Phytorem of CD and Microbial Community Effects

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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

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Responses of microbial communities and metabolic activities in the

rhizosphere during phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil
Chenjing Liu a, b, Hai Lin a, b, *, Bing Li a, b, Yingbo Dong a, b, **, Tingting Yin a, b
School of Energy and Environmental Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, 100083, China
Beijing Key Laboratory on Resource-Oriented Treatment of Industrial Pollutants, Beijing, 100083, China


Keywords: Phytoremediation is an effective way to repair heavy metal contaminated soil and rhizosphere microorganisms
Cadmium contaminated soil play an important role in plant regulation. Nevertheless, little information is known about the variation of mi­
Rhizosphere soil Cd fractions crobial metabolic activities and community structure in rhizosphere during phytoremediation. In this study, the
High-throughput sequencing
rhizosphere soil microbial metabolic activities and community structure of Trifolium repensL. during Cd-
EcoPlate™ substrate utilization
Microbial community composition and
contaminated soil phytoremediation, were analyzed by Biolog EcoPlate™ and high-throughput sequencing.
diversity The uptake in the roots of Trifolium repensL. grown in 5.68 and 24.23 mg/kg Cd contaminated soil was 33.51 and
84.69 mg/kg respectively, causing the acid-soluble Cd fractions decreased 7.3% and 5.4%. Phytoremediation
significantly influenced microbial community and Trifolium repensL. planting significantly increased the rhizo­
sphere microbial population, diversity, the relative abundance of plant growth promoting bacteria (Kaistobacter
and Flavisolibacter), and the utilization of difficultly metabolized compounds. The correlation analysis among
substrate utilization and microbial communities revealed that the relative abundance increased microorganisms
possessed stronger carbon utilization capacity, which was beneficial to regulate the stability of plant-microbial
system. Collectively, the results of this study provide fundamental insights into the microbial metabolic activities
and community structure during heavy metal contaminated soil phytoremediation, which may aid in the bio­
regulation of phytoremediation.

1. Introduction apparently is hazards to humans, which includes diarrhea, damage of

bone marrow, kidney failure and loss of sense (Singh et al., 2014).
With the development of industry, heavy metal pollution in soil has Consequently, it is urgent to remediate cadmium pollution in soil.
increased sharply, which has become one of the most significant envi­ Aiming at the pollution characteristics of heavy metals, several
ronmental problems worldwide (Huang et al., 2019). Among all heavy physico-chemical methods such as soil replacement, soil isolation,
metal contaminants in soil, cadmium, which is defined as one of the vitrification, electrokinetic remediation, encapsulation, soil washing
most dangerous soft metals on the earth, is widely distributed in both and immobilization have been used for the removal of Cd (II) from soil
agricultural and industrial soils, and seriously exceeds the standard (Liu (Khalid et al., 2017). However, traditional physical and chemical
et al., 2019). According to the National Soil Pollution Survey Bulletin methods spend a lot of manpower and material resources and even
issued in 2014, 16.1% of the soils are polluted by inorganic pollutants, of destroy soil structure, affect soil fertility and introduce new pollutants,
which cadmium pollution is the most serious, and its exceeding standard limiting the application in large field (Odoh et al., 2019). In situ phy­
rate is more than 7%. Cd can interfere with many biochemical and toremediation, which decreases the cost, adds an aesthetic value and has
physiological processes of plants, including plant growth, photosyn­ practical applications on the field which are long-term, is considered
thesis, nutrient uptake and enzyme activity even at trace concentration. environmentally friendly and economical (Kumar Yadav et al., 2018
More important, cadmium absorbed by plants from soil is easily trans­ Cited Pages).
ferred to animals and humans through the food chain because of its high Soil microorganisms are an important part of soil ecosystem, which
mobility and accumulation. Previous study has reported that Cd can regulate soil fertility, nutrient cycle and maintain biodiversity

* Corresponding author. University of Science and Technology Beijing, 100083, China.

