Event and Leisure Management (PDFDrive)

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Translated from Latvian

School of Business Administration Turība

Faculty of International Tourism

Accreditation materials

Professional bachelor Studies program in

Event and Leisure Management

1st volume

Riga 2005
SIA "Biznesa augstskola Turība"
Vienotais reģistrācijas Nr.40003135880,
Graudu ielā 68, Rīgā, LV - 1058, tālrunis 67622551, 67619008, fakss 67619152, e-pasts: [email protected]

7.10.2010. No.1.1.-07/2247

LR IZM Augstākās izglītības programmu akreditāciju komisijai

Riga, Valnu street 2, LV 1050

School of Business Administration Turība Ltd. present for accreditation professional bachelor
studies program in Event and Leisure Management.

Program description The Professional bachelor studies

program in Events and Leisure
Education classification code 42812
Length and scope of the Program 4 years, 160 CP
Requirements for the Program mastering Secondary education
Degree and qualification to be obtained The professional bachelor’s degree in
Business Administration and
qualification “Manager of companies and
Name of the higher school School of Business Administration
Turība Ltd.
Program implementation place The School premises at
68 Graudu street, Riga, LV-1058
Program implementation form Full-time studies

Number given to the School in the No. 3343800213

Republic of Latvia Register of
Educational Establishments
Legal address 58 Graudu street, Riga, LV-1058
Founder SIA Birznieka biznesa centrs,
LKCS Turība,
SIA Ave Astra
Sources of financing Ownership capital
Total number of students of the School 5630
Telephone No. 7607661
Fax No. 7619152
E-mail address [email protected]

Person authorized to regulate the The Dean of the Faculty of International

accreditation related matters Tourism Agita Doniņa

School of Business Administration Rector Antons Kiščenko

(Coat of arms)
Valnu street 2, Riga, LV 1050, Latvia Telephone 67226209, 67047847. Fax 67223905

No. 04036-34

5th February 2009 Riga

Issued to SIA “School of Business Administration Turiba”

Granting rights to implement

Professional higher education bachelor study programme “Event and Leisure Management” for a
professional bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and qualification of head of enterprises
and institutions.

Education programme code 42812

To be implemented in Riga, Republic of Latvia

Duration of the licence - till 5th February 2012

Chairperson of the (seal) G.Rēvalde

commission for higher (signature)
education programme



































The professional higher education bachelor study programme „Events and Leisure
management” received the licence No. 04036-34 issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of
the Republic of Latvia on 5th February 2009.

The aim of the study programme is to educate highly qualified, creative, internationally
competitive business, leisure, cultural and other event organisers, event marketers and enterprise
executives. The study programme includes elements that furthers the development of the student’s
personality, develops the skills of team work as well as their creative expression.

The actuality of the study programme can be explained by the fact that event organisation
specialists are necessary both in the public as well as private sector. Specialists after the successful
completion of the study programme shall have sufficient knowledge to establish their own small and
medium enterprises as well as successfully integrate themselves in already existing event organisation
enterprises. The state’s competitiveness in attracting events of international stature is increased by the
professionalism of event organisers, ability to cooperate and responsible attitude towards their work.

The following tasks were set in order to achieve the aims:

- provide students the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge;
- form and develop the students’ skills and abilities necessary for organising and managing
- provide students the opportunity to acquire the latest technology and innovations in the
respective field;
- provide for acquisition of students’ professional skills by way of internships in respective
enterprises in Latvia and abroad;
- promote the development of students as mentally and physically developed, free, responsible
and creative individuals;
- organise and implement an organised, mutually compatible study system;
- promote the self education of students, develop their skills and abilities to gain, analyse and
apply information;
- create the motivation in students for further education.


The study programme was developed with the aim of providing acquisition of second level
higher professional education and the profession “heads of enterprises and institutions”. Upon
successful completion of the study programme graduates would be able to continue their
education in postgraduate study programmes.

Several principles form the basis for the organisation of the study process –– succession and
coherence, comprehensiveness, balance of mandatory and optional courses, link between theory and


The content and structure of the study programme fully meet the requirements for professional
bachelor programmes set out in the Regulations on state standards for second level higher
professional education “(Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 481, 2001) and ensures the acquisition
of professional competences formulated in the profession standards “Heads of enterprises and
institutions” (approved by decree No. 283 of the LR IZM as of 16th May 2002).

The scope of the programme is 160 credit points with 35 study courses. Students gain their
professional practical skills during practice work organised at the end of 1st, 2nd and 3rd study years in
event organisation enterprises in Latvia and abroad (26 CP). Studies conclude with a state examination
(12 CP).
Programme consists of:
- Mandatory general education study courses (152 CP)
- Free optional courses (8 CP)

The content of mandatory courses of the programme ensures the acquisition of professional
competences – set of knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for carrying out professional activity:
1. basic humanitarian, social, natural science, information technology, management and
theoretical knowledge in the relevant field as well as skills of applying it;
2. ability to strategically and analytically formulate and resolve problems in the field;
3. special skills and abilities in the profession;
4. skills of gathering, selecting, processing and analysing information;
5. skills and abilities of scientific research;
6. knowledge and skills of developing, managing and implementing projects;
7. innovation, research, organisational and quality management skills;
8. understanding of professional ethics and the impact of projects implemented in the field on the
environment and society;
9. basic social skills (communication skills, individual and team work skills);
10. motivation for further education and systematic enhancement of professional qualification.
During the period of studies students compile and defend three study papers and the diploma
thesis before members of the state examination commission.

Descriptions of the study course are attached in the Appendix No.1.

Professional bachelor study programme

Events and Leisure Management

Table 1
No. Study course Total CP Assessment
1. Tourism and recreation 8 Examination
2. Economics 4 examination
3. Management 3 Examination
4. Philosophy 3 Examination
5. Professional terminology (English) 8 4 examinations
6. Information Technology 6 2 examination
7. Event planning and organisation 6 Examination
8. Active and sport tourism 6 Examination

9. History of Culture 4 examination
10. Accounting and taxes 3 examination
11. Civil defence 2 examination
12. Commerce 4 examination
13. Marketing I-IV (I Market research; II
International tourism and hospitality
8 3 examination
marketing; III Services marketing; IV
Marketing communication)
14. Project management 3 test
15. Social psychology 3 examination
16. Commercial law 3 examination
17. Ethics and business etiquette 4 examination
18. E-commerce 3 examination
19. Financial management 3 examination
20. Management of Business tourism 6 examination
21. Personnel management 2 examination
22. Innovation and leadership 2 test
23. International economics 3 examination
24. Leisure management 4 examination
25. Health tourism 2 examination
26. Management of cultural events 5 examination
27. Course papers 6 3 defences
28. Practice 26 4 defences
29. State examination 12 defence
Total 152

Optional courses
1. Fitness 4 examination
2. Professional terminology (German/French) 4 examination
3. Acting skills 4 test
4. Survival management 2 test
5. Media communication 2 test
6. Technical provision for events 2 test
Total 8



The assessment for each study course in the study programme is based on the following basic
- Systematic, consistent work of the students during the lessons as well as while performing
independent tasks during the semester;
- Summing up of achievements of the student;
- Compulsory examinations;
- Transparency and clarity of assessment and assurance of feedback;
- Variety of forms of assessment;
- Creativity of educators and academic freedom;
- Accessibility of examination requirements and the results.
The knowledge and skills of the student are evaluated on a 10 point scale during regular tests,
assessment at the conclusion of a study course (examination or test), defence of practice reports and
study papers in the presence of a committee as well as defence of diploma thesis in the presence of a
committee that consists of practitioners from the tourism and hospitality industry and Turiba educators.
The aim of the assessment is determine the conformity of the knowledge and skills gained to the levels
defined in the profession standards, as well as to evaluate the competences and attitudes foreseen in the
study course programme. Examinations are held in written form. A student successfully completes the
examination if he/she has acquired at least 4 (almost average) points.
The terms and requirements for regular tests, assessment at the conclusion of study courses,
practice programmes and requirements for defence of practice reports are published on the Turiba
intranet (information system) BATIS to ensure that students are duly informed. The students are also
informed about the terms and requirements for regular tests, assessment at the conclusion of study
courses during the first lesson. The number of regular tests and their extent are determined in
accordance to the number of credit points for each study course. In some study courses group work is
foreseen and the educator shall include the student’s individual assessment as well as the assessment of
group members in the final assessment.
The analysis of students’ progress is carried out at least once an academic year during the
preparation of the self-evaluation report. If a large number of students are not eligible to undergo the
final assessment or a large number have failed the final assessment in a particular study course the
analysis of students’ progress is carried out more frequently – after each examination session. The
analysis is carried out by the director of the programme with the respective departments and the


The results of students’ progress after the first academic year are shown in the Table 2. (Number of
students – 14)

Table 2
Study Course Marks -
10 9 8 7 6 5 4
No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No %
Economic 2 14.3 3 21.4 3 21.4 1 7.1 2 14.3 2 14.3 1 7.1

Philosophy 1 7.1 4 28.6 6 42.8 1 7.1 2 14.4
Information 1 7.1 2 14.3 5 35.8 2 14.3 1 7.1 1 7.1 2 14.3
Professional 1 7.1 3 21.5 5 35.7 1 7.1 1 7.1 3 21.5
Tourism and 6 42.8 6 42.8 1 7.2 1 7.2
Management 5 35.8 6 42.8 1 7.1 2 14.3
Tourism 1 7 6 43 4 28.6 3 21.4
Events 6 43 3 21.4 2 14.2 3 21.4
Professional 1 7.1 1 7.1 1 7.1 5 35.7 3 21.5 3 21.5
Terminology 2
Course Paper 1 7 8 53 5 35.8 1 7.1 2 14.3
Practice 1 1 7 1 7 1 7 8 53 1 7 2 14.3
Fitness 1 7.1 6 42.8 5 35.8 2 14.3


Turiba has defined a quality policy and processes controlling the development, evaluation and
implementation of study processes as well as support processes to ensure internal quality management.
These are set out in process descriptions, instructions, rules, regulations and schemes and are included
in a quality handbook that is accessible in paper as well as electronic form to all staff and in a shorter
version also to students.
Turiba has defined the following priorities in its activities to maintain and develop its competitiveness:
1. Regular determination of customer (both internal and external) satisfaction (students, course
attendees, alumni, employees, employers).
2. Offering high quality service.
3. Continuous development of processes to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility of processes
resulting in full satisfaction of customer needs.
4. Excellent performance.
5. Professional and personal development.

To ensure the competitiveness of the study programme, conformity to the demands of the
market, employers and students the sittings of the council of the faculty are held no less than twice a
year whose councillors: representatives of employers, tourism industry, academic personnel,
administrative personnel and students comprehensively and in depth evaluate the study programme –
content, implemented pedagogical methodology, conformity of academic personnel, student and
employer satisfaction, research work etc. The trends in the industry as well as other factors influencing
the study programme are also considered and analysed. The self analysis, evaluation and development
are summarised in a self evaluation report and approved by the Senate.

The faculty plan is formed based on the aims defined for Turiba and includes tasks, responsible
persons, deadlines and performance evaluation criteria. The tasks based on the plan are delegated to
particular individuals and set out in the annual individual plans. Performance assessment is carried out
by the immediate superiors each semester and if necessary changes are made by mutual agreement.
Qualitative indicators of the programme performance (number of students enrolled, current students,
alumni, students/employers/alumni/employee satisfaction, level of pedagogical achievement,
professional career parameters of alumni) are measured using different tools incl. an internal audit
system, survey of different target audiences etc. These surveys are carried out on a regular basis:
• Evaluation of study course content and its implementation provided by students (at the
conclusion of each study course);
• General comprehensive student survey on the study programme content, its implementation
planning, academic achievement, evaluation of achievements, infrastructure, service operations
etc. (once a year);
• Employees’ survey (once a year);
• Alumni survey (once a year);
• Employers’ survey at least once a year;
• Public survey (at least once in 2 years)
The results gained, its dynamics are reviewed and carefully analysed at department meetings,
faculty council sittings, management meetings and in special working committee meetings where
decisions are taken on measures to be implemented to ensure the increase and maintenance of general
quality of the service and satisfaction of customers.

Visitation of lectures is carried out to evaluate and enhance the quality of organisation of
education process and pedagogical achievement as well as to exchange experience.
During visitations, lectures are assessed according to following criteria:
conformity to the education course programme,
variety of methods applied by the educator,
variety of teaching aids used,
organisation of the lesson,
contact with the audience,

The observations are analysed and assessed. Other colleagues are acquainted with valuable and
progressive experience. The assessment of lessons shall serve as an additional ground for making
changes in the educator’s employment contract, work load or plan, further qualification etc.
The process of visitations and evaluation of the results are regulated by the procedure of visitation of


Qualitative and competitive education is one of the basic preconditions for Latvian economic
development. The economy is created not only by the industry, trade, transport but also by provision of
services. The study programme being accredited foresees the education of specialists for organisation
of business, leisure as well as cultural events. Organisation and management of various kinds of events
is one of the rapidly developing service sectors.

The study programme is implemented in accordance to all existing Republic of Latvia

normative enactments that regulate the study process.

The study programme being accredited has been designed so that it conforms to European
higher education space (Bologna process) qualification framework as well as European Union Lifelong
education qualification framework. The study programme is based on the formation of students’
knowledge and understanding so that students as a result are able to demonstrate specialised knowledge
and critical understanding of this knowledge as well as demonstrate an insight of the important
concepts and correlations in the events organisation field. Emphasis is placed on the students’ ability to
apply the knowledge gained i.e. practically carry out professional, creative, innovative or research
activity. The study courses included in the programme foresee that students are involved in the
independent gathering and analysis of information, trained in the skills of formulating and analytically
describing the gathered information, problems and solutions in the respective subjects. Discussions and
justification of one’s opinions among themselves and with specialists and professionals as well as with
customers motivate the students in mastering the programme content.

Studying in the programme being accredited students develop skills of assuming responsibility
and initiative necessary for carrying out duties individually or in a team – managers in particular should
be able to delegate and lead activities of others. Decision making ability, conflict resolution ability in
situations or changing situations are especially important in the events industry where there are various
changing circumstances and aspects. Upon completion of the study programme students would be able
to find solutions to problems by demonstrating scientific approach using the knowledge gained and
consolidated in practice during studies.

Great emphasis is placed on the provision of teaching and methodological materials for
successful provision of the study process. At present the most part of study courses have sufficient
teaching and methodological materials. It is planned to increase and enhance it in the future.

The study courses are implemented in the form of contact lessons and independent study work
in accordance to the credit points. The form of independent studies and methods are determined by the
educator and are set out in the study course descriptions according to the number of independent study
hours. In depth information on independent studies are set out in the description of independent studies.
Study of teaching and scientific literature, market research, shadow tasking enterprises, interviews and
surveys, preparation of reports and presentations etc. are the most frequently used independent study

Approximately 30% of the studies during the study process are assigned to practical lessons in
all study courses and practice work.

The assessment criteria for students’ work are in conformity with all state education standards:
- positive achievements are summed up;
- assessment at the end of each course is mandatory;
- accessibility and clarity of examination requirements – examination requirements are available
to all those interested on the Turiba homepage and are duly announced at the beginning of study
- variety of types of examination – tests, study papers, independent study work, presentations
during seminars, tests and examinations (written, practical exercises), defence of practice
reports, state examination etc..

The content and scope of examinations are in conformity to contents taught in the study
programmes and skills and knowledge defined in the professional qualification standards. All the
prerequisites for acquisition of credit points are described in the respectic study course programmes
(refer Appendix No. 1 – study course programmes, Appendix No. 6 – Examination regulations and
Appendix No. 7- Regulations on Practice).

During the implementation of the study programme emphasis is placed on the development of
students’ practical skills, as well as on team work trainings. For e.g. during the study course “Event
planning and Organisation” students have to carry out practical organisation of several events. During
the first year students independently organise and manage a cultural event – Easter event for children
“Lieldienu Zaķu Muiža” [Easter Bunny’s Mansion]. Students also found sponsors for the event and
carried out a post event analysis. Visitors highly appreciated the event – it had a high attendance, was
rich in content and interesting. During the first year students also participated in the exhibition in the
events industry “Fiesta Expo”. Planning and implementing the exhibition “Fiesta Expo” project,
students had the opportunity to get acquainted with professionals in the industry and participate in the
satellite conference Fiesta-Profi. Students participated in conducting the visitors’ survey during the
2010 exhibition – research “Event visitors’ behaviour in Riga”. During the study course „Fitness”
students practically learn different sport games, create interactive activities and skills of involving the
audience– planning sport events.

The students’ skills of applying the theoretical knowledge gained, understanding of

interrelationship in the business environment are assessed during event organisation and are expressed
in the attitude of those involved towards the tasks and their creative approach.

Parallel to the acquisition of the course students are invited to attend various cultural events and
then analyse and evaluate their observations. Study tours are organised for students where students are
acquainted with event venues, professionals in the industry and with the latest culture tourism products.
Students have the opportunity to participate in the organisation of various events organised by
cooperation partners during studies as well as discuss matters with industry professionals.

The study practice is organised in cooperation with Latvian Events Centre Association, whose
members include 16 Latvian event centres – Dzintars concert hall, Kipsala exhibition hall, Olympic
Centre „Ventspils”, Daugavpils Culture and Sports Palace, Spikeru Concert hall, Riga Latvian
biedrības nams, Liepājas Latviešu biedrības nams, Sigulda concert hall „Baltais flīģelis”, Dream
Factory, Madona city cultural Centre, Mežaparka stage, concert hall „Lielā Ģilde”, Cēsu Kultūras
nams, Liepājas Olympic Centre. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with Riga Council SIA
„Rīgas Nami”, that manages cinema theatres „Rīga”, House of Blackheads, Riga Congress Centre and
exhibition halls „Riga Art Space” (Appendix No.3). Turiba has long standing cooperation with Latvian
Association of Hotels and Restaurants, and students of the programme being accredited also have the
opportunity of undergoing practice in one of the largest Latvian tourism and hospitality enterprises. In
accordance to Turiba cooperation agreements students have the opportunity of undergoing practice in
placements in USA, France, Switzerland, Germany, Greece, Italy and other countries in hospitality
enterprises. Students conclude an individual tri-party contract on practice with Turiba and the
enterprise/institution where they undergo practice.



The study programme has been designed in accordance to LR Cabinet of Ministers regulations
No. 481 “Regulations on second level professional higher education state standards” as of 20th
November 2001.
The study programme content is in conformity with state education standard requirements. The basic
contents of the programme are:
- Study courses,
- Practice outside the education institution,
- State examination.
The scope of the programme and the structural divisions are in conformity to the state education
standard requirements. The scope of the programme and study courses is expressed in credit points.
Analysing the conformity to state standards the following conclusions can be made:
1. The mandatory part of the study programme consists of general education subjects, including,
economic sciences (9 credit points), humanitarian (8 credit points) and social sciences (3 credit
2. Professional knowledge, skills and abilities are provided for in the basic theoretical courses (30
credit points), information technology (6 credit points) and professional specialisation study
courses (60 credit points).
3. The link between theoretical knowledge and practice is provided for in the practical lessons
foreseen in the study courses and the practice at the end of each theoretical academic year (26
credit points)
4. The basics of research work are acquired by compiling independent study papers (3 study
papers during the study period, 6 credit points) and diploma thesis (12 credit points).
5. The acquisition of entrepreneurial professional competences are provided for in study courses to
the scope of 12 credit points that are included in the blocks of general education subjects and
theoretical and professional specialisation study courses.
Table 3

Criteria Standard Programme Events and leisure management

Total scope of the 160 CP 160 CP
General education At least 20 CP 20 CP
subjects Philosophy 3 CP
Social psychology 3 CP
International economics 3 CP
Management 3 CP
Accounting and taxes 3 CP
Civil defence 2 CP
Commercial law 3 CP

Basic theoretical At least 36 CP 36 CP
courses and Market research 2 CP
information International tourism and hospitality marketing 2 CP
technology courses Services marketing 2 CP
Project management 3 CP
Information Technology 6 CP
Tourism and recreation 8 CP
Commerce 4 CP
Economics 4 CP
Financial management 3 CP
Personnel management 2 CP
Professional At least 60 CP 60 CP
specialisation courses Professional terminology 8 CP
E-commerce 3 CP
Marketing communication 2 CP
Event Planning and Organisation 6 CP
Management of Business tourism 6 CP
Leisure management 4 CP
Health tourism 2 CP
Management of cultural events 5 CP
Active and sport tourism 6 CP
Innovation and leadership 2 CP
Media communication 2 CP
Ethics and business etiquette 4 CP
Course papers 6 CP
History of culture 4 CP
Practice At least 26 CP 26 CP
State Examination At least 12 CP 12 CP

Evaluating the conformity of the study programme to profession standards it can be concluded
that the programmes fully corresponds to Head of enterprises and institutions profession standards
(approved by decree No. 283 of the Ministry of Education and Science) and provides the skills and
knowledge necessary for carrying out the tasks and duties foreseen in the profession standards.

Provision of Head of enterprises and institutions profession standards requirements in the

Table 4

Profession standard requirements Provision in the study courses

Common professional skills
Understand current economic development Economics, International Economics, Services marketing
correlations and principles
Understand processes in the national Economics, International Economics, Services
economics and make decisions according marketing, E-commerce, Commerce
to changes in situation
Apply economic mathematical methods in Information Technology, Market Research, Information
management processes Technology
Apply theoretical and practical knowledge Management, Commerce, Social Psychology
in effectively managing enterprises or

institutions and its structural units
General skills/abilities
Work in a team, delegate and coordinate Management, Social Psychology, Personnel Management
task performance , motivate employees
Be a leader, manage a team/group Project Management, Social Psychology, Innovation and
Effectively plan and organise one’s duties Management, Project Management, Event Planning and
Independently acquire new knowledge Independent study in all study courses
Analyse, systemise, synthesise and International tourism and hospitality marketing,
integrate information gathered Management, Economics
Apply modern information gathering, Information Technology
processing and systemisation technology
Prepare and give presentations Independent study in all study courses, Media
Communicate and cooperate with other Management, Marketing Communication, Media
employees, partners, owners, mass media, Communication, Ethics and Business Etiquette
state and public institutions
Act according to legal and ethical norms Ethics and Business Etiquette, Commercial Law
Specific skills in the profession
Understand the correlation of enterprise’s Economics, Management, Financial Management
or institution’s operations
Analyse the enterprise’s or institution’s Economics, Management, Financial Management,
operations, identify problems and develop Marketing
Formulate the aims of the enterprise or Management, Financial Management
institution, draft strategic development plan
Analyze the processes occurring in a International Economics, Marketing, Financial
dynamic economic environment and make Management
the appropriate decisions
Develop and implement a marketing plan Marketing
Understand customer behaviour Marketing
Select, assess and motivate personnel Personnel Management
Organize and manage the activities of Management, Personnel Management
subordinate structural units and personnel
Analyse, evaluate and plan the enterprise’s Accounting and Taxes, Financial Management
Understand product/service organisation Event Planning and Organisation, Active and Sport
mechanisms and principles Tourism, Management of Business Tourism, Leisure
Management, Health Tourism, Management of cultural
Understand enterprise’s financial and Financial Management, Management
technological operations indicators and
make decisions to promote the optimisation
of the enterprise’s or institution’s
Apply management information systems in Information Technology, Management
management of enterprises or institutions
Introduce progressive solutions and Information Technology, Marketing, Financial
methods in the enterprise’s or institution’s Management
operations in main (strategic) functional
Understand the owner’s interests and Management
integrate them in the enterprise’s strategic
development plan
Understand regulatory documents, law and Commercial Law
normative enactments regulating
enterprise’s operations
Effectively apply latest work organisation Information Technology, Management, E-commerce
forms and information technology



An employers’ survey was carried out among the private public as well as NGO sector to
ascertain the employers’ view of prospects of graduates and emerging specialists in the labour market
in the future. The private sector was represented by: SIA BT1, Project Manager Ilona Ansone, SIA
BaltAlianse (Hotel “Baltvilla”), Events Manager Kaspars Daugalis, A/S Kolonna (“Kolonna Hotels
Group”), Marketing Project Manager for hotel chain Brigita Rozenbrika, SIA ”MTR”, Marketing
Director Igors Korotkevičs, public sector – Riga municipality SIA “Rīgas Nami” (Riga Congress
Hall”), Director Līga Ribicka, Rigas Council Sport, Education and Cultural department, Cultural events
specialist Arnis Miltiņš, NGO – Latvian Events Centre Association, Secretary Kaspars Grīnfelds.

Analysis of Employers’ Survey

7 respondents participated in the survey.

How long has your enterprise cooperated with Turiba in

organisation of practice?

One year

72% Two to three years

Four and more

72% of the enterprises have cooperated with Turiba for a year, 14% the second or third time,
and 14% - for four years and more.

How do you evaluate the development prospects of events organisation sphere in
Latvia in the next 6 years?

T he sphere is developing; foresee a
positive trend
86% Do not fores ee the development of the
s phere

86% of employers’ acknowledge that the events organisation sphere is developing and will
develop in the future thereby predicting a positive trend which indicates the optimism of most

How do you evaluate the job prospects of the graduates of the study
programme Events and Leisure Management in Ltvia in the next 6 years?


43% Great, as there is a lack of educated

57% Suffic ient


57% of employers believe that events management specialists have high possibilities of finding
jobs in the labour market in their speciality; 43% evaluate the possibility as high agreeing that there is a
lack of sufficiently highly educated professionals at present in the labour market. It can therefore be
concluded that there is a high possibility of finding a job in the local labour market.

In which areas of the events industry do you foresee an increase of job

Business events
Cultural events
Sports and active entertainment

Respondents – employers’ predictions on the increase in job opportunities in definite event sectors
indicate a leading development and hence an increase in job vacancies in the business events sector as
shown by 44% of surveyed. This is not only connected by the development in business structures but
also in the planning of construction of new conference venues in Riga.
28% believe that there will also be development in the cultural events sector wherein with the
decrease in state funding for cultural events there will be a demand for well educated specialists for
attracting finance for cultural events.
28% believe that the sports and active recreation sector will see an increase in job vacancies as
recreation activities play an ever increasingly significant role in social life.

How do you foresee the development of private events?

W ith an in cr ease in ea rnings private
14% e ven ts will be held moere often
the existing activity level in th is
86% sphe re will remain consta nt
Private events will decline

68% of the respondents regard that with the increase in earnings private events will be
organised more often. The intensity and scale of private events are dependent on the earnings of private
individuals – such can be concluded from the answers of respondents. 14% consider that the present
level of activity of private events will remain the same and none of the respondents believe that there
will be a decline. Such a trend can be evaluated as positive.

A significant trend can be observed in the industry – an ever increasing number of private individuals
are referring to professional companies and event venues to organise their events. Private functions are
more often being organised not at private homes or flats but at event venues by professional event
organisers, caterers, entertainers with creative solutions – services that can be offered by graduates of
the study programme being accredited.

Would you like to continue your cooperation with Turiba?




Turiba received a pleasant positive reply regarding the question on possible further cooperation – 100%
of respondents would like to continue the present cooperation, opting for one of the following forms of
cooperation – provision of practice placements, organisation of practice, and enhancement of the
programme as consultants or guest lecturers. Positive responses on students’ performance during
practice at two enterprises - Rīgas Kongresu namā un Latviešu Biedrības namā Rīgā indicate the
successful cooperation with employers. (Appendix No.4)


Students enrolled in the study programme have preliminary secondary education.


There are 14 students study in the first year of the programme- all have just completed secondary
education and all live in Riga or Riga district. All have opted for full time day department studies. One
of the students is combining work with studies and has agreed regarding studies with his/her employer.
None of the students in the first study year are involved in international student exchange programmes
as yet.


In the academic year 2009/2010 14 students were enrolled. 2 of them joined the programme from the
University of Latvia.




A students’ survey was carried out to evaluate the study programme being accredited. Its aims were to
ascertain the correspondence of students’ expected results to the existing programme and its quality.
Ten out of 14 students i.e. 70% participated in the survey.

Analysis of students’ survey

The students’ survey of the study programme Events and Leisure Management showed the students
satisfaction with the offered programme at the same time revealing various aspects of the programme
that need to be improved.

Are you satisfied with the events and leisure management study programme
implemented at Turiba?


Yes , fully
60% Partly
Not s atis fied

40% of the respondents acknowledged that they are satisfied whereas 60% were partly satisfied
mostly citing the planning of lecture timings as the reason for their dissatisfaction.

Are you satisfied with the provision of study materials at Turiba?


Yes , fully

90% Not s atis fied

90% are fully satisfied with the provision of study materials whereas 10% were partly satisfied
mentioning the lack of handouts for learning foreign languages.

Are you satisfied with the organisation of the study process at Turiba?

Yes, fully
Not satisfied

70% of the students were fully satisfied with the organisation of study process; 20% were partly
satisfied while 10% were not satisfied. The planning of lectures (timetable) was mentioned as the
reason for partial satisfaction or non satisfaction.

Are you satisfied with the availability of textbooks and additional literature
at the libraary in Turiba?


Yes, fully
Not Satisfied

80% of respondents are fully satisfied with the library provisions both with the range as well as
the quantity, whereas 20% were partially satisfied indicating the lack of copies of necessary literature
in the library.

Are you satisfied with the organisation of practice for the programme?

10% 0%

Yes, fully
Not satisfied


90% of students were satisfied with the organisation of practice and the choice of practice
placements. Students expressed their appreciative opinion emphasising the wide choice of practice
The students’ survey also included questions that could assist in improving and enhancing the
study programme and study process. The following suggestions were mentioned:
• Involve events industry professionals as guest lecturers,
• Offer wider range of optional study courses,
• Organise sports day for a school in Riga as a practical lesson in the study
course “Sport and Active Tourism”,
• Carry out research on cultural event venues in Riga,
• Increase the number of practical lessons.

Taking into consideration students’ recommendations, students will organise sports day for a
school in Riga in the study course Fitness and more guest lecturers will be invited from Latvia and


Students’ participation in the improvement of the study process takes place in several forms as
foreseen in the Turiba normative enactments:
1) Students participate in the Faculty Council, one of whose main functions is the improvement
of the study programmes and the study process. A student of the study programme Events and Leisure
Management currently participates in the functioning of the Faculty Council.
2) Students’ surveys are carried out regularly at Turiba to react operatively to improve the study
process. At the end of each semester study courses are evaluated. The survey is anonymous and carried
out through the Internet. It results are analysed by the heads of departments with the programme
director and the dean. There is possibility of operatively reacting to make decisions to improve or

enhance the situation if such a necessity exists. All 14 students participated in the survey. The most
significant indicators resulting from the survey are as follows:

Was the educator prepared for the lessons and did he cover the topics in an
understandable, logical and systematic manner?

5% 8%
Can't answer
25% Fully disagree
62% Rather disagree
Partly agree
Fully agree

62% of respondents acknowledge that educators were well prepared for lessons and lectures, 25%
partly agreed; 8% rather disagreed and 5% disagreed fully.

Did the educator have good contact with the audience?

0% 5% 5%

20% Can't answer

Fully disagree
Rather disagree
Partly agree
Fully agree

70% of the respondents fully agreed that educators had very good contact with the audience; 20%
partly agreed that the contact was good, 5% - rather disagreed, 5% - fully disagreed.

Was it possible to avail the consultation of educators concerning
topics related to the study course?

0% 0%

33% Can't answer

Fully disagree

67% Rather disagree

Partly agree
Fully agree

67% of students answered affirmatively to the question regarding consultations with educators
whereas 33% partly agreed to the above. It is very positive that none of the students gave a negative

The survey results indicate that contact with the educators should be improved in the future and
explanations of the topics should be improved using more examples and visual aids.
3) The Faculty regularly registers the oral complaints and suggestions of the students. These are
immediately acted upon and the necessary changes and improvements are made. Students’ written
complaints are registered with the study information centre and forwarded to the respective structural
unit who then review the complaints and deal with them.
4) Students’ survey is carried out once a year at Turiba to ascertain the students’ satisfaction or
just the opposite dissatisfaction with the organisation and provision of the study process. The students’
survey for the academic year 2009/2010 revealed a progressive trend on almost all issues- improvement
in information accessibility, evaluation of performance of Turiba’s customer service department etc.
910 respondents participated in the survey including 150 STF students (students of various study
programmes were not identified separately). Results of the survey – appendix No. 5



The academic personnel of the School of Business Administration Turiba has evolved since
1994. At present Turiba has 70 permanent elected educators. 22 (31%) out of them are doctors, 11
professors and associate professors.

The academic personnel of School of Business Administration Turiba are elected by the Turiba
Senate in accordance to the Law on Higher Education Institutions and regulations on elections of
academic personnel. Turiba publicly announces vacancies before elections. The Senate sittings on
election of academic personnel are closed and the progress of elections and the results are minuted.
After elections Turiba concludes a labour contract with the elected academic personnel.

Turiba pays considerable attention to the further qualification and professional development of
its academic personnel. Turiba has designed and implemented an academic personnel further education
system. The academic personnel further qualification and lifelong learning system includes:
− Discussions and consultations during department meetings and in everyday meetings;
− Interdepartmental methodological seminars;
− Courses and seminars in the particular branch;
− Professional further development courses;
− Studies in postgraduate and doctoral programmes
The further qualification of permanent academic personnel is fully paid for by Turiba and studies
in postgraduate and doctoral programmes are financed by loans. The loans are repaid by working a
certain number of years at Turiba. Academic personnel regularly participate with reports at
conferences; attend courses and seminars on topical issues in the given branch that strengthen the link
between theory and practice. With the intensification of international cooperation academic personnel
conduct visiting lectures abroad. Academic personnel practitioners enhance their pedagogical skills and
knowledge at departmental meetings and interdepartmental methodological seminars.

On the whole 34 educators are currently involved in the implementation of the study programme
being accredited (refer Table 5)

Educators involved in the “Events and Leisure Management” programme

Table 5
No. Educator Department Education Permanent staff Study course
Surname, Name member/Visiting
1. Brencis Ainārs TVK MBA, Permanent staff Active and Sport
doctoral member Tourism I, II; Project
student Management
2. Builis Dainis TVK Mg.soc.sc Visiting lecturer E-commerce
3. Doniņa Agita TVK MBA, Permanent staff Ethics and Business
doctoral member Etiquette
4. Gercāns Centis TVK Mg.sc.soc Permanent staff Tourism Business
5. Jurjāns Pauls TVK Mag.paed. Visiting lecturer Leisure Management;
doctoral Survival Management;
student Fitness
6. Lingebērziņš TVK Mg.soc.sc. Visiting lecturer Tourism Economics
Ēriks and Globalisation
7. Mieze Amanda TVK MBA, Visiting lecturer History of Culture
8. Muižnieks TVK MBA, Visiting lecturer Health Tourism
Armands doctoral
9. Niedrītis Jānis TVK DR.oec. Permanent staff Innovation and
Ēriks member Leadership
10. Puriņa Brigita TVK Postgraduate Visiting lecturer Tourism and
student Recreation
11. Rozenbrika TVK MA Visiting lecturer Management of cultural
Brigita events
12 Rozīte Maija TVK Dr.geogr. Permanent staff Tourism and
member Recreation; Practice
13 Saulīte-Jansone TVK Mg.sc.soc. Visiting lecturer Management of
Ilze Business Tourism;
Event Planning and
14 Smildziņa Ligita TVK Mag. paed. Visiting lecturer Acting Skills
15 Van der Steina TVK Mg.geogr. Permanent staff International tourism
Aija member and hospitality
marketing; Marketing
16 Vecrinks Jānis TVK Mg.soc.sc Visiting lecturer Technical Provision for
17 Brilte Jolanta KDK MBA Permanent staff Management
18 Bruksle Ieva KDK Mg.oec Economics
19 Medne Anna KDK Mg.oec., Permanent staff Accounting and Taxes
Mg. paed. member
20 Mednis Aivars KDK Mg,.paed. Civil Defence
21 Upīte Iveta KDK MBA Permanent staff Market Research
22 Zīlīte Ligita KDK Mg.paed. Permanent staff Personnel Management
23 Zvirgzdiņa KDK MBA Permanent staff Financial Management
Rosita member
24 Broks Jānis KZK Dr.phil., Permanent staff Philosophy
asoc.prof. member
25 Cāne Renāte KZK MBA, Permanent staff Marketing
doctoral member Communication
26 Rušenieks Jānis KZK Mg.iur. Permanent staff Media Communication

27 Škuškovnika KZK Dr. psych. Permanent staff Social Psychology
Daina member
28 Onževs Oskars ITK Dr. sc. ing. Permanent staff Information
member Technology II
29 Ozols Juris ITK Dr. phys. Permanent staff Information
member Technology I
30 Vīksne Ilmārs ITK Dr. sc. ing. Permanent staff Information
member Technology III
31 Ate Inese VK Mg. philol. Permanent staff Professional
member Terminology (English)
32 Kļaviņa Līga VK Mg. philol. Permanent staff Professional
member Terminology
33 Komarovska VK MBA Permanent staff Professional
Anda member Terminology (English)
34 Rone Dana PRTK Mg.iur., Permanent staff Commercial Law
doctoral member

Abbreviations used in the document:

TVK – Department of Tourism and Hospitality
KDK – Department of Commerce
KZK – Department of Communication Sciences
ITK – Department of Information Technology
VK – Department of Languages
PRTK – Department of Private law

The number of educators could increase during the implementation of the programme if there are more
number of groups for optional courses and there is a necessity to involve more educators for a
particular study course.
The personnel involved in the implementation of the study programme can be evaluated by two
-whether the educator is a permanent staff member elected at Turiba or a visiting lecturer
- educator’s qualification.
At present describing the academic personnel involved in the study programme according to the
first criteria it can be seen that 20 (60%) are elected as permanent staff members at Turiba.
The qualification indicators of academic personnel show that the personnel involved have high
qualification – out of 34 educators 7 (21%) have Phd. degrees, 23 educators (65%) have Master
degrees, out of whom 7 (21% of the total) are doctoral students.
The professional competence of academic personnel is determined by the following criteria:
1. Contribute intellectually to the development of the faculty:
1.1. conduct lectures and practical lessons
1.2. carry out research work
1.3. supervise course/ diploma papers
1.4. participate in conferences and seminars.

2. Continuously participate in maintaining a favourable environment for entrepreneurship and

improving it:
2.1. Write publications in the field of business

2.2. Write text books for the branch of business, which the educator teaches in the
2.3. Participates in implementation of projects connected with business
2.4. Consults in the field of business management
2.5. Gets involved in decision making concerning business education policies.
2.6. Actively participates in professional organisations in the field of business

Such kind of assessment of qualification and performance of academic personnel are carried out
regularly at Turiba.


Academic personnel of the School of Business Administration Turiba are actively involved in
research activity. The School of Business Administration Turiba organises annual international
scientific research conference to promote research work at Turiba as well as in Latvia. The
International Scientific conference planned for the year 2011 at Turiba is “Current values in Tourism
and community development”.
The research and professional qualification of educators are enhanced at various courses,
seminars, experience exchange programmes in accordance to their individual plans.
The research and methodological activity of the educators involved in the implementation of the
study programme for the academic year 2009/2010 are given below:

List of publications for the academic year 2009/2010

• Rozīte M., Ozols J., Vinklere D. Quality Aspects and Assesment of Rural Tourism Enterprises
of Latvia. – In: Potential of Tourism. Universytet Szczecinski. Zeszyty Naukowe Nr 592.
Ekonomiczne Problemy Turysyki Nr.14., 123- 140.pp. ISSN 1640-6818, ISSN 1644-0501
• Brencis A., Bajārs G. Active and Rural tourism: Distance learning course. Business
Management College. Riga, SIA “Biznesa vadības koledža, 255 lpp.
• Rozīte M.,Vinklere D., Vaisūna M. Viesu māju servisa mērījums [Assessment of Guest House
service] //Kapitāls,Nr. 01/2010, 34. lpp.
• Ubelis A., Abolins J.,Berzina D., Blahins J.,Bajars G. Graduate Studies of Global Change at
the University of Latvia. Chapter 21 in Book “Universities and Climate Change: Introducing
Climate Change at University Programmes. Series: Climate Change Management, vol.1 (ed.
W.Leal Filho).
• Brencis A., Ozols J. Competitive identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to Learn from
National Hockey Team „Riga Dinamo”. 8th International Scientific Conference. Legal, political
and economic initiatives towards Europe of knowledge. Kaunas University of Technology,
Lithuania. 23 April 2010.
• Rone D. Mantojuma tiesību eiropeizācija. [Europeanisation of law on succession]– „Jurista
Vārds”. – Nr. 45 (588), 10.11.2009.
• Brencis A. Branding Small Nation – Latvia, what to say if there is nothing to say? 7th annual
International Scientific Conference. Human Potential Development: Search for Opportunities
in the new EU states. Micolas Romeris University. Vilnius. Lithuania. 2010.
• Brencis A. Complexity of Nation Branding – Latvian case. 52nd International Scientific
conference of Daugavpils University. 2010.
• Brencis A. National label ‘’Made in Latvia’’ – How much to rely on? 13th international
scientific Conference. Society and culture: Chaos and Harmony. University of Liepāja 2010.

• Brencis A. Brand index of Ventspils – challenge to other towns of Latvia. Student Scientific
Conference. Trends in economics, technologies and translation. University of Ventspils. 2010.
• Brencis A. Competitive Identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to Learn from National
Hockey Team “Riga Dinamo” - Journal of European Integration Studies 2010, No.4, 6p.
(līdzautors Juris Ozols).
• Doniņa A. “Tourism Clusters as a benefit for tourism enterpreneurs in Latvia” International
scientific conference “Potential of Tourism” proceedings, Ščecinas University, 2010,43.-51.
• Lūka I., Niedrītis J.Ē., Doniņa A.. “Challenges of tourism education: emotions versus
business”. 2009.
• Škuškovnika D. Latviešu un krievu avīžu lasītāju emocionālā reakcija uz informāciju. Biznesa
augstskolas Turība zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls “Acta Prosperitatis” Nr.1., ISSN 1691-6077, 41.-
• Škuškovnika D. Matemātikas izraisītā trauksme: pedagoģiskie un psiholoģiskie aspekti.,
iesniegts publicēšanai Liepājas Universitātes 2. starptautiskā s zinātniskās konferences
„Psiholoģijas aktualitātes mūsdienu izglītībā” rakstu krājumā
• Škuškovnika D., Tiltiņa-Kapele I. (2009). Sociālo zinātņu studentu emocionālā inteliģence. //
Daugavpils Universitātes 50. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Daugavpils
Universitātes akadēmiskais apgāds "Saule", ISBN 978-9984-14-426-9., 348. - 354. lpp.
• Broks J. Masu medija kommunikacijas telpa. // Acta Prosperitatis. Nr. 1. Komunikācija
publiskajā telpā. – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2010. - 7-27 lpp.
• Lūka I. (līdzautori Sarmīte Ludborža, Irina Maslo). (2009) Effectiveness of the use of more
than two languages and quality assurance in European interuniversity master studies // Raksts
starptautiskajā ECER 2009 zinātniskajā konferencē “Theory and Evidence in European
Educational Research”, Vīnes Universitāte
• Ēvele, V. (2010) Vadības prasmju veidošanās iespējas augstskolā. // Liepājas Universitātes
12.starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences “Sabiedrība un kultūra: Citādība un mazākuma
interese” 12.rakstu krājumā “Sabiedrība un kultūra”, Liepāja: Liepājas Universitāte. ISNN
• Maļavska V. (2010) Comprehension of Academic Lecture Discourse in English by Overseas
Students. // Sabiedrība, integrācija, izglītība. Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli
2010.gada 19.-20.februāris, Rēzekne, 75.-82.lpp. ISSN 1691-5887.
• Luka, I. (2009) Development of students’ English for Special Purposes competence in tourism
studies at tertiary level. // English for Specific Purposes World. Online Journal for Teachers
http://www.esp-world.info, izdevējs TransEarl; Issue 4 (25), Volume 8, 2009; ISSN 1682-3257;
• Lūka, I., Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa, L. (2010) The Development of University
Educators’ Research Competence in Academic and Research Activity. // Reviewed and selected
materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st
Century: Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, pp. 240-249.
ISBN 978-9984-49-027-4.
• Smilga, S. (2010) Pedagoģiskās autoritātes izpratnes veidošanās paradigmu maiņas apstākļos. //
Reviewed and selected materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University
“Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas
Universitāte, pp. 281-289. ISBN 978-9984-49-027-4.
• Marija Antāne. (2010) Projektunterricht als ein Wichtiger Bestandteil des Fremdsprachlichen
und Landeskundlichen Lernens. // Daugavpils Universitātes 51.starptautiskās zinātniskās
konferences materiāli. Volume 1. Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais Apgāds “Saule”,
s.230-235. ISBN 978-9984-14-480-1.
• Alberto Sadu. (2010) Does Applying Common English Language in Verbal Communication
Differ between Genders and Ages? // Daugavpils Universitātes 51.starptautiskās zinātniskās
konferences materiāli. Volume 1. Daugavpils Universitātes Akadēmiskais Apgāds “Saule”,
pp.271-274. ISBN 978-9984-14-480-1.
• Luka, I., Vaidesvarans, S. Vinklere, D. (2010) Promoting students’ intercultural competence
in tourism studies. // Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču krājums. XI starptautiskā
zinātniskā konference „Cilvēks, sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu mainīgajos ekonomiskajos
apstākļos”. Rīga: SIA Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 31.-42.lpp. ISSN 1691-6069. [EBSCO DB]
• Niedritis, J.E., Luka, I., Donina, A. (2010) Developing students’ leadership skills in tourism
studies. // Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču krājums. XI starptautiskā zinātniskā
konference „Cilvēks, sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu mainīgajos ekonomiskajos apstākļos”. Rīga:
SIA ”Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 50.-61.lpp. ISSN 1691-6069. [EBSCO DB]
• Anda Komarovska, Ainārs Komarovskis (2010) Latvija – ES. Sadarbības bilance. // Biznesa
augstskolas Turība konferenču krājums. XI starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Cilvēks,
sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu mainīgajos ekonomiskajos apstākļos”. Rīga: SIA”Biznesa
augstskola Turība”, 149.-159.lpp. ISSN 1691-6069. [EBSCO DB]
• Hockley, A., Luka, I. (2009) “Adults Learning Languages” – Towards More Effective
Language Training In Europe. // "Language and Culture: New Challenges for the Teacher of
Europe". Vilnius: Vilnius University. ISBN 978-9955-33-521-4
• Luka, I. (2009) Students and the educator’s co-operation as a means of development of
students’ ESP competence. // Samuel Gento Palacvios (ed.) Educational Effectiveness and
Factors of Quality Assurance, Madrid: UNED. ISBN 978-84-613-3774-3.
• Luka, I. (2009) Lifelong learning strategies of Latvia: analysis and suggestions for eliminating
the barriers to continuing education and training. // ASEM Education and Research Hub for LLL
Network 4 “National strategies of Lifelong Learning with regard to citizens' motivation and
barriers against continuing education and training” meeting in Riga, the University of Latvia,
16-19 June. Documentation of the Meeting. (Eds. Xianjin Dou, Ineta Luka, Svetlana Surikova).
Rēzekne: RA Izdevniecība. ISBN 978-9984-44-031-6.
• Luka, I. (2010) Development of Students’ ESP Competence in Tertiary Studies. // Ziņojums
prezentēts starptautiskajā bilingvālajā konferencē Assessing Language and (Inter-)cultural
Competences in Higher Education Somijā, Turku Universitātē, 2007.gada 30.-31.augustā.
Publicēts ES Transversālā prokjekta EU MIGK-KOM project Mehrspachige interkulturelle
Geschäftskommunikation für Europa mājas lapā
 Lūka, I. Angļu valodas kompetences veidošanās tūrisma studijās. // Jaunākie pētījumi valodu
apguvē Latvijā 2007/2008, #1. Rīga: Izdevniecība “Retorika A”. ISBN 978-9984-791-76-0.

Reports at international conferences/symposiums/seminars:

• Rone D. Latvijas Universitātes 1. Juridiskās zinātnes doktorantu un zinātniskā grāda pretendentu

zinātniski – praktiskā conference, 2010.g.11.06. Uzstāšanās ar referātu „Likumisko procentu
izmaksas iespējas apdrošināšanas atlīdzības piedziņas lietās”.
• Rone D. Daugavpils universitātes 52. starptautiskā zinātniskā conference, 2010.g.14. 04.
Uzstāšanās ar referātu „Likumisko procentu piedziņa apdrošināšanas atlīdzības izmaksas lietās”.
• Rone D. Leon Kozmiensky akadēmija (Polija), starptautiskā zinātniskā conference Mantojuma
tiesību eiropeizācijas perspektīvas,2010.g.21.01. Uzstāšanās ar referātu „Testamenta forma”.
• Rone D.Viļņas universitāte, starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Mantojuma tiesību eiropeizācijas
perspektīvas, 2009.g.15.12. Uzstāšanās ar referātu „Eiropas mantojuma apliecība”.
• Rone D. Biznesa augstskolas Turība starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Mantojuma tiesību
eiropeizācijas perspektīvas, 2009.g.29.10. Uzstāšanās ar referātu „Ar likumisko mantošanu saistītā
tiesiskā problemātika Latvijā”.
• Brencis A. Kauņas Tehnoloģiju Universitātes 8.starptautiskā zinātniskā konference Legal, Political
and Economic Initiatives Towards Europe of Knowledge, 2010.gada aprīlis, Kauņa. Referāts:
Competitive Identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to learn from National Hockey Team “Riga
Dinamo” (līdzautors Juris Ozols, apstiprināta dalība).
• Brencis A. LU 68.zinātniskā konference. Rīga 2010. gada janvāris. Referāts: viesnīcu vadības
informācijas sistēmas: situācija Latvijā, analīze un kopsakarības.
• Doniņa A. Dalība WTO Tedqual konferencē “Higher Tourism Education” Rimini (Itālija); Raksts
“Challenges of tourism education: emotions versus business”
• Doniņa A. Dalība starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē “Potential of Toruism” Polijā; Raksts
“Tourism Clusters as a benefit for tourism enterpreneurs in Latvia”
• Broks J. 2010. LASAP seminārs Rīga, 2010. gada 25. februāris. “Sabiedriskās attiecības
pēcmodernitātes politikā”
• Broks J. 2010. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung darba seminārā Liepājā 2010. 13-14. marts. “Pilsoniskās
sabiedrības mīts Latvijā”.
• Broks J . 2010. Cēsu mākslas festivāla konference „Mūsdienu mākslas komunikācija un estētika”
Cēsis, 2010. gada 14. augusts. ”Mūsdienmāksla kā medijs”.
• Vaidesvarans S. 2010.gada 10.-11 jūnijā referāts „Promoting students’ intercultural competence
for work in a multicultural environment” (līdzautiri Ineta Lūka, Daina Vinklere) X starptautiskajā
partnerinstitūciju konferencē “Current and future trends in hospitality industry and training”. La
Fondation Pour La Formation Hôtèliere, La Fondation Nestlé Pro Gastronomia, University of Food
Technologies, Bulgarijā, Plovdivā.
• Lūka I. 2010.gada 8.maijā referāts „The Development of University Educators’ Research
Competence in Academic and Research Activity” (līdzautori Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa,
L.) starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century:
Quality education for quality teaching”, Latvijas Universitāte (publicēts referāts).
• Smilga S. 2010.gada 8.maijā referāts „Comprehension of pedagogical authority in circumstances
of the shift of educational paradigm” starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē ATEE Spring
University “Teacher of the 21st Century: Quality education for quality teaching”, Latvijas
Universitāte (publicēts referāts).
• Ēvele V. 2010.gada 29.-30.aprīlī referāts “Vadības prasmju nepieciešamība” Liepājas
Universitātes Sociālo zinātņu un vadībzinātņu katedras organizētajā 13.starptautiskajā zinātniskajā
konferencē “Sabiedrība un kultūra: Haoss un harmonija”, Liepājas Universitāte.
• Sadu A. 2010.gada 16.aprīlī referāts “Maintaining Effective Communicationb Inevitably Hits the
Assigned Target” Daugavpils Universitātes 52.starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē. Daugavpils
• Antāne M. 2010.gada 26.martā referāts “Valodu apguves motivācijas veicināšana profesionālās
vācu valodas apguvē” 7.starptautiskajā zinātniski metodiskajā konferencē “Valodu apguve:
problēmas un perspektīva”. Liepājas Universitāte.
• Vaidesvarans S, Lūka I. 2010.gada 26.martā referāts „Promoting students’ intercultural
competence in tourism studies” (līdzautore Daina Vinklere). BAT XI starptautiskā zinātniskā
konference „Cilvēks, sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu mainīgajos ekonomiskajos apstākļos”. Biznesa
augstskola Turība, Latvija (publicēts referāts).
• Lūka I. 2010.gada 26.martā referāts „Developing students’ leadership skills in tourism studies”
(līdzautori Niedrītis, J.Ē., Doniņa, A.). BAT XI starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Cilvēks,
sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu mainīgajos ekonomiskajos apstākļos”. Biznesa augstskola Turība,
Latvija (publicēts referāts).
• Komarovska A. 2010.gada 26.martā referāts „Latvija – ES. Sadarbības bilance” (līdzautors Ainārs
Komarovskis). BAT XI starptautiskā zinātniskā konference „Cilvēks, sabiedrība, valsts mūsdienu
mainīgajos ekonomiskajos apstākļos”. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Latvija (publicēts referāts).
• Maļavska V. 2010.gada 19.-20.februārī referāts “Comprehension of Academic Lecture Discourse
in English by Overseas Students.” Starptautiskā zinātniskā konferencē “Sabiedrība, integrācija,
izglītība.” Rēzeknes Augstskola, Latvija. (publicēts referāts).
• Lūka I., Emse A. Dalība starptautiskajā projektu izstādē EXPRO2009, Šauļos, Lietuvā.
2009.gada 12.novembrī.
• Vaidesvarans S. 2009.gada 20-21.oktobrī referāta “Educating Tourism Students for Work in
Multicultural Environment” (coauthors Ineta Lūka, Daina Vinklere) prezentācija IX starptautiskajā
partnerinstitūciju konferencē “Hospitality in the Multicultural Environment”, Tallinā, Igaunijā.
Konferences organizators: La Fondation Pour La Formation Hôtèliere, La Fondation Nestlé Pro
Gastronomia, Estonian School of Hotel & Tourism Management.
• Lūka I. 2009. gada 16.-17. oktobrī referāts “Challenges of Tourism Education: Emotions versus
Business” (līdzautori Niedritis, J.E., Donina, A.) ANO PTO starptautiskajā konferencē “Higher
Tourism Education: Issues and Practices”, Boloņas Universitāte, Rimini, Itālija (publicēts
• Ate I. 2009.gada 6.-9.oktobrī referāts ”Pieaugušo valodas prasmju pilnveidošanas pieredze
Grundtvig projekta “Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural Awareness” ietvaros”
8.Grundtvig mācību partnerības konferencē “Support for Flexible and Self-directed- Learning”
Stokholma, Zviedrija.
• Lūka I. 2009.gada 8.-9.oktobrī referāts “Adults Learning Languages” – Towards More Effective
Language Training In Europe” (līdzautors Andy Hockley) 3.starptautiskajā konferencē “Language
and Culture: New Challenges for the Teachers of Europe, Viļņas Universitāte.
• Lūka I. 2009. gada 28.-30.septembrī referāts “Effectiveness of the use of more than two languages
and quality assurance in European interuniversity master studies” (līdzautori Irina Maslo, Sarmite
Ludborža), EERA ECER starptautiskajā zinātniskajā konferencē „Theory and Evidence in
European Educational Research”, Austrijā, Vīnes Universitātē.
• Smilga S. 2009. gada 26.-27.septembrī referāts “Development of pedagogical authority in the
circumstances of the shift of educational paradigm" EERA ECER starptautiskās zinātniskās
konferences Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research” pirmskonferencē
(konferencē doktorantiem), Austrijā, Vīnes Universitātē.

The research work of academic personnel is promoted and supported. The research work of
academic personnel is presented annually at the School of Business Administration Turiba organised
international scientific conference as well as in other conferences in Latvia and abroad. Each year a
scientific research work plan for Turiba is approved by the decree of the Rector. Turiba also has an
internal grant scheme for scientific research.

The academic personnel actively participate in the implementation of EU projects. The

following Turiba educators participated in projects in the academic year 2009/2010:

• Ilmārs Vīksne (project manager), Maija Rozīte (researcher), Daina Vinklere, Agita Doniņa.
Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong learning project „Aurora II”. BAT coordinating partner.
• Inita Ābola, Ineta Lūka. Project proposal for EU Transversal project “On-line interdisciplinary
learning English module course in cooperation with enterprises” pieteikuma izstrāde.
Mūžizglītības apakšprogrammā “Multilateral Projects. Key Acticity 2” (Latvija BAT, Polija,
Lietuva 2 partneri, Slovēnija, Slovākija). Projekta Nr. 511487-LLP-1-2010-1-LV-KA2-KA2MP.
• Ineta Lūka (projekta vadītāja no BAT), Valērija Maļavska, Sundars Vaidesvarans (projekta
izpildītāji) ES Transversal projektā “Materials for Innovative Russian Learning”. Projekts
Mūžizglītības apakšprogrammā “Multilateral Projects. Key Acticity 2” (Latvija 3 partneri,
Bulgārija 2 partneri, Itālija, Slovākija, Spānija, Igaunija, Lietuva). Projekta Nr. 504952-LLP-1-
• Anita Emse (projekta vadītāja, pasniedzēja no Latvijas), Ineta Lūka (projekta pētniece,
pasniedzēja), ES Transversal projektā „Mehrsprachige interkulturelle Geschäftskommunikation für
Europa”. Projekta Mūžizglītības apakšprogrammā “Multilateral Projects. Key Acticity 2”
[MIGKOMM]. (Vācija, Lietuva, Slovēnija, Slovākija, Igaunija, Latvija, Čehija, Ungārija,
Rumānija). Projekta Nr. 504431-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-KA2-KA2MP.
• Ineta Lūka (projekta vadītāja), Inese Ate, Inita Ābola (projekta izpildītājas) ES NordPlus
projektā “Online blended learning English (A2/B1) module for adults “In Charge of My World”.”
(Lietuva, Latvija Igaunija). Projekta Nr. AD-2009_1-17650.
• Ineta Lūka (projekta vadītāja), Inese Ate, Anita Emse, Inita Ābola (projekta izpildītājas) ES
mūžizglītības programmas Grundtvig projektā “Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural
Awareness”. Projekta Nr. 2008-1RO-GRU-06-001134. Projekta izpildes laiks 01.08.2008. –
31.07.2010. Dalībvalstis: Rumānija, Latvija, Vācija, Polija, Turcija.
• Sandra Smilga (projekta vadītāja), Ineta Lūka (projekta vadītāja asistente), Anita Emse, Līga
Kļaviņa (projekta izpildītājas) ES Leonardo da Vinci projektā „TOURNEU: Kulturelle und
wirtschaftliche Aspekte des Incoming-Tourismus in den neuen EU-Ländern (Slowakische
Republik, Estland, Lettland) – Ausarbeitung internetgestützter multimedialer Lehr- und Lernmittel
für Tourismuswirtschaft in Bezug auf den Incoming-Bereich aus deutschsprachigen Ländern“.
Projekta izpildes laiks: 01.10.2008. – 30.09.2010. Projekta Nr. 2008-1-SK1-LEO05-00228.
Projektā iesaistītās valstis: Slovākija, Vācija, Latvija, Igaunija.
• Ineta Lūka. ASEM Education and Research Hub for LLL [ASEM Izglītības un pētniecības
organizācijas Mūžizglītības organizēšanai] Network 4 “National strategies of Lifelong Learning
with regard to citizens' motivation and barriers against continuing education and training”
[4.zinātniskā tīkla “Mūžizglītības politikas nacionālās stratēģijas pilsoņu motivācijas veicināšanai
un tālākizglītības un mācīšanās šķēršļu novēršanai”] Latvijas vadītāja un vadošā pētniece no
2008.gada septembra.

The publications of research work and methodological activity over recent years as well as
participation and presentations at conferences and extracurricular activity of the academic personnel
involved in the implementation of the study programme can be seen in the CVs attached as Appendix
No. 9


The School of Business Administration Turiba uses only its financial resources for
implementation of the programme.

Various Turiba structural units are involved in the implementation of the programme. The study
process is mainly managed by the departments and coordinated by the programme director.

The calendar plan for organisational events at Turiba is approved for on a yearly basis.
Departmental as well as interdepartmental methodological seminars are regularly organised where the
study course programmes and their compatibility with each other are reviewed to ensure that the topics
covered do not overlap and the contents of the course are balanced within the course itself as well as at
the interdisciplinary level. The coordination of study courses at the interdisciplinary (programme) level
is managed by the programme director.
The following Turiba departments are involved in the implementation of the professional
Bachelor study programme “Events and Leisure Management” (refer table 6).

Departments involved in the programme

Table 6
Department Subjects the departments are responsible for
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Tourism and Recreation; Commerce; Event Planning and
Organisation; Active and Sport Tourism; History of
Culture; Project Management; International tourism and
hospitality marketing; E-commerce; Leisure
Management; Services marketing; Management of
Business Tourism; Innovation and Leadership;
Management of cultural events ; Health Tourism;
Fitness; Acting Skills; Survival Management; Technical
Provision for Events
Department of Commerce Economics; Management; Accounting and Taxes;
International Economics; Civil Defence; Market
Research; Personnel Management; Financial
Department of Information Technology Information Technology (I, II, III)
Department of Private Law Commercial law
Department of Languages Professional Terminology (English, German, French)
Department of \communication sciences Social Psychology; Philosophy; Ethics and Business
Etiquette; Marketing Communication; Media

Support personnel involved in the implementation of the programme

A variety of support personnel are involved in the provision of the study process for the
implementation of the programme:

- planning of the study process, progress reports are managed by the Department of studies,
- issues regarding infrastructure provisions are handled by the Technical department,
- information for students and educators is provided by the Library, Publishing house, Study
information centre and the Department of Information Technology.
The aims and objective of the aforementioned structural units and principles of their operation and
cooperation are laid out in the regulations on structural units.



Financial resources

The financial condition of SBAT is very stable. The foundation capital, fixed assets, profit and
investments are much bigger than all of the other private higher educational institutions put together.
Each and every year since its establishment Turiba has always recorded a profit. The main reason is the
successful economic activities of Turiba as well as thoroughly planned and goal orientated activity in
the sphere of education. All the profit gained till the year 2000 was reinvested in the development of
Turiba (material and intellectual resources), but since 2000 a part of the profit was paid out as
dividends to the founders. However the rest of the profit was invested in the development of Turiba.

The financial plan for each year is determined by the Turiba budget. Revenues include tuition
fee for higher education, participation fee for seminars, hotel services and other economic activities.
Expenditures are planned proportional to the revenue estimated and include mainly remuneration for
the staff, social insurance payments, maintenance costs, utility costs, material for the study process,
purchase of modern technology as well as reconstruction and repairs of premises.

The net turnover for the financial year 2008/2009 was 6006895 Ls, and profit before taxes
2565347 Ls, and the net profit for the period after payment of taxes 1381593 Ls. The balance of share
capital as of 30.06.2009 indicated in the balance sheet is 1 500 000 Ls, net profit 1381593 Ls, total
share capital – 4370863 Ls (The balance sheet for the period 01.07.2008. to 30.06.2009 of the School
of Business Administration Turiba is attached as Appendix No. 10.)


Turiba is situated on Graudu street 68 Riga, on a local territory of 35 372 m2. At the same time
Turiba can provide study space for 2756 students.

The building was registered as property of Turiba in the land register on 16th September 1996.
In accordance with the LR law as of 4th November 1995 Turiba was included in the list of educational
objects of national scale. There are two blocks of buildings meant for education, students’ hotel, 2
canteens, 2 cafeterias, sports hall, sauna, solarium, hairdressers, dentists, furnace house, car repair
service and parking lot on the territory of Turiba.

Students have all the necessary prerequisites for studies– modern conference halls, lecture halls,
computer classes, laboratories, and rooms, modern library with a spacious reading hall. The lecture
halls have high quality equipment – whiteboards, overhead projectors and screens, multimedia
projectors, audio and video equipment. Student can make use of 287 computer workstations. There are
24 stationary multimedia projectors and 3 portative ones.

The existing infrastructure fully provides for all the necessary circumstances to successfully
master the professional bachelor study programme “Events and Leisure Management".


The library of Turiba is a member of the Latvian academic library association’s member since
March 2000. The library has the status of public library, and the book fund, data base and Internet
resources can be used by not only students of Turiba but also by students of other higher educational
institutions, Latvian school children or any other person. The library has 9320 subscribers, who can
take books home for reading. The reading room has 285 seats of which 100 are computerised. The
library home page (http://www.turiba.lv) has electronic catalogues and links to catalogues of other
higher educational institutions online – Riga Economic School, University of Latvia, Latvian National
Library etc.

The whole library reading fund is freely accessible – the literature is available to any visitor. In
order to facilitate access to literature, books on the bookshelves are arranged in accordance with
international Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). There is also a local electronic catalogue in the
library for tracking books. All the library processes are computerised. Students can reserve the
necessary literature on the Internet from the Internet catalogue any time day and night.

The library fund is maintained in accordance to the Turiba study programmes. There are 14,228
headings and 116,028 documents out of which there are 99031 books. There list of books connected to
tourism and events organisation accessible in the library can be seen in the appendix (refer appendix
No.11). The library subscribes more than 100 periodicals in print form and several thousand titles in
electronic form. The book fund consists mainly of literature in Latvian, Russian, English and German.
Audiovisual information materials, CD-ROMs and databases are also accessible. The library
subscribers can make use of the following full text databases: NAIS, Letonika, Latvijas Vēstnesis,
Dienas Bizness, National news agency LETA news archives, Nozare.lv, Eiropa.lv, EBSCO,
SpringerLink, EMERALD, Cambridge Journals.


The tuition fee for the programme being accredited was 1570 Ls per year for full time studies or
altogether 6280 Ls for the whole programme. Analysing the financial resources of Turiba, purchasing
power of Latvian inhabitants and competitors it was decided to reduce the tuition fee starting with the
academic year 2010/2011 and the programme now costs 1470 Ls for studies in Latvian in the day
department and 1246 Ls for the evening department.


The School of Business Administration Turiba has been organising International conferences,
seminars each year since 1999. Turiba academic personnel regularly participate in International
research scientific conferences and seminars.

Turiba has successfully developed cooperation with partner higher education establishments
abroad. At present Turiba has cooperation agreements with 70 partner higher education establishments
overseas (refer Table 7.) for student and teacher mobility as well as organisation of joint scientific
research projects Cooperation agreements with partners provide the opportunity for organising
scientific forums, student exchange and teacher internships overseas on a wider scale.

International cooperation partners of Turiba

Table 7

No. Partner Institution Country

1 Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes Germany
2 Haute ecole lucia de brouckere Belgium
3 FH Nordakademie, Private university of applied sciences Germany
4 Ecole de managemen de Normandie France
5 Universytet Szczecinski Poland
6 Mykolo Romerio Universitetas Lithuania
7 Universidad de Alcala Spain
8 Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu Finland
9 Libera universita di lingue e comunicacione iulm Italy
10 Adnan Menderes Universitesi Turkey
11 Anadolu Universitesi Turkey
12 College of Economics and Tourism and Social Sciences Poland
13 Wyzsza Szkola Ekonomii i Administracji w Kielcach Poland
14 Hanzehogeschool Groningen Netherland
16 University of Abertay Dundee Great Britain
17 Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft Chur Switzerland
18 NOEA Institute of Applied Management Denmark
19 Roskilde Handelsskole Denmark
20 Kemi-Tornion ammattikorkeakoulu Finland
21 Siauliai University Lithuania
22 Groupe ecole superieure de commerce de Troyes France
23 American College Cyprus
24 Technical University of Lodz Poland
25 Vitauto Didziojo universitetas Lithuania
26 Lycee d`enseignement superieur tezenas du montcel France
27 Sacarya University Turkey
28 International Business School at Vilnius University Lithuania
29 V.A.Graičiūno aukštoji vadybos mokykla Lithuania
30 Hochschule Bremen Germany
31 Gornaslaska wyzsza szkola handlowa im. Wojciecha Korfantego Poland
32 Anglia Ruskin University Great Britain
33 Karabuk University Turkey
34 Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv Bulgaria

35 Zeppelin University Germany
36 Berufsakademie Villingen-Schweinningen Germany
37 Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku Poland
38 Olympus Szkola Wyzsza im. Romualda Kudlinskiego Poland
39 Wroclawska Wyzsza Szkola Informatyki Stosowanej Poland
40 Wyzsza Szkola Przedsiebiorczosci i Administracji w Lublinie Poland
41 Uniwesytet Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej Poland
42 Cag Universitesi Turkey
43 Tallinna Tehnikaulikool Estonia
44 Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mannheim Germany
45 Poznan University of Economics Poland
Hochschule fur angewandte Wissenschaften Fachhochschule
46 Germany
47 T.C.Dogus Universitesi Turkey
48 Ekonomska Šola Murska Sobota Slovenia
49 International Law and Business College Lithuania
50 Vilnius Business College Lithuania
51 Selcuk University Turkey
52 Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia Spain
53 ISC Paris School of Management France
54 Groupe ecole superieure de commerce La Rochelle France
55 Universita di Bologna Italy
56 Tallinn University of Technology Kuressaare College Estonia
57 Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Spain
58 Bifrost University Iceland
59 University of Rijeka Croatia
60 Kozminsky University Poland
61 Universite Paul Sabatier- Toulouse III France
62 Laurea Ammattikorkeakoulu Finland
63 Akademiya truda i socialnih otnoshenij Russia
64 Kyung Hee University Korea
65 Ming Chuan University Taiwan
66 Azerbaijan University Azerbaijan
67 International School of Business Ireland
68 La Salle Morelia University Mexico
69 Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance Russia
70 North Dakota State University USA


Employers highly evaluated the main concept of the programme, the aims and content and
willingly participated in the employers’ survey. It was emphasized that the programme was topical and
that the graduates would have wide range of job opportunities. It was also highlighted that the
graduates would acquire not only knowledge but also the necessary skills and abilities required that
would ensure their success in the labour market. The originality of the programme was emphasized at
the same time it was recommended that the name of the programme be slightly changed underling for
example Leisure Management.

The School of Business Administration Turiba has continued and developed intensive
cooperation with tourism and events organization enterprises with the decision to implement the
programme being accredited. The following professional associations are involved as strategic partners
in the implementation of the programme – Latvian Association of Event Centres (LPCA), Latvian
Association of Hotels and Restaurants and Latvian Association of Tourism Agents (ALTA). Students
can enhance their practical skills during practice at all enterprises who are members of these
associations. The abovementioned associations, Riga Municipality enterprise SIA “Rīgas Nami”,
events organisation enterprise SIA ”Non-Stop Studio” and events and exhibition centre SIA “BT 1”
have concluded cooperation agreements on the provision of practice placements for students and
overall cooperation in the development of the programme (refer Appendix No.3).


The professional bachelor study programme “Events and Leisure management” of the School of
Business Administration Turiba under accreditation is partly comparable in terms of content, structure
and type of implementation to the ISMA Business administration programme that is specialized in
culture management.

The study content of both programmes to a major part consist of theoretical and professional
specialisation study courses, foresees 4 Practice periods and concludes with the State Examination.

Comparison of the programme being accredited to the bachelor study programme of the
Information Systems Management Institute (Latvia) „Business Administration” specialized in
“Culture Management”
Table 8

Content of programme ISMA study programme content

being accredited CP CP
State Examination 12 Diploma thesis 12
( diploma thesis)
Course papers 6 Course paper 6
Practice 26 Practice 26
Tourism and Recreation 6 Introduction to Culture Management 1S
Commerce 3 Business 2
Investments 1

Commercial Law 3 Commercial Law 2

Contract and Civil Law 2
Law 2
Labour law and Labour Safety 1
Intellectual Property Law 1S
Information Technology 6 Computer Science, Information 2
Technology and Programming Basics 2
Management of computer 2
technologies 2
Management of Information 2
Computer Graphics
Computer Modelling in Business

Project Management 4 Project Management 3

Philosophy 2 Philosophy 2

Commerce 4 Business 2
Investments 1
Intellectual Property Law 1S
Economics 4 Microeconomics 3
Macroeconomics 2
Logistics, telematics and transport 2
systems 2
Environmental economics 2
Business economics
International economics 3 European economic integration 3

Financial Management 3 Financial Management 2

Finance and Banking 3
Financing Culture 1S

Accounting and Taxes 3 Accounting and Bookkeeping 3

Calculus 2
Cybernetics 3
Statistics 2

Personnel Management 2 Personnel Management 3

Management 3 Strategic Management 2

Overall Quality Management 2
Culture Organisation Management 2
Organisational Thinking 1S
Management Theory 3
Enterprise Management 2
Scientific Forecasting 2
Optimisation Theory 2

Social Psychology 3 Management Psychology and 2

Pedagogy 2
Management Sociology
Event Planning and 6
Active and Sport Tourism 6
History of Culture 4 History of Culture and Analysis 4S
Music Culturology 2S
Music styles and disciplines 2S
Music recording business 2S
Civil Defence 2 Civil and Environmental Defence 1

Market Research 2 Marketing Research 2

Consumer Behaviour 2
International Tourism and 2 International Marketing 3
Hospitality Marketing Marketing Management 4
Services Marketing 2 Marketing 3
Marketing Communication 2
Leisure Management 4

Management of Business 6

Management of cultural 2 Events Organisation and Methods 1

Ethics and Business 2 Business Ethics 2
Etiquette Art of Speech 2
Professional Terminology 8 English for Management 6
E-commerce 2 E-commerce 1
Web-design 1

Health Tourism 2
Media Communication 2 TV productions 2S
Marketing and Management of 2S
Broadcasting Stations 3S
Public Relations 2
Business Communication
Innovation and Leadership 2 Innovation Management 2

Optional Courses
Fitness 4
Professional Terminology 2nd 4 German
Acting Skills 4 Introduction to theatrical 1
improvisations 2
Direction and screen scripting Basics
Survival Management 2
Technical Provision for 2

Comparison of the programme being accredited to the bachelor study programme of European
University (Great Britain) „Leisure and Tourism Management”

European University implements a 3 year (6 semester) bachelor study programme “Leisure and
Tourism Management” similar in content to the programme being accredited. The study courses
foreseen in the study programme indicate that they conform to the contents of the programme being
accredited to a great extent. Student upon conclusion of the programme have to defend two final papers
(case analysis) in marketing and tourism.

Comparison to European University (Great Britain) bachelor study programme „Leisure and
Tourism Management”

Table 9
Content of programme European University study CP
being accredited CP programme content
State Examination 12 Thesis (diploma thesis) 6
( diploma thesis) Final paper (case) in Marketing 3
Final paper (case) in Tourism 3
Course papers 6
Practice 26 Visits to enterprises 1
Tourism and Recreation 6 Sustainable tourism Policy 2
Tourisma dn the Society 2
Commercial Law 3 Commercial Law 3
Information Technology 6 Computer skills and Internet 3
Management Information Systems 3
Project Management 3
Philosophy 2
Commerce 4 Tourism Business 2
Business and the Society 3
Administration of Small Businesses 3
Economics 4 Microeconomics 3
Macroeconomics 3
International economics 3 Global economics 3
Financial Management 3 Calculation Basics 2
Financial Mathematics 3
Budget and Audit 3
Financial Markets 2
Basics of statistics 2
Corporate Finance I, II 6
Financial Analysis 3
Corporate Financial Management 2
Accounting and Taxes 3 Accounting I, II 6
Personnel Management 2 Personnel Management 3
Management 3 International Tourism Management 2
Business policy and Strategic 3
Management 3
Business administration Basics
Social Psychology 3
Event Planning and 6 Events management 2
Organisation Service Industry Management 2
Active and Sport Tourism 6
History of Culture 4 Cultural Heritage 2
Civil Defence 2
Market Research 2 Introduction to Management 3
Consumer Behaviour 2
International tourism and 2 Global Business and Marketing 3
hospitality marketing Strategic Marketing 3
Sevices marketing 2 Marketing Management 3
Tourism Marketing 2
Hospitality Management 2
Leisure Management 4 Leisure and Recreation Management 2
Management of Business 6 Conference Management 2
Management of cultural 2
Ethics and Business Etiquette 2 Negotiations 2
Professional Terminology 8 Written Communication 3
(English) Speech Communication 3
Marketing Communication 2 Organisational Communication 2
E-commerce 2 E-commerce and Tourism 2
Health Tourism 2
Innovation and Leadership 2 Business and innovation

Optional courses
Fitness 4
Professional Terminology 2nd 4
language (German/ French)
Acting Skills 4 Art of Speech 2
Survival Management 2 Risk Tourism 2
Technical Provision for 2
Media Communication 2 Advertising and Media 2

Comparison of the programme being accredited to the bachelor study programme of University
of Ulster (Ireland) „Leisure and Culture Management”

The University of Ulster offers a bachelor study programme „Leisure and Culture Management”.
The duration of the programme is 4 year with a 40 - week Practice. The study programme consists of
separate modules and according to its study disciplines is very much similar in terms of content and
structure to the programme being accredited. Major emphasis in the University of Ulster programme is
placed on practice and management courses.

Comparison to University of Ulster (Ireland) bachelor study programme „Leisure and Culture
Table 10

Content of programme being CP University of Ulster CP

accredited study programme content
State Examination 12 Research 12
( diploma thesis)
Course papers 6
Practice 26 Practice 40
Tourism and Recreation 6 Introduction to hospitality,
Health Tourism 2 leisure organization and 12
Active and Sport Tourism 6 tourism 12
Cultural Tourism

Information Technology 6
Market Research 2 Research methods and 12
Project Management 3 Information Technology
Philosophy 2
Commerce 4
Economics 4
International s 3 Commerce 12
Commercial Law 3
Financial Management 3 Accounting 12
Accounting and Taxes 3
Personnel Management 2 Personnel Management 12
Ethics and Business Etiquette 2 Employment problems 12
Management 3 Organisational 12
(management) studies
Social Psychology 3
Event Planning and Organisation 6 Events Organisation and
Management of Business Tourism 6 Management 12
History of Culture 4 Introduction to Culture 12
Civil Defence 2
International tourism and hospitality 2
marketing 2
Services marketing 2 Marketing 12
Marketing Communication 2 Marketing Management 12
E-commerce 2
Leisure Management 4
Management of cultural events 2 Leisure and Culture 12
Fitness 4 Management
Professional Terminology (English) 8
Innovation and Leadership 2
Professional Terminology 2nd Language 4
Acting Skills 4
Survival Management 2
Technical Provision for Events 2 Infrastructure Management 12
Media Communication 2


The Satversme (constitution) of School of Business Administration Turiba states: “School of

Business Administration Turiba guarantees with all its assets that it would provide students the
opportunity for continuation of higher studies in a different study programme or the same programme
at a different educational institution in case of liquidation of the aforesaid study programme.”

The guarantee should be considered from two aspects - First of all, the stability of the Turiba
(quality of the study process, provision of adequate academic personnel, financial stability,
development prospects and enhancement etc.) and secondly the compatibility of the aforesaid
programme with other similar programmes (possibility of continuation of studies in case of liquidation
of the programme).

The first aspect forecasts the possibility of a situation wherein the study programme is being
liquidated and Turiba has to provide for the continuation of studies.

The second aspect provides a review of the compatibility of the study programme with other
study programme if the aforesaid programme is liquidated and whether the subjects mastered and the
credit points earned would allow for continuation of studies in a different study programme.

Turiba has been in operation since 1994 (initially as “Business Centre Turiba”) and every
following year brought in rapid expansion – new study programmes, accreditation of programmes,
different levels of education, increase in the number of students and academic personnel, increase in
turnover and profit.

The School of Business Administration Turiba is one of the first higher educational institutions
in Latvia that was accredited – accreditation No. 002 (accreditation No. 001 was granted to Riga’s
Economic School). The number of academic personnel has stabilized over the years and proportion of
full time staff has increased.

The study contract concluded with the each individual student by the Rector on behalf of Turiba
states not only the rights and obligations of Turiba but also its liabilities. Turiba provides the students
with the study process for the current study year as well for the whole duration of the programme. The
system of monthly payment for studies is also a reasonable guarantee allowing students to pay for
studies in instalments.

Evaluating the financial stability and very high level of work organisation of Turiba it should be
concluded the there is no threat of liquidation of Turiba in the near future.

Hence the financial and academic stability of Turiba is a guarantee in case of liquidation of the
study programme.
Another additional guarantee is the agreement on cooperation concluded on 9th January 2009
between Turiba and Vidzemes University College and Information Systems Management that foresees
the “transfer” of students to the other institution in case of liquidation or non accreditation of the study
programme (refer Appendix No.2).



• Highly qualified, professional and creative team of educators, many of whom are furthering
their qualification in doctoral studies, are involved in the development of various projects, carry
out research work, give lectures in HEI’s abroad and use the latest study methods;
• Leading practitioners in the industry and guest lecturers are involved in the academic process as
well as there exists a close cooperation with associations of tourism professionals and
employers that allows for reacting operatively to changes in the labour market. The Faculty of
International Tourism Council consists of industry professionals that ensures that the content of
the study programme and topics of bachelor theses reflect the actual problems and trends in the
• Modern day technical base and infrastructure – high standard, excellent library, access to
electronic databases, latest generation information technology and modern well equipped
lecture halls;
• Study programme oriented towards the labour market. High proportion of practical lessons in
the programme;
• Experience in organisation and management of various events;
• Cooperation with Latvian and Foreign higher education Institutions

• Low number of students – it was not possible to form a full academic group of students in the
day or evening department; as a result several students refused to join the study programme;
• There is no demand for implementation of the programme in English;
• Tuition fees for the programme is one of the highest in Latvia;
• Insufficient publicity for the programme in Latvia;
• Non-uniform nature of preliminary knowledge of students enrolled;
• Not all educators have excellent professional English language skills that are necessary for
creative growth and cooperation projects.
• Weak cooperation of students of the programme with Turiba Students’ Council regarding
organisation of students’ events


A development plan has been worked out for further development of the study
programme and the essential elements included to make the programme competitive and more in
demand are as follows:

1. Increase in number of students

1.1. review in close cooperation with the Turiba Department of Development the channels of
popularization, types and places to ensure the interest of sufficient number of students in the
1.2. enhance the discount/ incentive system to motivate students of other higher education institution
programmes of Culture management, tourism and hospitality management programmes who wish
to come to Turiba from other higher education institutions.

2. Enhancement of the study programme in accordance to labour market demands:

2.1. continue to involve practitioners (employers) from the events organization industry in the
development and modernization of the programme;
2.2. involve the alumni of the Faculty of International Tourism by carrying out surveys among the
alumni, using the alumni club and its activities for enhancing the study programme;
2.3. carry out a self evaluation of the programme every year analyzing its strengths and weaknesses and
developing a development plan for the programme;
2.4. integrate the strategy of the Faculty of International Tourism in the development plan.

3. Enhancement of design and improvement of teaching and methodological material:

3.1. improve the independent study tasks and the final examinations for study courses for the academic
year 2010/2011 by including criteria not only for evaluation of knowledge but also skills;
3.3. coordinate and approve at the Department of tourism not only similar study course programmes
but also the lecture plans and content of practical lessons to ensure that there is no overlap or
repetition of the topics covered.

4. Further qualification of educators:

4.1. ensure that permanent Tuiriba academic personnel have undergone higher education pedagogy
further qualification courses;
4.2. carry out research in various disciplines at the Department of Tourism and Hospitality involve
educators in them and link them to research work in the study courses by involving the students;
4.3. promote the participation of educators in local and international scientific and academic
conferences where they can present their research results;
4.4. promote publications of educators on results of applied and research projects.

5. Enhancement of the education process by increasing the proportion of independent and

research work in studies:
5.1. enhance study course programmes and ensure their implementation making sure that the
assessment of students’ independent work is an integral part of the overall assessment;
5.2. stimulate students’ research work by organising student scientific conferences, and furthering the
best for participation in competitions and publishing the results;
5.3. strengthen the students’ cooperation with the Turiba Students’ Council regarding organisation of
events for students.

6. Promoting cooperation with foreign higher education institutions:

6.1. carry out cooperation projects to ensure practice placements at the Champagne school of
Management (France);
6.2. promote student mobility by involving students in Erasmus student mobility programmes;
6.3. Continue the involvement of educators in educator mobility programmes thereby exchanging
experiences and best practices with other foreign higher education institutions (Leonardo/ Socrates/
Erasmus programmes);
6.4. widen the scope of international cooperation by finding new partner higher education institutions
and similar study programmes paying especial attention to the quality of study programme.


Appendix No. 1

Description of study courses

In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Active and Sport Tourism

Course code VAD1331P/VAD1361P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Tourism and Recreation


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ainars Brencis Mg.soc.sc., lecturer

Study course is aimed at students who are going to learn organization and management of leisure. Its goal is
to develop understanding of active recreation during holiday time, which is defined as active or sport
tourism. Study course provides knowledge required about planning, organizing, managing and marketing
active and sports tourism.

LEARNING OUTCOMES (RESULTS) based on course descriptors:

Knowledge and understanding:
 Student must show characteristic to active tourism knowledge, which is expressed through
understanding about types of active tourism, motivation and forms. Student must have critical
judgment about the role of this tourism type in tourism industry. Student must get acquainted with
classical and modern types of active tourism and get the basic knowledge about equipment of each
tourism type, physical and psychological preparation.
 Student must demonstrate understanding of basic terms and their regularities – definition of active
and sport tourism, preconditions, and basic market aspects. Understanding of regularities must be
expressed through ability of student freely discuss about modern life style and demand for active
relaxation, sports and fanning for sports.
Ability to use the knowledge:
By using acquired theoretical base student must learn to measure demand and develop appropriate
tourism product, market and sell it. Tourism product must be presented to auditory.
Analysis, synthesis and judgment:
 Students will learn to critically evaluate tourism resources of Latvia and the World and their ability
to be used in active tourism. Students will learn to work with cartographical material and tourism
route development.
 Students will develop positive attitude towards healthy life style and socially recognizable leisure
time. Students will develop ability to evaluate services of organizations operating in this field.
 Evaluating current trends of business, student must learn evaluate the market and develop
appropriate marketing strategy and calculate cash flow.
Student must learn team work and during seminars analytically describe, explain and discuss about
own idea, results of market research and critically evaluate performance of class mates.


Assignments and grading:
To reach the goal of study course and get 6 credit points student must do 4 regular tests and put final exam.
Final exam: Student presents his/her Project proposal on active or sports tourism. Evaluation scale of final
Students performance Grade
Brilliant and up to date project idea. Brilliant technical performance. 10
Creative approach. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Excellent and up to date project idea. Excellent technical performance. 9
Creative approach. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Very good project idea with good connection to present business situation. 8
Good technical performance. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Good project idea. Good technical performance. Good presentation. Work 7
does not leave strong impression.
Idea would survive but generally it is not promising. Good technical 6
performance, but with some remarks
Idea lacks connection to present business situation. Average technical 5
Weak idea with very low chances to survive. Loose technical performance. 4
Work was done; just it had to be done, without any connection to present Negative evaluation
situation in business. Student’s paper is senseless representing pile of
First test – presentation in seminar „Tutors defined market research task in field of active tourism’’.
Second test – presentation in seminar ‘’Tutors defined product development proposal in field of active
Students performance Grade
Theme is fully unveiled with student’s interpretation and connection to other 10
sectors of business. Theme is accompanied with many comments and
examples. Presentation is easy to grasp and understand. Presentation raises
discussion. Creative approach can be felt.
Theme is fully unveiled with student’s interpretation and connection to other 9
sectors of business with many examples and creative approach. Presentation
raises discussion.
Theme is fully unveiled. Presentation raises discussion. 8
Generally theme is unveiled, with little mistakes and remarks 7
Generally theme is unveiled, but not fully, neglecting some other aspects of 6
Superficial unveil of chosen topic – speaking about different aspects of 5
theme, student cannot grasp core factors and put forward the essence
Student has presented all-known (copy-paste) information without going 4
deeper into chosen topic.
There is no logic and common sense in students performance Negative evaluation
Third and fourth tests – test on theory:
Correct answers % Grade
90 – 100 10
80 – 90 9
70 – 80 8
60 – 70 7
50 – 60 6
40 – 50 5
30 – 40 4
<30 Negative evaluation
Running tests provide 50% of total evaluation and final exam give 50%.
Weight of each test in total evaluation:
1. First test – presentation in seminar – 15%
2. Second test – presentation in seminar –15%
3. Third test – test on theory – 10%
4. Fourth test – test on theory – 10%

Lectures and practical lessons
Lectures and seminars, practical tasks, independent studies and teamwork.

Only practical and theoretical tests

1. Definitions of active and sports tourism. Role of activities in modern society.
1.1. Definitions of active and sports tourism. Domestic and international tourism.
1.2. History of active tourism.
1.3. Forms of active and sports tourism
1.4. Definitions of leisure and recreation. Recreation as social dimension.
1.5. Role and functions active relaxation in modern life.
2. Demand for active and sports tourism, factors of influence.
2.1. Definitions of supply and demand.
2.2. Economical factors of demand.
2.3. Influence of psychological and social factors.
2.4. Changes in demand over time.
2.5. Role of life style, sex, age and family in leisure time activities.
3. Planning organizing and managing of active and sports tourism events
3.1. Route planning, calculation of costs and provision.
3.2. Orientation technique.
4. Equipment for active and sports tourism and way of use.
4.1. Individual equipment.
4.2. Group equipment.
5. Classical types of active tourism
5.1. Backpacking.
5.2. Climbing.
5.3. Rafting.
5.4. Cycling.
5.5. Car and bike tourism.
6. Adventure races as new trend
6.1. Adventure races in Latvia and abroad
6.2. Organizational specifics of adventure races
7. Threats in active tourism
1. Brencis Ainārs. Aktīvais tūrisms. - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola "Turība", 2003. - 223, lpp.
2. Dermans Pīters. Drošība ekstremālās situācijās : padomdevējs ceļotājiem un tūristiem. Rīga :
Jumava, 2000. – 326
3. Hjū Makmanners. Izdzīvošanas rokasgrāmata. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC 1994.- 192.lpp.
4. Mesners Reinholds. Everests : ekspedīcija uz galējo punktu. Rīga : Izdevniecība AGB, 2002. -170.-
5. Hatting G. The Climbers Handbook. – New Holland Publishers Ltd, 1998. – 157. lpp.
6. Lovett R.A. Touring Cyclist – a complete guide for the Bicycle traveler. – Cadmen, Maine, Ragged
Mountain Press, – 2001. – 160 lpp.
7. Paul S. Biederman. Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer, 2007, Prentice Hall
8. Sport and adventure tourism / ed. by Simon Hudson. - New York : The Haworth Hospitality Press,
2003. - XXI, 324 p
9. Townsend Chris. The Backpacker's Handbook / Chris Townsend. - 2nd ed. - Camden, Maine :
Ragged Mountain Press, 1997. - XI, 340 p
1. Adventure portal: www.raid.lv
2. Active tourism center ‘’Eži’’: www.ezi.lv
3. Water tourism wortal: www.laivas.lv; www.juraslaivas.lv; www.amataklubs.lv
4. Klub of bicycle entuziasts: www.velo.lv
5. www.malasevskis.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Project Management

Course code VAD1334
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ainars Brencis Mg.soc.sc., lecturer

Study course is aimed at students who study Project management in tourism. Its aim is to teach students on
how to get from an idea to ‘’served table’’ – preparing Project proposal. It will be done through justifying an
idea, doing market and finance research.


Knowledge penetration:
 Student must demonstrate basic knowledge characteristic to project management as academic
discipline which is expressed through appreciation about scientific field of project management its
research directions and elements. Student must have critical grip highest achievements in field of
project management – project pressure triangle and its influence on business of today.
 Student must demonstrate grip of the most important concepts of this field – definition of project
management, project lifecycle. Appreciation must be expressed as student’s ability to freely discuss
about project management applications in tourism business.
Ability to use the knowledge:
By using acquired theoretical background student must have ability (working in groups) to develop
project proposal with connections to tourism industry and the present it to the auditory.
Analysis, synthesis and evaluation:
 By looking at current situation student must critically evaluate the market and generate to up to date
business or philanthropic idea.
 Student must have knowledge how to evaluate market and its trends and develop appropriate
marketing strategy and financial evaluation
Students must learn effects of teamwork and during seminars must have ability to describe, explain
and provide argumentation about their idea, results of market research and evaluate performance of
their colleagues.


To acquire the knowledge and get 3 credit points student must put two running tests and final practical exam
Final exam: Students present their tourism project proposals developed in groups (2-3 students). Evaluation
of final exam:

Students performance Grade

Brilliant and up to date project idea. Brilliant technical performance. 10
Creative approach. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Excellent and up to date project idea. Excellent technical performance. 9
Creative approach. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Very good project idea with good connection to present business situation. 8
Good technical performance. Presentation motivates auditory to discussion.
Good project idea. Good technical performance. Good presentation. Work 7
does not leave strong impression.
Idea would survive but generally it is not promising. Good technical 6
performance, but with some remarks
Idea lacks connection to present business situation. Average technical 5
Weak idea with very low chances to survive. Loose technical performance. 4
Work was done; just it had to be done, without any connection to present Negative evaluation
situation in business. Student’s paper is senseless representing pile of
First test – presentation in seminar „Analysis of successful business and definition of its success ’’.
Students performance Grade
Theme is fully unveiled with student’s interpretation and connection to other 10
sectors of business. Theme is accompanied with many comments and
examples. Presentation is easy to grasp and understand. Presentation raises
discussion. Creative approach can be felt.
Theme is fully unveiled with student’s interpretation and connection to other 9
sectors of business with many examples and creative approach. Presentation
raises discussion.
Theme is fully unveiled. Presentation raises discussion. 8
Generally theme is unveiled, with little mistakes and remarks 7
Generally theme is unveiled, but not fully, neglecting some other aspects of 6
Superficial unveil of chosen topic – speaking about different aspects of 5
theme, student can not grasp core factors and put forward the essence
Student has presented all-known (copy-paste) information without going 4
deeper into chosen topic.
There is no logic and common sense in students performance Negative evaluation
Second test – test on theory:
Correct answers % Grade
90 – 100 10
80 – 90 9
70 – 80 8
60 – 70 7
50 – 60 6
40 – 50 5
30 – 40 4
<30 Negative evaluation
Running tests provide 40% of total evaluation and final exam give 60%.
Weight of each test in total evaluation:
5. First test – presentation in seminar – 20%
6. Second test – test on theory – 20%

Lectures and practical lessons


Lectures and seminars, practical tasks, independent studies and teamwork.

Only practical and theoretical tests

1. Definitions of Project management, Project life cycle
2. Project organization and organizational forms
3. Theory of Project definition
4. Marketing Feasibility study
4.1. Demand and supply
4.2.Project marketing MIX
4.3.Project occupancy prognosis
5. Project operational feasibility study
6. Project finance feasibility study
6.1Project development costs
6.2Project budget
6.3Project operational costs
6.4Project net income
6.5Calculation of Project investment efficiency
7. Public organizations and their role in widespread of Project management science
8. Theory on Project planning
8.1. Work breakdown plan
8.2. Work flow diagram
8.3. Gant diagram
9. European structural funds in Latvia
10. Project presentation skill

1. Geipele Ineta. Projektu vadīšana: Studijām un biznesam/ Ineta Geipele, Tatjana Tambovceva.-- Rīga:
Valters un Rapa, 2004.-- 189 lpp
2. Lūiss Džeimss. Projektu vadīšanas pamati / Džeimss P. Lūiss ; Amerikas Vadības asociācija. - Rīga :
Puse Plus.
3. Uzulāns Juris. Projektu vadība - Rīga : Jumava, 2004. - 244 lpp.
4. Burke Rory. Project management : planning and control techniques. - 3rd ed. - [Chichester etc.] :
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1999. – 343
5. Clelend D.T. Field Guide to Project Management.- New York : Wiley, 1997
6. Lienz B.D. Project Management for the 21st Century.- San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.
7. Maylor Harvey. Project Management : Harvey Maylor. - 3rd. ed. - London ...[etc.] : Finalcial Times /
Prentice Hall, 2003. - XV, 411 p.
8. Meredith Jack R. Project Management : a managerial approach / Jack R. Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel,
Jr. - 3rd ed. - New York ... [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1995. - XVI, 767
9. Демарко Том. Человеческий фактор : успешные проекты и команды / Том Демарко, Тимоти
Листер ; пер. c англ. - 2-е изд. - Санкт-Петербург ; Москва : Символ-Плюс, 2005. - 249
Latvian investment and development agency: www.liaa.gov.lv
European funds in Latvia: www.esfondi.lv/
Latvian national Project management association: www.lnpva.lv/
International Project management association: www.ipma.ch/
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course E - Commerce

Course code VAD1339P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Marketing


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Vadims Afanasjevs Lecturer

The growth of the Internet continues to have a tremendous influence on business. Companies and
organizations of all types and sizes are rethinking their strategies and how they run their operations. This
new course of E-Marketing program challenges students to explore the realities and implications of e-
business from an entrepreneur’s perspective. Business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B)
e-commerce markets are examined. The course introduces students to a wide range of electronic commerce
issues for entrepreneurs, as a foundation for continual learning in the dynamic e-marketing and e-commerce


• To gain an understanding of the theories and concepts underlying e-marketing ande-commerce
• To improve familiarity with current challenges and issues in e-marketing
• Determine the significance of technology in e-business
• Identify economic utility and assess the satisfaction of customers with products or services acquired
through e-commerce and e-marketing
• Summarize the need for quick, accurate information for the financial decisions involved with e-
• Identify the legal aspects and laws applicable for an e- business
• Analyze e-marketing completion, customer relations, data management, and promotion and
communications involved with e-commerce
• Evaluate quality of E-Commerce Web resources from the first-time visitor’s viewpoint.
• Compare e-marketing with traditional communication models


Assignments and grading:

B2C Mini Project 25%

B2B Mini Project 25%
Exam 15%
E-Commerce Group Project 25%
Attendance and participation 10%
Face-to-Face - include a combination of the following:
1. Lecture
2. Class discussion and group activities
3. Presentation and discussion of solutions to problems
4. Projects
Students are expected to keep themselves current with e-commerce developments by reading newspapers,
business magazines, and online e-commerce news sources.


Handouts, video materials, transparencies and printouts.

1. B2C Mini Project Description: Comparison Shopping
2. B2B Mini Project Description: B2B Exchanges
3. E-Commerce Group Project Description
Exams Description
The two exams will cover material from class lectures and discussions, printouts, and other readings. They
will primarily consist of questions in multiple choice or short answer format.
Students will receive a course outline/syllabus indicating the instructor’s attendance policy (face-to-face
presentation), course requirements, and specific grading criteria.



