(at)
= 1, then (a + b x/5_)(a — b 1/3) = a2 — 51,2 = 1 and 111m) = -1, then
(a + bx/§)(—a + b «/§) = _(a2 — 5122) = 1. Thus if N(at) = i 1, «[1
so that at is a unit of D.
We have thus shown that at = a + b t/S—is a unit of D if and only if
N(at) = i 1. From this fact we conclude that
(1) 1, —1,2—1/§,2+1/§,—2— «5. —2+ 1/§
are all units of D and that
are not units of D. Furthermore, since (2 — 1/3)(1 + 1/5) = —3 +‘\/§,
(3) 1 +1/5and—3+\/§
are associates.

We may now prove that

are all primes of D. For if 2 = afl where neither on nor B are units, N(2) = 4
= N(a)N(B) means that N(a) = i2 and N(fl) = 12. But if N(:x) = a2
— 5b2 = 1-2, then 1122 i2 (mod 5) and it is easy to see that there is no
solution to this congruence. (Simply try a = 0, 1, —1, 2 and —2 in turn.)
We leave it to the student to prove that 1 + x/g and —1 + 1/3 are also
primes of D. Furthermore 2 is not an associate of I + \/§ since if
2 = (a +b\/5_)(l + 1/5_) where a + b N/gis a unit of D, we have 2 = (a + 5b)
+(a+b)\/5_. Hence a+5b=2 and a + b =0. Thus a= -b and
4b = 2. It follows that b = 1/2, a contradiction to a + b V3 6 D.
Now we observe that
(5) 4 = 2-2 = (1 + «Ex-1 + 1/5)
so that we have two factorizations of 4 in D into primes that are not associates.
This is in contrast to factorization into primes in I where the factorization is
unique (except for units)T Thus we see that we do not have unique factori~
zation into primes in every integral domain.

Exercises 5.3
1. What are the units of 15?
2. Prove that the only units of {a + bila, b e I) are 1, —1,i, and —i.
T A formal proof of this will be given in Section 7.

3. Prove that u is a unit of an integral domain D if and only if u has a multi-

plicative inverse in D.
. Prove that a and b are associates in an integral domain D if and only if alb

and bla.
. In Example 8, prove that N(¢fl) = N(a)N(B).

. In Example 8, prove that 1 + 1/? and —1 + V? are primes.

. Modify, if necessary, the definitions of this section so that they apply to
commutative rings with an identity.
8. Do as in problem 7 for arbitrary (possibly noncommutative) rings with an
9. Let D = {a + b1/1—3Ia, b e I}. Prove that there is not unique factoriza-
tion into primes in D.
10. Show that there are an infinite number of units in {a + bfila, b e I}.

4. Ordered Integral Domains

Definition 11. An integral domain D is said to be ordered if there exists

a subset P of the elements of D such that
(1) if a, b e P, then a + b e P (closure under addition);
(2) if a, b e P, then ab 6 P (closure under multiplication);
(3) {fa e D then one and only one ofthe alternatives a e P,
a = 0, and —a e P hold (the trichotomy law).
The set P is called a set ofpositive elements of D.

Example I. Let D = I and P the set of all (ordinary) positive integers

(= N). (Keep in mind that here, as in similar situations before, we must
distinguish between the formal concept and an informal example. In
Definition ll all we know about the concept of positive element is what is
contained in the definition. In our examples, however, we are using our
intuitive notion of positive (“ordinary”) to see that it agrees with our
formal notion.)
Example 2. Let D = R and P be the set of all positive rational numbers.
Example 3. The integral domain, 13, of integers modulo 3 is not an ordered
integral domain.
Proof. We may take the elements of 13 to be 0, 1, and 2. Suppose P is a set
of positive elements of 13- We note first that 0 99 P by the trichotomy law.
NowiflEP,l +1 = 2 ePby(1)ofDefinition11andhencel + 2 = 0 GP
contrary to fact. Thus 1 ¢ P; hence by (3), —l = 2 e P since 1 yé 0. But
then 2 + 2 = l e P, again a contradiction.

Example 4. The integral domain, C, of complex numbers is not an ordered

integral domain.
46 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Proof. If i GP, then i3 = —1 EP by (2) of Definition 11. But then

(—1)(—1) = 1 GP so that we have 1 EP and also —1€P contrary to (3).
Thus i ¢ P and, since 1' 56 0, -—i eP by (3). But then we have (-i)(—i)
= —1 e P and again obtain a contradiction.
We may ask whether or not it is possible to define more than one set of
positive elements for a given integral domain. Example 5 will show that this is
indeed possible. If, however, D = I, only one definition is possible. More
precisely, we have
Theorem 6. If D = I, then P = N.
Proof. 1 ePsince if 1 $P, —1 eP by (3). But then (--1)(—l) = l eP
by (2), a contradiction. Then if n is any natural number,
1: terms
n=1+1+1+...+16P by(1)
But then —n ¢ P by (3) and, of course, 0 ¢ P.
Example 5. Let D = {a + b x/Z—Ia, b 61}. It is easy to show that D is
an integral domain. Clearly D C R“ and we suppose that we have an in-
tuitive understanding of the “natural" (and actually unique) ordering for the
real numbers in the sense that numbers are called positive if and only if their
representation on the real number line is to the right of the origin. Let P be
the set of positive elements of R" in this sense. We now define a set of positive
elements, P1, in D by
(1) a +bx/EePlifand only ifa + Im/z'eP
and another set of positive elements, P2, in D by
(2) a+b\/§eP2 ifand only ifa — b x/iep
(e.g., 5 — 6 We}; sinceS — (491/5: 5 + afiep).
Now (I) certainly defines an ordering in D since D is a subset of R* whose
natural ordering we are accepting. To show that (2) also defines an (ob-
viously diflerent) ordering we observe that if a + b 1/5, c + d 1/2—6 P2,
thena — bx/2_, c —- dx/EEP. Hence
and therefore
(a— bx/E)(c— dx/E) = (ac+2bd) — (ad+bc)1/§eP
and therefore

Thus we see that conditions (1) and (2) of Definition 11 are satisfied. Finally,
we observe that either
a — bw/i = 0(whencea = b= 0),a — bx/Z—EP,
or —(a—b\/2_) = —a+b\/§eP
and that only one of these alternatives may hold by our assumption that P
is a set of positive elements in R“ D D. Hence
a+b‘\/§=0,a+b\/§.EP2,or—a—b\/§= —(a+bx/§)eP,
by our definition of a + b V2 6 P2. Thus condition (3) of Definition 11 is
Definition 12. Let D be an ordered integral domain and P a set ofpositive
elements of D. Then by
(1) a > OwemeanaeP
(2) a > bwemeana—b > 0
(3) a < bwemeanb > a.
where a, b e D. '

(NOTE: Technically, we should write a > PO etc., since the meaning of “> ”
depends on P. Thus, in Example 5, 1 + V: >150 but 1 + Vi :1» “0
since 1 - fl ¢ P. We shall understand, however, that we are always re-
ferring to a fixed P whenever we use the symbol “ > " in connection with a
given integral domain.)
Theorem 7. Let D be an ordered integral domain. Then, for all a, b, c e D
(1) If a > b and b > c, then a > c (transitive property)
(2) Ifa>b,thena+c>b+c
(3) For any a and b, one and only one of the relations a > b, a = b, or
a < b hold
(4) Ifa > band: > 0, then ac > be.
Proofof(1). Ifa > b and b > cwe have a —beP and b—ceP by
Definition 12. Hence (a — b) + (b — c) = a — c e P by Definition 11.
Thus a > c by Definition 12.
The proofs of the other properties are left as exercises.
Definition”. azbtfandonlyifa>bora=bm sbifandonlyg'f
a <bora=b.
Theorem 8. Let D be an ordered integral domain. Then, for all a, b,
(1)1fa abandb 2 c,thena 2c
(2) Ifo 2bthena+c 2b+c
(3) Ifa Zbandc 20,thenac 2b:
(4) Ifa Zbandc Zd,thena+c 2b+d.
The proof of Theorem 8 is left as an exercise for the student.
48 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Definition 14. Suppose D’ D D where D’ and D are both ordered integral

domains with sets ofpositive elements P’ and P respectively.
We will say that the ordering defined by P’ is an extension
of the ordering defined by P if and only if P = P' n D
(that is, the positive elements of D remain positive when
considered as elements of D' and conversely, the positive ele-
ments of D' which are elements of D are also positive ele-
ments of D).
Example 6. In Example 5 the natural ordering of the real numbers is an
extension of the ordering in D defined by P1 but is not an extension of the
ordering in D defined by P2.
In an ordered integral domain, the concept of absolute value is a useful one.
Definition 15. If D is an ordered integral domain with P a set ofpositive
elements of D we define the absolute value, |a|, of a e D
by Ia] =aifa=00raePond|a| = —aif—aeP.
Thus if D is the set of rational numbers, [2| = 2, I0] = 0, I-l/ZI
= -(—l/2) = 1/2. Again (see note following Definition 12), the concept
of absolute value in an integral domain depends on P and we should really
write loll” As in the use of “ > ,” however, we will assume that we are always
referring to a fixed P when we use the absolute value symbol.
Theorem 9. If D is an ordered integral domain and a, beD, then
(1) |ab| = [a||b| and (2) [a + bl S [al + lb}.
Proof. The proof of (l) is left as an exercise for the student. To prove (2)
observe that if either (a) a > 0 and b > 0, (b) a < 0 and b < 0, or (c) a = 0
orb=0,wehave|a+b|=la|+|b|. Nowifa>0andb<0wehave
[a] = a and [bl = —b. Then if a + b < 0, la + b] = —(a + b). But,
since a>0, —(a+b)= —a— b<a—b=a+(—b)= [al + |b|. Ifa+b 2
0, |a + bl = a + b anda + b < a — b = In! + [b]. We merely interchange
the roles of a and b in the above argument if a < 0 and b > 0.

Exercises 5.4

. Prove that in an ordered integral domain, D, the multiplicative identity of


D is a positive element of D.
. Complete the proof of Theorem 7.

. Prove Theorem 8.
. Let D be an ordered integral domain with a, b, c e D. Prove that
(a) Ifa Zbandc <0,thenae _<_bc
(b)1fa 2b 2. Oandc ZdZ 0,thenac Zbd.
5. Prove (1) of Theorem 9.

5. Variations of the Principle of Mathematical Induction

Now that we have available the integers and concepts of inequality and
divisibility for the integers we can formulate useful variants of the principle
of mathematical induction. Our most important variant is the well-ordering
principle which we will establish by first proving three lemmas.
Lemma 1. n 2 1 for allneN.

Proof; Let S = {nln 6N and n 2 1}. Clearly I e S since 1 Z 1. Now

suppose keS so that k 21. From I: 2 k and 12 0 we obtain h +1
2 k + 0 = I: so that k + l 2 1 follows by transitivity. Hence keS
implies k + 1 e S so that, by the principle of mathematical induction, S = N.
Lemma2. IfaeN,then{n[neNanda +1 > n > a} = g.
Proof. Suppose that there is a natural number n such that a + 1 > u > a.
Then (a+l)—n>0andn—a>0so that (a+1)—n=xeNand
n — a = y 6N by Definition 12 and Theorem 6. Hence [(a + 1) — n]
+(n—a)=l=x+y. But,byLemma1,x21andy21sothat,by
(4) of Theorem 8, x + y _>_ 1 + 1 9e 1. We thus have a contradiction to
our assumption that there exists a natural number n such that a + l > n > a
and hence{n|n6Nanda +1 > n > a} = 52.
Lemma 3. If h and k are two natural numbers such that k + 1 > h, then
I: 2 h.
Proof; Since k +1 > h, it follows that (12+ 1) —h > 0 so that
k+1—h =xeN by Definition 12 and Theorem 6. Now x21 by
Lemmalandifx=l,k+1—h=1. Hencek—h=0andk=h.
On the other hand, ifx> l, thenx—1>0andx—1=yeN. Hence
Theorem 10. (the well-ordering principle) In every nonempty set S of
natural numbers there exists a smallest one; i.e. there exists a: e S such that
y e S impliesy 2 x.
Proof: Our proof will be made by assuming that S does not have a smallest,
element and obtaining a contradiction. Under this assumption, then
Lemma 1 tells us that 1 $3. We define T = {n[n 6N and n < s for all
:65}. ClearlySn T= a andleT.
We proceed as follows:
(1) We show that k e T implies k + 1 ¢ S by showing that if k + 1 e S
it would be the smallest element in S, contrary to our assumption that S
has no smallest element;
(2) We show that if k e T, then I: + 1 e T.
50 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Then, since 1 e T, (2) and the principle of mathematical induction gives

us that T = N. Hence we would have T n S = S 9e 25 so that our assump-
tion that S has no smallest element is contradicted.
To prove (I) we first observe that if y e T and x < y for x EN, then
x e T. For we have, for any 3 e S, y < s by definition of T, and since at < y
it follows that x < s for all s e S by (l) of Theorem 7 (transitive law); Le.
x e T. Now we suppose that k e T but 12 + 1 e S. Then if there exists h e S
such that h < k + 1 (that is, if k + l is not the smallest member of S) we
havehskby Lemma3. Buth¢ksinceheS,keT,andSn T= z.
Thus h < k e T so that, by our previous remarks, h e T. However, h e S
and S n T 96 :2. a contradiction. Hence there is no element h eS such
that h < k + 1 and k + 1 is the smallest member of S, a contradiction to
our assumption that S has no smallest element.
(2) We have shown that for any k e T, we have k + 1 $8. But this
impliesthatk +16 Tforifk +1¢ TthereexistsseSwithk +12 s > k.
But if k + 1 = s, then k + 1 e S, contrary to (1). Hence we have 12 + l
> s > k, a contradiction to Lemma 2. Thus I: + 1 e T.
Theorem II. Let S s N. Then if (1) 1 s S and (2) m 68 ifk 65 for all
k < m, it follows that S = N.
Proofl Let M = {tlt e N and 1 if; S}. We wish to show that M = z and
thus that S = N. Now by Theorem 10, if M aé ,2 it contains a smallest
member, say m, and, by (1), m 54$ 1. Then for k EN and k < m we have
It ¢ M so that k e S by definition of M. But then m e S by (2), a contradiction
to m e M. Hence our assumption that M aé 38 is false; M = Q and S = N.
Example I. Prove that every natural number greater than 1 is divisible
by some prime number.
We let S = {1} U {nln E N and n divisible by a prime}. Obviously, I e S.
Suppose k e S for all k < m. Then if m is a prime we are done since mlm.
If m is not a prime it has a divisor s 96 1 and m = rt. But then, since 3 < m,
our induction hypothesis that k e S for all k < 111, says that s has a prime
divisor, say p. Hence 5 = pr and m = (pr): = ;(rt) so that film. By Theorem
1], S = N.
Note that here we cannot use the original principle of induction since we
know nothing of the relation between the divisors of k and the divisors of
k + 1. Thus assuming I: e S alone does not help us to prove It + l e S.
Theorem 12. Let S g N. Then if (1) m e S and (2) for all k 2 m, k e S
implies k + l e S, then S 2 {nln e N and n 2 m}.
Proof. We let S’ = {1, 2,. . ., m} U S so that if we show that S’ = N it
will follow that S 2 {nln e N and n 2 m}. Obviously I e S’. Now suppose
It eS'. By Lemma 1 we havck 21. Further, eitherk = m — 1,]: > m — l,

or k<m—1. If k=m—1, then k+1=meS’. If k=(k—l)

+1 > m — l,then,byLemma3,k — 1 2 m — Isothatk 2 m. Butthen
k + 1 ES by (2) and hence k + 1 eS’. Finally, if k < m — 1 we have
1+1=2$k+1 s(m-2)+1=m—1sothatk+le{1,2,...,m}
and, again, I: + 1 e S’. Since 1 e S’ and k e S’ implies k + 1 6 S’ we con-
clude that S’ = N as desired.
Let us now consider some further examples of proofs by mathematical
Example 2. Prove that n3 + 1 > n2 + n for all n e N with n 2 2.
We let S = {nln EN and n3 + 1 > n2 + n} and wish to show that
S 2 {nlneNandn 2 2}. NowZeSsinceZa +1 > 22 +2. Takek Z 2.
If k E S, then

(1) k3+1>k2+k.
0n the other hand, k + 1 e S if and only if
(2) (k+1)3+1 >(k+1)2+(k+1).
To establish (2) we add 3]:2 + 3k + 1 to both sides of (l) and obtain
Now 3k2+k=k(3k+1)>1 since k>1 and 3k+l> 1. Thus
3k2+k— 1 >0and(k+ 1)2+(k+1)+(3k2+k— 1) >(k+1)2
+ (k + 1). Hence (I: +1)3 + 1 > (k + 1)2 + (k + 1) which is (2).
Thus I: + 1 e S and, by Theorem 12,S contains the setof all natural numbers
2 2. Since1¢S, S = {nlneNandn 22}.
Example 3. Prove that the maximum number of lines determined by'n
points in a plane is n(n — l)/2.
Let S = {nln is a natural number and the maximum number of lines
determined by n points is n(n —- 1)/2}. Now 1 e S since, if n = 1, n(n — l)/2
= 0 and one point does not determine a line. (Since this is a rather exceptional
case we had better see if 2 e S. Now 2 e S since 2 points do determine exactly
one line and, ifn = 2, 2(2 — 1)/2 = 1.)
Now suppose I: e S. That is, we suppose that k points determine at most
120: — 1)/2 lines. Now suppose that we have a (k + 1)st point. We can draw
at most k new lines joining the new point with the previous 12 points. (Some
of these lines may coincide with previous lines as shown below for k = 2.)
I 2 3
52 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Thus the maximum number of lines determined by k + 1 points would be

[k(k —1)/2]+ k = (k +1)[(h +l)—1]/2 which, for n = k +1, is
n(n — 1)/2. Thus if k e S, then k + 1 e S and hence S = N.
Example 4. Prove that, for any n e N, 454IC’F‘"+2 — 8n — 9. We let S =
{nlneN and 64432M2 —8n -9}. Then 1 ES since if n = 1, 32M2 — 8n
— 9 = 34 — 8 — 9 = 64 and 64[64. Now suppose )2 ES so that 64|3"”‘+2
— 8k —- 9. Then 39””2 — 8k — 9 = 644] for some integer q. Con-
sider 32““‘1H2 — 8(k + 1) - 9 = 32k+4 - 8k — 17 = 32(32"+2 — 8k - 9)
+ 641: + 64 = 9(64q) + 64k +64 = 64(9q + k + 1). Hence 64|320c+1>+2
- 8(k + 1) — 9 and k + 1 e S. By the principle of mathematical induction,
S = N.

Exercises 5.5

In problems 1—11 use mathematical induction to establish the stated results.

1.1fa > —l,then(1+a)" 21 +naf0rallnEN.
2. The maximum number of intersections of 7: lines in a plane is n(n — 1)/2
for alln EN, 11 Z 2.
3. The number of regions into which 71 lines divide the plane can never
exceed 2".
4. Let D be an ordered integral domain with a set of positive elements P.
Then if —a S P it follows that —a“"*1 GP for all 1: EN.
5. SB" — 3" for all n E N.
6. 64I9'I — 8n -— 1 for all n EN.
7. 2304472" — 4871 — 1 for all 11 EN.
8. 5|24" — 1 for all n e N.
9.1fn e N, then u < 2".
10. Ifn EN, then 2"” < (n + 3)!.
11. If n, r eN, then Mr! < (n + r)!.
12. Show that for any integer a, a — 1 is the largest integer less than a.
13. A subset S of an ordered integral domain is said to be well ordered if every
nonempty subset of S contains a smallest member.
(a) Which of the following sets are well ordered? {27: + HI: 6 N};
{—2nln EN); {71 Gland n > -— 9); {21: +117: ENand n >29}
(b) Prove that any subset of a well ordered set is well ordered.
14. Show that if we assume Theorem 10 we may derive from it the principle
of mathematical induction.
15. Let N’ = NU {0, —1, —2, , —m} and S E N’. Prove that if (1)
—m eSand (2) k eSimplies h + 1 ES, then S = N’.

6. The Greatest Common Divisor

The simple fact that if we have two natural numbers a and b with a > b
we can divide a by b and obtain a non-negative remainder less than I: is a
matter of considerable significance. We generalize this fact slightly in our
next theorem.

Theorem 13. The Division Algorithm. Given two integers a and b with
b > 0, there exists a unique pair of integers q and r such that a = bq + r
where 0 S r < b.
Let us first note that the algorithm can be made plausible by considering
the multiples, bq, of b displayed on a line as shown below:

I I l I I I I
"‘ I l I l I I I "'
b(-3) b(-2) b(-l) b°0 b'l b'2 b'3

Clearly, the point representing a must fall in some one of the invervals
determined by these points corresponding to the multiples bq. Suppose that
it falls in the interval between bq and b(q + 1) (exclusive of the right hand
point). Then a — bq = r, where r represents a length shorter than the whole
length of the interval and, hence, 0 S r < b as desired.
Now while the above argument makes Theorem 13 plausible, it is not a
legitimate proof of the theorem since it rests on some unproved statements
concerning the correspondence between numbers and points on a line. It
does, however, motivate the proof which follows.
Consider the set S = {a — bx|x eI and a — bx 2 0}. We note first that,
since b > 0, it follows that b 2 1 (Lemma 1) and hence -— |a|b S —|a| S a.
Now consider y = a — (—[a|)b. Then, since —[a|b S a, it follows that
y 2 0. Hence y e S and S aé Q . Thus either 0 e S, in which case there
existsaqsuchthata - bq = 0,a = bq + 0; orelse0¢SbutScontains
a smallest positive integer, r = a — bq (Theorem 10). Now 1 > 0 and if
rzb, then OSr—b=a—bq—b=a-(q+l)b<rcontrarytothe
hypothesis that 0¢S and r is the smallest positive integer in S. Hence
7 < b as desired.
To prove the uniqueness of q and r we assume a second pair of integers,
q’ and r’, such that a = bq’ + r’ where 0 S r’ < b. But then bq’ + r' = bq
+ r and r’ — r = (q — q')b so that b[(r’ — r). But |r' — r[ < b and hence
The integer r is called the remainder and the integer q the quotient.
The division algorithm, so basic in our further development, is capable
of considerable generalization. It cannot, however, be generalized to an
arbitrary integral domain even if the integral domain is ordered. Thus, for
example, if we consider the integral domain R and the elements f and i- in
R we can write
etc. so that there is not a unique quotient or remainder satisfying the condi-
tions of Theorem 13.
54 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

On the other hand, it is sometimes possible to develop a useful form of a

division algorithm for integral domains that are not ordered. We shall do
this in Chapter 12 for polynomials. In other situations a norm (Section 3)
may be used. Thus in the integral domain G = {a + bila, b e I} we define
N(a + bi) = a2 + b2 and may prove that for a, ,3 6 G with )9 ye 0, there exist
y, p e G such that at = [37 + p where N(p) < N(fl). We shall not pursue
these questions further here but leave the matter as a subject for further
reading for the student.
Definition 16. We will call an integer d a greatest common divisor
of two integers a and b (ab aé 0) if
(1) dla and dlb
(2) J40 and clb, then cld.
The next theorem will prove that any two nonzero integers have a unique
positive greatest common divisor. We will speak of this as the greatest
common divisor or g.c.d. and write the g.c.d. of a and b as (a, b). If (a, b) = l
we will say that a and b are relatively prime. Thus, for example, (9, 12) = 3,
(4, 20) = 4, (14, 9) = 1.
Theorem 14. The Euclidean Algorithm. Any two nonzero integers a
and b have a unique positive g.c.d.
Proof: We first observe that if a and b have both d and d’ as a g.c.d. then
d and d’ are associates. For dld’ and d’ld by Definition 16 and hence there
exist integers q and 11’ such that d = d’q and d’ = dq’. But then d = (Jq’)q
= d(q'q) and q'q = 1. Hence q|1 and d is an associate of d'. Since the only
units in I are 1 and —1 we conclude that if two nonzero integers have a
g.c.d. they have a positive g.c.d.
To find this positive g.c.d. we proceed as follows. Without loss of generality
we may assume that a > 0 and b > 0. Now write a = bq + r, 0 S r < b.
If r = 0, b = (a, b). If r aé 0, (a, b) = (b, r). For, suppose d = (a, b) and
d’ = (b, 7). Then d|a and dlb so that d divides a — bq = r. Thus d|b and
d|r and hence d[d'. On the other hand, d’lb and d’jr and thus d’ divides
bq + r = 11. Hence d’la and d’lb so that d’|d. Therefore d = d’.
We have seen that we can reduce the problem of finding (a, b) to the
problem of finding (b, r). We continue by applying the division algorithm
toband r to obtain b = rql + r1, 0 S 11 < r. As before we conclude that if
r1 = 0, r = (b, r) and if r1 9&- 0, (b, r) = (7, r1). Continuing in this manner
we obtain the following sequence of equalities and inequalities:
a = bq + r 0 < r < b
b=rql+r1 0<r,<r
r=r1q2+r2 0<r2<r1

'1=’2‘13+'3 0<r3<r2

'1 = ri+lql+2 + ’l+2 0 < ’j+2 < '14.1

Since the 7, form a decreasing set of non-negative integers, there must exist
a natural number n such that rn+1 = 0. Thus our sequence of equalities
ends with

fir-2 = rn—lqn + '1: 0 < ’n < 'n—1

’n—1 = 7n9n+1

But then (a, b) = (b, r) = (r, 71) = (71, 72) = . . . = (7nd, r”) = in.
Theorem 15. There exist integers m and n such that (a, b) = ma + ub.
Proof. From the above series of equalities in the proof of Theorem 14
we have

(1) '1: = (a: b) = rn-2 _ rn—lqn'

Then from the equality

711—3 = ’n—2qn—1 + rn-J
we have

(2) rn—l = 'n—a _ 'n—zqn—l'

Using (2) in (l) we obtain

(a) b) = 'n-Z — (fit—3 '— 'n—2qn—1)qn

= (1 + qn—lqn)rn—2 " rn—aqn'
Thus we have expressed (a, b) as a linear combination of r,,_J and r,,_3.
We may now use the equality

711—4 = ’n—aqn—z + 711—2

in (3) to obtain (a, b) as a linear combination of r,,_a and 7”_4. Continuing
in this fashion we eventually arrive at (a, b) as a linear combination of 1'1
and r. Then we replace r1 by b — 1511 and, finally, 7 by a — bq to arrive at the
desired linear combination of a and b.
Example. Find (432,342) and express it in the form 432»: + 3421!.
Solution. 432 = 1-342 + 90
342 = 3-90 + 72
90 = 1-72 +18
56 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Thus (432, 342) = 18. Now we have

= «£2 -1-3:2>— 12:2 = 4-42 + (—5)<34_2)
where we have underlined the remainders and 432 and 342 to keep track
of them.
Note that the m and n of Theorem 15 are not unique. For example,
18 = (4 + 342) 432 — (5 + 432) 342 = 346 432 + (—437)342.

Exercises 5.6

1. Find (595, 252) and express it in the form 595m + 2521: in two ways.
2. Do as in problem 1 for (294, 273).
3. Do as in problem 1 for (163, 34-).
4. Do as in problem 1 for (6432, 132).
5. Find (3456, 7234).
6. Prove that if m > 0, (ma, mb) = m (a, b).
7. Prove that ((a, b),c) = (a,(b, 0)) = ((a, c),b).
8. Prove that (a, m) = (b, m) = 1 if and only if (ab, 1») = 1.
9. Prove that if there exist integral solutions, x, y, of the equation ax + by = l
where a and b are integers, then (a, b) = 1.
10. Prove that if the equation ax + by = «1,4 and b integers, (a, b) = d,
hasasolutionx =mandy =n,thenx =m +bt,y=n +atisalso
a solution for every integer t.
*11. Let k be a binary operation on Nsuch that (a) a a b = b a a, (b) a . a = a,
and (c)a w(a + b) = a «bforalla, b EN. (1)Provethata :b = (a,b);
(2) show that if any one of the conditions (a), (b), or (c) are omitted that
a 1: b need not be equal to (a, b).

7. Unique Factorization in I

Theorem 16. Up is a prime and plab where a, b e I, then p|a or p|b.

Proof. Suppose pka. Since 1: is a prime, (p, a) = 1. By Theorem 15 there
exist integers m and n such that (p, a) = 1 = mp + m and hence [I = mpb
+ nab. Since p|ab, p is a divisor of mpb + nab and hence plb.
Corollary. If p is a prime and p |¢11a2 . .. an where a1, a2, . . . , a,| e I,
then there exists an integer i, l S i S n, such that p]a,.
Proofi This follows by repeated application of Theorem 16. The details
are left to the student.
We are now ready to prove the unique factorization theorem for integers.

Theorem 17. Every nonzero integer a (except 1 and — 1) can be expressed

as a unit of I times a product of positive primes. This representation is
unique except for the order in which the prime factors occur.
Prov/2 Clearly we can confine our attention to positive integers since if
n > 0 is a product of positive primes, n = pip, . . . pk, then —n = (—1)1>1p2
. . . 1),, is a product of positive primes times a unit of I. Now let S be the set of
all positive integers for which the result is not true. If S aé {a , then there
exists, by the well-ordering principle, a smallest positive integer m such that
m is not a product of primes. Obviously, then, m is itself not a prime so that
m = mlmz where 1 < m1 < m and 1 < m2 < m. But, by definition of m,
both m1 and m2 are products of primes so that 1111 = 131p, . . . pk, m2 = qlg2
. . . q,3 where the p, and q, are positive primes. Hence in = pl[)2 . . . pkqlq2
. . . 98, a contradiction. Thus S = 25.
Suppose now that, for some integer a, we have |a[ =p1p2 pk (1:,
positive primes) and also [a] = glqz . . . q, (q, positive primes). Then
P1P2---Pk=9192 "-0;
Without loss of generality we may assume that s 2 k. By the corollary to
Theorem 16, p1 divides one of the q,. Since we are not concerned with the
ordering, we may assume that this 91 is 91. But since p1 and q1 are both
positive primes, p1 = q], and hence
PzPa "'Pk = 9293 ‘Is
Continuing, we get p2 = q2, qa = 1:3 ,. . . , 1),, = qk. Then, if s yé k, we
have qkflq,‘+2 . . . q8 = l, a contradiction since qk+1,}’1. Hence 3 = k.
We note that the theorem does not exclude the occurrence of equal primes
Hence we may write.
a = i- pl-‘xpgt . . . p“;

and have proved that the exponents <11, «2, . . ., or, as well as the primes
131, p2, . . . , p, are uniquely detemiined.
Let us return now to the topic of residue classes to prove the following
Theorem 18. I", is an integral domain if and only if m is a prime.
Praofl It is obvious that the condition that m be a prime is necessary since
if»: = m1m2,l < m1 < m, 1 < m2 < m, then lCma = Co as, for example,
in J6 we have C203 = C0. Furthermore, if m = 1, we have only one element,
Co, contrary to our requirement that an integral domain have at least two
Whether or not fit is a prime, properties 1, 2, and 5 of Definition 1 follow
easily from Definition 3 and the properties of integers. For property 3 we
observe that C, + Co = C‘; for property 4 that C, + C,,,_I = Co and
58 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Co + C0 = Col; and for property 6 that CIC, = 0,01 = C}. Now for
property 7 we observe that if C,C,- = C0, then 0 E ij (mod m). Hence mlij
so that if m is a prime, mli or mlj by Theorem 16. But i,j < m and hence
i = 0 or 1' = 0.
Exercises 5.7

l. Prove that if d = (a, b), a = ad, and b = bld, then (a1, bl) = l.
2. Prove that if (a, b) = 1, ale, and bit, then able.
3. Prove that if (a, c) = 1 and club, then db.
4. Prove the corollary to Theorem 16.
5. Prove that if (c, d) = 1, then (c", d) = 1 for all 1: EN.
6. Prove that if (a, b) = 1, then (a + b, a — b) = l or 2.
7. If (a, c) E d, prove that alb and cld if and only if aclbd.
‘8. Prove that the number of primes is infinite. (Hint: Assume that the number
of primes is finite and form their product p11); . . . p... Now consider plpg
p, + 1.)


l. Investigate the solution of equations in J... For example, does the linear
equation ax + b = 0. (a, b 6]..) always have a solution in J..,? If it
does have a solution, is it unique? What about quadratic equations, higher
degree equations, systems of simultaneous linear equations? [N3]
A function, f, on an integral domain D is defined as a correspondence which
associates with each x E D an element f(x) 6 D. Thus, for example, we
have the function f which associates with at its square, x“, and we write
f(x) = x'. Can you form definitions of equality, addition, and multi-
plication of functions so as to get a ring of functions? For arbitrary func-
tions will the ring be commutative? Can you restrict the functions so that
the ring will be commutative? [B4]
. Investigate factorization in {a + bi la, b e I}, the integral domain of Gaussian
integers. (For a complete development you will need to develop a Euclidean
algorithm for Gaussian integers.) [B4], [P1]
4. Define the least common multiple, [a, b], of two integers, a and b, in a
manner similar to our definition of the g.c.d. Develop properties of [a, b]
and relate [(1, b] to (a, b). [01]
5. Let V,(a) denote the highest power of the prime [a dividing the nonzero
integer a and define Ha” = 2—H“). Compare the properties of this
variation of absolute value with ordinary absolute value. (For example,
consider Ila + bll.) [B4]
6. Find a method of determining all possible solutions in integers of the
equation x2 + y2 = a". [N3], [01]


[B4], [P1].
I In situations like this, a common error is to assume that the additive inverse to an
element, x, is simply —x and thus, in this case to write —CI for the additive inverse
of 0.. But we must show that —C, = C, for somej = 0,1, . . . , m — 1.
The Rational Numbers

Our treatment of the rational numbers as classes of pairs of integers

(a, b) (b ¢ 0) will so closely parallel our treatment of the integers as classes
of pairs of natural numbers that we will only sketch the procedure here and
leave the details to be filled in by the student.
Our motivation is based on the solution of equations of the form bx = a
(a and b integers, b aé 0). If, for example, b = 2 and a = —6 we have a
solution, — 3, in integers, In general, if b[a we see that a and b, together with
the equation bx = a, determine an integer, a/b, which is the (unique) solution
to the equation: that is {xlbx = a} = {a/b}.
On the other hand, if b = S and a = 2, the equation bx = a has no solution
in integers but we can still consider the ordered pair (2, 5) analogously to the
ordered pair (—6, 2) in our first example.T

l. Equivalence

Let a, b, c, d, and x be integers with bd aé 0 and such that bx = a and

dx = t. Then our properties of integers assure us that d(bx) = b(dx) = da.
Since dx = c we have be = da = ad. Thus we see that if the ordered pairs
(11, b) and (c, (1) both define the same integer (as, for example, do (6, 3) and
(8, 4)) we must have be = ad (3-8 = 64 in our example). These considera-
tions lead us to make the following definition of equivalence for any two
ordered pairs of integers (a, b) and (c, d) with bd aé 0.

Definition 1. If bd aé Othen, (a, b) ~ (c, d) (read “(a, b) equivalent to

(c, d)”) if and only if ad = be.

We let

S = {(a, b)|a, b 61, b aé 0}

V The notation (a, II) gets a heavy workout having been used before in connection
with integers and also as a symbol for the g.c.d. We could, of course, use another
notation such as [a, b] or (a, b) but, in practice, the meaning of (u, b) will always be
clear from the context. A similar remark applies to our use of “ ~ .”

60 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Theorem 1. The relation of ~ in Definition 1 is an equivalence relation

on S.
Proof; (1) (a, 12) ~ (a, b) since ab = ba.
(2) (a, b) ~ (e, d) means that ad = be. Hence eb = do and thus
(e, d) ~ (a, b).
(3) If (a, b) ~ (e, d) and (e, d) ~ (e, f), then ad = be and ef = de. Hence
e(ad) = e(be) so a(de) = e(be). Since dc = ef we then have a(ef) = e(be) so
(af)e = (be)e. If e aé 0 the cancellation law of multiplication for integers
gives us af = be so that (a, b) ~ (2, f) as desired. On the other hand, if
e = Owe have ad = be = 0 and, sinced aé 0, a = 0. Similarly de = ef= 0
and hence e = 0. Thus ef = 0 = de and, again, (a, b) ~ (6, f).
By Theorem 4.1, our equivalence relation partitions the set S. We now
define a rational number in terms of these equivalence classes.
Definition 2. If b as 0, the rational number a/b (or g) is defined a:
‘ R < a, b > = {(x,y)]x,y e I and (x, y) ~ (a, b)}.
Example. 2/3 = R (2, 3 > = {. . ., (—4, —6), (—2, —3), (2, 3), (4, 6,. . .)}.

2. Addition and Multiplication of Rational Numbers

Let us first motivate our definitions as follows: We suppose a, b, e, d, x,

and y are all integers with bd 75 0 and that bx = a and dy = e. Then by the
properties of integers, we have
d(bx) + b(dy) = (bd)x + (bd)y = (bd)(x + y) = da + be = ad + be.
That is, if x and y corr‘espond to the ordered pairs (a, b) and (e, d) respect-
ively, x + y corresponds to the ordered pair (ad + be, bd).
Similarly, (bx)(dy) = (bd)(xy) = ac and hence xy corresponds to the ordered
pair (at, bd).
Definition 3. (1) R(a, b) + R<e, d) = R<ad + be, bd).
(2) R<a, b) x R(e, d) = R<ae, bd).
Theorem 2. If R<a, b) = R(a’, b') and R(e, d) = R(e’, d’), then
R(a, b) + R<e, d) = R<a’, b') + R<e’, d’) and R(a, b) x R(e, d) =
R<a’, b’) x R<c’, d’).
Proof; R(a, b) + R(e, d) = R(ad + be, bd) = {(x, y)|x, y e I and
(x, y) ~ (ad + be, bd)} and R(a’, b’) + R(e’, d’) = R(a’d’ + b’e’, b'd’)
= {(x, y)lx, y e I and (x, y) ~ (a’d’ + b’e’, b’d')}.
Clearly, R<ad + be, bd) = R(a’d’ + b’e’, b‘d’) if and only if (ad + be,
bd) ~ (a’d’ + b'e’, b'd’) and since R<a, b) = R(a’, b') and R(e, d) =
R(e’, d’) we have (a, b) ~ (41’, b’) and (e, d) ~ (e’, 11’). Thus ab’ = ba' and
cd’ = dc’. Hence

(ab’)(dd') = (ba’)(dd’) and (cd’)(bb’) = (dc’)(bb')


("WK”) + (td'Xbb') = (ba')(dd') + (WXW)

so that

(ad + bc)(b’d’) = (bd)(a’d’ + b'c’)


(ad + be, but) ~ (a’d’ + w, b’d’);

R<ad + be, bd)> = R(a’d’ + b’c’, b’d')
The proof that R<a, b) x R(c, d) = R<a’, b’) x R<c’, (1') is similar
and is left as an exercise for the student.

