2009 amc8TM

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Mathematical Association of America | American Mathematics Competitions

25th Annual Contest

Instructions and Reporting Forms for
School Contest Managers

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please read this booklet completely upon receipt.


AMC 10/AMC 12 - Tuesday, February 9 &/or Wednesday, February 24, 2010
AIME - Tuesday, March 16 or Wednesday, March 31, 2010
USAMO - Tuesday & Wednesday, April 27-28, 2010
Mathematical Association of America
American Mathematics Competitions

Dear AMC 8 Managers,

Welcome to the 25th annual American Mathematics Competitions’ AMC 8. You and your students will find
the 2009 AMC 8 an excellent learning experience.

If this is the first year you have administered the AMC 8, please thoroughly read this manual for the rules and
regulations. Several days before the contest date fill out the School Identification Form and have the students
complete the non-answer sections of the Answer Form (See Sections V. and VI., page 5.)

We again have a “window” which will enable schools to participate officially in case of a school closing or an
academic conflict with the official scheduled date. The alternate “window” dates are November 18-24. Further
rules governing the use of the “window” are found on page 6 of this manual.

Last year, the Edyth May Sliffe Award, recognizing distinguished mathematics teaching, was given regionally to
fifty-three Sponsoring Teachers from high scoring AMC 8 schools. This program will be continued in 2009.
Further details for nominating a teacher from your school are on page 8. If you nominate someone at the time
you register, it will not be necessary to complete this form again.

We will make every effort to process your results rapidly. Most schools will receive their results before the
holiday break.

On behalf of the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions, I send my appreciation to you for
all of your help with this contest.


Dr. Steven R. Dunbar

Director, MAA American Mathematics Competitions

University of Nebraska – Lincoln  P.O. Box 880658  1740 Vine Street  Lincoln, NE 68588-0658
Phone: 402.472.2257  Fax: 402.472.6087  [email protected]  www.unl.edu/amc
Table of Contents
Letter to Teachers....................................................................................................................................2
I. Points to Note.........................................................................................................................................3
II. Contents of The Package ........................................................................................................................4
III. What Must Be Done Prior To November 17, 2009t��������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
IV. Instructions For The Day of The Contest ...............................................................................................4
V. Instructions For Completing The School Identification Form.................................................................5
VI. What To Do Following The Contest ......................................................................................................5
VII. Report of Results.....................................................................................................................................5
VIII. Eligibility and Participation Schedule......................................................................................................5
IX. Policy Statements....................................................................................................................................6
X. Intramural Awards...................................................................................................................................6
XI. AMC 8 CERTIFICATION FORM 2009 . ............................................................................................7
Questionnaire to Help Us Serve You Better.............................................................................................8
XII. Sliffe Nomination Form .........................................................................................................................8
XIII. Additional Bundles Form........................................................................................................................9
XIV. Proof of Intent to Pay..............................................................................................................................9
XV. AMC 8 Rescoring Request Form...........................................................................................................10
XVI. AMC 8 Practice Questions....................................................................................................................11
XVII. Publicity................................................................................................................................................20
XVIII. Letter to Parents....................................................................................................................................21
XIX. Certificate of Participation (facing page)................................................................................................22
XX. Facsimile of the AMC 8 front cover.......................................................................................................23
AMC Sponsors and Contributors.........................................................................................................24

I. Points to Note
The Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions has de-
cided that the use of any calculator will not be allowed. No problems
on the contest will require the use of a calculator.
Let Parents/Guardians know
about this activity!
The letter found on page 21 can be duplicated and sent home
with students or handed out at parent/teacher conference time or
Block Scheduling or Other open house.
The Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions has
decided that the contest may now be administered on more than one
day during the window period. Please keep all student answer forms
secured, and send everything back to us after all administrations have
taken place.
Survey Questionnaire
We are constantly trying to improve and streamline our processes.
We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to answer
Give your Student Scores a Boost! the 10 questions found on page 8. Mark responses using the grid
You can find a sampling of good practice questions on pages 11-19 on the back side of the school ID Form. Thank you!
in this manual! Also, our Math Club Package provides more practice
questions and resources to help teachers prepare students for the AMC
8. (Use the “Math Club Package” line on Additional Bundles Form on
page 9 to order.).