1. E-Commerce and E-marketing concept
a. Overview of E-Commerce and E-marketing and the Course (E-Commerce concept:
Meaning, Definition, Features and Function of E-Commerce)
b. Advantages and Challenges of E-Business (E-Commerce practices v/s traditional practices)
2. E-Business typology
a. Online Business Strategies (Meaning and application of B2C, B2B, C2C, P2P -Introduction
and basic concepts.)
b. Business Models (Introduction, Storefront Model, Auction Model, Portal Model, Dynamic-
Pricing Models, Resources)
c. E-Marketing in action (Introduction, Affiliate Programs, Building Virtual customer
3. B2C Mini Project
4. Technology basics of E-commerce
a. Telecommunication Infrastructure (Internet Backbone, Hardware, Software and
b. Privacy, Security, Legal and Taxation Issues (Transactions through Internet, Cybercrime and
Protection, Moral and ethnical limitations)
c. Effective Internet Communications (Wireless Technology and M-Business, Internet
Telephony, Web-conferencing, GPS, Data storage)
5. B2B Mini Project
6. Exam
7. E-Commerce and E-marketing in action
a. E-Commerce and E-marketing in Entrepreneurship (Localization of E-Business, role of E-
Commerce in International business)
b. Case Studies (E-Commerce diversity on WWW, most successful E-Commerce projects of
modern world – causes and effects)
8. E-Commerce Group Project

1. "Tūrisma likums" ("LV", 287 (1348), 07.10.1998.) [spēkā ar 01.01.1999.]
2. "Autortiesību likums" ("LV", 148/150 (2059/2061), 27.04.2000.) [spēkā ar 11.05.2000.]
3. "Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības likums" ("LV", 104/105 (1564/1565), 01.04.1999.)
4. Elektronisko dokumentu likums, "Latvijas Vēstnesis" - Nr. 169, 20.11.2002.
5. Likums "Par Vispasaules intelektuālā īpašuma organizācijas (WIPO) līgumu par autortiesībām" //
"Latvijas Vēstnesis" - Nr. 53/54, 17.02.2000.
1. e-Business & e-Commerce for Managers by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Kate Steinbuhler,
Prentice Hall (January 8, 2001)
2. eCommerce: Formulation of Strategy by Robert Plant, Prentice Hall PTR (July 8, 2000)
3. E-Commerce 2009, 5/E by Kenneth Laudon, Carol Traver, Prentice Hall (11/05/2008)
4. E-Commerce: Business,Technology, Society (4th Edition) by Kenneth C Laudon and Carol Guerico
Traver, Prentice Hall (January 7, 2008)
5. eBusiness & eCommerce: Managing the Digital Value Chain by Meier Andreas, Stormer Henrik,
Springer Verlag, 2009
6. E-Commerce Marketing by Brad Kleindl, James L. Burrow, South-Western Educational Pub (March
18, 2004)
7. Электронная коммерция. Учебное пособие, Кобелев О.А., Дашков и К (2006)
1. E-komercijas portāls http://www.ecommercetimes.com
2. E-komercijas portāls http://www.e-commerce.ru/
3. Pasaules intelektuālā īpašuma organizācija - http://www.wipo.int/
4. Autortiesību portāls "Autornet" - http://www.autornet.lv/
5. Buisness Software Alliance - http://w3.bsa.org/latvia/
6. http://www.em.gov.lv/e-komercija/index.html - E-komercijas informatīva lapa
7. E-komercijas elektroniskais žurnāls http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/
8. E-komercijas elektroniskais žurnāls http://www.practicalecommerce.com/
9. E-komercijas elektroniskais žurnāls http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Ethics and business etiquette I

Course code VAD1337P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Agrita Sala MBA, lecturer


To provide students with knowledge on the theoretical aspects of ethics in professional activities..


1) To strengthen knowledge of students on the basic principles of ethics its application in forming and
maintaining business relations.
2) To provide acquisition of professional ethics to promote use of these skills in the study process as
well as working with clients and cooperation partners.

Knowledge: Students will acquire knowledge on the essence of the notion of ethics and varieties of its
theoretical substantiation
Skills: In this study course students will learn to understand reasons and consequences of ethical and
unethical behavior in entrepreneurship.
Attitudes: Students will strengthen their conviction about the necessity to observe ethical principles in their
professional environment.


Tasks to be performed as part of the course and their share in the overall assessment:

Regular test – 30%

Test – 70%

Lectures, seminars, independent studies, tutorials.


Electronic set of lecture notes, independent assignments, tests.

Regular tests, independent self assessment assignments, final test.

1. The essence of ethics and its tasks.
2. Power and social responsibility.
3. Understanding of values and its role in entrepreneurship.
4. Culture of an enterprise.
5. The basic principles of developing a code of ethics.

Aino Kuzņecova Profesionālās ētikas pamati. Rīga: izdevniecība RaKa, 2003., 201 lpp.
Stephen S.J.Hall Ethics in Hospitality Management. Library of Congress Catalogins in Publication Data
1992 p.287
Campbell J., Parker M. For business ethics. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 2005 p. 265
McDaniel Charlotte Organizational Ethics. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data 2004 p. 230
Лучко М.Л. Этика бизнеса – фактор успеха. Москва: Эксмо 2006., 320с.
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Ethics and business etiquette II

Course code VAD1338P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Agrita Sala MBA, lecturer


To provide students with knowledge on the basic principles business etiquette in business relations.


3) To strengthen knowledge of students on the issues of business etiquette and its application in
forming and maintaining business relations.
4) To provide acquisition of the basic principles of business etiquette, to promote use of these skills in
the study process as well as working with clients and cooperation partners.
Knowledge: Students will acquire knowledge on the basic principle of business etiquette and its differences
in various countries.
Skills: In this study course students will realize the importance of business etiquette and will be capable of
assessing different situations when to apply business etiquette skills in real life situations.
Attitudes: Students will understand the importance of business etiquette in forming business relations.


Tasks to be performed as part of the course and their share in the overall assessment:

Regular test – 30%

Examination – 70%

Lectures, seminars, independent studies, tutorials.


Electronic set of lecture notes, independent assignments, tests.

Regular tests, independent self assessment assignments, final test.



1. Business etiquette as integral part of culture of behavior.
2. Code of appearance in business relations.
3. Organization and conduction of business negotiations.
4. Types of business festivities and their organization.
5. Gifts, souvenirs and flowers in business relations.
1. Ķestere I. Lietišķā etiķete – Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC, 2007., 272 lpp.
2. Fosters Dīns Lietišķā etiķete Eiropā – R.: Zvaigzne ABC, 2009., 400 lpp
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Tourism Business

Course code VAD1377P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Introduction into Tourism


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Centis Gercāns Mag.soc.sc., lecturer

To provide students with knowledge and understanding of the nature and peculiarities of tourism
entrepreneurship, of types of tourism enterprises, aspects concerning their founding and management, main
financial documents and analysis of financial situation, the development trends of tourism entrepreneurship
in the World and Latvia. This study course provides necessary basic knowledge and creates the theoretic
base for more profound Tourism Business studies.


After completion of the programme students should possess understanding about role and peculiarities of
tourism business; classification, functions and founding steps of tourism enterprises; business environment;
main financial documents and ratios.
Skills how to evaluate the business environment; how to develop Business plan, how to work with
information sources, how to collect and analyze information; how to analyze finances and to interpret results;
how to improve presentation skills, skills to defend personal opinion, team working skills, skills how to use
enterprise analysis for taking management decisions.
Positive attitude towards the process of entrepreneurship, improvement of sense of responsibility and
communication skills while working in team; critical thinking and evaluation of business environment.


No Topic Activities Results

1. Tourism Entrepreneurship in Latvia and in Practical task, Understanding of concept and

the World. Most essential peculiarities of Discussion. peculiarities of Tourism
Tourism Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship.
2. Tourism impact on Economics, Tourism Discussion Undestanding of Tourism
Multiplier. Satellite Accounts. Economic Impact and its
evaluation criteria.
3. Concept of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Practical task, Knowing of main
Enterprise. Business environment of Tourism Seminar Entrepreneurship terms,
entrepreneurship: internal, external. Process Business environment
of entrepreneurship, its main stages. evaluation criteria and
4. Business plan: role, functions, structure. Discussion. Knowing of role, functions,
and structure of Business
5. Organizational and legal forms of Discussion Knowing of Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship in Latvia. Factors affecting forms, understanding of their
the choice of the forms of entrepreneurship. choice factors and main
Individual entrepreneurship. differencies.
6. Capital companies, their types: Limited Test Understanding of advantages
liability company (Ltd), Joint- stock and disadvantages of
company (JSC). Partnership companies. Entrepreneurship forms.
Special forms of entrepreneurship: Concerns, Knowing of special
Holding companies, Joint ventures. Entrepreneurship forms.
Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal integration.
7. Tourism enterprises, their types. Enterprises Discussion Practical Understanding of tourism
involved in tourism industry directly and task „Hotel enterprise classification by
indirectly. Classification of tourism Indicators” different criteria.
enterprises according to the Tourism Law of
the Republic of Latvia.
8. Main management functions: Goals, SWOT analysis, Knowing of main
Planning, Organization, Motivation, Control, Discussion management functions and
Analysis. their role.
9. Main financial documents: Profit and Loss Practical task, Knowing of main financial
statement, Balance sheet, Cash flow. Discussion documents and their use for
Analysis of financial situation. Ratios of Financial analysis.
Profitability, Liquidity and Capital structure.
10. Pricing and types of Costs: Fixed, Variable, Practical task, Understanding of Costing and
Semi-variable. Division of Semi-variable Discussion Pricing processes. Knowing
costs. Break-Even point. of concept and calculation of
Break-Even point.
11. Assessment of Investment Projects. Practical task, Knowing of Assessment of
Discounting of future cash flows. Discussion Investment Projects by
different methods.
12. Development trends of Tourism business. Discussion Understanding of latest
development trends and
impacting factors of Tourism


1st seminar- “Evaluation of Business Environment of Tourism Enterprise”
2nd test “Enterprise Types”
3rd practical task “Hotel Indicators”
4th group work “Business plan”


Assignments and grading:
Regular tests and self-dependent studies 60%
1st seminar “Business Environment of Tourism Enterprise” 10%
2nd test “Enterprise Types” 10%
3rd practical task “Hotel Indicators” 10%
4th group work “Business plan” 30%
Final exam 40%

Lectures – 24 hours. Practical work (seminars, practical works, study tours) – 8 hours. Self-dependent studies
(studies in library for seminars and report; group work for presentations; studies of necessary internet
materials) – 88 hours.


Tasks for seminar, self-dependant studies,
PowerPoint lectures’ presentations.
Evaluation (points) Criteria

9-10 Ability to analyze critically and to apply theory and methods in different
situations. Demonstration of deeper knowledge and understanding about
topical issues of Tourism Entrepreneurship.
Ability to make independent conclusions.
Ability to assess the case studies and to give well-grounded suggestions to solve
them. Ability to make independent decisions.
Active involvement in discussions and group work, presentations, contributing
significantly to study process.
6-8 Ability to explain different theoretical aspects and methods, and their selection
and practical appliance as well.
Ability to collect information on topical issues about Tourism Entrepreneurship
and to make conclusions.
Ability to formulate opinion and to defend it.
Involvement in discussions, group work and presentations.
4-5 Knowing and understanding of main terms and peculiarities of Tourism
General view about topical issues about Tourism Entrepreneurship.
Ability to answer questions, involvement in group work.


1. Commercial Law of LR
2. Tourism Law of LR
3. Law about Value Added Tax of LR
1. John Beech, Simon Chadwick. The Business of Tourism Management. 2005. Financial Times/
Prentice Hall; 3rd.ed. 577 pp.
2. Morrison Alison. Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries .. - Oxford ...
[etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 1999. - 250 p.
3. Bull Adrian. The Economics of Travel and Tourism . - 2nd ed. - Melbourne, Australia : Longman,
An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, 1997. – 267. p.
4. Экономика современного туризма : рыночное регулирование, основы управления и
маркетинг, бухгалтерский учет и налогообложение ; под ред. Г.А.Карповой. - Москва - Санкт-
Петербург : Издательский Торговый Дом "Герда", 1998. - 412 с.
5. Rurāne Marita. Uzņēmējdarbības organizācija un plānošana - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola "Turība",
2002. - 330, [6] lpp. : tab., sh. - (Uzņēmējdarbības bibliotēka ; 27). - Bibliogr.: 330.lpp.
6. ˇivitere Marga. Komercdarbības (biznesa) plāns. - Rīga : Biznesa komplekss, 1999. - 103, [1] lpp.
1. World Tourism Organization: www.unwto.org
2. Statistics of Commercial register of LR: www.lursoft.lv
3. Starting and managing business: www.entrepreneur.com
4. Business plan: www.businessplans.org
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Leisure Organisation

Course code VAD1350P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Social
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Tourism and recreation


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Pauls Jurjans Mag.soc.sc,.lecturer


The goal of the course is to provide knowledge on organising leisure and managing it as a commercial
activity. The course provides understanding of the essence of leisure and its importance in human life; it
provides insight in psychology of leisure, on types of leisure ad factors affecting it. It provides knowledge on


• Knowledge of the essence of leisure in the context of cotemporary theories.
• Knowledge of recreation and its characterising factors.
• Skills of evaluating quality of leisure and its prospects according to socio- psychological theories.
• Knowledge and skills of planning, organising and managing leisure activities by means of personal
experience, theoretical knowledge and creativity.
• Understanding the risks of leisure activities and their prevention.


In order to acquire the study course and receive the 4 credit points students are required to pass 4 regular
tests and a written final test altogether receiving at least 60 points (%) out of 100. 50% of the final grade are
provided by regular tests and 50% by the final test.

Tasks to be performed as part of the course and their share in the overall assessment:
• Test (1) - 25%
• Independent group work of students - 25%
• Final examination - 50%

Lectures and seminars, practical assignments, field trips, independent studies and group work.


Presentations of lectures, assignments for practical work, seminar and independent study assignments, films
for study purposes. .

Tests, examination of independent assignments, presentation of group work.


Introduction. Subject, tasks, content and importance.
1.The notions of leisure and recreation and their accessibility.
1.1.Most characteristic approaches towards their description.
1.2.Factors characterising recreation.
2.Types and activities related to leisure
2.1.Factors affecting choices for leisure
2.2.Types of leisure
3. Psychology of leisure
3.1. Psychological division of leisure
3.2.A.Maslov’s pyramid of hierarchy of needs
4. Provisions for organising leisure
4.1.Contentual and qualitative provisions for organising tasks and goals of leisure 4.2.Means and
4.3.Choice of strategy and tactics
4.4.Defining and preventing factors of risk.
5.Sport and fitness activities, their planning, organising and management
5.1.Traits characterising sport and fitness activities
5.2.Specific traits of planning, organising and managing.
6.Cultural activities, their planning, organising and management
6.1. Traits characterising cultural activities
6.2. Specific traits of planning, organising and managing.
7.Recretional activities, their planning, organising and management
7.1.Traits characterising recreational activities.
7.2. Specific traits of planning, organising and managing.
8. Traditional, thematic and special events, their planning, organising and management 8.1.Traits
characterising traditional, thematic and special events
8.2. Specific traits of planning, organising and managing.
Independent group work– to develop and present a scenario for leisure activities and organisational plan as
well as to predict potential factors of risk.
Seminars on each theme.

1. Betteridge D. Event Managment in Leisure and Tourism / Debbie Betteridge. – London: Hodder &
Stoughton, 1997. – 44 p.
2. Bishop A. Health, Safety and Security in Leisure and Tourism. – London: Hodder & Stoughton,
1997.- 39, [2] p.
3. Michael J. Leitner, Sara F. Leisure Enhancement. New York; London; Oxford: Haworth Press, 2004
xix, 474 p
4. Morrison A. Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries.- Oxford:
Butterworth Heinemann, 1999. – 250 p.
5. Niek Beunders and Han Boers. Exploring Leisure: An Introduction into Leisure Studies. ToerBoek
Publishers, - 2004
6. Watt David C. Event Managment in Leisure and Tourism. 3rd impr. – Great Britain: Addison
Wesley Lomgman, 2001.- 200 p.
7. Veal A.J. Leisure and tourism policy and planning. 2nd. Ed. – UK: CABI Publ., 2002. – 288 p
8. Abrignani B. Projektu vadība. Rīga: 2006.
9. Borsay.P. A history of leisure: the British experience since 1500. Palgrave, 2006.
10. Eaton.B. European leisure businesses: strategies for the future. Huntingdon: ELM Publ., 1996
1. http://www.worldleisure.org/
2. http://www.adventures.lv/
3. http://www.ezi.lv/
4. The Institute of Sport and Recreation Management
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Survival management

Course code VAD1355P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Social
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Pauls Jurjāns Mag. soc., lecturer

The aim of the course is to provide an insight of work and its organisation in a crisis situation and gain the
basics of crisis management. The course is oriented towards the development of physical endurance and the
enhancement of practical skills necessary for extreme situations based on the synthesis student’s personal
experience and knowledge gained.


• Knowledge on crisis, its characteristic features and possibilities of preventing it
• Knowledge on human physical and mental abilities to counteract the forces of nature and influence
of undesired social phenomena and to overcome them
• Understanding one’s personal strengths and weaknesses and using one’s capabilities for overcoming
crisis situations
• Knowledge on skills necessary for survival in various weather conditions, overcoming barriers and
ensuring one’s existence
Understanding of management of crisis situations and work organisation.


The student has completed the course and is awarded 2 credit points if he /she has participated in all the
outdoor lessons, successfully passed the regular tests and has defended the group work.

Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:

• Regular tests - 25%

• Independent work in groups - 25%
• Participation in outdoor lessons - 50%

Lectures and seminars, practical tasks, study excursions, independent studies and group work.


Lecture presentations, seminar tasks.

Regular tests, group work presentation.


Introduction. Objectives, tasks and organisation of the course
1.Crisis situations and their characteristic features
1.1.Crisis as a social phenomena
1.2.Environmental Crisis
1.2.1.Natural disasters
1.2.2.Ecological disasters
2.Factors influencing the survival capability of human beings
2.1.External factors
2.1.Internal factors
3.Mental and physical conditions for survival
3.1.Psychological conditions
3.2.Anatomical conditions
4.Decision making mechanism in crisis situations
4.1.The role of critical thinking in the decision making process
4.2.Factors hindering decision making
4.3.Decision making in a group
Independent group work – develop and present a crisis plan for a definite situation
5.Description of basic skills necessary for survival
5.1.Survival in a terrain
5.2.Survival in a social environment
6.Survival precautions
6.1.Forecasting crisis situations
6.2.preventing crisis situations

1. P.Dermans. Drošība ekstremālās situācijās. – Rīga, Jumava: 2000.
2. F.Aškrofta. Uz izdzīvošanas robežas. – Rīga, Avots: 2002.
3. A.N.Ozoliņa. Stresa menedžments. – Rīga, AGB:1999.
4. Z.Rubene. Kritiskā domāšana studiju procesā. – LU akadēmiskais apgāds: 2008.
5. A.Brencis. Aktīvais tūrisms. – Rīga, MAT: 2003.
6. R.S.Heckler. In Search of the warrior spirit. – California: 1989.
7. L.Vīksna. Ceļotāja veselības rokasgrāmata. – Rīga: 2002.
8. H.Makmanners. Izdzīvošanas rokasgrāmata. – Rīga, Zvaigzne ABC: 2002.
9. Ильин.A. Большая энциклопедия выживания в экстремальных ситуациях. -
Москва: ЭКСМО, 2004.
10. A.Lozins.U.Ozols. Izdzīvošana ABC sievietēm. – Rīga: Nordik, 2002.
11 L.Vīksna. Ceļotāja veselības rokasgrāmata. – Rīga: 2002.
1. http://www.lmf.lv/power/page.php?id=12
2. http://www2.112.lv/
3. http://www.iem.gov.lv/
4. http://www.interpol.int/
5. http://www.sargs.lv/
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Fitness

Course code VAD1353P/VAD1354P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Pauls Jurjāns Mag. , lecturer

The aim of the course is create an understanding on the role of physical activity on human life and the
variety of possibilities available. Course provides knowledge on the history of sports , its development and
the various divisions, possibilities of its use as an individual or public activity taking into account the target
audience, environment and opportunities..


• Knowledge on history of sports and its influence on the human organism
• Knowledge on types and divisions of sports
• Skills of conducting individual and public physical activities in a goal oriented manner
• Understanding of one’s level of physical fitness and possibilities of enhancing it
• Knowledge and skills on the organisation of sports activities


To successfully complete the study course and obtain 4 credit points it is necessary to successfully complete
4 regular tests and a written final exam obtaining at least 60% altogether. 50% for regular tests and, 50% -
final examination.

Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:

• Regular tests (2) - 15%
• Independent task of the student in a group - 20%
• Examination - 50%

Lectures and seminars, practical tasks.


Lecture presentations; practical tasks, seminars and independent study tasks.

Regular tests, attendance of physical activity lessons, presentation of group work.

Introduction. Objectives, tasks and organisation of the course
1.History of sports
1.1.Sports in first human civilisations
1.2.Sports in ancient times
1.3.Sports in the middle ages
1.4.Sports in the modern era
2.Types of sports and their division
2.1.Types of team and individual sports
2.2.Cyclic and acyclic sport types
2.3.Contact and no contact sport types
2.4.Olympic and non Olympic sport types
3. Physical features, their development conditions and possibilities
4. Relays, their types and features
4.1.Types of relays
4.2.Principles of organising relays
5.Movement games
6.Non traditional types of sports
7. Conditions and specifics of organising sport activities
7.1.Types of competitions
7.2.Forming a team
7.3.Determining winners

Independent group work –to develop and present the scenario for sport activities for a definite event and
definite target audience
Seminars on each topic

1. Z.Labalaiks, J.Dravnieks, U.Bērziņš. Sporta instruktora rokasgrāmata karavīriem. Rīga: FOBO
prints, 2004.
2. V.Krauksts. Bērnu un pusaudžu fiziskās aktivitātes un sports. Rīga: Drukātava, 2006.
3. R.Tarnopoļska. Fitnesa filozofija un prakse. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa Universitāte, 2008.
4. I.Liepiņš. Brīvā laika spēles. Rīga : LIC, 1992.
5. M.Biķerniece. Aktīvās spēles. Rīga: Jumava, 2004.
2. http://www.lspa.lv/
3. http://www.thesportjournal.org/
4. http://www.sportkinetics.org/
5. http://www.sp.gov.lv/
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Tourism economy and globalization

Course code EKO1204P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management sciense
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge International tourism economics, International marketing,
Market analysis


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ēriks Lingebērziņš Mg.soc., lecturer

Liberalization of global economies, development of information technologies, free capital, resource and
individuals within past 30 years are the main factors characterizing process of globalization. Globalization
has been one of the most controversial global processes, on the one hand because the process has supported
rapid development of economics and on the other hand has been criticized for slowing down development of
underdeveloped economies. Development of global economies together with the development of information
technologies has changed a lot supply and demand side relation of tourism business. At same time economic,
political and social changes stimulated by globalization have changed remarkably tourism product available
for consumers. Within past 30 years international tourism has experienced voluminous changes, which
include not only remarkable increase of the number of international travelers, but also important changes of
tourism and hospitality service product. It has also initiated discussion of sustainable, environment friendly
and fair competitiveness tourism.
The aim of the course is to give students knowledge and deepened understanding of globalization process in
general, paying special attention to consequences and challenges for tourism business environment, looking
on it globally. With the aid of analysis of various process, the aim is to develop professional and overall
skills and competences to evaluate and give opinion on ongoing processes of global tourism, as well, to give
understanding of main challenges of tourism industry in general, in the context of globalization.


After study course students will be able to:
• Describe the process of globalization and impact on tourism and hospitality industry;
• Describe the essence of sustainable tourism and need of comprehensive environment of
competition and presence environment friendly international tourism business environment;
• Understand importance of globalization in tourism and hospitality industry, considering recent
changes of supply and demand;
• Understand how globalization has influenced change of tourism product supply and demand
• Evaluate the role of internet technologies for further development of tourism and hospitality
industry in long term perspective;
• Critically analyze global economic and social structure changes in the tourism business
environment and hospitality industry;
• Use achieved knowledge to prepare and promote sustainable and competitive tourism and
hospitality products;
• Professionally analyze ongoing processes in tourism business environment in Latvia and other
countries, considering actual economical, social and political tendencies around the world;
• Obtain such needed competences for further professional activities as ability to as argumentation
and presentation of self developed ideas, based on previous theoretical knowledge and practical
• Working both individually and in groups and actively participating at study process, obtain case
study skills and ability to analyze given situations;
• Form successful career in tourism and hospitality industry;


Tasks to be done and proportion in total assessment:
Regular trial - 60%
Final course paper according to given subjects - 30%
2 written trials, based on self dependent studied literature – 30%
Examination (written) – 40 %

The aim of lecturer is to lead study process, by giving recommendation for successful understanding of
course content, as well to follow-up on practical works and lead students while preparing individual and
group tasks. Studies are done based on theoretical lectures, independent studies and practical works, such as
seminars, team works, analysis of publications and preparation of final paper. Theoretical knowledge is fixed
by various cases studies, discussions and individual or group presentations. Interviews and participation of
industry professionals might be used during course.


Handouts, audio visual materials, internet data basis (Emerald, Sage Publications), case study subjects,
seminar subjects and final paper subject proposals.

Written trials
Final paper


1. Theoretical aspects of globalization in the context of development of world’s economy
1.1. Emergence of globalization, development, waves of globalization in the theoretical context of
neo liberalism
1.2. Forms of globalization: political, economical, technological and cultural
1.3. Challenges and opportunities of tourism business in the era of globalization
2. Co-processes of globalization and their role in tourism
2.1. Glocalization: ethnography, localization and glocalization: tourism information, tourism guides
and language – their role in glocalization
2.2. Assimilation of cultures: positive and negative impacts on tourism
2.3. Sustainable development and balance of tourism entrepreneurship with sustainable tourism
2.4. Changes of tourism product supply and demand
3. Concerns and alliances, forms of cooperation and competition in international economics and the
role of globalization
3.1. Individualism and cooperation: motives, opportunities and challenges
3.2. Alliances and concerns: definition and regulatory institutions in the European Union
3.3. Forms of cooperation in international economics of tourism, including formation of chain hotels
3.4. Positive aspects of global competition
4. Information technologies and their role in globalization
4.1. Technological development and social changes
4.2. Disappearance of national borders and transnational cooperation, forms of communication
4.3. Sales channels and sales forms of international tourism
4.4. Social channels and their role in forming global advertisement

1. Global Tourism., ed.by Theobald F. William, 3rd edition, Elsier – Science Press; ch. 4, page 52 – 73,
ch. 18, page 346 – 361, ch. 25, page. 482 – 505.
2. Cooper C. And Hall M. Contemporary tourism and international approach, chapter 11, page 272 –
3. Salazar B. Noel. Tourism and Glocalization: “local” tour guiding, Annals of tourism Research, vol.
32, No. 3, Page 628 – 646, University of Pensilvania, 2005
3. Sernau S. Global problems: The Search for Equity, Peace and Sustainability, chapter 12, page 323 –
350, Pearson Eduction Inc., 2006
4. Tourism in Protected Areas: guidelines for planning and management, ed.by Eagles Paul J.F.,
McCool Stephen F., Haynes Christopher D., World Commission on Protected Areas, series 8, 2002.
5. Ritzer G. The Macdonaldization of Society, ch. 8. Page 159 – 184, Sage Publication Company, 2004
1. Sage Journals Online: http://online.sagepub.com/
2. Emerald Journals: http://info.emeraldinsight.com/
3. United Nations World Tourism Organization: http://www.unwto.org/sdt/
Sustainable development of tourism
4. World Bank http://www1.worldbank.org/economicpolicy/globalization/
5. Gateway to the European Union /Eiropas Savienības portāls:
http://ec.europa.eu/competition/index_en.html; http://europa.eu/pol/comp/index_lv.htm
Competition: making markets work better
6. International Monetary Foundation home page: http://www.imf.org
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course History of World Culture

Course code VES1003P/VAD1360P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science History
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Amanda Mieze MBA, Lecturer

The following aims have been set for the study course:
1. To build up the comprehension of ambiguity concerning the concept of culture, understanding of
culture as a process and as a value system in the life of an individual and the society. To develop
sense in connection with variety of forms of tangible and intangible world culture heritage, traditions
and life style differences as well as to develop ability of analyzing and valuing cultural traditions and
their change.
2. To introduce students to ways of development of mayor world cultures and religions, different sets
of values, to build up intercultural communicative competence to facilitate work in international
environment, creating international partnerships, being tolerant and adapting to needs and demands
of international visitors.
3. Contribute to awareness of cultural identity in the context of world cultures, to give the
understanding about human achievements in the arts and culture, major culture tourism centers and
destinations, to deepen intellectual and critical capabilities analyzing, comparing and appreciating
cultural manifestations. Introduce students with issues of the management of culture heritage
management, questions of promoting cultural diversity and the use of culture as a significant
resource in creative industries and its role in economic development.


After this study program student will be able to perform successful cross cultural communication: efficient
collaboration, interoperability and maintaining contacts with representatives of different cultural and ethnic
background, planning outgoing or inbound travel and cultural activities. Students will achieve understanding
of core values and development tendencies of different cultures in historical and contemporary aspect,
different cultural patterns and gain skills for purposeful interaction and substantiation for responsible use of
culture resources in business activities that correspond to the traditions and cultural values of different local
communities. Further students will understand cultural background of prominent art and architecture
accomplishments and monuments, usage of cultural heritage and resources in entrepreneurship and the role
and significance of culture in the processes of economic development.
Knowledge: Student will be aware of multiple aspects of the concept of culture and factors of culture
development. Students also must know the general developments of different major civilizations and
religions, their interaction, patterns of perception and conduct of different societies. Besides students have to
know core values of different world cultures, the most important human achievements in diverse spheres of
artistic and creative activities as well as the usage of cultural heritage and resources in entrepreneurship and
evaluate culture in the context of economic development.
Skills: Students are able to orientate themselves in different cultural environments, use intercultural
communicative competence to ensure understanding among representatives of different cultures, religions
and mentalities. In addition, students must be able to evaluate the meaning of cultural heritage of different
nations and to use cultural resources in business activities. Students understand the necessity to adapt tourist-
orientated businesses to cultural and habitual demands of foreign guests. Tendencies of interaction and
development of economic and cultural spheres for students are clear and can be used for evaluating
corresponding processes.
Attitude: Students demonstrate critical and analytic attitude towards national and international processes of
the development of culture industry, questions concerning cultural heritage of different nations, religious and
ethnic groups, and also show capabilities for empathy and tolerance facilitating creation of partnerships and
international cooperation.


For successful digesting and gaining 4 credit points students have to cover following requirements:
- In the 1st half-year: 1 regular test and final test in written form.
- In the 2nd half-year: 1 regular test and final exam in written form.

Tasks of the study course and their proportion in grading:

2 regular tests, 1 final test, 1 final exam and group work.
2 regular tests are organized in a form of unassisted work and work in small groups, the results of the
assignments students have to present in the workshops. Regular tests assemble 50% of the final grade. Final
examination in every semester is organized in a form of written test composed of 100 questions.

Grading scale of final examination:

Correct answers Grade
91 – 100 10
81 – 90 9
71 – 80 8
61 – 70 7
51 – 60 6
41 – 50 5
31 – 40 4
Up to 30 Failed

Lectures and workshops, unassisted work and independent learning as well as group work.


Lecture presentations for the study course, tasks for unassisted work, independent learning and workshops.

Examination of unassisted work and presentation of group work.



1. The concept of culture and its understanding. Culture as a system. Intercultural relations and the
processes of culture development and interaction. Relations of individual and society in culture.
2. Beginning of civilizations, development of religions and cultures. Progress and evidence in
prehistoric humanity.
3. Ancient civilizations: Mesopotamia, Egypt, Hebrew culture, ancient cultures of Central and South
4. Traditional cultures of east: religions and culture of ancient India. Historical culture and religions in
China. Japanese traditional culture.
5. Classical culture: ancient Greece and Rome. The beginnings of the Christianity.
6. Medieval religion and culture. Byzantium and orthodoxy. Development of Islamic culture. European
medieval culture.
7. Development of Renaissance and reformation culture. Most important trends and ideas of the period.
8. Absolutism and the enlightenment age. Culture in 19th and 20th century.
9. Development processes of modern cultures, arts and the philosophic thought. Cultural and economic
interaction and development. Culture economics and sustainable development.
10. Cultural heritage as resource in creative industries. The impact of culture on creativity.
11. Cultural politics in Latvia and European Union. Governance and promotion of diversity in culture.
Professional arts and question of cultural accessibility.
12. Current issues in management of cultural institutions. Using tangible and intangible culture assets in
business activities.

1.. Axtell Roger E. The do's and taboos of hosting international visitors / Roger E. Axtell. - New York ...
[etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, 1990. - XVII, 236 p.
2.. David Throsby. Economics and Culture. Cambridge University Press, 2001. 208 S.
3. Isar, Yudhishthir Raj. The cultural economy / edited by Helmut K. Anheier [et al.] London : SAGE,
2008. 661 S. : Ill.
4. The Economics of Art and Culture. 2nd Edition. James Heilbrun, Charles M. Gray. Cambridge
University Press, 2001. 208 S.
5. Chong Derrick . Arts management. Routledge, 2002. 156 S.
6. Hesmondhalgh David. The cultural industries. London : SAGE Publications, 2002. 290 S. : Ill.
7. Religion and everyday life and culture / Richard D. Hecht and Vincent F. Biondo, editors. Santa
Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, 2010. 3 vols. : Ill.
8. Gibson, Mark. Culture and power : a history of cultural studies. Oxford : Berg, 2007. 228 S.
9. Smart Ninian. The Religious Experience / Ninian Smart. - 5th ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Prentice Hall, 1996. - X, 453 p.
10. Ninian Smart. Dimensions of the sacred : an anatomy of the world’s beliefs. Berkeley [etc.] :
University of California Press, cop. 1996. XXVIII, 331 S.
11. Janson H.W. History of Art : the Western tradition / H.W. Janson, Anthony F. Janson. - 6th ed. -
New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2004. - 1031, [1] p.
12. Kleiner Fred S. Gardner's Art through the Ages / Fred S. Kleiner, Christin J. Mamiya, Richard G.
Tansey. - 11th ed. - Fort Worth ... [etc.] : Harcourt College Publishers, 2001. - xxix, 1198 p. : ill.
1. http://portal.unesco.org – current issues in the field of culture worldwide.
2. www.culture.info/policy - databases and other resources providing information on cultural policies
across the world
3. www.ricksteves.com – European cultural tourism resources.
4. www.km.gov.lv – cultural policy in Latvia, researches in the field of culture
5. www.frommers.com – resources of intercultural communication
6. http://arthistory.about.com/ - art history resources
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Health Tourism

Course code VAD1351P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Armands Muižnieks Mag.biol., MBA, lecturer

Knowledge and skills in the organisation of health tourism, resort science; understanding of significance of
health resorts in economic development.


Provide knowledge on modern day health tourism trends; understand the difference between medicine and
spa and wellness services. Orient oneself in the prerequisites (resources and factors) for resort development,
products and services offered in Latvia and Europe. Provide general understanding of resort science and it
social economic significance nowadays. Ability to apply the knowledge gained in the creation of health
tourism products.
Develop skills how to apply the knowledge gained, independently analyse, plan and develop[ health tourism
Skills of orienting oneself in resort geography and health tourism services, analyse the situation in a rapidly
changing market.
Creation of positive attitude towards the significance of intangible added value in the creation of new
tourism products.


Regular tests – 40%
incl. Regular tests - 10%
seminars - 10%
group work - 5%
study paper - 15%
Examination - 60%

Lectures, group work, independent task, study excursion to one of Latvia’s historic resorts and visit
enterprises manufacturing health tourism products.


Handout materials for lectures, lecture notes, audiovisual materials (Jurmala resort architecture,

Regular tests, presentation of independent task, examination


1. Resort science
1.1. Introduction to resort science
1.2. definition and terminology of resort science, tasks of this field and interaction with other fields.
Resort development trends.
2. Latvian and world resort history and development prospects. Historic Latvian resorts, their condition and
possibilities of use nowadays.
3. Types of resorts and natural medicine resources and their use.
3.1. Types of resorts
3.2. Types of mineral springs and their use for spa, wellness and medicinal purposes.
4. Resort and spa therapy. Wellness concept.
4.1.Spa and resort therapy and types of procedures.
4.2.Classical and non traditional (folk medicine, oriental medicine) treatment methods.
5. Infrastructure of resorts.
5.1. Infrastructure of health resorts and possibilities of their use.
5.2. Mineral water springs, dozēto pastaigu takas (terenkūri), open air inhalators.
5.3.Spa centres, resort polyclinics, kūrmājas, resort hotels, specific small architecture forms etc.
6. Resort geography. Resorts in Latvia, Europe and CIS countries and their description.
Study Paper. Description of a resort N
7.Health Tourism
7.1.Health tourism products and services
7.2.Health tourism trends
7.3.Normative enactments in the respective field.

1. Tūrisma likums
2. Ārstniecības likums
3. Latvijas tūrisma attīstības pamatnostādnes 2009-2015.gadam
1. Redman B., Johnson E., Retail Management for Spas, International Spa Association Foundation,
2005, 329 p.
2. Eakin Julie Sinclair, Salons and spas, Rockport Publishers Inc, 2007, 168 p.
3. Pilzer Paul Zane, The Wellness Revolution, John Willey & Sons, Inc.,2002, 260 p.
4. Brutāne D., Miške I., Ūdens noslēpumi. Nordik, 2003, 165.lpp.
5. Terentjeva L., Frīdenberga L., Latvijas kūrortu dabiskie dziedniecības līdzekļi, Multicentrs, 2008,
6. Gahlinger P.,The Medical Tourism travel guide, Sunrise River Press, 2008, 322 p.
7. Balode G., Kārkliņš Z., Dziedinošā pirts. Apgāds „Zvaigzne ABC”, 2004.
8. Bardey C., Secrets of the Spas, Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc, 1999, 192 p.
9. Belte P., Rīgas Jūrmalas, Slokas un Ķemeru pilsētas ar apkārtni. Rīgas Jūrmala, 1935;
faksimilizdevums – Rīga: ULMA, 2002, 299.lpp.
10. Cepurīte D.,Kūrorta un tūrisma pirmsākums Cēsīs-auksta ūdens dziedniecības iestāde 19.gs vidū.
Cēsu un Vidzemes novada vēsture. Rakstu krājums. Cēsis, Cēsu pašvaldības aģentūra „Vidzemes
vēstures un tūrisma centrs”, 2005
11. Edwards H.Victoria, The Aromatherapy Companion, Storey Publishing, 1999, 282 p.
12. Gintere U. Ginters J., Liepāja laikmetu dzirnās. Liepāja, SIA „Kurzemes vārds”, 2005, 224.lpp.
12. Gitun T. Vsjo o massazhe.ID Vladis, 2006, 383 str.
14. Gūtenbrunners Kr.,Glēzeners Ž.Ž., Rehabilitācija, fizikālā medicīna un dabas dziedniecība. SIA
„Nacionālais apgāds”, 2008, 217.lpp.
15. Hlevickis J., SPA medicīna. SIA Medicīnas apgāds, 2007, 108.lpp.
16. Kuskov A.S.,Lisikova O.V. Kurortologija i ozdorovitelnij turizm. Izd.Fenikss, 2004, 317 str.
17. Manshina N.V. Putevoditelj po kūrortam mira. ZAO Medsi, 2003, 286 str.
18. Zeidlers I.,Klīniskā fizikālā medicīna, SIA Nacionālais apgāds, 2004, 398.lpp.
1. www.espa-ehv.com
2. www.experienceispa.com/
1. Muižnieks A., Latvijas veselības tūrisma attīstības koncepcija, maģistra darbs, Turība, 2007
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Innovation and Leadership

Course code VAD1348P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Jānis Ēriks Niedrītis Dr.oec., as. Professor
Aina Ozoliņa Lecturer

Provide systematic academic, theoretical and practical knowledge on specific psychological and sociological
processes - innovation, creativity, leadership, their essence, structure, development factors, mutual influence
and interaction as well as the impact of these processes on the behaviour of the individual and the society.
Apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained, develop skills and abilities for the development of a
creative, leading, competitive personality for effective professional growth as well as help utilise the
theoretical concepts and notions in the social environment, social and professional work and in social


Intellectual competence:
1. provide a general insight and knowledge of innovation, creativity, and leadership processes, their
essence, structure, development factors, mutual influence and interaction;
2. create an understanding of the significance and role of innovation and creativity in the thoughts and
actions of a leader;
3. acquaint with the competences that are necessary for the development and enhancement of
innovation and creativity.
Professional competences, attitude:
1. as a result of successful completion of the programme skills and techniques of innovative and
creative thinking will be developed and applied;
2. idea generation methods will be mastered and applied;
3. knowledge gained would be used for personal and professional development;
4. the skills of selecting information, analysis, systemisation, independent research and creative work
will be enhanced by using the appropriate and relevant information, sources of literature and
5. skills of evaluating one’s personal abilities, progress and areas of development by passing tests and
carrying out research work;
6. develop skills of finding new and multifaceted solutions in business;
7. enhanced skills of decision making at the management level.


Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:
Regular tests/2/ -50%
Practical tasks/2/ -40%
Work during seminars etc. -10%
Lectures, seminars, practical tasks, interactive methods, independent research work, study excursions.


Study course programme; thematic plan; practical and independent work, seminar tasks; tests,
questionnaires; lecture notes /presentations/; visual aids; books.

Regular tests, individual practical tasks – creative, research, presentations, seminars.



1.Innovation –creation-creativity.
1.1. Creativity from the historic perspective.
1.2. Explanation of the concept and features.
1.3. Creativity concept / various opinions on creativity.
1.4. The understanding of creativity in personal development theories.
2.Creativity in philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, marketing and other fields.
3.Creativity in different spheres of life.
3.1. Art, Music, Literature .
3.2. Science.
3.3. Advertising and Marketing.
3.4. Technology.
Practical creative task
4.Creative personality, its development.
4.1.Role of creativity in personality development.
4.2.Creative personality in the society and social sphere.
4.3.Creativity in various life stages.
4.4.Structure of creative personality.
4.5.Satges of creative process.
4.6.Factors and conditions influencing and promoting the creative process.
4.7.Skills, methods, techniques and measure for influencing and developing creativity.
4.8.Diagostics of creativity.
5.1.Leadership from the historic perspective.
5.2.The power aspect of leadership.
5.3.Leadership and management.
5.4.Social roles and functions of a leader.
5.5.Leadership theories.
5.5.1. Levin’s leadership typology.
5.5.2. Behavioural leadership theory.
5.5.3. Situative leadership theory.
5.4.4.Transformative leadership theory.
Practical creative task
6.Interaction of creativity and leadership, mutual correlation.
6.1.Innovation and creativity as one of the components developing, promoting and defining the
professional leadership competences.
6.2.The desired set of skills and psychological features of a potential leader – psychological evaluation.
6.3.The impact of a manager’s personality on the effectiveness of his work;
6.4.Psychological diagnostics, testing/ selection of effective potential managers.
6.5.Adaptation of methods, techniques, tools for developing creativity.

1. Džons Edeirers. Radošas domāšanas māksla.- Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2008.
2. Tourism, Creativity and Development. 2007. Routledge
3. Encyclopedia of creativity /volume 1,2/ .- By Academic Press. 1999.
4. Даина-Халперн. Психология критического мышления.-4ое международное издание, Санкт-
Петербург, 2000.
5. Viesturs Reņģe. Organizāciju psiholoģija.-Kamene, 2002.
6. Rasma Garleja, Māra Vidnere. Psiholoģijas un sociālās uzvedības aspekti ekonomikā.-RaKa.2000.
7. Torrance E.P. Why fly?: a phylosophy of creativity .– New Jersey.1995
8. Rita Bebre.Daiļrades procesu psiholoģija Latvijā.- Valters un Rapa, 2008.
9. В.Н.Машков.Практика психологического обеспечения и руководства управления менеджмента.-
Речь,Санкт-Петербург, 2005.
9. Психология ХХI века.-Под редакцией В.И.Дружинина. Учебник для вузов.-ПЕР СЭ.2003.
10. Creativity Research Journal
1. www.cococreativity.com
2. www.nea.gov/resources/lessons/
1. Rita Bebre, Anastasija Maulvurfa / Rīgas Pedagoģijas un izglītības vadības augstskola / Kreativitātes
pētījumi RPIVA Kreativitātes centra publikācijās un psiholoģijas fakultātes studentu darbos.
2. Сергей Пронин ,,О том как создаётся креатив,,
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Tourism and recreation

Course code VAD1325P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 6
Total number of hours 240
Lectures (hours) 60
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 20
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Maija Rozīte Dr.geogr, professor
Brigita Puriņa MBA, lecturer

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of leisure as a social phenomenon, of organisation of recreation
activities and enterprises that offer tourism and recreation services. Demonstrate skills of independently
acquire select and analyse information, carry out professional creative work at tourism and recreation

1. develop an understanding of demand of the public and individuals for recreation, tourism and other
leisure services;
2. acquire the specifics and functions of tourism and recreation enterprises;
3. evaluate the factors influencing demand and supply.
4. acquire skills of selecting and analysing information and data.
Knowledge and understanding:
Students demonstrate knowledge of tourism and recreation industry and its different sectors, its developers,
main correlations, recreation and its types, the demand and supply for recreation.
Use the factors and preconditions influencing recreation while explaining and analysing the recreation offer
in various regions.
Demonstrate knowledge on specifics of hotel operations, main departments and their interaction.
Demonstrate knowledge on functions, specifics of operations and sanitary requirements for food in catering
Evaluate the various recreation enterprises and the impact of their operations on the environment, society,
culture and economy.
Demonstrate critical understanding of state policy and the role of local governments in providing
for a healthy lifestyle.
Students independently collect, select and analyse the latest professional information in the field of tourism
and recreation.
Carry out innovative research in the chosen tourism and recreation industry sector.
Identify the topical problems in tourism and recreation and analytically analyse its causes and justify the
possible solutions.
Model various actions and attitude of hotel employees; demonstrate the ability to take decisions in various
problematic situations.
Demonstrate basic skills in catering and guest service.
Discuss the dynamics of demand and supply in recreation and factors influencing it. Determine the demand
for recreation services by applying various demand research methods.
Take on the responsibility and initiative in defining research project fields. Manage teamwork and
are able to actively participate as a team member within the project.
Attitude and communication:
Students define and analytically describe the working principles of recreation enterprises and their key
functions. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards healthy and socially recognised leisure pursuits and their
Modelling different situation with one’s actions demonstrate the conformity of recreation service supply to
the demands. Critically evaluate the possible impact of recreation activities on the environment.
Find one’s niche in the tourism and recreation field, consciously structure one’s studies, further education
and professional growth by choosing the appropriate case study examples, study paper themes and research


To successfully complete the course and obtain 6 credit point it is necessary to pass 3 regular tests and a
written final examination acquiring together at least 60% out of a possible 100 points. 60% of the final
assessment is from regular tests and 40% - final examination.

Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:

1st regular test (Tourism and recreation) 20%
It includes:
1.1. Independent task – practical task „Data sources in tourism and recreation” 10%
1.2. Seminar (group work). Research on demand for N services. 10%
The mark for the regular test is an average of both tasks.

2nd regular test (Food and Catering services) 20%

2.1. Regular test „Sanitary requirements, room equipment and work safety
in food and catering enterprises” 10%
2.2. Study paper – Offer of equipment for catering enterprises 10%
The mark for the regular test is an average of both tasks.

3rd regular test (Hotels and their services) 20%

3.1. Practical task – „Organisational structure of hotels and their departments” 10%
3.2. Group task– Animation activities in hotels 10%
The mark for the regular test is an average of both tasks.

Lectures and seminars, practical tasks, study excursions, independent studies and group work.


Lecture presentations; practical tasks, seminars and independent study tasks, training films.

Regular tests, assessment of independent practical task, group work and study paper presentation.



1. The concept and definitions of tourism, leisure and recreation. The significance of economic
and political significance of tourism and recreation in modern day society.
1.1. Concept and definition of tourism and travelling. Domestic and international tourism.
1.2. Types and forms of tourism.
1.3. Concept and definition of leisure and recreation. Recreation as a social phenomenon.
1.4. The significance and functions of tourism and recreation nowadays.
2. Use of leisure and history of travelling.
2.1. Leisure and leisure pursuits in the ancient society, middle ages and renaissance period.
2.2. History of travelling during the industrial revolution period.
2.3. Creation and development of mass tourism and recreation in the 20th century.
2.4. Creation of recreational society and social leisure theories.
3. Demand for tourism and recreation services and factors influencing it.
3.1. Definitions of demand and participation.
3.2. Economic factors of demand.
3.3. Impact of psychological and social factors.
3.4. Expression of demand in the form of time and space.
3.5. The role of lifestyle, gender, age and family in leisure activities.
3.6. Data sources for evaluating demand.
4. Tourism and Hospitality industry, its structure. Tour operators and agencies and their
functions. International tourism and its development trends.
4.1. Tourism and hospitality industry and economics. Recreation sector.
4.2. Tourism industry sectors: Tour operators, their operations.
4.3. Tourism and travel agencies. The role of Internet in travel organisation.
4.4. International tourism development trends and global tourist flows.
5. Hotels and other tourist accommodation, types and functions.
5.1. Accommodation types, functions and classification.
5.2. International hotel unions and their significance.
5.3. Globalisation in the hospitality sector.
6. Hotel services and specifics of their development.
6.1. Hotel facilities, basic services and additional services.
6.2. Target audience of hotels and their specifics.
6.3.Organisational and functional structure of hotels. Functions and significance of various
7. Food and catering enterprises and their functions.
7.1. Forms and types of food and catering enterprises, their functions.
a. Rooms and equipment necessary for food preparation
b. Sanitary requirements for food preparation rooms and personnel
c. Self control system in food and catering enterprises
d. Layout and equipment of premises
e. Work safety in food and catering enterprises.
8. Basic principles of preparing and serving food and beverages.
8.1. Technological processes of food preparation: pre processing, thermal processing.
a. Food preparation for service
b. National food, Latvian national cuisine
c. Menus their types and description.
8.5. Basic principles of table laying.
9. Basic principles for guest service in catering enterprises.
9.1. Preparing the premises for guest reception
9.2. Guest reception and service
9.3. banquets and receptions.
10. Types of recreation and recreation places. Nature countryside and city sites for recreation.
10.1. Nature and rural cultural sites for rest and relaxation. The impact of tourism on nature and cultural
10.2. Urbanisation and recreation activities for city dwellers.
10.3. Structure of cities, recreation and green zones.
10.4. Elite relaxation places and their development. Rest, sports and resort complexes.
11. State policy in developing a healthy lifestyle. The role and tasks of the local governments.
People with special needs.
11.1. State policy in developing and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Aging process of a nation.
11.2. The role and tasks of local government in leisure pursuits and recreation.
11.3. Accessibility of leisure pursuits to various social groups.
11.4. People with special needs and their involvement in recreation.
12. Commercial organisations offering recreation and leisure pursuits.
12.1. Recreation and leisure pursuits at home. The significance of TV, radio and Internet.
12.2. Recreation and leisure pursuits at places of residence. Informal recreation. Films and other
12.3. Cultural and art activities.
12.4. Sports and physical activities.
13. Latest trends in leisure time activities.
13.1. Public organisations and associations. Interest clubs.
13.2. The role and significance of education in active and healthy use of leisure and personal
development. Self education as a leisure time activity.
13.3. Leisure activities’ trends in developed countries.

Assessment Criteria
9-10 Students demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of tourism and recreation industry and its
different sectors, its developers, main correlations, recreation forms and its types, the demand
and supply for recreation. Creatively interpret the knowledge gained in relation to the current
Demonstrate knowledge on types of hotels and food and catering enterprises and the specifics
of their operations. Understand the hotel department functions and their interaction, analyse
situations in practice. Know the basic principles of safety in food and catering enterprises and
are able to use them while planning catering services.
Evaluate and model the various recreation enterprises and the impact of their operations on the
environment. Understand the causes for these impacts and are able to explain possible
solutions based on the latest ideas and global practice.
Students independently collect, select and analyse the latest professional information in the
field of tourism and recreation. Carry out creative and innovative research in the chosen
tourism and recreation industry sector.
Creatively model the actions and attitude of animators at hotels; demonstrate the ability to take
decisions to resolve various problematic situations.
Take on the responsibility and initiative in defining research project fields. Manage teamwork
and are able to actively participate as a team member within the project.
Actively participate in discussions, group work, and presentations and propose creative ideas.
6-8 Students demonstrate good knowledge of tourism and recreation industry and its different
sectors, its developers, main correlations, recreation forms and its types, the demand and
supply for recreation. Able to resolve only standard situations using already known examples.
Demonstrate knowledge on types of hotels and the specifics of their operations. Understand
the main function of hotel departments Know the basic principles of safety in food and
catering enterprises.
Know the various recreation enterprises and the impact of their operations on the environment
based on traditional examples.
Students independently collect, select and analyse the latest professional information in the
field of tourism and recreation in their native language.
Carry out research in the chosen tourism and recreation industry sector.
Model the actions and attitude of animators at hotels; demonstrate the ability to take
traditional decisions to resolve basic problems.
Able to define directions of research. Manage teamwork and are able to participate as a team
member within the project.
Participates in discussions, group work and seminars.
4-5 Students demonstrate basic knowledge of tourism and recreation industry and its different
sectors, its developers. Able to name the main correlations. Has an understanding of
recreation forms and its types, the demand and supply for recreation..
Demonstrate basic knowledge on types of hotels and the specifics of their operations.
Understands the functions of hotel departments. Has a basic understanding of safety in food
and catering enterprises.
Has basic knowledge of the various recreation enterprises and the impact of their operations
on the environment.
Students collect, select and analyse the information in the field of tourism and recreation from
sources in their native language. Carry out research in the chosen tourism and recreation
industry sector using traditional examples.
Model the actions and attitude of animators at hotels using traditional examples.
Able to define traditional directions of research. Passively participate in teamwork within a
project and carry out tasks set by the leader.
Able to answer to questions and participate in group work.

1. Tūrisma likums.
2. Pārtikas aprites un uzraudzības likums.
3. Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības likums
4. MK “Noteikumi par kompleksa tūrisma pakalpojuma sagatavošanas un īstenošanas kārtību”.
1. Ch.Bull, J. Hoose, M. Weed. An Introduction to Leisure Studies. Prentice Hall. 2003, 296 pp.
2. N.Beunders, H.Boers. Exploring Leisure. An Introduction into Leisure Studies. ToerBoek. 2004.,
151 pp.
3. Gavriļenko E. Sanitārija un higiēna pārtikas aprites uzņēmumos – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība,
2008., 80 lpp.
4. Paul S. Biederman. Travel and Tourism: An Industry Primer. Prentice Hall 2007,
5. Gavriļenko E. Ēdienu gatavošanas tehnoloģija Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2006., 197 lpp.
6. Vanaga V. Viesu apkalpošana – Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2000., 148 lpp.
7. Зигель С. и Л., Ленгер Х. и Р., Ресторанный сервис Пер. с нем.- М.:ЗАО Издательство
Центрополиграф, 2002. - 288 с.
8. Эгертон-Томас К. Ресторанный бизнес: Как открыть и успешно управлять рестораном. -
М:РосКонсульт, 2004. - 272c.
9. A.Clarke, W.Chen. International Hospitality Management. Concepts and Cases. 2007. Butterworth
10. Зайцева Н.А., Менеджмент в сервисе и туризме. 2007., "Инфра-М"
1. World Leisure: http://worldleisure.org
2. UN World Tourism Organisation: http://www.unwto.org
3. Association of Latvian Hotels and RestaurantsLatvijas viesnīcu un restorānu asociācija: www.lvra.lv
4. Latvian state tourism development agency: www.tava.gov.lv
Tourism. Journal for tourism professionals. www.springerlink.com;
Tourism in Latvia 2007. LR CSP. R., 2008
International Journal. Tourism Management. Research, Policies, Practice. Elsvier.
Tourism Thematic vortal –Travelnews.lv
Database of Business information news articles. Tourism, hotel business.-Nozare.lv -
Full text journals in English – Sage Journals Online: http://online.sagepub.com/
• Tourist Studies
• Journal of Vacation Marketing
• Journal of Hospitality & Travel Research
• Journal of Travel Research
• Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly
Full text database. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/Insight/
• Tourism Review
• International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
• International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
1. LR Tourism development guidelines 2009-2015.
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No________________
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Management of cultural events

Course code VAD1352P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 5
Total number of hours 200
Lectures (hours) 60
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 18
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge No special preliminary knowledge required


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Inese Špīse Mag. Soc., lecturer

To provide knowledge on the specifics of organisation and management of cultural events; development and
consolidation of skills of organising and managing cultural events.


Knowledge – after successful completion of the course the student will have acquired the theoretical basics
and specifics of cultural events, understood the aims and functions of cultural events, consolidated
knowledge on the evaluation of supply and demand, know all the relevant normative enactments.
Skills – during the study course through practical and independent work the students will have strengthened
their skills in organising cultural events; developed effective planning skills, learnt to work creatively; be
acquainted with characteristic problems and solutions through practical tasks.
Attitude – after successful completion of the course the student will be able to independently make decisions
on cultural events planning, organising and management; enhanced and developed management,
communication, innovative skills; ability to critically evaluate various events, performance and effectiveness.


Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:
Regular tests – 40%
Regular tests – 15%
Seminar – 5%
Independent task – 5%
Essay – 5%
Group work – 10%
Examination – 60%
Examination – collective organisation of a cultural event. Minimum requirement to pass the exam – 60%

Lectures, independent tasks, seminars, group work, study excursions, analysis of problem situations


Handouts, lecture notes, audiovisual materials

Regular tests, independent task and assessment of group work


1. The concept and significance of cultural events. Global practice
1.1. The concept of cultural events, its classification.
1.2.The historic development of cultural events and traditions.
1.3.Aims, tasks and functions of cultural events.
Seminar “Evaluation of aims, tasks and functions of cultural event N”

2. Basic elements of organisation of cultural events. Global practice.

2.1. Planning of cultural events – basic principles of planning, planning cycle, strategic/operative
plans, drafting contracts.
2.2. Organisation of cultural events – stage elements, before and after event activities, evaluation
1st regular test

3. Specifics of managing cultural events and personnel management at events. Global practice.
3.1. Specifics of managing events – acting skills, improvisation, speech skills, ethics and
3.2. Management of problem situations and risks at cultural events.
3.3. Drafting the scenario and programme for events, time management.
3.3. Personnel management at events – organisational structure, job descriptions,
Independent task “Scenario for cultural event N”

4. Marketing and environment of cultural events. Global practice.

4.1. Analysis of demand/supply for cultural events, competition.
4.2.Specifics of marketing of cultural events.
4.3.Evaluation of economic and social impact of cultural events, evaluation methods.
Essay “Evaluation of economic and social impact of cultural event N”

5.Financial planning of cultural events. Global practice.

5.1. Budget planning and making estimates for events.
5.2.Analysis of financial indicators of events, pricing policy.
5.3.Financial sources for events and its types.
2nd Regular test

6. Specifics of organisation of cultural events and its practical analysis. Global practice.
6.1.Specifics of open air, art, music, charity and folklore events.
6.2. Scenario and presentation of cultural event N.
Group work “Organisation and management of cultural event N”

1. LR „Publisku izklaides un svētku pasākumu drošības likums”
1. Allen J., O’Toole W., Harris R., McDonell I. Festival and Special Event Management. – Australia:
Wiley, 4ed., 2008.-656 p.
2. Goldblatt J. Special Events: Event Leadership for a New World. – Canada:Wiley, 2005. – 528 p.
3. Silver R. J. Professional Event Coordination. – Great Britain: Wiley, 2003. – 496 p.
4. Silver R. J. Risk Management for Meetings and Events. - Great Britain: Butterworth – Heinemann,
2008. – 384 p.
5. Klein Ch. Event management in der Praxis. – Deutschland: Interna Aktuell, 2008.- 118 s.
6. F.Kolbērs. Ž.Nantels u.c. Kulturas un mākslas mārketings. R.2007. RD Rīgas Kongresu nams.
1. International Journal of Event and Festival Management:
2. International Journal of Event Management Research: http://www.ijemr.org
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Meeting and Conferences

Course code VAD1344P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Business of tourism


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ilze Saulīte-Jansone Mg.sc.soc., lecturer

Development of business travel makes us pay more attention to the process of studies preparing specialists
in that field. Businees travel and event organization widens the offer of tourism industry in Latvia,
successfuly solves seazonality problems, as well as creates jos for professional itermediaries and suppliers.
The aim of the tudy course is to give students knowledge about business travel and event organization,s
theoretical and practical aspects, creating understanding about industies specific needs, to develop practical
skills in event organization and evaluation of event economic efectivity.


Upon completion of the Course, students will be able:
• Feature types of business travel and events and identify advantages;
• Evaluate aims and types of business of players in the business travel market;
• Identify synergy of cooperation between different fields;
• Critically analyze different management approaches in organization of business travel events;
• Using learned skills create a Professional event organization offer, as well as evaluate event effectivity;
• Take part in discussions and debate about event organization, using specific professional terms;
• Successfully work in team of professionals, understanding needs of clients, creatively managing them;
• Build successful career within tourism industry, possessing the quality of service as a key value.


In course:
Attendance – 10%
Assessment from methods of testing– 40%
Including - group project - case study – 10%
seminars – 10%
test – 20%
Exam (written) – 50%

Study course is consisting from direct teaching – formal lectures and seminars and student centered learning
– student independent assignments – individual and group, research and practical work during classes or out
of them. During discussions knowledge is secured and unclear questions are discussed. First semester’s
seminar is held in one of Riga’s venues, combined with venue inspection and professional’s presentations.
Second semester seminar is devoted to evaluate results of event, as well as group Project – analyses of a real
business travel event, Project must be presented on PP.
Printouts, AV materials, internet

Presentations of group projects – case studies, self evaluation


1.Introduction to business travel as a specific industry
1.1. Definitions in business travel
1.2. Differences between business and leisure travel
1.3. Players in the business travel market
1.4. Advantages of business travel
Independent assignment. To identify and classify business travel events in a certain media – newspaper.
2.Business travel event market
2.1. Factors impacting business travel market
2.2. Event management and stakeholders
2.3. Business travel trade shows
2.4. Associations in business travel
Independent assignment Analyses of structure and operational principles of a certain association of business
travel players. – internet research.
3.Individual business travel and events.
3.1. Relationship between clients, intermediaries and suppliers
3.2. possible types of events in individual business travel
3.3. Interaction between individual business travel and events
3.4. Possibilities of country marketing and representation during public events
4.Congress and convention industry, players and decision making channels.
4.1. Corporate sector
4.2. Public sector
4.3. NGO and public organizations
4.4. Intermediaries – Professional congress organizers
5.Event planning, evaluation of necessary recourses and impacts.
5.1.Concept of the event
5.2.Possible venues and places to held business travel events
5.3.Coordination of event suppliers
5.4.importance of quality and creativity og catering companies
Seminar. Riga’s venues and their public offers.
6.Future trends of congress and convention industry
6.1. Trends in demand and supply
6.2. Competition within the industry
6.3. Economic and technical aspects
Final test of the semester - Test (multiple choice)
7.Incentive travel
7.1. Features of incentive travel
7.2. Principles of organizational of incentive travel
7.3. Efectivity of incentive travel
7.4. Suppliers of incentive travel
8.Corporate hospitality events
8.1. Participants of corporate hospitality events
8.2. Types of corporate hospitality events, differences from incentive events
8.3.Ethical aspects of organising corporate hospitality events
9. Events of exhibitions industry
9.1. History of exhibitions industry
9.2. Types of exhibitions and differences between them
9.3. Specifics in marketing exhibitions
9.4. participants of exhibitions, their aims
9.5.Future trends of exhibitions industry, interaction of events.
Group project. Case study – analyses of real business travel event for a real Client. Case studies must be
presented on PPP in auditorium, discussions.
10. Planning event budget.
10.1. Finance rising mechanisms
10.2. Principles of sponsorship and donation
10.3.attraction of contributors and volunteers
10.4. Types of management fees
11.EOrginization of event supplies
11.1. Necessary documentation
11.2. Information network
11.3. Confirmation process
Independent assignment. To create an offer to a client for a given event.
12. Operation during event, evaluation of results
12.1. Managing human recourse in events
12.2. Criteria of evaluation of organization and economic results
12.3. Effectivity of event
Seminar. Evaluation or results of event X
13.Marketing of business travelevents.
13.1. Market segmentation
13.2. The concept of Product
13.3. Marketing mix
14. Interaction between tourism, culture, sports and business
14.1. Identifying common aims
14.2. Possibilities to meet consumers needs
14.3. Advantages of multifunctional offer
15. Future trends of business travel events.
15.1. Factors, influencing development
15.2. Regional tendencies
15.3. Possibilities of development for business travel in Latvia
Exam – written, consisting of 3 part:
1. Answers to questions on basic themes.
2. Multiple choice answers on questions.
3. Essay – to present personal attitude and meaning.

1. Culturpolitics development 2006-2015, ministry of culture
2. National devepoment plan, LR government
3. Data of sttistic department of Latvia government
1. Davidson R.Cope B. Business Travel.-Pearson Education Ltd. Prentice Hall FT: Harlow,Essex,
2. McCabe V. Poole B. Weeks P.Leiper N. The Business and management of Conventions.-J.Willey
and Sons Australia, 2000.
3. Felzers G. Motivēšanas veidi.-R.:Zvaigzne ABC, 2006
4. Colbert F.and authors.Marketing culture and artsChair in arts management HEC, Montreal,-2001.
5. Nordstroms K.A. Riderštrāle J. Aizraujošais bizness.-R.:Baltijas vadības konferences, 2006.
1. ICCA: www.iccaworld.com
International Congress and Convention Association
2. Rīgas Kongresu birojs: www.inspirationriga.lv
Riga Convention Bureau
3. CAT Publications Ltd.: www.meetpie.com
Meetings and Incentive Travel Association Meetings International Worldwide Convention Centres
4. HCCE: www.historic-centres.com
Historic Conference Centres of Europe
5. AEO: www.aeo.org.uk
Association of Exhibition Organisers
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Events Management

Course code VAD1329P/VAD1359P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 8
Total number of hours 320
Lectures (hours) 96
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 28
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ilze Saulīte-Jansone Mg.sc.soc., lecturer


Importance of events in our life, as well as development of events industry makes us to pay more attention to
process of preparing professional and creative event managers to meet events industry growing needs. The
aim of the study course is to give students knowledge about different types of events, event organization’s
theoretical and practical aspects, creating understanding about various impacts of event industry. To develop
practical skills the certain theme events will be planned and managed by students during the study course. To
prepare students for independent and professional work within the industry in national and international


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
• Define the types of events and identify differences between them;
• Evaluate aims and functions of different event stakeholders;
• Identify and evaluate the use of mutual cooperation between culture, travel and sports industries;
• Distinguish the differences and specifics of planning and organization of various events;
• Take part in discussions and debate about event management, using the appropriate professional
• Successfully take part in the work of professional event management team, understanding
business clientele needs and generating creative ideas to meet them;
• To create a career within events industry, possessing the quality of service as a key value;
• Critically analyze industries developments using tools of professional argumentation and


Study course assignments, their evaluation within complete assesment:
Assessment from methods of testing- 70%
- Independent assignment – historic development and modern forms of a certain event in the world,
presentation, self-evaluation, discussions: 5%
- Participance in the seminar about event venues, discussions, presentations –5%
- Test – testing theoretical knowledge, written, 1st semester – 15%
- Practical group assignment – event plan and practical organization, sponsorship programme, – 20%
- Test –testing theoretical knowledge, written, 2 nd semester - 15%
- Case study – to analyze the organization of a certain event, presentation: 10%
Final assessment - Exam (written) – 30 %
Direct teaching – formal lectures, student individual research and practical assignments, seminars. Student
centered learning – individual and group assignments, practical work, situation analyses, cases studies,
presentations, discussions with industry professionals. During discussions students strengthen their
knowledge and revise unclear questions. Study excursion and seminar takes place in Riga’s event venues.
Students are preparing – planning and organizing a theme event for certain customer.


Lecture printouts, AV materials, press, Internet, tasks for situation analyses, tasks for seminar and case
studies, Turiba library materials.

Group assignment -event organization evaluation and self-evaluation
Individual presentations



1. Introduction in event management
1.1.Necessity for events and societies needs
1.2.The profile of event management professionals
1.3.Historic aspects of events
1.4.Event today – result of multicultural cooperation
Activities – Independent assignment „The historic development and modern form of an annual or regular
event X”. Discussion
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.identify society needs in event industry
2.evaluate the importance of multisectoral cooperation in event management
3.describe the knowledge necessary to obtain for professionals in events industry
4.compare processes of historic development of different events
2. Types and categorization of events
2.1. Types of events and differences between them
2.2. Sporting events
2.3. Culture and entertainment events
2.4. Events of private persons
2.5. Business events
Activities – Situation analyses. Discussion
SLO. Student will be able to:
1 identify types of events in different fields
2.clasify special events, mega events, hallmark events and major events
3.compare events financial sources
4.evaluate the growth of event industry and general requirements for events manager
3. The positive and negative impacts of events
3.1. Social and cultural impacts
3.2. Physical and environmental impacts
3.3. Political impacts, national and international
3.4. Economic impacts of events
Activities – Individual assignment – using Internet sources identify the event held annually in Latvia, define
events impacts to the destination – tourist attendance, promotion of the destination, economic benefits.
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.Identify the main spheres of impacts of events
2.describe the role of events in building community values and pride
3.discuss the political context of events
4.evaluate environmental impacts of events
5.use events in destination marketing
6.demonstrate an understanding how event manager evaluates events economic benefits.
4. Creating the conception and identifying stakeholders of the event
4.1. Relationship of different stakeholders and their needs (host organization, hosting community,
sponsors, media, participants and spectators)
4.2. The main principles and general questions of event concept
4.3. Importance of brainstorming and synergetic ideas during the process of developing event concept
Activities – situation analyses. Discussion
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.identify and describe stakeholders in an event
2.discuss conflicts of interests between stakeholders
3.evaluate the role of sponsors and supporters in event management
4.discuss and compare the relationship and impact of media coverage in event management
5.define the main concept questions of the event
5. Planning in event management
5.1. Relationship between different planning levels
5.2. Strategic planning
5.3. Operational planning
5.4. Structures of event management companies, their differences
Activities – group assignment – Planning the event for Turiba - to work out mission statement, objectives,
selection of organizational structure, position descriptions for personnel. The outcome is to be presented to
the commission of Turiba (Clients) on PPP. Discussion
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.distinguish and compare different level of planning
2.formulate events mission and vision
3.define events objectives – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time specific;
4.evaluate elements of PEST and SWOT analyses
5.distinguish types of event management strategies
6.construct an appropriate organizational structure for certain event; prepare position
descriptions for involved persons
6. Event venues and suppliers, their relationship, specific features
6.1. Venues for culture, entertainment and sports events
6.2. Venues for business events
6.3. Technical suppliers, staging and catering companies
6.4. Content of the event. The supply of culture, entertainment.
6.5. Safety aspects in event management, legal requirements in Latvia
Activities – Study excursion to Riga’s event venues - Latvian Society house, conference hotel v Reval Hotel
Latvija, Riga Congress centre, Bleackheads house.
Discussions with professionals, working in venues about event management and venue management.
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.compare different venues according their specific features
2.choose appropriate venue for a certain event
3. Identify necessary suppliers for an event
4. Evaluate the importance of safety regulations in event management, use Latvian system
7. Budget of the event – one of the essential parts of the event planning process
7.1. Who can potentially finance the event
7.2. Event supporters
7.3. Event sponsors
7.4. Charity and donations
7.5. The balance of event income and costs
Activities – Situation analyses. Discussions
Test – the assessment of theoretical knowledge
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.evaluate the necessary financial resources for the events
2.to choose adequate finance sources for an event
3.create proposed events budget (expenditure-income)
8.Event marketing
8.1. Marketing mix in event management
8.2. Identifying and meeting event customer’s needs
8.3. Target market segmentation
8.4. Pricing the events with spectators
8.5. Promotion of events, cooperation with PR specialists
Exhibitions for event industry, national and international.
Activities – Discussion with PR specialist about his experience in event marketing
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.define the elements of marketing mix
2.use market segmentation tools and establish appropriate target markets for an event
3.create a marketing plan for an event, containing all elements of marketing mix
4.discuss event promotion processes in Latvia, compare with international experience
9.Sponsorship of events
9.1. Basic principles of event sponsorship
9.2. Interests of corporate sector in event sponsorship
9.3. Process of identifying the sponsors
9.4. Mutual cooperation between event manager and sponsors, experience of local market
Activities – Individual assignment – to construct an appropriate sponsorship proposal. Discussion
SLO. Student will be able to:
1. Define principles of sponsorship to reach event objectives
2.identify appropriate sponsors for different types of events
3.discuss about meeting needs of sponsoring company-using creativity
4. Independently construct a sponsorship proposal to a certain company working in Latvia market
10.Managing human resource–one of the essential aspects of event planning
10.1. The coordination of sharing responsibilities
10.2. Use of techological tools in event management
10.3. Event volunteers allocation programmes
Activities – Discussion with a HR specialist about recruiting volunteers
SLO. Student will be able to:
1.identify neccessary personnel for an event
2.implement appropriate technologies in managing and operating an event
3.allocate the appropriate resources of staff and volunteers for an event
4.discuss the profile of event manager and required qualities
11.Logistics in event planning and management
1. Elements of logistic chain in event management
2. On-site logistics
3. Event site or venue map
4. Events and emergency situations
Activities – Individual assignment –Case study – to analyze the planning and organization of event X –
using the obtained knowledge. PPP. Discussions and self-evaluation.
SLO. Student will be able to:
1. Construct logistics plan for the supplies and event site or venue map
2. Evaluate the possibility of emergency situations during events
3. Present and defend own meaning
12.Event evaluation and reporting process – essential aspect of event management
12.1. Evaluation process and its role in event management
12.2. Phases and procedures of evaluation
12.3. Final evaluation reports to stakeholders
12.4. Evaluation of economic impacts
Activities – group assignment - Prepare evaluation checklist and final evaluation report o fan event To work
out a visitors survey. Discussions
SLO. Student will be able to:
1. Understand the role of evaluation process
2. Use certain evaluation procedures in appropriate cases
3. Prepare evaluation check-list and final evaluation report
4. Use information about the economic impact in event evaluation

9-10 points Student can critically analyze the processes and can use practically
theoretical knowledge in different situations in event management.
Demonstrates profound understanding in event management and
relationship between event stakeholders. Can express and defend
personal meaning, formulates independent proposals and conclusions.
Uses creativity in management tools to meet customer’s needs in event.
Appreciates event evaluation process in the cycle of event management.
During the whole process of learning actively takes part in discussions
and presentations, successfully works independently and in groups.
8-6 points Student can explain different theoretical aspects and methods of event
management, can practically use theoretical knowledge. Can gather
and analyze information about event stakeholders, types of events,
models of financing events, can make independent conclusions. Takes
part in discussions and presentations and group work.
5-4 points Student can name the principles of event management, types of events.
Can describe event industry stakeholders, their objectives and needs.
Can answer questions and takes part in-group work.

1. Bodwin G.McDonnell I.Allen J.O,Toole W. Events Management.-Butterworth-
2. McCabe V.Poole B.Weeks P. Leiper N. The Business and management of Conventions. -J.Willey
and Sons, Australia, 2000.
3. Davidson R.Cpoe B. Business Travel.-Pearson Education Ltd. Prentice Hall FT:Harlow, Essex,2003.
4. Colbert.F.Nantel J.Bilodoux S.Rich D. Marketing culture and art.-Canada:EduPress,2003.
1. BAFA: www.artsfestivals.co.uk
Association of art festivals in UK
2. LPCA: www.lpca.lv
Latvia event venue association
3. Latvijas Kultūras ministrija: www.kultura.gov.org
Ministry of culture,Latvia
4. BDS Sponsorship Ltd.: www.sponsorship.co.uk
Sponsoring comapany
5. International hotel and restaurants association: http://www.ih-ra.com
6. Rīgas Kongresu birojs: www.inspirationriga.lv
Riga Convention bureau
7. UN World Travel Organization: http://www.unwto.org
8. Populous Ltd. www.populous.com
Sporting event management company
9. Mēmais šovs Ltd.: www.memais.lv
Event management company
10. Silverevents Ltd. www.silverevents.com
Event management company
11. RTAB: www.liveriga.com
Riga travel development bureau
12. Meduza Ltd.: www.meduza.com
Event management company
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Dramatics

Course code KOM1012P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ligita Smildzina Mag. paed., Associate Professor


The course has been designed for students who study event and leisure management. Its goal is to create
preconditions for developing a balanced, creative, attractive, emphatic, socially and culturally competent and
vital personality capable of solving problems of communication and work in a team.


During lectures and practical studies students develop their personalities by acquiring the skills of public
speaking. Public expression paves way to the process of self-assessment and by asserting oneself – to
forming an attractive and communicative personality. Acquiring the basics of dramatics provides an
opportunity to improve communication with people of different social and age groups and of various
Knowledge. Students understand the power of influence of a word and thought; they have learned various
models of human behaviour, their social roles and their manifestations. Students have become acquainted
with the theoretical and practical basis of improvisational theatre games.
Skills. Students are capable of conducting an improvisational meeting, a conference, a discussion; they can
express themselves spontaneously, can form a dialogue and prepare and deliver a public speech. They are
capable of fitting in and accepting other people’s emotions, attitudes and can show empathy. They can
conduct a recreational night even by using attractive movement games and improvisational drama (role
playing) games.
Attitudes. Students are tolerant towards opinions of others, they can express their thoughts and opinions, and
they are dominated by positive thinking.


Assignments to be performed during the Course and their share in the overall assessment:
In order to obtain 4 credit points and pass two tests students must participate regularly in lectures and
practical classes. Practical classes provide an opportunity to present skills at the final test (examination) – at
the first interim test a student presents an independent work – a public speech on a freely chosen theme. At
the second interim test the student presents the games and plays acquired bearing in mind that they should be
used at leisure and recreational events.
Participation in lectures and in practical classes – 75%
Preparation of a public speech and its presentation - 10%
Conduction of improvised games and plays at a recreational event (for the purposes of the test; for the
audience of other course mates) - 15%
Independent work – visiting a performance of an improvisational or drama theatre and writing a review.
Lectures, practical assignments and seminars. Independent work and group work during practical classes.


Presentations of lectures of the study course, practical, seminar and independent study assignments,
educational films.

Presentations of independent work at classes, presentation of group assignments.



1. Contents of the study course, its objectives and tasks.
2. Communication and its characteristics.
2.1. The influencing power of speech and thought.
2.2. The language of gestures.
2.3. Emotional intelligence. Empathy.
2.4. Ability to listen and remember what has been heard. Formation of a dialogue.
2.5. Monologue. The art of performing.
3. Speech training and improvement.
3.1. Breathing.
3.2. Diction- pronouncing of vowels and consonants; exercises of patter.
3.3. Spontaneous speech.
3.4. Functioning of will, intonation, tempo and volume of speech.
4. Norms of public speaking, preparation of a public speech.
5. Informational meeting, conference, discussion – organisational principles, norms.
6. Dividing of attention, concentration, switching of attention.
7. Training of imagination.
7.1. Image formation.
7.2. Composing a story.
8. Body language.
8.1. Tension and tension awareness, its handling, ability to relax.
8.2. Training of body expression, plastic possibilities and flexibility.
8.3. Body movements, centre of energy, balance.
9. Role playing.
10. Basic elements of improvisational drama.
10.1. Acceptance, defining, passing of information, spontaneity, breaking of routine, shaping a story.
10.2. Games of connotation, monologues, games of communication, games of status, games of parody.
10.3. Games of movement and singing.
11. Plays and games for recreational night, conducting a night event.

1. L.Smildziņa „Ievads teātra spēles pamatos” Rīga 1998
2. L.Smildziņa „Vingrinājumi un spēles darbam teātra studijā.” Rīga 2009.
3. V. Spolina „Teātra spēles- improvizācijas” Rīga 1999.
4. DZ. Mendziņa „Vārds, doma, runa” Rīga 2004.
5. Johnstone Keith „Dont De Prepared. Theates Sports for Teachers”.Canada Loose Moose Theatre
Kompany. 1994.
1. www. Pedejapirmizrade.lv.
2. www.improlaiva.lv
1. E.Seņkovs „Teātra sporta rokasgrāmata”
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course International tourism and hospitality marketing

Course code VAD1336P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Market research and marketing of services


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Aija Van der Steina Mag.geogr,.lecturer


Today tourism industry is one of the most rapidly developing branches of world economy. Affected by the
development of technologies and transport, the global market is experiencing increasing competition
demanding new solution from tourism entrepreneurs in order to increase their competitiveness. Today
tourism and hospitality businesses do not compete within boundaries of a single region or country any more,
they do it globally and therefore there is an increasing role for professional marketing based on
contemporary marketing concepts as well as traditional marketing instruments.
The goal of the study course is to provide students with knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of
marketing and to develop both: their professional and general skills and competences in utilizing marketing
for the purposes of management of tourism and hospitality industry enterprises.


After completion of the course students will be capable to:
• Understand the peculiarities of tourism and hospitality marketing and the latest tendencies in tourism
and hospitality;
• Understand and assess the process of marketing planning and complex elements of marketing
activities as well as their application in tourism and hospitality businesses.
• Analyze and assess working environment of an enterprise, market development tendencies, demand,
and competition and understand topical economic interconnections and principles.
• Identify changes in marketing macro and micro environment and develop adequate marketing
solutions in an enterprise.
• Use knowledge in applying marketing instruments for problem solving purposes of an enterprise.
• Plan and coordinate tactical and operational marketing activities and assess their effectiveness.
• Professionally participate in debates on the themes related to the study course by using appropriate
professional terminology;
• Acquire additional competences (teamwork, communication, generation of ideas, effective planning
of work and organization, etc.) required for career by actively participating in the study process and
performing productive work both individually and as part of a group.
• Develop successful career in the field of tourism and hospitality.


Tasks to be performed as part of the course and their share in the overall assessment:
Attendance – 10 %
Regular tests - 40%
including – group semester project - 20%
Seminar - 10 %
test – 10%
Examination (in writing) – 50 %

During the study course lecturer provides and advisory role in acquiring theoretical knowledge and in
performing practical assignments.
Acquisition of the course takes place on the basis of theoretical lectures, independent assignments of students
(tasks, situation analysis, brainstorming) in the course of lectures and independently. Theoretical knowledge
is strengthened by means of discussions, analysis of various problem situations and presentations/interviews
of industry professionals (videoconferences) the course will include a seminar and a semester project (in
groups) and visit to a tourism fair.


Lecture handouts, audio and visual materials and software (films, Skype), internet resources (databases
Emerald, Sage Publications). Study material includes various samples (pamphlets, surveys, professional
tourism publications and periodicals, presentation ad samples, etc), and case studies for independent and
practical teamwork.

Presentation of group work and self assessment



1. Introduction in tourism and hospitality marketing
1.1. The notion of marketing, concepts and changes in the importance of marketing.
Independent work. Definitions of tourism marketing.
1.2. Peculiarities of marketing in tourism and hospitality.
1.3. The planning process of marketing, marketing mix (7P)
Semester group work. Development of a new tourism and hospitality product and development of marketing
plan for the coming year.
2. marketing environments and marketing information system
2.1. Marketing micro environment
2.2. marketing macro environment and tendencies in tourism
2.3. Marketing information system
Group work. Summary of indicators characterizing operation of tourism and hospitality enterprises.
3. Tourism market and demand for tourism
3.1. Types of tourism markets, global tourism market, market demand.
3.2. Behavior of tourists and decision to buy (travel)
3.3. Segmentation of tourism market, determining of a target market and positioning.
Seminar. Segmentation and characteristics of various market segments
4. Peculiarities of products in various tourism and hospitality businesses
4.1. basic product and levels of products
4.2. Brand and its use in tourism
4.3. Product and tourism destination life cycle and product innovations.
5. Pricing and pricing strategies
5.1. Pricing policy in tourism and hospitality enterprises.
5.2. Forms of pricing and factors affecting it.
5.3. Pricing strategies for products and changes in price.
Group work. Comparing prices of one company in various distribution channels and assessment
pricing competitiveness.
6. Distribution of tourism and hospitality products
6.1. Distribution channels, their types and forms (direct distribution, intermediates, commercial
authorization and partnerships), competing in the world market.
6.2. Use of electronic distribution tools in tourism.
6.3. Instruments of e-marketing in tourism business.
Independent work. Assessment and improvement of a homepage of company X representing hotel, tourism
agency, tour operator, airline or destination business.
Group work/presentation
7. Peculiarities of marketing communication in tourism and hospitality industry
7.1. Planning and forming of marketing communications.
7.2. Public relations, advertising and promotion of sales, direct sales.
7.3. Sponsorship, “product-placement”, informational trips and tourism fairs.
Group work. Assessment of a stand and placement of advertising materials of a participant of
tourism fair.
8. Development of a marketing plan, its implementation and control.
8.1. Development of a marketing plan for the next year.
8.2. Planning of marketing budget and personnel, organizational structure.
8.3. Activities in marketing control.
Independent work. Organizational structure and the place of marketing in it.

1. Kotler Philip. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism - USA : Prentice Hall, 2003. - 3rd ed. - 893 p
2. Freyer Walter. Tourismus-Marketing: marktorientiertes Management im Mikro- und Makrobereich
der Tourismuswirtschaft. - 4., ueberarb. Aufl. - Muenchen ; Wien : Oldenbourg, 2004. - S. 768
3. Holloway J.Christopher. Marketing for Tourism - 4rd ed. - Harlow Prentice Hall, 2004. - 510 p
4. Котлер Филип. Маркетинг. Гостеприимство, туризм : 2 изд. , пер. с англ.В.Н.Егорова;. -
Москва : Юнити, 2002. - 1063c.
5. Middleton Victor T.C. Marketing in Travel and Tourism / Victor T.C. Middleton with Jackie
Clarke. - 3rd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.]: Butterworth Heinemann, 2001. - 487,[1] p.
6. Davidson Rob. Marketing Destinations and Venues for Conferences, Conventions and Business
Events - Oxford ; Burlington : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. - 271 pp.
7. Fyall Alan. Tourism marketing: a collaborative apporoach : Channel View Publications, 2005. - 383
8. Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet: co-published simultaneously as
Journal of travel & tourism marketing, volume 17, number 2/3, 2004 / editors Juline E. Mills, Rob
Law. - Binghamton, NY : The Haworth Hospitality Press, 2004. - 314 p.
9. Kolb Bonita M. Tourism Marketing For Cities And Towns: using branding and events to attract
tourists . - Oxford: Elsevier: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. - 310 p.
10. Sweeney Susan. Internet marketing for your tourism business: proven techniques for promoting
tourist-based businesses over the Internet. - Gulf Breeze, FL: Maximum Press, 2000. - 562
1. Sage Journals Online: http://online.sagepub.com/
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Journal of Travel Research
Journal of Vacation Marketing
Tourist Studies
2. Emerald Journals: http://info.emeraldinsight.com/
European Journal of Marketing
International Marketing Review
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
Tourism Review
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes
3. Tūrisma biznesa vortāls http://www.eiropa.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Services Marketing

Course code VAD1347P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Market Research


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Aija Van der Steina Mg.geogr. , lecturer

The increase in significance of services in the world economy and the increasing competition among service
providers forces us to pay ever increasing attention to services marketing and management. Taking into
account the nature of international tourism, service providers have to consider not only the increase in local
competition but also global competition that leads us to pay more attention to competitiveness of services.
Traditional marketing study programmes are based on marketing of goods; however it is important to
understand the service features in tourism and the role of marketing in successful management of the service.
The aim of the study programme is to provide knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of
service management and marketing and develop professional as well as general skills and competences in the
management and marketing of an enterprise’s services.


After successful completion of the course the student shall be able to:
• Describe the peculiarities of services marketing and knows all the main directions;
• Understand the difference between marketing of services and goods;
• Understand the high quality provision process and analyse the service quality aspects;
• Understand the role of employees and clients in the service provision process, client satisfaction
and building a rapport with the customer;
• Evaluate the service marketing changes and prospects in the future;
• Critically analyse the various elements of the service marketing measures (4P+3P);
• Use the knowledge in resolving various problems in the enterprise using serve marketing
• Professionally participate in debates in the service marketing field using the appropriate
professional terminology;
• Gain the additional competences (team work, communication, idea generation, effective work
planning and organisation etc.) necessary for career development by actively participating in the
learning process and productively working individually as well as in a group;
• Develop a successful career in the tourism and hospitality industry.


Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:
Attendance – 10 %
Regular tests - 40%
incl. – Group project- 20%
Seminar - 10 %
Regular test – 10%
Examination (written) – 50 %

The study course educator plays the role of an advisor in the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and during
the performance of practical tasks. The course envisages theoretical lectures, students’ independent tasks and
practical tasks (tasks, case studies, analysis of scientific literature) during lectures as well as beyond.
Theoretical knowledge gained is consolidated through discussions, analysis of various problem situations
and professional presentations/interviews in the field. A semester project (group work) and seminar are
organised during the course.


Handouts, audiovisual materials, electronic databases (Emerald, Sage Publications), case analysis

Regular tests
Presentation and self evaluation of group project



5. Specifics of services and introduction to service marketing
5.1. Service, its specifics and concept
5.2. Service quality dimensions
5.3. The role of services and marketing trends
5.4. Specifics of services marketing
5.5. Service marketing mix (4P) + additional 3 P
Independent task. Analysis of three scientific publications on topics related to services marketing.
6. Services and customer purchasing behaviour
6.1. Desires, needs and perception of customers
6.2. Understanding needs of the customer using marketing research methods
Independent task. Analysis of customer survey questionnaire (sample) and making a questionnaire
6.3. Customer satisfaction and relationship building
7. Creating and designing Services
7.1. The service provision process (chain) and “critical” points
Group work . Reflection of the service chain at the enterprise „x” („critical points”).
7.2. Environment and equipment
7.3. Service standards
7.4. Service innovation
8. Service quality and its management
8.1. Service quality and its specifics in tourism
Seminar. Quality of tourism and hospitality enterprises
8.2. Service quality assessment methods
8.3. The significance of complaints and management
Independent task. Replying (letter or e-mail) to customer complaints.
9. Service provision and distribution
9.1. The role of employees in service provision
9.2. The role of the customer in service provision
9.3. Service distribution through intermediaries and electronic channels
Group work. Case studies.
9.4. International service marketing
Regular test (open type test and resolving a problem situation)
10. Service demand and marketing communication
10.1. Specifics of services demand and capacity
10.2. Specifics of pricing for services
10.3. Specifics of marketing communication for services
Group work. Analysis of communication materials (brochures, internet homepages etc.) and price for
services offered by an enterprise.
1. Zeithaml A. Valarie. Bitner Mary Jo. Gremler Dwayne D. Services Marketing.- 4th. International
edition, New York: Mc Graw-Hill, 2006.
2. Gilmore Audrey. Services marketing and management / Audrey Gilmore. - London: Sage
Publications, 2003. - 215 p. : ill., tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
3. Meffert Heribert, Manfred Bruhn. Dienstleistungsmarketing. Grundlagen - Konzepte - Methoden.
Mit Fallstudien. 6. vollständig neuberarb. Aufl. - Gabler, Betriebswirt, 2008.- 266.lpp.
4. Bruhn, Manfred. Services marketing managing the service value chain.- Harlow: Pearson Education,
2006.- 478 p.
1. Sage Journals Online: http://online.sagepub.com/
Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research
Journal of Service Research
2. Emerald Journals: http://info.emeraldinsight.com/
Journal of Service Marketing
Journal of Service Management
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences
Managing Service Quality
In the Meeting of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality 29.06.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department M. Rozite________________




Study course Technical provision for events

Course code VAD1356P
Approved 29.06.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Jānis Vecrinks Mag. Soc., lecturer

The aim of the study programme is to provide students knowledge on theoretical and practical aspects of
technical provisions for various events including cultural, sport and leisure events and develop their
professional as well as general skills and competences that are required for providing technical support and
marketing of these events.


After successful completion of the study course the student will be able to:
• Characterise the different technical provisions (lighting, sound, video, technical), as well as
specific scenarios required for different events and the main fields of operations;
• Understand the difference in equipments for events;
• Orient oneself in the technical provisions market;
• Understand the process of quality provision and analyse the service from the various quality
• Understand the role of employees and the customer in the service provision process, in building
a relationship with the customer and customer satisfaction;
• Critically analyse various service providers in relation to technical provisions;
• Apply one’s knowledge in providing high quality while organising various events;
• Acquire additional competences (team work, communication, idea generation, effective planning
and organisation etc.) by actively participating in the learning process productively working as
an individual or in a team.


Tasks to be carried out during the course and their weightage:
Attendance – 20 %
Regular tests - 80%
Incl.. – group project- 40%
Practical lessons 40%

The study course educator plays the role of an advisor in the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and during
the performance of practical tasks. The course envisages theoretical lectures, students independent tasks and
practical tasks (tasks, events analysis, participation in technical provision for events) during lectures as well
as beyond. Theoretical knowledge gained is consolidated during the practical lessons and professional
presentations. A semester project (group work) is organised during the course.
Handouts, visual aids, events analysis.

Practical lessons under the supervision of a professional expert
Presentation and self-assessment of the group project



1. Concept and implementation of Events. Role of equipment.
1.1.Environment and equipment.
1.2.Scale of events.
2.The market for technical provision and technical service for events.
2.1. Criteria for the use of equipment and devices
2.2. Purchase and hire of equipment
2.3. Leading equipment manufacturing and rental enterprises.
3. Lighting, sound and video equipment provisions
3.1. The essential minimum provisions
3.2. High quality technical provision for events. Quality indicators.
Independent task. Group project.
4. Preparing the stage and scenario
4.1. Stationary and movable stages.
4.2. Events scenario and script
5. Safety and security requirements during events.
Independent task. Group project.

1. Луначарский А.В. О массовых празднествах, эстраде, цирке. – М., 1980.
2. Туманов И.М. Режиссура театрализованного концерта и массового праздника. – Л., 1976.
3. Шароев И.Г. Режиссура эстрады и массовых представлений. – М., 1992.
4. Товстоногов Г.А. О профессии режиссера. – Любое издание.
5. Тихомиров Д.В. Беседы о режиссуре театрализованных представлений. – М., 1978.
6. Чечетин А.И. Основы драматургии театрализованных представлений. – М., 1980.
7. Френкель M.A.Современная сценография– М., 1980.
8. Френкель M.A.Пластика сценического пространства– М., 1987.
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Management

Course code VAD1471P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management Science
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Economics, mathematics


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Agita Doniņa MBA, Lecturer


To provide the students with knowledge about the management, basic concepts of strategic management.


• Management, functions of management
• Managers, their duties
• Decision making techniques
• External and internal environment
• Planning – types and processes
• Strategic management – planning and analyzing
• Controlling
• Leading
• Analysis of external environment of enterprises
• Analysis of internal environment of enterprises
• Estimating the probability, calculate the expected value
• Making strategic plans for enterprises
• Analyses of decision making process
• Estimate controlling process in enterprises
Providing students with opportunity of active cooperation in the process of course realizing, and striving to
inculcate self-dependence and preparedness of accomplishing scientific research.


• Company visit project – 30 %
• Regular Tests and self-dependent studies – 20 %
• Participation and activity – 20 %
• Exam – 30%

• Lectures
• Practical work (cases + exercises)
• Self dependent studies, company visit project, cases, problem analysis
Resources and materials of Turiba library

Students’ participation and activity during lectures and practical work.
Presentation of company visit project
Tests (results of written form test)
Exam (results of written form exam)



1. Management functions, hierarchical levels of managers, areas of management, manageraial roles
2.Evaluation of management thoughts:
2.1. Preclassical Contributors
2.2. Classical Viewpoint
2.3. Behavioral Viewpoint
2.4. Quantitative Viewpoint
3. Organizational Environments:
3.1. The general environments
3.2. The task environments
3.3. The internal environments
4. Organization-environment relationship
5. The characteristics of decision making. Stages of decision making
6. Group decision making methods
7. Quantitative tools for decision making: procedures
8. Organizational goals and planning
9. Strategic management: levels of strategy; functional strategies
10. Strategic planning: strategic analysis; strategic choice; strategic implementation.
11. Leadership in management
12. The controlling process

1. Griffin Ricky W. Management - 3rd ed. - Boston etc. : Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. - 884 p.
2. Gomez - Mejia Luis R. Management / Luis R.Gomez - Mejia, David B.Balkin. - New York :
McGraw - Hill, 2002. - 448 p.
3. Higgins James M. Organizational Policy and Strategic management / James M. Higgins. - 2nd ed. -
Chicago : The Dryden Press, 1983.
4. Boone Louis E. management/ Louis E.Boone, David L.Kurtz. - 3rd ed. - New York : Random
House Business Division, 1987. - XI [X], 677 [20] p.
5. Hampton David R. Management / David R. Hampton. - 3rd ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1986. - XXVII, 765 p.
6. Chung Kae H. Management: Critical Success Factors / Kae H. Chung. - Boston etc. : Allyn and
Bacon, Inc., 1987. - 760 p.
7. Certo Samuel C. Modern management: /Samuel C.Certo. - 9th ed. - New Yersey : Prentice Hall,
2003. - 595 p.
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Economics

Course code VAD1326P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 4
Total number of hours 160
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 16
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Economic Fundamentals


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Vineta Tetere Mg.oec., lecturer


to provide knowledge and conviction on necessity of economic regularities and of possibilities of their use
by every enterprise and on general economic regularities and their manifestation forms in the economy.
• to learn the regularities on the level of enterprises and households, to develop the skills of using
these regularities in different commodity, service and resource markets and in enterprises, to
bring to the students’ notice the possibilities of using of microeconomic principles and methods
in economic activities of hospitality industry.
• To learning of general macroeconomic regularities, the use of them in commercial activity and
social life, analysis of fiscal and monetary policy instruments, their impact on the growth of
GDP and on economic stability


Tasks to be done and structure out of total assessment:
three regular examinations, the type and form of which determines the lecturer (each) – 15%
examination - 55 %

Lecturers and practical lessons


PPP`s, handouts and exercises

Tests (3) and examination




1. Introduction in economic theory: micro-macro economics, wants, resources and production
2. Demand and supply, factors influencing them and elasticity. Market prices.
3. Consumer behaviour in the market: utility, its laws, and consumer’s equilibrium in the market.
4. Production, its function and costs, their classification. Loss-less point and profits.
5. Market and competition, its types. Profit maximisation conditions of different types of market.
6. Production resource market, its types and specificity.
7. Conception aims and tasks of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics and economic policy of the state.
8. Macroeconomics key figures (basic indices), their interrelations.
9. Macroeconomic equilibrium, its forms and models. Consumption, savings, investments.
10. Employment and unemployment. The Okun law.
11. Inflation, its causes, levels, implications and forms. Phillips curve.
12. Money. Banking system. Monetary policy, its instruments.
13. State budget and tax system. Fiscal policy, its forms.
14. The IS-LM model.
15. Economic growth, its indices (characteristics) and problems.
16. International economic relations: foreign trade. Balance of payment.

1. Paul A. Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus Economics /. – 13th ed. – New York etc. : McGraw-
Hill Book Company, 1989. – 658 p. – Includes index. (ABO–330, LAS– 3).
2. Mankie Gregory N., Taylor M.P. Economics- Thomson Lerning, London, 2006.- 830p. (ABO - 330)

3. Campbell R.McConnell. Microeconomics -McGraw Hill Higher Education:2009

4. Sloman J. Essential of Economics - Longman Group: 2008
5. Macroeconomics/ Campbell McConnell, Stanley Brue, and Sean Flynn. - McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 18
edition :2008.
6. Paul Krugman. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 - W. W. Norton:2008
7. Econimics-Making Sense of the Modern Economy/ Simon Cox (ed) - The Economist :2008
8. Guide to Economics Indicators Making Sense of Econimcs/ The Economist: 2008
9. Lloyd G.Reynolds, Macroeconomics, analysis and Policy, Sixth Edition, 1988, Illinoispp. 471
10. Robert B.Ekelund, Jr., Robert D.Tollison, Economics, Fourth Edition, 1994, Harper Collins
College Publishers, pp. 862
11. Wonnacott P., Wonnacott R., Economics, Fourth Edition, 1990, john Wiley and Sons, pp. 477
1. The Economist
1. www.eurostat.eu
2. www.lursoft.lv
3. www.wto.com
4. www.financenet.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Tax Laws and Procedure

Course code EKO1167P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Economics, Accounting


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Sandra Medne Lecturer

To provide knowledge on the functioning in Latvia tax system, on tax and duties types, to learn their
calculation and using procedure.


• to study the tax system of Republic of Latvia and its regulatory legislation,
• to provide knowledge on functioning in Latvia tax and duties forms,
• regarding every kind of taxes to find out the tax payers, the taxable objects and rates, tax calculation
methods, tax withheld and payment procedure, tax allowance forms, tax administration order and
possible sanctions in the case of trespass,
• to study the filling in of tax declaration and report.
• to provide knowledge on EU member state tax elements.

To know every kind of taxes, the tax payers, the taxable objects and rates, tax calculation methods, tax
withheld and payment procedure, tax allowance forms, tax administration order and possible sanctions in the
case of trespass.
To understand the tax system of Republic of Latvia as EU member state and its regulatory legislation, the
filling in of tax declaration and report. To comprehend other EU member state tax imposition basic principle.
Providing students with opportunity of active cooperation in the process of course realizing, and striving to
inculcate self-dependence and preparedness of accomplishing scientific research. To form a positive attitude
to taxes as country fiscal instrument.


