Biomechatronic Embedded System Design of

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Biomechatronic Embedded System Design of

Sensorized Glove with Soft Robotic Hand Exoskeleton

Used for Rover Rescue Missions on Mars
2021 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS) | 978-1-6654-4067-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IEMTRONICS52119.2021.9422634

Paul Palacios José Cornejo Milton V. Rivera José Luis Napán

Space Physics & Engineering Division, Space Physics & Engineering Division, Space Human Medicine Division, Space Physics & Engineering Division,,
Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics
Research Group Research Group Research Group Research Group
Lima, PERU Lima, PERU Lima, PERU Lima, PERU
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Walter Castillo Victor Ticllacuri Andrés D. Reina Adolfo Chaves-Jiménez

Space Physics & Engineering Division, Space Physics & Engineering Division, Space Veterinary Medicine Division, Space Systems Lab (SETEC lab),
Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Research Group Research Group Research Group Cartago, COSTA RICA
Lima, PERU Lima, PERU Bogotá , COLOMBIA [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Gustavo Jamanca-Lino Juan Carlos Chávez

Space Physics & Engineering Division, Space Physics & Engineering Division,
Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Research Group; Bioastronautics and Space Mechatronics Research Group;
Colorado School of Mines HUB Designers & Talent360
Colorado, USA Washington DC, USA
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— For many years, a manned mission to Mars has I. INTRODUCTION

been a challenge for humanity. However, the recent technological
advances in human factors and space systems engineering may
This decade, 2020-2030, an age of space colonization will
overcome these limitations. Thus, there are some strategies to face begin. The Artemisa project plans to explore the Moon to
various medical emergencies autonomously due to long distances extract resources and establish a human base as a rehearsal for
and hostile conditions in order to develop healthcare monitoring future Martian missions [1]. Mars human exploration is the next
and ensuring the safety of the astronauts. For this reason, an step; therefore, it is required to develop previous colonization
innovative research has been conducted from 2020 to 2021 under activities [2]. The physical and psychological risks for the
the supervision of the Bioastronautics & Space Mechatronics astronauts on this trip will be very crucial [3]. It is also essential
Research Group, resulting in this proposed project, which is a to offer countermeasure alternatives to avoid body damage by
sensorized glove for medical emergencies controlling the rover the effects of microgravity, radiation [4] and the environmental
developed by the Team "Tharsis" from the Universidad Nacional conditions on the Martian surface [5]. (Fig.1)
de Ingeniería, winner of the Technology Challenge Award for
Wheel Design and Fabrication at the 7th Annual NASA Human T-EVA System
Exploration Rover Challenge. In addition, the glove has a soft
robotic hand exoskeleton with the purpose of fracture stabilization
and to prevent future complications. This study presents a
mechatronics conceptual design based on biomechanical
fundamentals of the hand, where Fusion 360 was used for 3D
mechanical systems development and Eagle for electrical and
electronic circuit technical schematics, besides
telecommunications and telerobotics protocols are analyzed. The
“BIOX-GLOVE” is pretended to be applied on the Martian
surface during extravehicular activities-EVA and also, on Earth
in a Mars environment analogue and rehabilitation hospitals. In
conclusion, favorable results were achieved; consequently, the
next step of this project is to start the detailed engineering design
in July 2021, and it is proposed to develop the prototype and
perform the first test in a Martian analog.

Keywords—Mars, Rover, Sensorized Glove, Medical

Emergencies, Exoskeleton, Mechatronics, BIOX-GLOVE
Fig.1. BIOX-GLOVE and Astronaut