** Corresponding author. University of Science and Technology Beijing, 100083, China.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H. Lin), [email protected] (Y. Dong).
Received 7 May 2020; Received in revised form 27 June 2020; Accepted 28 June 2020
Available online 11 July 2020
0147-6513/© 2020 Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

(Ramakrishna et al., 2019). Among all soil microorganisms, rhizosphere 2. Materials and methods
microorganisms, which are defined as “microorganisms in the zone of
soil surrounding the root which is affected by it”, strongly affect plant 2.1. Experimental reagents and soils
rhizosphere activities due to its direct contact with plant roots
(Sugiyama, 2019). The collective genome of rhizosphere microbial All the reagents used in the experiment were of analytical grade from
communities is also referred to as the plant’s second genome, indicating Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. Experimental soils with different
they are an essential part of plant rhizosphere (Berendsen et al., 2012). Cd pollution level were collected from Beijing, China and the physico­
Actually, each plant possesses its own specific microflora in the rhizo­ chemical properties of the soil were summarized in Table 1. The soils
sphere, which plays an important role in host plant growth promotion were collected in the same area with different pollution levels. After
and heavy metal detoxification/removal (Lal et al., 2018). As to enhance collected using a stainless-steel shovel at the depth of 0–30 cm, the soil
plant growth, rhizosphere microorganisms secrete IAA (indole acetic was air dried and mixed evenly.
acid), product ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) deaminase,
synthetize plant antioxidative enzymes and improve the uptake of 2.2. Plant growth conditions and treatments
essential mineral elements (Etesami and Maheshwari, 2018). Further,
rhizosphere microorganisms help to tolerate and alleviate negative Trifolium repensL. seeds were sterilized with 2% (v/v) sodium hy­
impact of abiotic stresses including drought, salinity and pollution of pochlorite for 30 min and then rinsed five times with sterilized water to
heavy metal and antibiotic (Singh et al., 2018). Some of the rhizosphere remove the former solutions. Seeds were pre-germinated at a 90-mm
microorganisms are able to decrease the proportion of phytoavailability plate at 25 � C and kept moist for further treatment. Fifteen seeds were
heavy metals by adsorption, oxido-reduction reactions, extracellular sown in each pot (15 cm in diameter and 15 cm in high) with 750 g soil
matrix and immobilization, and others can improve P nutrition, adjust and ten seedlings were kept after germination. All the pots were placed
osmotic stress under environmental stresses (Nadeem et al., 2014). randomly in the greenhouse with the temperature at 20–25 � C and
During the process of phytoremediation, rhizosphere microorgan­ watered by deionized water daily.
isms play an important role in plant regulation and this regulation After 16 weeks’ growing, the plants were all carefully harvested from
greatly depends on microbial metabolism and diversity. Generally, the pots. After washed with tap water and deionized water to remove the
metabolic activity and community structure of soil microorganisms are soil and dried the surface with filter paper, plants were measured the
important indicators of soil health, determining soil functionality (Wang growth parameters. For Cd concentration analysis, the plants were
et al., 2019). In soil with heavy metal contamination, the microbial freeze-dried at 50 � C and then grinded to powder with particle size less
community constantly adjusted itself as well as the metabolic capacity to than 0.5 mm (He et al., 2013). The samples were digested by microwave
adapt to different habitats (Zhao, 2019). Meanwhile, the effects of and the cadmium content was analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plas­
rhizosphere microorganisms on plant growth and heavy metal enrich­ ma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) (SHIMADZU, 2030) in Research Cen­
ment also changed, which is considered to be of great significance in ter for Eco-Environmental Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
regulating phytoremediation (Zhao, 2019). Microbial communities help
plants resist the toxicity of heavy metal by increasing the abundance of C
2.3. Rhizosphere soil sampling and analysis
and N immobilized microorganisms and the activity of metabolic en­
zymes (Das et al., 2017).
2.3.1. Rhizosphere soil collection and Cd fractionation analysis
Nevertheless, the information on microbial metabolic activities and
Rhizosphere soil were sampled within 0–15 cm, obtained from soil
community structure variation during heavy metal contaminated soil
adhering to plant roots four times: at the 0th, 4th, 9th and 16th week
phytoremediation is very limited. Therefore, in our research, the mi­
after planting the seeds. Then, these samples were divided into two
crobial metabolism characteristics and community structure and
parts. One part was immediately used for measuring the number of
composition in the rhizosphere soil during Cd contaminated soil phy­
culturable microorganism, microbial metabolic activity and DNA
toremediation by Trifolium repensL. were studied. Trifolium repensL. is
extraction and 16 S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing; the other part was
one of the most important genera of the Leguminosae family with good
air-dried and used for measuring Cd fractionation of after being ground
adaptability to the environment. Under the appropriate conditions of
and sieved through a 0.1-mm mesh.
sunlight and moisture, it can grow with well-developed root and large
Community Bureau of Reference (BCR) sequential extraction pro­
biomass in a wide temperature range and in nearly any soil type (Zhang
cedure was applied to rhizosphere soil samples to analyze the chemical
et al., 2018a, b). Previous study has already reported that Trifolium
fractionation of Cd. Acid soluble: 40 mL 0.11 M CH3COOH (16 h, room
repensL. has strong resistance and good removal ability in phytor­
temperature); Reducible: 40 mL 0.5 M NH2OH⋅HCl (16 h, room tem­
emediation of contaminated soils (Hazrat Ali, 2012). Our study aimed
perature); Oxidizable: 10 mL 8.8 M H2O2 þ 10 mL 8.8 M H2O2 þ50 mL 1
to: I) acquire cadmium enrichment characteristics of Trifolium repensL.
M NH4OAc (1 h, 85 � C; 1 h, 85 � C; 16 h, room temperature); Residual:
and heavy metal distribution in rhizosphere soil; II) analyze the dynamic
digested with microwave dissolver (Oppler Instruments Co., Ltd) by 10
metabolic activities of rhizosphere microbes; III) study the rhizosphere
mL mixed acid (HCl: HNO3: HF ¼ 2:1:1).
microbial community and abundance; IV) determine the correlation
between substrate utilization and microbial communities.
2.3.2. Numbers of culturable microorganism
To determine the number of culturable microorganism, viable counts
of rhizosphere microbes were conducted using the dilution plate-count
technique (Hiroki, 1992). Ten grams fresh soils were homogenized in
90 mL sterilized normal saline for 30 min in a constant temperature