• Regular Tests and self-dependent studies or report with PowerPoint presentation about one
tax in EU member states or tax system of one world country– 30 %
• Exam –70%

• Lectures
• Practical work
• Self dependent studies
• The filling in of tax declaration and report
• Presentations in PowerPoint ,
• Notes of tax course,
• tax declarations and reports,
• Resources and materials of Turiba library

Tests (results of written form test)
Exam (results of written form exam)



1. Tax system of Republic of Latvia.
2. Personal income tax.
3. Social security contributions.
4. Corporate income tax.
5. Real Estate property tax.
6. Natural resources tax.
7. Value added tax.
8. Excise tax.
9. Tax on cars and motorcycles.
10. Customs duties.
11. Lottery and gambling tax.
12. Electricity tax.
13. State and local government duties.
14. State Revenue Service.
15. Responsibility for tax legislation trespass.
16. Tax legislation elements of EU member states.
1. Kodoliņa – Miglāne Ieva. Nodokļi Latvijā pēc iestāšanās Eiropas Savienībā: māc. līdz. Rīga :
Biznesa augstskola "Turība", 2005. - (Uzņēmējdarbības bibliotēka ; 42). - Bibliogr.: 102.-103.lpp. -
ISBN 9984 – 766 – 55 - 1. - 103 lpp.
2. Andrējeva Valentīna, Ketners Kārlis Valsts ieņēmumu teorijas pamati. – Rīga: RTU, 2008. –
439 lpp.
3. Eiropas nodokļi Latvijā. - Rīga : Latvijas Ekonomists : Ernst & Young, 2004. - 189 lpp.
4. Ketners Kārlis . Nodokļi Eiropas Savienībā un Latvijā : salīdzinoša analīze un praktiski
ieteikumi. - Rīga : Merkūrijs LAT, 2008. - 237 lpp.
5. Lukašina Olga. : Nodokļi Latvijā : analīze un praktiski ieteikumi / 2. pārstr. un papild. izd. - Rīga :
Merkūrijs LAT, 2003. - 263 lpp
6. Podvinska Ņina. Pievienotās vērtības nodoklis : komentāri par PVN likumu un tā piemērošanas
noteikumi- Rīga : Lietišķās informācijas dienests, 2006. - 272 lpp.
7. Zaiceva Jevgenija. Uzņēmuma ienākuma nodoklis - Rīga : SIA "Mamuts", 2005. - 224 lpp. :
(Grāmatvedības prakse ; Nr.1 (23). -
8. Zvejnieks A. Īpašums un nodokļi : mācību grāmata. - Rīga : [B.i.], 2006. - 575 lpp.
9. Angļu-latviešu nodokļu terminu vārdnīca : English-Latvian Tax Dictionary / I. Matisone, I.
Blumfelde ; Rīgas Tehniskā Universitāte. - Rīga :2006. - 159 lpp.
10. Tax systems and Tax reforms in Europe / ed. by Luigi Bernardi, Paola Profeta ; foreword by Vito
Tanzi. - New York : Routledge, 2004. - xxviii, 305 p.
11. Taxation of Financial Intermediation: Theory and Practice for Emerging Economies, ed. By Patric
Honohan, Oxford University press, 2003, 443p.
12. Par iedzīvotāju ienākuma nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Augstākā padomē 11.05.1993. ;stājies spēkā 01.01.1994. // Latvijas Vēstnesis,1993, Nr32.
13. Par uzņēmumu ienākuma nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 09.02.1995. ;stājies spēkā 01.04.1995. // Latvijas Vēstnesis,1995, Nr32
14. Par nekustamā īpašuma nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 04.06.1997. ;stājies spēkā 0.01.1998. // Latvijas Vēstnesis,1997, Nr145/146/147.
15. Par pievienotās vērtības nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 09.03.1995. ;stājies spēkā 01.05.1995. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1995, Nr49.
16. Par akcīzes nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
30.10.2003. ;stājies spēkā 01.05.2004. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003, Nr161.
17. Muitas likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā 18.03.2004.
;stājies spēkā 01.05.2004. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2004, Nr54
18. Dabas resursu nodokļa likums. // Latvijas republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
15.12.2005. ;stājies spēkā 01.01.2006. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2005, Nr209.
19. Par izložu un azartspēļu nodevu un nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas
Republikas Saeimā 16.06.1994. ;stājies spēkā 01.01.1995. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1994, Nr76.
20. Par valsts sociālo apdrošināšanu. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 01.10.1997. ;stājies spēkā 01.01.1998. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 1997, Nr274/276.
21. Par vieglo automobiļu un motociklu nodokli. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas
Republikas Saeimā 30.10.2003. ;stājies spēkā 01.05.2004. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003,Nr161
22. Elektroenerģijas nodokļa likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 19.12.2006. ;stājies spēkā 01.01.2007. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, Nr207.
23. Par nodokļiem un nodevām. // Latvijas republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
02.02.1995. ;stājies spēkā 01.04.1995. // Latvijas Vēstnesis,1995,Nr26
24. www.ttc.lv homepage, where can find translated all Latvian laws translated in English
25. www.likumi.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Civil protection

Course code VAD1433P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Fire safety, electrical safety basics, first aid


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Aivars Mednis Ing., Mag. paed. lecturer


Build the competence of the Latvian Republic of civil protection challenge, which would allow students a
safe, targeted and effective role in their chosen professional activities.


Reached Latvian State students set a level of competence in civil protection, which is complemented with
appropriate knowledge of business and labour protection.

Students received course outlined in the knowledge of the National Civil Protection System Organization,
activities and funding principles, its role in emergency management, public or local authorities, business
enterprise and citizens' rights and responsibilities, the necessary prevention, preparation and response to
natural, social and technogenic catastrophes cases, potential risks of technogenic disaster occurrence and
techniques that allow them to eliminate or significantly reduce.
Students are known to conduct accident investigation procedure.
1. Advanced students the skills to analyze a variety of events to make decisions in emergency
2. Students know how to use the simplest of personal protective equipment.
3. Students know how to compile and complete the necessary documentation for the involvement of
response resources, events, fire fighting or rescue operations.
4. Students may participate in the institution or Business enterprise Civil Protection Plan drafting.
Students a positive and responsible attitude to civil protection and employment protection measures -
an important state function at each Business enterprise or public institution.


The course work and the proportion of total:
1. Independent work - a separate institution Civil Defence Plan Chapter Development 40%
2. Test 60%

Lecture, demonstration, pairs work, discussion, problem solving, self-control issues, independent studies, etc.


1. Teaching Literature
2. Lecturer developed handouts,
3. PowerPoint Presentation
4. Videos,
5. Self-control issues

1. Student self – assessment of competence 2nd and four Lectures end
2. Written Test.



1. National Civil Protection (CP) system structure, organization, management.
2. State institutions, local governments, businessmen and challenges in civil rights protection.
3. Citizens' rights and obligations of civil protection.
4. Prevention, response and recovery activities.
5. Civil defence planning, finance.
6. Population types of protection.
7. Evacuation events.
8. Civil protection defences.
9. Civilian alert and warning system and its principles of operation.
10. State material reserves.
11. The country of possible disasters and their consequences.
12. Sensitive items and hazardous substances.
13. Radiation safety.
14. First aid.
15. Accident investigation.

1. A. Jemeļjanovs, V. Šķepasts. Civilās aizsardzības pamati. Lekciju konspekts. Rīga, RTU, 1996,
- 200 lpp.
2. Jemeļjanovs A., Jemeļjanovs O., Pālītis Ē. Civilā aizsardzība. Rūpniecisku avāriju un risku
novērtēšanas kārtība un to pazemināšanas pasākumi. /Mācību līdzeklis. RTU, Rīga 2004.-102
3. Bīstamības avotu noteikšana un novērtēšana vietējā sabiedrībā. Rīga. RTU, 1994.-87 lpp.
4. Jemeļjanovs A., Laškovs A. Iedzīvotāju un apkārtējās vides drošības nodrošināšana tehnogēna
rakstura un dabas parādību izraisītajā ekstremālajās situācijās. RTU, 1997.-103 lpp.
5. Jemeļjanovs A. Glābšanas un citu neatliekamu darbu organizēšana un veikšana uzņēmumos
ārkārtēju situāciju gadījumos. Rīga. TRU. 1997.-23 lpp
6. Eiropas savienības direktīva 96/82.EK “Par lielo avāriju, kur iesaistītas bīstamas vielas,
bīstamības kontrole, risku vadība. 1996.g. decembris.
7. Jos Draijer, John Lakey, Radiācijas drošība, Zviedrijas Radiācijas drošības institūts, 2001. –
Committee on the Effects of Atomic radiation, New York, United Nations, 1998. -
9. Civilās aizsardzības likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
05.10.2006.; stājies spēkā ar 01.01.2007. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 171 (3539), 26.10.2006.
10. Darba aizsardzības likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
20.06.2001.; stājies spēkā ar 01.01.2002. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 105 (2492), 06.07.2001.
11. Ķīmisko vielu un ķīmisko produktu likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas
Republikas Saeimā 01.04.1998.; stājies spēkā 01.01.1999. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 106 (1167),
12. Latvijas Republikas Satversme // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Satversmes
Sapulces kopsēdē 15.02.1922.; stājies spēkā 07.11.1922. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 43, 01.07.1993
13. Mobilizācijas likums // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
30.05.2002.; stājies spēkā ar 01.01.2005. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 91 (2666), 18.06.2002.
14. Nacionālās drošības likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
14.12.2000. ;stājies spēkā 12.01.2001. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 473/476 (2384/2387), 29.12.2000
15. Nacionālo bruņoto spēku likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 04.11.1999.; stājies spēkā 08.12.1999. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 388/389 (1848/1849),
16. Par pašvaldībām. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
19.05.1994.; stājies spēkā 09.06.1994. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 61 (192), 24.05.1994
17. Par radiācijas drošību un kodoldrošību. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas
Republikas Saeimā 26.10.2000.; stājies spēkā 21.11.2000. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 394/395
(2305/2306), 07.11.2000.
18. Valsts materiālo rezervju likums. // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas
Saeimā 21.06.2007.; stājies spēkā 01.01.2008. // Latvijas Vēstnesis, 107 (3683), 05.07.2007.
1. http://www.likumi.lv
2. http://www2.112.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Marketing research

Course code VAD1333P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Principles of business economics, Microeconomics


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Iveta Upīte MBA, lecturer
Zanda Serdāne MBA, lecturer


Study course goal is to provide knowledge and develop skills in marketing research processes and methods.
The course builds up understanding about the essence of market research, the forms and necessity of
information obtained in research, and develops skills to perform statistical analysis, elaborate questionnaires,
process research results, analyse and present them.


After successful completion of study course students will have:
• knowledge about how to organize marketing research process and skills to use research methods;
• knowledge about types or market researches and skills to develop research plan;
• knowledge about types of information obtained in research and skills to analyse this information;
• knowledge about the development of research methodology and skills to apply appropriate
research methods.
About organization, nature, methods and types of market research
To use research methods, to develop research plan, to analyse research results
To develop understanding about ethical approach in research management


Tasks to be accomplished during the course and their weight in overall evaluation:
Regular tests (2) each – 10%
Independent group work – research about freely chosen topic 30%
Final exam 50%

Lectures, presentations, literature analysis, practical research, presentation of research results.


Study literature, handouts.

• Regular tests
• Group work
• Final exam – presentation of practical research which is based on justified and elaborated theoretical
methodology as well as methods used in research.



Introduction. Course subject, tasks, content and relevance
1. Nature of market research
1.1. Necessity of market research
1.2. Definition of research and types of market research
1.3.Marketing information systems
2. Managing market research
2.1. Data collection methods
2.2. Selecting research object
2.3. Defining research problem
3. Market research methodology
3.1. Elaborating research plan
3.2. Ensuring validity, objectivity and reliability of research
3.3. Tactical decisions in research
3.4. Analysing research results
3.5. Preparing report
4. Market research classification
4.1. Classification of research according to research process formalization degree
4.2. Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative research
4.3. Specific methods for motivation research
5. Types of specific surveys
5.1. Semiometry
5.2. Brand research (surveys)
5.3. Customer satisfaction research
5.4. “Mysterious client” (shopper, customer)
5.5. Product tests

1. Blaits Džims. Mārketings : rokasgrāmata / Džims Blaits ; no angļu val. tulk. Ilze Dukāte ; tulkojuma
zinātniskā konsultante Ērika Šumilo. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 284 lpp. : tab., sh., diagr. Oriģ.
izd.: Essentials of Marketing / Jim Blythe. - Pearson Education Ltd., 2001. - Ietver bibliogr. -
Terminu rād.: 275.-284.lpp. ISBN 9984-229-24-6
2. Ekonomisko pētījumu metodes un informācijas avoti : māc. līdz. / sast. V.Kozlinskis. - Jelgava :
[Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte], 2001. - 67,[1] lpp.
3. Patērētāju pārliecība: analīze un mērījumi ekonomikā : LZP pētījumu projekts Nr. 01.0045 / Baltijas
Krievu institūts ; proj. vad.: Viktors Voronovs ; proj. izpild.: Viktors Voronovs, Arkādijs Grišins,
Vadims Krasko. - Daugavpils : [Baltijas Krievu institūts], 2001. - 98,[2] lpp.
4. Churchill, Jr. Gilbert. Marketing research : methodological foundaitons / Gilbert A.Churchill, Jr.,
Dawn Iacobucci. - 8th edition. - USA : South-Western Thomson Learning, [2002]. - 1006 p. : tab.,
il. - Includes author and subject indexes. ISBN 0-03-033101-3
5. McDaniel Carl. Marketing Research Essentials / Carl McDaniel, Roger Gates. - 2nd ed. - [U.S.] :
South-Western College Publishing, 1998. - 490 p. ISBN 0-538-87669-7
6. Moutinho Luiz. Applied marketing research / Luiz Moutinho, Martin Evans. - Harlow, England ...
[etc.] : Addison Wesley, 1996. - 314 p. - Index: p.307-314. ISBN 0-201-56504-8
7. Б. Гантер, А. Фернхам. Типы потребителей: введение в психографику. Питер, 2001. – 304 с.
1. www.tns.lv
2. www.tirgzinis.lv
3. www.amadeusgroup.lv
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Human Resource Management

Course code VAD1244
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Management, Psychology


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Silvija Rēvele Mg. Sc. Soc., M.B.A.


To provide the students with knowledge, skills in Personnel Management.


To understand and to know how to evaluate the personnel resources and how to develop them in a company.
Knowledge. To provide the students with knowledge of essence, significance and specific features of
managing personnel processes in a company.
Skills. To master skills of evaluation, management and development of personnel processes in a company.
Attitude. To encourage self-dependency, ability to undertake initiative and responsibility for company inner
environment. As well to be acquired with the basics of ethical behaviour and its principles applicability.


Test (2) 20 %
Report and presentation of independent studies 40%
Result of the final test- examination 40 %

Practical exercises, seminars, case study analyses
Independent studies


Literature, internet resources, company records

Student’s participation in seminars and practical exercises
Report and presentation of independent studies
Test / Examination



1. Personnel management. The main functions of PM in a company. Human Resource Management.
2. Human Resources planning.
System of human resource planning. Short and long term planning.
3. Job analyses and job specifications.
Job analyses. Job specifications. Performance standards. Personnel specifications.
4. Recruitment and selection.
Recruitment and selection procedures: main stages of the process, sources, publishing information. Methods
of employee selection.
5.Personnel motivation.
Main motivation theoretical approaches and its usage in personnel management.
6. Personnel Appraisal.
Appraisal methods.
7. Training methods.
Training in attitudes, training in skill. Training in knowledge.

1. Ešenvalde Inese. Personāla praktiskā vadība / Inese Ešenvlade. - Rīga : Merkūrijs Lat, [2004]. - 308
lpp. - (Aktuālie biznesa jautājumi). - Bibliogr.: 307.-308. lpp. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 9984-640-25-6
2. Gratone Linda. Cilvēkresursu stratēģija / Linda Gratone ; no angļu val tulk. Aija Tūna. - Rīga :
Jumava, 2004. - 284 lpp. : diagr., tab. - (Biroja sērija). - Bibliogr.: [279.]-282. lpp. - Digitalizēta. -
Tulk. no angļu val. ISBN 9984-05-825-5
3. Forands Ilgvars. Palīgs personāla speciālistam / Ilgvars Forands. - Rīga : Latvijas Izglītības fonds,
2007. - 251, [4] lpp. : tab., sh. - Bibliogr.: 251. lpp. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 9984-95585-0
4. Boitmane Ilze. Personāla atlase un novērtēšana / Ilze Boitmane. - Rīga : Lietišķās informācijas
dienests, 2006. - 160 lpp. : sh., tab. - (Mazās un vidējās uzņēmējdarbības bibliotēka). - Bibliogr.:
[157.]-160. lpp. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 9984-97896-6
5. Forands Ilgvars. Personāla vadība / Ilgvars Forands. - Rīga : Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2002. -
189,[3] lpp. : tab., diagr. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 9984-95581-8
6. Michaell Armstrong. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice.- Library of Congress
Cataloing in Publication Data by Kogan Page Limited, 2006.- Digitalizēta. ISBN 0749 46315
7. John Bratton Jefrey. Human Resource Management. Theory and Practice (Paperback)/ Jeffrey
Gold. Pargrave Macmillan, 4th edition, 2007.- Digitalizēta. ISBN – 10 : 0230001742
8. Malcolm Martin. Personnel practice / Tricia Jackson. Chartered Institute of Personnel
Development, 4 th edition. 2005.- Digitalizēta. ISBN - 10
9. Alan Price. Human Resource Management in a Business Context. Thomson Learning, 8th edition,
2007. – Digitalizēta ISBN-978-184480-548-8.
10. Dereck Torrington. Human Resource Management (Paperback) / Stephen Taylor, Lautra Hall. FT
Prentice Hall, Seventh edition, 2008. – Digitalizēta ISBN:978-0-273-71075-2.
11. Sugars Bradley J. Instant Team Building / Bradley J.Sugars. - New York ... [etc.] : McGraw-Hill,
2006. - xvi, 147 p. : ill., sh. - (The Instant Success Series). - Digitalizēta. ISBN 0-07-146669-
X ISBN 9780071466691
12. Pinnington Ashly. Introduction to human resource management / Ashly Pinnington, Tony
Edwards. - Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000. - 305 p. : tab. - Includes bibliographical
references and index. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 0-19-877543-1
13. Коул Джеральд. Управление персоналом в современных организациях / Джеральд Коул ; пер.
C англ. Н.Г. Владимирова. – Москва : OOO «Вершина», 2004. – 350, [2] с. : схем., табл. –
Содержит библиогр. – Digitalizēta. ISBN 5-946960-19-9
1. www.likumi.lv
2. Personnel Management. Human Resource Management
3. Personnel Review
1. Personnel data, records of companies
In the Meeting of the Department of Commerce 20.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department R. Zvirgzdiņa________________




Study course Financial Management

Course code EKO1014P
Approved 20.05.2010.
Field of science Management
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Accounting, economics, math


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Vita Zarina Dr.oec., docent


To provide conviction on necessity of prognostication and planning in enterprise


• to provide students with knowledge on functions, authority and responsibility of financial
• to develop skills of money planning by enterprise,
• to give definitions on current assets and working capital,
• to provide students with knowledge on securities portfolio definition,
• to give knowledge on calculations, evaluations of investment projects and conditions of crediting
by commercial banks


Test works 3 each – 15%
Case studies 15%
Eksamination 40%

Contact lessons (the number is fixed in the plan of studies) and independent studies of the student. At least
1/3 of the total number of academic hours is practical training


Duplicate materials and recourses of Turiba’s library




1. Finance, their management: content, aims, planning and control instruments.
2. Financial analysis: Structure of assets and liabilities, sources of financing. Types and coefficients of
analysis of financial reports.
3. Structuring and instruments of current assets, their management.
4. Prognostication, planning and control of finance. Stability of enterprise finance.
5. Budget definition, forms and planning.
6. Financing concept and attraction conditions of credit. Bank credit forms. Forms of especial
7. Cost calculation. Profits and losses threshold.
8. Investment definition, division and policy. Investment planning and evaluation.

1. Rurāne Marita. Finansu pārvaldība. Latvijas Izglītības fonds, 2001. 281 lpp
2. Rurāne Marita. Uzņēmuma finansu vadība. – Rīga : Turības mācību centrs, 1997. – 254, [2] lpp. –
Izm. liter.: 251. – [252.] lpp. ( ABO–10, LAS–3, MĀC–307
3. Rurāne Marita. Finanšu menedžments / Marita Rurāne. - Rīga : RSEBAA, 2005. - 383 lpp. : tab. -
(Biznesa izglītības bibliotēka). - Bibliogr.: [382.]-383.lpp. ISBN 9984705129
4. Bednarskis L. Finansu pārskatu analīze / L. Bednarskis, V. Paupa, J. Vaikulis. – [Rīga] : Latvijas
Universitāte, 1994. – 96, [1] lpp. – Bibliogr.: 96. lpp. ( ABO–10, LAS–3, MĀC–80).
5. Vērtspapīru tirgus zinības / Ģ.Apsītis, I.Aščuks, U.Cērps ... [u.c.] ; zinātniskais red. A.Klauss ;
priekšv. aut. Guntars Kokorevičs. - [Rīga] : Rīgas fondu birža : Jumava, [2003]. - 211 lpp. : tab. -
Bibliogrāfija: 208.-209.lpp. ISBN 9984-05-713-5
6. Brealey Richard A. Principles of Corporate Finance / Richard A. Brealey, Stewart C. Myers. - 7th
ed. - Boston ... [etc.] : Mcgraw-Hill : Irwin, 2003. - XXV, 1071 p. : tab., diagr. - (McGraw-Hill/Irwin
series in Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - CD
"Student CD-ROM for use with "Principles of Corporate Finance" ".
ISBN 0072467665 ISBN 0071151443
7. Brigham Eugene F. Intermediate financial management / Eugene F.Brigham, Phillip R.Daves. - 8th
edition (international student edition). - [United States] : Thomson South-Western, 2004. - 1038 p. :
tab., diagr., il. - Indexes: p. [1013]-1038. - Added CD. ISBN 0324282850
NEW JERSEY : JOHN WILEY & SONS, 2008. - LIX, 1036 P. : TAB. - INDEX: P. 1020-1036. - PIEL. CD.
ISBN 0-471-45392-7
KIESO, PAUL D. KIMMEL. - 7TH EDIT. - [B.V.] : JOHN WILEY & SONS, 2007. - XXXII, 814, [35] P. :
PALGRAVE, 2006. - XXVII, 677 P. : TAB. - BIBLIOGR.: P. 669. - INDEX: P. 671-677. ISBN 0-333-
12. Иошенко Н.П. Международные стандарты учета и фиансовой отчетности – Москва, Финансы
и статистика. 2007, 272 стр.
13. Палий В.Ф. Международные стандаты учета учета и фиансовой отчетности – Москва,
ИНЫРА- М. 2008, 512 стр.
14. Стоянова Елена. Финансовый менеджмент для практиков : краткий профессиональный курс /
Елена Стоянова, М. Г. Штерн ; Финансовая академия при Правительстве РФ Академия
менеджмента и рынка. – Москва : Перспектива, 1998. – 238 с.( LAS–1).
1. www.frs.org
2. www.frsb.org.uk
3. www.gfmi.com
4. www.ft.com/markets
5. www.globalfindata.com/
In the Meeting of the Communication Sciences Department 30.08.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department A. Dimants________________




Study course Philosophy

Course code FIL1015P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science Philosophy
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge History of world culture


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Janis Broks Dr. Phil., Associate professor


To systematize knowledge on the most essential forms of human life and cognition – moral, culture, science,
and social life.


Knowledge: To introduce the subject of philosophy, the fundamental concepts and categories, the main
branches of philosophical ideas
Skills: To develop the analytical skills and ability to apply creatively philosophical ideas in understanding
and evaluation of the social process, human intellectual activities.
Attitude: To acquire ability to orientate oneself in social and cultural processes, to develop necessity to
follow the social and cultural processes.


Students have to read literature suggested by the lecturer, attend lectures, pass tests (the minimal score of 4
points), participate in seminars, work out the homework – i.e., write commentary fragments of philosophical
The evaluation: 60% - the oral examination; 20% - the tests; 20% - the home task.
Only those students who pass tests and submit homework are to be allowed to participate in the examination.

Lectures, independent studies, seminars, tests, homework’s

Students receive printouts for each theme. The form of lecture is power point presentation. There are several
variants of tests and homework tasks.

Tests, homework, examination



1. Introduction to philosophy.
2. Culture of world and their philosophical principles.
3. European classic philosophy basic notions, concepts and categories.
4. The problems of modern and postmodern philosophy.
5. Quest for the human nature. Existence. Body as philosophical problem.
6. Human cognition.
7. Human being within a framework of culture. Signs and symbols. Introduction to semiotics.
8. Understanding and communication in philosophy.
9. A person and community. Social philosophy. Philosophy of history.

1. Plato. The Republic.
2. Aristotle. The Nicomahean ethics.
3. Eliade M. The Sacred and the Profane.
4. Kant I. The Letter on Enlightenment.
5. Jung C. G. Man and his symbols.
1. Cooper D.B. World Philosophies. A Historical Introduktion. Cambr. Mass. 1996.
2. Pojman L. Classics of Philosophy. New-York, Oxford, 1998.
3. Burr J. Philosophy and Contemporary Issues. 1988.
4. Isaak R. The globalization gap. 2005.
5. Landesman C. Philosophy: an introduction to central issues. 1985.
6. Russel B. History of Western Philosophy. New-York, 1945.
1. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. // www.utm.edu/research/iep/
1. Broks J. Handouts
In the Meeting of the Communication Sciences Department 30.08.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department A. Dimants________________




Study course Marketing communication

Course code VAD1374P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Marketing, Principles of business and management


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Renāte Cāne Mg.soc.sc., lecturer


To provide knowledge on the process of marketing communications, its elements, importance in business,
principles of creation and integration, to provide practical skills in implementing and analysing marketing


1) provide knowledge about the functions, structure and strategies of marketing communication;
2) learn basic principles of marketing communication development;
3) get to know channels of marketing communication and their specifics;
4) create an understanding about the principles of integrating marketing communications;
5) create skills for using marketing communication control elements and skills for evaluating marketing
communication effectiveness;
6) create skills to create marketing communications of an organization that meet the goals and
requirements of it.
Expertise on the essence of marketing communications, their necessity, and development courses within a
marketing strategy.
To create, analyze and evaluate marketing communications independently.
To provide students with a chance to actively participate in the realization of the study course and related
projects; instil student independence and readiness to initiate and manage projects.


20% of the evaluation is the average grade of a test and homework.
20% grade for the independent work (a report on marketing communication usage in Latvian enterprises).
60% of the evaluation the student receives for showing knowledge on the final examination as well as skills
to create arguments about practical and theoretical questions regarding marketing communication. Type of
final examination – a written exam consisting of questions about topics from the course and a situation
A passed test and homework (grade of at least 4), as well as a passed presentation of independent work is
compulsory in order for a student to be allowed for the final examination.

Lectures, independent studies, seminars.
Students receive a handout for each lecture. The lecture is accompanied with a Power Point presentation.

Test, homework, presentation of independent work, exam.

Latvian; literature studies in Latvian, English and Russian.


1. The concept of communication. Communication models, process and systems.
2. The concept of marketing communication. The process of marketing comunication.
3. Marketing communication complex, its structure.
4. Factors influencing the structure of marketing communication.
5. Acquiring the necessary information for marketing communication.
6. Advertisig as an element of marketing communication complex, its specifics and usage in marketing
7. Public relations as an element of m marketing communication complex, their specifics and usage in
marketing process.
8. Sales promotion as an element of marketing communication complex, its specifics and usage in
marketing process.
9. Direct marketing as an element of marketing communication complex, its specifics and usage in
marketing process.
10. Creating a marketing communication complex (planning, implementing, evaluating).
11. Marketing communication budget.
12. Marketing communication channels, their specifics. E-communication.
13. Integration of marketing communication (integrated marketing communication, IMC).
14. Marketing communication effectiveness, methods of controlling and evaluating it.

1. Niedrītis Jānis Ēriks. Mārketings / Jānis Ēriks Niedrītis. - 2., papild. izd. - Rīga: Biznesa augstskola
Turība, 2001. - 267,[5] lpp.: tab. - (Uzņēmējdarbības bibliotēka; 20). - Bibliogr.: 271.lpp.
ISBN 9984-609-61-8
2. Praude Valērijs. Mārketinga komunikācijas : teorija un prakse / Valērijs Praude, Jeļena Šalkovska. -
Rīga : Vaidelote, 2005. 1. sēj. - 484, [2] lpp. : il., diagr., sh., tab. - Bibliogr. nod. beigās.
ISBN 9984507173
3. Kotler Philip. Marketing management. - 11th ed. - Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : Prentice Hall,
2003. - XXIX, 706, C-1, I-30 p.: il. - (Prentice Hall Marketing). - Includes bibliographical references
and index. ISBN 0130497150
4. Percy Larry. Strategic advertising management / Larry Percy, John R.Rossiter, Richard Elliott. -
Oxford: Oxford university press, 2001. - XXI, 288 p.: photogr. - Includes index. ISBN 0-19-878232-
5. Cutlip Scott M. Effective Public Relations / Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, Glen M. Broom. - 9th
ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson : Prentice Hall, 2006. - 2006. - xviii, 486 p. : ill. - Includes
Bibliographical References and Index. - Digitalizēta. ISBN 0-13-123014-X
6. Кутлалиев Асхат, Попов Алексей. Эффективность рекламы / Асхат Кутлалиев, Алексей
Попов. - Москва: издательство Эксмо, 2005. - 416 с. ISBN 5-699-10796-7

1. Media, market and social research agency TNS homepage // www.tns.lv
2. Latvian Advertising Association homepage // www.lra.lv
3. News portal on Latvian advertising and marketing // www.7guru.lv
4. Movement against bad advertising homepage // www.badad.lv/
5. Russian marketing homepage // www.marketing.spb.ru
6. International advertising news portal // www.adage.com
In the Meeting of the Communication Sciences Department 30.08.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department A. Dimants________________




Study course Social psychology

Course code PSI1024P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Daina Skuskovnika Dr.psych., assistant Professor of
Department of Communication Sciences


The course aims to provide knowledge about the psychological aspects of effective communication,
developing and improving skills to understand the ongoing socio-psychological processes of a
group and organization, paying attention to specifics of leading a large group of people;
develop the skills to predict, monitor, and manage the social psychological processes of groups
use acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in work.


In the studies of social psychology the main task is to ensure that students obtain the following:
- Knowledge: about the basic theories of the social psychology, discussing the individual as the personality,
the interaction between multiple individuals and individual behavior in small and large groups.
- Skills: understand their own and other people's motives of action, human individual and collective behavior
analysis, control and management options
- Attitude: understanding and being able to analyze their own and other people's behavior, demonstrate a
positive attitude toward the situation and being able to control and manage the situation.

The mandatory course assignments and the proportion of final grade:
• participation in seminars (prepared materials, the quality of responses and an essay) - 15%;
• test - 10%
• presentation - 15% of the final grade
• written test (exam) at the end of course - 60% of the final grade.
• To obtain a better assessment in the exam (10%), the student should have read and should be able to
respond to questions about some of the JD. Hodgson, Ē. Berna, Moskavičī books in the book list or
any of the latest scientific research in social psychology on public relation work.
Student is admitted to the written exam only if till the exam student have successfully passed the above
requirements (essay, presentation and test).

Lectures, practical sessions, seminars.Independent studies (group work, problem analysis, role playing,
presentation (preparation and presenting), preparing for seminars and exam.
Computer with internet connection, screen, audio equipment.

Test, essay (problem analysis), evaluation of the independent presentations


1. Efective communication. Portraits of the Self. Motivation: From Concepts to Aplications.
2. The Individual in the Organization.
3. Atribution and Person Perception.
4. Social Inference and Social Memory: The Interplay Between Systems. Attitudes: Foundations,
Functions, and Consequences.
5. Processes within Groups.
6. Groups and Communication in the organization.
7. Leadership. Emocional inteligence. Organization Culture: Functions, dimension.
8. Conflict in the organization. Negotiation.
9. Social Behavior. Agression, Altruism, Prosocial behavior.
10. Intergroup Behavior and Social Identity.
11. Stress management. Crissis.
12. Social Responsibility.
13. Customers Psychology.

1. Reņģe V. (2007). Sociālā psiholoģija. R:Zvaigzne ABC
2. Reņģe V. (2007). Mūsdienu organizāciju psiholoģija. R:Zvaigzne ABC
3. Aronson E. (2002). Social Psychology / E. Aronson, T. D.Wilson, R. M. Akert. - 3rd ed. - New
York : Addison Wweley Longman, ISBN 0-321-02435-4
4. Москвичи С. (2006). Век толп. М. / Moskovici S. (1981). L’age des Foules. La Librarie Arteme
5. Hodžsone Dž. (2001). Līdzvērtīgs sarunu partneris. Turība.
6. Berns E. (2000) Spēles, ko spēlē cilvēki: cilvēku attiecību psiholoģija Rīga : SIA Birojs 2000
7. Džeimsa M. (1995). Dzimis, lai uzvarētu : mijiedarbību analīze ar geštaltterapijas
vingrinājumiem. Rīga : Elpa
In the Meeting of the Information Technologies Department 17.06.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department O. Onževs________________




Study course Information Technologies I

Course code DAT1015
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science ITS
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Secondary school course on computer technologies


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Juris Ozols Dr. phys., docent

OBJECTIVES: To acquire knowledge and practical skills about: creating large MS Word documents,
creating serial documents, processing and analyzing economical data using MS Excel, making presentations
(MS Power Point).


o Large MS Word documents,
o Serial documents,
o Processing and analyzing economical data using MS Excel
o Presentations (MS Power Point)
o Creating large documents,
o Creating serial documents,
o Processing and analyzing economical data
o Making presentations and preparing handout materials
The course provides students with an opportunity of active cooperation in the process of the realization of the
course, and develops their self-dependence skills and the research skills necessary for accomplishing of
scientific research.


o Regular tests - 30%
o Self-dependent studies - 30%
o Exam - 40%

o Lectures
o Practical work
o Self dependent studies


Resources and materials of School of Business administration Turiba library, methodical materials. Internet
materials and Microsoft® tutorials.
Regular tests
Final test



1. Creating large documents:
1.1. Usage and modification of MS Word styles,
1.2. Custom paragraphe and font styles,
1.3. Creating the table of contents,
1.4. Numbering of the figures, tables and equations,
1.5. Cross references,
1.6. Creating advertising materials. Templates.
2. Creating serial documents:
Mail Merge technologies. Mail Merge database.
3. Calculations and data processing:
3.1. Tables and charts (formatting),
3.2. Sorting and filtering of the data:
3.3. Data analysis using Subtotals,
3.4. Data analysis, calculation and processing using Pivot table methods
4. Making professional presentations:
4.1. Presentation templates,
4.2. Slide transitions and animation,
4.3. Organizing the presentation.

Use, skills,
Evaluation Theoretical and practical knowledge Solving problems
doesn't understand the is not able to
1 no knowledge
problem understand
very low, partly oriented in the content of cannot solve the
2 is not able to use
the course problem
low, orientating in the content of the course,
partialle understands can understand the
3 but cannot solve the excercises
the problem explanation

understands the
almost average, making mistakes in easy makes mistakes in
4 problem but cannot
excersises using the software
suggest a solution

understands the is able to use the

average, can partly reproduce easy
5 problem - can suggest a skills developed in
excercises with mistakes
standard solution standard situations

is competent in the
is able to use the
almost good, is competent in theory, can problem, can suggest
6 skills developed
solve standard excercises and provide a standard

high competence in the is able to use the

good, has good knowledge in theory, can
7 problem, can suggest skills developed
solve excercises
and provide a solution and explain

very high competence is able to use the

very good, has knowledge in the theory, can in the problem, can skills developed
use this knowledge in solving the excersizes suggest and provide creativly and
variable solutions explain
excellently orientates in
excellent, has an excellent knowledge in the problem, can give is able to choose the
9 theory, can use the knowledge in solving variable suggestions best solution and
different complicated excercises and solutions, explain instruct other users
the methods

is able to choose
Is able to formulate the and suggest the best
outstanding, is able to find connection problem, suggest solution, find
10 between unrelated cases and to use the original method of imperfections in the
knowledge in solving original problems solving problems and programme and
data processing manage the team

1. Johnson Steve. Microsoft Office 2007 on demand. - Indianapolis, IN : Que Pub.,
2007. 728 p
2. Step by Step 2007 Microsoft Office System. Joyce Cox et al. - Redmond, WA
Microsoft Press, 2007. 641 p
3. . J. Augucēvičs, J. Ozols, E. Treiguts. Datorzinības. Uzdevumi un to risinājumi. Rīga,
Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2005 (Numerical data, examples, illustrations)).
4. Winston, Wayne L. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 : data analysis and business
modeling. - Redmond : Wayne Winston, 2007. 604 p.
5. Harts, Doug. Microsoft Office 2007. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008. 444 p.
6. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 in business, core / Joseph M. Manzo. - Upper Saddle
River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 304 p
7. Microsoft Office Online.
In the Meeting of the Information Technologies Department 17.06.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department O. Onževs________________




Study course Information Technologies II

Course code VAD1357P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science ITS
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Information technologies1, mathematics


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ilmārs Vīksne Dr. sc. ing., docent

To provide the students with knowledge for professional applying, managing and developing of information
systems according to business strategy.


o Businees information systems and their integration on the enterprise;
o Computer hadware and software;
o Communication networks. Local area and wide area networks;
o Business value of information systems. Information technology investments and productivity.
o Preparing data for databases;
o Building a database. Creating and linking database tables;
o Evaluation of the information systems empowerment.
o Creating Web pages.
The course provides students with an opportunity of active cooperation in the process of the realization of the
course, and develops their self-dependence skills and the research skills necessary for accomplishing of
scientific research.


o Regular tests and self-dependent studies 50 %
o Exam 50 %

o Lectures
o Practical work
o Self dependent studies, problem analysis


Resources and materials of School of Business administration Turiba library, methodical materials

Regular tests
Final test


1. Data and information;
2. Business information systems, principles of operating;
3. The principles of developing, purchasing and evaluating the information system;
4. Computer hadware and software;
5. Local area networks.Client – server systems;
6. Global networks.
7. Cryptography and electronic signature.
8. Creating Web pages using MS Visual Studio 2010 (Visual Web Developer 2010 Express Edition);
9. Databases and business information systems.

Use, skills,
Evaluation Theoretical and practical knowledge Solving problems
doesn't understand the is not able to
1 no knowledge
problem understand
very low, partly oriented in the content of cannot solve the
2 is not able to use
the course problem
low, orientating in the content of the course,
partialle understands can understand the
3 but cannot solve the excercises
the problem explanation

understands the
almost avarage, making mistakes in easy makes mistakes in
4 problem but cannot
excersises using the software
suggest a solution

understands the is able to use the

avearage, can partly reproduce easy
5 problem - can suggest a skills developed in
excercises with mistakes
standard solution standard situations

is competent in the
is able to use the
almost good, is competent in theory, can problem, can suggest
6 skills developed
solve standard excercises and provide a standard

high competence in the is able to use the

good, has good knowledge in theory, can
7 problem, can suggest skills developed
solve excercises
and provide a solution and explain

very high competence is able to use the

very good, has knowledge in the theory, can in the problem, can skills developed
use this knowledge in solving the excersizes suggest and provide creativly and
variable solutions explain

excellently orientates in
is able to choose
excellent, has an excellent knowledge in the problem, can give
the best solution
9 theory, can use the knowledge in solving variable suggestions
and instruct other
different complicated excercises and solutions, explain
the methods
is able to choose
Is able to formulate the and suggest the
outstanding, is able to find connection problem, suggest best solution, find
10 between unrelated cases and to use the original method of imperfections in
knowledge in solving original problems solving problems and the programme
data processing and manage the
team work

1. Bocij, Paul. Business information systems : technology, development and management - Harlow,
England : FT Prentice Hall ; New York, 2008. 710 p. ISBN 978-0-273-71662.
2. Stair, Ralph M. Information systems. - 9th ed. - Australia : Course Tehnology, Cengage Learning,
2010. 658 lpp.
3. David Sussman,Alex Homer. Wrox's ASP.NET 2.0 Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
Starter Kit. John Wiley & Sons, 2005. 312 p. ISBN 9780764588075
4. Jack M. Keen, Bonnie Digrius. Making Technology Investments Profitable. John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2003. 300 p. ISBN 9780471456339
5. Curtis, Graham. Business information systems : analysis, design, and practice. - 6th ed. - Harlow,
Essex, England : Pearson Education, 2008. 695 p. ISBN 978-0-273-71382-1
In the Meeting of the Information Technologies Department 17.06.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department O. Onževs________________




Study course Information Technologies III

Course code VAD1358P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science ITS
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Lectures (hours) 24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 8
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Mathematics, Information technologies_1, Information


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Oskars Onževs Dr. sc. ing., docent

To provide the students with knowledge about the quantitative methods, basic concepts of statistics, data
acquisition and proceeding; to show students how the decision-maker can apply and interpret data. To
acquire modeling of economic processes, forecasting and introduction to optimization.


o Statistics and statistical methods.
o Data processing and economical analysis.
o Forecasting and mathematical models of economics.
o Optimization models.
o Data acquisition and analysis.
o Analyzing of economical problems.
o Solving economical and forecasting problems.
The course provides students with an opportunity of active cooperation in the process of the realization of the
course, and develops their self-dependence skills and the research skills necessary for accomplishing of
scientific research.


o Regular tests (2) - 20%
o Self-dependent studies (1) - 20%
o Exam - 60%

o Lectures
o Practical work
o Self dependent studies, problem analysis


Resources and materials of School of Business administration Turiba library, methodical materials
Regular tests
Final test



5. Quantitative methods.
5.1. Statistics, Statistical observation.
5.2. Grouping of data. Data analysis.
5.3. Mean values. Dispersion.
5.4. Data series.
6. Theory of probability.
6.1. Random variables. Distributions of random variables.
6.2. Normal distribution. Usage of the normal distribution.
7. Data and economical analysis.
7.1. Introduction to financial mathematics.
7.2. Regresssion models.
7.3. Forecasting problems of economics.
8. Optimization models.
8.1. Optimization algorithms.
8.2. Creating the optimization models.
8.3. Expert methods.

Use, skills,
Evaluation Theoretical and practical knowledge Solving problems

doesn't understand the is not able to

1 no knowledge
problem understand
very low, partly oriented in the content of cannot solve the
2 is not able to use
the course problem
low, orientating in the content of the course,
partialle understands can understand the
3 but cannot solve the excercises
the problem explanation

understands the
almost avarage, making mistakes in easy makes mistakes in
4 problem but cannot
excersises using the software
suggest a solution

understands the is able to use the

avarage, can partly reproduce easy
5 problem - can suggest a skills developed in
excercises with mistakes
standard solution standard situations

is competent in the
is able to use the
almost good, is competent in theory, can problem, can suggest
6 skills developed
solve standard excercises and provide a standard

high competence in the is able to use the

good, has good knowledge in theory, can
7 problem, can suggest skills developed
solve excercises
and provide a solution and explain

very high competence is able to use the

very good, has knowledge in the theory, can in the problem, can skills developed
use this knowledge in solving the excersizes suggest and provide creativly and
variable solutions explain
excellently orientates in
is able to choose
excellent, has an excellent knowledge in the problem, can give
the best solution
9 theory, can use the knowledge in solving variable suggestions
and instruct other
different complicated excercises and solutions, explain
the methods

is able to choose
Is able to formulate the and suggest the
outstanding, is able to find connection problem, suggest best solution, find
10 between unrelated cases and to use the original method of imperfections in
knowledge in solving original problems solving problems and the programme
data processing and manage the
team work

1. Winston, Wayne L. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - Redmond : Wayne Winston, 2007. 604 p.
ISBN 978-0-7356-2396-5
2. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 in business, core. Joseph M. Manzo. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. 304 p. ISBN 978-0-13-174344-1.
3. Healey, Joseph F-. Statistics : a tool for social research.. - 8th ed. -Belmont, CA :
Thomson/Wadsworth, 2009. 512 p. ISBN 978-0-495-09655-9
4. Mendenhall, William. Introduction to probability and statistics - 13th ed. - Belmont, CA :
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2009. 746 p. ISBN 978-0-495-38959-0.
5. Keller Gerald. Managerial Statistics. - 8th ed. - USA : South-Western Cengage Learning,
2008. 899 p. ISBN 9780324569551
6. Wooldridge, Jeffrey M. Introductory econometrics : a modern. - 4th ed. - Australia : Thomson
South-Western, 2009. 865 p. ISBN 978-0-324-58548-3.
7. Swift, Louise. Quantitative methods for business, management and finance - 3rd edit. - New
York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. - 832 p. ISBN 978-0-230-21824-6
8. J. Augucēvičs, J. Ozols, E. Treiguts. Datorzinības. Uzdevumi un to risinājumi. Rīga, Biznesa
augstskola Turība, 2005 (Numerical data and examples).
1. Baltagi, Badi H. Econometrics. - 4th ed. - New York : Springer, 2008. - 392 p. ISBN 978-3-540-
2. Chong, Edwin Kah Pin. An introduction to. - 3rd ed. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Interscience, 2008.
584 p. ISBN 978-0-471-75800-6
3. Crawley, Michael J. Statistics : an introduction using. - Chichester, West Sussex, England : J.
Wiley, 2005. 327 p. ISBN 0-470-02297-3 (acidfree : hardback).
4. Curwin,Jon. Quantitative Methods : a short course. Australia : Thomson, 2007. 326 p.ISBN 978-
5. Dalgaard, Peter. Introductory statistics with R. - 2nd ed. - New York : Springer, 2008. 363 p.
ISBN 978-0-387-79053-4 (pbk. : alk. paper).
6. Mizrahi A. Sullivan M. Mathematics for business and social sciences. An applied approach.
JohnWiley and Sons – 876 p.
7. Field, Andy P. Discovering statistics using SPSS. - 3rd ed. - Los Angeles : SAGE Publications,
2009. 821 p. ISBN 978-1-8478-7906-6.
8. Julie, Pallant. SPSS survival manual : a step by step guide to data analysis using SPSS version 15.
- Maidenhead, Berkshire. U.K : Open University Press ; New York, NY, 2007. 335 p. ISBN 978-
9. Vercellis, Carlo. Business intelligence : data mining and optimization for decision making -
Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2009. 417 p. ISBN 978-0-470-51138-1 (hbk. : alk. paper). - ISBN 978-
10. Microsoft Office Excel 2007 in business, core / Joseph M. Manzo. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. - xxix, 304 p. : col. ill. ; 28 cm. - (In business). - Piel.CD: Excel
2007 in business.
ISBN 978-0-13-174344-1. - ISBN 0-13-174344-9
11. Richards, Lyn. Handling qualitative data : a practical guide- 2nd ed. - London : SAGE, 2009. 216
p. ISBN 978-1-8486-0217-5 (hbk.). - ISBN 978-1-8486-0218-2 (pbk.)
12. Barreto, Humberto. Introductory econometrics : using Monte Carlo simulation with Microsoft
Excel. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press ; New York, 2006. 774 p. ISBN 978-0-521-
13. Harts, Doug. Microsoft Office 2007 business intelligence : reporting, analysis, and measurement
from the desktop. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008. 444 p. ISBN 978-0-07-149424-3.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 1 (English)

Course code VAL1102P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science English for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 32
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Language skills and competence set by standards of
language acquisition in the secondary school


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ineta Lūka Dr. paed., assoc. professor

To develop professional English language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to creatively use the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level B2 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the English language, professional knowledge in
the tourism industry and skills developed to implement them in the professional activity.
The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry in the English language about tourism structure, types of holidays
and travelling, travel agencies, tour operators and their functions, etc.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level B2
of the English language proficiency.
• Can understand the main ideas of complex professional conversations. Can communicate in English
about the covered topics, can create clear, logically structured speech with the use of professional
terminology. Ability to speak in English on a beforehand prepared professional theme, to keep up
contact, ask and answer questions connected with professional issues.
• Can understand and interpret the main idea of the professional text, using the professional
terminology learnt before. Scanning professional texts can find out necessary information, can use the
dictionary out of necessity to check the terminology.
• Can compile documents using standard phrases and expressions of the similar documents from
tourism industry. Can give written replies to clients’ enquiries, using basic professional lexis and simple
sentence constructions. Small spelling mistakes are allowed.
• Collaboration skills are well developed. Can interact with group mates and a lecturer. Advanced
intercultural communicative skills. Can practically apply in relevant life situations communicative and
collaboration skills acquired at the theoretical level. Can work in the other culture environment with the
support from the side.
Students get motivated to acquire the English language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is considered as a
tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of group work
positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Student is aware of his/her abilities.


• Two tests – each 30%
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons – 40%
• Final test

Communicative approach, task-based approach, lexical approach, creative approach, problem-based
discussions, case studies, simulations, role plays, problem-solving approach, presentations, individual work,
group work, pair work, project method, self-dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (tests, self-dependent studies, final test).

• Written test for theme 1,
• Written test for theme 2 and 3,
• Regular assessment of students’ self-dependent work at every class (fulfilled tasks connected with
reading texts),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent writing tasks (business letters, CV, descriptions, brochures),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent home-reading (written summaries, compiled lists of
vocabulary, text retelling),
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks,
• Final test.



1. Tourism organization and structure
1.1. The structure of tourism industry.
1.2. Types, kinds, forms, definitions of tourism.
1.3. Different types of travellers, meeting their requirements.
1.4. Different types of holiday, their advantages and disadvantages.
1.5. Tourism development in different countries of the world.
2. Career in the tourism industry
2.1. Description of professions and job descriptions in the tourism industry.
2.2. Job advertisements. CVs and letters of application. Filling in forms.
2.3. Job interview from employer’s and employee’s point of view.
2.4. Kinds of remuneration.
3. The work of travel agencies and tour operating companies
3.1. Different types of travelling, organizing a tour.
3.2. Designing of an itinerary, its promotion.
3.3. Presentations. Familiarization trips.
3.4. A package tour.
3.5. Itineraries and tourism brochures.

1. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Course Book. –
2. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Workbook. - 96 p.
3. Harding K. Going International : English for tourism . - 4th impression. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2001. - 200 p.
4. Strutt P. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 2003. Intermediate
Students' Book. – 144 p.
5. Strutt P. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 2003. Intermediate
Students' Book. – 144 p.
6. Badger I. , Pedley S. Everyday Business Writing. [Great Britain] : Pearson Longman. 2006.
7. Harding K. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry. - Oxford : Oxford University
Press[Student's Book]. - 9th impr. - 2000. - 176 p. - Wordlist: p.172.-176.
1. Types of tourism // www.wikipedia.com
2. English for Specific Purposes World
3. Learning English for Specific Purposes
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 2 (English)

Course code VAL1091P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science English for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/32
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Knowledge acquired during the course “Professional
terminology 1 (English)”


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ineta Lūka Dr. paed., assoc. professor

To develop professional English language competence that allows students creatively use the target language
both at the receptive and productive levels in communication and tourism profession taking into account
peculiarities of different cultural traditions.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level B2 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the English language, professional knowledge in
the tourism industry and skills developed to implement them in the professional activity.
The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry in the English language about catering enterprises, hotels,
organizing events in restaurants and hotels, etc.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level B2
of the English language proficiency.
• Can understand the main ideas of complex professional conversations. Can communicate in English
about the covered topics, can create clear, logically structured speech with the use of professional
terminology. Can speak in English on a beforehand prepared professional theme, can keep up contact,
ask and answer questions connected with professional issues.
• Can understand and interpret the main idea of the professional text, using the specialized
terminology learnt before. Scanning professional texts can find out necessary information, can use the
dictionary out of necessity to check the terminology.
• Can compile documents using standard phrases and expressions of the similar documents from
tourism industry. Can give written replies to clients’ enquiries, using basic professional lexis and simple
sentence constructions. Small spelling mistakes are allowed.
• Collaboration skills are well developed. Can interact with group mates and a lecturer. Possesses
advanced intercultural communicative skills. Can practically apply communicative and collaboration
skills acquired at the theoretical level in relevant life situations. Can work in the other culture
environment with the support from the side. Creative thinking skills have been developed to use the
target language in professional activities.
Students get motivated to acquire the English language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is considered as a
tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of group work
positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Students get aware of their strengths and
weaknesses that are to be improved. Positive attitude to another culture, cultural values, life style and
different ways of thinking have been developed. Is able to evaluate the cultural values of their own nation.


• Two tests – each 15%
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons – 30%
• Exam – 40%

Communicative approach, task-based approach, lexical approach, creative approach, problem-based
discussions, case studies, simulations, role plays, problem-solving approach, presentations, individual work,
group work, pair work, project method, self - dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (tests, self-dependent studies, exam).

• Written test for theme 1,
• Written test for theme 2,
• Regular assessment of students’ self-dependent work at every class (fulfilled tasks connected with
the reading texts),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent writing tasks (business letters, descriptions, programmes),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent home-reading (written summaries, compiled lists of
vocabulary, text retelling),
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks,
• Assessment of students’ report (event held at a hotel),
• Oral exam.



1. Catering establishments, their operation and food and catering service
1.1. Types of restaurants.
1.2. Staff employed at the restaurants.
1.3. Sorts of products, food, drinks.
1.4. Crockery, laying the table and menu.
1.5. Organizing different events (banquets, celebrations, official events) in restaurants.
2. Hotels, hotel operations and offered services
2.1. Hotel classification, their location, facilities and equipment.
2.2. Room types, interior, furnishing.
2.3. Personnel employed at hotels.
2.4. Services provided by the hotel. Business services provided by the hotel.
2.5. Services offered by hotels, including business services.
3. Organizing of different events at hotels
3.1. Business communication.
3.2. Specific lexis at telephoning.
3.3. Planning and organizing business events.
3.4. Programme for welcoming of guests.
3.5. Business lunch as a means of communication.
3.6. Specifics of serving of corporate clients.
3.7. Business correspondence.
3.8. Cultural differences in business.

1. Harding K. High Season : English for the Hotel and Tourist Industry. - Oxford : Oxford University
Press[Student's Book]. - 9th impr. - 2000. - 176 p. - Wordlist: p.172.-176.
2. Jones Leo. Welcome! : English for the travel and tourism industry : Student's book. - [Cambridge] :
Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1998. - 126 p. (ABO-3, SKO-7).
3. Revell Rod. Five star English for the hotel and tourist industry / Rod Revell, Chris Stott. - Oxford :
Oxford University Press, 1996. - 201 p. (LAS-1, SKO-1).
4. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Course Book. – 127.
5. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Workbook. - 96 p.
6. Strutt P. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 2003. Intermediate
Students' Book. – 144 p.
7. Strutt P. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 2003. Intermediate
Students' Book. – 144 p.
8. Badger I. , Pedley S. Everyday Business Writing. [Great Britain] : Pearson Longman. 2006.
9. Wood Neil. Tourism and Catering. [Great Britain] : Oxford University Press. 2006.
1. English for Specific Purposes World
2. Learning English for Specific Purposes
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 3 (English)

Course code VAL1104P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science English for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) 48
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 32
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Acquired study course “Professional terminology (English)
1and 2 ”


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ineta Lūka Dr. paed., assoc. professor
Anda Komarovska MBA, lecturer

To develop professional English language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to creatively use the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level C1 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the English language, professional knowledge in
the tourism industry and skills developed to implement them in the professional activity.
The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry in the English language about serving business clients, cross-
cultural effect in concluding contracts, event management, etc. A possibility to acquire thinking and
behaviour styles of different cultures, an ability to use the knowledge in practice in order to achieve
professional targets.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level B2
of the English language proficiency.
• Can understand a long and complicated conversation related to general and professional topics, can
create clear, logically structured speech with the use of professional terminology and grammar.
Ability to give a presentation in English on a beforehand prepared professional theme, justify an
opinion, ask and answer questions connected with professional issues.
• Can understand and interpret long and complicated professional texts, using the professional
terminology learnt before, can comprehend details of professional texts and expressing direct and
indirect opinions, as well as distinguish between different language styles. Can quickly find the
necessary information in long and complicated professional texts.
• Advanced communication skills. Pair work, can keep the conversation going by listening and
encouraging the partner. Can express and justify his (her) opinion, listen to other students’ opinion.
Advanced problem solving skills by applying original and untraditional solutions. Advanced critical
thinking. Creative use of intercultural communication and cooperation skills.
Students are highly motivated to acquire the English language in order to use it in the professional
environment. Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is
considered as a tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of
group work positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Student is aware of his/her
abilities as well as the drawbacks that must be improved. Well developed attitude to other peoples’ and
individuals’ cultural values, lifestyle, thinking, can evaluate and compare them to one’s own nation’s cultural
values. Open to new, creative challenges, open to changes, can work independently in a different cultural


• Two tests – each 15 %
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons – 30%
• Final test -40%

Communicative approach, task-based approach, lexical approach, creative approach, problem-based
discussions, case studies, simulations, role plays, problem-solving approach, presentations, individual work,
group work, pair work, project method, self-dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (tests, self-dependent studies, final test).

• Oral test-presentation for theme 1 “Promoting a Product”
• Written test for themes 2. and 3
• Regular assessment of students’ self-dependent work at every class (fulfilled tasks connected with
reading texts),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent writing tasks (business letters, CV, descriptions, brochures),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent home-reading (written summaries, compiled lists of
vocabulary, text retelling),
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks,
• Final oral test.



4. Product, marketing, advertising.
1.1. Characteristics of a product.
1.2. Types of advertising.
1.3. Specific terminology, used in advertising.
1.4. Marketing.
1.5. Presenting a product in fairs and exhibitions.
5. Conference and business tourism.
2.1. Conference rooms and equipment.
2.2.Organizing meetings and conferences.
2.3. Participation in meetings and conferences.
2.4. Reports and presentations.
2.5. Possibilities of conference tourism further development in Latvia.
6. Types of tourism, peculiarities of its organization and development tendencies.
3.1. Motivating tourism.
3.2. Medical tourism.
3.3. Organizing leisure and recreation in health resorts. Information about a resort. Organizing
3.4. SPA and wellness tourism.
1. Harding K. Going International : English for tourism . - 4th impression. - Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2001. - 200 p.
2. Jscobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Course Book. –
3. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Workbook. - 96
4. Strutt P. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 2003. Intermediate
Students' Book. – 144 p.
5. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market LeaderCourse Book : Intermediate Business English . -
Harlow, Essex : Pearson Education Limited : Longman, 2001. - 176 p.
6. Tullis G., Trappe T. New Insights into Business. - [U.K.] : LongmanStudents's Book . - 2001. -
176 p.
7. Wallwork A. Business Vision . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - (Oxford Business
English). - Student's book. – 158 p.
8. Yeoman I. Festival and Events Management: An International Arts and Culture Perspective.
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. – 448 p.
9. Morgan N. Destination Branding. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. – 288 p.
10. Badger I., Pedley S. Everyday Business Writing. Pearson Longman, 2006.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 4 (English)

Course code VAL1107P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science English for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/24
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/56
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Acquired study course “Professional terminology (English)
1, 2 and 3”


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Ineta Lūka Dr. paed., assoc. professor
Anda Komarovska MBA, lecturer

To develop professional English language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to creatively use the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level C1 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the English language, professional knowledge in
the tourism industry and skills developed to implement them in the professional activity.
The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry in the English language about tourism structure, types of holidays
and travelling, travel agencies, tour operators and their functions, etc.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level B2
of the English language proficiency.
• Can understand a long and complicated conversation related to general and professional topics, can
create clear, logically structured speech with the use of professional terminology and grammar.
Ability to give a presentation in English on a beforehand prepared professional theme, justify an
opinion, ask and answer questions connected with professional issues.
• Can understand and interpret long and complicated professional texts, using the professional
terminology learnt before, can comprehend details of professional texts and expressing direct and
indirect opinions, as well as distinguish between different language styles. Can quickly find the
necessary information in long and complicated professional texts.
• Advanced communication skills. Pair work, can keep the conversation going by listening and
encouraging the partner. Can express and justify his (her) opinion, listen to other students’ opinion.
Advanced problem solving skills by applying original and untraditional solutions. Advanced critical
thinking. Creative use of intercultural communication and cooperation skills.
Students are highly motivated to acquire the English language in order to use it in the professional
environment. Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is
considered as a tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of
group work positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Student is aware of his/her
abilities as well as the drawbacks that must be improved. Well developed attitude to other peoples’ and
individuals’ cultural values, lifestyle, thinking, can evaluate and compare them to one’s own nation’s cultural
values. Open to new, creative challenges, open to changes, can work independently in a different cultural


• Two tests – each 15 %
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons – 30%
• Final test -40%

Communicative approach, task-based approach, lexical approach, creative approach, problem-based
discussions, case studies, simulations, role plays, problem-solving approach, presentations, individual work,
group work, pair work, project method, self-dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (tests, self-dependent studies, final test).

• Oral test-presentation for theme 1,
• Written test for all study course, including professional lexis sem. 1.-4.
• Regular assessment of students’ self-dependent work at every class (fulfilled tasks connected with
reading texts),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent writing tasks (business letters, CV, descriptions, brochures),
• Assessment of students’ self-dependent home-reading (written summaries, compiled lists of
vocabulary, text retelling),
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks,
• Checking of students’ self dependently prepared report (the analysis of a tourism product, offered by
a country)
• Final oral test.



7. Organizing cultural events.
1.1. The most popular festivals in Latvia and abroad.
1.2. The organization of festivals and customers’ attraction.
1.3.The organization of different cultural events (concerts, exhibitions, etc.) and customers’ attraction..
1.4. Promoting a product, press releases.
8. Ecological and economical aspects in tourism.
2.1. The role of the government and local self-governments in the development of tourism.
2.2. Nature protection and the work of travel agencies.
2.3. The most important economical terms in the business of tourism.
2.4. The role of tourism in GNP
2.5. Sustainable tourism.

1. Jacobs M . English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Course Book. –
2. Jacobs M. English for International Tourism . - [Great Britain] : Longman. - 1997Workbook. - 96
3. Swarbrooke J. Business Travel and Tourism . - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. -
352 p.
4. Wallwork A. Business Vision . - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - (Oxford Business
English). - Student's book. – 158 p.
5. Jeffries D. Governments and Tourism. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. – 320. p.
6. Boniface B. Worldwide Destinations: The Geography of Travel and Tourism. Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2001. – 416. p.
7. Yeoman I. Festival and Events Management: An International Arts and Culture Perspective.
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003. – 448 p.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 1 (French)

Course code VAL1103P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science French for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/24 E/12
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/56 E/68
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Marija Antāne Mag. paed., lecturer

To develop professional French language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to use creatively the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level A1 is to be partly achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability
(“Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level
is to be achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the French language and professional
knowledge in the tourism industry.

The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry and business and recreational events management in the French
language about business etiquette, French eating traditions and cuisine, hotel classification, guest service and
organizing possibilities of business and recreational events in restaurants and hotels.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level A1
of the French language proficiency.
• Can understand familiar words and different simple phrases in connection with the professional
activities, about the themes included in the present programme.
• Can understand familiar words and names, as well as simple sentences in announcements, posters,
catalogues, menu.
• Can communicate in simple environment, can ask questions and answer the asked questions about
the learnt themes, in connection with the professional activities (during the business lunch, in hotel,
• Can tell in French in simple sentences about the theme, which is prepared before, in connection with
the professional activities.
• Can write short, simple text by filling in forms with personal data, can form business card.
• Collaboration skills are well developed. Can interact with group mates and a lecturer. Can practically
apply in relevant life situations communicative and collaboration skills acquired at the theoretical
Students get motivated to acquire the French language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed. In the course of group work
positive attitude to group mates has been developed.


• 1 test .............. – 40%
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons – 60%
• Final test.

Communicative approach, lexical approach, role plays in professional environment, individual work, group
work, pair work, self-dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (test, self-dependent studies, final test).

• Oral test for the acquirement of the programmme.
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks.
• Final test.



1. Establishment of business contacts
1.1. The formal and unformal greeting forms by acquaintance.
1.2. Speech forms in private and formal communication.
1.3. Business etiquette.
1.4. Professions and nationalities.
1.5. Personal business card.
2. Organizing of events in restaurants
2.1. Types of products, food and drinks.
2.2. Ordering meal, menu.
2.3. Guest service, payments, possibilities of payment.
2.4. Business lunch.
2.5. Eating traditions. French and Latvian cuisine.
3. Hotels – forms of business in tourism industry
3.1. Hotels categories.
3.2. Types of rooms, arrangement.
3.3. Hotel reservation.
3.4. Cheking-in of guests, service, payments, cheking-out of guests.
3.5. Possibilities of organizing an event in hotel.
3.6. Filling in a questionnaire.

1. Monnerie-Goarin A. Champion 1 : methode de francais . - Paris : CLE International. Livre de
l'eleve. - 151,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges des exercices. Transcription des enregistrements (47 p.).
2. Monnerie-Goarin A. Champion 1 : methode de francais . - [S.l.] : CLE International. Cahier
d'exercices. - 95, [1] p. : ill. + Corriges des exercices (11, [1] p.).
3. Vicher A. Grammaire progressive du francais pour les adolescents : niveau debutant . - Paris : CLE
International, 2001. - 127,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges.
4. Girardet J. Campus 1 : methode de francais . - Paris : CLE International. - [Livre de l'eleve]. -
191,[1] p. : ill.
5. Girardet J. Campus 1 : methode de francais . - [S.l.] : CLE International. Cahier d'exercices. -
127,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges (16 p.).
6. Assini R., Monnerie-Goirin A., Sirejols E.. Champion Plus. Cahier de soutien et de revision. CLE
International. 1999., 143 p.
7. Menand R. Guy Capelle ; Taxi 1 : méthode de français / Paris : Hachette français langue étrangère,
2003. - 127 p.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 2 (French)

Course code VAL1106P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science French for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/24 E/12
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/56 E/68
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Knowledge acquired during the course “Professional
terminology 1 (French)”


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Marija Antāne Mag. paed., lecturer

To develop professional French language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to use creatively the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level A1 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the French language and professional
knowledge in the tourism industry.

The course gives a chance to learn the professional lexis included in the present programme, to acquire
specific knowledge of the tourism industry and business and recreational events management in the French
language about organizing of business meeting, travel agencies, types of travelling, European tourism
regions etc.
• Language skills developed (speaking, reading, listening and writing skills) according to the level A1
of the French language proficiency.
• Can understand separate phrases and more frequently used words in telephone conversations and
short sentences about traditions, etc.
• Can understand the main idea in short, simple and clearly spoken announcements, advertisements,
telephone conversations.
• Can read short and simple texts, find specific information in simple texts (which are connected with
everyday life and professional activities), transport schedule, etc.
• Can understand short and simple texts of business correspondence.
• Can understand the main idea of simple professional conversations.
• Can communicate in everyday situations, where occurs simple exchange of information about
orientation in the city, reservation of tickets,ordering of a trip, regions in Europe.
• Can take part in short conversation about European tourism regions, holidays, festivals, traditions.
• Can ask questions, answer simple questions asked by the clients, using basic professional lexis and
simple sentence constructions.
• Can tell in French in simple sentences about the theme, which is prepared before, in connection with
the professional activities.
• Can write simple letter, announcement, programme of an event.
• Collaboration skills are well developed. Can interact with group mates and a lecturer.
• Possesses advanced intercultural communicative skills. Can practically apply communicative and
collaboration skills acquired at the theoretical level in relevant life situations.
Students get motivated to acquire the French language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed. In the course of group work
positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Positive attitude to another cultural values
has been developed. Is able to evaluate the cultural values of their own nation.


• 1 test - 20 %,
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons - 40 %,
• Exam - 40%.

Communicative approach, lexical approach, role plays in professional environment, individual work, group
work, pair work, self-dependent studies, etc.


• Course books, workbooks and audio recordings,
• Materials and handouts designed by a lecturer,
• Video recordings used in addition to materials designed by a lecturer,
• Conditions and questions for assessment works (test, self-dependent studies, exam).

• Oral test for the acquirement of the programme.
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks.
• Oral exam.



1. Organisation of leisure time and cultural events
1.6. Orientation in the city. Transport.
1.7. Holidays and celebrations.
1.8. The most popular festivals.
1.9. Family festivals.
1.10. The use of traditions by organizing events.
2. Organizing of business meeting
2.6. Arrangement of meeting time and place.
2.7. Work calendar.
2.8. Drawing up a programme.
2.9. Business correspondence.
2.10. Telephone conversations.
2.11. Job interview.
3. Travel agencies and their role by organizing events
3.1. Travel agencies equipment and their staff.
3.2. Reservation of tickets and work with clients.
3.3. Ordering of trips and types of their payment.
3.4. Names of the countries.
3.5. Organizing of a package tour and animation events.
3.6. European tourism regions.

1. Monnerie-Goarin A. Champion 1 : methode de francais . - Paris : CLE International. Livre de
l'eleve. - 151,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges des exercices. Transcription des enregistrements (47 p.).
2. Monnerie-Goarin A. Champion 1 : methode de francais . - [S.l.] : CLE International. Cahier
d'exercices. - 95, [1] p. : ill. + Corriges des exercices (11, [1] p.).
3. Vicher A. Grammaire progressive du francais pour les adolescents : niveau debutant . - Paris : CLE
International, 2001. - 127,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges.
4. Girardet J. Campus 1 : methode de francais . - Paris : CLE International. - [Livre de l'eleve]. -
191,[1] p. : ill.
5. Girardet J. Campus 1 : methode de francais . - [S.l.] : CLE International. Cahier d'exercices. -
127,[1] p. : ill. + Corriges (16 p.).
6. Assini R., Monnerie-Goirin A., Sirejols E.. Champion Plus. Cahier de soutien et de revision. CLE
International. 1999., 143 p.
7. Menand R. Guy Capelle ; Taxi 1 : méthode de français / Paris : Hachette français langue étrangère,
2003. - 127 p.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 1 (German)

Course code VAL1103P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science German for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/24 E/12
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/56 E/68
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge -


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Anita Emse Mag. philol., lecturer

To develop professional German language competence studying peculiarities of different cultural traditions
that would allow students to use creatively the target language both at the receptive and productive levels in
communication and tourism profession.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level A1 is to be partly achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability
(“Common European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level
is to be achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the German language and professional
knowledge in the tourism industry.

The course gives the student a chance to learn the professional terminology and German language grammar
structures about the themes included in the present programme: acquaintance in a public event, studies and
profession, working day planning and the planning and organisation of leisure time.
• Can understand familiar words and very simple phrases and expressions. Can read and understand
simple texts in connection with the chosen profession: advertisements, announcements, programmes
of events, posters.
• Can communicate in situations, where occurs simple exchange of information in the form of
questions and answers. Can tell in simple sentences about the themes included in the present
• Can write lists of participants, short, simple announcements. Can fill in forms with personal data.
Students get motivated to acquire the German language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is considered as a
tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of group work
positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Positive attitude has been developed to
independent work and the student is aware of his/her abilities.


• 1 test (50%),
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons (50 %),
• Final test.

• Practical studies in lecture-room, which involve listening and understanding, reading and reproduction,
speech and writing of monologue and dialogue.
• Self-dependent studies.


• German language course books and workbooks.
• Audio - visual teaching aids.
• Additional literature in internet and library.
• Teaching materials and materials for tests designed by a lecturer.

• Oral test for the acquirement of the programmme.
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks.
• Final test.



1. Acquaintance in a public event
1.1. Name, surname, occupation, age.
1.2. Place of residence and address.
1.3. Family and relatives.
1.4. Countries and nationalities.
2. Studies and profession
2.1. The title of educational establishment.
2.2. Short characterization of the faculty of tourism.
2.3. Professions in tourism.
2.4. Short description of the chosen profession.
3. Working day planning
3.1. Seasons and dates.
3.2. The arrangement of day.
3.3. Clock time.
3.4. The planning of work meeting.
4. The planning and organisation of leisure time.
3.5. Leisure facilities.
3.6. Planning of activities for public events.
3.7. Cinema, theatre, concerts, exhibitions.
3.8. Oral and written invitation to cultural events .

1. Hieber W. Lernziel Deutsch, Grundstufe 1. Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 2002.
2. Aufderstraße H., Bock H., Gerdes M. , Müller J., Müller H.. Themen neu. Max Hueber Verlag,
Ismaning, 2007.
3. Funk H., Koenig M.. Eurolingua Deutsch. Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
4. Lepp M. Grammatik ist kinderleicht. Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
1. Teaching materials designed by a lecturer.
2. Tests and materials for final test designed by a lecturer.
At the Meeting of the Department of Languages 06.05.2010.
Minutes No 5
Head of the Department I. Lūka________________




Study course Professional terminology 2 (German)

Course code VAL1106P
Approved 06.05.2010.
Field of science German for Special Purposes
Credits 2
Total number of hours 80
Total number of lessons no
Lectures (hours) D/24 E/12
Seminars, practical classes (hours) D/56 E/68
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Knowledge acquired during the course “Professional
terminology 1 (German)”


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Anita Emse Mag. philol., lecturer

To develop professional German language competence that allows students creatively use the target language
both at the receptive and productive levels in communication and tourism profession taking into account
peculiarities of different cultural traditions.

TASKS (expected RESULTS):

Level A1 is to be achieved according to EU system of validation of students’ language ability (“Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages”) for grading language proficiency. The level is to be
achieved through acquiring appropriate professional lexis in the German language and professional
knowledge in the tourism industry.

The course gives the student a chance to learn the professional terminology and German language grammar
structures about the themes included in the present programme: job application, shopping for organizing
recreational events, celebration of holidays and festivals, orientation in the city.
• Can understand phrases and expressions. Can read and understand the main idea of short, simple
texts in connection with the chosen profession: advertisements, prospectus, programmes of events,
descriptions of cultural events’ programme and informative reports.
• Can communicate in situations, where occurs simple exchange of information. Can tell about the
themes included in the present programme.
• Can write his/her CV, letter of application, simple announcements, invitations, advertisement, short
plan of the event – scenario.
Students get motivated to acquire the German language in order to use it in the professional environment.
Positive attitude to the target language as a cultural value has been developed, language is considered as a
tool of getting information, acquiring knowledge and keeping up contacts. In the course of group work
positive attitude to oneself and group mates has been developed. Positive attitude has been developed to
independent work and the student is aware of his/her abilities.


• 1 test (20 %),
• Self-dependent studies and participation in the lessons (40 %),
• Exam (40%).

• Practical studies in lecture-room, which involve listening and understanding, reading and reproduction,
speech and writing of monologue and dialogue.
• Self-dependent studies.


• German language course books and workbooks.
• Audio - visual teaching aids..
• Additional literature in internet and library.
• Teaching materials and materials for tests designed by a lecturer.

• Oral test for the acquirement of the programmme.
• Checking of students’ self-dependent grammar tasks.
• Oral exam.



4. Job application
4.1. Professions in the recreational events industry.
4.2. Job advertisements.
4.3. CV.
4.4. Job application.
4.5. Job interview.
5. Shopping for organizing recreational events
5.1. Grocery and liquor store.
5.2. Industrial goods store.
5.3. Recreational and sporting goods store.
5.4. Gift and flower shop.
5.5. Payment for the purchase.
6. Celebration of holidays and festivals
6.1. Informative reports.
6.2. Written and oral invitations.
6.3. Festival programme – scenario.
6.4. Design and sending of post package.
7. Orientation in the city
7.1. The plan of the city.
7.2. The transport in the city.
7.3. Hotels, restaurants, shops.
7.4. Tourism and entertainment facilities in the city.

1. Hieber W. Lernziel Deutsch, Grundstufe 1. Max Hueber Verlag, Ismaning, 2002.
2. Aufderstraße H., Bock H., Gerdes M. , Müller J., Müller H.. Themen neu. Max Hueber Verlag,
Ismaning, 2007.
3. Funk H., Koenig M.. Eurolingua Deutsch. Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
4. Lepp M. Grammatik ist kinderleicht. Zvaigzne ABC, 2000.
1. Teaching materials designed by a lecturer.
2. Tests and materials for exam designed by a lecturer.
In the Meeting of the Department of Private Law 30.08.2010.
Minutes No 1
Head of the Department E.Ernstsons ________________




Study course Commercial Law

Course code JUR1034P
Approved 30.08.2010.
Field of science Law
Credits 3
Total number of hours 120
Lectures (hours) 36
Seminars, practical classes (hours) 12
Level 2nd level of higher education
Preliminary knowledge Civil Law. Introduction


Name Surname Academic degree, position
Arvis Pizelis Mg.iur., lecturer

To provide students the opportunity to gain knowledge on legal regulation of entrepreneurship (Individual
merchant and commercial enterprises), the role and significance of Enterprise Register in commercial
activity, the basic principles of entrepreneurs’ commercial activity, rights, duties and obligations, internal
organisational aspects and mutual interaction, liquidation and reorganisation of commercial enterprises as
well as the legal regulation of commercial activity.


1. To provide students the opportunity to get acquainted with the legal regulation of entrepreneurship in the
Republic of Latvia
2. To provide students the opportunity to get acquainted with merchant types and concrete Commercial law
Knowledge - To provide the opportunity to understand the specifics of legal regulation of entrepreneurship
and review the various commercial law institutions
Skills – To provide the opportunity to gain, understand and analyse the basic principles of
entrepreneurship, registration of enterprises, competence of commercial administrative
institutions and various commercial law institutions as well as develop the skills of applying
the theoretical knowledge gained in resolving case studies.
Attitude - Students are able to independently work in the field of legal regulation of entrepreneurship by
understanding the rights, duties and obligations of different forms of entrepreneurship and the
specifics of their legal regulation


• Regular tests (2) - 15 % (pron)
• Self dependent studies (1) – 10 %
• Exam - 80 %

The lectures (hours) are divided into 3 parts. The first part explains the theory of Commercial Law using
PowerPoint presentation. The second part encompasses practical activity where the students prepare
documents and memorandum of association for registration of a limited liability company. The third part of
lectures is dedicated to application of theory in practice i.e. resolution of case studies.


The study course topics are taught with the help of PowerPoint presentations and handouts of the slides are
given to students; students also receive handouts on the respective normative enactments through email. List
of recommended literature and other sources of law are available at the Turiba library as well as in other
libraries and on Internet resources. Additional recommended materials are copied and distributed as handouts
by the teacher.

Regular tests are in the form of written tests during the lectures and self dependent studies are carried out
independently. The final exam is in written form.

The language of instruction is Latvian but knowledge can be acquired from sources in different languages.


1. Commercial law as a branch of law
1.1. Commercial law as a private law
1.2. The main principles of Commercial law
2. Entrepreneur and Commercial activity
2.1. Open economic activity
2.2. Other economic activity
3. Enterprise Register and Commercial Register
3.1. Maintenance of the Commercial Register
3.2. Transparency of the Commercial Register
3.3. Contents of the Record in the Commercial Register
4. Enterprise
4.1. Definition of an Undertaking
4.2. Transfer of an Undertaking
5. General and simple power of attorney
5.1. Procuration
5.2. Issuance of a Procuration
5.3. Further Transfer of a Commercial Power of Attorney
6. Commercial agents and brokers
6.1. Definition of a Commercial Agent
6.2. Definition of a Broker
7. Individual Merchant
7.1. Registration of an Individual Merchant
7.2. Right of an Individual Merchant to Utilise a Firm Name, and Liability
8. Partnerships
8.1. Definition of a General Partnership
8.2. Application for Registration in the Commercial Register
9. Commercial enterprises
9.1. Limited liability company
9.2. Stock company
10. Reorganisation
10.1. Reorganization of Commercial Companies
10.2. Special Provisions for Particular Types of Reorganization

1. Latvijas Republikas Satversme. / Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Satversmes
Sapulcē 15.02.1922.; stājies spēkā 07.11.1922.; ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz ar 17.05.2007. //
Latvijas Vēstnesis, 01.07.1993., Nr.43.
2. Komerclikums // Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā 13.04.2000.; stājies
spēkā 01.01.2002.; ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz ar 07.01.2009 // Vēstnesis 04.05.2000
Nr.158/160; ZIŅOTĀJS 01.06.2000 Nr.11
3. Komerclikuma spēkā stāšanās kārtības likums// Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas
Republikas Saeimā 20.12.2001.; stājies spēkā 01.01.2002.; ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz ar
02.12.2008 // Vēstnesis 28.12.2001 Nr.188; ZIŅOTĀJS 24.01.2002 Nr.2
4. Par Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistru// Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Augstākā
padomē 20.11.1990.; stājies spēkā 01.12.1990.; ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz ar 25.03.2009 //
ZIŅOTĀJS 06.12.1990 Nr. 49
5. Ministru kabineta noteikumi Nr.469. ‘’Uzņēmumu reģistra nolikums’’ // Pieņemti Latvijas
Republikas Ministru kabinetā 28.06.2005.; stājušies spēkā 02.07.2005.//Latvijas Vēstnesis
01.07.2005 Nr.102; ZIŅOTĀJS 08.09.2005 Nr.17
6. Finanšu instrumentu tirgus likums// Latvijas Republikas likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā
20.11.2003.; stājies spēkā 01.01.2004.; ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz ar 11.03.2009. // Vēstnesis
11.12.2003 Nr.175; ZIŅOTĀJS 29.01.2004 Nr.2
1. Komerclikuma komentāri Strupišs Aigars. III : B daļa. Komersanti : XI.sadaļa.Kapitālsabiedrības (134.-
184.panti) / A.Strupišs. - Rīga : SIA"A.Strupiša juridiskais birojs", 2003.-B-daļa Komersanti. - 336 lpp.
2. A Dictionary of Business and Management / ed. Jonathan Law. - 4th ed. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford
University Press, 2006. - [viii], 568 p. - (Oxford Paperback Reference) On the cover: Oxford
Dictionary of Business and Management.
3. European Business : for movers, shakers & dealmakers / editor John Lawless. - London : Future Inc.
Ltd., [200X-]. - http://www.europeanbusiness.eu.com. - Published 12 times per year.
4. Human resources business process outsourcing : transforming how HR gets its work done / Edward E.
Lawler III, Dave Ulrich ... [etc.]. - San Francisko : Jossey-Bass, 2004. - xix, 242 p. - (Business and
management series). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
5. Rudd Jill E. Communicating in global business negotiations : a geocentric approach / Jill E. Rudd,
Diana R. Lawson. - Los Angeles : Sage Publications, c2007. - xi, 276 p. ; 23 cm. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
1. Latvijas Republikas Uzņēmumu reģistrs // http://www.ur.gov.lv
2. Eiropas Savienības normatīvo aktu datu bāze http://eur-lex.europa.eu/lv/index.htm
Appendix No. 2
(Material available only in Latvian)

Agreements on continuation of studies

Appendix No. 3

Cooperation agreements with employers


18th August 2010 No.487-2010

School of Business Administration Turiba (hereinafter School), in the presence of its rector
Antons Kiščenko, on the one hand, and SIA “BT1” (hereinafter Enterprise), in the presence of its
general director Viesturs Tīle, on the other hand have concluded the cooperation agreement as

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The subject of the cooperation is the mutually profitable cooperation on the project
“Fiesta Expo 2011” - organisation and implementation of the event and service
exhibition in accordance with the terms of the present agreement with the aim of
promoting event organisation industry in Latvia and providing highly qualified and
experienced specialists in the field of event organisation.

2. Forms of cooperation between Parties

2.1. Parties in accordance to their organisational and other capabilities undertake to
mutually exchange information related to the project during its organisation.
2.2. Parties undertake to involve specialists of the other party in the implementation of
the project “Fiesta Expo 2011” and provision of the professional programme
“Fiesta profi”.
2.3. Parties undertake to cooperate in shaping public opinion with regards to the
development of the field of event organisation and its international significance.
2.4. Parties undertake to cooperate in the provision of the School’s education
programme in accordance to the interests of the Enterprise as a potential employer”
as follows:
2.4.1. School - undertakes to send students of the study programme “Events and
Leisure Management” of the Faculty of International Tourism for
participation in the project to the Enterprise and consult the Enterprise on
issues regarding organisation of the project;
2.4.2. Enterprise – undertakes to involve the School’s students in carrying out the
implementation of the project and to provide for the School’s stand at the
exhibition (upto 9m2);
2.4.3. School – undertakes to involve the Enterprise’s representatives in the study
process, e.g. as reviewers of diploma theses, members of the commission
for defence of study papers, guest lecturers, members of the Council of the
Faculty of International Tourism etc.

3. Other conditions
3.1. The present agreement shall come into force from the moment of signing by
3.2. School’s contact person – Lecturer at the Faculty of International Tourism and
Director of the programme “ Events and Leisure Management”, Ilze Saulīte-
Jansone, tel. 25533657; e-mail: [email protected]
3.3. Enterprise’s contact person – project manager Inese Ansone, tel. 27888181; e-mail
[email protected]
3.4. The agreement can be amended or appended by mutual agreement between the
Parties. Amendments shall come into force if they are drafted in written and signed
by both Parties.
3.5. The agreement has been drafted in two copies, one for the School and the other for
the Enterprise.

Legal addresses and signature of the Parties

School of Business Administration Turiba SIA “BT1”
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV –1058 Kipsalas street 8, Riga, LV- 1058,
Reg. No. 000313588 Reg. No. 40003241394

A/S Hansabanka A/S Swedbanka

A/c No. LV65HABA0551001345983 A/c No. LV235HABA0001408034350

_____________(signature)________________ __________(signature)____________
A.Kiščenko V. Tīle


18th August 2010 No.486-2010

School of Business Administration Turiba (hereinafter School), in the presence of its rector
Antons Kiščenko, on the one hand, and the association “Latvijas Pasākumu Centru Asociācija
LPCA” (hereinafter Association), in the presence of its chairperson of the board Daiņis Vītols, on
the other hand have concluded the cooperation agreement as follows:

4. Subject of the agreement

4.1. The subject of the cooperation is the mutually profitable cooperation in accordance
with the terms of the present agreement with the aim of promoting event
organisation industry in Latvia and providing highly qualified and experienced
specialists in the field of event organisation.
4.2. The general conditions of mutual relationship between the Parties are set out in the
present agreement. Resolution of other issues in further detail between the Parties
can set out in other additional agreements concluded by the Parties as supplements
to the present agreement.

5. Forms of cooperation between Parties

5.1. Parties in accordance to their organisational and other capabilities undertake to

mutually exchange information related to the development of the field of events
5.2. Parties undertake to involve specialists of the other party on mutually beneficial
basis in practical and scientific projects in the field of events organisation as well
as implementation of other project events by concluding additional agreements.
5.3. Parties undertake to cooperate in shaping public opinion with regards to the
development of the field of event organisation and its international significance.
5.4. Parties undertake to cooperate in the provision of the School’s education
programme in accordance to the interests of the Association members as potential
employers as follows:
5.4.1. School - undertakes to send students of the study programme “Events and
Leisure Management” of the Faculty of International Tourism for practice
work to the Association and its members – event centres, work out practice
programme and tasks, and consult the Association on issues regarding
organisation of the practice work;
5.4.2. Association – undertakes to accept the School’s students for practice and in
accordance to the practice agreement concluded between the School and
the Association and to provide students the opportunity of undergoing
practice work;
5.4.3. School – undertakes to involve the Association’s representatives in the
study process, e.g. as reviewers of diploma theses, members of the
commission for defence of study papers, guest lecturers, members of the
Council of the Faculty of International Tourism etc.

6. Other conditions
6.1. The present agreement shall come into force from the moment of signing by
Parties and can be terminated by one Party by a one-month prior written notice to
the other Party.
6.2. School’s contact person – Lecturer at the Faculty of International Tourism and
Director of the programme “Events and Leisure Management”, Ilze Saulīte-
Jansone, tel. 25533657; e-mail: [email protected]
6.3. Association’s contact person – chairperson of the board Daiņis Vītols, tel.
29213281; e-mail [email protected]
6.4. The agreement can be amended or appended by mutual agreement between the
Parties. Amendments shall come into force if they are drafted in written and signed
by both Parties.
6.5. The agreement has been drafted in two copies, one for the School and the other for
the Association.

Legal addresses and signature of the Parties

School of Business Administration Turiba Association“Latvijas Pasākumu Centru
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV –1058 Asociācija LPCA”
Reg. No. 000313588 Lāčplēšaas street 101, Riga, LV- 1011,
Reg. No. 40008104497

A/S Swedbanka A/S Parexbanka

A/c No. LV65HABA0551001345983 A/c No. LV12PARX0003627120001

_____________(signature)________________ __________(signature)____________
A.Kiščenko D.Vītols

(stamp) (stamp)

18th August 2010 No.486-2010

School of Business Administration Turiba (hereinafter School), in the presence of its rector
Antons Kiščenko, on the one hand, and the SIA “Rīgas Nami” (hereinafter Enterprise), in the
presence of its chairperson of the board Karlis Kavacs and board member Almers Ludvigs, on the
other hand hereinafter severally and jointly termed Party or Parties have concluded the cooperation
agreement as follows:

7. Subject of the agreement

7.1. The subject of the cooperation is the mutually profitable cooperation in accordance
with the terms of the present agreement with the aim of promoting the
development of cultural, educational, social, recreational and other events in Latvia
and providing highly qualified and experienced specialists in the field of event
7.2. The general conditions of mutual relationship between the Parties are set out in the
present agreement. Resolution of other issues in further detail between the Parties
can set out in other additional agreements concluded by the Parties as supplements
to the present agreement.

8. Forms of cooperation between Parties

8.1. Parties in accordance to their organisational and other capabilities undertake to

mutually exchange information related to the development of the field of events
8.2. Parties undertake to involve specialists of the other party on mutually beneficial
basis in practical and scientific projects in the field of events organisation as well
as implementation of other project events by concluding additional agreements.
8.3. Parties undertake to cooperate in shaping public opinion with regards to the
development of the field of event organisation and its international significance.
8.4. Parties undertake to cooperate in the provision of the School’s education
programme in accordance to the interests of the Enterprise as potential employers
as follows:
8.4.1. School - undertakes to send students of the study programme “Events and
Leisure Management” of the Faculty of International Tourism for practice
work to the Enterprise structures – Riga Congress Hall, cinema theatre
Riga, House of Blackheads and exhibition centres, Riga Art Space, work
out practice programme and tasks, and consult the Enterprise on issues
regarding organisation of the practice work;
8.4.2. Enterprise – undertakes to accept the School’s students for practice and in
accordance to the practice agreement concluded between the School and
the Enterprise and to provide students the opportunity of undergoing
practice work;
8.4.3. School – undertakes to involve the Enterprise’s representatives in the study
process, e.g. as reviewers of diploma theses, members of the commission
for defence of study papers, guest lecturers, members of the Council of the
Faculty of International Tourism etc.

9. Other conditions
9.1. The present agreement shall come into force from the moment of signing by
Parties and can be terminated by one Party by a one-month prior notice to the other
9.2. School’s contact person – Lecturer at the Faculty of International Tourism and
Director of the programme “Events and Leisure Management”, Ilze Saulīte-
Jansone, tel. 25533657; e-mail: [email protected]
9.3. Enterprise’s contact person –board member Almers Ludvigs, tel. 26591021; e-
mail [email protected]
9.4. The agreement can be amended or appended by mutual agreement between the
Parties. Amendments shall come into force if they are drafted in written and signed
by both Parties.
9.5. The agreement has been drafted in two copies, one for the School and the other for
the Enterprise.

Legal addresses and signature of the Parties

School of Business Administration Turiba SIA “Rīgas nami”
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV –1058 Smilšu street 14, Riga, LV- 1050,
Reg. No. 000313588 Reg. No. 40003109638

A/S Swedbanka A/S SEB Banka

A/c No. LV65HABA0551001345983 A/c No. LV16UNLA0040001650000

_______(signature)_____ _____(signature)___ _____(signature)___

A.Kiščenko K.Kavacs A.Ludvigs

(stamp) (stamp)
Appendix No. 4
(Material available only in Latvian)

Employer recommendations
Results of STF students
Year 2009./2010.
Availability of Information about study
programmes amount and content
(1-very bad, 5- very good):
Availability of Information about form
and taking of examinations
(1-very bad, 5- very good):
Availability of Information about
(1-very bad, 5- very good):
Availability of Information about self-
dependent studies
(1-very bad, 5- very good):
Organization of Study Process –
planning of the study year (shedule
chart) (1-very bad, 5- very good):
Organization of Study Process –
planning of lecturers (days, time) (1-
very bad, 5- very good):
Specialization Choice

sufficient, but
need to improve

insufficient, need
to offer more

sufficient, but
need to improve
Whose lecturer work do you evaluate
the best
(numbers – like/ dislike/ result):
Whose lecturer work do you evaluate
the worst
(numbers – like/ dislike/ result):
Which study courses, that you
have listened in BAT till now,
seems the most useful/valuable:
Which study courses, that you
have listened in BAT till now,
seems less useful/ less
Appendix No. 6

Examination regulations
‘’School of Business Administration Turiba” Ltd;
Unified Reg. No. 40003135880, 68 Graudu St., Riga, LV-1058

School of Business Administration Turiba

1. General provisions

1.1. This is to determine the procedure for passing and taking checkups in the 1st- and 2nd-
level professional higher education programs of studies, rights and obligations of the
students and teachers on passing and taking checkups as well as types and forms of
1.2. The students' acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes in connection with a particular
course or work or entire program shall be evaluated in a checkup.
1.3. The checkups shall be divided into ordinary checkups, study course concluding checkups,
academic year concluding checkups and final examinations.
1.4. Any differences of E-studies (computer-based remote studies) from these Regulations
shall be determined in the E-studies (computer-based remote studies) Procedure
1.5. Passing and taking checkups for the doctor's degree shall be determined in the Doctor's
Degree Studies Regulations.

2. Checkup types

2.1. Ordinary Checkups

Ordinary checkups shall be checkups organized during mastering the study course. The number of
ordinary checkups shall be the number of credit points minus 1, but not less than 1 and not more
than 3. Ordinary checkups shall be organized and conducted by the study course teacher. The
number and topic of ordinary checkups shall be determined in the study course program and
electronic register of studies. The teacher shall evaluate the ordinary checkups with a mark after
the 10-point system and register in the electronic register of studies. Types of ordinary checkups
shall be as follows:
− control papers,
− individual papers;
− reports in seminars or conferences,
− essays and other forms facilitating qualitative mastering of the study course.

2.2. Study course concluding checkups

Study course concluding checkups shall be checkups with which mastering of the study course is
concluded. Types of study course concluding checkups shall be as follows:
− examinations,
− tests.
2.2.1. Type of each study course concluding checkup is determined in the study course
program. The venue and time of a checkup shall be given in the examination and
tutorial schedule.
2.2.2. Examination shall be a checkup in which the student's knowledge, skills and attitude
acquired in a relevant study course are evaluated. They shall be evaluated after the
10-point system. Examination shall be passed successfully, if the student gets a mark
not lower than 4 points (quite fair). Examination shall be taken by the study course
teacher or other teacher appointed by the head of the department.
2.2.3. Test shall be a checkup in which the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired in the
study course are evaluated on the basis of the ordinary checkup results. They shall be
evaluated after the 10-point system, except for actualities or reviewing study courses,
where the assessment shall be "tested" or "not tested". Tests shall be taken by the
study course teacher or other teacher appointed by the head of the department.
2.2.4. The students shall be admitted to the study course concluding checkup, who have
passed the ordinary checkups scheduled in the Study Course Program, as stipulated
in accordance with point 2.1 herein above.
2.2.5. The study course concluding mark shall be given according to the requirements of
getting credit points stipulated in the Study Course Program. The study course
concluding mark shall be recorded by the teacher in the checkup mark register to be
thereafter submitted to SD and put into BATIS, which is regulated by the Instruction of
mark putting by teachers to the students' progress database.
2.3. Academic year concluding checkups
Academic year concluding checkups shall be checkups, with which mastering of the consecutive
academic year program is concluded. Types of academic year concluding checkups, except for the
last study year studies program mastering, are as follows:
− defense of the field studies report,
− defense of the student's (course) paper.
Academic year concluding checkups shall be evaluated after the 10-point system. Assessments
shall be registered in the checkup mark registers.
2.3.1. The field studies report shall be defended after the field studies determined in the
study program have been completed. Defense of the field studies report is regulated in
the Field Studies Regulations.
2.3.2. The student's paper shall be defended after the student's paper determined in the
study program has been executed. Defense of the student's paper is regulated in the
Student's Paper Execution and Defense Regulations.
2.4. Final examinations
Study final examinations shall be checkups, with which mastering of the study program is
Mastering of the study program is concluded with the final examination. Final examination is
regulated with the Final Examination Regulations.

3. Checkup forms

3.1. Eventual checkup forms shall be as follows:

− written checkup;
− oral checkup.
3.1.1. Written checkup shall be a checkup, in which the students give
answers to the control questions or checkup tasks manually or by computer typing.
Teacher's questions shall be allowed on the student's work marking in order to make
more precise the student's written tasks performed or answers given.
3.1.2. Oral checkup shall be a checkup, in which the teacher evaluates
the student's oral answers and explanations. Oral checkup could be used in foreign
language knowledge checkups and the 1st level professional higher education
program courses with 1-2 CP.

4. The student's rights and obligations

4.1. The student shall have the rights as follows:

4.1.1. To be consulted by the teacher free of charge at a determined
time before examination;
4.1.2. To apply for extra tutorials, for which the student shall pay the
service fee fixed by the School;
4.1.3. To use in a checkup the study course program and auxiliary aids
determined by the course teacher;
4.1.4. To re-pass the checkup in order to receive a higher mark, except
for the checkup passed to the commission. Repeated checkup shall be a paid service.
4.2. The student shall have the obligations as follows:
4.2.1. To arrive for checkup at the determined time and venue and
produce the student's certificate or identity card to the teacher;
4.2.2. For re-passing a checkup, to apply to the Studies Information
Center (in branches - to the Branch Director) not later than a working day in advance
and receive a permit – assignment;
4.2.3. To coordinate the repeated checkup time with the teacher.

5. The teacher's rights and obligations

5.1. The teacher shall have the rights as follows:

5.1.1. In checkups, to ask extra questions to the student on the entire
study course in order to determine the mark;
5.1.2. To cancel the checkup marking, if plagiarism is stated or suspend
the student from the checkup, if the student makes use of unauthorized materials
during the checkup or infringes the Standing Order rules and determine other time of
eventual checkup;
5.1.3. To determine the student's individual checkup time.
5.2. The teacher shall have the obligations as follows:
5.2.1. Not later than at the second class time, to inform about checkup passing conditions
and requirements to be met by the students in order to receive a positive mark for the
study course;
5.2.2. Before the second class time, to put ordinary checkup data and topics into BATIS;
5.2.3. Scheduled ordinary checkup results should be recorded in the electronic register of
studies within 10 days after the ordinary checkup, but not later than the day before the
final examination;
5.2.4. Before checkup, to print out a list of group students or receive the checkup record
from the department, if the checkup is conducted by a commission, or permit –
assignment from the student;
5.2.5. Not to allow the student to pass the checkup, if it is recorded “not admitted” in the
checkup mark register;
5.2.6. If the checkup is conducted by a commission, the mark shall be recorded in the
Checkup Mark Register or permit – assignment, in which all representatives of the
commission are to sign;
5.2.7. To record “not arrived” in the checkup register, if the student is admitted to the
checkup but has not arrived for the checkup;
5.2.8. Not later than the day following the oral checkup date or the fifth day after the
written checkup date, to hand over the checkup mark register or permit – assignment
to the department;
5.2.9. To hand over the checkup mark registers or permits – assignments to the Teaching
Department not later than the third day after the oral checkup or the seventh day after
the written one.

Vice-rector for Academic Activity J.Ē.Niedrītis

Appendix No. 7

Regulations on practice
"School of Business Administration Turība" Ltd.
Unified reg.No. 40003135880, 68 Graudu Street, Riga, LV –1058

Practice statutes
1. General conditions
1.1. The study practice is an integral part of a study program. The aim of the practice – to provide the
possibility for the students to strengthen their theoretical knowledge, to achieve competency corresponding
to the study program and to gain practical skills needed for the specialists of the respective field and to give
the students the possibility to acquire information required for drafting of the study papers or for the diploma
paper, qualification paper and master’s paper and to perform research works.
1.2. The length of the practice is stated within the study program and the calendar schedule of the
1.3. The tasks of the practice are stated in the practice programs approved by the respective departments.
1.4. The student performs the tasks stated in the practice program independently by using the knowledge and
skills gained during the process of the studies and observing the legal acts of the Republic of Latvia, honestly
fulfilling his/her responsibilities and not disclosing the information gained in the organization to third parties,
is such non-disclosure is foreseen by the legal acts.
1.5. Organization of pre-diploma practice is defined by the State Examination Rules.