Exercises 6.2

1. Perform the following computations and write your answers in the form
R( a, b ) with a and b relatively prime.
(a)R(3,4) +R(—1,2) (b)R(5,12) +R(3,—8)
(c)R(0.1> +R(—7.9> (d)R(—3,4> ><R(2.—5)
(e)R(6.5) xR<—3,—4) (f)R(1.1) xR(-7.9)
2. Verify Theorem 2 for the following cases:
(a)R(2.3) =R(4.6>,R( -5,2 > =R(15, -6>
(b)R(-1. -1) =R<3,3).R(1.7) =R(2.14)
(C)R(0,4) =R( 0. -1).R( -3.4> =R( -6,8)
3. Complete the proof of Theorem 2.

3. Properties of the Rational Numbers

It is convenient to define

(a, b) ® (6, d) = (ad + bc, bd) and (a, b) (8 (t, d) = (at, bd)
and to observe that
R<a, b) + R(c, d) = R((a, b) e (c, d)) and
R(a, b) x R<c, d) = R<(a, b) 8) (c, 11))
Theorem 3. The operations of addition and multiplication on the rational
numbers are commutative and associative, and multiplication is distributive
with respect to addition.
62 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Proof; We prove only the commutative law of addition and the associative
law of multiplication, leaving the others as exercises for the student.
From our previous remarks it follows that we need only to show that

(1) (a. b) 63 (c, d) = (c. d) e (a, b)


(2) [(4. b) 69 (t, 11)] ® (5. t) = (1.11) ® [(6. d) (8 (3,1)].

To prove (I) we observe that
(a, b) 69 (c, d) = (ad + be, bd) Definition of (9
= (da + cb, db) Commutative law of multi-
plication in I
= (cb + da, db) Commutative law of addi-
tion in I
= (c, d) (B (a, b) Definition of Q
To prove (2) we observe that

[(a1 b) ® (‘1 4)] ® (3! t)

= (ac, bd) ® (5, t) Definition of ®
= ([ac]s, [bd]t) Definition of 8
= (a[cs], b[dt]) Associative law of multipli-
cation in I
= (a, b) ® (cs, dt) Definition of 8
= (a, b) (29 [(c, d) (8) (s, t)] Definition of ®.
Theorem 4. Cancellation laws for rational numbers.
(1) If R(a,b) + R(c,d> = R(e,f> + R(t, d), then R(a,b> = R<e,f)
(2) If R<a, b) x R(c, d) = R<e, f) x R<L‘, d) and eye 0, then
R(a, b) = R<e,f).
Proofl Again, we “translate” these properties to
(1) If (a, b) (B (c, d) ~ (e,f) ® (0, d), then (a, b) ~ (e,f)
(2) If (a, b) (8 (c, d) ~ (e,f) ® (c, d) and c 95 0, then (a, b) ~ (e,f).
To prove (1) we observe that (a, b) ® (c, d) = (ad + bc, bd) and (e, f)
63 (c, d) = (ed + fc, fd). Hence we have (ad + bc, bd) ~ (ed + fc, fd) or

(ad + bf) (fd) = (bdXed +f€)

Continuing, we have
(ad + bc)(fd) = (ed + fc)(bd) Commutative law of multiplication
in I
[(ad + bc)f]d = [(ed + fc)b]d Associative law of multiplication
in I
(ad + bc)f = (ed + fc)b Cancellation law for multiplication
in I (d 96 0)
(“Of + (b€)f = (“)5 + (ft)b Distributive law in I
(“Of + f(€b) = (84» + (fob Commutative law of multiplication
in I

(”Of + (fob = (“Ob + (fob Associative law of multiplication

in I
(at)! = («0b Cancellation law for addition in I
«(41) = cub) Associative law of multiplication
in I
aw) = can!) Commutative law of multiplication
in I
(af)d = (eb)d Associative law of multiplication
in I
af = eb Cancellation law for multiplication
in I (d 4: 0)
of = be Commutative law of multiplication
in I
(a: II) ~ (of) Definition of ~
Note. We have given a complete sequence of steps here. Once the logical
necessity for such details is realized, however, it is certainly in order to pro-
ceed more quickly. Thus we might say that, by properties of the integers,
(ad)f = (ed)b implies af = be since (I 56 0. It is very important, however,
that the student be able to give such detailed proofs and until he is certain
that he can do so he should avoid combining steps.
The proof of the cancellation law for multiplication is similar and is left
as an exercise for the student.
We let R be the set of all rational numbers, that is, R = {R (x, y)|x, y e I,
Theorem 5. There is a unique multiplicative identity, R(l,1>, in R
and a unique additive identity, R (0, 1).
64 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Proof: R<1, 1) x R(a, b) = R<1 x a, l x b) = R(a, b). If

R<r,:) x R(a, b) = R<a, b) we have R(r,s) x R<a,b) =R(1, 1)
x R(a, b) for all rational numbers R(a, b). Choosing a rational number
R<a, b) with a #9 0 we may apply the cancellation law for multiplication
for rational numbers to obtain R<r, :) = R<1,1 ).
We leave the proof of the existence of a unique additive identity as an
exercise for the student.
Theorem 6. If R(a,b> and R(c,d> are any two rational numbers,
there exists a unique rational number, R<x, y), such that

R<a,b) + R<x,y) = 12¢, d)

We have R<x,y) = R<£b + d(—a), db).
Prov/Z R(a, b) + R(cb + d(—a), db) = R(a(&) + b[cb + d(—a)],
b(db)). By a liberal use of the properties of the integersl we have
a(db) + b[cb + d(—a)] = b“:
where we use the fact that b[d(-a)] = — [a(db)]. Thus

R(a(db) + b[cb + d(—a)], b(db)) = R(b2c, bzd)

We leave as exercises for the student the proofs that R(b3c, bad) = R<c, d)
and that R (x, y) is unique.
The student should note that R<cb + d(—a), db) is simply our formal
version of c/d — a/b = (cb — da)/db and that, in particular, the equation
R(a, b) + R (x, y) = R<0, 1) has a unique solution. Hence every rational
number has a unique additive inverse.

Exercises 6.3
. Prove the commutative law of multiplication for rational numbers.

. Prove the associative law of addition for rational numbers.

. Prove the distributive law for multiplication with respect to addition for
rational numbers.
Prove the cancellation law for multiplication of rational numbers.

. Prove that R( 0, 1 ) is a unique additive identity for the rational numbers.

. Prove that if m is a nonzero integer, R( ma, mb ) = R( a, b).
. Prove that, in Theorem 6, R( x, y ) is unique.
. Prove that the set, R, of all rational numbers is an integral domain.

4. The Integers as a Subset of the Rational Numbers

We recall that a/b = R<a, b) (Definition 2).

1‘ Recall the remark following the proof of Theorem 4.

Theorem 7. The subset I’ = {a/lla GI} of R is isomorphic to I under

the correspondence a e I H all e I'.
Proof. It is obvious that the correspondence is 1—1. Now (Na a/l,
b/l, and a + b<—»(a + b)/1. Since a/l + 6/1 =(a-l +1-b)/1~1
= (a + b)/l we have a + b<—> all + b/l as desired. Similarly, ab<—>(ab)/1
= (all) x (II/1).
From now on we will identify a with «1/1 even though we only have a 4—) all.
(Cf. (a + l, 1) and a for integers.)

5. Additive and Multiplicative Inverses in R

In Theorem 5 we noted that R (0, 1) = 0/1 is an additive identity for the

rational numbers.
Definition 4. —(a/b) = (—a)/b.
Theorem 8. —(a/b) is the unique additive inverse of a/b.

Proofi This follows from Theorem 6 with e = 0 and d = 1 since then

R<cb + d(—a),db) = R<—a,b> = (—a)/b = --(a/b).
Definition 5. a/b — c/a' = (1/1; + [—(c/d)].
In the following theorem we collect some useful facts about rational
Theorem 9. (1) (—a)/b = a/(—b);
(2) (-a)/(—b) = “/11;
(3) —[(-a)/b] = 41/6;
(4) -[-(a/b)] = 11/11;
(5) -(a/b - 6/4) = —(a/b) + 5/4;
(6) [-(a/b)][-(€/d)] = (II/”(dd)-
Proofi We prove here (1) and (5) leaving the rest as exercises for the
student. For (1) we observe that (—a)/b = a/(—b) if and only if (—a)(—b)
= ba. By the properties of integers, (—a)(—b) = ab = ba.
For (5) we observe that

-(§-§) lid-3)]

= —[5 +“:1
_ [ad 23—0)]
66 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
—[ad + b(—c)]

= —(ad) — [b(-c)1
bc — ad
= bd
by the definitions for rational numbers and the properties of the integers.
On the other hand
1: —a c
—+ _ = L2 + _

1; d b d
(—a)d + be b4: — ad
— bd _ bd
Note that (5) can also be established as a consequence of the fact that R
is an integral domain (problem 8 of Exercises 6.3) and the fact that if x andy
are elements of an integral domain, —(x — y) = —x + y (problem 4d of
Exercises 5.2).
We pointed out in Theorem 5 that R<l, 1) = 1/1 is the multiplicative
identity for the rational numbers. We now establish the existence of multi-
plicative inverses in R.
Theorem 10. If a aé 0, the unique multiplicative inverse of a/b is b/a.
Proofi (a/b)(b/a) = ab/ba = 1/1 with uniqueness following from the
cancellation law of multiplication for rational numbers.

Exercises 6.5
l. Prove that (—a)/( —b) = a/b.
2. Prove that —[( —a)/b] = a/b.
3. Prove that —[—(a/b)] = a/b.
4. Prove that [—(a/b)][ —(c/d)] = (a/b)(c/d).

6. The Ordering of the Rational Numbers.

Our next theorem has to do with the extension (Definition 5.14) of the
unique (Theorem 5.6) ordering of I to an ordering of R and states that the
extension is both possible and unique.
Theorem 11. The only ordering of R is that defined by a/b >0 if and only
if ab is a positive integer (a, b e I, b 9e 0).

Prov/Z We may first observe that if the relation a/b > 0 defined by ab > 0
is an ordering, it is an extension of the ordering of I since, if a e I, a = all
> 0 if and only if a - = a > 0. (Here, of course, we should really write
a/l >30 and a - l >p0 to indicate that, in the first case, we are talking
about our newly defined ordering in R and, in the second case, the previously
defined ordering in I. Which ordering we are considering is, however,
always clear from the context.)
Next we show that if R has any ordering at all it must be the one given.
For, given any b 9E 0 61, we have b > 0 or -—b > 0 by condition (3) of
Definition 5.11 and hence, in either case, b3 = b - b = (—b)(—b) > 0 by
condition (2) of Definition 5.11. Thus if a/b > 0 we must have (a/b)b2
= ab > 0.
It remains to show that the condition a/b > 0 if and only if ab > 0 actually
defines an ordering. That is, by Definitions 5.11 and 5.12, we must show that:

(1) If a/b > 0 and c/d > 0, then (a/b) + (all!) > 0;
(2) If a/b > 0 and c/d > 0, then (a/b)(c/d) > 0;
(3) One and only one of the alternatives a/b > 0, —(a/b) > 0, and a/b = 0

To prove (I) we observe that we have ab > 0, cd > 0, and

a c ad+bc
b+ d M

Then (a/b) + (c/d) > 0 if and only if (ad + bc)(bd) = 42(ab) + b2(cd) > 0.
Since 11", b2, ab, and cd are all positive in I we have our desired result.
Similarly, for (2) we have (a/b)(c/d) = ac/bd and ac/bd > 0 if and only if
(ac)(bd) = (ab)(cd) > 0. But (ab)(cd) > 0 since ab > 0 and cd > 0 in I.
For (3) we know that one and only one of the alternatives ab > 0, —(ab)
> 0, and ab = 0 holds. If ab = 0 we have a = 0 since b aé 0 and hence
a/b = 0. If ab > 0 then 11/]; > 0 while if —(ab) = (—a)b > 0 we have
(—a)/b = —(a/b) > 0.
One further point needs to be considered since there is nothing in our
definition of all) > 0 which says that we could not have, for example, 2/3 > 0
but 4/6 < 0 even though 2/3 = 4/6. Now it is easy to check that 4/6 > 0
but we now ask, in general: if a/b > 0 and c/d = a/b, is c/d > 0? To see
that we have an affirmative answer we simply observe that c/d = a/b means
ad = 12:. Then (bc)(ad) = (bc)2 > 0 and since ab > 0 it follows that Cd > 0.

Definition 6. a/b > c/d if and only if (a/b) — (c/d) > 0.

Theorem 12. all: > c/d if and only if ad > bc.

68 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Proofl By Definition 6, a/b > c/d if and only if (a/b) — (c/d) > 0. Now
a/b - c/d = (ad — bc)/bd. Hence, by Theorem 11, a/b > c/d if and only if
(ad — bc)(bd) > 0. Now by Theorem 9, a/(-b) = (—a)/b, so that we know
that we may assume b > 0 and d > 0 and have bd > 0. Hence by the pro-
perties of ordering for the integers we conclude that a/b > old if and only
ifad—bc > Oorad> bc.
Theorem 13. (The Archimedean law) Let x = a/b and y = c/d be
positive rational numbers. Then there exists n e N such that 11.7: > y.
Prov/Z We know by Theorems 9 and 11 that we may assume a, b, c, and d
to be positive integers. We wish to find 11 E N so that
na M c
— > .—
l b b d
By Theorem 12 this will happen if and only if
(1) (1111):! = n(ad) > be.
Now if ad > be we take 11 = 1 and if ad = bc we take n = 2 for the desired
result. If ad < bc we use the division algorithm to obtain
bc=q(ad)+r (OSI<ad)
Thus we have ad > r so that
q(ad) + ad > q(ad) + r = be

(4 + 1)(ad) > bc
and (1) is satisfied by taking 11 = q + l.

Exercises 6.6

If a and b are integers prove that

l. l/a >0 if and only if a > 0.
2. b > a > 0 implies that l/a >1/b > 0.
3. 0 >b >a implies that O >1/a >1/b.
*4. a/b + 0/: = a/(b + 0) implies a = 0.


1. Outline a procedure for first constructing the positive rational numbers

from the natural numbers and then constructing all of the rational numbers
from the positive rational numbers. [R1]

2. We have been constructing new systems of numbers by considering ordered

pairs of numbers from our previous system. Furthermore, we have moti-
vated our discussion by considering the need for new numbers as indicated
by equations. Consider now the equation x" — 2 = 0. Show that it has no
solution in rational numbers and consider the possibility of using pairs of
rational numbers to obtain a solution.


[132]. [H3]. [R1].
Groups and Fields

1. Definitions and Examples

In all of the systems we have studied so far (sets, natural numbers,

integers, rational numbers, integral domains, and rings) we have always
considered two operations on the system. If we concentrate on one operation
we are led to the concept of a group in the sense of the following definition.
Definition 1. A group, G, is a set of elements on which is defined a
binary operation, 0, such that
(1) There exists an element e e G such that a o e = a for
all a 6 G (existence of right hand identity);
(2) If a E G, there exists an element a’ e G such that
a o a’ = e (existence of right hand inverse)1‘;
(3) Ifa, b,andceG,then(aob)oc = ao(boc)(asso—
ciative law).
If a group consists of a finite number, n, of elements
we call n the order of the group.

Example 1. The set of integers forms a group under the operation of

addition. Here 0 is the identity and —a the inverse of a. On the other hand,
the set of non-negative integers does not form a group under addition since
inverses do not exist for a aé 0.
We may note that we have used here the “neutral" symbol, 0, for our group
operation. When, however, we are considering groups whose elements are
numbers we normally use the ordinary signs of + and x when our
operation is addition or multiplication respectively. Also, it is frequently
convenient to adopt the convention that ab shall mean a o b.
Example 2. The rational numbers form a group under addition and the
nonzero rational numbers form a group under multiplication.
T As far as our postulates go there might be more than one right hand identity. Thus
when we write a o a’ = e we should really say that a’ is a right hand inverse of a rela-
tive to the right hand identity 2. Later, however, we will show that there is only one
right hand identity so that we omit this qualification.

Example 3. 13 is a group of order 3 with respect to addition. Co is the
identity for addition; Co is the additive inverse of Co; C1 is the additive inverse
of C2; and 02 is the additive inverse of Cl. Note that this is a finite group
whereas the groups of Examples 1 and 2 are infinite groups.

Example 4. 13 with C0 omitted is a group of order 2 with respect to

multiplication. C1 is the identity for multiplication; C1 is the multiplicative
inverse of 01 and C2 is the multiplicative inverse of Ca. On the other hand, J4
with Co omitted is not a group with respect to multiplication. 01 is the multi-
plicative identity but C2 ~ 02 = C0 so that we do not have closure.
We note in all of these examples that a o b = b o a for all a and b in the
group although this is not a requirement given in Definition 1. In the next
section we will give some examples of groups where a o b aé b o a but right
now we will go on to a consideration of fields. To do this it is first convenient
to give a name to groups where a o b = b o a for all a and b in the group.

Definition 2. A group G is said to be commutative or Abeliant iffor

alla,beGitistrue thataob = boa.

If we compare the definition of an Abelian group with the definition of

an integral domain, we see that we may describe an integral domain as a set
D which possesses two binary operations, addition (+), and multiplication
(x ), such that
1. D is an Abelian group under addition;
2. Multiplication is commutative and associative, and is distributive with
respect to addition;
3. There exists a multiplicative identity;
4. D has at least two elements;
5. a x b = 0 implies a = 0 or b = 0 (where 0 is the additive identity).
Now we note that were it not for the possible absence of multiplicative
inverses of nonzero elements, D with 0 omitted would also be a group with
respect to multiplication. Indeed, in some integral domains, the nonzero
elements do have inverses as is the case for the integral domain of rational
numbers. We are thus led to the definition of a field.

Definition 3. A field it an integral domain in which every element

except the additive identity has a multiplicative inverse.

It is clear that the rational numbers form a field since, when a 9E 0,

(a/b)(b/a) = 1. It is also true, as we will see, that the real numbers form a
field and that the complex numbers form a field. We now give two additional
examples of fields.
1 In honor of Niels Henrik Abel (1802—1829), one of the founders of group theory.
72 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Example 5. Let F = {a + bx/2_|u, b ER}. Then F is a field under the

usual operations of addition and multiplication. For we have noted before
that F is an integral domain (problem 4, Exercises 5.1) and hence we need
only to show that, if a + bx/2_ 7‘: 0, a + bx/E has a multiplicative inverse.t
To do this we observe that
(a + bflxa — bfl) = a2 — 21:2
and that, if a + bx/Z-aé 0, a2 — 2b2 9e 0. For if a2 — 2b2 = 0, then
(12/!)2 = («z/b)2 = 2 so that W would be a rational number. But (see
Chapter 8), V5 is not a rational number and hence a2 — 2b2 # 0. Then
if c = a/(uz — 2b”) and d = —b/(a2 — 2b2), we have
(a + bflx: + dfl) = 1.
(Cf. with the usual process of “rationalizing the denominator" of 1/(a + b
Example 6. In 13 we have C101 = C1 and C2C2 = C1 so that 13 is a field.
More generally, we may show that Jp is a field for any prime p.
Theorem I. J, is a field if and only if t is a prime.
Proof: First, if tis notaprime, thent = rs whereO < r < tandO < s < t.
Thus C,C8 = C0. Now if C, had a multiplicative inverse, Ck, we would have
C, = C10, = (C,,C,,)C5 = Ck(C,C,) = CkCO = Co, a contradiction. Hence
it is necessary that t be a prime.
Now suppose that t is a prime and consider any Ck where 0 < k < t. We
have (t, k) = 1 so that, by Theorem 5.15, there exist integers m and n aé 0
such that mt + 1:]: = 1. But this means that nk E 1 (mod t). Now for any
integer n ;é 0 we know that there exists an integer n’ such that O < n’ < t
and n 2 11’ (mod t). (It is, of course, possible that n’ = n.) For this n’ we
have, by the properties of congruences, n’k E 1 (mod t). But then Cn'Ck
= CkCn' = C1 and thus Ck has the multiplicative inverse C '.

Exercises 7.1

1. Do the even integers form a group with respect to addition? Do the odd
2. Do the positive irrational numbers form a group with respect to multi-
3. In J, which of the following sets form a group with respect to multiplica-
tion: (8) {Ch Ca, Ca); (b) {C0, 01, C2, Cs, 04, Cs, cs); (C) {Ch Ca);
(‘3') (Ch C3, C4, Cs); (e) {Ch Ca: Ca. C4; 05: Cs}?
* It is not sufficient just to write 1/(a + bt/2_). Rather, we must explicitly exhibit
a number of the form r + dfiwhere c, de R such that (a + bl/Z—Xc + tit/E) = 1.
4. Let G = {CkICk 61", [2 ye 0, and (k, m) = 1). Prove that G is a group
under multiplication.
5. Which of the integral domains of problems 1—7 of Exercises 5.1 are fields?
'6. Let P be the set of all positive real numbers and q a fixed positive real
number with q # 1. For a, b E P define
aC-Bb =ab and a ®b =a‘°h".
Show that P is a field with respect to the operations (+3 and 8.

2. Further Examples of Groups

Suppose that we have a square as shown below,

4 3

l 2

where we have numbered the vertices for convenience. We ask what we

may “ o” to the square that does not change its appearance. For example, if
we perform a rotation, R, of the square through 90° in a counterclockwise
direction we obtain
3 2

4 1

which, except for the labels on the vertices, is the original square. We may
indicate R symbolically by giving its effect on the vertices thus:
R=( 2341 )
That is, the vertex 1 is where the vertex 2 was in the original square; the vertex
2 is where the vertex 3 was, and so on. Similarly, we have

2 1 1 4 l 2

3 4 2 3 4 3

1234 1234 1234

R'=( 3412 )R”=( 4123 )”=( 4321 )
74 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

2 1 3 2 1 4

v=< 1
2 3 4
1 4- 3 > D=< 1
4 > v=<
Then R’ corresponds to a rotation through 180°; R” to a rotation through
2 3 4
4 3 2 >
270°; H to a reflection about a horizontal line through the middle of the
square; Vto a reflection about a vertical line through the middle of the square;
and D and D’ to reflections about the diagonals. Finally, we may consider
the original position of the square as having been obtained by the identity

1 2 3 4
’=( 1 2 3 4- )
Let us now consider the result of applying first R and then H to the square.
We have
4 3 3 2 4 1

—> —>

l 2 4 1 3 2

so that the effect of R followed by H is the same as the effect of D. We write

RH (= R o H) = D. On the other hand, we have

4 3 1 2 2 3

——> —>

l 2 4 3 1 4

so that HR = D’ aé RH. Hence our operation is a noncommutative one.

Although the geometric approach is interesting and instructive, it is fre-
quently more convenient to compute products by the use of permutation
symbols. Thus we have, for example,
12341234 1234
R”=( 23414321
N )=( 3214 )=”
since we have 1 £2 ‘1 3 and therefore 1 13:! 3; 2 fl 3 fl 2 and therefore
Similarly we have
HR=( 12 3 4 )( 1 234)=(1234)=D'
4- 3 21 2 3 41 14 3 2
Clearly IR=R=RI,HI=IH=Handsoon,andil=II=RR”=
The results obtained so far can be used to begin a “multiplication table”
or, as it is sometimes called, a Cayley array.t

I R R’ R” H V D D’

I I R R’ R” H V D D’


R’ R’ I

R” RI! I

H H D’ I


D’ D’ I

If the student will now compute the remaining products he will see that
we certainly have closure, a right-hand (and also left-hand) identity, and right-
hand (and also left-hand) inverses for every element. Thus only the verifica-
tion of the associative property is needed to proclaim the fact that we have a
(noncommutative) group, called the gmup of symmetries of the square. Un-
fortunately, however, the fact that our operation is indeed associative cannot
be readily seen from the table and to check the associative property case by
case is much too lengthy a procedure. Later we will show that the multiplica-
tion of permutations is always associative but for the moment we will simply
assume this fact.

1 In honor of A. Cayley (1821—1895) who was one of the first mathematicians to con-
duct extensive research in the theory of groups.
76 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Exercises 7.2

1. Complete the Cayley array for the group of symmetries of the square.
2. Construct the group of symmetries of an equilateral triangle.
3. Construct the group of symmetries of a rectangle that is not a square.
*4. Construct the group of symmetries of a regular tetrahedron.

3. Some Simple Properties of Groups

It will be useful to make first the following definition.
Definition 4. If a right identity e is also a left identity, that is if ea = a
for all a in G, we say that e is an identity of G. If a'
is a right inverse of a and if, also, a’ i: a left inverse of a,
i.e., if a’a = e, then we will say that a’ it an inverse of a.
\Ve now list several simple but important properties of groups in the follow-
ing theorem.
Theorem 2. Let G be a group with a right identity e and suppose a, b, and
c e G with a’ a right hand inverse of a. Then
(1) ba = ea implies b = e (right-hand cancellation law);
(2) ea = a for all a E G (i.e., a right identity is also a left identity);
(3) (1’4; = e (that is a right inverse is also a left inverse);
(4-) ab = ac implies b = c (left-hand cancellation law);
(5) the equations ax = b and ya = b have unique solutions a: and y e G
(6) a group has one and only one right identity which is also the unique
left identity and the unique identity;
(7) any element of G has one and only one right inverse which is also its
unique left inverse and its unique inverse;
(8) a is the inverse of a’;
(9) the inverse of ab is b’a’.
(1) If ba = ea, then (ba)a’ = (ca)a’. Hence b(aa’) = c(aa’), be = ee, and
b = e.
(2) We have e(aa') = ee = e = aa’. Hence (ea)a’ = M' and, by (1), ea = a.
(3) Since aa’ = e, it follows that a’(aa’) = a’e = 11’. But a’ = ea’ by (2).
Hence a’(aa’) = ea’. Since a’(aa') = (a'a)a’ we have (a’a)a’ = ea’.
Again applying (1) we have a’a = e.
(4) By (3) we know that there exists a’ e G such that a’a = e. Then ab = ac
implies a’(ab) = a'(ac). Thus (a’a)b = (a’a)c so that eb = cc, and b = c.
(5) If x = a’b and y = ba’ we have ax = a(a’b) = (aa’)b = eb = b and
ya = (ba')a = b(a’a) = be = b. Hence there are solutions. If x’ and
y’ are also solutions of the respective equations we have ax = ax’ and
ya = y’a. But then x = x’ and y = y’ by (4) and (1) respectively.
(6) A right identity may be considered as a solution of the equation ax = a
and is therefore unique by (5). By (2) and Definition 4 it follows that this
unique right identity is also the unique left identity and the unique
(7) A right inverse of an element a may be considered as a solution of the
equation ax = e and is therefore unique by (5). By (3) and Definition 4-
if follows that this unique right inverse of a is also the unique left inverse
of a and the unique inverse of a.
(8) By (3), the inverse a’ of a has the property that a’a = aa’ = e and hence
a is the inverse of a'.
(9) (ab)(b’a’) = a[b(b’a’)] = a[(bb’)a’] = a(ea') = aa’ = e.
We will denote the unique inverse of a by (1‘1 from now on and define
a'" for n e N as (a‘1)".

Exercises 7.3
1. If a, b, and c are elements of a group, prove that the equation bxaxba = bx:
has a unique solution.
2. Prove that, if x is an element of a group and xx = x, then x = e, the identity
element of the group.
3 Prove that (ab)(ab) = (aa)(bb) for all elements a and b of a group if and
only if the group is Abelian.
4. Prove that if G is a group with identity 2 such that a e G implies a2 = e,
then G is an Abelian group.
5. In a group with an even number of elements, show that there is an element
besides the identity that is its own inverse.
6. Let S be a set of elements, a, b, c, . . . and o a binary operation on S
satisfying (3) of Definition 1, and in addition, having the property that all
equations x0 a = b and a o y = b have solutions x and y in S. Prove
that S is a group.
‘7. If x is an element of a group G and there exists y e G such that y’ = x we
will say that x has a square root. Prove (1) if G is a finite group and each
a e G has a square root, then the root is unique and (2) each element of a
finite group has a square root if and only if the order of the group is odd.
*8. Let a1, a2, .. . , an be 11, not necessarily distinct, elements of a group G
of order n. Show that there exist integers p and q, 1 S p S q S n such that
a, a, u . . . a, = e, the identity of G.
*9. Prove that if G is a group with identity e and having more than two ele-
ments, then there exist a, b e G with a # b, a aé e, b 9E e such that
ab = ba.

4. Permutations

We have already given an example of a group of permutations in con-

sidering the symmetries of a square. The generalization is simple. By

p=(. . 12


78 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
we mean the permutation which sends 1 into jl, 2 into jg, . . . , it into jn
wherejl, jg, . . . , j,, is any arrangement of the integers l, 2, . . . , 11. Note that
the order of the columns in the symbol is immaterial. Thus, for example,

( 1 2 3 ) ( 2 1 3 )
3 1 2 _ 1 3 2
Likewise, our definition of multiplication is a generalization of the multi-
plication used in our example: If

q=(j1ja in)
we have

1 2 ... n
P! =
[21 k2 ... k,l
We have observed that multiplication of permutations is not commutative.
We now prove that, however, it is associative. For if

(12, k2 kn)
m1 m2 m”

l 2 ... n k k ... k (12 11)

and also
k1 k2 k,l )( 1 ”
m1 m2 m” ”) m1 mg ...m,,

1 2 ... n
h 12 11.
)( jm1 j"'22 ... j
(12 ...n)
1711 ma
Furthermore, we have the identity permutation
( 1 2 ... n )
l 2 ... n
for any 1: symbols and, relative to this identity permutation, we have

_1= his in
P (12 ...n)
Now let us consider the set, S", of all n! permutations on n symbols.
Our remarks above give us the following theorem.
Theorem 3. S,l is a group with respect to permutation multiplication.
Definition 5. Sn 1': called the symmetric group on n symbols.
cnoups AND FIELDS 79
It is often convenient to use the cyclic notation for permutations in which,
for example, the permutation
( l 2 3 4 )
3 1 4 2
is written as (l 3 4 2). We read the new symbol, called a cycle, as follows:
1 is replaced by 3, 3 is replaced by 4, 4 is replaced by 2, and 2 is replaced by 1.
Note that (l 3 4 2) = (3 4 2 1) = (4 2 1 3) = (2 1 3 4). Similarly,
the permutation
( 1 2 3 4 5 )
2 3 l S 4
is written as (l 2 3)(4 5) and the permutation
( 1 2 3 )
3 2 1
as (1 3)(2) or simply as (1 3) where it is understood that when a symbol is
omitted it remains fixed in the permutation.
Definition 6. Two cycles are said to be disjoint if they have no symbol:
in common.
Thus (1 3 4) and (2 5) are disjoint but (1 3 4) and (2 3 5) are not disjoint.
From the procedure used in writing permutations in terms of cycles, the
following result is now evident.
Theorem 4. Every permutation can be written as the product of disjoint
Example. Express (1 3 2 5)(1 4 3)(2 5 1) as the product of disjoint
Under the first cycle, 1 goes to 3 but then, under the second cycle 3 goes to
1. Finally, under the third cycle 1 goes to 2. Thus we have (1 2 . . .). Now
under the first cycle 2 goes to 5 and then, under the third cycle, 5 goes to 1.
Thus we have (1 2) . . . . Now we look at what happens to 3. First 3 goes to 2
(first cycle). Then 2 goes to 5 (third cycle) so we have (1 2)(3 5 .
Now 5 goes to 1 (first cycle) and 1 goes to 4 (second cycle). Thus we have
(1 2)(3 S 4 . . . . Now 4 goes to 3 (second cycle) so we have (1 2)(3 5 4).
That is, (1 3 2 5)(1 4 3)(2 5 1) = (1 2)(3 5 4).
Definition 7. A permutation that can be written a: a Lycle on just two
symbols, (1'j), is called a transposition.
Theorem 5. Any permutation can be written as a product of transpositions.
80 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Proof: We first observe that a cycle of n symbols can be written as a pro-
duct of transpositions since
(1 2 3 4...n)=(1 2)(1 3)(1 4)...(1 n)
Our result then follows from Theorem 4.
We note that the expression of a permutation as a product of transpositions
is by no means unique. For example, (1 2 3) = (1 2)(1 3) = (1 3)(l 2)
(1 3)(l 2). In both cases, however, we observe that the number of trans-
positions is even.
Theorem 6. If p is a product of s transpositions and also a product of r
transpositions, then r E 5 (mod 2); i.e., r and s are either both odd or both
Prnofi Our proof uses the alternating polynomial, A, in the 11 symbols
x1, x2, . . . , at”. It is defined as the product of the n(n - 1)/2 factors at, — x,
where i <j. Thus ifn = 4

A = (x1 " x2)(x1 — x3)(x1 — x4)(x2 — xa)(x2 — x4)(x3 " x4)

In general,

1y . ,)

A = x — x

= (x1 " x2)(x1 — x3)(x1 " x4) - - - (x1 — xn)

(x2 — x3)(x2 — x4) - - - (x2 " “11)
($63 - x4) (x3 — xn)

(xn—l _ xn)

Consider now any permutation, p, of l, 2, . . . , 1;. By A1) we mean the poly-

nomial obtained by permuting the subscripts 1, 2, . . . , n of the x, as pres-
cribed by 1). For example, ifn = 4 and; = (1 3 4 2),

AP = (“'3 “ x1)(xa — x4)(x3 " x2)(x1 — x4)(x1 —‘ x2)(x4 -‘ x2)

In particular, if t = (i j) where i < j, At = —A. For, the factors x, — ass
of A with 7 ye i or j and 5 ye i or j remain unchanged and x, — x, becomes
x, — x, = —(x, — x1). The remaining factors of A are of the form x, — x:
where either 1' or x, but not both, is equal to i or j. In particular, they are
(1)::1 — x,,x2 - x,, ,x,_1 - x,

(2) x, " “H1: xi — ”(+2: w x1 " x1—1

I In such a case we say that r and s have the same pan'ry.

(3) x, — ”H1: «”1 " “Ha: - - - » x‘ — ”n

11 — x,,x, — x,, ,x,_1 — x,
(5) at:H1 — x,, at“,2 — xi, . . . , x,_1 — x,

(6) x, — x)”, x, — “H2, . . . , x, — xn

But then the i — 1 factors in (1) may be paired with the i — 1 factors in
(4) as follows:

(7) ("1 - x.)(x1 — x1), (x2 — ”0(‘2 " x1)» -- - :(x1-1 — xlxxi-l — “1)

the j — i — 1 factors in (2) may be paired with the j — i — 1 factors in

(5) as follows:

(8) (x: —‘ xt+l)(xl+1 — x1), (x1 — mgxxm — x1), - - - , (x: — x,_1)(x,_1 — ”1)

and the n — j factors in (3) may be paired with the n — j factors in (6)
as follows:

(9) (xi "' mx; " ”#1), (x: — xi+2)(x] " ”1”): - - - . (“t —' ”71X": — 9‘»)-

B‘" in (7), (”k — mm — xj)‘ = (xk " x;)(xk — xi) = (“k " mm - ”1)
fork = 1,2, . . . ,t' -— 1;in (8), (xi — xk)(xk — x,)t = (x, — xk)(xk — x1)
= (x, — .1t,',c)(.1c,c — x,) for k =i+ 1, ,j —- l; and in (9), (x, — xk)
(x, — xk)‘ = (x, — xxx": — xk) = (x, — xk)(x; — Ma) f°Tk=j+ 1: - - - : "~
(The student should check that there are just three special cases in which
the tabulation of factors given in (1) to (6) breaks down. These cases are:
(a) When i = l, in which case factors of the form (1) and (4) do not appear;
(b) when j = n, in which case factors of the form (3) and (6) do not appear;
and (c) when j = i + 1, in which case factors of the form (2) and (5) do not
appear. Because of the pairing of factors in (1) and (4-), (3) and (6), and (2)
and (5), however, these exceptional cases do not invalidate our result.)
Thus the total effect of p on A is simply to change at. — x, to x, — x, and
hence At = —A.
Now suppose p is a product of r transpositions. Then Ap = (—1)’A.
Likewise, if p is the product of 3 transpositions, Ap = (—1)’A. Hence
(—1)' = (—l)‘, r E 5 (mod 2).

Definition 8. If a permutation is the product of an even number of

transpositions it is called an even permutation; otherwise
it is called an odd permutation.

Theorem 7. Of the n! permutations on 11 symbols, n!/2 are even permu-

tations and nl/Z are odd permutations.
82 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Proof: Let e1, 22, . . . , e, be the even permutations and 01, 02, . . . , o, be
the odd permutations where, of course, r + s = 11! Now let i be any trans-
position. Since 1 is obviously an odd permutation it follows that tel, tea, . . .,
te, are odd permutations and that to], 102, . . . , tos are even permutations.
Nowclearly no te, = to,foranyi = 1, . . . , r,j=1, . . . ,ssinceanoddpermu—
tation is never also an even permutation. But, furthermore, if te‘ = tej, then
e, = e, by the cancellation law. Similarly to, aé to, if i yé j. Thus all of the r
even permutations must appear in the list 1'01, . . . , to, and all of the 3 odd
permutations in the list tel, . . . , te,. Hence r = s = iii/2.

Exercises 7.4

1. Write the 3! permutations on three symbols in the two-rowed notation;

as a product of disjoint cycles; as a product of transpositions. Which are
even permutations and which are odd permutations?
2. Express each of the following products of permutations on six symbols as
a product of disjoint cycles. Also find the inverse of each product and express
it as a product of disjoint cycles.
(a) (2 3 4)(2 4) (b) (1 3 2 4)(5 2)
(c) (1 3)(2 4)(2 3) (d) (l 4 3 l)(2 5 2)(1 3)
(e) (l 4 3 2)(2 4 IX] 3 5) (f) (2 3)(l 4)(2 5)
3. Prove that a cycle containing an odd number of symbols is an even permu-
tation whereas a cycle containing an even number of symbols is an odd

4. Prove that the inverse of an even permutation is an even permutation and

the inverse of an odd permutation is an odd permutation.
5. Prove that every even permutation is either a cycle of length three or can
be expressed as a product of cycles of length three.
6. Prove that the n!/2 even permutations on 1: symbols form a group with
respect to permutation multiplication. (This group is known as the alter-
nating group on 11 symbols and is designated by An.)