II. Contents Of The Package per, graph paper, ruler, and erasers. No calculators are
Your contest package contains allowed. No problems on the contest will require the use of
a calculator.
1. Teachers’ Manual,
2. AMC 8 Report Envelope (marked with your school ID),
3. School Identification Form, IV. Instructions For The Day
4. Contest bundles,
5. 10 Answer Forms for each bundle of 10 exams ordered,
Of The Contest
Do not open the contest bundle(s) until just before you are ready
(Please check that the number of bundles corresponds to the number
to hand the exams to the students.
ordered. If it does not, call the AMC office as soon as possible.)
6. Solution Pamphlet Sets (if ordered) in sets of 10, 1. Seat students so they are separated by an empty space, if possible.
7. Contest Manager’s Envelope (contains a complimentary copy of 2. Hand out the Answer Forms.
the AMC 8 contest and solution), 3. Provide a #2 lead pencil with a good eraser for each student.
8. Complimentary materials, 4. Open the contest bundle(s), hand out the AMC 8 and inform
9. Math Messenger. the students that they are not to open the contest booklet until
instructed to do so.
III. What Must Be Done Prior 5. As you hand out the contest, tell the students to disregard the
page which contains instructions for the contest manager.
To November 17, 2009 6. Instruct students to read the entire front cover of the AMC 8.
1. Complete the following Pre-Examination processes associated Allow 3 minutes to do this.
with the AMC 8 Answer Forms: 7. This 40 minute contest has twenty-five questions. When it is time
a. Stamp or print the Name and Address of your School (includ- to begin, tell students to unfold it to see all the problems and to
ing ZIP code, if applicable) in the box in the upper right-hand be cautious about following the correct numeric sequence.
corner on each form. DO NOT put any type of paste-on or 8. You will note that after the question there are five possible answers
adhesive address label on the form. The block could be filled labeled A, B, C, D, and E. Only one answer is correct. Have
in by using a computer program to print the information. your students mark their answers to these problems by the cor-
Please note that it is very important that each form is identified with responding number on the answer form.
your school name. We have no way to identify the answer form if the 9. Tell your students to be AS CERTAIN AS POSSIBLE OF
b. Have the students complete the following parts of the form. Forms which contain imperfect erasures may not be read by the
(The most common errors in the past have been filling in more scanner that scores the contest. Tell your students to take special
than one circle in a column or not completely filling in the care to mark the answer in the row which corresponds to the
circles). problem number.
(1) Last Name 10. Remark to Teacher: Some students might wish to keep a personal
(2) First Name record of their answers by circling their answers on the contest
booklet before they are marked on the form. This procedure
(3) Middle Initial
is acceptable provided it does not consume too much time.
(4) Section Letter However, the official answers will be the ones blackened on the
For each math class participating in the AMC 8, assign a answer form.
different section letter of the alphabet (A-Z). These letters 11. Ask if there are any questions about procedures. Inform the
are assigned at the Contest Manager’s discretion, and may participants that talking or asking questions during the contest
be assigned by class, grade or ability group. Ten or more stu- is not allowed; they must do their own work.
dents should be assigned to each Section Letter. If you return 12. Remind students that they have 40 minutes to complete the
results with Sections that have fewer than ten students, we contest. Then tell them to BEGIN.
will combine these Sections into a single Section. Certificates 13. The contest should be proctored continuously as you would for any
are given to the top 3 students in each section (see page 6). important contest. The proctor must warn any students whose eyes
(5) Age, grade and gender wander and disqualify any students caught copying answers or col-
c. Collect the Answer Forms for redistribution on the contest laborating. Try to provide as quiet an environment as possible.
date. 14. Announce when there are 15 minutes left and when there are 5
d. Please make a final check to see if the forms have been marked minutes left.
correctly. 15. When time is up, tell the students to STOP and have them sign
2. Review the rules found on the package(s) of the AMC 8. their name in the space provided on the Student Answer Form.
3. Discuss with your students the questions and solutions from Collect the Answer Forms and exams as quickly as possible.
previous AMC 8’s so that they may see the type of questions to Inform the students that the contest and solutions may not
expect. be discussed with anyone outside of their contest administra-
4. Review with your students the instructions on the cover of the tion either orally, via email, www, copier or media of any type
2009 AMC 8, found on page 23 of this manual. until after November 24. Tell students that their contest will be
5. The day before the contest, remind students of the time and place returned to them after that date.
of the AMC 8. 16. As the Answer Forms are handed in, check that each student’s
6. Make arrangements to mail the AMC 8 REPORT ENVELOPE(s) name is on each one.
by FIRST CLASS MAIL or a trackable mail service (UPS, DHL, 17. Please do not grade the answer forms. Send them to Lincoln
Fed EX). for grading. Tell the students that their scores will be available
7. Obtain a supply of: (a) #2 lead pencils with good erasers, and (b) by late December.
unmarked scratch paper. Students may not use a calculator.
Inform students that no aids are permitted other than scratch pa-

