Aonla Assignment (Priyam)

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: FSC-602



Dr. Himadri Shekhar Datta Priyam Nandini Baruah

Assistant Professor Ph.D (Agri.), 1st Year, 2nd Semester
College of Horticulture Roll no. 2021-ADJ-52 (ii)
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13 Department of Horticulture
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat-13

1. Introduction 1
2. Nutritional Composition of aonla 1-2
3. Botanical description 3
4. Geographical distribution 3-4
5. Production status of aonla 4
6. Soil and Climate 4-5
7. Varieties 5-7
8. Propagation and raising Rootstock 8-9
9. Planting System 9-10
10. Nutrition 10-11
11. Irrigation 11
12. Orchard Management 11-13
13. Orchard floor Management 13-14
14. Flowering and fruit growth 14-15
15. Recent advances of invitro propagation of aonla 16-17
16. Post harvest management 17
17. Quality Improvement 17-18
18. Pest and Disease Management 18-20
Bibliography 21-22


Common name: Aonla or Indian gooseberry

Scientific name: Emblica officinalis Gaetrn

Family: Euphorbiaceae
Chromosome no.: 2n= 28 and wide variation from 2n= 98 to 104
Aonla is one of the most important minor fruits of Indian origin,
which predicted to be the ‘fruit of 21st century’ even though existed from time immemorial. It is also
called as ‘Indian gooseberry’, ‘amla’, ‘nelli’, ‘amlaki’, ‘amali’, ‘ambala’ and ‘amalakamu’ in different
parts of India. This species is indigenous to tropical South-Eastern Asia precisely the Central and
Southern India. The crop is seen in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and China. In India aonla is being cultivated on
commercial scale in northern parts comprising Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. As an
indigenous fruit, it has extensive adaptability to grow in diverse climatic and soil conditions ranging
from western and eastern Himalayas, Arawali, Vindhyan to southern hills. It is said to be the very first
tree that originated on earth, as claimed by age-old Indian mythology.

2. Nutrional composition of aonla: It is one of the richest sources of vitamin C among cultivated
fruits except Barbados cherry. The pulp of fresh fruit contains 200–900 mg/100 g of vitamin C and as
dehydrated aonla pulp retains as much as 1,699.09 mg/100 g of vitamin C on dry weight basis. Aonla is
one of the richest sources of vitamin C and of polyphenols, and these polyphenols are considered to
have a high medicinal value.

Table no. 1: Physio-chemical characteristic of fruit

Physical Characteristics Chemical Characteristics

Characters Average value Characters Average value
Fruit Weight (g) 33.59 TSS (%) 10
Stone (%) 8.8 Acidity (%) 2.25
Pulp (%) 91.2 Ascorbic acid
Fruit Size (mg/100g)
Length (cm) 3.19 Reducing sugars
Width (cm) 3.19 (%)
Fruit Shape Spherical Non-reducing sugar
Source: Patra and Samal,2018 Total sugars (%) 4.83
Total phenols

Table 2: Nutritional value of aonla per 100 gram of fruit.

Nutrients Percentage
Calories 60
Moisture 81.2%
Fibre 3.4%
Protein 0.4g
Fat 0.5g
Carbohydrate 14g
Vitamin B1(Thiamine) 28mcg
Vitamin B2(Niacin) 0.4mg
Vitamin C 720mg
Nicotinic acid 0.2mg
Calcium 15mg
Iron 1mg
Phosphrous 21mg
(Source: Patra and Samal, 2018)

The gallic acid is present in aonla fruits. Fruits are usually are with hard pulp and astringent and
not fit fresh but are extensively used for making pickles and preserves. This tree contains major
secondary metabolites like emblicanin-A and emblicanin-B, and also is an affluent source of

1.2 Medicinal and economic importance of aonla.

Medicinal value of aonla fruits is well established. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines for
treatment of different diseases. Fruits are valued for antiscorbutic, diuretic, laxative, cooling and such
properties. A few Ayurvedic preparations based aonla are Chyavanprasa and Amlaki Rasyam. Fresh
fruits have significant amount of total phenols and flavonoids. Aonla fruit is having, antiscorbulic,
diuretic, laxative, and alternative antibiotic properties used in treating jaundice and cough. Dried fruits
are used for treatment of chronic dysentery, bronchitis, diabetes, diarrhoea, jaundice, dyspepsia, anemia,
haemorrhages and cough. Dried fruits are used for preparation of her herbal oil combinations for
cooling effect and as hair tonic. Extract of boiled leaves is used for gargling and tender leaves are used
against indigestion. It is also used for preparation of different health care and personal products like hair
oil, dye, shampoo, face cream and tooth powder. Aonla fruit having sour and astringent taste, generally
utilised raw, cooked or in the form of pickle. Murrabas, juice, jam, cheese, candy, powder, beverage,
chutney are the different types of aonla products available in the market and preferred by the consumer
being the rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants (Goyal et al., 2008)

Aonla is not merely a source of nutrients and medicine as well and its cultivation is also
highly remunerative for small and marginal farmers. Traditionally, aonla has been a wanton crop of
forest or household, but during the last decade, unprecedented expansion has been witnessed in the
sphere of aonla cultivation across the country, utilizing the wasteland of resources culminating in
increase in farmers’ income, nutritional security coupled with enhanced employment and rejuvenation
of wastelands.