5. Mappings

Roughly speaking, a mapping (or function) from one set, S, into another,
T, is a rule that associates with each element 5 e S a unique element t e T.
For example, if S is the set of real numbers and T the set of non-negative
real numbers we may consider the mapping that associates x3 e T with x e S;
x e S —> x2 e T.
For a more precise definition, recall that (Section 1.4) we have defined
the Cartesian product of two sets, S x T, by S x T = {(3, 1)]: e S, t e T}.
Definition 9. If S and T are nonempty sets, then a mapping from S
into T is a subset, M, ofS x T such thatfor every 3 e S
there is a unique 16 T such that the ordered pair (5', t)
i: in M.
In terms of this definition, then, the mapping defined above is the subset
M of S X T. Nevertheless, we find it more useful and convenient (as do
most mathematicians) to continue to think (somewhat loosely) of a mapping
as a rule which associates with any element in S some element in T, the
rule being to associate s e S with t in T if and only if (s, t) e M. We call t the
image of 3 under the mapping.
Now we need some notation. Let a be a mapping from S into T; we write
a : S —> T or S L T
If t e T is the image of s e S under 6 we may also write
a : s —> t or s cr—> 1
Still other notations are, for s E S and t e T the image of s,
t = so or t = 6(5)
The notation t = so is the one preferred by most algebraists; the notation
t = 0(3) by most other mathematicians. Since the latter notation is more
familiar in terms of the customary functional notation we shall utilize it some-
times but will also use the notation t = so when convenient.
Example 1. Consider any set S 4: a and define I. : S —> S by L(:) = u
= s. The mapping 1. is called the identity mapping of S into S.
Example 2. Let S =f= {a and T :4: :5 be sets and t, a fixed element of T.
Then a mapping a of S into T is defined by a z s e S —> t, e T.
Example 3. Let S = N and T = I. Then a mapping 1' of S into T is
defined by -r : h e S —> +k e T (see Section 4.5).
Example 4. Let S = I and T = R. Then a mapping a of S into T is
defined by a z a e S ——> all e T (see Section 6.4).
Example 5. Let S = I x I, T = I, and define a- : S—> T by (m, 11)::
= m+ nform,neI.

Example 6. Let S = {x1, x2, x3} and define -r : S —> S by -r(x1) = x2,
1-(x2) = “a, 7(x3) = x1.
Example 7. Let S = I and T = {00, CI} = 12. Define a : S —> T by
«(211): Co and o-(Zn + 1) = C1 for n 61.
There are two special kinds of mappings that are of great importance.
84 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Definition 10. A mapping 0' of S into T is said to be onto T iffor every
t e T, then exists an 5 e S such that t = 6(5).
The mapping of Example 1 is clearly onto; the mapping of Example 2 is
onto if and only if T = {ta}; the mapping of Example 3 is not onto since no
element of S maps, for example, into —1. It is left as an exercise for the
student to show that the mappings of Examples 5, 6, and 7 are onto but that
the mapping of Example 4 is not onto.
Definition 11. A mapping, a, of S into T i: said to be a ane-to-one
(1—1) mapping if whenever 51 ye :3 for 31,52 6 S, then
:10- ;é 526' 01, equivalently, if 516 = 320' implies :1 = .52.
The mapping of Example 1 is clearly 1—1 but, unless S has only element,
the mapping of Example 2 is not 1-1. The mapping of Example 3 is 1—1
since if 5,, 52 e N, and 51 aé 52 we have 510' = +51 aé :20- = +32; the mapping
of Example 5 is not 1—1 since, for example, (1, 3) 9e (2,2) but (1, 3)o'
= l + 3 = 4 = (2, 2)o = 2 + 2. It is left as an exercise to the student to
show that the mappings of Examples 4 and 6 are 1—1 but that the mapping of
Example 7 is not 1—1.

Exercises 7.5

1. If S = (a, b, c, d) and T = (x, y}, form the Cartesian product, S x T,

of S and T.
2. Show that the mappings of Examples 5, 6, and 7 are onto but that the
mapping of Example 4- is not onto.
3. Show that the mappings of Examples 4 and 6 are 1—1 but that the mapping
of Example 7 is not 1—1.
4. For the following mappings, a :S —> T, detemiine (1) if a is onto and
(2) whether a is 1-1.
(a) S = the set of real numbers, T = set of non-negative real numbers,
0(3) = 5’ for 5 E S.
(b) S = T = set of real numbers, 0(5) = 53 for .t e S.
(c) S = T = set of real numbers, 0(5) = 5’ for s E S.
(d) S = T = set of real numbers, «1(3) = s5 for 5 e S.
(e) S = T = I, 0(5) = 2sforseS.
(f) S = (xx, x2. x3}, T = {yn ya}, 0(xx) = yx. "(x2) = 3/1. «(9%) = J’a-
(g) S = {11, x3, 5‘3}. T = {3/1, ya. ya}, ”(xx) = J’h ”(1:2) = y1, ”($33) = ya.
(h)S = I X I, T = I, o(m,n) =mnform,nEI.
(i) S = I, T = (Co, 0;, Ca}, 0(3n) = Co, a(3n + 1) = Cl, a(3n + 2) = C,
for n E I.

5. If S and T are two nonempty sets prove that there exists a 1—1 map of
S X Tonto T x S.
6. Isomorphisms and Automorphisms of Groups

We have already touched upon the concept of an isomorphism in Section

2.6. We now relate this concept to groups using the idea of a mapping as
developed in the previous section.
Definition 12. A group G with operation 0 will be said to be isomorphic
to a group G’ with operation a: if there exist: a 1—1
map 0' of G onto G’ such that 6(aob) = 0(a) * a(b).
We write G g 0’.

Definition 12 is simply a more formal and precise statement, as applied

to groups, of our previous idea of an isomorphism as a 1—1 correspondence
that is preserved under the operations involved. Consider, for example,
our previous discussion of the isomorphism of I with the set I’ = {a/lla e I}
C R (Section 6.4). Our mapping is o' : a eI—>a(a) = a/l 61’. It is an
onto mapping since any all e I’ is obtained from a e I because o-(a) = all;
it is 1~l since if a aé b but 6(a) = o(b) we would have all = b/l, a contra-
diction. The correspondence is preserved under the operation of addition
since a(a + b) = (a + b)/1 = all + b/l = 6(1) + c(b) and under multi-
plication since 6(ab) = (ab)/1 = (u/ 1)(b/1) = o(a)o-(b).
Example 1. Let G be the group whose elements are 1 and —1 under
multiplication and G’ the additive group modulo 2 with elements Co and
Cl. Then G is isomorphic to G’ since the map a- defined by c(1) = Co and
o-(—1) = Cl is obviously 1—1 and onto. Furthermore
o(1--1)=o(—l)= c1 = C0 + c1 = o(l)+ a(—1)
4—1-1): «(—1) = cl = c1 + c0 = a(—1)+ 6(1)
o(—1 - — 1) = 6(1) = c0 = c1 + C1 = o(—1)+ o(—1)
Example 2. Let G be the group of all positive real numbers under multi-
plication and let G’ be the set of all real numbers under addition. Then
G g 0’ under the map 6 defined by o-(a) = log a for a e G. (These logarithms
can be to any fixed base. We will assume natural—base e—logarithms.)
The fact that the correspondence is 1—1 and onto is a consequence of the
fact that every positive real number has a unique logarithm and that every
real number has a unique antilogarithm. Thus if a 6 G aé b e G then
log a 6G’ 96 log b E G’ and for x EG’ we have x = log e‘ = a(e’)
where e‘ e G.
Theorem 8. The relationship of isomorphism between groups is an equiva-
lence relation.
86 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Proof; (1) G _:_' G by virtue of the identity mapping L : a ——>a.
(2) If G g G’, then G’ g G. We let a be the 1—1 mapping of G onto
G’. Now we define a mapping 1- of G’ into G by -r(a’) = a (a’ E G’ and a e G)
if and only if 6(a) = a’. (For example, if 6 is the mapping of {1, —1} onto
{Cm C1} defined by 1 —> Co = 6(1) and —1 —> 01 = o(—l), then 1- is the
mapping of {C0, 0,} onto {1, ——1} defined by Co —> 1 = 7(C'o) and C1 —> -1
= 1-(C1). Thus in the notation previously used we have 14—» Ca and
—1 4—» C1.)
Then 1' is 1—1 since if a’ e G’ a6 b’ e G’ but 7(a’) = a = 1-(b’) = b we
have a = b so that o(u) = a’ = o(b) = b’, a contradiction. Furthermore,
given any a 6G we consider 6(a) = a’ e G’ so that -r(a’) = a and hence
conclude that -r is a mapping of G’ onto G. Finally, if 0 is our operation in
G and it our operation in G', we have -r(a’ t b’) = -r[o(a) * a(b)] = -r[o(a o b)]
= -r[(a o b)’] = a o b where we use the fact that G is isomorphic to G’ under
a- to write 6(a) * o(b) = o(a o b).
(3) If G g G’ and G' 2;: G”, then G g G”. We leave the proof of this as
an exercise for the student.
Since ;' for groups has been shown to be an equivalence relation we
know that it partitions the set of all groups into classes of equivalent groups
(Section 4.2). Roughly speaking, each member of aclass of equivalent groups
is the same except for notation. Furthermore, because of Theorem 8 we
may speak of two groups G and G” being isomorphic rather than saying G is
isomorphic to G’ or G’ is isomorphic to G. Thus the two groups G = {1, — 1}
under multiplication and G’ = {00, C1} under addition are isomorphic and
the Cayley arrays below show clearly the idea that, essentially, they difier
only in notation.

x 1 —1 + l Co Cr

1 1 —1 Co Co Cl

-1 —1 1 Cr C! Co

When we are considering two groups G and G’ abstractly we frequently

do not bother to distinguish symbolically between the operations on the
groups. Thus, instead of writing a o b e G and a’ * b’ e G’, for example, we
write, in both cases, ab and a'b’. We shall do this from now on. Also, we
shall sometimes revert to our previous notation, a' 6 GH 12’ e G’, when no
confusion can result from its use.
It is obvious, of course, that if two finite groups have different orders they
cannot be isomorphic. On the other hand, our next example shows that two
groups of the same order need not be isomorphic.
Example 3. Let G = {1, —1, i, —i} (i the complex unit) under multiplic-
ation and let G’ = {e, a, b, c} with the group operation defined by the follow-
ing Cayley array:
l e a b t.‘

e e o b c

a a e c b

b b c e a

c c b a e
Then G and G’ are not isomorphic.
Before we investigate the reason for the non-isomorphism let us prove the
following theorem:
Theorem 9. If G g G’ under the mapping a : a e G —>a’ e G’, e is the
identity of G, and e’ the identity of G’, then 0(2) = e’ and if 0(a) = a’,
then 6(a‘ 1) = (a’)‘1.
Proof; (1) Suppose o-(e) = a’ e G’. We let b’ be any element of G’ and
choose beG so that a(b) = b’. Then 6(eb) = c(b) = b’ and also o(eb)
= o(e)e(b) = a’b’. Hence a’b’ = b’ for all b’ eG’ and thus a’ = e' by
uniqueness of the identity.
(2) Suppose o-(a) = a’ and 012—1) = b’. Then o(oa‘ 1) = 6(a) = e’ by
(1). But also 6(aa'1) = tr(a)c(a'1) = a’b’. Hence a’b’ = e’ so that
b’ = ((1’)‘1 by uniqueness of inverses.
If we apply this theorem to Example 3 we may first conclude that if G
is isomorphic to G' under the mapping a, then 0(1) = e. Then we have the
following three possibilities:
(I) «(1') = a; (2) «(1') = b; (3) so) = c
Now if 6(1) = a, then 6(i'1) = a'1 by Theorem 9. However, i'1 = —i and
a‘1 = a so that a(—i) = 1. But this contradicts o-(i) = a since our mapping
must be 1—1. Since b"1 = b and c'1 = e we may similarly show that the
two remaining possibilities are not permissible and hence G ¥ G’.
It was fairly easy to show non-isomorphism in the example just discussed.
In general, however, to decide whether or not two finite groups (of the same
order) are isomorphic is not an easy task. It may require considerable in-
genuity to avoid considering too long a list of possibilities.
Definition 13. An isomorphism of a group G with itself is called an
automorphism of G. That is, an automorphism of G
is a 1—1 mapping of G onto G that is preserved under
the group operation.
88 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Since an automorphism of a group is an isomorphism we must have e (-) e
and, ifaHb, a‘le—v b‘l.
Example 4. Every group possesses at least one automorphism, called the
identity automorphism, in which a e G 4—» a e G.
Example 5. In G = {1, —1,i, —-i} under multiplication, define a by
6(1) = 1, o-(—1)= —l, 6(1') = —i, and o(—i) = i. This mapping defines
an automorphism of G since it is clearly 1—1 and onto and, for example,
6[(—1)fl = 6(-4) = i = (—1)(-i) = °(-1)6(i);°[(—1)(-i)l = c*(i) = -i
= (—1)i= c(—1)a(—-i), etc.
Example 6. For G as in Example 5, the mapping defined by -r(l) = 1,
-r(—1) = i, 1(i) = —1, and -r(—i) = —i does not define anautomorphism
since 1-[(—1)'1]= 1-(—1)=i;é [-r(—1)]'1 = i"1 = —i.
An important special class of automorphisms is described in the following
Theorem 10. Let G be a group and g any element of G. The mapping
6,, : a e G —>g ag‘l is an automorphism of G.

Proofl The mapping is 1—1 since if a, (a) = ga g'1 = cg(b) = gbg'1

we have a = b. It is onto since if b e G, a,(g'1 bg) = g(g‘1 bg)g‘1 = b.
BMW» 6901”) = flaws!” = (g ag' 1X: 5g" 1) = 0406410?)-
Definition 14. An automorphism a defined on a group G by 6(a) = g a g‘ 1
for a fixed g e G is called an inner automorphism
of G. Any automorphism of a group that is not an inner
automorphism is called an outer automorphism. The
element g a g"1 is called the conjugate of a under g.
We now define what we mean by two equal isomorphisms and, more
generally, two equal mappings.
Definition 15. Two mappings c and -r of S into T are said to be equal
zfsc = s-rfor every 3 e S.
Notice that if g commutes with all elements of G, the inner automorphism
a, is the identity automorphism. In particular, if G is Abelian, the only
inner automorphism of G is the identity automorphism.
Example 7. The group of symmetries of a square (Section 2) has four
distinct inner automorphisms. To see this we observe first that there are
certainly at most eight inner automorphisms—one for each element of the
group. They can be calculated by computing RIR‘ 1, RRR‘I, . . ., RD’R“;
R'IR"1, R’RR"1, . . . , R’D'R"1; . . . ; D’ID"1, D'RD"1, . . ., D’D’D"1.
Our results may be summarized in the following table:

a! I R R’ R” H V D D’
an I R R’ R” V H D’ D
on I R” R’ R H V D’ D
an I R” R' R V H D D’

Thus, for example, the second line of the table means that

“n “I: “R 5n “n O‘n 0’12 5'»

I —>I, R —>R, R’—>R’, R” —>R”, H—>V, V -—>I-1,D —>D', and D’ —>D.

The student should check that a, = 63', “R = 5n”: a” = av, and on = 00'.

Exercises 7.6

1 Prove part (3) of Theorem 8.


2. Prove that G = {1, 5, 7, 11} is a group under multiplication modulo 12

and that G’ = (I, R’, H, V} (Section 2) is a group. Then (1) prove that
G g G'; (2) G is not isomorphic to the group consisting of 1, —1,i,
—i and group operation of multiplication.

3. Let G = {1,(—1 + i\/§)/2, {-1 — ix/3‘)/2). Prove that G is a group

under multiplication. Is it isomorphic to the group 1:, under addition?
. Consider the group G of integers under addition and the group G’ of
even integers under addition. Is G g G’?
5. Find all of the automorphisms of the group of permutations {i = (1)(2)
(3)(4), (12)(34), (13)(24), (l4)(23)}. (This group is called the four: group.)
‘6. Find all of the automorphisms of the symmetric group on three symbols.
Are any of the automorphisms outer automorphisms?
*7. The elements of a field form a group under addition called the additive
group of the field; the elements of a field with the exception of the additive
identity form a group under multiplication called the multiplicative group
of the field. Does there exist a field whose additive and multiplicative
groups are isomorphic?

7. Automorphisms of a Field

Our discussion of automorphisms of fields will, to begin with, closely

parallel our discussion of automorphisms of groups.
90 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Definition 16. An automorphism of a field Fix an isomorphism of F with
itself. More specifically, an automorphism of F isa 1—1
mapping of F onto F which is preserved under multipli-
cation and addition.
Example 1. Let F be any field and, for any a e F, let a<—> a. This trivial
automorphism is called the identity automorphism.
Example 2. Let F = {a + In/2‘1a,b ER}. Then a : a + N21” +
(—b)\/§ = a — b\/2_is an automorphism of F.
Proof; First of all, the mapping is 1—] since if o(a + b\/2_) = a — In/i
= e(c+dx/§)=c—d\/i we havea—bt/E=c—dx/2—wherea, b, c,
deR. Hence if 6 5e 4, f = (a — c)/(b — :1). But 1/? is not a rational
number (see Chapter 8) and hence b = d from which it follows that a = b
and a + lit/f = c + (ix/E. Thus 0- is a 1~1 mapping. Furthermore, if
a + In/EEF, then o[a + (—b)x/2_] = a — (—b)\/§ = a + bfi so that
0' is an onto mapping.
Now consider
o[(a + W?) + (c + NZ] = a[(a + c) + (b + (1)15] =
= e(a +In/E) +c(c + N2)
from which we conclude that our mapping is preserved under addition.
Finally, we note that

o[(a + NEW + (ix/5)] = o[(ac + 2M) + (be + (um/2‘]

(at + 2M) — (be + «of = (a — In/Exe — (ix/2')
= e(a + In/E)e(c + N2")
from which we conclude that our mapping is also preserved under multipli-
Example 3. In R let c(a) = —a. Clearly a- is a 1—1 and onto mapping
but it is not an automorphism of R. We do, indeed, have a(a + b)
= —(a + b) = (—a) + (—b) = 0(a) + o-(b) so that the mapping is preserved
under addition but o-(ab) = —(ab) yé o-(a)c(b) = (—a)(—b) so that the map-
ping is not preserved under multiplication.
The failure of the mapping in Example 3 to define an automorphism may
be thought of as a consequence of the following theorem.
Theorem 11. In any automorphism, a, of a field F, 6(0) = 0 and (1(1) = 1
where 0 is the additive identity of F and 1 is its multiplicative identity.
Proofl If 6(0) = a, then 6(0 + 0) = 6(0) = a = 6(0) + 6(0) = a + a.
Hence a + a = a and a = 0. Similarly, if 6(1) = a, 6(1-1) = 6(1) = a
= 6(l)6(1) = a-a = a2. Hence a2 = a so that a“ — a = a(a — 1) = 0
Thus a -— 1 = 0 and a = 1 or a = 0. But we have shown that 6(0) = 0
and hence 6(1) 76 0. Thus 6(1) = 1.
We want now to consider the product (or composition) of two mappings
and, in particular, to apply this concept to automorphism.
Definition 17. If 6 : S —> T and -r : T —> U are mapping: of S into T
and T into U respectively, we define the product (or
composition), 6 o -r, of 6 and -r by 6 o -r : S ——> Uwhere
3(0' 0 -r) = (r6)-rfor all s e S.
Note that 6 o 1- means to apply 6 first and then 1-. If we were to use the
notation (6 o 1-)(3) we would define (O‘OTXS) = 6[-r(s)] ; i.e., 1- would be applied
first and then 6. It does not matter which convention is used but it certainly
is important in reading the literature to know which convention is being
employed. From now on we will always use the agreement made in Definition
Example 4. Let T = U = S = {x1, x3, x3}, define 6 : S —> Tbyxl6 = x2
x26 = x1, and x36 = x3, and define -r by x11- = x1, x27 = x3, and x31- : x2
Then x1(6o 1-) = (x16)-r = x21 = x3, x2(6 o 1-) = (x26)-r = 9:17 = x1, and
x3(6o -r) = (x36)-r = x31 = x2. Note that x1(-r o 6) = (111)0' = x16 = x2
96 x3 = x1(6 o -r) so that, in general, 6 o -r 9k 1- o 6.
Example 5. Let S = R, T = I, and U = {Cm 0,}. Define 6 2 S—> T
by 80’ = [s], the largest integer less than or equal to s. For example, (l/2)6
= 0, (3/2)6 =1, (—3/4)6 = —1, and 26 = 2. Define -r : T —> U by
(213)1- =‘ Co and (271 + 1)-r = C1 for n e I. Then, for example, (15/4)(6o -r)
= [(15/4)6]-r = 3-:- = C1 and (—29/3)(6o-r) = [(—29/3)6]-r = (—10)1'
= Co. Note that, in this case, -r o 6 cannot be defined.
Given any nonempty set S we can consider the set, M(S), of all 1—]
mappings of S onto itself and we have seen that we can consider the product,
601-, of any two of these mappings. We now establish a series of three
lemmas which will yield the result that M(S) is indeed a group under the
definition of the product of mappings.
Lemma 1. Suppose 6 : S —> T and 1- : T —> U are mappings of S into T
and Tinto U respectively and that both 6 and -r are 1—1 and onto mappings.
Then 6 o 1- is a 1—1 and onto mapping of S into U.
Proofi (1) Suppose :1, :2 e S with 51 aé :2. Since 6 is 1—1, :16 a6 :26.
But then, since 1- is 1—1 and $16, 520' e T it follows that (316)1' = r1(6o 1-)
sé (326)1- = 32(0' 0 1-). Hence 6 o -r is 1—1.
92 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
(2) To establish that o o -r is a mapping of S onto U we must show that,
for any a in U, there exists an s e S such that :(a o -r) = it. Now since 1- is
an onto mapping of T into U, there exists t e T such that t-r = u and, since
0' is an onto mapping of S into T, there exists 5 e S such that so- = t. But
then :(a o -r) = (so)? = t-r = u as desired.

Lemma 2. Suppose o' : S —> T, -r : T ——> U, and p : U —>V are mappings

of S into T, T into U, and U into V, respectively. Then 0' o (1- o p) = (a o 1)
o p.
Proof: We must show (Definition 15) that, for all s e S, we have 3[oo
(. o p)1= to o T) o p]. But sic o (r o 12)] = (mx. o p) = [0c = [so 0 on
= s[(o o 1’) o p] as desired.

Lemma 3. The mapping a : S —> T is a 1—1 mapping of S onto T if

and only if there exists a mapping 1- : T —> S such that o o 1 and 1- o o are
the identity mappings on S and T respectively.
Pica/Z Suppose first that o- is a 1—1 mapping of S onto T. Then since
a is onto, given any t e T, there exists s e S such that so = t; since 0' is 1—1,
this s is unique. We now define the mapping 1- : T —> S by t-r = 3 if and only
if t = so. This mapping, T, is called the inverse of 0' and we write 1' = o" 1.
We note that, for s e S, s(o- o a") = (so-)0"1 = to“: s so that o o a“ is
the identity mapping of S onto S. Similarly, t(¢r‘1 o a) = (to'1)o = so
= t for every t e T so that 6—1 o o is the identity mapping of T onto T.
On the other hand, if a : S —> T is such that there exists a mapping
-r : T —> S with the property that a o r and 1- o o are the identity mappings
on S and T respectively, we can show that a is a 1—1 mapping of S onto T.
For a is onto since, given 1 e T, we have t = t(-r o o) = (t-r)o- where t1- 6 S.
Furthermore, o' is 1—1 since if :16 = 520’ we have (310-)1- = (525)1- so that
31(0‘ 0 'r) = 32(a o -r) and :1 = :2.
Theorem 12. Let S be a nonempty set and M(S) the set of all 1—1
mappings of S onto S. Then M(S) is a group under the multiplication of
Proof: That the operation 0 on these mappings is a binary operation on
S was established by Lemma 1 and associativity follows by Lemma 2. The
existence of an identity is obvious and the existence of inverses follows from
Lemma 3.
Our primary interest here is with the case where S is a field or a group and
the mappings are automorphisms.
Lemma 4. Let a and -r be automorphisms of'a field F. Then p = 0' o 1- is
also an automorphism of F.
GROUPS AND mums 93
Before we prove this lemma let us consider an example of the product
of two automorphisms.

Example 6. Let F = {o + 51/2 + of + dx/Z'la, b, c, deR}. We leave it

to the student to show that:

(1) F is a field under the operations of addition and multiplication in R;

(2) If (o+b\/2_+ci+dx/§i)c=a—b\/2_+ci-d\/Ei, o is an auto-
morphism of F;
(3) If (a+b\/§i+d+d\/-2.i)r=a+b\/§—ci—d\/Ei, is an auto-
morphism of F.

Then a o 1- is defined by
(a + Ni +ci+ dfii)(ao-r) = [(a + In/E + ci+d\/§i)o]r
and we again leave it to the student to show that a o -r is an automorphisml
of F.

Proof of Lemma.
(1) p is 1—1 and onto by Lemma 1.
(2) If x,y e F, then (x + y)p = (x +y)(o o -r) = [(x + y)a]-r = (xa + ya)-r
= (xo)r+ (ya):- = x(ao-r) + y(ao-r) = xp + yp since 0’ and 1- are
automorphisms of F.
(3) If x, y e F. then (xy)p = (xc o r) = “may = [(ayonr = [(xam
[(yc)-r] = [x(o- o -r)]|'y(o- o -r)] = (xp)(yP) since a and 1- are automorphisms
of F.
Theorem 13. The set of all the automorphisms of a field F forms a group.
This group is called the automorphism group of the field.

Proof: This follows directly from Lemmas l, 2, 3, and 4 and the observa-
tion that the identity mapping of F onto F is an automorphism of F.
It is obvious that if we considered only mappings that are preserved under
addition we would also obtain a group of such correspondences. Since the
elements of F form an Abelian group under addition, this means that the set
of all automorphisms of an Abelian group themselves form a group. However,
the student may check that nothing in the proof of Theorem 13 involves
the use of commutativity of addition in F. Hence we have the following result.

T In fact, it may be shown that the only automorphisms of F are the identity, 0, r,
and a o r.
94 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Thearem 14. The set of all the automorphisms of a group forms a group
called the automorphism group of the group.
The concept of an automorphism of a field may be used to prove, in a very
neat fashion, an important theorem of elementary algebra.
Theorem 15. If p(x) = aox" + alx"‘1 + . . . + an is a polynomial with
real coefficients such that p(a + bi) = 0, where a and b are real numbers,
then we also have p(a — bi) = 0.
Now the usual proof of this theorem is rather clumsy, involving a division
of p(x) by [x - (a + bi)][x — (a — bi)] and an argument to show that the
remainder upon this division is zero*.
On the other hand, if we first check that, if (a + bi)c = a — bi is an auto-
morphism of C, we have, from
ao(a + bi)" + a1(a + bi)"’1 + + an = 0
that [ao(a + bi)’| + a1(a + bi)"‘1 + . . . + «do = 06 = 0
(aoa)[(a + bi)a]" + (a,a)[(a + bi)a]"‘1 + + ano' = o
a0(a — bi)" + a1(a — bi)"‘1 + . .. + an = 0.

Exercises 7.7

l. Prove that, in Example 6, a and ‘r are automorphisms of F.

2. Show why the following mappings on the set of real numbers, R“, into
R’ are not automorphisms of R‘. (Check all criteria: 1—1, onto, preserva-
tion under addition, and preservation under multiplication.)
(a) do = Ial (b)aa = {/11—
(C) no = 2a (d)aa = a2

3. Exhibit the multiplication table of the automorphisms of F in Example 6

(assuming there are only 4).
4. In F of Example 6 show that if (a + In/E + 01' + d\/2_i)a =a - In/E
— ti — tit/5i, a is not an automorphism of F.
5. Do as in problem 4- for (a +bfi+ci +d\/§i)-r =a +b\/§ — ci
6. Let F= {a +b\‘/3_+n‘/§+dx‘/2‘7 +ei\‘/§' +fi\‘/§' ”it/27 +hila,
b, c, d, e, f, g, h e R). Assume that F is a field and find as many auto-
morphisms of F as you can. (There are eight.)
7. Construct a Cayley array for the automorphism group of problem 5,
Exercises 7.6.
8. Show, by an example, that a o -r can be an onto mapping even though a
and 1 are not both onto mappings.
TSee, for example, M. I. Weiss, Higher Algebra for the Undergraduate, Second
Edition (1962), New York: John Wiley and Sons, p. 80.
9. Show, by an example, that no 1 can be a 1—1 mapping even though a
and 1’ are not both 1—1 mappings.
l’10. Do as in problem 7 for the automorphism group of problem 6, Exercises
*11. Prove that if a set S has more than two elements, then M(S) is not an
Abelian group.

8. Cyclic Groups

Let us now return to the subject of groups by considering a special class

of groups known as cyclic groups. We first make some preliminary definitions
and remarks.
Definition 18. a0 = e, a" = aa"‘1 for n a positive integer and a any
element of a group G with identity e. Furthermore, we
define a'" = (a'1)".
Thus a1 = aa° = are = a, a2 = an1 = aa, a3 = a(aa) and so on.
For the proof of our next theorem we need the following two lemmas.
Lemma 5. Let G be a group and a e G. Then an" = 0%! for all n e N.
Proof: The result is obviously true for n = 1. Now suppose it is true for
n = k :aa" = aka. Then
oak“ = a(aa") Definition 18
= a(a"a) Induction hypothesis
= (aak)a Associative law
= ak+1a Definition 18.
Hence, by induction, an" = a"a for all n e N.

Lemma 6. Let G be a group with identity e and a e G. Then (a' 1)"a" = e

for all n e N.
Proof: The result is obviously true for n = 1. Now suppose it is true for
u = k : (a‘1)"a" = e. Then
(a'1)"“1a"+1 = [a‘1(a‘1)"][aa"] Definition 18
= [(a' 1)"a' 1][aa"] Lemma 5
= (a‘ 1)"[a‘ 1(411%)] Associative law
= (a‘ 1)”[(a‘ 1a)a’°] Associative law
= (11‘ 1)"(ea") Property of a'1
= (a'1)"a" Property of e
= e Induction hypothesis
96 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Hence, by induction, («1‘ 1)”a" = e for all n e N.

Theorem 16. Let G be a group and a e G. Then (1) amo" = 11"“HI and
(2) (am)" = a""‘ for any integers m and n.

Proofl (I) Let S" = {m[a"‘o’l = a’"“'} where n = 0 or neN. Then

0 6 Sn since a°a" = ea" = a" = a0”. A1501 6 Sn since ala" = do" = a1”.
Suppose k 6 Sn for k e N. Then ak+1a" = (alak)a" = a(a"a") = oak”
= o“”"”” = a(k+1)+". Thus if 1: EN it follows that k + 1 EN. Hence,
by induction, N S 8,, and we know that (1) is true for any non—negative
integers to and n. Now if m = -m’ and n = —n’ where m’ and 11' EN,
we have
“man = a—m’a—n' = (“—1)m'(a-1)n' = (a—l)m’+n'

= a—(m‘+n') ___ a(—m')+(—-n') = am+n

so that (1) is also true if m and n are both negative.

Now suppose that n e N and m = —m’ for m’ e N. If n 2 m' we have
aman = a—m'an = (a—1)m‘am'an—m'

sincen — m’ 2 0. But (a'1)”"a"" = e by Lemma6 and hence amo" = a""’"

= 11““ m" = a““". A similar proof handles the situation when m’ > n
and when n is negative and m is positive.
(2) If n = 0, (2) certainly holds since (am)° = e = no = am”. Now let
Sm = {n|(a"')" = 11“} for any integer m. Then 1 e Sm since (o"‘)1 = o’“.
Suppose k 63w Then (am)k+1 = am(am)k = amamk = am+mk = “mun-1).
Hence keS," implies k + 1 ES,” and, by induction, N s Sm. Now if
n = —n’ where n’ e N we have

(“"5” = (am)‘"' = [(a'")'1l”'

But (o"‘)'1 is the inverse of a’" and, by (l), ama'm = a° = e. Hence, since
the inverse of any element is unique, we have (a"')'1 = 11"”. Thus (a“)"
= (a‘ m)” = a" "“7" since we have shown that (2) holds for positive integers
11. Finally, (am)" = a“ "m“ = a" “("0 = om".

Definition 19. Let G be a group with identity e and o e G. If 41’” = e

forsomemeutakaé eforkeNandk < mwesay
that the element a has order m. On the other hand, if
m e N implies a’” aé e we say that a is of infinite order.

Example I. In the group of symmetries of asquare, the identity is of order 1

(as is the identity element of any group); R and R” have order 4; and R’,
H, V, D, and D’ all have order 2.

Example 2. In the additive group of integers, every element except the

identity is of infinite order. (Note that, here, in the additive notation we
replace a" by na.)
We are now ready to define a cyclic group.
Definition 20. A group G is said to be cyclic if there is an element ae G
such that b e 0 implies b = a“ for some integer n. Such
an element a is called a generator of G.
Example 3. G = {9, a, a’} where a3 = e is a cyclic group of order 3 with
generator a. (Another generator is a2.)
Example 4. The additive group of integers is a cyclic group of infinite
order with generator 1. (Another generator is —-1.)
Theorem 17. (1) A cyclic group G with a generator of order n is isomorphic
to the additive group of integers modulo 1;; and (2) a cyclic group G with a
generator of infinite order is isomorphic to the additive group of integers.
Proof} (1) Let a be a generator of order u. If n = 0, then G = {a0} = {e}
;’ {Co}. If 1: ye 0, then a" = 9 but a" aé e for 0 < k < 71. Furthermore, for
mENandm > nwehavem = 912 + rwithq,reNand0 S r < n. Then
a’” = a‘""H = (a”)‘a' = eqa' = a’ so that, for positive exponents, we need
consider only at for 0 < t < 11. Also we note that aa’“1 = a” = e so that
a'1 = an‘l. Hence, for any 1: EN, 11'" = (a‘1)" = (a""1)" = ak‘"‘1’
where k(n - 1) 2 0 so that we need consider only positive exponents, t,
such that 0 < t < it.
Now suppose that a' = a’1 where 0 < 1 < n, 0 < s < n, and s 2 r.
Then 2 = a"a' = a"a8 = as" where 0 S s — r < n. By definition of
n, 3 — r = 0 so that s = 7. Hence all of the elements a, a2, . . . , a"'1,
a" = e are distinct and G = {a, a2, . . . , a"'1, e} is of order u. If we now
set up the 1—1 correspondence as e G<—> Cs 6],, for r = 0,1, . . . , n — l
we have a’as = a'+‘<——> C, + C8 = C‘,+5 where, in both uses of r + s,
r + s is calculated modulo 1:.
(2) Let a be a generator of G. Then, as in the proof of (1), we may show
that a' ;é a8 for r, s 61 unless r = 5. Thus G = {asls GI} and the corres-
pondence as e G H s e I defines an isomorphism between G and the group of
integers under addition.

Exercises 7.8

1. Do the nonzero elements of 1-, form a cyclic group under multiplication?

2. In J. do the elements 0;, Ca, Cs, and 0-, form a cyclic group under multi-
98 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
3. In J. do the elements C1, 0,, C4, C5, C7, and C. form a cyclic group under
4. How many elements of the cyclic group of order 6 can be used as generators
of the group?
5. Prove that an Abelian group of order 6 which contains an element of order 3
is a cyclic group.
6. If G is a cyclic group of order m generated by a, prove that at also generates
G if and only if (k, m) = 1.
7. If G is a cyclic group of order m generated by a, find the order of any element,
a‘, of G.
8. How many automorphisms has a cyclic group of order p? ‘ One of order
pq (p and q distinct primes)?

9. Subgroups

Definition 21. A subset H of a group G is called a subgroup of G if H

itself is a group under the group operation of G.

Example. The subgroups of the symmetries of a square may be listed in

the form of a “lattice" in which, for example, {1, D} is a subgroup of
{1, D, D’, R’} as well as of G itself.

G= (I,R.R'.I?'.H, V,D.D'l

(I,D.D’R’l (I. H, v.1?)

(I. D) (I. 17) 1m ( I, Hl (I, V)

M (1)

Note that every group G with identity e has at least two subgroups: G and
{9}. (Of course if G is of order 1, G = {e}). By a proper subgroup of a group
G we mean a subgroup other than G or {e}.

Theorem 18. A subset H of a group G is a subgroup of G if and only if

(1)41 6H and b eHimplies ab eH;
(2) a EH implies (1‘1 6H.
For finite groups (1) implies (2).

Proof. The necessity of the conditions is obvious from the definitions of

group and subgroup.
On the other hand, conditions (1) and (2) assure closure, existence of identity
(or 1 = e), and existence of inverses; associativity follows since the elements
of H are also elements of G.
Finally, we have a, a2, . . . , o", . . . e G by (1). Thus if G is finite, not all
of a, a2, . . . , a", . . . are distinct so that a" = as for some r 9e 5‘. Suppose
r > s; then a"‘ = e, a"“1a = e, and a""‘1 is the inverse of a. (If r = s
+ 1, 0"”1 = o0 = e so that ea = a and a = e.) That is, (1) implies (2) if
G is finite.
In general, even for finite groups, it is not easy to determine all of the sub-
groups of a given group. For cyclic groups, however, we have the following

Theorem 19. Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.

Proofl Let G be a cyclic group generated by a and let H be a subgroup of

G. If (1611, H: G. Suppose ameH for m >1, meN but ak¢H for
k 6N and 0 < k < m. Then 11"" EH for every t e] since H is a subgroup
of G. If as e H for s > m we use the division algorithm to write 5 = qm + r,
0 S r < m. Then a8 = om" = ama'. Thus a' = a"""as EH so that, by
definition of m, r = 0. Hence 5 = qm and every element, as, of H is a power,
o"m = (am)", of a”. Thus H is cyclic with generator a'".

Corollary. If G is a finite cyclic group of order n with generator a and H

is a subgroup of G, then H is generated by a’" for some m e N such that mln
and the order of H is n/m.
We leave the proof of this corollary as an exercise for the student and re-
mark that, in Chapter 9, we will show that, in general, the order of a subgroup
of any group divides the order of the group.

Theorem 20. Every finite group G of order n is isomorphic to a group of

permutations on n symbols.

Proof: Let G = {$1, :2, . . . , 5n} and define

s,=(s1 ’2 5") (j=l,2,...,n)

:13, :25, . . . 5,5,

We claim that S, is then a permutation of the 11 symbols :1, :2, . . . , r".