2. Organization of the practice

2.1. The department which is responsible for organization of the respective practice is appointed
with an order of the dean or the director of the program.
2.2. The responsible department:
− Drafts the practice programs;
− Defines the practice tutors;
− Organizes a pre-practice seminar;
− Administers and controls the course of execution of the program of the practice;
− Organizes defending of practice reports and evaluation of the practice.
2.3. The tutors of the practice are approved with an order of the head of the department.
2.4. The practice tutors are BAT lecturers and employees of the company or institution of the
2.5. The duties of the tutors of the practice include:
− Consulting of the student on the issues of the practice;
− Control of the course of execution of the program of the practice;
− Reviewing of the practice report and preliminary evaluation prior to its defending;
− Participation in defending and evaluation of the practice.
2.6. The students choose their practice places independently. The practice is performed in accordance with
the practice contract. One’s work place can be selected as the practice place. The student uses the data of the
selected practice place, its name, address and uniform register number for BATIS to draft the practice
contract in three copies and to sign it by the student and the practice enterprise; it is submitted to the head of
the department, the students of subsidiaries submit it to the head of the subsidiary, but pre-diploma practice
contract is submitted to the dean not later than 7 days prior to commencement of the practice. If the practice
contract is not concluded prior to beginning of the practice, then the student with a decree of the dean is not
allowed to perform the practice till submission of the practice contract and he/she is entered in the “STOP”

3. The execution, evaluation and storage of practice material

3.1. During the practice the student prepares the practice report and receives a reference on the
work from a representative of the company, which he/she then submits to the department within
the terms defined by the department.
3.2. The practice report must be executed on computer, indicating the tasks performed during the
practice according to the practice program. The practice report is signed by its author.
3.3. The tutor of the practice learns the student’s practice report, the reference on the practice and decides
upon giving the permission for defending of the practice.
3.4. The defending of practice report is admitted by and evaluation of practice is made by a
commission approved by an order of the head of the department. The commission includes at least
two lecturers, where one of them is the tutor of the practice.
3.5. The defending of the practice is evaluated in 10 grade system, the results are registered in the
examination sheet signed by all members of the commission.
Appendix No. 8

Studies regulations
LTD “Biznesa augstskola Turība’’
Unified Reg. No. 40003135880, 68 Graudu iela, Riga, LV –1058

School of Business Administration Turiba


1. General provisions

1.1. The higher education implemented by the School of Business Administration Turība (hereinafter
referred to as the School) is based on the Republic of Latvia Education Law, Higher School Law,
Scientific Research Law, Professional Education Law, Bologna Declaration, School Constitution
and other higher education regulating legislative acts effective in the Republic of Latvia.
st nd
1.2. Study Regulations for the core document which regulates the order of studies in the 1 and 2 level
professional higher education study programmes and Master programmes implemented by the
School as well as Doctorate study programmes and an internal regulatory deed of the School
binding upon the students.
1.3. Basic types of studies in the School shall be lectures, practical work, seminars, laboratory works,
independent studies, advice giving meetings, student's papers, field studies and research.
1.4. Forms of control of the study program mastering shall be determined in the Checkup Regulations,
Regulations of Working out and Defense of Student's Papers, Field Studies Regulations and Final
Examination Regulations.

2. Matriculation

2.1. Matriculation shall be putting a person on the list of students of the School (matricula). Student
candidates passing the School determined enrolment procedure shall be matriculated.
2.2. Enrolment in the School shall be in accordance with the School Enrolment Regulations. Enrolment
shall be organized by the Selection Committee and Study Information Center (hereinafter referred
to as SIC).
2.3. To start the studies, the student candidate shall conclude an education acquisition contract with the
2.4. Proceeding from the Selection Committee recommendations and after the education acquisition
contract has been signed, the Rector shall issue a matriculation order.
2.5. The School shall provide an opportunity to receive the International Student's Identification Card
(ISIC) or the School Student's Certificate to the students matriculated for full-time studies, or the
School Student's Certificate to the students matriculated for part-time studies.
2.6. From the moment of matriculation the student has all the rights and obligations of the School
students foreseen by these Regulations, the Law on Education, Law on High Schools, the School
Constitution and other laws and regulations.
2.7. In order to make the process of acquisition of higher education more democratic, the Director of
Study Programmes can draw up an individual study plan for students for the purpose of acquisition
of a study programme or a part thereof, dividing it by years on the basis of recommendation of the
dean and after conclusion of a contract on a acquisition of education, the rector issues a decree on
matriculation of candidates.
2.8. When studies in the first year of studies are commenced beyond the calendar schedule approved by
the Senate, an individual curriculum could be developed with the dates of passing the study courses,
field studies and student's papers within the study program for the year of studies in which the
student is matriculated having it coordinated with the Dean.
2.9. Students, who have completed successfully at least the first year of studies in a licensed higher
education program, could be matriculated in the second year of studies. Commencement of studies
in later years of studies shall be decided by the Rector on the Dean's proposal, when the student
candidate's application has been received and the Program Director has compared the previously
mastered part of the education program and particular curriculum, and an individual curriculum shall
be developed for each study course, which cannot be transferred as mastered. Taking the concluded
contract, comparison record and individual curriculum as a basis, the Rector shall issue the student
matriculation order, when it is certified in the comparison record that the previously mastered part of
the education program is not less than 40 credit points or two semesters.

3. Credit of previously received marks and credit points

3.1. The student's previously mastered study courses or received credit points can be credited pursuant
to the following legislative acts:
3.1.1. if the student starts studying in the School in the second or later year of studies (starts
studies at later stages of studies) having come from another higher school, the previously
mastered study courses and acquired credit points shall be credited through a procedure set
by the Cabinet of Ministers;
3.1.2. if the student has a part of the higher education mastered abroad, the previously mastered
study courses and acquired credit points shall be credited through a procedure set in the
Higher School Law for recognition of a part of the higher education mastered abroad;
3.2. the previously completed study courses can be credited subject to the autonomy of higher schools
stipulated in the Higher School Law in the following events:
3.2.1. if the student starts the first-year studies in the School having been transferred from another
higher school;
3.2.2. if the student has earlier completed the study course(s) included in the programme, whether
in the School or in any other higher school.
3.3. The completed subjects and obtained credit points shall be accounted in the events specified in
Sub-clause 3.2 hereof as follows:
3.3.1. If the student wants his previously mastered subjects and acquired credit points to be
credited, he shall submit an application to SIC. The application shall be attached with an
academic certificate or addenda to diploma certifying the previously acquired credit points to
be issued by his previous educational establishment.
3.3.2. The student who has acquired a part of the higher education abroad shall submit a
certificate issued by a foreign educational establishment to certify the received credit points
and certificate of equation of the part of education acquired abroad with the Latvian
education level to be issued by the Academic Information Center.
3.3.3. Credit points can be credited gradually in the course of studies according to the study
courses to be mastered in each year of studies: credit points shall be first credited only for the year of studies, in which the student has
started his studies, or earlier years of studies; upon completion of the relevant year of studies and signing of the education acquisition
contract payment schedule for the next year of studies, the received credit points shall
be credited in the study courses to be mastered in the next year of studies. The student
shall submit another application to SIC for crediting the said credit points.
3.3.4. the director of a relevant programme shall evaluate the previously completed study courses
by content and decide on the possibility to equate the same with the study courses
implemented in the School;
3.3.5. the dean of a relevant faculty shall credit the credit points as obtained by one's order,

4. Content of studies

4.1. Content of studies shall be determined in the Study Program. The Study Program shall be formed in
compliance with the educational and professional standards. The Dean shall be in charge for the
Study Program content and implementation. The Study Program shall stipulate the study courses to
be mastered, its scope in credit points, distribution by the years of studies, checkups and the scope
of field studies, number of student's papers and final examinations of studies.
4.2. The student shall commence his studies in the first year of studies under a study program that could
be only changed in the further years of studies within a scope determined in the regulatory
4.3. Content of the study courses shall be determined in the study course programs.
4.4. The study courses could be divided in the study program into basic courses (Part A), professional
option courses (Part B) and free option courses (Part C):
4.4.1. basic courses shall be the courses to be mastered obligatorily in the study program;
4.4.2. professional option courses shall expand the professional knowledge, the student shall
choose them from the courses offered in the program in the scope determined in the
4.4.3. the student shall choose the free option courses according to one's interests in the scope
determined in the program (such courses could be also mastered under other programs).
4.5. Content of studies shall be also regulated by the field studies program, student's paper assignments
and other study pertaining documents.

5. Organization of the study process

5.1. Amount of the student's work shall be measured in credit points. Credit point shall be a study
registration unit corresponding to 40 academic hours of the student's work amount (one week of
studies), in which up to 50% of hours are foreseen for contact hours. Contact hour shall be an eye-
to-eye meeting of the academic personnel and students being held for the achievement of the study
program objectives and tasks and lasting for one academic hour.
5.2. Students having studies in the amount of 40 credit points in the year of studies shall be full-time
students. The amount of credit points in one year of studies for part-time studies shall be less than
5.3. Subject to the time scheduled for contact hours, both full- and part-time students could study in
different forms of studies: day, evening, correspondence, e-studies (computer-based remote
education), etc.
5.4. Academic groups are made in each form of studies, except e-studies as well as students that study
in accordance with an individual plan. Decisions about change of an academic group are made by
the Study Department after review of a written request of a student submitted by the student to SIC
5.5. Duration, the beginning and end of an academic year, its division into semesters, as well as the
number and time of sessions are established with the Study schedule except for the students using
individual plans.
5.6. The time and place classed planned for a semester are established by the List of Classes. The time
and place of tutorials and examinations planned for an examination session are established by the
Examination and tutorial schedule except for the students using individual plans.
5.7. The students shall have an opportunity during their studies to receive advices on a relevant study
course mastering issues beyond the class time fixed in the timetable free of charge. Amount of
advices given to one academic group shall be 5% of the amount of hours in the study plan for a
relevant study course for day studies. Time of advice-giving meetings for each teacher shall be
determined in the schedule of advice-giving meetings for the chair teachers to be publicized in the
chair's information stand and the School's internet homepage. Students shall also have an
opportunity to receive paid advices. The time of paid advice-giving meetings shall be coordinated by
the student with the teacher.
5.8. Organization of the study process for the e-studies (computer-based remote studies) form shall be
regulated in the E-studies (computer-based remote studies) Regulations.

6. Checkups and evaluation

6.1. At the time of mastering each study course, the student shall pass the ordinary checkups (control
papers, essays, etc.) stipulated in the study course program. At the end of the study course, the
student shall pass the study course concluding checkup (examination or test).
6.2. In addition to the contact hours foreseen for the study course, a pre-examination advice-giving
meeting shall be scheduled.
6.3. Only the students who have performed all requirements determined in the study course program
(have passed all obligatory ordinary checkups) and performed their obligations fixed in the education
acquisition contract as well as have defended their field studies report and student's paper for
the previous year of studies shall be admitted to the study course concluding checkup.
6.4. The 10-point system shall be used for the checkup marking. Ordinary checkups could be also
marked with "tested" or "not tested". Checkup marking criteria of the 10-point system shall be as
10 – prominent – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are over the study program
9 – excellent – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are in full compliance with the study
program requirements;
8 – very good – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are in compliance with the study
program requirements, but there is a lack of some deeper understanding;
7 – good – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are in general in compliance with the study
program requirements, but not sufficient to apply the skills and knowledge independently;
6 – quite good – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are in general in compliance with the study
program requirements, but some flaws are stated in the knowledge of the theory, capability to present it or
link to the practice;
5 – fair – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are generally in compliance with the study
program requirements, but flaws are stated in the knowledge, understanding or presentation of the
theory or capability to link it to the practice;
4 – quite fair – the student's knowledge, skills and abilities are in compliance with the minimal level
of the study program requirements, but insufficient knowledge of the theory is stated as well as lack
of skills in the independent or correct performance of standard practical tasks;
3 – poor – the student has just partially mastered the study program issues and his
knowledge and skills are insufficient;
2 – very poor – the student has only a shallow command of the study program issues, he lacks
knowledge or understanding of the same;
1 – very, very poor – the student is unable to compose theoretical answers or perform practical
6.5. According to the Cabinet of Ministers regulations of the first- and second-level professional higher
education, the national standard assessment of 4 points (quite fair) is considered to be the lowest
successful assessment.
6.6. Qualification shall be accorded, if the student has received a successful assessment at the Final
Examination or Qualification Checkup. The lowest successful assessment for the Final Examination
or Qualification Checkup shall be 4 points (quite fair).
6.7. If the student contests objectivity of the assessment received in the concluding checkup and
pretends to a higher mark, he shall submit a motivated appeal in writing to SIC within 5 working days
after the concluding checkup. Having received appeal, the head of chair and the student shall form a
repeated checkup commission of three persons (the student shall cross out two of the five
commission members from the list made up by the head of chair, leaving three persons in it). The
commission shall evaluate repeatedly the student's written test or take repeatedly the oral test.
Assessment by the commission shall be not subject to appeal.
6.8. If the checkup is taken by commission, then appeals shall be only considered with regard to the
checkup running procedure. The appeal validity shall be considered by an appeal commission: the
dean, vice-rector for academic activity and rector. Should infringements of the checkup running
procedure be confirmed, the mark received in the checkup shall be cancelled. The student shall be
given an opportunity to re-pass the checkup in accordance with the relevant regulations.
6.9. If the teacher states that the student's paper is plagiarism, the student shall re-draw it up. In case of
repeated plagiarism, the student can be sent off.
6.10. If the student uses unauthorized materials and/or technical devices during checkup, he shall be
suspended from the checkup or can be sent off. The student shall be only allowed re-passing the
checkup upon suspension not earlier than the next day.
6.11. If the student passes a checkup taken by a commission with a mark not lower than 9 (nine) and
the average acquired mark of all other checkups within the study program is not lower than 8.5
(eight point five), and the mark of any study course is not lower than 6 (six), "The study
program is completed with honors" shall be recorded in sub-point 6.1 (supplementary
information) of addendum to diploma upon graduation from the program.

7. Field studies and student's papers

7.1. Scope of field studies, number of student's papers and their distribution by the years of studies shall
be determined in the study program.
7.2. Organization and evaluation of the field studies shall be regulated in the Field Studies Regulations.
7.3. Organization and evaluation of the student's papers shall be regulated in the Regulations of Working
out and Defense of Student's Papers.

8. Transfer to the next year of studies

8.1. The students shall be enrolled for the next academic year, who have:
obtained all credit points of the previous academic year and at least 70% of the credit points planned
for the current academic year, fulfilled all the obligations under the Contract of Education, as well as
signed a payment schedule for the next academic year;
8.2. The students enrolled in the autumn semester, who have not obtained 50% to 70% of the planned
amount of credit points in the current academic year, have not obtained the planned credit points of
the previous academic years, but have fulfilled all their obligations under the Contract of Education
and signed a payment schedule for the next year of studies, shall be enrolled for the next academic
year before October 15th of that year;
8.3. If the students referred to in Sub-clause 8.2 above fail obtaining at least 70% of the planned credit
points of the last academic year and 100% of the planned credit points of the previous academic
years before October 15 , the students shall be sent off (with entitlement to conclude another
Contract of Education) by the Rector's order; the students enrolled in the spring semester shall be
sent off, if they fail obtaining at least 70% of the planned credit points of the last academic year and
100% of the planned credit points of the previous academic years before February 15 of a relevant
academic year.
8.4. The students shall be enrolled for the next academic year by the Rector's order.

9. Final examination

9.1. Mastering of the basic or master's study program shall be concluded with the final examination a
component of which is the working out and defense of the bachelor's thesis, diploma paper, master's
thesis or qualification paper. Mastering of the doctorate study program theoretical part shall be
concluded with the working out and pre-defense of the promotion paper to be regulated with the
Doctorate Studies Regulations.
9.2. The final examination shall be regulated with the Final Examination Regulations. The dean shall be
in charge for the final examination organization.

10. Sending off

10.1. Sending off shall be striking the student off the list of students of the School (matricula).
10.2. The student shall be sent off if:
10.2.1. the student has completed the study program and/or acquired qualification;
10.2.2. the student of the doctorate study program has passed the theoretical part of the program;
10.2.3. so desired by the student (according to his application in writing);
10.2.4. it becomes known that the student enrollment has been influenced by fraud or other unlawful
action, including that one, with which the principle of equality of the student candidates is
10.2.5. the student has failed to pass required checkups or perform other study tasks;
10.2.6. the student has infringed the School bylaws;
10.2.7. after completion of the theoretical course a student of core studies or Master studies has
failed to take the final examinations or his/her evaluation in state examination, defending of
Diploma Paper or Master’s Thesis is lower than 4 (almost average);
10.2.8. a student of the Doctorate programme fails to settle all the requirements of Doctorate study
programme specified in the Regulations of Doctorate Studies within the set term;
10.2.9. a student fails to resume studies after suspension thereof;
10.2.10. the Contract concluded with the School on acquisition of education is terminated
10.3. The Rector shall issue a sending-off order on proposal of the dean, Vice-rector for Academic
Activities or Study Department Bureau Administrator.

11. Change of the study program, study form or study type and form

11.1. If the student wants to change one's study type and form (full/part-time studies), study form (day,
night, extramural studies or e-studies) or study program, or he shall submit a written application to
11.2. The Rector's order shall be issued on the student transfer to other study form or form and type.
11.3. If the student wants to change one's study program, he shall submit a written application to SIC.
The program replacement shall be decided by both Study Program Directors and the Rector's
order shall be issued upon conclusion of another education acquisition contract.

12. Study arrears

12.1. Any checkups that are planned within the study program or year curriculum and not passed
successfully under the timetable or examination schedule or at the time stipulated by the teacher,
including at the time fixed in the individual curriculum, as well as examination or test not passed
successfully, untimely submitted or unsuccessfully defended student's paper or not completed
planned field studies or not submitted or rejected because of its content and/or execution field
studies report or unsuccessfully defended field studies report, shall be study arrears.
12.2. Settlement of the study arrears shall be a paid, the price of which shall be fixed in the Rent and
Service Quotation List approved by the Board.
12.3. To settle the study arrears, the student shall:
12.3.1. make an agreement with the head of chair on what teacher shall take the checkup;
12.3.2. coordinate with the teacher the requirements to be met in order to pass the checkup;
12.3.3. coordinate with the teacher the checkup time and venue;
12.3.4. reserve a permit – assignment, either making use of BATIS;
12.3.5. within two weeks upon submission of the application, pay the fixed fee and receive the
permit – assignment in SIC (subsidiary students - from the Subsidiary Director). The permits
– assignments that are not taken out within two weeks shall be cancelled;
12.4. In the event the rights of a student to take an examination free of charge are determined, SIC
issues a free permit – assignment. The free permits – assignments are granted in the following events:
12.4.1. if the liabilities of the STOP list are settled at the day of examination according to the appendices to
the use and updating procedure of the STOP list;
12.4.2. due to illness if the student submits an application to SIC and presents a Work incapacity sheet or
the blank 27/u, or an excerpt from stationary;
12.4.3. other reasonable excuses - field studies within the School study program, sport competitions;
12.5. The permit – assignment shall be valid for 30 days; when required, the validity period can be
extended by SIC within the academic year.
12.6. The permit – assignment shall be left after passing the checkup to the teacher, who shall
introduce the mark to BATIS, print out the individual checkup evaluation sheet for the study course
concluding checkup, sign it and hand it over to the Teaching Department.
12.7. To be admitted to the final examinations, the student should have passed all concluding
checkups stipulated in the study program.

13. Interruptions of the studies

13.1. The students shall be entitled to interrupt temporarily their studies not loosing the student's status.
The minimum period of interruption of the studies shall be one calendar year. The interruption of
studies shall be ascertained by the Rector's order.
13.2. Interruption of the studies shall be accorded by SIC through a procedure stipulated by the School
after the student has submitted a written application of a definite form to SIC and effected the
payments specified in the Contract of Education:
13.2.1. to have interruption of the studies accorded, the student shall effect the payments specified
in the Contract of Education, but not less than 50% of the annual tuition fee, and sign the
Protocol of Agreement of Interruption of Studies;
13.2.2. the student (other than the first-year student) shall be entitled to choose splitting the tuition
fee into ten parts and paying all due payments as at the application date.
13.3. The student shall be allowed at the period of interruption of the studies to settle one's arrears with
the studies having paid duly for it, to use the Library services and attend lectures as a non-credit
student having it coordinated in writing with the Study Department Bureau Administrator.
13.4. To restart the studies, the student shall submit a written application of a definite form to SIC.
Restarting the studies before expiry of the minimum period fixed in point 13.1 above, the student
shall, whenever required, pay a fee for early restart of studies as stipulated by the School. A
decision on the restart of studies shall be made by the Dean. The student's restart of studies shall
be ascertained by the Rector's order. When studies are restarted after interruption of studies, all
credit points obtained before the interruption of studies shall be accounted. The courses studied
within the previous and current study programme could differ up to 30% in the programme
obligatory part or without limitation in the optional part. If differences in the programme obligatory
part exceed 30%, required credit points should be obtained according to the actual programme.
13.5. The interruption of studies can be prolonged, if the student submits a written application of a
definite form to SIC. The prolongation of interruption of studies shall be ascertained by the Rector's

14. Rights of the students

The students shall have the following rights:

14.5. to acquire the higher education under a relevant study program;

14.6. as stipulated by the School, to use the School's premises, library, computers and other
equipment and facilities, copying and other services, when obligations under the education
acquisition contract are performed;
14.7. to interrupt and resume the studies as stipulated in clause 13 above;
14.8. to change the study program as stipulated in clause 11 above;
14.9. to have formed and mastered the free option part of individual studies, to listen lectures in
other higher schools or departments (faculties), to be engaged in the scientific research (scientific
research work), including in cooperation with the School teachers or within the School grant
14.10. to receive information from SIC on any issues directly related to the studies;
14.11. as stipulated by the School, to receive from SIC any certificates, printouts of progress sheets
or permit – assignment for the settlement of study arrears;
14.12. to express freely and defend one's opinions in the School, unless it insults other person's
honour or dignity or defames or causes the performance of other unlawful actions;
14.13. as stipulated by the School, to elect and be elected to the Students' Self-government,
Senate or Constituent Assembly;
14.14. as stipulated by the State and School, to receive credits for studies or credits to students.

15. Rights of the teachers

The teachers shall have the following rights:

15.5. to choose the teaching methods and study content with regard to the study course program
15.6. to lower the assessment of the paper worked out independently for the delay in submission;
15.7. to determine tasks for the papers worked out independently;
15.8. to determine the ordinary checkup type, form and time and evaluation method;
15.9. to inquire about student's progress in other study courses;
15.10. to reprove the student or not to admit the student to the lecture room for non-observance of
the order stipulated by the teacher.

Vice-rector for Academic Activity J.Ē.Niedrītis

Translated from Latvian

School of Business Administration Turība

Faculty of International Tourism

Accreditation materials

Professional bachelor Studies program in

Event and Leisure Management

2nd volume

Riga 2005
Appendix No. 9

CV of Academic personnel
Educators involved in the “Events and Leisure Management” programme

No. Educator Department Education Permanent staff Study course

Surname, Name member/Visiting
1. Brencis Ainārs TVK MBA, Permanent staff Active and Sport
doctoral member Tourism I, II;
student Project
2. Builis Dainis TVK Mg.sc.soc. Visiting lecturer E-commerce
3. Doniņa Agita TVK MBA, Permanent staff Ethics and Business
doctoral member Etiquette
4. Gercāns Centis TVK Mg.sc.soc Permanent staff Tourism Business
5. Jurjāns Pauls TVK Mag.paed. Visiting lecturer Leisure
doctoral Management;
student Survival
6. Lingebērziņš TVK Mg.sc.soc., Visiting lecturer Tourism Economics
Ēriks doctoral and Globalisation
7. Mieze Amanda TVK MBA, Visiting lecturer History of Culture
8. Muižnieks TVK MBA, Visiting lecturer Health Tourism
Armands doctoral
9. Niedrītis Jānis TVK DR.oec. Permanent staff Innovation and
Ēriks member Leadership
10. Puriņa Brigita TVK Bc., master Visiting lecturer Tourism and
student Recreation
11. Rozenbrika TVK MA Visiting lecturer Management of
Brigita cultural events
12 Rozīte Maija TVK Dr.geogr. Permanent staff Tourism and
member Recreation; Practice
13 Saulīte-Jansone TVK Mg.sc.soc. Visiting lecturer Management of
Ilze Business Tourism;
Event Planning and
14 Smildziņa Ligita TVK Mag. paed. Visiting lecturer Acting Skills
15 Van der Steina TVK Mg.geogr. Permanent staff International
Aija member tourism and
16 Vecrinks Jānis TVK Mg.soc.sc Visiting lecturer Technical Provision
for Events
17 Brilte Jolanta KDK MBA Visiting lecturer Management
18 Bruksle Ieva KDK Mg.oec Visiting lecturer Economics
19 Medne Anna KDK Mg.oec., Permanent staff Accounting and
Mg. paed., member Taxes
20 Mednis Aivars KDK Mg,.paed. Visiting lecturer Civil Defence
21 Upīte Iveta KDK MBA, Permanent staff Market Research
doctoral member
22 Zīlīte Ligita KDK Mg.paed., Permanent staff Personnel
doctoral member Management
23 Zvirgzdiņa KDK MBA, Permanent staff Financial
Rosita doctoral member Management
24 Broks Jānis KZK Dr.phil., Permanent staff Philosophy
asoc.prof. member
25 Cāne Renāte KZK MBA, Permanent staff Marketing
doctoral member Communication
26 Rušenieks Jānis KZK Mg.iur. Permanent staff Media
member Communication
27 Škuškovnika KZK Dr. psych. Permanent staff Social Psychology
Daina member
28 Onževs Oskars ITK Dr. sc. ing. Permanent staff Information
member Technology II
29 Ozols Juris ITK Dr. phys. Permanent staff Information
member Technology I
30 Vīksne Ilmārs ITK Dr. sc. ing. Permanent staff Information
member Technology III
31 Ate Inese VK Mg. paed. Permanent staff Professional
member Terminology
32 Kļaviņa Līga VK Mg. philol. Permanent staff Professional
member Terminology
33 Komarovska VK MBA Permanent staff Professional
Anda member Terminology
34 Rone Dana PRTK Mg.iur., Permanent staff Commercial Law
doctoral member

Abbreviations used in the document:

TVK – Department of Tourism and Hospitality
KDK – Department of Commerce
KZK – Department of Communication Sciences
ITK – Department of Information Technology
VK – Department of Languages
PRTK – Department of Private law
Curriculum vitae
Ainars Brencis
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Livani 201276-12169
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
20.12.76 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Vef Baloži 146,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Olaines district, LV 2127
lecturer, Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 29453616 Phone No: -

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of
Management – Management 2003 - 2007 Management PHD aspirant
doctoral studies

University of Latvia, Faculty of

Management – Management 2000 - 2002
Management Mag.soc.sc
doctoral studies

School of Business Administration

1995 - 1999 Tourism Manager of tourism and
Turiba, faculty of International
Management recreation enterprises

Work experience
Since 2001 - lecturer in School of Business Administration (SBAT), Department of Tourism and
Since 2001 - Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia – expert Certification of the Hotels and
Since 2005 - PITEC Ltd - Examination Centre for Professional and Life-Long Learning Education –

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
• Preparedand implemented seminar about active tourisms and its role of tourism development in
Latgale, ordered by Devlopment agency of Latgale in cooperation with Regional Tourism
Institute. 2006, Daugavpils.
• Preparedand implemented seminar about water tourism development in Vidzeme ordered by
Vidzeme development Agenecy in 2006. Strenči
• Author of business development project for hotel development in Rucka Manor ordered by
‘’EIROKONSULTANTU NAMS’’ in 2006, Cēsis. Project budget 950 000Ls.
• Author of business development project for coffee shop opening in Riga ordered by ‘’MITAX-
AUTO’’ Ltd, in 2005. Project Budget 165 000Ls.
• Author of business development project for three star hotel in Saldus district Broceņi ordered by
‘’SEMS-VM’’ Ltd, in 2005. Project budget 370 000Ls.
• Author of business development project for three star hotel ‘’Elija’’ in Riga center, ordered by
‘’Hanzas nami’’ Ltd in 2005. Project Budget 1 500 000Ls
• Author of research for possible use of Murnieku Street in tourism industry, ordered by Latgale
District Executive Board of Riga city in 2004. Project Budget 100 000Ls

Participation in conferences
• Micolas Romeris University. Branding Small Nation – Latvia, what to say if there is nothing to
say? Seventh annual International Scientific Conference. Human Potential Development: Search
for Opportunities in the new EU states. Vilnius. Lithuania. 2010.
• University of Liepaja, National label ‘’Made in Latvia’’ – How much to rely on? 13th
international scientific Conference. Society and culture: Chaos and Harmony. 2010.
• University of Ventspils. Brand index of Ventspils – challenge to other towns of Latvia. Student
Scientific Conference. Trends in economics, technologies and translation. 2010. 5.p.
• Kaunas University, Competitive Identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to Learn from National
Hockey Team “Riga Dinamo” - 2010, No.4, 6p. (Co-author Juris Ozols).
• School of Business Administration Turība, Management Information Systems in Latvian Hotels:
International Scientific Conference ‘’Communication in information society’’. Rīga: 65-74p.
(Co-author Juris Ozols).
• Student Mobility in Latvia – Chances and Challenges from Private and Public Higher Education
Institution Scope. Tartu, ENTA, 2005 – 45.-47.lpp.
• School of Business Administration Turiba, ‘’Latvias Image and Its Competitiveness in European
Tourism Market” 5th International Scientific Conference “Business Options, Problems and
Solutions Concerning Globalisation”. Riga, - April 23, 2004. Publication in the Conference
Proceedings (pp 86 – 91), in Latvian.

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• International Tourism Economics Part A 3 credit points
• Tourism Project Management Part A 3 credit points
• Active and Sport Tourism Part A 7 credit points
Master study programmes
• Project Management in Tourism Part A 4 credit points

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 12

Most significant publications

1. A.Brencis. Active Tourism. Rīga: School of business administration Turiba, 2003. – 223pp.
2. Dictionary of tourism and hospitality terms, Ministry of Economics, 2008, 406.pp (Co-author).
Publications in scientific Journals:
• Branding Small Nation – Latvia, what to say if there is nothing to say? Seventh annual
International Scientific Conference. Human Potential Development: Search for Opportunities in
the new EU states. Micolas Romeris University. Vilnius. Lithuania. 2010.
• Complexity of Nation Branding – Latvian case. 52nd International Scientific conference of
Daugavpils University. 2010.
• National label ‘’Made in Latvia’’ – How much to rely on? 13th international scientific
Conference. Society and culture: Chaos and Harmony. University of Liepāja 2010.
• Brand index of Ventspils – challenge to other towns of Latvia. Student Scientific Conference.
Trends in economics, technologies and translation. University of Ventspils. 2010. 5.p.
• Competitive Identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to Learn from National Hockey Team
“Riga Dinamo” - Journal of European Integration Studies 2010, No.4, 6p. (Coauthor Juris
• Management Information Systems Latvijā: tendencies and development. Innovations and
Technologies - Multi Subject Scientific Journal Published in the EU. No 1(2), 2009, (Coauthor
Juris Ozols).
• Management Information Systems in Latvian Hotels: International Scientific Conference
‘’Communication in information society’’. Rīga: School of Business Administration Turība,
65-74p. (Co-author Juris Ozols).
• Student Mobility in Latvia – Chances and Challenges from Private and Public Higher Education
Institution Scope. Tartu, ENTA, 2005 – 45.-47.lpp.
• “Latvias Image and Its Competitiveness in European Tourism Market” 5th International Scientific
Conference “Business Options, Problems and Solutions Concerning Globalisation”. Riga, School
of Business Administration Turiba - April 23, 2004. Publication in the Conference Proceedings
(pp 86 – 91), in Latvian.
• “Environments Role in Purposeful Creation of Latvia State Brand and Its Promotion”III Latvian
Congress of Geography “Latvias Geography in European Dimensions”. Riga, University of Latvia
– November 5-6, 2004. Thesis-publication in the Conference Proceedings (pp 88 – 89), in

Further education and professional development

• Conducted lecture ’’France versus Coca-cola’’ in Normandy University, Caen, France, Erasmus
Teacher exchange - 2009. 17-20.November.
• Conducted lecture ‘’Tough destination branding – why is so difficult to promote places’’ in
Alcala University, Spain, Erasmus Teacher exchange - 2008. 7-14.April.
• Conducted lecture ''Country branding Turkey versus Latvia'' Anadolu University, Eskeshier,
Turkey, Erasmus Teacher exchange - 2006. 10-15. December.
• Higher Hotel Institute Cyprus, course „Supervisory Development for Hospitality Industry’’

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions


Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Dainis Builis
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 210580-12710
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
21.05.1980 latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Laboratorijas 14-25,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Riga, LV-1009
Graudu str. 68, Riga, LV-1058

Phone No: 29448873 Phone No: 29448873

Fax: - E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of 1998-2002 Business Social sciences
business administration, basic administration,
studies Marketing

University of Latvia, Faculty of 2002-2004 Business Mg. of social sciences

business administration, master administration,
studies Marketing research

Work experience
2001. Sumer work, Denver, Colorado (USA): Discovery Channel store, TARGET hypermarket
2002.-2003. „Shell Latvia” Ltd. Retail sales administrator-analyst
2004.-2007. „Poligrāfijas apgāds” Ltd, Kodak departmend – Regional manager of digital products
2007.-2008. „DnB NORD Līzings” Ltd. Lease manager of Commercial transport
2009.-2010. „Atholl Arms Hotel”, hotel staff – reception guest service and restaurant
2010. „Birnam Hotel”, hotel staff – reception guest service and restaurant
2010.- School of Business Administration Turiba, lecturer
Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of research projects:
2002 Bachelor’s thesis „Development of Internet advertising in Latvia”
2004 Master’s thesis „Internet as one of IMC channels”

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programme - E-commerce A part 3 credit points

Methodological work
• Elaboration of study course programme and methodological materials
Number of publications

Most significant publications


Further education and professional development

• 2005 (march) „Analysis of Consumer segments and motivation of purchase decision. North
European market (Kodak Nordic).
• 2006 (may) „Sales skills” - Direct sales, getting to know needs of customers (Nordic Training
• 2007 (october) „Evaluation of Loan risks and company’s financial reports” (Consultation centre
of Associacion of Latvian commercial banks).
• 2008 (jan-oct) „Express English for Business” (Express English).

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions


Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Agita Doniņa
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Rīga 010967-11805
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
01.09.1967 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Tallinas iela 81 – 4,
Department of International Tourism Riga LV 1009
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67607661 Phone No: -

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Studies at the University of Latvia, 1985.-1990. Economic

Department of Management Cybernetics Economist – mathematics

Studies at the cc, Department of 2005.-2007. Strategic Tourism MBA

International Tourism Management

PhD studies at the School of 2009. - now Management

Business Administration Turiba

Work experience
June 2008 – now Dean of the Department of International Tourism, School of
Business Administration Turiba
September 2004 - now Lecturer, Department of Tourism and Hospitality and
Commerce School of Business Administration Turiba
June 2005 – November 2007 Project Manager, Foreign Investors Council in Latvia
June 2004 – June 2005 Project Manager, Department of International Tourism,
School of Business Administration Turiba
March 1998 – January 2000 Head of Information Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
November 1992 – January 1997 Desk officer, head of department, Bilateral department,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
February 1992 – November 1992 Assistant of Director, Administrative Department, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
June 1990 – February 1992 Desk officer, Environment Protection Committee
Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
International research projects:
• 2006-2007 – International Leonardo da Vinci project No 2005 LV/05/B/F/PP-172.00 Rural
tourism project AMBER
• 2009-2010 – International Leonardo da Vinci Rural tourism project AURORA II,
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• WTO Tedqual conference “Higher Tourism Education” Rimini (Italy); Article “Challenges of
tourism education: emotions versus business”
• International Scientific Conference “Potential of Tourism” Poland; Article “Tourism Clusters as a
benefit for tourism entrepreneurs in Latvia”
• International Scientific Conference "Individuals, Society, State in Changing Economic
• International Scientific Conference „Current issues in management of business and society
development – 2009” presentation „Assessment of economic impact of tourism in municipalities of
Latvia. Current situation”.
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor study programmes
• Management Part A 3 credit points.
• International tourism economics Part A 3 credit points.
• Stress management and Business etiquette Part A 2 credit points.
Methodological work
• Tourism and hospitality dictionary, co-author
• Study programmes “Tourism and hospitality Management”, “Leisure and Business Management”,
“Tourism Strategic Management” creation and accreditation, member of team
• Study programmes “Tourism and hospitality Management” accreditation at UNWTO
• Participation at accreditation commission UNWTO
• Study courses and Training programmes, author
Number of publications
Total number of publications - 4
Most significant publications
1. Doniņa A. “Tourism Clusters as a benefit for tourism entrepreneurs in Latvia”//International
Scientific Conference “Potential of Tourism”, University of Szczecin, 2010,43.-51.
2. Lūka I., Niedrītis J.Ē., Doniņa A. “Challenges of tourism education: emotions versus business”
3. Doniņa A.. un autoru kolektīvs. Tūrisma un viesmīlības terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca. LR
Ekonomikas ministrija. 2008. 460 lpp.
Further education and professional development
• September, 2008 – certificate, seminar “Developing Hospitality and Tourism Industry/Education
• International cooperation:
o January 2009 – Guest lecturer Hanze University Groningen, the Netherlands
o July 2009 – exchange of experience, hotel group Amathus, Cyprus
o March 2010 – participation and exchange of experience AACSB annual meeting Anaheim (USA)
Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions
Since 2010 – Member of the Senate BAT
Since 2005 - Member of the Board, Department of International Tourism, SBAT
Honor titles, awards

Number of patents, author’s certificates, licenses (patents, inventions etc.)

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills
excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x
(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Centis Gercans
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Salas county 240667-10109
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
24.06.1967 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Kastanu iela 1-2,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Jelgava,
Lecturer LV-3008
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67619693 Phone No: 26870260

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
International Economic
University of Latvia, Faculty of BBA
1990- 1996 Relations; Tourism and
Business Administration and
Hotel Management
Economic Informatics- basic
Environment and
University of Latvia, Faculty of
1999- 2003 Management of
Economics and Management- Mg.sc.soc.
master studies
Work experience
1989- 1991 Section commander, Guard Regiment, Ministry of Interior
1995 Marketing Department specialist, Latvijas Unibanka
1996 Program coordinator, International Tourism University
Since 1998 Lecturer, School of Business Administration Turiba
2001- 2002 Teacher, International Correspondence Course
Since 2006 Translator, Zvaigzne ABC
2002- 2007 Translator, SDI Media Latvia
Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
1997- 1999 co-author of Tourism strategy for Jurmala resort;
co-author of Tourism development plan for Riga region
1999 participation in Tourism group of National development plan of Latvia
1999- 2000 participation in international project “Baltic Palette, group “Sustainable tourism
2003 co-author of Ventspils Tourism marketing research
2010 co-author of Latvia Tourism review for EXPO 2010
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2000- Project “Baltic Palette”– Sustainable Development of the Metropolitan Areas in the Central
Baltic Region. Integration problems of Baltic countries towards the EU. International scientific
conference. Rezekne University.
• 2007- The Tourism Planning and Development under Circumstances of New Economy. New Products
for Regional Development. 8th International scientific conference. School of Business Administration
Turiba, Riga.
Study courses (subjects)
College study programmes
• Tourism and Hospitality Business Part A 3 credit points
Bachelor study programmes
• Tourism Business (Latvian, English) Part A 4 credit points
• Hotel Management Information and Reservation Systems Part B 2 credit points
Master study programmes
• Tourism Business (Latvian, English) Part B 4 credit points
Methodological work
• Programmes for Study courses “Tourism and Hospitality Business”, “Tourism Business”, “Hotel
Management Information and Reservation Systems”
Number of publications
Total number of publications- 3
1. A.Vilcins, C.Gercans Tourism business in Latvia: promoting and hindering factors. International
scientific conference- Businesss Environment: Legal Basis and Quality. Conference proceedings.
School of Business Administration Turiba, 1999.
2. Project “Baltic Palette”– Sustainable Development of the Metropolitan Areas in the Central
Baltic Region. Integration problems of Baltic countries towards the EU. International scientific
conference. Conference proceedings. Rezekne University, 2000.
3. The Tourism Planning and Development under Circumstances of New Economy. New Products
for Regional Development. 8th International scientific conference. Conference proceedings.
School of Business Administration Turiba, 2007.
Further education and professional development
• 2002- 2003 Participation at courses of Nordregio - Nordic Center for Spatial Development
for planning specialists
• 2004 Participation at EU Teacher mobility programme Erasmus/Socrates- Haga/Helia
University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland)
• 2005 Certificate, participation at courses for improvement of professional skill
“University Didactic”
• 2008 Participation at Intensive English courses
• 2008 Participation at EU Teacher mobility programme Erasmus/Socrates (Crete, Greece)
• 2009 Certificate, participation at international seminar “Students in industry and
postgraduate course development”
• 2010 Participation at seminars during International tourism fair “ITB Berlin”
Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions
Honour titles, awards

Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills
excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x
Spanish x x x
(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Pauls Jurjans
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 250970-10417
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
25.09.1970 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
Children and youth centre „Daugmale”, Maskavas 429-40,
coach Riga, LV 1063
Str.Jēkabpils 19a, Riga, LV -1003

Phone No: 67229951 Phone No: 29238800

Fax: 67211159 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Latvian Academy of Sport 1998 – 2003 Pedagogy expert of education and sport
Education Bc. Paed.
Latvian Academy of Sport 2003 – 2005 Pedagogy Mg. Paed.
University of Latvia 2005 – till Pedagogy 4th years doctoral student

Work experience
2008 – till today 62nd high school Riga, teacher of sports, sport activity organizer
2008 – till today School of business administration Turiba, lector
2007 September – 2008 AprilSchool of business administration Turiba, E-project director
2006 July –2006 December Education, Youth and Sports Department of Riga, Interest educational
institution, senior specialist
2007 January – 2007 August Children and youth centre „Riga Pupils place”, Director of Methodical
centre for Interest educational
2005 – till today Children and youth centre „Daugmale”, karate coach
2002 – 2005 Military magazine „Tevijas Sargs”, journalist
2000 – 2001 Stock company „Latvijas nafta”, inspector
1991 – 1999 Police force, bodyguard
1989 – 1991 Military service, secretary

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Participant of state financed research projects, programmes:
• 2007 – participant of research project “Learning stimulation of new generation” by Pedagogical
science institute of University of Latvia;
Participant of international research projects:
• 2010 – participation of ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning project
Mathematic in Action

Participation in conferences
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor studies programmes
• Leisure time organization B part 2 credits
• Sport basics B part 4 credits
• Survival management B part 2 credits
• Active and sport tourism A part 6 credits

Methodological work
• Development of study programmes “Sport basics”, “Survival management”, “Active and sport
tourism” (bachelor studies)

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 1, 1 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

• Jurjans Pauls (2009). Pedagogical and psychological aspects of adolescents’ aggression
management in karate trainings. A new ideas in fundamentals of human movement and sport
science: current issues and perspectives. W. Starosta, B. Jevtic (Eds.). Monography book of
IASK. 10th Sport Kinetics Conference, 2007, Belgrade, Serbia 2007; IASK Library Series;
Vol.26., Belgrade: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, pp 87-91. ISBN 978-86-80255-51-4;
COBISS.SR-ID 155628556

Further education and professional development

• 2008 – Certificate of further education course „College didactic: today’s theory un practice”
(4 credits)

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

From 2007. – Member of Latvian Sports psychology Association
From 2001. – Member of the board of Latvian Godzju-Rju Karate Federation

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ēriks Lingebērziņš
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 280982-12452
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
28. 09.1982. Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
Via Hansa Tours, Ltd. Vienības Gatve 186a-61
Manager FIT business development Riga, LV 1058
J.Alunāna iela 3-1Rīga, LV 1010

Phone: 29172752 Phone: -

Fax: - E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Riga Stradins University, Faculty Bachelor’s Degree of Social
of European Studies 2000-2004 Political science Sciences in Political Science

Riga Stradins University, Faculty Master’s Degree of Social

2004-2006 Political science
of European Studies Sciences in Political Science
PhD studies at the School of
Since 2010 Management
Business Administration Turiba

Work experience
2001 - 2003 Impro Ceļojumi Ltd., guide
2003 - 2005 Via Hansa Tours Ltd., tour operator
2005 - Via Hansa Tours Ltd., Manager FIT business development
2007 - Balticvision Ltd. (Via Hansa Tours group), managing director
2008 - School of Businesss Administration „Turiba”, lecturer

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Scientific research fields:
Supervision of master research papers:
Years 2008.- 2010. supervision of 4 master research papers at School of Business Administration
“Turiba”, Faculty of International Tourism

Participation in conferences

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study program
• Tourism and Globalization A block 2 credit points.
MBA – Strategic Management in Tourism program
• International Tourism Business Environment A block 2 credit points.

Methodological work
• Elaboration of study course programs and methodological materials
• Elaboration of e-study course materials “International Economics of Tourism and
Number of publications

Most significant publications


Further education and professional development

Participation at methodological seminars of Faculty of International Tourism of School of Business
Administration “Turiba”

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since September 2008 – Council of the Faculty member of Faculty of International Tourism of School of
Business Administration “Turiba”

Honor titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x
Italian x x x

30.08.2010 (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Amanda Mieze
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 051178-10625
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
05.11.1978. Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
SLLC „Latvian Puppet Theatre”, Bērzlapu street 37, Riga,
Financial manager LV 1058, Latvija
Kr.Barona street 16/18, Eichwaldstrasse 3, 8450
Riga, LV 1050, Latvia Andelfingen, Switzerland

Phone No: 67285426 Phone No: + 371 29119718

Fax: 68285415 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Riga Technical University, Faculty 1997-2001 Social sciences Bachelor’s Degree of Social
of Economics – basic studies Sciences in Management
University of Latvia, Faculty of 2002-2004 Economics Qualification in Economics
Economics and Management
School of Business Administration 2004-2006 Management Qualification of Enterprise
“Turiba” – master’s studies and Institution Managing
School of Business Administration Since Sept. Management Director (MBA)
“Turiba” – PhD studies in business 2008

Scientific qualification
Scientific degree
Scientific council, establishment, Year Specialization Diploma
country No
University of Latvia, Faculty of 2004 Economics 2nd Level Higher PD A No.
Economics and Management Professional 0797
School of Business Administration 2006 Business Education PD C No.
“Turiba”, Faculty of Business management Master’s Degree 0444

Work experience
Since Nov. 2002 Latvian Puppet Theatre; financial director
2000–2002 Latvian Puppet Theatre; chief accountant
1998–2000 Ltd. Emerald Baltic; chief accountant
1997–1998 Ltd. Emerald Baltic; accountant, filing clerk
1996–1997 Ltd. Doniks and Co; filing clerk

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Research in management of cultural institutions.
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2009 – international scientific conference “Current issues in management of business and society
development”, Mieze-Zeime A., “ Governance of sustainable culture development”.
• 2010 – XI international scientific conference “Individuals, society, state in changing economic
circumstances”, Mieze A., “The role of creative industries in forming creative solutions in
• 2010 – The 13th International Scientific Conference “Society and Culture: Chaos and Harmony”,
Mieze A., “The role of cultural establishments in increasing competitiveness”.

Study courses (subjects)


Methodological work
Study course Culture History, author

Number of publications – 2
Total number of publications - 2, 2 of them – scientific publications.

Most significant publications

• Mieze, A., 2010. The role of creative industries in forming creative solutions in entrepreneurship.//
Published in the Proceedings of XI international scientific conference “Individuals, society, state
in changing economic circumstances”, Riga, Latvia. ISSN 1691-6069.
• Mieze, A., 2010. Neglected use of creative industry’s products in Riga’s tourism offer. //
Uniwersytet Szczecinski, Zeszyty Naukowe Nr.592, Ekonomiczne problemy turystyki Nr.14,
„Potential of tourism”, Poland. Pp.101 – 108. ISSN 1640-6818; ISSN 1644-0501.

Further education and professional development

• 2005.–2006. Project coordinator in the project of EU Culture Programme (2007-2013)
„Contemporary museum breaks the borders of cultures”, co-operation among Estonian State
Puppet Theatre, Latvian Puppet Theatre and Kaunas State Puppet Theatre (Lithuania). Project
No.2009 – 0670 / 001 - 001 CU7 COOP7.
• 2009.–2010. Project coordinator in EU Culture 2000 project „Cultural Alchemy”, co-operation
among Estonian State Puppet theatre, Latvian Puppet Theatre, Vilnius Theatre “Lele” (Lithuania),
Theatre “Minor” (Czech Republic) and National Marionette Theatre of Ireland Limited. Project
No. 2005 – 0732 / 001 – 001 CLT – CA13.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since June 2005 The Union of Professional Actors of Latvia; consultant.

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Armands Muiznieks
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 120564-10307
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
12.05.1964 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba J.Plieksana 82-37,
Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Jurmala, LV 2015
Brivibas 55, Riga, LV 1519

Phone No: +371 67229945 Phone No: +371 29218560

Fax: +371 67358128 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: armands.muiznieks@latviatou

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Latvian University, Faculty of 1981-1989 Biology MSc, biologist, teacher of

Biology biology and chemistry

School of Business Administration 2005-2007 Tourism strategic MBA

Turiba management

Riga Stradins University, Faculty Since 2008 Medical sciences MD

of Medicine

Work experience
Since June 2009 Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Tourism market specialist
Since 2007 State Agency ”Social Integration Centre”, college, lecturer
2004 – 2009 Latvian Tourism Development Agency, Advisor, Secretary of Latvian Tourism Fund
2004 – 2005 Jurmala City Council, Advisor
2002 – 2004 Jurmala City Council, Head of Department
2001- 2002 Jurmala City Council, Senior specialist
2000 – 2001 Travel agency “Kolumbs jr”, Project director
2000 – 2001 Youth Information and Mobility Centre, Consultant
Since 1999 Latvian Youth Hostel Association, Chief of the Board;
1999 – 2000 Travel Agency “World Travel Service”, Director
1997 – 1999 Student and Youth Travel Agency, Director
1995 – 1997 Travel Agency „Tourinfo”, Head of outgoing department
1993 – 1995 Travel Agency “Ex Voto Latvia Holidays”, Head of Front office
1992 – 1993 Travel Agency „Celotajs”, Sales manager
1990 – 1992 Riga Zoological Garden, Dep.Director of Sciences
1987 – 1990 Riga Zoological Garden, Scientific Assistant

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Scientific research fields:
Since 2009 - Doctoral studies “Health Resort factors and Quality of Life”
2007 – Master paper „ Health tourism development strategy concept for Latvia”
Supervising of Bachelor students:
2009 - 2010 - 3 Bachelor papers (3 of them in the School of Business Administration Turiba)

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2005 - Regional Conference on Tourism Communications, participant
• 2008 - Report in Druskininkai (Lithuania) conference, Muiznieks.A. „Health Resort Medicine and
Quality of Life”;
• 2008 - International seminar „Thalassotherapy a new Medical Tourism possibility for Baltic
Countries”, Palanga, Lithuania, Muiznieks A., „Health Resort Medicine and Quality of Life”
• 2008 - 6th. Congress of Baltic rehabilitologists, participant
• 2009– scientific-practical conference in Druskininki, Muiznieks A., „Trends and achievements of
scientific reseurches in the health resort medicine in Latvia and EU”
• 2009 - Latvian University 67. conference, ĢZZF, Muiznieks A., “Health Resort medicine and Quality
of Life. Tourism aspects”
• 2010 - International scientific-practical conference in Jurmala „Rehabilitation Medicine-human
recreaition and fastening actual problems”, Muiznieks A.,«Эхпорт медицинских услуг –
перспектива для развития экономики Латвий».

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Travel Management Part A 3 credit points
• Spa and Health Tourism Part C 2 credit points
First level higher professional educational programmes:
• Health Tourism and Introduction to Health Resort Medicine 2 credit points
• Tourist accommodation and quality 2 credit points

Methodological work
• 2009 - Study material “Spa and Health Tourism” for BH Turiba bachelor programme “Tourism
and Hospitality Enterprise management”
• 2006 - Study materials for courses “Health Tourism and Introduction to Health Resort Medicine”,
“Latvia and world tourism products”, “Tourism basics”

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 6, 1 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

1. Muižnieks A., Lūka M. „Rehabilitācijas centri un to izmantošana medicīnas tūrisma attīstībā
Latvijā”, issue of publications. R., RSU, 2010 (Handed in)

Further education and professional development

• 1999 (January-February) „British Tourist Authority Tourism Management Course”, in frame of JICAP
• 2008 (February)- Programme “Biological agriculture” by Latvia Countryside Consultation Centre,180h
• 2009, April - „Students working in the industry and postgraduate course development”, Manchester
Metropolitan Unifersity, La Fondation pour la formation hoteliere, BA Turiba
• 2010, April - Seminar „Scientific data analysis and interpretation” Karolinska Univeristy
(Sweden) by asoc.prof.Mesfin Kassaye Tessma.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since 2009 – Member of the Board „Latvija spa un wellness federation”
Since 2001 – Chief of the Board „Latvija Youth hostel association”
Since 2009 – Council member of International Tourism faculty of BA Turiba
Honour titles, awards

Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Brigita Purina
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Limbazi 270358-11584
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
27.03.1958 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba “Rujas”, Straupe, Straupes pag.,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality, Pargaujas novads,LV 4252
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67619693 Phone No: 29434948

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: -

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
School of Business Administration Business
Turiba– basic studies 1998-2001 administration
Bachelor degree
School of Business Administration since 2010 Business
Turiba– master studies administration

Work experience
1997-1998 Banquet and Conference Manager, SIA REHO Hotel „Hotel de Rome”
1998-1999 Restaurant Manager, Radisson SAS Hotel Daugava,
1990-2001 Director of Ltd. ”Jautrais Jēkabs” and Restaurant “Rozamunde” Ltd. „Jautrais Jēkabs,
2001-2002 British Week Assistant, British Embassy Riga
2002-2004 Adviser to the Prime Minister, State Chancellery
2004-2006 Head of the Office of the Minister, Ministry of Economics of LR,
2006-2007 Project Manager, Ltd. „GloNet”
Since 2009 Lecturer, School of Business Administration Turiba

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers

Participation in conferences

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
Food and Beverage Operations and Service Part A 6 credit points

Methodological work
Elaboration of study course programme Food and Beverage Operations and Service

Number of publications
Most significant publications

Further education and professional development

1996 .04. Certificate, Teaching and Training Adults Programme, Georgin College, Canada
1996 Seminar,Train The Trainer Programme, by C. Breheny and L. McLoughin, Great Britain
1996-1997 Diploma, Hotel and Gastronomy Management, Institute of Economic Development, Austria
1998-1999 Diploma, Management of Small Enterprises, School of business Administration Turiba
1999.10. Seminar Business Visits and Business, School of Business Administration Turiba,
2002 Seminar, Communication Academy, Latvia, How to Communicate Effectively with Mass
2002.01.-03. Certificate , University of Latvia, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Tourism guide
2003 Seminar, Crisis Communication School of Public Administration and British Council,
2004.03- 09. Certificate, Leadership academy, Stocholm school of Economics in Riga
2004. 03-04. Certificate, Entrepreneurial Project Leadership, Stocholm school of Economics in Riga
2007.03-09. Certificate, Project management, Bad Harzburger manager -Schule

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions


Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Brigita Rozenbrika
Name Surname
Riga 120561-12705
Place of birth ID number
12.05.1961. Latvian
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
Kolonna Hotel Group Marketing Director Sējas 86C,
Kr. Valdemara 20, Riga, LV 1010 Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 29227166 Phone No: 29227166

Fax: - E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: brigita.rozenbrika@kolonna.

Education and Scientific qualification

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Latvian Academy of Arts 1980-1986 Pedagogy section Fine arts and drafting teacher

Latvian Academy of Arts 1986 Fine arts Master degree

Work experience
2007- 2009 Riga City Council Agency RIGA CULTURE AGENCY; General Manager
2004-2007 BALTIC PRODUCTION COMPANY, Chairmen of the Board
2001- 2003 BDG Koncerts, General Manager
1996- 2003 BDG Latvija, General Manager
1998- 2003 BDG Filma , General Manager
1992- 2004 Film studio ZALKTIS, General Manager
1985- 1992 Riga Film Studio, Art Director and Production Designer of Feature Films
1981- 1985 Rīga Culture and Entertainment Park, Art Designer
1979- 1981 Riga Secondary School, Teacher

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of research projects: -
State subsided research projects, grants: -
International research projects:
• 2008- International Project Art Nouveau Road in Europe, presentation of Riga Art Nouveau Center;
• 2008- International Resau Art Nouveau Network workshop;
• 2008- International project Riga-Olesunn –Nordic Art Nouveau Road ;
• 2008- International Biennial in Venice; representative of Riga Art Space-Contemporary Art
Exhibition Hall;
• 2007 - International Film Festival in Venice, International Art Films Cinema Association conference;
• 2007 - International Cinemas Association EUROPA CINEMAS annual conference;
• 2007 - International Film Festival in Cannes, European Films distribution;
• 2005 - The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, International EMMY Awards;
International Jury Member;
• 1996 - International Michale Checkov Actors workshop; Producer
• 1995- International Silent Film School; Manager
• 1990 – International project Michaelangelo Antonioni audiovisual art workshop;
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2008 - International Cinemas Association EUROPA CINEMAS annual conference, European Films in
Latvia’s Cinemas Programs;
• 2004 - Film Industry Days Ahtung Berlin (Germany), Cooproduction Film Production Potentialities
in Latvia;
Participation in conferences with report:
• 2005 –Personnel Management Congress; Personnel Roll in International Project Realization;

Methodological work
Lecture materials

Number of publications

Most significant publications


Further education and professional development

Further education
2002, 2003 Latvia State University Project Management course
1996 Baltic Media Center, Film Cooproduction Course
Professional development
2007-2008 Latvian Song and Dance Festival, Organization Bureau Deputy Head
2006 International Contemporary Art Event ;Contemporary Artist Aleksander Perigot (France)
2006 Feature film DEFENDERS OF RIGA ; Producer
2006 TV Show programms , seriāls, sitcoms for Latvian Independent TV ; Producer
2005 BBC Production TV Film “ARCHANGEL”, Location Manager
2005 President of USA George Bush visit in Latvia, Events Managing Director
2005 The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, International EMMY Awards;
International Jury Member
2004 Latvia State Accession to the European Union Celebration Events; Producer
2004 Film Industry event AHTUNG BERLIN; lecturer
2003 Europenan Song Contest 2003; Executive Producer
2003 Latvian Song and Dance Festival, Technical Producer
2002 Latvia State 84. Anniversary Celebration Event ; Producer
2002 New Year Night Event in Riga Dome square; Producer
2002 Concert and show programms ;Producer
2002 RIGA - BRIDGE TO PRAGUE outdoor concert dedicated to NATO meeting ;Producer
2001 Riga 800 Anniversary Celebration events; General Producer
2001 Concerts of Ser Elton John and Depeche Mode in Riga ; Executive Producer
2000 Marilyn Manson concert in Moscow; Promoter’s Representative
2000 Sting concert in Kijev; Promoter’s Representative
1996- 2001 Concerts and show programms-Joe Cocker, Bryan Adams, Depeche Mode, Kelly Family,
Chris De Burgh, Hulio Iglesias, Jennifer Rush, Scooter, Alphaville, East 17, DJ BoBo,
Zucchero, Candy Dulfer, HIM, Chippendales, Pet Shop Boys, AdEaters in Riga;
Executive Producer
1999 Festival “Rockiiv” in Kijev; Manager
1996 International Michale Checkov Actors workshop; Producer
1992 - 1996 International Film Festival ARSENALS, Manager
1994 - 1996 Feature Films Producer and Art Director
1995 International Silent Film School; Manager
1994- 1995 Norway-Latvia Cooproduction Feature Film VIRGINS OF RIGA directed by E. Stand-
Lung (Norway); Art Director
1993 USA Production Feature Film OBSSESSION FACTOR directed by A.Adirim (USA); Art
1991 Production Feature Film directed by Helmut Costard (Germany) ”Goods
revolt”,Art Director-Consultant
1991 Riga Film Studio Feature Film directed by Gunars Cilinskis “Indrāni” , Art Director
1990 Riga Film Studio Feature Film directed by Una Celma “Crossing” , Art Director
1991 International Film Festival ARSENALS, Production Designer
1989 Riga Film Studio Feature Film directed by Peteris Krilovs “Maestro” , Art Director
1989 Film Project „Kaupo. The Legend” , Producer
1987- 1989 Riga Film Studio Feature Film directed by Aloizs Brenčs “Zitari Kin”, Production
1987 Film directed by Peteris Krilovs “Kā mēs aizgājām no mājām”, Art Director
1982 - 1987 Theatre and show programms; Art Director

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

2005-2006 Kultūrkapitāla Foundation Film Branch Expert

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Maija Rozite
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Talsi 130157-11802
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
13.01.1957 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Skolas 30-16,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Riga, LV 1010
Head of the department, professor
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67619693 Phone No: 29515790

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography Geographer, teacher
Geography – basic studies 1975-1980

University of Latvia, Faculty of

Geography and Earth Sciences 1994 Geography Mg geogr.
master studies

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1995 - 1998 Geography Dr.geogr.

Geography and Earth Sciences –
doctoral studies

Work experience
1980-1983 Labor assistant, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography
1983-2000 Lecturer, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Human Geography
2000-2001 Docent, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Human Geography
2001 Assoc. professor, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography, Department of Human
Since 2000- Head of department, professor, School of Business Administration (SBAT), Department
of Tourism and Hospitality
Since 2007- researcher, Institute of Business Technologies, School of Business Administration Turiba

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of research projects:
• 2003 – Applied research grant The Creation and Implementation of Tourism and Hospitality Term
System – grant financed by School of Business Administration, grant manager
• 2008 - Applied research project Nr. 08.2115 Tourism Spatial Structures Creation in Latvia –
financed by Latvian Council of science, project manager
State subsided research projects, grants:
• 2002- Tourism term dictionary – project ordered by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and
Regional Development, author
• 2005, 2006, 2007- Applied research project Nr. 05.1507 The development of settlements in Latvia and
their spatial characteristics – financed by Latvian Council of science, expert
• 2007 – Project No EM 2007/126 Preparation of the Tourism Term Dictionary for Publishing –
ordered by Ministry of Economics of Republic of Latvia, project manager
International research projects:
• 2005 – International project Phare 2002 “The Baltic Sea Region cooperation program for Latvia”,
subproject No LV202/000-638/MPF/0031 The Creation of Supporting System for Tour Operators in
Zemgale Region – order by Jelgava City Council, expert
• 2005 – International project European Spatial Planning Observation Network (ESPON) - expert
• 2006-2007 – International Leonardo da Vinci project No 2005 LV/05/B/F/PP-172.00 Rural tourism
project AMBER, leader of work group
• 2008– International INTEREG IIIA project SV-159 Tourism Development Strategy for Polock and
Vitebsk tourism zones, tourism expert
• 2009-2010 –International Leonardo da Vinci Rural tourism project AURORA II, leader of national
work group
Supervising of Master students:
2007-2009 – supervisor of 15 master papers (SBAT - 12, LU - 3)
Supervising of doctoral students:
2008 –2010- supervisor of 2 doctoral student at University of Latvia (A.Klepers, D.Vinklere)

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2003- Sustainable Tourism Development: Trends, Experience, and Practice. School of Business
Administration Turiba, Riga. “Tourism terms and concepts: their conceptual framework.”
• 2004- Business Options, Problems and Solutions Concerning Globalisation. School of Business
Administration Turiba, Riga. “City image and its Role in Tourism”
• 2004- 30 International Geographical Congress-UK, 2004, Glasgow ).“Creation of the City Image”.
• 2006- Critical Issues in Leisure and Tourism Education. Current Trends and Developments in
Pedagogy and Research. International conference. Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College
(U.K.). “Tourism Education in Latvia – New Possibilities and Problems”
• 2007- New Product for Regional Development. 8th International scientific conference. School of
Business Administration Turiba, Riga. “AMBER project for rural entrepreneurs and students”.
• 2008 – 31 International Geographical Congress – Tunis (Tunisia) “Spatial Structure in Tourism in
Latvia, their Creation and Identification”
• 2008 – Extraordinary Conference of the League of Historical Cities of the World. Tourism
Management of World Heritage Monuments and Cities. Lugo (Spain), “Tourism Development,
Pitfalls and Future Opportunities in Riga – the City of Inspiration”
• 2009 – Perspectives of Seaside Tourism: Challenges for Science and Business. Klaipeda (Lithuania).
Rozite M., Klepers A., van der Steina A.”Development of Jūrmala Resort in the Territory of Ķemeri
National Park – a Test Case for Integrated Sustainable Development”
Participation in academicals conferences with report:
• 2004- 62nd scientific conference of University of Latvia. Geography, Geology, Environment science.
Riga. Rozīte M., Priedāja-Klepere L. “City Image and its Role in Tourism”.
• 2004- Geography of Latvia in European Dimension. IIIrd Congress of Societas Geographica
Latviensis. Riga “Tourism and Geographical Information”.
• 2006- 64th scientific conference of University of Latvia. Geography, Geology, Environment science.
“New Products in Rural Tourism”.
• 2007- 65th scientific conference of University of Latvia. Geography, Geology, Environment science.
“Tourism Planning Practice in Latvia”
• 2007– Comparing regional Development in the Baltic States. International seminar. Riga. “Rural
tourism products and the competitiveness of regions in Latvia”.
• 2008 – Scientific seminar, University of Latvia, Faculty of Geography and Earth sciences. Mobility
Research in geography, “Mobility Research in Tourism”
• 2009– 67th scientific conference of University of Latvia. Faculty of Economics and Management.
Rozīte M., Klepers A, “Tourism Spatial structures and Clusters”
• 2009– 67th scientific conference of University of Latvia. Geography, Geology, Environment science.
Rozīte M., Klepers A, “Crucial Factors in Place Selection for Tourism Business in Latvia.”
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor study programmes
• Tourism and Hospitality Part A 7 credit points
• Tourism and Recreation Part A 6 credit points
• Tourism Geography Part A 2 credit points
Master study programmes
• Tourism Strategic Planning Part A 4 credit points
• Scientific Work Part B 4 credit points
Doctoral study programmes
• Scientific Research Methods Part A 4 credit points

Methodological work
• The Ministry of Education and Science – expert (not on the regular staff) of the content of school
geography and text books
• 2003 Applied research (SCBAT grant) “Tourism and hospitality terminology system”, grant
• 4 School textbooks in Geography, co-author
• Tourism and hospitality dictionary, member or editorial board and co-author
• Study programmes “Tourism and hospitality Management”, “Leisure and Business Management”,
“Tourism Strategic Management” creation and accreditation, member of team
• Study courses and Training programmes (>10), author
• Expert of accreditation for Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre, The Ministry of
Education and Science, Latvia:
2003 Liepaja University, bachelor study programme “Tourism Management”
2005 Latvia Culture college,1st level higher education study programme “Culture Tourism
2005 Liepaja University, bachelor study programme “Tourism Management”
2009 Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, bachelor study programme “Tour Guide”
• Estonia, Estonian Higher Education Accreditation Centre, expert:
2005 Estonian School of Hotel & Tourism Management, 1st level higher education study programme
“Hotel and Tourism Management”
• Lithuania, Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, expert:
2007 West Lithuania Business College, non-university professional study programme “Manager”
2007 V.A.Graicunas School of Management, non-university professional study programme “Tourism
2007 Klaipeda Business and Technology College, non-university professional study programme
“Tourism Administrator”
2007 Klaipeda University, bachelor study programme “Recreation and Tourism”
2007 Klaipeda University, master study programme “Recreation and Tourism”

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 63, 48 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

4. Rozite M. Tourism Education in Latvia – New Possibilities and Problems.// Critical Issues in
Leisure and Tourism Education. Current Trends and Developments in Pedagogy and Research.
Leisure and Tourism Education Research Centre. Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College.
2006. 195 – 206 pp.
5. Rozīte M. un autoru kolektīvs. Tūrisma un viesmīlības terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca. LR
Ekonomikas ministrija. 2008. 460 lpp.
6. Rozīte M., Klepers A., 2009. The Regional Development of Tourism and the Emergence of
Clusters in Latvia: The Example of Sigulda. – // Folia Geographica XIV. Latvian Geographical
Society, Riga. Pp. 24-37.
7. Rozite M., Klepers A., 2009. Tourism as a Tool of Sustainable Regional Development and the
Importance of Clusters in Latvia: Example of Sigulda & Ventspils. Brebbia, C.A. et.al. (eds). In:
Sustainable Development. WIT Press, Wessex. Pp. 823-832.
8. Rozite M., Klepers A.,., Van der Steina A. 2009. Spatial Processes in Seaside Tourism and Their
Mangement – The Case Studies of Kurzeme Peninsula.// Tiltai. 2009,3 (48) Klaipeda University,
Pp.107 –115.
9. Rozīte M. Klepers A., Tūrisma vietas un galamērķi, to identificēšana un saistība ar administratīvo
teritoriju. Tourism Places and destinations – Identification and Interrelations with Administrative
Boundaries. //Latvijas Universitātes raksti. 2010. 752.sēj. Zemes un vides zinātnes. 268.-283.lpp.
ISSN 1407-2157
10. Rozīte M., Ozols J., Vinklere D. (2010). Quality Aspects and Assesment of Rural Tourism
Enterprises of Latvia. – In: Potential of Tourism. Universytet Szczecinski. Zeszyty Naukowe Nr
592. Ekonomiczne Problemy Turysyki Nr.14., 123- 140.pp. ISSN 1640-6818, ISSN 1644-0501
11. Rozīte M., Z.Melbārde, O.Nikodemus. Latvijas ģeogrāfija 9.klasei. 2.atjaunotais izd., R.Zvaigzne
ABC. 2007.- 208 lpp.
12. M.Rozīte, Z.Melbārde, L.Zelča. Pasaules ģeogrāfija vidusskolai. 1.Mācību grāmata. Zvaigzne
ABC. R.2009. 224.lpp.

Further education and professional development

• 2006, May – seminar in Haga/Helia University of Applied Sciences “Higher education after
Bologna” (Helsinki, Finland)
• 2007 – Certificate “IT skills for higher education”, SCBAT (6 CR)
• 2008, September – Certificate, participation at international seminar “Developing Hospitality and
Tourism Industry/Education Links”, SCBAT
• 2010, May 13-15 - Participation at UNWTO TedQual auditors courses. Brussels (Belgium)
• Participation at EU Teacher mobility programme Erasmus/Socrates
-2005, October – Birmingham College of Tourism, Food and Creative Industries (U.K.)
-2006, June – Prague University, Faculty of Geography (Czech Republic)
-2006 September – University of Alcala, Faculty of Tourism (Guadalajara, Spain)
-2007, April - Minho University, Faculty of Geography (Guimaraesh, Portugal)
-2007, July – Saarbrucken University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of International Tourism
Management, (Saarbrucken, Germany)
- 2008, April- staff exchange, Hanze University (Groningen, Netherlands)
- 2008, April - Adnan Menderes University, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, (Kusadasi,
-2009, March - Dundee University, Faculty of Business Management (Dundee, U.K.)
-2009, May – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Geography (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
-2010, March –University of Bologna, Rimini Campus, Faculty of Economics (Rimini, Italy)

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Latvian Geographical Society, vice president
Tourism and Hospitality Terminological Commission, head of commission

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ilze Saulite-Jansone
Name Surname
Riga 180861-11567
Place of birth ID number
18.08.1961. Latvian
Day, month, year of birth Nationality

Company/institution and position held

Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba
Faculty of International Tourism
Director of the programme
68 Graudu str., Riga, LV-1058 Viktorijas str.25, Jūrmala, LV-2015

Phone No: +371 67619693 Phone No: 25533657

Fax: +371 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Latvian State University 2001.-2002. Politics and PR Master of Social Science

Leningrad State Institute of 1979.- 1986. Economics of Economist and organizer of
Theatre, Music and Culture culture

Work experience
Since 2009 School of Business Administration Turiba , director of the programme
Since 2004- School of Business Administration Turiba, lecturer
2004-2010 Information Systems Management Institute ( ISMA), lecturer
2007.- 2008. Latvian Savings Bank, director of administration
2002.- 2007. Riga Congress Centre, General Manager
1998.- 2001. “Construction agency Ltd.”, General Manager
1996.- 1997. “Celsius Ltd.” , Ofiice Manager
1994.- 1995. “SWH Riga Ltd”, Event Manager
1987.– 1993. Foreign trade association INTERLATVIA, specialist of dept.Culture
1986.- 1987. Rīga Videocenter, specialist
1985.-1988. Latvia Television, children programme dept, supernumereary
1981.-1982. Riga Film Studio, director`s assistant

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of research projects: none
State subsided research projects, grants: none
International research projects:
• 2005-International reaserch project of ICCA “ Venue services”

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2006 – Conference of Culture Academy of St.Peterburg “Cultural Industries and city development”,
report “Development of business travel in Riga”;
Participation in conferences with report:
• 2007- Conference of Riga Congress Centre “Marketing of Culture and Arts”, report “Events working
for destination promotion”;

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes – Course “Business travel and events” part B 2 credits
Course “Event management “ part A 4 credits

Methodological work
Methodological materials for course programmes –
“Business travel and Events” in Latvian and English languages,
“Event management” in Latvian language

• “The five fingers of Business travel” – portal Delfi, August, 2010
• “Professionals, join!” – portal Delfi, April, 2010
• “Latvian and rake” – potrtal Diena, May, 2010
• “Riga hosts NATO PA Spring session. Business travel Outcomes ” – Portal Diena, March, 2010
• “Programme of event management” – portal Travelnews, August, 2010
• Blog – http://organizējam.wordpress.com

Most significant publications

2007.- Scientific redaction of Translation of the book - “Marketing Culture and Arts” by
group of authors from English language

Further education and professional development

Further education
2009 ATLAS business travel SIG conference in Liverpool, UK
2009 Seminar of Manchester Metropolitan University “Students working in the industry
and postgraduate course development”
2009 Seminar of Manchester Metropolitam University “managing Culture and Customer Care”
2009 Conference of Baltic Sea States “ Development of tourism industry”in Tartu, Estonia
2009 Latvian Tourism Forum
2006 ATLAS business travel SIG conference in Manheim, Germany
2006 Expierence exchange visits in congress centres in Warszaw, Prague, Dresden
2006 ICCA cogress in capetown, South Africa
2005 A Central Europe Spring meeting ,Riga, Latvia
2005 ICCA data base courses, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2005 CE Executives Congress, Monaco
2005 Business travel workshop Latvia-UK in London
2004 ICCA congress in South Korea
Professional development managing events:
2010 International Leonardo da Vinci Rural tourism project AURORA II
2005 Years celebration party in Hotel Baltvilla
2009 Team building event “ Riga code” for Nordea Bank branch in Latvia
2009 Organization of private events – weddings, children parties, birthdays
2010 Latvian Savings Banks Corporate events – opening of main building sporting event, Ligo
2006 Easter celebration , Riga Congress centre
2003 New year Celebration in Riga Conress centre
2005 Cebration of 85 aniversary of Latvias Railroad
2004 EPE PEMC conference
2006 Foto exhibition ”We” in Roga Congress centre
2006 ”White Night” in Riga – event “”Night.Vinil.Disco”
2006 Project “Latvian cartoons for latvian kids” in Riga Congress centre
2002 Līgo in Riga in Mežaparks
2005 Press centre of visit of USA president in Riga
1995 Opera “Fire and night” participance in productuion group
1994 International festival of boys choires
1990-1993 Project “Cariatids” – exhibition of Latvian art in Germany,
1987-1992 Production of guest performances of Latvian state ballet troup in Israel, Italy, Austria,
Norway, Germany
1986 Cinema days, project “Tent of Limier”
1985-1988 TV programme “Time to sleep” scripts
1981 Director`s assistant in P.Krilov,s film “My family”
1978-1981 Student of Riga Film Studio actors studio

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

2004-2006 NGO “”Inspiration Riga”” board member

2006-2007 NGO “”Latvian event venue association”” board member

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ligita Smildziņa
Name Surname

Place of Birth Identity code

Rīga 230357-12713
Date of Birth Nationality
23.03.1957 Latvian
Place of work, Position
Address of place of work: Place of Residence:
Information Systems Management Institute Dzirciema street 71-32,
Business administration specialisation Riga, LV 1055
programme “culture Management”
director, assistant professor
Ludzas street 91, Riga, LV 1003

Telephone. 67089880 Telephone 7460463, 29779758

Fax: 67241591 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies,
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Faculty of Geography, University 1980
of Latvia, Latvia
State Liepaja theatre III actor 1981
Institute of Pedagogy and 1996 Mag.paed.
Psychology, University of Latvia –

Work experience
1982-1985 Actress, Liepaja theatre
1985-1994 Teacher, Riga English Gymnasium, Agenskalns state Gymnasium
1985-1994 Actress. A.Rūtentāla kustību theatre
1991 Head of Theatre studio „Mēs”
1996 Head of Art Department, Studio theatre „AKA’
1996 Head of Further education courses for Theatre studio management
2001 Theatre sport coordinator in school theatres, Head of further education courses
2004 Lecturer, Information Systems Management Institute
2005 Chairperson of the Association „Teātris un izglītība”
2005-2007 ISMA Head of Department of Culture
2005 ISMA, Director of Business administration specialisation Culture
management programme
2007-2009 Methodologist, RDIJSD Interest education centre
Since 2009 ISMA, Director of Business administration specialisation Culture management programme,
assistant professor

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers

Participation in conferences
• None
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor studies programme
• Acting Skills B block 2 credit points
Methodological work
• Book „Ievads teātra spēles pamatos” [Introduction to basics of theatre games], Riga 1998
• Book „Vingrinājumi un spēles darbam teātra studijā” [Exercises and games for work in theatre
studio], Riga, 2009

Further education and professional development

• 1996-2007 - VJIC organised courses for heads of interest school theatre clubs: stage speech, drama
methods, RDIJSD Further education centre organised courses.
• 1996 – Masterclass on circus pedagogy in Germany, Theatre pedagogy Centre, Lindgen
• 1997 – Head of Theatre workshop, summer academy in Flensburg, Germany
• 2000 – 2006 – Teacher in theatre camps, theatre project in Bremen (4 camps within the project
„Junge Wege in Europa”), Brussels ( 3 projects- association „Tremplin”)
• 2002 – Producer of the play „Un tad viņi atnāca pēc manis”Latvia in cooperation with Amsterdam
museum Anne Frank House
• 2000-2002 – Masterclass of director M. Gruzdova, certificate No. 46
• 2004 - EU programme „Jaunatne” projekts „Komanda”( theatre sports in Latvia)
• 2005 – Head of International theatre camp in Riga
• 2005 - 2006 – Masterclass of Dean of Russian theatre Art academy director T. Sopoļeva
Certificate PP No. 626
• 2006 - 2007 – University of Latvia Course „ Augstskolu mācībspēku pedagoģiskas izglītības
pamati/ Augstskolu didaktika” [Higher education pedagogy] No. 1303
• 2006 - Masterclass „Exsen theatre” (teacher Erni Kaasks- Estonia)
• 2007 - International Festival ”Teātra sportam Latvijā 10 “ member of working committee
• 2007 – Masterclass in buto dance (teacher- S.Orinska)
• 2007 – Masterclass conducted by Liithuanian director, University of Klaipeda professor Gitis
• 2007 – Seminar for theatre pedagogues „Students European Championship in Theatre Sport”(
• 2007 – International masterclass in improvisation theatre
• 2007 – International University „Global Theater Experience” Certificate „K. Stanislavsky. V.
Meyerhold. M.Checkhov. Theatre Methods Today”( teacher-S.Ostrenko)
• 2008 - "Dejas, kustības, ritma elementi darbā ar izpildītājiem, strādājot ar dažāda žanra materiālu
telpā un ielas teātrī" (vad. S. Repsus, A. Liukpetriene)
• 2008 – Professional further development course "Skolu teātru pedagoga darba pilnveides iespējas,
izmantojot jaunākās metodes skatuves runas apguvē un literāro uzdevumu veidošanā "
• 2008 - Practical seminar "Indijas Jogas dejas elementi psihofizioloģiskajai labsajūtai"
• 2008 - Practical Seminars "Ievads drāmas terapijā". Conducted by Doris Muller - Weith
• 2008 - Germany- participation in Improvisation theatre festival “SIT-UP”, head of masterclass
“Korpferliches Ausdrūckeiten”
• 2009 - Germany- participation in Improvisation theatre festival “SIT-UP”
• 2009 – Methodological Seminar „Deja veselībai- pamatpieredze ar Biodanze”

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions


Honour titles, awards

Number of patents, author's certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

Language skills: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent, good, average excellent, good, average excellent, good, average
Latvian X X X
Russian X X X
German X X X
English X X X

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Aija Van der Steina
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Sigulda 161274-12851
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
16.12.1974 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Indrānu iela 6, Ikšķiles novads, Ādamlauks,
Department of Tourism and Hospitality, LV-5052
Lecturer, Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67619693 Phone No: 29498852

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of 01.09.1993
Geography and Earth Sciences – Geography
Bachelor`s degree in
Bachelor`s studies 31.05.1998
University of Latvia, Faculty of 01.10.1998
Geography and Earth Sciences – Geography
Master degree in Geography
master studies 09.06.2001

University of Latvia, Faculty of

Economics and Management, 01.10.2005 Economics/Marketing
doctoral studies -

Work experience
Since September 2001 - Lecturer of `Tourism and Hospitality Marketing`, `Strategic Marketing in
Tourism` at Tourism and Hospitality Department of School of Business Administration Turiba
September 2008 to January 2009 - Lecturer of `International Tourism Marketing` at Faculty of
Economics and Management at University of Latvia
November 2006 to November 2007- Advisor of Latvian Tourism Development Agency Advice in
planning destination marketing in strategic and operational level, Latvian Tourism Development Agency

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Research projects
• 2008 - Applied research project Nr. 08.2115 Tourism Spatial Structures Creation in Latvia –
financed by Latvian Council of science, researcher
• 2009 – 2011 Research project of University of Latvia. Problems in Performance analysis of
companies and organizations sustainable development. Reg No. 2009/ ZP-159, researcher
State subsided research projects, grants
• 2002- Tourism term dictionary – project ordered by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and
Regional Development, author
• 2007 – Project No EM 2007/126 Preparation of the Tourism Term Dictionary for Publishing –
ordered by Ministry of Economics of Republic of Latvia, author and assistant of project manager
• 2007 - Research of Inbound Tourist Behaviour and Satisfaction in Latvia (in cooperation with
Tourism Development Agency of Latvia) – project manager and researcher
International research projects
• 2005 – International project Phare 2002 “The Baltic Sea Region cooperation program for Latvia”,
subproject No LV202/000-638/MPF/0031 The Creation of Supporting System for Tour Operators in
Zemgale Region – order by Jelgava City Council, expert and lecturer
• 2006-2007 – International Leonardo da Vinci project No 2005 LV/05/B/F/PP-172.00 Rural tourism
project AMBER, member of work group
• 2007 – European Commission project „European Destinations of Excellence”, expert and assistant
of project manager
Supervising of Master students
2006./2007. - supervisor of 5 master papers
2007./2008. - supervisor of 5 master papers
2008./2009. - supervisor of 5 master papers
2009./2010. - supervisor of 3 master papers

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report
1. A. van der Steina. I. Medne. „Sustainability, Destination Choice and Tourist Behaviour. Case of
Latvia” International Congress on Tourism Heritage and Innovation (CIT 2010), Porto, Portugal
20.- 23.06.2010 (Abstracts in DVD)
2. A. van der Steina un I. Medne. Behaviour and Satisfaction of Cultural Tourists in Latvia.
International Nordic-Baltic Student Conference „Trends in Tourism Development in Balticum
and Finland”, 2-3.10. 2009, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
3. A.van der Steina., A. Klepers, M. Rozīte. The Role of Branding in Tourism Destination
Development and Spatial evidence. Case Study of Ventspils City/ International Conference
`Perspectives of Seaside Tourism: Challenges for Science and Business`, page 92.-95., 7-
8.05.2009, Klaipeda, Lithuania
4. A. Klepers, M. Rozīte, A. Van der Steina. Spatial Processes in Seaside Tourism and their
Management – the Case Studies of Kurzeme Penisnsula/ International Conference `Perspectives
of Seaside Tourism: Challenges for Science and Business`, page 151-154, 7-8.05.2009, Klaipeda,
5. M. Rozīte, A. Klepers, A. Van der Steina. Development of Jūrmala Resort in the Territory of
Kemeri National Park-A Test Case for Inegrated Sustainable Development/ International
Conference `Perspectives of Seaside Tourism: Challenges for Science and Business`, page 41.-45,
7-8.05.2009, Klaipeda, Lithuania
6. Prospects for the Development of Tourism in Latvia/ International Conference “Baltic Futures”/
Riga, 24. 11. 2007 (organised by the Advanced Social and Political Research Institute (ASPRI)
and the Strategic Analysis Commission under the auspices of the president of the Republic of
7. The Role of Tourism Behavior Researches in Tourism Destination Management in Latvia
Conference: Researching Destination management, Policy and Planning: Linking Culture,
Heritage and Tourism., Riga 24-25 September 2007 (In Cooperation with Leeds Metropolitan

Participation in academicals conferences with report

1. Destination Marketing Performance Analysis / 68nd scientific conference of University of Latvia,
Economic and Management science, Marketing section , Rīga, February 4, 2010.
2. The Role of Marketing in Inbound Tourism Development: difficalties in performance analysis
68nd scientific conference of University of Latvia, Economic and Management science, Tourism
section , Rīga, February 4, 2010.
3. Are the Tourists Satisfied with Products of Hospitality Industry? / 67nd scientific conference of
University of Latvia, Economic and Management science, Tourism section , Rīga, January 30,
4. The Development of Cultural Tourism in Latvia: Behaviour of Cultural Tourists. / / 67nd
scientific conference of University of Latvia, Economic and Management science, Management
section , Rīga, February 10, 2009.
5. The Future of Tourism Development in Latvia. Vision of Tourism Experts. / 66nd scientific
conference of University of Latvia, Economic and Management science, Tourism section , Rīga,
February 1, 2008.
6. Sustainable Tourism Marketing./ 65nd scientific conference of University of Latvia, Economic
and Management science, Tourism section , Rīga, February, 2007.
Participation in tourism industry conferences with report
1. Are the Tourists Satisfied with Products of Hospitality Industry? Annual Conference of Hotel and
Restoran Association , October 30, 2008.

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• International Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 2 credit points
• International Tourism and Hospitality Marketing 2 credit points
• Service Marketing 2 credit points
Master study programmes
• Strategic Tourism Marketing 4 credit points
• Strategic Tourism Marketing 2 credit points

Methodological work
Lectures for tourism industry
• April, 2009 - Marketing Lectures for Tourism companies and organizations of Sigulda district.
• March, 2008 - Lectures „Relationship Marketing in Hospitality Business” for members of Hotels
and Restaurants Association of Latvia
• May, 2007 – Lectures „Marketing in Restaurants” for members of Hotels and Restaurants
Association of Latvia
• March, 2006 – Lectures „Quality in tourism and hospitality” for members of Hotels and
Restaurants Association of Latvia
• March, 2006.- lectures „Tourism and hospitality marketing” for Tourism companies and
organizations of Jelgava district (Jelgavas reģionālais Pieaugušo izglītības centrs)

Creation and evaluation of study programmes (projects)

• 6 Study courses and Training programmes, author
• 2008 – evaluation of study programme Hospitality Management, ESF Project of State Agency
„Social Integration Center”
• 2006– 2007 –creation of Study course Basics of Hospitality International Leonardo da Vinci
project No 2005 LV/05/B/F/PP-172.00 Rural tourism project AMBER
• 2005 –Creation of Study course Tourism Marketing. International project Phare 2002 “The Baltic
Sea Region cooperation program for Latvia”, subproject No LV202/000-638/MPF/0031 The
Creation of Supporting System for Tour Operators in Zemgale Region

Professional books
• At the moment - W. Freyer „Tourism Marketing - Management”, member of editorial board
• Tourism and hospitality dictionary, member or editorial board and co-author

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 18, 6 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

• A.van der Steina, I. Medne. Sustainability, Destination Choice and Tourist Behaviour. Case of
Latvia. (In publication process for International Congress on Tourism Heritage and Innovation
(CIT 2010), Porto, Portugal)
• A. Van der Steina. Mārketinga efektivitātes izvērtēšana tūrisma vietās. Scientific papers
University of Latvia. Economics and Management. (In publication process)
• A. Van der Steina , I. Medne. Kultūras tūristu uzvedība un apmierinātība Latvijā. Scientific
papers University of Latvia. Economics and Management, Volume 744.- Rīga, 2009., 305 - 320.
• Aija van der Steina. un autoru kolektīvs. Tūrisma un viesmīlības terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca.
LR Ekonomikas ministrija. 2008. 460 lpp.
• A. van der Steina. Mārketinga loma tūrisma attīstībā. Scientific papers University of Latvia.
Management, Volume 706.- Rīga, 2006, 658- 666.
• A. Klepers, M. Rozīte, A. Van der Steina .2009. Spatial Processes in Seaside Tourism and Their
Mangement – The Case Studies of Kurzeme Peninsula.// Tiltai. 2009,3 (48) Klaipeda University,
Pp.107 –115.

Further education and professional development

• 2010 – Seminar T. Haak „Case Study Methodology in Research” (Vilnius, Lithuania) (Certificate)
• 2010 - Tourism Fair Vakantiebeurs (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
• 2010 – Tourism Fair ITB 2010 and Conference „Tourism Trends and Innovations 2010” (Berlin,
• 2010 – Seminar SPSS Programme (Riga, Latvia)
• 2009 – Tourism Fair and Conference World Travel Market 2009 (London, UK)
• 2009 – Tourism Fair ITB 2009 and Conference „Tourism Trends and Innovations 2009” (Berlin,
• 2008 – Tourism Fair ITB 2008 and Conference „Tourism Trends and Innovations 2008” (Berlin,
• 2008 – Guest lectures and Study trip, Monasch University (Melbourne, Australia)
• 2008 - UN WTO Conference “Tourism Marketing: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges” (Vilnius,
• 2007 – UN WTO Conference „Tourism Success Stories and Shooting Stars” (Kuala Lumpur,

Participation at EU Teacher mobility programme Erasmus/Socrates:

• April, 2009– Haga/Helia University of Applied Sciences (Porvo, Finland)
• March, 2008 - Haga/Helia University of Applied Sciences (Porvo, Finland)

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Member of Doctoral School „ Baltijas jūras reģiona valstu integrācija ES nozīmīgākās sadarbības

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x
Duch x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Jānis Vecrinks
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Talsi 200664-11098
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
20.06.1964 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Skolas 1-4,
Marketing department Engure, LV 3113
Cultural projects manager
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67622333 Phone No: 29220913

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Institute of physical culture of 1981 - 1985 Pedagogy Sport teacher

Master degree in public
The School of Business 2006 - 2008 Business relations
Administration Turiba administration

Work experience
1985-1996 Sport methodologist, Engures self-government, Culture house
1996-1998 Marketing consultant, Ltd. ”Interinfo Latvija”
1998-2000 Sport organizer in self-government of Rucava
2001-2002 Sport teacher/organizer in the School of Business Administration Turiba, Commercial
Since 2002 Cultural projects manager in the School of Business Administration Turiba, Marketing
2008-2009 Lecturer in the University of Economics and Culture
Since 2009 Cultural projects manager, basketball club manager in the School of Business
Administration Turiba

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers

Participation in conferences

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Event and festivity management Part A 4 credit points

Methodological work
Number of publications

Most significant publications


Further education and professional development

• 2006, May - TRIVIUMS, “Conflict management” (24 hours)
• 2008, September – “Communication Academy”, “Attractive and powerful – communication
strategy for today”

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions


Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Jolanta Brilte
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Kraslava 1251268-12364
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
25.12.1968 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Stacijas 20-7,
Head of Turiba’s Branches Olaine, LV 2114
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 7616022 Phone No: 26389103

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]
Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

School of Business Administration 1998-2002 Business Manager of Enterprises and

Turiba, Faculty of Business Administration Institutions
Administration -Bachelor’s Degree

School of Business Administration 2002 - 2004 Business Manager of Enterprises and

Turiba, Faculty of Business Administration Institutions
Administration -Master’s Degree
Work experience
1988-1991 Computer Operator, SIA “Rīgas Paraugtipogrāfija”
1999-2000 Secretary, Faculty of Economics, School of Business Administration Turiba
2000-2001 Time table Planner, School of Business Administration Turiba
2001- 2003 Bookkeeper, Study Department School of Business Administration Turiba
No 2003. - Head of Branches, School of Business Administration Turiba
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor study programmes
• Management Part A 3 credit points
Further education and professional development
• 1997 - 1998 - Enterprise Management, School of Business Administration Turiba
• 2000 - Microsoft Outlook
• 2004 - Bookkeeping
• 2005 - Higher Education Didactics 40Hrs 3 Credit points
• 2006 - Development of electronic documents in the state institutions
• 2010 – The new law of archives
Language skills Reading Writing Speaking
Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ieva Bruksle
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 270275-10407
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
27.02.1975 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Terbatas 56 – 2a,
Department of Business Administration Riga, LV 1001
Department of Commerce
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: +371 7618746 Phone No: +371 9404321

Fax: +371 7619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies. Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
RTU Faculty of Engineering 1993-1996 Planning and Bac.oec.
Economics Organisation of

RTU Faculty of Engineering 1996-1998 Management of Mag.oec.

Economics International

RTU Faculty of Engineering 1998 -2009 Economics,

Economics, Doctor’s studies specification on

Work experience
1997 - 2000 Chief accountant SIA “Urbāna radošās metālmākslas darbnīca – salons”
2000- 2006 Rusian Institute of Baltics, acting lecturer
2003 - 2006 Humanitarian Classical School, Teacher of Economics
2004 - 2008 Riga Stradins University, Department of European Study, acting lecturer
Since 1999- Lecturer, School of Business Administration “Turiba”
Since 2004- RISEBA, acting lecturer

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Supervising of Master students:
2007-2009 – supervisor of 9 master papers

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• International Scientific Conference „Development of Industry on Transition Period” Riga , RTU 1999
• 5th International Scientific Conference „Business Options, Problems and Solutions
Concerning Globalisation”. School of Business Administration Turiba 2004
• International Scientific Conference “Development of economimy: thteory and practice”
Kaunas, Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities 2004
• Modern Managment Reserch Conferenc “ Insights into the sustainable growth of business”
International Scientific Conferenc, University of Management and Economics, Vilnus. Report “
Price as the Element of Economics Dynamics” 20.11.2009.
• The 1st Annual Conference of Latvian Economic Association held in Riga on 05.03.2010. Report “
Price As an Element of the Changing Economic Environment”.
• The 14th annual Conferenc of European Society for the History of Econmic Thought “ The Practices
of Econonists in the Past and Today”, held in Amsterdama. Report “The role of the state in price
setting” 26.03.2010.
• The 13th Intenational Scientific Conferenc “ Society un Culture: Chaos and Harmony” held in
Liepāja. Report “Economic Growth Factors and the Latvian Economy” 29.04.2010
• EBES 2010 Conference – Istambul. Report “The price variation regularities of the Latvian economy”
26. 05.2010

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Microeconomics Part A 3 credit points
• Macroeconomics Part A 3 credit points
• International Business Environment Part A 3 credit points

Methodological work
• Book “Biznesa ekonomikas pamati vidusskolām”

Number of publications
Total number of most important publications – 9

Most significant publications

1. Specifics of Price Formation//International Scientific Conference „The Enviroment of
Enterpreneurial Activity Juridical Base and Quality” Proceedings. School of Business
Administration Turiba 1999
2. Price Formation on Transition Period // RTU Scientific Selected Works „ Development of
Industry on Transition Period “ 2000
3. Expense as a Basis for the Price Formation //International Scientific Conference „Transformation
of Economic and Social Relations:processes, Tendencies and Results” Proceedings. School of
Business Administration Turiba 2001
4. Specifics of Price Formation and Environmental Factor in Tourism // International Scientific
Conference “Sustainable Development of Tourism” Proceedings. School of Business
Administration Turiba 2003
5. Forming of Prices in Globalization Circumstances // 5th International Scientific Conference
„Business Options, Problems and Solutions Concerning Globalisation” Proceedings. School of
Business Administration Turiba 2004
6. Price Forming Process and Factors Influencing it in Modern Economics / Economics and
Managment Nr 2. /2005.
7. Price target or instrument/ Bilance 13/14 .2009
8. Price as the Element of Economics Dynamics// International Scientific Conferenc “ Insights into
the sustainable growth of business” conference proceedings 2009.
9. The price variation regularities of the Latvian economy// EBES 2010 Conferenc – Istambul
conference proceeding 2010

Further education and professional development

• 1995 - RTU certificate “Business Accounting”
• 2005 - LAU certificate “University Didactics”
• 2007 - Certificate for Memberchip in Grant Project ”Docētāju stažēšanās komercdarbības studiju
kursu tehnoloģisko kompetenču pilnveidošanā” (School of Business Administration “Turiba”and
ESF Project)
• Official consultant of governmental, municipal or other enterprises:
- House ownership Terbatas 56 Consultant of Economics
- SIA Delicate ECO
- SIA Robert Advisory Services

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Anna Medne
First name Surname
Saldus 240655 – 12557
Place of birth Identity number
June 24, 1955 Latvian
Date of birth Nationality
Name of employer and occupation or position held
Address of employer: Address:
School of Business Administration Parka 5, Jaungulbene, Gulbene region,
Turiba, LV - 4420
Faculty of Business Administration,
Director of Finance and Accounting
programmes, Lecturer
Graudu 68, Riga, LV - 1058

Telephone: 67617096 Telephone: 69246603

Fax: 67619152 E-mail:
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, Master, Doctoral studies.
Study period Specialization Qualification
Institution, country.
Latvian University of Agriculture, 1974 – 1979 Agronomy Qualified
Faculty of Agronomy agronomist

Latvian University of Agriculture, 1994 – 1996 Master studies in Master in

Faculty of Pedagogics Pedagogy Pedagogics

Latvian University of Agriculture, 1996 – 1999 Business Master in

Faculty of Economics Administration Economics

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1999 – 2000 Professional Qualification of

Economics and Administration programme in economist in
Economics accountancy

Consultation and education centre of the 2000 – 2002 Professional Latvian Banking
Latvian Association of Commercial programme in Specialist
banks and Institute of Financial Services Banking
of United Kingdom

University of Latvia, Doctoral studies Since 2002 Economic Science,

division of Finance
and Credit

Work experience
Since 2009.01.09 School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of Commerce, lecturer,
programme director of Finance and Accountancy curriculum
Since 2007 School of Business Administration Turiba, Member of the Constitutional
Since 2006.01.09. School of Business Administration Turiba, Assistant professor in the
department of Commerce, programme director of Finance and Accountancy
2005.- 2006.08. School of Business Administration Turiba, Head of the Department of Finance
and Accountancy
Since 2005 SIA “Rajos” Lecturer – consultant
2004 – 2005 A/S “Parex banka ” Lecturer – consultant
Since 2003 School of Business Administration Turiba, the Department of Finance and
Accountancy, Assistant professor
2001 – 2003 School of Business Administration Turiba, Head of the Department of Finance
and Accountancy, Lecturer
2000 – 2001 Baltic Transit Bank, Central affiliate, Credit economist
1999 – 2001 Jaungulbene district, Chairperson of the Inspection committee
1997 – 2001 Lecturer of Accountancy and Economics courses in the courses for adult
education and improvement of qualification in Vidzeme region
1980 – 2000 Jaungulbene School of Agriculture, teacher
1979 – 1980 Senior agronomist in the Saldus region collective farm “Kurzeme”

Scientific research and publications

Conduction of Latvian Council of Science other state research projects or subprojects and
conduction of scientific contractual work, including market research:
• Participation in the Latvian Academy of Science scientific research project “Regional
development directions and system of measures for formation of regions in Latvia in the context
of the EU”, director of the project – Dr. oec. Staņislavs Keišs, term: 01.01.2002-31.12.2004.
• Participation in the Latvian Academy of Science scientific research project “Regionalisation and
its role in balanced administrative territorial development in Latvia”, director of the project – Dr.
oec. Staņislavs Keišs, term: 01.01.2005- 31.12.2008.
• Participation in the Latvian Academy of Science scientific research project “Improvement of
state fiscal policy in the area of distribution of income and resources”, director of the project –
Dr. oec. Andris Sproģis
• Director of the scientific and applied research in the Business Administration School Turiba
“The study of integration impact in the EU on the tax policy in Latvia”, term: 01.01.2004-
• Participation in the ESF project “Elaboration and implementation of distance education
programme in business for young people with special needs”, No
2005/0018/VPDI/ESF/PIAA/04/APK/3.3.7/0017/0014; elaboration of the study course
• Participation in the ESF project “Probation of lecturers on the subject of technological
competence improvement in business study courses”, term: 01.09.2006-31.08.2007.
• Participation in the ESF project “Competence improvement of lecturers for using of IT
achievements in the implementation of study courses”, term: 01.05.2006-31.06.2007.
• Expert in the project “Study practice organisation for the Law students of the Business
Administration School Turiba, Ltd in the Ministry of Justice”, term: 01.01.2007-30.05.2008.
• 9) Participation in the scientific research project of Latvian Academy of science “Social
economic centres and their role in regional development of Latvia”, project code 09.1146. Head
of the project Dr. oec. Staņislavs Keišs, term: 01.01.2009-31.12.2012.