V. Instructions For Completing  The AMC 8 Student ANSWER FORMS sent to
Lincoln for grading will not be returned.
The School Identification Form  We charge $10 for rescoring a student’s individual
Several days before the contest date, please complete the following contest.
items on the School Identification Form. 4. Please note: After you have delivered all of the Answer Forms
1. Stamp or write your school name and complete school mailing to the school office to be mailed, you may discuss the contest
address in the box in the upper-right hand corner. and solutions with your students. Remember that there will be
2. School ID -- Your School ID is on your AMC 8 Report Enve- schools taking the contest in other locations at different times,
lope. Copy your School ID in the empty boxes under the words and some will be taking the contest on other “window” dates.
“School ID.” a. Inform the students that the contest and solutions may not be
discussed with anyone outside of their contest administration
Mark As Follows: either orally, via email, www, copier or media of any type until
Schools using U.S.A. ZIP Codes: Blacken the circles for 0-9 after November 24.
in each column for the five digits and blacken one circle of the b. The contest booklets must be collected from the students.
letters A-J for the letter that has been assigned uniquely to your They may be returned after November 24.
Canadian Schools: All schools have a School ID that follows VII. Report of Results
this pattern: letter, digit, letter, blank, blank, letter. Blacken the The AMC 8 will be centrally scored at the AMC office at the Uni-
correct circles under these 6 characters. Be sure to darken the versity of Nebraska-Lincoln.
blank circles (not the circles containing zeroes) for the two blanks Each school report includes the following data:
in your School ID. 1. A list of the top 20 students in your school.
Schools outside the U.S.A.: All schools have a School ID in 2. A report for each section with a minimum of 10 students. This
which the six characters are letters (A-Z), unless the 4th and/or report lists the score of each student.
5th characters are blanks. Blacken the correct circles under these 3. One combined report for all sections with fewer than 10 stu-
six characters. Be sure to blacken the blank circles (not the circles
4. Tables of Item Difficulty for the participants in your school.
containing zeroes) for the blanks in your school ID. 5. A 2010 AMC 8 Registration Form for AMC 8 School Contest
3. Mark the number of completed Answer Forms returned. Please Managers who wish to register before the beginning of the next
do not count or return answer forms of students who were absent, school year.
blank forms or teacher “practice” forms. 6. A 2010 AMC 10/AMC 12 Brochure will be included with
4. Mark the proper circles for the date the contest was actually your results. The dates of the AMC 10/AMC 12 are Tuesday,
administered. February 9, 2010 and/or Wednesday, February 24, 2010. We
5. Be sure to complete the Survey on Page 8 by marking your recommend interested students study prior year AMC 10/AMC
answers on the back side of the ID form. 12 exams.
7. A National Summary of Results and Awards will include the
VI. What To Do Following The names of the top-scoring students and a listing of the national
Contest award winners. This Summary will be sent following the complete
analysis of results (usually in February).
1. Place the School ID Form on top of the Answer Forms and insert
in the Report Envelope. PLEASE NOTE:
a. Please arrange the forms by section with each form facing RESULTS BY JANUARY 16, 2010 PLEASE CALL THE AMC
the same direction with the same side up. OFFICE at 800-527-3690.
NOTE PAPER ATTACHED TO ANY ANSWER FORMS. ALL student answer forms returned for grading will be RECYCLED
b. Place no more than 200 forms in one envelope.
c. Do not return blank forms or teacher “practice” forms.
VIII. Eligibility and Participa-
2. Complete the Certification Form, page 7. If you did not nomi- tion Schedule
nate a teacher for the Sliffe award when you registered, please 1. Any student 14.5 years of age or younger on the day of the con-
do so now on the Sliffe Award Nomination Form on page 8. test and not enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 or equivalent is
3. Ask your Principal or person with comparable title to sign the eligible to participate.
Certification Form. Place the Certification Form in the AMC 2. The contest may be given during regular mathematics classes, to
8 Report Envelope, seal and send it First Class (affix the correct a section of the students, or at one time to the entire group of
postage before mailing) within 24 hours or as soon as possible students.
after all administrations have taken place. Notes:
Notes: a. You should discuss academic integrity with your students if
the contest is administered at several times or on more than
 Indicate the number of packages you are returning in one day, and all copies of the contest should be retained by
the space provided on the Report Envelope. the teacher until after all administrations have taken place.
 Affix adequate postage to the AMC 8 Report b. See Section IX for instructions relating to administering the
Envelope. contest on other dates.

