Operations Research

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College Business and Economics

Department Marketing Management

Course Title Operations Research
Instructor Betlehem D.


Management Science/Operations Research/ Quantitative
Many people still remain in the bondage of self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is
a person's inability to make his/her own decisions. Self-incurred is this
tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and
courage to use it without wishing to have been told what to do by something
or somebody else.

The difficulty in life is the choice. Good decision-making brings about a better
life. A bad decision may force you to make another one. A good decision is
never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort,
intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of
many alternatives. One must appreciate the difference between a decision and
an objective. A good decision is the process of optimally achieving a given

When decision-making is too complex or the interests at stake are too

important, quite often we do not know or are not sure what to decide. In
many instances, we resort to informal decision support techniques such as
tossing a coin, asking an oracle, visiting an astrologer, etc. However formal
decision support from an expert has many advantages. Business Science
focuses on the formal model-driven decision support techniques such as
mathematical programs for optimization, and decision tree analysis for risky
decisions. Such techniques are now part of our everyday life. For example,
when a bank must decide whether a given client will obtain credit or not, a
technique, called credit scoring, is often used.

In decision-making we may start the process of consideration. It is best to

learn the decision-making process for complex, important and critical
decisions. Critical decisions are those that cannot and must not be wrong.

The aim of this course is to make you a better decision maker by learning the
decision-making process. Decision-making is a complicated process that

involves a series of steps. This complication arises from the fact that your
present goal (including wants, resources, and abilities) dictates your choices;
however, your choices will change your goals. This influential-cycle keeps the
decision-maker busy all the time. Selecting your goals and your criteria for
success is a dynamic process and changes over time. The goal is the
foundation for decision-making process. This is true in almost all cases
dealing with personal growth or organizational growth.

On a daily basis a manager has to make many decisions. Some of these

decisions are routine and inconsequential, while others have drastic impacts
on the operations of the firm for which he/she works. Some of these decisions
could involve large sums of money being gained or lost, or could involve
whether or not the firm accomplishes its mission and its goals.

In our increasingly complex world, the tasks of decision-makers are becoming

more challenging with each passing day. The decision-maker (i.e., the
responsible manager) must respond quickly to events that seem to take place
at an ever-increasing pace. In addition, a decision-maker must incorporate a
sometimes-bewildering array of choices and consequences into his or her
decision. Routine decisions are often made quickly, perhaps unconsciously
without the need for a detailed process of consideration. However, for
complex, critical or important managerial decisions it is necessary to take time
to decide systematically.

To make strategic decisions requires that one takes a structured approach

following a formal decision making process. Otherwise, it will be difficult to
be sure that one has considered all the key aspects of the decision.

The Industrial Revolution of the 19th century probably did more to shape life
in the modern industrialized world than any event in history. Large factories
with mass production created a need for managing them effectively and
efficiently. The field of Decision Science (DS) also known as Management
Science (MS), Operations Research (OR) in a more general sense, started with
the publication of the Principles of Scientific Management in 1911 by
Frederick W. Taylor. His approach relied on the measurement of industrial
productivity and on time /motion studies in the factories. The goal of his
scientific management was to determine the best method for performing tasks
in the least amount of time, while unfortunately using the stopwatch in an
inhuman manner.

A basic education in OR/MS/DS for managers is essential. They are
responsible for leading the business system and the lives in that system. The
business system is dynamic in nature and will respond as such to
disturbances internally and externally.

The OR/MS/DS approach to decision making includes the diagnosis of

current decision-making and the specification of changes in the decision
process. Diagnosis is the identification of problems (or opportunities for
improvement) in current decision behavior; it involves determining how
decisions are currently made, specifying how decisions should be made, and
understanding why decisions are not made, as they should be. Specification of
changes in decision process involves choosing what specific improvements in
decision behavior are to be achieved and thus defining the objectives.

Nowadays, the OR/MS/DS approach has been providing assistance to

managers in developing the expertise and decision tools necessary to
understand the decision problems, put them in analytical terms and then
solve them. The OR/MS/DS analysts are, e.g., "chiefs of staff for the
president", "advisors", "and R&D modelers" "systems analysts", etc. Applied
Management Science is the science of solving business problems. The major
reason that MS/OR has evolved as quickly as it has is due to the evolution in
computing power.

Foundations of Good Decision-Making Process: When one talks of

"foundations", usually it includes historical, psychological, and logical aspects
of the subject. The foundation of OR/MS/DS/SS is built on the philosophy of
knowledge, science, logic, and above all creativity. Almost all decision
problems have environments with similar components as follows:

1. The decision-maker. The term decision-maker refers to an individual, not a


2. The analyst who models the problem in order to help the decision maker,

3. Controllable factors (including your personal abilities and physical resources),

4. Uncontrollable factors,

5. The possible outcomes of the decision,

6. The environment/structural constraints

7. Dynamic interactions among these components.

Deterministic versus Probabilistic Models

All the decision models can be classified as either deterministic or

probabilistic models. In deterministic models your good decisions bring about
good outcomes. You get that which you expect, therefore the outcome is
deterministic (i.e., risk-free). However, in probabilistic decision models, the
outcome is uncertain, therefore making good decisions may not necessarily
produce good outcomes. Unlike deterministic models where good decisions
are judged by the outcome alone, in probabilistic models, the decision maker
is concerned with both the outcome value and the amount of risk each
decision carries. When the outcome of your decision is rather certain and all
the important consequences occur within a single period, then your decision
problem is classified as a deterministic decision. However, in many instances,
these types of models are encumbered with the two most difficult factors -
uncertainty and delayed effects. Both difficulties can be overcome by
probabilistic modeling, which includes the time discounting factor.