3. Botanical description of aonla tree:

An average E. officinalis tree, usually deciduous in nature, is of medium height (8–18 m).The bark is
thick (~ 12 mm) with light grayish or greenish-brown in colour, highlighting a mottled appearance at
maturity. The leaves of this tree are pinnate in type, simple, alternate, bifarious, sub-sessile, light green
in colour and arranged in a close pattern along the branchlets .Petioles are striated. February–May mark
the flowering period. The flowers appear in greenish-yellow hue along the axillary fascicles with six-
parted calyx. Male flowers are found abundantly in the axils of lower leaflets; whereas, the female
flowers (with the three-celled ovary, three-stigmatic, solitary, sessile nature) are fewer in number and
usually found in the most exterior floriferous axils along with some male flowers. Fruits (measuring 15–
20 mm × 18–25 mm) are drupe in nature and almost sphere-shaped with a minor conic indentation on
both poles. The fruits are round or oval, with smooth textured skin. There are ~6 to 8 pale visible lines,
appearing as ridges. The edible smooth fleshy mesocarp is a pale yellow to yellowish-green in
appearance and the endocarp that forms the hard stone encasing the seeds turns yellowish-brown during
maturity. Usually, the trees developed from seedlings initiate fruiting around eight years after planting,
which is almost three years later than that of the trees developed from budded clones. (Gantait et

4. Geographical Distribution:
Aonla is an important minor arid fruit crop which is indigenous to Indian sub-continent. Aonla trees
thrive well throughout the tropical and sub-tropical parts of India. Owing to its hardy nature and
suitability o various kinds of waste lands it can be grown successfully in dry and neglected regions in
the minimum management input. The major aonla producing states in India are Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Bihar. In India, this tree
can usually be found in the coastal, tropical, sub-tropical districts and on hill slopes up to a height of
200 m and up to 4500 ft in the hills. It is also cultivated in the plain land and hilly areas of the valley
of Kashmir (Rai et al. 2012; Thilaga et al. 2013). It prevails abundantly in deciduous forests of India
but lately, accelerated cultivation of this tree was observed in the semi-arid region as well as in the
eastern– south-eastern states of India. In last two decades, there has been tremendous increase in the
area under aonla cultivation across the country, utilizing the wasteland. This has resulted in efficient
utilization of resources leading to better income to farmers, nutritional security coupled with enhanced
employment and rehabilitation of wastelands.

5. Production Status of Aonla.

India ranks first in the world in area and production of this crop. Apart from India naturally growing trees are
found in different parts of the world like Sri Lanka, Cuba, Puerto Rico, USA (Hawai & Florida), Iran, Iraq,
Pakistan, China, Malaysia, Bhutan, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, Trinidad, Panama and Japan.
(Source: NHB)
Recent three years production and area of aonla in India.
Production in thousand
Year Area in thousand hectare
metric tonnes
2018-19 92 1046
2019-20 97 1164
2020-21 100 1286
(Source: National Horticultural Board)
In the Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest production and area in the 2020-21 followed by
Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat.
State Area in thousand Production in thousand
hectare tonnes
1. Uttar Pradesh 2020-21 36.70 402.63
2. Madhya Pradesh 2020-21 26.34 397.21
3. Gujarat 2020-21 6.68 64.90
4. Chhattisgarh 2020-21 3.64 43.80
5. Assam 2020-21 1.00 19.89
6. Haryana 2020-21 2.15 16.36
7. Bihar 2020-21 3.44 15.66
8. Rajasthan 2020-21 1.67 13.21
(Source: National Horticultural Board)
6. Soil and climate

Aonla is a very hardy tree and can be grown successfully in variable habitat and agroclimatic
conditions. Though aonla is classified as subtropical fruit, its cultivation in tropical, arid and in rainfed
semi- arid conditions are quite successful. The natural growing plants can be seen on hills up to 1800
msl. Heavy frost during winter is not conducive for its cultivation. In India, it is grown near sea coast
of south India to the foothills of north India. Mature aonla tree can tolerate freezing as well as high
temperature of 48 degree celsius, but the plants susceptible to frost in winter and sometimes heavy
damage due to frost in hot arid ecosystem of western part of Rajasthan. Warm temperature seems

conducive for initiation of flower buds. Ample humidity is essential for initiation of fruit growth of
dormant fruitlets during July- August. Abrupt changes in temperature during flowering and fruit set
adversely affects fruiting in aonla. The young plants should be protected from hot wind during May-
June and from frost during winter, at least up to the age of 3-4 years under north Indian conditions.
Dry spells result in heavy fruit dropping and delay in initiation of fruit growth. Since aonla is a very
hardy plant, it can be grown in light as well as heavy soil. However, well drained fertile loamy soil is
the best for its cultivation. The deep root system, reduced foliage, dormancy of fertilized fruitlet
(April-June), coincidence of fruit growth and development with moisture availability period make
aonla an ideal plant for arid and semi-arid regions. Aonla can be grown in marginal degraded lands. It
can be grown in acidic to saline/sodic (pH up to 9.5, ESP-35 and ECe-6-9 dsm-1) soils. (Singh et al,


So far the improvement of aonla has been done through selection only. The varieties of aonla such as
Banarasi, Francis and Chakaiya have their own limitations. Banarasi is shy bearer, Francis is prone to
necrosis and Chakaiya bears small size fibrous fruits. The important cultivars of aonla which are being
commercially exploited under different edephoclimatic conditions of the country are NA-4, NA-5,
NA-6, NA-7, NA-9, NA-10 and Anand-1, Anand-2, BSR-1, BSR2, Goma Aishwarya and Laxmi 52.
The cultivars of anola can be grouped into three catagories depending upon their maturity period.
1. Early maturing group (Mid October to mid November) – Kanchan, Banarasi, NA-9
2. Mid season group (Mid November to mid December) – Krishna, Francis, Neelam
3. Late maturing group (Mid December to mid January) – Chakaiya, Balwant