Number of publications: 46 (including 34 scientific articles and 12 other publications)
Publications in editions recognised by the Latvian Council of Science and international scientific
1. The Role of Latvia’s Tax policy in the Long-term Entrepreneurship Problems concerning
management of taxation risks in Latvian agriculture in context of integration into EU // Latvian
University of Agriculture, 09.-10.04.2003. International scientific conference Economic Science
for Rural Development, 298-295 pp. (in English)
2. Latvia’s Taxation Policy and Its Impact on the Tourism Industry // School of Business
Administration Turiba, 25.04.2003. International scientific conference Sustainable Tourism
Development: tendencies, experience, possibilities, 206-210 pp. (in Latvian)
3. Development // Latvian Banking Institution, 11.-12.09.2003. International scientific conference
conditions of Sustainable Development: New Challenges and Prospects, 190-195 pp. (in
4. The impact of Changes in tax legislation On Entrepreneurship Environment in Latvia // School
of Business Administration Turiba, April 23, 2004, International scientific conference Business
options, problems and solutions concerning globalisation, 246-252 pp. (in Latvian)
5. The impact of entrepreneurship and tax accountancy on the management of entrepreneurship. //
Liepaja Academy of Pedagogic, May 6-7, 2004. International scientific conference Society and
culture proceedings VII, Liepaja 2005, 325-329 pp. (in Latvian)
6. Reserves in Latvian Accounting System. Wroclaw Academy of economics (Poland) November
3-5, 2003, International scientific conference Reserves in Accounting, 252-256 pp. (in Russian)
7. Changes of Long-term Assets value, Causes, Decisions, Co-ordination with International
Standards of Accounting and their impact on Tax Legislation of Latvia.// Wroclaw Academy of
economics, November 7-8, 2004, V International scientific conference Decrease in Assets
Value, 46-53 pp. (in Russian)
8. Accounting and Tax Calculation Individualities in Transformation Process of Enterprises.//
Wroclaw Academy of Economics, November 6-8, 2005, VI International scientific conference
Accounting in Merger, Division and Recovery Processes of Enterprises in the EU, 311-320 pp.
(in Russian)
9. Risks of Social Guaranties in an Enterprise.// School of Business Administration Turiba, June 3,
2005, International scientific conference Public Relations: Quality, Benefits and Risks, 154-159
pp. (in Latvian)
10. Long-term Tangible Assets Valuation and Taxes in Latvia.// Tartu University, September 29-30,
2005, International scientific conference Accounting and Performance Management
Perspectives in Business and Public Sector Organisations, 122-129 pp. (in Russian)
11. Real Estate, Its Evolution and Payable Taxes.// School of Business Administration Turiba, June
2, 2006, International scientific conference Property, Encumbrances on Property: Problems,
Solutions and Opportunities, 183-188 pp. (in Latvian)
12. Harmonization of Taxes in the Context with the EU as Precondition in Providing of Sustainable
Development Environment for Entrepreneurship.// Vilnius University, September 21-22, 2006.
International Conference Business Development Possibilities in the New European Area, Part II,
309-318 pp. (in Russian)
13. Accounting and Tax Calculation in Restructuring of Economic Entities.// Wroclaw Academy of
Economics, (Poland), November 5-7, 2006, VII International scientific conference Restructuring
of Economic Sub-entities, 155-167 pp. (in Russian)
14. Harmonization of Accounting and Tax Calculation in Latvia.// Tallinn University of technology,
October 26-27, 2006, International scientific conference Accounting, Taxes and Audit, 225-231
pp. (in Russian)
15. Effective Tax Policy as Favourable Factor to Tourism Development.// School of Business
Administration Turiba, June 1, 2007, VIII International scientific conference New Tourism
Products for Regional Development, Proceedings (CD-ROM) ISBN 978-9984-766-93-5 (in
16. Impact of Accounting and Tax Calculation in Economic Activities on Entrepreneurship
Management.// Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities (Lithuania), 30.09 – 02.10,
2004, International scientific conference. proceedings (CD-ROM) ISBN 9955-634-04-9 (in
17. 1) “Regional development directions and system of measures for formation of regions in Latvia
in the context of the EU”, 73-79 pp. and 2) “Improvement of the state fiscal policy in the
distribution of income and resources”, 128-134 pp., in The Main Directions of Research in
Economics and Law Sciences by the Latvian Council of Science in 2004 (Selected papers, No
10, 2005). (in Latvian)
18. Tax Policy and Development of Tourism in Latvia // LU, Institute of Economic Development.
5th edition of selected papers “Issues of Latvia’s National Economy Development, Riga, 2007,
228 pp. ISBN 9984 – 19 – 324 – X (in Latvian)
19. Taxes as Factor Facilitating the Competitive in Latvia // LU, Institute of Economic
Development. 5th edition of selected papers “Issues of Latvia’s National Economy Development,
Riga, 2007, 228 pp. ISBN 9984 – 19 – 324 – X (in Latvian)
20. 1) Regionalisation and Its Role in Balanced Administrative Territorial Development in Latvia,
56-75 pp. and 2) Development Perspectives of Latvian Economy, 125-132 pp. in The Main
Directions of Research in Economics and Law Sciences by the Latvian Council of Science in
2006 (Selected papers, No 12, 2007). (in Latvian)
21. Leasing, Its Forms and Taxation in Latvia // Žitomir State Technological University, Ukraine,
September 18-19, 2007, VI International scientific conference, Materials and Texts of
Presentations, 223-232 pp. (in Russian)
22. Regionalisation in EU and in Latvia in the Context of Social Economic Development, Institute
of Economics of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Annual Edition 2007, Riga, 2007, 115-129 pp.
(in Latvian)
23. Main Problems in Harmonisation of Taxes in Republic of Latvia // Moscow State University,
Materials of the XXXV Scientific-Practical Conference “Taturovski Readings – 2007”, June 28-
29, 2007, 89-98 pp. (in Russian)
24. Changes in the Value of Long-term Assets: Causes, Solutions, Harmonisation with International
Standards of Accounting and Reflection of Them in Tax Legislation of Latvia // Materials of the
XXXV Scientific-Practical Conference “Taturovski Readings – 2007”, June 28-29, 2007, 181-
189 pp. (in Russian)
25. Regionalisation and Its Role in Balanced Administrative Development in Latvia // The
Humanities and Social Science Experts’ Commission, The Main Directions of Research in
Economics, Law and Historical Sciences by the Latvian Council of Science in 2007 (Selected
papers No 13), Riga, 2008, 82-87 pp. (in Latvian)
26. Labour Market Problems in Taxation Context // Business administration School Turiba, May 30,
2008, IX International scientific conference “Labour market and Economic Challenges”,
Proceedings (CD), ISBN 978 – 9984 – 828 – 06 – 0 (in Latvian)
27. Taxes Under Changing Conditions of Market Economy // Issues of Latvia’s National Economy
Development, No 6, Institute of Economic Development, Riga, 2008, 144-153 pp. ISNB 13:978
9984-19-024-5 (in Latvian)
28. Taxes and Labour Market Problems in Latvia // Tallinn Technological University, November 6-
11, 2008, International scientific conference “Business, Analysis, Accounting, Taxes and
Auditing, 210-215 pp. (in Russian)
29. Accounting and Specifics of Tax Calculation in Small Enterprises of Latvia // Wroclaw
Academy of Economics, VIII International scientific conference “Small and Medium-sized
Entities Accounting, Proceedings No 47, Warsaw 2008, 275-285 pp. ISSN 1641 – 4381 (in
30. Accounting to Small and Middle Enterprise in Latvia // Tartu University, May 08-09, 2009,
International scientific conference “Accounting and Performance Management: Perspectives in
Business and Public Sector Organisations, 88-95 pp. ISBN 978-9949-19-122-2 (in English)
31. Accounting and Risks // Institute of Economic Development, No 7. Issues of Latvia’s National
Economy Development. Riga, 2009, 201-208 pp. ISNB 13:978-9984-19-924-5; Indexed: Index
Copernicus (in Latvian)
32. Taxes and Revenues of Consolidated State Budget // Business Administration School Turiba,
March 26, 2010, XI International scientific conference “Individuals, Society, State in Changing
Economic Circumstances”, Proceedings (CD), ISSN 1691 – 6069 (in Latvian)
Other publications
• Publication in journal “Bilance”, 2005 No 7, Risks of Social Guarantees in Enterprise, 21-23 pp.
• Publication in journal “Komersanta vēstnesis”, 2006 No 3, Accounting and Tax Calculation in
Different Enterprises, 10-11 pp.
• Publication in journal “Bilance” 2006 No 5, Changes in the Law “On Accounting” – Positive
and Negative Aspects, 17 pp.
• Publication in journal “Komersanta vēstnesis”, 2006 No 13, Have You Filled in Your Annual
Income Declaration? 14-16 pp.
• Review of the book by Ieva Kodoliņa – Miglāne “Taxes in Latvia After Accession to the
European Union”, Edition 2007.
• Publication in journal “Komersanta vēstnesis”, 2007 No 24 and No 25, Tax Policy and Tourism
Development in Latvia.
• Publication in journal “Komersanta vēstnesis”, 2007 No 50, Accustomed to Discounts.
• Publication in journal “Bilance”, No 9, 2008, Enterprise & Labour Contract -Tax Aspects,13 pp.
• Publication in journal “Bilance”, No 12, 2008, Double Entry System, 14-17 pp.
• Publication in journal “Bilance”, No 13, 2008, Money, Debtors, Creditors, 12-15 pp.
• Publication in journal “Bilance”, No 15, 2008, Labour Market problems and Taxes, 18-21 pp.
• Publication in www.ir.lv Do Latvia need`s NEPs or new economical politics 17.08.2010.
Participation in conferences:
1. Latvian University of Agriculture, April 09-10, 2003. International scientific conference
“Economic Science for Rural Development” with the report “Tax Risk Management Problems
in the Integration Context on Latvian Agriculture into the EU”.
2. School of Business Administration Turiba, April 25, 2003. International scientific conference
“Sustainable Development of Tourism: Tendencies, Experience, Opportunities” with the report
“The Impact of Latvian Tax Policy on Entrepreneurship in Tourism”.
3. School of Business Administration Turiba, April 23. 2004, International scientific conference
“Opportunities, Problems and Their Solutions in Entrepreneurship Under Globalisation
Conditions” with the report “The Impact of Changes in Tax Legislation on Entrepreneurship
Environment in Latvia”.
4. Liepaja Academy of Pedagogic, May 6-7, 2004, International scientific conference “Society and
Culture” with the report “The Impact of Accounting of Economic Activities and Tax Calculation
on Business Management”.
5. Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Poland), 2003, IV International scientific conference
“Reserves in the Accounting” with the report “Reserves in Latvian Accounting System”.
6. Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Poland), November 7-8, 2004, V International scientific
conference “Decrease in the Value of Assets” with the report “Causes of Changes in the Value
of Long-term Assets, Solutions, Harmonisation with International Accounting Standards and
Their Reflection in Latvian Tax System”.
7. Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Poland) November 6-8, 2005, VI International scientific
conference “Accounting in Merger, Division and Recovery Processes of Enterprises in the EU”
with the report “Accounting and Tax Calculation Individualities in Transformation Process of
8. School of Business administration Turiba, 2005, International scientific conference “Public
Relations: Quality, Gains and Risks” with the report “Risks of Social Guarantees in the
9. Tartu University (Estonia), September 29-30, 2005, International scientific conference
“Accounting and Performance Management Perspectives in Business and Public Sector
Organisations” with the report “Evaluation of Long-term Material Assets and Taxes in Latvia”.
10. Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities (Lithuania), September 30 – October 2, 2004,
International scientific conference, with the report “The Impact of Accounting of Economic
Activities and Tax Calculation on Entrepreneurship Management”.
11. Riga Technical University, October 13-15, 2005, International scientific conference, with the
report “The Impact of Tax Punishment System on Entrepreneurship in Latvia”.
12. University of Latvia, Institute of Accounting, February 10, 2006, International conference
“Accounting, Auditing, Taxes: Development and Tendencies of Theory and Practice” with the
report “Taxes as Factor facilitating the competition in Latvia”.
13. School of Business Administration Turiba, June 2, 2006, International scientific conference
“Property, its Burdens: Problems, Solutions, Opportunities” with the report “Immovable
Property, Its Evaluation and Payable Taxes”.
14. Moscow State University, June 28, 2006, 34th International scientific conference “Taturas
Readings”, with the report “Main Problems of Tax Harmonisation in Republic of Latvia”.
15. Vilnius University Faculty of Economics, September 21, 2006, International scientific
conference “Development Opportunities of Economy in the New Europe” with the report
“Harmonisation of Taxes in the Context of the EU as a Precondition of Formation of a
Sustainable Entrepreneurship Environment”.
16. Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, September 29, 2006, 3rd International
scientific conference “Development of Economy: Theory and Practice”, with the report “Small
and Middle Enterprises in Latvia and Factors of Their Development in the Future”.
17. Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Poland), November 5-7, 2006, VII International scientific
conference “Restructuring of Economic Sub-entities”, with the report “Accounting and Tax
Calculation in Restructuring of Economic Entities”.
18. Tallinn University of Technologies, October 26-27, 2006, International scientific conference
“Accounting, Taxes and Audit” with the report “Harmonisation of Accounting and Tax
Calculation in Latvia”.
19. School of Business Administration Turiba, June 1, 2007, VIII International scientific conference
“New Tourism Products for Regional Development”, with the report “Effective Tax Policy as
Facilitating Factor of Tourism in Latvia”.
20. Moscow State University, June 28, 2007, 35th International scientific conference “Taturas
Readings”, the report “Changes in the Value of Long-term Assets: Causes, Solutions,
Harmonisation with International Accounting Standards and Their Impact on Tax Legislation of
21. Jitomir State Technological University (Ukraine), October, 18, 2007, International scientific
conference, report “Leasing, Its Forms and Taxation in Latvia”.
22. Wroclaw Academy of Economics (Poland), November 3-5, 2008, VIII International scientific
conference “Small and Medium-sized Entities Accounting”, with report …
23. Moscow State University, September 18, 2009, 37th International scientific conference - Tatur
Readings “Complex Economic Analysis and Information Provision” with the report “Taxes and
revenues of the State Consolidate Budget”.
24. Practical Conference of the journal “Bilance” “Urgent Management Problems and Their
Solutions in Accounting and Finances of Small and Middle Enterprises”, with the report “Impact
of the Recent Tax Policy on the Small and Middle Business in Latvia”. October 16, 2009.
25. Riga, Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, 5th International Scientific
Conference “Theory and Practice in the Education of Contemporary Society” with the report
“Tax Policy in Latvia Under Conditions of Economic Crisis”, March 25, 2010.

Pedagogical work in the School of Business Administration Turiba

Supervised Master papers: 2003-2010 - 20
Delivery of study courses in the academic year 2010/2011
• Taxes : 2nd level professional higher education programme “Business Administration
curriculum”, 3 CP
• Taxes: 2nd level professional higher education programme “Tourism and Hospitality
Management curriculum, 2 CP
• Taxes: 1st level professional higher education programme “Finance and Accounting
curriculum”, 2 CP
• Finance and management accounting: 2nd level professional higher education programme
“Business Administration curriculum”, 2 CP
• Accounting and taxes: 2nd level professional higher education programme “Marketing and
Market Management curriculum”, 4 CP
• Accounting: 2nd level professional higher education programme “Business Administration
curriculum”, 4 CP
• Accounting Practicum: 2nd level professional higher education programme “Business
Administration curriculum”, 3 CP
• Finansu vadība un grāmatvedība 2nd level professional higher education programmes
"International Communication Management”, “Public relation” 2 CP

Further education and professional development

• Participation in meetings and qualification seminars held by Latvian Association of
Accountants on changes in accounting systems and legislation
• Participation in Riga Managers school International conference “Audit, Taxes and Accounting
2005”, December 09, 2005
• Berlitz English language courses (56 hours) 20.02.2006. – 31.05.2006.
• Participation in the seminar held by Latvian Green Point and the ministry of Environment
(February 26, 2007) “Be Free from Natural Resources Tax”
• Participation in the ESF project No VPDI/ESF/PIAA/05/APK/ “Faculty
Training to Improve Technological Competence in the Business Study Course, 2007
• Participation in Riga Managers school International conference “Audit, Taxes and Accounting
2007”, December 14, 2007
• Professional training course organized by Accountant Association of Republic of Latvia
“Changes in the VAD Law and Other Urgent Problems of Application of VAD”, lecturer Nina
Podvinska, October 31, 2008.
• Professional training course organized by Accountant Association of Republic of Latvia
“Urgent Problems in Preparation of the New Declaration of the Corporate Tax lecturer –
certified auditor Viktorija Ussoviča
• Participation in the Conference “Latvia. Growth. Welfare” organized by the Ministry of
Economy of Republic of Latvia in the Business Administration School Turiba on 26.08.2009
• Participation in the International Conference “Audit, Taxes and Accounting 2009” organized
by Riga Managers School on 11.12.09
• Participation in the seminar “Challenges of Enterprises and Organisations Under Changing
Conditions” organized by Business Administration School Turiba on 09.01.2010
• Participation in “Biznesa investīciju konsultācijas” Ltd. seminar “Alteration of VAT since
01.07.2010” 02.07.2010.

Organizational work
Organization of or participation in scientific and academic commissions or scientific boards:
• Member of the State Examination commission for diploma papers and qualification
examinations in the School of Business Administration Turiba and RPIVA (2005)
• Member of the State Examination commission in the School of Economics and Culture (2007)
Organization of or participation in the arrangement of international conferences
• School of Business administration Turiba V international conference “Opportunities,
Problems of Entrepreneurship and Their Solution Under Globalisation Conditions” 2004,
conducted 1. section “Activities of Finance and Tax Systems Under Globalisation Conditions”
• January 18-19, 2005, organised international round-table discussion in Cesu region “Cirulisi”
on the issues of taxation harmonozation in the EU
• Participation in the 9th International conference Audit, taxes and accounting 2006”
• Participation in the International conference Femstart (April 14-15) 2007 in Stutgart
Hohenheim University “Universities debate female start – ups”
• March 8, 2007 participation in the conference held by the School of Business Administration
Turiba and Latvian Association of Real Property LANĪDA with the report Taxes Influencing
the Market of Immovable Property
• May 24, 2007 participation in School of Business Administration Turiba conference of
International Corporate social responsibility “Business: profits and responsibility II”
• Participation in Dr. Kristian Ketel seminar “Collaboration with the Baltic Sea Region – a
Strategy of Existing?” (June 13, 2007) in Riga School of Economics
• Participation in the expert discussion on the involvement of women-scientists in
entrepreneurship in the Banking Institution, June 14, 2007
• Business Administration School Turiba, IX International Conference “Labour Market and
Social and Economic Challenges”, Mai 30, 2008, section head
Organization of or participation in the editing committees for scientific editions
• School of Business Administration Turiba V international conference (2004)
“Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Problems and Their solutions Under Globalisation
Conditions” reviewing of submitted reports.
Chartered consultant of enterprises founded by state, local governments or other legal or
individual persons.

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

very good, good, average very good, good, average very good, good, average
Latvian X X X
Russian X X X
German X X X
English X X X

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Aivars Mednis
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Jaungulbene 051055-12559
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
05.10.1955 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
Gulbene high school, Director Parka 5,
Skolas 12, Gulbene, LV -4401 Jaungulbene, LV 4420

Phone No: +371 67617096 Phone No: +371 64470118

Fax: +361 64473278 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Latvia Agriculture Academy 1977 -1982 Agricultural Mechanical engineer

Latvia University of Agriculture 1994 -1995 Pedagogy Master of pedagogy

Master’s studies

Latvia University 1995 - 1997 Information science High School computer


Latvia University 1997 – 1999 Physics High School physics teacher

Latvia University of Agriculture 2004 - School pedagogy

Doctor’s studies

Work experience
1976 Training master in Jaungulbene Agricultural School
1982 – 1998 Teacher in Jaungulbene agricultural school
1982 - 1998 Jaungulbene agricultural school student brass band conductor
1989 – 1992 Latvian Agricultural mechanization education curricular guidance commission chief
1992 AFS international student exchange program, the agricultural company "Bruholm,
Since 1998 The lecturer at the SIA Training Centre "Buts"
Since 1998 Director of Gulbene high school, informatics and physics teacher
Since 1999 The lecturer at the SIA Training Centre "Austrumvidzeme"
2001 - 2005 Member of Gulbene City Council-
Since 2005 General Education Quality Assessment expert, comprehensive schools in the quality
evaluation commission head
2005 - 2009 The lecturer at the International School of Practical Psychology
2006 – 2008 The lecturer at the School of Economic and Cultural
Since 2008 The lecturer in the Business School “Turība”

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
- Study of the informal education in Latvian rural schools
- Study on the role of general education of the national civil protection system tasks
Participation in conferences
Participation in conferences with report:
• 2004 - Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, Department of Social Sciences and Mälardalen University
(Sweden) Department of Social Sciences, hosted the, 7th International scientific conference "Society
and Culture: Sustainable Development", presentation "Informal education problems in the Latvian
countryside and small towns"
• 2005 - Liepaja Pedagogical Academy, Department of Social Sciences and the Department of
Management and Mälardalen University (Sweden) Department of Social Sciences, hosted the 8th
International scientific conference “Society and Culture: Sustainable Development”, presentation
“Youth informal education in Latvian countryside and small towns”
• 2010 - Liepaja University, Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Management
organized the 13th International Scientific Conference “Society and Culture: chaos and harmony”,
presentation „General educational role of national civil protection duties”

Study courses (subjects)

Civil Protection Part A 2 credit points

Methodological work
• To work out study course programs and methodological materials
• Consultations for companies about legislation of work and labour protection

Most significant publications

Publications in press:
13. Agriculture and Food Industry school curricula and programs, Wide range of tractor driver
profession, Riga, LM Academic Center 1991st - 188 p
14. Tractor Maintenance "guide for laboratory and field work performance of the agricultural school
students. Riga, Latvian Republican remote Agricultural Technical School, 1990. - 168 p.
15. Bergens A. Jansson E. Jašuks P. Mednis A. Spīdainis G. "Tractors" Part II: Riga, Agroinformācija
1993rd - 132 p.
16. Bergens A. Greiškāns J. Mednis A. Spīdainis G. 'Tractors' Part I, Riga, Agroinformācija 1992nd -
140 p.
17. Bergens A. Jansson E. Jašuks P. Mednis A. Spīdainis G. "Tractors" Part II: Riga, Agroinformācija
1993rd - 132 p.
18. Bergens A. Jansson E. Jašuks P. Mednis A. Spīdainis G. "Tractors" Part II: Riga, Agroinformācija
1993rd - 132 p.
19. Mednis A. Technical education, Ozolnieki, Latvian Agricultural Advisory and Training Centre
1998th - 92 p.
21. Society and Culture. The collection, VII / editor Arthur Medveckis. - Liepāja: Liepa, 2005. - P.
408. Aivars Mednis, “Informal education problems in the Latvian countryside and small towns”
22. Society and Culture. The collection, VIII / editor. Arthur Medveckis. - Liepāja: Liepa, 2006. - 516
p. Aivars Mednis, "Youth informal education in Latvian countryside and small towns"

Further education and professional development

• 2000, March - School Support Centre, seminar on "School Development Planning" (21 hours)
• 2001, August - Gulbene IP courses "School employment news and analysis" (72 hours)
• 2001, December - School Support Centre, Seminar "Irrepressible class" (16 hours)
• 2002, March - School Support Centre, Seminar on "Teaching marketing and image" (16 hours)
• 2002, May 7 - Gulbene IP courses "Physics teaching and learning in problem areas" (72 hours)
• 2002, July 03 - Latvian Society of the Daugava-care Vanagi Melbourne Division courses at the
"Homeland nurturing feelings of love: Theory and Practice" (72 hours)
• 2002, October 24 - Melbourne, Daugava River Hawk Division, Latvian Association of
Education leaders, school directors courses (36 hours)
• 2003, April - Gulbene IP courses "Teaching the self-evaluation and development planning" (36
• 2003, November 13 - The Latvian education system development project, the evaluation
component of the school, workshops on general education quality institutional external
evaluation (36 hours)
• 2004, March - Gulbene IP courses "Current school management" (24 hours)
• 2005, March 17 - European Center for Leadership Development, courses Leader for the ethical
principles "(12 hours)
• 2005, December 12 - Gulbene IP courses in the school self-evaluation and development
planning (36 hours)
• 2006, August 25 - Vidzeme University College, The Linux operating system into the learning
and teaching methodologies of school informatics. (36 hours)
• 2006, December 28 - VIKNVA, General Organisation of the educational institution (72 hours)
• 2007, August 22 - Mercury Consultant, Labour law by the education workers (5 hours)
• 2007, June 1, Vidzeme University College, IT analyst training (36 hours)
• 2008, April 30 - Mercury Consultant, Key issues developing civil protection plan in accordance
with Cabinet regulations (5 hours)
• 2008, June 06 - ISEC, Information technology in modern science and mathematics teaching (8
• 2009, August 28 - Education and Development Centre "EGO", Modern educational process in
special education through practical work methods (A) (12 hours)
• 2009, September 16 - Learning Canter "Buts", Employers' Training of labour protection issues
(8 hours)
• 2009, October 1st-5th - Autonomous Program Educativos de Europeo Madrid (Spain),
Comenius Contact seminar "Motivating students for science and technology studies and upper
secondary Completion"
• 2010, May 27 - Training Centre "Buts", Employers' Training of labour protection issues (8
• 2010, August 20 - Ltd. Digital Economic Development Canter, School management system "e-
class" 2010./2011. Academic year (4 hours)

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since 1999 - Latvian education leaders' trade union, board member
2001 – 2005 Deputy of Gulbenes Town council

Language skills Reading Writing Speaking

Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average

Date Signature
Curriculum vitae
Janis Eriks Niedritis
First name Surname
Riga, Latvia 071039-10704
Place of birth Identity code
07.10.1939 Latvian
Day, month, year Nationality
Name of employer and position held
Place of work, address : Home address:
School of Business Administration Lielvardes Street 127-51,
Turiba, Vice-rector on academic issues, Riga, LV-1084, Latvia
Associated Professor
Graudu Street 68, Riga, LV – 1058,

Telephone +371 67618974 Telephone +371 67571407

Fax: +371 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic studies, master studies, post
Dates Speciality Qualification
graduate course. Educational
institution, country
Riga Technical University Council of 2005 Sector “Economics Associated
Professors and Management”, Professor
Council of Habilitation and Doctorate of November Doctor of
University of Latvia, decree #22 12, 1992 Economics (Dr.
State Committee of National Education 1990 Professor
of the USSR
State Committee of National Education 1976 Associated
of the USSR professor
State Committee of National Education 1971 Candidate of
of the USSR Economics (Ph.D.)
Institute of Economics, Academy of 1964-1968 External post
Sciences of Latvia SSR graduate student
Latvian State University, Department of 1957-1962 Planning of Industry Economist
Economics and Law, Latvia

Work experience
2008 -up to now School of Business Administration Turiba, Vice-rector on academic issues,
Director of doctoral program, Associated Professor
2000 – 2008 Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Head of
Chair of Management and Marketing, Associated Professor
1996 – 2000 College of Turiba Studies Center, Head of Chair of Economics, Associated Professor
January, 1996 - December, 1996 Ministry of Education and Science, Assistant of State Minister of
Higher Education and Sciences
1994 – 1996 State Property Fund, Head of Contract Division
1993 – 1994 Ministry of Finances , Deputy Director of Department
1983 – 1993 University of Latvia, Vice-rector of Studies, Professor
1973 – 1983 Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education, Head of Office of Higher Educational
1970-1973 Latvia State University, Deputy Dean of Department of Economics, Associated Professor
1969- 1970 Riga Production Enterprise of Society for Blind, Chief Economist
1966- 1969 Construction and Designing Bureau of Local Industry of Latvia, Head of Department
1963- 1966 Central Designing and Construction Bureau of Mechanization and Automatization, Senior
1961– 1963 Designing Institute of Industrial Enterprises of Latvia, Engineer

Scientific research and publications:

Important publications:
1. Niedritis J.E., Luka I, Donina A. Developing student’s Ledership Skills in Tourism Studies. - XI
International Scientific Conference “Individuals, Society, State in Changing Economic
Circumstances”. – School of Business Administration Turiba proceedings: 2010. - 15 pp.
2. Luka, I., Niedritis, J.E., Donina, A. (2009) “Challenges of Tourism Education: Emotions versus
Business”, Proceedings of the UNWTO International conference Higher Tourism Education:
issues and practices, University of Bologna, Rimini. See Internet (03.11.2009)
3. Niedritis J.E. Marketing. 4th revised and enlarged edition - Riga: Turiba, 2008. - 488 p., (in
4. Niedritis J.E. Importance of Marketing Knowledge for Increasing of Labour Productivity. In
University of Latvia scientific proceedings. Economics, VII vol. 737: LU, 2008, 253 – 263 pp.
(in Latvian).
5. Niedritis J.E. Necessity to Reform the State Authority Apparatus in Latvia. In University of
Latvia proceedings. Management. vol 721. : LU, 2008, 299 – 311 pp., (in Latvian).
6. Niedrītis J.E. Importance and System Formation for Labor Productivity Increase in Latvia. IX
International Conference “Social and Economic Challenges of Labor Market”. – School of
Business Administration Turība proceedings: 2008. - 7 pp., (in Latvian).
7. Niedritis J.E. Marketing. 3rd revised and enlarged edition - Riga: Turiba, 2005. - 408 p., (in
8. Niedritis J.E. System of Organization’s Strategy Implementation Provision. In University of
Latvia scientific proceedings, vol. 690 Management. - Riga: LU, 2005. - 240 - 250 p. (in
9. Niedritis J.E. Importance of Innovation System Development and Role of Knowledge
Management. – In Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
scientific proceedings Economic and Entrepreneurship Problems in Latvia: RSEBAA, 2002., 25
– 40 pp. , (in Latvian).
10. Niedritis J.E. Innovative Entrepreneurship and Its Promotion. In RTU scientific proceedings
Economics and Entrepreneurship, vol. 2– Riga: RTU, 2001. - 27 - 36 pp. (in Latvian).
11. Niedritis. J. Effectiveness of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Promotion Possibilities. In LU
scientific proceedings Development of Management Science: Nowadays and in the Future. –
Riga: LU, 2001. – 308 - 320pp. (in Latvian).
12. Niedritis J.E., Niedrīte. V. Promotion of Innovative Development. - In University of Latvia
scientific proceedings. Economic and Management Development Problems, vol. 637: LU, 2001.,
26 – 33 pp., (in Latvian)
13. Niedritis J.E. Marketing. 2nd revised edition. - Riga, Turiba, 2001. - 272 p. (in Latvian).
14. Niedritis J.E. Employment and Knowledge Management. International conference
Transformation of Economic and Social Relations. – Biznesa augstskola Turība: 2001., 282 –
285 pp. (in Latvia).
15. Niedritis J.E. Marketing. - Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2000., 240 p., (in Latvia).
16. J.Niedrītis. Interaction of Innovation Centres in Latvia and the Possibilities to Make it More
Active. 6th Nordic – Baltic Conference in Regional Science. – Riga: 2000, 66. – 79 pp.

Presentations in conferences:
• February, 2009, University of Latvia 67th International conference. Section of Management
Sciences “Latest Developments in Organization Management”, presentation “Role of Internal
Marketing in the Company’s Competitiveness Increase”.
• May, 2008, School of Business Administration Turība IX International Conference “Social and
Economic Challenges of Labor Market, presentation Importance and System Formation for
Labor Productivity Increase in Latvia”.
• February, 2008, University of Latvia 66th International conference, Section of Management
Sciences „Modern and Post Modern View on Management Development Objectives “,
presentation “Role of Marketing Knowledge for the Productivity Increase”
• February, 2006, University of Latvia 65th International conference, Section of Management
Sciences “Improvement of Management in Economic Sectors and Companies”, presentation
“Importance of Non-standard Thinking Development”
• February, 2005, University of Latvia 64th International conference, Section of Management
Sciences “Improvement of Administration in EU Countries, presentation “Role of Knowledge
Management for the Employment Improvement in Latvia”.
• 2001, Belorussia State University of Economics International workshop “Management and
Marketing Implementation Experience and Problems “, presentation “Innovations and
Knowledge Management” (co-author V.Niedrite).
• 2001, School of Business Administration Turība International Conference “Transformation of
Economic and Social Relations “, presentations Employment and Knowledge Management.
International conference.
• 2001, BA School of Business and Finance International conference “Educated Society and New
Economy in Qualitative Interaction”, presentation “Management of Labor Market in Present
• 2000, 6th Nordic - Baltic Conference in Regional Science, presentation “Interaction of
Innovation Centeres in Latvia and the Possibilities to Make it More Active”.
• 1999, School of Business Administration Turība International Conference “Entrepreneurship
Environment: Legal Bases and Quality” , presentation “Entrepreneurship Competitiveness and

Research supervision of PhD theses : three PhD theses
Research supervision of Master’s theses: in average 15 Master’s theses each year
Research supervision of Diploma Papers (Bachelor’s theses): in average 5 theses each year
Research supervision of Qualification Papers: in average 5 theses each year
Supervision of Study Courses in year 2009/2010: 5 courses

• Training program “Corporative Management and Competitiveness “, Price Waterhouse L.L.P in
• Course on Management, in Denmark;
• Course on OECD Tax Policy in Denmark

Organizational activities:
2008 – up to now Latvian Education Fund, Board Member
2000 – 2008 Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration, Senate
Member, Methodology Board Member
1996– 2000 School of Business Administration Turība, Chairman of the Senate
1983 –1993 University of Latvia, Vice-rector of Studies, Chairman of the Methodology
1970 – 1973 Latvia State University, Deputy Dean of Department of Economics

Officially approved consultant of enterprises established by state, municipalities and other legal
and physical persons:
1996 - Assistant of State Minister of Higher Education and Sciences
1997 – 1998 PJSC „Stružāni Peat Factory” state authorized person, Chairman of the Council
1999 – 2000 PJSC „Kuldīgas vulkāns” state authorized person, Council Member
Information about professional, scientific or business activities during last 3 - 5 years:
Dates Theme/Subjects Branch/ Name of Please tick appropriate
Organization answer
Development of Case - - -  Up to 5pp.
study related to the  More than 6pp.
Latvia/ Baltic business
Consultancy of - - -  Paid service
companies  Free of charge
Patent/copyright - - -
Research grant 2010- Latvian small and Business
received 2011 medium Technology
enterprises Institute
management, its
assessment of the
improvements and
necessary changes
in national
economic policies
to stimulate
Participation in - - -  Paid service
research (preparation,  Free of charge
implementation,  Other
presentation of results)
Company’s Council - - -
Magazine Editor - - -
Work in editorial 2008 Labor Market School of Business
board of conference Administration
Work in business since SIA E&KC
entities [excl. 1991
educational institution]
Member of 2000 – LAMZA
Professional 2005 (Association of
Organization Latvian Academic
(corresponding to Lectures and
specialty) Scientists)
Important public 2008 - Latvian Education
activities up to Fund
now and
1992 –

Languages: Literacy Writing Speaking

very good, good, bad very good, good, bad very good, good, bad


(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Iveta Upite
Name Surname
Place of birth ID number
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
12.11.1962 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Brivibas 320 - 40,
Department of Commerce Rīga, LV 1006
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67618746 Phone No: 26559910

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

LU the Faculty of History and 1981 – 1986 Philosopher, teacher


LU Residency in the Faculty of 1989 – 1991


School of Business 2001 – 2004 MBA

Administration Turiba; studies in
social sciences, the professional
Master's Program Management -
Professional Master's Degree in
Business Administration
LU Economic and Business From year 2006
Faculty - doctorate

Work experience
1986-1989 Riga Polytechnic Institute - lecturer of Philosophy
1991-1993 Riga School of Medicine No.7 – lecturer of Ethics
1993-1996 Christian newspaper "Solis" - translator, reviser
1997-1998 Estonian Radio – correspondent
2000-2001 BAUER Ltd. - a special request of the advertising and sales consultant, training personnel
Since 1999.- School of Business Administration – lecturer in Training Department
Since 2001.- Lecturer of School of Business Administration Turiba

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Supervising of Master students:
2009-2010 - supervisor of 6 master papers
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2007- Conference on “Good Day Service V”, “Customer service as a product and its role in long-term
relationships with customers ensuring”
• 2007- Liepāja Pedagogical Academy, Social Sciences Department's and Management Department's
international scientific conference No.10 “Society and Culture: Human Resources Development in
Knowledge Society”
• 2007- Conference on “Successful procurement organization in enterprises. Key to Development”,
“Our partners in business for the type - “IT Europe" Practical application of research results”

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Market research Part A 3 credit points

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 2

Most significant publications

23. Upite I., Apkalns K. Izglītības nozīme personāla pārvaldībā Latvijas uzņēmējdarbības vidē
(Educational role of personnel management in the business)

Further education and professional development

• 2001 - Courses “ Marketing Management ”
• 2004 - Courses “Marketing actualities: from theory to the present da ”
• 2006 - Latvian University “University didactics”
• Officially approved consultant in the state, municipalities and other legal or natural person established
in business:
- Teaching and Counseling Center ABC
- BKG Business Consultant Center;
- Inovāciju Aģentūra (Innovation Agency);
- “NT Piedzīvojumi”

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Language skills Reading Writing Speaking

Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ligita Zīlīte
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Tukums 210157-11079
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
21.01.1957 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Kurzemes 16-18,
Department of Commerce Tukums LV 3101
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 6761096 Phone No: 29174598

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1975. -1980. Biologist, teacher of biology

Biology and chemistry

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1994. -1995. Teacher of housekeeping

Pedagogic and Psychology

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1997.- 1999. Master in Pedagogy in

Pedagogic and Psychology field of management of
Master’s studies education

University of Latvia, Faculty of Since 2005

Pedagogic and Psychology
Doctor’s studies

Work experience
1980-1987 Tumes and Praviņu elementary schools in Tukuma district:
- deputy director responsible for education issues
- teacher of biology and chemistry
1987-1999 Zelmeņa elementary school in Tukuma district:
- deputy director responsible for education and breeding issues
- teacher of biology, chemistry, housekeeping
Since 2000.- Lecturer at School of Business Administration “Turība”

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of research projects:
• Research on possibilities to use socionics in the process of education of managers
Supervising of Master students:
Supervisor of 55 master papers
Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• Conference “„Social and Aducational Sciences in Nordic and Baltic cultural context”,
theme of lecture „Possibilities of the use of Socionics on Investigation of Students of
Tourism: Implications for Academic Management”, Estionia, Tallin, 13-14 March 2007.
• VIII International scientific conference “New products of tourism for regional
development”, theme of lecture “Socionics in education of tourism”, Latvia, Riga, School of
business administration “Turība”, 6 January 2007
• Interuniversity scientific conference “Entrepreneurship development in Latvia: yesterday,
today and tomorrow”, theme of lecture “Use of theory of socionics in selection of
personnel” (together with I. Jaunsleine), Latvia, Riga, School of business administration
“Turība”, 3 April 2007
• International scientific conference “Management Horizons: visions and challenges”, theme
of lecture „Socionics in the Education of Managers”, Lithuania, Kaunas, 27-28 September
• The 66th conference of University of Latvia, section of management of education, theme of
lecture “Sociotypes of students in study programs of management of education and
tourism”, 4 February 2008.
• The 50th international scientific conference of Daugavpils University, theme of lecture
”Assessment of students’ needs of reference for differentiation of education process”, 15-17
Mai 2008
• IX International scientific conference of School of business administration “Turība”, theme
of lecture “Comparison of academic personnel’s and students’ sociotypes”, 30 Mai 2008
• The 4th International scientific conference of Latvia University of Agriculture, theme of
lecture “Factors of attraction in work of academic personnel”, 25-26 September 2008
• International conference of industry of hotels “Industry of hotels and restaurants in
conditions of increasing concurrence”, theme of lecture “Socionics and it’s use in
management of personnel in conditions of concurrence”, Riga, 30 November 2008.
• The 12th International scientific conference of Liepājas University, theme of lecture “The
formation of interaction in educational establishments: world experience”. Liepāja, 23. – 24.
April, 2009.

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Management of personnel Part A 2 credit points
• Management Part A 3 credit points

Methodological work
• 2005 - European Social Fund project “Creation and realization of program of distance
education “Business” for young people with special needs” produced programmes of
courses and study aid with exercises for subjects “Communication” and “Management”
• Produced programmes of courses: “Management of personnel” and “Management”
• Prepared and renovated handouts, tests in courses “Management of personnel” and
• Prepared manuscript of book “Bases of Personnel Management and socionics”

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 31, 8 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

24. Zīlīte L. Toward a Typology of Learning Styles Among Tourism Students”. In book: Research,
Planning and Policy: Emerging Trends in Baltic and Nordic Lifelong Learning. Editors: Ilsley P.,
Karing J., Kerulis M. Published co-operation with University of Tampere, University of Tartu and
Tallinn University, 2008. – (263p.) -233. – 245. p.
25. Zīlīte L. Socionics in tourism education. / issue of publications of VIII international scientific
conference “New Products of Tourism for Development of Regions”, Riga, school of business
administration “Turība”, 2007
26. Zīlīte L. “Socionics in the Education of Managers” / Proceedings, 9th International Scientific
Conference “Management Horizons: visions and challenges”, Kaunas, Lithuania, 27 – 28
September 2007, p.485-501
27. Zīlīte L. “Sociotypes of students at education management and tourism study programmes” /
Article has been accepted for publishing in issue of publications of education management of
University of Latvia, 2008
28. Zīlīte L. “Evaluation of students’ needs of reference for differentiation of education process”/
Oļehnovičs D. Proceedings of the 50th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils
University. Psychology and Didactics. ISBN 978-9984-14-426-9. Daugavpils: Daugavpils
University publishers „Saule”, 2009.- 10 p.
29. Zīlīte L. “Comparison of academic personnel’s and students’ sociotypes” / IX International
scientific conference of school of business administration “Turība”, „Social and economical
challenges of labour market” issue of publication. Electronic resource, 2008
30. Zīlīte L. “Factors of attraction in work of academic personnel” / Proceedings „New Dimensions in
the Development of Society 2008”, University of Latvia, Faculty of social sciences, 2002, p. 294-
31. Zīlīte L. “The formation of interaction in educational establishments: world experience”./ Article
has been accepted for publishing in issue of University of Liepāja, 2009
Publications in press
1. Zīlīte L. “How to comprehend your chief” // Office manager No.36, p.20-23, January 2008
2. Zīlīte L. “How to comprehend your chief” (continuation) // Office manager No.37, p.20-23,
February 2008
3. Zīlīte L. “How my decisions are?” (socionics for leaders) // Office manager No.38, p.32-37,
March 2008
4. Zīlīte L. “Social technologies about stimulus of human action” // Office manager No.39, p.32-35,
April 2008
5. Zīlīte L. “Comprehend yourself and your colleague” (description of sociotypes) // Office manager
No.40, p.32-35, Mai 2008
6. Zīlīte L. “What should take account with if you are working with Napoleon? Characterization of
business qualities for sociotypes” // Office manager No.41, p.32-39, Jun 2008
7. Zīlīte L. “Profile of positions’ requirements and socionics” // Office manager No.42, p.70-72,
July/August 2008

Further education and professional development

• 1999 - 2000 - Business managers and leading specialists (860 hours), School of business
administration “Turība”
• 2002 – 2003 - Personnel Management, Academy of Communications
• 2002 – 2003 - Business English (40 hours), School of business administration “Turība”
• 2005 (November) - MBTI – determination of type of personality, Organisation
development centre Spring Valley
• 2005 – 2006 - Pedagogical training of personnel of universities (80 hours), University of Latvia
• 2006 – 2007 - Academic English (56 hours), Language centre of University of Latvia
• 2006 - Basics of socionics (36 hours), acquired qualification: consultant of socionics, Association
• 2007 - Internship at company “New Rosme”, project No PD1/ESF/PIAA/05/APK /
0042/0014, European Social fund project
• 2007 (September) - Training course of internal auditors. Certificate No 272/07, Management
consultations, Leilands and Putnis

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since 2006 - Participation on Socionics Association of Latvia

Honour titles, awards

Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

Language skills Reading Writing Speaking

Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Rosita Zvirgzdiņa
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Ventspils 301064-10014
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
30.10.1964 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Strautu 13, Mežciems
Head of the Department of Commerce Jaunsvirlauka district, Jelgava region
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058 LV 3019

Phone No: 7618746 Phone No: 26408253

Fax: 7619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

School of Business Administration 1997-2001 Business Manager of small and

Turiba medium enterprises

School of Business Administration 2001-2002 Administration MBA

Turiba Social science

Latvian University of Agriculture, Since 2004 Regional Economy

Doctoral studies

Work experience
2001-2003 School of Business Administration Turiba, Department of Economics, secretary,
2002-2007 School of Restaurant service, teacher
Since 2003 - School of Business Administration Turiba, Faculty of Economics, lecturer
Since 2005 - Latvian University of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics, lecturer
Since 2006 - School of Business Administration Turiba, the Head of the Department of Commerce,

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2005- Siauliai University scientific conference
• 2005- Latvian University of Agriculture scientific conference Economic science for rural
• 2006- Siauliai University scientific conference
• 2006- Latvian University of Agriculture scientific conference Economic science for rural
• 2007- Latvian University of Agriculture scientific conference Economic science for rural
• 2007- Siauliai University scientific conference
• 2008- Latvian University of Agriculture scientific conference Economic science for rural
• 2008- Vilnius scientific conference
• 2008- School of Business Administration Turiba conference
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor study programmes
• Financial management Part A 3 credit points

Methodological work
• Finance analysis and planning. Distance learning study course, Ltd. Academy of Business and
management, Riga, 2007. 259 pp.
• Statistics. Distance learning study course, Ltd. Academy of Business and management, Riga,
2007. 260 pp.

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 10

Most significant publications

32. Logistic`s Centers Formation – Business Diversification Opportunity for the Regions of
Latvia Siauliai LU proceedings Economics and Administration: novities and problems, 2005,
33. Uzņēmējdarbības diversifikācija uz franšīzes pamatprincipiem proceedings Economic
science for rural development 2005, Jelgava
34. Possibilities of business activization at Latvia’s country territories Siauliai LU proceedings
Economics and Administration, 2006, Siauliai
35. Uzņēmējdarbības aktivizēšana lauku reģionos globalizācijas kontekstā. Economics for rural
development 2006, Jelgava
36. Uzņēmējdarbība un tās attīstības iespējas Latvijas reģionos. Economic science for rural
development 2007, Jelgava
37. Uzņēmējdarbības iespējas Latvijas reģionos. Latvijas Vēstnesis’ supplement “Komersanta
Vēstnesis” No 16(72); 17/18(73/74), 2007, Riga
38. Facilities of introduction of new organizing forma in Latvian regions. Siauliai LU
proceedings Economics and Administration:, 2007, Siauliai
39. Uzņēmējdarbības attīstības tendences Latvijas reģionos. LLU Scientific papers, Nr.19(314),
2007, Jelgava

Further education and professional development

• 2005 - Latvian University of Agriculture, Certificate “Didactics in higher education”

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

very good, good, average very good, good, average very good, good, average
Latvian X X X
Russian X X X
English X X X
_______ language

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Janis Broks
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Madona 081156-10332
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
08.11.1956 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Jekabpils 2-45,
Department of Communication sciences Riga, LV 1003
Associate professor
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67628870 Phone No: 28252460

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of Philosophy Philosopher, teacher
History and Philosophy – basic

Post-graduate courses. Latvian Philosophy Cand. phil.

Academy of Sciences, Institute of
Philosophy and Law
Philosophy Dr.phil.
Latvian Promotion Board for

Work experience
1980-1986 Junior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Latvian Academy of Sciences.
1988-1990 Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Latvian Academy of Sciences
1990-1992 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy and Political Sciences, Latvian Academy
of Medicine
1992-1993 Head of the Department of Philosophy, Latvian Academy of Medicine
1994-1998 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Latvian Academy of Police
1998-2004 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Latvian Academy of Police
Since 2005- Associate Professor, Department of Communication sciences, School of Business
Administration Turiba
Since 2006- Senior Researcher, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Latvian University

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Research projects, grants:
• 1993-1994 "The Formation of New Political Systems and the Question of Democratic Stability: The
Case of Latvia". Research project, supported by the Central European University.
• 1994-1996 "Nature as the Problem of Modern Philosophy". Research project, supported by the
Latvian Council of Sciences.
• 1997- 2000 “The Conception of Nature in Modern Philosophy”. Research project, supported by the
Latvian Council of Sciences.
• 1997- 2000. “Changing National, State and Regime Identities in Latvia.” Research project, supported
by the Central European University.
• 2001-2004. “The Native and the Natural in the Human Being”. Research project, supported by the
Latvian Council of Sciences.
• 2005-2008. “Philosophical Anthropology of Law”. Research project, supported by the Latvian
Council of Sciences.
• 2009- “Origins and Perspectives of European Mankind”. Research project, supported by the Latvian
Council of Sciences.
• 2010- “Formation of consciousness of national identity after the renascence of independence in
Latvia: tendencies and factors”. Research project, supported by the Latvian Council of Sciences.

Supervising of Master students:

2007-2009 – supervisor of 4 master papers at SBAT

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• 2005. HSPPI Second International Colloquium „Semantics of the Silence and Being Quiet” Riga,
2005. April 14 – 17. “Existence and Silence”.
• 2005. RTU 46th International Scientific Conference. Riga, October 13-15. “History and Theory:
True or Seeming Dilemma of Humanitarian Studies”.
• 2006. VII International Scientific Conference. School of Business Administration Turiba, “Property,
encumbrances on property: problems, solutions and opportunities” Juny 2. “Antropological
dimensions of property”.
• 2006. RTU 47th International Scientific Conference. Riga, October 12-14. „The Law Nihilism and
its Contemporary Features in Latvia”
• 2007. VIII International Scientific Conference. School of Business Administration Turiba, New
Product for Regional Development.. Riga, Juny 1. “The Antopogenesis of Tourism Products“.
• 2007. RTU 48th International Scientific Conference. Riga, October 11-13. „The Perspectives of
Legal Nichilism”
• 2008. IX International Scientific Conference. School of Business Administration Turiba, „Social and
Economic Challenges for Labor Market” Riga, May 30. „Labour as a value in the Changing World”
• 2008. RTU 49th International Scientific Conference. Riga, October 13-15. „Law as Value in Culture
After Modernity”
• 2009 X International Scientific Conference. School of Business Administration Turiba.
“Communication Management in Information Society” May 28.“ The Information in an Information
• 2009. RTU 50th International Scientific Conference. Riga, October 12-16. „Community
Transformations in the Information Society”.
• 2010. XI International Scientific Conference. School of Business Administration Turiba,
"Individuals, Society, State in Changing Economic Circumstances". Riga. March
26.“Transformations of sociopolitical arrangement of after-modernity society.”
• 2010. The 10th Conference on European Bussines Communication. Local aspects of European
Bussines Communication. Riga, 2010. gada 20-22. augusts. „The Truth in Network”.
Participation in academicals conferences with report:
• 2005. HSPPI Scenic Practical Conference “The Man in World of Objects” February 7. „The
Objectivity of Man in Portrait”.
• 2007. The 5th Public Discussion of Academic Society „Austrums”. Riga, October 18. „On the
Necessity of Prohibitions”
• 2010. Latvian Association of Public Relations Professionals Seminar. Riga, February 25. “Public
Relations and Postmodernist Politic ”
• 2010. Friedrich Ebert Foundation Workshop Liepaja March 13-14. “The Mythos of Civil Society in
• 2010. Philosophical Conference of Cesis Art Festival „Communications and Aesthetic of
Contemporary Art” Cesis, August 14. ”Contemporary Art as Medium”.
Study courses (subjects)
Bachelor study programmes
• Philosophy Part A 4 credit points
• Philosophy of Law Part A 3 credit points.
• Sociology Part A 2 credit points
Doctoral study programmes
• Scientific Work Methodology and Methods Part A 4 credit points

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 97, 45 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

• Broks J. Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. Otrais papildinātais un pilnveidotais
izdevums. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Rīga, 2008. 431 lpp.
• Broks J. Tiesības filosofija: Doktrīnas, koncepcijas, diskursi. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Rīga, 2004.
419 lpp
Co-author of Monograph
• National, State and Regime Identity in Latvia. Ed. A.Tabuns. Riga, 2001. 271 p.
• Broks J., Rozenvalde I., Vēbers E. Daba sabiedrībā. Rīga: Zinātne, 1984. 86.lpp.
Ed.of Monography
• Daba. Cilvēks. Sabiedrība. Rīga: Zinātne, 1983. 224. lpp.
• Boazs D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas meklējumos. Rīga: BAT 2006. 317 lpp.
Articles in Books
• Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Ozolzīle G., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. Demokrātijas stabilitāte Latvijā:
priekšnoteikumi un izredzes. // Sabiedrības pārmaiņas Latvijā. Rīga: Jumava, 1998. 142-173. lpp.
• Tabuns A., Bišers Ā., Broks J., Priede Z., Ramiņa B., Tāre I. Indivīds, privātsektors un valsts: kopīga
atbildība par darbaspēka tirgus attīstību.//Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 1998. R.,1998.56-71. lpp.
• Broks J. Brīvības sākotnes un perspektīvas. // Boazs D. Pasaules filosofiskā doma labklājības formulas
meklējumos. Rīga, Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2006. 6-14. lpp.
Articles in Scientific Journals
• Брокс Я.А. Природный фактор и развитие науки. // LPSR ZA Vēstis. Nr 1 1985. 22.-34. lpp.
• Брокс Я.А. Задачи и возможности науки в решении социально-экологических проблем. // LPSR
ZA Vēstis. Nr 4 1986. 9.-20. lpp.
• Брокс Я.А. Понятие общественной природы. // В кн.: Проблема взаимодействия общества и
природы: философские аспекты. Р., Зинатне. 1986. с. 37-42.
• Broks J. Ventspils ekoloģiskās krīzes veidošanās sociālais mehānisms.// Latvijas ekoloģija.
Informatīvais biļetens. I. laidiens. Ventspils. R., 1989. 61.-69. lpp.
• Ozolzīle G., Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. Jaunu politisko sistēmu veidošanās un
demokrātiskā stabilitāte: Latvijas gadījums. // Socioloģijas un politoloģijas žurnāls. nr. 5. decembris.
1994. 2-3.lpp.
• Broks J. Cilvēka daba teorētiskā un normatīvā skatījumā.// LPA Raksti 2. 1995. 9.-24. lpp.
• Broks J. Fizikālisms kā formas princips sociālajās zinātnēs.// LPA Raksti 3. 1996. 39-48. lpp.
• Broks J., Ozoliņš U., Ozolzīle G., Tabuns A., Tisenkopfs T. The Stability of Democracy in Latvia: Pre-
requistes and the Prospects.// Humanities and Social Sciences. Latvia. Social Changes in Latvia.
4(13)/96, 1(14)/97. p.103-134.
• Broks J. Dabiskā ievirze tiesību teorijā.// LPA Raksti 4. 1997. 37-50. lpp.
• Broks J. Stabilitātes jēdziens sociāli filosofiskajā teorijā.// Sociālās Tehnoloģijas Institūts. Zinātnisko
rakstu krājums. 1. izdevums. R., 1997. 4-17. lpp.
• Broks J. Dzīves kā māksla - kompromiss starp dabisko un mākslīgo. LPA Raksti 5. R., 1998. 23-
• Broks J. Kāda dabas filosofija iespējama mūsdienās? // Балтийский Русский Институт. Сборник
научных трудов. т.3. Рига, 1997. c. 50-63.
• Broks J. Labor as a value in a transitional society.// Humanitie and Social Sciences. Latvia. Latvia in
Europe Sociologically. 1(22)/99. p. 49-71.
• Broks J. Varas mirko- makro un meta- fizika.// LPA Raksti 6. R., 1999. 35-56. lpp.
• Broks J. Identitāšu pētniecība sociālajās zinātnēs. // Latvijas sabiedrība mūsdienās. (2.laidiens) R.,
1999. 29-32.lpp.
• Broks J. Daba un uzstādījums cilvēka esamībā. // LPA Raksti 7. R., 2000. 53-74. lpp.
• Broks J. Ēnas fenomens cilvēka esamībā. // LPA Raksti 8. R., 2001. 37-56 lpp.
• Broks J. Sociālās realitātes ideālās formas. // RTU Zinātniskie raksti. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes.
Sērija 8. Sējums 1. Rīga 2002. 89-97. lpp.
• Broks J. Determinisma princips cilvēka esamības izpratnē. // LPA Raksti 9. R., 2002. 39-58. lpp.
• Broks J. Tiesības kā sociālās normas. // RTU Zinātniskie raksti. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes.
Sērija 8. Sējums 4. Rīga, 2003. 105-114. lpp.
• Broks J. Kas ir tiesība? // LPA Raksti 10. Rīga, 2003. 27-46. lpp.
• Broks J. Taisnības un likumības argumenti tiesībā. // RTU Zinātniskie raksti. Humanitārās un sociālās
zinātnes. Sērija 8. Sējums 8. Izdevniecība “RTU”, Rīga, 2005. 121 – 132. lpp.
• Broks J. Īpašuma antropoloģiskās dimensijas. // Īpašums, tā apgrūtinājumi: problēmas, risinājumi,
iespējas. BAT 7. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Rakstu krājums. Rīga, 2006. 169 – 175. lpp.
• Broks J. Tūrisma produktu antropoģenēze. // Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai. BAT 8.
starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Rakstu krājums. ISBN 978-9984-766-93-5 – Rīga: SIA „Biznesa
augstskola Turība”, 2007. CD.
• Broks J. Nihilisma modalitātes tiesībā. // RTU Zinātniskie raksti. Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes.
Sērija 8. 12. sējums. Izdevniecība “RTU”, Rīga, 2007. 83-95. lpp.
• Broks J. Darbs kā vērtība mainīgajā pasaulē. // Darba tirgus sociālie un ekonomiskie izaicinājumi.
BAT 9. starptautiskā zinātniskā konference. Rakstu krājums. ISBN 978-9984-828-06-0 – Rīga: SIA
„Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2008. CD. pieejams arī internetā:
• Broks J. Kam vajadzīgi aizliegumi? // Akadēmiskā Dzīve. 45. rakstu krājums. 2008. – 45. – 53. lpp.
• Broks J. Informācija informācijas sabiedrībā. // Komunikācijas vadība informācijas sabiedrībā. BAT
10. starptautiskās zinātniskā konference. Rakstu krājums. ISBN 978-9984-828-36-7 – Rīga: SIA
„Biznesa augstskola Turība”, 2009. CD. 0,7 a.l. pieejams arī internetā:
• Broks J. Masu mediju komunikācija telpa. // Acta Prosperitatis. Nr. 1. Komunikācija publiskajā telpā. –
Rīga: Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2010. - 7-27 lpp.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Since 2010. – Bord Member „Philosophy Support Fund in Latvia”
Since 2008. – Constituent Assembly Head of SBAT
Since 2006. – Senator of SBAT

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Renate Cane
Name Surname
Riga 100857-11230
Place of birth Personal Latvian ID number
August 10th, 1957 Latvian
Date of birth Nationality

Institution of employment and position

Work address Home address:
Business school Turība 8-10 J.Asara str,
Department of Communication sciences, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia
68 Graudu str., Riga, LV-1058, Latvia

Phone: 67628870 Phone: 29411611, 67290858

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic studies, Master’s studies,
Period Speciality Qualification awarded
Doctor’s studies. Educational
institution, country
Doctor’s studies, Business school Since Communication
Turība, Latvia September management
Master’s studies, Business school 2005 - 2007 Business Company and institution
Turība, Latvia management executive
Basic studies in 2nd level higher 2003 - 2005 Business Business manager
professional education program, management
Business school Turība, Latvia
Basic studies in 1st level higher 2001 - 2003 Advertising Specialist of advertising
professional education program, management business services
Business school Turība, Latvia

Work experience
Since 09.2007 Business school Turība Department of Communication sciences, lecturer
(study courses – Advertising, Advertising theory and praxis, Advertising
evolution and forms, Advertising regulations, Advertising planning,
Economical analysis of advertising, Producing, Event organisation),
Department of Business Studies (study courses – Marketing, International
marketing, Marketing management, Campaign organization and management)
09.2005 - 06.2007 Business school Turība, lecturer (study courses – Advertising evolution and
forms, Advertising regulations, Advertising planning, Economical analysis of
advertising, Marketing, Marketing management)
09.2003 - 08.2007 Advertising agency M3.lv, event director
01.2003 - 12.2007 Latvian Filmmakers Union, administrator of the project Latvian movies in
cinema Riga part Latvian documentary film programme, since 2004 –
administrator of the whole project
01.2005 - 08.2005 Learning and development agency “Altus Grupa”Ltd., board director
08.2003 - 12.2003 Latvian State Archive of Audiovisual Documents, administrator of Film
department (civil clerkship position)
1999 - 2002 World Bank project – informative campaign on 2nd pension level
implementation in Latvia – TV program Tas esi tu pats (commissioned by
State Social Insurance Agency, realized by Association Režisors), project
manager, producer and director
1997 – 1999 Baltic International Bank, specialist of marketing and advertising department
1994 - 2002 Director, writer and producer of different TV projects in different channels –
live talkshows O! and Talk with Lolita Roze, business program Blue collar
crimes (Channel 31), cinema programs Ready! Camera! Action! (Channel 2)
and Sainex (RBS), program on energetic Viewpoint (LTV-TVS), TV
advertising program Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday advice (TV3), Medicine
actualities (Labvakar, LTV) and others
Since 1990 Director of 7 cinema journals, 5 documentary films and 14 corporate films in
Riga Motion Pictures Studio, Riga Documentary Film Studio, as well as other
film and TV studios
1975 – 1994 Riga Motion Pictures Studio, editing director

Scientific activities and publications

Scientific activities:
Research within doctoral studies in Business school Turība. Scientific field – communication science.
Research topics – 1) cinema as mass communication tool; 2) the transformation of Latvian cinema
communicative functions in historical and sociological aspects
Publications: number of publications – 4, incl. 4 scientific articles
• 2008 - scientific publication “Creativity as a prerequisite of modern economic development.
Experience of creative industries” in IX Scientific conference at Business school Turība “Social
and economical challenges of labour market”, ISBN 978-9984-828-06-0
• 2009 – scientific publication „The importance of state subsidy for the development of Latvian
film industry” in 12th International Scientific conference compilation of Liepaja University and
Melardalen University (Sweden) „Society and culture: being different and interests of
minorities”, ISSN 1407-6918
• 2009 – scientific publication and report „Communicative functions of cinema as a mass media”
at 10th International Scientific conference of Business school Turība, published electronically in
the conference compilation, ISBN 978-9984-828-36-7
• 2010 - scientific publication “Characteristics of the Latvian Film System” in Business school
Turiba scientific magazine “Acta Prosperitatis” Nr.1 “Communication in public space”. Nr.1 (1)
2010. ISSN 1691-6077

Presentations in conferences:
• 2008 - report “Creativity as a prerequisite of modern economic development. Experience of
creative industries” in IX Scientific conference at Business school Turība “Social and
economical challenges of labour market”
• 2009 – report „The importance of state subsidy for the development of Latvian film industry” in
12th International Scientific conference of Liepaja University and Melardalen University
(Sweden) „Society and culture: being different and interests of minorities”
• 2009 – report „Communicative functions of cinema as a mass media” at 10th International
Scientific conference of Business school Turība
• 2010 - report „Cluster Life Cycle Concept: Case of Film Industry in Latvia” („Klāstera dzīves
cikla koncepcija – Latvijas filmu industrijas piemērs”) 3rd international scientific conference of
BA School of Business and Finance „Business competitiveness in local and foreign markets:
challenges and experiences” (with co-author Kaspars Šteinbergs, Mg.oec.)

Pedagogic activity at Business school Turība

Supervised Master thesis: 25
Supervised diploma papers: 36
Teaching study courses in school year 2009/2010: 7

Additional qualification
• 2005 – 2006 - Professional development program of continuing education for education
workforce – assistants, lecturers and associate professors “Basics of higher education
workforce pedagogy / higher education didactics” (certificate), University of Latvia
• 2004 – Professional qualification of marketing manager (certificate), Business school Turiība
• 1995 – Independent TV and cinema producer tuition (certificate), Baltic Media Centre
• 1994 – TV director courses (certificate), Baltic Media Centre (Denmark)

Professional, scientific and business activities in the period of last 3-5 years
Time period, Theme / topic Sector / name of
year company /
Public 2010 Lectures “advertising – scoiety mirror” in Business school
lectures qualification seminar “Topical questions of Turība
social development”. Seminar for high school
teachers of subjects such as Commerce,
History, Politics and Rights.
Reading on Latvian advertising history at the Latvian Advertising
international advertising festival „Golden association
Development 2008 Methodical video material for the project Europe Social Fund
of “Case “Development of new professional education (ESF)
studies” programs and distance learning programs for
which may be disable people and their implementation in
referred to regions”
Latvian (2006/10/VPD1/ESF/NVA/05/GS/
business 01/0015)
2007-2008 Development of tuition course methodical Europe Social Fund
materials and tuition within the program (ESF) and Latvian
“Marketing for people with disabilities, who Umbrella Body for
whish to find a job according to their Disability
education, skills and interests”, project organisations
“Motivation program “Step towards a job”” SUSTENTO
Consultations 2010 Lectures on marketing and marketing Latvian Filmmakers
for companies management and teaching practical classes at Union
the filmmaker qualification courses of
Latvian Filmmakers Union
2008 Konsultācijas projektā „Tava reklāma” Junior Achievement –
Young Enterprise
Work in 2003 – 2007 Event director Advertising company
business “M3.lv”
(except 2003 – 2007 Administrator of the project Latvian movies Latvian Filmmakers
education in cinema Riga part Latvian documentary Union
institutions) film programme, since 2004 – administrator
of the whole project

2005 Board director Learning and

development agency
“Altus Grupa” Ltd.
Member of Since 1993 Latvian Filmmakers
professional Union
(according to
Important Since 2002 Campaign for popularizing Latvian cinema – Latvian Filmmakers
scientific concept development Union
2007 - LR Ministry of education and science – a honory credential for excellence in studies and active
social work

Language skills Reading Writing Speaking

Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average Excellent Good Average

Date Signature
Curriculum vitae
Jānis Rušenieks
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Rīga 281159-10616
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
28.11.1959 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Olgas street 2,
Department of Private Law, lecturer, Marupe, Marupe district, LV 2167
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67606140 Phone No: 29121565

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
J. Vitols Latvian State 1977-1982
Conservatory of Culture and Arts
Faculty, TV and film editing 2001-2003 TV and film director TV and film director

College of Law Law 1st Level lawyer qualification

– Lawyer

BAT Law Faculty 2003-2005 Law 2nd Level Professional

Education Law

BAT Law Faculty, professional 2005-2007 Law M.iur, Lawyer

Master's Studies

BAT, Law Faculty Doctoral 2005- now Law, Authors rights,

Studies, Copyright.

Work experience
1977 – 1980 Latvian Television, editorial director assistant, assistant, director
1980 - 1982 Jurmala Cultural Division Lielupe instructor, artistic Head of Unit, Deputy Director
1982 - 1991 Latvian Television music director
1991 – 1994 Advertising agencie "Rovex director
1994 – 1996 RBS TV president
1996 – 1997 LTD „Rainer” training and coaching, the project director
1997 - 2000 Ad firm "Labvakar", producer, director
2000 - 2001 Ltd. " Insarta Riga” director, advertising project manager, Creative director
2000 – 2001 IU "Niedras J.R." Director
Since 2001 Ltd. "Niedras JR" Director, Chairman of the Board
Since 2005 lecturer,BAT Department of Communication Sciences
Since 2008 lecturer, BAT Department of Private Law Sciences
Since 2008 lectturer EKA
Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Supervising of Master students:
2008 -2010 – supervisor of 43 master papers (SBAT - 25, EKA - 18)

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
1. Report “Consumers' rights on Internet. The copyright protected works on Internet”, International
conference “Euko 2010”, 21.08.2010.
2. Report “Problems concerning remuneration of persons performing creative work and regulation of
labour relations”, BAT IX International Scientific Conference “Social and Economic Challenges
for Labour Market”, 30.05.2008, Riga
3. Report „Authors and neighbouring rights protection regulatory problems in Latvia”, Vilnius,
M.Romieris University conference 13.05,2009
4. Report “Authors and neighbouring rights protection regulatory problems in Latvia 2” BAT X
International Scientific Conference, 28.05.2009, Riga
5. Report “Issues of the Civil Procedure Law of the 41st and Article 44 context", conference
organized ny the Ministry of Justice, 11.11.2009
6. Report “Publishing the Copyright protected works in the Internet”, BAT XI International
Scientific Conference, 23.03.2010, Riga

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Intellectual Property Part B 2 credit points
• Legal aspects of public relations Part B 2 credit points
• Producing of visual programmes Part B 4 credit points
• Audio and video Part B 2 credit points
• Verbal and non-verbal communication Part B 2 credit points
• Producing Part B 4 credit points
• Event direction Part B 2 credit points
Master study programmes
• Communication right Part B 4 credit points

Methodological work
• Intellectual Property
• Legal aspects of public relations
• Producing of visual programmes
• Audio and video
• Verbal and non-verbal communication
• Producing
• Event direction
• Communication right
• BAT public relations faculty council member
• WES Audit Committee member
• LAMP jury commission member

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 8

Most significant publications

40. Rusenieks.J., Tilgalis V, “Consumers' rights on Internet. The copyright protected works on
Internet”, International conference “Euko 2010”,
41. Rusenieks J. “Problems concerning remuneration of persons performing creative work and
regulation of labour relations”, BAT IX International Scientific Conference “Social and
Economic Challenges for Labour Market”, Turiba, Riga, 2008
42. Rusenieks J „Authors and neighbouring rights protection regulatory problems in Latvia”, Latvian
Constitutional Court, 2009
43. Rusenieks J.”Authors and neighbouring rights protection regulatory problems in Latvia 2” BAT X
International Scientific Conference, Turiba, Rig, 2009
44. Rusenieks J. “Issues of the Civil Procedure Law of the 41st and Article 44 context", conference
organized ny the Ministry of Justice, Jurista Vārds, Riga
45. Rusenieks J. “Publishing the Copyright protected works in the Internet”, BAT XI International
Scientific Conference, Turiba, Riga, 2010

Further education and professional development

• Courses - Business Management, Management, USA
• Training - "Managing Director", "International Trendsetters Riga / Latvia /
• TV Management and Production / BMF, Denmark /

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

Author of more than 500 TV programms, documentaries and music videos

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Daina Skuskovnika
Name Surname
Dobele 290359-12755
Place of birth ID number
29.03.1959. Latvian
Day, month, year of birth Nationality

Address of the company/institution: Home address:

School of Business Administration Turiba Vairogu 56-16,
Department of Communication Sciences, Rīga
assistant prof.
Graudu 68, Rīga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67628870 Phone No: 29456873

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Education and Scientific qualification

1998-2004 University of Latvia doctoral studies, Social psychology, Dr. psych

1996-1998 Social science master’s in psychology, University of Latvia
1994-1995 Social science master’s in education, University of Latvia.
1993-1996 Social science bachelor’s in psychology, University of Latvia
1977-1983 University of Latvia, the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics,

Work experience
Since 2006 -till now The School of Business Administration Turība, Department of Communications
Sciences, professor assistant
2004- 2010 Riga’s 4 ph boarding school, teacher - psychologist
1996 - 2006 University of Latvia, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy Department of
Psychology, lecturer, professor assistant (from 2004)
1999- 2001 University of Latvia, Riga Humanitarian Institute, Faculty of Psychology,
Program director of Asisstant of Social Psychologist program
1998-2001 Preschool education establishment No. 198, psychologist
1983–1996 Strazdumuiza boarding school for blind and visually impaired children,
mathematics teacher, deputy director of education work
1980–1983 Riga secondary school No. 84, mathematics teacher

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
2009-2011 - Researcher in project cofinaced by ESF Nr. 2009/0305/1DP/
/09/APIA/VIAA/122 „Integrative teaching methodology development and
implementation of adaptation to the social environment for students and young
people with learning, cognitive function and movement disorders”
2010-2010 - Project member in grant financed by Latvian Council of Science Nr. 09.1531
“Formation of consciousness of national identity after the reestablishing of
independence in Latvia: tendencies and factors “
2008 - 2009 - Project member in grant financed by LCS Nr. 07.2087 “The market and the
public of Russian language mass media of Latvia“
2007 - 2008 - Project member in grant financed by LCS “The public of Russian language mass
media of Latvia“
2006 - 2007 - Project leader in grant financed by LCS 06.2008 „Correction of mathematical
Scientific publications and participation in conferences
2010 Škuškovnika D. (2010). Emotional reaction to information of
latvian and russian newspaper readers „Acta Prosperitatis”
Nr/1. Biznesa augstskolas Turība Zinātniskie raksti, 41.-52.p.
11 – 15.10., 2009 Member of International scientific program committee,
International Conference „Gifted Children: Challenges and
Possibilities”, University of Latvia
2009 Škuškovnika D. (2009). Math anxiety: pedagogical and
psychological aspects”., In press University of Liepaja
Facultyof Pedagogy, Department of Psychology,
2.international scientific conference „Psiholoģijas aktualitātes
mūsdienu sabiedrībā”
2008 Škuškovnika D., Tiltiņa-Kapele I. (2008). Social science
students’ emotional intelligence. University of Daugavpils,
50.scientific conference published in symposium.(155-165 lpp.)
2007 Škuškovnika D., Tiltiņa-Kapele I. (2007). Difference in
school social environment assessment and anxiety scale
indexes between 10 grade and 12 grade students.//Peagogy
academy of Liepaja, 1. international scientific conference
„Psiholoģijas aktualitātes mūsdienu izglītībā” published in
symposium. (4-12 p.)
2005 Skuskovnika D. (2005). Anxiety in latvians and rusians
residing in Latvia. Baltic Journal of Psychology. Vol. 4 (1),
2003 Skuskovnika D. (2003). Psychometric properties of the
Latvian and Russian Version of the State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (form Y). Baltic Journal of Psychology. Vol. 4 (1),
2002 Škuškovnika D. (2002). Studentu stresa un trauksmainības
rādītāju sakarības. LU Zinātniskās konferences rakstu
krājums. 655. sējums, 541.-549.
2002 Škuškovnika D. (2002). Students’ Anxiety. In Tradicionālais
un novatoriskais sabiedrības ilgspējīgā attīstībā.
Starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli. Rēzeknes
Augstskola. 129. – 135.
2002 Škuškovnika D. (2002). Trauksmainības rādītāju atšķirības
19–59 gadīgiem strādājošiem. LU Zinātniskie raksti. Izglītības
zinātnes un pedagoģija mūsdienu pasaulē. 649. sējums., 525. – 533.
Tiltiņa I., Škuškovnika D., Kristapsone S. (2002).
2002 Components of Teachers’ Job Motivation in Latvia. In Decade of
Reform: Achievements, Challenges, Problems. Research in Educational
Psychology. ATTE Spring University. LU,Institute of pedagogy and
psychology, p16-24.
Škuškovnika D. (2001). Difference of Men’s Anxiety Level
2001 in Different Age Groups. In New Developments in Psychology in the
Baltics: Theory and Practice. IV International Baltic Psychology
Conference. University of Latvia, Riga, pp.170 – 176.

Study courses (subjects)

Social psychology
Communications Psychology
Communications Psychology and Communication Skills
Management Psychology
Conflict research (Conflictology)
Customer Organization
Further education and professional development
2006. Group facilitator five day training. Fasilitator: Jo May-Prussak BSc(hons).Dip IDHP.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Member of Latvian Association of School Psychology

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Oskars Onzevs
Name Surname
Aglona 150755 – 10614
Place of birth ID number
15.07.55 Latvian
Day, month, year of birth Nationality

Company/institution and position held

Address of the company/institution: Home address:
Schol of Business Administartion Turiba Ozolciema 18-350,
Head of InformationTechnology Department, Riga, LV 1058
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: +371 67616358 Phone No: +371 29251009

Fax: +371 67619152
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Riga Technical University 1981-1983; Industrial Dr. sc. ing.
Doctoral degree studies promotion in Engineering

Riga Technical University 1973-1978 Engineering, Engineer


Work experience
Since 2000 onwards - School of Business Administration Turiba, Head of Information Technology
Department, Docent
1999-2000- School of Business Administration Turiba, Researcher.
Since 1981 onwards- Riga Technical University, Researcher
Since 2007 onwards - School of Business Administration Turiba , Institute of Business Technologies,
1978-1981 Riga Radio Works, Engineer - constructor

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
Management of projects:
• e-studiju apmācību sistēmas izveide Biznesa augstskolā Turība (1999. - 2000.).
• “Docētāju kompetenču paaugstināšana IT sasniegumu izmantošanai studiju kursu īstenošanā”
Nr. 2006/0058/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/APK/, (2006. – 2007. ); 41978.13 Ls.
• “Prakses centra izveidošana moderno tehnoloģiju pielietošanas prasmju attīstīšanai
uzņēmējdarbības vadībā” Nr. 2007/0007/VPD1/ESF/PIAA/06/APK/,
(2007. – 2008. ); 25000.00Ls.
• ”Doktora studiju atbalsts Biznesa augstskolā Turība” Nr
2009/0137/1DP/, (2009. – 2013.); 86500.00 Ls.
Participation in projects:
• Leonardo da Vinči “Continuing vocational education and training and development of
mature competence in enterprises” (2004. );
• European Union 6th Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies. Mentoring
of IST-Multipliers in ACCS. Extension: IST-MENTOR+(26.04.2004-29.04.2004);
• 2009. – RTU FLPP/45 „Metamodelēšana ar CAD/CAE līdzekļiem projektētu mehānisko
sistēmu formas optimizēšanai.
• 2007. IZM-RTU projektu R7236 „Vibro triecienpresēšanas iekārtas 3D ģeometriskā un
aprēķinu modeļa izstrāde”; projekta summa 20000.00Ls.
Supervising of doctoral students:
2009. –2010. supervisor of 1 doctoral student at Riga Stradins University (E.Ardava)

Methodological work
In Fields of Study Courses
Information Technologies, Quantitative methods, Management Information Systems, Business
mathematics and Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Econometry, Process optimization, Electronical
Communications and Presentations, Statistical Methods, Project Management

Most significant publications and participation in conferences

Fields of E-Studies (Number of publications ~ 25)
• A. Kiščenko, O. Onževs, L. Pētersons Business Administration Studies Via Internet.
ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN. Book of Abstracts. November 30 – December 01, 2000 Berlin
• O. Onževs, A. Kiščenko, A. Balodis The Possibility of developing e-studies and the
expierence of School of Business Administration Turiba. PROCEEDINGS. EDEN 10th
Anniversary conference 10-13 june 2001 Stocholm, Sweden Learning Without Limits.
Developing the next generation of education.
• A. Kiščenko, Dz. Atstāja, O. Onževs, Computerised Distance Education in Business Studies:
Problems and Solutions in Conditions of Latvia. PROCEEDINGS. 20th World Conference
on Open Learning and Distance Education. The future of Learning-Learning for the
future:Shaping and Transistion. Diseldorf, Germany 01.-05. April 2001.
• A. Balodis, O. Onževs, A. Kiščenko Analysis of E-studies development in Latvia.
Proceedings The Second EDEN Reserch Workshop “Reserch and policy in Open and
Distance Learning”, 21-23 March, 2002. Hildesheim, Germany
• A. Kiščenko, O. Onževs. Problems and Solutions of Training Businessmen via Internet.
Second International Conference Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process
reengineering in Operations. Riga, Latvia September 8 - 9, 2000 Konferences rakstu krājums,
Rīgas tehniskā universitāte. ISBN 9984-681-64-5
• O. Onževs, A. Kiščenko, L. Petersons, Business Administration Studies for CEE Countries
Via Internet, Economics & Management, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University
2001. Nr. 2 (5).
• A.Kiščenko, O. Onževs, A. Balodis, E-studiju attīstības iespēju analīze Latvijā, Starptautiskā
konference "Uzņēmējdarbība un tās tiesiskā vide", Biznesa augstskola Turība, (2002).
• A.Kiscenko, O. Onzevs, J. Zommers "Methodological Support for Economical Education by
Using Information Technologies." Rural Areas Development in the North-western
Macroregion of Poland under Conditions of State Reforms and European Integration:
scientific conference, 21-24 June 1999, Poland (Szczeecin), Volume II, ISBN 83-908840-6-
2, pp. 219-223.
• A.Kiščenko, O. Onževs "Uzņēmējdarbības studiju metodiskais nodrošinājums izmantojot
Internet tehnoloģijas" Starptautiskā zinātniskā konference -UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAS VIDE:
TIESISKĀ BĀZE UN KVALITĀTE, Rīga (Biznesa augstskola Turība), 1999. gada 24.
Marts,ISBN 9984-609-15-4,lpp.111-115.
• A.Kiščenko, O. Onževs, J. Zommers "Datorizētās tālmācības iespējas uzņēmējdarbības
studiju nodrošināšanā" Starptautiska konference- Centrālās un Austrumeiropas Valstu
Ekonomiskās Integrācijas Problēmas Eiropas Savienībā, Rēzekne (Rēzeknes augstskola),
1999. gada 21. -22. Maijs, ISBN 9984-585-78-6, lpp. 77-80.
• Anita Emse, Lolita Cesniece, Antons Kiscenko, Oskars Onzevs Processing Experts For
Regional Reform By Using Open Flexible Distance Learning.International coference
REGIONAL ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT, Kaunas, 21-22 October 1999, 3p
• Oskars Onzevs, Antons Kiscenko, Stanislavs Keiss, Inese Varslava Informative Insurance
For Regional Development. International coference REGIONAL ECONOMICS AND
DEVELOPMENT, Kaunas, 21-22 October 1999, 3p
• Stanislavs Keiss, Antons Kiscenko, Oskars Onzevs, Leonids Petersons Necessity of Business
Education in Solving Regional Reform Problems. International coference REGIONAL
ECONOMICS AND DEVELOPMENT, Kaunas, 21-22 October 1999, 2p
• Jānis Augucēvičs, Antons Kiščenko, Oskars Onževs “Datorzinību kursu pasniegšanas
metodoloģija datorizētajā tālmācībā” Ziņojums konferencē “Baltijas reģionu valstu
integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.” Rēzekne, 2000.gada 2. un 3. marts.
• Doloresa Medne, Oskars Onževs, Antons Kiščenko “Juridisko studiju kursu pasniegšanas
metodoloģija pielietojot informācijas tehnoloģijas” Ziņojums konferencē “Baltijas reģionu
valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.” Rēzekne, 2000.gada 2. un 3. marts.
• Oskars Onževs, Inese Vārslava, Antons Kiščenko “Informācijas apmaiņas nodrošināšana
datorizētās tālmācības studiju procesā” Ziņojums konferencē “Baltijas reģionu valstu
integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.” Rēzekne, 2000.gada 2. un 3. marts.
• Igors Rieksts, Oskars Onževs, Imants Bašēns “ Multimēdiju tehnoloģiju pielietošanas
iespējas un perspektīvas datorizētajā tālmācībā” Ziņojums konferencē “Baltijas reģionu
valstu integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.” Rēzekne, 2000.gada 2. un 3. marts.
• Egmonts Treiguts, Oskars Onževs, Imants Bašēns “Datu drošības un datortīklu pasniegšanas
metodoloģija datorizētajā tālmācībā” Ziņojums konferencē “Baltijas reģionu valstu
integrācijas problēmas ceļā uz Eiropas Savienību.” Rēzekne, 2000.gada 2. un 3. marts.
• O.Onževs,A.Kiščenko “Informācijas apmaiņas nodrošināšana veidojot virtuālās augstskolas”
Trešā starptautiskā zinātniski - praktiskā konference “Vide. Tehnoloģija. Resursi” Rēzekne
19-21.jūnijs, 2001.
Fields of ICT and Innovations (Number of publications ~ 30)
• A.Januševskis, J. Auziņš, O.Onževs, J.Pfafrods. Simulation of Dynamics of Molding
Assembly. Scientific Proceedings of RTU: Transport and Engineering. Mechanics. Series 6.
Vol. 24, Riga, Riga Technical University, 2007, 174 -182.
• J.Auziņš, P.Auziņš, A.Boiko, A.Januševskis, O.Onževs. Problems of Numerical
Identification and Optimisation of Rigid Body Mechanical Systems. In Scientific
Proceedings of RTU: Transport and Engineering. Mechanics. Series 6. Vol. 24, Riga, Riga
Technical University, 2007, 94 -
• Jānis Auziņš, Pēteris Auziņš, Aleksandrs Boiko, Aleksandrs Januševskis, Oskars Onževs,
Mašīnu, mehānismu un konstrukciju modelēšanas, identifikācijas un optimizācijas
datorizācija, II Pasaules Latviešu zinātnieku kongress, Rīga, (2001).
• A.Janushevskis, E.Lavendelis, O.Onzevs "Method for Optimization of Random Vibrations of
Non-Linear Mechanical System". In.:Proceedings of IUTAM / IFToMM Symposium on
Synthesis of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, (E.Lavendelis and M.Zakrzhevsky(Eds.)),
Vol.73, 2000, pp. 159-168. Kluwer Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London.
• A.Janushevskis, J.Auziņš, A.Boiko, O.Onževs Tool for Automation of Optimisation
Calculations of Mechanical System Vibrations. Journal of Vibroengineering 2000. No.4 (5),
pp.5-8, Vilnius. 2000
• A.Janushevskis, J.Auziņš, P.Auziņš, O.Onževs Vibrotriecienpresēšanas tehnoloģija. Biznesa
Partneri. 2001. lpp. 10
• A.Janushevskis, J.Auziņš, P.Auziņš, A.Boiko, O.Onževs Problems of Numerical
Identification and Optimisation of Rigid Body Mechanical Systems Proceedings of RTU:
Transport and Mechanical Engineering, series 6, vol. 8, Riga, Riga Technical University,
• A.Janushevskis, J.Auziņš, A.Boiko, O.Onževs Verification of Tools of Random Vibration
Calculations for Designing of Mechanical Systems Proceedings of 3rd International DAAM
Conference. Industrial Engineering – New Challenges to SME, (eds. J.Papstel & B.Katalinic)
25 - 27th April, Tallinn, Estonia. 2002. pp. 26-29

Further education and professional development

26.02.2004-25.03.2004 Zygon Baltic Consulting - Projektu vadība – projektu sagatavošana
finanšu piesaistei.(Project management)
Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

3 Patents of the Republic of Latvia
• O.Onževs, A.Januševskis, J.Auziņš. "Iekārta materiālu vibrotriecienpresēšanai." Int.Cl.
B28B1/08. Patent of the Republic of Latvia Nr.12477 from 20.08.2000.
• O.Onževs, A.Januševskis, J.Auziņš. " Automātiski vadāma iekārta materiālu
vibrotriecienpresēšanai." Int.Cl. B28B1/08. Patent of the Republic of Latvia Nr.12478 from
• O. Onževs, A. Januševskis „Iekārta materiālu vibrotriecienpresēšanai”. Int.Cl. B 28 B 1/08.
Patent of the Republic of Latvia Nr.11601 from 20.04.1997.

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Juris Ozols
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 111047-11805
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
11.10.1947 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of business Administration Turiba Brivibas 90 – 57,
Information technology department Riga, LV 1001
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: +371 67616358 Phone No: +371 67616358

Fax: 7619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of 1994 Physics Dr. Phys.
Physics and Mathematics, Latvia

University of Latvia, Faculty of 1993 Physics M.Sc. degree in Physics

Physics and Mathematics,
Department of Physics Latvia

University of Latvia, Faculty of 09. 1966. – Physics Bachelor’s degree in Physics

Physics and Mathematics, Latvia 06. 1971.

Work experience
Since 1998., Docent. School of Business administration Turība, Department of Information Technologies
1998 – 1999 Lecturer. School of Business administration Turība, Department of Information Technologies
Since 1998. Docent. University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
1995-2004 Researcher, senior researcher. Institute of Astronomy, University of Latvia
1971-1998 Senior researcher,Senior lecturer, Laboratory assistant, senior engineer, head of laboratory,
researcher. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Latvia,

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
1. Methodology of teaching computer sciences
2. Investigations of business information systems
3. Signal registration methods in astronomy
2007 Participating (lecturer) in Project: European Social Fond project: Increasing of Faculties
Competencies in Information Technologies for Further Study Process.
2005 Senior researcher. Ventspils International Radioastronomy Centre

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes:
Information Technologies, Quantitative methods, Management Information Systems, Business
mathematics and Statistics, Financial Mathematics, Econometry, Information Technologies-2
Master study programmes:
Process optimization in Tourism, Art and Technology of Presentations (part of course)
College study programmes:
Information Technologies, Electronical Communications and Presentations, Statistical Methods
• Guest lecturer; University of Applied sciences, Saarbrücken.(Optimization of business problems
with MS Excel), 05 2008.
• Latvian University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics: Electronics

Methodological work
1. Co-author of 2 text-books in electronics
2. J. Augucēvičs, J. Ozols, E. Treiguts. Praktiskie uzdevumi datorzinībās un risinājumi. Rīga,
Turība, 2000. / Practical exercises and solutions. Computer sciences./
3. J. Augucēvičs, J. Ozols, E. Treiguts. Datorzinības. Uzdevumi un to risinājumi. Rīga, Turība,
2002. /Computer sciences. Practical exercises and solutions/
4. J. Augucēvičs, J. Ozols, E. Treiguts. Datorzinības. Uzdevumi un to risinājumi. Rīga, Turība,
2005. /Computer sciences. Practical exercises and solutions/
5. Project. Improving competencies of docents in the field of Computer sciences. 2007. Work out
materials and conduct a lecture for academic staff.
6. Author of 6 programs in Compter sciences
7. Methodological material for study course „Process Optimization in Tourism”
8. Methodological material for study courses on MS Office 2007

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 24, 24 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

1. M. Ābele, A.Pavēnis, I.Vilks, J.Ozols. Radioteleskopa RT-32 pozicionēšanas datorvadība,
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, N6, 20, 1998.
2. Ozols Juris. Specifics of Computer technology courses for Tourism specialization.
Proceedings of the international conference. Integration problems of the Baltic Region
Countries on their way to the European Union. Rezekne, March 2-3, 2000.
3. Jānis Augucēvičs, Juris. Ozols, Egmonts. Treiguts. The structure and methodical support of
Computer science courses in School of Business Administration Turiba. International
conference. Transformation of economic and social relations: processes,tendencies and
results. Riga, 30-31 March, 2001.
4. Jolanta Bērziņa, Gatis Blunavs, Juris Ozols. Latvian tourism information on the WEB:
comparison and evaluation. International scientific conference. sustainable tourism
development; tendencies, experience, possibilities. Riga, 25 april, 2003.
5. Juris Ozols, Ainārs Brencis, Madara Lūka, Oskars Onževs. Information technologies in
educational process of Tourism and Hospitality. 8th International Scientific conference. New
Tourism products for Regional development. Proceedings. Riga , 1 June 2007.
6. Ainārs Brencis, Juris Ozols, Egita Grīnhofa Hotel Management Information Systems in
Latvia: development and trends. Innovations and Technologies. News. Nr. 1 (2), 2009. p. 65.-
75. ISSN 1691-4937
7. Ainārs Brencis, Juris Ozols. Hotel Management Information Systems: affiliation in Latvia,
analysis and interconnections 10. International Conference, Turība, 28.05. 2009.
8. Ainars Brencis, Juris Ozols. Competitive identity for Nation of Latvia – Lessons to Learn
from National Hockey Team „Riga Dinamo”. 8th International Scientific Conference. Legal,
political and economic initiatives towards Europe of knowledge. Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania. 23 April 2010.
9. Rozīte M., Ozols J., Vinklere D. (2010). Quality Aspects and Assessment of Rural Tourism
Enterprises of Latvia. – In: Potential of Tourism. Universytet Szczecinski. Zeszyty Naukowe
Nr 592. Ekonomiczne Problemy Turysyki Nr.14.

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

2009 School of Business administration Turība, member of the Council of doctor studies
1998 - 2006. Latvian National Metrology centre, member of technical committee "Legal metrology"
Further education and professional development
2004. University of Latvia: Academics teaching improvement / innovation in higher education /
educational work management. Serteficate Nr. 0474. 01.2004. –06.2004

Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)

Certificate of authorship - 1

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Ilmars Viksne
Name Surname
Place of birth ID number
21.10.1962 Latvian
Day, month, year of birth Nationality

Company/institution and position held

Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba, Ezermalas 2a - 26,
vice-rector for research RIga, LV - 1006
Graudu 68, Riga, LV-1058

Phone No: +371 67615520 Phone No: +371 9187403

Fax: 7619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
01/09/2002 - Business Master in Business
Riga International School of
09/06/2004 Administration Administration
Economics and Business
Administration, Latvia
Engineering Doctor of Engineering
03/06/1992 Sciences Sciences
Riga Technical University, Latvia
01/09/1980 - Engineering Mechanical Engineer of
Riga Air Force Engineering
22/06/1985 Sciences Aircraft and Aircraft Engines

Work experience
26/06/2003 – present: School of Business Administration TURIBA, Vice-Rector for Research
12/09/2002 - 20/06/2003: Riga Technical University, Aviation Institute, Project Manager, Lecturer
(airframe and aircraft systems)
27/02/1998 - 11/04/2001: National Defense Academy of Latvia, Rector
1995 – 1998: National Defense Academy of Latvia, facilitator of Defence scientific center
1993 – 1995: National Defense Academy of Latvia, head researcher of Defence scientific center
1992 sept – 1992 dec: Riga Technical University, Institute or Railways, lecturer

Study courses (subjects)

Information Technologies 2 A part 2 credit points

Number of publications – 29

Most significant publications

2007. The Development of Business Environment in Latvia: tendencies and possibilities. Serie: „Theory,
Research and Practicum,”. Riga: „School of Business Administration Turiba”
2002. Viksne Ilmars „Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Latvia.” In Cottey, Andrew, Timothy
Edmunds and Anthony Forster eds. Democratic Control of The Military in Postcommunist Europe.
Guarding the Guards. Hampshire: Palagrave Publishers Ltd., p.91-107
2000. Ilmars Viksne „Formation of the NDA” In Baltic Defence Review. No. 3 Vol. 2000. Tartu: Baltic
Security Society, p. 17-29
Further education and professional development
2000 May and 1998 September George C. Marshal Center for Security Studies, Germany: courses of elder
1997 feb – 1997 may King’s College London,. UK: studies and scientific research
1994 jul – 1994 sept Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Auswertige Politik e.v., Germany:
studies and scientific research

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
German x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Inese Ate
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Mersrags, Talsu reg., Latvia 260858-10139
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
26.08.1958 Latvian
Company/institution and position held:
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba, Maskavas street 268/1-45,
lecturer Riga, LV-1063, Latvia
Graudu street 68, Riga, LV-1058, Latvia.

Phone No: +371 67624084 Phone No: +371 67255645

Fax: +371 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Department of Foreign Languages, 1976-1982 the English

the University of Latvia language and Linguist, teacher
Master’s studies in pedagogy at the 2003-2006
Department of Education and pedagogy Master’s degree in pedagogy
psychology, the University of

Work experience
Since 2008 - School of Business Administration Turiba; lecturer of the English language
1999 – 2008 School of Business Administration Turiba; (teaching) assistant of the English language
1994 – 1999 Mārupe secondary school, the English language teacher
1981 – 1993 Company “Latvhimsnabsbit” (now company “Latvijas ķīmija”)
1976 – 1981 Technical school for bookkeepers and accountants, librarian

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
• 2009 – 2010 participant of NordPlus project “Online blended learning English (A2/B1) module
for adults “In Charge of My World”.” (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia). Project No. AD-2009_1-
• 2008 – 2010 participant of the Lifelong learning programme Grundtvig project in Learning
Partnership "Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural Awareness" in the field of teaching
foreign languages and intercultural education, financed by the EU (Romania, Latvia, Germany,
Poland, Turkey). Project No. 2008-1-RO-GRU06-00113 4.
• 2006 participant of the EU project “The English Language Training for Policemen”.

Participation in conferences
• 6-9 October 2009 –the report “The best practices in training and developing language skills for
adults within the project "Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural Awareness" in 8
Grundtvig Learning Partnership Conference “Support for Flexible and Self-directed- Learning”,
Stockholm, Sweden.
• 27-28 February 2009 –the report “Possible use of cognitive maps to intensify the study process”
in International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”, Rezekne, Rezekne
Higher Education Institution.
• 22-23 February 2008 –the report “Intensification of the study process using some accelerated
learning elements” in International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”,
Rezekne, Rezekne Higher Education Institution.

Study courses (subjects)

• 2008-2009 Professional lexis (English) for the 1st level professional curriculum Hotel
Management (6 credits)
• 2008-2009 Professional lexis (English) for the 1st level professional curriculum Marketing and
Trade (4 credits)
• 2006–2009 Professional lexis (English) for Public Relations curriculum (8 credits).
• Since 2005 Professional lexis (English) for Business Administration curriculum (11 credits).
• Since 2006 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum
(10 credits)
• 2004–2005 English for Special Purposes for Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum
(12 credits).

Methodological work
2003 –Teaching aid for acquiring English for Special Purposes (“Catering and catering service”) for
students of Tourism and Hospitality Management curriculum (A1/A2).

Number of publications
Total number of publications – 5, 3 of them scientific
• 2010 Lūka, I., Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa, L. (2010) The Development of University
Educators’ Research Competence in Academic and Research Activity. // Reviewed and selected
materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century:
Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, pp. 240-249. ISBN 978-9984-
• Ate I., Liepiņa L. (2009) “Possible use of cognitive maps to intensify the study process”
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”, Rezekne,
Rezekne Higher Education Institution, pp.25-31
• Ate I. (2008) “Intensification of the study process using some accelerated learning elements”
Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”, Rezekne,
Rezekne Higher Education Institution, pp. 13-23
Other publications:
• Article on the final meeting of the Language Department and partners in Grundtvig project
“Adults Learning Languages and Intercultural Awareness”in Turkey, Kutahya. Published in
BATwebpage. http://www.turiba.lv Uploaded in June, 2010.
• Article on the work of the Language Department in Grundtvig project “Adults Learning
Languages and Intercultural Awareness”. Published in BATwebpage. http://www.turiba.lv
Uploaded in September, 2008.

