Final Chap 5

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This chapter presents the results, the analysis and interpretation of data gathered

from the answers to the questionnaires distributed to the field. The said data were

presented in tabular form in accordance with the specific questions posited on the

statement of the problem.

Profile of the Respondents

Table 1 Age of Respondents
Age Male Female Total
f % f % f %
20 – 25 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
26 – 30 9 36% 4 16% 13 52%
31 – 35 12 48% 14 56% 26 104%
36 and above 4 16% 7 28% 11 44%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 1 shows that out of 25 male respondents, the age of 31 – 35, has

the highest frequency and percentage distribution of 12 or 48 percent while out of 25

female respondents, 31 -35 age has the highest frequency of 14 or 56 percent. Both

male and female belong to the age of 31 – 35 with the highest frequency of 26 and the

greatest percentage of 104 percent. However, the lowest age on male fell on frequency

of 4 or 16 percent, while in the female is 26 – 30 with the lowest frequency of 4 or 16

percent. This means that the age of the ukay – ukay business owners are in 31 – 35

years old. This shows that most of the business owners are ages 31 – 35 who are

already experience and knowledgeable on the business.

(Houser, 2016), Age has a big impact in selling second-hand clothing, it also use

clothing brands to emblematically demonstrate the world their identity and

characteristics also as what they’d like to be depicted as. They consider clothing to be

vital for making first impressions, partner with others that wear similar clothing, and they

concur that apart about an individual by taking a gander at what they are wearing. Age

differences in cognitive and affective processes, as well as changes in goals, have

important theoretical and practical implications for how decisions are made and how

they can be improved. Age brings changes to people's lifestyle and with it, their needs

and personal values are also affected (Choudhary, 2017).

Table 2 Civil status of the Respondents

Civil Status Male Female Total
F % F % F %
Single 6 24% 3 12% 9 36%
Married 12 48% 14 56% 26 104%
Widow/er 1 4% 6 24% 7 28%
Separated 6 24% 2 8% 8 32%

Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 2 presents the frequency and percentage distribution of the

respondents civil status. It shows that the both male and female are married

representing the 104% of the total population. The lowest percentage of the civil status

of male respondents is widow/er which is 4 percent in male and 8 percent for female

that are separated. Results indicated that married business owners got the highest

percentage because they need to work hard to sustain the daily needs of the family.
Villa (2013) stated that, married got the highest percentage of business

owners because they are more productive to make money and they have a partner who

pushed them.

Table 3 Educational Attainment of the Respondents

Educational attainment Male Female Total
F % F % F %
Elementary 9 36% 3 12% 12 48%
Secondary 14 56% 19 76% 33 132%
Tertiary 2 8% 3 12% 5 20%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 3 shows that out of 25 male respondents, the educational

attainment is secondary, has the highest frequency and percentage distribution of 14 or

56 percent while out of 25 female respondents, secondary has the highest frequency

of 19 or 76 percent. Both male and female belong to the secondary with the highest

frequency of 33 and the greatest percentage of 132 percent. However, the lowest

educational attainment on male fell on frequency of 2 or 8 percent, while in the female is

3 or 12 percent with the lowest frequency of 5 or 20 percent. The results indicated that

most of the business owners are high school.

Table 4 Socio Economic Status of the Respondents

Socio economic status Male Female Total
f % f % f %
Lower level 1 4% 0 0% 1 4%
Middle level 24 96% 25 100% 49 196%
Upper level 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%
Figure 4 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of socio

economic status of the respondents. Both male and female has a highest frequency in

socio economic status which is middle level of 49 or 196 percent. The lowest socio

economic status of both male and female is lower level with 1 or 4 percent. The result

indicated that both male and female has the highest income socio economic status that

will resulted to middle level.