IX. Policy Statements Statement 5
Statement 1 Learning Disabilities
Official & Unofficial The AMC 8 time limit set by the CAMC for students who are
visually impaired or learning disabled is 70 minutes. A teacher
Administration of the AMC 8 or a school adminstrator may read the questions to the student
Early Administration is NEVER permitted and will lead to a and mark the answers as directed by the student. The cost of
disqualification of the results. Such an administration would a Braille or Large Print exam is $7.00 shipping and handling
jeopardize the validity of all scores from other schools. plus $1.10 per exam for the AMC 8.
Official Administration: If you are unable to give the contest Statement 6
on November 17th because
a. your school is closed, Braille or Large Print Exams
b. your school has an academic conflict, 1. The time limit set by the Committee on the American Math-
c. the class periods have been shortened due to an ematics Competitions for visually impaired students is 70 MIN-
assembly or other reason, or
d. the majority of your students will be on a field trip, UTES.
2. Please note that a certified teacher or a school administrator
then your school may use any day between November 18-24. may read the questions to the student and mark the answers as
The AMC 8 should be given officially on the first day that the directed by the student.
school is open between Tuesday, November 17 and Tuesday,
November 24. Statement 7
Please note: Because the contest may be given officially during the English Language Learners
“window” days, as indicated above, you must collect the students’
English Language Learners may use a book or dual-language
contest booklets and instruct them not to discuss the contest
nontechnical dictionary between their native language and
questions and solutions outside their contest administration until
English. A student may use the dictionary only the first time
after November 24.
that he/she takes the AMC 8. The dictionary must be given
We define the term “contest administration” as a group of students
to the school contest manager to examine and retain for the
who are taking the contest at the same time in the same room.
24-hour period preceding the test. The proctor must announce
Unofficial administration after November 24 is permitted. to other students that the student(s) has/have been given special
Be sure to mark the exceptions box at the bottom of the permission to use the dictionary during the contest.
certification form as indicated. The last date to take the contest
unofficially is Friday, December 11, 2009. X. Intramural Awards
 School Certificate of Honor — awarded to schools with a team
Statement 2 score (AMC 8, top 3 students scores) of 66 or greater.
Irregularities  School Certificate of Merit — awarded to schools with a team
score (AMC 8, top 3 students scores) between 50 and 65, inclu-
If it is clear to the Contest Manager or another proctor that
a student has cheated, then the Manager must disqualify the
 Certificate of Distinction — is given to all students who receive
student’s score and not submit that student’s AMC 8 ANSWER
a perfect score.
FORM for grading.
 AMC 8 Winner Pin — given to the student(s) in each school
If there is inconclusive evidence of cheating or an accusation
with the highest score.
without clear evidence, the Contest Manager must report this
 Certificate for Outstanding Achievement — the top three stu-
irregularity in writing when submitting the ANSWER FORMS
dents in each of your assigned sections will receive, respectively,
for the school. This written report and the questionable ANSWER
a gold, silver, or bronze certificate. In case of a tie, additional
FORM(s) should be clearly identified, banded together and
certificates will be included with your results.
submitted along with the other ANSWER FORMS.
 AMC 8 Distinguished Honor Roll Certificate — given to all
Statement 3 students who score in (approximately) the top 1%.
Follow-up Inquiries  AMC 8 Honor Roll Certificate is given to all students who score
in (approximately) the top 5%.
The results of this AMC 8 identify students with exceptional  AMC 8 Achievement Roll Certificate — given to all students
mathematical ability. To assure that the purpose is served, in 6th grade and below who score in (approximately) the top
the Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions 40%.
reserves the right to make inquiries about scores, to re-examine  A Certificate of Participation is included in this Teachers manual,
students and to disqualify scores if necessary. If the required and will be included in your school results. This may be re-
security procedures are not followed, all scores from a school produced and given to the other students so that every student
may be disqualified. taking the AMC 8 will receive recognition. An Order Form will
Statement 4 be included with your results in case you wish to purchase a set
of these Certificates.
Refund/Credit Policy  Achievement Award Pins, Certificates of Merit, t-shirts, and neck-
If your school is unable to take the AMC 8, please use the ties are available for purchase if your school wishes to recognize
materials as practice sets for the next year. WE CANNOT other outstanding students. Ordering information for these
GIVE REFUNDS OR CREDITS AFTER THE CONTEST awards will be sent along with your school’s results.

To be eligible, a student should be 14.5 years of age or younger on the day of the contest and not enrolled in grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 or equiva-
lent. The AMC 8 must be administered by a teacher or an adult not associated with or related to any of the participants. The administration
of the contest must take place in a public building (e.g. school, library, church). Please send all Answer Forms from your school or group at
one time.
For a school/home school, the Contest Manager and the Principal, Vice Principal, Headmaster, Home School Coordinator, or person with
comparable title must sign this form and return it with your student Answer Forms. The Contest Manager must wait until all aspects of the
contest process at the school have been completed.

Certification by the principal, official or person with comparable title:

a. I certify that the contest package(s), the Complimentary Solutions Envelope and/or the Solution Packets were retained in their
sealed condition within an hour of the start of the administration of the contest.
b. I accept for our school/home school the rules and procedures described on this page and pages 4-6, and accept that failure to
follow these rules and procedures may result in DISQUALIFICATION from official standing of all scores from our school.
Signature _________________________________________________ Time____________________________________
Title _________________________________________________ Date____________________________________
If your school did not administer the AMC 8 contest on November 17, 2009, please enter the date(s) given ___________________.
If the contest was taken unofficially after the “window,” mark the exceptions box at the bottom and write
the reason on the bottom of this page.
Certification by the Contest Manager:
I certify that the following statements are true or that, if there are any exceptions, I have checked the box below and have listed them below
or on the bottom of this page or on a separate sheet of paper. I understand that the absence of either signature from this form and a consid-
eration of the exceptions may result in DISQUALIFICATION of all scores from our school. I understand that administering the AMC 8
before November 17, 2009 will lead to disqualification of our school’s results.

1. Only students in 8th grade or below, or ages 14.5 or below participated in the Contest.
2. The package of Contests was not opened until just before the administration of the Contest.
3. The participants were continuously monitored during the Contest, and they were separated by an empty space, if possible.
4. Participants had exactly 40 minutes working time.
5. No student was permitted to proctor the Contest.
6. I collected all of the students’ Contest booklets following the administration of the Contest.
7. After the Contest, the AMC 8 ANSWER FORMS were placed in the AMC 8 Report Envelope and kept secure. No changes
were made in the answers. If the AMC 8 was given at more than one time, the Contest papers were kept secure until all
administrations were over.
8. The instructions relating to the opening of the “Complimentary Solutions Envelope” and/or Solution Packets were fol-
9. I have followed all the rules as stated in this Teachers’ Manual.
SIGNATURE_____________________________________ TEST WAS GIVEN ______________________

School Name _____________________________________ Telephone ______________________________

City ____________________________________________ State ___________ Zip ______________