978-1-6654-4067-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Carleton University. Downloaded on May 30,2021 at 10:34:14 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Working outside the spacecraft represents a health risk for 1.1. Research Objectives
an astronaut due to environmental factors such as the vacuum The research requirements are aligned with the NASA’s
in space, radiation, extreme temperatures, and micrometeorites Journey to Mars [12] and the Agreement on the Rescue of
[6]. To solve this, Extravehicular Mobility Unit-EMU, was Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects
designed to provide the necessary functions to keep the user Launched into Outer Space [30]. One of the challenges is to
alive [7] during exploration activities-EVA. integrate human and robotic missions to achieve a successful
Gloves are considered one of the most important and task [12]. The exploration needs tools to control rovers during
complex wearable accessories to operate because specific skills accidents and emergency situations in order to come back to the
must be developed and in addition, when the suit is pressurized, Command Center for medical attention [31, 32, 33].
the mobility of the hands becomes challenging due to the The BIOX-GLOVE is an accessory that will be placed
stiffness [8]. Previous studies state that wrist fractures could be above the EVA suit and must be comfortable, ergonomic, and
caused due to the axial forces [9]; therefore, mechatronics able to withstand the environmental conditions on Mars, such
engineering is currently working on designing robotic gloves as temperature, radiation and dust; therefore, it will be used in
and tools that allow the astronaut to enhance work performance case of partial or total motor impairment of the lower
[10]. Thus, National Aeronautics and Space Administration- extremities. This technology is suggested to be used during any
NASA, through its “Evolvable Mars Campaign” program, is Extravehicular Activities.
seeking to make human exploration on Mars surface pioneering
and sustainable [11]. The astronaut will turn on the glove in 2 ways during
emergency situations [34]:
The long-term goal is to send astronauts to live on the red
planet [12]. Currently, many satellites on Mars are analyzing a) First, by performing a sequence of programmed gestures to
the surface to find landing candidates places. The first human control the Rover.
exploration missions will need to cover a big area for sampling b) Second, by pressing the activation button (located on the
in situ. In this scenario, the use of rovers will be necessary, same back of hand). The exoskeleton will stabilize the
as the Apollo 17 mission on the Moon [13]. In this context, for musculoskeletal system of the wrist and hand.
NASA and manned space programs, the lives of astronauts are
a priority considering that there is a permanent risk of suffering 1.2 Research and Development Methodology
illnesses and accidents when exploring not-known areas such The steps where elaborated based on 3 key points: a) Define
as the surface of Mars [14]. The gravity on Mars (1/3 g of the the problem and the scope of the objectives. b) Define the main
Earth) can be considered potentially dangerous, causing requirements necessary for the project execution. c) Modeling
increasing object’s acceleration in the environment, and thus, through 3D design software and the proposed validation test
producing injuries [15]. of BIOX-GLOVE. (Fig. 2)
The estimated probabilities of an emergency outside the
Earth are on average 0.06 per “crew member/year-of-space-
flight-expedition” [14, 15]. For example, with a crew of 6
astronauts on the surface of Mars and a mission duration of 900
days, it would be expected that at least one emergency would
occur [16]. EVA and continuous exposure to extreme
environments add debilitating effects that predispose to severe
traumatic injuries [17] such as bone fractures [18],
hemorrhages, thoracoabdominal injuries [14], decompressive
diseases [19] as well as contusions involving the digits of the
hand, peripheral nerves and generalized fatigue due to the
working hours [20, 21]. Prompt medical care for the injured
astronaut could be problematic due to the distances between the
exploration and Command Center. Therefore, the decisions
must be taken quickly in situ because the communication time
to the Earth is often between 8 to 56 minutes [19] [22].
Due to this context, BIOX-GLOVE is proposed as a medical
wearable robot [23, 24] in order to activate an emergency
system on the Martian surface [25, 26] during extravehicular
activities, using telecommunications and control protocols
applied in a rover (ambulance vehicle) to transfer the astronaut
to the Command Center [27]. In addition, it has a hand
exoskeleton designed with soft materials to improve the
physical capabilities, this innovative technology will be used on
Earth for patient’s hand rehabilitation [28]. The research is
based on T-EVA project [29] developed by Bioastronautics and
Space Mechatronics Research Group (BIO&SM). (Fig. 1) Fig. 2. The methodology of the conceptual design of BIOX-GLOVE

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II. BIOMECHATRONICS FOUNDATIONS OF HUMAN FACTORS palmar length (PL) hand width (HW), palmar width (PW),
Biomechatronic applications have been made for more than Wrist width (WW), and the total lengths for each digit (TLDi)
three decades to overcome several limitations; research related in Table I.
to biomechatronics and medical robotics cover a diverse aspect TABLE I. HAND ANTHROPOMORPHIC MEASUREMENTS
in interdisciplinary areas inspired by industrial, military, and
medical applications. This area provides new methodologies Measure (cm)
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 X