After recognizing classification of decision-making components, the

OR/MS/DS analyst performs the following sequence with some possible
feedback loops between its steps:

1.Understanding the Problem: It is critical for a good decision maker to

clearly understand the problems, the objective, and the constraints

2. Constructing an Analytical Model: This step involves the

"translation" of the problem into precise mathematical language in
order to make calculations and comparison of the outcomes under
different possible scenarios.

3. Finding a Good Solution: It is important here to choose the proper

solving technique, depending on the specific characteristics of the
model. After the model is developed, validation of the obtained
results must be done in order to avoid an unrealistic solution.

4. Communicating the Results with the Decision-Maker: The results

obtained by the OR/MS/DS analyst have to be properly
communicated to the decision-maker. If the decision-maker does not
buy the OR/MS/DS analyst recommendations, he/she will not
implement any of them.

Successful OR/MS/DS modeling approach to decision-making
demands a proper attitude as well as an understanding of more
technical matters.
Decision Science (DS) known also as Operations Research (OR), Management
Science (MS), and Success Science (SS) is the science of making decisions. To
manage means to utilize what is controllable, and to be able to predict what is
uncontrollable in order to achieve a specific objective. Science is a continuing
search; it is a continuing generation of theories, models, concepts, and
categories. Management Science is the science for managing and almost
always involves decision-making.

In search of the genealogy of OR/MS, we might ask ourselves a more general

question "What is OR/MS/DS/SS?"

Management Science (MS) often takes an analytical view of a decision before
making a decision. That is reflection before action, as a Chinese proverb says,
"To chop a tree quickly, spend twice the time sharpening the Ax." Carpenters
say, "Measure twice, cut once." It's no delay to stop to edge the tool.

This analytical approach is known by several different names: Operations

Research (OR), Operational Research (a UK-ism), Decision Sciences (DS),
Systems Science, Mathematical Modeling, Industrial Engineering, Critical
Systems strategic thinking, Success Science (SS), and Systems Analysis and
Design. Analytical methods are applied to planning and management
problems in areas such as production and operations, inventory management,
scheduling, and capital budgeting. Techniques, often using powerful
computer programs, are available to solve problems ranging from real-time
control of specific business, industrial, agricultural, and administrative
operations to long-term planning models for corporations and public sector

It is ironic that the idea of utilizing knowledge from a variety of disciplines

was a central tenet of the early days in OR/MS. From the beginning, practical
problems did not fit into neat disciplinary boundaries. OR/MS/DS/SS
became established in organizations and interdisciplinary teams and positions
included mathematicians, statistician, psychologists, economists, sociologists,
etc. However, over the years the interdisciplinary teams were broken up and
new recruits into OR/MS/DS/SS tended to come from applied mathematical
and statistical backgrounds.

Academically, OR/MS/DS/SS became increasingly focused on mathematical
models and strategic solution algorithms. OR/MS/DS/SS was locked into a
hard, technical shell. In recent years, however, this situation is changing with
the arrival of "soft" methodologies and critical systems strategic thinking.

Systems modeling process depict a complex problem, with its many,

interconnected variables, in a way that amplifies and clarifies our
understanding of the decision problem. A good model does not solve the
problem in itself, but allows us to experiment with different systems variables
to come up with new ideas about how to tackle the decision problem.

The typical OR/MS/DS/SS approach is to build a model for the problem

being studied. Such a model is often (but not always) mathematical. Practical
problems are often unstructured and the definition and clarification of
problems, as well as the building of models, is an important part of the
OR/MS/DS/SS methodology. Most people discover that the understanding
created by building a model is a very valuable part of an OR/MS/DS/SS
project. Once a model is built, algorithms often have to be used to solve it. An
algorithm is a series of steps that will accomplish a certain task. The study,
understanding, and invention of such algorithms is also an important part of
OR/MS/DS/SS modeling for decision-making. The decision maker might
incorporate some other perspectives of the problem such as cultural,
psychological, etc., into the management scientist's recommendations. Finally,
communicative and political skills are needed in implementing the results of
an OR/MS/DS/SS model in a real-life situation. OR/MS/DS/SS models are
aimed at assisting the decision-maker in his/her decision-making process and
making sound decision.

You may ask, "Why must we learn the decision-making process?" Here are a
few motivating reasons:

· Organizations are becoming more complex.

·Environments are changing so rapidly that past practices are no longer
·The costs of making bad decisions have increased.
The field of OR/MS/DS/SS is always changing. Its changes are driven by the
technology it uses and that it extends, and the applications that it affects.

Progressive Approach to Modeling: Modeling for decision-making involves

two distinct parties, one is the decision-maker and the other is the model-

builder known as the analyst. The analyst is to assist the decision-maker in
his/her decision-making process. Therefore, the analyst must be equipped
with more than a set of analytical methods.

