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Production of Biodegradable Plastics As

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FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS)


ISSN and2616-1370
online: Sunday FJS
ISSN print: 2645 - 2944
Vol. 5 No. 4, December, 2021, pp 326 - 331
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33003/fjs-2021-0504-715



Musa QASIM1 , Toyese OYEGOKE2 and Sunday OMALE3

1,2The Department of Chemical Engineering Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Nigeria
1,3The Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry Kogi State University, Anyigba, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author’s Email: [email protected] 08064468758


The world is moving towards the 2050 net-zero emissions goal and tackling the ever-growing environmental
and sustainability crisis by implementing the European Green Deal. The move towards a more sustainable
society in Nigeria is success with the production, use, and disposal of plastic in Nigeria. Emissions generated by
plastic production, and unlimited-growing of plastic waste has a huge negative impact on the living organisms
because of the large accumulation in the landfills and aquatic environment. Adoption of bioplastics, which is
under assessment, is one way to decouple Nigeria from the use of fossil resources, and to mitigate specific
environmental risks related to plastic waste. In this work, we aim at reviewing the viability of bioplastics
production in Nigeria, work done and yet to be done for effective production and commercialization. We also
discuss some of the merits and challenges that can be currently identified with the adoption of these processes
in Nigeria.

Keywords: aquatic; bioplastics; disposal; environment; fossil; landfills; sustainability

INTRODUCTION resistance of plastics to degradation as well as their everlasting

The low cost of plastics and their varied uses have paved the in the environment led to the development of biodegradable
way for a wide range of applications (Cho et al., 2011). By bioplastics (Urbanek et al., 2017). These biodegradable
estimation the annual production of petroleum based plastic can bioplastics may be decomposed by some of the abiotic
go beyond the amount of 350 million tones (European mechanisms such as photodegradation, oxidation, and
Bioplastics Report, 2019). However, their numerous uses has hydrolysis (Luckachan and Pillai 2011), as well as by microbial
led to huge environmental pollution which is due to disposal of degradation (Rhodes., 2019). Currently it is estimated that the
used plastics materials in high amount, and it is about 50% of global bioplastics generation capacity is about 2.1 million
the total mass of plastics generated (Rhodes.,2019). The tonnes, which is equivalent to 0.6% of the global plastic
recycling process from 1950 to 2015 was less than 10% of the generation (European Bioplastics Report, 2019).
overall amount of plastic wastes generated, and about 90% were The main aim of this paper is to carryout review on the work
landfilled or incinerated (Geyer et al.,2017). Incineration of done and works to be done in the production of bioplastics in
plastics evolves toxic environmental gases such as carbon Nigeria
dioxide and methane, which are major constituents of
greenhouse gases (GHGs). These GHGs contribute to global CONSUMPTION OF PLASTICS IN NIGERIA
warming (Philip et al., 2013). In the same vein, plastics entail In Nigeria, the use of plastics is far back as the second half of
tightly bonded long polymer molecules, which allow them to the 20th Century, upon the introduction of use of plastics for
remain in the environment for hundred years due to non- packaging. Hitherto, there were only about 50 registered
degradability (Ezgi and Havva, 2015). However the molecules companies engaged in the production of plastics in Nigeria
of agricultural based plastics are readily attacked and broken (Abdul-lateef A., 2020). However, as it gains popularity, the
down by microorganisms (Siracusa et al., 2000). Moreover, the embracement of use of plastics increases, and plastic production
unlimited-growing plastic waste has a huge negative impact on multiplied such that, over 3,000 registered plastic production
the living organisms because of the large accumulation in the companies had been registered in Nigeria (Abdul-lateef A.,
landfills and aquatic environment (Sarasa et al., 2009). 2020). Nigeria is ranked at present, the highest importer of
Microplastics particles of smaller diameter upon degradation plastics and plastic raw materials in Africa (Abdul-lateef A.,
found their ways into food, drinking water, soil, and the air 2020). The countries that are leading the supply of these plastics
(Chae and An., 2018). About 13% of the plastic waste account into Nigeria include the United States of America (17 percent),
for Microplastics mass (Eriksen et al.,2014), some living the Republic of Korea (13 percent), and India (9 percent) among
organisms consume macroplastics by mistake for which it more than eighteen other countries of origin (Society of plastic
would be lethal and cause injuries (Harrison et al., 2018) or lead Industry, 2012). Against this backdrop, current estimates by
to detrimental effects on human health as a consequence of Hanafi (2018) suggest that over 100,000 tons of plastic are
being ingested (Xanthos and Walker., 2017). Base on these produced annually in Nigeria.
consequences, it is now essential to reduce over reliance on If it remains “business as usual” (i.e. no anticipated change in
fossil fuels and to decrease the green house effect generated by policy, use and waste attitude), and the volume continues to
the petroleum-based plastics (Javierre et al., 2015). The increase, it is determined that plastics importation and

FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 5 No. 4, December, 2021, pp 326 - 331
PRODUCTION OF… Musa, Toyese and Sunday FJS

consumption is expected to reach a total of over 40 million (CO2) cycle; some plastics like Styrofoam (foamed polystyrene)
tonnes by 2030 (Society of plastic Industry, 2012). bring about a release of neurotoxins at high doses when
temperatures hike (Adeleke, 2018). Plastics bags, bottles, films,
WASTE GENERATED FROM PLASTIC IN NIGERIA and other items also clog drainage systems causing flooding.
Terrestrial wildlife might also ingest this plastic matter leading
The end of life of plastics is a non-biodegradable wastes, to intestinal blockage and inherently death (Dumbili&
improper management of these wastes; tend to pose huge threats Henderson, 2020; Ikpe et al, 2020). In excess of 80 percent of
to environmental security. This is prevalent in societies where ocean plastic is leaked from land-based sources; plastic garbage
solid wastes are neither recycled nor incinerated, that is, those generated by in-landers irrespective of proximity to the sea still
finds its way to the sea (D’Alessandro, 2014).
with inefficient waste management regimes. In the light of this,
African countries rank high in terms of the inability to recycle CONCEPT OF BIOPLASTIC
solid waste despite high waste generation (Abdul-lateef A., The manufacturing of bioplastics was back in the 1950s and re-
2020). surfaced in the 1980s (Soroudi and Jakubowicz., 2013), but only
recently received the necessary attention , in particular, their
The most conservative estimates suggest that over 30,000 tons industrial-scale production began in 2000s (Song et al., 2009).
of plastic wastes are generated annually across Nigeria (Okafor, Bioplastics is a generic term that describes bio-based plastics,
which includes the ones that are made of biogenic materials, and
2020). Relaying on available data for plastic production to
those plastics that are biodegradable that may include
estimate Nigeria‟s plastic waste is problematic. This is petrochemical ones in fact, not all bio-based plastics are
especially because, despite the growing business of plastic biodegradable. On the other hand, some biodegradable plastics
production in Nigeria, a very significant proportion of plastics may be of petrochemical origin (Penkhrue et al., 2015).
used in Nigeria are from direct importation of finished goods Therefore, a bioplastic is the plastic that is either bio-based,
(Obiezu, 2019). biodegradable or both.
The annual bioplastics production is relatively low, and is less
For two main reasons, it is difficult to ascertain the actual than one percent of the total annual projected production which
is almost 360 million tonnes (European Bioplastics Report,
amount of plastic wastes generated annually in Nigeria. First is
the absence of official statistical data in relation to waste In 2019, bioplastic production was 2.11 million tonnes (of
generation, disposal, and management in Nigeria. Next, is the which 44.5% were bio-based/non-biodegradable bioplastics and
culture of illicit disposal of solid waste in Nigeria which makes 55.5% biodegradable bioplastics). Moreover, in 2024, the
data collection a very challenging process (Okafor, 2020). On bioplastics’ production is expected to reach about 2.43 million
this note, Obiezu (2019) suggests that the total amount of plastic tones (European Bioplastics Report, 2019). Because of similar
waste generated annually in Nigeria could be as high as 2.5 applications, bioplastics seem to be the ideal replacement for
conventional plastics (Karamanlioglu et al., 2017). Because they
million tonnes.
are produced from biogenic raw materials and their
biodegradability make them viable solution for environmental
Nevertheless, there is no doubt that Nigeria generates some of sustainability and also contribute to the goals of circular
the highest amounts of plastic wastes in Africa, most of which economy (Ryan.,2017). For instance, the production of
often end up in marine environments, landfills, or indiscriminate conventional plastics uses irreversible processes as they are
waste burning (Dumbili& Henderson, 2020; Ikpe et al, 2020). fossil fuel based (Tsang et al., 2019). But bioplastics can be
Sadly, in all three methods of plastic waste disposal, there are synthesized from chemicals produced by micro-organisms
adverse consequences for the environment. utilizing various waste products (Sharma et al.,2020). The
agricultural land used requirement for the production raw
materials of bioplastics is about 0.02% of the total available
Earth’s arable, this makes bioplastics an important replacement
The plastics waste generated in Nigeria are disposed
for conventional plastics (European Bioplastics Report, 2019).
indiscriminately, that is, dumping at undesignated areas and is
Agricultural crop-based feedtocks is still the source for vast
identified as a major challenge facing Nigeria’s waste
majority of bioplastics production, that is, from carbohydrates
management regime (Alumona & Onwuanabile, 2019).
and plant materials (Karan et al.,2019), that both lead to
According to Adeleke (2018), the spate of indiscriminate waste
increased water usage and to the reduction of food production
disposal in south-Western Nigeria is so alarming that it already
(Bastos et al.,2018). This point of view will necessitate the
constitutes adverse public health consequences. Similarly,
adoption of new technologies to manufacture bioplastics for
Abubakar et al (2019) stress that in North Central Nigeria,
efficient transition from a fossil-fuel-based society, and an
domestic and industrial waste is indiscriminately disposed.
inefficient waste management, to one based on renewable
While indiscriminate dumping of wastes poses a series of
resources, reduced fossil fuel consumption, and reuse-oriented
adverse environmental and health consequences, it also makes
waste management (Marone et al.,2016). The latter situation
it difficult to be recycled. The plastics that are not recycled or
agrees with the concept of circular economy
incinerated for electricity generation end up accumulating and
sitting in landfills for hundreds even thousands of years without
decomposing (Stock et al., 2020). These plastics in landfills and
Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
the environment; discharge toxic pollutants which contaminate
groundwater and the soil; cause changes in the carbon dioxide

FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 5 No. 4, December, 2021, pp 326 - 331
PRODUCTION OF… Musa, Toyese and Sunday FJS

Bioplastics can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30–70% of the bioplastics produced from cassava does not depend on the
compared with conventional plastics (European Bioplastics, level of amylose and amylopectin in the starch but rather on the
2016). it productions can significantly reduces greenhouse gas amount of the starch itself that is used in the formulation. They
emissions and decreases non-renewable energy consumption ( concluded that the bioplastics produced from starch having a
Gironi et al., 2011). Firms worldwide would also be able to higher amylopectin level would have a higher tensile strength;
increase the environmental sustainability of their products by however, they do not necessarily have a faster and greater rate
using bioplastics (Brockhaus, et al., 2016). of degradation when composted.
Bioplastics are potential solution for environmental Adigun et al.,(2018) investigated on the exploration of
sustainability, since they are biodegradable and manufacture agricultural waste in the production of biogel fuel and bioplastic
from biogenic materials (Ryan et al., 2020). For instance, while in their study, starch gotten from waste cassava peel was mixed
bioplastics can be synthesized from chemicals produced by with plasticizer at ratio of 20:1:1 and also repeated for ratio
micro-organisms utilizing various waste products (Sharma et 20:1:2 These were cooked in a non-sticky pot over a gas burner
al., 2017), the production of conventional plastics uses until a bio-resin which was subjected to chemical, mechanical
irreversible processes as they are fossil fuel based (Tsang et al., and biodegradable tests was formed. Their results suggested
2019). that, there is feasibility of producing bioplastics from cassava
Advantages of Bioplastics peels. And the produced bioplastic has appropriate strength
A bioplastic material represents, in most cases, a suitable properties and higher degradable rate as also confirmed in the
replacement for conventional plastics (Song et al., 2009). FTIR Acknowledgements.
Therefore, the bioplastics have started to enter slowly into the
market in a variety of sectors such as Packaging (Bilo et al., Ezeonu ea al., (2018). Studied on the Trends on Bio-Synthesis
2018), Sponge cloths (Vaverkova & Adamcova,., 2015), of Plastics, they discovered the viability of bioplastic production
Electronics applications (Bilo et al., 2018), Starch-based Films from agricultural products. The study also emphasized on the
(Hottle & Bilec., 2013), Rigid materials (such as plates and future commercialization despite the current costly production.
cutlery and foams) Films (Hottle & Bilec., 2013), Medical It was concluded that the Bio-Synthesis of Plastics is the way to
products (Rincones et al., 2013) etc. Bioplastics are used in a go in future since it will eliminate all the environmental
wide range of applications. This is attributed to the fact that challenges imposed by the conventional petroleum hydrocarbon
several desired characteristics can be obtained (such as, derived plastics.
flexibility, strength, shape memory capability, or resistance to Abioye et al.,(2018) Worked on the Review of Biodegradable
liquids) by easily changing the processing conditions during Plastics in Nigeria. It was established from the review that,
their production (Rincones et al., 2013). In general, packaging despite, the possibility of bioplastic replacing petroleum-based
for both food and non-food materials is the most common use plastics, the cost of producing biodegradable plastics is very