and tools to design and build devices to cooperate with humans Hand Length
19 19 18 16.5 18 17.9 19 18.8 18 18.5
[35-38]. (HL)
Palmar Length
11 10.5 11 9 10.6 10.5 11 10.6 10 10.4
Gloves have long taken importance in the workplace, for the Hand Width
9.7 10 10 9 10.2 10.3 10 11 10 9.9
purposes of providing protection and safety against physical (HW)
Palmar Width
7.4 8.8 8.5 7.5 8.9 7.5 8.8 10 8.5 8.6
injury to the hands. However, they are even more important in (PW)
space exploration when performing hand tasks in high-risk Circumference 16.4 16 18 17 18 15.2 16 17.8 15.5 17.0
operations [39]. Over the years, the designs have been Wrist Width
6.1 6 7 6 6.4 6.6 7 6.9 6 6.3
improving, and along with this, the most relevant points are that (WW)

now it can resist cuts, breaks, perforations, slides, and abrasion Based on Authors Data (Ai: Random Sequence, X: Average of hand measurements)
[40]. At present, mechanical and electronic subsystems are
being incorporated to improve the performance of the kinematic The total lengths of each digit (TLDi) is obtained by
synergies of the hand, in order to provide a support that ensures calculating the lengths of the metacarpals (MCLi) "palm" and
the correct interaction of movements to counteract the rigidity the lengths of the digits (DLi) according to the plane of the
of the pressurized suit during EVA [6]. anatomical description (i = D-I for the first digit (thumb); D-II
for the second digit (index); D-III for the third digit (middle);
These devices will make it easier for people to expand work D-IV for the fourth digit (ring) and D-V for the fifth digit
areas and while guaranteeing their safety in highly dynamic (pinky)). Before the measurement, 3 reference points were
hostile places such as space and planetary exploration [41]. considered: first, the skinfold lines of flexion of the wrist on the
However, these instruments are not only for hand protection palmar side; second, the digitopalmar skin fold lines [49]; and
and safety purposes, their sensors are capable of recognizing third, the edge of the distal end of each finger. Subsequently, it
predetermined hand signals [42] are also added to BIOX- has been measured at the intersection of the points following
GLOVE to activate the medical emergency system [41]. the direction of each digit in extension. With this result the
dimensions of LTDi are obtained, and it is represented
2.1. Antropometric Analysis of the Hand
mathematically with the following formula:
The hand is one of the most complicated biomechanical
systems for study and application due to the multiple TLDi = MCLi + DLi. (Figure 3.b)
combinations in the reproduction of movements used to
perform simple to complex activities. There are many
kinematic interactions between the position of the wrist joint
and the digits´ efficiency [8]. A detailed analysis of the pseudo-
kinematic restrictions affects certain degrees of freedom due to
the disposition of the tissues and tendons of their anatomical
structure [8], [43].
For glove sizing, it is necessary to determine the hands'
anthropometric dimensions to make a bio-inspired anatomical
design with great precision of the movements [44], providing
great flexibility and comfort when performing various tasks Fig. 3. Anthropometric Sizing: a) Measurements; b) Total length for each digit
[39]. Likewise, it is recommended that these devices reflect the
morphological characteristics of an astronaut's hand to achieve Due to the complexity of the kinematic and dynamic model
adequate performance without excessively affecting the control and the high number of degrees of freedom of the hands [8]
of force and holding of objects [45, 46]. [50], the gloves have been adapted trying to maintain similar
characteristics by replicating hand movements with little
The glove was designed considering morphological interference. The movements have multiple functions such as
differences, ethnicity, and gender [47]. Due to the ergotic, epistemic and semiotic [51]. For this case, the study is
anthropometric variability and heterogeneity of the population focused on the semiotic aspect to correctly size the sensors and
groups, the measurement of the hands differs between Latin characterize the hand gestures following a sequence of images
Americans [48], North Americans [43, 44], and Europeans [45]. called: M1, M2, ..., Mx, (M1 is the initial posture and Mx is the
These values are generally represented by percentiles; that is, final posture). The sensors that BIOX-GLOVE has, allow it to
for smaller people (5th percentile) and older people (95th capture information of the movement trajectories of the digits
percentile); therefore, it has been decided to obtain the (dynamic gestures), characterized by the configuration of the
estimated numerical average of the anthropometric hand digits. Gestures are contents of movements that start from
measurements of the authors' hands in a referential way. a resting position (initial position), continue with a phase of
(Fig. 3.a) For this analysis the following measurements have substantial increase in speed and end by returning to the initial
been noted: wrist circumference (WH), hand length (HL), position [51].