Email (please print clearly):__________________________ School Grade Level: _____ through _____



Questionnaire to Help Us Serve You Better
Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer these questions for us. Answer to the best of your ability, and if you don’t know, just give
us a “best estimate”. Please fill in your answers in the ovals provided on the back of the school ID form. Thank you!
1. What is the average number of students in your school’s math classes?
0) 1-10 1) 11-20 2) 21-25 3) 26-30 4) 31-40 5) 40+
2. What grade levels are covered in your school? (mark all that apply)
0) K-3 1) 4-5 2) 6 3) 7-8 4) 9-10 5) 11-12
3. How many students attend your school?
0) 1-99 1) 100-399 2) 400-699 3) 700-999 4) 1,000-2,999 5) 3,000+
4. How many “Middle School” programs (schools) are there in your school district?
0) 1 1) 2-5 2) 6-10 3) 11-15 4) 16-20 5) 21+
5. How did you find out about the American Mathematics Competitions?
0) Student/Parent 1) Fellow teacher 2) Administrator
3) Direct email 4) Direct postal mail 5) Our school has historically participated
6. Who or what do you rely on for information about activities or competitions your school can participate in? (mark all that apply)
0) Student/Parent 1) Administrators 2) My own research online
3) Direct email 4) Direct postal mail 5) Word of mouth from other teachers
7. In general, do other people you talk to know/have heard about the American Mathematics Competitions and its purpose?
0) No, never heard of the AMC 1) Yes, but only know it’s a math competition 2) Yes, know about the AMC
8. How do you prefer to receive information about the American Mathematics Competitions and its contests? (mark all that apply)
0) Email 1) Postal mail 2) I prefer to go to the website myself
9. Do you use any of the following social networking sites to keep updated on topics important to you? (mark all that apply)
0) Facebook 1) Myspace 2) Twitter 3) Blogger/Wordpress/Livejournal 4) Mobile Texts 5) None
10. Do you think the American Mathematics Competitions should have a presence on any of the above mentioned sites?
0) Yes, all of them 1) Yes, some of them 2) I don’t know/don’t care 3) No, definintely not

XII. 2009 AMC 8 Sliffe Nomination Form for the

Edyth May Sliffe Award f o r
D i s t i n g u i s h e d M a t h em a t i c s T e a c h i n g
(please print all information clearly)

Name of School Nominated Mathematics Teacher:_ _________________________________________________

Only one name may be submitted from your 2009 AMC 8 registered school, and it should be the mathematics teacher who has
been identified with the success of the students on the AMC 8. If you nominated a teacher during the registration process, you do
not need to fill this out now. The teacher must be currently employed by the participating school from which the student answer
forms have been submitted. Please do not hesitate to list your own name. Past recipients are ineligible.

School ID #: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Teacher’s Email:___________________________________________

School Name:_____________________________________________________________________________

City, State, & Zip:_________________________________________________________________________

School Telephone:_ ________________________________________________________________________

NOTE: Teachers are eligible for the Sliffe Award, provided their school has participated in the AMC 8 for three consecutive years. Approximately fifty awards (five from each of ten USA
regions) are given. The award includes $100, a Sliffe pin, a certificate and a 1-year membership in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Selection is based on averaging the
scores of the top three students in each participating school over a three year period.

XIII. Additional Bundles Form
Please fill in the information below and FAX your order. The administrator or authorized person of the school agrees to pay the American
Mathematics Competitions for the following materials:
School Name _ ______________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________
City_____________________________________________ State____________ Zip _________________
Name of person placing the order _______________________________________________________________
Email address ______________________________________________________________________________

Contest Bundles of ten ............................ #_________.@ $11/bundle =............. $ ___________

AMC 8 Solutions, Sets of ten (optional)................ #_________.@ $ 6/set =..................... $ _____________

Postage/Handling Fee (see chart below) .......................................................................................... $_ _________

Total................................................................................................................................................. $_ _________
P.O. Number____________________
VISA/MC# : _ _____________________________________________ Address:_ _______________________________________
Name (Please Print):__________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Exp. Date: _________________________________________________ Telephone #_ ____________________________________
To order publications or the AMC 8 Math Club Study Guide see the publication order form at:


1. VISA & MasterCard accepted. 5. OUTSIDE U. S. A.: Add additional $10 to U.S.A. shipping
2. Make checks payable to: costs.
American Mathematics Competitions FAX 402-472-6087 or Call 1-800-527-3690
3. PAYMENT IN U.S. FUNDS ONLY. Please Send Your Order To:
4. U.S.A.: Order TOTAL Shipping Charge* American Mathematics Competitions
$10.00 -- $40.00 $7.00
$40.01 -- $50.00 $9.00 ATTN: AMC 8 Additional Bundles
$50.01 -- $75.00 $12.00 P.O. Box 81606
$75.01 -- UP $15.00 Lincoln, NE 68501-1606
*Orders after November 4th will be charged an additional $5.00 for 2 day or $10.00 for 1 day shipping.

XIV. Proof of Intent to Pay

This document is intended to be used in lieu of pre-payment when phoning or faxing an order. Please indicate if
you wish to be billed or will be sending a “check in the mail” (to be received within 2 weeks of order or you will be
billed). Mail orders not wishing to be billed should include a check when returning this form. The person who signs
this form must be authorized to pay the order that is placed by the teacher.