of bioplastics, independent of the type of their polymer-based high compared to the conventional plastic because the process
source (Bilo et al., 2018). of modifying most plants used for production of bioplastics are
However, a variety of bioplastics is being nowadays industrially very costly.
manufactured competing in price and performance with the oil- The review also emphasized on the setback associated to the
based polymers (Song et al., 2009). The energy requirement is achievement of optimal mechanical properties of bioplastics
lower for bioplastics (57 MJ kg -1) compared to conventional products. To attain these optimal mechanical properties, the
plastics (77 MJ kg -1), which impacts global warming less producing materials must be blended with plasticizers and other
(Sharma et al.,2020). materials. These make the cost of producing bioplastics much
Disadvantages of Bioplastics more than the petroleum-based plastics.
Bioplastics still have higher production costs than conventional Ezeoha and Ezenwanne, (2013), investigated on the Production
plastics. It is estimated that biopolymers’ price is 2 to 5 times of Biodegradable Plastic Packaging Film from Cassava Starch.
higher compared to the conventional plastics (Prosperi et The study was carried out based on blending of cassava starch
al.,2018). On the other hand, most bioplastics are not yet cost- and a synthetic biodegradable polymer (PVA). The film
effective, due to the high cost of the manufacturing processes produced was found to have a biodegradability of 41.27%
(Prosperi et al.,2018). compared to 10.33% and 85.99% for polythene and paper
Another issue limiting the bioplastic market may be the respectively. The film also has a tensile strength of
matching of the specific properties of a petroleum-derived 24.87N/mm2compared to 10.86N/mm2 and 8.29N/mm2 for
plastic with those of the replacing ‘biological’ alternative polythene and paper. The results indicated that, bioplastic is not
(Rhodes et al., 2018). only better in terms of biogradability but can also withstand the
However, the often low mechanical strength of bioplastics is the mechanical strength as compared to convectional plastics.
property that mostly limits their application and requires the use Potential area Research on Bioplastics in Nigeria
of synthetic fibers, such as glass or carbon, to increase this It is fascinating that biodegradable plastics can completely
property (Yang et al.,2018).This leads to environmental substitute petroleum-based plastics in Nigeria (Ezeonu ea al.,
problems due to reduction of their biodegradability (Yang et 2018). Based on the review on potential of bioplastic production
al.,2018). in Nigeria, there is need for further research in some of the
fundamentals areas like modification process, blending ratio,
Potential of Bioplastic production in Nigeria process optimization and economic analysis. Emphasis must
Ogbu et al. (2009), worked on the evaluation of starch also be on the design and fabrication of process plant, for
biodegradable plastics derived from cassava and their rates of commercial production in Nigeria, as well as environmental
degradation in soil, they discovered that the rate of degradability

FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 5 No. 4, December, 2021, pp 326 - 331
PRODUCTION OF… Musa, Toyese and Sunday FJS

impact assessment, waste and disposal managements of from wastes of cassava to promote their biomassweb values,
produced bioplastics. GHG and environmental pollution

Benefit of Bioplastic to Nigeria

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FUDMA Journal of Sciences (FJS) Vol. 5 No. 4, December, 2021, pp 326 - 331

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