Mork Borg PDF 1 8
Mork Borg PDF 1 8
Mork Borg PDF 1 8
Pelle Nilsson
Graphic design and art
Johan Nohr
and dead people
Man? Woman?
Lost souls all.
d6 d8 Name
1 1 Aerg-Tval
d10 occult treasures
2 Agn
3 Arvant 1. Ash-grey ring a finger- 7. This torch burns for an
4 Belsum width wide. All that passes immortal hour. Hold it and
5 Belum through is obliterated. live. You can lose limbs and
6 Brint 2. The keening music of this enter negative HP but won’t
7 Börda small, vile flute animates die unless you drop the
8 Daeru a fetus-sized meat golem in torch or it burns out.
a nearby corpse. 8. Silver bird cage slays
2 1 Eldar whatever is placed behind
2 Felban HP 5 Morale - No armor
Bite d4, immune to Powers. its bars, slowly, over one
3 Gotven long night. That which is
4 Graft 3. A note explains: one taste killed reanimates twice
5 Grin from this Famine Spoon means as strong, as a raging
6 Grittr death from slow starvation. uncontrollable undead.
7 Haerü 4. The image of a being in this 9. Black Crown of the Crippled
8 Hargha malevolently-accurate mirror King. Wearing this crooks
shows only the shameful your body as you become
3 1 Harmug truth of their soul. aware that you and every
2 Jotna 5. Vampiric phurba. Heals you creature within 100 yards
3 Karg as it harms your target (d3), gain +10 to your rolls but
4 Karva but beware: after stealing your maximum HP is halved.
5 Katla a total of 6 HP, test Rolls modified to go above
6 Keftar Presence DR14 or become 20 count as crits. The
7 Klort addicted—you must then worn crown can only be
8 Kratar test Presence DR12 daily. removed in the pale light
Fail and you must stab of a full moon.
4 1 Kutz someone with the knife 10. Anyone wearing this ancient
2 Kvetin before next sunrise. blindfold becomes invisible
3 Lygan Or wither to ash and die to those who breathe though
4 Margar as the sun rises. the undead attack them
5 Merkari 6.
A black pearl. If dropped obsessively and nearby
6 Nagl in darkness it rolls towards corpses awaken in moaning,
7 Niduk the nearest exit to day. unholy wrath.
8 Nifehl
5 1 Prügl
2 Qillnach
3 Risten
Traps and Devilry d12 Weather d12
6 Therg 1. Well dressed corpse, booby trapped 1. Lifeless grey
7 Torvul 2. Wall-holes shoot poisonous arrows 2. Hammering rain
8 Törn 3. Bells and marbles on the floor 3. Piercing wind
4. Scorpion-filled basket poised to fall 4. Deafening storm
6 1 Urm 5. Fish hooks hanging at eye level 5. Black as night
2 Urvarg 6. Chest marked with explosive runes 6. Dead quiet
3 Vagal 7. Lock trapped with vial of poison gas 7. Cloudburst
4 Vatan 8. Jewel removal leads to roof collapse 8. Soup-thick mist
5 Von 9. Slanted floor, translucent oil, pit 9. Crackling frost
6 Vrakh 10. Snake-cages on collapsing ceiling tiles 10. Irritating drizzle
7 Vresi 11. Evil urns release cold ghosts 11. Roaring thunder
8 Wemut 12. Coins coated in grime and poison 12. Gravelike cold
Corpse plundering d66
11-16: The remains of something worthless crumbles in your hands.
21. P ot filled with extremely 41. M ap to a place 51. B
lack Kergüs
potent itching ointment. that cannot dagger. 2d4 damage.
22. Necklace of human teeth. possibly exist.
23. B ag of angry, venomous moths. 52. Labelled poison
Test Toughness DR6 or die. 42. Unmarked bottle bottle. Test
with a liquid that T
oughness DR12
24. Pocket full of broken glass,
shifts between red or lower random
PC takes d2 damage.
and green. ability by d4.
25. Mad manifesto. If read,
43. Bond. A local The ability can
test Presence DR12 or lose
potentate owes be increased when
1 Presence permanently
the holder a your character is
from confusion.
sizable amount. improved.
26. Key to nearby locked door.
Stolen. 44. Death mask of 53. Scalp with long
31. Map to a weak but wealthy one of the PCs. black hair.
family’s house. 45. The ‘Water of 54. Golden ball with
Life.’ Heals d8. an invisible seam,
32. A hopeless amount of spiders.
Test Toughness twists open.
33. Metal cylinder with gunpowder
DR10 or go blind. 55. Bloodstained
and fuse. Roll a d6. 1–2 you
Highly alcoholic. knuckle-duster.
lose a hand. 3–6 3d10 damage
wherever it lands. 46. There was something 56. Two weighted dice.
very wrong with
34. Known and liked/despised
this one. Hands
witch-hunter’s face. Flayed. 61-66:
covered with
The result
ote with PC’s names.
35. N something lukewarm,
in silver.
One is crossed out. brown and acidic.
36. T
ortured pixie Take d2+1 damage
with torn-off and smell terrible
wings and gouged for d4 days.
out eyes.
PLAYTESTING Adrian Madden, Christian Sahlén, Dan Algstrand,
Elin Hedström, Felix Dester Hultgren, Gunnar Landqvist,
Karl Stjernberg, Markus Linderum, Nina Åkesson, Simon Perstrand,
Stefan Hedström and Tobias Tarnvik-Laesker.