Clearly this will be so if the skr, (k = 1, 2, . . . , n) are distinct. But this is
true since if :13, = ski-j, s, = rk by the cancellation law for groups.
100 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Now we observe that {S1, 32, . . . , Sn} forms a subgroup of the sym-
metric group on 71 symbols. For, by Theorem 18, we need only establish
closure and this follows since

SS _( :1 :2... 3,, )( :13, sax, snsi )

1 k—
3151 5251 51-51 (513031.: (5251):): - - - (‘n-‘D’k
( :1 :2 ... 3,, )
(31305:: (5231):): - . - (37:95]:
and (sisj)sk = 31015» = :15," where r," = 3,3,, 6 G. Thus S,Sk = S .
Our isomorphism, of course, is provided by the correspondence r,<—> S,
since if risk = 3",, then
r," = sjskHSm = S,Sk

There may‘well be, of course, other permutation groups isomorphic to any

given group G. The one obtained in the fashion just described is called the
regular permutation group isomorphic to G.

Example 1. Consider the group {5-1, 32, :3, :4} with Cayley array

I :1 :a sa :4

n n 5: Sa 34
3: S: 31 $4 33
Sa 58 $4 $1 3!
n :4 :3 s: 31


51 52 53 54 ‘1 ‘2 53 54
5131 5251 3351 3431 31 ’2 33 ’4
S ( 51 ‘2 33 54 ) ( ‘1 ‘2 53 ‘4 )
1' H = =
2 2 5152 5252 5332 5452 32 ‘1 34 ’3
31 52 ‘3 54 51 ‘2 53 3;
3133 3233 3353 3433 53 ‘4 51 52
31 52 ‘3 5; ) (’1 52 53 5';
31:4 52:4 sas4 :434 :4 :3 :2 :1

or, more simply, $1H(l)(2)(3)(4), 521—»(1 2) (3 4), 536(1 3)(2 4),

:4<—>(1 4-)(2 3).
Exercises 7.9
Exhibit the proper subgroups of the additive group In of residue classes

modulo 12.
2. Find all of the subgroups of the cyclic group of order 12.
3. Let S and T be two subgroups of a group G. Prove that S n T is a sub-
group of G.
4. Let G be a group and S = {xix e Gand ax = am for all a EG}. Prove
that S is a subgroup of G. (It is called the center of G.)
5. Find the regular permutation group isomorphic to the cyclic group of
order 5.
6. Do as in problem 5 for the cyclic group of order 6.
7. Do as in problem 5 for the attic group defined as {51, :3, . . . , s.) where
51 = (1)(2)(3)(4), :2 = (1234). In = (”X“). s. = (1432), $5 = (13).
:5 = (24), 5-, = (12)(34), and rs = (14)(23).
8. Prove the corollary to Theorem 19.
*9. Prove that if a and b are elements of a group G much that ab 9e ba, then
the five elements a, b, ab, ba, and e (the identity of G) are distinct. More-
over, prove that one of a2 and aba is distinct from all these five. Use these
results to prove that a noncommutative group has at least six elements.
*10. Prove that a group that has only finitely many subgroups must be a finite


1. In problem 3 of Exercises 7.3 you were asked to prove that a group G was
Abelian if and only if (ab 2 = a’b2 for all a, b, E G. What, if anything, can you
say about a group in which (ab)’I = a"b" for all a, b e G where n is some
fixed natural number other than 2? [Z1]
Consider the problem of determining all non-isomorphic groups of various
orders. In particular consider the case when the order is S. 6. What about
the special case of Abelian groups? [B4], [C2]
Find conditions on a finite cyclic group such that its automorphism group
is cyclic. If the group G is cyclic and its automorphism group, G], is cyclic,
consider the “chain” of groups, G3, G3, . . . where G3 is the automorphism
group of 0,, G3 is the automorphism group of G, and so on. What are the
conditions on G if G1, G2, 03, . . . are all cyclic? [D7]
. The postulates defining a group are, of course, not unique. Problem 6 of
Exercises 7.3 gives an alternative list of postulates. Consider the problem of
other formulations of the postulates for a group. [31], ]S2], [W3]
. Consider the possibility of dropping one or more of the postulates for a group.
What theorems, if any, can you prove concerning such a system? In particu-
lar, suppose that only closure and the associative law are assumed or that, on
the other hand, all of the group postulates are satisfied except the associative
law. [A2], [MS]
. From the integral domain of the integers we constructed the field of rational
numbers in Chapter 6. Consider the problem of constructing, in a similar
fashion, a field (called a quotient field) from any integral domain. [B4]


[B4]. [C2]. [D1]. [E1]. [H6]. [K4]. [Z1]-
The Real Numbers

We return now to the development of our number system. In our previous

discussions we motivated our development through the consideration of
equations: If a and b are natural numbers with a 2 b, there is no solution in
natural numbers for the equation x + a = 1:; hence the integers were de-
veloped. Similarly, if a and b are integers such that (1*b, there is no solution
in integers for the equation ax = b; hence the rational numbers were de—
Now consider the equation x2 — 2 = 0. Is there a rational number,
a/b, a, b e], such that (a/b)2 —2 = 0? As the student is probably well
aware, the answer is “no". A proof of this assertion is as follows: If a and b
have a common factor m we have a/b = ("1:11)“m = al/bl. Thus if we
assume that there exists a rational number a/b such that (a/b)2 — 2 = 0,
then there also exists a rational number al/bl, such that (ill/bl)“ — 2 = 0
and (al, 171) = 1. Hence we may assume to begin with that (a, b) = 1.
Now since (a/b)2 - 2 = 0, a2 = 2b2 and a2 is even. But if 271 + 1 is
any odd integer, its square is (211 + 1)” = 4n2 + 4n + 1 = 2(2712 + 2n) + 1.
Thus the square of any odd integer is odd and hence the fact that a2 is even
implies that a is even. We conclude that a = 2m so that a2 = (2m)2 = 4m2
= 2b2. Hence [72 = 2»:2 so that b is also even contrary to our hypothesis
that (a, b) = 1. Thus our assumption that there exists a rational number
a/b such that (ta/b)2 — 2 = 0 is false.
We are thus led to the construction of additional numbers to enable us
to solve such equations as x2 — 2 = 0 and, more generally, to fill in the
“gaps” in the real number line. The situation, however, is not nearly as simple
as in our development of the integers and the rational numbers since it turns
out that we cannot take pairs of rational numbers (as the student might
expect). We shall not go into the reasons for this now, but will consider this
aspect of the situation later.

1. Rational Numbers as Decimals

The motivation for our treatment of the real numbers comes from the fact
that all rational numbers may he expressed as certain kinds of decimals.
Thus some rational numbers can be expressed as terminating decimals:
2 = 2.0, i = 0.25, l» = 0.125
and so on and all other rational numbers can be expressed as repeating
% = 0.3333 . . ., % = 0285714285714 . . ., 3% = 3.83333 . . ..
The reason for this is quite simple. In expressing a/b (a, b e N) as a decimal
by dividing b into a, our successive remainders in the usual division process
are always less than b. Thus the only possibilities for remainders are 0,
l, . . . , b —— l and hence if the division is not exact the remainders must
eventually repeat.
Conversely, if we have given any terminating decimal it is obvious that
we have a rational number: 0.25 = 25/100, 0.125 = 125/1000 etc. Further-
more, as we will prove later, every repeating decimal also represents a rational
number. Since we can consider any terminating decimal as a repeating deci-
mal with 0's (e.g. 2 = 2.0000 . . .) we need only consider repeating decimals
when we are discussing the rational numbers.
The situation then is this: we have a set of repeating decimals that we
associate with the rational numbers. Nonrepeating decimals, then, such as

0.1010010001 . . .
(where we add, after each 1, an additional 0 as a digit) should represent the
irrational numbers.
All of this, however, is very imprecise since we have no formal definition
of a decimal, equality of decimals, and addition and multiplication of decimals.
The rest of this chapter is devoted to making precise the intuitive notions that
we have just sketched.

Exercises 8.1

1. Express the following rational numbers as terminating or repeating decimals:

(a) 2/9 (b) 3/11
(c) 3/16 (d) 4/13
2. Prove that the following are all irrational numbers:
(a) V? (b) <75
(C) 1081o3 (d) W + V?

2. Sequences

The student has met many examples of sequences in his previous work
in mathematics; for example, arithmetic sequences such as 2, 5, 8, 11,
104 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
. . . , 3k — 1, . . . ; geometric sequences such as 2, 6, 18, . . . , 2‘3“”, . . t 7
and the harmonic sequence 1, i, g, . . . , l/k, . . . . We will consider here
sequences a1, a2, . . . ,ak, . . . of rational numbers; that is, al, a2, . . . ,
ak, . . . will be rational numbers. For brevity we write [ak] for the
sequence a1, a2, . . . , am. . ..

Definition 1. [ak] = [bk] if and only if a, = b, for all i e N.

Definition 2. [a,,] + [bk] = [ak + bk].

Definition 3- [at] X [bk] = [MUM] = [akbkl

Two remarks are in order on these definitions:
(1) Our equality for sequences is identity and hence we may use the symbol
“=” without any qualification.
(2) In Definition 2 we should really use 6, say, for the + on the left hand
side of the equality to distinguish the (defined) addition of sequences
from the addition of rational numbers in [a,c + bk]. The student,
however, should have no difficulty in distinguishing these two uses of +.
A similar remark, of course, applies to Definition 3.
It should be clear that some sequences are associated in a natural fashion
with real numbers: the sequence 0.3, 0.33, 0.333, . . . is associated with 5;
1.4, 1.41, 1.414, . . . with x/i etc. Before this can be done, however, we must
“outlaw” sequences whose terms become larger without bound (as l, 2, . . .,
k, . . .) and those whose terms fluctuate wildly (as 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, . . . , (1/2)
+ (—1)"(1/2), . . .). We will do this in the next section, but right now let
us make two further definitions and state a basic theorem concerning the
arithmetic of sequences.

Definition 4. If [ak] is a sequence, - [an] is defined to be the sequence


Definition 5. The sequence [a,,] with ak = 1 for all k E N is called the

unit sequence and the sequence [ak] with 41,, = 0 for all
k e N is called the zero sequence. We write [1] for the
unit sequence and [0] for the zero sequence. In general,
ifak = r eRfor allk EN, we write [ak] = [r].

We leave as an exercise for the student to prove, using Definitions 1—5 and
the properties of the rational numbers, the following theorem.

Theorem I. Let S = {[a,c]|a,c E R}. Then S is a commutative ring with

a unity under the operations of addition and multiplication as given in Defini-
tions 2 and 3.
Exercises 8.2
1. Prove Theorem 1.
2. Prove that S = {[udlakeR) is not an integral domain by exhibiting
divisors of zero.

3. Cauchy Sequences

Our way of insuring that a sequence will not fluctuate unduly or be un-
bounded is to demand that it satisfy the Cauchy condition.
Definition 6. Let R + be the set ofpositive rational numbers. Iffor any
a ER+ there exists a natural number 4)(ot) such that
when n 2 95(ot) and m 2 95(1), then [an —— am] < at,
we call [ak] a Cauchy sequence. The condition that
la,l — am| < a: is called the Cauchy condition.
Example 1. Suppose ak = l — 1/2". Then consider |an — a,,,| where,
since we are using absolute values, we may take n 2 m so that 1/2"I 2 1/2".
We have
Ian—aml=|(1—%)_(1_2_lfi) =__ ._1 1
2m 2"
Thus to have Ia,I — aml < at we need only take m such that 1/2’” S at or,
equivalently, choose m such that 2'" 2 1 /a. Clearly such a choice of m e N
is always possible and hence [ak] is a Cauchy sequence. (A formal proof,
using the Archimedean law (Theorem 6.13), that this choice is possible is
left as an exercise for the student.)
Example 2. Suppose that our sequence is 1, 0, l, 0, l, . . . where ak = 1
if k is odd and ak = 0 if k is even. Then no matter how large n is we have
la"+1 — an! = l and hence [ak] is not a Cauchy sequence.
Example 3. Suppose our sequence is l, 2, . . . , k, . . . . Again [an+1 — a]
= l and [ak] is not a Cauchy sequence.
It is intuitively plausible that the terms of a Cauchy sequence cannot get
arbitrarily large since the later terms differ by an arbitrarily small amount.
We phrase this fact more formally in our next theorem.
Theorem 2. If [ak] is a Cauchy sequence, then there exists a B e R+
such that |ak| < B for all k e N. (Such a number B is called an upper bound
for the sequence.)
Proofi By the properties of absolute value (Theorem 5.9) we have
lakl = lar + (”k " ar)l S larl + lak _ ail
106 Introduction in Abstract Algebra
Now since [11k] is a Cauchy sequence there exists ¢(1) e N such that when
k, r 2 95(1), |ak — (1,] < 1. Hence for all k, r 2 ¢(1) we have
laul < larl + 1
Now pick any 7 2 95(1); say 7 = 95(1). Then, for k 2 ¢(1) we have
lak| < |a,| + 1 = c where ceR+ is a constant. Thus |ak| < c for all
k 2 56(1). To take care of |ak| for k < ¢(1) we consider the finite set of
positive rational numbers {Ia1|, |a2|, . . . , |a¢(1)|, c} and let B be any rational
number such that B > |ai| for 1': 1, 2, . . . , 95(1) and also B > c (e.g.,
take B =|a1| + |a2| + . . . + la¢(1)| + 6). Then lakl < B for all k EN.
NOTE. The choice of a = 1 in ¢(a) above is purely arbitrary. Any at e R+
would do.
Example 4. Supposed1 = 20, a2 = —3,a3 = 4-,a5 = 1 + Lac = 1 + i,
. , «1,, =1 +1/2"‘4 for k > 4. Then for 12,1 2 5, |ak — (1,] <1.
Thus for all k 2 5, Iak| < Ia5| + 1 = 5/2. Now let B = [20] + [—3l
+ |4| + 5/2 = 29%. Clearly Ink] < B for all 1: EN. (It is also clear that
smaller upper bounds exist; e.g. 20.)
Theorem 3. The sum of two Cauchy sequences is a Cauchy sequence
and the product of two Cauchy sequences is a Cauchy sequence.
Proof: Let [ak] and [bk] be Cauchy sequences. Then [ak] + [bk] = [ah
+ bk]. Consider

Kan + bu) _ (“m + bm)l

= Kan _ am) + (bu '_ bm)l 5 Ian — “ml + lbn _ bml
by the properties of absolute value. Now given any at/2 e R+ we can find
¢1(°‘/2) EN such that when n, m 2 ¢1(¢x/2), [an — am| < ot/2. Similarly,
we can find 4:2(ot/2) E N such that when n, m 2 ¢2(a/2), Ibn — bm| < «[2.
Now here and elsewhere we will find it convenient to write max (a, b) to
mean the larger of a and b if a aé b and a if a = b. Thus here we let flat)
= max (951(ot/2), ¢2(ot/2)) and then have
Kan + bu) _ (“M + bm)l S l“?! — aml +lbn _ bml < “/2 + “/2 = a
for n, m 2 ¢(a). Hence [a,c + bk] is a Cauchy sequence.
Now consider [ak][bk] = [akbk]. We have

lanbn _ “"1l = lana’n _ bin) + bm(an _ am)l S lan(bn — bm)l

+ lbm(an " am)l = lanllbn -' bml + lbmllan — “ml

by the properties of absolute value. Now from Theorem 2 we know that
there exist B1, 82 e R+ such that, for all n, m e N, [an] < B1 and |b,,.| < B2.

lanbn _ ambml < Bllbn '_ bml + Balan — ”ml

Now we use the fact that [ak] and [bk] are Cauchy sequences to find
¢1(ot/ZBI)€N such that for n, m 2 ¢1(a/2B1), lb” — bm| < at/ZBl and
¢2(a/232) EN such that for n, m 2 ¢2(u/232), |an — u,,,[ < 41/232. Take
¢(u) = max(¢,(oc/ZBI), ¢2(M/232)) and have for n, m 2 95(1),

lanbn _ “"1l < Bl(°‘/ZBI) + 32(41/232) = a

as desired.
Since the sequence [ak] = [0] and the sequence [bk] = [1] are obviously
Cauchy sequences, we see that Theorems 1 and 3 yield the following result.
Theorem 4. Let S = {[ak]|[ak] is a Cauchy sequence}. Then S is a
commutative ring with a unity element under the operations of addition and
multiplication as given in Definitions 2 and 3.

Exercises 8.3

l. Prove, using the Achimedean law, that for any a: e R+, there exism m 6N such
that 2" z 1/ a.
2. Prove that S = ([ak]l[ak] is a Cauchy sequence} is not an integral domain
by exhibiting divisors of zero.
3. Prove that if B is an upper bound for a sequence [ax] and A > B, then A
is also an upper bound for the sequence [an].
4. A sequence [ax] is said to be bounded if there exists B e R" such that for
all k e N, Iakl < B. Prove that the sum and product of bounded sequences
are bounded sequences.

4. Null Sequences

Let us recall the motivation behind our discussion to date. We are trying
to associate sequences with our intuitive notion of a real number. Our prob-
lem is that there is a natural association of more than one sequence with any
real number. Thus, for example, the sequences
[l—l/k], [1—1/2k], and [1—1/k3]
are all naturally associated with the number 1. Our basic device for handling
this problem is that of a null sequence.
Definition 7. [ak] is a null sequence If and only if for every a: e R+
there exists (flat) 6 N such that n 2 95(11) implies
|an| < at.
Example I. [l/k], [1 [2"], and [1 /k"] are all null sequences.
We leave to the student the proof of the following two theorems.
108 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Theorem 5. Every null sequence is a Cauchy sequence.
Theorem 6. Let [ak] and [bk] be null sequences and [ck] be any Cauchy
sequence. Then

(1) [ak] + [bk] is a null sequence;

(2) [ak] — [bk] is a null sequence;
(3) [ak][ek] is a null sequence.
We are now ready to define a relation on the set of Cauchy sequences
that will make precise the idea that two different Cauchy sequences define
the same real number.
Definition 8. Two Cauchy sequence: [ak] and [bk] will be said to be
equivalent if and only if [ak] — [bk] = [(1,c — bk] 1': a
null sequence. We will write [ak] ~ [bk] if [ak] is equiva-
lent to [bk].
Example 2. The sequences [1 — 1/12] and [1 — 1/2”] are equivalent since
[(1 — l/k) — (1 — 1/2")] = [1/2" — l/k] is a null sequence.
Theorem 7. Let S = {[ak]|[ak] a Cauchy sequence}. Then ~ is an
equivalence relation on S.
Proofi (l) [ak] ~ [ak] since [ak —- ak] = [0] is certainly a null sequence
(2) If [ak] ~ [bk], then [a,c — bk] is a null sequence. But then [b,c — ak].
= [—(a,, — bk)] is also a null sequence and hence [bk] ~ [ak].
(3) If [ak] ~ [bk] and [bk] ~ [ck], then [41,c — bk] and [12,c - ck] are null
sequences. Hence, by Theorem 6, [ak — bk] + [bk — ck] = [(a,‘ — bk)
+ (bk — ck)] = [ak — ck] is a null sequence and [ak] ~ [ck].

Exercises 8.4

1. Prove Theorem 5.
2. Prove Theorem 6.
3. Prove that the set of all null sequences is a commutative ring without a
multiplicative identity.

5. The Real Numbers

Since ~ is an equivalence relation on the set of all Cauchy sequences, it

partitions the set of all Cauchy sequences into classes of equivalent sequences.
Thus, for example, we have the class

{[ak]llak] ~ [1]}
and the class

{laklllakl ~ [ZED
Definition 9. The set of all equivalence classes of {[ak]|[uk] a Cauchy
sequence} is the set of real numbers, R*.
We now need to define addition and multiplication for these classes.

Definition 10. Let A ={txk1uxk1 ~ {an} and B ={ryklltyk1~ {M}-


A + B = {[zklilzk] ~ [at] + {bid}


A X B = A3 = {[zk]i[zk] ~ [ak][bk]}
Here, of course, we should write A G B and A ® B to distinguish the
newly defined addition of classes from the previously defined addition and
multiplication of sequences. At this point, however, the student can certainly
keep this distinction in mind without the need of a special notation.
As usual, we need to prove that our definitions are independent of our choice
of representative of our equivalence classes.

Theorem 3- If {[xklllxk] ~ {ail} = {[xkllml ~ {all} and {Uklllykl

~ [k} = {[ykllb’kl ~ {bid}. then
(1) {[zklllzk] ~ [ak] + {51:1} = {lzklllzkl ~ [all + {I’ll}

(2) {[zklllzk] ~ [akllk = {[zkillzk] ~ [aillbéli-

Proofi Because of the properties of ~ and the definitions of addition and
multiplication of equivalence classes we need only prove that if [ck] ~ [a;,]
and [bk] ~ [bk]! then [‘11:] + [bk] N [“12] + [bit] and [“kllbkl N laillbil-
Now ([ak] + m1) — (tau + [b;.1)= [at — (41+ [bk — 12;]. Further-
more, [(1,c — 41;] and [bk — b;] are null sequences since [ak] ~ [a,’,] and
[bk] ~ [1);]. Invoking Theorem 6 we conclude that ([ak] + [bk]) — ([a,’.]
+ [b,;]) is a null sequence and thus have established (1).
(For (2) we write

[akllbk] — [film] = [ak]([bk] - [1112]) + ([ak] - [4,2])[513

Now [bk] — [big] is a null sequence since [bk] ~ [11,] and [ak] —- [aft] is a
null sequence since [ak] ~ [(4,]. We now invoke Theorem 6 to conclude
that [ak][bk] — [afl[b,’,] is a null sequence and hence that [ak][bk] ~ [a,;]
110 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Because we have defined the operations of addition and multiplication in
R* in terms of representatives of the equivalence classes that constitute R“,
we may now invoke Theorem 4 to obtain

Theorem 9. R“ is a commutative ring with additive identity 0 = {[xk]|[x,,]

~ [0]} and multiplicative identity l = {[xk]l[xk] ~ [1 B- If X = {[xk]
llxk] ~ {“161}! then —X = llxklllxk] ~ [_ak]}'

Exercises 8.5

1. Discuss the difi'erence between the natural number 2, the integer 2, the
rational number 2, and the real number 2.
2. Give the details of the proof of Theorem 9.
3. Consider the example that you previously used to show that the set of all
Cauchy sequences was not an integral domain. What “happens” to this
example here? (i.e., why cannot it be used to show that R“ is not an integral

6. The Rational Numbers as Real Numbers

Ultimately we will show that R“ is an ordered field but let us first consider
how the rational numbers appear as real numbers. Among the elements of
R“ are those classes {[xk]|[xk] ~ [7]} where r e R. Let us, for brevity
write {[xflllxk] ~ [7]} = {M}-
Theorem 10. The rational numbers are isomorphic to the set of elements
{[r]} of R* via the correspondence
1' eR<—>{[r]} eR*
Proof. This follows immediately from the fact that if r1, r2 ER, then
{[71]} + {[72]} = {[71] + [72]} = {[71 + r2]} and {D11} X {['2]} = {[71]['2]}
= {Dial}.
At this point let us return to the statement made in Section 1 that every
repeating decimal represents a rational number. First of all, let us note that
every repeating decimal can be represented as a rational number plus a sum
of terms in a geometric progression. Thus, for example,
0.3333 = 0.3 + (0.3)(1‘7) + (0.3)(i—‘o)2 + - -- + (0.3)(fi)"‘1 + ---,
7.4393939 - - - = 7.4 + 0.039 + (0-039t) + - - - + (0.039)(—,.;3)"‘2 + . . .,
1.237237 = 1 + 0.237 + (0.237)(”;,) + + (0.237)(,—;fi)n-2+ -
In general we have

'1 + ’2 +297") + 72(3‘61)2 + ' " + 72(TIF)"-1 + '”

where 71, 12 e R and s e N.
Consider now the sequence [ak] where
“k = r1 + ta + r2(+o-) + r2611)“ + . . . + r2(.—‘or "”1
We will show that

[ale] ~ ['1 + m] = ['1
and thus that

{[xnlvn] ~ {ad} = {[xnlllxn] ~ {'1} = {M} H ' E R

in the sense of Theorem 10. For example, for 0.3333 . . . we have 71 = 0,
r2 = 0.3, s = 1 so that

r2 .3 3 9 l
r=rl+1—-_—@;=O+1 _%6 =1—0+1—0=3

and for 7.43939 we have 11 = 7.4, 72 = 0.039, s = 2 so that

12 0.039 74 39 99
”Hm“ +mh (@7136)
37 13 12,275 491
5 +330" 1650 _ 66
Now from the theory of geometric progressionst we know that if
S = b + bc + be” + + bcn‘1,then
c" - l
S= b
c -— 1
Applying this formula to ak — 71 with b = 72, c = 1/10‘, and n = k we have

ak = r1
+ r2 (1%)"

(96):; __ 1

Thus to show that [ak] ~ [r] we need only show that

[a], — I] = [(n + mag—:11) _ ('1+ 1 32—:—.)‘)]

=[(—:1._.)f W]
f See any college algebra textbook.
112 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
is a null sequence. That is, given any at E R+ we want to be able to choose
flat) 6 N such that, when n 2 Mat),
12 ( 1 )8»

Thus we want
r - (3-0)” = —- —
1 — (1‘5)‘ 10

(+3)" < 0t —
1 — (a)s

(103)" > ———2-—

all — (*6)?
We leave it to the student to prove, using the Archimedean law, that such a
choice of ¢(d) is possible and conclude that [ak — r] is a null sequence and
hence that [ak] ~ [r].

Exercises 8.6

1. Convert each of the following repeating decimals into a fraction:

(a) 2.31434343 . . . (b) 0.515515515 . . .
(c) 3.142142142 . . . (d) 6.23414141 . . .
2. Prove, using the Archimedean law, that for any a: eR‘, there exists
#(a) e Nsuch that when n 2 flat),

00')" >——m[1 _ (1'16")‘1

7. 1/2 as a Real Number

Since one of out motivations for introducing real numbers was the non-
existence of a rational number r such that r2 = 2, it is in order here to show
that there is indeed an element U 6 R* such that U2 = {[2]}. To do this we
define the sequence [14k] as follows:

"1 + (2/141) “2 + (2/142)

141 = 1, 2 = —, 143 = —-
2 2
and, in general,

_ “A: + (2/“Ic)
k+1 2 (keN)
(This type of definition is known as a recursive definition. It yields :11 = 1,
u2 = 1.5, 143 = 17/12 etc.) We shall prove that [uk] is a Cauchy sequence
such that if U = {[xk]|[xk] ~ [uk]} eR*, then U x U = U2 = {[2]}
(H 2 e R).
We proceed to the proof of U2 = {[2]} in several stages, the details of which
we leave to the student.
(1) For all 12 EN, uk > 0 and u: 96 2 since each uk 6 R.
2 a 2_ a
a)nnmkeMuLI—2=(”+2)—2=(” 2)
2a,, 2a,,
(3) By (1) and (2), for all k e N such that k 2 2, u: > 2.
(4) For all keN, uk 21 since 141 = 1 and if uk <1 for any It > 1, it
would follow that a; < 1 contrary to (3).
(5) For allkeN, 0 < 14:” — 2 51/2"+1.
Proof of(5). Now a:+1 - 2 > 0 by (3) and we proceed to prove the
second part of our inequality by induction. First, if k = 1 our inequality

But It; — 2 = (3/2)2 — 2 = 1/4- so that our inequality holds when k = 1.
Now assume that the inequality holds for k = n so that
fl —22 2 —22
("7H s (1H
by (2) and (4-). But then, by our induction hypothesis,
2 l 2 1 2 l 2 1
“Wm—25 (E) (2n+1) =(2n+2) < 2n+2

Thus our inequality holds for k = 1 and, if it holds for k = n, it holds for
k = n + 1. By induction it then follows that it holds for all k e N.
(6) If a: €R+, then there exists a t eNsuch that 1/2”1 < at.
Proof of(6). We take x = 1 and y = 1/0: in Theorem 6.13 (the Archi-
medean law) and have that there exists 5 eN such that s - l = s > Ila.
Now let S = {nln e N and there exists t e N such that 2‘+1 > n}. We wish
to show that S = N and thus prove that, no matter how large n is, we can
find a t EN such that 2H1 > 11. Now 1 e S since we may take t = 1 and
have 21+1 > 1. Suppose now that k e S. Then there exists 1 e N such that
2”1 > k. But then 2-2”1 > 2k so that
114 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
and since t + 1 e N we have shown that, if k e S, k + l e S. Thus S = N.
Since S = N, for s > l/ot as chosen above, we may find a t e N such that
2H1 > s > Us:
Hence 1/2”1 < a as desired.
(7) The sequence [ufi] — [2] = [14%, — 2] is a null sequence.
Proof of(7). By (5) we have
ht:+1 — 2| S 1/2"+1
Now for any at e R+ we take 9501) = t for t as determined in (6) and have,
for n 2 flat) = t,
|uf|+1 — 2] S 1/2"+1 < at
since, ifn 2 t, 0/2"”) S (1/2‘”).
(8) [1:3] is a Cauchy sequence.
Proaf0f(8). By Theorem 5, [14: — 2] is a Cauchy sequence since it is
a null sequence. Hence for any at e R+ there exists ¢(u) e N such that when
n, m 2 <l>(a).
[(ufi — 2) - (ufn — 2)| = l”: — 143'] < at
Thus [ufi] is a Cauchy sequence.
(9) [uk] is a Cauchy sequence.

Praofof(9)- lug; _ “ii = lun "‘ umllun + “ml = lun _ uml(un + um)
since u,c > 0 for all k e N. Now since [1412‘] is a Cauchy sequence, for any
a e R+ we may obtain 45(24) 6 N such that for n, m 2 ¢(2m), lug| — ufn|
< 20:. Hence [an — u,,,[(un + u,,,) < 2:: so that for n, m 2 ¢(2oc),
I I 20: < 25:
u — u < ——~ _ — =
n m u“ + um 2 on
since 14,, 2 1 for all k e N by (4). Thus [uk] is a Cauchy sequence.
(10) We now consider {[uk]} and have {[195]}2 = {[155]} = {[2]} by (7)
and our definition of equality for real numbers.

Exercises 8.7

1. Use the sequence [uk] defined by

u; = 1, “I: +1 =La/u52
to prove that R"l contains x5.

2. Generalize the method used in establishing the existence of 1/5 and 1/3; e R“
to establish the existence of (a for any a e R‘.
3. Use the sequence u; = l, u“; = [1/(uk + 1)] + 1 to prove the existence
of V2 eR'.

8. Ordering of the Real Numbers

Our intuitive feeling of a positive sequence is one in which the terms

“ultimately” become and remain positive. Thus, for example, our feeling is
that we should consider the sequence
-4, -2, 1, 1.}, 1}, ,1+1/2“'3.
positive even though some of the terms are negative. We formalize this feeling
in our next definition.
Definition 11. A Cauchy sequence [ak] is said to be positive if and only
ifthere exists r e R+ and n e N such thatfor all m EN,
m 2 n implies am _>_ r. We write [ak] > [0] to mean
that [ak] is positive.
Thus in our example above we may take 7 = 1 and n = 3.
For convenience we will call the ordered pair (71, r) in Definition 11 a test
pair for the sequence [ak]. We may thus say that a Cauchy sequence is posi-
tive if and only if it has a test pair.
Theorem 11. If [ak] and [bk] are positive Cauchy sequences, then so are
[ax] + [bk] and [akkl'
Proofi Let (n1, r1) be a test pair for [ak] and (n2, 12) be a test pair for [bk].
Then for all m 2 max(n1,n2) = n, a," + bm 2 r1 + r2 = 1. Hence (n, r)
is a test pair for [ak] + [bk] and [ak] + [bk] is a positive Cauchy sequence.
Similarly, the student may check that (n, rlrz) is a test pair for [ak][bk]
and hence conclude that [ak][bk] is also a positive Cauchy sequence.
Definition 12. A Cauchy sequence [ak] is said to be negative if and only
if —[ak] = [-ak] is positive. We write [ak] < [0] to
mean that [ak] is negative.
Theorem 12. (Trichotomy law for Cauchy sequences) If [ak] is a Cauchy
sequence, then one and only one of the following hold:

(1) [01:] > [0] (2) [‘11:] ~ [0] (3) [‘11.] < [0]
Proof; We proceed by showing in turn that
(a) If (2) holds, neither (1) nor (3) can hold;
(b) (1) and (3) cannot both hold;
(c) If neither (1) nor (3) holds, then (2) holds.
From (a) and (b) we will then conclude that at most one of (1), (2), and (3)
116 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
holds, and from (c) that at least one of (1), (2), and (3) holds. Thus the
establishment of (a), (b), and (c) will provide a proof of the theorem.
We now tum to the proofs of (a), (b), and (c).
(a) Suppose [ak] ~ [0] and also [ak] > [0]. We then let (m, 1) be a test
pair for [ak]. Since [ak] ~ [0], there exists «fir/2) 6N such that when
n 2 950/2), an < r/2 eR". Now choose 71 2 max {01, ¢(r/2)} and have
an < 7/2 because [ak] ~ [0] and also an 2 1' because [11k] > [0]. From this
contradiction we conclude that if [ak] ~ [0], then we cannot have [ak] > [0].
On the other hand, if [11k] ~ [0] and also [ak] < [0] we observe that then
[-ak] ~ [0] and [—ak] > [0] so that we again have a contradiction.
(b) If [ah] > [0] and also [ak] < [0] it follows that [ah] > [0] and also
[—ak] > [0]. But then, by Theorem 11, [ak] + [—ak] > [0] and since [ak]
+ [—ak] = [0], we have [0] > [0], contrary to (a).
(c) Suppose [ak] :1» [0] and [ak] 4: [0]. Then [—ak] :1» [0] for if [—ak]
> [0] it would follow by Definition 12 that [—(—ak)] = [11k] < [0], a con-
tradiction. Since [ak] is a Cauchy sequence we know that for any 7 e R+
there exists ¢(r/2) EN such that when n, m 2 (fir/2), we have Ian —— aml
< 7/2. But since [ak] :l> [0] it has no test pair and, in particular, (fir/2),
1/2) is not a test pair. Hence there exists a natural number m 2 95(1/2) such
that (11,,l < 1/2. We now write

and have, for n 2 “1/2)
a" < (7/2) + (7/2) = r
for any 1 eR”. But, by the same argument, we may use the fact that
[—ak] 11’ [0] to obtain -a,l < r and hence that, for '1 2 “7/2)’ Ia“l
= Ian .. 0| < r. Thus [an] ~ [01‘

Theorem 13. If [ak] > [0] and [bk] ~ [0], then [ak] + [bk] > [0].
Similarly if [ak] < [0] and [bk] ~ [0], then [ak] + [bk] < [0].
Proof; Suppose [uk] > [0] and consider [ck] = [11k] + [bk]. By the tricho-
tomy law (Theorem 12), [ck] > [0], [ck] ~ [0], or [ck] < [0]. But if [ck]
~ [0], then (Theorem 6), [ak] = [ck] — [bk] ~ [0] which is a contradiction
to the trichotomy law. Similarly, if [ck] < [0] we have [—ck] > [0] and
hence, by Theorem 11, [—ck] + [ak] > [0]. But then [bk] = —([-ck]
+ [ak]) < [0] which is again a contradiction to the trichotomy law. Hence
[ck] > [0].
The proof of the second part of the theorem and the following corollary
are left as exercises for the student.
Corollary. If [ak] > [0] and [bk] ~ [ak], then [bk] > [0]. Similarly, if
[ak] < [0] and [by] ~ [ax], then [bk] < [0].
We are now in a position to define the concept of positiveness for real

Definition 13. Let A = {[xk]|[xk] ~ [ak]} = {[ak]} e R*. Then A‘ is

said to be positive and we write A > 5 if and only if
[an] > [0]-
Suppose A = {[ak]} = {[bk]}. Then [ak] ~ [bk] so that, by the corollary
to Theorem 13, [ak] > [0] if and only if [bk] > [0]. That is, the question of
the positiveness of any real number is independent of the sequence used to
represent the equivalence class that is the real number; hence we may pass
freely from a real number to any equivalence class representative in con-
sidering questions concerning positiveness of real numbers.

Theorem 14. IfA, B eR* and A, B > 5, then A + B > U and AB > 0.

Proof Let A—
= {[ak]} and B—
= {[bk]} where [ak] > [0] and [bk] > [0].
Then A + B = {[ak] + [bk]} and AB = {[ak][b,,]} where [ak] + [bk] > [0]
and [ak][bk] > [0] by Theorem 11. Hence A + B > G and AB > 0.
We leave the trichotomy law for real numbers as an exercise for the student
to prove using Theorem 12.

Theorem 15. If A e R*, then one and only one of the following alterna-
tives hold: (I) A > (7, (2) A = 6, or (3) —A > 0.

Definition 14. Let A—B=A+(—B)for A,BeR*, and define


Theorem 16. If A, B 6R* one and only one of A > B, A = B, B > A


Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 15 and Definition 14.

\Ve leave as a series of exercises for the student the proofs of various pro-
perties of inequalities for real numbers such as if A, B, C e R* and A > B,
then A + C > B + C. In each case the proofs follow the corresponding
proofs of inequalities involving rational numbers.

Exercises 8.8

1. Complete the proof of Theorem 11.

2. Complete the proof of Theorem 13.
3. Prove the corollary to Theorem 13.
4. Prove Theorem 15.
118 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
5. If A, B, C, and D are real numbers, prove
(a) IfA >B,thenA +C >B +C;
(b)IfA >B,andC >P,thenA +C >B +D;
(c) IfA > B, and 0 >0, then AC > BC.