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2.2. Biomechanical Protocols B) Usage Protocol
The device must follow protocols to verify the integrity and The use of the device depends on a series of hand
correct operation of the upper limb for the device handling (A); movements, which represents a specific action in the vehicle's
additionally, contain a series of pre-established characterizable control. These must be interdependent among themselves since
movements to translate the biomechanical signals into vehicle their execution must not affect or be confused with another, but
movements (B). For this study, only D-II and D-III are in turn, they must work together to execute the activities in the
characterized since their flexion and extension influence others vehicle. Likewise, these movements are based on the upper
[52]. Therefore, it is established the activation protocol and the limb's biomechanics, specifically on the angles formed by
usage protocol. joints. The movements required in the vehicle are forward,
backward, stop, turn right, and turn left. Therefore, the usage
A) Activation Protocol protocol consists of the following steps.
Based on the upper limb anatomical and biomechanical
considerations, the activation protocol (M1 – M7) must be First, in the neutral position, start the device to begin remote
executed to ensure the correct state of this limb; that is to say, control of the vehicle. To advance, flex the hand 70° [52], then
the nervous and muscular structures of the astronaut's upper close the hand into a fist and only leave D-II extended (Fig. 5.a).
limbs are capable of performing complex manipulation In this way, all DIP, PIP and MCP joints of each digit, except
activities [53]. D-II, will be fully flexed, allowing them to be easily identified
by the flexion sensors and avoiding some error in the algorithm.
First, the hand must be extended (Fig. 4.a), avoiding the Likewise, as the wrist joint is flexed, it will be possible to
formation of the proximal and distal transverse and longitudinal ensure correct recognition of the vehicle's biomechanical
arches (PTA, DTA and LA) [54]. This first step is to set up the gesture to move forward.
hand and wrist in a neutral position; the device can be started
from there. Second, a complete circumduction of the hand must On the other hand, to move back, the hand is required to be
be performed (Fig. 4.b). This movement, composed of flexion, hyperextended 60° [52], then all the PIP and DIP joints of each
extension, abduction, and adduction of the hand, verifies that digit must be flexed (Fig. 5.b). In this way, it is verified by
the distal radiocarpal and radioulnar joints are functioning partial bending of D-II and D-III that the action is being
correctly [52]. Likewise, correct functioning of both the executed correctly and would be free of confusion errors.
epitrochlear and epicondylar muscles and the forearm Likewise, as the wrist joint is hyperextended, it will be possible
supinators and pronators is required [52] [54]; in this way, it is to correctly recognize the biomechanical gesture for the vehicle
verified their full functionality. Third, the hand must return to to move backwards.
the neutral position (Fig. 4.c.1), then clench the hand for 5 For left and right turns, the hand must be in the neutral
seconds (Fig. 4. c.2) and return to the neutral position position. Then, to turn to the right, radial deviation (abduction)
(Fig. 4.c.3). With this movement, it is verified that the must be performed at 20° [53] (Fig. 5.c.1); while to turn to the
metacarpophalangeal (MCP), proximal, and distal left, ulnar deviation (adduction) must be performed at 30° [53]
interphalangeal joints (PIP and DIP) of all digits are capable of (Fig. 5.c.2).
fully flexing and extending [52, 53], as well as the correct
functioning of muscles activated by the radial and ulnar nerves Eventually, to activate the braking system, it is required to
[53]. Finally, active flexion at 70° (Fig. 4.d.1) and active close the hand into a fist, in such a way that all DIP, PIP and
extension 60 ° (Fig. 4.d.2) of the hand is executed, then return MCP joints are fully flexed (Fig. 5.d); while the wrist joint is at
it to the neutral position. The device will be activated when it the neutral position (0°). This configuration was determined as
has verified the correct execution of the movements. For the it is quick to execute, requiring emergency braking.
user's safety, if any of these movements cannot be executed
correctly, the device will not activate; since it would be a sign
of a biomechanical malfunction in the upper limb, it would not
be able to control the vehicle correctly.

Fig. 4. Activation protocol. a) Top view of the neutral hand position with the
fingers and palm extended (M1). b) Circumduction movement of the hand
(rotation around the wrist) (M2). c) Lateral View of 1. Extension (M3) - 2. Fig. 5. Usage protocol. a) To move forward 1. side view 2. top view. b) To go
Flexion (M4) - 3. Full extension of the hand (M5). d) Side view of 1. Flexion back 1. side view 2. top view. c) Top view of turning movements to the 1. left
(M6) - 2. Extension (M7). 2. right. d) To brake 1. side view 2. top view.