The salient features of aonla cultivars are as below:

1. NA-7 (Neelam)

It is seedling selection from open pollinated strain of Francis. It has semi spreading growth habit, with
average number of female flower per branchlet 10.05. It is precocious, profuse bearer and mid season
variety. Fruits are medium to large and slightly conical in shape, smooth skinned, semi-translucent, six
segmented and easily separated. It is prone to breakage of fruit bearing branches. It is free from
necrosis and highly suitable for processing having T.S.S. 9.450 brix, acidity 2.15 per cent and vitamin
C 527.00mg/100g of fruit pulp.

2. NA-4 (Kanchan)

It is chance seedling of Chakaiya. It has tall and spreading growth habit, with average number of
female flower per branchlet 7.7. It is heavy and regular bearer and mid season variety. Fruits are small
to medium, flattened oblong, six segmented and difficult to separate, flesh fibrous and hard and highly
suitable for pickle and powder making. It mature late and is free from necrosis, T.S.S. 9.50 Brix,
acidity 2.11 per cent and vitamin C 422.20mg/100g of fruit pulp.

3. NA-5 (Krishna)

It is chance seedling of Banarasi from Pratapgarh district of Uttar Pradesh. Tree is semi tall and has
spreading growth habit, with average number of female flower per branchlet 3.05. It is a slightly shy
bearer and early season variety. Fruits are large, triangular, with red spots on exposed surface; six
segmented, easily separated and highly astringent. It matures early, T.S.S. 100 brix, acidity 2.32 per
cent and vitamin C 549.20 mg/100g.

4. Banarasi

It has upright growing habit with three branchlets per node. The average number of female flower per
branchlet is 2.56. Fruits are large, triangular and slightly conical at apex, six segmented and easily
separated, fibreless and soft. It is shy bearing owing to less number of female flowers and self-
incompatibility. It is yearly maturing variety with poor keeping quality. It’s T.S.S.10.50oBrix, acidity
2.23 per cent and vitamin C 402.00 mg/100g of fruit pulp.

5. Chakaiya

It has spreading growth habit, profuse bearing, average number of female flowers per branchlets 7.03,
fruits are small to medium, flattened round, segment six difficult to separate, flesh fibrous and whitish
green in colour. It is late in maturity with good keeping quality and highly suitable for pickle making
and other processed products. It’s T.S.S. 9.5o brix, acidity 2.18 per cent and vitamin C 502.00
mg/100g of fruit pulp.

6. Francis

I t h a s s p r e a d i n g growth habit with drooping branches, average number of female flowers per
branchlet 4.84, moderate in bearing, fruits are medium, flattened oblong thick at upper side and thin at
basin. Segments are six and easily separated, soft and nearly fibrous. Fruit are highly susceptible to
necrosis hence not suitable for preserve making. It is mid season variety. T.S.S. 8.240 brix, acidity 1.98
per cent and vitamin C 532.56 mg/100g of fruit pulp.

7. NA-6

It is selection from open pollinated chance seedling of Chakaiya. It is prolific bearer having 10 female
flowers per branchlet. Fruits are small to medium and oval in shape, skin smooth semi-traslucent and
light green in colour. Flesh is fibrous and semi-hard. Seeds are small light brown in colour. Keeping
quality of fruit is suitable for processing. T.S.S. 8.50 brix per cent, acidity 2.11 per cent and vitamin C
422.70 mg/100g of fruit pulp.

8. NA-10

It is chance seedling of Banarasi locally known as Agra Bold. Tree is semi tall and spreading growth
habit. It is moderate bearer having 4.6 female flowers per branchlet. Skin is rough having yellowish
green colour, flesh slightly fibrous, whitish green, soft, juicy and highly astringent. Keeping quality
good and moderately susceptible to fruit necrosis. T.S.S. 8.5o brix, acidity 2.30 per cent and vitamin C
516.40 mg/100g of fruit pulp.

9. Goma Aishwarya

Goma Aishwarya is a selection from the tree identified from the large population. It is an early
drought tolerant variety and frolific bearer, tree is semispreading and fruits are medium in size. It has
low fiber content and is suitable for processing and export. Fruit contains 47.00 per cent juice, pulp:
stone ratio is 26.65. TSS is 10o brix and vitamin C content is 554.78 mg/100g.

10. Anand-1

Trees are tall with upright growth habit. It is moderate bearer having 1-3 female flowers per branchlet.
Fruits are small to medium, skin slightly rough and thick, and flesh fibrous and hard. It has medium
keeping quality. It is suitable for powder and pickle making.

11. Anand-2

Trees are tall with upright growth habit. It is moderate bearer having 2-4 female flowers per
branchlet.Fruits are small to medium, skin rough with medium keeping quality. Shelf life of fruit is
very good. It is suitable for powder making.

12. BSR-1

This is seedling selection from Tamil Nadu. It is said to be self fruitful, crop round the year, small size
fruit, fibrous and low moisture content, heavy bearer and thus very high demand by Ayurvedic

13. Laksmi-52

It is seedling selection of Francis from the farmer’s field in Pratapgargh district of Uttar Pradesh. Tree
is semi-erect type, prolific bearer with large sized fruit. During initial period of fruit growth, the colour
is light pink, which disappears at full development.