9. The Field of Real Numbers

The student will recall (Theorem 9) that we have shown that R“ is a com-
mutative ring with a multiplicative identity 7 = {[1]}. Thus to show that R*
is a field we need only to show that every nonzero element of R* has a
multiplicative inverse. (Cf. Definitions 5.4 and 7.3.)
The basic result we need to establish this result is embodied in the follow-
ing lemma.
Lemma. Suppose [ak] is a Cauchy sequence and [uh] > [0] with test pair
(t, r). Then if [bk] is defined by bk = 0 for k < t and bk = ak‘l if k 2 t,
we have (1) [bk] is a Cauchy sequence and (2) [ak][bk] e {[1]}.
Proof; (1) Since [ak] is a Cauchy sequence, for any x e R+ we know that
there exists (“512) e N such that if n, m 6N and n, m 2 #312) we have
]an — am] < 3r“. Now let 5(5) = max {t, ¢(512)}. Then if n, m 2 11(5) we
a —-a lam — anl "2
lbn "‘ bml = Ian—l _ “In-” = il—n = —— —a = s
anam and,” r
Hence [bk] is a Cauchy sequence.
(2) Consider the sequence [ak][bk] — [1]. Now akbk — 1 = 0 for all
k 2 t and hence it is obvious that [ak][bk] -— [1] ~ [0] and thus that [ak]
[bk] 6 {[1]}-
Thearem 17. R* is a field.
Proofl Suppose A = {[ak]} eR* and A 95 0. Then [ak] w [0]. If [ak]
> [0] we invoke our lemma to conclude that there exists a Cauchy sequence
[bk] such that [ak][bk] ~ [1]. Now we let B = {[bk]} and have AB = {[ak]
[bk]} = {[1]} as desired.
If [ah] < [0], then [—ak] > [0] and we again invoke our lemma to obtain
a Cauchy sequence [—bk] such that [—ak][—bk] ~ [1]. Finally, since
[—aklt—bkl = [aknbu we have AB = {[ak][bk]} = {[11} as before.
Example. Let A = {[ak]} where a1 = —1000, a2 = 0, a3 = 17/5, a4 = 1,
ak + 2/11,. (1,,2 + 2
ak+1 =
2 " Zak
for k 2 4. Then if]:1 = b2 = 0, 123 = 5/17, I;4 =1,

b _ Zak
n+1 — for k 2 4-,
“k 2
and B = {[bkl}! we have AB = {[ak][bk]} = {[1]}-

Exercises 8.9

1. Find the multiplicative inverses of the following real numbers {[ufl)

(a) a1 = 2/3,:1, =1/5,a3 = —2, a.‘ = (2]: + 1)/3k for k >3
(b)a1 = 2, at“ = (cu2 + 3)]3ak for k 2 1
(c)a1 = 2, a, = 0, a3 = ~7/3, ak = —(3k + l)/7k for k > 3.
2. Prove that if A e R*, then A2 2 6.

10. Additional Remarks

(1) The same process of forming equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences

may be used with any ordered field in place of R. The field obtained is called
the completion of the given field. Thus R“ is the completion of R. (See, for
example, [B4].)
(2) Suppose we begin anew and define in a similar fashion Cauchy se-
quences [Ak] with Ak e R*. We can then form equivalence classes of these
sequences, etc., and obtain a field I? that is the completion of R*. It may
be proved, however, that 1.?- is isomorphic to R*. Any ordered field whose
completion is isomorphic to itself is called a complete field. Thus R* is a
complete field but R is not. (See, for example, [H3].)
(3) At the beginning of this chapter we remarked that it was not possible
to construct the real numbers as equivalence classes of pairs of rational
numbers. Let us conclude our work on the real numbers by indicating briefly
why this is so.
First we need the concept of equinumerous sets.
Definition 15. Two sets are said to be equinumerous if and only if there
exists a 1—1 correspondence between the element: of the
two sets.
For finite sets this is a simple concept and corresponds to the ordinary
idea of “the same numbers of elements”. Thus there are three elements
in the set {a, b, c} and three elements in the set {A, B, C} so that the two
sets are equinumerous as is indicated by the correspondence a H A, b H B,
and CH C. On the other hand, the two sets {(1, b, c} and {A, B, C, D} are
not equinumerous.
120 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
The situation is not nearly as simple for infinite sets since, by definition,
we cannot “count” the number of elements as we can do for finite sets.
Off hand, however, we might be inclined to think that the two infinite sets

N = {11171 a natural number} = {1, 2, 3, . . . }

M = {2n|n a natural number}={2, 4, 6, . . . }
were not equinumerous since M E N and M aé N. Nevertheless, according
to our definition, M and N are equinumerous as is shown by the 1—1
correspondence defined by
which associates, in a definite fashion, a unique element of M with any ele-
ment of N and, conversely, a unique element of N with every element of M.
That is, there is a 1—1 mapping, a, of N onto M where no = 2n 6 M for all
n E N.
Furthermore the set of I of integers is also equinumerous with N as is
shown by the 1—1 correspondence defined as follows. Let n be any element
of N and let neIHZn — 1 EN, OEIHZ EN, —neI(—>2n + 2 EN.
Thus lEIHl EN, ZEIH3 EN, 3 eI<—>5 EN, ,OEIHZEN,
—1 EIH4EN, —ZENH66N, .
We next show that, even more surprisingly, the set, R+ , of positive rational
numbers is equinumerous with N. To do this imagine that all of the fractions
representing positive rational numbers are arranged as indicated in the fol-
lowing diagram (ignore the dotted line for the moment):

1 1-1 1_1 1 1 1
1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6’,7 a ""'
l / / I I / /
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’ 3.’ 1’ 1 l .....
1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,s 7 B
I I / / I
1’ 1’ 1’ 1’ 1’ 1 1 1
1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 s 7 s
l/ l / I
4/ —
— 4/ —4/ —4/ —4 a
— 4
— 4
— .....
1 /2 ,3 M 5 6 7 a
/ l ’
1’ 1’ 1’ 1 1 1 1 1 .....
I ,2 ,3 4 5 s 7 s
I / /
1’ 1’ 1 1 1 1 1 1 .....
1 ,2 3 a 5 s 7 a
1 2
13 14 15 16 77 7
s ""'

We note, of course, that we have repetition since 1/] = 2/2 = 3/3 = . . . )

2/3=4/6=6/9= ,etc.
Now suppose that we have given 71 e N and wish to describe a rule for
associating with this n e N a definite rational number i e R+ . What we do is
to follow the dotted line in the diagram that begins at 1/1, goes down one line
to 2/1 , then diagonally up until it reaches the edge, then to the right one line,
down diagonally until it reaches the edge, down one line, up diagonally, etc.
As we follow the line we count 1, 2, 3, . . . , n as we go through each fraction
except that we never count repetitions. For example, suppose that we have
n = 5. We have 1/1, 2/1, 1/2, 1/3, 3/1 (omitting 2/2 = 1/1) and hence have
5 e N—> 3/1 eR+. Similarly, ifn =13 we obtain 1/1, 2/1,1/2,1/3, 3/1, 4/1,
3/2, 2/3, 1/4, 1/5, 5/1, 6/1, 5/2 (omitting 2/2 = 1/1, 2/4 = 1/2, 3/3 = 1/1,
and 4/2 = 2/1). Thus 13 eN—>5/2 eR”.
Conversely, given any 1' e R+ we take its representation as a fraction in
lowest terms and count “how far” it is from 1]] along the dotted line (again
omitting repetitions). Thus if we have given 4/6 ER+ we observe that
4/6 = 2/3 and count 1/1, 2/1, 1/2, 1/3, 3/1, 4/1, 3/2, 2/3 so that we have
2/3 E R+ —> 8 e N. Clearly our correspondence is 1—1 and thus R+ and N
are equinumerous.
Next we observe that the set of ordered pairs of positive rational numbers
is equinumerous with N. Our procedure in establishing this fact is similar
to that used to show that R+ is equinumerous with N. Thus since R+ is
equinumerous with N we can write 71 = 1/1, 72 = 2/1, r3 = 1/2, 14 = 1/3,
75 = 3]], r6 = 4/1, 1., = 3/2, and so on as dictated by the correspondence
just described between R+ and N. Now we arrange the ordered pairs of
elements of R+ as

(mu) (rpm-firms) (r1, r4)

: // // ///

(ran/1 "N27 (ram) (72,74)

// ///

(r3.|r6 /(r3.r2) (rm) (ran)


0455 (mm) (74.73) (mm)

and proceed as before along the dotted line to determine the matching.
Thus, for example, 3 e N —> (11, 73) e R+ x R“.
Because of the fact that I is equinumerous with N it is certainly plausible
that R is equinumerous with R+ and that the set of ordered pairs of elements
of R is equinumerous with the set of ordered pairs of elements of R+; we
leave the proofs to the student. Hence if it were possible to represent the
real numbers as pairs of rational numbers, it would follow that R“ would be
equinumerous with N. We will show that this is not the case and, indeed,
122 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
that even the set of real numbers r with 0 S r S 1 is not equinumerous with
We recall that a real number, r, is a set of equivalent Cauchy sequences:
r = {[xk]|[xk] ~ [ak]}. For our purposes here, however, it will do no harm
to regard a real number as a single sequence as long as we take care not to
list two equivalent sequences. In particular, let us consider the sequence
[1k] where 71 = 0411, r2 = 0.ala2, . . . , rk = 0.ala2 . . . ak where a1, a2, a3, . . .
are in the set {nln e N and 0 S n S 9}.
We leave it to the student to prove that such sequences are Cauchy
sequences and hence are representatives of the class of sequences that are our
real numbers. We also leave to the student to prove that the only such
sequences that are equivalent (but not equal) are those in which we have
eventually a repetition of 9’s on the one hand and arepetition of 0’s on the
other; e.g., 0.32000 . . . and 0.31999 . . . . To avoid such situations we will
agree not to use as our representatives such sequences that end in a repetition
of 9’s.
Now let P be the set of all such sequences [rk] as just described and suppose
that we do have a 1—1 correspondence of P with N as indicated below:
leNH0.a1u2a3... =aeP
26N<—>O.b1b.3b3 =beP
36NH0.c1c3c3 =reP
4eN4—>0.d1d2d3... =deP
SENH0.e1e293 =eeP

Now consider a number s e P where s = 0.4555311; . . . such that

(1‘96 (11, b5 aé b2, 65 aé c3, (14¢ d4, Since a1’9é a1, : 96 a and thus
34+ 1; since bz’ aé b2, 5 aé b and thus “-92; since :5 9e :3, 3 ye c and thus
34+) 3; . . . ;s<—}+n for any n e N. Hence our given correspondence is not
1—1 and since it was a completely arbitrary correspondence we conclude
that no such 1—1 correspondence exists between P and N.

Exercises 8.10

1. Consider the correspondence given between N and Rh Determine the

numbers in R+ corresponding to the following numbers in N.
(a) 6 (b) 10
(c) 17 (d) 21.
2. Consider the correspondence given between N and R". Determine the
numbers in N corresponding to the following numbers in R”.
(a) 3/4 (b) 5/8
(c) 12/14- (d) 10/15.
3. Let A, B, and C be sets. If A and B are equinumerous and B and C
are equinumerous, prove that A and C are equinumerous.
4. Prove that R is equinumerous with R”.
5. Let A be a set equinumerous with N and B = ((a, b)|o, b e A}. Prove
that A and B are equinumerous.
6. Suppose that the correspondence of natural numbers to positive real num-
bers as given on page 122 is restricted to rational numbers; i.e., Gamma,
- - - , 0.bzb2b2 ~ ' - etc. are rational numbers. Why can we not conclude
by a similar argument that the rational numbers are not equinumerous
with N?
l’7. Prove that a sequence [71.] where rk = 0.a,a, . . . at and a. e (nln EN
and 0 S n S 9} for all i E N is a Cauchy sequence.
I'8. Prove that if r is a real number such that 0— S r< 1, then r = {[11]}
where 7., is as described in problem 7.
*9. Prove that two sequences [r;.] and [7;] of the type described in problem 7
are equivalent if and only if either a. = a; for all 1' E N or there exists
neNsuch that, for 1 Si <n, (1. =11}, a; =a,. — l and for i >n,
a. = 0 and a; = 9.
a"10. A set is said to be a countable or denumerable set if it is equinumerous with
(a) If S and T are two countable sets, prove that S U T is countable.
(b) If S = TU V where S is countable and T is finite, prove that V is
(c) Prove that the ring R[x] of all polynomials with integral coefficients
is countable.


1. Our development of the real numbers depends strongly on the concept of

absolute value: [cl = a if a Z 0, la] = —a if a <0. Consider now any
positive prime number 1). Then any rational number r can be written as
r = p“(a/b) where a, a, and b are integers such that (ab, 1)) = 1. (For
example, if p = 3, 9/10 = 3’(1/10), 4/15 = 3“(4/5), 5/7 = 3°(5/7).)
Define Ir], = (1/2)“. (For example, [9/1015 = (1/2 2 = 1/4, 14/15|3
= (1/2)‘1 = 2, l5/7Ia = (1/2)° = 1.) Does this (p-adic) absolute value
have the properties of ordinary absolute value? Can you use it to define
(p-adic) null sequences, etc.? What will p-adic numbers look like if they are
derived from R by using Ir], as R" is derived from R by using lrl? [HS],
U3]. [V1]
2. A Dedekind cut, C, in R is a division of R into two classes A aé 25 and
B aé a suchthatA U B = Randifx eAandy EB, thenx <y. Wewrite
C = (AIB). For example we might have A = (xeRlx $2) and B
= {x eRlx >2} or A = {x eRIx’ S 2} and B = {x ERIxa >2}. In some
sense, then, the first cut corresponds to the (rational) number, 2, and the
second cut, corresponds to the (irrational) number, V2. Can you
frame an appropriate definition of a real number in terms of cuts and develop
an arithmetic of these real numbers? [B4], [E2]
3. A set S will be said to have (finite) cardinal number n e N if and only if there
exists a 1—1 correspondence between the elements of S and the set {1, 2,
124 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
. , n}. There is, of course, a well-established arithmetic of finite cardinal
numbers (commonly studied in the elementary school). Can you define
infinite cardinal numbers and establish an arithmetic for these? [B4]


[134}, [E2]. [H3]. [K2], [L1]. [R1]-

Rings, Ideals, and Homomorphisms

We have already defined a ring and discussed some of the elementary

properties of rings in Section 5.2. For convenience, however, let us repeat
here the definition of a ring (in slightly altered form).

Definition 1. A ring is a set S on which are defined two binary operations,

+ and x , such that S is an Abelian group under + and
such that a, b, e e S implies

As usual we write ab for a x b.

Our previous examples of rings included integral domains and fields, the
set of even integers, the set consisting of 0 alone, and J4. In Chapter 12 we
will study polynomial rings in considerable detail. Here we will be con-
cerned mainly with the concept of an ideal of a ring and the construction of
residue class rings and we will confine ourselves to commutative rings—
although a considerable part of our results will remain valid for general
rings. Henceforth, then, in this chapter the word “ring" is to mean “com-
mutative ring”.

1. Subrings and Ideals

Definition 2. A subring R of a ring S is a subset of S which is itself

a ring under the operations of S.

Examples. The set of rational numbers is a subring of the ring of real

numbers; the set of integers is a subring of the ring of rational numbers; the
set of all polynomials of the form aoxz" + alacm‘"2 + + a,l (a‘ in a
field F) is a subring of the ring F[x] of all polynomials in x with coefficients
in F.
126 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Definition 3. A subringRofaringSis anidealofSifSESandreR
implies :r (= rs)l e R. We write SR (= RS) S R.
Example I. The subring of even integers is an ideal of the ring of integers
since, if n is even, mn is even for any integer m.
Example 2. Let S = F[x, y] be the ring of all polynomials in two indeter-
minants x and y with coefficients in some field F and let R be the subring of
S consisting of all polynomials of the form xf(x, y) where f(x, y) e S. Then
R is an ideal of F[x, y].
Example 3. The set R of all polynomials of the form aoxz" + clinch—2
+ - ' - + a" (a, in a field F) is a subring of the ring S = F[x] but is not an
ideal of S since, for example, new“ = x3 ¢ R.
Clearly any ring S has at least two ideals: itself and the ring {0} consisting
only of the additive identity of S. An ideal of a ring S that is not equal to
S or {0} is called a proper ideal of S.
Theorem I. A ring S that is also a field has no proper ideals.
Proofl Suppose that R is an ideal of S and R ye {0}. Then there exists
an element x e R with x 91. 0. Since S is a field, at has a multiplicative inverse,
at“, and since R is an ideal of S we have x-x'l = e ER where e is the
multiplicative identity of S. But then ae = a e R for all a e S and hence
R = S.
The ideals of Examples 1 and 2 are both examples of a special class of
ideals known as principal ideals. Before we give a formal definition of a
principal ideal, however, let us look at a matter of notation. In a ring S we
have the notion of a product, xy, for x, y e S. On the other hand, we write
x + x = 23:, x + x + x = 3x and, in general, the sum of nx’s as nx. Now
me looks like a product but is not (unless, of course, the integer n is in S).
Rather, we is simply an abbreviation for the sum of n x’s. Similarly, by —nx
for n > 0 we mean n(—x), the sum of n (—x)’s, and by 0:: where 0 is the
integer 0 we mean 0, the additive identity of S}
We leave as an exercise for the student to prove that if m, n e I and r, s e S,
then (um): = n(ms) and n(r:) = (nr)s.
Theorem 2. Let S be a ring and r e S. Then R, = {at + srln e], s e S}
is an ideal of S called a principal ideal. We write R, = [7].
Before proving Theorem 2 let us prove a useful lemma concerning ideals.

7 This, of course, is for commutative rings. In a noncommutative ring we have left

ideals (tr 6 R) and right ideals (r: e R) and an ideal is a subring that is both a left
ideal and a right idea].
3 It is customary, even though sometimes confusing, to use “0" as the symbol for
the additive identity of any ring.
Lemma 1. Let R be a nonempty subset of S such that
(l) Ifx,yeR,thenx —y ER;
(2) SR 9 R where SR = {:7}: e S, 7 ER}.
Then R is an ideal of S.
Proof. Consider an element x of R. Then x — x = 0 E R and since
0 — x = -x it follows that ——x ER ifx ER. Finally, x +y = x — (--y) so
that x, y e R implies x + y e R. Using (2) we have RR 9 SR 2 R. Thus R
is a subring of S and, by (2), is an ideal of S.
Now let us prove Theorem 2. Suppose x, y e R,. Then as = 1117 + slr,
y = nzr + 521, and x —y = (n1 — n2)r +(s1 — :2)reR. Also, if :65 we
:x = (n11): + (351)1’ = (1113 + 3:1)r = 0r + (n13 + :31)r ER
since 111: + 351 e S. Hence R, is an ideal of S by the lemma.
If S is a ring with an identity, e, for multiplication we may write nr + :7
as n(er) + :r = (ne)r + sr = (ne + x)r so thataprincipal ideal, [r], in such a
ring may be written in the simpler form {sf}: 6 S} and we note, in particular,
that [e] = S. Thus in Example 1 the ideal consisting of the even integers
is equal to [2] and, in Example 2, the ideal R is equal to [3:]. But if S does
not have a multiplicative identity the two forms are not equivalent. For
example, if S is the ring of even integers and R the ideal consisting of integers
of the form 4k (1: e I) we have R = [4]. In particular, 4 e R since 4 = 1(4)
+ 04 (where l is understood as indicating one 4 rather than as 1 multiplied
by 4). But 4 96 V4 for some even integer s, i.e., 4 ¢ {s-4|s e S}.
Not all ideals are principal ideals. To see this consider the ring S = F[x, y]
where F is any field. (See Example 2, p. 126.) Since S has a multiplicative
identity (which is the multiplicative identity of F) we know that every
principal ideal of S is of the form RT = {sr[s E S}. Now let R be the set of
all polynomials with zero constant terms; i.e., f(x, y) ER if and only if
f(0, 0) = 0. It is easy to see that R is an ideal of S, and we now claim that it
is not a principal ideal.
To prove this, suppose that it is a principal ideal; that is, suppose that
R = [f(x, y)]. We note first that f(x, y) is not of zero degree since a poly-
nomial of zero degree is an element, d, of F. But then either d = 0 in which
case R = [0], a contradiction, or d has an inverse, (1‘1, and d'ld = e, the
identity element of F. In this case, however, R = S, again a contradiction.
Next we note that x e R and y e R so that if R = [f(x, y)] there must exist
g(x, y) e S and h(x, y) e S such that

(1) x = g(xyy)f(x.y) and y = h(x»y)f(x,y)

Now the degree of the product of two nonzero polynomials is clearly the
sum of the degrees of the factors. (Formal proof in Theorem 2 of Chapter
128 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
12!) Hence (1) implies that g(x, y) and h(x, y) are of degree 0 and thatf(x, y)
is of the first degree. That is, flat, y) = alx + azy, g(x, y) = b, and h (x, y)
= I: for al, a2, b, c e F. Thus
as = b(a1x + day) and y = c(a1x + day)
so that bat1 =1, ba2 = 0, ca1 = 0, and ma = 1. Since b 55 0, a2 = 0 and
therefore ca2 aé 1. We conclude that R cannot be a principal ideal.

Exercises 9.1

1. Prove that if S is a ring, 7, s e S, and n, m 61, then (11m): = n(m:) and

n(r:) = (nr)s. (Hint: For the first part consider S as a group under addition.)
2. Prove that the set of integral multiples of any fixed integer m in the ring I
is an ideal. For what integers, m, do we have a principal ideal?
3. Find all the ideals (a) of 1.; (b) of J“.
4. In the ring I[x] define R= {f(x)lf(x) e I[x], and f( V-) = 0}. Prove that
=[x2 - 2]-
5. If S is an integral domain and 1, x E S, prove that [r] = [s] if and only if
r and s are associates (Definition 5.9).
6. LetS = F[x,y] = {a + Inx + bay + cix' + caxy + my2 + la,b.,c.,
- e F) where F is any field. Which of the following sets of polynomials
are ideals of S?
(a) All f(x, y) with nonzero constant term (a 96 0);
(b) Allf(x, y) not involving :0 (bi = 61 = c; = . . . = 0);
(c) All f(ac, y) with no constant or linear term (a = bi = b2 = 0);
(d) All f(x, y) without a quadratic term (x3, y2, or xy) (c: = ca = Ca = 0).
7. We may generalize the concept of a principal ideal, [r], of a ring S to the
ideal generated by n, 72, . . . , r. where n, 72, . . . , r,I e S. We write
7| 7|

[r1. r2,...rn] ={ 2 nm + 2 sir, n;eI,:,eS}

I =1 j =1
and call {11, r,, . . . , r,) a basis of the ideal.
(a) Show that when n = 1 we obtain a principal ideal;
(b) Prove that [71, n, . . . , r.] is an ideal of S;
(c) If S = I, prove that [6,4] = [2] and that [9, 25] = S. Generalize
these examples.
((1) In R[x], prove that [x2 + 5x + 6, x + 3] = [x + 3] and [.7:2 +1,
x + 3] = R[x]. Generalize these examples.
8 If D is an integral domain and a ring R is a subset of D, is R necessarily
an integral domain?
‘9. Show that every ideal in the polynomial ring F[x] , F a field, is a principal
I’10. An adeal of a (possibly noncommutative) ring R is a subset M of R such
that (a) x,y GMimpliesx + y eMand (b) x EM, r ER implies eM
and rx 6 M. Construct examples of adeals that are not ideals.
2. Residue Class Rings

Let us first consider a simple example of a residue class ring which, as we

will see, we have considered before. To this end we take our ring to be the
integers, I. In I we consider the ideal [3] and define, for any .r e I, E = {xlx e I
and s — x e [3]}. Thus
i = {... —4, —1,2,5, 8, ...}
and all elements of S are either in 5, l, or 2-. In fact, 5, l, and E are simply
the sets Co, Cl, and 02, respectively, defining 1;, as described in Section 5.1.
As such they form a ring (in fact, a field) under the addition and multiplication
defined previously for .13.
In general, suppose that we have a ring S and an ideal, R, of S. We define
for any 5 e S,
(l) §={x]xeSands—xeR}
Theorem 3. E = t'if and only if s — t e R.
Proof. We note first that s 65 since 5 — r = 0 GR. Now ifE = t", set.
Thust—seRandO—(t—s) =s— teR.
Conversely, if s — t e R and x 6 § we have s —- x e R and hence (s — x)
— (s — t) = t —- x e R. Thus at 65 implies x e 5. Similarly, if x E t' we get
.1: e E and hence have 5 = t'.
We call the sets 5, I, . . . residue clones (modulo R) and make the definitions
(3 §+I=I¢7
(3) Exi=§l=fi
In terms of our previous example we have
6Xl=0x 1=6,l><§=1x 2=§etc.
exactly as for the corresponding Co, Cl, and Ca-
Before we prove that the residue classes form a ring under the addition
and multiplication defined by (2) and (3) let us consider another example.
Here we will take S = R*[x], the ring of polynomials in one indeterminate
with coefficients real numbers, and R to be the principal ideal [x2 + 1].
Now any polynomial f(x) 6 S may be written as
f(x) = (ac2 + 1)g(x) + (ax + b), a, b real numbers, g(x) e S,
130 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
so that

f(x) - (ax + b) = (x2 + 1)g(x) 6R

: ax + b so that we may consider the residue
Hence, by Theorem 3, f-(;c_)—
classes of S modulo [ac2 + 1] to be of the form ax + b. Then, for exampl_e,
x2+ ] 0sincex2+l= (x2+1)1+0Thusx +1—0x2+1-0
'2 —i = _l—, and

(x+1)(x+2)=(x+l)(x+2) x2+3x+2=fi+3x+2


In the following chapter we will consider this particular set of residue
classes in a little more detail since it is obvious that it “looks” like the set of
complex numbers. We continue now, however, with the general theory.

Theorem 4. The residue classes modulo R of a ring S with ideal R form

a ring under addition and multiplication as defined by (2) and (3). We call
this ring the residue class ring or difi'erence ring of S modulo R and write it
as S — R or S/R.

Proof. We first need to show that (2) and (3) are adequate definitions of
addition and multiplication. That is, we need to show that if 5 =1? and
i :7, then

(4) s+i=?+? and 3:}?

Now 5 + t' = s+_t and ? + t’ = s’ + t’ and hence we wish to show that
s + t = s’ + t’. By Theorem 3 the last equality holds if and only if (s + t)
— (s’ + t’) = (s -— s’) + (t — t’)eR. Since 5:? and i: i we have
s — 3’ ER and t —- t’ ER. Thus (s — s’) + (t — 1") 6R as desired since R
is closed under addition.
Similarly, we have it" = :7 and s-’t-’ = s’_t’ and need to show that E = 371’.
By Theorem 3, the last equality holds if and only if st — s’t’ ER. Now
s — s’ ER and t — 1’ ER and thus, since R is an idealfl‘ t(s — s’) = ts
— ts’ e R and s'(t — t’) = 5’! — s't' e R. But then, since R is closed under
addition, (ts - ts') + (s’t — s’t’) = st — s’t’ e R as desired.

1 Up to this point in the proof we have used only the fact that R is a subring. Now
we need to use the fact that R is an ideal since it does not follow that s? = s—’t7if S is
a subring of S but not an ideal of S. See problem 6 of Exercises 9.2.
Once our operations are shown to be well defined it is very easy to verify
the ring properties for S — R. Thus, for example, t'+ :- = E + I since
i+§=T¥1§+i=s+—‘t, and t+s=s+t. Observe that O is the
identity for addition and the additive inverse of E is 3.
A suggestive notation for 5 = {xlx e S and s — x eR} is s + R. Then
s'+t'=(s+R)+(t+R) = (s+t)+R and §i=(s+R)(t+R)=:t
+ R. Furthermore, if a ER, (5 + a) + R = s + R. In this notation, our
first example of 13 has the elements 5 = 0 + [3], 1 = 1 + [3], 2 = 2 + [3]
and our second example has the elements ax + b + [x2 + 1] where a, b e R*.
Then, for example, (2 + [3]) + (2 + [3]) = 4 + [3] = (1 + 3) + [3] = 1
+ [3] since 3 e[3] and (x + [x2 + 1])(x + [:c2 + 1]) = x2 + [x2 + 1]
= —1+(x2+1)+[x3+1]= —1+[x2+1]sincex2+le[x2+l].

Exercises 9.2

1. Prove that the additive inverse of E is :1

2. Let S = I and R = [m] where m is a positive integer. Prove that S — R
= J ...
3. Let S = Hat] and R = [x — a]. Prove that S — R is isomorphic to I.
4. Let S = {a + bila,b eI) and R = [2]. Exhibit S — R.
5. Let S = I[x, y] and R = {f(x, y)lf(x, y) ES and f(0,0) = 0). Exhibit

6. Let R and S be d_ef1ned as in Example 3 of Section 9.1 and consider the

residue classes a: and :7". Show that xx—3 = x_‘ = 5, x = x + 1,
x—3 =x——° +1but(x— +1)(x" +1) aéxx"
’7. An ideal R of a ring Sis called a prime ideal if ab E R implies a e R or
b e R. Prove that if S has a unity element and R is an ideal of S, then
S —- R is an integral domain if and only if R is a prime ideal.

3. Homomorphisms
Consider I and I — [2]. The mapping that sends even integers into 5 and
odd integers into 1 is certainly not an isomorphism of I and I — [2]. Never-
theless the correspondence is preserved under addition and multiplication
odd+odd =even—>T+1=0
oddxodd =odd—>I><l'=T
even x even = even—>6 x O = 5.
132 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Definition 4. A homomorphism of a ring S into a ring S’ is a mapping
a : S —> S’ with the property that the correspondence is
preserved under addition and multiplication; that it, if
s, t E S, then (s + t)o = so + to and (“)6 = (so)(tc). If
for every 5’ e S’ there exists an s e S such that so- = s’ we
say that the homomorphism is onto.

If there exists a homomorphism of S into S’ we will say that S is homo-

morphic to S’ and call S’ the homomorphic image of S. An isomorphism of S
and S’ is a homomorphism that is 1—1 and onto.
The example given above of a homomorphism of I onto I — [2] can
obviously be generalized to a homomorphism of 1 onto I — [n] for any
positive integer n. Thus if 711 —> 11—1, 112 ——> 172, then

"1+”29m=5i+’72 “Id "1”2"E="_1"—2,

i.e., if no = n we have

(n1+n.)c=2:*+7;=rz+n:=nla+naa and
(“1"2) 5: "1—"; = "—177; = ("16)("213'l
An isomorphism is a homomorphism that is 1—1 and onto. In general,
a homomorphism is a many-one mapping and is not onto. Thus in the
homomorphism of 1 into I -— [2] we have —2 —>(_), 0 —-> 6, 2 -—> 5 and so on,
although, in this case the mapping is obviously onto.
On the other hand, if S = I[x] and S’ = {a + bflla, b e R}, the mapping
a defined by f(x)o = flfl) for f(x) 6 I[x] is a homomorphism that is neither
1—1 nor onto. Thus, for example, (2x)o = 2V2 = x% so that the mapping
is not 1—1. Furthermore, if we consider 1} + V2 6 S’ it is clear that there
is no f(x) eI[x] such that f(x)c = 4; + fl. However, the mapping is a
homomorphism since for f(x), g(x) e I[x], we have

f(x) + :06) = h(x) E [[90], f(003(1) = k(x) E III],


If(x) + g(x)lc = h(x)c = I‘M/i) =f(x/§) + 3W") =f(x)c + g(x)a:

[f(x)g(x)]6 = k(x)6 = MW) = f(\/§)g(\/§) = [f(x)6][g(x)6]
As a final example of a homomorphism consider the mapping, 0', of I
into R defined by no = n for n e I. Then a is obviously a homomorphism
which is 1—1 but not onto. On the other hand, the mapping, 1-, of I into
R defined by m- = 271 for n e I is not a homomorphism. We do have (711 + n2)-r
= 2(n1 + 112) = 2111 + 2n2 = 7111- + n21- but (n1n2)-r = 2(n1n2) 9E (21:1)(2112)
= (n11)(n2-r) (unless nln2 = O).

Theorem 5. Suppose that the ring S is homomorphic to the ring S’

under the homomorphism 6. Then if 0 is the additive identity for S, we
have 00’ = 0’, the additive identity for S’, and if so = s’ for r e S, we have
(—s)o = —s’.
Prov/2 (1) Let 06' = x’ and let x’ be any element of S’. Then
Thus 3’ = x’ + s’ for all s’ e S’ and hence x' is the additive identity for S’.
(2) We have [5 + (—s)]o = so- + (—s)o-. But [s + (—s)]a = 06 = 0’ GS’
by (1). Hence 0’ = so- + (—s)o = s’ + (—s)u- and hence (—r)o = —s’.
We leave as an exercise for the student the proof of the following corollary.
Corollary. For all s, r e S, (s — r)o- = so — m.
We also leave as an exercise for the student to show that commutativity
of addition in S and S’ is not vital to the establishment of our conclusions in
Theorem S—a result which will find later application in considering homo-
morphisms of groups.
Note that we do not have a corresponding result to Theorem 5 for multi-
plication even when S and S’ both have multiplicative identities. This is
illustrated by the homomorphism o- of I into I —— [2] defined by no = (7 for
all n e I. We do have 00' = U as required by Theorem 5, but 1:: = 0 96 T,
the multiplicative identity of I — [2]. We leave it as an exercise for the
student to prove that if the homomorphism is onto, the corresponding result
does hold for multiplication when S has a multiplicative identity.
We have seen that if a is a homomorphism of a ring S into a ring S’, then
at least one element of S, namely 0, maps into the additive identity, 0’, of
S’. Of special interest is the set of all the elements of S which map into 0’.

Definition 5. Let a be a homomorphism of a ring S into a ring S ’ and

let 0’ be the additive identity of S’. Then
K” = {sls e S and so = 0’}
is called the kernel of the homomorphism o.
Ideals and homomorphisms are closely related. If S and S’ are rings,
every homomorphism of S onto 5' determines an ideal of S and, conversely,
every ideal of S determines a ring 3’ and a homomorphism of S onto S’.
How the determinations are made is given explicitly in the following theorem.
Theorem 6. (1) Suppose that the ring S is homomorphic to the ring S’
under the onto homomorphism a and let 0’ be the additive identity of S’.
Then K0, the kernel of S under a, is an ideal of S. Furthermore, S — K,
g S’.
134 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
(2) Let R be an ideal of a ring S and for s e S define E = {x|x E S and
r — x e R} = s + R. Then so = 5 defines a homomorphism, o, of S onto
S — R with kernel R.
Before proving the theorem let us consider an example. First suppose that
S = I and S’ = 13 = {00, Cl, C2}. Our homomorphism is defined by

(3n)o = (:0, (3n + l)o‘ = cl, and (3n + 2):: = 02

Then K, = {31411 e I} = [3]. Our isomorphism of S — K, and S’ is defined
byn + K,HC,, forn = 0,1,2.
On the other hand, suppose S = I and let R = [3]. Then, as we have
seen, I — [3] = {6, i, E} and our homomorphism, o, is defined by (3n)o = 6,
(3n +1)o = T, and (311 + 2)o = 2.
We now turn to a proof of our theorem.
(1) We use Lemma 1 to show that K, is an ideal. Thus if k1, k2 e K,, we
have klo = 0’ and kzo = 0’. But then (k1 -— k2)o = klo — 1220’ = 0' — 0' = 0'
by the corollary to Theorem 5 so that k1 — k2 e K,. Also, if k E K, and s e S,
ko- = 0’, so = s', we have (sk)o = (so)(ko) = s’ -0’ = 0’ so that sk eK,,
SK, 9 K,, and K, is an ideal of S. Our isomorphism of S — K, and S’ is
the mapping 1- defined by 5-:- = s’ where E = s + K, e S’ and s’ is determined
by so = 5’. Since o is an onto mapping it is clear that 1- is also. To show that
-r is a 1—1 mapping suppose that 51 = s’ and also 5’1 = s’. Then so = s’
and ro = 3’. Hence, by the corollary to Theorem 5, so — ro = (s — r)o
= s’ — s’ = 0’. But then .r — r 6K, so that, by Theorem 3, s' = ;. Finally,
that 1- is preserved under addition and multiplication is shown by observing

(ii):- = (3)1 = (st)’ = (st)o = (so)(to) = s't’ = (ma?)
where we are using the definitions for f + t' and if given following Theorem 3.
(2) The mapping described is an onto mapping since every .6 in S — R is
equal to so for s e S. Furthermore, (s + r)o = s + r = E + i = so + ro
and (sr)o = $7 = if = (so)(ro) so that the mapping is a homomorphism. The
kernel of the homomorphism consists of those elements 3 ES such that
so = 3 = 6; i.e., those elements 5 e S such that r e R.
As a second example of our theorem, consider the homomorphism o
defined by f(x)o =f(fl) where f(x) 6 S = I[x] and f(\/§) e S' = {a + b
Vila, b 61}. If f(x)o = 0’ = 0 + 04/2 6 S’, thenffi/f) = 0. The ideal
K, = {f(x)]f(x) EI[x] and f(\/§) = 0} of I[x] is the kernel of the homo-
morphism. We have (problem 4 of Exercises 9.1) that K, = [x2 — 2].

On the other hand, if we let S = I[x] and take R = [x2 — 2] we have

S — R = {s + R|3 e S}. Our homomorphism ‘r of S onto S - R is defined
by writing any f(x) 6 S as f(x) = g(ac)(at2 - 2) + ax + b and having
f(x)-r = (ax + b) + R.ThenS — R g {a + bfl|a,beI}via(ax + b) + R
4—) a + bfl. (Cf. R*[x] — [x2 + l] g C as suggested in Section 2.)

Exercises 9.3

. Which of the following mappings are homomorphisms? If the mapping is a

homomorphism, determine the kernel of the homomorphism.
(a) S = R[x], S’ = (a + bila, b e R),f(x)a =f(i) forf(x) e S;
(b) S =1, 8’ = {n2 + 2|neI},sa =5a +2forseS;
(c) S = R[x], S’ = (a + bila,b ER}, f(x)a =f(w) for f(x) 6 S where a:
is the complex, nonreal cube root of unity, i + (Vi/2M
(d) Same as (0) except that R is replaced by R";
(e) S = I, S’ = .74, (2n)o = C0, (2n +1)a = C: for n e];
(f) S = 1., S’ = 1,, Con = 0’0 63’, C10 = C’, eS’, Can = C", eS’,
Can = C’. e S’.
Prove that the homomorphic image of a commutative ring is a commutative
. What are the possible homomorphic images of a field?
. Prove the corollary to Theorem 5.
. Show that the result of Theorem 5 still holds if addition in S and S’ is
Show that if S is a ring with multiplicative identity, e, and the mapping
a : S —> S’ is a homomorphism onto the ring S’, then ea is the multiplicative
identity for S'.
(a) Suppose that the homomorphism a of S into S’ is an isomorphism.
What is the kernel of a in this situation?
(b) Suppose S’ = {0). What is the kernel of S?
. (a) Suppose that the ideal, R, of S is equal to S. What is S — R?
(b) Suppose R = {0). What is S - R?
Find all of the homomorphic images of J”. (Hint. Use the results of
problem 3 (b) of Exercises 9.1 together with part (1) of Theorem 6.)