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This research involves fields of engineering such as The exoskeleton [57, 58, 59, 60] is composed of 3 main
mechanical, electrical, electronics, telecommunications and modules, whose operation is interdependent. Module 1 (Fig.
telerobotics. It consists of using a sensorized glove to control a 8.a) has 12 submodules which are found between the PIP (a.1 -
manned rover in the case of a medical emergency (body harm) a.3), DIP (a.4 - a.7) and MCP (a.8 - a. 12) of each digit; reducing
on Mars. BIOX-GLOVE has flex sensors on the fingers, and their degrees of flexion and extension. Module 2 (Fig. 8.b) has
gyroscopes placed between the wrist and forearm to perform 4 submodules found in the palm of the hand to restrict the MCP
programmed hand movements. Besides, it has a button to joint flexion and to induce the formation of the DTA and LA
activate the exoskeleton as an external fixator, stabilizing the (D-II and D-III mainly). Finally, Module 3 (Fig. 8.c) is located
radiocarpal joint in case of traumatic injuries due to falls, thus on both thenar and hypothenar eminence to ensure the
avoiding further complications. formation of the PTA; likewise, this module completely covers
the wrist joint, limiting its ranges of movement at all angles.
3.1. Mechanical Design
A) Glove
The design was made using Fusion 360. The glove wraps
around the back of the user’s hand with a JST SMP connector
to make sure it doesn’t fall off. The emergency button is located
right in the center of the main body, where the main board and
a gyro box is located. As it was mentioned, on D-II and D-III,
2 flex sensors are located. Meanwhile, a second gyro box and
the battery are located on the back side of the wrist, inside
another box, held by a band (Fig. 6). For astronaut’s glove
manufacturing, it is recommended to use VECTRAN
(aluminized and Teflon coated) because it’s characteristics such
as: abrasion resistance, high radiation exposure and property
retention at high/low temperature [55, 56].
Fig. 8. Palmar View of the exoskeleton and its main modules

When the exoskeleton is activated, each of the sub-modules

increase their volume through the inlet of pressurized air into
their internal chambers; returning the injured hand to its natural
configuration. Fig. 9 shows the hand with the 3 main modules
of the exoskeleton activated; but for this conceptual design
proposal, only the D-II sub-modules will be shown. The sub-
modules of 1 and 2, working interdependently, will generate a
controlled change in their volume, for which it will be possible
to modify the angles of the MCP, PIP and DIP joints [60, 61,
62, 63], limiting their mobility. Besides, note that module 3
completely covers the wrist, partially restricting its mobility
and keeping it parallel to the arm (0 °).
Fig. 6. Components of BIOX-GLOVE, Isometric View
The glove’s bands and holders are meant to be made of 3
layers of materials, since it is one of the most vulnerable parts
of the suit [40]. An inner bladder, a restraining polyester
intermediate one and an outer thermal micrometeoroid garment.
The boxes should be fabricated by 3D printing using Polylactic
Acid (PLA), since it would make it easier to assembly and the
material is durable and has a relatively low density.

Fig. 9. Lateral view of the exoskeleton and its main modules activated

Therefore, the exoskeleton would not only partially restrict

the mobility of the injured hand joints, keeping its natural
relaxed configuration, but would also form an additional soft
neumatic protection to ensure their safety, allowing the user to
Fig. 7. BIOX-GLOVE, Bottom View control the vehicle.

