Unit 6

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Advanced Java Programming 6 - 22 Servle

3. The setAttribute(string attribute, object value) is a [£J Both a and b @] None of these
method which assigns the value passed as the Q.S What is the lifecycle of a servlet ?
object value to the attribute name. The data type of ~ Servlet class is loaded
this method is void. [8 Servlet instance is created
Review Question [£J init, Service, destroy method is invoked
1. Explain session management and cookies in servlet. [ill All of these
Multiple Choice Questions Q.9 What is the difference between servlet and
Q.1 The Java specification defines an applet?
application programming interface for ~ servlets execute on servers while applets execute
communication between the web server and the
on browser
application program
~ servlet [8 randomise [8 servlets create static pages while applets create
dynamic pages
[£J applet @] script
Q.2 Which method is used to specify before any
I£J servlets can execute single request while applets
lines that uses the PintWriter ? execute multiple requests
[!] setPageTypeO [8 setContextTypeO , @]None of these
[£J setContentTY}ieO....@] setResponseTypeO Q.10 A deployment descriptor describes
Q.3 What are the functions of Servlet container? ~ web component response settings
~ Lifecycle 'management [}] web component settings
[8 Communication support [£J web component request settings
[£J Multithreading support @] All of these
@] All of the above Q.11 Which object is created by the web container at
time of deploying the project?
Q.4 What is bytecode ?
~ Machine-specific code
~ ServletConfig [8 ServletContext
[8 Java code [£J Both a and b @] None of the above
Q.12 In HTIP Request method Get request is
[£J Machine-independent code secured because data is exposed in URL bar
@] None ofthe mentioned ~ True [8 False
Q.5 • What type of servlets use these methods Q.13 Which class can handle any type of request so
doGetO, dof'ostt), doHead, dofreletei), that it is protocol-independent ?
do'Iracet) ?
~ GenericServlet [8 HttpServlet
~ Genereic Servlets lliJ
[£J Both a and b @] None of the above
[£J All of the above @] None of these
Q.14 Servlet technology is used to create web
Q.6 Web server is used for loading the initf) application
method of servlet.
~ True [8 False
~ True lliJ False
Q.15 The doGetO method extracts values of the
Q.7 Which packages represent interfaces and parameter's types and number by using __
classes for servlet API?
~ response.getAttributeO
~ j avax.servlet [8 j avax.servlet.http
lliJ response.getParameterO
Technical Publications - An up thrust for know/edge
- vanced Java Programming 6 -23 Servlets

~ request.getParameterO Q.24 Which cookie it is valid for single session only

1] request.setParameterQ and it is removed each time when the user closes

the browser?
Q.16 Dynamic interception of requests and response
to transform the information is done by _
~ Persistent cookie lliJ Non-persistent cookie

~ Servlet Filter [IJ Servlet Config [£J All of these [ill None of these
[£J Servlet Container [ill Servlet Context Q.25 Which method in session tracking is used in a
bit of information that is sent by a web server to
Q.17 The life cycle of a servlet is managed by _ a browser and which can later be read back from
[!] http and https [IJ servlet context that browser?
[£J servlet itself @] servlet container ~ HttpSession lliJ URL rewriting
Q.18 Which method take a string not a URL ? [£J Cookies [ill Hidden form fields
[!] sendRedirect [IJ forward Answers :
[£J Both @] None
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. c
Q.19 Which method shows the client what server is
5. b 6. a 7. c 8. d
[!]doGet' [IJ doOption 9. a 10. b 11. b 12. b

[£J doTrace - -"

@]doPost 13. a 14. a 15. c 16. a

Q.20 What type of servlets use these methods 17. d 18. a 19. a 20. b
doGetO: dol'osttj.dol-Iead, doOeletet), 21. a 22. c 23. a 24. b
~ Genereic Servlets lliJ HttpServlets 25. c

[£J All of these [ill None of these Explanation :

Q.21 Which of the following are session tracking Q.12 : The HTTP Request method Post is secured
~ URL rewriting, using session object, using cookies,
using hidden fields
lliJ URL rewriting, using servlet object, using response
object; using cookies
[£J URL rewriting, using session object, using response
object, using hidden field
Q.22 Which methods are used to bind the objects on
HttpSession instance and get the objects?
~ setAttribute lliJ getAttribute
[£J Both a and b [ill None of the above
Q.23 Sessions is a part of the SessionTracking and it
is for maintaining the client state at server side.
~ True lliJ False

Technical Publications - An up thrust for knowledge

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