4. Homomorphisms of Groups

We begin by rephrasing our definitions of homomorphisms of rings in

terms of groups.
Definition 6. Let G and G' be groups with operation: 0 and 4: respectively.
Then a mapping, 0', of G into G’ is called a homomorphism
ofG into G’ if, for all a, b e G, (a o b)a = (ac) *(bo). A:
before, we customarily write (ab)o- = (aa)(bo-). We say
that G is homomorphic to G’ and call G’ the homo-
morphic image of G. The set K, = {glg e G and go = e’}
136 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
where e' 1': the identity of G’ is called the kernel of the

Theorem 7. If 0' is a homomorphism of G into G’, e is the identity of G,

and e’ is the identity of G", then ea = e’ and if no = a’ for a e G, then
((1)6 = 0")"-
We leave the proof as an exercise for the student.
Example I. Let G = S" be the symmetric group on 71 symbols (Section
7.4) and let G’ = {1, — 1} under multiplication. If p is an even permutation
of G we let pa = 1 and if q is an odd permutation of G we let go = —1.
It is easy to see that o is a homomorphism of G onto G" with kernel the
alternating group, A”, of even permutations on 11 symbols. (See problem 6
of Exercises 7.4.)
Example 2. A homomorphism a of the alternating group, A4, on four
symbols onto the cyclic group of order 3 may be defined as follows:

ea = [(1)(2)(3)(4)]c = e' = «3
[(12)(34)]<r = e'
[(13)(24)]cr = e’

[(14)<23)]c = e'
(123)0' = a (132)0' = 112
(243).: = a (234»: = a2
(l42)o‘ = a (124)a = a2
(134)0' = a (143)0' = a2

The kernel of e is {e, (12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}.

The proof of the following theorem is left to the student.
Thearem 8. If a is a homomorphism of a group G into a group G',
then the kernel of a is a subgroup of G.
Examples 1 and 2 illustrate Theorem 8.
In our work with rings we have seen (Theorem 6) that every homo-
morphism of a ring S onto a ring 3’ determines an ideal of S (not just a
subring of S) and that, conversely, every ideal of S (not just a subring of S)
determines a homomorphism of S onto a ring 3'. By analogy, then, we
might expect that for groups a homomorphism determines a special kind of
subgroup and, conversely, that a special kind of subgroup is needed to
determine a homomorphism.
Now the key concept in establishing a homomorphism of a ring was that
ofthe residue classes, 3 + R = {x|x E Sand: — x e R}. But if: — x = r e R,
then x = 3 + (—r) = x + r1, where r1 6 R. Conversely, if x = s + r1 where

rleR, then s—x: —r1 = reR. Thus: + R={x|xeSand x=s+r

for r e R}. Shifting from the additive notation to the multiplicative notation
we define the analogous concept for groups.
Definition 7. Let H be a subgroup of a group G and g e G. Then we
define the left caset, gH, of H in G by gH = {gh|h e H}.
Similarly, the right coset, Hg, is defined by Hg = {hglh 6H}.

Example 3. Let G be the attic permutation group whose elements are

i = (1)(2)(3)(4). a = (1234). b = (mm), c = (1432), d = (13),
e = (24), f = (12x34), g = (l4)(23), and let H = {1', d}. Then the left
cosets of H in G are:
iH = {it} id} = {i, d}; aH = {ai, ad} = {11, f};
(”I = {41" dd} = {d, 1}; fH = {f1} fd} = if: 0};
HI = {bi, bd} = {11, e}; cH = {EL ed} = {c, g};
8H = {913 8‘1’} = {8,5}; 3H = {gigd} = (g: 0}
Note that H = iH = dH; aH =fH; bH = eH; LH = gH. Thus if we have
two equal cosets xH and yH it does not follow that x = y but only that for
every h e H there exists h’ E H such that xh = yh’.
When the group is Abelian we customarily use the additive notation as
for rings and write g + H for gH. Notice that, in the Abelian case, g + H
= H+gsinceg+h=h +gforallgEGandheH.
Example 4. Let G be the additive group of integers and H = {3n|n E I}.
Then H=0+H=H+0; 1+H=H+1={3n+1|nel}; and
2 + H = H + 2 = {3n + 2|n SI}. Note that for any integer n, 371 + H = H,
Now in our discussion of rings, after we had defined the residue classes,
5 = s + R, we proceeded to define addition and multiplication of these
residueclasses by§+i=(s+R)+(t+R)=sTi=(s+t)+Rand
it" = (s + R)(t + R) = Ft = st + R. Before, however, we could proceed
to show that the residue classes formed a ring we needed to show (Theorem
4) that ifs+R=s’+R and t+R=t’+R, then (:+R)+(t+R)
= (s’ + R) + (t’ + R) and (s + R)(t + R) = (s’ + R)(t’ + R).
Similarly, in the case of groups we wish to define (aH)(bH) = (ab)H and
need to prove that if aH = a’H and bH = b’H, then (aH)(bH) = (a’H)(b’H).
As a matter of fact, however, no such result can be established. Consider in
Example 3, aH and CH. Then (aH)(cH) = (ac)H = iH. However, aH = fH
cH = gH, and (fH)(gH) = bH aé iH. Thus, as we rather expected, the
desired result is not true for arbitrary cosets; there must be a restriction.
To establish a theorem concerning this restriction it is useful to prove the
following lemma.
138 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Lemma 2. If H is any subgroup of a group G, then for any g e G and
h e H, gH = (gh)H.

Proof: Let e be the identity for G. Then for any gh egH we have
gh = (gh)e e(gh)H so that gH E (gh)H. On the other hand, for any
(gh)h1 e (gh)H we have (gh)h1 = g(hh1) = gh3 egH since H is a subgroup of
G. Hence (gh)H g gH so that gH = (gh)H.

Theorem 9. Let G be a group, H a subgroup of G, and define (aH)(bH)

= (ab)H. If aH = a’H and 6H = b’H implies (ab)H = (a’b’)H, then
gH = Hg for all g e G. Conversely, if gH = Hg for all g e G, then of! = a’H
and bH = b’H implies (ab)H = (a’b’)H.

Proof. Suppose that (ab)H = (a’b’)HwheneveraH = a’H and bH = b'H.

For any g e G we have (gH)(g'1H) = (gg'1)H = eH = H where e is the
identity element of G. Now by our lemma, gH = (gh)H for h e H, so that
our hypothesis demands that [(gh)H][g‘1H] = (ghg'1)H = H for any h E H.
Thus for any h EH there exists h1 E H such that (ghg'1)e = ghg‘1 = h1 so that
gh = hlg. Hence gH S Hg. Similarly, by considering [(g'lh)H][gH], we
may prove that Hg S gH and hence conclude that gH = Hg.
Now suppose that gH = Hg for all g e G and that aH = a’H and 111-! = b’H.
Now any element of (ab)H is of the form (ub)h for h e H, and we know that
ae = a = a'h1 and be = b = b’h2 for some h1, h2 e H. Then (ab)h = (a'hl)
(b’h2)h = a'(h1b')(h2h) = a’(b’h3)(h2h) for h3 e H since we are supposing
that gH = Hg. Thus (ab)h = (a’b’)(h3h2h) = (a’b’)h4 for h4 e H since H is a
subgroup of G. Hence (ab)H E (a'b’)H. Similarly, we obtain (a’b’)H S (ab)H
and conclude that (ob)H = (a’b’)H.
For an alternative approach to the multiplication of cosets of a subgroup
H of G and the restrictions on H see problem 18 of Exercises 9.4.

Definition 8. If H is a subgroup of a group G such that gH = Hg for

all g e G, we call H a normal subgroup of G; notation:
H A G.

Example 5. In Example 3, the subgroup H = {i, d} is not a normal

subgroup. We do have iH = Hi, dH = Hd but, for example, Ha = {a, g}
aé aH = {a, f}. On the other hand, the subgroup S = {i, b} is a normal
subgroup. We have

fS=gS={f:£}= Sf=Sg

Since it is easy to show that gH = Hg if and only if gHg'1 = H, a normal

subgroup is sometimes called a self conjugate subgroup by analogy with
the definition of gag—1 as the conjugate of a under g. (See Definition 7.14.)
Theorem 10. Let H be a subgroup of a group G. Then the left cosets,
aH, of H in G form a group under the multiplication (aH)(bH) = (ab)H if
and only if H A G. This group is called the quotient or factor group of G
modulo H and is written G/H or, for Abelian groups, as G — H.
Proofl The necessity of the condition has been established by Theorem 9
and this theorem also tells us that, if H A G, the multiplication of cosets,
(aH)(bH) = (ab)H, is well defined. It is obvious that this multiplication is
associative; the identity element of G/H is eH where e is the identity for G;
and the inverse of aH is a‘lH. Thus if H A G, G/H is a group.
Example 6. Consider the cosets of S = {2", b} in the octic group G
(Example 5). We have G/S = {iS, (15, d3, fS} with the following multiplica-
tion table:

I iS aS dS fS

is is (IS (IS f8
as as iS fS dS
as as fS iS 113
f8 f5 as aS iS

We now prove the analog of Theorem 6 for groups.

Theorem 11. (1) Suppose a is a homomorphism of G onto 0’. Then if
K, is the kernel of G, we have Ky A G and G/K ; G’.
(2) Suppose HA G. Then go = gH defines a homomorphism, a, of G
onto G/H with kernel H. (The order of G/H is called the index of H in G.)
Proof; (1) We have already shown (Theorem 8) that K, is a subgroup of
G. Now suppose that g is any element of G and k any element of K0. By
Theorem 7, we have (flag—1):: = (go)(ka)(g'1c) = g’e’(g')‘1 = e’ so that
gkg'1 6 K5. Thus for any g e G and any 12 e K, we know that there exists
[:1 e K, such that gkg'1 = k1 or gk = klg. But this means that gK, g Kag.
Using g‘lkg in place of gkg‘1 we obtain Kg 9 gK, and hence conclude
that gK, = K,g for all g e G so that K, A G.
Our isomorphism, -r, of G/K, and G’ is defined by (aK,)-r = a’, for
aK, e G/K, and a' e G', if and only if ao- = (1’. Since cr is an onto mapping
it is clear that -r is also. To show that -r is a 1—1 mapping suppose that
(aK,)-r = a’ and also (bK,)-r = (1’. Then as = a’ and be = a’ so that
(b‘la)o' = (b‘lo')(ao-) = (a’)'1a’ = 2’. Hence [PM = 1: 6K,. But then
140 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
aKa = (bk)K, = 11K, by Lemma 2. Finally, the mapping T is preserved
under the group operation since [(aKd)(bK‘,)]-r = [(ab)K,]-r = (ab)’ = (ab)o-
= (acme) = «W = [<aK.)r1[(bK.>rl-
(2) Since (ub)a = (ab)H = (aH)(bH) = (aa)(ba) and since every element
gH e G/H is the image of some element (for example, g) of G, the mapping a
is a homomorphism of G onto G/H. Since the identity of G/H is eH where
e is the identity of G, the kernel of the homomorphism consists precisely of
those elements of G such that gH = eH = H. Since it is easy to see that gH
= H if and only if g e H, it follows that the kernel of the homomorphism
is H.
We leave the proof of the following corollary as an exercise for the student.

Corollary. A homomorphism a of a group G into a group G’ with kernel

K, is an isomorphism of G onto G’ if and only if K, = {e} where e is the
identity of G.

Example 7. (1) Let G be the octic group {i, a, b, c, d, e, f, g} as defined

in Example 3 and let G’ be the group (e, x, y, z} with multiplication table

I e x y z

e e x y z
x x e z y
y y z e x
z z y x e

It may be checked that G is homomorphic to G’ via the mapping a:

i, b —>e; a, c —>x; d, e —>y;f,g —>z. The kernel is K, = {i, b} which is, as
we have seen in Example 5, a normal subgroup of G. Furthermore, G/K,
; G’ under the 1—1 onto mapping

iKaHe; aK,<—>x; dKaHy; fK,«——>2.

(2) Using the results of Example 6, with G as the octic group and H =
{3} b}, we have 1', b—>iH; a, c—>aH; d, e—)dH; f, g—>fH defining our
homomorphism of G onto G/H. The elements 1' and b map into if! so that
the kernel of the homomorphism is {i, b} = H.
Theorem 11 tells us, in effect, that the problem of finding all of the homo-
morphisms of a group is equivalent to the problem of finding all of the
normal subgroups of a group. In trying to determine the subgroups of a
finite group, a powerful tool is the fact that the order of a subgroup of a
group must divide the order of the group. We will establish this fact in the
next section; in the meantime, however, it may be used to advantage in
some of the problems given in the following set of exercises.
Exercises 9.4

1. Let G be the octic group (Example 3) and let S = (i, e}. List the right
cosets of S in G.
2. Let G be the symmetric group on four symbols and S be the octic group.
List the left cosets of S in G.
3. Let G be the alternating group on four symbols and S = {(1)(2)(3)(4),
(12)(34), (13)(24), (14)(23)}. List the left cosets of S in G.
4. Determine all of the normal subgroups of the group of symmetries of
the square (Section 7.9) and determine the quotient group for each of
these normal subgroups.
5. Determine all of the normal subgroups of the symmetric group on three
symbols and determine the quotient group for each of these normal
6. Set up a homomorphism of the additive group of integers onto the
multiplicative group {1, —1, i, —i) (i = 1/__1). What is the kernel of
the homomorphism?
7. Which of the following mappings map the multiplicative group of all
nonzero real numbers homomorphically on a part of itself? If the mapping
is a homomorphism, identify the homomorphic image and the kernel of
the homomorphism.
(a) x —> -x; (b) x -> lxl; (C) 9: ->3x; (d) x 9x“;
(e) x ->x“; (f) x ->1lx; (g) x —> —1lx; (h) x ->{/§-
8. Set up a homomorphism of the octic group onto the group ((1)(2)(3)(4-),
(12)(34), (13x24), (14)(23)). What is the kernel of the homomorphism?
(Hint: See Example 7.)
9. Set up a homomorphism of the octic group onto the cyclic group of order
two. What is the kernel of the homomorphism? (Hint: Find a normal
subgroup of order four of the octic group.)
10. In problem 4, find the homomorphisms determined by the normal
11. Do as in problem 10 for problem 5.
12. If H is a subgroup of a group G, prove that for g e G, gH = H if and only
if g e H.
13. Prove Theorem 7.
l4. Prove Theorem 8.
15. Prove the corollary to Theorem 11.
16. Prove that the homomorphic image of a cyclic group is cyclic.
17. Prove that the center S (problem 4, Exercises 7.9) of a group G is a normal
subgroup of G and that GIS is isomorphic to the group of inner auto-
morphisms of G.
I’18. If S, and S: are two subsets of a group G, define their pioduct, S1 *Sg,
as S, #82 = ($133151 6 S1, 52 6 S3}. Then (1) prove that if H is a normal
subgroup of G, then (aH) II (11H) = (ab)H for all a, b e G; (2) if (aH) # (bH)
is a left coset of S in G for all a, b e G, then H is a normal subgroup of G.
‘19. Let G be a group. For a, b e G we define the commutator of a and b
as a“b"ab. Let S be the set of all products of such commutators; prove
that S is a normal subgroup of G.
’20. In problem 17, prove that G/S is Abelian.
*2]. Two subgroups S and T of a group G are called conjugate if there exists a
g e G such that g'1Sg = T. Given any subgroup S of G prove that the
142 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
intersection of S with all of its conjugates is a normal subgroup of G.
1‘22. In problem 4 of Exercises 7.9 the center of a group G was defined. Now
define the rim, R(G) of a group as R(G) = {a E Glab = ba implies there
exists c e G such that a = :1, b = c" for integers j and k} and the anti-
center of G, AC(G), as AC(G) = {axag . . . anlal E R(G)). Prove:
(a) If e is the identity of G, then e e R(G);
(b) a e R(G) implies a—1 e R(G);
(c) a e R(G) and b e G implies b“ab E R(G);
(d) AC(G) is a normal subgroup of G;
(e) If G is cyclic, then R(G) = AC(G) = G;
(f) If G is finite and Abelian, then R(G) = AC(G) = G if and only if
G is cyclic;
(g) G g 0‘ implies AC(G) ; AC(G‘);
(h) AC(G) = AC(AC(G)).

5. Lagrange’s Theorem

In this section we continue to work with left cosets but the student should
note that our results, here and in the previous section, could equally well
be phrased in terms of right cosets. For normal subgroups, of course, the
concepts are identical since if H is normal, then gH = Hg.
Definition 9. If S is a subgroup of a group G we will say that a e G is
left congruent to b e G if and only if a ebS. We write
a E b (mod S).
If we let G be the group of integers under addition and S = {3n[n e I},
the cosets of S are 0+S=S,1+S={3n+l|nel}, and 2+S=
{3n + 2|n 61} (using, of course, the additive notation). Then to say that
aEb(mod S) means thataeb+ Sorthata =b+s=b+ 311 or that
o — b = 3n. Thus a E b (mod S) means the same as our previous a E b
(mod 3) and this fact helps to explain the language used in Definition 9.
Lemma 3. The relation of left congruence is an equivalence relation on G.
Proof: (1) a E a (mod S) since a = ae eaS; (2) If a E b (mod S) then
a = brebS. Thus b = as“ eaS so that b E a(mod S); (3) If a -=—b
(mod S) and b E 1: (mod S), then a = bs1 ebS and b = cs2 6 LS. Hence
a = (“2);-1 = 4:251) = (:33 e S and a E I: (mod S).
We may now apply Theorem 4.1 to conclude that a group G is partitioned
by the classes Pb = {ala e G and a ebS} = bS. In particular, then, every
element of G is in one and only one coset of S. Thus if aS and bS are two
cosets, either aS = 115 or aS n bS = (a . Furthermore, if G is finite, the
number of elements in any two cosets is the same and is equal to the order
of S.

We state a part of the results just obtained as well as the corresponding

results for right cosets as a theorem.

Theorem 12. If (15 and bS (So and Sb) are two left (right) cosets, then
either aS = bS(Sa = Sb) or aSn bS = $(San Sb = o).

Theorem 13. (Lagrange’s theorem) The order of a subgroup S of a

finite group G is a divisor of the order of G.

Proof: Let n be the order of G and s the order of S. Separate the elements
of G into left cosets. By our previous remarks, every element of G is in one
and only one left coset and each left coset contains the same number of
elements, say k. Hence 1: = rk and sin.

Corollary 1. The order of any element of a group of finite order divides

the order of the group.

Proof: Any element of a group generates a cyclic subgroup of the group

whose order is the order of the element.

Corollary 2. Every group of prime order is cyclic.

Proof. Let G be a group of prime order, p, with identity e. If a e G and

a ;E e, the order of the cyclic group generated by a must divide p and hence
is of order 13 itself. Thus G consists of the powers of a.

Corollary 3. (Fermat’s theorem) If a e I and p is a prime, then a" E a

(mod 1)).
Proof; The multiplicative group of nonzero elements of Jp is of order
p — 1 with T as its identity. Thus if a gé 0 (mod p), a“"1 E 1 (mod p) and
hence ap E a (mod 1:). If a E 0 (mod p), the result is obvious.

Exercises 9.5

1. Check Fermat’s theorem for p = 5 and a = 2, 3, 4.

2. Prove that the number of left cosets of a subgroup of any finite group is
equal to the number of right cosets.
3. Let G be a group, S a subgroup of G, and x, y e G. Define x E y (mod S)
if and only if x = ys for s e S. Prove that if x E y (mod S), then ax E ay
(mod S) for all a e G. On the other hand, prove that if x E y (mod S),
then xa E ya (mod S) for all a e G if and only if S A G.
4. Prove that a group of order p "' where p is a prime must contain a subgroup
of order p.
5. Determine (up to an isomorphism) all groups of order 4.
*6. Do as in problem 5 for groups of order 6.
144 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

1. Examine our discussion of commutative rings to see how much of it applies

to noncommutative rings (perhaps with some modification). [M2]
. Can you find conditions on a ring such that all of its ideals are principal
ideals? (Such a ring is, naturally, called a principal ideal ring.) U1], [M2]
What kind of conditions might be imposed on an ideal R of a ring S in
order that S -— R be a field? [M2]
A group G is called simple if its only normal subgroups are the trivial ones,
G and {:2}. Investigate the existence of simple groups. (Begin with the
Abelian case.) [Z1]
A permutation on a set X is a 1—1 mapping of X into itself. If G is any
permutation group on X and x, y e X we say that x is G-equivalent to y
and write x ~ y if and only if there exists a a e G such that am = y. The
equivalence classes of X are called the orbits of X relative to G. Investigate
the relationship of these orbits to the material discussed in this chapter.


[B4,] [C2], [C3]. [F1], [H6], [11]. [K4], [M2]. [Z1]-

Complex Numbers and Quaternions

1. Complex Numbers as Residue Classes

The results of Section 9.2 suggest that we might define the set of complex
numbers as the ring C = R*[x] — [ac2 + 1]. Computations in C then pro-
ceed as in R*[x] except that, whenever 52 appears, we replace it by :1.
Therein I. The ring C = R*[x] — [x2 + 1] is a field that contains a sub-
field R g R*.
Prob/2 We know in general (Theorem 9.4) that the difference ring of a
commutative ring is a commutative ring. It is obvious that T is a multipli-
plicative identity for C. Furthermore, if m 9e 5 l then one, at least,
of a and b is not zero and we observe that

(a + bx)(a’ + b’x) = (a + bx)(a’ + b'x)

a' = —a—- and b’ = — L
a2 + b2 a2 + b2
Finally, we define E = {Zla e R*} arid see immediately that E g R'|l via
the l—l correspondence, a e R* (—> H e R.

Exercises 10.1

Perform the following computations in C.

l.2+3x+—1+x 2.5—2x+2—3x
3.3—4x~5+2x 4. —5+2x——1—2x
5. (3—2x)(—2 +Sx) 6.(—1—x)(—3 +2x)

l The notation a + bx used here is, of course, the notation adopted for residue
classes in Section 9.2 and is not be be confused with the notation a + bi = a — bi
for the so-called complex conjugate of a + bi.

146 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
7. Find the multiplicative inverse of
(a)2—3x (b) —2+3x
(c)4+3x (d)7+x
8. Perform the following divisions. (Him: (a + bx) + (c + dx) = (a + bx)
[1/(6 + (195)]-
(a)(2 +3x)—:-(2—3x) (b) (—1 +x)-:—(2+5x)
(c)(—l —x)+(3—Sx) (d) (—4 +3x)+(—2-5x).

2. Complex Numbers as Pairs of Real Numbers

The complex numbers may also be defined as pairs of real numbers.
The procedure is very similar to that used in defining the integers and the
rational numbers. Hence we shall do no more here than state the necessary
definitions and leave the proofs of the various properties of the complex
numbers as exercises for the student.
Definition 1. A complex number is an ordered pair of real numberr,
(a, b), a, b e R*.
Definition 2. (a, b) ~ (c, (I) if and only if a = c and b = d.
Here we may notice that two complex numbers are equivalent if and only
if they are identical. Thus we do not need to consider equivalence classes and
may write (a, b) = (c, d) in place of (a, b) ~ (0, d).
Definition 3. (a, b) + (c, d) = (a + c, b + (1).
(Cf. (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + b) + (c + d)1'.)
Definition 4. (a, b) x (e, d) = (ac — bd, ad + be).
(Cf. (a + bi) (c + (it) = (or — bd) + (ad + bc)i.)
We leave to the student the proof of the following theorem.
Theorem 2. Let C = {(a, b)|a, b eR*}. Then C is a field under the
operations of addition and multiplication given in Definitions 3 and 4. The
identity element for addition is (0, 0) and the identity element for multiplica-
tion is (l, 0). Also R = i(a, 0)|a e R‘} C C and R g R” via the correspon-
dence a e R* 4—» (a, 0) e R.
From now on we will use the customary notation, a + bi, for the complex
number (a, b) or a + bx.

Exercises 10.2
1. Prove Theorem 2.
2. Prove that the mapping a defined by (a + bi)o = a — bi is an auto-
morphism of C.

3. Algebraically Closed Fields

One way of picturing the “evolution" of our number system from N to I

to R to R“ to C is in terms of the solution of equations. (In fact, this approach
was used to motivate our definitions for the integers and for the rational
numbers.) Thus natural numbers suffice to solve the equations x + 4 = 6
and 2x = 6 but we need negative integers to solve x + 6 = 4 and non-
integral rational numbers to solve 2x = 5. Similarly we need irrational
numbers to solve x2 — 2 = 0 and complex, nonreal, numbers to solve
ac2 + l = 0. Now none of the equations just listed are at all complicated
looking; they are, in fact, linear or quadratic with integral coefl‘icients. Thus
it might seem very plausible that we would need a continuous series of ex-
tensions of our number system to solve polynomial equations of higher degree
or with coefficients other than integers. For example, it is surely not evident
that the equation

‘/26x5 + (2 + i)ac4 — 1rx3 + iac2 — 5x +1 = 0

has even one root that is a complex number.

Definition 5. A field F is said to be algebraically closed if every

equation aox" + alx"‘1 + - - . + a,,_1x + a,, = 0
where a0, a1, . . . , an are in F has a root in F.

Thus since or2 + (—2) = 0 has coefficients in R but no root in R, R is not

algebraically closed. Since x2 + 1 = 0 has coefficients in R* but no root in
R*, R“ is not algebraically closed.

Theorem 3. The complex numbers form an algebraically closed field.

All known proofs of this theorem, often called the fundamental theorem
of algebra, involve nonalgebraic notions such as those found in topology or
complex variable theory and hence we omit the proof here. Proofs may be
found in [B4], [D2], and [V1].

4. De Moivre’s Theorem

While it is not easy to show that the complex numbers form an algebraically
closed field, it is easy to show that the equation ax" + b = 0 (a, b e C, a aé 0,
n e N) always has a complex root. We will, in fact, describe a method for
finding all of the roots of such equations. To do this we rewrite the equation
ax" + b = 0 as x" = —b/a and turn our attention to finding the nth roots
of any complex number.
148 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
We begin by representing any complex number a + bi as a point with co-
ordinates (a, b) in the Cartesian plane as shown in the figure below. The hori-
zontal axis is called the real axis (R) and the vertical axis the imaginary axis

(a, b)

(I). With the complex number a + bi is associated the real number 1 =

1/a2 + (,2 and a positive angle 9—the angle that the line segment from (a, b)
to the origin makes with the positive end of the real axis.
By simple trigonometry we have a = 7 cos 9 and y = b sin 9 so that
a + bi = r(cos9 + isin9)
The expression 1(cos 9 + 1' sin 9) is called the polar form of the complex
number a + bi and is often abbreviated to r cis 9. The number r is called
the modulus or absolute value of the complex number and the degree or radian
measure of 9 is called the amplitude.
Example I. 1 + i = fl cis 45°; modulus fl, amplitude 45°.
Example 2. —1 — V37 = 2 cis 240°; modulus 2, amplitude 240°.
Example 3. 4 — 31' = 5 cis 9 where 9 = 360° - cos‘1 4/5.
(Recall that 0° S cos" y S 180°.)
Note that, for example, p = 2 (sin 30° + 1' cos 30°) is not in polar form but
that p = 2 cis 60°. Similarly, a = ——2 cis 60° is not in polar form but a = 2
cis 240° is.
Theorem 4. (cis 9)" = cis n9 for n a non-negative integer.
Prov/Z The theorem is obviously true for n = 0 or 1. Let S = {nln e N
and (cis 9)" = cis 119}. Then 1 e S. Suppose k e S. Then
(cis 9)"+1 = (cis 9)k cis 9 = cis k9 cis 9
= (cos k9 + i sin k9)(cos 9 + i sin 9)
= (cos [:9 cos 9 — sin k9 sin 9) + i(cos k9 sin 9 + sin k9 cos 9)
= cos(k9 + 9) + isin(k9 + 9) = cos(k +1)9 + isin(k +1)9
= cis (k + 1)9
by use of the trigonometric identities for cos (9 + g5) and sin (9 + ¢).
Hence k e S implies k +16 S and S = N.

Corollary. (De Moivre’s theorem) (cis 0)" = cis n0 for n e I.

Proofl By Theorem 4 the corollary is true for n e N and for n = 0. Now

suppose that —n e N. Observe that

(0050 + isin 0)(cos0 —- isin 0) =1

and that, since cos 0 — isin 0 = cos (—9) + isin (—0), (cis 0)"1 = cis (—0).
Hence if —n EN, (cis 0)" = [(cis 9)'1]"I = [cis(—9)]‘" = cis(—n)(—0)
= cis 110.

Example 4. Evaluate (1 + i)'1°.

Solution. (1 + i)‘1° = (fl cis 45°)'1° = (firm cis(—450°) =(1/25)

cis(——90°) = (l/32)[cos(—90°) + isin(——90°)] = —(1/32)i.

Theorem 5. Let p = r cis 0 be a complex number. Then the n nth roots

of p are given by
9 360
(1)1"/r_cis(—+k-———)(k=0,1, ,n— 1)
n n

where {/— is the ordinary (real) nth root of r and 9 is the degree measure of 9.

Proof: By Theorem 4
_ 9 360 " _ _
[crs(—+k-——)] =c1s(9+k-360)=c159
n n
for k = 0, 1, . . . , n -— 1. Thus the complex numbers given by (1) are nth
roots of p. That they are all distinct follows from the fact that
9 360 . 5 _ 360
cis(—+1'-—) #us (~+1-————)
n n n n
foriaéj,i,j=0, 1,2, ,n— 1.

Example 5. Find the three cube roots of -1.

Solution. -—1 = cis 180°. Thus the three cube roots of —1 are given by
180° 360°
cis( +k- 3), k=0,1,2

Hence they are cis 60° = 1}; + i» 1/31', cis 180° = —1, and cis 300° = % —— i
Example 6. Find the two square roots of i.
150 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Solution. i = cis 90°. Thus the two square roots of i are given by
90° 360°
cis( +k- 2), k=0,l

Hence they are cis 45° = fl/Z + (4/272)i and cis 225°: —1/2—/2 — (V272)i.
Example 7. Find the four fourth roots of 1 + 1‘.

Solution. 1 + i = fl cis 45°. Thus the four fourth roots of 1 + 1' are
given by
45° 360°
Vici5(T+k. 4 ), k=0,1,2,3

Hence they are ‘8/2- cis “.25", W cis 101.25°, 18/5 cis 191.25”, and
18/5 cis 28125". (It is possible, of course, to calculate cis 11.25°, cis 101.25°
etc. in terms of radicals by using the half-angle formulas on cos 45° and sin
45° to get cos 224E”, sin 22%O etc., but we prefer to leave the answer as is l)
The successful use of De Moivre’s theorem depends strongly on the exis-
tence of a simple polar form of the complex number involved. Thus, for
example, if we seek to find (—2 + 31')3 by the use of De Moivre’s theorem,
the best we can do is to write
—2 + 31' g 1/13 cis 123° 40’
or as
_ 3
—2 + 31' = 4/13 cxs [arctan (~- 5) + 180°].

If we use the first (approximate) representation we obtain

(—2 + 3:")3 g 46.87 cis 371° = 46.87 cis 11°
g 46.87 (0.9816 + 0.19081') g 46.01 + 8.94312
If we use the second representation it takes a considerable amount of elaborate
trigonometry (see [D6]) to arrive at
(—2 + 3:)" = 134/13 cis [3 arctan (— 5) + 540°]

Arm/1‘3 9./13
=13¢fi( ' =46 93'.
169 + 1691) +
The direct algebraic computation is definitely simpler in this case.
Exercises 10.4

1. Plot the following complex numbers: 2 + 31', —1 — 2i, —3, 4i, (1 + i)/
(1 — 1), 2/1'.
2. Find the amplitude and absolute value of each of the following complex
4 (cos 40° + isin 40°), —2 (cos 15° +isin15°),
3 (sin 15° + icos 15°), 3 (cos 40° —- isin 40°),
3 (—cos 30° + isin 30°)
Find the polar form of AB, A/B, Aa/B, and HA if A = 3 cis 60° and
B = 4 cis 40°.
. Prove that the absolute value of the product of two complex numbers is
the product of their absolute values, and that the amplitude of the product
is the sum of their amplitudes.
. What is the geometrical locus of the set of complex numbers of (a) fixed
absolute value, (b) of fixed amplitude?
WritethenumbersA =1 — Vii-LB = —1 — 1/31‘, andC == —1 + fii
in polar form. Find the amplitude and absolute value of A2 and of BalAC.
. Use De Moivre's theorem to calculate:
(a) (1 +13“ (M (1 - 1fii)‘
(C) (V? - 1')" (d) (1 - 0"
8. Use De Moivre's theorem and the binomial theorem to find expressions
for cos 30 and sin 39 in terms of cos 6‘ and sin 0
. Find the three cube roots of 8.
10. Find the three cube roots of 81'.
11. Find the four fourth roots of 1.
12. Find the two square roots of (I + i)/\/§. (Leave your answer in trigono-
metric form.)
13. Find the three cube roots of 1 — Vii. (Leave your answer in trigo-
nometric form.)
14. Prove that there exists a complex number R such that the n nth roots of 1
are given by R, R2 . . . , R".
15. A complex number 2 is called a primitive nth root of 1 if z” = 1 but
z"¢ lwhenO <m <n.
(a) Find the primitive sixth roots of 1.
*(b) Prove that a necessary and sufficient condition that R" (problem 14)
be a primitive nth root of 1 is that (k, n) = 1.
*16. Use De Moivre’s theorem to find
(a) (1 - 25)‘ (b) (3 + 21')a
without the use of trigonometric tables.

5. Quaternions

A system which has all of the properties of a field except that of com-
mutativity of multiplication is called a skew-field. The first example of a skew-
field was given by Hamilton in 1843, and it served as a stimulus to the con-
struction later of many other abstract systems. The system that Hamilton
developed is called the algebra of quaterniom over the field R*.
152 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
More generally, however, we may consider a quaterm'on algebra over any
field F as the set

Q = {“0 + “ii + (121' + “aklao: ”1: “a: “a 51"}

where addition in Q is defined by

(“0 + “xi + azj + (13k) + (be + bli + baj + bah)

= (“o + 50) + (a1 + b0" + (“a + baj) + (“a + 1’3)"
and equality by

if and only if a0 = b0, a1 = b], a2 = [12, and a3 = b3. The additive identity
for Q is 0 + 01' + Oj + 0k and the additive inverse of a0 + 4111‘ + a2j + ask
is -—a0 + (—a1)i+ (—a2)j+ (—a3)k = —a0 - ali — azj -— ask. The
scalar product a(a° + ali + (12j + ask) = aao + aali + aazj + aaak for
any a e F.
Multiplication of elements in Q is performed just as for polynomials
except that we replace i”, F, and k2 by —1 whenever the occur and if by k,
jiby —k. ik by «in = i2; = -i, kiby (W = i(ji) = —i(ij) = _.-2j =jetc.
(See multiplication table for the “units” below.)

Example. (1+i—k)(2+4j—3k)=2+4j—3k+2i+4ij—3ik
+ 61' + 71' — k.
The student should check that if at = a0 + ali + (121 + ask where
d = a?) + af + a; + a§ 9e 0, then the multiplicative inverse of a is
a‘1 = a6 — ali— a’zj— aék
a’1 = a,/d (1' = 0,1,2, 3)

If, in addition to not requiring commutativity of multiplication, we do

not require multiplicative inverses for all elements, it is possible to construct
in a similar fashion, many other such “linear algebras” over any given field.
For details, see the references given for this chapter.

Exercises 10.5

1. Perform the indicated operations:

(a)(2 +3i—4j—2k) +(—3 +i—Sj +6k)
(b)(-—-3 +2i—5j +k) +(-1—3i+2j—k)
(c)(1—i—2j+k)(2 +i—j +k)
(d)(—1 +i—j +2k)(3 —1' +2j—k)
2. Find the multiplicative inverses of the following quaternions:
(a)2+3i—4j—2k (b)—3+2i—5j+k
(c)1+i+j+k (d)—1—i+j—k
3. Perform the following divisions:
(a)(l +i—k)—:-(2 +4j—k)
(b)(1—i+j—k)+(1+i—j +212)
(c)(i—j +k)+(1—j +12)
(d)(l —j +k)+(i +j +12)
4. The norm, N(a), of the quaternion o: = do + an‘ + aaj + mic is defined to
be a3 + a? + a; + a3. Prove that the norm of the product of two
quaternions is the product of their norms.
5. The conjugate of a = no + ali + agj + ask is defined to be 3 = ao — ali
— anj — ask. Prove that if u and 5 are quatemions, then up = flu and En:
—..: at; = N(a).


1. Investigate the solution of polynomial equations aux" + aux" ‘1 + . . . + a" = 0
when (10, a1, . . . , an are quaternions. Begin with linear equations, quadratic
equations, and equations of the form x” + a = 0. In particular, see if you
can find a De Moivre type theorem for roots of quatemions. [B4], [B5], [N2]
2. Investigate the possibility of developing an algebra with units 1, i1, i2, . . . ,
is along the lines of the quaternions. (Be prepared to sacrifice the associative
law of multiplication!) [A2], [D3], [D5]
3. Let Q = {ao + ali + agj + agklflo,a1,ag,aa 61}. Develop a theory of
divisibility in Q along the lines of Section 5.3.


[A1]. [A2]. [B4], [D3], [D5], [N2]-
Vector Spaces

1. Definition

We have already seen many instances of the tendency of the mathematician

to abstract certain key properties of familiar systems and to consider more
general systems satisfying these properties. Thus integral domains may be
thought of as a generalization of the integers, fields as generalizations of the
rational numbers etc. Here our generalization arises from the ordinary
notion of a vector in two or three dimensions. If we consider vectors as being
directed line segments originating from a fixed point we may define their
addition by the “parallelogram law” as illustrated below for the plane: the
vector at added to the vector )3 gives the vector y. A further concept is that of a

a scalar product, car, of a vector at by a real number 1: as illustrated below.



’-a= (-1)a
It is easy to verify that ordinary vectors in two or three dimensions satisfy
the requirements for a vector space in the sense of the following definition.
Definition 1. A vector (or linear) space V over a field F is a set of
elements, called vectors, such that a e V and fl 6 V define
a (unique) at + )3 e V and for any a e V and scalar
c e F there is defined a scalar product Cot e V such that
(1) V is an Abelion group under addition
(2) c(a + )9) = ta + :3, (c + c’)a = cot + c’a
VECTOR spaces 155
(3) (ed): = e(e’at), lat = at
for all e, e’ e F, a, fl 6 V, and l the multiplicative identity
of F.
To avoid confusion we will designate the identity for addition in F by 0
and the identity for addition in V by 6.
The student should check that the following are examples of vector spaces.

Example 1. For any fixed 1; EN, V,,(F) = {(41, . . . , an)|a‘ 61" for
i=1, ,n}where(a1, ,a,,) + (b1, ,bn) = (a1 + b1, ,a,,+ bu)
and e(a1, . . . , an) = (cal, . . . , can) is a vector space over F. (This space is
called the vector space of n-tuples.)