 Billed
Name of Person Authorized to Pay (please print):__________________________________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________

Title:_ _______________________________ Date: _ ____________________________

Email: _______________________________

XV. AMC 8 Rescoring Request Form

I would like to have the following student’s answer form re-scored. I understand that there is a $10.00 charge for each
student answer form rescored.

$ 10.00/each
Student Name_ ____________________________________________________________ $_____________

Student Name_ ____________________________________________________________ $_____________

Student Name_ ____________________________________________________________ $_____________

Student Name_ ____________________________________________________________ $_____________

Grand Total _______________________________________________________________ $_____________

Teacher’s Name_____________________________________________Zip ID #_ ___________________

School Name_______________________________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________


Email where re-score should be sent _ ____________________________________________________

Method of Payment:

Check (US funds only) made payable and mailed with this form to the:
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
P.O. Box 81606
Lincoln, NE 68501-1606

Charge to Visa/Mastercard#:_ __________________________________________________________

Name on card (print):_ ____________________________________________________________

Signature_ ______________________________________________________________________

Expiration Date:________________________ Telephone:__________________________________

FAX completed form to: 402-472-6087

XVI. AMC 8 Practice Questions

Susan had $50 to spend at the carnival. She spent $12 on

food and twice as much on rides. How many dollars did she
have left to spend?

(A) 12 (B) 14 (C) 26 (D) 38 (E) 50

2008 AMC 8, Problem #1—

“Susan spent 2 × 12 = $24 on rides.”


Answer (B): Susan spent 2 × 12 = $24 on rides, so she had 50 − 12 − 24 = $14 to


Difficulty: Easy
NCTM Standard: Number and Operations Standard for Grades 6–8: compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates.
Mathworld.com Classification: Number Theory > Arithmetic > General Arithmetic > Arithmetic

AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

In the figure, the outer equilateral triangle has area 16, the
inner equilateral triangle has area 1, and the three trapezoids
are congruent. What is the area of one of the trapezoids?

(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6 (E) 7

2008 AMC 8, Problem #4—

“The area of the outer triangle with the inner triangle removed is
the total area of the three congruent trapezoids.”


Answer (C): The area of the outer triangle with the inner triangle removed is 16−1 =
3 = 5.
15, the total area of the three congruent trapezoids. Each trapezoid has area 15

Difficulty: Medium-easy
NCTM Standard: Geometry Standard for Grades 6–8: understand relationships among the angles, side
lengths, perimeters, areas, and volumes of similar objects.
Mathworld.com Classification: Geometry > Plane Geometry > Geometric Similarity > Congruent

AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

In the figure, what is the ratio of the area of the gray squares

to the area of the white squares?

(A) 3 : 10 (B) 3 : 8 (C) 3 : 7 (D) 3 : 5 (E) 1 : 1

2008 AMC 8, Problem #6—

“Subdividing the central gray square into unit squares.”

Answer (D): After subdividing the central gray square as shown, 6 of the 16 congruent
squares are gray and 10 are white. Therefore, the ratio of the area of the gray squares
to the area of the white squares is 6 : 10 or 3 : 5.

Difficulty: Medium
NCTM Standard: Geometry Standard for Grades 6–8: precisely describe, classify, and understand
relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties.
Mathworld.com Classification: Geometry > Plane Geometry > Squares > Square

AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

3 M 60
If = = , what is M + N ?
5 45 N

(A) 27 (B) 29 (C) 45 (D) 105 (E) 127

2008 AMC 8, Problem #7—

“M = 35 · 45 and N = 60 · 53 .”

Answer (E): Note that M 45 = 5 = 5·9 = 45 , so M = 27. Similarly, = = =
3 3·9 27 60 3 3·20
N 5 5·20
100 , so N = 100. The sum M + N = 27 + 100 = 127.

Note that = so M =
5, = 27. Also
5 ·45
N = 35 , so N
60 = 53 , and N = 53 ·60 = 100.
The sum M + N = 27 + 100 = 127.

Difficulty: Medium-easy
NCTM Standard: Number and Operations Standard for Grades 6–8: work flexibly with fractions,
decimals, and percents to solve problems.
Mathworld.com Classification: Number Theory > Arithmetic > Fractions > Ratio

AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

In 2005 Tycoon Tammy invested $100 for two years. During

the first year her investment suffered a 15% loss, but during
the second year the remaining investment showed a 20% gain.
Over the two-year period, what was the change in Tammy’s

(A) 5% loss (B) 2% loss (C) 1% gain (D) 2% gain (E) 5% gain

2008 AMC 8, Problem #9—

“At the end of the first year, Tammy’s investment was 85% of the
original amount, or $85.”

Answer (D): At the end of the first year, Tammy’s investment was 85% of the original
amount, or $85. At the end of the second year, she had 120% of her first year’s final
amount, or 120% of $85 = 1.2($85) = $102. Over the two-year period, Tammy’s
investment changed from $100 to $102, so she gained 2%.