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3.2. Electronics and Electrical Design In order to design the circuits, it was required independent
A) Glove Sensors and Circuits grounds planes due to eddy currents [65], where the following
components: a) Analog: (SEN-FLEX 2P2I). b) Digital:
The system's electronics are focused on the trajectory of the (MPU6050, NRF2401L, RFX2401C, STM32F103
movement of the digits (from D-II, D-III): pronation, microcontroller (Fig. 12)), have both grounds planes connected
supination, and position of the hand and forearm. There are 2 by a 3.3mH inductor; Therefore, two 3.3V voltage regulator
signals for processing: circuits will be used on the 1117AMS, delivering a maximum
a) The first: SEN-FLEX 2P2I sensor (resistivity: 45k to 125k current of 500mA. Furthermore, to prevent EMI
ohms), which works when the finger is flexing projected in (Electromagnetic Interference) or RFI (Radio Frequency
motion and gestures for the activation and start-up protocols, Interference), a shield EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) is
sends a voltage range between 0V and 3.3V to the control unit applied on its ground plane [66], whose function is to protect
(Fig. 10). the single-chip, NRF2401L and RFX2401C.
b) The second: MPU6050 gyro sensors (fig. 11a), which Likewise, the energy subsystem has been divided into 2
provide guidance and reference the Mars Rover's handling. It sources: a) 85.5mA analog circuit. b) 419.8mA digital circuit,
has the I2C protocol (inter-integrated circuits), which gives with a total of 505mA, which is why a 3.7V 2S 750mA lithium
less use of pins and a faster data transfer with the control battery is required.
device; when using both same data bus, each one of the
B) Rover Sensors and Circuits
sensors will have an address.
The receiver board has the following RFX2401C and
The control unit is the STM32F103 ARM Cortex M3 NRF2401L radio frequency circuits (Figure 13.a) in slave
microcontroller with a maximum CPU speed of 72 MHz, mode; it uses the SPI protocol with the STM32F103
128Kbyte of Flash, it has 26 inputs and 37 outputs. The ARMcortex M3 microcontroller, which will process the data
programming will be carried out in C++ for sensor data received from BIOX-GLOVE and generate the commands for
processing algorithm, and with the SPI (serial peripheral the movement and control of the Mars Rover. The
interface) protocol to send data that contains the configuration, microcontroller will use 2 Serial communication pins (Tx and
address decoder, and buffer controller, that will be received by Rx pins) that will connect with a single-chip CP2102 converter
the NRF2401L radio frequency module with 2.4GHz using the USB (Universal Serial Bus) to TTL (Transistor-Transistor
low power ISM band [64]. Glove-transmitter PCB size: Logic). Rover- receiver PCB size: Length 75.55mm, Width
Length 33.26mm, Width 43.31mm. (Fig. 11.b and Fig. 15) 30.47mm. (Fig. 13.b and Fig. 16)

Fig. 10. Microcontroller STM32F103 (Transmitter) - Circuit Diagram Fig. 12. Microcontroller STM32F103 (Receiver) - Circuit Diagram

Fig. 11. a) MPU-6050 with connections. b) PCB 3D Design – BIOX-GLOVE Fig. 13. a) NRF24L01 with connections. b) PCB 3D Design – Rover

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3.3 Telecommunications and Telerobotics Technology
The glove's communication with the rover will be
unidirectional (master - glove, slave - rover). This research
proposes to use: A radio frequency module nRF24L01 Single
Chip 2.4GHz Transmitter which operates the 2.4GHz ISM
band, with a consumption 11.3mA TX at 0dBm output power
and 12.3mA RX at 2Mbps data rate for work in a range of 500
meters in an open field. Also, the RFX2401C a fully integrated
front-end module, is used to incorporate all the RF functionality
needed for IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee, with an Auto packet
transaction handling wireless sensor network. This component
has the lowest power consumption in its category, with only
10.5mA at an output power of -5 dBm and 18 mA in receive-
mode. Fig.15. Exploded View of BIOX-GLOVE

In addition, the RFX2401C architecture integrates the PA When the components of the glove (Fig.15): for Activation
(power amp) and LNA (low noise amp). It is coupled on the Protocol (gyro sensor 1, gyro sensor 2, flex sensor 1 and flex
transmitter and receiver circuitry, additionally with efficiency sensor 2), or for Emergency Protocol (gyro sensor 1 and gyro
+22 dBm output power, low noise with 2.5 dB, and small form sensor 2), perform the preestablished gestures, the Mars Rover
factor package, 16-pin (3 x 3 x 0.55 mm). (Fig. 16) will receive the movement order.

As shown in the workflow diagram (Fig.14), when the a) To start the movement, the user will have to flex the hand
astronaut suffers accidents, he has two ways to activate the 70° [52], leave D-II extended (Fig. 5.a) and close the rest of
glove depending on his health condition: the hand; the servomotors of the Mars Rover will turn on.

a) The first way is to perform the pre-established gestures. b) All the PIP and DIP joints of each digit must be flexed (Fig.
After the verification, the flex sensors and gyros will provide 5.b) when the hand is hyperextended 60 ° [52], then the Mars
data according to the protocol of use to the controller to Rover (Fig. 17a) will move back.
process and transmit it to the rover and command center. c) To turn left, ulnar deviation (adduction) must be performed
b) The second way is to press the emergency button, which at 30° [53] (Fig. 5.c.2); while to turn right, radial deviation
will activate an exoskeleton that works with a system of bags (abduction) must be performed at 20° [53] (Fig. 5.c.2); while
that will inflate and immobilize the hand. The control of the to turn right, radial deviation (abduction) must be performed
rover will be only with the two gyro sensors. at 20° [53] (Fig. 5.c.1) the Mars Rover will turn left or right.
d) All DIP, PIP and MCP joints are fully flexed (Fig. 5.d)
when the hand is close into a fist, the Mars Rover (Fig. 17b)
activates the emergency brake.