Example 2. C = {a + bila, b eR*} is a vector space over R". That is,

the complex numbers may be considered as a vector space over the real
Note that when we write, for example, the scalar product of 2(2 + 01')
we are properly distinguishing between the scalar (real number), 2, and the
vector (complex number), 2 + 01'. We know, of course, that the set of
complex numbers of the form a + 0i is isomorphic to R“ and sometimes
abbreviate 2(2 + 01') as 2-2. In general, when a vector space V over F
contains a subset F“ g F we often use the same symbol for the elements of
F* as for those of F.

Example 3. {a0 + up: + + anxnlneN, a,eR, i = 1, ,n} is a

vector space over R. That is, the set of all polynomials with rational co-
efficients may be considered as a vector space over R.

Definition 2. Let V be a vector space over afield F. Then S is said to

be a subspace of V if and only if S E V and S is itself
a vector space over F.
Example 4. S = {(a1, a2, 0)]a1, a2 6 F} is a subspace of V3 (F) over F.
Example 5.

S={Zb,x2‘[meN,b,eR,i= l, ,m}
is a subspace of the vector space of all polynomials with rational coefficients.
Example 6. Any vector space is a subspace of itself.
Theorem I. Let V be a vector space over a field F. Then
(1)0a = 5 for all as V;
(2) L0 = afor alleeF;
(3) The additive inverse, — a, of an is equal to (—l)ot.
156 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Proof. (1) We have (6 + 0)0l = cot = ta + 5 = w + 00!. By the cancel-
lation property for groups we have 6 = Oct.
(2) c(ot+6)=ca=ca+5=ca+c§sothat6=d1
(3) a +(—1)(1 =10: + (—1)a =[1+(——1)]a = 00: = 5 so that (—1)a.
= —¢.

Exercises 11.1

1. Prove that, in any vector space, can = 5 implies c = 0 or a: = U.

2. Let a: = (1,0,1), fl = (2, —-1, 1), and y = (3, —1,0). Compute
(a) 2(a — 35) + 4y
(b) Zen—33 +4(a—fi +30
3. Which of the following subsets of V,.(R) are subspaces of V,.(R)?
(a) ((x11 9‘2, ' - - , 961:)”: = 0)
(b) {(xincm . xn)lxz 61}
(e) {(xmcm .xn)lx1 = 0 or x2 = 0)
(d) ((30,062, - - - , x101": + 2x3 = 0}
(e) {(xx.xa. ,xn)lx1 # 0}
(f) {(ximm- - .xn)|x1 + x2 + xa= 0}
4. A function f with domain S is a mapping of S into T: x e S —>f(x) e T
(Section 7.5). Suppose T= R“ and define f + g as the mapping
x —> f(x) + g(x) and cf for c e R‘ as the mapping 9: —> cf(x). Which of the
following sets of functions defined on S = {xlx e R', —1 S x S 1} are
vector spaces?
(a) (flf(x) = an + tax + azx’. a1, an, as ER‘}
(b) {flf is continuous on —1 S x S 1}
(C) (f|f(x) Z 0}
(d) (flf(2) = 0}
(e) {fl2f(0) =f(1)}
(f) (f|f(x) =f(-x)}
5. If S and T are two subspaces of a vector space V over F, prove that S n T
is a subspace of V.
*6. Prove commutativity of addition of vectors from the other properties of a
vector space: (Hint: Expand (1 + 1)(u + (I) in two ways.)

2. The Basis of a Vector Space

Definition 3. Let S be a set of vectors of a vector space V over F. Then

S is said to span or generate V if and only if a e V
implies that there exist 61, . . . , fin e S and c1, . . . ,
on E F such that

at = 2 cf,
vscron smcm 157
Example I. In V3(F) the vectors £1 = (1, 0, 0), f2 = (0, 1, 0), and
£3 = (0, 0, 1) span V3(F) since (:11, a2, a3) = 11151 + azfz + aafa. Also
51: E2, E3, and £4 = (1,1,1)span V3 (F) since (“hazy “3) = ”151 + “252 + “353
+ 054, but 51 and £2 alone do not span V3 (F).

Example 2. The set S = {x"|n = 0 or n e N} U {0} is a spanning set

for the vector space over R of all polynomials with rational coefficients.

Definition 4. A finite set {0:1, . . . , an} of vectors of a vector space V

over F is said to be linearly independent if, for cl, . .
en e F,

2 m, = 0

implies c1 = . . . = c” = 0. An infinite set S, of vectors

of V is said to be linearly independent if every finite sub-
set of S is linearly independent. A set that is not linearly
independent is said to be linearly dependent.

Example 3. In Example 1 the vectors {1, £2, and {3 are clearly linearly
independent since £151 + £252 + c353 = (cl, :2, £3) = (0, 0, 0) implies c1
= 2 = as = 0. But £1, £2, £3, and {4 are linearly dependent since 15 + 152
+1E3 + (_1)£4 = (0! 0r 0)'

Example 4. In Example 2 the set S is a linearly independent set but the

set S’ = SU{1+ x} is not since 1 -l + 1x + (—1)(1 + x) = 6. (Notethe
dual use of “l” in “l - l” as a symbol for both the rational number 1 and the
polynomial 1 ' x°.)
Example 5. Suppose that the vectors {1, £2, and 5:, are linearly independent
in V3(R). Then the vectors £1 + £2, £1 + £3, and £2 + 53 are also linearly
independent over R.
Prov/I We have given that 0151 + 6252 + 6353 = 5 implies that cl = 62
= (:3 = 0. Suppose that for some a1, a2, a3 6 R, a1(§1 + £2) + a,“1 + £3)
+ “3&2 + £3) = 6- The“ (“1 + “2);:1 + (“1 + “alga + (“2 + “3)53 = 6-
Thus (11 + a2 = a1 + a3 = a2 + a3 = 0 and it follows that a1 = a2 = a3
= 0 so that 51 + £2, £1 + £3, and £3 + 53 are linearly independent over R.
It is convenient to make the arbitrary agreement that the null set is a
linearly independent subset of any vector space V.
Definition 5. A subset S of a vector space V is said to be a basis of V
if (1) S spans V and (2) S is a linearly independent set.
Roughly speaking, a basis of a vector space V is a minimal set of vectors
needed to generate V.
158 Introduction in Abstract Algebm

Example 6. In Vn(F) the unit vectors {1, . . . , a, where 5, is the vector

(0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . , 0) with 1 in the ith place and zeros elsewhere clearly
form a basis.

Example 7. S = {x"|n = 0 or n e N} U {0} is a basis for the vector space

over R of all polynomials with rational coefficients.
Example 8. If the vectors {1, £3, and {a form a basis of V over R so do
51 + 52, £1 + £3, and £2 + £3-
Proofl We have already shown (Example 5) that £1 + £2, £1 + £3, and
£2 + 53 are linearly independent if 51, £2, and 53 are. Now we observe that
if at = (:15, + saga + eggs, then

’1 = (51/2)(§1 + £2) + (ca/2X51 + £3) + (Ca/2X52 + £3)

Hence £1 + £2, £1 + £3, and £2 + 53 also span V and hence form a basis
of V.
The student should avoid two common errors. One is to assume that
every vector space is a space of n-tuplesT and the other is to assume that, in
a space of n-tuples, the basis is always one of unit vectors. Thus the vector
space of all polynomials with rational coefficients is not a space of n-tuples
(although it can, as we shall see in the next chapter, be regarded as a space
with elements of the form (a1, a2, . . .) with an infinite number of entries).
Likewise in Vn(F) there are other bases besides the set of unit vectors.
Thus, for example, the vectors (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), and (0, 1, l) are a basis
of V3(F) since if 51 = (l, 0, 0), £2 = (0, 1, 0), and fa = (0, 0, I) we have
£1 + £2 = (1,1, 0), £1 + £3 = (1, 0,1), and £2 + £3 = (0,1,1). (See
Example 8.)

Exercises 11.2

1. Prove that the vectors (a;, a2) and (b1, by) in V2(F) are linearly independent
if and only if 0162 — dab; sé 0.
2. In V3(R), examine each of the following sets of vectors for linear dependence.
(3) (1,3,2)and(1,4,1) (b) (6.4. 12) and (3.2. 6)
(0) (1, 2. 3) and (1. 4, 9) (d) (1, 2, 3). (1, 0.1), and (0. 1. 0)
(e) (1. 2. 0), (0, 3,1), and (-1, 0,1) (f) (—1, 2,1).(3. 0. -1), and (-5.4, 3)
3. Prove that a and fl sé 0 are linearly dependent in a vector space V over F
if and only if a = of! for c e F.
4. Do the results of Example 5 hold over any field F?
5. How many elements are there in each subspace spanned by three linearly
independent elements of V503). Generalize your result.
7 We shall show later that every vector space spanned by a finite number of vectors
is isomorphic to a space of n-tuples.
VECTOR smces 159
6. If clot + cgfi + £37 = 6 where clcs 9!: 0, show that a and B generate the
same subspace as do [3 and y.
7. Exhibit three different bases for V3(R).

3. The Dimension of a Vector Space

Our next sequence of theorems will lead us to the concept of the dimension
of a vector space spanned by a finite number of elements.
Theorem 2. If {51, . . . , {a} is a basis of V over F, then so are

(1) {51: :fc—bkfbgH-n ’51:}(1‘ 9‘ 05F)


(2){§1’ '-- iii-11$! _ kgpgi+lr '-- 1:11.} (kEF)i7éj)'

Proof: (1) If £151 + + c,(k§,) + + 4,5,, = 6 with not all of

1:1, . . . , c7| equal to zero, then we have $151 + + (c,k)§, + + tug"
= 5 with not all of cl, . . . , c,_1, #2, q”, . .. ,6" equal to zero so that
5, . . . , 5,, would be linearly dependent. Hence {1, . . . , §‘_1, kg” 5,“,
. , f" are linearly independent.
Next, if

E = 25451,
+ tug"
f = CIEI + -.- + ‘1-1‘51-1 + 7301:.) + ‘nt-u + . ..

and hence £1, . . . , §,_1,k§i, gm, . . . , é" span V. Thus {51, . . . , {1—1
k5,, 5H1, . . . , {n} is a basis of V.
(2) Ifclgl + .. - + ‘i—1EI—1 + ‘1(§I_ k5) + 51+151+1 + - - - + tugn = 0,
we have 5151 + + ”(—154 + 0151 + 51+1§1+1 + + 51—15-1 + (‘1
— kc‘)§, + 9,15,” + . . . + an = 0 and, hence, since £1, . . . , in are
linearly independent we have cl = . . . = c, . . . = c,_1 = c, — kc, = a,”
= = in = 0. Thusc, = 0alsoand§1, ,£4_1,E; — Mpg“, ,5
are linearly independent.
Next, if
g = 25151:
then£= £15 + + c‘(§, — k5,) + + (c, + c,k)§, + + anand
hence £1, .. . , f, — k§,, . . . , En span V. Thus {$1, . . . , E,_1,§‘ — kg},
£4”, . . . , §,,} is a basis of V.
160 Introduction to Abstract Algebra

Example. If {£1) £2) £3) £4} l5 2. baSis 0f V4(R)! then 50 are {£11 £2, 3:3»
£4} and {$1. E2 - 2a £3, {4}-
Theorem 3. A set of nonzero vectors, {51, ,gm}, of V is linearly
dependent if and only if some one of the 5k is a linear combination of the
preceding vectors £1, . . . , §k_1.

Proofi (1) If {k = c151 + . . . + ck_1§k_1 we have c1§1 + . . . + ck_1§k_1

+ (—1)§,c + 0§k+1 + . . . + 0E". = U with (——l) aé 0 and hence (since
5,, yé (7) £1, . . . , g," are linearly dependent.
(2) Suppose

2 (1,5, = 6
with dk 9E 0, (1“1 = . . . = dm = O (i.e. dk is the last nonzero d). Then if
k aé 1, we solve for £1: and are done. But if k = l, dlfl = U, d1 9e 0 and
£1 = 6, a contradiction.
Theorem 4. A set S = {51, . . . , §m} of vectors of V is linearly dependent
if and only if it contains a proper subset R such that S and R generate the
same subspace of V.
Proofl (1) If S is a linearly dependent set we form R by deleting from
S all zero vectors and those which are (by Theorem 3) linear combinations
of the vectors preceding it in the list. By Theorem 3 at least one vector will
be deleted so that R C S.
(2) Suppose now that S contains a proper subset, R, which generates the
same subspace of V as S. By renumbering our vectors if necessary we may
assume R = {61, . . . , 5‘} where k < m. Since S and R generate the same
subspace, {“1 = 5151 + + ckék and hence clgl + . . . + ckfk +
(—1)£,‘,+1 + 05¢” + . . . + 05,. = 6 so that {51, . . . , §,,I} is a dependent
set of vectors.
Theorem 5. If «1, . . . , at" span V and £1, . . . , g, are linearly independent
vectors of V, then 11 Z 7'.

Proof; Since A0 = {0:1, . . . , an} spans V it follows by Theorem 4- that

B0 = {51, a1, . . . , an} spans V and is a linearly dependent set. By Theorem
3 some one of £1, 11, . . . , at" is a linear combination of its predecessors in the
list. Certainly this is not :1. It is, say, cu. But then A1 = {5, a1, . . '2
at, _1, a; +1, . . . , an} spans V.
Now repeat: B1 = {§2, £1, <11, . . . , “1—1: «”1, . . . , an} spans V and is a
linearly dependent set. Because {1, . . . , E, are linearly independent, £1 is
not a multiple of £2 and we again may delete some a, aé 1‘.
VECTOR spaces 161
Now if n < r we would arrive at A,,_1 = {En—1: . . . , E1, ark} spanning V
and then have B,,_l = {thin—1, , E1, ark} a linearly dependent set
spanning V. As before delete an at (which now must be ak) and arrive at
A” = {5", End, . El} spanning V so that 5,,“ is a linear combination
of £1, . . . , {1", a contradiction. Hence it 2 r.

Theorem 6. If A = {‘11, , an} and B = {[81, .. . »I3m} are two bases

of a vector space V, then 11 = m.

Proof: For A and B span V and are linearly independent; hence we may
apply Theorem 5 to get n 2 m and m 2 n so that m = n.

Definition 6. A vector space V over F is said to be finite dimensional

if there exists a finite set of vectors of V that span V.
A vector space that is not finite dimensional is said to have
infinite dimension.

We have seen (Theorem 6) that any two bases of a finite dimensional

vector space have the same number of elements. This fact leads to the
following definition.

Definition 7. The dimension of a finite dimensional vector space V over

F is the number of elements in a basis of V.
Since a basis of Vn(F) is the set of the n unit vectors of Vn(F) we have
the following basic result.

Theorem 7. Vn(F) is a vector space of dimension n.

Thus V2(F) and V3(F) have dimension 2 and 3 respectively—as we
would expect from the geometric motivation previously considered.

Definition 8. Two vector spaces V and V’ over the same field F are said
to be isomorphic if there is a 1—1 correspondence between
the elements of V and V’ that is preserved under addition
and scalar multiplication. That is, if a e V<—> ot’ e V’ and
BeVHfl’eV’, then ot+fleV<—>oc’+f3’eV’ and
can 6 V<—> cat’ 6 V’for every c eF.
Theorem 8. A vector space V of dimension n over F is isomorphic to
Proof: Let {11, . . . , an} be a basis for V and {$1, . . . , fin} be a basis for
Vn(F). Then if

162 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
we let

FHB' = 20$; 6 V7.0"):

Obviously this correspondence is preserved under addition and scalar
Corollary. Any two vector spaces of dimension n are isomorphic.
The proof of Theorem 8 is deceptively simple—~50 simple that the student
may feel that it should have been presented in the very beginning, and thus
have eliminated any need for considering the abstract finite dimen-
sional case. In order even to state the theorem, however, we need the
concept of dimension. But to talk about dimension we need to know that
any two bases of a vector space have the same number of elements. In
turn, this demands other information and, in fact, it would turn out that
all of our preliminary work was indeed necessary. In addition, in spite of
the existence of Theorem 8, it is still often much more useful to consider
a finite dimensional vector space abstractly rather than as a set of n-tuples.

Exercises 11.3

1. Find a basis for V;(R) which includes the vectors (1, — 1, 1) and (2, l, 1).
2. Prove that no basis of V3(R) can include both of the vectors (1, —1, 1) and
(2, —2, 2).
3. Prove that the vectors (1, 2, 3, 4), (2, 3, l, 5), (3, 1, 2, 7), and (l, 1, -2, 1)
in V.(R) are linearly dependent. Which of these four vectors is not in the
subspace spanned by the other three?
4. Prove that for n vectors 6:, . . . , f. of an n-dimensional vector space V to be
a basis, it is sufficient that they span V or that they be linearly independent.
5. If two subspaces S and Tof a vector space V over F have the same dimension,
prove that S E T implies S = T.

4. Fields as Vector Spaces

It is sometimes useful to consider certain fields as vector spaces

over subfields. We did this, for example, when we considered
C = {a + bi|a, b E R*} as a vector space (of dimension 2) over R‘. In so
doing we noted that, for example, 2 +_ 01' e C is really not the same as 2 6 R“
but rather that the subset, R = {a + Oila ER*}, of C is isomorphic to R‘
via the correspondence a + 0i 6 R H a e R“. In practice, however, we need
not always maintain these distinctions and will not do so here.
Suppose now that we consider the vector space V = {a + In/Zla, b e R}
over R. It has dimension two over R (why?) and hence any three vectors
of V are linearly dependent. Now let at = a + bfle V. Although we
have not defined products of vectors we know that V is indeed a field as
well as a vector space; thus we may consider a2 = am and observe that a2 e V.
Now consider the vectors 1, or, and an“ of V. Since V has dimension two we
know that l, a, and a2 are linearly dependent in R. Hence there exist rational
numbers :1, c2, and (:3, not all zero, such that :1 + czar + can? = 0. That
is, we have shown that every number of the form a + bfl, a, b e R, satisfies
a quadratic equation with rational coefficients.
Now it is not too difficult to find by elementary algebra the precise quad-
ratic equation satisfied by a + bfl. The computation, however, is fairly
lengthy compared with the simple existence type argument just presented.
The corresponding direct method would be very much more difficult in our
next example where we wish to show that every number of the form
a + bfl + c\/3_, a, b, c e R, satisfies a quartic equation with coefficients in
R. 'To do this we consider V = {a + b\/2_+ q/ila, b, c e R} over R.
Now we cannot use the same scheme as we did for a + bfl since if
a: = a + bfi+ c¢3_(br#OER), bcflfl= bcvgis a term of a2 and
01.2 if V. However, since flf = V5, 1/2_\/5'= m = 2‘3: and
WW = m = 3V3— we see that, for any positive integer n, a" can be
written as a’ + b’fl + c’1/3_+ d’x/fi—with a’, b’, c’, and d’ e R. Hence we
consider, in place of V, V’ = {a + bx/f + cx/3_+ d1/Sla, b, c, d e R} over
R. Then V’ is a vector space of dimension at most fourl over R and since
a = a + bfl+ c\/3_e V’ and also 1, 12, a3, 1‘ e V’ we conclude that
l, a, a2, a3, a4 are linearly dependent over R. Thus there exist c1, c2, £3, a,
and £5, not all zero, in R such that (:1 + £20: + can? + gas + csa‘ = 0.
As a final example, which should reveal the full generality of the
process, consider the problem of showing that every number of the form
a = a + lie/2— + c\/§, a, b, c E R, satisfies some polynomial equation with
coefficients in R. When we consider «2, a3, we obtain many other
irrational numbers that are linearly independent over R when considered with
l, W, and fl. Thus we obtain WW: WW = m, \‘l/IO—8W=
{/4103 = {/m etc. However, there are only a finite number of
different irrationalities generated in this fashion since every such irrationality
can be expressed as k‘5/2m3n where 2'”3“ < 2636. Thus there exists a vector
space V={a+b€/Z+ cfl+dm + ex‘f43_2+ ...|a,b,c,d,e, e R
over R of dimension n over R such that l, on, . . . , at" are linearly dependent
in V. Thus there exist c1, . . . , tn”, not all zero, in R such that c1 + czar
+ +cn+1u" =0.
1 It is actually four since 1, 1/5, 1/5, and 1/5 are linearly independent over R. But
we do not need to know this to achieve our desired result.
164 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
In general, we can conclude that any linear combination, with coefficients
in R, of radicals of the form {7a satisfies a polynomial equation with rational


l. The dot, scalar, or inner product of two vectors § = (x1, .. . ,x,.) and

1, = (y1, . . . , y") of V,.(F) is defined to be 5 - 'q = ‘lm. Investigate the

properties of this inner product. [W1]
2. The inner product, 5 - 1,, described in problem 1 is not in Vn(F) but in F.
Consider the problem of defining a multiplication of vectors of V,.(F) to
produce another vector, beginning with a consideration of the complex
numbers and the quatemions considered as vectors. [A1], [B4], [D3].
3. Since V is an Abelian group under addition we can, for any subspace R
of V, consider V/R. Consider these quotient spaces in detail when V = V.
(F) and describe them geometrically when n = 2 or 3. [H1]


[B1], [B4], [H1]. [K2]. [M6]-

1. Definitions

In previous chapters we have used the concept of a polynomial informally

in examples just as we used the concept of a real number before the formal
treatment of real numbers in Chapter 8. In this chapter we will give a formal
definition of a polynomial and discuss properties of polynomials and poly-
nomial rings.
One way of considering polynomials is to take an integral domain and to
“adjoin” to it a symbol (indeterminate) “x". We define x1 = x, x" = x - x"'1
as additional symbols and write, for example, 9:2 + 3x + 1 without any
concern for the meaning of x2, 3x, 3x + 1 etc. Difficulties arise, however,
when we, for example “take 1: = 2" in x2 + 3x + 1.
To avoid the difficulty of regarding x as an indeterminate and yet being
able to replace .9: by a number, we may consider vectors (a0, a1, a2, . . . , an,
0, 0, . . .) with an infinite number of entries but with only a finite number of
nonzero entries. Thus, for example, —1 + 2x —- 3x2 + x5 is replaced by
(—1, 2, -—3, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, . . .).

Definition 1. Let D be an integral domain. Then a polynomial over

D is an infinite sequence (a0, a1, . . . , an, 0,0, . . .) of
elements of D all but a finite number of which are zero.
Bythesum(ao,a1,...,an,0,0,...) + (bo,b1,...,
bm,0,0,...) = (bo,b1,...,bm,0, 0, ...) + (ao,a1,
. . ., an, 0, 0, . . .) of two polynomial: (a0, a1, . . . , a”,
0, 0, ...) and(bo, b1,..., bm, 0, 0, ...) (m Zn) we
mean the polynomial

(a0+b0!al+b1! --- y an+bn7 bit-+11 --- v bin! 0102'“)

By the scalar product, a(ao, a1, . . . , an, 0, 0, . . .), of the

polynomial (ao, a1, . . . , an, 0, 0, . . .) by an element
a e D we mean the polynomial
(aao, aal, . . . , aa,,, 0, 0, . . .)
166 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
We also define (a0, a1, . . . , an, 0, 0, . . .)a = a(ao,
a1,...,an,0, 0,...).
By the product, (a0, a1, . . . , an, 0, 0, . . .)(b0, b1, . . .
hm, 0, 0, . . .), of two polynomials (a0, a1, . . . , an, 0, 0,
...) and(bo,b1,..., bm 0,0, ...)wemeanthepoly-
(aobo, (10111 + albo, aobz + alb1 + a2b°,. . . , anbm, 0, 0,. . .)
where the ith entry is

1+ Ic=t—1
Finally, 1] a = (a0, a1, . . . , a”, 0, 0, . . .) and ceD,
we define the value, etc, of at at c to be ac = no + alc +
. . . + ant" e D.

If new we write x = (0,1, 0, 0, . . .) we have :x2 = (0, 0,1, 0, 0, . . .),

x3 = (0,0,0,1,0,0, ....).. so that (ao,a1,a2, ,an,0,0, ...) = aoe
+ alx + azac2 + . . . + aux" wheree = (1, 0, 0, . . .). Thus all we have done
is to prescribe, in vector notation, the usual rules for operating with poly-
nomials and for finding f(e) when a polynomial f(x) is given. Thus our
customary notation for polynomials that we will also use is simply a more
convenient (or at least more familiar) way of writing down the sequence
a0, a1, . . . , an; certainly we do not need to worry about the meaning of “at”.
What we do need to show is embodied in the following theorem.

Theorem 1. If ac = (40,41, , an,0, 0, ...), f3 = (120,121, ,bm,0,

0, . ..),y = at + ,8, 8 = aoc(a ED),andp = afl,theny,_. = are + BC,8c= (lac,
and pa = «‘3‘. Briefly, if P is the set of all polynomials over D, then at e P
a are 6D is a homomorphism of P into D (where the correspondence is
preserved under addition, scalar multiplication, and multiplication).
Note that this result assures us that computations performed on poly-
nomials over D can be translated into computations over D. This, of course,
is what makes polynomials so useful since, for example, 3:2 — 4 = (x + 2)
(x — 2) means that 52 — 4- = (S + 2)(5 -— 2), t52 -— 4 = (6 + 2)(6 — 2) etc.

Proof: We prove only the first part of the theorem leaving the other two
parts as exercises for the student. We have, for in Z n,

a, +fic = (a0 +alc+ + one") + (be + b1e+ +b,,,c"‘)

= (“o + ('0) +(a1 + bl)‘ + - - - + (an + 51:)” + bn+1cn+1
+ . . . + bmc’"
= (“I + B)c = 7::
From now on we will use the customary notation for polynomials:
a°+a1x+ +a,,x".
Definition 2. A polynomial f(x) = a0 + alx + . . . + aux" (a,l 9e 0)
over D is raid to have degree n. We write degf(x) = u.
Iff(x) = 0 e D we make the convention that degf(x) = 0.
Theorem 2. Iff(x) aé 0 and g(x) ¢ 0 are two polynomials over an integral
domain, then deg [f(x)g(x)] = degf(ac) + deg g(x).
Proof. If f(x) = an + tax + + aux" and g(x) = be + blx +
+ bmx’” (an aé 0, I)", 9E 0) we have

f(x)g(x) = aobo + (“ob1 + “1%)" + - - - + “nbmxfim

Since an as 0 and b", 7': 0, it follows that anbm 96 0 since a,| and b", are
elements of an integral domain. Hence deg [f(x)g(x)] = n + m.

Exercises 12.1

1. Add the following polynomials:

(a) (2, —1,0, 3, 0, 0, . . .) and (0, 2,1, —3, 5, 0,0, .. .)
(b) (—1, fl, 1, 1r, 0, . . .) and (—1, 1/3, —1, 2, 0, 0, . . .)
(c) (-—3,0,0,1,0,0, ...) and (3,0,0, —1,0,0, ...)
(d) (V11. -1,, ---) and (~1/7, -1,1.0, ~2,0,0, ---)
2. Multiply the following polynomials:
(a) (—1,0, 2, 0,0, . . .) and (0, 2, ——1, 0, 0, .. .)
(b) (2,1, 0,0, . . .) and (3, 1, 0, 0, . . .)
(0) (1,1,1, 0, 0, . . .) and (1, -1, 0, 0, . . .)
(d) (—1, 1, —1, 1,0, 0, .. .) and (1, 1, 0, 0, . . .)
3. Illustrate Theorem 1 by taking c = 2 in problems In, 1c, 2a, and 2c.
4. Complete the proof of Theorem 1.

2. The Division Algorithm

It is easy to show that, for any integral domain D, D[x] = {a0 + alx + . . .
+ anx"|n e N, a, e D, i = 1, . . . , n} is also an integral domain whose units
are the units of D. Thus two polynomials f(x) and g(x) of D[x] are associates
if and only iff(x) = ug(x) where u is a unit of D. (See Section 5.3.)
In the remaining part of this chapter we will consider only the case when
D is a field although some of the results we will state will be true when D
is simply an integral domain. (Recall, in this connection, that every non-
zero element of a field is a unit of the field so that any nonzero multiple of a
polynomial over a field is an associate of the polynomial.)
168 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Theorem 3. (the division algorithm) Let F be a field. If f(x), g(x) e F[x]
and g(x) aé 0. then there exist unique q(x), r(x) e F[x] such that

f(x) = 9(x)g(x) + '(x)

where deg r(x) < deg g(x) (or, ifg(x) e F, r(x) = 0).

Proof. Let f(x) = a0 + alx + + aux” and g(x) = be + b1x+

+ bmx’" (b,,I ye 0). If degf(x) < deg g(x) we have

f(x) = 0 ' 80‘) +f(x)

so that we have the desired result in this case.
Furthermore, if f(x) aé 0 but degf(x) = 0 so that f(x) = no we have,
for deg g(x) = m = 0,
f(x) =ao =—'bo +0
and, for m > 0,

f(x) = o - :00 + no
so that our result holds if degf(x) = n = 0. We proceed with an inductive
proof by assuming that the theorem is true when degf(x) < n and showing
that then it is also true when deg f(x) = n. (See Theorem 5.11.1 To this
end take it 2 m and n > 0 and let

(1) so) = f(x) — 2—” “gm

Then degf1(x) < n so that by our induction hypothesis we may write

(2) f1(x) = 91(x)g(x) + '(x)

where deg 1(x) < deg g(x) (or 7(x) = 0 if g(x) e F). But now we may write
(1) with the aid of (2) as

flat) — :— xn-Mgvc) = muse) + rm

so that

f(x) = [Z—"xn-m + q1(x)]g(x) + res) = q(x>g(x) + roe)

as desired.
1 Slightly modified. We leave it to the student to show that if “1 e S” in Theorem
5.11 is replaced by “0 e S”, the conclusion becomes S = N U {0).
Now suppose that, also, f(x) = q’(x)g(x) + r’(x) where deg r’(x) < deg
g(x). Then

9'(x)g(x) + "(3‘) = 9(x)g(x) + '0‘)

so that

g(x)[q'(x> — am] = r<x> — r'(x)

But deg [r(x) — r’(x)] < deg g(x) so that, by Theorem 2, q’(x) — q(x) = 0.
Hence q’(x) = q(x) and r’(x) = r(x). (If g(x) e F, then r(x) = r’(x) = 0.)

Definition 3. The polynomial q(x) in the division algorithm is called

the quotient of flat) upon division by g(x) and the poly-
nomiol r(x) is called the remainder.

Corollary 1. (the remainder theorem) The remainder when a polynomial

f(x) is divided by x — a is f(a).

Proofl If g(x) = x —— a in the division algorithm we have

f(x) = 9000‘ - a) + '(x)

where deg r(x) < 1. Hence r(x) = b eF. But then f(o) = g(x)(a — a)
+ I: = b as desired.

Corollary 2. (the factor theorem) A polynomial f(x) is divisible by x — a if

and only iff(a) = 0.

Proof. Iff(a) = 0, then x - a divides f(x) by Corollary 1. On the other

hand, if x - a divides f(x), we have f(x) = q(x)(x -— a) so that f(a) = q(o)
(a -— a) = 0.

Another useful by-product of the division algorithm is the process known

as synthetic division. This process provides an easy way of finding the quotient
q(x) and the remainder, r, when a polynomial f(x) 6 F[x] is divided by the
polynomial x — c eF[x]. Let f(x) = a0 + alx + . . . + on_1x”‘1 + aux“
and q(x) = bo + b + . . . + bn_1x"'1. Then

f0?) = (x - 6M") + 7
= (’ " 050) + (be " ‘51)” + (1’1 — 51’2l +
+ (bu-2 — ‘bn—1)xn_1 + bin—1""
When we equate coeflicients in the two representations of f(x) we have
a,I = bu-” an_1 = bn—2 — ebn_1, . . . , a1 = b0 — obi, a0 = r - ebo
170 Introduction 10 Abstract Algebm
For computational purposes this work may be arranged as follows:
an ah1 ... a1 do If
cbn_1 ... cb1 cbo

bn—l = an bn—a = an—l + Cbn—l be = “1 + 051 7 = “o + 550

Example. Find the quotient and remainder when 41“ - I’m2 — x + 2 is
divided by x + 2 (= x — (—2)).
4 0 —3 —1 2 L—fi

4 —8 13 —27 56

The quotient is 4x3 -— 8x2 + 13x — 27 and the remainder is 56.

Exercises 12.2

1. Find the quotient and remainder when

(a) 5::3 — 3x2 + 10x — 1 is divided by x — 2.
(b) x5 — 4xa — x + 2 is divided by x + 1.
(c) x” + ix + 2 is divided by x - i.
(d) 2::3 — 3x + 1 is divided byx + V}.
2. lff(x) = 3x3 + 21¢:a — 1, findf(3),f(—l), andf(i).
3. In Jsfx], exhibit the quotient and remainder when the polynomial
3:!" + 2x“ — 4x — 2 is divided by x2 — at +1.

3. Greatest Common Divisor

Definition 4. If f(x), g(x), and q(x) eF[x] and f(x) = q(x)g(x), we

say that g(x) divides f(x) and that g(x) is a divisor of
f(x). We write g(x)|f(x).
Thus, for example, if F = R we have (x -— l) | (2x — 2) since 23:: — 2
= 2(x — 1) and, also, (2x -— 2) | (x — 1) sincex — 1 = {~(2x — 2). In general,
if g(x) | f(x), ag(x) | f(x) for any a ye 0 E F, i.e., if g(x) I f(x), any associate
of g(x) also divides f(x). In particular, if g(x) = a0 + alx + . . . + aux"
(an 9e 0) and g(x) | f(x), then an‘ g(x) 1 f(x). We note that an‘ g(x)
= an'lao + an‘lalx + . . . + ex” where the coefficient of x" is the unity
element of F and write ex" = x".
Povmomms 171
Definition 5. A polynomial g(x) e F[x] is called a manic polynomial
if the coeflicient of the highest power of x in g(x) is
the unity element of F.

Definition 6. We say that d(x) is the greatest common divisor (g.e.d.)

of two polynomials flat) and g(x) if
(1) doc) |f(x) and doc) |g(x);
(2) no mo and hm no) implies Mac) I do);
(3) d(x) is a manic polynomial.
We write d(x) = (f(x), g(x)). if d(x) = e, the unity
element of F, we say that flat) and g(x) are relatively

Theorem 4. (the Euclidean algorithm) Any two nonzero polynomials flat)

and g(x) e F[x] have a unique g.c.d., d(x) 6 F[x].

Proofi The proof follows the same pattern as that of the corresponding
theorem for the integers (Section 5.6). We give only an outline of the proof
here, leaving the details to be filled in by the student.
By the division algorithm we obtain the sequence of equalities

f(x) = q<x>g(x) + roe) deg r00 < deggm

Ax) = 110070) + no) deg no) < deg r(x)
r(x) = homo) + r2(x) degrzo) < deg 11M
'1‘") = 93(xll'2(") + ’3‘”) deg .730“) < deg .720”)

r.-2('x) = with) +'rn(x) am < degr'.-1(x)

'n—1(x) = qn+1(x)'n(x)
Now we observe that (f(x), g(x)) = (g(x), r(x)) = (r(x), 71(x)) = . . . =
(771—2001 ’fl-1(x)) = (rm—1(x)I'n(x)) = 7,.(1‘).
To prove uniqueness we observe that if d(x) and d’(x) are both g.c.d.'s of
f(x) and g(x) we have d(x) | d’(x) and d’(x)|(dx). Thus d(x) = h’(x)d’(x)
and d’(x) = h(x)d(x). Hence d(x) = h’(x)h(x)d(x) so that h’(x)h(x) = e, the
unity element of F. But then h‘(x) = b’ e F and h(x) = b e F. Therefore
d'(x) = bd(x) and since d'(x) and d(x) are both monic polynomials it follows
that b = e and hence that d’(x) = d(x).
Although our definition of the g.c.d. of two polynomials yields a unique
g.c.d. (because of the monic requirement), it is frequently convenient to
call any associate of the unique g.c.d. also a g.c.d. We shall sometimes do so
when no confusion can arise and will find this practice useful in computing
the g.c.d. as illustrated in the following example.
172 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Example I. Find the g.c.d. off(x) = x5 — x4 —- 6x3 — 2x2 - x - 3 and
g(x) = x3 — 3x — 2 e R[x].
We first write x5—x4—6x3—2x2—x—3=(x2—x—3)(x3—3x
— 2) + (—33:2 — 12x — 9) but we now consider —§(-3Jc2 — 12x—9)
= 9;:2 + 4x + 3 instead of —3x2 — 12x — 9 in order to avoid fractions.
Thus we write
Again we consider (1—1“)(l + 10) = x + 1 instead of 10x + 10 and write
Thus at: + 1 is a g.c.d. and, since it is monic, it is the g.c.d.

Theorem 5. Let d(x) be the g.c.d. of two polynomials f(x) and g(x) e F[3:].
Then there exist polynomials m(x) and n(x) e F[x] such that

‘10:) = m(x)g(x) + "(x)f(x)

We leave it to the reader to supply a proof along the lines of the proof of
Theorem 5.15.

Example 2. In showing that (x5 — x4 —- 6x3 — 2x2 — x — 3, x3 — 3x

— 2) = x + 1, we obtained the following sequence of equalities:
‘. +(—3x2—12x—9)

—30x—30= —3(x3—3x—2)—(x—4)(—3x2— 12x—9)


(Notice how we again avoided the use of fractions until the last step.)
Corresponding to the notion of a prime integer we have the notion of a
prime or irreducible polynomial.

Definition 7. f(x) 6 F[x] is said to be aprime or irreduciblepolynomial

over F if and only if the only divisor: offlat) are it: asso-
ciate: and the unit: of F.