8. Propagation and rootstock raising:

A. Propagation from seed: Aonla has been raised from seeds for long. Seed propagation of aonla has
demerits of lacking true to type plants, variable and inferior type of plants and long duration for
fruiting. Seeds attain full maturity by February in north India and October in western India. Seedlings
are raised from local strain and used as rootstocks. For better germination and healthy seedlings, seeds
should be soaked in 500 ppm GA3 for 24 hours because of hard and thick testa, fresh seeds usually do
not germinate even if exposed to favourable conditions and consequently, require specific treatments
like water-soaking, scarification, stratification, plant growth regulator-treatment, etc. to overcome
dormancy. One quintal of indigenous fruits typically yields 1 kg seeds. Standard test weight (of 1000
seeds) of E. officinalis fresh seeds ranges from 20 to 33 g (Wali et al. 2015). Seeds sown in first week
of March in nursery bed or in perforated polythene bag (30cm x15cm size) become ready for budding
in June-July, which saves about six months, and also helps in effective nursery management than
conventional methods.
B. Nursery preparation : Seedbed preparation is a pre-requisite for raising seedlings. Generally,
nursery beds are 10–15 cm elevated using farmyard manure (FYM), under partial light. During spring
or rainy season, pre-soaked (in water for 48 h) seeds are sown at 2–3 cm depth and 2–3 seeds per hill,
keeping a spacing of 15 cm (row–row). Germinated healthy plants become set for ultimate planting are
utilized as rootstock for budding as well.
C. Rootstock raising: Six months to one year old seedling raised from ‘Desi’ aonla seed is being used
as rootstock. Mature aonla fruits during November-December are obtained and their seeds are
extracted after drying the fruits. Seeds are sown in raised bed from April onwards and further
transplanted in separate bed for subsequent budding. Propagation of aonla in polybag, polytube, root
trainer or in situ orchards establishment has also been standardized and commercialized Ripen fruits
are harvested in the months of November–December. For subsequent budding, the seedlings are
transplanted in individual beds (Wali et al. 2015).

D. Vegetative propagation: Vegetative propagation is the only method that can be used in crops like
aonla as vegetative propagated crops do not undergo any mutations or show any changes that differ
them from their parents plant, although shield/patch budding has been successfully tried in aonla but it
requires high knowledgeable labour for its performance and high success is required, it is also time
consuming process and skilled labour is required, whereas softwood grafting is also being performed
and said to be simple and less skill are required for it and also consumes less time as compared to the

other. The season and rootstock whereas play an important role in success graft reunion of aonla
(Kanika and Saxena, 2020). Of the various methods of vegetative propagation, budding has been
found most efficient and successful. Patch budding is being commercially followed for propagation of
aonla. Healthy scion bud of desired varieties is used for patch budding during the period from May to
September for optimum success. Under rainfed semiarid conditions of Gujarat, in-situ patch budding
in May- June before onset ofrain, gives more than 94 % success and survival. In- situ patch budding is
more efficient and practical followed by softwood grafting and ring budding in semi-arid region of
India. This method takes less number of days for sprouting and had better vegetative growth in terms
of length and vigour of sprouted shoot. Plantlet regeneration from cultured endosperm has been
reported when BA (0.2mg/l) and IBA (0.1mg/l) were used in the media. (Singh et al, 2020)
E. Budding and Grafting: In the case of E. officinalis, budding is the most practical method among
all the other modes of vegetative propagation. Amid different budding techniques, patch budding and
shield budding are practised for commercial propagation. Generally, one-year-old seedlings having 1
cm thickness are shield budded with healthy and plump buds, during early July. The success rate of
shield budding is quite promising than patch budding (Wali et al. 2015). Budding operation should be
performed from mid May to mid August for better success, which may be continued up to September
with appreciable success (Pathak et al. 2006). However, Saroj et al. (2001) reported more than 90%
success through patch budding in perforated polythene bag under irrigated hot arid ecosystem.
F. Grafting: Grafting is also one of the methods for raising good propagules. Soft wood grafting has
been attempted with 70 per cent success at the site of terminal shoot of the rootstock raised in situ. It
would be advisable to raise seedling rootstocks in situ and graft them with superior types of scion
particularly in dry areas where mortality of budded plants is usually high. Besides, veneer and cleft
grafting has also been attempted successfully.
Planting: For establishment of orchard, the pits (1m x 1m x1m size) are dug during May month at 8 m
distance and exposed to hot sun for about a month and then filled with 50 per cent surface soil
thoroughly mixed with 20-25 kg Farm Yard Manure and drench the pits with chlorpyriphos (2-
3ml/l).In sodic soil, as per GR value, 5-8 kg gypsum or pyrite should also be incorporated in filling
mixture. Healthy budded plants with the earth ball should be planted during rainy season, preferably
soon after occurrence of rain. For in- situ budding, rootstock should be planted in the already prepared
pit at appropriate distance for budding with superior clone to get maximum success and also to avoid
mortality of plants during planting particularly in semi-arid region.