Fig.16. Isometric view of the Mars Rover.

a) Seats b)


Fig. 14. Workflow Diagram of BIOX-GLOVE Fig. 17. Mars Rover a) Frontal View b) Back View

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4.1 Aerospace Application A) Medical Background and Proposed Validation Test
Mars has an irregular topography [67] which could generate Exoskeletons allow medical assistance in physical
risks for the operation in the moment of providing medical rehabilitation areas for people with motor impairment[26] by
assistance in emergency situations (Fig.18). In fact, this action providing help to perform tasks and activities of daily living.
requires a series of strategic skills to mitigate existing risks, These robotic-mediated therapies are helpful for specific and
thus maintaining safety and improving the possibility of repetitive treatment in order to maximize the recovery process,
survival [68, 69]. These events constantly threaten the well- especially in patients [75] with a history of stroke, associated
being of the crew and the success of the mission [68]. with functional hand pathologies [76]. The main objective of
Therefore, enough medical and technological resources must be these systems is to restore basic motor function and improve
available to maintain good health. people's quality of life [77, 78].
Likewise, through artificial intelligence, gloves are
implemented with sign language recognition systems based on
flexible sensors, capable of obtaining data on the shape of the
hand movement in an inertial measurement unit to recognize
the gesture and transmit information through speech or text [26]
[42] [79] making the most of non-verbal communication skills
in patients with language aphasia.
The aerospace industry has provided significant knowledge
and technology to improve our patient management on Earth
[80, 81, 82]. Therefore, it is proposed that BIOX-GLOVE also
have terrestrial applications in a hospital environment,
especially in emergency medical services, because it has
sensors and can activate a medical emergency system from the
place where the event occurred. This action could anticipate the
medical team to coordinate the transfer in an appropriate and
timely manner. In another area, this device, due to its
biomechatronic innovation, can be useful to implement
Fig.18. Utopia Planitia on Mars. Date: September 5, 1976. Image Credit: NASA [70] physical medicine and rehabilitation services aiding patients
Gloves are one of the pieces of the spacesuit designed with with hand disabilities. This device has the great potential to be
the goal of providing astronauts with the manual agility to part of the complementary treatment of degenerative cartilage
operate tools and interact at the Martian surface. Likewise, they diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
provide insulating protection and are flexible, which allows It will be tested on Martian and Lunar analogs to validate
working for long periods avoiding hand fatigue [40], [71]. this device's functionality since they have similar topographic
The main application of BIOX-GLOVE is to activate an conditions. La Joya Desert in Peru is considered a candidate for
emergency plan on Mars. It is proposed to incorporate this space exploration simulation due to its isolated location and
biomechatronic innovation in future medical protocols [72] that geographic characteristics. [83-85] (Fig.19).
activates an emergency system in accident cases, which will
facilitate the immediate evacuation of the injured astronaut. In
addition, this device, thanks to having strategically placed
exoskeletons, is capable of providing stability in cases of bone
fractures of the wrist and hand [9, 21].
Currently, unmanned rovers cooperate closely in planetary
exploration; the operation of these vehicles is by remote control
or semi-automatic [73, 74]. However, it is proposed that they
will have a wider application for future missions, even as
ambulance vehicles to transport astronauts with severe injuries
on the Martian surface. Likewise, these means of transportation
would be crucial to resolving various medical events more
quickly, with good results and greater chances of rescue [68].
Finally, with this project, new adaptable interfaces could be
created (T-EVA)[29] between the systems installed inside the
astronaut suit and the base station, incurring in the development
of developing new portable electronic technologies allowing
assisted interaction and reducing the risk of injuries. Likewise,
the glove is made by 3d printing technology for manufacturing
in the command center or repair after an emergency. Fig.19. La Joya Desert, Arequipa, Peru. Image Credit: Saúl Pérez [86].

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