Example 3. All of the elements of F (except 0) are irreducible polynomials

(of degree 0); 2x - 2 is irreducible over R*; it has the divisors ax — a
(a a6 0 eR*) and a 5% 0 ER“ but these are either associates of 2x — 2 or
units of R“; x2 — 2 is irreducible over R but reducible [=(x + W)
(x — flu in R‘; x2 + 1 is irreducible over R” but reducible over C [=
(x + i)(x — i)] and over J; [=(x + 1)(x + 1)].
Once again we ask the student to prove some theorems on divisibility of
polynomials utilizing, if necessary, the procedures used in the corresponding
theorems for integers (Section 5.7).
Theorem 6. Ifp(x) is an irreducible polynomial over F and ifp(x) | f(x)g(x)
f("1'0“): £0”) E F[x], then 1’05) | f(x) 0! P06) | £06)-
Corollary. If p(x) is an irreducible polynomial over F and if p(x) I f1(x)
f2(x) . . . fn(x) for f1(x),f2(x), . . . ,fn(x) eF[x], then p(x) | f,(x) for some
1': 1,2, ,n.
Theorem 7. If (f(x), g(x)) = e, the unity element of F, and if f(x) | g(x)
h(x) forf(x),g(x), h(x) e FM, thenf(x) I hm-
We now are in a position to prove the unique factorization theorem for
Theorem 8. Suppose f(x) eF[x] is of degree > 0. Then f(x) can be
expressed uniquely, except for order of factors, as an element of F times a
product of monic irreducible polynomials in F[x].
Proof; If f(x) is irreducible, the result is trivial. In particular, if deg f(x)
= 1, f(x) is irreducible. Suppose now that f(x) is reducible and deg f(x)
= n > 1. Then f(x) = g(x)h(x) where g(x) and h(x) are polynomials of
degree less than degf(x). We make the induction hypothesis that the de-
composition is possible for polynomials of degree less than n. Then

80‘) = €P1(x)P2(x) ---Pr(x) and M") = €'P'1(1)P'2(x) ---P’s(x)

174 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
where c and c’ are in F and the pi(x) and p’,(x) are monic irreducible poly-
nomials of F[x]. Then

f(x) = g(x)h(x) = MAM ---Pr(x)P'1(x) ---P's(x)

and our induction is completed as to the existence of such a decomposition.
Now suppose that we have two such decompositions. Obviously this is
impossible if deg f(x) = 1 so we assume that degf(x) = n > 1 and that

f(x) = €P1(x)P2(x) ---Pn(x) = 419100729) 9149‘)

where c, d e F and the p,(x) and q,(x) are monic irreducible polynomials of
F[x]. Clearly, a = d and also, by the corollary to Theorem 6, p1(x)|q,(x) for
some i = 1, 2, . . . , m. Therefore, since p1(x) and q,(x) are monic and irre-
ducible, p1(x) = q,(x). Dividing by p1(x) and c we obtain

f1(x) = P20”) - - ' Pn(x) = 910‘) - - - q,_1(x)q,+1(x) - - - qm(x)

We now make the induction hypothesis that the decomposition is unique
for polynomials of degree less than 11. Since f1(x) is such a polynomial, its
decomposition is unique and hence the decomposition off(x) is unique.

Exercises 12.3

1. Find (f(x), g(x)) over the indicated field, F, of coefficients and express it in
the form m(x)g(x) + n(x)f(x) for m(x), n(x) e F[x]:
(a) f(x) =x5 —x‘ —6Jt:a ~-2x2 +Sx +3,g(:c)=.1c3 —3x—2;F=R
(b)f(x)=x‘—5x° +6x‘ +4x—8,g(x) =x“—x'—4x +4;F=R
(c) f(x) =x‘ —4ix +3,g(x) =3:3 -i;F = C
2. In R[x] find (f(x), g(x)) when
(a)f(x) =x‘ --x3 —3x2+x +2,g(x) =x3 —x' —5x +2
(b)f(x) =x‘+x3+2x’+x +1,g(x) =x" —1
3. In 1219:] find (f(x), g(x)) when
(a) f(x) = x5 + 2x3 + x’ + 2x, g(x) = x‘ + ac“ + x2
(b) f(x) = x3 + 2x2 + 2x +1,g(x) = x2 + 2
4. In R[x] determine 0 so that (f(x), g(x)) is linear and then find (f(x), g(x)) if
(a)f(x) =x“ +cx’ - x +2c,g(x) =x’ +cx —-2
(b)f(x) =ac2 +(c —6)x +21: —1,g(x) =x’ +(c +2)x +2:
. Prove Theorem 5.

. Prove Theorem 6.
. Prove the corollary to Theorem 6.
. Prove Theorem 7.

4. Zeros of a Polynomial

Definition 8. If f(x) eF[x], a 6F, and f(a) = 0 we say that a is a

zero off(x).
The determination of the zeros of a polynomial is, in general, a complicated
task. Certain results are known for polynomials of any degree over an arbi-
trary field; other results are known for polynomials of certain degrees (in
particular, degrees 1, 2, 3, and 4) over arbitrary fields; and still other results
are dependent upon the particular field under consideration (especially for
R, R“, and C).
The student is, of course, familiar with the results concerning polynomials
of degree 1 and 2 (linear and quadratic). Here we will first consider two results
about polynomials that are independent of the field and then discuss some
results for the cases when F = C, R“, R, and In respectively.

Theorem 9. If f(x) eF[x] and degf(x) = n > 1, then f(x) has at most 11
zeros in F.
Proof. If n = 1, f(x) = a0 + alas (a1 yé 0) and f(x) has the one zero,
-a0/a]. Thus the theorem is true for n = 1. Now suppose degf(x) > 1.
If f(x) has a zero, r1, the factor theorem gives us f(x) = (x — r1)q(x) where
q(x) is of degree n — 1. Clearly, every zero of q(x) is a zero of f(x). On the
other hand,f(x) has no other zeros than r1 and the zeros of q(x). For iff(a) = 0,
then (a — rl)ql(a) = 0. Hence a = r1 or q1(a) = 0 since a field has no
divisors of zero.
If we now make the induction hypothesis that the theorem is true for poly-
nomials of degree less than n, we see that q(x) has at most 71 — 1 zeros in F
so that, by the above argument, flat) has at most 1 + (n — 1) = n zeros in F.
The proof of the following theorem closely parallels the proof of Theorem 8
and is left as an exercise for the student.

Theorem 10. If f(x) = a0 + tax + . . . + aux” e F[x] has the n distinct

zeros 11, r2, . . . , 1,, e F, then f(x) can be written uniquely, except for order,
as the product of an and 71 linear monic polynomials. Specifically, f(x)
= a,,(x — rl)(x — r2) . . . (x — r").
Note. Iff(x) = (x — r)“ q(x) where q(r) aé 0 we say that f(x) has a zero, r,
of multiplicity m. If we list each zero of a polynomial as many times as its
multiplicity we may modify Theorem 10 to eliminate the word “distinct.”
Thus if f(x) has the zero 2 of multiplicity 3, the zero —1 of multiplicity 2,
the zero 4 of multiplicity 1, and no other zeros, we know thatf(x) = o(x — 2)a
(x + 1)2(x - 4).
In the case when F = C we recall that we have already remarked (Theorem
10.3) that the complex numbers form an algebraically closed field. That is,
iff(x) e C[x], f(x) has a zero in C.

Theorem 11. If f(x) = a0 + alx + . . . + aux” e C[x], then f(x) = a,|

(x —- r1)(x—r2) (x — in) where r, eCfor i = 1,2, ,n.
176 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Proof. If n = 1, the theorem is certainly true. If n > 1, we know by
Theorem 10.3 that f(x) has a zero r1 EC. By the factor theorem, f(x)
= (x — r1)q(x). Now we proceed as in the proof of Theorem 9.
We now rephrase Theorem 7.15.

Theorem 12. If f(x) 6 R*[x] has the zero a + bi (a, b eR*, b 9!: 0), then
it also has the conjugate zero a — bi.

Theorem 13. If f(x) ER*[x], then f(x) can be written as a product of a

real number times a product of monic irreducible quadratic factors and
monic linear factors in R*[x].

Proof: We may consider f(x) as a polynomial of C[x] since C D R“. In

C[x], then,f(x) factors into linear factors (Theorem 11). Now we use Theorem
12 to observe that every linear factor x — (a + bi) corresponding to a zero
of the form a + bi (a, b eR*, b # 0) can be paired with a linear factor
x — (a —— bi). Our proof is then completed by observing that [x — (a + bi)]
[x — (a — bi)] = (x -- a)2 + b2 is quadratic and clearly irreducible over R*.
Our next two results concern factorization of polynomials in R[x].

Theorem 14. Let c/d where (c, d) = 1 be a rational zero off(x) = a0 + (11::
+ . . . + aux" e I[x]. Then clao and dlan.

Proofi Since a0 + a1(c/d) + . . . + an_1(r:/d)”‘1 + 11,,(c/d)" = 0 we have

aod" + alcd’"1 + . . . + an_1c"‘1d + out" = 0

Hence (1(aod’"1 + alcd'"2 + + an_ 12’" 1) + a”c"= 0 and dlanc". But

(0",41) = 1 (problem 5, Exercises 5.7) and hence dlan. Similarly, aod"
+ c(a1d"‘1 + . . . + anon—1) = 0 so that claod”. Again (c, d") = l and
hence clao.
The proof of the following corollary is left as an exercise for the student.

Corollary. If f(x) = a0 + alx + . . . + an_1x"'1 + x” eI[x] has a root

r e R, then r e I and rlao.
Note that this corollary gives us a simple way of proving the irrationality of
certain real numbers. Thus, for example, V3 and Ware irrational because
they are zeros of the polynomials x2 — 3 and x3 — 5 respectively and, by
the use of the corollary, it is easily checked that these polynomials have no
rational roots.

Example. Find the decomposition of the polynomial f(x) = 9x‘ + 12::3

+ 101:2 + x — 2 over R and over C.
The possible rational roots are, by Theorem 14-, i1, 12, 11/3, i1/9,
i2/3, and 12/9. Using synthetic division we find that none of i 1, :2
are zeros but that 1/3 is a zero:
9 12 10 1 —-2 11/3

3 5 5 2

9 15 15 6 0

Hencef(x) = (x — 1/3)(9x3 + 15x3 + 15:: + 6) = 3(x — 1/3)(3.1I:3 + 5x2

+ 5x + 2). Now the possibilities for the zeros of g(x) = 3x3 + 5x2 + 5x + 2
are i1/3, i 1/9, 12/3, and i2/9. Using synthetic division again we find
that 1- 1/3, i 1/9, and 2/3 are not zeros of g(x) but that —2/3 is a zero:

3 5 5 2 - 2/3

Thus f(x) = 3(x — mm + 2mm? + 3x + 3) = 9(x — mm + 2/W‘

+ x + 1). It is easy to see that x2 + x + 1 is irreducible in R (and, in fact,
in R*) so that we have achieved a decomposition into irreducible factors in R.
The decomposition in C, then, is

f(x) = 9(x — 1/3)(x — 2/3)(x _ ’1_J;V_§‘) (x +
We turn now to a brief consideration of the problem of finding zeros of
polynomials over finite fields, 1,. Here, in contrast to the situation for in-
finite fields, we may actually examine all of the possibilities for zeros. For
example, in J2 the only possible zeros for any polynomial are 0 and 1. In
particular then, x2 + x + 1 is irreducible in 12 since 02 + 0 + 1 aé 0 and
12 + l + 1 = 1 96 0.
We may exploit this situation in seeking zeros or factors of polynomials
in I[x] or f] since the equality of two integers in I, a = b, certainly implies
their equality in 1,, a a b (mod p) (although, of course, not conversely).
Thus, forexample,2 + 3 =5,2 x 3 = 6andac2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)
are identities modulo 7;: for any positive integer m.
For example, suppose we wish to know whether or not 27x2 + 159x — 21557
is irreducible over R. In 12 this polynomial is equal to x2 + x + 1 since
27 E l, 159 E 1, —21557 E 1 (mod 2). But we have already observed
that x2 + x + 1 has no zeros in 12. Hence at2 + x + 1 is irreducible over
12 and thus also irreducible over R.
178 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
As a more complicated example let us ask whether or not 27x5 + 40x3
— 16x3 — 19::2 + 100:: + 45 can be factored over R. In J2 this poly-
nomial is equal to x5 + x2 + 1. Now obviously, if x5 + ac2 + 1 factors, one
of the factors must be linear or quadratic since a cubic factor will produce
another factor that is quadratic, and a quartic factor will produce another
factor that is linear. As before we observe that the only possible linear
factorsinJ2 arexandx +1. Butx5 + x3 +1 = .7c(:c4 + x)+1=(x +1)
(36‘ + x3 + x3) + l in 12 so that x5 + x2 + 1 is not divisible by x or x + 1 in
13. Furthermore, the only possible quadratic factors in 12 are x2, x2 + x
= x(x+ I), .9:2 +120: +1)(x +1), and x2 + a: +1. We do not need
to consider the first three possibilities, however, since, for example, if
x5 + x2 + l is divisible by x‘2 in 12 it is certainly divisible by x in J:—
contrary to what we have just shown. Finally, since :55 + x2 + l = (ac2
+ x + 1)(ac3 + x2) + 1 in 12, it follows that x5 + .:c2 + 1 is not divisible
by x2 + x + l in 12. (In fact, if we observe that x5 + x2 + 1 = x2(x + 1)
(x2 + x + 1) + 1 in 12 we may eliminate all possible factors immediately.)
Thus 3:5 + x2 + 1 cannot be tactored over 12 and hence 27x5 + 40.7:4
— 16xa — 19.1:2 + 100:: + 45 cannot be factored over R.
While irreducibility over J, implies irreducibility over the rational numbers
the converse is not true. Thus 3:” + 1 is irreducible over the rational numbers
but reducible over Ja since x2 + 1 = (x + 1)(x + 1) in 12. Similarly,
f(x) = 25964 + 153::3 + 21.7:2 — 65 is equal to a." + x3 + x2 + 1 = (x + 1)
(x3 + x + l) in 12. Hencef(x) is reducible over 12 but we still do not know
if it is reducible or irreducible over R. However, we may conclude that if
f(x) is reducible over R, f(x) has a linear factor. For if f(x) = g(x)h(x) over
R wheref(x) and g(x) are both quadratic, f(x) will also factor into two quad-
ratic factors over 1,. But since f(x) = (x + 1)(:c3 + x + l) in 12, f(x) can
factor into quadratic factors in J2 if and only if x3 + x + 1 is reducible in
12. Butx3+x+l=x(:¢2+l)+1=x(x+1)(x+1)+linsothat
x3 + x + 1 is irreducible in 12 since it has a remainder of 1 when divided by
x or x + l (the only two linear polynomials in 12). Having established that,
iff(x) has a factor, it must have a linear factor, we go to 13 and observe that,
in J3, the only possible linear factors are x, x + 1, and x + 2 (= x — 1).
Butf(x)=x4—2=x4+ l inla andhencef(x)=x-x3+1=(x+1)
(xs—x2+x—1)+2=(x—-1)(x3+x3+x+l)+2in13. Thusf(x)
is not divisible by x, x + 1, or x —- 1 and is irreducible over 13. Hence f(x)
is irreducible over R.
The last example serves to bring out another point. Our analysis in 12
showed that iff(x) had any factors at all it had to have a linear factor. Hence
even if our results in 13 had not been conclusive we would still have known
that if we tried all possible linear factors of f(x) over R, (namely, 25:: i 1,
25x 1 13, 51: i 1, 5x 1 13, x i 65, x i 5, x i 13) and none of them were
actually factors, there would be no point in looking for a factorization of
flat) into irreducible quadratic factors over R. On the other hand, a test
over [2 easily shows that g(x) = x‘ + 2x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 1 has no linear
factors over J2 and hence none over R. Thus our search for factors of g(x)
over the rational numbers may be confined to a search for quadratic factors
and we note that, actually, g(x) = (ac2 + x + I)”.

Exercises 12.4

l. Find all of the rational zeros of the following polynomials:

(a)x‘—x3—7x‘+x+6 (b)x3—2x’+x—2
(c) 2x“ + x“ — 4x + 6 (d) 23:3 — 5:):a — 10:: + 25
(e) 2x3—x’—6x—10 (f) 6xa—5xa—4x—3
2 Express the polynomials in problems 1(a), (b), (d), and (f) as the product
of irreducible factors in Rh]; in R‘[x]; and in C[x].
3. Express at“ — 1 as the product of irreducible factors in R‘[x] and in
In Ja[x], express the following polynomials as the product of irreducible
(a)x’—x+1 (b)2x"—2x’+1
(c)x‘+x’+x+1 (d)x5+1
In J.[x], express the following polynomials as the product of irreducible
(a)x’—x+3 (b)x’+3x’+x—4
(c) 2.1:3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1 (d) x‘+ 1
Prove that if a, b, and c are all odd integers, then ax“ + bx + c = 0 has
no rational roots.
Find the g.c.d. of 2x‘ + 9.x2 +17x — 21 and x3 + 234:” +43: + 21.
Hence find the irreducible factors of the first polynomial in R*[x] and
in C[x].
In C[x] find the zeros of the following polynomials and express them in
the form a + bi where a and b are real numbers.
(a)x’+ix+l (b)x‘+\/§x+2i+2
Prove Theorem 10.
. Complete the proof of Theorem 11.
Prove the corollary to Theorem 14.
*12. Prove that in any ring R the following properties are equivalent:
(a) R is a commutative ring and contains no proper divisors of zero;
(b) Every polynomial of degree n with coefficients in R has at most It
zeros in R;
(c) Every linear polynomial with coefficients in R has at most one zero
in R;
(d) If a, b, c e R and b qé 0, then ba = cb implies a = c.
180 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
5. The Cubic and Quartic Equations

The solution of the general quadratic equation axz + bx + c = 0 (a, b,

c e C, a 96 0) was known to the Hindus and the Arabs as early as AD. 600
(except that they did not recognize the existence of complex numbers).
The analogous solutions of the general cubic and quartic equations were
developed by the Renaissance Italian mathematicians Tartaglia (1535) and
Ferrari (1545) respectively.
To solve the general cubic equation

(1) 4x3+bx2+cx+d=0(a,b,c,deC,aaé0)

we begin by dividing through by a and then replacing x by y — b/3a. We

leave it to the student to show that we then obtain

(2) y3 + py + q = 0 (p = c/a — b2/3a2, q = d/a — lit/3a2 + 2b3/27a3)

Then (2) is an equation whose roots differ from those of (1) by 12/31:.
Now we make the substitution y = z — p/Sz which, as the student should
show, gives us

(3) 3'3 — Iii/273a + q = o

Multiplying through by 33 we obtain

(4) a“ + qz" -- 19/27 = 0

which is a quadratic in 33 whose solutions are given by

(5) 33 = -q/2 i- V92/4 + P3/27

Now we know (Theorem 10.5) that every complex number has three cube
roots. Hence, taking —q/2 + W and — q/2 —\/W7 in
turn, we obtain six values of a. We also know, however, that (2) has at most
three different solutions (Theorem 9) so that when we obtain y from z — p/3z
we get at most three different pairs of solutions for y, paired solutions being

Example 1. Solve the cubic equation x3 + 6x + 2 = 0.

Solution. The equation is already in the reduced form (2) with p = 6

and g = 2. Hence we obtain for equation (4), 33 + 2:3 — 8 = 0 which
gives us 23 = —4- or 23 = 2. We now apply De Moivre’s theorem and
observe that if w = —§ + (VT/2):; the roots of as + 2x3 — 8 = 0 are

xl=<’/—4» 32:9—4m) za=’e/—4w2, 34=VZ 35=Wah and

3’5 = 16/20“. Using .1: = z — 2/3 we obtain

8 —8
x1 = 2.1 — 2/21 = {/3 — 2/‘a/T4 = {/4 + = {/4 + {/2
x2 = 32 — 2/33 = We) — 2/{/—-—_4w
= —4w + = flu) + {/27422
(since we = 1) and

x3 = 33 — 2/33 = V—4w2 — 2/1? —4w2

= {/3102 + = {/—4v.u2 + {/2713
— 4w2

We leave it to the student to show that the other solutions for 2 yield no
new values for x.
For the quartic equation
(6) ux4+bx3+cx2+dx+e=0(a,b,c,d,eeC,a;é0)
we again divide through by a and obtain
(7) x4+px3+qx2+rx+s=0.
Our procedure now is to seek to determine numbers at, [3, and 7 such that

(8) x‘+px3+qx2+rx+s+(ax+fi)2=[x2+(1>I2)x+y]*
for then, by (7), we will have

(9) («x + B? = [W2 + (P/Z) + 7]2

and can easily solve for x.
We leave it to the student to show that the conditions for (8) to hold are

(10) a” + q = 2y + pal-t.
(11) Zufi + r = yp,

(12) [32 + s = y”.

Hence (yp — r)2 = 41%“ = 4(2y + 132/4 — q)(~y2 — s) or

(13) 73 — (9/2)?2 + M” - 45)? + “443 — P23 — '2) = 0-

182 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
Now we find y by solving (13) (called the res-elven! cubic equation) and then
can find at and 3 by substituting in (10) and (11). (Any root of the resolvent
cubic will suffice.)
Then (9) gives us
(14-) x2+(p/2)x+y=ozx+fl
(15) x2+(p/2)x+y= —otx—f3

so that the four roots of (6) can be found by solving the quadratic equations
(14) and (15).

Example 2. Solve the equation x‘ — 2xa — 12::2 + 10:: + 3 = 0.

Solution. The equations (10), (11), (12), and (13) become, respectively,
(b) 2013 + 10 = —27,

(c) #2 + 3 = ,2,

Our resolvent cubic, (d), has (fortunately!) the rational root —-2. This
gives us, by (a) and (b), at = 3 and B = —1. Then (9) becomes (3x - 1)2
=(x2—x—2)zsothatx2—x—2=3x— lorxz—x—2= —(3x—1).
Solving these two quadratic equations we obtain as our solution set for the
given equation, {1, —3, 2 + x/g, 2 - V3}.
It is obvious that, except for very special values of the coefficients, the
solution of cubic and quartic equations by the methods just presented is
very difficult. In practice, when the roots cannot be found by simple methods
(such as rational roots by the use of Theorem 14 or by De Moivre’s theorem
in the case of equations of the form x" —— a = 0), we are interested mainly
in finding the roots approximately to a prescribed degree of accuracy. Many
such methods of approximate solution for both real and complex, nonreal,
roots can be found in texts on the theory of equations and numerical methods
of mathematics.
From both the theoretical and historical point of view, however, the
existence of a solution “by radicals” for the linear, quadratic, cubic, and
quartic equations is of considerable interest. After the solution of the quartic
was obtained it was naturally conjectured that a similar solution existed for
the quintic and, even more generally, for polynomial equations of any
degree. It was one of the great achievements of nineteenth-century mathe-
matics to discover that no such solution exists for polynomial equations with
coeflicients complex numbers and of degree _>_ 5. Many of the concepts
concerning groups and fields that we have considered here were developed
in connection with work on this problem.
It is beyond the scope of this book to give the details concerning this prob-
lem here but we would like at least to state the problem and the conclusions
precisely. First let us define what we mean by “a solution by radicals.”
Definition 9. The polynomial equation f(x) = anx" + an_1x”'1 + . . .
+a0=0 (a,eCfori=0, 1, ,n; anyéO) issaid
to be solvable by radicals in C if the roots off(x) = 0 can
be expressed in terms of the coefi‘icients of a0, a], . . . , an
using a finite number of additions, subtractions, multiplica-
tions, divisions, and extraction of roots.
We have seen that polynomial equations of degree S 4 are solvable by
radicals; the fundamental result of Galois (1811—1832) was that equations
of degree 2 5 are not solvable by radicals. It is important to note the following
(1) We know by Theorem 10.3 that a polynomial equation of any degree
with coefficients in C has a solution in C; the result of Galois simply says that
the solution cannot, in general, be obtained in a certain form if the degree of
the equation is Z 5.
(2) Many special equations of higher degree are certainly solvable by radi-
cals (e.g. x5 — 1 = 0); what the result of Galois asserts is that there exists
no solution in terms of radicals for the general polynomial equation of degree
2 5.
(3) There are standard methods for finding approximate solutions to any
polynomial equation; the result of Galois has reference to exact solutions of
a certain form.
(4) We are restricting ourselves to a finite number of arithmetic operations.
Thus, for example, the use of infinite series is not allowed.

Exercises 12.5
1. Solve the following cubic equatiOns by the method outlined in this section.
(a)x3—18x+35=0 (b)x°+6x+2=0
(c) x’ + 6.1::8 + 3x + 18 = 0 (d) 283:” + 9x8 — 1 = 0. (Hint: First
let x = 1/y.)
2. Solve the following quartic equations by the method outlined in this section.
(a) x‘ +2x3—12x’ —10x +3 =0 (b) x4—8x3 +9:x:a +8x-10=0
(c)x‘—3x’+6x—2=0 (d)x‘—10x’—20x—16=0
3. Verify the results given in equations (2) and (3).
4. Verify that (10), (11), and (12) are the conditions for (8) to hold and that
(13) follows from (10), (11), and (12).
184 Introduction to Abxtmct Algebra

1. Investigate the theory of polynomials over an integral domain; over a

commutative ring; over a ring. [M2], [V1]
2. Define the derivative of a polynomial in a purely algebraic fashion and
derive from this definition the rules for differentiating f(x) + g(x), f(x)g(x),
and [f(:)c)]'I (f(x) and g(x) polynomials, 11 EN). Investigate the relation of
f’(x) to flat) when multiple zeros off(x) exist. [W1], [V1]
3. It is well known that if the roots of the quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c = 0
are r. and r2, then n + 12 = —b/a and 1172 = z/a. Generalize these results
to polynomial equations of arbitrary degree. [W1]
4. Generalize the notion of the discriminant of a quadratic equation to cubic
and quartic equations. [D2]


[B4]. [C1]. [DZ], [H4], [M2]. [N1], [V1], [W2]-

A1 Albert, A. A. Structure of Algebras. Providence, R. I. American Mathematical
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A2 Albert, A. A. (editor). Studies in Modern Algebra (Vol. 2 of Studies in Mathematics).
Buffalo, N.Y.: The Mathematical Association of America, 1963.
A3 Albert, R. G. “A Paradox Relating to Mathematical Induction.” American
Mathematical Monthly, 57 (1950): 31—32.

B1 Barnett, R. A. and Fujii, J. N. Vectors. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1963.
132 Beaumont, R. A. “Equivalent Properties of a Ring." American Mathematical
Monthly, 57 (1950): 183.
B3 Beaumont, R. A. and Pierce, R. S. The Algebraic Foundations of Mathematics.
Reading, Mass.: Addison—Wesley Publishing Co., 1963.
B4 Birkhoff, G. and MacLane, S. A Survey of Modern Algebra (revised edition).
New York: The Macmillan Co., 1953.
BS Brand, L. “The Roots of a Quaternion." American Mathematical Monthly.
49 (1942): 519—520.

Cl Campbell, I. G. "Another Solution of the Cubic Equation.” Mathematics

Magazine, 35 (1962): 43.
C2 Carmichael, R. D. Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order. New
York: Dover Publishing Co., 1956.
C3 Curtis, C. W. and Reiner, 1. Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associ-
ative Algebras. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1962.

D1 Dean, R. A. “Group Theory for School Mathematics.” The Mathematics

Teacher. LV (1962): 98—105.
D2 Dickson, L. E. First Course in the Theory of Equations. New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1922.
D3 Dubisch, R. “The Wedderburn Structure Theorems." American Mathematical
Monthly, 54 (1947): 253—259.
D4 Dubisch, R. “Representation of the Integers by Positive Integers.” American
Mathematical Monthly, 58 (1951): 615—616.
D5 Dubisch, R. The Nature of Number. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1952.
D6 Dubisch, R. Trigonometry. New York: The Ronald Press Co., 1955.
D7 Dubisch, R. "A Chain of Cyclic Groups." American Mathematical Monthly,
66 (1959): 384—386.

E1 Ellis, W. “A Nonmodular Field: Constructive Approach.” The Mathematics

Teacher. LV (1962): 544—548.
E2 Eves, H. and Newsom, C. V. An Introduction to the Foundations and Funda-
mental Concepts of Mathematics. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Co.,

F1 Fletcher, T. J. “Campanological Groups.” American Mathematical Monthly.

63 (1956): 619—626.
186 Introduction to Abstract Algebra
GI Golomb, S. W. “Distinct Elements in Non-Commutative Groups and Loops."
American Mathematical Monthly, 70 (1963): 541—544.
62 Guy, W. T., Jr. “On Equivalence Relations." American Mathematical Monthly,
62 (1955): 179—180.

H1 Halmos, P. R. Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces (2nd edition). Princeton, N.J.:

D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1958.
H2 Halmos, P. R. Naive Set Theory. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc.,
H3 Hamilton, N. and Landin, J. Set Theory, The Structure of Arithmetic. Boston:
Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1961.
H4 Hellman, M. J. “A Unifying Technique for the Solution of the Quadratic,
Cubic, and Quartic." American Mathematical Monthly, 65 (1958): 274—276.
H5 Hensel, K. Zahlentheorie. Berlin: Goschen, 1913.
H6 Herstein, J. N. Topics in Algebra. New York: Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1964.

11 Jacobson, N. The Theory of Ringr. Providence, R. 1.: American Mathemati-

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12 Johnson, H. H. “On the Anticentet of a Group.” American Mathematical
Monthly, 68 (1961): 469—472.
13 Jones, B. W. The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Form: (Carus Monograph
No. 10). Buffalo, N.Y.: The Mathematical Association of America, 1950.

K1 Kamke, E. Theory of Sets. New York: Dover Publishing Co., 1950.

K2 Kelley, J. F. Introduction to Modern Algebra. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand
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K3 Kershner, R. B. and Wilcox, L. R. The Anatomy of Mathematics. The Ronald
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K4 Kurosh, A. G. The Theory of Groupr, Vol. I. New York: Chelsea Publishing
Co., 1956.
L1 Landau, E. Foundation: of Analyxir. New York: Chelsea Publishing Co., 1951.
L2 Levine, N. "The Anticenter of a Group.” American Mathematical Monthly,
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L3 Luh, J. “Ideals and Adeals of a Ring.” American Mathematical Monthly, 70
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M1 Maria, M. H. The Structure of Algebra and Arithmetic. New York: John Wiley
and Sons, 1958.
M2 McCoy, N. H. Ring: and Ideal: (Cams Mathematical Monograph No. 8).
Buffalo, N.Y.: The Mathematical Association of America, 1948.
M3 McCoy, N. H. Introduction to Modern Algebra. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.,
M4 Miser, W. L. “Summing Series Whose General Terms are Polynomials.”
Mathematics Magazine, 7 (1931—32): 17—19.
M5 Mulcrone, T. F. “Semigroup Examples in Introductory Modem Algebra."
American Mathematical Monthly, 69 (1962): 296—301.
M6 Murdoch, D. C. Linear Algebra for the Undergraduate. New York: John Wiley
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Abelian group, 71 Cancellation laws, for integers, 33

Absolute value, for complex numbers, 148 for natural numbers, 9
for real numbers, 48 for rational numbers, 62
Additive identity, for integers, 35 Cardinal number, 123
for integral domains, 37 Cartesian product of sets, 5
for rational numbers, 63 Cauchy condition, 105
for real numbers, 110 Cauchy sequences, definition of, 105
Adeal, 128 equivalence of, 108
Algebraically closed field, 147 negative, 115
Alternating, group, 82 positive, 115
polynomial, 80 trichotomy law for, 115
Amplitude of a complex number, 148 Cayley array, 75
Anticenter of a group, 142 Center of a group, 101
Associates in an integral domain, 42 Circular property of relations, 28
Associative properties, for integers, 32 Commutative group, 71
for integral domains, 37 Commutative properties, for integers, 32
for natural numbers, 7 for integral domains, 38
for rational numbers, 61 {or natural numbers, 7
for real numbers, 110 for rational numbers, 61
for sets, 3 for real numbers, 110
Automorphism, definition of, 13, 87, 90 for sets, 3
group of a field, 93 Commutative ring, 40
group of a group, 94 Commutator, 141
identity, 88, 90 Complement of a set, 4
inner, 88 Complete field, 119
of a field, 90 Complex conjugate, 145
of a group, 87 Complex numbers, absolute value of, 148
outer, 88 amplitude of, 148
as ordered pairs of real numbers, 146
Basis, of an ideal, 128 as residue classes, 145
of a vector space, 157 polar form of, 148
Binary operation, 5 Composite elements of an integral domain,
Bounded sequence, 107 43
Composition of mappings, 91 Fermat's theorem, 143
Congment, 38, 142 Ferrari, 180
Conjugate, 83 Fields, algebraically closed, 147
complex, 145 as vector spaces, 162—164
of quaternions, 153 automorphism group of, 93
subgroups, 141 automorphisms of, 90
zero, 176 completion of, 119
Coset, 137 definition of, 71
Countable set, 123 of complex numbers, 145—146
Cubic equation, 180—181 of rational numbers, 66
Cycles, disjoint, 79 of real numbers, 118
Cyclic group, definition of, 97 quotient, 101
generator of, 97 Finite, dimensional vector space, 161
Cyclic notation for permutations, 79 group, 71
induction, 10
Decimals, rational numbers as, 102 set, 1
repeating, 103 Fours group, 89
terminating, 103 Function, 156
Dedekind cuts, 123 Fundamental theorem of algebra, 147
Degree of a polynomial, 167
De Moivre's theorem, 149
Denumerable set, 123 Galois, 183
Difference ring, 130 Gaussian integer, 58
Dimension of a vector space, 161 Generate a vector space, 156
Disjoint cycles, 79 Generator of a cyclic group, 97
Distributive property, for integers, 23 Greatest common divisor, for integers, 54
for integral domains, 37 for polynomials, 171
for natural numbers, 8 Groups, Abelian, 71
for rational numbers, 61 alternating, 82
for real numbers, 110 anticenter of, 142
for sets, 3 automorphism group of, 93
Division algorithm, for integers, 53 automorphisms of, 87
for polynomials, 168 center of, 101
Division, synthetic, 169—170 commutative, 71
Divisors of zero, 38, 40 cyclic, 97
Domain of a function, 156 definition of, 70
Dot product, 164 factor, 139
finite, 71
Equation, cubic, 180—181 fours, 89
quartic, 181—182 infinite, 85
Equinumerous sets, 119 isomorphisms of, 85
Equivalence, of Cauchy sequences, 108 octic, 101, 137
relation, 27 of symmetries of a square, 73—75
Euclidean algorithm, for integers, 54 order of, 70
for polynomials, 171 order of an element of, 96
Even permutation, 81 quotient, 139
Extension of an ordering, 48 regular permutation, 100
rim of, 142
Factor, group, 139 simple, 144
theorem, 169 symmetric, 78
Homomorphic image, 132, 135 Mappings, one—to-one, 84
Homomorphism, definition of, 132, 135 onto, 84
kernel of, 133, 136 product of, 91
of a group, 135 Mathematical induction, 10, 49—50
of a ring, 132 Module, 38
onto, 132 Modulus of a complex number, 148
Monic polynomial, 171
Ideal, basis of, 128 Multiple zero, 175
definition of, 126
prime, 131
Natural numbers, as a subset of the inte.
principal, 126
gers, 34
proper, 126
associative properties of, 7
Idempotent properties, 3
cancellation laws for, 9
Identity, automorphism, 88, 90
commutative properties for, 7
mapping, 83
distributive properties for, 8
Image of a mapping, 83
Peano postulates for, 15
Index of a subgroup, 139
Norm, for quaternions, 153
Infinite, dimensional vector spaces, 161
in an integral domain, 43
group, 71
Normal subgroup, 138
set, 1
Null, sequence, 107
Inner, automorphism, 88
set, 1
product, 164
Integers, addition of, 32
additive inverse for, 35 Octic group, 101, 137
as subset of rational numbers, 65 Odd permutation, 81
definition of, 31 One-to—one mapping, 84
Gaussian, 58 Onto, homomorphism, 132
multiplication of, 32 mapping, 84
multiplicative identity for, 33 Operation, binary, 5
Integral domain, definition of, 37 Orbits, 144
ordered, 45 Order, of an element of a group, 96
Intersection of sets, 3 of a group, 70
Irrcducible, elements in an integral domain, Ordered, integral domain, 45
43 pair, 4
polynomials, 173 Ordering, extension of, 48
Isomorphism, definition of, 12 for the integers, 46
of groups, 85 for the rational numbers, 66
of vector spaces, 161 for the real numbers, 117
partial, 28
Kernel of a homomorphism, 133, 136
p—adic numbers, 123
Lagrange’s theorem, 143 Partial ordering, 28
Linear, algebra, 152 Partitioning classes, 29
space, 154 Peano postulates, 15
Linearly independent vectors, 157 Permutations, 78
cyclic notation for, 79
Mappings, composition of, 91 even, 81
definition of, 83 odd, 81
identity, 83 symbols for, 74
image of, 83 Polar form of complex numbers, 148
Polynomials, alternating, 80 Residue classes, 39, 129
definition of, 165 class ring, 129—131
degree of, 167 Rim of a group, 142
division algorithm for, 168 Ring, commutative, 40
Euclidean algorithm for, 171 definition of, 40, 125
factor theorem for, 169 difference, 130
g.c.d. of, 171 principal ideal, 144
irreducible, 173 residue class, 129—131
manic, 171 Roots, multiple, 175
prime, 173 rational, 176
relatively prime, 171
remainder theorem for, 169
Scalar, 154
unique factorization theorem for, 173
Scalar product, for polynomials, 165
value of, 166
for quaternions, 152
zero of, 174
for vectors, 154
Prime, idea], 131
Self conjugate subgroup, 139
number, 43
Sequence, bounded, 107
of an integral domain, 43
Cauchy, 105
polynomial, 173
null, 107
Primitive nth root, 151
unit, 104
Principal, ideal, 126
upper bound for, 105
ideal ring, 144
zero, 104
Principle, of mathematical induction, 10
Sets, 1-5
well-ordering, 49
Simple group, 144
Product, of mappings, 91
Solvability by radicals, 183
of polynomials, 166
Span, 156
Proper, ideal, 126
Subgroups, conjugate, 141
subgroup, 98
definition of, 98
subset, 2
index of, 139
normal, 138
Quartic equation, 181—182
product of, 141
Quaternions, algebra, 152
proper, 98
conjugate of, 153
self conjugate, 139
norm of, 153
Subring, 125
Quotient, field, 101
Subset, 2
for polynomials, 169
Subspace, 155
group, 139
Symmetric, group, 78
property of relations, 27
Rational numbers, 59—67
Synthetic division, 169—170
as decimals, 102-103
as subset of real numbers, 110—1 12
Rational roots, 176 Tartaglia, 180
Real numbers, definition of, 109 Terminating decimal, 103
Reflexive property of relations, 27 Transitive property, of ordering, 47
Regular permutation group, 100 of relations, 27
Relation, 27 Transposition, 79
Relatively prime, integers, 54 Trichotomy law, for Cauchy sequences, 115
polynomials, 171 for integral domains, 45
Remainder theorem, 169 for rational numbers, 67
Repeating deCimal, 103 for real numbers, 117
Union of sets, 3 Vector spaces, definition of, 154
Unique factorization, for integers, 57 dimension of, 161
for polynomials, 173 isomorphism of, 161
Unit, of an integral domain, 42 of n—tuples, 155
sequence, 104
vector, 158 Well-ordered set, 52
Upper bound, 105 Well-ordering principle, 49

Value of a polynomial, 166 Zero, 35

Vettors, unit, 158 of a polynomial, 179
Vector spaces, basis of, 157 sequence, 104

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