Table 1
The physicochemical properties of experimental soils.
Item pH Available N (mg/kg) Available P (mg/kg) Available K (mg/kg) Organic matter (g/kg) Cd concentration (mg/kg)

CL 7.40 36.52 49.60 115.36 15.85 ND

CM 7.62 37.09 37.42 112.71 14.06 5.68
CH 7.08 32.35 29.61 97.43 12.58 24.23

ND: No detection.

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

shaker. Then the soil samples were serially diluted by mixing 1 mL of the
previous dilution with 9 mL of 0.1% (w/v) sterile normal saline and
incubated on LB solid medium. After 5 days’ incubation at 28 � C, the
solid medium with 30–300 Colony-Forming Unit (CFU) were counted.
All the determination was carried out in triplicates and the results were
expressed as CFU/g.

2.3.3. Microbial metabolic activity

Metabolic characteristics of microbial communities were accom­
plished with Biolog EcoPlate™ (Biolog, USA). The plate is composed of
96 wells, which contains 31 carbon sources (4 carbohydrates, 6 amino
acids, 3 alcohols, 3 amines, 4 polymers, 4 esters and 7 carboxylic acids)
and one water blank. A multichannel repeated pipette was used to
dispense the rhizosphere soil diluent into 96 wells (150 μ l per hole) of
the microplate under aseptic conditions. Plates were incubated at 28 � C
for 10 days in the dark and the optical density at both 590 nm and 750
nm was read automatically every 12 h by the computerized Micro­
Fig. 1. Trifolium repensL. growth parameters and Cd content in different
Station™ system. AWCD (Average Well Color Development) was used to treatments. The bar on the columns is the standard deviation. Bars with
evaluate the microbial metabolic activity. AWCD was calculated as different letters indicate significant differences between the different treat­
followed (Kong et al., 2013): ments based on LSD (P < 0.05).
1 X31
31 i¼1
ðRit R0t Þ Cd concentration was 0.987 and 0.970, respectively. In addition, the
data demonstrated that more uptake was observed in roots than shoots
where Rit is OD in each carbon source well at time t and R0t OD of the in all conditions and it was observed more significantly in heavy metal
control at time t. enrichment groups.
Cadmium, a non-essential element for plants, is toxic even in trace
2.3.4. Microbial community analysis concentrations and its contamination in soil could cause anatomical and
The microbial community diversity and structure of all the rhizo­ physiological changes such as the length and fresh weight of shoot and
sphere soil samples were characterized by Beijing Zhongke Jingyun root (Chen et al., 2016). Cd exposure leads to alteration of normal
Technology Co., Ltd, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese metabolism including the synthesis of chlorophyll and photosynthesis
Academy of Sciences, using 16 S rRNA high throughput sequencing reduction, nitrogen inhibition and mineral uptake decrease, which are
technique. Briefly, the V3–V4 hypervariable regions of bacteria 16 S directly reflected by plant height and biomass (Kaur et al., 2018). In our
rRNA gene were amplified with primers 515 F (50- study, the root length in CH soil was observed to decrease 30.0% while
GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-30) and 806 R (50-GGAC­ shoot length decreased 20.4%. Nevertheless, Trifolium repensL. was able
TACHVGGGTWTCTAAT-30). PCR was performed using the following to survive and propagate under both 5 and 25 mg/kg Cd contaminated
program: 3 min of denaturation at 95 � C, 27 cycles of 30 s at 95 � C, 30s soil. Many studies have suggested heavy metal pollutants are toxic to
for annealing at 55 � C, and 45s for elongation at 72 � C, and a final plants but some tolerant species possess the potential to absorb, trans­
extension at 72 � C for 10 min. UPARSE(version 7.1 port and accumulate heavy metal. Like most heavy metal tolerant plants,
uparse/) was used to cluster operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with Trifolium repensL. is believed to adopt different strategies (like seques­
97% similarity. tration, exocytosis, compartmentalization) to cope with metals toxicity
(Sarwar et al., 2017). More importantly, Trifolium repensL. could accu­
mulate heavy metals from the soil and transport them to the shoots,
2.4. Statistical analysis
indicating Trifolium repensL. possessed excellent potential for
All the statistical analyses of data were performed using Statistical
Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 19.0 software. PCA analyses
were performed to assess the possible correlations among soil types and 3.2. Analysis of Cd fractions during phytoremediation
soil microbial community. All the figures were made using Origin Graph
2016 software and the microbial community parameters were calcu­ Residual, oxidable, reducible and acid-soluble Cd were extracted to
lated on website research the changes of rhizosphere soil heavy metal fractions during
phytoremediation (Fig. 2). As shown in Fig. 2, the acid-soluble and re­
3. Results and discussion sidual Cd fractions decreased gradually while the reducible Cd fractions
increased over time. The acid-soluble Cd fractions were decreased 7.3%,
3.1. The effect of Cd on plant growth response and Cd translocation 5.4%, and the residual Cd fractions were decreased 4.3%, 2.7%. Only the
reducible Cd fractions were showed an increased trend of 8.8% and
The growth of Trifolium repensL. under Cd stress conditions was 6.1% with a most extent during the study. As for the oxidable Cd frac­
affected, by the decrease of plant length and biomass. Relatively in CL, tions, it was stabilized at about 30% among all samples. Overall, the
the biomass of shoot and root of CH samples were decreased 37.8% and total proportion of acid-soluble, reducible and oxidable cadmium
35.1%, which might be explained that Cd was toxic and characteristi­ accounted for a large part in the contaminated soil, while the residual
cally inhibited plant growth at higher concentrations. As shown in cadmium did not exceed 35%.
Fig. 1, uptake was generally higher in soil seriously contaminated by Observing heavy metal chemical form distribution and content
cadmium, with corresponding values of 34.36 and 84.69 mg/kg in shoot changes could evaluate the bioavailability of heavy metals. As the
and root respectively, but only lower at 1.62 and 1.35 mg/kg in CL. This bioavailability is depended on solubility, the bioavailability of metal
also indicated a significant correlation between Cd uptake by the plant increases in the order of residual, oxidable, reducible and acid-soluble
in various soils and total soil Cd concentration. By statistical analysis, forms. (Islam et al., 2016). In our study, though the first three forms
the correlation coefficient between soil Cd concentration and root, shoot of Cd were the main ones, Trifolium repensL. could grow, which also