Specialists in model building are often tempted to study a problem, and then
go off in isolation to develop an elaborate mathematical model for use by the
manager (i.e., the decision-maker). Unfortunately the manager may not
understand this model and may either use it blindly or reject it entirely. The
specialist may feel that the manager is too ignorant and unsophisticated to
appreciate the model, while the manager may feel that the specialist lives in a
dream world of unrealistic assumptions and irrelevant mathematical

Such miscommunication can be avoided if the manager works with the

specialist to develop first a simple model that provides a crude but
understandable analysis. After the manager has built up confidence in this
model, additional detail and sophistication can be added, perhaps
progressively only a bit at a time. This process requires an investment a great
deal of time on the part of the manager and sincere interest on the part of the
specialist in solving the manager's real problem, rather than in creating and
trying to explain sophisticated models. This progressive model building is
often referred to as the bootstrapping approach and is the most important
factor in determining successful implementation of a decision model.
Moreover the bootstrapping approach simplifies otherwise the difficult task of
model validating and verification processes.

The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is more than a set of analytical

methods. OR/MS/DS/SS models are aimed at assisting the decision-maker in
his/her decision-making process. A fundamental part of OR/MS/DS/SS
modeling is the "systems approach" to problem solving. This approach
indicates that the context of organizational problems is as important as the
stated problem. Defining a problem, collecting data, consulting with people
involved in the solution, incorporating change and implementing are all
aspects of the OR/MS/DS/SS education and training. As it is easier to make
plans than to carry them out, models that are not to be implemented are ones
that were not drawn up correctly and taken seriously from the start.

The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process helps to improve operations in

business and government through the use of scientific methods and the
development of specialized techniques. Operations Research is not "research";

it is the process cycle of re-searching for an optimal (or desirable) strategic
solution to the existing decision problem/situation.

OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process provides systematic and general

approaches to problem solving for decision-making, regardless of the nature
of the system, product, or service. The approaches and tools used in
OR/MS/DS/SS models are based on one or more of the following analytical
methods, simulation, and qualitative or logical reasoning. Many of these tools
and approaches depend on computer-based methodologies for

Cycle of Decision-Making
In summary, the OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is the application of
scientific methods to complex organizational decision
problems/opportunities. The OR/MS/DS/SS models are aimed at assisting
the decision-maker in his/her decision-making process. This modeling
process is now widely used in the manufacturing industry, least cost
distribution of goods, and finance functions as well as in service industries,
and the health and education sectors. Improvement of an existing system and
good designs for new systems are the aims of OR/MS.

The OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process is one of the greatest innovative

decision-making tools of the twentieth century.

Historical Needs for OR/MS

Until the middle of the 19th century, most industrial enterprises only
employed a few workers. However, as companies expanded, it became less
and less feasible for one person to manage all of the new managerial functions
of the business effectively. New scientific methodologies were developed to
provide assistance to each new type of managerial function as it appeared. As
more specialized forms of management emerged, more specialized sub-
functions, such as statistical quality control, equipment maintenance,
marketing research, and inventory control emerged. Whenever a managerial
function is broken down into a set of different sub-functions, a new task,
called the executive function of management, is created to integrate the
diverse sub-functions so that they efficiently serve the interests of the business
as a whole. The executive function evolved gradually with organizations
themselves. However, increasing demands were made on the manager who,
in turn, sought aid outside the organization. This gave rise to management

consultants. What we call OR/MS/DS/SS today is, in fact, the use of scientific
tools to aid the executive.

OR originated in Great Britain during World War II to bring mathematical or

quantitative approaches to bear on military operations. Since then
OR/MS/DS/SS has evolved to be applicable to the management of all aspects
of a system, product, or service, and hence is often referred to as Systems
Science or Management Science. It has now become recognized as an
important input to decision-making in a wide variety of applications in
business, industry, and government.

The term OR arose in the 1940's when research was carried out on the design
and analysis of mathematical models for military operations. Since that time
the scope of OR has expanded to include economics (known as econometrics),
psychology (psychometrics), sociology (socio-metrics), marketing (marketing
research and marketing science), astrology (astronomy), and corporate
planning problems. The growing complexity of management has necessitated
the development of sophisticated mathematical techniques for planning and
decision-making, and the OR/MS/DS/SS features prominently in this
structured decision-making process cycle by providing a quantitative
evaluation of alternative policies, plans, and decisions. The mathematical
disciplines most widely used in OR/MS/DS/SS modeling process include
mathematical programming, probability and statistics, and computer science.
Some areas of OR, such as inventory control, production control, and
scheduling theory, have grown into sub-disciplines of their own right and
have become largely indispensable in the modern world.

Military organizations had gone through the same type of evolution as other
businesses and industries. This organizational evolution took place in the
twenty-year gap between the end of World War I and the beginning of World
War II when the military leadership had to turn to teams of scientists for aid.
These teams of scientists were usually assigned to the executive in charge of
operations; hence their work came to be known as Operational Research in the
United Kingdom and by a variety of names in the United States: Operation
Research, Decision Science, Operational Analysis, System analysis, Success
Science, and Management Science. The name Operations Research is the most
widely used.