Table 5 Number of children of the Respondents

Number of children Male Female Total
f % f % f %
0 6 24% 7 28% 13 56%
1–2 6 24% 9 36% 15 60%
3–4 5 20% 8 32% 13 52%
5–6 5 20% 1 4% 6 24%
7 and above 2 8% 0 0% 2 8%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 5 shows the frequency and percentage of number of children of the

respondents. It can be seen in the table that the highest percentage of 60 percent by

male and female who have 1-2 children while the respondents, who have 7 and above

children has the lowest percentage of 8 percent.

Table 6 Source of Income of the Respondents

Number of children Male Female Total
f % f % f %
0 4 16% 6 24% 10 40%
Other business 14 56% 11 44% 25 100%
Other job 7 28% 8 32% 15 60%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 6 shows that the male respondents have obtained the highest
frequency of 14 and percentage of 56, while female have attained a frequency of 11 and
percentage of 44. The lowest frequency and percebtage of male other source of income
is none which is 4 or 16 percent, while in female is 6 or 24 percent is without other job
or business. It is interesting to note that the respondents are eager to create other
business to sustain the daily needs of the family.

Table 7 Income level of the respondents

Income level Male Female Total
f % f % f %
2, 000 – 5, 000 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
6, 000 – 10, 000 10 40% 15 60% 25 100%
11, 000 and above 15 60% 10 40% 25 100%
Total 25 100% 25 100% 50 200%

Figure 7 shows the income level of the respondents. The highest frequency and

percentage in male income level is 11, 000 and above with 15 or 60 percent, while in

female highest income level is 6,000 – 10, 000 with 15 or 60 percent. The lowest

income level of male is 6, 000 – 10, 000 with 10 or 40 percent, in the female which is

the lowest income level is 11, 000 and above with 10 or 40 percent.

Posadas (2013) stated that the “ukay-ukay” businesses were established with a

minimum capitalization of Php 30,000 to Php 50,000 and are run by few staff – two to

four. Supplies are dominantly coming from Japan and Korea. The estimated monthly

gross income range from Php 11,000 and above. The choice of this kind of business
emanated from the hobby or interest, the simplicity of its operations and it’s earning


Factors affecting ukay-ukay

The below table established the mean and descriptive rating of factors affecting

ukay-ukay of business owners as rated by male and female respondents.

Table 8 Mean and descriptive rating of sales in affecting ukay-ukay of

business owners as rated by male and female respondents

4 3 2 1 Mean

Sales Always Often Sometimes Never

Managing of sales 25 10 14 1 3.18

Price of other sellers 12 20 11 7 2.74

Sell affordable and good quality 24 14 10 0 3.16

In this figure, shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in sales

that always observed in managing sales is 25 respondents, the highest scale in sales

that often observed in price of other seller is 20 respondents, and the highest scale in

sales that sometimes observed in managing sales is 14 and the highest scale in sales

that never observed in price of other sellers is 7 respondents.

According to Völckner & Sattler (2005), Price has also high influence on the

purchase intention of second-hand products. Therefore, it is recommended that seller of

the second-hand products should follow a proper pricing strategy so a customer would
able to afford it. He also needs to keep in mind that the high price also reduces the

possibility of selling the products.

Table 9 Mean and descriptive rating of profit in affecting ukay-ukay

of business owners as rated by male and female respondents

Profit 4 3 2 1 Mean

Always Often Sometimes Never

Effects of unsellable goods 27 12 4 7 3.18

Schedule to sell 12 24 9 4 2.84

Effect of discounted price to the 12 16 12 9 2.58


In this figure, shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in sales that

always observed in effect of unsellable goods is 27 respondents, the highest scale in

sales that often observed in Schedule to sell is 24 respondents, and the highest scale in

sales that sometimes observed in effect of discounted price to the profit is 12 and the

highest scale in sales that never observed in effect of discounted price to the profit is 9


According to Biana (2020) The ukay-ukay profits through low prices and relative

quality. The perceived value of the products is attached to the “signatureness” of the

commodities. What may be lacking is the proper promotion of the pieces of clothing

considering its heritage and history.