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

Fig. 2. The results of Cd concentrations of rhizosphere soils using the BCR Fig. 3. Responses of rhizosphere soil culturable microbial populations to Cd
sequential extraction. exposure during phytoremediation. Each bar is the mean of five replicates. Bars
with different letters indicate significant differences between the different
reflected its high Cd tolerance. After phytoremediation by Trifolium treatments based on LSD (P < 0.05).
repensL., the fraction of acid-soluble Cd decreased, revealing that
Trifolium repensL. possessed the ability to extract heavy metals. In the resistance of microbe-plant system to heavy metals was enhanced.
addition, root exudates such as carboxylic acids, amino acids, carbo­ Abundant microorganisms are thought to be beneficial to the growth of
hydrates, released from plant roots during the process of growth (Lica � plants as they contributed to soil nutrient structure, enhance resistance
et al., 2018). These root exudates have a high impact on heavy metal of plants to heavy metals and secrete plant growth-promoting hormones
fractions in the rhizosphere interface and the enrichment of organic (2018).
matter can promote the reducible fractions, which may result in the
increase of reducible Cd fractions (Rugova et al., 2017). The residual Cd 3.3.2. Microbial metabolic activity and substrate utilization
in Trifolium repensL. rhizosphere soil was observed less than 40% and it The soil microbial metabolic activity was evaluated by the AWCD of
was beneficial for phytoremediation as the bioavailability of heavy Biolog EcoPlate™ and a higher AWCD indicates a higher microbial
metal pollutants to plants was the major limitation of phytoremediation metabolic activity. Among the three groups, the AWCD of CL and CM
process (Kaur et al., 2018). was stabilized at about 0.7 and 1.0 respectively, while the value of CH
group was gradually increased with the increase of times. Fig. 4 illus­
3.3. Characteristics of rhizosphere microbial community trates the effects of Cd on variation in AWCD and the AWCD curves of all
samples were essentially the same over time. In the first 25 h, the AWCD
3.3.1. Microorganisms counts during phytoremediation values almost remain unchanged, which may due to the lag phase of
The abundances of populations of culturable microbes in rhizosphere microorganisms. Then the microorganisms entered the rapid-growth
soils during 16 weeks of phytoremediation by Trifolium repensL. are stage, and reached stability at about 125 h. Differently, the high con­
showed in Fig. 3. The amounts of culturable microbes were significantly centration of heavy metal ion restrained the growth and metabolize of
inhibited in Cd contaminated groups at the 0th, 4th, 9th and 16th week, microorganism, leading to the lag-phase extended at the beginning of
though at the 16th week it was almost restored to the uncontaminated plant growth. The lag phase was shortened with increasing exposure
level. During different periods, the number of microbes in rhizosphere time and the AWCD was promoted by the presence of Cd from the fourth
soil showed great difference in high concentration Cd contaminated soil week compared to CL.
compare to others samples. The number of culturable microbes was In order to further analyze the utilization of different carbon sources
gradually increased at the first 9 weeks and maximum at the 9th week. by rhizosphere soil microorganisms, the carbon sources were classified
In general, the count of CL group did not fluctuate greatly and was stable according to functional groups. In CL, the fractional content of amino
at around 200 � 106 CFU g 1. acids and carboxylic acids increased gradually while esters decreased
In our study, the microbial populations in CM and CH were lower sharply from 0.23 to 0.17. Besides, as one of the most familiar carbon
than in CL due to the biotoxicity of heavy metals. Similarly, the results of resources, the fractional content of carbohydrate always kept at the
Adília Oliveira and Jing Pan’s research also showed that the addition of forefront in CL. However, in CM and CH, the percentage of carbohy­
toxic substances could reduce the number of microorganisms (Oliveira drates was felled, which may cause by the increase of total utilization of
and Pampulha, 2006; Pan and Yu, 2011). Nevertheless, the microbial carbon sources. In contrast, the fractional content of both alcohols and
populations in Cd contaminated soil were rapidly increased at the first 9 amines was always maintained below 0.1 in the CL, but in CM and CH,
weeks, which can be by the fact that the acid-soluble Cd fractions were the utilization of microorganisms was different and microbial utilization
decreased after phytoremediation (Fig. 2). Previous studies have re­ of alcohols and amines obviously stronger than in CL. With regard to CH
ported that long-term exposure to heavy metal pollution can make some samples, alcohols became the most preferred carbon source at the 9th
microorganisms adapted to heavy metal stress and obtained heavy metal week. In addition, polymers, and esters, which were the major carbon
resistance (Chen et al., 2018). These results indicated that the soil sources utilized in the CL, have been decreased in CM and CH. The
ecosystem could recover the reduction of microbial abundance in the change of the carboxylic acid fraction content was consistent among all
rhizosphere soil caused by toxic chemicals (Du et al., 2018). In addition, groups that the fractional content was increased with the time went on,
our results also demonstrated that, under the effect of phytoremediation, but the increase in CM and CH was more remarkable.