The potential of computer and information systems as new tools for

management forced the non-technically trained executives to begin to look for

help in the utilization of the computer. The emerging search for assistance
was accelerated by the outbreak of the Korean War. This vigorous growth of
OR in the military continued to provide rapid applicability to other industries
and sectors.

The Nature and Meaning of OR/MS/DS/SS

Many definitions of OR/MS/DS/SS have been offered, as well as many
arguments as to why it cannot be defined. The following definitions provide a
useful basis for an initial understanding of the nature of OR/MS:

A scientific method of providing executive management with a quantitative

base for decisions regarding operations under their control (Mores-Kimball
1943). ..

The application of the scientific method by inter-disciplinary teams to

problems involving the control of organized (man-machine) systems so as to
provide solutions which best serve the purpose of the organization as a whole
(Ackoff- Sasieni 1968).

Scientific approach to problem solving for executive management (Wagner


Optimal decision-making in, and modeling of, deterministic and probabilistic

systems that originate from real life. These applications, which occur in
government, business, engineering, economics, and the natural and social
sciences, are largely characterized by the need to allocate limited resources. In
these situations, considerable insight can be obtained from scientific analysis,
such as that provided by OR/MS/DS/SS (Hiller-Lieberman 1974).

A branch of applied mathematics wherein the application is to the decision-

making process (Gross 1979).

Comparing definitions given by More-Kimball and Gross, the divergence is

notable after almost 40 years: in one case, OR/MS/DS/SS is defined as
scientific method, while in the other it is seen as a branch of mathematics.

In examining these definitions, it should be noted that neither the old and
well-established scientific discipline nor science itself has ever been defined in
a way that is acceptable to most practitioners.

The Methodology of OR/MS

OR/MS/DS/SS is the scientific method of decision-making. In most
discussions of the general scientific method you would find certain stages and
essential processes:

Although these phases of an OR/MS/DS/SS project are normally initiated in

the order listed, they usually do not terminate in this order. In fact, each stage
usually continues until the project is completed and continuously interacts
with the others.

Reference: http://home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/Business-stat/home.html

Operations Research: is defined by many authors in different ways. However,
the following definition is proposed here.

“Operations Research is a systematic analysis of a problem through scientific

methods, carried out by appropriate specialists, working together as a team,
constituted at the instance of management for the purpose of finding an
optimum and the most appropriate solution, to meet the given objective under
a given set of constraints.”

Meaning of Operations Research
From the concept and definition given above, Operations Research is:
1. The application of scientific methods, techniques and tools to the problem to
find an answer
2. A management tool in the hands of a manager to take a decision
3. A scientific approach to decision-making process
4. An “applied research” aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem
facing a society, industry or a business enterprise. This is not “fundamental
5. A decision-oriented research, using scientific methods, for providing
management a quantitative basis for taking decision regarding operations
under its control
6. Applied decision theory. It uses scientific, mathematical and logical means
to take decisions.


Making appropriate decision is the most VITAL aspect in management. Every
one of us takes number decisions every day. Some are important; some are
trivial. Some decisions initiate a set of activities; some put an end to a certain
activities. In business environment right decisions at the right times ensure
success. This shows the importance of decision-making.

A Problem is any variation between what was planned and what is actually

Problem solving can be defined as the process of identifying a difference

between some actual and some desired states of affairs and then taking action
to resolve the difference.

Decision-making requires for all human being because each of us make

decision every day in our life. Thus, decision-making is universal. Decision-
making is a rational selection among alternatives at hand.

Decision making is the process of selecting or choosing based on some criteria,
the best among the alternatives.

The decision making process: Steps in the process of rational decision-
making are:
1. Identify and define the problem
Problem is a necessary condition for a decision, i.e. here would be no need
for decisions if problems did not exist.
2. Determine the set of alternative solutions.
3. Determine the criteria to evaluate alternatives.
=>Identifying those characteristics that are important in making the
4. Analyze the alternatives.
==>Based on the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative.
5. Select the best alternative
==> Select the best alternative that suits to solve our decision problem. In
selecting the best alternative, factors such as risk, timing and limiting factors
should be considered adequately
6. Implementing the solution
==> Putting the decision into action
7. Establishing a control, follow up and evaluation system
==>On going actions need to be monitored
==>Following the decision
==>Evaluate the results and determine if a satisfactory solution has been

The Decision-Making Environment

Decisions are made under three basic conditions as:
 Decision under certainty
 Decision under risk
 Decision under uncertainty

i. Decision making under conditions of certainty

The decision maker has perfect knowledge about the outcome.
In this situation, we are reasonably sure what will happen when we make a decision.
The information is available & is considered to be reliable & we know the cause &
effect relationships.

Example: If you decide to invest your money in saving account in the
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, You are certain that you will earn three percent

ii. Decision making under condition of risk

Usually, decision makers cannot have a precise knowledge about the outcome of a
Decision makers may only be able to attach a probability to the expected outcomes of
each alternative.

Under this situation, one may have factual information, but it may be incomplete.
Example: If we gamble by tossing a fair coin, the probability that a tail will turn up is

iii. Decision making under conditions of uncertainty

It is a case where neither there is complete data nor probabilities can be assigned to the
surrounding condition. It is the most difficult for a manager.