9. Planting System:
Hedge-row planting is also being tried keeping line to line distance of 8 meters, while plant to plant
distance is reduced to 4-5 meters. In order to establish aonla orchards under adverse soil conditions, it
is advisable to grow the seedlings directly in the field or raise them in suitable container and transplant
at permanent site and perform budding in situ, subsequently. For better establishment of orchard, the
pits of 1 m3 (1 m × 1 m × 1m size) are dug during May months at 8–10 m distance and exposed to hot
sun for about a month and then each pit is filled with soil thoroughly mixed with 20-25 kg Farm Yard
Manure and drenched with chlorpyriphos (Singh et al. 2014). Healthy budded plants are planted
during rainy season, preferably soon after occurrence of first rain. Rootstock can also be raised in situ
at appropriate distance (8 m × 8 m or 10 × 10 m) for budding with superior clone at pencil thickness
stage to get maximum success particularly in semi-arid regions. For in situ budding, rootstock should
be planted in the already prepared pit in June and after 30-45 days budding may be carried out on them
in the field itself (Singh et al. 2014). For avoiding problem of self incompatibility, planting of more
than two varieties is needed for proper fruit setting (Pathak et al. 2006).
High Density Planting: There are different high density planting systems, i.e., double hedge row,
square, hedge row, pair and cluster system can be applied in aonla cultivation to gain more
remunerative effect from orchard. Based on the experiment carried out at Godhra, Economic yield/ ha
(255.90 q/ha) can be obtained from double – hedge row planting system (260 plants) with an
increment of 132.39 per cent over square system of planting(100 plants) during 10th year under rainfed
conditions of western India. Double hedgerow system is very effective tool to get qualitative and
quantitative productivity and economic return per unit area to the rest of the planting system under
rainfed condition. Among the different planting systems, the square system exhibited better values for
physical qualities, whereas chemical attributes like TSS, total sugar, vitamin C and total phenols were
observed to be highest in double hedgerow planting systems (Singh and Singh 2007, Singh et al. 2007,
2011, 2014).

10. Nutrition:

Application of Manures and Fertilizers:

A dose of 15 kg FYM, 100 g N, 50 g P and100 g K should be given to one year old aonla plants and
this dose of manures and fertilizers should gradually be increased every year up to ten years and
thereafter, constant dose should be given. It should be given half dose in the month of January before
flowering and remaining dose in month of August during fruit development in irrigated conditions.
The growth, yield and quality of aonla were influenced by different sources of nutrients. In sodic soil

100- 500 gm B and ZnSo4 should also be incorporated along with fertilizers as per tree age and
vigour. Under rainfed conditions, full dose of nitrogen half dose of phosphorus and potash should be
applied just after onset of rain and remaining amount should be applied at the end of August. Spray of
micronutrients viz., B, Zn, (0.4%) along with lime is also helpful in reducing the fruit drop and
improving fruit quality.
But for a sustainable farming system different organic source of nutrients,viz.,
biofertilizers (Azotobactor, Azospirillum, PSB, VAM,), FYM and Cakes (neem, mahua, castor and
groundnut cake) can be applied which influence the soil physical, biological and chemical properties
ultimately leads to the production of qualitative fruits. Among the different organic sources of nutrient
FYM + Azotobactor + VAM is found to be more beneficial in reducing the pH, EC, and increasing the
hydraulic conductivity, organic carbon and NPK content in the tree basin. Combination of neem cake,
FYM, Azotobactor and VAM has been found beneficial in terms of increasing the soil fertility, soil
microbial population, earthworm population yield and quality of aonla fruits under semi-arid
ecosystem of Western India.

11. Irrigation
Aonla is generally grown without irrigation, since it is a hardy crop withstanding drought. During
establishment period, watering in summer will reduce mortality and results in development of a good
vegetative growth. In older plants, irrigation during full bloom and fruit settings stages will increase
fruit set and yield. In older plants, irrigation during full bloom and fruiting stages will increase fruit set
and yield. In salt affected soils, irrigation during dry period at an interval of 10 -15 days is highly
beneficial. Basin method of irrigation is the general practice whereas alternate drip method of 60 CPE is
more suitable for aonla. In bearing plant, first irrigation should be given just after manure and fertilizer
application (January-February). Irrigation should be avoided during flowering period (mid March to
mid April).

12. Orchard Management :

Production constrains: In aonla, majority of the older plantations are of seedling origin embodying
non-descript material and poor genetic potentiality which become senile. In several areas, plantations of
improved varieties having good genetic potentiality have either gone unproductive or showing marked
decline in productivity. This is the outcome of overcrowded and intermingling of large branches and
meager foliage, allowing poor light availability to growing shoots within the canopy. This renders them
uneconomical. Such exhausted aonla trees can be rejuvenated by heading back of branches in winter for
the production of new shoots, which can bear good crops in the years to come.( Singh and Mishra,

a. Young non-bearing orchard: Management and upkeep of young non-bearing orchards is essential
which accelerate growth of the young plant and minimize juvenile period up to 3 years of age. The main
aim of the aonla orchard management is to accelerate the plant growth so as to develop better frame
work which will make platform for the higher production throughout the life span of the plant.
Generally,young aonla plant sprouts once in a year to form canopy with a certain quantity of vegetative
growth. Therefore, newly planted young saplings should be properly nourished to promote better
vegetative growth. It has been anticipated that after attaining the age of 2 years, the plant develops good
canopy and become ready forbearing few fruits. But it is advisable to remove the flowers and fruit of
the first twoyears. Other management practices like weeding, hoeing, cleaning of plant basins,plant
protection and water management, etc. should be done from time to time to facilitate better growth.