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

Fig. 4. Effects of Cd treatment on average well color development on the (A) 0th weeks, (B) 4th week, (C) 9th week, (D) 16th week. Variation in average well color
development (AWCD) over time in ECO plates of (E) CL, (F) CL and (G) CH during Cd-contaminated soil phytoremediation by Trifolium repensL. (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

The AWCD value in EcoPlate wells represents the ability of soil mi­ initial phase (before week 4), the AWCD of both Cd treatment grown
croorganisms to utilize different carbon sources so that it becomes an slowly due to the lower microbial population (Fig. 2). At the 0th week,
important indicator of microbial functional diversity (Zhu et al., 2017). the lowest AWCD was observed in CH, because the biological activity of
Previous studies have demonstrated that the presence of heavy metals some microorganisms was inhibited in high-cadmium environment. In
can stimulate microbial metabolic activities (2018). Further, both the the following weeks, the lag-phase in Cd treatment obviously decreased
bacteria quantity and diversity of microbial community can cause the because of the increase of microbial number. The microbial carbon
dynamic changes of microbial metabolic activity (Wu et al., 2017; Zhao source utilization ability in CH increased moving toward to even exceed
et al., 2016). The lower carbon conversion and the reduction of soil uncontaminated group, indicating that Trifolium repensL. planting
microbial diversity would lead to the decrease of AWCD. During the increased the population and heavy metal resistance of rhizosphere soil