Some conditions that are uncontrollable by management include competition,

government regulations, technological advances, the overall economy, & the social &
cultural tendencies of society.

Example: A corporation that decides to expand its operation, launching a new

product, or developing of a new technology in a strong country may know little about
its culture, laws, economic environment, or politics. The political situation may be so
volatile that even experts cannot predict a possible change in government.


*Qualitative skill can be developed through experience. It is inherent.
The three basic quantitative analysis processes are:
1. Model development
2. Data preparation
3. Model solution

1.Model development
Model is a representation of real objects/situations

Following are types of models:
a. Physical (icon) model
This is the representation of the situation, problem or object.
It is also called Static Model. It is given in two or three dimensions. It is a
representation of the real object.
 The structure of an atom
 Model of an airplane
 Photograph of a machine
 Layout drawing of a factory
 Glob
b . Analogue Models:
These are abstract models mostly showing inter and intra relationships
between two or more parameters.
For example:
It may show the relationship between an independent variable (input) with
that of a dependent variable (output). For instance; histogram, frequency
table, cause-effect diagram, flow charts, Gantt charts, price-demand graph,
world map and others.
:Is two dimensional.

c. Symbolic or Mathematical models

This is also an abstract model. Here a set of relations is represented in the form
of mathematical equations, using symbols to represent various parameters.
1. (x + y)2=x2+2xy+y2

2. Max.Z=3000x1 +2500x2
Subject to:
2x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45
x1 < 12
x1 , x2 > 0

x1 and x2 are decision variables

Objective Function:

A mathematical statement of the goal of an organization, stated as intent to
maximize or to minimize some important quantity such as profits or costs.

Max.Z=3000x1 +2500x2 is the objective function

A restriction on the resources available to a firm (stated in the form of an
inequality or an equation.)
2x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45 Are constraints
x1 < 12
x1, x2 > 0 x1, x2 > 0 is non-negativity constraint

2. Data presentation
Data represent the values of inputs to the model.

Max.Z=3000x1 +2500x2
Subject to:
2 x1+x2 < 40
x1+3x2 < 45
x1 < 12
x1, x2 > 0

3. Model solution: Is optimal solution

From the above equation, x1=12, x2=11 and Max.Z= $6350

Trial and error method

In this method a certain algorithm is developed. One starting point is an initial
solution, which is the first approximation .The method of solution, is repeated
with a certain set of rules so that initial solution is gradually modified at each
subsequent solution till optimal solution is reached. There are certain criteria
laid down to check whether the solution has become an optimal solution.
These trial solutions are called Iterations and the method is called iterative

process. The classical example of trial and error method is Linear
Then the next step after iteration is model testing and validation.


There are various techniques used in O.R. Some of these are listed here:
o Probability theory
o Linear Programming
o Transportation algorithm
o Assignment problems
o Queuing Theory
o PERT/CPM Method etc
OR techniques are ’application specific’. Maximum benefit can be derived
from selecting most appropriate techniques for each specific area or problem.
Appropriate selection of OR is an equally important task. Each technique has
its own advantages and limitations .In all such cases, the ability of the
Manager is tested in appropriate selection of OR technique.


Linear Programming is a mathematical process that as bee developed to help

management in decision making involving the efficient allocation of scares resources
to achieve a certain objective. The term programming used to identify this technique
does not refer to computer programming but rather to a predetermined set of
mathematical steps used to solve a problem.

In general, linear programming models help managers determine solutions (i.e., make
decisions) for problems that will achieve some objective in which there are

restrictions, such as limited resources or a recipe or perhaps production guidelines. For
example, you could actually develop a linear programming model to help determine a
breakfast menu for yourself that would meet dietary guidelines you may have set, such
as number of calories, fat content, and vitamin level, while minimizing the cost of the
breakfast. Manufacturing companies develop linear programming models to help
decide how many units of different products they should produce to maximize their
profit (or minimize their cost), given scarce resources such as capital, labor, and


Scares To be allocated to:


Objectives Constraints



Maximization Minimization

LP is a method for choosing the best alternative from a set of feasible alternatives
To apply LP, the following conditions must be satisfied:
a. Objective Function: Is the goal or objective of a management, stated as an intent
to maximize or to minimize some important quantity such as profits or costs.
b. Constraints: Are limitations or restrictions imposed by the problems. And
constraints include:
1. Resource constraints: Are restrictions that should be clearly identifiable and
measurable in quantitative terms, which arise from limitation of available resources.

Examples of limited resources:

 Plant capacity

 Raw materials availability
 Labor power
 Market demand, etc

2. Non-negativity constraints: Are constraints that require the decision variables

not to take on negative values
c. Linearity
The Objective Function and the constraints must be linear in nature in order to have a
Linear Programming Problems (LPP)
d. Feasible alternative
There should be a series of feasible alternative course of action available to the
decision-making determined by resource constraints. Thus, we have to choose the
best alternative
Linear Programming Problems can be solved by using:
i. The Geometric method called” Graphical Method”
ii. The Algebraic method called” Simplex Method”

In formulating linear programming model, the model developer /
Analyst should consider the assumptions and components of the

Assumptions in linear programming problems include:

 Linearity
 Certainty
 Divisibility
 Non-negativity
The basic components of an LP Model are the following:
 Decision variable
 Objective function
 Constraints

Decision variables: are the variables whose values are unknown and are searched
Decision variables are mathematical symbols that represent levels of activity.