Most significant publications

• 2010 Lūka, I., Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa, L. (2010) The Development of University
Educators’ Research Competence in Academic and Research Activity. // Reviewed and selected
materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century:
Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, pp. 240-249. ISBN 978-
• Ate I., Liepiņa L. (2009) “Possible use of cognitive maps to intensify the study process”
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”,
Rezekne, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, pp.25-31
• Ate I. (2008) “Intensification of the study process using some accelerated learning elements”
Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Society, Integration, Education”, Rezekne,
Rezekne Higher Education Institution, pp. 13-23
Further education and professional development
• 2010 June Experience Exchange in adult education centre in Turkey, Kutahya in the framework of
LLP Grundtvig Project.
• 2008 Nov. Experience Exchange in adult education centre „Hox and Erix SRL” in Romania,
Miercurea Ciuc in the framework of LLP Grundtvig Project.
• 2008 -education courses „Didactics of Higher Educational Institutions: current theory and
practice” the Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Latvia, certificate Nr. 005872
• 2006 - methodology courses for teaching English for Special Purposes, the Faculty of Modern
Languages, University of Latvia, certificate Nr 72.
• 2004- 4th Baltic IATEFL & LATE 12 year anniversary conference “English in the New Europe:
• Exploring the Changing Nature of Teaching & Learning English in a Wider European Context”
(lectures and workshops)
• 2003 May -Methodological seminar in BAT “The development of Thinking Skills in the EL
Classroom”, “Thinking Approach”.
• 1997 July - Education Courses “A three-day Year 12 exam preparation course”
• 1997 –Education Courses “Lessons of nowadays”
• 1996-1997 “English Language Teaching Professional Development Programme” organized by the
British Council

Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills
excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Līga Kļaviņa
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Aizkraukle, Latvia 260281-11147
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
26.02.1981. Latvian
Company/institution and position held:
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba, Avoti – 4, Zebrenes pagasts,
lecturer’s assistant in German/French Dobeles novads, LV- 3731
Graudu Street 68, LV-1058

Phone No: +371 67624084 Phone No: 28632453

Fax: +371 67619152 E-mail: -
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Spacialization Qualification
Establishment, country

Daugavpils University, Faculty of 2004 – 2006

German language Master of Philology (Mag.
Humanities, Master studies in and Philology, philol.)
German Philology French language
Daugavpils University, Faculty of 2003 – 2004
German language Bachelor’s degree in German
Humanities, Bachelor studies in
and Philology Philology (BA)
German Philology

Daugavpils University, Faculty of Pedagogy and

1999 – 2003
Humanities, German/ English Philology German/ English language
language teacher/ translator teacher/ translator

Work experience
Since 2007- German / English / French language assistant in School of Business Administration Turiba
2004.– 2008 English language teacher in Zebrene Primary School , District - Dobele
2004 Secretary, Ltd „Magistr”, Daugavpils
2003 English language teacher (Forms 7.-9.) in Secondary school of M.Brimmerberga, Pļaviņas

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
2008-2010 Executor of EU Leonardo da Vinci project „TOURNEU: Kulturelle und wirtschaftliche
Aspekte des Incoming-Tourismus in den neuen EU-Ländern (Slowakische Republik, Estland, Lettland) –
Ausarbeitung internetgestützter multimedialer Lehr- und Lernmittel für Tourismuswirtschaft in Bezug auf
den Incoming-Bereich aus deutschsprachigen Ländern“.

Participation in conferences
27. – 28.04.2006. Report “Műnchhausens Leben im Vergleich zu „Műnchhausens Erzählungen” (
Munchausen’s life in comparison with Munchausen’s stories ) read in the 48. conference of young
scientists, Daugavpils University.

Study courses (subjects)

Professional terminology (German/French)
Professional lexicology (English language )
Professional terminology (English language )
Business foreign language
Methodological work
• 2008-2010 Executor of EU Leonardo da Vinci project „TOURNEU: Kulturelle und
wirtschaftliche Aspekte des Incoming-Tourismus in den neuen EU-Ländern (Slowakische
Republik, Estland, Lettland)–Ausarbeitung internetgestützter multimedialer Lehr- und Lernmittel
für Tourismuswirtschaft in Bezug auf den Incoming-Bereich aus deutschsprachigen Ländern“.
• 21. – 26.05.2002. Seminar „Deutschland und das Baltikum – Partner in Europa” ( Germany and
Baltic – Partner in Europe ), Otzenhausen, Germany. Report „Leben und Schaffen von
Hieronimus Karl Friedrich von Münchhausen ”( H.K. Friedrich’s life and creative work).

Number of publications
Total number of publications- 4, 2 of them scientific
• Lūka, I., Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa, L. (2010) The Development of University
Educators’ Research Competence in Academic and Research Activity. // Reviewed and selected
materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century:
Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, pp. 240-249.
• Lūka, I., Smilga, S., Kļaviņa, L. (2008) Die Bildung der Fachkompetenz der Studenten der
Fachrichtung Tourismus in den Fremdsprachenstudien. Published in the international scientifical
conference „Foreign Languages – Lifelong Challenge”, Compilation : “Cudzie Jazyky –
Celoživotná Výzva”. Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. June 26-27, 2008. 137.-149.p.
• Tikšanās Ansbahā (Vācijā) TOURNEU projekta - Blended learning – ietvaros. [Meeting in
Ansbach, Germany within the Framework of TOURNEU Blended learning project].
www.turiba.lv uploaded on 19 March, 2009.
• Blended-learning by learning foreign languages,
http://www.turiba.lv/lat/dzive_turiba/blogi/augstskolas_blogi/liga_klavina/. Uploaded on 20.05.2010.

Most significant publications

• Lūka, I., Emse, A., Ābola, I., Ate, I., Kļaviņa, L. (2010) The Development of University
Educators’ Research Competence in Academic and Research Activity. // Reviewed and selected
materials of the International Conference – ATEE Spring University “Teacher of the 21st Century:
Quality education for quality teaching”. Riga: Latvijas Universitāte, pp. 240-249.
• Lūka, I., Smilga, S., Kļaviņa, L. (2008) Die Bildung der Fachkompetenz der Studenten der
Fachrichtung Tourismus in den Fremdsprachenstudien. Published in the international
scientifical conference „Foreign Languages – Lifelong Challenge”, Compilation: “Cudzie Jazyky
– Celoživotná Výzva”. Technical University of Košice, Slovakia. June 26-27,2008. 137.-149.p.

Further education and professional development

• 2009 01.12.-2009.03.12 Meeting in Tartu within the Framework of TOURNEU Blended learning
• 2009 febr.-june Professional development courses for university l teachers “Pedagogy of higher
educational institutions”, University of Latvia, PPF, Certificate No.009956, 15.06.2009.
• 2007 Professional development programm LPA “Bērnu ar speciālām vajadzībām integrācija un
iekļaušana izglītības procesā” (The integration and inclusion of children with special needs in the
educational process ) . Certificate No.1182.

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian + + +
Russian + + +
German + + +
English + + +
French + + +

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Anda Komarovska
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga, Latvia 260266-10620
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
26.02.1966. Latvian
Company/institution and position held:

Address of the company/institution: Home address:

School of Business Administration Turiba; 3 Zalenieku street,
lecturer Riga, Latvia
68 Graudu street, Riga, Latvia

Phone No: +371 67624084 Phone No: +37129814487

Fax: + 371 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
Studies at Master’s course, School 2003.-2005. Business Manager, Master’s degree
of Business administration Turiba administration
(“ Strategic management of
Tourism” )

Unfinished studies at Master’s 2000.-2002. Pedagogy

course, School of Pedagogy

University of Latvia, Foreign 1984.-1089. English language The teacher of English

language Faculty, English and literature language and literature
language department

Riga English grammar school 1973.-1984.

Work experience
Since 2008.- School of Business administration Turiba, lecturer
1999.-2008 School of Business administration Turiba, assistant
1993.-1999. Riga International School of Economics and Business administration, lecturer
1991.-1993. Riga, Grammar school No. 94, teacher of English
1989.-1990 Ogresgals Primary school, teacher of English

Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
The image of Latvia as a tourist destination.

Participation in conferences
• 2010. Report in XI. International Scientific conference “Human, society, state under
contemporary changeable economic conditions”
• 2008. Report in IX. International Scientific conference “The social and economic challenges of a
labour market.”Riga, School of Business administration Turiba, 30.05.2008.
• 2008. Report in VIII. International Scientific conference “New products for the regional
development.” Riga, School of Business administration Turiba, 01.06.2007.
Study courses (subjects)
Professional terminology (English)
Professional lexis (English)
Business English

Methodological work
2006. EU project “English language course for policemen.”

Number of publications
Total number of publications - 4
• 2010. Publication “Latvia- EU. Cooperation balance” (with Ainars Komarovskis) in XI.
International Scientific conference “Human, society, state under contemporary changeable
economic conditions” Conference proceedings. Riga. School of Business Administration Turiba,
• 2009. Publication “The potential of the image of Latvia as a tourist destination” in X. International
Scientific conference “The Management of communication within the contemporary information
• Conference proceedings Riga. School of Business administration Turiba, 2009.
• 2008. Publication “Tendencies of brand development” in IX International conference “The social
and economic challenges of a labour market.”
Conference proceedings Riga, The school of Business administration Turiba, 2008.
• 2007. “The Existing and desirable Image of Latvia as a tourist destination.” In VIII. International
Scientific conference “New tourism products in regional development” Conference proceedings.
Rīga. Schol of Business administration Turiba, 2007.

Most significant publications

2009. Publication “The potential of the image of Latvia as a tourist destination” in X. International
Scientific conference “The Management of communication within the contemporary information society.”
Conference proceedings Riga. School of Business administration Turiba, 2009.

Further education and professional development

• 2009. Course of continuing education “The Scholarship of Teaching”, organized by Baltic
management development association.
• 2005. Courses of higher educational institutions, certificate No.0311
• 2004. Course “Further Certificate for teaching Business English”London, Chamber of Commerce
& Industry, certificate No.30322193
• 2001.-2002. Program of Professional qualification of an English language teacher.

Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x x x
English x x x

(Date) (Signature)
Curriculum vitae
Dana Rone
Name Surname

Place of birth ID number

Riga 171274-10607
Day, month, year of birth Nationality
17.12.1974 Latvian
Company/institution and position held
Address of the company/institution: Home address:
School of Business Administration Turiba Gulbju iela 31,
Department of Private Law, lecturer Riga, LV 1076
Graudu 68, Riga, LV 1058

Phone No: 67619693 Phone No: 29442637

Fax: 67619152 E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

Basic, master, doctoral studies.
Period Specialization Qualification
Establishment, country
University of Latvia, Faculty of
Law – LL.B 1994-1998 Lawyer

University of Latvia, Faculty of

Law, LL.M 1998 - 2000
Master of law
Riga Graduate School of Law,
2000 – 2001
Faculty of Law, LL.M European and
Master of law
international law
University of Latvia, Faculty of Since 2005
Law, doctoral studies

Work experience
School of Business Administration Turība
February 2004 – to date Lecturer (subjects – Insurance Law, Commercial Law, Civil Procedure Law
Legal Co-operation, Work with Legal Texts)
April 2005 – March 2007 Head of private Law Department of the Faculty of Law
April 2004 – April 2005 Head of Public Law Department of the Faculty of Law
Law office Danas Rones advokātu birojs
March 2003 – to date Sworn attorney at law, head of the office
Insurance Joint Stock Company Rigas Slimokase
December 1999 – April 2003 Head of Legal Department
Law office Lejins, Edzins, Torgans & Vonsovics ,Riga, Latvia
November 1998 – December 1999 Attorney-at-law
Council of Riga, Department of Property
November 1996 - November 1998 Chief lawyer
Law office Blukis, Elksne & Rozenfelds
May 1996 - October 1996 Lawyer
Company Baltic Consultants Ltd.
March 1995 - May 1996 Lawyer
Latvia University Faculty of Law
December 1994 Laboratory assistant to the Chair of Theory of Law and Political Science
Fields of scientific research, projects, grants, supervision of master and doctoral research papers
State subsided research projects, grants:
• Elaboration of scientific – legal research for the Ministry of Justice of Latvia on role of advocates
and lawyers in Latvia, February – August 2008
• Elaboration of scientific – legal research for the Ministry of Justice of Latvia on legal persons’
criminal liability in Latvia and 8 Nordic countries, February – March 2006
International research projects:
• Elaboration of scientific – legal research for the Academy of Leon Kozmiensky (Warszaw,
Poland) about Europeanization of inheritance law and testaments, January 2009 – January 2010
• Legal expert for United Nations Latvia in campaign Against Violation towards Women, Task: To
assess and draft legal amendments in normative acts regarding violation in family against women,
November 15 – December 15, 2005
• Legal expert for UNDP Latvia and the Ministry of Justice project Strengthening Court
Communication Capacity, Responsibilities – to develop suggestions to and contents of Latvian
court internet web page, May – August, 2005
• Legal expert for UNDP Latvia project On Development Cooperation, Responsibilities – to
develop a system of assigning Latvian personnel to international civilian operations. December
2004 – April 2005

Participation in conferences
Participation in international conferences with report:
• University of Latvia. The 1st Legal science doctoral students’ conference, June 11, 2010.
Presentation of report “Legal interest payments in the insurance”
• Daugavpils university (Latvia). 52nd scientific international conference, April 14, 2010.
Presentation of report “Legal interest payments in the insurance indemnity cases”
• Leon Kozmiensky Academy (Warszaw, Poland). International conference “Europeanization
Perspectives of Succession Law”, January 21, 2010. Presentation of report “Form of Testament”
• Vilnius University (Lithuania).International conference “Europeanization Perspectives of
Succession Law”, December 15, 2009. Presentation of report “European certificate of succession”
• School of Business Administration Turiba. International conference “Europeanization
Perspectives of Succession Law”, October 29, 2009. Presentation of report “Legal Problematics
Related to Intestate Successors in Latvia”
• International conference „Legal Aid and Victim Support”, April 29, 2009. Presentation of report
„Legal Regulations of Legal Aid Providers in Latvia”
• Daugavpils university (Latvia). 51st scientific international conference April 15, 2009.
Presentation of report “Legal problematic of civil liability insurance”
• School of Business Administration Turiba. IX International Scientific Conference “Social and
Economic Challenges for Labour Market”, May 30, 2008. Presentation of report “Settlement of
Labour Dispute by Mediation Methods”
• Riga Graduate School of Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution Education Programme in
cooperation with ADR association of Latvia: conference “Perspectives of Alternative Dispute
Resolution in Latvia”, February 24, 2006. Presentation of thesis “Real possibilities of mediation
in today’s Latvia. Lawyer’s opinion”
• International Scientific Conference organized by Daugavpils University “Consequences of rights
infringements in public law and private law”. Daugavpils, Latvia, September 15 – 16, 2005.
Presentation of thesis “Consequences and possible outcomes of failure to fulfill insurance

Study courses (subjects)

Bachelor study programmes
• Legal environment of the commercial activities Part A 3 credit points

Methodological work
Elaboration of programme for the course “Legal environment of the commercial activities”
Number of publications
Total number of publications - 30, 4 of them – scientific publications

Most significant publications

Usage of personal code in publicly accessible documents. – „Jurista Vārds”. – No. 32 (627), 10.08.2010.
Law remains in force – „Praktiskais Latvietis”. – 17.07.2010.
Europeanization of succession law. – „Jurista Vārds”. – No. 45 (588), 10.11.2009.
Reform of lawyer’s profession. – „Jurista Vārds”. – No. 6 (549), 10.02.2009.
Settlement of labour disputes by mediation methods. – Bilance. – No 13 (193), 01.07.2008.
Mediation: term and possibilities. – Latvijas Vēstnesis, Jurista Vārds. – 14.03.2006.
Collisions of voluntary and compulsory insurance of persons. – Diena. – 23.02.2006.

Further education and professional development

• Project of the special program of the European Commission “Civil Law” – “Newest and future
development tendencies of the Civil Law within the European Union”. Seminar “Newest
development tendencies in the EU instruments regarding applicable law” (Ministry of Justice of
the Republic of Latvia), March 2 and 4, 2009
• Mediation and conferencing method in criminal cases (Office of State Probation Service), January
11 – 15, 2010
• Project of the special program of the European Commission “Civil Law” – “Newest and future
development tendencies of the Civil Law within the European Union”. Seminar “Education of
practicing lawyers in the mediation methods”(Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia), 2009
• Ethics in legal communication (Latvian Judicial Training Centre), June 10, 2009
• Liability of management and supervisory board members for losses caused to the company
(Sorainen Law Office), March 18, 2009
• Civil procedure law and case-law novelties (Latvian Judicial Training Centre), September, 2008
• The Advanced Mediation Course (L.A.D.R. & Riga Graduate School of Law), March, 2008
• Participation in 12 days long seminar about mediation .EU project “Dispute settlement systems
and learning of practicing lawyers”,November 2006 – February 2007
• Masterclass “The New Borders of the European Union. – European Tax Law. European Labour
Law. Protection of minority shareholders and creditors in the EU. European Public Procurement.
European Social Law and Pension Rights”(Riga Graduate School of Law; Van Mens &
Wissekink), September 16 – 19, 2005
• Participation in the Summer University of the Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
Certificate obtained on completion of the course on Mediation and Other Methods to Foster
Democratic Dialogue, July 4 – 15, 2005
• Courses of didactics for university lecturers (Academy of Agronomy of Latvia), 2005

Participation in academic and professional associations, elected positions

Latvian Bar Association

Honour titles, awards


Number of patents, author’s certificates, licences (patents, inventions etc.)


Languages: Reading skills Writing skills Speaking skills

excellent good average excellent good average excellent good average
Latvian x x x
Russian x X x
English x X X
Spanish X X X

June 18, 2010

(Date) (Signature)
Appendix No. 11

Library provisions
Tourism Economic literature
N.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izdošanas ziņas UDK
1. Holovejs, Dž. Kristofers. Tūrisma bizness / no angļu val. tulk. Everita 338.48
Milčonoka un Jāzeps Springovičs. - Rīga : Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 1999. - 367,
[1] lpp. : il. - Bibliogr.: 360.-367.lpp.
ISBN 9984-623-76-9. 413
2 Tūrisma prakses, izglītības un pētniecības integrācija: pieredze un 338.48
vērtējums : Starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference : : rakstu krāj.=
Integration of Practice, Education and Research in Tourism: experience and
analysis / Biznesa augstskola "Turība". - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola
"Turība", 2000.g. 30.marts. - 255, [1] lpp. : tab., diagr. - Bibliogr. rakstu
beigās. - Teksts latv., kr., angļu val.
ISBN 9984-609-49-9. 5
3 Lauku Tūrisma Attīstības mērķprogramma. - B.v. : b.i., b.g. - 53,[1] lpp. - 338.48
Materiālu kopijas. 121
4 Кабушкин, Н. И. Менеджмент туризма : учеб. пособие для студ. 338.48
специальности "Экономика и управление социально-культурной
сферой" высших учеб. заведений / Н. И. Кабушкин. - 2-е изд. перераб.
- Минск : Новое знание, 2001. - 432 с. : ил.
ISBN 985651634X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 1
5 Папирян, Г.А. Международные экономические отношения : маркетинг 338.48
в туризме / Г.А. Папирян. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2000. -
156,[2] с.
ISBN 527902192X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. Pasaules saimniecība. 3
6 Балабанов, И.Т. Экономика туризма : учеб. пособие / И.Т. Балабанов, 338.48
А.И. Балабанов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2000. - 173,[1] с.
ISBN 5-279-02027-3. 1
7 Квартальнов, В.А. Иностранный туризм / В.А. Квартальнов ; 338.48
Российская международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2001. - 306,[2] с. : таб. - (Менеджмент и экономика
ISBN 5-279-02092-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 10
8 Козырева, Т.В. Учет издержек в туризме : учеб. пособие / Т.В. 338.48
Козырева ; Российская международная академия туризма. - Москва :
Финансы и статистика, 2001. - 221,[3] с. : таб. - (Менеджмент и
экономика туризма).
ISBN 5-279-02137-7.
Grāmatvedība. 1
9 Бургонова, Г.Н. Гостиничный и туристский бизнес : особенности 338.48
бухгалтерского учета и налогообложения : : учеб. пособие / Г.Н.
Бургонова, Н.А. Каморджанова. - Москва : Финансы и статистика,
1999. - 350,[1] с. - Библиогр.: с.346-347.
ISBN 527901916X.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrijaNodokļi. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu
pārvaldība). 1
10 Tribe, John. The Economics of Leisure and Tourism / John Tribe. - 2nd ed. 338.48
- Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 1999. - 434 p. : tab. - Sources
and resources: p. 421-427.
ISBN 0-7506-4232-7. 10
11 Bull, Adrian. The Economics of Travel and Tourism / Adrian Bull. - 2nd 338.48
ed. - Melbourne, Australia : Longman, An imprint of Addison Wesley
Longman, 1997. - 267,[1] p. : tab. - Bibliogr.: p. 246-255.
ISBN 058280731X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 1
12 Yale, Pat. The Business of Tour Operations / Pat Yale. - Great Britain : 338.48
Longman, 2001. - 283, [1] p. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-27797-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 22
13 Inskeep, Edward. Tourism Planning : an Integrated and Sustainable 338.48
Development Approach / Edward Inskeep. - New York ... [etc.] : John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. - XIX, 508 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 047129392X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 13
14 The Business of Rural Tourism : International Perspectives / edited by 338.48
Stephen J. Page and Don Getz. - London ... [etc.] : International Thomson
Business Press, 1997. - XVIII, 217 p. : il. - (Tourism and Hospitality
Management Series). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-415-13511-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 15
15 Veal, A.J. Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism : a Practical Guide / 338.48
A.J. Veal. - 2nd ed. - London ... [etc.] : Financial Times Prentice Hall, an
imprint of Pearson Education ; Institute of Leisure and Amenity
Management, 1997. - 320 p. : tab. - (Leisure Management Series). -
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-273-62052-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 1
16 Strategic Management in Tourism / ed. by Luiz Moutinho. - New York, 338.48
N.Y. : CABI Publishing, 2000. - 349,[1] pp. : tab. - Includes bibliogr.
ISBN 085199282X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MārketingsStratēģiskais
menedžments. 20
17 Swarbrooke, John. Sustainable Tourism Management / John Swarbrooke. - 338.48
New York, NY : CABI Publishing, 2000. - 371,[1] pp. : tab. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-314-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)TūrismsDaba. 3
18 Кабушкин, Н.И. Менеджмент туризма : учебно-практ. пособие / Н.И. 338.48
Кабушкин ; Министерство образования Республики Беларусь.
Белорусский государственный экономический университет. Высшая
школа туризма. - 2-е изд. - Минск : [БГЭУ (Белорусский
государственный экономический университет)], 2001. - 88 с. -
(Система дистанционного обучения). - Библиогр.: с. 88.
ISBN 985-426-655-9.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 3
19 Дурович, А.П. Маркетинг в туризме : учебно-практ. пособие / А.П. 338.48
Дурович ; Министерство образования Республики Беларусь.
Белорусский государственный экономический университет. Высшая
школа туризма. - 2-е изд. - Минск : [БГЭУ (Белорусский
государственный экономический университет)], 2001. - 174 с. -
(Система дистанционного обучения). - Библиогр.: с. 174.
ISBN 985-426-662-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 9
20 Моисеева, Н.К. Стратегическое управление туристской фирмой : 338.48
учебник для вузов / Н.К. Моисеева ; Российская международная
академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2001. - 201,[3] c. -
Библиогр.: с. 201-[202].
ISBN 5-279-02138-5. 1
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Stratēģiskais menedžments.

21 The International Marketing of Travel and Tourism : a strategic approach / 338.48

ed. by Francois Vellas and Lionel Becherel. - London : Macmillan press
LTD, 1999. - xxi, 329 p. : schemes. - Bibliogr. at the end of chap.
ISBN 0-333-71759-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 3
22 Международный туризм : правовые акты / Российская международная 338.48
академия туризма ; сост. Н.И. Волошин. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2000. - 393, [1] с.
ISBN 5-279-02336-1. 2
23 Godfrey, Kerry. The Tourism Development Handbook : a Practical 338.48
Approach to Planning and Marketing / Kerry Godfrey, Jackie Clarke. -
London : Continuum ; New York, 2000. - VIII, 232 p. : tab. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-8264-5337-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 1
24 Morgan, Nigel. Advertising in Tourism and Leisure / Nigel Morgan, 338.48
Annette Pritchard. - Oxford [etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - 346 p. :
il., tab. - Includes index and bibliogr. references.
ISBN 0-7506-5432-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MārketingsREKLĀMA. 7
25 Ревинский, И.А. Поведение фирмы на рынке услуг : туризм и 338.48
путешествия : : учеб. пособие / И.А. Ревинский, Л.С. Романова. -
Новосибирск : Сибирское университетское издательство, 2001. -
303,[1] c. : таб. - (Современные бизнес-технологии). - Библиогр.: c.
ISBN 5-940870-15-5.
(Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 1
26 Middleton, Victor T.C. Marketing in Travel and Tourism / Victor T.C. 338.48
Middleton with Jackie Clarke. - 3rd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth
Heinemann, 2001. - 487,[1] p. : tab. - Includes bibliogr. and index. -
Contents: The Meaning of Marketing in Travel and Tourism; Understanding
the Marketing Mix in Travel and Tourism; Planning Strategy and Tactics
for Travel and Tourism Marketing; Using the Principal Marketing Tools in
Travel and Tourism; Applying Marketing in the Travel and Tourism
Industry; Case Studies of Marketing Practice in Travel and Tourism.
ISBN 0-7506-4471-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 25
27 Chaves, Luis G. Tourism Sustainable Development : lecture materials / Luis 338.48
G. Chaves. - Rīga : Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, 1998. - [Bez pagin.]. -
[Dažādu palīgmateriālu kopijas]. 1
28 Восколович, Н.А. Маркетинг туристских услуг / Н.А. Восколович ; 338.48
Московский государственный университет им. М.В. Ломоносова ;
Национальная академия туризма. - Москва : Экономический факультет
МГУ ; ТЕИС, 2001. - 167,[1] c. : таб.
ISBN 5-7218-0374-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MārketingsREKLĀMA. 8
29 Touristikmarketing : das Marketing der Tourismusorganisationen, 338.48
Verkehrstraeger, Reiseveranstalter und Reisebueros / hrsg. von Peter Roth
und Axel Schrand. - 3., ueberarb. und aktualisierte Aufl. - Muenchen :
Vahlen, 1999. - 412 S.
ISBN 3-8006-2339-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 1
30 Квартальнов, В.А. Туризм : учебник / В.А. Квартальнов ; Российская 338.48
международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и статистика,
2003. - 314,[2] с. : таб. - Библиогр.: с. 308-309.
ISBN 5-279-02253-5. 39
31 Балабанов, И.Т. Экономика туризма : учеб. пособие / И.Т. Балабанов, 338.48
А.И. Балабанов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 173,[1] с.
ISBN 5-279-02027-3. 1
32 Mancini, Marc. Conducting Tours / Marc Mancini. - 3rd ed. - [US] : 338.48
Delmar Thomson Learning, 2001. - 246 p. : ill. - Includes bibliogr.
ISBN 076681419X.
Ceļošana. 10
33 Freyer, Walter. Tourismus-Marketing : marktorientiertes Management im 338.48
Mikro- und Makrobereich der Tourismuswirtschaft / Walter Freyer. - 3.,
ueberarb. Aufl. - Muenchen : Oldenbourg ; Wien, 2001. - 766 S. : Ill. -
(Lehr- und Handbuecher zu Tourismus, Verkehr und Freizeit). - Bibliogr.:
S. 725.-745.
ISBN 3-486-25700-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 3
34 Godfrey, Kerry. The Tourism Development Handbook : a Practical 338.48
Approach to Planning and Marketing / Kerry Godfrey, Jackie Clarke. -
London : Continuum ; New York, 2002. - VIII, 232 p. : tab. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-8264-5337-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 1
35 Watt, David C. Event Management in Leisure and Tourism / David C. Watt. 338.48
- 3rd impr. - Great Britain : Addison Wesley Longman, 2001. - XII, 200,
[2] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-582-35706-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)CeļošanaTūrisms. 1
36 Tourism and Hospitality in the 21st Century : [a collection of essays] / 338.48
edited by A.Lockwood, S.Medlik. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2002. - XVII, 324 p. : tab. - Includes bibliographical references
and indexes.
ISBN 0-7506-5627-1. 2
37 Events Management / G. A. J. Bowdin, I.McDonnell, J.Allen, W.O'Toole. - 338.48
Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - xviii, 321,[1] p. : tab.,
diagr. - (Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism). - Includes bibliogr. references
and index.
ISBN 0-7506-4796-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 21
38 Sweeney, Susan. Internet marketing for your tourism business : proven 338.48
techniques for promoting tourist-based businesses over the Internet / Susan
Sweeney. - Gulf Breeze, FL : Maximum Press, 2000. - 562 p. : il. - Includes
ISBN 1-88506-847-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 15
39 Экономика туризма : учебник для вузов / Международная кафедра 338.48
ЮНЕСКО по культурному туризму в целях мира и развития ;
Российская международная академия туризма ; гл. ред. В.А.
Квартальнов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 312,[2] c. : таб.
- (Менеджмент туризма). - Библиогр.: с. 308-309.
ISBN 5-279-02445-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 9
40 Основы менеджмента : учебник для вузов / Международная кафедра 338.48
ЮНЕСКО по культурному туризму в целях мира и развития ;
Российская международная академия туризма ; гл. ред. В.А.
Квартальнов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 350,[2] c. : таб.
- (Менеджмент туризма). - Библиогр.: с. 346-348.
ISBN 5-279-02447-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 8
41 Туризм как вид деятельности : учебник для вузов / Международная 338.48
кафедра ЮНЕСКО по культурному туризму в целях мира и развития ;
Российская международная академия туризма ; гл. ред. В.А.
Квартальнов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 286,[2] c. : таб.
- (Менеджмент туризма). - Библиогр.: с. 283.
ISBN 5-279-02443-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 10
42 Туризм как объект управления : учебник для вузов / Международная 338.48
кафедра ЮНЕСКО по культурному туризму в целях мира и развития ;
Российская международная академия туризма ; гл. ред. В.А.
Квартальнов. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 300,[2] c. : таб.
- (Менеджмент туризма). - Библиогр.: с. 296-298.
ISBN 5-279-02448-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 9
43 Маринин, М.М. Туристские формальности и безопасность в туризме : 338.48
учебник для вузов / М.М. Маринин. - Москва : Финансы и статистика,
2002. - 139,[3] c. : таб.
ISBN 5-279-02396-5.
Starptautiskās tiesības. 11
44 Международный туризм : правовые акты / Российская международная 338.48
академия туризма ; сост. Н.И. Волошин. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2002. - 393,[1] c.
ISBN 5-279-02336-1.
Starptautiskās tiesības. 2
45 Соболева, Е.А. Финансово-экономический анализ деятельности 338.48
турфирмы : учебно-методич. пособие / Е.А. Соболева, И.И. Соболев ;
Российская международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2002. - 121,[3] с. - (Менеджмент и экономика туризма). -
Библиогр.: с. [122].
ISBN 5-279-02143-1.
FINANSES -- Finansu analīzeFinansu menedžments -- Uzņēmuma
finanses. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 11
46 Evans, Nigel. Strategic Management for Travel and Tourism / Nigel Evans, 338.48
David Campbell, George Stonehouse. - Oxford [etc.] : Butterworth-
Heinemann, 2003. - VIII, 412 p. : il., tab. - Includes index and bibliogr.
ISBN 0-7506-4854-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MārketingsStratēģiskais
menedžments. 15
47 Swarbrooke, John. Business Travel and Tourism / John Swarbrooke, Susan 338.48
Horner. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - XV, 352 p. :
ill., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.[345]-348.
ISBN 0-7506-4392-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Angļu val. profesionālā leksika. 5
48 Timothy, Dallen J. Heritage Tourism / Dallen J.Timothy, Stephen W.Boyd. 338.48
- 1st ed. - Harlow ... [etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2003. - XIV, 327 p. : il. -
(Themes in Tourism). - Bbibliogr.: p. [287]-318.
ISBN 0-582-36970-3. 11
49 Page, Stephen J. Ecotourism / Stephen J.Page, Ross K.Dowling. - 338.48
Harlow...[etc] : Prentice Hall, 2002. - XVI, 338 p. : il., tab. - (Themes in
Tourism). - Bibliogr.: p. 287-328.
ISBN 058235658X. 13
50 Hall, C.Michael. Tourism planning : policies, processes and relationships / 338.48
C.Michael Hall. - Harlow...[etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2000. - XI, 236 p. :
photogr. - (Themes in Tourism). - Bibliogr.: p. 211-231.
ISBN 0-582-32028-3.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAPersonālvadība. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu
pārvaldība). 11
51 Page, Stephen J. Managing urban tourism / Stephen J.Page, C.Michael Hall. 338.48
- Harlow...[etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2003. - XXI, 385 p. : photogr. - (Themes in
Tourism). - Bibliogr.: p. [349]-383.
ISBN 0-13-027286-8. 3
52 Buhalis, Dimitrios. eTourism : Information technology for strategic tourism 338.48
management / Dimitrios Buhalis. - Harlow...[etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2003. -
376 p. : tab. - Bibliography: p. [353]-366.
ISBN 0-582-35740-3.
53 Davidson, Rob. Business Travel : Conferences, Incentive Travel, 338.48
Exhibitions, Corporate Hospitality and Corporate Travel / Rob. Davidson,
Beulah Cope. - Harlow ... [etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2003. - XIV, 290 p. : il.,
diagr., tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-582-40444-4.
Viesmīlības industrija. 9
54 Page, Stephen J. Transport and Tourism / Stephen J. Page. - Harlow ... [etc.] 338.48
: Prentice Hall, 1999. - X, 350 p. : il., tab. - (Themes in Tourism). -
Bibliogr.: p. 321-345.
ISBN 0-582-32025-9.
Transportlīdzekļi. 4
55 Managing visitor attractions : new directions / edited by Alan Fyall, Brian 338.48
Garrod, Anna Leask ; priekšv. aut. Neil Cossons. - Oxford ... [etc.] :
Butterworth - Heinemann, 2003. - XXVI, 313 p. - Includes bibliogr. and
ISBN 0-7506-5381-7.
56 Swarbrooke, John. The development and management of visitor attractions / 338.48
John Swarbrooke. - 2nd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth - Heinemann,
2002. - XVIII, 406 p. : tab. - Bibliography: p.[394]-402.
ISBN 0-7506-5169-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MārketingsPersonālvadība. 4
57 Александрова, А. Ю. Международный туризм : учебник / A. Ю. 338.48
Aлександрова. - Москва : Aспект Пресс, 2002. - 463, [1] с. : diagr., tab. -
Bibliogr.: 460.- 462. c.
ISBN 5-7567-0189-3.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
58 Ильина, Е. Н. Туроперейтинг: организация деятельности / Е. Н. Ильина 338.48
; Российская жеждународная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
Стастистика, 2002. - 250, [1] с. - Bibliogr.: 248.-249 с. - Изложены
основы туроперейтинга, принципы, организации обслуживания
туристов, формирования сбытовой сети туроператора и продвижения
туристского продукта. Рассматриваются вопросы оформления
туристской документации туроператора.
ISBN 5-279-02262-4. 11
59 Adventure Tourism : the new frontier / John Swarbrooke, Colin Beard, 338.48
Suzanne Leckie, Gill Pomfret. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann,
2003. - XIV, 354 p. : tab. - Bibliogr: p. [339]-351.
ISBN 0-7506-5186-5.
CeļošanaTūrisms. 6
60 Туризм и гостиничное хозяйство : учебник / ред. A.Д.Чудновский. - 338.48
Москва : Aссоциация авторов и издателей "Тандем" ; Издательство
ЭКМОС, 2001. - 400 с. - Содержит библиогр.
ISBN 5-88124-030-8.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAViesmīlības industrija. 40
61 Weaver, David. Tourism management / David Weaver, Laura Lawton. - 338.48
2nd ed. - Milton : John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd, 2002. - XVI, 480 p. :
fot., il., tab. - (Wiley Australia tourism series). - Includes references and
index. - First ed.: 2000.
ISBN 0-470-80066-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 26
62 Lickorich, Leonard J. An Introduction to Tourism / Leonard J. Lickorish, 338.48
Carson L. Jenkins. - 6th ed. - Oxford : Butterworth-Heineman, 2003. - 244
p. : sh.,tab. - Index: p. [242].
Saturs: The history of tourism; Factors influencing the tourism industry;
Tourism in developing countries; Sustainable tourism; Forecasting future
ISBN 0-7506-1956-2.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana. 2
63 Starr, Nona. Viewpoint : An Introduction to Travel, Tourism, and 338.48
Hospitality / Nona Starr. - 4th ed. - New Jersy : Prentice Hall, 2003. - xvii,
414 p. : diagr., tab., maps, il., photogr. - Travel Industry Websites: p. [365]-
Saturs: Destination Geography; The North American Aviation System;
Airports; Travel by Rail; Travel by Road; Cruising.
ISBN 0-13-098787-5.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana. 3
64 Morrison, Alastair M. Hospitality and travel marketing / Alastair 338.48
M.Morrison. - 3rd. - New York : Delmar ; Thomson learning, 2002. - 625
p. : photogr., il. - Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-7668-1605-2. 1
65 Hudman, Lloyd E. Geography of travel and tourism / Lloyd E.Hudman, 338.48
Richard H.Jackson. - 4th ed. - NY : Thomson ; Delmar learning, 2003. -
534 p. : photogr., maps. - Bibliogr.: p. 514-518.
ISBN 0-7668-3256-2. 1
66 Semināru organizēšana un apkalpošana. - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs, [2003]. - 338.48
36 lpp. : tab.
Zinātne. 14
67 Padomi lauku tūrisma uzņēmējiem dabas resursu saudzīgā izmantošanā / 338.48
Aivita Eglīte, Anete Simsone, Sandra Urtāne, Ērika Lagzdiņa. - Rīga :
Lauku ceļotājs, [2003]. - 59 lpp. : il.
Daba. 7
68 Reid, Donald G. Tourism, globalization and development : responsible 338.48
tourism planning / Donald G. Reid. - London : Pluto Press, 2003. - IX, 251
p. - Bibliography: p. 237-243.
ISBN 074531998X. 7
69 Vogel, Harold L. Travel industry economics : a guide for financial analysis 338.48
/ Harold L. Vogel. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. - 284
lpp. : tab., shēmas. - Bibliogrāfija: 229.-236.lpp.
ISBN 0-521-78163-9. 3
70 Destination branding : creating the unique destination proposition / edited 338.48
by Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard, Roger Pride. - Oxford ... [etc.] :
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. - 204 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical
ISBN 0-7506-4994-1.
Ceļošana. 4
71 Medlik, S. Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality / S.Medlik. - 3rd 338.48
ed. - Oxford : Butterworth - Heinemann, 2003. - IX, 273 p. : maps. -
Bibliogr.: p. 267-273.
Contents: dictionary of terms; international organizations; national
organizations; biographical dictionary; countries of the world.
ISBN 0-7506-5650-6. 8
72 Goldstone, Patricia. Making the world safe for tourism / Patricia Goldstone. 338.48
- New Haven, London : Yale University Press, 2001. - 272 lpp. : fotogr. -
Includes bibliographical references.
Tourism - economic aspects; tourism - social aspects; civilization,modern -
20th century; cultural relativism.
ISBN 0-300-08763-2. 3
73 Williams, Allan M. Tourism in Transition : economic change in central 338.48
Europe / Allan M. williams, Vladimir Balaž. - London : I.B. Tauris, 2000. -
256 p. : diagr., il., tab. - (Tourism, retailing and consumption). - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-86064-579-8. 3
74 Davidson, Rob. Business travel / Rob Davidson. - Harlow : Longman, 2000. 338.48
- 207 p. : diagr., il., tab. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-582-29476-2.
Viesmīlības industrija. 11
75 Mancini, Marc. Selling destinations : geograhy for the travel profesional / 338.48
Marc Mancini. - 3rd ed. - Albany ... [ect.] : Delmar ; International
Thomson Publishing, 1999. - XV, 559 p. : il., maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-7668-0848-3. 3
76 Tourism in destination communities / edited by S.Singh, D.J. Timothy, 338.48
R.K. Dowling. - Oxon : Cabi Publishing, 2002. - 282 p. : ill., map. -
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-85199-611-6. 3
77 Holden, Andrew. Environment and Tourism / Andrew Holden. - London 338.48
...[etc.] : Routledge, 2000. - 225 p. : tab. - (Routledge Introductions to
Environment Series). - Includes index.
ISBN 0-415-20718-5. - ISBN 0-415-20717-7. 3
78 Tourism in the age of alliances, mergers and acquisitions / The World 338.48
Tourism Organization. - Madrid : Chaire de Tourism, 2002. - XII, 157 p. :
ISBN 92-8440-514-9.
Viesmīlības industrijaStatistika. 3
79 Большой глоссарий терминов международного туризма : The great 338.48
glossary of terms for the international tourism / ред. Михаил Биржаков,
Валерий Никифоров. - Москва : Издательский дом Герда ; Невский
Фонд, 2002. - 698 с. - (Национальная академия туризма). - Библиогр.: с.
679-698. - Текст на русском и английском яз.
ISBN 5-941250-50-9. 2
80 Волошин, Н.И. Менеджмент туризма : туризм как обьект управления / 338.48
Н.И.Волошин, Н.В.Исаева, Е.Н.Ильина и др. ; главний редактор
В.A.Кварталов ; научный редактор И.В.Зорин. - Москва : Финанси и
статистика, 2002. - 302 с. : таб. - (Менеджмент туризма). -
Библиография: 296.-298.с.
ISBN 5-279-02448-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Biznesa plāns. 9
81 Лукичева, Л.И. Менеджмент туризма : основы менеджмента / 338.48
Л.И.Лукичева, В.A.Квартальнов, В.A.Исаева и др. ; научний редактор
И.В.Зорин. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 352 с. : таб. -
(Менеджмент туризма). - Библиография: 346.-348.с.
ISBN 5-279-02447-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Biznesa plāns. 8
82 Tourism 2020 vision / cover designer Eril Wiehahn. - Madrid : World 338.48
Tourism Organization, 2000. - 89 lpp. : tab., diagr.
Volume 4. Europe.
Saturā: Changes, performance, and trends in the 1990s; Factors, strategies,
plans and trends; Forecasts to 2020.
ISBN 92-8440-380-4.
Statistika. 3
83 Allen, Judy. The Business Of Event Planing : behind the scenes secrets of 338.48
succesful special events / Judy Allen. - Mississauga, Ontario : John Wiley
& Sons Canada Ltd., 2002. - xviii, 329 p. - Index: p. [325]-329.
ISBN 047083188X.
CeļošanaTautas sabiedriskā dzīve. 18
84 Doswell, Roger. The Management of the tourism sector : Doswell / Roger. - 338.48
London : Columbus Publishing Limited, 2000. - p. 260 : tab. - (ICM). -
Bibliogr.: p. 243-247.
ISBN 1-902221-45-1. 1
85 Holloway, J. Christopher. The Business of tourism / J. Christopher 338.48
Holloway. - 6th edition. - Harlow : Prentice Hall, 2002. - 404 p. : il.,tab. -
Bibliogr.: p. 383-396.
ISBN 0-273-65563-9. 3
86 Tourisme urbain / galv. red. Claudine Chaspoul ; red. Marie Legrand. - 338.48
Paris : ETE, 2003. - 169, [1] lpp. : diagr.
78. juillet 2003.
ISSN 0992-3950.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
87 Moinet, Francois. le Tourisme rural : [comment creer et gerer?] / Francois 338.48
Moinet ; ill. Jean-Marie Renard. - 3 ed. - Paris : France Agricole, 2000. -
351, [1] lpp. : il., tab. - (diversification). - Bibliogr.: 349.-351.lpp.
ISBN 2-85557-056-5. 1
88 Netter, Louis-Noel. Demarches qualite et tourisme / Louis-Noel Netter ; 338.48
l'Agence Francaise de l'Ingenierie touristique. - Paris : AFIT, 1998. - 146
lpp. : tab. - (Guide de savoir - faire).
. Les cahiers de l'Afit.
ISBN 2-910388-44-1.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana. 1
89 Perret, Jacques. Piloter le tourisme durable : dans les territoires et les 338.48
enterprises / Jacques Perret , Jean-Paul Teyssandier, Catherine Marette. -
Paris : AFIT, 2001. - 127 lpp. : fotogr., il. - (Guide de savoir-faire). -
Bibliogr.: [120.]-125.lpp.
ISBN 2-910388-70-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Biznesa plāns. 1
90 Goeldner, Charles R. Tourism : principles, practices, philosophies / Charles 338.48
R.Goeldner , J.R.Brent Ritchie. - 9th ed. - New York : John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2003. - XVII, 606 p. : ill. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-471-40061-0. 3
91 Glaesser, Dirk. Crisis management in the tourism industry / Dirk Glaesser ; 338.48
priekšv. aut. Francesko Frangialli. - [Oxford] : Butterworth - Heinemann,
[2003]. - XVIII, 269 p. : photogr., diagr. - (Leisure and tourism). - Bibliogr.:
p. 250-265 p.
ISBN 0-7506-5976-9.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija. 3
92 Page, Stephen J. Tourism management : managing for change / Stephen 338.48
J.Page. - [Oxford] : Butterworth - Heinemann, [2003]. - XVIII, 381 p. : tab.,
diagr. - (Tourism). - Index: p. 363-381.
ISBN 0-7506-5752-9.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija. 3
93 Fennell, David A. Ecotourism / David A.Fennell. - 2nd ed. - London : 338.48
Routledge, 2003. - XVIII, 236, [2] p. : photogr., tab. - Bibliogr.: p. 207-227.
ISBN 0-415-30365-6.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
94 Mason, Peter. Tourism impacts, planning and management / Peter Mason. - 338.48
Oxford : Butterworth - Heinemann, 2003. - XXII, 195 p. : photogr., tab. -
(Tourism). - Bibliogr.: p. 182-191.
ISBN 075065970X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija. 3
95 Monaghan, Kelly. Home-based travel agent : how to succeed in your own 338.48
travel marketing business / Kelly Monaghan. - 4th. ed. - Branford, CT :
Intrepid Traveler, 2001. - 400 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 386-394.
ISBN 1-88714-035-2. 3
96 Jeffries, David. Governments and tourism / David Jeffries. - Oxford ... [etc.] 338.48
: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - XIII, 305 p. : tab. - Includes
bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-7506-4478-8. 5
97 Boniface, Brian G. Worldwide destinations : the geography of travel and 338.48
tourism / Brian G.Boniface, Chris Cooper. - 3rd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] :
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - 389 p : tab., maps. - Includes bibliography
and indexes.
ISBN 0-7506-4231-9. 3
98 Horner, Susan. International cases in tourism management / Susan Horner, 338.48
John Swarbrooke. - Amsterdam ... [etc.] : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann,
2004. - IX, 399 p. : tab. - Includes bibliografy and index.
ISBN 0-7506-5514-3. 3
99 Godfrey, Kerry. The Tourism Development Handbook : a Practical 338.48
Approach to Planning and Marketing / Kerry Godfrey, Jackie Clarke. -
Canada ... [ect.] : Thomson, 2003. - VIII, 232 p. : tab. - Includes bibliogr.
references and index.
ISBN 1-8448-0116-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings. 2
100 Mancini, Marc. Selling destinations : geograhy for the travel profesional / 338.48
Marc Mancini. - 4th ed. - Canada ... [ect.] : Thomson Delmar Learning,
2004. - XI, 543 p. : il., maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 1-401-81982-6. 6
101 Tourism Market Trends : Europe / World Tourism Organization. - Madrid : 338.48
World Tourism Organization, 2003. - 375, [32] p. : diagr., tab. - Annex: p.
2003 edit.
ISBN 92-8440-649-8. 3
102 Holloway, J.Christopher. Marketing for tourism / Holloway J.Christopher ; 338.48
J.Christopher Holloway. - 4rd ed. - Harlow : Prentice Hall, 2004. - 510 p. :
diagr., ill. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 027368229.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMateriālā un
tehniskā apgāde. 8
103 Tourism 2020 vision. - Madrid : World Tourism Organization, 2000. - 139 338.48
p. : tab., diagr.
Volume 7. global forecasts and profiles of market segments.
Saturā: Global tourism prospects, forecasts of regional trends, key
developmental factors, profiles of market segments.
ISBN 92-8440-466-5.
Statistika. 2
104 Eagles, Paul. F. J. Sustainable tourism in protected areas : guidelines for 338.48
planning and management / Paul. F. J. Eagles, Stephen F. McCool,
Christopher D. Haynes ; series ed. Adrian Phillips ; World Commission on
Protected Areas. - Cambridge : IUCN - The World Conservation Union,
2002. - 183 p. : ill., sh., tab. - (Best Practice Pritected Areas Guidelines :
Series No. 8). - Bibliogr.: p. 175-183.
ISBN 2-8317-0648-3.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana. 3
105 European integration in the Era of the European Union's Enlargement and 338.48
the development of tourism : Malta 22-23 May 2003 : : Malte 22-23 Mai
2003 : : World Tourism organization seminar proceedings= L'integration
europeenne a l'ere de l'elargissement de l'Union europeenne et le
developpement du tourisme / World tourism organization. - Malta : World
Tourism Organization ; Organization Mondiale du tourisme, 2004. - 127 p. :
ISBN 92-8440-658-7.
PolitikaĀrpolitika. 2
106 Храбовченко, В.В. Экологический туризм / В.В. Храбовченко. - 338.48
Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 206, [1] с. : таб. - Литература:
сю 203-[204].
ISBN 5-279-02528-3. 10
107 Ильина, Е. Н. Туроперейтинг: стратегия и финансы / Е. Н. Ильина ; 338.48
Российская жеждународная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
Стастистика, 2002. - 190, [1] с. : diagr., tab. - Bibliogr.: с. 188.-[189].
ISBN 5-279-02403-1. 10
108 Freyer, Walter. Tourismus-Marketing : marktorientiertes Management im 338.48
Mikro- und Makrobereich der Tourismuswirtschaft / Walter Freyer. - 4.,
ueberarb. Aufl. - Muenchen : Oldenbourg ; Wien, 2004. - 768 S. : Ill. -
(Lehr- und Handbuecher zu Tourismus, Verkehr und Freizeit). - Bibliogr.:
S. 725.-747.
ISBN 3-486-20004-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MĀRKETINGS. 2
109 Destination branding : creating the unique destination proposition / edited 338.48
by Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard, Roger Pride. - 2nd. ed. - Oxford ...
[etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. - 314 p. : il., tab. - Includes
bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-7506-5969-6.
Ceļošana. 7
110 Braidwood, Barbara. Start and run a profitable tour guiding business : part- 338.48
time, full-time, at home, or abroad: your step-by-step business plan / Brbara
Braidwood, Susan M. Boyce, Richard Cropp. - 2nd. ed. - Bellingham :
Self-Counsel Press, 2000. - XXII, 264 p. : ill., tab. - (Self-Counsel business
series). - Appendix: p. 247-264.
ISBN 1-551-80284-8. 4
111 Александрова, А. Ю. Международный туризм : учебник / A. Ю. 338.48
Aлександрова. - Москва : Aспект Пресс, 2004. - 463, [1] с. : табл.,
диагр. - Библиогр.: с. 460- 462.
ISBN 5-7567-0189-3.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
112 Квартальнов, В.А. Иностранный туризм / В.А. Квартальнов ; 338.48
Российская международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2003. - 227, [4] с. : таб. - (Туризм: история и
ISBN 5-279-02808-8. 10
113 Global tourism / edit. by William F. Theobald. - 3rd. ed. - Amsterdam ... 338.48
[etc.] : Elsevier, 2005. - 561 p. : tab. - Index: p. [546]-561.
ISBN 0-7506-7789-9. 3
114 Qualitative Research in Tourism : ontologies, epistemologies and 338.48
methodologies / edited by Jenny Phillimore, Lisa Goodson. - London :
Routledge, 2004. - xvi, 333 p. : tab. - (Contemporary geographies of leisure,
tourism and mobility). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-415-28087-7.
ZinātneĢeogrāfijaEkspedīcijasCeļošanaTūrisms. 1
115 Биржаков, Михаил Борисович. Индустрия туризма : перевозки / 338.48
Биржаков Михаил Борисович, Никифоров Валерий Иванович ;
Национальная академия туризма. - 2-е изд. - Москва : Издательский
дом Герда ; Невский Фонд, 2003. - 399 с. : ил., таб. - Библиогр.: с. 394-
ISBN 5-941250-23-1.
CeļošanaTransportlīdzekļi. Tūrisms. 3
116 Егоренков, Л.И. Экология туризма и сервиса : чебного пособие / Л.И. 338.48
Егоренков. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 203, [3] с. : ил. -
Библиогр.: с. [205].
ISBN 5-279-02792-8. 3
117 Сергеева, Т.К. Экологический туризм : учебник / Т.К. Сергеева ; 338.48
Российская международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и
статистика, 2004. - 358, [1] с. : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 356-[359].
ISBN 5-279-02819-3. 13
118 Ефимова, O.П. Экономика гостиниц и ресторанов : учебное пособие / 338.48
O.П. Ефимова, Н.А. Ефимова. - Москва : Новое Знание, 2004. - 391 с. :
таб. - (Экономическое оброзование). - Библиогр.: с. 387.
ISBN 594735036X. 10
119 Fyall, Alan. Tourism marketing : a collaborative apporoach / Alan Fyall, 338.48
Brian Garrod. - Clevedon : Channel View Publications, 2005. - xvi, 383 p. :
il., tab. - (Aspects of tourism ; 18). - Include bibliographical references and
ISBN 187315089X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)MĀRKETINGS. 3
120 Tribe, John. The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism / John 338.48
Tribe. - 3nd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Elsevier, 2005. - ix, 445 p. : digar., ill.,
tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-6180-1. 1
121 Vanhove, Norbert. The Economics of tourism destination / Norbert 338.48
Vanhove. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2005. - xvi, 251 p. : diagr., tab. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-6637-4. 1
122 Harrill, Rich. Guide to best practice in tourism and destination management 338.48
/ Rich Harrill. - Michigan : TRACS, 2003. - 117 p. : ill. - Includes
bibliogarphical references.
ISBN 0-86612-250-8.
Viesmīlības industrija. 3
123 Finn, Mick. Tourism and leisure research methods : data collection, analysis 338.48
and interpretation / Mick Finn, Martin Elliott-White, Mike Walton. -
Harlow : Pearson Longman, 2000. - xvii, 285 p. : ill., diagr., tab. - Includes
ISBN 0-582-36871-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). ZinātneCeļošana. 3
124 Schaumann, Pat. The Guide to successful destination management / Pat 338.48
Schaumann. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2005. - xv, 266 p. : ill., tab. - (The
Wiley event management series). - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-22625-4.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 3
125 Mak, James. Tourism and the economy : understanding the economics of 338.48
tourism= Mak / James. - Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press, 2004. - xi,
267 p. : diagr., ill., tab. - (Business and economics : Tourism). - Include
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8248-2789-9.
CeļošanaTūrisma ekonomikaTūrisms. 4
126 Freyer, Walter. Tourismus : einfuhrung in die fremdenverkehrsokonomie / 338.48
Walter Freyer. - 7., ueberarb. und aktualis. Aufl. - Muenchen : Oldenbourg
; Wien, 2001. - xvi, 470 S. : Ill., diagr., tab. - (Lehr- und Handbuecher zu
Tourismus, Verkehr und Freizeit). - Bibliogr.: S. [437]-454.
ISBN 3-486-25617-3. 3
127 Ooi, Can-Seng. Cultural Tourism and Tourism Cultures : the Business of 338.48
Mediating Experiences in Copenhagen and Singapore / Can-Seng Ooi. -
Copenhagen : Copenhagen Business School Press, 2002. - ix, 277 p. : ill.,
tab. - Includes bibliographical refernces and index.
ISBN 87-630-0091-1.
CeļošanaTūrisms. 1
128 Чудновский, A.Д. Менеджмент в туризме и гостиничном хозяйстве : 338.48
учеб. пособие / A.Д. Чудновский , М.A. Жукова. - 2-е изд.,
стереотипное. - Москва : КНOРУС, 2006. - 318, [2] с. : табл.
ISBN 5-85971-447-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija. 3
129 Gunn, Clare A. Tourism planning : basics, concepts, cases / Clare A. Gunn, 338.48
Turgut Var. - 4th ed. - New York : Routledge, 2002. - 442 p. : il. - Index: p.
ISBN 0-415-93269-6. 10
130 Rural tourism and sustainable business / edit. by Derek Hall, Irene 338.48
Kirkpatrick, Morag Mitchell. - Clevedon : Channel View Publications,
2005. - 370 p. : il. - (Aspects of Tourism ; 26). - Index: p. 365-370.
ISBN 1-8454-1011-4. 3
131 Mitchell, Gerald E. Successful international tour director : how to become 338.48
an international tour director : : [comprehensive manual] / Gerald E.
Mitchell. - San Jose, ...[etc.] : Authors Choice Press ; Universe, 2001. - 255
ISBN 0-595-16702-0. 2
132 Adams, Rob and Terry. Start your own specialty travel & tour business : 338.48
your step-by-step. Guide to success / Rob and Terry Adams. - Irvine,...[etc.]
: Entrepreneur, 2003. - XII, 227 p. : ill. - (Entrepreneur magazine's startup).
- Index: p. [223]-227.
ISBN 189198473X. 2
133 Payne, Graeme W. Columbus Planning Workbook / Graeme W Payne. - 338.48
b.izd. : Columbus Travel Publishing, 2002. - iv, 108, [96] p. : ill., maps.
ISBN 1-902221-67-2. 3
134 Finansu plānošana un aprēķini : Biznesa plāna sastādīšana lauku tūrisma 338.48
uzņēmumā / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs". - Rīga :
Lauku ceļotājs, [b.g.]. - 33 lpp. : tab.
Biznesa plāns. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 19
135 Kā uzsākt lauku tūrisma uzņēmuma darbību / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma 338.48
asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs". - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs, [b.g.]. - 33 lpp. : tab.
TiesībasNodokļi. Civiltiesības. Komerctiesības. 19
136 McKercher, Bob. Cultural tourism : the partnership between tourism and 338.48
cultural heritage management / Bob McKercher, Hilary du Cros. - New
York : The Haworth Hospitality Press ; London ; Oxford, 2002. - 262, [3] p.
: ill. - Bibliogr. references: p. 233-254.
ISBN 0-7890-1105-0.
Tūrisma ekonomika. 2
137 Class Reviews in Tourism. - Clevedon : Channel View Publications ; 338.48
Buffalo ; Toronto ; Sydney, 2003. - ix, 264 p. : sh. - (Aspects of Tourism;
3). - Bibliogr.: p. 260.-264.
ISBN 187315044X.
Tūrisms. Tūrisma ekonomika. 1
138 Murphy, Peter E. Strategic Management for Tourism Communities: 338.48
Bridging the Gaps / Peter E. Murphy, Ann E. Murphy. - Clevedon : Channel
View Publication ; Buffalo ; Toronto, 2004. - VIII, 448 p. : il., tab., sh. -
(Aspects of Tourism; 16). - Bibliogr.: p. 413-443.
ISBN 1-87315-083-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Stratēģiskais menedžmentsTūrisma
ekonomika. 1
139 Measuring the Economic Importance of the Meetings Industry : developing 338.48
a tourism satellite account extension. - Madrid : World Tourism
Organization, 2006. - xvii, 80, [1] p. : tab., diagr. - Bibliogr.: p. [79]-80.
ISBN 978-92-8441-195-5. - ISBN 92-8441-195-5.
Tūrisma ekonomikaEkonomika. 1
140 Jauni tūrisma produkti reģionu attīstībai [Elektroniskais resurss] : VIII 338.48
starptautiskā zinātniskā konference ; rakstu krājums. - Rīga : Biznesa
augstskola Turība, 2007. - 1 kompaktdisks.
ISBN 978-9984-7669-3-5.
Tūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsIzglītībaPersonālvadībaViesmīlības industrija. 14
141 Egmond, Ton van. The Tourism Phenomenon; Past, Present, Future / Ton 338.48
van Egmond ; transl. Esther Leijten-Kupers. - 2nd ed. - Leiden : ToerBoek,
2005. - 175 p. : il., tab., diagr. - Bibliogr.: p. 169-172.
ISBN 978-90-584-4122-5.
Tūrisma ekonomikaCeļošanaTūrisms. 5
142 Mancini, Marc. Access: Introduction to Travel and Tourism / Marc 338.48
Mancini. - Australia ... [ect.] : Thomson Delmar Learning, 2005. - xiv, 273
p. : ill., maps. - Includes bibl. references and index.
ISBN 978-1-401-80988-1. - ISBN 140180988X.
Tūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsCeļošana. 2
143 Tourism Research Methods : integrating theory with practice / ed. 338.48
B.W.Ritchie, P.Burns, C.Palmer. - Oxfordshire : CABI Publishing ;
Cambridge, 2005. - x, 232 p. : sh. - Includes bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-996-4.
Tūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsĒtikaCeļošana. 3
144 Goeldner, Charles R. Tourism : principles, practices, philosophies / Charles 338.48
R.Goeldner, J.R.Brent Ritchie. - 10th ed. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 2006. - xvii, 590 p., [4] l. ill. : ill. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 0-471-45038-3.
Tūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsCeļošana. 3
145 Kolb, Bonita M. Tourism Marketing For Cities And Towns : using branding 338.48
and events to attract tourists / Bonita M. Kolb. - Oxford : Elsevier ;
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. - xvi, 310 p. - Index: p. 307-310.
ISBN 978-0-7506-7945-9. - ISBN 075067945X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Tūrisma
ekonomikaTūrismsMĀRKETINGSReklāmaSabiedriskās attiecības. 3
146 Tourism: The Business of Travel, Cook and Yale and Marqua : the ultimate 338.48
student resource tool. - 2nd Edition. - [W.p.] : Academic Internet
Publishers, 2007. - 141 p. : ill. - (The Cram101 Textbook Outline Series).
ISBN 1-428-80738-1. - ISBN 978-1-428-80738-9.
Tūrisma ekonomikaInternetsDatu bāzes. 3
147 География туризма : учебник / ред. A. Aлександровой. - Москва : 338.48
КНOРУС, 2008. - 592 с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-85971-736-1.
Tūrisms. 13
148 Rijnders, Nies. Financial Management in Tourism and Leisure : textbook 338.48
and Workbook / Nies Rijnders ; transl. Esther Leijten-Kupers. - First edit. -
Leiden : ToerBoek, 2003. - 335 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-90-584-4089-1.
Tūrisma ekonomikaTūrisms. 2
149 Tūrisma un viesmīlības terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca / [Ekonomikas 338.48
ministrijas uzdevumā vārdnīcu ir izstrādājuši: Kristīne Bērziņa ... [u.c.]. -
Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2008. - 460 lpp. - Ietver bibliogr. un rād. -
Teksts latviešu, angļu, vācu un krievu val.
ISBN 978-9984-93708-3.
Tūrisms - Daudzvalodu. - Vārdnīcas. Viesmīlības industrija - Daudzvalodu.
- Vārdnīcas. Vārdnīcas, daudzvalodu.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija. 22
150 Tūrisma nozares attīstība : nozares pārskats rajona plānojuma izstrādāšanai. 338.48
- Rīga : Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības ministrija, 1999. - 91 lpp.
Kuldīgas rajons.
Tūrisms. 1
151 Bērziņa, Ilze. Tūrisms Lavijā : attīstība un perspektīvas, tūrisma satelītkonti 338.48
/ Bērziņa Ilze, Raita Karnīte. - Rīga : BO SIA "Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmijas
Ekonomikas institūts", 2001. - 129 lpp.
ISBN 998493649x.
Tūrisms. 3
152 Makarovs, Vladimirs. Latvijas tūrisma attīstības nacionālā programma 338.48
2001.-2010. gadam : attīstība un perspektīvas, tūrisma satelītkonti /
Vladimirs Makarovs. - Rīga : Vides aizsardzības un reģionālās attīstības
ministrija, 2001. - 76, xxxiii lpp. + ietver pielikumus.
Tūrisms. 2
153 Critical issuses in ecotourism : understanding a complex tourism 338.48
phenomenon / ed. James Higham. - Burlington : Elsevier, c2007. - xvii, 439
p. - Includes refferences.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6878-4.
Tūrisms. 1
154 Tourism, creativity and development / ed. Greg Richards, Julie Wilson. - 338.48
London : Routladge ; New York, 2007. - xix, 323 p.
ISBN 978-0-415-42756-2.
Tūrisms. 1
155 Биржаков, М.Б. Введение в туризм / М.Б. Биржаков. - 9-е изд., 338.48
перераб., дополн. - Санкт-Петербург : Издательский дом Герда, 2008. -
576 с. + CD-ROM.
ISBN 978-5-941251-31-5.
Tūrisms. 25
156 Косолапов, А.Б. География российского внутреннего туризма : 338.48
учебное пособие / А.Б. Косолапов. - 2-е изд., стер. - Москва : Кнорус,
2009. - 272 с.
ISBN 978-5-390-00276-6.
Tūrisms. -- Krievija. 6
157 География туризма : учебник / ред. A. Aлександровой. - 2-е изд. - 338.48
Москва : КНOРУС, 2009. - 592 с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-390-00224-7.
Tūrisms. 29
158 Дурович, Александр Петрович. Маркетинговые исследования в 338.48
туризме : учебное пособие / А. Дурович. - Москва : Питер ; Санкт-
Петербург, 2008. - 384 с. : ил., таб. - (Учебное пособие). - Содержит
библиографию (с. [380]-384).
ISBN 978-5-911805-57-9.
Tūrisms. 6
159 Воскресенский, Владимир Юрьевич. Международный туризм : 338.48
учебное пособие / Владимир Юрьевич Воскресенский. - 2-е изд. -
Москва : Юнити-Дана, 2008. - 463 с.
ISBN 978-5-238-01456-2.
Tūrisms. 3
160 Щербакова, С.А. Международный туризм: экономика и география : 338.48
учебное пособие / С.А. Щербакова. - Москва : Финансы и статистика,
2007. - 144 с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-279-02884-9.
Tūrisms. 2
161 Зайцева, Н.А. Менеджмент в сервисе и туризме : учебное пособие / 338.48
Н.А. Зайцева. - Москва : Форум ; Инфра-М, 2007. - 368 с. : ил.
ISBN 978-5-911341-70-1. - ISBN 978-5-16-003175-2.
Tūrisms. 6
162 Кабушкин, Н.И. Менеджмент туризма : учебник / Н.И. Кабушкин. - 7- 338.48
у изд., стер. - Минск : Новое знание, 2007. - 408 с.
ISBN 978-985-475-210-5.
Tūrisms. 3
163 Кусков, А.С. Основы туризма : учебник / А.С. Кусков, Ю.А. Джаладян. 338.48
- Москва : Кнорус, 2008. - 400 с.
ISBN 978-5-85971-863-4.
Tūrisms. 25
164 Ушаков, Д.С. Стратегическое планирование в туризме / Д.С. Ушаков. - 338.48
Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2007. - 285, [1] с. - (Высшее образование).
ISBN 978-5-222-12555-7.
Tūrisms. 6
165 Туризм и гостиничное хозяйство : учебное пособие / под. ред. Л.П. 338.48
Шматько. - 3-е изд., исправ. и дополн. - Москва - Ростов-на-Дону :
Издательский центр "МарТ", 2007. - 352 с. - (Туризм&Сервис).
ISBN 5-241-00535-8.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija. 6
166 Экономика и организация туризма : международный туризм : учебное 338.48
пособие / Е.Л. Драчева, Ю.В. Забаев, Д.К. Исмаев. - 3-е изд., исправ. и
дополн. - Москва : Кнорус, 2009. - 568 с.
ISBN 978-5-390-00318-3.
Tūrisms. 6
167 Holden, Andrew, 1960-. Environment and tourism / by Andrew Holden. - 338.48
2nd ed. - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge ; N.Y., NY, 2008. - 274 p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-415-39954-8 (hardcover). - ISBN 978-0-415-39955-5
(softcover). - ISBN 978-0-203-93762-4 (ebook).
Tūrisms. 1
168 Hall, Colin Michael, 1961-. Tourism and innovation / by C. Michael Hall 338.48
and Allan M. Williams. - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge ; New York, 2008. -
263 p.
ISBN 978-0-415-41404-3.
Tūrisms. 1
169 Tourism development in Europe : World Tourism Organization seminar 338.48
proceedings. - Madrid : World Tourism Organization, 2007. - 217 lpp.
ISBN 978-92-8441-223-5.
Tūrisms. 1
170 Sweeney, Susan, 1956-. 101 ways to promote your tourism web site : filled 338.48
with proven internet marketing tips, tools, and techniques to get visitors to
your site and your destination / Susan Sweeney. - 2nd ed. - Gulf Breeze, FL
: Maximum Press, c2008. - xx, 391 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Rev. ed. of: Internet
marketing for your tourism business, 2000.
ISBN 978-1-931644-62-4.
Tūrisma ekonomika. 3
171 Murphy, Peter E., 1942-. The business of resort management / Peter E. 338.48
Murphy. - 1st ed. - Amsterdam : Butterworth-Heinemann ; Boston, 2008. -
x, 346 : ill. ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6661-9.
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. Menedžments. 1
172 The business of tourism management / edited by John Beech and Simon 338.48
Chadwick. - New York : Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2006. - p. cm. -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-273-68801-3.
Tūrisms. 30
173 Cooper, Chris. Contemporary tourism : an international approach / Chris 338.48
Cooper, C Michael Hall. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. - 377 lpp.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6350-2.
Tūrisms. 3
174 Baker, Bill. Destination branding for small cities : the essentials for 338.48
successful place branding / Bill Baker. - Portland, Ore : Creative Leap
Books, c2007. - 191 p. ; 22 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (p.
ISBN 978-0-9797076-0-5.
Tūrisma ekonomika. 3
175 Henderson, Joan C. Tourism crises : causes, consequences and management 338.48
/ Joan C. Henderson. - Amsterdam : Butterworth-Heinemann ; Boston,
c2007. - xiii, 186 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - (The management of hospitality and
tourism enterprises series). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-7834-6. 3
176 Page, Stephen, 1963-. Tourism management : managing for change / 338.48
Stephen J. Page. - 2nd ed. - Oxford, UK : Butterworth-Heinemann ;
Burlington, MA, 2007. - xxi, 473 lpp. : il., kartes ; 24 cm. - Ietver bibliogr.
nod. beigās un rād.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8205-3. - ISBN 0-7506-8205-1.
Tūrisms - Menedžments.
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. 2
177 Tourism policy and planning : yesterday, today and tomorrow / David L. 338.48
Edgell, Sr., ... [et al.]. - Amsterdam : Butterworth-Heinemann, c2008. -
xviii, 422 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-8557-3 (pbk.). - ISBN 978-0-7506-8557-3 (pbk.).
Tūrisms. 4
178 Biederman, Paul S. Travel and tourism : an industry primer / Paul S. 338.48
Biederman ; with Jun Lai ... [et al.]. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. :
Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2008. - xxix, 608 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-170129-0. - ISBN 978-0-13-170129-8.
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. 2
179 World tourism cities : developing tourism off the beaten track / edited by 338.48
Robert Maitland and Peter Newman. - New York, NY : Routledge, 2008. -
p. cm. - (Routledge contemporary geographies of leisure, tourism and
mobility ; 10). - Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-415-45198-7 (hbk). - ISBN 978-0-203-88656-4 (ebk).
Tūrisms. 1
180 Holloway, J Christopher. The busines of tourism / J Christopher Holloway. 338.48
- 7th ed. - England : Pearson Education Ltd., 2006. - xix, 716 p.
ISBN 978-0-273-70161-3.
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. 5
181 Padilla, Mark, 1969-. Caribbean pleasure industry : tourism, sexuality, and 338.48
AIDS in the Dominican Republic / Mark Padilla. - Chicago : The University
of Chicago Press, 2007. - xvii, 294 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. - (Worlds of
desire). - Includes bibliographical references (p. [261]-280) and index.
ISBN 978-0-226-64435-6 (cloth : alk. paper). - ISBN 978-0-226-64436-3
(pbk. : alk. paper). - ISBN 0-226-64435-9 (cloth : alk. paper). - ISBN 0-
226-64436-7 (pbk. : alk. paper).
Tūrisms. 1
182 International business and tourism : global issues, contemporary 338.48
interactions / edited by Tim Coles and C. Michael Hall. - Oxon [England] :
Routledge ; New York, NY, 2007. - 285 p. - (Routledge international series
in tourism, business & management).
ISBN 978-0-415-42430-1 (hbk.). - ISBN 978-0-415-42431-8 (pbk.).
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. 3
183 Goeldner, Charles R. Tourism : principles, practices, philosophies / Charles 338.48
R. Goeldner, J.R. Brent Ritchie. - Eleventh ed. - Hoboken, N.J. : John
Wiley, c2009. - xix, 624 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. - Includes
bibliographical references (p. [597]-612) and index.
ISBN 978-0-470-08459-5 (cloth). - ISBN 0-470-08459-6 (cloth).
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisms. 5
184 Mason, Peter. Tourism impacts, planning and management / Peter Mason. - 338.48
2nd ed. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. - 289 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8492-7.
Tūrisms. 1
185 Trends and issues in global tourism 2008 / ed. Roland Conrady, Martin 338.48
Buck. - 1st ed. - New York : Springer, 2008. - 220 p.
ISBN 978-3-540-77797-7.
Tūrisms. 1
186 Lew, Alan A. World geography of travel and tourism : a regional approach / 338.48
Alan A. Lew, C. Michael Hall, Dallen J. Timothy. - Oxford : Elsevier,
2008. - 363 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-7978-7.
Tūrisms. Reģionālā ģeogrāfija. 16
187 Song, Haiyan. The advanced econometrics of tourism demand / Haiyan 338.48
Song, Stephen F. Witt, and Gang Li. - New York : Routledge, 2009. - xii,
221 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge advances in tourism ; 13). - Includes
bibliographical references (p. [199]-211) and indexes.
ISBN 978-0-415-99120-9. - ISBN 041599120X.
Tūrisma ekonomika -- ģeogrāfija. 8
188 City Spaces - Tourist Places : urban Tourism Precincts / edited by Bruce 338.48
Hayllar, Tony Griffin, Deborah Edwards. - Amsterdam, Boston,
Heidelberg, etc. : Elsevier, 2008. - xviii, 381 p. - (Tourism Management). -
included Index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8195-7.
Tūrisma menedžments -- Tūrisms. 1
189 Global alliances in tourism and hospitality management / John C. Crotts, 338.48
Dimitrios Buhalis, Roger March, editors. - New York : Haworth Hospitality
Press, c2000. - 166 p. ; 22 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-7890-0783-5. - ISBN 978-0-7890-0818-3. - ISBN 0-7890-0818-1
(pbk. : alk. paper)(atcelts).
Tūrisma menedžments -- TūrismsViesmīlības industrija. 1
190 Makkerčers, Bobs. Kultūras tūrisms : tūrisma un kultūras mantojuma 338.48
pārvaldības partnerība / Bobs, Makkerčers, Hilarija du Krosa. - Rīga :
Neputns, 2007. - 280 lpp. : il.
ISBN 978-9984-7299-9-2.
Tūrisms. Kultūra. 1
191 Middleton, Victor T. C. Marketing in travel and tourism / Victor T.C. 338.48
Middleton ; with Alan Fyall, Mike Morgan and Ashok Ranchhod. - 4th ed.
- Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann ; Burlington, MA, 2009. - 502 p. -
Includes bibliographical (487-491 p.) references and index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8693-8.
Mārketings. Tūrisms. Ceļošana. 3
192 Swarbrooke, John. Consumer behaviour in tourism / John Swarbrooke and 338.48
Susan Horner. - 2nd ed. - Amsterdam : Butterworth-Heinemann ; Boston,
2007. - ix, 428 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (p.
[417]-423) and index. - Previous ed.: 1999.
ISBN 0-7506-6735-4 (pbk.). - ISBN 978-0-7506-6735-7 (pbk.).
Patērētāju uzvedība.
Tūrisms. Mārketings. 3
193 Lennon, J. John. Benchmarking National tourism organizations and 338.48
aggencies : understanding best practice / J. John Lennon, Hugh Smith,
Nancy Cockerell and Jill Trew. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2006. - xxiii, 250 p. -
(Advances in tourism research series).
ISBN 978-0-08-044657-8.
Tūrisms. 3
194 Управление индустрией туризма : лучший опыт деятельности 338.48
национальных организаций и агенств по туризму / Дж. Джон Леннон
... [и др.] ; перевод с английского [Ю.Г. Суровцева]. - Москва : Группа
ИДТ, 2008. - 265, [6] с. : сх., табл. - Содержит библиографию (с. [266]-
[268]) и указатели (с. [269]-[271]).
ISBN 978-5-948330-56-3.
Tūrisma ekonomika. Tūrisma menedžments -- Tūrisms. 6
195 Pike, Steven. Destination marketing organisations / Steven, Pike. - Oxford : 338.48
Elsevier Ltd., 2004. - 240 p. - (Advences in tourism research series). -
Includes bibliographical references (p.197-219) and index.
ISBN 0-08-044306-0. 3
196 A practical guide to tourism destination management / World Tourism 338.48
organization. - Spain : World Tourism organization, 2007. - 150 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-92-8441-243-3.
Mārketings. Tūrisms. 2
197 Rastogi, A.P. Travel agency operations / A.P. Rastogi. - England : Aman 338.48
Publications, 2007. - 279 p. : ill. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 81-8204-036-1.
Tūrisms -- Ceļojumi. 2
198 Destination recommendation systems : behavioural foundations and 338.48
applications / edited by Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Karl W. W�ober, Hannes
Werthner. - Wallingford, UK : CABI Pub. ; Cambridge, MA, c2006. - xxii,
347 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (p. 315-340) and
ISBN 0-85199-023-1 (alk. paper). - ISBN 978-0-85199-023-1 (alk. paper). -
ISBN 978-0-85199-023-1.
Tūrisms. Internets. 1
199 Hall, C.Michael. Understanding and managing tourism impacts : an 338.48
integrated approach / C.Michael Hall, Alan A. Lew. - Oxon : Routledge,
2009. - xx, 365 p. : ill. - Includes bibliographical references (p. [329]-358)
and index.
ISBN 978-0-415-77133-7. - ISBN 0-415-77133-1.
Tūrisms. 4
200 Decrop, Alain. Vacation decision making / Alain Decrop. - Wallingford, 338.48
UK : CABI Pub. ; Cambridge, MA, 2006. - xxiii, 226 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. -
Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-187) and index.
ISBN 978-1-8459-3040-0 (alk. paper). - ISBN 1-8459-3040-1 (alk. paper).
Tūrisms. 2
201 Папирян, Т.А. Международные экономические отношения : экономика 338.48
туризма. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 1998. - 207, [1] с. - Список
лит.: c. 207-[208].
ISBN 5-279-01878-3. 2
202 Tourism and Economic Development in Asia and Australasia / edited by 338.48
Frank M. Go and Carson L. Jenkins. - London : Pinter ; Washington, 1998.
- 372 p. - (Tourism, Leisure & Recreation Series). - Includes index.
ISBN 1-85567-567-6. 1
203 Holloway, J.Christopher. Marketing for Tourism / J.Christopher Holloway, 338.48
Chris Robinson. - 3rd ed. - Great Britain : Longman, 1998. - 286 p. -
Includes references, bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-27748-5.
Materiālā un tehniskā apgādeViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments
(Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 1
204 Holloway, J.Christopher. The Business of Tourism. - 5th ed. - [Great 338.48
Britain] : Longman, 1998. - 350 p. : il. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-32881-0. 2
205 Davidson, Rob. Travel and Tourism in Europe. - 2nd ed. - [Great Britain] : 338.48
Longman, 1998. - 238 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-582-29224-7. 1
206 Tourism : principles and practice / Chris Cooper, John Fletcher, David 338.48
Gilbert and Stephen Wanhill ; edited by Rebecca Shepherd. - 2nd ed. -
[Great Britain] : Longman, 1998. - 530 p. : il. - Includes bibliographies and
ISBN 0-582-31273-6. 8
207 Pearce, Douglas. Tourist Development. - 2nd ed. - [Great Britain] : 338.48
Longman Scientific & Technical, 1994. - 341, [1] p. : il., tab. - Includes
bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-01435-2. 1
208 Sustainable Tourism : A Geographical Perspective / edited by C. Michael 338.48
Hall and Alan A. Lew. - New York : Longman, 1998. - 236 p. : tab., diagr. -
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-582-32262-6. 1
209 Youell, Ray. Tourism : an introduction. - [Great Britain] : Longman, 1998. - 338.48
253, [1] p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-582-35697-0. 11
210 Davidson, Rob. Business Travel. - Great Britain : Longman, 1997. - 207, 338.48
[1] p. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-29476-2. 11
211 Bull, Adrian. The Economics of Travel and Tourism / Adrian Bull. - 338.48
Melbourne, Australia : Longman, An imprint of Addison Wesley Longman,
1995. - 267 p. : diagr., tab. - Bibliogr.: p. [246]-255.
ISBN 058280731X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 1
212 Pearce, Douglas. Tourism Today : a geographical analysis. - 2nd ed. - 338.48
Great Britain : Longman, 1997. - 202 p. - Includes bibliographical
references and indexes.
ISBN 0-582-22822-0. 1
213 The Economic Geography of the Tourist Industry : a supply-side analysis / 338.48
edited by Dimitri Ioannides, Keith G. Debbage. - London : Routledge ; New
York, 1998. - 342 p. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-415-16412-5. 1
214 Экономика современного туризма : рыночное регулирование, основы 338.48
управления и маркетинг, бухгалтерский учет и налогообложение /
Г.А.Карпова, М.Г.Воронцова, М.В.Нотаров, А.М.Воловода,
О.В.Рохмалева ; под ред. Г.А.Карповой. - Москва - Санкт-Петербург :
Издательский Торговый Дом "Герда", 1998. - 412 с. : табл. - Библиогр.:
с.406-410 (66 назв.).
ISBN 5-7978-0035-7. 6
215 Bishop, Ana. Health, Safety and Security in Leisure and Tourism. - London 338.48
: Hodder & Stoughton, 1997. - 39, [2] p. : ill. - (Hodder Leisure & Tourism
in Action). - Includes index.
ISBN 034065841X.
Higiēna. 1
216 Nickerson, Norma Polovitz. Foundatations of Tourism. - Upper Saddle 338.48
River, New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 1996. - XVII, 332 p. : il., tab. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-108119-5. 1
217 Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Research : a handbook for managers and 338.48
researchers / editors J.R.Brent Ritchie, Charles R.Goeldner. - 2nd ed. -
New York etc. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994. - 614 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-58248-4. 6
218 Colclough, John. Investigating the Leisure and Tourism Industries. - 338.48
London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1998. - 52 p. : ill., tab. - (Hodder Leisure &
Tourism in Action). - Index: p.51-52.
ISBN 0-340-65835-5. 1
219 Betteridge, Debbie. Event Management in Leisure and Tourism / Debbie 338.48
Betteridge. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1997. - 44 p. : ill., tab. -
(Hodder Leisure & Tourism in Action). - Index: p.43-44.
ISBN 0-340-65842-8.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 1
220 Дурович, А.П. Маркетинг в туризме : учеб. пособие / А.П.Дубович, 338.48
А.С.Копанев ; под общей ред. З.М.Горбылевой. - Минск :
Экономпресс, 1998. - 399 с. : табл. - Библиогр.: с.399.
ISBN 985-647-906-1.
Mārketings. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 2
221 Boniface, Brian G. The Geography of Travel and Tourism / Brian 338.48
G.Boniface, Chris Cooper. - 2nd rev. ed. - Oxford, Great Britain :
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. - [XII], 270 p. : tab., maps. - Includes
bibliography and indexes.
ISBN 0-7506-1670-9. 1
222 Frechtling, Douglas C. Practical Tourism Forecasting. - Great Britain : 338.48
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996. - 245, [1] p. - Glossary: p. 223-232.
ISBN 0-7506-0877-3. 1
223 International Tourism : identity and change / edited by Marie-Francoise 338.48
Lanfant, John B.Allcock, Edward M.Bruner. - Great Britain : SAGE
Publications, 1995. - 246 p. - (SAGE Studies in International Sociology ;
47). - Includes references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-0877-3. 1
224 Managing Tourism in Cities : policy, process and practice / edited by 338.48
Duncan Tyler, Yvonne Guerrier, Martin Robertson. - Great Britain : John
Wiley & Sons, 1998. - 254 p. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-471-98315-2. 1
225 Tourism and Economic Development : European Experiences. - 3rd 338.48
edition. - Great Britain : John Wiley & Sons, 1998. - 425 p. - Bibliogr.: p.
ISBN 0-471-98316-0. 2
226 Youell, Ray. The Complete A-Z Leisure, Travel & Tourism Handbook. - 338.48
[Great Britain] : Hodder & Stoughton, 1996. - 250 p. : il., tab.
ISBN 0-340-64789-2. 1
227 Gee, Chuck Y. The Travel Industry / Chuck Y.Gee, James C.Makens, 338.48
Dexter J.L.Choy. - 3rd ed. - New York [etc.] : Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1997. - 494, [2] p. : il., tab., maps. - Includes bibliographic references and
ISBN 0-442-02297-2. 1
228 Briggs, Susan. Successful Tourism Marketing : a practical handbook. - 338.48
London : Kogan Page, 1997. - 207, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-7494-2123-1. 1
229 Sinclair, M. Thea. The Economics of Tourism / M. Thea Sinclair, Mike 338.48
Stabler. - London : Routledge ; New York, [s.a.]. - [264] p. - Includes
references and index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija. 1
230 Harris, Godfrey. Promoting International Tourism : to the Year 2000 and 338.48
beyond / Godfrey Harris, Kenneth M. Katz. - 2nd US ed. - USA : [The
Americas Group], 1996. - [223] p. - Includes index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-935047-20-4. 1
231 Sporttourismus : Management- und Marketing-Handbuch / hrsg. von Axel 338.48
Dreyer und Arnd Krueger. - Muenchen : Oldenbourg ; Wien, 1995. - 466 S.
- (Lehr- und Handbuecher zu Tourismus, Verkehr und Freizeit). -
Literaturverzeichnis: S. 438-458.
ISBN 3-486-23099-9. 1
232 Management des europaeischen Tourismus : Erfahrungen - Konzepte - 338.48
Visionen / hrsg. von Martin L. Fontanari und Sven Rohte. - Wiesbaden :
Gabler, 1995. - 297, [1] S.
ISBN 340913235X. 1
233 Tourismus-Management : Tourismus-Marketing und 338.48
Fremdenverkehrsplanung / hrsg. von Guenther Haedrich, Claude Kaspar,
Kristiane Klemm, Edgar Kreilkamp ; unter Mitarbeit zahlreicher Fachleute.
- 2., voellig neu bearb. und wesentlich erw. Aufl. - Berlin : Walter de
Gruyter ; New York, 1993. - 791, [1] S.
ISBN 3-11-012846-2. 1
234 Mill, Robert Christie. The Tourism System : an introductory text / Robert 338.48
Christie Mill, Alastair M.Morrison. - USA : Prentice-Hall International,
Inc., 1985. - 457, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-925769-1.
Ceļošana. 1
235 Vellas, Francois. International Tourism : an economic perspective / 338.48
Francois Vellas, Lionel Becherel ; foreword by Eduardo Fayos-Sola. - Great
Britain : Macmillan Press Ltd, 1995. - 359, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 0-333-61523-9. 1
236 Chaves, Luis G. Tourism Market Trends : lecture conspects. - [S.l.] : 1998, 338.48
1998. - [44] p. - Oriģ. mater. kopijas.
Part I. 3
237 Hartmann, Juergen. The Significance of Youth Tourism in Post-Industrial 338.48
Society: The Case of Sweden : contribution to the International Conference
on Youth Tourism, January 28-31, 1991, Dehli, India. - [Sweden] : 1991,
1991. - 14 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 13-14.
Ceļošana. 1
238 Veal, A.J. Research Methods for Leisure and Tourism : a practical guide. - 338.48
2nd ed. - London : Pitman Publishing, 1997. - [320] p. - Includes
bibliographical references. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-273-62052-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Ceļošana. 5
239 Ryan, Chris. Recreational Tourism : a social science perspective. - London : 338.48
Routledge ; New York, 1991. - [220] p. - Includes bibliography. - Oriģ. izd.
ISBN 0-415-05423-0. 1
240 Holloway, J.Christopher. The Business of Tourism. - 4th ed. - [Great 338.48
Britain] : Longman, 1996. - 282 p. : il. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-582-29042-2. 1
241 Tūrisma un viesmīlības industrija : tūrisma dimensijas : : māc. palīgmater. 338.48
kursam / Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola ; sast. Maija Rozīte. - [Rīga] :
Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, 1996. - 73, [1] lpp. : tab., diagr. - Bibliogr.
nod. beigās. 7
242 Туризм: практика, проблемы, перспективы : ежемесячный журнал для 338.48
профессионалов / гл. ред. Марина Нестеренко. - Москва : Агенство
Информбанк, 1997-. 1
243 Кабушкин, Н.И. Менеджмент туризма : учеб. пособие. - Минск : 338.48
БГЭУ, 1999. - 644 с. - Библиогр.: с. 637 - 639.
ISBN 985-426-134-4.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 13
244 338.48
Syratt, Gwenda. Manual of Travel Agency Practice / Gwenda
Syratt. - 2nd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. -
259,[1] p. : il. 3
245 338.48
Бессольцев, Андрей. Как добиться успеха в туризме / Андрей
Бессольцев, Олег Кудряшов. - Рига : JUMI, 2001. - 135,[1] с. : ил.,
таб. 3
246 338.48
Burton, Jon. Interpersonal Skills for Travel and Tourism / Jon
Burton, Lisa Burton. - Great Britain : Longman, 1997. - XII, 322 p. : ill.
- Includes index. 4
247 Fridgen, Joseph D. Dimensions of Tourism / Joseph D. Fridgen. - 338.48
USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1991. - 361, [1] p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references
and index. 2

Kopā: 1822
248 Kolb, Bonita M. Tourism Marketing For Cities And Towns : using 338.48
branding and events to attract tourists / Bonita M. Kolb. - Oxford :
Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. - xvi, 310 p. - Index: p. 307-
ISBN 978-0-7506-7945-9. - ISBN 075067945X.
Mened 3
Okumus, Fevzi. Strategic management for hospitality
and tourism / Fevzi Okumus, Levent Altinay, Prakash K.
Chathoth. - Oxford : Elsevier, Ltd., 2010. - xiv, 333 p. : ill. -
249 Includes index. - ISBN 978-0-7506-6522-3. 1
Ewen, Michael. Micro - Clusters and Networks : the
Growth of Tourism / Laila Gibson, Paul Lynch, Richards
Mitchell. - Amsterdam : Elsevier ; Boston, 2007. - xixi, 183 p. :
tab.,diagr. - (Advances in tourism research series). - index:173.-
250 183.p. ISBN 978-0-08-045096-4. ISBN 0-08-045096-2 2
Hall, Colin Michael. Tourism planning : policies,
processes and relationships / C. Michael Hall. - 2nd ed. - Harlow,
England : Pearson/Prentice Hall ; New York, 2008. - xvii, 302 p. :
ill. ; 25 cm. - index:299.-302.p., ISBN 978-0-13-204652-7 (pbk.)
251 - ISBN 0-13-204652-0 (pbk) 6
Handbook of tourist behavior : theory & practice / 338.48
edited by Metin Kozak and Alain Decrop. - New York :
Routledge, 2009. - xviii, 267 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge
advances in tourism ; 16). - Includes bibliographical references
252 and index., 3

Heritage and globalisation / edited by Colin Long and

Sophia Labadi. - Abingdon, Oxon, England : Routledge ; New
253 York, 2010. - 230 p. - index: 218.-230.p. 3
. Song, Haiyan. The advanced econometrics of tourism demand / Haiyan
Song, Stephen F. Witt, and Gang Li. - New York : Routledge, 2009. - xii,
221 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge advances in tourism ; 13). - index: 199.-
254 211.p. 8
Stabler, Mike. Economics of tourism / Mike J. Stabler, Andreas
Papatheodorou, M. Thea Sinclair. - 2nd ed. - New York : Routledge, 2010. -
506 p. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Previous edition
255 has main entry under M. Thea Sinclair. 6

Sustainable tourism futures : perspectives on systems, restructuring, and

innovations / edited by Stefan GÖssling, C. Michael Hall, and David B.
Weaver. - New York : Routledge, 2009. - xix, 319 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. -
(Routledge advances in tourism ;15). - "This book is in great part the result
of an expert meeting on sustainable tourism, which took place in
256 Helsingborg, Sweden in September 2007"-P. [xvii]. 2
Tourism enterprises and sustainable development : international
perspectives on responses to the sustainability agenda / edited by David
Leslie. - 1st ed. - New York : Routledge, 2009. - xix, 246 p. : ill., maps ; 24
cm. - (Routledge advances in tourism ; 18). - Includes bibliographical
257 references and index. 2
Wearing, Stephen. Tourist cultures : identity, place and the traveller /
Stephen Wearing, Deborah Stevenson and Tamara Young. - Delhi : SAGE ;
258 London, 2009. - 169 p. 3
Williams, Stephen, 1951-. Tourism geography : a new synthesis / Stephen
Williams. - 2nd ed. - London : Routledge ; New York, 2009. - xvi, 309 p.:
259 ill., maps; 26 cm. - index: 284.-303.p. 3

Pavisam: 1864

N.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izd. ziņas UDK

1. Medlik, S. Dictionary of Travel Tourism and Hospitality. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Butterworth- 338.48(03)
Heinemann, 1997. - 332 p. - Bibliogr.: pp. 329-332.
ISBN 0-7506-2864-2. 1
2. Encyclopedia of Tourism / chief editor Jafar Jafari. - London : Routledge, an imprint of the 338.48(03)
Taylor & Francis Group ; New York, 2000. - XXXV, 683 p. - Includes bibliogr. references.
ISBN 0-415-15405-7. - ISBN 0-415-30890-9.
3. Зорин, И.В. Энциклопедия туризма / И.В. Зорин, В.А. Квартальнов ; Российская 338.48(03)
международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2001. - 364 с. -
Библиогр.: с. 354-358.
ISBN 5-279-02264-0.
4. Зорин, И.В. Энциклопедия туризма / И.В. Зорин, В.А. Квартальнов ; Российская 338.48(03)
международная академия туризма. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 364 с. -
Библиогр.: с. 354-358.
ISBN 5-279-02264-0.
Ceļošana. Tūrisms.
5. Pētersons, Ronalds. Angļu-latviešu tūrisma terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca : vairāk nekā 1600 338.48(03)
terminu un terminoloģisku vārdkopu / Ronalds Pētersons, Einārs Plinta ; zin. red. Gundega
Zeltiņa. - Rīga : Apgāds "Daugava", 2002. - 300,[1] lpp. - Terminu rādītājs: 280.-297.lpp.
ISBN 99847410208.
Viesmīlības industrija -- Nozaru vārdnīcasCeļošana. Angļu valodas vārdnīcas. Latviešu
valodas vārdnīcas.
6. Collin, P.H. Dictionary of hotels, tourism and catering management / P.H. Collin. - London : 338.48(03)
Peter Collin Publishing, 2003. - 356, [22] p. - Supplement: p. [357-378].
ISBN 1-901659-99-2.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība) -- Nozaru vārdnīcasViesmīlības industrija.
7. Tūrisma un viesmīlības terminu skaidrojošā vārdnīca / [Ekonomikas ministrijas uzdevumā 338.48(03)
vārdnīcu ir izstrādājuši: Kristīne Bērziņa ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2008. -
460 lpp. - Ietver bibliogr. un rād. - Teksts latviešu, angļu, vācu un krievu val.
ISBN 978-9984-93708-3.
Tūrisms - Daudzvalodu. - Vārdnīcas. Viesmīlības industrija - Daudzvalodu. - Vārdnīcas.
Vārdnīcas, daudzvalodu.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija.