Difficulty: Medium-hard
NCTM Standard: Number and Operations Standard for Grades 6–8: compute fluently and make
reasonable estimates.
Mathworld.com Classification: Number Theory > Arithmetic > Fractions > Percent

AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

Mr. Harman needs to know the combined weight in pounds

of three boxes he wants to mail. However, the only available
scale is not accurate for weights less than 100 pounds or more
than 150 pounds. So the boxes are weighed in pairs in every
possible way. The results are 122, 125 and 127 pounds. What
is the combined weight in pounds of the three boxes?

(A) 160 (B) 170 (C) 187 (D) 195 (E) 354

2008 AMC 8, Problem #13—

“Each box is weighed two times, once with each of the other two


Answer (C): Because each box is weighed two times, once with each of the other two
boxes, the total 122 + 125 + 127 = 374 pounds is twice the combined weight of the
2 = 187 pounds.
three boxes. The combined weight is 374

Difficulty: Medium
NCTM Standard: Algebra Standard for Grades 6–8: use mathematical models to represent and
understand quantitative relationships.
Mathworld.com Classification: Discrete Mathematics > Combinatorics > Weighing > Weighing


AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

Ms. Osborne asks each student in her class to draw a rectangle

with integer side lengths and a perimeter of 50 units. All of her

students calculate the area of the rectangle they draw. What is
the difference between the largest and smallest possible areas
of the rectangles?

(A) 76 (B) 120 (C) 128 (D) 132 (E) 136

2008 AMC 8, Problem #17—

“Make a table with all possible combination of lengths and


Answer (D): The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is 2l + 2w, so

2l + 2w = 50, and l + w = 25. Make a chart of the possible widths, lengths, and
areas, assuming all the widths are shorter than all the lengths.
Width 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Length 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13
Area 24 46 66 84 100 114 126 136 144 150 154 156

The largest possible area is 13 × 12 = 156 and the smallest is 1 × 24 = 24, for a
difference of 156 − 24 = 132 square units.
Note: The product of two numbers with a fixed sum increases as the numbers get closer
together. That means, given the same perimeter, the square has a larger area than any
rectangle, and a rectangle with a shape closest to a square will have a larger area than
other rectangles with equal perimeters.

Difficulty: Medium-hard
NCTM Standard: Geometry Standard for Grades 6–8: precisely describe, classify, and understand
relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties.
Mathworld.com Classification: Geometry > Plane Geometry > Rectangles > Rectangle


AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

Jerry cuts a wedge from a 6-cm cylinder of bologna as shown

by the dashed curve. Which answer choice is closest to the
volume of his wedge in cubic centimeters?
6 cm

8 cm

(A) 48 (B) 75 (C) 151 (D) 192 (E) 603

2008 AMC 8, Problem #21—

“The formula for the volume of a cylinder is V = πr2 h .”


Answer (C): Using the formula for the volume of a cylinder, the bologna has volume
π r2 h = π × 42 × 6 = 96π. The cut divides the bologna in half. The half-cylinder will
2 = 48π ≈ 151 cm .
have volume 96π 3

Note: The value of π is slightly greater than 3, so to estimate the volume multiply
48(3) = 144 cm3 . The product is slightly less than and closer to answer C than any
other answer.

Difficulty: Medium-hard
NCTM Standard: Geometry Standard for Grades 6–8: precisely describe, classify, and understand
relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties.
Mathworld.com Classification: Geometry > Solid Geometry > Cylinders > Cylinder


AMC 8 Practice Questions Continued

For how many positive integer values of n are both 3 and 3n

three-digit whole numbers?

(A) 12 (B) 21 (C) 27 (D) 33 (E) 34

2008 AMC 8, Problem #22—

“Since n3 and 3n are three-digit numbers, n ∈ [300, 333] .”


Answer (A): Because n3 is at least 100 and is an integer, n is at least 300 and is a
multiple of 3. Because 3n is at most 999, n is at most 333. The possible values of n
are 300, 303, 306, . . ., 333 = 3 · 100, 3 · 101, 3 · 102, . . ., 3 · 111, so the number of
possible values is 111 − 100 + 1 = 12.

Difficulty: Medium-hard
NCTM Standard: Algebra Standard for Grades 6–8: represent and analyze mathematical situations and
structures using algebraic symbols.
Mathworld.com Classification: Number Theory > Integers > Whole Number


XVII. Publicity

If possible the sample Contest Announcement and Results Announcement news releases should be prepared and
distributed to the newspapers, radio and television stations in your region. See the AMC website, or the 2008 Summary
of Results for statistics and figures from the the 2008 contest. Statistics and figures for the 2009 Contest will be available
on our website in early 2010.

(School or School District)



( # ) students at (School) participated in the 25th annual American Mathematics Competitions 8, held
on Tuesday, November 17, 2009. They competed for local and national student and school awards.
The contest, which covers middle school mathematics, is given at participating schools. Its purpose is
to spur interest in mathematics and develop talent through the excitement of friendly competition at
problem solving in a timed format. In 2008 over 170,000 students from over 2,300 schools partici-
pated in the AMC 8 contest including ( # ) students from ( # ) schools in (State).