b. Young bearing orchard: Generally, young plants sprout with a specific degree of annual vegetative
growth to develop an initial canopy. After two years, the plants build up a suitable canopy to bear fruits.
However, for keeping up better growth, flowers and fruits should be removed in the first two years, and
periodical watering, hoeing, weeding, plant protection, etc. should be performed accordingly. For young
fruit-bearing orchard (2–7 years), trees need extra nutrients to continue desirable growth and fruiting. In
fact, young trees exhibit profuse vegetative growth suppressing regular fruiting and, hence, need proper
and judicious pruning preferably in the month of March–April, allowing the main branches to reach a
height of 0.75–1 m from the ground. Eventually, only selected 4–6 branches are allowed to grow further
(Wali et al. 2015).
d. Taining and Pruning : Aonla tree does not require regular pruning but in early years for getting
proper shape and development of strong frame is necessary for which young plants are trained to single
stem up to the height of about 0.75 m and 4-6 well spaced primary branches with fairly wide angle
should be allowed to grow at regular space all around the trunk. Plants should be trained to modified
leader system. Subsequent pruning consists of removal of dead, infested, broken, weak or overlapping
branches after the harvest of the crop should be followed. Limb breakage in aonla cultivar in NA-7 has
been observed at many places due to over bearing, hence for retention of optimum crop load, balanced
canopy should be ensured.

e. Rejuvination of old aonla orchard:

(Source: Singh and Mishra,2007)

13. Orchard floor management:
a. Mulching: Mulching at the base of pruned trees is done by using black polyethene sheet (400 gauge)
or heavy mulching with organic material, such as, straw, dried grass, banana leaves, immediately

surrounding the main trunk drastically reduces weed growth. Mulching with organic materials should be
applied thick enough (12 to 15cm) to prevent weed growth simultaneously not stopping rain water not
stopping rain water penetration to the root zone. Generally plastic mulch film is spread around the
soil/plant from all sides after rejuvenation of plants. After plastic mulch, drip irrigation system is not
available, there alternative is to remove the film from one side to carry out irrigation by the help of
irrigation channel. After irrigation mulch film is once again properly placed and pressed under soil.
(Singh and Mishra, 2007)

b. Intercropping: During initial 3-4 years of planting, aonla orchards present an excellent opportunity
for utilizing vacant interspaces in the orchard. Vegetables like bottle gourd, okra, coriander, cauliflower,
pea, and turmeric; flowers like gladiolus and marigold have been found well suited for intercropping in
aonla orchards. In salt affected or marginal soils, intercropping of Dhaincha for a few years is beneficial
for improving the physico-chemical properties of the soil. After the plants attain 5 years of age, no crop
should be grown. The basins should be kept free of weeds, manually, throughout the year. Aonla being
a deep-rooted, deciduous tree with sparse foliage, proved to be an ideal plant for 2 or 3 or multi-tier
cropping system. Cropping system models such as Aonla + ber or guava (Two tier), Aonla + phalsa
(Two tier), Aonla + dhaincha + wheat or barley, Aonla + dhaincha + onion/garlic or brinjal, Aonla +
dhaincha + German chamomile (Three tier), etc. have been found much remunerative. (Wali et al,2015)

14. Flowering and Fruit Growth:

a. Flowering: Aonla bears two types of flower, male and female which appear on branchlets in late
spring. Flower bud differentiation in Banarasi cultivar takes place in the first week of March. The flowers
commence opening from the last week of March and the blooming period lasts for 3 weeks. Male flowers
appear in clusters on the axil of leaf all over the branchlet, while female flowers on the upper end of a few
branchlets only. The maximum number of male flowers opens between 6 and 7 pm and dehiscence of
anthers occurs soon or about 10-15 minutes after anthesis. The female flowers open gradually and it takes
72 hours to open completely. The stigma becomes receptive on the third day of anthesis. Aonla is
pollinated mainly by wind and honey bee. (Wali et al,2015)

b. Fruit Growth and Development: Fruits are available from November to December. After fruit set,
the embryo lies in dormant condition and does not exhibit any symptom of external growth until middle
of August. The diameter and volume of the fruit increases rapidly thereafter, and the maximum growth is

achieved by November after which there is not much increase in size. The growth of the fruit is due to the
enlargement of the cell of the mesocarp, while endocarp cells form the hard stone cells.

Time of maturity of E. officinalis fruit is dependent upon desirable yield and processing quality.
Commercial traits like days from flowering to maturity, heat units, color of fruit skin and total soluble
sugar: acid ratio, etc. are taken into account during ascertaining the maturity index of any E. officinalis
cultivar. At the maturity and ripening stage, the fruits initially become light green and then turn greenish
yellow or rarely brick red. Maximum ascorbic acid content is recorded in mature fruits, in contrast
immature fruits are low in ascorbic acid and mineral content. During November– December, fruits are
ready to be harvested via hand picking. Completely developed fruits are plucked (either in early- or in
late-hours of a day) without any delay to avoidfruit dropping, particularly for ‘Banarasi’ and ‘Francis’
cultivars. A seedling tree takes 6–8 years to initiate fruit and a budded/grafted tree starts fruit bearing
after 3 years of planting, but the latter may keep on fruiting up to 60–75 years of age (Pareek and Kitinoja
2011). Fruits of NA-7, Banarasi and Agra Bold mature by last week of October, while that of Kanchan
and Chakaiya are ready for harvest by last week of November. Further, Anand-1 and Anand-2 mature by
last week of November under semi-arid ecosystem of Gujarat (Singh et al. 2003, 2005, Singh et al.
2008b). An E. officinalis tree may bear 100–300 kg fruits /tree, yielding 15–20 tons/ha (Wali et al.
2015). The better yield of E. officinalis can be attained if better fruit retention along with other yield
attributing characters is assured. Maholiya et al. (2015) reported the maximum fruit yield in cultivar
‘Kanchan’ (99.79 kg/ tree) trailed by ‘Krishna’ (76.55 kg/tree). However, as high as ~ 220–280 kg per
tree fruit yield may generally be recorded if proper agrotechnology is followed (Yadav et al. 2010). The
mature fruits are usually very firm and, thus, facilitate large-scale harvesting, carriage and marketing
even to distant regions (Pareek and Kitinoja 2011).