Objective function is a linear mathematical relationship that describes the objective

of the firm in terms of the decision variables. The objective function always consists
of either maximizing or minimizing some value (e.g., maximization of the profit or
minimization of the cost of producing radios). The objective function is a linear
relationship that reflects the objective of an operation.

Constraints: The model constraints are also linear relationships of the decision
variables; they represent the restrictions placed on the firm by the operating
environment. The restrictions can be in the form of limited resources or restrictive
guidelines. For example, only 40 hours of labor may be available to produce radios
during production. The actual numeric values in the objective function and the
constraints, such as the 40 hours of available labor, are parameters. Parameters are
numerical values that are included in the objective functions and constraints



To use the graphic method, the following steps are needed:
1. Identify the problem
i.e: The decision variables, the objective function and the constraints
2. Draw a graph including all the constraints and identify the feasible region
3. Obtain a point on the feasible region that optimizes the objective function-
Optimal solution
4. Interprite the results

 Graphical LP is a two-dimensional model.

A Maximization Problem
==>Maximize Z with inequalities of constraints in < form

Example: Consider two models of color TV sets; Model A and B, are produced by a
company to maximize profit. The profit realized is $300 from A and $250 from set B.
The limitations are
a. availability of only 40hrs of labor each day in the production department.
b. a daily availability of only 45 hrs on machine time
c. ability to sale 12 set of model A.

How many sets of each model will be produced each day so that the total profit will
be as large as possible?

Resources used per unit

Constraints Model A Model B Maximum Available hrs.
(X1) (X2)

Labor hr. 2 1 40

Machine hr. 1 3 45
Marketing hr. 1 0 12

Profit $300 $250

1. Formulation of mathematical modeling of LPP
Max Z=300X1 +250X2
2X1 +X2< 40
X1 +3X2< 45
LPP Model
X1 < 12
X1, X2 >0
2. Convert constraints inequalities into equalities
2X1 +X2 = 40
X1 +3X2= 45
X1 = 12
2X1 +X2 = 40

3. Draw the graph by intercepts

2X1 +X2 = 40 ==> (0, 0) and (20, 0)
1 +3X2= 45==> (0, 15) and (45, 0)

40 X1 = 12==> (12,X0)
X1 +X2 = 45

X1, X2 =0

15 B

Feasible C(12, 11)

Region X2=0
A 12 20 45

4. Identify the feasible area of the solution which satisfies all constrains.
5. Identify the corner points in the feasible region
A (0, 0), B (0, 15), C (12, 11) and D (12, 0)
6. Identify the optimal point
7. Interpret the result

Corners Coordinates MaxZ=300 X1 +250X2

A (0, 0) $0
B (0, 15) $3750
C (12, 11) $6350
D (12, 0) $3600

12 units of product A and 11 units of product B should be produced so that the total
profit will be $6350.
A manufacturer of light weight mountain tents makes two types of tents, REGULAR
tent and SUPER tent. Each REGULAR tent requires 1 labor-hour from the cutting
department and l labor-hours from the assembly department. Each SUPER tent
requires 2 labor-hours from the cutting department and 4 labor-hours from the
assembly department .The maximum labor hours available per week in the cutting
department and the assembly department are 32 and 84 respectively. Moreover, the
distributor, because of demand, will not take more than 12 SUPER tents per week. The
manufacturer sales each REGULAR tents for $160 and costs$110 per tent to make.
Where as SUPER tent ales for $210 per tent and costs $130 per tent to make.

A. Formulate the mathematical model of the problem

B. Using the graphic method, determine how many of each tent the company should
manufacture each tent the company should manufacture each week so as to
maximize its profit?
C. What is this maximum profit assuming that all the tents manufactured in each
week are sold in that week?

Labor hours per tent
Department REGULAR (X1) SUPER(X2) Maximum labor-hours available
per week


Cutting department 1 2 32
Assembly department 3 4 84
Selling price per tent $160 $210
Cost per tent $110 $130
Profit per tent $50 $80

*The distributor will not take more than 12 SUPER tents per week. Thus, the
manufacturer should not produce more than 12 SUPER tents per week.
Let X1 =The No of REGULAR tents produced per week.
X2 =The No of SUPER tents produced per week.
X1 and X2 are called the decision variables

LPP Model ……….Cutting department constraint

……….Assembly department constraint
……….Demand constraint

……….Non-negativity constraints
X1 =0
Corners Coordinates MaxZ=50 X1 +800X2
A o (0, 0) $0
B (0, 12) $960
C 16 (8, 12) $1360

B (0, 12)
C(8,12) D (20, 6) X2 =0 23
A(0,0) E (28, 0) 32
D (20, 6) $1480
E (28, 0) $1400

The manufacturer should produce and sale 20 REGULAR tents and 6 SUPERS tents
to get a maximum weekly profit of $1480.