The AMC 8, first offered in 1985, is an annual project sponsored by The Mathematical Association
of America, and is located at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. The AMC receives support from
the Akamai Foundation, Academy of Applied Sciences, American Mathematical Association of Two-Year
Colleges, American Mathematical Society, American Statistical Association, Art of Problem Solving, Awesome
Math, Canada/USA Mathcamp, Casualty Actuarial Society, IDEA Math, Institute for Operations Research
and the Management Sciences, MathPath, Math Zoom Academy, Mu Alpha Theta, National Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, Pi Mu Epsilon, Society of Actuaries, U. S. A. Math Talent Search, W. H. Freeman and
Company,Wolfram Research Inc. The Contest is given across the U.S.A., Canada, and in many schools

Details concerning the 2009-2010 AMC contests for Middle School and High School are available
on the AMC web site: www.unl.edu/amc/. Entries for the 2010 contest close on February 3, 2010
for the February 9th exam, and on February 18, 2010 for the February 24th contest.

For further information contact the AMC -- telephone: 800-527-3690, email: [email protected].

Mathematical Association of America
American Mathematics Competitions

Fall 2009

Dear Parent or Guardian:

On November 17, 2009 your son or daughter will participate in the 25th annual American Mathematics
Competitions 8 (AMC 8) contest being offered in your school. Last year the AMC 8 contest involved over
170,000 students worldwide.

With these contests, there are awards in each school for the student with the highest score, certificates for high-
scoring students in each school, and state-wide awards. The AMC 8 contest can lead to other more selective
math contests, even all the way to the United States of America team sent to the International Mathematical
Olympiad, the premier international high school level mathematical problem solving contest. But the real
rewards come from challenging each student with mathematics that is new, different, and “outside of the
box.” The problems on the contest are difficult, but designed to be within the reach of students. Even so, if
your son or daughter managed to solve only one or two problems, this should be an encouragement to learn
more, because these problems are meant to be more challenging than students routinely encounter in their
mathematics courses.

Mathematics is increasingly important in our technological and scientific age. Taking enough mathematics in
school is the gateway to jobs and careers of all kinds, even those that are not explicitly mathematical, scientific
or technological. We hope that by offering these contests, we can challenge and inspire students to want to
learn more mathematics. We hope that your son or daughter enjoys the contests and will continue to take
mathematics courses in middle school, high school and beyond.


Dr. Steven R. Dunbar

Director, MAA American Mathematics Competitions

University of Nebraska – Lincoln  P.O. Box 880658  1740 Vine Street  Lincoln, NE 68588-0658
Phone: 402.472.2257  Fax: 402.472.6087  [email protected]  www.unl.edu/amc
The Mathematical Association of America
American Mathematics Competitions


for participating in the

American Mathematics Contest 8

(AMC 8)

__________________________________ __________________________________
Director Chair
American Mathematics Competitions AMC 8 Subcommittee

The Mathematical Association of America

American Mathematics Competitions


for participating in the

American Mathematics Contest 8

(AMC 8)
__________________________________ __________________________________
Director Chair
American Mathematics Competitions AMC 8 Subcommittee
 XIX. Certificate of Participation (facing page)
(for reproduction, page 22)

XX. Facsimile of the AMC 8 front cover

The Mathematical Association of America

American Mathematics Competitions

25th Annual

(American Mathematics Contest 8)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

2. This is a twenty-five question multiple choice test. Each question is followed by
answers marked A, B, C, D and E. Only one of these is correct.
3. Mark your answer to each problem on the AMC 8 Answer Form with a #2 pencil.
Check the blackened circles for accuracy and erase errors and stray marks completely.
Only answers properly marked on the answer form will be graded.
4. There is no penalty for guessing. Your score on this test is the number of correct
5. No aids are permitted other than scratch paper, graph paper, rulers, and erasers. No
calculators are allowed. No problems on the test will require the use of a calculator.
6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
7. Before beginning the test, your proctor will ask you to record certain information on
the answer form.
8. When your proctor gives the signal, begin working on the problems. You will have
40 minutes to complete the test.
9. When you finish the exam, sign your name in the space provided on the Answer Form.

The Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions reserves the right to re-examine students before
deciding whether to grant official status to their scores. The Committee also reserves the right to disqualify all
scores from a school if it determines that the required security procedures were not followed.

The publication, reproduction or communication of the problems or solutions of the AMC 8 during the period
when students are eligible to participate seriously jeopardizes the integrity of the results. Dissemination via copier,
telephone, e-mail, World Wide Web or media of any type during this period is a violation of the competition rules.
After the contest period, permission to make copies of individual problems in paper or electronic form including
posting on web-pages for educational use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear the copyright notice.
Copyright © 2009, The Mathematical Association of America

American Mathematics Competitions
are Sponsored by
The Mathematical Association of America
The Akamai Foundation
Academy of Applied Sciences
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges
American Mathematical Society
American Statistical Association
Art of Problem Solving
Awesome Math
Canada/USA Mathcamp
Casualty Actuarial Society
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Math Zoom Academy
Mu Alpha Theta
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Pi Mu Epsilon
Society of Actuaries
U.S.A. Math Talent Search
W. H. Freeman and Company
Wolfram Research Inc.

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