Table 10 Mean and descriptive rating of products in affecting ukay-ukay of

business owners as rated by male and female respondents

Products 4 3 2 1 Mean

Always Often Sometimes Never

Selected items or mixed 21 22 7 0 3.28

Items that have brand 20 25 5 0 3.3

Get product in local area 18 21 8 4 3.1

In this figure, shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in sales that always observed in

selected items or mixed is 21 respondents, the highest scale in sales that often observed in items that

have brand is 25 respondents, and the highest scale in sales that sometimes observed is to get product

in local area is 8 and the highest scale in sales that never observed to get product in local

area is 4 respondents.

Consumers believe that a good brand image provides them security in terms of

the quality and durability of the products they choose. The power of brand has a

massive influence on customers' preferences, (Haskins, 2015)

Strategies Implemented of ukay-ukay business owners

Table 11 Mean and descriptive rating of purchasing goods

Purchasing of goods 5 4 3 2 1

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Mean

Agree Disagree

Give discounts to the 33 9 4 2 1 4.34


Consider your price 23 20 6 0 0 4.26


Purchase goods 25 15 7 2 1 4.22

according to the needs

The data shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in

purchasing goods that strongly agree to give discounts to the customer is 33

respondents, the highest scale in purchasing goods that agree in considering the price

reasonable is 20 respondents, and the highest scale in purchasing goods that observed

neutral to purchase goods according to the needs is 7and the highest scale in

purchasing the goods that strongly disagree is both giving discounts to the customer

and purchase goods according to the needs is 2, the scales that is disagree observed

is both giving discounts to the customer and purchase goods according to the needs is

1 respondent.
Table 12 Mean and descriptive rating of entertaining customer

Entertaining customer 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree


Entertain customer 31 17 2 0 0 4.58

Attract customers 27 23 2 0 0 4.66

Flowering words 23 14 7 3 1 3.98

The data shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in entertaining

customer that strongly agree to entertain customer is 31 respondents, the highest scale

in entertaining customer that agree in attract customers is 23 respondents, and the

highest scale in entertaining customer that observed neutral in flowering words is 3 and

the highest scale in entertaining customer that strongly disagree is the used of flowering

words is 3, the scales that is disagree observed is the used of flowering words which is


(Wang et al., 2019), said that beginning with economic objectives, a fashion

company must strive for company profitability, which includes “price, quality, promotion,

management quality and service systems”. Fashion products being sold should be of

high quality alongside other added values such as customer service in order for

consumers to perceive sustained profitability.

Table 13 Mean and descriptive rating of Customer preference

Customer preference 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree


Consider the trend 14 28 4 1 3 3.98

Quality of goods 24 21 4 1 0 4.36

Met the preference 24 23 3 0 0 4.42

The data shows that out of 50 respondents, the highest scale in customer

preference that strongly agree to the quality of goods and met the preference is 24 with

the highest mean of 4.42, the highest scale in customer preference that agree in

considering the trend is 28 respondents or 3.98 mean, and the highest scale in

customer preference that observed neutral are both consider the trend and quality of

goods is 4 with the highest mean of 4.36. The highest scale in customer preference are

both that strongly disagree are consider the trend and quality of goods is 1, the scales

that is disagree observed is considering the trend which is 3 respondents.

Bamidele, (2016), Consumer preferences and tastes are key factors affecting

consumer purchase decisions. Due to the rapid changes in society and technology,

customer preferences change from time to time. The increasing demand for second-

hand items, especially clothes, is changing the consumption patterns among consumers

through the commencement of new purchasing possibilities.

Table 14 the summary of factors affecting ukay-ukay and strategies implemented

by business owners.