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

microorganisms, as well as metabolic capacities. to protect itself and host plants from heavy metal oxidation (Janar­
The utilization of carbon sources was largely affected by microbial thanan et al., 2016). It is found to be related to the nutrients of the soil as
species and soil physical and chemical characteristics. In present study, it exhibits the ability to secrete acid phosphatases, fix CO2 and it is
this difference may be caused by the Cd contamination, and with the correlated with ammoxidation (Lian et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2016; Yu
concentration of Cd increased, a growing number of microorganisms lost et al., 2016). In summary, the increase of Kaistobacter and Flavisolibacter
their metabolic activity. But soon at 4th week, the biotoxicity of heavy could accelerate the nutrient cycling in rhizosphere soil, which may
metals decreased due to Trifolium repensL. planting, and the life activities promote plant growth.
some microbial species even were stimulated, result in the changes of At the cluster level, the distance matrix analysis showed that Cd
substrates utilization profiles. Previous study has demonstrated that the contaminated samples shared a relatively high similarity in community
total nitrogen content in soil was negatively correlated with heavy composition, indicating that they had a similar bacterial structural ho­
metals and the deficiency of nitrogen content may lead to the mology, and the uncontaminated group was distinct from them. This
enhancement of utilization of nitrogen-containing substrates (amines observation was also supported by the result of PCA analysis (Fig. 5 D),
and amino acids) by microorganisms (Chen et al., 2018). As we know, in which the longest space distance (maximum community dissimilarity)
organic acids and amino acids account for a large proportion and di­ emerged between CL-1 and CH-1. When the soil environment changed,
versity of root exudates (Haichar et al., 2014). Besides, these root exu­ microorganisms would start self-regulation function to adjust commu­
dates were believed as an important factor affecting the formation of nity structure and composition, and affect the diversity and evenness of
rhizosphere community (Sasse et al., 2018). Therefore, during the pro­ microorganisms (Zhao, 2019). In our study, heavy metal altered soil
cess of phytoremediation, the capability of microorganisms to utilize microbial communities while phytoremediation influenced more on the
carboxylic acids and amino acids gradually increased, which was re­ composition and abundance of microbial species. Beat Frey’s study has
flected in the enhanced utilization of these substrates. Heavy metals proposed that heavy metal exposure greatly influenced the microbial
cause soil nutrient deficiency but also promote the utilization of carbon activity and community composition in the soil (Frey et al., 2006). When
sources by rhizosphere microorganisms (Fig. 4) (Huang et al., 2018). In exposed to heavy metals contamination, both the biological activity and
general, rhizosphere microorganisms play a regulatory role in plant the population of sensitive microorganisms was greatly decreased,
growth, while the diversified carbon source utilization capacity con­ leading to the reduction of their proportion in the community, while
tributes to the formation of diverse rhizosphere community microor­ other heavy metal resistant species could maintain and even be stimu­
ganisms helps with the survival and colonization for microbes in harsh lated vital life processes, becoming the dominant strains (Xu et al.,
environment, which may promote the remediation efficiency of heavy 2018). Such acclimation could decrease the negative effect of heavy
metals contaminated soils (Wang et al., 2019). metals toxicity and stimulate the formation of new microbial pop­
ulations with heavy metal resistance, which may explain the equilibrium
3.3.3. Microbial community structure of microbial species in various samples (Demanou et al., 2006). Phy­
The Shannon index and Simpson index were used to evaluate the toremediation plays an important role in improving the richness and
Alpha diversity of rhizosphere soil before and after phytoremediation diversity of microbial communities in polluted soil. On the one hand,
(Fig. 5A and B). Species richness was reflected by Shannon index while plants affect microbial communities by protecting from biotic and