B Minimization Problem
==>Minimize Z with inequalities of constraints in > form
Suppose that a machine shop has two different types of machines; machine 1 and
machine 2, which can be used to make a single product .These machine vary in the
amount of product produced per hr., in the amount of labor used and in the cost of
Assume that at least a certain amount of product must be produced and that we
would like to utilize at least the regular labor force. How much should we utilize
each machine in order to utilize total costs and still meets the requirement?
Resource used
Machine 1 (X1) Machine (X2) Minimum required hours

Product produced/hr 20 15 100

Labor/hr 2 3 15________
Operation Cost $25 $30_____________________________

LPP Model

Constraint =0
A (0, 20/3) 20X1 +15X2=100 ==> (0, 20/3) and (5, 0)
2X1+3X2=15 ==> (0, 5) and (7.5, 0)
X1 X2> 0
Feasible Region

B (2.5, 3.33)
X2 =0 24

5 C (7.5, 0)
Corners Coordinates MinZ=25 X1 + 30X2
A (0, 20/3) 200

B (2.5, 3.33) 162.5

C (7.5, 0) 187.5
X1 =2.5
X2=3.33 and
MinZ= 162.5

A company owns two flour mills (A and B) which have different production
capacities for HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW grade flour. This company has entered
contract supply flour to a firm every week with 12, 8, and 24 quintals of HIGH,
MEDIUM and LOW grade respectively. It costs the Co. $1000 and $800 per day to run
mill A and mill B respectively. On a day, mill A produces 6, 2, and 4 quintals of
HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW grade flour respectively.
Mill B produces 2, 2 and 12 quintals of HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW grade flour
respectively. How many days per week should each mill be operated in order to meet
the contract order most economically standardize? Solve graphically.
No of days per week of Minimum flour in
Mil A (X1) Mill B(X2) quintals
HIGH Capacity (in quintal) 6 2 12
MEDIUM Capacity (in quintal) 2 2 8
LOW Capacity (in quintal) 4 12 24
$1000 $800

Constraint equation:

(0, 6), (2, 0)

(0, 4), (4, 0)
(0, 2), (6, 0)
Corners MinZ=$1000 X1 + 800X2
(0, 6) $4800
(1, 3) $3400
(3, 1) $3800
(6, 0) $6000
X1 =1
X2=3 and
MinZ= $3400

X1 =0
6 6X1+2 X2=12
2X1+2 X2=8
4 FR
4X1+12 X2=24
(1, 3)
(3, 1)
X2 =0
2 4 6

-In maximization problems, our point of interest is looking the furthest point from the
-In minimization problems, our point of interest is looking the point nearest to the


1. Redundant Constraint
If a constraint when plotted on a graph doesn’t form part of the boundary making
the feasible region of the problem that constraint is said to be redundant.

A firm is engaged in producing two products A and B .Each unit of product A
requires 2Kg of raw material and 4 labor-hrs for processing. Where as each unit of
product B requires 3Kg of raw materials and 3hrs of labor. Every unit of product
A requires 4 hrs for packaging where as B needs 3.5hrs. Every week the firm has
availability of 60Kg of raw material, 96 labor-hours and 105 hrs in the packaging

1 unit of product A sold yields $40 profit and 1 unit of B sod yields $35 profit.

a. Formulate this problem as a LPP
b. Find the optimal solution

Products Resource available
Resources A B per week
Raw materials (Kg) 2 3 60
Labor (hr) 4 3 96
Packaging (hr) 4 3.5 105
Profit per unit $40 $35

Let X1 =The No of units of product A produced per week

X2 =The No of units of product B produced per week
a. LPP Model

(0, 32)

Labor: 4X1 +3X2 = 96

(0, 30)
Packaging: 4X1 +3.5X2 = 105
(0, 20) C (18,8)
FR Raw material: 2X1 +3X2 = 60

A (0, 0) D (24, 0) (26, 0) (30, 0)

 The packaging hr is redundant.

Corners Coordinates MinZ=40 X1 + 35X2

A (0, 0) 0
B (0, 20) 700
C (18, 8) 1000
D (24, 0) 960
X1 =18
X2=8 and
MinZ= 1000

The company should produce and sale 18 units of product A and 8 units of product B
per week so as to get a maximum profit of 1000.
 By this production plan the entire raw material will be consumed.
 2X1 +3X2 <60
2(18) +3(8) =60
60=60==> N o idle or unused raw material
 4X1 +3X2 <96
4(18) +3(8) <96
96=96 ==>the entire labor hour will be consumed
 4X1 +3.5X2 <105
100<105==>There is to be idle or unused capacity of 5hrs in the packaging
The packaging hour’s constraint does not form part of the boundary making the
feasible region. Thus, this constraint is of no consequence and is therefore, redundant.
The inclusion or exclusion of a redundant constraint does not affect the optimal
solution of the problem.

2. Multiple optimal Solutions

/Alternative optimal solutions/
-This is a situation where by a LPP has more than one optimal solution.
Multiple optimal Solutions will be found if two corers give optimal solution, then the
line segment joining these points will be the solution.
==>We have unlimited number of optimal solution with out increasing or decreasing
the objective function.

