BCH 218-Proteins Structure and Function 1

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Objectives of this course

Without peptide bonds joining together chains of amino acids to create
large organic compounds called proteins, it would be impossible for
humans to function. Explore the structure of proteins and how they function
as enzymes to trigger molecular reactions and some of the many other
functions of proteins in the human body.

Proteins and Peptide Bonds

Proteins are something that we've heard
about because they're an important part of
our diet. If we look at this nutrition label for
macaroni-and-cheese, we can see that, in
addition to containing several grams of
carbohydrates and fats, there also contain Diagram of a peptide bond

proteins. Proteins are large biological molecules that are made of amino
acids that are joined together by peptide bonds. To form proteins, many
amino acids come together by dehydration to form peptide bonds, which is
a bond between the carbonyl group of amino acid and the amino group
nitrogen of another amino acid. Peptide bonds are incredibly strong and
help proteins stay together to perform their jobs.
Proteins as Structure
Proteins can be used to provide structure. One example is a protein called
keratin. Keratin is a protein that's found in our hair, skin and nails. Keratin
proteins come together and form filaments, which are long strands
intertwined. If you think of a thick rope, which consists of many different
smaller pieces of rope, it's made stronger by the fact that all of these
different pieces are twined together, and that's exactly the case with keratin.
Keratin is hydrophobic and insoluble in water; this fear of water is part of
why keratin is so strong. The different strands of keratin proteins are very
attracted to one another and less so to the outside environment, which
helps them stay together.

Another important structural protein is collagen. It's an important

component of connective tissue, which is found in tendons and ligaments.
Again, it's very important for the structure that we find in our bodies.

Magnified image of the protein keratin

Another important role that proteins can play is they act as enzymes, which
can make chemical reactions happen in our bodies. The way that they make
chemical reactions happen is that they decrease the activation barrier to
make a reaction happen. So, to see what I mean by an activation barrier,
let's say your alarm goes off, but you really don't want to get out of your
bed. It's really cold outside of your bed and that increases the activation
barrier to your getting out of bed, or the amount of 'oomph' to get yourself
out of bed. In the case of chemical reactions, we're talking about the
amount of energy required to make that chemical reaction happen. By
decreasing the activation barrier, enzymes make a chemical reaction more
likely to occur. That would be akin to someone brewing you a nice hot cup
of coffee or maybe putting down a nice warm rug for when you get out of
bed. Maybe that would decrease your resistance to getting out of bed.
Now, enzymes can make chemical reaction happens, which are really
important for many areas of our body. One example outside of our body
that you may have heard of is called lactaid. This pill contains enzymes that
can help people digest lactose sugars. This is really important for some
people who can't digest lactose, since it saves them from indigestion. By
breaking down these lactose sugars, these enzymes help peoples' stomachs
feel better.

Other Protein Functions

Another important function of proteins is that
they allow for movement. Two of the most
important proteins that are involved in
movement are actin and myosin. Actin is highly
involved in cell motility and mobility. It's also
important for our muscles contract so that we can move or walk. Myosins - I
say myosins because there are many different versions of this protein - are a
motor protein and are also really important for making our muscles

Proteins can also transport things throughout our body. An example of this
is hemoglobin, which is a protein that carries oxygen from our lungs to
tissues throughout our bodies.

Lipoproteins are proteins that can transport multiple fat molecules

throughout our blood.

Proteins are also able to act as messengers(hormones), taking messages

from one part of our body to another.

Human growth hormone is released by the pituitary gland

One example of this is insulin, which is a protein that's able to lower our
blood sugar. When it's released from our pancreas by other signals, it sends
signals to our cells to take in more glucose, which decreases our blood
sugar. Human growth hormone is another protein that can act as
messenger. After it's released from the pituitary gland, it can travel around
our bodies, bringing the messages to grow or reproduce to other cells.

Yet another role that proteins can play is that they can protect us.
Antibodies are proteins that can recognize and attach to foreign molecules
in our bodies. Whether it's a cold virus that we've already had before and
that the antibodies recognize or a pollen that we're allergic to and the
antibodies try to attack that, antibodies are proteins that try to protect us.

Finally, proteins are really important because they're able to regulate genes
and other proteins. Sometimes they do this by cutting other proteins and
activating them, or they can be transcription factors which bind DNA and
decide whether they can be turned on or turned on.

Lesson Summary
-Proteins are large biological molecules that are made of amino acids and
joined together by peptide bonds.
-Peptide bonds are the bonds between the carbonyl carbon of one amino
acid and the amino nitrogen of another amino acid.
-Proteins are important because they can store energy, provide structure,
act as enzymes to make reactions happen, allow for movement, transport
things, act as messengers, protect us from invaders and regulate genes and
other proteins.

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