c. Harvesting:

Aonla fruits are harvested after attaining maturity. During harvesting, individual fruit is picked and put in lined
baskets carefully to avoid bruising and to avoid spoilage loss. Aonla fruits are damaged quickly at ambient
conditions. Maturity of aonla fruits can be judged externally by change in the fruit colour from greenish to whitish
green or yellowish green and change in seed colour from creamy white to brown. Apart from it physiological
maturity, aonla can be determined on the basis of specific gravity (1.07 to 1.24), fiber content, and TSS/ acid ratio
(5 to 6). Aonla fruits may be stored up to 30 days on tree itself from the date of maturity without reduction in the
quality. The variety Chakaiya and Anand-2 exhibits 7 days, whereas Francis, NA-7 and Banarasi up to 5 days
economic life at ambient temperature after harvesting. However, fruits with brine solution can be stored up to 75
days. Fruits of NA-7, Banarasi, and Agra Bold mature by last week of October, while that of Kanchan and
Chakaiya are ready for harvest by last week of November.Further, Anand-1 and Anand-2 mature by last week of
November under semiarid ecosystem of Gujarat. (Singh et al., 2020)
15. Recent advances of invitro propagation of aonla:
In vitro propagation ensures the rapid multiplication of plantlets from plant cells and tissues on nutrient
media under aseptic conditions (Mukherjee et al. 2019). Conventionally, E. officinalis is propagated
through seeds and asexually bybudding and grafting. Propagation through seeds is not beneficial since
seeds possess dormancy and do not produce true-to-type plants owing to cross-pollination and seed-
derived plants bear inferior quality fruits (Mishra et al. 2011). Toovercome this issue, micropropagation
techniques were employed to produce large-scale true-to-type and disease free plants. Several methods of
in vitro propagation hav been executed in E. officinalis to date.

Fig: Diagram exhibiting the research areas that have been already studied and the areas that are yet to
be explored regarding in vitro cell, tissue and organ culture of Emblica officinalis Gaertn. syn. Phyl
lanthus emblica L

The majority of studies on molecular markers in E. officinalis, to date, mainly focused on random
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), which is a widely adopted method in DNA fingerprinting
investigation for molecular taxonomy,genotypic differentiation, and other applications. E. officinalis for
the identification of their species on then basis of RAPD-sequence characterized amplification region
(SCAR) markers. Bharmauria et al. (2010) developed an effective method for DNA isolation from leaf
samples of eight E. officinalis. Five microsatellites were identified aspolymorphic out of six markers
developed in E. officinalis. These five microsatellites could be useful for the identification of clones,
reproductive biology, and genetic structure in this plant species (Pandey and Changtragoon 2012).
Kumar et al. (2016) reported a first time transcript associated with each gene involved in vitamin-C and
flavonoid biosynthesis in E. officinalis, and further authors concluded that this important research could
be useful for future functionalgenomics and molecular studies. Thilaga et al. (2017) developed RAPD
markers for discrimination of susceptibleand tolerant genotypes of E. officinalis against shoot-gall
marker (Betousa stylophora swinhoe).

16. Post harvest management

a. Grading: Since, very little work on grading in aonla is reported. However, aonla fruits are graded
into 3 grades i.e. large sized, small sized and blemished fruits. A grade fruits are large sized used for
murabba and candy making, B grade fruits are small sized, used for chavanprash and trifla, and C grade
blemished fruits are used for powder and shampoo making. Under hot semi – arid ecosystem of Gujarat,
fruits treated with calcium nitrate 1.5per cent or GA3 (50ppm) and kept in perforated polythene bag
record the least physiological loss in weight (2.12-16.00 and 2.15-16.34%) and spoilage loss (2.40-15
and 2.50-15.60%) and exhibit 11 days storage life. For packaging, wooden crates of 20-25 kg capacity
with polyethylene bags as liners and CFB boxes (10kg capacity) along with newspaper liner is found to
be most effective packing material to enhanced shelf life during transportation of fruits at long distance
whereas for local market it is collected and transferred in plastic grates lined by news paper.
b. Storage: Aonla fruits can be stored for 6-9 days at ambient temperature. However, with a salt
solution it can be stored upto 75 days. Fruits can be cut in to pieces and soaked with salt and ajowan
solution and dried under sun. It can be stored for long time without loss of ascorbic acid (Wali et al,
2015). Singh and Kumar (1997) stored fully mature aonla fruits at room temperature, modified storage
condition, zero energy chamber and zero energy + modified storage condition. It was found that decay
loss was minimum (26.56%) in modified storage condition on 24th day of storage, whereas it was
maximum (48.70%) in zero energy chamber. The fruits may be kept in cold storage for 7-8 days at 0-
2°C and 85-90% relative humidity.
c. Value addition :
Aonla is not utilized as table fruit. But the fruits are commercially utilized for processing industries as murraba,
candy, chatni, toffee, shreds, sauce, aonla pulp, powder, juice, laddu, supari, liquor, sherbet, etc.; ayurvedic
medicines as chwanprash, trifla, syrup, diabetic powder, aonla powder and in cosmetic industries as shampoo,
hair oil, dyes, etc. (Singh et al, 2020)