N.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izdošanas ziņas UDK Skaits

1. Goldblatt, Joe Jeff. Special Events : Best Practices in Modern Event Management / 79 1
Joe Jeff Goldblatt. - 2nd ed. - New York ... [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. -
382 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-28745-8.
2. Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism / ed. by William C. Gartner, 79 1
David W. Lime. - New York, NY : CABI Publishing, 2000. - 458 pp. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-403-2.
3. Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism / ed. by William C. Gartner, 79 11
David W. Lime. - New York, NY : CABI Publishing, 2000. - 458 pp. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-403-2.
4. Standeven, Joy. Sport Tourism / Joy Standeven, Paul De Knop. - [Champaign, IL] : 79 3
Human Kinetics, 1999. - 366,[2] pp. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-87322-853-7.
5. Events Management / G. A. J. Bowdin, I.McDonnell, J.Allen, W.O'Toole. - Oxford ... 79 21
[etc.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. - xviii, 321,[1] p. : tab., diagr. - (Hospitality,
Leisure and Tourism). - Includes bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-4796-5.
6. Bull, Chris. An Introduction to leisure studies / Chris Bull, Jayne Hoose, Mike Weed. 79 7
- Harlow...[etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2003. - 296 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 058232503X.
7. The Collector's Voice : Critical Resdings in the Practice of Collecting / edited by 79 1
Susan Pearce and Paul Martin. - Aldershot ... [etc.] : Ashgate, 2002. - 325 p. -
(Perspectives on collecting).
Volume 4. Contemporary voices.
ISBN 1-85928-420-5.
8. Allen, Judy. The Business Of Event Planing : behind the scenes secrets of succesful 79 18
special events / Judy Allen. - Mississauga, Ontario : John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd.,
2002. - xviii, 329 p. - Index: p. [325]-329.
ISBN 047083188X.
9. Stokowski, Patricia A. Leisure in society : a network cultural perspective / Patricia 79 1
A. Stokowski ; series ed. Gareth Shaw, Allan Williams. - London : Mansell, 1994. -
xi,141 p. - (Tourism, leisure, and recreation series). - Bibliogr.: p. [119]-132.
ISBN 0-7201-2141-8. - ISBN 0-7201-2311-9.
10. Lashley, Conrad. Organization behaviour for leisure services / Conrad Lashley, 79 3
Darren Lee-Ross. - Oxford : Butterworth - Heinemann, [2003]. - XXIV, 253 p. : tab.
- Bibliogr.: p. 239-248.
ISBN 0-7506-5782-0.
11. Festival and events management : an international arts and culture perspective / 79 10
edited by Ian Yeoman, Martin Robertson, Jane Ali- Knight ... [etc.]. - Oxford ... [etc.]
: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. - XXI, 418 p. : ill., tab. - Includes bibliogr.
references and index.
ISBN 075065872X.
12. Weed, Mike. Sports tourism : participants, policy and providers / Mike Weed, Chris 79 3
Bull. - Amsterdam ... [etc.] : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. - XVI, 241 p. :
diagr., tab. - References: p.[207]-231.
ISBN 0-7506-5276-4.
13. Allen, Judy. Event planinng : the ultimate guide to successful meetings, corporate 79 10
events, fundraising galas, conferences, conventions, incentives, and other special
events / Judy Allen. - Mississauga, Ontario : John Wiley & Sons Canada Ltd, 2000. -
XIV, 306 p. : tab. - Index: p. [303]-306.
ISBN 0-471-64412-9.
14. Goldblatt, Joe. Special Events : twenty-first century global event management / 79 3
Joe Goldblatt ; contr. edit. Julia Schiptsova. - 3rd ed. - New York ... [etc.] : John
Wiley & Sons, 2002. - XXII, 459 p. : il. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-39687-7.
15. Veal, A.J. Leisure and tourism policy and planning / A.J. Veal. - 2nd. ed. - 79 6
Wallingford, Oxon, UK : CABI Pub, 2002. - XIV, 288 p. : diagr., tab. - Bibliogr.: p.
ISBN 0-85199-546-2.
16. Sport and adventure tourism / ed. by Simon Hudson. - New York : The Haworth 79 3
Hospitality Press, 2003. - XXI, 324 p. : ill., tab. - Bibliogr. katras nod. beigās.
ISBN 0-7890-1275-8. - ISBN 0-7890-1276-6.
17. Allen, Judy. Event planinng : ethics and etiquette : : a principled approach to the 79 2
business of special event management / Judy Allen. - Etobicoke, Ontario : John Wiley
& Sons Canada, 2003. - XXI, 234 p. - Index: p. [231]-234.
ISBN 0-470-83260-6.
18. Masterman, Guy. Strategic sports events management : an international approach 79 1
/ Guy Masterman. - Boston : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2004. - xix, 250 p. :
tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-5983-1.
19. Supovitz, Frank. The Sports event management and marketing playbook / Frank 79 1
Supovitz. - Hoboken : Wiley & Sons, 2005. - xviii, 478 : ill., tab. - (The Wiley event
management series). - Include index.
ISBN 0-471-46007-9.
20. Ooi, Can-Seng. Cultural Tourism and Tourism Cultures : the Business of Mediating 79 1
Experiences in Copenhagen and Singapore / Can-Seng Ooi. - Copenhagen :
Copenhagen Business School Press, 2002. - ix, 277 p. : ill., tab. - Includes
bibliographical refernces and index.
ISBN 87-630-0091-1.
21. Goldblatt, Joe Jeff. Dollars & Events : how to succeed in the special events 79 3
business / Joe Jeff Goldblatt, Frank Supovitz. - New York ... [etc.] : John Wiley &
Sons, 1999. - xvii, 298 p. : il. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-24957-2.
22. Monroe, James C. Art Of the Event : complete guide to designing and decorating 79 12
special events / James C.Monroe ; ill. by Robert A.Kates. - Hoboken, New Jersey :
John Wiley & Sons, 2006. - xxix, 417 p. : ill. - (The Wiley Event Management
Series). - Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-471-42686-8. - ISBN 0-471-42686-8.
23. Goldblatt, Joe. Special Events : event leadership for a new world / Joe Goldblatt. - 79 15
4th ed. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2005. - xxxi, 496 p., [8] l. ill. : ill. -
(The Wiley Event Management Series). - Includes index: p. 485-496.
ISBN 0-471-45037-5.
24. Water-Based Tourism, Sport, Leisure, And Recreation Experiences / edited by Gayle 79 3
Jennings. - Oxford : Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. - xviii, 260 p. : diagr.,
ill. - Index: p. 253-260.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6181-2. - ISBN 075066181X.
25. Wendroff, Alan L. Special Events : proven strategies for nonprofit fundraising / 79 8
Alan L. Wendroff. - 2nd ed. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004. - xxiii,
244, [2] p. : ill. - Includes index: p. 231-238. - Includes CD-ROM.
ISBN 0-471-46235-7.
26. Getz, Donald. Event studies : theory, research and policy for planned events / 79 1
Donald Getz. - Oxford : Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. - xxiv, 442 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6959-7.
27. Bowdin, Glenn. Event management / Glenn Bowdin, Johnny Allen, William O'Toole, 79 3
Rob Harris, Ian McDonnell. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann,
2006. - xxi, 510 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6533-9.
28. Ideju grāmata burziņiem : pūkaini padomi, dzirkstoši ieteikumi-- un ne tikai / 79 1
[sakārtojusi Egita Puķīte ; mākslinieks Aigars Truhins]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC,
[2008] ("Preses nams"). - 64 lpp. : il. ; 21 cm. - "Lietot pēc 18!"--Uz vāka.
ISBN 978-993-400-287-8.
29. Ātrāk un Skaļāk : žurnāls par močiem un rokmūziku un visu, kas tevi interesē! / 79 1
galv. red. Gita Belugina. - Rīga : Motorock, 2008-. - sēj. : il. (dažas krās.) ; 30 cm. -
Uz vāka temat. nos.
ISSN 1691-5259.
30. Kilkenny, Shannon, 1955-. The complete guide to successful event planning / 79 2
Shannon Kilkenny. - Ocala, Florida : Atlantic Pub. Group, 2006. - 312 p. : ill. ; 23 cm
+ 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-910627-92-4 (alk. paper).
31. Allen, Judy. Time management event planners / Judy Allen. - Ontario : John Wiley 79 3
& Sons Canada, Ltd., 2005. - xx, 209 p. : ill. - Includes index ([205]-209 p.).
ISBN 0-470-83626-1. - ISBN 978-0-470-83626-1.
32. Silvers, Julia Rutherford. Risk management for meetings and events / Julia 79 3
Rutherford Silvers. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2009. - xxvi, 354 p. - Includes bibliographical
references ([337]-345 p.) and index ([347]-354 p.).
ISBN 978-0-7506-8057-8.
33. Goldblatt, Joe Jeff, 1952-. Special events : the roots and wings of celebration / 79 3
Joe Goldblatt. - 5th ed. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2008. - xxix, 498 p.,
[16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. - (The Wiley event management series). -
Includes bibliographical references (p. 417-429) and index. - Previous editions have
different subtitles.
ISBN 978-0-471-73831-2 (cloth : alk. paper).
34. Skinner, Bruce E. Event sponsorship / Bruce E. Skinner, Vladimir Rukavina. - 79 3
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - xxii, 298 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (The Wiley
event management series). - Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-254) and
index. - Published simultaneously in Canada.
35. Tarlow, Peter E. Event risk management and safety / Peter E. Tarlow. - New York : 79 3
J. Wiley, 2002. - xvi, 272 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (The Wiley event management series). -
Includes bibliographical references (p. 249-255) and index.
36. O'Toole, William, 1951-. Corporate event project management / William O'Toole, 79 3
Phyllis Mikolaitis. - New York : Wiley, 2002. - xvi, 285 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (The Wiley
event management series). - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-40240-0 (cloth : alk. paper).
37. Fyall, Alan. Managing visitor attractions : new directions / Alan Fyall, Brian Garrod, 79 3
Anna Leask, Stephen Wanhill. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2008. - xix, 364 p. : ill. -
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8545-0.
38. Rossman, J. Robert(James Robert), 1946-. Recreation programming : designing 79 3
leisure experiences / J. Robert Rossman, Barbara Elwood Schlatter. - 5th ed. -
Champaign : Sagamore Publishing, 2008. - xi, 452 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Foundations for programming -- Determining agency culture -- Targeted
program development -- Operational strategies -- Follow-up analysis.
ISBN 1-571-67573-6. - ISBN 978-1-571-67573-6.
39. Allen, Judy, 1952-. Marketing your event planning business : a creative approach 79 6
to gaining the competitive edge / Judy Allen. - Mississauga, Ont. : Wiley, 2004. -
xxii, 246 p. ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references (p. [219]-221) and index.
ISBN 0-470-83387-4. - ISBN 978-0-470-83387-2.
40. Hoyle, Leonard H. Event marketing : how to successfully promote events, festivals, 79 3
conventions, and expositions / Leonard H. Hoyle. - New York : Wiley, 2002. - XXIV,
224 p. : tab. - (Wiley event management series). - Bibliogr.: p. 209-215.
ISBN 047140179X (cloth).
41. Silvers, Julia Rutherford. Professional event coordination / Julia Rutherford 79 3
Silvers. - Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2004. - xix, 474 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (The Wiley event
management series). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-26305-2.
42. Sonder, Mark. Event entertainment and production / Mark Sonder. - Hoboken, N.J. 79 3
: J. Wiley & Sons, 2004. - xvii, 433 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - (The Wiley event management
series). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-26306-0 (alk. paper).
43. Festival & special event management / Johnny Allen ... [et al.]. - 4th ed. - Milton, 79 3
Qld. : John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd, 2008. - xviii, 637 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (Wiley
Australia tourism series). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - Previous
ed.: 2005.
ISBN 978-0-470-81252-5 (pbk.).
44. Shone, Anton. Successful event management : a practical hanbook / Anton Shone, 79 2
Bryn Parry. - 2nd ed. - London : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2004. - xvi, 246
p. : ill. - Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-8448-0076-6.
45. Blackshaw, Tony, 1960-. The SAGE dictionary of leisure studies / Tony Blackshaw 79 3
and Garry Crawford. - Los Angeles : SAGE ; London, 2009. - 262 p. ; 25 cm. -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-412-91995-1 (hbk.). - ISBN 978-1-412-91996-8 (pbk.).
46. McLean, Daniel D. Kraus' recreation and leisure in modern society / Daniel D. 79 3
McLean, Amy R. Hurd, Nancy Brattain Rogers. - 8th ed. - Sudbury, Mass : Jones and
Bartlett Publishers, 2008. - xiii, 397 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
47. Events and festivals : current trends and issues / edited by Martin Robertson and 79 3
Elspeth Frew. - London : Routledge ; New York, 2008. - 138 p.
ISBN 978-0-415-44918-2(hbk). - ISBN 978-0-415-49563-9(pbk).
48. Goldblatt, Joe Jeff. Special Events : Best Practices in Modern Event Management / 79 1
Joe Jeff Goldblatt. - 2nd ed. - New York ... [etc.] : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1997. -
382 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-28745-8.
Kopā: 210

N.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izdošanas ziņas UDK Skaits

1. Rīgas Domes kultūrtūrisma attīstības koncepcija / aut.: S.Celma, I.Nemše, A.Miltiņa, 379.85 1
I.Kļaviņa, O.Slaugotne, A.Rezgale, E.Bērziņš, I.Reine. - Rīga : b. izd., 2000, janv. - 19 lp. :

2. Rumans, Pauls. Ar mugursomu plecos / Pauls Rumans, Stefānija Urtāne. - Rīga : 379.85 1
Zvaigzne, 1982. - 213 lpp. : att.
3. Novatours : Отдых, 2001 март-декабрь : [каталог организатора путешествий 379.85 2
Novatours" сезона 2001 года]. - Рига : Novatours, 2001. - 104 c. : ил., фотогр.
4. Шаповал, Г.Ф. История туризма : учебно-практ. пособие / Г.Ф. Шаповал ; 379.85 2
стерство образования Республики Беларусь. Белорусский государственный
экономический университет. Высшая школа туризма. - 2-е изд. - Минск : [БГЭУ
(Белорусский государственный экономический университет)], 2001. - 75,[1] с. -
(Система дистанционного обучения). - Библиогр.: с. 74-75.
ISBN 985-426-661-3.
5. Савина, Н.В. Экскурсоведение : учебно-практ. пособие / Н.В. Савина ; 379.85 1
Министерство образования Республики Беларусь. Белорусский государственный
экономический университет. Высшая школа туризма. - 2-е изд. - Минск : [БГЭУ
(Белорусский государственный экономический университет)], 2001. - 129,[1] с. -
(Система дистанционного обучения). - Библиогр.: с. 129.
ISBN 985-426-666-4.
6. Mana pirmā ceļojumu grāmatiņa. - Rīga : Tūrisma birojs "Relaks Tūre", [2002]. - 33 379.85 1
Izdevums iepazīstina ar tūrisma biroja "Relaks Tūre" piedāvāto ekonomisko ceļojumu
sēriju. Šie ceļojumi speciāli izstrādāti grupām, kas vēlas ceļot kopā sev vēlamā laikā.
7. Ruciņš, Mārtiņš. Kas ir kas : jeb viss par tūrismu un apdrošināšanu : : māc. līdz. / 379.85 2
Mārtiņš Ruciņš ; Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte. -
Jelgava : [Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte], 2002. - 151 lpp. : fotogr., il. tab.
ISBN 9984-596-39-7.
8. Townsend, Chris. The Backpacker's Handbook / Chris Townsend. - 2nd ed. - 379.85 5
Camden, Maine : Ragged Mountain Press, 1997. - XI, 340 p. : ill. - Includes bibliography
and indexes.
ISBN 0-07-065315-1.
9. Lovett, Richard A. The Essential Touring Cyclist : a complete guide for the bicycle 379.85 5
traveler / Richard A. Lovett. - 2nd ed. - Camden, Maine ... [etc.] : Ragged Mountain Press /
McGraw-Hill, 2001. - 160 p. : ill. - Includes indexes.
ISBN 0-07-136019-0.
10. Lauku tūrisma termini un rokasgrāmata / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija "Lauku 379.85 86
ceļotājs". - Rīga : Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs", [s. a.]. - [34] lp.
11. Mārketings un reklāma lauku tūrisma uzņēmumos / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija 379.85 84
"Lauku ceļotājs". - Rīga : Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs", [s. a.]. - 25 lp.

12. Lauku tūrisma nozīme un attīstības iespējas / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija 379.85 83
"Lauku ceļotājs". - Rīga : Latvijas Lauku tūrisma asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs", [s. a.]. - 17 lp.
13. Mana pirmā ceļojumu grāmatiņa. - Rīga : Tūrisma birojs "Relaks Tūre", [2003]. - 33 379.85 1
Izdevums iepazīstina ar tūrisma biroja "Relaks Tūre" piedāvāto ekonomisko ceļojumu
sēriju. Šie ceļojumi speciāli izstrādāti grupām, kas vēlas ceļot kopā sev vēlamā laikā.
14. I'Anson, Richard. Travel photography : a guide to taking better pictures / Richard 379.85 3
I'Anson ; priekšv. aut. Tony Wheeler. - Victoria : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. - 222 p.
: photogr. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 186450207.
15. Steves, Rick. Europe through the back door 2003 : the travel skills handbook for 379.85 3
independent travelers / Rick Steves ; cover designer Janine Lehmann. - Emeryville : Avalon
travel, 2002. - XII, 542, [6] p. : fotogr. - Includes index.
ISBN 1-566-91465-5.
16. Burns, Peter M. An Introduction to Tourism & Anthropology / Peter M. Burns. - 379.85 2
London, New York : Routledge, 2002. - 188 p. : ill. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-415-18627-7.
16. The ICM guide to world tourist attractions / project editor Charlotte Kershaw ; 379.85 1
priekšv. aut. Allistair Somerville Ford ; cartographer David Burles. - London : Columbus
Publishing Limited, 2000. - 167 lpp. : il. - (ICM). - Alfabētiskais priekšmetu rādītājs: 159.-
ISBN 1-902221-40-0.
17. Sarlanga, Emmanuelle. Les routes touristiques : de la conception a l'animation / 379.85 1
Emmanuelle Sarlanga ; Chambres de Commerce et d'Industrie. - Paris : SA, 1997. - 126
lpp. : tab.
numero 1. thematour.
ISBN 2-85723-394-9.
18. Dinety, Jean-Claude. Geographie du Tourisme / Jean-Claude Dinety, Etienne 379.85 1
Proust. - Clichy : BPI, 2002. - 159 lpp. : fotogr., il., katres. - (Enseignement, Formation,
Testauration, Hotellerie, Tourisme).
ISBN 2-85708-337-8.
19. Brencis, Ainārs. Aktīvais tūrisms / Ainārs Brencis. - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola 379.85 270
"Turība", 2003. - 223, [1] lpp. : il., tab., diagr., sh. - (Viesmīlības un tūrisma bibliotēka ;
Bibliogr.: 220.lpp.
ISBN 9984-7285-4-4.
20. Ceļvedis: idejas Latvijas apceļošanai katrai nedēļas nogalei : laikraksta "Diena" 379.85 4
izdevums. - Rīga : laikraksts ''Diena", 2004. - 112 lpp. : il.
21. Ceļvedis: labas idejas apceļojot daudzveidīgo Eiropu : laikraksta "Diena" pielikums. - 379.85 3
Rīga : laikraksts ''Diena", 2004. - 114 lpp. : il.
22. Turner, Cherie. Adventure tour guides : life on extreme outdoor adventures / 379.85 6
Cherie Turner. - New York : The Rosen Publishing Group, 2003. - 64 p. : ill. - (Extreme
careers). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-8239-3793-3.
23. Седова, Н.А. Культурно-просветительный туризм : учобное пособие / Н.А. 379.85 3
Седова. - Москва : Советский спорт, 2003. - 96 с. : таб. - Библиогр.: с. [95]-96.
24. Ceļvedis: Igaunija un Lietuva : skaistākās un interesantākās vietas kaimiņos : : 379.85 3
laikraksta "Diena" izdevums. - Rīga : laikraksts ''Diena", 2005. - 112 lpp. : il., kartes.
25. Sport and leisure operations management / ed. by Una McMahon-Beattie and Ian 379.85 1
Yeoman. - London : Thomson, 2004. - xii, 360 p. : ill., tab. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 1-8448-0063-6.
26. Jack, Gavin. Tourism and Intercultural exchange : why tourism matters / Gavin 379.85 3
Jack, Alison Phipps. - Clevedon : Channel View Publications, 2005. - viii, 181 p. : ill., tab. -
(Tourism and cultural change ; 4). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-8454-1017-3.
27. Liepāja : pilsēta, kurā piedzimst vējš : : tūrisma ceļvedis, 2004. - [Liepāja] : 379.85 1
Lejaskurzemes Tūrisma informācijas birojs, [2004]. - 32 lpp. : fotogr., kartes.
28. Lauku tūrisma mītne kā pārtikas aprites uzņēmums : Labas higiēnas prakses 379.85 19
vadlīnijas ēdienu gatavošanai lauku tūrisma mītnēs Latvijā / Latvijas Lauku tūrisma
Asociācija "Lauku ceļotājs". - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs, [2005]. - 43 lpp. : il.
29. Долженко, Г.П. Экскурсионное дело : учебное пособие / Г.П.Долженко. - 379.85 9
Москва : Издательский центр "МарТ" ; Ростов-на-Дону, 2005. - 271, [1] c. : ил., табл. -
(Туризм и сервис).
ISBN 5-241-00505-6.
30. Емельянов, Б.В. Экскурсоведение : учебник / Б.В. Емельянов. - [5-е изд.]. - 379.85 10
Москва : Советский спорт, 2004. - 215, [1] с. : табл. - Библиогр.: с. 214.
ISBN 5-85009-870-4.
31. География международного туризма: страны СНГ и Балтии : учебное пособие / 379.85 20
сост. Л.М.Гайдукевич, С.A.Хомич, Я.И.Aношко ... и др. - Минск : Aверсэв, 2004. -
250, [2] c. : ил., табл. - (Учебник высшей школы). - Библиогр.: с. [239-241].
ISBN 985-478-277-8.
32. Hulst, Harmina. Guide for Guides / Harmina Hulst, Marina Casadei. - Leiden : 379.85 20
ToerBoek, 2006. - 128 p. : il., tab. - Bibliogr.: p. 127-128.
ISBN 978-90-584-4175-0.
33. Beunders, Niek. Exploring Leisure : an introduction into leisure studies / Niek 379.85 20
Beunders, Han Boers. - Leiden : ToerBoek, 2004. - 151 p. : il., tab., sh. - Bibliogr.: p. 139-

ISBN 978-90-584-4114-0.
34. Destination Conservation : protecting nature by developing tourism / Kike Olsder, 379.85 3
Mylene van der Donk. - Amsterdam : IUCN, 2006. - 95 p. : ill.
ISBN 978-90-7590-917-3.
35. Vaizmens, Džons. Izdzīvošanas māksla : kā izdzīvot dabā - jebkuros klimata 379.85 10
apstākļos, uz sauszemes un jūrā / Džons Vaizmens. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2003. - 574 [2]

ISBN 9984-229-29-7.
36. Veloceļvedis pa aizsargājamām dabas teritorijām : 20 velomaršruti, ~200 apskates 379.85 3
vietas, 20 maršrutu kartes, naktsmītnes / Latvijas vides aizsardzības fonds ; apsekojumi,
maršrutu apraksti, foto: Juris Smaļinskis. - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs, 2007. - 45, [5] lpp. : il.,
kartes ; 22 cm.
ISBN 978-9984-98624-1.
37. Atpūta laukos : Latvija, Lietuva, Eesti, 2007 : [katalogs] = Отдых на селе = Country 379.85 3
holidays = Urlaub auf dem Land / Lauku ceļotājs. - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs, 2007. - 141, [3]
lpp. : il. ; 22 cm + Piel. saloc. Baltijas valstu karte. - Paral. krievu, latviešu, angļu, vācu val.
ISBN 978-9984-98620-3.
38. Latvijas tūrisma ceļvedis : krāsains tūrisma katalogs / atb. par izd. Didzis Krūmiņš. - 379.85 1
Rīga : Katalogs BTG, 1998. - 176 lpp. : il., kartes.
Saturs: Dabas fenomeni; Kultūrvide; Aktīvā atpūta; Izklaides iespējas; Naktsmītnes;
Iestiprināšanās; Transports; Ceļu kartes.
ISSN 1407-3129.
39. Medlik, S. Understanding Tourism. - Oxford, Great Britain : Butterworth- 379.85 1
Heinemann, 1997. - 236 p. - Bibliogr.: p.223-225.
ISBN 0-7506-3654-8.
40. Pi-Sunyer, Oriol. Tourism in Complex Societies. - S.l. : S.I., s.a. - P. 188-341. - 379.85 1
Includes reference list, bibliography and index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
41. Atpūta laukos : Latvija= Country holidays= Urlaub auf dem Lande. - Rīga : Lauku 379.85 1
ceļotājs, 1998. - 46,[2] lpp. : il. - Teksts paralēli latv., angļu un vācu val.
42. Atpūta laukos : Latvija= Country holidays= Urlaub auf dem Lande. - Rīga : Lauku 379.85 1
ceļotājs, 1999. - 54 lpp. : il. - Teksts paralēli latv., angļu un vācu val.
43. Atpūta laukos : Latvija= Country holidays= Urlaub auf dem Lande. - Rīga : Lauku 379.85 1
ceļotājs, 1997. - 34 lpp. : il. - Teksts paralēli latv., angļu un vācu val
44. Latvija : skaistākās vietas, kas jāredz / [sastādītāja Magda Riekstiņa]. - [Rīga : 379.85 4
Zvaigzne ABC, 2009] (Jelgavas tipogrāfija). - 32, [1] lpp. : il., karte ; 24 cm. - Apr. pēc

ISBN 978-9984-403-09-0.
45. Riekstiņa, Magda. Top 10 ceļojumu maršruti pa Latviju / [teksta autore Magda 379.85 2
Riekstiņa]. - [Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2009] (Poligrāfists). - 64 lpp. : kartes ; 22 cm. - Nos. no

ISBN 978-993-400-775-0.
46. Atpūta laukos : Latvija, Lietuva, Eesti, 2007 : [katalogs] = Отдых на селе = 379.85 1
Country holidays = Urlaub auf dem Land / Lauku ceļotājs. - Rīga : Lauku ceļotājs,
2007. - 141, [3] lpp. : il. ; 22 cm + Piel. saloc. Baltijas valstu karte. - Paral.
krievu, latviešu, angļu, vācu val.
ISBN 978-9984-98620-3

47. Veloceļvedis pa aizsargājamām dabas teritorijām : 20 velomaršruti, ~200 379.85 3

apskates vietas, 20 maršrutu kartes, naktsmītnes / Latvijas vides aizsardzības
fonds ; apsekojumi, maršrutu apraksti, foto: Juris Smaļinskis. - Rīga : Lauku
ceļotājs, 2007. - 45, [5] lpp. : il., kartes ;
ISBN 978-9984-98624-1

Kopā: 712

Nr.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izdevn., izdoš. Gads, ISBN UDK

1 Repins, Leonids. Ceļotāja mūžs : izcilā krievu ģeogrāfa Nikolaja Prževaļska 91
dzīves lappuses / no krievu val. tulk. Andris Čapiņš. - Rīga : Liesma, 1987. - 191
lpp. : il. - (Pioniera bibliotēka).
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija.
2 Aldans-Semjonovs, A. Semjonovs-Tjanšanskis / no krievu val. tulk. A.Zviedre. - 91
Rīga : Liesma, 1970. - 272 lpp. - (Ievērojamu cilvēku dzīve).
Ģeogrāfija. 1
3 Джонстон, Р.Дж. География и географы : очерк развития англо- 91
американской социальной географии после 1945 года / Р.Дж.Джонстон ; пер.
с англ. Н.М.Алаевой ; авт. послесл., с.346-359, С.Лавров ; ред.: Э.Б.Алаев,
Л.Н.Кудряшева. - Москва : Прогресс, 1987. - 36
4 Makdonalda, Fiona. Aicina senā Japāna / Fiona Makdonalda ; konsultante Heidi 91
Potere ; no angļu val. tulk. Ingūna Beķere. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2001. - 64 lpp.
: il., fotogr. - Palīgrād.: 64. lpp.
ISBN 9984-220-88-5.
5 Neuer grosser Welt Atlas : fuer Heim, Unterricht und Reise / Text: W.Christaller. 91
- Muenchen : Suedwest Verlag, 1960. - 80 S., 80 S. Karten.
ĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 1
6 Der grosse ADAC Europa Atlas : Deutschland und Europa 1:750000. - Muenchen 91
: ADAC Verlag ; Ostfildern : Mairs Geographischer Verlag, 1987. - 364 S.
ISBN 3-87003-290-1.
ĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes.
7 Der grosse ADAC Welt Atlas. - Muenchen : ADAC Verlag, 1985. - XVI, 416 S. 91
ISBN 3-87003-238-3.
ĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 1
8 Pivovarova, Gaļina. Saistošā ģeogrāfija : [ģeogrāfijas uzdevumu un jautājumu 91
krājums] / no krievu val. tulk. R.Runce. - Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1990. - 171 lpp. : il.
ISBN 5-405-00416-2.
9 Снисаренко, А.Б. Властители античных морей / А.Б.Снисаренко. - Москва : 91
Мысль, 1986. - 239 с. - Библиор.: с.228-230.
Ģeogrāfija. 1
10 Дублянский, В.Н. Вслед за каплей воды : (в пещерах Крыма) / 91
В.Н.Дублянский, В.В.Илюхин. - Москва : Мысль, 1971. - 206 с., 24 с. ил. -
Библиогр.: с.205.
11 Мир географии : география и географы : : природная среда. - Москва : 91
Мысль, 1984. - 365 с. : цв. фото.
Ģeogrāfija. 1
12 Vārlijs, Kerols. Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdija / Kerols Vārlijs, Liza Mailza ; no angļu 91(03)
val. tulk. J.Markots. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1995. - 127,[1] lpp. : il., fotogr.,
kartes. - Palīgrād.: 116.-[128.]lpp.
ISBN 9984-04-133-6. - ISBN 0-7460-0954-2.
13 Все страны мира : энциклопед. справочник / авт.-сост. И.О. Родин, Т.М. 91(03)
Пименова. - Москва : Издательство "ВЕЧЕ", 2002. - 559,[1] c. : илл.
ISBN 5-7838-0880-6.
Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcas -- Nozaru vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija.
14 Земля : универсальная энциклопедия для юношества / сост. А.М. Берлянт. - 91(03)
Москва : Издательство "Педагогика-Пресс" ; Издательский дом
"Современная педагогика", 2001. - 671,[1] c. : илл.
ISBN 594054004X.
Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcas -- Nozaru vārd
15 Gids pasaules apceļotājam : ceļvedis apkārt pasaulei pa vietām, kuras noteikti ir 91(03)
vērts apskatīt / Džons Mens ... [u.c.] ; [no angļu valodas tulkojuši A. Balcere ...
[u.c.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 223, [1] lpp. : il, kartes ; 29 cm. -
Bibliogr. 2
16 Goebel, Peter. Alle Laender unserer Erde : lexikon der Staaten, Staedte und 91(03)
Landschaften. - 3.revidierte Auflage. - Stuttgart : Das Beste ; Zuerich ; Wien,
1991. - 735, [1] S. : il.
ISBN 3-87070-398-9.
Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcas -- Nozaru vārd
17 Ekonomiskās ģeogrāfijas terminu vārdnīca : ekonomiskā un sociālā ģeogrāfija : : 91(03)
(aptuveni 10000 latviešu terminu) : : [latviešu-krievu, krievu-latviešu]= словарь
терминов экономической географии / sast. aut. kolektīvs. - Rīga : Galvenā
enciklopēdiju red.
18 Clark, Audrey N. The Penguin Dictionary of Geography. - Great Britain : Penguin 91(03)
Books, 1993. - 359, [3] p. - (Penguin Reference).
ISBN 0-14-051233-0.
Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcas -- Nozaru vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija.
19 Вагнер, Б.Б. Идущие к горизонту. - Москва : Флинта ; Наука, 1999. - 304 с. - 910.4
Указ. имен путешественников и мореплавателей: с. 290.
Книга II. Путями великих мореплавателей.
ISBN 5-02-002513-5.
20 Вагнер, Б.Б. Идущие к горизонту. - Москва : Флинта ; Наука, 1999. - 335 с. 910.4
Книга I. Путями великих путешественников.
ISBN 5-02-002514-3.
21 Heijerdāls, Turs. Ceļojums ar "Kon-tiki" / no norvēģu val. tulk. Elija Kliene. - 910.4
Rīga : Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1957. - 278 lpp. : fotoatt.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumiEtnoloģijaBioloģija. Ceļojumu
22 Heijerdāls, Turs. "RA" / no norvēģu val. tulk. Elija Kliene. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1974. 910.4
- 317 lpp. : fotoatt. - (Apvārsnis). -
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumiBioloģija. 1
23 Heijerdāls, Turs. Paradīzi meklējot / no norvēģu val. tulk. Arturs Lielais. - Rīga : 910.4
Liesma, 1965. - 167 lpp. : fotoatt. -
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumiBioloģija. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
24 Heijerdāls, Turs. Aku-aku : Lieldienu salas noslēpums / no norvēģu val. tulk. Elija 910.4
Kliene. - Rīga : Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1959. - 317 lpp. : fotoatt. -
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumiBioloģija. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
25 Villiss, Viljams. Vecums nav sķērslis / no angļu val. tulk. A.Plēsums. - Rīga : 910.4
Zinātne, 1974. - 245 lpp. : fotoatt. - (Apvārsnis).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
26 Viktors, Pols Emīls. Kamanu suņi - riska biedri / Pols Emīls Viktors ; no franču 910.4
val. tulk. Skaidrīte Jaunarāja ; Naomi Uemura ; no japāņu val. tulk. E.Katajs. Aci
pret aci ar Ziemeļiem. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1989. - 351 lpp. : att. - (Apvārsnis).
ISBN 5-7966
27 Talanovs, A. Nansens / no krievu val. tulk. Arturs Lielais. - Rīga : Liesma, 1967. - 910.4
285 lpp. : att. - (Ievērojamu cilvēku dzīve).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
28 Čukovskis, N. Berings / no krievu val. tulk. A.Zviedre. - Rīga : Liesma, 1970. - 910.4
126 lpp. : att. - (Ievērojamu cilvēku dzīve).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
29 Papazovs, Dončo. Ar "Džū" pāri Klusajam okeānam / Dončo Papazovs, Jūlija 910.4
Papazova ; no bulgāru val. tulk. Vinifreds Kraučis. - Rīga : Liesma, 1983. - 255
lpp. - (Piedzīvojumi.Fantastika.Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apraksti.
30 Bombārs, Alēns. Aiz borta pēc paša gribas / no franču val. tulk. Ieva Lase. - Rīga : 910.4
Liesma, 1969. - 208,[3] lpp. - (Piedzīvojumi.Fantastika.Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
31 Čukovskis, Nikolajs. Fregažu komandieri / no krievu val. tulk. Arturs Lielais. - 910.4
Rīga : Liesma, 1977. - 480 lpp. - (Piedzīvojumi.Fantastika.Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. 1
32 Navrockis, Sergjušs. Es biju pīlēns / no poļu val. tulk. Irēna Birzvalka ; Arvja 910.4
Popes, Jaceka Čajevska priekšv. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1990. - 191 lpp. : il. -
ISBN 5-7966-0617-4.
33 Gumiļevska, Marta. Kā atklāja pasauli : no ceļojumu un atklājumu vēstures / no 910.4
krievu val. tulk. Arturs Lielais. - Rīga : Liesma, 1976. - 200 lpp. : att.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. 1
34 Cveigs, Stefans. Magelāns : cilvēks un viņa darbs / no vācu val. tulk. Velta 910.4
Balode. - Rīga : Liesma, 1972. - 208 lpp. : att. - (Ievērojamu cilvēku dzīve).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
35 Hvats, L. Noslēpumainais kontinents / L.Hvats ; tulk. R.Rudzītis. - Rīga : Latvijas 910.4
valsts izdevniecība, 1959. - 268, [1] lpp., [4] lp. il. : il.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaOkeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu
36 Papazovs, Dončo. Ar "Džū" pāri Klusajam okeānam / Dončo Papazovs, Jūlija 910.4
Papazova ; no bulgāru val. tulk. Vinifreds Kraučis. - Rīga : Liesma, 1980. - 253,
[2] lpp. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
37 Kubļickis, G. Antarktīdas atklājēji / no kr. val. tulk. N.Buse ; M.Getmanska il. - 910.4
Rīga : LVI, 1953. - 140, [3] lpp. : il.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apraksti. Krievu
38 Lielais, Arturs. Nīlas izteku meklējot : Dāvida Livingstona pēdējie ceļojumi 910.4
1865.-1873.gadā / māksl. Gunārs Kļava ; Jāzepa Osmaņa pēcv. - Rīga : Liesma,
1981. - 300, [1] lpp., [16] lp. il. : il. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
39 Dzērve, Edgars. Ceļojumi un ģeogrāfiski atklājumi / red. G.Vītoliņš. - Rīga : LVI, 910.4
1961. - 211, [1] lpp. : portr.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
40 Senkevičs, Jurijs. Uz "Ra" pāri Atlantijas okeānam / no kr. val. tulk. Arturs Lielais 910.4
; Tūra Heijerdāla priekšv. ; V.Bahtas pēcv. - Rīga : Liesma, 1976. - 220, [2] lpp.,
[24] lp. fotogr. : fotogr. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
41 Lielais, Arturs. Pāri Melnajam kontinentam : Dāvida Livingstona pirmie ceļojumi 910.4
/ māksl. Jeļena Antimonova. - Rīga : Liesma, 1978. - 268, [3] lpp., [8] lp. il. : il. -
(Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļ
42 Lielais, Arturs. Pie Zambezi un Njasa ezera : Dāvida Livingstona ceļojumi 1858.- 910.4
1864. gadā / māksl. Gunars Kļava. - Rīga : Liesma, 1979. - 250, [1] lpp., [8] lp. il.
: il. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
43 Lielais, Arturs. Uz musonu krastiem / māksl. Ā.Lielais. - Rīga : Liesma, 1972. - 910.4
337, [3] lpp., [8] lp. il. : il. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apraksti. 1
44 Sņegirjovs, Vladimirs. Ceļš uz Ziemeļiem / Vladimirs Sņegirjovs, Dmitrijs Šparo ; 910.4
no kr. val. tulk. Aina Zviedre ; māksl. Ilze Krēsliņa. - Rīga : Liesma, 1982. - 250,
[2] lpp., [24] lp. il. : il. - (Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
45 Kents, Rokvels. Ceļojums uz dienvidiem no Magelāna jūras šauruma / aut. il. ; no 910.4
angļu val. tulk. Erna Sprince. - Rīga : Liesma, 1978. - 235, [2] lpp. : il. -
(Piedzīvojumi. Fantastika. Ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apraksti.
46 Stingls, Miloslavs. Brīnumainā Havaja / Miloslavs Stingls ; no čehu val. tulk. 910.4
Laima Rūmniece ; pēcv. aut. P. Pučkovs. - Rīga : Liesma, 1986. - 349, [3] lpp.,
[16] lp. il. - (Piedzīvojumi, fantastika, ceļojumi).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaOkeānijas ģeogrāfija.
47 Stingls, Miloslavs. Pēdējā paradīze : Polinēzija starp vakardienu un rītdienu / 910.4
Miloslavs Stingls ; no čehu val. tulk. Laima Rūmniece ; pēcv. aut. P. Pučkovs. -
Rīga : Liesma, 1980. - 288, [2] lpp., [24] lp. il. - (Piedzīvojumi, fantastika,
48 Blumbergs, Rolfs. Šavanti : stāsts par zviedru filmu ekspedīciju Brazīlijā / Rolfs 910.4
Blumbergs ; no zviedru val. tulk. Elija Kliene. - Rīga : Latvijas Valsts izd., 1962. -
117, [2] lpp., 20 lp. il.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumi. Ceļojumu apra
49 Атлас географический открытий / пер. с англ. ; предисл. Джона Хемминга, 910.4
директора Королевского Географического общества. - Москва :
Бертельсманн Медиа Москау АО, 1998. - 247,[1] c. : ил., фотогр. - Ориг. изд.:
Philip's Atlas of Exploration. - London : Re
50 Stārkels, Dons. Smailītē uz Amazoni : Ginesa rekords: visgarākais ceļojums 910.4
smailītē - 12 000 jūdžu / Dons Stārkels ; no angļu val. tulk. Maija Andersone. -
Rīga : Izdevniecība AGB, 2001. - 381,[1] lpp. : kartes. - (Tik un Tā : Ceļojumu
klubs). - Oriģ. izd
51 Ekspedīcija Pasaules jumts / teksta aut. Uldis Šnore, Harijs Sils, Pēteris Tidriķis, 910.4
Agita Baltgalve, Valdis Brants ; sast. Kristīne Matīsa ; māksl. Ernests Zariņš. -
Rīga : Jumava, 2002. - 126,[2] lpp. : fotogr. - (Aiz apvāršņa).
ISBN 9984-05-557-4.
52 Heijerdāls, Tūrs. Ādama pēdās : atmiņu ceļojums / Tūrs Heijerdāls ; tulk. no 910.4
norvēģu val. Ilze Kačevska. - Rīga : Norden AB, 2000. - 248, [15] lpp. : [24] lpp.
il., il., fotogr., kartes.
ISBN 998493831X.
EkspedīcijasEiropas vēstureĢeogrāfija. Ceļojumu apr
53 Zvagulis, Pēteris. Ko Jums neteiks Jūsu ceļojuma aģentūra? / Pēteris Zvagulis. - 910.4
Rīga : Pētergailis, 2004. - 183 lpp. : il.
ISBN 9984-330-86-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaEkspedīcijasAmerikas ģeogrāfijaĀfrikas
ģeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfijaCeļošana.
54 Pasaules apceļotāji un jaunatklājēji : [lielo ģeogrāfisko atklājumu triumfs un 910.4
traģiskums] / [sastādījis Arnolds Goba ; redaktore Ilze �Čerņevska]. - Rīga :
Avots, 2006. - 526 lpp. : il., kartes. - Bibliogr.: 526. lpp.
ISBN 9984-7578-5-4.
Ģeogrāfiskie at
55 Rozentāls, Grigorijs. Āzija ar suita acīm / Grigorijs Rozentāls. - Rīga : Jumava, 910.4
[2008]. - 173, [3] lpp. : il. ; 20 cm. - (Aiz apvāršņa).
ISBN 978-9984-383-89-7.
Taizeme - Ceļojumu apraksti. Mjanma - Ceļojumu apraksti. Laosa - Ceļojumu
apraksti. Kambodža
56 Lapsa, Lato, 1969-. Brīvības grāmata / Lato Lapsa. - Rīga : Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 910.4
2009 (Jelgavas tipogrāfija). - 249, [6] lpp., [32] lpp. iel. ; 23 cm. - (Vēju roze). -
Ietver bibliogrāfiju ([253.] lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-233-09-3.
Ziemeļkoreja - Ceļojumu aprak
Гвоздецкий, Н.А. Горы / Н.А.Гвоздецкий, Ю.Н.Голубчиков. - Москва : Мысль, 1987. - 399
с. : цв. ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.379-390.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.2 1
59 Авакян, А.Б. Водохранилища / А.Б.Авакян, В.П.Салтанкин, В.А.Шарапов. - Москва :
Мысль, 1987. - 323, [2] с. : цв. ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.318-323.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDabaĢeoloģija. 911.2 1
Лобова, Е.В. Почвы / Е.В.Лобова, А.В.Хабаров. - Москва : Мысль, 1983. - 303, [1] с. : цв.
ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.283-295.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.2 1
Пустыни / А.Г.Бабаев, Н.Н.Дроздов, И.С.Зонн, З.Г.Фрейкин ; отв. ред. Э.М.Мурзаев. -
Москва : Мысль, 1986. - 303, [1] с. : цв. ил., карт., схем. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.:
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.2 1

Štrauhmanis, Jānis. Ūdensceļu ģeogrāfija / Jānis Štrauhmanis ; Latvijas Jūras akadēmija. -

Rīga : Latvijas Jūras akadēmija, 2003. - 166 lpp. : tab., kartes. - Bibliogr.: 163.lpp.
ISBN 9984-96544-5.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfija
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 5
Рекорды земли : неживая природа. - Смоленск : Русич, 1998. - 190 c. : цв. ил., табл.,
карты. - Библиогр.: с.182.
ISBN 5-88590-878-8.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.2 1
Чудеса природы : атлас чудес света / авт. текста: Джон Бакстер, Питер Кларксон,
Элизабет Крюис, Бью Риффенбург. - Москва : Бертельсмани Медиа Москау АО, 1996. -
207, [1] с.
ISBN 5-88353-019-2.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 1
Muller, Robert A. Physical Geography Today : A Portrait of a Planet / Robert A.Muller,
Theodore M.Oberlander. - 3rd ed. - New York : Random House, 1984. - XII, 591, [1] p. : il.,
photos, maps. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-394-33264-4.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 6
Doerr, Arthur H. Fundamentals of Physical Geography / with cartographic assistance of
Jerome F.Coling. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm.C.Brown Publishers, 1990. - XIV, 378 p. : il., photos,
maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-697-07905-8.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 3
Strahler, Arthur N. Modern Physical Geography / Arthur N.Strahler, Alan H.Strahler. - 3rd ed.
- New York etc. : John Wiley & Sons, 1987. - XII, 544 p. : il., photos, maps. - Includes
bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-471-85064-0.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 11
Scott, Ralph C. Physical Geography. - St.Paul, MN etc. : West Publishing Company, 1989. -
XIV, 542 p. : il., photos, maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-314-48141-9.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.2 1
69 Гвоздецкий, Н.А. Горы / Н.А.Гвоздецкий, Ю.Н.Голубчиков. - Москва : Мысль, 1987. - 399
с. : цв. ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.379-390.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.3 1
70 Авакян, А.Б. Водохранилища / А.Б.Авакян, В.П.Салтанкин, В.А.Шарапов. - Москва :
Мысль, 1987. - 323, [2] с. : цв. ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.318-323.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDabaĢeoloģija. 911.3 1
71 Лобова, Е.В. Почвы / Е.В.Лобова, А.В.Хабаров. - Москва : Мысль, 1983. - 303, [1] с. : цв.
ил., табл. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.: с.283-295.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.3 1
Пустыни / А.Г.Бабаев, Н.Н.Дроздов, И.С.Зонн, З.Г.Фрейкин ; отв. ред. Э.М.Мурзаев. -
Москва : Мысль, 1986. - 303, [1] с. : цв. ил., карт., схем. - (Природа мира). - Библиогр.:
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.3 1
Štrauhmanis, Jānis. Ūdensceļu ģeogrāfija / Jānis Štrauhmanis ; Latvijas Jūras akadēmija. -
Rīga : Latvijas Jūras akadēmija, 2003. - 166 lpp. : tab., kartes. - Bibliogr.: 163.lpp.
ISBN 9984-96544-5.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfija
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 5
Рекорды земли : неживая природа. - Смоленск : Русич, 1998. - 190 c. : цв. ил., табл.,
карты. - Библиогр.: с.182.
ISBN 5-88590-878-8.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaDaba. 911.3 1
Чудеса природы : атлас чудес света / авт. текста: Джон Бакстер, Питер Кларксон,
Элизабет Крюис, Бью Риффенбург. - Москва : Бертельсмани Медиа Москау АО, 1996. -
207, [1] с.
ISBN 5-88353-019-2.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 1
Muller, Robert A. Physical Geography Today : A Portrait of a Planet / Robert A.Muller,
Theodore M.Oberlander. - 3rd ed. - New York : Random House, 1984. - XII, 591, [1] p. : il.,
photos, maps. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-394-33264-4.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 6
Doerr, Arthur H. Fundamentals of Physical Geography / with cartographic assistance of
Jerome F.Coling. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm.C.Brown Publishers, 1990. - XIV, 378 p. : il., photos,
maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-697-07905-8.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 3
Strahler, Arthur N. Modern Physical Geography / Arthur N.Strahler, Alan H.Strahler. - 3rd ed.
- New York etc. : John Wiley & Sons, 1987. - XII, 544 p. : il., photos, maps. - Includes
bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-471-85064-0.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 11
Scott, Ralph C. Physical Geography. - St.Paul, MN etc. : West Publishing Company, 1989. -
XIV, 542 p. : il., photos, maps. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-314-48141-9.
Fiziskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 1
Алисов, Н.В. Экономическая и социальная география мира (общий обзор) : учебник /
Н.В. Алисов, Б.С. Хорев. - Москва : Гардарики, 2000. - 703,[1] c. - (Homo Faber). -
Библиогр.: с. 700-703.
ISBN 5-8297-0029-8.
Ekonomiskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 3
Экономическая, социальная и политическая география мира. Регионы и страны :
учебник / под ред. С.Б. Лаврова, Н.В. Каледина. - Москва : Гардарики, 2002. - 927,[1] c. :
илл. - (Homa Faber). - Библиогр.: c. 924-927.
ISBN 5-8297-0039-5.
Ekonomiskā ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 911.3 2
Nemetorszag : [karte un vietu nos. sar.]= Deutschland= Germany= Allemagne. - 1 : 800 000.
- Budapest : Cartographia, [s.a.]. - [Teksts paral. ung., vācu., angļu, fr. val.].
ISBN 963352413X.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
Pasaules ģeogrāfijas atlants : māc. līdz. / galv. red. Jānis Turlajs. - 6.papild. izd. - Rīga :
Jāņa sēta, 2000. - 119,[1] lpp.
ISBN 9984-07-215-9.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 2
Pasaules ģeogrāfijas atlants : māc. līdz. / galv. red. Jānis Turlajs. - 5.papild. izd. - Rīga :
Jāņa sēta, 1999. - 104 lpp.
ISBN 9984-07-175-8.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 3
Иллюстрированный атлас мира / consulting editor: Colin Sale ; пер. с англ. - Москва :
Белый город, 1998. - 128 с. : ил. - Ориг. изд. - Australia : Weldon Owen Pty Ltd, 1998.
ISBN 5-7793-0112-3.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 2
Атлас мира / гл. ред. Н.Н. Полункина. - Москва : АТКАР - ПКО "Картография" ;
Издательский дом "Оникс", 2000. - 448 с.
ISBN 5-85576-095-2. - ISBN 5-249-00385-0.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 18
87 Атлас мира. - Москва : ЗАО "Премьера" ; АСТ, 2000. - 191,[1] с.
ISBN 5-236-00662-7.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 9
Eastern Europe : road map, 2002/2003 : : autoceļu karte, 2002/2003 : : 1:2 000 000=
Austrumeiropa. - Rīga : SIA "Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta", [2002]. - Mērogs: 1:2 000 000.
ISBN 9984-07-285-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 912 5
Philip's World Atlas & Gazetter / D. Brundsden, C. Clarke. - 5th. ed. - London : Reed
International Books Limited, 1997. - 176 [1] p.
ISBN 0-540-07256-7.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
90 Paris : the companion map for Insight Pocket Guide. - Furstenfeldbruck : Berndtson &
Berndtson Publications OHG, 1994. - 1 p. : maps. - (Insight pocket maps : Plus).
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
91 La Manche : Carte Touristique. - Saint-Lo : Comite Departemental du Tourisme de la
Manche, 2005. - 1 lp. : karte.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
Paknys, Raimondas. Lietuvos Peizažas : Lithuanian landscape / Raimondas Paknys. - Vilnius
: R. Paknio leidykla, 2004. - 143 l. : il.
ISBN 9986-8308-1-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija. 912 1
Lielais pasaules atlants [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] / [galv. red. Jānis Turlajs]. - Rīga : Jāņa
sēta, c2008. - 1 atlants (512 lpp.) : il., kartes ; 42 cm. - "Karšu izdevniecības "Jāņa sēta"
veltījums Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 90. gadadienai.".
ISBN 978-9984-07-532-7.
Ģeogrāfija. 912 2
Europe : tourist and motoring atlas. - France : Michelin, 2008. - 234 p. : maps. - Kartes visās
Eiropas val.
ISBN 978-2-06-713241-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 912 2
Pasaules ģeogrāfijas atlants : māc. līdz. - 4.papild. izd. - Rīga : Jāņa sēta, 1997. - 96 lpp.
ISBN 9984-07-090-5.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 41
Europa : Atlas= Europe. - Bern : Hallwag AG, 1997/98. - 21, 182, 76, 46 p. : maps. - Kartes
visās Eiropas val.
Strassenatlas, 61 Stadtplane, Ortsverzeichnis.
ISBN 3-8283-0102-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 912 1
Географический атлас : для учителей средней школы. - Изд. 4-е. - Москва : Главное
управление геодезии и картографии, 1982. - 238 с. : карты. - Указатель географических
названий: c.209.-238.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 4
Физико-географический атлас мира / Академия наук СССР и Главное управление
геодезии и картографии ГГК СССР. - Москва : Академия наук СССР и Главное
управление геодезии и картографии ГГК СССР, 1964. - 298 с. : карты.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
Der grosse Shell Atlas : 98/99. - Ostfildern : Mairs Geographischer Verlag, 1998. - 898 S. :
Die Karten. - Pielik. : CD.
ISSN 0931-9611.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 912 1
Pasaules ģeogrāfija / aut.: Simon Adams, Anita Ganeri, Ann Kay ; no angļu val. tulk.:
E.Asars, M.Builis, J.Kreicbergs [u.c.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1999. - 304 lpp. : il., fotogr. -
Vārdn., rād.: 282.-304.lpp. - Oriģinālizd.: The DK Geography of the World. - London: Dorling
Kindersley Ltd, 1996.
ISBN 9984-17-419-0.
Ģeogrāfija. Reģionālā ģeogrāfija. 913 1
Buile, Natālija. Āzijas un Eiropas ģeogrāfija : 8. klasei : : eksperimentāla mācību grāmata / N.
Buile, I. Druva-Druvaskalne. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2000. - 168 lpp. : il., tab., kartes.
ISBN 9984-17-849-8.
Ģeogrāfija. Reģionālā ģeogrāfija. 913 10
Šebere, Ulrika. Sapņu ceļi : pasaules skaistākie ceļojumu maršruti / Ulrika Šebere. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 256 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-409-21-4.
Ceļojumi apkārt pasaulei - Albumi. Ievērojamākās vietas un neparasti objekti - Albumi.
Eiropa - Albumi. Āzija - Albumi. Āfrika - Albumi. Amerika - Albumi. Austrālija - Albumi.
Ceļošana. 913 2
Latvijas grāmata, 2005 : [krājums] / atb. red. Ilze Freiberga ; priekšv. Lūzumu
gads: Eiropa un degungals, 9.-12.lpp., sarakst. Ainārs Dimants ; māksl. Arnis
Rožkalns. - Rīga : Jumava, 2005 (Rīga : SIA "EKLV" tipogrāfija). - 90, [6] lpp. :
diagr., il., ģīm., tab., k. ; 18 cm
ISBN 9984-05-942-1 (ies.). - ISBN 978-9984-05-942-6.
Latvija - Gadagrāmatas. 913 3
104 Югославия / пер. Г.А.Аренковой ; авт. предисл. В.В.Зеленин ; науч. ред.
С.И.Данченко. - Москва : Планета, 1986. - 263 с. : ил.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Янтарный берег : [фотоалбум]= Amber Coast= Cote d'ambre= Itaemeren riviera=
Baernstenskusten / сост. и авт. текста А.Гладилин. - Москва : Прогресс, 1973. - [без
нумер.] : цв. фото. - Текст парал. на русском, англ., франц., фин., швед. яз.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
106 Aengelholm : En hembygdsbok, 1994. - [Zviedrija] : Aengelholmsbygdens lokalhistoriska
foerening, 1993. - 159, [1] [lpp.] : il.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Прага : путеводитель. - Москва : GEO, 2000. - 58, [2] c. : ил., фотогр., карты. - (Polyglott).
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Harding, Paul. Europe / Paul Harding. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications,
2000. - 434 p. : il., maps, photos. - (Read this first).
ISBN 1-86450-136-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 3
McLachlan, Gordon. Lithuania : the Bradt Travel Guide / Gordon McLachlan. - 2nd ed. - UK :
Bradt Publications ; USA : The Globe Pequot Press Inc., 1999. - 262 p. : maps, photos. -
Includes list of further reading and index.
ISBN 1-89832-377-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Taylor, Neil. Estonia : the Bradt Travel Guide / Gordon McLachlan. - 2nd ed. - UK : Bradt
Publications ; USA : The Globe Pequot Press Inc., 1999. - 202 p. : maps, photos. - Includes
list of further reading and index.
ISBN 1-89832-377-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Республика Карелия : путеводитель / рук. проекта: Л.М. Наумов, В.В. Лосев.
- Москва : Издательский дом "Симон-Пресс" ; Эдиториал УРСС, 2000. - 238
с. : карты, фотогр. - (Мир вокруг нас).
ISBN 5-8360-0083-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Новгородская область : путеводитель / рук. проекта: Л.М. Наумов, В.В.
Лосев. - Москва : Издательский дом "Симон-Пресс" ; Эдиториал УРСС,
2000. - 223,[1] с. : карты, фотогр. - (Мир вокруг нас).
ISBN 5-8360-0081-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Псковсая область : путеводитель / рук. проекта: Л.М. Наумов, В.В. Лосев. -
Москва : Издательский дом "Симон-Пресс" ; Эдиториал УРСС, 2000. -
191,[1] с. : карты, фотогр. - (Мир вокруг нас).
ISBN 5-8360-0082-4.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Литовская Республика : путеводитель / рук. проекта: Л.М. Наумов, В.В.
Лосев. - Москва : Издательский дом "Симон-Пресс" ; Эдиториал УРСС,
2000. - 166 с. : карты, фотогр. - (Мир вокруг нас).
ISBN 5-8360-0086-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
115 Лондон : путеводитель. - Москва : GEO, 2000. - 58, [2] c. : ил., фотогр., карты. -
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
116 Vilnius in Your Pocket : the Official City Guide. - Vilnius : In Your Pocket, [19XX-].
ISSN 1392-0057.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
117 Klaipeda in Your Pocket : Palanga, Neringa. - Vilnius : In Your Pocket, [19XX-].
ISSN 1392-0073.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Zablovskis, Egons. Ar auto un kājām. Zviedrija, Norvēģija, Somija / Egons Zablovskis. - Rīga
: Valters un Rapa, [2001]. - 181,[1] lpp. : il., fotogr., kartes. - (Pašu acīm). - Bibliogr.: 181.lpp.
ISBN 9984-595-44-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Silenieks, Vilis Georgs. Vistuvākie Alpi Austrijā! : ceļojums uz Alpiem pa Lejasaustriju,
Augšaustriju, Zalcburgas zemi un Tiroli / Vilis Georgs Silenieks. - Rīga : Jāņa Rozes apgāds,
2001. - 131, [3] lpp. : fotogr., kartes. - (Pasaules ceļos) (Vēju roze). - Bibliogr.: 131. lpp. -
Dziesmu teksti vācu val.
ISBN 9984-230-16-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaEkspedīcijas. 914 1

Itālija : ceļvedis / galv. sast.: Ros Belford, Susie Boulton, Christopher Catling ... [etc.] ; no
angļu val. tulk. Aija Amoliņa, Sabīne Andersone, Ingrīda Apsalone ... [etc.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne
ABC, [2001]. - 672 lpp. : ill., kartes, fotogr. - (Dorling Kindersley ceļvedis). - Oriģ. izd.: Italy. -
London : Dorling Kindersley Ltd, 2001. - (Dorling Kindersley Travel Guides).
ISBN 9984-220-08-7.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Золотое кольцо : путеводитель / авт.: М.Б. Шапошников. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. -
Москва : Издательский дом "Симон-Пресс", 2002. - 288 с. : карты, фотогр. - (Мир вокруг
ISBN 590204409X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Dydynski, Krzysztof. Poland / Krzysztof Dydynski. - 4th ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2002. - 576 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 570-575.
ISBN 1-7405-9082-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Germany / Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Andrew Bender, Angela Cullen...[u.c.]. - 3rd ed. -
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2002. - 912 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9078-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Bain, Carolyn. Sweden / Carolyn Bain, Graeme Cornwallis. - 2nd ed. - Melbourne : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2003. - 336 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9227-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Harding, Paul. Finland / Paul Harding, Jennifer Brewer. - 4th ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2003. - 336 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9076-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Scandinavian Europe / Graeme Cornwallis, Carolyn Bain, Des Hannigan ...[etc.]. - 6th ed. -
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 512 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9318-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 3
Cycling France / Katherine Widing, Sally Dillon, Neil Irvine...[etc.]. - Melbourne : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2001. - 544 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-86450-036-0.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Central Europe / Susie Ashworth, Yvonne Byron, Alex Leviton...[etc.]. - 5th ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 672 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9285-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Spain / Damien Simonis, Fiona Adams, Susan Forsyth...[etc.]. - 4th ed. - Melbourne : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2003. - 896 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
Detailed coverage of food, drink and flamenco.
ISBN 1-7405-9337-5.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Western Europe / Susie Ashworth, Sarah Johnstone, Josephine Quintero...[etc.]. - 6th ed. -
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 1152 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
The essential insider's guide to the region.
ISBN 1-7405-9313-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 3
Fallon, Steve. Hungary / Steve Fallon, Neal Bedford. - 4th ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2003. - 384 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9152-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Greece / David Willet, Carolyn Bain, Brigitte Barta...[etc.]. - 5th ed. - Melbourne : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2002. - 800 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
Secluded beaches, lively tavernas, ancient mysteries.
ISBN 1-86450-334-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
Walking in Spain / Miles Roddis, Nancy Frey, Jose Placer...[etc.]. - 3rd ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 392 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 174059245.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
England / David Else, Paul Bloomfield, Fionn Davenport ... [etc.]. - 2nd ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 832 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 820-830.
ISBN 1-7405-9342-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
Lucas, Clay. Amsterdam : condensed / Clay Lucas. - 2nd ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2002. - 128 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9072-4.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
Italy / Damien Simon, Fiona Adams, Miles Roddis ... [etc.]. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2002. - 976 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 967-975.
ISBN 1-86450-352-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Mediterranean Europe / David Atkinson, Yvonne Byron, Duncan Garwood, Susie Grimshaw
... [etc.]. - 6th ed. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 752 p. : ill., maps.
- (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 745-751.
ISBN 1-7405-9302-2.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 3
Russia & Belarus / Simon Richmond, Mark Elliott, Patric Horton ... [etc.]. - 3rd ed. -
Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 704 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). -
Index: p. 695-703.
ISBN 1-7405-9265-4.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Flippo, Hyde. When in Germany, do as the Germans do : the clued-in guide to German life,
language, and culture / Hyde Flippo. - Chicago ... [etc.] : McGraw-Hill, 2002. - 124 p. : il. -
Includes index.
ISBN 0-8442-2553-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Greece : travels through time : : Greece through the works of foreign travellers and images of
modern Greece / text, editing of material: Vassilis Kardasis. - Athens : Hellenic National
Tourism Organisation, 2000. - 173, [2] p. : il.
ISBN 960-534-013-5.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas vēstureĢeogrāfija. KulturoloģijaGlezniecībaCeļošana. 914 1
Kadiķe-Skadiņa, Rita. Mana Parīze / Rita Kadiķe-Skadiņa. - Rīga : Jāņa Rozes apgāds,
2003. - 349 lpp. : fotogr. - (Pasaules ceļos).
ISBN 9984-230-17-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas vēstureĢeogrāfijaEkonomiskā ģeogrāfijaSocioloģijaKultūras
socioloģija. 914 2
142 La Manche : Sites, Monuments et Lieux de Visite. - Saint-Lo : Comite Departemental du
Tourisme de la Manche, 2005. - 106, [1] lpp. : fotogr., karte.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
143 La Manche : Leisure Guide. - Saint-Lo : Comite Departemental du Tourisme de la Manche,
2005. - 80 lpp. : fotogr., tab., kartes.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
144 La Manche : the Normandy Peninsula visitor guide. - Saint-Lo : Comite Departemental du
Tourisme de la Manche, 2005. - 20 lpp. : fotogr., kartes.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
145 La Manche, presqu'ile normande : Week-ends et courts sejours. - Saint-Lo : Comite
Departemental du Tourisme de la Manche, 2005. - 19 lpp. : fotogr., karte.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
Kyriakopoulos, Victoria. Crete / Victoria Kyriakopoulos. - 3rd ed. - Victoria : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2005. - 252 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 246-251.
ISBN 1-7410-4039-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Schulte-Peevers, Andrea. Munich & Bavaria / Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Jeremy Gray,
Catherine Le Nevez. - 2nd ed. - Victoria : Lonely Planet Publications, 2005. - 312 p. : il.,
maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 305-311.
ISBN 1-7405-9528-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Switzerland in Sight : material for Swiss studies / Remy Gogniat, Leo Koch, Claudio Nodari. -
Switzerland : Presence, 2003. - Dalīta pagin. : il. - www.switzerland-in-sight.ch. - Bibliogr.:
brochure p. 35. - Brošūra un lapas ievietotas mapē.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Partnerships for the Planet : stories from Geneva. - Switzerland : The Swiss Federal
Department of Foreign Affairs , etc., 2007. - 124 p. : il., tab. - Pielik.: Ženēvas karte.
ISBN 978-3-940388-06-3.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
150 Switzerland in Sight. - Bern : Presence Switzerland, 2007. - 95 p. : il., tab. -
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
151 Athens : city map. - Australia : Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd, 2002.
ISBN 978-9984-06-307-2.
Ģeogrāfiskās kartes. 914 1
Italy / Damien Simon, Alison Bing, Duncan Garwood ... [etc.]. - 6th ed. - Australia : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2008. - 924 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 902-917.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4311-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- ItālijaĢeogrāfija. 914 3
Kenya / Matthew D. Firestone, Stuart Butler, Paula Hardy, Adam Karlin. - 7th ed. - Australia
: Lonely Planet Publications, 2009. - 392 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 382-
ISBN 978-1-7410-4773-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
London : city guide / Tom Masters, Steve Fallon, Vesna Maric. - 6th ed. - Australia : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2008. - 420 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 407-418.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4712-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Hungary / Neal Bedford, Lisa Dunford, Steve Fallon. - 6th ed. - Australia : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2009. - 420 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 412-419.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4694-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- UngārijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Fitzpatrick, Mary. Tanzania / Mary Fitzpatrick. - 4th ed. - Australia : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2008. - 392 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 382-388.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4555-0.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Simons, Damien. Venice & the Veneto : city guide / Damien Simons. - 5th ed. - Australia :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2008. - 284 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 275-282.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4657-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- ItālijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 3
Poland / Neal Bedford, Steve Fallon, Marika McAdam, Tim Richards. - 6th ed. - Australia :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2008. - 564 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 550-561.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4479-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- PolijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 3
Vienna : city guide / Neal Bedford, Janine Eberle. - 5th ed. - Australia : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2007. - 266 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 244-250.
ISBN 978-1-7405-9851-4.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- AustrijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
O'Neill, Zora. Amsterdam : encounter / Zora O'Neill. - 1th ed. - Australia : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2009. - 192 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 186-192.
ISBN 978-1-7410-4990-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 2

Timbare, Ilze. Nedēļas nogale Igaunijā : ģimenes ceļojumā pa salām, ūdenskritumiem, klintīm
un pilsētām / aut. Ilze Timbare. - Rīga : Lauku Avīze, 2009 (Poligrāfijas grupa Mūkusala). - 64
lpp. : krās. il., kartes ; 28 cm. - (Lauku Avīzes tematiskā avīze , 1407-4338 ; 2009/5(164). -
Redaktora ievadrakstā: autore Ilze Timbare, Ilmārs Birulis, redaktors.
ISSN 1407-4338.
Igaunija - Ceļveži. Igaunija - Tūrisma maršruti.
Igaunijas ģeogrāfija -- Ceļvedis. 914 1
Czaplinski, Konrad Kazimierz. Poznan : [Fotografie album] / Konrad Kazimierz Chaplinski ;
red. Ita Turowicz ; Slowo wstepne, introduction, Einfuhrung: Lech Trzeciakowski. - Warszawa
: Oficyna Wydawnicza Radwan Wano Jan Topolewski, [1999]. - 160 s. - Tekst Polski,
English, Deutsche.
ISBN 83-906159-6-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaFotogrāfijaCeļošana. 914 1
163 Poznan. - Poznan : OrSon, 1996. - 79, [1] s.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. Fotogrāfija. 914 1
Italien : mit grosser Reisekarte : : 804 Seiten, 386 farbige Bilder und Karten : : viele aktuelle
Tips, Hotels, Restaurants. - Ostfildern : Baedeker, 1998. - 804 S. - (Allianz Reisefuehrer).
ISBN 3-87504-508-4.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
165 Пельц, Моника. Флоренция : путеводителъ. - [Германия] : Polyglott, 1997. - 97 с.
ISBN 3-493-62810-2. - ISBN 5-88395-029-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
166 Вайс, Вальтер М. Вена : путеводителъ. - [Германия] : Polyglott, 1999. - 98 с.
ISBN 5-88395-050-7. - ISBN 3-493-62726-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Serra, Vittorio. Neuer Praktischer Fuehrer von Mailand. - Florenz : Bonechi Edizioni "Il
Turismo" S.r.l., 1999. - 127 S.
Inhalt: 115 Farbabbildungen; Stadtplan.
ISBN 88-7204-201-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Mit offenen Augen durchs Ruegeland : Wanderungen auf der Insel : : fuer Fussgaenger und
Autofahrer / beschrieben von Hans Oehler-Putbus ; mit Fotos von Peter Koepke und Klaus
Nitsche. - Schwerin : Ernst Waehmann Verlag, 1971. - 68 S. : il.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Knaurs Kulturfuehrer in Farbe Deutschland : ueber 1100 farbige Fotos, 160 Zeichnungen, 10
Stadtplaene sowie 12 Seiten Karten. - Muenchen : Droemer Knaur, 1994. - 1283 S.
ISBN 3-426-26554-0.
ArhitektūraĢeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
Ferienparadies Europa : 130 ausgewaehlte Urlaubsgebiete zwischen Nordkap und Bosporus
/ herausgegeben von Theodor Mueller-Alfeld. - Stuttgart : Verlag Das Beste, 1978. - 472 S.
ISBN 3-87070-121-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Historic Houses : Castles & Gardens in Great Britain and Ireland / editor: Deborah Valentine.
- Great Britain : Reed Information Services, 1995. - 239, 16 p. : il., photos, maps. - Indexes: p.
A detailed guide to over 1300 places of character and interest open to the public.
ISBN 0-948056-26-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūraViduslaiku arhitektūraBaznīcu arhitektūra. 914 1
172 Das grosse ADAC Deutschland Buch. - Muenchen : ADAC Verlag, 1986. - 608 S.
ISBN 3-87003-264-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- Ģeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Streifzuege durch das historische Deutschland : der grosse ADAC Reise- und
Freizeitfuehrer. - Muenchen : ADAC Verlag ; Stuttgart : Verlag Das Beste, 1989. - 512 S.
ISBN 3-87003-321-5.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Alte Burgen - schoene Schloesser : eine romantische Deutschlandreise. - Stuttgart : Verlag
Das Beste, 1980. - 279, [1] S., 1 Kartenteil. - Karte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit den
wichtigsten Burgen und Schloessern.
ISBN 3-87070-155-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Schatzkammer Europa : der ADAC-Wegweiser zu den Kostbarkeiten der beliebtesten
Reiselaender. - Stuttgart : Verlag Das Beste, 1980. - 660 S.
ISBN 387070148X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Kleemann, Georg. Die Schwaebische Alb / Georg Kleemann ; fotografie: Edmond van
Hoorick. - Wuerzburg : Stuertz Verlag, 1982. - 225 S.
ISBN 380030189X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Der Grosse ADAC Reisefuehrer Deutschland : Unterwegs auf den schoensten Strassen
unserer Heimat. - Muenchen : ADAC ; Stuttgart : Deutscher Buecherbund, 1984. - 556 p. :
ISBN 387003226X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Holborn : The Official Guide / Holborn Borough Council. - 8th ed. - Cheltenham :
Ed.J.Burrow & Co. Ltd., Publishers ; London, [s.a.]. - 208 p. : il., photos, maps. - Includes
bibliography and indexes.
Holborn is the smallest of London's 28 boroughs - and historically probably the most
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Steiermark und suedliches Burgenland. - Muenchen : Karl Thiemig, 1972. - 231, [1] S. -
(Grieben-Reisefuehrer : Grieben Oesterreich ; Band 209).
ISBN 3-521-00203-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Kaernten. - Muenchen : Karl Thiemig, 1974. - 213, [3] S. - (Grieben-Reisefuehrer : Grieben
Oesterreich ; Band 210).
ISBN 3-521-00145-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Popoff, Christo M. Km Fuehrer fuer den Autofahrer durch die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. -
Stuttgart : ADAC - Gau Wuerttemberg e.V. ; Heidelberg : Fritz Gebhard KG. Verkehrsverlag,
1965. - 212 S.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
182 Галкина, Т. Италия : природа, население, хозяйство / Т.Галкина, Н.Сысоева. - Москва :
Мысль, 1972. - 462, [1] с. - Библиогр.: с.447-461.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
The Berlitz travellers guide to Germany. - 4th ed. - New York : Berlitz Publishing Company,
Inc., 1994. - 804 p. - Index: p.783-804.
ISBN 283151715X.
ISSN 1057-462X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Inselfuehrer Mittelmeer : 150 Inseln und Inselgruppen mit 105 Illustrationen sowie 85 Karten
und Plaenen. - Muenchen : Polyglott-Verlag, 1986. - 315, [5] S.
ISBN 3-493-60293-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Париж : карманный путеводитель / авт. Грейс Костон ; пер. с англ. Валерий Федоров. -
Москва : Эком-Пресс, 1996. - 105 с. + 1 л. карта. - (Окно в мир). - Указ.: с.102-105.
ISBN 5-7759-0008-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Маджи, Джованна. Париж : польный путеводитель по городу : : 12 маршрутов, 140
цветных иллюстраций, план города, план метро, Версаль / Джованна Маджи ; пер.:
Лидия Зотова, Мария Каткова. - Флоренция : Casa Editrice Bonechi, 1995. - 156, [3] с. -
Указ. в конце текста.
ISBN 88-8029-375-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Греция : путеводитель. - Москва : Эком-Пресс, 1996. - 352 с. - (Окно в мир). - Указ.:
ISBN 577590012X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Финляндия : путеводитель. - Москва : Эком-Пресс, 1996. - 302 с. - (Окно в мир). - Указ.:
ISBN 5-7759-0011-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Suedtirol, Oestliches Teil, Oestliches Trentino. - Muenchen : Verlag Karl Thiemig, 1976. -
256 S.
ISBN 3-521-00197-0.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Durrell, Lawrence. Reflections on a Marine Venus : a companion to the landscape of Rhodes
/ Lawrence Durrell. - London : Faber & Faber Limited, 1969. - 197, [1] p.
ISBN 0-571-05376-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Everist, Richard. Britain / Richard Everist, Bryn Thomas, Tony Wheeler. - 1st ed. - Hawthorn
: Lonely Planet Publications, 1995. - 1210, [6] p. : il. - (Lonely Planet travel survival kit). -
Index: p.1192-1206.
ISBN 0-86442-236-9.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Crete : tourist guide, useful information, map. - Athens : Adam Editions, [b.g.]. - 269 p. : 1 p.
ISBN 960-500-150-0.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
193 Greece : tourism and environment. - Athens : Greek National Tourist Organization, 1995. -
224 p.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Mališevs, Vladimirs. Pīnija vējā : apraksti par mūsdienu Itāliju / Vladimirs Mališevs ; no krievu
val. tulk. L.Lauce. - Rīga : Avots, 1990. - 236, [2] lpp. - (Valstis un tautas).
ISBN 5-401-00033-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaSocioloģijaKultūras socioloģija. 914 2
Baltikum : Estland. Lettland. Litauen. Koenigsberger Gebiet / bearb.: Baedeker-Redaktion
(Rainer Eisenschmid). - Ostfildern : Verlag Karl Baedeker, 1994. - 479 S. : ill. - (Baedeker
Allianz Reizefuehrer). - Reg.: s.469-474. - [1] looses Bl.K.
ISBN 3-87504-566-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
France / Editorial work: Baedeker Stuttgart (Anja Schliebitz); Eng. language ed.: Alec Court. -
2nd Engl. ed. - New York : Macmillan Travel ; A Simon & Schuster Macmillian Company,
1996. - 656 p. : ill., maps. - (Baedeker Travel Guides). - Index: p.650-653.
ISBN 0-7495-1421-3.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
197 Sofia : [Travel Guide] / Art Photographer Renard Dudley. - s.l. : Wiily Mayer Publishing
House, 1992. - 176 p. : map.,photos.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Ovčiņņikovs, Vsevolods. Ozola saknes : Anglija un angļi : : iespaidi un pārdomas / Vsevolods
Ovčiņņikovs ; no krievu val. tulk. Dzintra Dāvidsone ; priekšv., 5.-8.lpp., aut. A.Čerņajevs. -
Rīga : Avots, 1983. - 231, [2] lpp. - (Valstis un tautas). - Bibliogr.: 231.-[232.] lpp. (48 nos.).
ĢeogrāfijaSocioloģijaKultūras socioloģija. 914 1
199 Preiswert Essen : neben der Autobahn / Red. Thomas Branderburg, Christoph Keese. -
Hamburg : Axel Springer Verlag AG, 1988. - [125] S. : maps, photos. - (Auto Bild Buch).
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Netherlands : Tourist Guide= Netherlands. - Clermont-Ferrand(France) : Michelin et Cie,
Proprietaires-Editeurs, 1995. - 267 p. : ill., maps, photos. - (Michelin Green Guide). - Index:
ISBN 2-06-157401-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
201 Крицкий, Л.Г. Португалия / Л.Г.Крицкий. - Москва : Мысль, 1981. - 128 с : ил. - (У карты
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
202 Драгунов, Георгий. Путешествие по Швейцарии / Георгий Драгунов, Вячеслав
Крашенинников. - Москва : Мысль, 1987. - 224 с. : 16 л. ил., карт.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Заповедники СССР : заповедники Прибалтики и Белоруссии / под общ. ред.
В.Е.Соколова, Е.Е. Сыроечковского. - Москва : Мысль, 1989. - 319 с. : с ил.
ISBN 5-244-00317-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
204 Сененко, Марина. Вена. - Москва : Издательство "Искусство", 1970. - 223 с. : цв. фото. -
(Города музеи мира). - Краткая библиография: c.214.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
205 Воронихина, Людмила. Эдинбург. - Москва : Издательство "Искусство", 1974. - 255 с. :
фото. - (Города музеи мира). - Список иллюстраций: с.248.-254.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
206 Демин, Андрей. ФРГ: география, население, экономика / А.Демин, С.Лавров. - Москва :
Мысль, 1982. - 277 с. : ил.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Tartu : [фотоалбум]= Tapty= Tartto= Tartou / автор текста Н.Рахманов. - Москва :
Прогресс, 1974. - без нумер. : фото. - Teksts paral. krievu, angļu, franču, vācu un somu val.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Янтарный берег : [фотоалбум]= A Borostyanpart= Die Bernsteinkueste= Brzeg
bursztynowy= Jantarovy breh / сост. и автор текста А.Гладилин. - Москва : Прогресс,
1973. - [без нумер.] : цв. фото. - Текст парал. на русском, немецком, польском и
чешском языках.
Ģeogrāfija. 914 1
209 Baltijas ceļvedis. - Rīga : BTG Ceļvedis, 1995. - 160 lpp. : 730 krāsu foto, 132 kartes.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaEiropas ģeogrāfija. 914 1
210 Ямщиков, Савелий. Суздаль : Suzdal / С.Зимноха фотографии ; сост. С.Ямщиков. -
Москва : Планета, 1970. - 88 с. : фото. - Текст парал. на английском языке.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
211 Entdecken Sie die Schweiz!. - Deutschland : [b.i.], [b.g.]. - 96 S. : Ill.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Суздаль : фотоальбом= Suzdal= Souzdal= Susdal / Алексей Алексеевич Вагранов ; сост.
и ред. Э.Якубенко. - Москва : Coветская Россия, 1982. - [48] c. : фотогр. - Текст на
русском, англ., франц. и нем. яз.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūraBaznīcu arhitektūra. 914 1
Греция : отели и туристические офисы : : экскурсии : : на русском языке : : [каталог]. -
Греция : Danae's travel directories, 1997. - 256 c. : ил. - (Greek travel pages : russian edition
; '97). - Указатель русскых офисов: c.253.-256.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Suomi-opas : tourist information plus maps : : reisehandbuch mit strassenkarten : : 1993/94=
Guide to Finland= Reisen in Finnland. - Finland : Suomen Tiedostopalvelut Oy, 1993. - 90
lpp. : il., kartes. - Teksts paral. angļu un vācu val.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Harvey, Paul. Britain explored / P.Harvey, R.Jones. - England : Longman, 1994. - 176 p. : ill.,
maps. - Sources of information: p.174.
ISBN 0-582-01893-5.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Архитектурные памятники Ленинграда : туристская схема / Главное Управление
геодезии и картографии. - Изд. 2-е. - Москва : Картография, 1981. - 1 с. : ил., схемы.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūra. 914 1
Novgorod : architectural monuments : : 11th-17th centuries / inroduced and compiled Mikhail
Karger. - Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, 1975. - 42 p. : ill. - Teksts paral. angļu un krievu
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūra. 914 1
218 Крым : The Crimea. - Москва : Издательство "Планета", 1971. - без нумер. : цв. фото. -
Текст парал. на русском и англ. языкам.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
219 Tourist in Copenhagen and North Zealand : 1991/92. - Denmark : Dansk Bladforlag, 1991. -
214 p. : photos. - Index: p.214.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
220 The Best of Britain Guide : Heritage, Kulture and Fine Hotels / edited by Susan Grosmann. -
London : American Express Europe Limited, [b.g.]. - 192 p. : ill.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
221 Hinrichsen, Torkild. Hamburg : schoenheiten einer Stadt. - Hamburg : Kurt Heymann
Buchhandlung und Verlag, 1995. - 96 S. : Ill.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Rome : museums, churches, hotels, architecture, walks, galleries, maps, restaurants. -
London : Dorling Kindersley, 1993. - 432 p. : ill. - (Eyewitness travel guides). - General index:
ISBN 075130008X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfija. 914 2
Boulton, Susie. Venice & The Veneto / Susie Boulton, Christopher Catling. - London : Dorling
Kindersley, 1995. - 312 p. - (Eyewitness travel guides : the guides that show you what others
only tell you).
ISBN 0-7513-0103-5.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Люкшандерль, Леополд. Спасите Альпы : сад на крыше Европы в опаснасти / сокр. пер.
с нем. Е.М.Гончаровой ; ред. и послесловие Г.И.Анохина. - Москва : издательство
"Прогресс", 1987. - 167 с. : ил.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Крит : история, искусство, фольклор : : путеводитель по острову с 37 маршрутами, 169
цветными фотографиями, картами и схемами. - Афины : Михаилис Тубис A.E., 1990. -
160 с. : цв. фото. - (Toubi's).
ISBN 960750402X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 2
226 Rybar, Ctibor. Prag : Fremdenfuehrer, Informationen, Fakten. - Prag : Olympia Verlag, 1970.
- 291,[13] S. : Ill. - Namenregister: 264.-285.S.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Ancient monuments of Georgia : Vardzia : 154 colour plates : : history, architecture, wall
painting, applied arts= Памятник скальной архитектуры Вардзиа / compiled and introduced
by Ghivi Gaprindashvili. - Leningrad : Aurora Art Publishers, 1975. - 236 p. : ill. - Text paral. in
English and Russian.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūra. 914 1
Valli-Jaakola, Erkki. Pori - kuvia joen ja meren kaupungista : [Somijas pilsēta Pori attēlos] /
Erkki Valli-Jaakola, Jaakko Leppaenen. - [Somija] : Satakunnan Kirjateollisuus Oy, 1990. -
204 lpp. : fotogr. - Kopsav. zviedru, angļu, vācu, krievu val.
ISBN 951-958372-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914 1
Самые красивые города Европы : Открытия. Путешествия. Отдых. История.
Современность / пер. с нем. М.Ждановой. - Москва : БММ АО, 2000. - 479,[1] c. : фотогр.
- Ориг. изд.: Traumstaedte Europas: die schoensten Staedte entdecken, erleben und
geniessen. - [Muenchen : ADAC Verlag, 1997].
ISBN 5-88353-042-7. - ISBN 3-87003-768-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 3
Williams, Nicola. Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania : [a travel guidebook] / Nicola Williams, Kate
Galbraith, Steve Kokker. - 2nd ed. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. -
456 p. : ill., maps. - Includes indexes.
ISBN 086442678X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 9
Williams, Nicola. Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania : [a travel guidebook] / Nicola Williams, Debra
Herrmann, Cathryn Kemp. - 3rd ed. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publication, 2003. -
p. 416 : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. [409]-415.
ISBN 1-7405-9132-1.
Ģeogrāfija. 914(03) 10
Wilson, Neil. Poland / Neil Wilson, Tom Parkinson, Richard Watkins. - 5th ed. - Victoria :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2005. - 520 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 506-519.
ISBN 174059522X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 1
Johnstone, Sarah. Ukraine / Sarah Johnstone. - Victoria : Lonely Planet Publications ;
Oakland ; London, 2005. - 216 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 211-215.
ISBN 186450336X.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija -- CeļvedisĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914(03) 1
Sanktpēterburga : ceļvedis / sast. Katrīna Filipsa, Kristofers Raiss, Melānija Raisa. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 256 lpp. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-373-42-8.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaKrievija. 914(03) 2
Grieķijas salas : Krēta, Korfu, Roda un citas : : ceļvedis / sast. Marks Dubins. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 400 lpp. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-361-94-2.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaGrieķija. 914(03) 2
Londona : ceļvedis / sast. Maikls Līpmens. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. - 432 lpp. : il., k. -
(A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-367-43-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaAnglija. 914(03) 2
Parīze : ceļvedis / Alena Tiljē redakcijā ; sast. Chris Boicos, Michael Gibson, Douglas
Johnson. - 2 izd., atjaun. un papild. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 448 lpp. : il., k. - (A
Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-377-37-7.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaFrancija. 914(03) 4
Austrija : ceļvedis / sast. Teresa Čerņeviča-Umera, Joanna Egerte-Romanovska, Janina
Kumaņecka. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 384 lpp. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-365-78-6.
AustrijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Brisele : Brige, Gente un Antverpene : : ceļvedis / sast. Zoe Hewetson, Philip Lee, Zoe Ross
... [u.c.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. - 192 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-370-23-2.
BeļģijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Budapešta : ceļvedis / sast. Barbara Oļšaņska, Tadeušs Oļšaņskis. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC,
2003. - 264 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-227-92-8.
UngārijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Portugāle : arī Madeira un Azoru salas : : ceļvedis / sast. Susie Boulton, Christopher Catling,
Clive Gilbert ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 480 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley
ISBN 9984-361-93-4.
PortugāleĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Lielbritānija : ceļvedis / atbild. sast. Maikls Līpmens. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. - 672 p. :
il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-368-94-7.
AnglijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Šveice : ceļvedis / galv. sast. Adriana Čuprina, Malgožata Omiļanovska, Ulrihs Švendimanis.
- Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 324 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-373-08-8.
ŠveiceĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 3
Grieķija : Atēnas un kontinentālā daļa : : ceļvedis / sast. Marks Dubins. - Rīga : Zvaigzne
ABC, 2003. - 352 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 998422791X.
GrieķijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Horvātija : ceļvedis / galv. sast. Leandro Zoppe, Gian Enrico Venturini. - Rīga : Zvaigzne
ABC, 2005. - 288 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-366-71-5.
HorvātijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Itālija : ceļvedis / galv. sast. Ros Belford, Susie Boulton, Christopher Catling ... [u.c.]. - 3.izd.,
atjaun. un papild. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. - 720 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 978-9984-400-21-1.
ItālijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Vācija : ceļvedis / galv. sast. Joanna Egerte-Romanovska, Malgožata Omiļanovska. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 576. p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-377-70-9.
VācijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Turcija : ceļvedis / sast. Sūzenna Svona. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 408 p. : il., k. - (A
Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-361-71-3.
TurcijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Spānija : ceļvedis / galv. sast. John Ardagh, David Baird, Vicky Hayward ... [u.c.]. - 2.izd.,
atjaun. un papild. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2006. - 672 p. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 998437341X.
SpānijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Stokholma : ceļvedis / atbild. sast. Kajs Sandels. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2005. - 224 p. : il.,
k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-369-78-1.
StokholmaĢeogrāfijaZvedrija. 914(03) 2
Norvēģija : ceļvedis / sast. Snorre Ēvensberge. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2004. - 288 p. : il., k.
- (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-366-11-1.
ĢeogrāfijaNorvēģija. 914(03) 2
Prāga : ceļvedis / red. Vladimirs Soukups. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2007]. - 264 p. : il., k. - (A
Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 9984-222-61-6.
CeļošanaĢeogrāfijaČehija. 914(03) 2
Īrija : ceļvedis / sast. Līsa Džerārda-Šārpa un Tims Perijs. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. -
416 lpp. : il., k. - (A Dorling Kindersley Book).
ISBN 978-9984-403-31-1.
ĪrijaĢeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Veiss, Valters M. Vīne / Valters M. Veiss ; [no vācu valodas tulkojusi Daiga Riekstiņa]. - Rīga
: Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 107 lpp. : il., kartes ; 20 cm. - (Polyglott ceļojumā).
ISBN 978-9984-407-35-7.
Vīne (Austrija) - Ceļveži.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaVĪNE. 914(03) 2

Londona : ceļvedis / Maikla Līpmena redakcijā ; [no angļu valodas tulkojuši Aija Amoliņa ...
[u.c.]. - [3. atjaunotais un papild. izd.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. - 448 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23
cm. - Ietver alfabētisko rādītāju (424.-444. lpp.) un ielu rādītāju (388.-399. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-407-34-0.
Londona (Lielbritānija) - Ceļveži.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Rode, Reinhard. Somija / Reinhards Rode ; [no vācu valodas tulkojusi Irīda Miska]. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 107, [1] lpp. : il., kartes ; 20 cm. - (Polyglott ceļojumā).
ISBN 978-9984-405-75-9.
Somija - Ceļveži. Somija - Tūrisma maršruti.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Bremblets, Rīds. Roma : [ceļvedis] / Rīds Bremblets, Džefrijs Kenedijs ; [no angļu valodas
tulkojusi Inese Avotiņa]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. - 191, [1] lpp. : il., kartes ; 19 cm. - (DK
Ceļvedis Top 10). - Ietver alfabētisko rādītāju (178.-187. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-406-30-5.
Roma (Itālija) - Ceļveži.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija. 914(03) 2
Francija : ceļvedis / [galvenie sastādītāji: John Ardagh ... [u.c.] ; no angļu valodas tulkojuši:
Lita Akmane ... [u.c.]. - 2. atjaunotais un papild. izd. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 720 lpp.
: il., kartes ; 22 cm. - (DK ceļvedis). - Ietver rādītāju (690.-715. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-403-95-3.
Francija - Ceļveži.
Francija. 914(03) 2
Maskava : ceļvedis / galvenie sastādītāji: Kristofers un Melānija Raisi ; [no angļu valodas
tulkojis Āris Jansons]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 264 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK
ceļvedis). - Ietver alfabētisko rādītāju (246.-257. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-405-88-9.
Maskava (Krievija) - Ceļveži. 914(03) 2
Portugāle : ceļvedis. - 2.papild. izd. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2008]. - 496 lpp.
ISBN 978-993-400-088-1.
Portugāle - Ceļveži. Portugāle - Kartes, tūrisma.
Ģeogrāfija -- Portugāle. 914(03) 2
Grāfa, Margarēte. Beļģija un Luksemburga / Margarēte Grāfa ; [no vācu valodas tulkojusi
Inga Dalbiņa]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, c2008. - 107, [1] lpp. : il., kartes ; 20 cm. - (Polyglott
ceļojumā). - Ietver rād.
ISBN 978-9984-405-89-6.
Beļģija. Luksemburga.
Eiropas ģeogrāfija. Beļģija. 914(03) 2
Barselona : kabatas ceļvedis un karte / [editors: Derek Hall, Sue Juby, Alexander Stillwell ;
no angļu valodas tulkojusi Gunta Šustere]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2009]. - 80 lpp., 1 iel.
karte : il., kartes ; 16 x 8 cm. - (DK kabatas ceļvedis). - Ietver rādītāju (78.-79. lpp.).
ISBN 978-993-400-263-2.
Barselona (Spānija) - Ceļveži. 914(03) 2
Šeinemanis, Jirgens. Berlīne : [ceļvedis] / Jirgens Šeinemanis ; [no angļu valodas tulkojusi
Magda Riekstiņa]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. - 192 lpp. : il., kartes ; 20 cm. - (Ceļvedis top
10). - Ietver rād.
ISBN 978-9984-402-67-3.
Berlīne (Vācija) - Ceļveži. 914(03) 2
Horvātija : ceļvedis / [galvenie sastādītāji, Leandro Zoppé, Gian Enrico Venturini ; no angļu
valodas tulkojušas Magda Riekstiņa, Zane Rozenberga un Andžela Šuvajeva]. - [2.,
atjaunotais un papild. izd.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. - 296 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK
ceļvedis). - Alf. rād. (282.-292. lpp.).
ISBN 978-993-400-069-0.
Horvātija - Ceļveži. 914(03) 2
Grieķijas salas : ceļvedis / sastādītājs, Marks Dubins ; [no angļu valodas tulkojuši Valdis
Ābols ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, c2008. - 408 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK ceļvedis). -
Alf. rād. (372.-405. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-408-76-7.
Salas - Grieķija. 914(03) 2
266 Ozolzeme : [fotoalbums]. - Rīga : Avots, 1981. - 222, [3] lpp. : fotogr.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaFotogrāfijaLatvijas fotogrāfija. 914.743 2
Gauja : [fotoalbums]= ГАУЯ= The Gauja / sast. G.Strautmane ; māksl. A.Mitris. - Rīga :
Avots, [1983]. - 214, [1] lpp. - (Uz jūru).
Teksts paralēli krievu un angļu val.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Gaujas nacionālais parks : [fotokomplekts] / Latvijas Dabas un pieminekļu aizsardzības
biedrība ; redkol.: V. Aigare u.c. ; fotogr. L. Birzmalis. - Rīga : Latvijas Dabas un pieminekļu
aizsardzības biedrība, 1979. - [21] lp. il.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
269 Moricsala : [fotokomplekts] / redkol.: V. Aigare u.c. ; fotogr. M. Kundziņš. - Rīga : Rīga, 1979,
1979. - [20] lp. fotogr. - (Latvijas daba). - Teksts paralēli latv. un krievu val.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
270 Plaudis, Arvīds. Vidzemes jūrmala / rec. I.Vīks. - Rīga : Avots, 1985. - 63 lpp. : fotoatt.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
271 Gintners, Jānis. Liepāja / Jānis Gintners, Abrams Kleins. - Rīga : Avots, 1984. - 64 lpp. :
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
272 Saulājs, Rūdolfs. Bauska. - Rīga : Avots, 1986. - 64 lpp. : fotoatt.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
273 Treicis, Arturs. Madona. - Rīga : Liesma, 1978. - 64 lpp. : fotoatt.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
274 Rauzāns, Gunārs. Valmiera / Gunārs Rauzāns, Abrams Kleins. - Rīga : Liesma, 1973. - 50
lpp. : fotoatt.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
275 Озолиньш, Арвид. Екабпилс. - Пер. с латышского языка. - Рига : Лиесма, 1980. - 64 с. :
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
276 Раузан, Гунар. Валмиера / Гунар Рaузан, Абрам Клейн. - Издание 2-е, перераб. - Рига :
Авотс, 1982. - 64 с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
277 Макня, Константин. Краслава. - Рига : Лиесма, 1978. - 63 с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
278 Хахеле, Регина. Резекне. - Пер. с латышского языка. - Рига : Авотс, 1985. - 57,[6] c. :
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Aнспакс, Aнтонс. Цесис. - Пер. с латышского. - Рига : Лиесма, 1982. - 64 lpp. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Саулайс, Рудолф. Елгава. - Пер. с латышского. - Рига : Лиесма, 1978. - 64 с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Плаудис, Арвидс. Рижский район : туристские маршруты / пер. с латышского языка Ада
Гиршфельд. - Рига : Авотс, 1990. - 206 с. : фoтoил.,карты.
ISBN 5-401-00118-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
282 Гинтнер, Янис. Лиепая / Янис Гинтнер, Абрам Клейн ; перевел с латышского языка
Абрам Клейн. - Ригa : Авотс, 1984. - 64 с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
283 Стыканс, А. Даугавпилсский район / А.Стыканс, В.Рудой ; ред. Н.Зорина. - Пер. с
латышского языка. - Рига : Авотс, 1983. - 52 с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
284 Эделниекс, Карлис. Тукумс / пер. с латышского С.Лущевского. - Рига : Авотс, 1983. - 64
с. : фотоил.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
285 Саулайс, Рудольф. Бауска / пер. с латышского И.Вульфсон. - Рига : Авотс, 1986. - 64 с. :
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 2
286 Терентьева, Лариса. Курорты и места отдыха в Латвии / Лариса Терентьева, Чеслав
Маковский. - Рига : Лиесма, 1978. - 64 с. : фотоил. - Digitalizēta.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Vīks, Ivars. Trejdeviņi Latvijas brīnumi / Ivars Vīks. - Rīga : Geizers O, 2001. - 254,[2] lpp. :
zīm., fotogr.
ISBN 9984-94920-6.
Garīgās dzīves filosofijaĢeogrāfijaLatvijas ģeogrāfija. 914.743 5
Rīga dimd : [fotogrāfiju albums]= Riga. An Unfinished Symphony / Leona Brieža fotogr. ;
Jāņa Rokpeļņa teksts ; Ojāra Kalniņa angļu teksts ; māksl. Uldis Sosnovskis. - Rīga : Madris,
2001. - [Bez pagin.].
ISBN 9984-592-82-0.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaFotogrāfijaLatvijas fotogrāfija. 914.743 2
Avotiņš, Valdis. Salacas pērles : ceļvedis pa Salacu un tās apkārtni laivotājiem, velotūristiem
un autobraucējiem / Valdis Avotiņš, Ints Lukss. - Rīga : Izdevniecība AGB, 2002. - 48,[16] lpp.
: fotogr. + kartes mērogā 1 : 45 000. - (Tik un tā : ceļvedis).
ISBN 9984-663-39-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecība. 914.743 2
Elektroniskais Latvijas atlants [Elektroniskais resurss] : [mērogs 1 : 200 000] : : CD-ROM=
Электронный атлас Латвии= Latvian Electronic Atlas. - Rīga : Hamilton Global
Management, [1999]. -
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 914.743 1
Latvijas pagasti : Latvijas pagasti, novadi, pilsētu un novadu lauku teritorijas : : enciklopēdija
/ atb. red. Astrīda Iltnere ; zin. red. Valija Liepa, Uldis Placēns, Maija Sniega
1.sēj. A-Ļ.
ISBN 9984-00-412-0.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecība. 914.743 3
292 Latvia the land we love. - [Rīga] : Nacionālais apgāds. - 108 lpp. : ill. fotogr.
ISBN 9984-260-40-2.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
293 Lettland wie wir es lieben. - [Rīga] : [Nacionālais apgāds]. - 108 lpp.
ISBN 9984-94315-1.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Vasiļjevs, Igors. Rīgas aura un zodiaks : astroloģiskais ceļvedis pa pilsētu; ģeopatogēnās
zonas; avāriju zonas / Igors Vasiļjevs ; red.-tulk. Andris Pētersons. - Rīga : [s.n.], 2001. - 80
lpp. : fotogr. + Piel.: Rīgas karte.
Garīgās dzīves filosofijaĢeogrāfijaLatvijas ģeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Mana mīļā Latvija : [fotoalbums] / projekta vadītāja Maija Šetlere ; galv. red. Pēteris Apinis. -
[Rīga] : SIA Nacionālais apgāds, 2001. - 107,[1] lpp. : fotogr.
Saturs: Rīga; Latvijas ostas; Latvijas pilsētas; Latvijas pilis un muižas; Lauku apgabali;
ISBN 9984-260-18-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Latvijas pagasti : Latvijas pagasti, novadi, pilsētu un novadu lauku teritorijas : : enciklopēdija
/ atb. red. Astrīda Iltnere ; zin. red. Valija Liepa, Uldis Placēns, Maija Sniega,Milda Sproģe
2.sēj. M-Ž.
ISBN 9984-00-436-8.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartesĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecība. 914.743 3
Ventspils : 700+10 / māksl. Gunārs Lūsis ; priekšv. aut. Aivars Lembergs ; teksts Ingrīda
Štrumfa ; tulk. Kārlis Freibergs, Tatjana Aļehina. - [Ventspils] : Ventspils pilsētas dome,
Preses nams, Gunārs Lūsis, GRAFFITI, [2003]. - 126, [2] lpp. : fotogr. - Teksts paralēli krievu
un angļu val.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Daugavpils laikam līdzi : Даугавпилс в ногу со временем= Daugavpils through the ages /
red. Gaida Līvensone ; atb. par izd. Andris Lasmanis ; sast. Vita Rinkeviča [2000]. - 115, [2]
lpp. : fotogr. - Teksts paral. latv., angļu, krievu val.
ISBN 9984-93602-3.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecība. 914.743 1
299 Liepāja : pilsēta, kurā piedzimst vējš : : tūrisma ceļvedis, 2004. - [Liepāja] : Lejaskurzemes
Tūrisma informācijas birojs, [2004]. - 32 lpp. : fotogr., kartes.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecībaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Lettonie : guide / texte Juris Smaļinskis ; traduction Regīna Beldava. - Rīga : Jumava, [2005].
- 63, [1] lpp. : il., karte.
ISBN 9984-380-52-1.
Ģeogrāfija. Latvijas ģeogrāfija. NovadpētniecībaCeļošana. 914.743 1
Latvia : tourist & restaurant guide / managing editor: Aksel Ritenis. - Riga : SIA Connoisseur-
Latvia, 2005. - 271 lpp. : il., kartes. - Bibliogr.: 271. lpp.
ISBN 9984-97351-4.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. Viesmīlības industrija. 914.743 3
Vīks, Ivars. Trejdeviņi Latvijas brīnumi : Pokaiņi, Dižā sagša, Zaļais stars, Skaņas kalns,
senās zināšanas, Ķeveles avoti / Ivars Vīks ; [māksl. Vita Lēnerte ; atb. red. Mārīte Gulbe]. -
Rīga : Jumava ; J.L.V.-SIA, 2007. - 267, [1] lpp., [4] lp. il. : il., fotogr.
ISBN 978-9984-382-35-7.
Garīgā dzīveLatvijas ģeogrāfijaReliģijaFolkloraNovadpētniecībaCeļošanaĢeoloģija. 914.743 3
ICD Group SIA. Latvijas Republikai - 90 : Iededzies par Latviju! / ICD Group SIA. - Rīga : ICD
Group, 2008. - 143 lpp. : il. - (Latvija un Latvijas bizness 2008).
ISBN 978-9984-99471-0.
Latvija. 914.743 2
Latvija skaitļos un faktos / sast. Gunta Šustere. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2009. - 191 [1] lpp.
ISBN 978-993-400-403-2.
Latvijas ģeogrāfija. 914.743 2

Jelgavas pilsēta [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : Jelgavas novads, Ozolnieku novads / galvenais

redaktors: Jānis Turlajs ; SIA "Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta". - Mērogs 1:20,000. - Rīga :
Jāņa sēta, 2009. - 2 kartes : katra savā lapas pusē, krās. ; lp. 69 x 84 cm, saloc. 23 x 12 cm. -
Apzīmējumi latviešu, angļu, krievu un vācu val. - Paneļnosaukums.
ISBN 978-9984-07-539-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfija -- Latvija. 914.743 1
Mazais Latvijas autoceļu atlants [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : Small road atlas = Kleiner
Strassenatlas = Малый атлас автодорог / [galvenais redaktors, Jānis Turlajs]. -
Pirmizdevums. - Mērogs 1 : 200 000. - Rīga : Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta, 2009. - 1 atlants
(154 lpp.) : kartes ; 24 cm. - Satura rādītājs latviešu, angļu, vācu un krievu val. - Ietver
ISBN 978-9984-07-534-1.
Ceļi - Latvija - Kartes. Pilsētas - Latvija - Kartes.
Latvijas ģeogrāfija. 914.743 2
Latvijas tūrisma ceļvedis : krāsains tūrisma katalogs / atb. par izd. Didzis Krūmiņš. - Rīga :
Katalogs BTG, 1998. - 176 lpp. : il., kartes.
Saturs: Dabas fenomeni; Kultūrvide; Aktīvā atpūta; Izklaides iespējas; Naktsmītnes;
Iestiprināšanās; Transports; Ceļu kartes.
ISSN 1407-3129.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Turlajs, Jānis. Latvijas apdzīvotās vietas : klasifikācija, vērtēšanas kritēriji, ciemu saraksts,
kartes / Jānis Turlajs, Gints Milliņš. - Rīga : Jāņa sēta, 1998. - 271, [1] lpp. + kartes. - Izm.
liter. un karšu sar.: 270.-271.lpp.
ISBN 9984-07-117-0.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Brikmanis, Jānis. Krāsu zeme Latvija : ceļojumi dabā un vēsturē, kartes : : ceļvedis / Jānis
Brikmanis. - Rīga : Solvita, 1996. - 289 lpp.
ISBN 9984-556-23-9.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaNovadpētniecība. 914.743 1
Rusmanis, S. Kurzeme : apraksti, kartes, attēli / S.Rusmanis, I.Vīks. - Rīga : Latvijas
enciklopēdija, 1993. - 239, [1] lpp. - Kopsav. angļu.
ISBN 5-89960-030-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 914.743 1
311 Latvia / māksl. Marika Samardaka. - Rīga : PUSE, 1998. - 164, [2] p.
ISBN 9984-527-12-3.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 3
312 Latvijas PSR ģeogrāfija / Latvijas Valsts universitāte. - 2., papild. izd. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1975.
- 671 lpp. : il.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 2
Rudovics, Andris. Latvijas fiziskā ģeogrāfija : māc. grām. 9.klasei / Andris Rudovics, Teika
Rudovica. - 3.izd., labots, papild. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 1996. - 199 lpp. : il.
ISBN 9984-04-333-9.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Rīgas topogrāfiskais atlants : M 1:10000= Topographical atlas of Riga= Топографический
атлас Риги. - Rīga : Saknes, 1996. - 96 lpp. : kart. - Ielu saraksts : 85.-96.lpp.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Jansons, Gunārs. Arhitektūras pieminekļi Gaujas nacionālajā parkā / Latvijas Dabas un
pieminekļu aizsardzības biedrība; Gaujas nacionālais parks. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1987. - 128 lpp.
: il. - Speciālo terminu vārdnīca: 124.-127.lpp.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūra. 914.743 1
316 Krieviņš, Gunārs. Pa Vidzemes ceļiem un takām : desmit tūrisma maršruti divu dienu
pārgājieniem pa Vidzemi. - Rīga : Avots, 1982. - 96 lpp.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Krieviņš, Gunārs. Pa Latgales un Augšzemes ceļiem un takām : Kuprava-Meijeri, Balvi-Tilža,
Lubāna-Varakļāni, Puša-Viļāni, Kārsava-Ludza, Aglona-Upmala, Krāslava-Ezernieki, Ilūkste-
Birķeneļi, Viesīte-Nereta. - Rīga : Avots, 1988. - 104,[5] lpp.
ISBN 5-401-00191-6.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Pa dzimtās zemes ārēm / sast. Pauls Rumans, Jānis Štrauhmanis. - Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1988. -
141,[3] lpp. : fotoatt.
ISBN 5-405-00058-2.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 2
319 Plaudis, Arvīds. Rīgas rajons / R.Salcēviča foto. - Rīga : Avots, 1988. - 207 lpp. :
fotoatt.,kartes. - Vietvārdu rādītājs: 204.-206.lpp.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 2
Latvijas ģeogrāfijas atlants / galv. red. Jānis Turlajs ; māksl. Gints Roderts. - Rīga : Karšu
izdevniecība Jāņa sēta, 1999. - 39, [1] lpp. : il.
ISBN 9984-07-163-4.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 34
321 Rīgas rokas grāmata : informācija Rīgas apmeklētājiem. - ASV : ALYA (Amerikas latviešu
jaunatnes apvienība), 1988. - 128 lpp. : il., kartes.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 3
322 Konstants, Z. Lejup pa Gauju. - Rīga : Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība, 1961. - 194 lpp. : il.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 1
Rīga : pilsētas plāns : : city map : : карта города : : stadtplan. - [Rīga] : Saknes, [b.g.]. - 1 lp.
: il., karte.
ISBN 9984-604-01-2.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743 2
Rowthorn, Chris. Asia & India : The essential predeparture travel guide / Chris Rowthorn,
Peter Cruttenden. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. - 366 p. : ill. - (Read this
first). - INTERNET addresses: p.356-359. - Available on the INTERNET:
ISBN 1-86450-049-2.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Гиппенрейтер, В. К вулканам Камчатки : On the way to Kamchatka's volcanoes / пер.
Н.Джонстон ; ред. Г.Родионова. - Москва : Планета, 1986. - 150, [32] c. : ил. - Teksts
paralēli krievu un angļu val.
Saturā: īsas ziņas par autoru.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Arseņjevs, V. Dersu Uzala / V.Arseņjevs ; no krievu val. tulk. Valdis Grēviņš ;
māksl. Vasilijs Kovaļovs. - 2.izd. - Rīga : Liesma, 1978. - 236, [2] lpp. : kartosh. -
(Stāsti par dabu).

Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1

327 Цветов, Владимир Яковлевич. Пятнадцатый камень сада Реандзи. - Москва :
Политиздат, 1986. - 301, [1] с., [4] л. ил. : ил.

KulturoloģijaĢeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 1

China / Damian Harper, Marie Cambon, Bradley Mayhew ... [etc.]. - 8th ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2002. - 992 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9117-8.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Yale, Pat. Turkey / Pat Yale, Verity Campbell, Richard Plunkett. - 8th ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 664 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9362-6.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 1
Mayhew, Bradley. Central Asia / Bradley Mayhew, Richard Plunkett, Simon Richmond. - 2nd
ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. - 576 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 0-86442-673-9.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Young, Isabelle. Asia & India / Isabelle Young. - Victoria : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. -
432 p. : tab., il., maps. - (Lonely Planet. healthy travel).
ISBN 1-86450-051-4.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 915 3
Middle East / Andrew Humphreys, Virginia Maxwell, Grace Pundyk ... [etc.]. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 816 p. : ill., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Indexes: p. 806-814.
ISBN 1-86450-349-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĀfrikas ģeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 3
Richmond, Simon. Trans - Siberian railway : a classic overland route / Simon Richmond,
Mara Vorhees. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet publications, 2002. - 320 p. : maps, photogr. -
(Lonely Planet). - Index: p. 313-319.
ISBN 1-86450-335-1.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. KulturoloģijaCeļošana. 915 1
Reid, Robert. Myanmar (Burma) / Robert Reid, Michael Grosberg. - 9th ed. - Victoria : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2005. - 404 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet). - Digitalizēta. - Index: p. 395-
ISBN 1-7405-9695-1.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Taizeme : ceļvedis. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. - 504 lpp. : il. - (A Dorling Kindersley
ISBN 978-9984-403-12-0.
Ģeogrāfija. 915 2
Heard-Bey, Frauke. From Trucial States to United Arab Emirates : a Society in Transition /
Frauke Heard-Bey. - Dubai : Motivate Publishing, 2004. - xxxiv, 540 p. : ill. - Bibliogr.: p. 503-
ISBN 1-86063-167-3.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaAtsevišķu valstu vēstureReģionālā ekonomika. Iekšpolitika. 915 1
Saunders, David. Dubai : the Arabian Dream / David Saunders. - London : TransGlobe
Publishing, 2003. - 208 p. : ill.
ISBN 0-9545083-0-0.
Āzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 1
United Arab Emirates : a New Perspective / edited by Ibrahim Al Abed, Peter Hellyer. -
London : Trident Press, 2001. - 320 p. : ill., tab., diagr. - Bibliogrāfija katras nodaļas beigās.
ISBN 1-900724-47-2.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaAtsevišķu valstu vēstureReģionālā ekonomika. 915 1
Insight Pocket guide : Dubai / Matt Jones ; edit. Dorothy Stannard. - Singapore : APA
Publications, 2003. - 96 p. : ill., map + (1 saloc. lapa). - Pielikumā: Insight Pocket Map.
ISBN 981-412-095-2.
Āzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 1
Jeruzaleme un Svētā Zeme : ceļvedis / [galvenie sastādītāji Fabrizio Ardito, Cristina
Gambaro, Massimo Acanfora Torrefranca ; no angļu valodas tulkojusi Andžela Šuvajeva]. -
Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. - 336 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK ceļvedis). - Ietver alfabētisko
ISBN 978-993-400-154-3.
Izraēla. Jeruzaleme. 915 2
Neišefers, Hennings. Dubaija / Hennings Neišefers ; [no vācu valodas tulkojusi Dace
Siliniece]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, c2008 (Preses nams). - 108 lpp. : il., kartes ; 20 cm. -
(Polyglott ceļojumā). - Ietver alf. rād. (102.-106. lpp.).
ISBN 978-9984-406-23-7.
Dubaja (Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti) - Kartes, tūrisma. Dubaja (Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti) -
Ceļveži. 915 2
Stambula : ceļvedis un karte / [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Linda Kalna]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne
ABC, c2008. - 80 lpp., 1 iel. karte : il., kartes ; 16 x 8 cm. - (DK Kabatas ceļvedis). - Ietver rād.
(78.-79. lpp.).
ISBN 978-993-400-264-9.
Stambula (Turcija) - Ceļveži. 915 2
343 Kellermann, Bernhard. Reisen in Asien. - 2.Aufl. - Berlin : Volk und Welt, 1972. - 471 S.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Mesners, Reinholds. Gājiens vienatnē : Nanga Parbats / Reinholds Mesners ; no vācu val.
tulk. Gunta Millere ; māksl. Juris Briedis. - Rīga : Liesma, 1989. - 278, [1] lpp.
ISBN 541000664X.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
345 Miņejevs, Aleksandrs. Bambusa cietoksnis : [par Vjetnamu un vjetnamiešiem] / Aleksandrs
Miņejevs. - Rīga : Avots, 1988. - 203, [2] lpp. - (Valstis un tautas).
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Китай 1996 / под ред. Цинь Ши. - Пекин : Синьсин, 1996. - 138, [1] с., 24 с. цв. ил. + 1 л.
ISBN 7-8010-2508-3.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Баландин, Р.К. Неведомные земли : среди тундр и пустынь, болот и гор / Р.К.Баландин.
- Москва : Мысль, 1980. - 219, [2] с.
Автор книги - геолог. Он рассказывает о своей работе в тундрах Чукотки и пустынях
Казахстана, на Полесской низменности и в горах Кавказа.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Китай / под ред. Цинь Ши. - Пекин : Издательство "Синьсин", 1993. - 199 с. : цв. ил.
ISBN 7-8008-5925-8.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
349 Тунис : справочник / Академия Наук СССР. Институт Востоковедения. - Москва :
Издательство "Наука", 1978. - 383 с. - Географический указатель: c.370.-376.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Эренбург, Илья. Путевые записи : японские заметки, размышления в Греции, индийские
впечатления. - Москва : Искусство, 1960. - 127,[5] с. : 53 c. ил. - На обложке: Япония,
Греция, Индия.
Eiropas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĀzijas ģeogrāfija. 915 1
351 Халаминский, Юрий. Дорогами легенд. - Москва : Советский художник, 1978. - 377 с. :
ил. - Словарик терминов: c.371.-372.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
352 Таджикистан / М.Ю.Мамаджанова, А.Н.Промтов, М.Р.Рахимов...[и.др.]. - Москва :
Мысль, 1968. - 236,[3] c. : ил. - (Советский Союз). - Литература: c.238.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 915 1
Пугаченкова, Галина. Термез. Шахрисябз. Хива : [художественные памятники I-XIX
веков]= Termez. Shahr-e siabz. Khiva. - Москва : Искусство, 1976. - 207 с. : ил. - Список
иллюстраций: c.196.-200.
Āzijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaArhitektūra. 915 1
354 Šveicers, Alberts. Vēstules no Lambarenes / no vācu val. tulk. A.Feldhūne, I.Feldhūne. - Rīga
: Zinātne, 1982. - 428,[3] lpp. : il. - (Apvārsnis).
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
355 Kuļiks, Sergejs. Kenijas safari / no krievu val. tulk. Solveiga Cepurniece. - Rīga : Zinātne,
1983. - 297 lpp. : il. - (Apvārsnis).
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 3
Fitzpatrick, Mary. Africa : The essential predeparture travel guide. - Melbourne : Lonely
Planet Publications, 2000. - 428 p. : ill. - (Read this first). - INTERNET addresses: p.416-420.
- Available on the INTERNET: http://www.lonelyplanet.com.au/upgrades.
ISBN 1-86450-066-2.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 7
Брем, Альфред. Путешествие по Нилу / Альфред Брем ; [пер. с нем.]. - Москва :
Издательство "АСТ", 2001. - 603,[1] c. : илл. - (Жизнь животных).
ISBN 5-17-003927-1.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaZooloģija. 916 1
Africa : on a shoestring / Hugh Finlay, Joyce Connolly, David Else ... [etc.]. - 9th ed. -
Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2001. - 936 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 0-86442-663-1.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
Young, Isabelle. Africa / Isabelle Young ; il. Martin Harris and Kate Nolan. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. - 440 p. : il. - (Healthy travel).
ISBN 1-86450-050-6.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija. 916 3
Muller, Klaus E. Soul of Africa : Magie eines Kontinents / Klaus E. Muller, Ute Ritz-Muller ;
photogr. Henning Christoph. - Koln : Konemann, 1999. - 503 p. : photogr.
maģiskie rituāli Āfrikā.
ISBN 382902715X.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
Bindloss, Joseph. Kenya / Tom Parkinson, Matt Fletcher. - Melbourne ... [etc.] : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2003. - 351 p. : ill., maps. - Indexes: p. 347-351.
ISBN 186453033.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
Andrew, David. Watching Wildlife East Africa / David Andrew, Susan Rhind. - Melbourne ...
[etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications, 2001. - 341, [3] p. : ill., maps. - Index: p. 334-341.
ISBN 1-86450-033-6.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
East Africa / Mary Fitzpatric, Nick Ray, Tom Parkinson. - 6th ed. - Melbourne ... [etc.] :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2003. - 608 p. : ill., maps. - Index: p. 599-607.
ISBN 1-7405-9131-3.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
Lisovska, Elžbeta. Tunisija : ceļvedis / Elžbeta un Andžejs Lisovski ; [no angļu valodas
tulkojusi Nora Kalna]. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2008. - 352 lpp. : il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK
ceļvedis). - Ietver rādītāju.
ISBN 978-993-400-063-8.
Jeruzaleme - Kartes, tūrisma. Tunisija - Ceļveži. Tunisija - Ceļojumu apraksti - Ceļveži. 916 2
Tildesleja, Džoisa. Ēģipte / Džoisa Tildesleja ; no angļu val. tulk. Bārbala Simsone. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, 2007. - 64 lpp.
ISBN 978-993-400-197-0.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfija. 916 1
Vasiļjevs, Aleksejs. Ēģipte un ēģiptieši / no krievu val. tulk. J.Kravale. - Rīga : Avots, 1990. -
255 lpp. - (Valstis un tautas).
ISBN 5-401-00030-8.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 916 1
Африка : энциклопедический справочник в двух томах / гл. ред. А.А.Громико. - Москва :
Советская энциклопедия, 1986. - 672 с. : ил.
Том 1-ый. А-К.
Āfrikas ģeogrāfija -- Nozaru vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija. 916 1
USA[The United States of America] : reliable, entertaining & packed with information /
authors: James Lyon, Tom Brosnahan, Jim DuFresne [etc.]. - Melbourne [etc.] : Lonely Planet
Publications, 1999. - 1185 p. : il, photos, maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 0-86442-513-9.
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917 1
369 Ekskvemelins, A.O. Amerikas pirāti / no krievu val. tulk. Arturs Lielais. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1973.
- 198 lpp. : att. - (Apvārsnis).
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskie atklājumiEkspedīcijas. Ceļojumu apraksti. 917 2
Gorry, Conner. Central & South America : The most comprehensive and up-to-date of all the
trip planners. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000. - 346 p. : ill. - (Read this first). -
INTERNET addresses: p.336-340. - Available on the INTERNET:
ISBN Amerikas pirāti /.
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917 2
371 Amerikas pilsētas I : pilsētas, valstis, simbolika / sast. G.Lojāne, Z.Akmentiņš. - Rīga : SIA
"Atmata", 2002. - 63,[1] lpp. : il. - (Pasaule kabatā , 14078511).
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917 2
Mexico / John Noble, Susan Forsyth, Ben Greensfelder. - 8th ed. - Melbourne ... [etc.] :
Lonely Planet Publication, 2002. - 1039 p. : ill., maps. - Indexes: p. [1025]-1038.
ISBN 1-7405-9028-7.
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaAustrālijas ģeogrāfija. 917 1
The World almanac and book of facts / editor-in-Chief C.Alan Joyce. - New York : World
almanac books, 2009. - 1008 p. : il.
ISBN 978-1-600-57105-3.
Amerikas ģeogrāfija. 917 1
America 24/7 : 24 hours. 7 Days. Extraordinary Images of one American week / created by
Rick Smolan, David Elliot Cohen. - New York : DK Publishing, 2004. - 128 p. : il.
Amerikas ģeogrāfija -- ASVFotogrāfija. 917 3
Sičovs, Staņislavs. Zeme starp diviem okeāniem / Staņislavs Sičovs ; no krievu val. tulk.
Jautrīte Kravale ; priekšv., 5.-6.lpp., aut. N.Ļeonovs. - Rīga : Avots, 1986. - 140, [2] lpp., 24
lpp. krās. il. - (Valstis un tautas).
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917 1
376 Сычев, Станислав. Земля меж двух океанов / рец. Н.С.Леонов. -
Москва : Мысль, 1983. - 140 с. : ил., карт.
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917 1
Стингл, Милослав. Тайны индейских пирамид / пер. с чешского О.Малевича ; под ред.
Р.Кинжалова. - Москва : Издательство "Прогресс", 1982. - 248 с. : ил.
Austrālijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 918 1
Культура Аргентины / Академия Наук СССР. Институт Латинской Америки ; редкол.
В.Беляев, П.Бойко, В.Гончаров. - Москва : издательство "Наука", 1977. - 364,[3] c. -
Указатель имен: c.359.-365. - Saturs paral. krievu un spāņu val.
Austrālijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 918 1
USA / James Lyon, Jeff Campbell, Jeff Davis...[etc.]. - 2nd ed. - Melbourne : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2003. - 1144 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-86450-308-4.
Amerikas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 917/918 1
380 Stingls, Miloslavs. Melnās salas / no čehu val. tulk. L.Rūmniece. - Rīga : Zinātne, 1979. - 202
lpp. : att. - (Apvārsnis).
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaOkeānijas ģeogrāfija. 919 3
Kemp, C.D. Big businessmen : four biographical essays / C.D. Kemp. - Melbourne : Institute
of Public Affairs, 1964. - 183 p., [4] l. il.
A study of the characters and methods of four men who achieved great prominence in the
business life of Australia - Sir Herbert Gepp, Sir Walter Massy-Greene, Sir Leslie McConnan,
Geoffrey Grimwade.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 919 1

Smits, Rofs. Auksts alus un krokodili : ar divriteni apkārt Austrālijai / Rofs Smits ; no angļu val.
tulk. Sandris Grīviņš. - Rīga : Jāņa Rozes apgāds, 2001. - 236,[2] lpp. : fotogr. - (Vēju roze). -
Oriģ. izd.: Cold Beer and Crocodiles / Roff Smith. - [S.l.] : National Geographic Society, 2000.
ISBN 9984-230-19-8.
EkspedīcijasĢeogrāfijaOkeānijas ģeogrāfija. 919 3
Australia / Paul Harding, Joe Bindloss, Joyce Connolly...[etc.]. - 11th ed. - Melbourne :
Lonely Planet Publications, 2002. - 1040 p. : il., maps. - (Lonely Planet).
ISBN 1-7405-9065-1.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 919 1
Young, Isabelle. Australia, NZ & the Pacific / Isabelle Young. - Victoria : Lonely Planet
Publications, 2000. - 432 p. : tab., il., maps. - (Lonely Planet. healthy travel).
ISBN 1-86450-052-2.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaCeļošana. 919 3
Tidriķis, Andris. Tālskatī Austrālija / Andris Tidriķis. - Rīga : Liesma, 1982. - 219, [2] lpp. -
(Piedzīvojumi, fantastika, ceļojumi). - Bibliogr.: 218.-220.lpp.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 919 1
New Zealand : guidebooks / Peter Turner, Jeff Williams, Nancy Keller, Tony Wheeler. - 8th
ed. - Hawthorn : Lonely Planet Publications, 1996. - 714, [6] p., 20 p. col. ill. - (Lonely Planet
travel survival kit). - Index: p.695-706.
ISBN 0-86442-359-4.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 919 1
Бардин, Владимир. В горах и на ледниках Антарктиды. - Москва : Издательство
"Знание", 1989. - 189, [3] c. : ил.
ISBN 5-07-000064-0.
Okeānijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 919 2
Plaudis, Arvīds. Ceļvedis pa Latviju : autobraucējiem, kājāmgājējiem, velosipēdistiem. - 2.
pārstr. un papild. izd. - Rīga : Jumava, 2000. - 313, [3] lpp. : kartes. - Apdzīvoto vietu rād.:
308.-[314.] lpp.
ISBN 998405117X.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Рига: путь сквозь столетия / худ.: Андрис Ламстерс ; фотогр.: Леон Балодис ; текст:
Мара Силиня. - Рига : Madris, 2002. - 64 c. : фотогр.
ISBN 9984-310-96-5.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 3
Bauska un tās apkārtne : Bauskas rajona tūrisma ceļvedis : : tourist guide for the Bauska
region= Bauska and its vicinity / [Bauskas rajona Tūrisma informācijas centrs] ; teksts:
M.Putniņa, G.Ozola (angļu val.). - [Bauska] : Bauskas rajona padome, [2002]. - [44] lpp. : il.,
fotogr., kartes. - Teksts latv. un angļu val.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 2
Riga: eine Reise durch die Jahrhunderte / Zusammenstellung und Ausstattung: Andris
Lamsters ; Fotos: Leons Balodis ; Text: Māra Siliņa ; Uebersetzung: Matthias Knoll. - Riga :
Madris, 2002. - 64 S. : Ill.
ISBN 9984-310-84-1.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Rudovics, Andris. Latvijas ģeogrāfija : enciklopēdija par Latvijas dabu, cilvēkiem un
saimniecību / Andris Rudovics. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2002]. - 68 lpp. : il., kartes. - (Latvijas
mazā enciklopēdija).
ISBN 9984-222-65-9.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcas
Ģeogrāfijas enciklopēdijas, vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 2
Ludzas rajons : [tūrisma ceļvedis] : : [tourist guide]= Ludza district / [Ludzas rajona Tūrisma
informācijas centrs] ; teksts: Ludzas rajona pašvaldība ; tulk. Viola Andruščenko, Sally
Laviolette ; Jura Bozoviča ievadvārdi. - [Ludza] : Ludzas rajona padome, [2002]. - [72] lpp. :
il., fotogr., karte. - Teksts latv. un angļu val.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Cēsis : ceļvedis / teksta autors Māris Grīnvalds ; tulk. Valdis Bērziņš ; Ģirta Šķendera
ievadvārdi ; māksl. Arnis Rožkalns. - Rīga : Jumava, 2004. - 96 lpp. : il., fotogr., karte. -
Teksts latv. un angļu val.
ISBN 9984-05-759-3.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Radovics, Ainārs. Kurzemes-Zemgales hercogistes 7 brīnumi : [ceļvedis] / Ainārs Radovics. -
Rīga : Jumava, 2008. - 47, [1] lpp. : il., karte ; 24 cm.
ISBN 978-9984-385-23-5.
Kurzemes hercogiste - Vēsture - Ceļveži. Kurzemes hercogiste - Vēsture.
Ceļveži par LatvijuLatvijas vēsture. 914.743(03) 1
Plaudis, Arvīds. Ceļvedis pa teiksmu pilīm : vēsturiskas uzziņas, leģendas,
ekskursijas / Arvīds Plaudis ; Aināra Radovica, Valda Ilzēna fotogr. - [Rīga] :
Jumava, [2004] (SIA "Latgales druka"). - 199 lpp. : il. -
ISBN 9984-05-779-8.
Latvijas ģeogrāfija -- pilis. 914.743(03) 1
Plaudis, Arvīds. Ceļvedis pa Latviju : autobraucējiem, kājāmgājējiem, velosipēdistiem. - Rīga
: Jumava, 1998. - 311, [1] lpp. : kartes. - Apdzīvoto vietu rād.: 306.-[312.] lpp.
ISBN 998405117X.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Kurzeme un kurzemnieki : apraksti, pilsētu plāni, tūrisma maršruti, attēli, kartes / atb. red.
A.Vītols ; kartogr. grupas vad. R.Saurova ; rād. sast. U.Placēns, V.Plūmiņa, Dz.Puķīte ;
bibliogr. O.Saldone. - Rīga : Latvijas enciklopēdija, 1995. - 223, [1] lpp. : il., fotogr., kartes. -
(Iepazīsim Latviju). - Bibliogr. nod. beigās.
ISBN 5-89960-077-2.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfijaĢeogrāfiskās kartes. 914.743(03) 1
Veilands, Valdis. Latvija kabatā : ilustrēts enciklopēdisks ceļvedis pa Latviju. - Rīga : Preses
nams, 1995. - 261, [1] lpp. : il., fotogr., kartes. - Bibliogr.: 250.-251.lpp.
ISBN 9984-00-088-5.
Latvijas ģeogrāfija -- Nozaru vārdnīcasĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
400 Groesser Stadtfuehrer durch Riga. - [B.v.] : [b.i.], [b.g.]. - 157,[3] S. : Ill.
Latvijas ģeogrāfijaĢeogrāfija. 914.743(03) 1
Stechl, Hans-Albert. Schönes Baden = Beautiful Baden = Beauté du
pays de Bade / Hans-Albert Stechl, Norbert Kustos. - Hamburg : Ellert &
Richter Verlag, 2008. - 95, [1] p. : il., karte. 914 1
Włocławek and the surrounding region : a practorial guide / edited by Stanisław
Kunikowski. - Włocławek : LEGA, 2007. - 128 p. : il., karte. 914 1
Flečere, Ināra. Discovering Latvia / compiled by Inara & Thomas Fletcher. -
[Rīga] : Zaiga Jansone, [2008] 1
404 Eesti [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : maanteede kaart / Jāņa sēta
Map Publishers Ltd. - New [ed.]. - Mērogs 1:1,000,000. - Riga : Jāņa
sēta, 2006. - 1 karte : krās. ; lp. 32 x 49 cm, saloc. 16 x 8 cm. -
Apzīmējumi igauņu, angļu un krievu val. - Paneļnos.- ISBN 9984-07-
437-4 912 2
Lietuva [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : kelių žemėlapis / Jāņa
sēta Map Publishers Ltd. - Mērogs 1:1,000,000. - Riga : Jāņa sēta Map
Publishers Ltd ; Kaunas : UAB "Jana seta" ir Ko, 2008. - 1 karte : krās.
; lp. 32 x 49 cm, saloc. 16 x 9 cm. - Apzīmējumi lietuviešu, angļu, un
krievu val. - Paneļnosaukums. 912 2
Rīga [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : adrešu atlants = address
atlas = адресный атлас / Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta. - Mērogs 1 : 10
000. - Rīga : Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta, 2009. - 1 atlants (140 lpp.) :
kartes ; 24 cm. - Satura rād. un apzīmējumi latviešu, angļu un krievu
val. - Ietver ielu nosaukumu rād. - ISBN 978-9984-07-533-4. 912 1
407 Rīga [kartogrāfiskais materiāls] : pilsētas plāns = city plan =
Stadtplan = план города / SIA "Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta". -
Mērogs 1:20,000. - Rīga : Karšu izdevniecība Jāņa sēta, 2008. - 1 karte
: krās. ; lp. 90 x 118 cm, vākos 23 x 13 cm + piel. (12 lpp. ; 22 cm). -
Apzīmējumi latviešu, angļu, krievu un vācu val. - Nos. no vāka.- ISBN
978-9984-07-434-4 912 1
408 100 Ķīnas brīnumi / [autori: Wang Zhen ... [u.c.] ; fotogrāfi:
Mei Sheng ... [u.c.] ; no angļu valodas tulkojis Edgars Katajs]. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, [2007]. - 208 lpp. : il., kartes ; 35 cm.- ISBN 978-
9984-402-34-5. 915 1
409 Stuttgart / Fotos von Niels Schubert, texte von Torsten
Schöll. - Tübingen : Silberburg - Verlag, 2006. - S 176 : foto.- ISBN
978-3-87407-700-2. 913(4) 1
410 Šveice : ceļvedis / [galvenie sastādītāji: Adriana Čuprina ...
[u.c.] ; no angļu valodas tulkojusi: Aija Balcere ... [u.c.]]. - 2.
atjaunotais un papild. izd. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, [2009]. - 328 lpp. :
il., kartes ; 23 cm. - (DK ceļvedis) Ietver rād. (310.-323.
lpp.). ISBN 9789934008085 913 3
411 Morāvijas - Silēzijas novads : 1+1000 iespaidu. - Ostrava :
Agentura API s.r.o., [2008]. - 29 lpp. : il., karte. 913(4) 1
412 Viļņa : skaistums, noslēpums un burvība. - Viļņa : Vilnius
City Municipal Government tourism and promotion division, [2008]. -
18 lpp. : il., karte. 913(4) 1
413 Somija : skaitļi un fakti / Somijas Ārlietu ministrija. - Somija
: Somijas Ārlietu ministrija, 2006. - [8] lpp. : il. 913(4) 1
414 Zviedrija un zviedri / no zviedru val. tulk. Solveiga Elsberga.
- Rīga : Zviedru institūts, 2001. - 23, [1] lpp. : il. 913(4) 1
415 Czech Republic / text Yvonna Fričova. - Prague :
M.I.P.Group, 2008. - 24 p. : il., karte. 913(4) 1
416 In the Land of Honey : [buklets]. - Slovenia : Aritours travel
agency, [2008]. - 1 salocīta lapa : il., karte. 913(4) 1
417 Poland in brief. - Poland : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
departament of promotion, 2006. - 63 p. : il., maps. 913(4) 1
418 Balvi : [fotogrāfijas] / Daces un Kaspara Teilānu foto. - Balvi
: Balvu pilsētas Dome, [2008]. - [105] lpp. : il. 913(474.3) 1
Ventspils 700 + 15 / [mākslinieks Gunārs Lūsis ; teksts: Ieva
Rupenheite ; fotogr. Jānis Brauns ... [u.c.]. - Ventspils : Ventspils
pilsētas dome, [2006]. - 160, [7] lpp. : krās. il. ; 23 x 28 cm. - Teksts
paral. latviešu, angļu un krievu val. 913(474.3) 1
Azerbaidžāna : [buklets] / Ceļojumu aģentūra Spāre. - Latvija : Ceļojumu aģentūra
Spāre, [b.g.]. - 1 salocīta lapa : il. 913(5) 16
Наследие / международный Азербайджанский журнал. - 2-ое изд.
(спецвыпуск). - Aserbaidschan : IRS, 2007. - 68 с. : il. 913(5) 1
422 Aserbaidschan: die groβe reise / Kultur und Tourismus der Aserbaidschanischen
Republik. - Aserbaidschan : Avangard, 2008. - 110 S. : il. 913(5) 1
423 Latvija, Lietuva un Igaunija : ceļvedis / sast.: Howard Jarvis,
John Oates, Tim Ochser, Neil Taylor ; no angļu val. tulk.: Andžela
Šuvajeva, Ieva Tarvida, Karīna Tillberga ; red. un papild. Aija Balcere,
Ilona Ruķere. - Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC, 2010. - 432 lpp. : krās. il., kartes
; 23 cm. - (DK ceļvedis). - Alf. rād.: 410.-423. lpp. - Oriģ. nos.:
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. - "Nacionālie parki, pilis, tautas mūzika,
kūrorti, daba, dzintars, dievnami, arhitektūra, muzeji".-ISBN
9789934010118 913(4) 3
Slovēnija : kabatas ceļvedis / teksta aut. Jane Foster ; no
angļu val. tulk. Līvija Vulfa ; tulk. red. Elga Rusmane. - Rīga :
Zvaigzne ABC, 2010 (Preses nams "Baltic"). - 144 lpp. : krās. il., ģīm.,
kartes ; 15 cm. - (Berlitz kabatas ceļvedis). - Alf. rād.: 143.-144. lpp. -
Oriģ. nos.: Slovenia ISBN 978-993-401-005-7 913(4) 3
Riga, top 10 : travel guide / text: Jānis Lejnieks ; text for
useful hints and tips: Līga Loļa ; translation Aija Abens ; ed. Kristīne
Zonberga ; literary ed. Kristīne Baiža ; artist Raimonda Strode ;
photographers: Leons Balodis, Normunds Brasliņš, Valerijs Ivaņuta,
Jānis Jaunarājs, Dāvids Jukonijs, Jānis Krastiņš, Jānis Lejnieks, Imants
Prēdelis, Ainārs Radovics, Romvalds Salcēvičs, Indriķis Stūrmanis,
Ervīns Vēveris, Kārlis Zariņš, Vilnis Zilberts. - Rīga : Jumava, [2010].
- 111 lpp. : krās. il., kartes ; 22 cm. – Tulk. no latviešu val.ISBN 978-
9984-387-52-9 913(474.3) 3
Rusmanis, Sigurds. Baltijas valstis : tūrisma ceļvedis =
Baltic travel guide / Sigurds Rusmanis ; atb. red. Ieva Heimane ; red.
Ligita Smilga ; māksl. Inese Siliniece ; fotogr. Sigurds Rusmanis. -
Rīga : Jumava, [2010] (Latvijas karte).). - 116, [1] lpp. : il. ; 20 cm. - S.
Rusmaņa grāmata aicina ceļojumā pa Baltijas valstīm - Igauniju,
Latviju un Lietuvu. Katrā valstī aprakstīti divpadsmit tūrisma objekti,
kuri papildināti ar krāsainām fotogrāfijām. - Paral. latviešu un angļu
val. ISBN 978-9984-387-58-1 913(474.3) 3

Kopā: 790

N.p.k. Autors, nosaukums, izd. ziņas UDK

1. Bazzani, Giuseppe L. Enterprise Development Project : handbook. - S.l. : s.p., 1999. - 45, 7, 8 640.4
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija. 2
2. Lumsdon, Les. Marketing for Tourism : Tutor's Guide. - London : The Macmillan Press Ltd, 640.4
1992. - [Bez pagin.]. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-333-54135-9.
MārketingsMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
3 Berberoglu, Hrayr. Designing Restaurants and Hotels / H.Berberoglu, J.Candido, M.Marrack. 640.4
- Toronto, Canada : Food and Beverage Consultants, 1999. - 342 p. : il.
ISBN 1-89586-132-2.
Viesmīlības industrijaArhitektūra.
4 Berberoglu, H. Restaurateurs' and Hoteliers' Purchasing Book / H.Berberoglu. - Toronto, 640.4
Canada : Food and Beverage Consultants, 1993. - 509,[1] p. : il. - Bibliogr.: p.[510].
ISBN 1-89586-138-1.
Materiālā un tehniskā apgādeViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
5 Falkner, Diana E. Convention and Banquet Management / D.E. Falkner, H.Berberoglu. - 2nd 640.4
ed. - Toronto, Canada : [Food and Beverage Consultants], 1999. - 218 p. : il.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Galda kultūraViesmīlības industrija. 2
6 Berberoglu, H. Tourism & Hospitality Industry Case Studies / H.Berberoglu. - Scarborough, 640.4
ON, Canada : Food & Beverage Consultants, [1998]. - 196 p. : tab.
ISBN 1-89586-184-5.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana.
7 Berberoglu, H. Rooms Division and Property Management / H.Berberoglu. - Scarborough, 640.4
Ontario, Canada : Food and Beverage Consultants, 1993. - 189,[2] p. : tab. - Bibliogr.:
ISBN 1-89586-112-8.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
8 Berberoglu, Hrayr. Marketing for Restaurateurs and Hoteliers / H.Berberoglu. - Toronto, 640.4
Ontario, Canada : Food and Beverage Consultants, 1999. - 131,[3] p. : tab. - Bibliogr.:
ISBN 1-89586-110-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
9 Platace, Margarita. Viesu uzņemšanas dienesta darbības pamatprincipi : māc. līdz. / Margarita 640.4
Platace. - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola "Turība", 2000. - 176 lpp. : tab. - (Viesmīlības bibliotēka
; 5). - Bibliogr.: 175.lpp.
ISBN 9984-609-65-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
10 Бородина, В. В. Ресторанно-гостинный бизнес : учет, налоги, маркетинг, менеджмент / 640.4
В. В. Бородина. - Москва : Книжный мир, 2001. - 165 с. : ил. - Библиогр.: с. 159-162.
ISBN 5-8041-0075-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
11 Kotler, Philip. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / Philip Kotler, John Bowen, James 640.4
Makens. - 2nd ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1999. - 800 p. : il. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-080795-8.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
12 Morrison, Alison. Entrepreneurship in the Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Industries / 640.4
Alison Morrison, Mike Rimmington, Claire Williams. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth
Heinemann, 1999. - 250 p. - Includes bibliogr. references.
ISBN 0-7506-4097-9.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
13 Montgomery, Rhonda J. Meetings, Conventions, and Expositions : an Introduction to the 640.4
Industry / Rhonda J. Montgomery, Sandra K. Strick. - New York ... [etc.] : John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 1995. - XV, 318 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-28439-4.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
14 O'Connor, Peter. Electronic Information Distribution in Tourism and Hospitality / 640.4
P.O'Connor. - New York, NY : CABI Publishing, 2000. - 173,[1] pp. : tab. - Includes
bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-85199-283-8.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
15 Пикалев, Анатолий Васильевич. Как увеличить доход ресторана, бара, кафе / А. 640.4
Пикалев, А. Маевская. - Москва : Советский спорт, 2001. - 165, [1] с. : ил.
ISBN 5-85009-689-2.
Viesmīlības industrija.
16 Морозова, Л.Л. Кадры современных предприятий общественного питания : 640.4
должностные инструкции служащих, квалификационные характеристики профессий
рабочих : : практическое руководство / Л.Л. Морозова. - Санкт-Петербург :
Издательство "Актив", 2001. - 159 с. - (Библиотечка предпринимателя).
ISBN 5-89440-027-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
17 Пикалев, А. Как увеличить доход ресторана, бара, кафе / А.Пикалев, А.Маевская. - 640.4
Москва : Советский спорт, 2001. - 165,[1] c.
ISBN 5-85009-689-2.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
18 Aнурова, Наталья. Персонал в ресторане : как создать профессиональную команду / 640.4
Наталья Aнурова. - Москва : "Современные розничные и ресторанные технологии",
2001. - 215,[1] c. : таб. - (Современные ресторанные технологии). - Библиогр.: с. 215.
ISBN 593679010X.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadībaGalda klāšana.
19 Viesnīcas uzņemšanas dienesta darbības vadīšana : māc. palīgmater. kursam / Starptautiskā 640.4
tūrisma augstskola. - [B.v.] : Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, [b.g.]. - [160] lpp. : tab.
Viesmīlības industrija.
20 Thombansen, Ulla. Teamgeist als Trumpf : erfolgreiche Mitarbeiterfuehrung in Hotellerie, 640.4
Gastronomie und Gemeinschafsverpflegung / Ulla Thombansen. - Frankfurt am Main :
Deutscher Fachverlag, 1993. - 286 S. : Ill. - Bibliogr.: S. 285.-286.
ISBN 3-87150-395-9.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
21 Hotellerie und Gastronomie : Arbeitsbuch fuer Studium und Praxis / Harald Dettmer (Hrsg.). 640.4
- Koeln : Wirtschaftsverlag Bachem, 2000. - 453,[1] S. : Ill. - (Tourismus ; 2).
ISBN 3-89172-377-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
22 Скобкин, С.С. Маркетинг и продажи в гостиничном бизнесе : учебно-практич. пособие 640.4
/ С.С. Скобкин ; Академия народного хозяйства при Правительстве Российской
Федерации. - Москва : Юристъ, 2001. - 222,[2] c. - (Practica). - Библиогр.: c. 221-222.
ISBN 5-7975-0373-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
23 Cousins, John. Food and beverage management / John Cousins, David Foskett, Cailein 640.4
Gillespie. - 2nd ed. - Harlow...[etc.] : Prentice Hall, 2002. - 329 p. : tab. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-582-45271-6.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAViesmīlības industrija.
24 Wine Tourism Around the World : development, management and markets / edited by 640.4
C.Michael Hall, Liz Sharples, Brock Cambourne, Niki Macionis. - Oxford ... [etc.] :
Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. - XVI, 348 p. : il., tab. - Includes bibliographical references
and indexes.
ISBN 075065466X.
Viesmīlības industrijaKonservēšanaTūrisms.
25 Knowles, Tim. Food Safety in the Hospitality Industry / Tim Knowles. - Oxford ... [etc.] : 640.4
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002. - VIII, 339 p. : tab. - Bibliogr.: p.[311]-320.
ISBN 0-7506-5349-3.
Viesmīlības industrijaHigiēnaUztura higiēnaSanitārā uzraudzība.
26 Kotler, Philip. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / Philip Kotler, John Bowen, James 640.4
Makens. - 3rd ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2003. - 893 p. : il. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-120057-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
27 Abbott, Peter. Front office : procedures, social skills, yield and management / Peter Abbot, 640.4
Sue Lewry. - 2nd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth - Heinemann, 2002. - 211 p. : tab. -
Includes index.
ISBN 0-7506-4230-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
28 Davis, Bernard. Food and beverage management / Bernard Davis, Andrew Lockwood, Sally 640.4
Stone. - 3rd ed. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth - Heinemann, 2003. - XVIII, 392 p. : tab. -
Includes references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-3286-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
29 Филипповский, Е. Е. Экономика и организация гостиничного хозяйства / Е. Е. 640.4
Филипповский, Л. В. Шмарова. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2003. - 173, [2] с. :
tab. - Описывается деятельность всех подразделений современного отеля. Дан краткий
исторический очерк развития мирового гостиничного дела. Рассмотрены вопросы
бухгалтерского учета и финансового контроля в гостиницах и ресторанах.
ISBN 5-279-02607-7.
EkonomikaViesmīlības industrija.
30 Янкевич, В.С. Маркетинг в гостиничной индустрии и туризме: российский и 640.4
международный опыт / Янкевич В. С., Безрукова Н. Л. ; под редакцией доктора
экономических наук В. С. Янкевича. - Москва : Финансы и Статистика, 2003. - 415 с. :
diagr., tab. - Bibliogr.: 413.-415. lpp. - Рассматриваются специфика маркетинга услуг
гостеприимстваб информационная база, международные и национальные туристские
организации, потребители услуг гостеприимства, сегментация рынка и продвижение
товаров и услуг гостиничной индустрии и туризма.
ISBN 5-279-02476-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Mārketings.
31 Котлер, Филип. Маркетинг. гостеприимство, туризм : второе издание, переработанное 640.4
и дополненное= Marketing for hospitality and tourism / Филип Котлер, Джон Боуэн,
Джеймс Мейкенз ; пер. с англ. В. Н. Егорова. - Москва : Юнити, 2002. - 1063 с. -
Рассматриваются основные аспекты индустрии гостеприимства. - Ориг. назв.:
Marketing for hospitality and tourism / Philip Kotler, John Bower, James Makens.
ISBN 5-238-00378-1. - ISBN 0-13-080795-8.
-- Mārketings. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
32 Franchising Hospitality Services / edited by Conrad Lashley, Alison Morrison. - Oxford ... 640.4
[etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. - XVIII, 274 p. : tab. - (Hospitality, Leisure and
Tourism). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-4772-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
33 Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management / edited by Roy C. Wood. - Oxford 640.4
... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. - X, 250 p. : tab. - (Hospitality, Leisure and
Tourism). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 075064480X.
Viesmīlības industrija.
34 In Search of Hospitality : theoretical perspectives and debates / edited by Conrad Lashley, 640.4
Alison Morrison. - Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2000. - XVIII, 300 p. : tab. -
(Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-4562-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
35 Кабушкин, Н. И. Менеджмент гостиниц и ресторанов : 3-е издание, переработанное и 640.4
дополненное : : рекомендовано Министерством общего и профессионального
образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебного пособия для студентов
высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по экономическим специальностям и
направлениям : : утверждено Министерством образования Республики Беларусь в
качестве учебника для студентов специальности "Экономика и управление социально-
культурной сферой" высших учебных заведений / Н. И. Кабушкин, Г. А. Бондаренко. -
Минск : Новое Знание, 2002. - 368 с. : zīm., graf. - (Экономическое образование). -
Bibliogr.: 364.-365. c. - Учебник-обобщающий мировой опыт управления
предприятиями гостеприимства на современном уровне. Авторы рассматривают
эволюцию, приводят классификацию гостиниц и ресторанов. Уделено внимание
вопросам урпавления персоналом, менеджмента трудовых процесов.
ISBN 985-651-695-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadība.
36 Bardi, James A. Hotel Front Office Management / James A. Bardi. - 3rd ed. - Hoboken, New 640.4
Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. - X, 434 p. : il. - Includes index.
ISBN 047101396X.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
37 Gillespie, Cailen. European Gastronomy into the 21st Century / Cailein Gillespie ; 640.4
contributing editor: John Cousins. - Oxford ...[etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2001. - XIV,
207 p. : il, tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-5267-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
38 Европейский гостиничный маркетинг / пер. Е.Ю.Драгныш ; предисл. Рене Меню. - 640.4
Москва : Финаисы и статистика, 2003. - 221, [1] с. : таб. - перевод из анг.
ISBN 5-279-02451-1.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBA -- MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu
39 Управление человеческими ресурсами в европейском гостиничном бизнесе / пер. 640.4
М.A.Баскакова ; предисл. Рене Меню. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2002. - 115, [3]
Для студентов.
ISBN 5-279-02450-3.
UZŅĒMĒJDARBĪBAViesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadība. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu
40 Пикалев, А. Как увеличить доход ресторана, бара, кафе / А.Пикалев, А.Маевская. - 640.4
Москва : РосКонсульт, 2002. - 165,[1] c.
ISBN 5-89805-029-9.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
41 Powers, Tom. Introduction to the hospitality industry / Tom Powers, Clayton W. Barrows. - 640.4
5th ed. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003. - XX, 476 p. : fot., diagr. - Includes
ISBN 0-471-35899-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
42 Semer-Purzycki, Jeanne. Travel Vision : a practical guide for the travel, turism, and 640.4
hospitality industry / Jeanne Semer-Purzycky. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2000.
- 641 p. : ill., tab., maps. - Indexes: p. 635-641.
ISBN 0-13-096089-6.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana.
43 Mill, Robert Christie. Restaurant management, customers, operations and emplyees / Robert 640.4
Christie Mill. - 2nd ed. - New Yersey : Prentice Hall, 2001. - 436 p. : photogr., tab. -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-027364-3.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadībaGalda klāšana.
44 Hotel management and operations / editor Denney G.Rutherford ; priekšv. aut. William 640.4
P.Fischer. - 3rd edition. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002. - 536 lpp. : tab. -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Saturā: hotel management.
ISBN 0-471-37052-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
45 Nebel III, Eddystone C. Managing hotels effectively : lessons from outstanding general 640.4
managers / Eddystone C. Nebel III. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1991. - 436 lpp. :
fotogr. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
Saturā: hotel management, strategic planning.
ISBN 0-471-28909-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
46 Brown, Douglas Robert. Restaurant manager's handbook : how to set up, operate and manage 640.4
a financially sucessful food service operation / Douglas Robert Brown. - 3rd revised ed. -
Ocala : Atlantic Publishing Group, 2003. - ill. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
- Pielikumā CD ar tādu pašu nosaukumu.
ISBN 0-910627-09-6.
Viesmīlības industrijaĒdināšanas uzņēmumu aprīkojumsGalda klāšana.
47 The Management of Small Tourism & Hospitality Firms / edited by Rhodri Thomas. - 640.4
London, New York : Cassell, 1998. - X, 230 p. : tab., diagr.
ISBN 0-304-70197-1.
Biznesa plānsViesmīlības industrijaMārketings. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
48 Burns, Peter M. An Introduction to Tourism & Anthropology / Peter M. Burns. - London, 640.4
New York : Routledge, 2002. - 188 p. : ill. - Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-415-18627-7.
Viesmīlības industrija.
49 Эгертон-Томас, Кристофер. Ресторанный бизнес : как открыть и успешно управлять 640.4
рестораном / Кристофер Эгертон-Томас ; пер. с англ. - Москва : РосКонсульт, 2001. -
271, [1] c. : рис.
ISBN 5-89805-039-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
50 Волков, Ю.Ф. Интерьер и оборудование гостиниц и ресторанов / Ю.Ф. Волков. - 640.4
Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2003. - 351, [1] c. : рис., таб. - (Учебники, учебные пособия).
ISBN 5-222-03165-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
51 Ляпина, И.Ю. Организация и технология гостиничного обслуживания : учебник / 640.4
И.Ю.Ляпина. - 2-е стереотипное издание. - Москва : Academa, 2002. - 208 с. : таб. -
(Профессиональное образование : подготовка служащих). - Библиография: с. [205]. -
Первое издание издано в 2001 году.
ISBN 5-7695-1179-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
52 DeFranco, Agnes L. Cost control in the hospitality industry / Agnes L.DeFranco, Pender 640.4
B.M.Noriega ; priekšv. aut. Clinton L.Rappole. - New Yersey : Prentice Hall, [2000]. - 382 p.
: tab. - Index: p. 375-382.
ISBN 0-13-575325-2.
Viesmīlības industrija.
53 Cannon, Howard. Starting your own restaurant / Howard Cannon, Brian Tarcy ; priekšv. aut. 640.4
Jennifer Kramer Williams ; ilustrator Jody Schaeffer ; cover designers Mike Freeland, Kevin
Spear. - Indianapolis : Alpha books, 2002. - XXIII, 308 p. : il., tab. - (The complete idiot's
guide). - Bibliography: p.[277] - 278.
Saturā: An insider's look at the ins and outs of the restaurant business; Essential lists and
guidelines to ensure a succesful opening day; Professional tips on managing your staff - and
your business.
ISBN 002864168.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaBiznesa plānsGalda klāšana.
54 Davis, Park. Running a bed and breakfast / Park Davis, Susannah Craig ; ilustrator Jody 640.4
Schaeffer ; cover designers Mike Freeland, Kevin Spear. - Indianapolis : Alpha books, 2001.
- XXIV, 310 p. : il., tab. - (The complete idiot's guide). - Index: p. [305]-310.
Saturā: Expert advice on the best spots to put out your welcome mat; Clever marketing
strategies that will get the word out - and bring guests in; Idiot-proof tips on how to create a
unique and thriving B&B business.
ISBN 0-02-864000-4.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
55 Alonzo, Roy S. The Upstart guide to owning and managing a bar or tavern / Roy S. Alonzo. - 640.4
New York : Upstart Publishing, 1995. - 240 p. : ill., tab. - Index: p. 237-240.
ISBN 0-936894-67-9.
MārketingsGalda klāšanaDzērieniViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu
56 Riley, Michael. Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. - 640.4
2nd ed. - Great Britain : Butterworth Helinemann, 1996. - 219 p. : tab. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-7506-2729-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
57 Kotler, Philip. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / Philip Kotler, John Bowen, James 640.4
Makens. - USA : Prentice Hall, 2003. - 893 p. : foto. - (International edition). - Includes
glossary and index.
3rd ed.
ISBN 0-13-120057-7.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
58 Sowing the seeds of change : an environmental teaching pack for the hospitality industry / 640.4
Raphael R. Kavanaugh, Jack D. Ninemeier. - Paris : EUHOFA, IH&RA, UNEP, 2001. - 218
p. : ill., tab. - Piel. CD: Keeping Hong Kong's Hotel Industry Competitive into the 21st
century : environmental management for hotels : CD-ROM : March 2000 [Elektroniskais
resurss]. - [b.v.] : [b.i.], 2000. March 2000. - CD-ROM, 1. - Nos. no CD.
ISBN 92-8072-062-7.
Viesmīlības industrijaDaba.
59 Keeping Hong Kong's Hotel Industry Competitive into the 21st century [Elektroniskais 640.4
resurss] : environmental management for hotels : : CD-ROM : : March 2000. - [b.v.] : [b.i.],
2000. - 1 CD-ROM. - CD ir piel. grāmatai: Sowing the seeds of change / Raphael R.
Kavanaugh, Jack D. Ninemeier : an environmental teaching pack for the hospitality industry.
- Paris : EUHOFA, IH&RA, UNEP, 2001. - 218 p. : ill., tab. - ISBN 92-8072-062-7. - Nos.
no CD.
March 2000.
Viesmīlības industrija.
60 Knowles, Tim. Hospitality Management : an introduction. - 2nd ed. - London : Prentice Hall, 640.4
1998. - 310 p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 058231271X.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
61 Medlik, S. The Business of Hotels / S. Medlik, H. Ingram. - 4th ed. - Oxford : Butterworth 640.4
Heinmann, 2000. - 222 p. : diagr., tab. - (Hospitality Management). - Bibliogr.: p. 209-213.
ISBN 0-7506-4115-0.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūra.
62 Mon hotel & l'environnement / dir. Philippe Francois ; [dresser un etat des lieux]. - Canejan : 640.4
BM, [b.g.]. - 50 lpp. : diagr., fotogr., il.
1. connaitre.
Viesmīlības industrija.
63 Mon hotel & l'environnement / dir. Philippe Francois ; [construire votre plan d'action 640.4
environnemental]. - Canejan : BM, [b.g.]. - 59 lpp. : diagr., fotogr., il.
2. agir.
Viesmīlības industrija.
64 Mon hotel & l'environnement / dir. Philippe Francois ; [mesurer les resultats obtenus]. - 640.4
Canejan : BM, [b.g.]. : diagr., fotogr., il.
3. evaluer.
Viesmīlības industrija.
65 Ferret, Christian. Savoirs et techniques de restourant : un savoir professionnel pour un service 640.4
de qualite. - Clichy : BPI, 1998. - 375, [1] lpp. : fotogr.,tab. - (Enseignement, Formation,
Testauration, Hotellerie). - Bibliogr.: [376.]lpp.
tome 1.
ISBN 2-85708-156-1.
Biznesa plānsGalda piederumi un rotājumiGalda klāšanaViesmīlības
industrijaMājsaimniecība. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
66 Ferret, Christian. Savoirs et techniques de restourant : organisation et technologie 640.4
professionnelles. - Clichy : BPI, 2002. - 368 lpp. : fotogr.,tab. - (Enseignement, Formation,
Testauration, Hotellerie). - Bibliogr.: 368.lpp.
tome 2.
ISBN 2-85708-338-6.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Galda piederumi un rotājumiViesmīlības
industrijaGalda klāšanaBiznesa plāns.
67 Bontoux, M.-N. Gestion hoteliere : Bac. Techno. Hotellerie / M.-N. Bontoux, F. Pierson ; 640.4
Bac. Techno. Hotelleriem, Premiere. - Clichy : BPI, 2002. - 175 lpp. : tab. - (Enseignement,
Formation, Testauration, Hotellerie : Gestion, Econimie, Droit).
ISBN 2-85708-326-2.
Viesmīlības industrija.
68 Cariou, Jean-Jacques. Gestion hoteliere / Jean-Jacques Cariou, Martine Leurion, Thierey 640.4
Lautard ; Bac. Techno. Hotellerie, Terminale. - Clichy : BPI, 2001. - 192 lpp. : tab. -
(Enseignement, Formation, Testauration, Hotellerie : Gestion, Econimie, Droit).
ISBN 2-85708-325-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
69 Cariou, Jean-Jacques. Gestion hoteliere / Jean-Jacques Cariou, Martine Leurion, Thierey 640.4
Lautard ; Bac. Techno. Hotellerie, Terminale. - Clichy : BPI, 2003. - 67 lpp. : tab. -
(Enseignement, Formation, Testauration, Hotellerie : Gestion, Econimie, Droit).
ISBN 2-85708-383-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
70 Culture & connaissance culinarie / red. Jean Pierre Chevalier. - Clichy : BPI, 2002. - 110 lpp. 640.4
: fotogr., il., tab.
ISBN 285708305X.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūra.
71 Czapiewski, Genevieve. Bienvenue dans le monde de l'hebergement / CAP-BEP 1re annee ; 640.4
Genevieve Czapiewski, Marie-Claude Lefer, Francois Mainot. - Clichy : BPI, 1998. - 125
lpp. : il., tab. - (Enseignement, Formation, Hotellerie, Restauration).
Version Professeur.
ISBN 2-85708-187-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
72 Czapiewski, Genevieve. Bienvenue dans le monde de l'hebergement / CAP-BEP 1re annee ; 640.4
Genevieve Czapiewski, Marie-Claude Lefer, Francois Mainot. - Clichy : BPI, 1998. - 173
lpp. : il., tab. - (Enseignement, Formation, Hotellerie, Restauration).
Version Eleve.
ISBN 2-85708-199-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
73 Hartbrot, Michel. Accueillir heberger communiquer / Michel Hartbrot, Bruno Leproust ; 640.4
BAC Techno Hotellerie Premiere. - Clichy : BPI, 2001. - 112 lpp. : il., tab. - (Enseignement,
Formation, Restauration, Hotellerie : Gestion, Econimie, Droit).
. Version Professuer.
ISBN 2-85708-290-8.
PsiholoģijaViesmīlības industrijaGalda klāšana.
74 Hartbrot, Michel. Accueillir heberger communiquer / Michel Hartbrot, Bruno Leproust ; 640.4
BAC Techno Hotellerie Premiere. - Clichy : BPI, 2001. - 112 lpp. : il., tab. - (Enseignement,
Formation, Restauration, Hotellerie : Gestion, Econimie, Droit).
. Version eleve.
ISBN 2-85708-291-6.
PsiholoģijaViesmīlības industrijaGalda klāšana.
75 Shortt, Vincent C. How to open and successfully operate a country inn / C. Vincent Shortt. - 640.4
Stockbridge, MA : Berkshire House Publishers, 1993. - xi, 227 p. : ill. - Index: p. 223-226.
ISBN 0-936399-41-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
76 The International hospitality industry : structure, characteristics and issues / editor Bob 640.4
Brotherton. - Oxford : Butterworth - Heinemann, [2003]. - XIV, 236 p. : tab. - (Hospitality
management). - Includes bibliogr. references and index.
ISBN 0-7506-5295-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
77 Syratt, Gwenda. Manual of Travel Agency Practice / Gwenda Syratt, Jane Archer. - 3rd ed. - 640.4
Oxford ... [etc.] : Butterworth Heinemann, 2003. - XII, 227, [1] p. : il., tab., diagr. - Index: p.
ISBN 0-7506-5689-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošana.
78 Food tourism around the world : development, management and markets / edited by C. 640.4
Michael Hall, Liz Sharples, Richard Mitchell ... [etc.]. - Oxford : Butterworth Heinemann,
2003. - XVI, 373 p. : tab. - Bibliogr.: p. [336]-369.
ISBN 0-7506-5503-8.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
79 Katz, Jeff B. Restaurant planning, design, and construction : a survival manual for owners, 640.4
operators, and developers / Jeff B. Katz. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1997. - XI, 247 p.
: ill. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-13698-0.
Stratēģiskais menedžmentsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
80 Ismail, Ahmed. Front office operations and management / Ahmed Ismail. - Canada : 640.4
Thomson Delmar, 2001. - XIII, 355 P. : ill., tab. - Index: p. 349-355.
ISBN 0-7668-2343-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
81 Martin, Robert J. Professional management of housekeeping operations / Robert J. Martin. - 640.4
3rd ed. - New York : Wiley, 1998. - XVI, 510 p. : ill. - Index: p. [503]-510.
ISBN 0-471-19862-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
82 Ritenis, Akselis. Latvijas restorānu gids / Akselis Ritenis. - Rīga : Connoisseur, 2004. - 188 640.4
lpp. : il. - Indeksi: 186.-188. - "2004" uz vāka.
ISBN 9984-97350-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
83 Марвин, Билл. Маркетинг ресторана : как привлечь клиента и удержать в вашем 640.4
ресторане : : how to increase restaurant sales without breacking your budget= Guest-based
marketing / Билл Марвин. - Москва : Издательство Жигульского, 2002. - 205, [1] с. : ил.,
таб. - (Современные ресторанные технологии).
ISBN 5-936790-16-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
84 Бары и рестораны : техники обслуживания / пер. с англ. М. Вю Павлова. - Ростов-на- 640.4
Дону : Феникс, 2002. - 351 с. : ил. - (Хит сезона).
ISBN 5-222-02146-7.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda klāšanaPārtika.
85 Труханович, Л.В. Кадры ресторанов, закусочных, столовых, баров, кафе : сборник 640.4
должностных и производственных инструкций, квалификационных характеристик /
Л.В. Труханович, А.К. Рюмина. - Москва : Финпресс, 2003. - 190 с.
ISBN 5-8001-0032-2.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaDarba
86 Axler, Bruce. Food and beverage service / Bruce Axler, Carol Litrides. - New York ... [etc.] : 640.4
Wiley, 1990. - XVI, 222 p. : ill., tab. - (Wiley Professional Restaurateur Guides). - Index: p.
ISBN 0-471-62176-5.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūraDzērieni.
87 Fullen, Sharon. Controlling restaurant & food service labor costs : [365 insider secrets 640.4
revealed] / Sharon Fullen. - Florida : Atlantic Publishing Group, 2003. - 144 p. : tab. - (The
food service professional guide to ; 7). - Index: p. 143-144.
ISBN 0-910627-17-7.
Viesmīlības industrija.
88 Baskett, Mickey. Charming guest rooms : decorations sekrets from Country Inns / Mickey 640.4
Baskett, Phyllis Mueller. - New York : Sterling Pub., 2003. - 128 p. : fotogr. - Index: p. 128.
ISBN 0-8069-6883-4.
Viesmīlības industrija. Interjers. Noformēšana.
89 Kasavana, Michael L. Managing front office operations / Michael L.Kasavana, Richard 640.4
M.Brooks. - 6th ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Lodging
Association, 2001. - XVI, 601 p. : tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-225-7.
Viesmīlības industrija.
90 Hayes, David K. Hotel operations management / David K. Hayes, Jack D. Ninemeier. - 640.4
Upper Saddle River : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. - xvi, 496 p. : ill. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 0-13-099598-3.
Viesmīlības industrija.
91 Скобкин, С.С. Маркетинг и продажи в гостиничном бизнесе : учебно-практич. пособие 640.4
/ С.С. Скобкин ; Aкадемия народного хозяйства при Правительстве Российской
Федерации. - Москва : Экономисть, 2003. - 222,[2] c. - (Practica). - Библиогр.: c. 221-222.
ISBN 5-9811805-6-0.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMĀRKETINGS.
92 Kotler, Philip. Marketing places : attracting investment, industry, and tourism to cities, states, 640.4
and nations / Philip Kotler, Donald H. Haider, Irving Rein. - New York ... [etc.] : Free Press,
1993. - vii, 388 p. : il., tab. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 074323636x.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
93 Developing hospitalities properties and facilities / ed. by Josef Ransley, Hadyn Ingram. - 640.4
Oxford : Elsevier, 2004. - xxv, 321 p. : ill., tab. - Include index.
ISBN 0-7506-5982-3.
Viesmīlības industrija.
94 Stipanuk, David M. Hospitality facilities management and design / David M.Stipanuk. - 2nd 640.4
ed. - Michigan : Educational Institute, 2002. - xiii, 595 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-191-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
95 Aгамирова, Е.В. Управление персоналом в туризме и гостинично-ресторанном бизнесе 640.4
: практикум / Е.В. Aгамирова. - Москва : Издательско-торговая корпорация "Дашков и
Ко", 2006. - 173 [1] с. : диагр., табл.
ISBN 5-947986-05-1.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadība.
96 Райли, М. Управление персоналом в гостеприимстве : учебник для студентов вузов / 640.4
М.Райли ; пер. c англ. - Москва : UNITY, 2005. - 189, [2] с. : диагр., схем., табл. -
(Зарубежный учебник). - Библиогр.: с. [191]. - Oриг. назв.: Managing People: A Guide for
Managers in the Hotel and Catering Industry /Michael Riley. - Oxford : Butterworth
Heinemann, 2000.
ISBN 5-238-00873-2.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaPersonālvadība.
97 Restorānu ceļvedis : biznesa klase : : laikraksta "Dienas Bizness" pielikums. - Rīga : 640.4
Izdevniecība "Dienas Bizness, SIA ", 2006. - 80 lpp. : il.
Viesmīlības industrijaKulinārija. 2
98 Žvals, Ruta. Viesmīlības pamati / Ruta Žvals. - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2006. - 174 640.4
lpp. : ill. - (Viesmīlības un tūrisma bibliotēka ; 16). - Bibliogr.: 170.-172. lpp.
ISBN 9984-7667-6-4.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda klāšanaPsiholoģija.
99 Kuliša, Irēna. Restorānu bizness: no idejas līdz realitātei : iesācējiem uzņēmējdarbībā : : 640.4
[mācību līdzeklis] / Irēna Kuliša ; Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola. - Rīga :
Informācijas sistēmu menedžmenta augstskola, 2005. - 174 lpp. : il. tab., diagr., sh. - Ietver
ISBN 998498480x.
Viesmīlības industrijaMĀRKETINGS. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
100 Handbook of Consumer Behavior, Tourism, and the Internet : co-published simultaneously 640.4
as Journal of travel & tourism marketing, volume 17, number 2/3, 2004 / editors Juline E.
Mills, Rob Law. - Binghamton, NY : The Haworth Hospitality Press, 2004. - xvi, 314 p. : ill.,
tab., diagr., sh. - Bibliogr. katras nod. beigās.
ISBN 078902599X.
Viesmīlības industrijaCeļošanaTūrisma ekonomikaMārketingsInternets.
101 Current Issues and Development in Hospitality and Tourism Satisfaction / edited by John 640.4
A.Williams, Muzaffer Uysal. - New York : The Haworth Hospitality Press ; London ;
Victoria, 2004. - 205 p. : sh. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7890-2434-9.
Viesmīlības industrijaTūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
102 Hospitality, Tourism, and Lifestyle Concepts: Implications for Quality Management and 640.4
Customer Satisfaction / edited by Maree Thyne, Eric Laws. - New York : The Haworth
Hospitality Press ; London ; Victoria, 2004. - 244 p. : ill., diagr. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 0-7890-2755-0.
Viesmīlības industrijaTūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
103 Tourism Forecasting and Marketing / edited by Kevin K.F.Wong, Haiyan Song. - New York 640.4
: The Haworth Hospitality Press ; London ; Oxford, 2003. - 150 p. : graf. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7890-2087-4.
Viesmīlības industrijaTūrisma ekonomikaTūrismsMārketings.
104 Viesnīcu un restorānu vadības rokasgrāmata. - Rīga : Dienas bizness-SIA, 2006. - [Dalīta 640.4
pagin.] : il., diagr. - Izdots mapes formā.
Viesmīlības industrija. 2
105 Rooms Management Manual : Front Office-version 7.11. - b.v. : b.izd., 1999. - 42 p. : ill. - 640.4
(Micros Fidelio : Fidelio Suite ; 7). - kopēts materiāls.
Viesmīlības industrijaProgrammatūra. 1
106 Cashiering Manual : Front Office-version 7.11. - b.g. : b.izd., 1999. - 175 p. : ill. - (Micros 640.4
Fidelio : Fidelio Suite ; 7). - kopēts materiāls.
Viesmīlības industrijaProgrammatūra. 1
107 Reservations Manual : Front Office-version 7.11. - b.izd. : b.g., 1999. - 278 p. : ill. - (Micros 640.4
Fidelio : Fidelio Suite ; 7). - kopēts materiāls.
Viesmīlības industrijaProgrammatūra. 1
108 Front Desk Manual : Front Office-version 7.11. - b.izd. : b.v., 1999. - 82 p. : ill. - (Micros 640.4
Fidelio : Fidelio Suite ; 7). - kopēts materiāls.
Viesmīlības industrijaProgrammatūra. 1
109 Rokasgrāmata ēdināšanas uzņēmumu vadītājiem / sastād. Ingrīda Millere. - Jelgava : LLU, 640.4
2007. - 175 lpp. : tab., diagr. - Projektu līdzfinansē Eiropas Savienība.
Uzņēmumu vadībaViesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūraFinansu menedžments. 7
110 Edvardsa-Džounsa, Imodžena. Viesnīca Babylon : mācību līdzeklis studiju kursa apgūšanai / 640.4
Imodžena Edvardsa-Džounsa, Anonīmais ; no angļu val. tulk. Ieva Zālīte. - Rīga : Biznesa
augstskola Turība, 2008. - 264 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-8281-4-5.
Viesmīlības industrija. viesnīcas.
111 Understanding the global spa industry : spa management / ed. Marc Cohen, Gerard Bodeker. 640.4
- Burlington : Elsevier, 2008. - xxvi, 466 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8464-4.
112 Casado, Matt A. Housekeeping management / Matt A. Casado. - USA : John Wiley & Sons, 640.4
Inc, 2000. - xiv, 290 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-25189-5.
Viesmīlības industrijaviesnīcasMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
113 Smith, Melanie. Health and wellness tourism / Melanie Smith, Laszlo Puczko. - Oxford : 640.4
Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009. - xv, 400 p.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8343-2.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija.
114 Morris, Karen, 1950-. Hotel, restaurant, and travel law : a preventive approach / Karen L. 640.4
Morris, Norman G. Cournoyer, Anthony G. Marshall. - 7th ed. - Clifton Park, NY : Thomson
Delmar Learning, c2008. - xxiv, 744 p. : forms ; 25 cm. - Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-418-05191-4 (hbk.).
115 Clarke, Alan. International hospitality management : concepts and cases / Clarke and Chen. - 640.4
1st ed. - Amsterdam : Elsevier ; Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. - 382 lpp. : il. - Ietver
bibliogr.: [355].-368. lpp. un rād. : [369].-382. lpp.
ISBN 978-0-7506-6675-6.
Viesmīlības industrija. viesnīcas.
116 Shoemaker, Stowe. Marketing leadership in hospitality and tourism : strategies and tactics for 640.4
competitive advantage / Stowe Shoemaker, Robert C. Lewis, Peter C. Yesawich. - 4th ed. -
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson, c2007. - xxv, 662 p. : col. ill., maps + CD-ROM. -
Includes bibliographical references and indexes. - Lewis's name appears first on the earlier
ISBN 0-13-118240-4.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija.
117 Panzer, Eva-Maria. Public Relations im Tourismus / Eva-Maria Panzer. - Zurich : Orell 640.4
Fussli Verlag, 2007. - 137 S.
ISBN 978-3-280-05247-1.
Tūrisms. Sabiedriskās attiecības. Viesmīlības industrija.
118 Lundberg, Craig C. The hospitality case manual : developing competencies in critical 640.4
thinking and practical action / Craig C. Lundberg, Cheri A. Young. - Upper Saddle River,
N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2009. - x, 278 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 978-0-13-112089-1. - ISBN 0-13-112089-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
119 Hotel management and operations / edited by Denney G. Rutherford, Michael J. O'Fallon. - 640.4
4th ed. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2007. - xviii, 478 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-471-47065-1 (pbk.). - ISBN 978-0-471-47065-6.
viesnīcas. Viesmīlības industrija.
120 Kotler, Philip. Marketing for hospitality and tourism / Philip Kotler, John T. Bowen, James 640.4
C. Makens. - 4th ed. - Upper Saddle River, NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006. - xxiv, 932 p. :
col. ill. ; 26 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-201773-3. - ISBN 978-0-13-201773-2.
Viesmīlības industrija. Tūrisms.
121 Jones, Thomas J. A. Professional management of housekeeping operations / Thomas J.A. 640.4
Jones. - 5th ed. - Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2008. - ix, 477 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-471-76244-7.
Mājsaimniecība. Viesmīlības industrija.
122 Ninemeier, Jack D. Discovering hospitality and tourism : the world's greatest industry / Jack 640.4
D. Ninemeier, Joe Perdue. - 2nd ed. - Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall,
c2008. - xxiv, 680 p. : ill. (chiefly col.) ; 29 cm. - Includes bibliographical references and
index. - Rev. ed. of: Hospitality operations: careers in the world's greatest industry, c2005.
ISBN 0-13-159199-1. - ISBN 978-0-13-159199-8.
Ekonomiskā un sociālā ģeogrāfija -- TūrismsViesmīlības industrijaTūrisma ekonomika.
123 Kilkenny, Shannon, 1955-. The complete guide to successful event planning / Shannon 640.4
Kilkenny. - Ocala, Florida : Atlantic Pub. Group, 2006. - 312 p. : ill. ; 23 cm + 1 CD-ROM (4
3/4 in.). - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-910627-92-4 (alk. paper). - ISBN 0-910627-92-4 (alk. paper).
Viesmīlības industrija -- Pasākumu organizēšana.
124 McCabe, Scott. Marketing communications in tourism & hospitality : concepts, strategies and 640.4
cases / Scott McCabe. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2009. - xx, 300 p. : ill. - Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-7506-8277-0.
Mārketings. Viesmīlības industrija.
125 Тимохина, Татьяна Леопольдовна. Организация административно-хозяйственной 640.4
службы гостиницы / Татьяна Леопольдовна Тимохина. - Москва : ИД "Форум", 2009. -
254, [2] c. - ([ Высшее образование]). - Библиогр. [251] c.
ISBN 978-5-8199-0340-7.
126 Shoemaker, Stowe. Marketing essentials in hospility and tourism foundations and practices : 640.4
foundations and practices / Stowe Shoemaker, Margaret Shaw. - New Jersey : Pearson
Education, Inc., 2008. - xxv, 611 : ill. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-13-170827-9.
Tūrisms. Viesmīlības industrija. Mārketings.
127 Skaramanga, V. Фирменный стиль в гостеприимстве : учебное пособие / В.П. 640.4
Скараманга. - Москва : Финансы и статистика, 2007. - 186, [1] с. : табл. ; 21 см. -
Библиогр.: с. 183-[185]. - В надзаг.: Российская международная академия туризма.
ISBN 978-5-279-03087-3.
Reklāma - Viesmīlības industrija - Mācību līdzekļi. Restorāni - Dizains - Mācību līdzekļi.
Viesmīlības industrija - Mācību līdzekļi. Viesnīcas - Dizains - Mācību līdzekļi.
128 Lewis, Robert C. Marketing Leadership in Hospitality : foundations and practices / Robert 640.4
C.Lewis, Richard E.Chambers, Harsha E.Chacko. - 2nd ed. - USA : Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1995. - 844, [14] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-442-01888-6.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
129 Parker, Ken. How to Buy & Run a Small Hotel : a complete guide to profitable investment 640.4
and management. - Great Britain : How To Books, 1992. - 206, [2] p. - (How To...). -
Includes bibligraphy and index.
ISBN 1-85703-050-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
130 Knowles, Tim. Hospitality Management : an introduction. - 2nd ed. - Great Britain : 640.4
Longman, 1998. - 310 p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 058231271X.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
131 Kemp, Katherine. Leisure and Tourism : Intermediate GNVQ Optional Units / Katherine 640.4
Kemp, Stephen Pearson. - Great Britain : Longman, 1996. - 180 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-582-29217-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
132 The International Hospitality Industry : organizational and operational issues / edited by 640.4
Peter Jones and Abraham Pizam. - Great Britain : Longman, 1995. - 243, [1] p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 05822941134.
Viesmīlības industrija.
133 Hoffman, K. Douglas. Essentials of Services Marketing / K. Douglas Hoffman, John E.G. 640.4
Bateson ; ed.: Bill Schoof, Dona Hightower, Michele Tomiak. - USA : The Dryden Press,
1997. - 505 p. : ill., tabl. - Index: p.499-505.
ISBN 0-03-015217-8.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
134 Lewis, Robert C. Cases in Hospitality Strategy and Policy. - New York etc. : John Wiley & 640.4
Sons, Inc., 1998. - 424 p. : ill., diagr., tab. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-24012-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
135 Drummond, Denise. Purchasing and Costing for the Hospitality Industry / Denise 640.4
Drummond. - Great Britain : Hodder & Stoughton, 1998. - V, 186 p. : tab. - Index: p.184-186.
ISBN 0-340-68833-5.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
136 Jones, Ursula. Hotel and Catering Studies. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1992. - 234 p. : 640.4
ill. - Index: p.233-234.
ISBN 0-340-52749-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
137 Roberts, John. Marketing for the Hospitality Industry. - London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1993. 640.4
- 224 p. : ill.
ISBN 0-340-57185-3.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
138 Hope, Christine. Service Operations Management : strategy, design and delivery / Christine 640.4
Hope, Alan Muehlemann. - London etc. : Prentice Hall, 1997. - 352 p. : diagr., tab. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-149915-7.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
139 Reid, Robert D. Hospitality Marketing Management. - 2nd ed. - New York : Van Nostrand 640.4
Reinhold, 1989. - XI, 339 p. : tab. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-442-27848-9.
MārketingsMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
140 Abbey, James R. Hospitality Sales and Marketing. - 3rd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1998. - XIV, 564 p. : ill., tab. - Index:
ISBN 0-86612-175-7.
Viesmīlības industrija.
141 Hart, Christopher W.L. Strategic Hotel/Motel Marketing / Christopher W.L.Hart, David 640.4
A.Troy. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1996.
- XIV, 422 p. : ill., tab. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-86612-111-0.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
142 Kasavana, Michael L. Front Office Procedures / Michael L.Kasavana, Richard M.Brooks. - 640.4
5th ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1998. -
XVI, 511 p. : ill. - Index: p.463-478.
ISBN 0-86612-180-3.
Viesmīlības industrija.
143 Kappa, Margaret M. Housekeeping Management / Margaret M.Kappa, Aleta Nitschke, 640.4
Patricia B.Schappert. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel &
Motel Association, 1997. - XIV, 488 p. : ill., tab. - Index: p.485-488.
ISBN 0-86612-156-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
144 Schmidgall, Raymond S. Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry. - 4th ed. - 640.4
USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1997. - XVI,
446 p. : tab. - Index: p.441-446.
ISBN 0-86612-150-1.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
145 Котлер, Филип. Маркетинг. Гостеприимство, туризм : учебник для вузов / Филип 640.4
Котлер, Джон Боуэн, Джеймс Мейкенз ; пер. с англ. под ред. Р.Б.Ноздревой ; пер. с
англ. Н.Н.Михайлова, Р.Б.Ноздревой, Е.И.Лившиц ; гл. ред. Н.Д.Эриашвили. - Москва :
Юнити, 1998. - 763 c. - Ориг. назв.: Marketing for hospitality and tourism / Philip Kotler,
John Bower, James Makens.
ISBN 5-238-00018-9 (в пер.).
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
146 Hospitality and Tourism Law / Mark Poustie, Jenifer Ross, Norman Geddes, William 640.4
Stewart. - Great Britain : International Thomson Business Press, 1999. - 312 p. - (Tourism
and Hospitality Management Series). - Select bibliogr.: p. 304-306.
ISBN 1-86152-181-2.
Starptautiskās tiesībasViesmīlības industrija.
147 Wood, Roy C. Working in Hotels and Catering. - 2nd ed. - Great Britain : International 640.4
Thomson Business Press, 1997. - 236 p. - (Tourism and Hospitality Management Series). -
References: p. 209-225.
ISBN 1-86152-181-2.
Viesmīlības industrija.
148 Ketterer, Manfred. How to Manage a Successful Catering Business. - 2nd edition. - USA : 640.4
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1991. - 327, [1] p. - Index: p. 319 - 327.
ISBN 0-471-28420-3.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda klāšana.
149 Boella, M.J. Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry. - Great Britain : 640.4
Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd., 1996. - 336 p. - Includes index.
6th ed.
ISBN 0-7487-3356-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
150 Odgers, Peter. Purchasing Costing and Control for Hotel and Catering Operations. - Great 640.4
Britain : Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd., 1990. - 262 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-7487-0324-1.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
151 Oрганизация общественного питания : справочник / рец. З.Колченко ; сост. 640.4
Т.Баранова. - Изд. 2-ое, перераб. и доп. - Москва : Росагропромиздат, 1988. - 368 с.
Ražošanas procesa organizācija -- Nozaru vārdnīcasViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments
(Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
152 Toporovskis, I. Patērētāju kooperācijas sabiedriskās ēdināšanas uzņēmumu organizācija : 640.4
māc. grām. kooperatīvo tehnikumu audzēkņiem / I.Toporovskis, A.Vanukevičs,
B.Vinokurovs. - Rīga : Zvaigzne, 1970. - 183 lpp.
Viesmīlības industrija.
153 Marketing in Travel and Tourism. - B.v. : b.i., 1992. - 52, [1] p. - (Education for tourism 640.4
teachers from the Baltic states). - Bibliogr.: p. 49-52.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). 25
154 Rothery, Brian. Standards in the Services Industry. - USA : Gower, 1997. - [176] p. - 640.4
Includes index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-566-07837-6.
StandartiViesmīlības industrija.
155 Fridgen, Joseph D. Tourism and the Hospitality Industry. - USA : The Educational Institute 640.4
of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1996. - 368 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-049-1. - ISBN 0-86612-123-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
156 Kavanaugh, Raphael R. Hospitality Supervision / Raphael R. Kavanaugh, Jack D. Ninemeier. 640.4
- 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association,
1995. - [316] p. - Includes index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-86612-052-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
157 Service Management Seminar / prepared by Lena Larsson. - S.l., s.a. - 46 p. - References: 640.4
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
158 Techotel : ienākumi un profesionālais gandarījums : : ievads. - Rīga : b.i., b.g. - [30] lpp. 640.4
Techotel attīsta, tirgo, nodrošina apmācību un sniedz servisu viesnīcām, kas vēlas palielināt
ienākumus, vienkāršot savu darbu un gūt lielāku prieku no sava darba.
Viesmīlības industrija.
159 Tides of Change : the Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education : : annual 640.4
conference proceedings, August 6-9, 1997. - USA : Thomas Food Industry Register, 1997. -
251, [1] p. - Includes references.
Viesmīlības industrija.
160 Kāds būs jūsu brīvdienu mājas piedāvātais tips? : materiāls sagatavots pēc Somijā 640.4
pieņemtajiem standartiem. - Rīga : Lauku Ceļotājs, [b.g.]. - [26] lpp. 1
161 Vocational Preparation and Training, I : guidelines to cert certification scheme hotel, 640.4
catering and tourism component. - [S.l.] : S.I., 1991. - 31 p.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
162 Classification System for Hotels in Ireland. - [Ireland] : Irish Tourist Board, [s.a.]. - 29 p. - 640.4
Oriģ. izd. kopija.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
163 Hospitality Studies : teachers' support booklet. - [S.l.] : CERT ; The State Tourism Training 640.4
Agency, 1990. - 89 p. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
PsiholoģijaViesmīlības industrija. 1
164 Certificate in Irish Home Hospitality : lesson plans / National Tourism Certification Board. - 640.4
Dublin : CERT, 1993.
Viesmīlības industrija. 1
165 The Service Profit Chain in the Hospitality Industry; Critical Relationships among 640.4
Customers, Profits and Employees : EuroCHRIE-IAHMS autumn conference proceedings, 6-
8 November 1996. - Leeuwarden, The Netherlands : Hotel Management School, 1996. -
Includes references.
Viesmīlības industrija.
166 Hotel Management and Operations / edited by Denney G. Rutherford. - 2nd ed. - USA : Van 640.4
Nostrand Reinhold, 1995. - 462 p. - Includes references and index. - Oriģ. izd. kopija.
ISBN 0-442-01496-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
167 Messenger, Sally. Hospitality Management : case study assignments / Sally Messenger, 640.4
Humphrey Shaw. - Great Britain : MacMillan, 1991. - 160 p.
ISBN 033354683.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
168 Woods, Robert H. Human Resources Management. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1997. - 414 p. - Includes references and
ISBN 0-86612-152-8.
Darba ekonomikaViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
169 Abbey, James R. Hospitality Sales and Marketing. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1996. - 697, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-115-3.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
170 Kappa, Margaret M. Housekeeping Management / Margaret M.Kappa, Aleta Nitschke, 640.4
Patricia B.Schappert. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1995. - XIV, 432 p. : ill., tab. - Index: p.423-428.
ISBN 0-86612-126-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
171 Kavanaugh, Raphael R. Hospitality Supervision / Raphael R. Kavanaugh, Jack D. Ninemeier. 640.4
- 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association,
1995. - 316 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 086612117X.
Viesmīlības industrija.
172 Woods, Robert H. Managing for Quality in the Hospitality Industry / Robert H.Woods, Judy 640.4
Z.King. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1996.
- 440 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-094-7.
Kvalitātes menedžmentsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
173 Drummond, Karen Eich. Human Resource Management for the Hospitality Industry. - New 640.4
York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990. - 343, [1] p. - Includes references and index.
ISBN 0-442-31859-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
174 Kotler, Philip. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / Philip Kotler, John Bowen, James 640.4
Makens. - USA : Prentice Hall, 1996. - 704 p. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-13-395625-3.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
175 Merricks, Paul. The Management of Catering Operations / Paul Merricks, Peter Jones. - 640.4
London etc. : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1986. - 171, [1] p. - (Holt Hotel & Catering). -
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-03-910684-5.
176 Strategic Hospitality Management : theory and practice for the 1990s / edited by Richard 640.4
Teare and Andrew Boer. - London : Cassell, 1996. - 225, [3] p. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 030432535X.
Viesmīlības industrija.
177 Pannett, Alan. Principles of Hospitality Law / Alan Pannett, Michael Boella. - 4th ed. - 640.4
London : Cassell, 1996. - 400 p. - Includes indexes.
ISBN 0-304-33575-4. 1
178 Managing Projects in Hospitality Organizations / edited by Richard Teare, with Debra 640.4
Adams and Sally Messenger. - London : Cassell, 1993. - 325, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISBN 0-304-32505-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
179 Ninemeier, Jack D. Food and Beverage Management. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1995. - 374 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-119-6.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūra.
180 Cote, Raymond. Understanding Hospitality Accounting. - 3rd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1995. - 402 p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-093-9.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
181 Heaton, Vernon. Run Your Own Pub. - London : J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd., 1973. - 112 p. - 640.4
Includes index.
ISBN 0-460-07891-7.
Viesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
182 Davis, Bernard. Food and Beverage Management / Bernard Davis, Sally Stone. - 2nd ed. - 640.4
Great Britain : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992. - 362 p. - Includes bibliographical references
and index.
ISBN 0-7506-0010-1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
183 Гостиничный и туристический бизнес / под ред. A.Д.Чудновского. - Москва : Тандем ; 640.4
Экмос, 1998. - 352 с.
ISBN 588124014Х.
Viesmīlības industrija.
184 Aграновский, Евгений. Oрганизация производства в общественном питании : учеб. 640.4
пособие для средних специальных учебных заведений / Е.Aргановский, М.Aносова,
Р.Лифанова. - Москва : Экономика, 1990. - 254 с. - (Техникум. Общественное питание).
ISBN 5-282-00249-3.
Ražošanas procesa organizācijaViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
185 Бутейкис, Нина. Oрганизация производства предприятий общественного питания : 640.4
учеб. для проф.-техн. училищ. - Изд. 3-е, перераб. и доп. - Москва : Высшая школа,
1990. - 128 с.
ISBN 5-06-000956-4.
Ražošanas procesa organizācijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrija.
186 Gee, Chuck Y. International Hotel Management. - USA : The Educational Institute of the 640.4
American Hotel & Motel Association, 1994. - 514 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references
and index.
ISBN 0-86612-081-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
187 Angelo, Rocco M. Hospitality Today : an introduction / Rocco M.Angelo, Andrew 640.4
N.Vladimir. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1994. - 518 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-074-2.
Viesmīlības industrija. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
188 Cichy, Ronald F. Quality Sanitation Management. - USA : The Educational Institute of the 640.4
American Hotel & Motel Association, 1994. - 448 p. : il. - Includes bibliographical references
and index.
ISBN 086612084X.
Viesmīlības industrijaHigiēna.
189 Redlin, Michael H. Managing Hospitality Engineering Systems / Michael H.Redlin, David 640.4
M.Stipanuk. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association,
1987. - 271, [1] p. - Includes references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-037-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
190 Aulbach, Robert E. Energy and Water Resource Management / contributing author: George 640.4
R.Conrade. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1988. - 258 p. : il. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-039-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
191 Coltman, Michael M. Cost Control for the Hospitality Industry. - 2nd ed. - New York : Van 640.4
Nostrand Reinhold, 1989. - 371, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-442-20591-0.
Viesmīlības industrija.
192 Ninemeier, Jack D. Planning and Control for Food and Beverage Operations / contributing 640.4
author: Michael L.Kasavana. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American
Hotel & Motel Association, 1986. - 395, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-029-7.
Viesmīlības industrijaPārtika.
193 Uniform System of Accounts and Expense Dictionary for Small Hotels, Motels, and Motor 640.4
Hotels. - 4th ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1987. - 182 p.
ISBN 0-86612-030-0.
GRĀMATVEDĪBAViesmīlības industrija.
194 Rey, Anthony M. Managing Service in Food and Beverage Operations / Anthony M.Rey, 640.4
Ferdinand Wieland ; contributing author: Jack D.Ninemeier. - USA : The Educational
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1985. - 391, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-023-8.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūra.
195 Forrest, Lewis C. Training for the Hospitality Industry. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1990. - 370 p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-044-0.
Viesmīlības industrijaIzglītība.
196 Ellis, Raymond C. Security and Loss Prevention Management / The Security Committee of 640.4
the American Hotel & Motel Association. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American
Hotel & Motel Association, 1986. - 281, [1] p. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-86612-028-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
197 Shriver, Stephen J. Managing Quality Services. - USA : The Educational Institute of the 640.4
American Hotel & Motel Association, 1988. - 296 p.
ISBN 0-86612-040-8.
Viesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
198 Hotel Investments : issues and perspectives / edited by Lori E.Raleigh, Rachel J.Roginsky. - 640.4
USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1995. - 268 p. -
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-86612-088-2.
Viesmīlības industrija.
199 Kasavana, Michael L. Front Office Procedures / Michael L.Kasavana, Richard M.Brooks. - 640.4
4th ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1995. -
489, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-085-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
200 Schmidgall, Raymond S. Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry. - 3rd ed. - 640.4
USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1995. - XX,
508 p. : tab. - Index: p.503-505.
ISBN 0-86612-087-4.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
201 Малышков, Владимир. Арендный подряд в общественном питании : вопросы и ответы 640.4
/ В.Малышков, В.Воронин. - Москва : Экономика, 1991. - 80 с.
ISBN 5-282-00926-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
202 Плошай, И.В. Oрганизация, техника и управление предприятиями общественного 640.4
питания : учеб. пособие для бухгалтерских отделений техникумов / И.В.Плошай,
Г.Г.Хлебникова. - 2-е изд., перераб. и дополн. - Москва : Экономика, 1980. - 256 с.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
203 Управление общественным питанием : учеб. для стутендов вузов, обуч. по 640.4
специальности 1011 "Технология и организация общественного питания" /
Ю.Васильев, В.Пысин, В.Карсекин...[и др.]. - Москва : Экономика, 1989. - 191 с.
ISBN 5-282-00018-0.
Ražošanas procesa organizācijaViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
204 Oрганизация производства и управление предприятиями общественного питания : 640.4
учеб. для технол. отделений техникумов общественного питания и сов. торговли /
М.Aносова, Т.Бобарыкина, Л.Кучер, Р.Лифанова. - Москва : Экономика, 1980. - 263 с.
Ražošanas procesa organizācijaViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
205 Hoyle, Leonard H. Managing Conventions and Group Business / Leonard H.Hoyle, David 640.4
C.Dorf, Thomas J.A.Jones. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1989. - 349, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-042-4.
MārketingsViesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
206 Schmidgall, Raymond S. Hospitality Industry Financial Accounting / Raymond 640.4
S.Schmidgall, James W.Damitio. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel &
Motel Association, 1994. - 497, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-072-6.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
207 Convention Sales : A Book of Readings / edited by Margaret Shaw. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1990. - 247, [1] p. - Includes
bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-86612-056-4.
Viesmīlības industrija.
208 Kotschevar, Lendal H. Managing Bar and Beverage Operations / Lendal H.Kotschevar, Mary 640.4
L.Tanke. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association,
1991. - 505, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-059-9.
Viesmīlības industrijaGalda kultūraDzērieni.
209 Abbey, James R. Hospitality Sales and Advertising. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1993. - 664 p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 086612070X.
REKLĀMAViesmīlības industrijaMārketings. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
210 Woods, Robert H. Managing Hospitality Human Resources. - USA : The Educational 640.4
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1992. - 441, [1] p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-068-8.
Viesmīlības industrija.
211 Steadmon, Charles E. Managing Front Office Operations / Charles E.Steadmon, Michael 640.4
L.Kasavana. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1988. - 314 p. - Includes bibliographies and index.
ISBN 0-86612-041-6.
Viesmīlības industrija.
212 Ninemeier, Jack D. Management of Food and Beverage Operations. - 2nd ed. - USA : The 640.4
Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1991. - 370 p. - Includes
index. - Rev. ed. of: Principles of food and beverage operations. 1984.
ISBN 0-86612-057-2.
Viesmīlības industrijaPārtika.
213 Andrew, William P. Financial Management for the Hospitality Industry / William P.Andrew, 640.4
Raymond S.Schmidgall ; contributing author: James W.Damitio. - USA : The Educational
Institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association, 1993. - 472 p. - Includes
bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-86612-051-3.
Viesmīlības industrija.
214 Kappa, Margaret M. Managing Housekeeping Operations / Margaret M.Kappa, Aleta 640.4
Nitschke, Patricia B.Schappert. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel &
Motel Association, 1990. - 333, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-047-5.
Viesmīlības industrija.
215 Stipanuk, David M. Hospitality Facilities Management and Design / David M.Stipanuk, 640.4
Harold Roffmann. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1992. - 491, [1] p. - Includes index.
ISBN 0-86612-046-7.
Viesmīlības industrija.
216 Cote, Raymond. Understanding Hospitality Accounting / contributing author: Raymond 640.4
S.Schmidgall. - 2nd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American Hotel & Motel
Association, 1991. - 403, [1] p. - Includes indexes.
ISBN 0-86612-063-7.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrija.
217 Lattin, Gerald W. The Lodging and Food Service Industry / contributing authors: James 640.4
E.Lattin and Thomas W.Lattin. - 3rd ed. - USA : The Educational Institute of the American
Hotel & Motel Association, 1993. - 423, [1] p. - Includes bibliographical references and
ISBN 0-86612-071-8.
GrāmatvedībaViesmīlības industrijaMārketings. Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
218 Словарь работника общественного питания / Л.Басков, С.Бороздин, Л.Казакова...[и 640.4
др.]. - Москва : Экономика, 1988. - 205 с. - (A/Я. Экономика). - Aлфавитно-предметный
указатель: с.198-205.
ISBN 5-282-00572-7.
Viesmīlības industrija -- Nozaru vārdnīcas.
219 Справочник работника общественного питания / сост. В.Антонова, Т.Зыкова, 640.4
Е.Приданцева. - Москва : Экономика, 1989. - 295 с. - (Потребительская кооперация).
ISBN 5-282-00695-2.
Viesmīlības industrija -- Nozaru vārdnīcas.
220 Vallen, Jerome J. Check In - Check Out : Principles of Effective Front Office Management. - 640.4
3rd ed. - Dubuque, Iowa : Wm.C.Brown Publishers, 1985. - XVI, 432 p. : il., photos. -
Includes bibliography and index.
ISBN 0-697-08240-7.
Viesmīlības industrijaMenedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība).
221 Viesnīcas uzņemšanas dienesta darbības vadīšana : māc. palīgmater. kursam : : māc. 640.4
palīgmater. kursam / Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola. Viesnīcu saimniecisko dienestu
darbības organizācija. - [B.v.] : Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, [b.g.]. - [176, 62] lpp. : tab.
Viesmīlības industrija.
222 Viesnīcu saimniecisko dienestu darbības organizācija : māc. palīgmater. kursam : : māc. 640.4
palīgmater. kursam / Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola. Viesnīcas uzņemšanas dienesta
darbības vadīšana. - [B.v.] : Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, [b.g.]. - [63, 160] lpp. : tab.
Viesmīlības industrija.
223 Новоженов, Юрий. Профессия-повар : [научно-популярное издание]. - Москва : 640.4
Экономика, 1989. - 142 с.
ISBN 5-282-00600-6.
Viesmīlības industrijaHigiēnaUztura higiēna.
224 Туризм, гостеприимство, сервис : словарь-справочник / Г.A.Aванесова, 640.4(03)
Л.П.Воронкова, В.И.Маслов, А.И.Фролов ; ред. Л.П.Воронкова. - Москва : Aспект
Пресс, 2002. - 365,[3] c. - Библиогр.: с. [367].
ISBN 5-7567-0266-0.
Viesmīlības industrija -- Nozaru vārdnīcas.
225 Metz, Reinhold. Hotel & Gast / Reinhold Metz, Hermann Gruener, Thomas Kessler. - 10. 640.4(03)
Auflage. - Haan-Gruiten : Pfanneberg, 2005. - 624 S. : Ill. - (Fachwissen Hotel, Restaurant,
ISBN 3-8057-0548-4.
rba drošībaMārketingsReklāmaSabiedriskās attiecībasDiētiskie ēdieni. 1
226 Metz, Reinhold. Fachkraft & Gast / Reinhold Metz, Hermann Gruener, Thomas Kessler. - 7. 640.4(03)
Auflage. - Haan-Gruiten : Pfanneberg, 2005. - 532 S. : Ill. - (Fachwissen Hotel, Restaurant,
ISBN 3-8057-0550-6.
Viesmīlības industrijaPārtikas produktu prečzinībaĒdināšanas uzņēmumu aprīkojumsĒdienu
garnēšanaDzērieniGalda kultūraGalda piederumi un rotājumiUztura higiēnaSanitārā
uzraudzībaDarba drošība. MārketingsReklāmaSabiedriskās attiecībasĒdienu
gatavošanaDiētiskie ēdieni.
227 The international dictionary of event management : over 3500 administration, coordination, 640.4(03)
marketing, and risk management terms from around the world / Joe Goldblatt, Kathleen S.
Nelson, editors. - 2nd ed. - New York : Wiley, 2001. - xix, 279 p. ; 24 cm. - (The Wiley
event management series). - "Approved by The International Special Events Society
ISBN 047139453X (cloth : alk. paper).
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība). Tūrisma menedžments. Viesmīlības industrija. 3
228 Chaves, Luis G. Incentives, Meetings and Conventions : lecture conspects / Luis G. Chaves. - 640.4(07)
Rīga : Starptautiskā tūrisma augstskola, 1998. - [Bez pagin.]. - [Dažādu palīgmateriālu
Part 1.
Viesmīlības industrija.
229 Скобкин, С.С. Маркетинг и продажи в гостиничном бизнесе : учебно-практич. пособие 640.4(07)
/ С.С. Скобкин ; Академия народного хозяйства при Правительстве Российской
Федерации. - Москва : Юристъ, 2001. - 222,[2] c. - (Practica). - Библиогр.: c. 221-222.
ISBN 5-7975-0373-5.
Menedžments (Uzņēmumu pārvaldība)Viesmīlības industrijaMārketings.
230 Ван Дер Ваген, Линн. Гостиничный бизнес / Линн Ван Дер Ваген ; [пер. с англ.]. - 640.4(07)
Ростов-на-Дону : Феникс, 2001. - 411,[1] c. : таб., схемы. - (Учебное пособие).
ISBN 5-222-01741-9.
Viesmīlības industrija.
231 Уокер, Джон Р. Введение в гостеприимство : учебник / Джон Р.Уокер ; пер. c англ. 640.4(07)
Н.Н.Михайлова ; гл. ред. Н.Д.Эриашвили. - Москва : Издательское обьединение
"Юнити", 1999 (ГУП ИПК "Ульяновский Дом печати"). - 463 с. : ил. - Ориг. назв.:
Introduction to Hospitality / John R.Walker.
ISBN 5-238-00006-5 (в пер.).
Viesmīlības industrijaDzērieniTūrisms.
232 640.4(07)
Saee, John. Managerial competence within the hospitality and tourism
service industries : global cultural contextual analysis / John Saee. - 1st ed. - New
York : Routledge, 2006. - xiv, 266 p. - (Routledge advances in management and
business studies). 2
Kopā: 1513
1. EBSCO http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/selectdb?vid=1&hid=104&sid=875c399a-e63e-
2. Emerald, bet maz un ne visi no šiem žurnāliem ir pieejami.
Journals > Tourism and Hospitality
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 Journal
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 1750-6182 Journal
International Journal of Event and Festival Management 1758-2954 Journal
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 1757-9880 Journal
Tourism Review 1660-5373 Journal
Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes 1755-4217 Journal

3. TurismaBizness.lv - palīgs tūrisma profesionāļiem (nozares ziņas, ziņu arhīvs, profesionālā

informācija). http://www.eiropa.lv/
4. http://www.csb.gov.lv/ - Latvijas statistika
5. LURSOFT- uzņēmumu datubāze, ziņas un precīzi dati tai skaita arī par viesnīcām.
6. http://www.news.lv/ - Lursoft laikrakstu bibliotēka ir apjomīgs Latvijas laikrakstu
publikāciju krājums Internetā.
7. http://www.springerlink.com/home/main.mpx - daļēji pieejams, tikai tie raksti, kas atzīmēti
ar zaļo kvadrātu.

1. Geo LAT
2. Tūrisms (Pieejams tikai elektroniski)

1. Annals of Tourism Research (Pergamon- Elsevier)
2. International Journal of Hospitality Management
3. Journal of Travel Research (Sage publications)
4. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing- Routledge
5. National Geographic (angļu val.)
6. National Geographic Traveler
7. Tourism Management
8. Travel & Leisure

1. National Geographic (RUS)
2. Вокруг Света

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