species uniformity was embodied by Simpson index. After phytor­ abiotic stressors, providing habitats, and producing root exudates to
emediation, the value of Shannon index increased while Simpson index regulate metabolism (Feng et al., 2017). On the other hand, plants
decreased among the three groups, indicating both the species richness regulate the characteristics and diversity of microorganisms through the
and species uniformity were increased by Trifolium repensL. planting. To changes of heavy metal bioavailability and soil physiochemical prop­
better understand the microbial community composition in rhizosphere erties (Luo et al., 2018). Plant root exudates could relieve the effective
soil, a heatmap showed the relative microbial abundance of each genus toxicity of heavy metals to plants and sustain higher microbial activities
is showed in Fig. 5C. As shown, the composition of microorganisms is and microbial densities as well (Chen et al., 2014; Smalla et al., 2001).
mainly concentrated on few species of bacteria prior to phytor­
emediation, but the distribution was more uniform after phytor­ 3.3.4. Correlation between substrate utilization and rhizosphere microbes
emediation according to the color change of the heatmap. Genus To further grasp the characteristics of microbial community, the
composition in different treatments rhizosphere soil differed markedly correlation of metabolic capacity and structural composition of micro­
before and after phytoremediation by Trifolium repensL, indicating that bial community were formed based on Pearson’s correlation coefficients
the Cd contamination and plant growing greatly affected the microbial (Fig. 6). Results showed that different microorganisms contributed
composition. Specifically, Kaistobacter and Flavisolibacter were obviously differently to the substrate utilization. The variables with r ​ >
increased while Bacillus, Adhaeribacter and Pontibacter decreased. ​ 0:9 ​ or ​ r ​ < ​ 0:9 were considered to be significantly correlated.
Hainan Lu et al. have also found that the abundance of Kaistobacter could For instance, D,L-α-Glycerol phosphate were closely related with Meth­
be changed in plant treatments (Lu et al., 2019). Kaistobacter is ylophaga, Lactobacillus, Cellvibrio and Bacteroides. Moreover, Glycogen
frequently detected in terrestrial environments and it is associated with was negatively correlated to three microbiological species, including
disease suppression and able to degrade some toxic refractory organics, Balneimonas, Streptomyces and Rhodocytophaga. Kaistobacter, Methyl­
such as phenanthrene (Kumar et al., 2018; Li et al., 2019; Suzuki et al., ophaga, Devosia, Lactobacillus, Rhodoplanes, Cellvibrio, Methyloversatilis,
2018; Zhang et al., 2018a, b). It is also a kind of microorganism that can Bacteroides and Pseudomonas were positively correlated to most of the
carry out photosynthesis and contribute to the stability of soil ecosystem substrates, indicating the strong carbon source utilization capacity.
especially in the harsh environment of hypoxia and lack of light. Coincidently, the relative abundance of those kinds of genes were all
(Thomas et al., 2017; Zhong et al., 2018). Previous study reported that increased after phytoremediation (Fig. 5 C).
some toxic chemicals can stimulate the abundance of Flavisolibacter, The differences in the utilization of 31 common carbon sources by
which supported our findings. It was reported that the relative abun­ soil microorganisms were caused by the diverse functional groups of
dance of Flavisolibacter is much higher in Cd contaminated soil before organic compounds(Wang et al., 2019). In general, among all substrates,
phytoremediation (Lin et al., 2016). However, after phytoremediation, benzene-containing compounds, polymers and partial carboxylic acids
Flavisolibacter significantly increased in CL group, which may cause by were difficult to utilize, but in our study, phytoremediation enhanced
the variation of soil properties and plant root exudates. Flavisolibacter is the utilization of difficultly metabolized compounds. An increase in the
positive with the organic acids and the root exudates may be responsible utilization of substrates by soil microbes may cause by the changes of
for its increase after phytoremediation (Lin et al., 2016). Flavisolibacter, microbial community composition and diversity during the phytor­
belonging to Bacteroidetes, is functional of catalyzing hydrogen peroxide emediation process by Trifolium repensL. The growth of Trifolium repensL.