17. Quality Improvement: Various research work has been carried out to enhance aonla
production and productivity under different agro climatic conditions. To improve the quality of aonla
production potential, identification of promising genotypes having high percentage of female flowers,
prolific bearing, fruits rich in antioxidant, good peel colour, suitability for processing and using them in
procreation programme to develop suitable cultivar. Several varieties have been developed which has
higher number of female flowers, fruit set and desirable quality attributes. Plantation of high yielding
and precocious varieties and minimizing yield gap in initial years are major option for enhancing the
productivity of aonla. Fruiting in aonla is also affected by pollinators or pollinizers or both. Fruit quality
parameters are also influenced by pollen parents. Problem of unfruitfulness can be minimized by
planting more than two varieties and provision of suitable pollinizers, plantation of wind break and
spray of chemical like CaCO3 and Borax. (Singh et al, 2020)

Evaluation of cultivar for growing under Jammu subtropics: Out of various aonla cultivars
evaluated under Jammu subtropics, Neelam (NA-7) cultivar has been recommended on the basis of
qualitativeand quantitative traits under rainfed conditions. Maximum female flower percentage with
minimum female: male flower ratio, highest fruit set and least fruit drop, better fruit size, weight, yield
and quality can be obtained NA-7 as compared to other cultivars of aonla grown in Jammu subtropics.

Chakaiya and Banarasi aonla cultivars were found to be best for making of osmo air dried slices (Wali
et al,2015)

18. Pest and Disease management:

a. Pest management

Aonla is generally free of any serious disease but the insect pest damage the crop considerably, especially when
environmental conditions are very conducive. The important pests and diseases and their recommended control
measures which are adopted for aonla are mentioned herewith. The suitable, effective and economical IPM
strategies for boosting up the production potential of the aonla crop has been developed based on seasonality and
their peak period of occurrence. Peak period of activities of the sucking pests (aphid and mealy bug) is February -
March and July-August for defoliators and borers. Symptoms and nature of damage are described in brief are as

Aphids (Cerciaphis emblica): Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from tender shoots, leaves, and devitalize the
plants. They exude honeydew on which sooty mould develops.

Mealy bug (Nipaecoccus vastator): Nymph and adults suck the cell sap from tender shoots, leaves, and
devitalize the plants.

Leaf twister (Caloptilia acidula): The caterpillar on hatching twists the leaf and feed within. In severe
infestation plants show sickly symptoms.

Hairy caterpillar (Euproctis flava): The caterpillar on hatching feed voraciously and gregariously on tender leaf
and defoliates the plants. The larvae later on migrate to entire plant and feed on leaves leading to marked

Shoot gall maker (Betousa stylophora): The caterpillar on hatching enters into the shoots and feed within
causing a gall on the tender shoots

Fruit borer (Virochola isocrates, Meridarchis scyrodes): The caterpillar bore into the fruits and feed within
causing premature drop of the fruits during monsoon season. Maximum damage is during July and August.

Bark eating caterpillar (Inderbela terraonis Moore): The larvae usually bore at the joint between twig and
main stem and forms tunnel straight downward on the trunk. Formation of silken web comprising of excreta of
larvae indicates the damage.

Control measures

Orchard sanitation is effective for bark eating caterpillars and borers. Inject kerosene oil or petrol, Dichlorvos and
plug the hole with mud for effective control of bark eating caterpillars. Foliar application with Dimethoate
(0.05%) at tri-weekly interval controls the overall pests effectively. However, based on the seasonality and their
sequence in occurrence, insecticidal schedules involving tri- weekly application of Dimethoate ( 0.05%)
alternatively followed by NSKE (5%) at 10 days interval commencing from fruit set to fruit development has
been found significantly better in reducing the incidence of borer in aonla.

b. Diseases management
Rust (Ravenaliia emblicae):

Rust characterized by brown or brown to black, circular to semi circular pustules on fruits and concentric ring on
leaves also infects aonla. Spraying with wettable Sulphur (02%) or Mancozeb 75 w p (0.2%) manages the disease
effectively when sprayed at an interval of 10-12 days beginning from August.

Anthracnose (Colletotrichum state of Glomerella cingulata)

Characterized by circular, depressed, blackish brown spots on fruits with concentric rings having the center
bearing dark coloured fungal mass. For managing disease, spray with Mancozeb 75 w. p. (0.2%) or Cuman–L
(0.3%), or Captaf (0.2%) or Chlorothalonil (0.2%) or Copper oxychloride 50 w p at 0.3% concentration. Practice
deep plugging and healthy cultivation.

Penicillium fruit rot (Penicillium indicum,P. oxalicum, Aspergillus niger) It is a mainly a postharvest disease
characterized by, circular to irregular water soaked blotch with bluish grey fungal mass in the center with
sporadic orange-red islands on fruits surface. Collect and destroy the infected fruits. Avoid injury to fruits while
harvesting, handling or transporting or storing. Pre harvest sprays (one week before harvesting) with Blitox,
Bavistin or KH2PO4 and post harvest treatment with 1.5% CaCl2 and GA3 (200 ppm) also controls the disease.

Fruit necrosis

Necrosis is a physiological disorder. It has been observed in aonla fruits, which is associated with deficiency of
boron. Incidence initiates with browning of mesocarp, which extends towards the epicarp resulting into brownish

black appearance of flesh. It can be controlled with three sprays of borax at 0.6 per cent at 15 days interval
starting from the early September.


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