Variables X DR

Managing of sales 3.18 Often

Price of other sellers 2.74 Often

Sell affordable and good quality 3.16 Often

Effects of unsellable goods 3.18 Often

Schedule to sell 2.84 Often

Effect of discounted price to the profit 2.58 Often

Selected items or mixed 3.28 Often

Items that have brand 3.3 Often

Get product in local area 3.1 Often

Give discounts to the customer 4.34 Agree

Consider your price reasonable 4.26 Agree

Purchase goods according to the needs 4.22 Agree

Entertain customer 4.58 Strongly Agree

Attract customers 4.66 Strongly agree

Flowering words 3.98 Agree

Consider the trend 3.98 Agree

Quality of goods 4.36 Agree

Met the preference 4.42 Agree

Total 3.68 Agree

The findings mean that the highest mean is 4.66 described as strongly agree it is

the quality of the product that attract customers to buy, while the lowest mean is 2.58

described as often and if there is an effect of the discounted price to the profit. The total

mean is 3.68 described as Agree.

According to the study of Garovillas (2009), Ukay-ukay nowadays is fashionable

with durable material for those with relatively low incomes. Even the items are second-

hand; consumers may still prefer them because they feel like winners after a successful

bargain hunt. Products are relatively homogenous with the new garments and

accessories. Some are looking for the important element which is the brand name that

is attached to the goods. Its signature or label brings the image that the product is

expensive, although some are just imitations. Wide array of choices helps them choose

new styles that can't be seen in any department stores, For sure one do not want to

walk along downtown then suddenly seeing someone wearing the same clothes she/he

is wearing. This makes ukay-ukay products unique from the others.


This chapter reveals the summary and findings of the study, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the data gathered


The researcher used the descriptive method specifically quantitative type of

research of the Determinants in Affecting ukay – ukay (thrifted clothes) of Business

owners under new normal in Barangay New Isabela Tcurong City. Gathering data

involves collections of quantitative information that can be tabulated along a continuum

in numerical form. There were 50 respondents from different owners of different ukay –

ukay shops in Barangay New Isabela Tacurong City.

Findings The following are the findings of the study:

1. When business owners were analyzed by profile, it showed that most of the

owners are married with the income bracket of 11, 000 and above and 6, 000 – 10, 000

in terms of age, most are in their early thirties.

2. The relative importance of the following attributes of preferences i second-

hand clothing in terms of its indicator which is the first one is consider the trends that

has a mean score of 3.98 which described as agree, followed by met the preference

that has the highest mean score of 4.42 which described as strongly agree, and lastly

the quality of goods with 4.36 mean which describe as strongly agree over-all mean of

3.68 which describe as agree.

3. In the level of customer preferences for second-hand clothing or Ukay-Ukay

have a relationship when it comes to age and monthly income of owners. Moreover, the

relative importance between products and the attributes of customer preference in

buying second-hand clothing measured by the following factors: sales, profit, products,

purchasing of goods, entertainment customers and customers preference.


Based on the foregoing findings, most of business owners were analyzed by

profile, it showed that most of the owners are married with the income bracket of 11,

000 and above and 6, 000 – 10, 000 in terms of age, most are in their early thirties. In

the level of customer preferences for second-hand clothing or Ukay-Ukay have a

relationship when it comes to age and monthly income of business owners in New

Isabela Tacurong City. Moreover, the relative importance between products and the

attributes of customer preference in buying second-hand clothing measured by the

following factors: sales, profit, products, purchasing of goods, entertainment customers

and customers preference.


Based on the results of the study, the following matters are highly


1. Products that the owners sell the effects of unsellable goods that are need to

think a strategies or ideas to help in income of to all Ukay-Ukay Business owners.

2. The study recommends that other owners give discounts to their customers

that one of the strategies of Ukay-Ukay business owners. If all of your customers you

gave a discount it's possible that have effect in your everyday income. There are a lot of

strategies that you can do to boost customers and profit in any type of businesses.

3. In selling clothes, it is not important to consider if it is have a

brand, but the important is that suited the preferences of the consumer, the
researchers recommend that in purchasing clothes first consider the quality and

second identify if it's worth it that can satisfy the needs and wants of a consumer.

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