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

Fig. 5. The microbial diversity index in

rhizosphere soils under different treat­
ment. (A) Shannon index; (B) Simpson
index. (C) Heatmap showing the levels of
relative microbial abundance of each
genus in the two different phytor­
emediation periods. Different color blocks
represent different microbial genera. (D)
PCA of the rhizosphere soil microbial
community based on the OUT, according
to the different treatments. CL-1, CM-1
and CH-1 represent the rhizosphere soil
before phytoremediation while CL-2, CM-
2 and CH-2 represent the rhizosphere soil
after phytoremediation. (For interpreta­
tion of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

Fig. 6. Correlations among substrate utilization and the most abundant genera. The white box corresponds to r > 0.90 while the yellow box corresponds to r <
0.90. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

is accompanied by the release of carboxyl, hydroxyl and amino com­ regulate the stability of plant-microbial system and the stability of
pounds in rhizosphere, attracting a large number of microorganisms that plant-microbial system played an important role in maintaining soil
can use these organic compounds as carbon source (Johnston-Monje and ecological function (Müller et al., 2002). More importantly, Wang et al.
Raizada, 2011). Such microorganisms accumulated and reproduced in have already proposed that the metabolism ability and activity of soil
the rhizosphere, and then gradually became the dominant bacteria. As microorganisms were critical in environmental pollution control (Wang
one of the main driving factors for shaping the structure of soil microbial and Oyaizu, 2011).
community, the composition of plant root exudates is largely depended
on plant developmental stages, which is also an reason for the differ­ 4. Conclusion
ences of microbial community and carbon source utilization during
phytoremediation (Li et al., 2017). In this study, microorganisms with A pot experiment was designed to study the microbial metabolic
increased relative abundance adapted to the changes of soil organic activities and community structure in rhizosphere during heavy metal
matter composition quickly rather than being inhibited and could utilize contaminated soil phytoremediation by Trifolium repensL. The results
a wider range of carbon sources (Fig.4; Fig.5). These genera were able to showed that heavy metal stress decreased plant growth but enhanced

C. Liu et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 202 (2020) 110958

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