The information given below is for the products A and B.

Machine hours per week Maximum available
Department Product A Product B per week

Cutting 3 6 900
Assembly 1 1 200
Profit per unit $8 $16
Assume that the company has a marketing constraint on selling products B and
therefore it can sale a maximum of 125units of this product.
a. Formulate the LPP of this problem
b. Find the optimal solution
Let X1 =The No of units f product A produced per week
X2 =The No of units f product B produced per week
a. The LPP Model of the problem is:

X2 X1=0
(0, 200)

(0,150) C (50, 125) X2=125 Marketing equation

B (0, 125)
D (100,100)
Cutting: 3X1+6X2=900

FR X2=0

A (0, 0) X1

Corners Coordinates MaxZ=8 X1 + 16X2

A (0, 0) 0
B (0, 125) 2000

C (50, 125) 2400
D (100, 100) 2400
E (200, 100) 1600

Both C and D are optimal solutions. Any point on the line segment CD will also lead
to the same optimal solution.
==>Multiple optimal solutions provide more choices for management to reach their

3. Infeasible Solution
A solution is called feasible if it satisfies all the constraints and the constraints and
non-negativity condition. However, it is sometimes possible that the constraints may
be inconsistent so that there is no feasible solution to the problem. Such a situation is
called infeasibility.

2X1+X2< 40
4X1+X2< 60
X1 > 30
X1, X2 > 0

X2 X1=0
(0, 60) X1=30

(0, 40)


4X1+X2= 60

2X1+X2= 40

(15, 0) (20, 0) (30, 0)

-In the above graph, there is no common point in the shaded area.
-All constraints cannot be satisfied simultaneously and there is no feasible solution to
the problem.

4. Mixed constraints
ABC Gasoline Company has two refineries with different production capacities.
Refinery A can produce 4,000gallons per day of SUPER UNLEADD GASOLINE, 2000
gallons per day of REGULAR UNLEADED GASOLINE and 1000 gallons per day of
LEADED GASOLINE. On the other hand, refinery B can produce 1000 gallons per
day of SUPER UNLEADED, 3000 gallons per day of REGULAR UNLEADED and
4,000 gallons per day of LEADED.

The company has made a contract with an automobile manufacturer to provide 24000
gasoline of SUPER UNLEADED, 42000 gallons of REGULAR UNLEADED and 36000
gallons of LEADED .The automobile manufacturer wants delivery in not more than
14 days.

The cost of running refinery A is $1500 per day and refinery B is $2400 per day.

a. Formulate this problem as a LPP
b. Determine the number of days the gasoline company should operate each refinery
in order to meet the terms of the above contract most economically.(i.e. At a
minimum running cost)

c. Which grade of gasoline would be over produced?

Production per day (in gallons) Contract with an automobile manufacturer
Grade of gasoline A B


SUPER UNLEADED 4000 1000 24,000

REGULAR UNLEADED 2000 3000 42,000
LEADED 1000 4000 36,000
Running cost per day $1,500 $2,400

 The automobile manufacturer wants delivery in not more than 14 days.

Let X1 =The No of days refinery A should work.
X2 =The No of days refinery B should work.
a. LPP of the problem

1000X1+2000X2> 36000
X1 < 14
X2< 14
X1, X2 > 0
==>T o simplify the problem divide by 1000 the constraints
2X1+3X2>42 Delivery time: X1=14
SUG: 4X 1+X2 =24
X +4X > 36
1 2

X1 < 14
A (2.5, 14) X2< 14 B (14, 14) Delivery time: X2=14
X1, X2 > 0

D (12, 6)

LG: X1+4X2=36
RUG: 2X1+3X2 =42
(6, 0) (14, 0) (21, 0) (36, 0)
Note: Point A, B, C, and D are solved by elimination-substitution method

Corners Coordinates MaxZ=1500X1 + 2400X2
A (2.5, 4) $37350
B (14, 14) 54600
C (14, 5.5) 34200
D (12, 6) 32400
E (3, 12) 33300
The oil company should operate refinery A for 12 days and refinery B for 6 days at a
minimum operating cost of $32,400.
c. Is there any over production
SUG: 4000X1+1000X2>24000
4000(12) +1000(6)>24000
54000 > 24000
Therefore, 30,000 gallons over production

RUG: 2000X1+3000X2>42000
2000(12) +3000(6)>42000
42000 > 42000
Therefore, there is no over production of RUG

LG: 1000X1+4000X2>36000
1000(12) +1000(6)>36000
36000 > 36000
There fore, No over production of LG

5. Unbounded Solution

When the value of decision variables in LP is permitted to increase infinitely without
violating the feasibility condition, then the solution is said to be unbounded .Here,
the objective function value can also be increased infinitely. However, an unbounded
feasible region may yield some definite value of the objective function.
Use the graphical method to solve the following LPP.
1. Max.Z=3X1+4X2
X1-X2<-1==> -X1+X2>1 since the quantity solution is positive
X1, X2 > 0
X2 X1-X2 =-1

X1+X2 =0

1 Feasible Region

Fig: Unbounded Solution

2. Max.Z=3X1+2X2
X1, X2 > 0

A(0,3) Unbounded
Feasible Region

B (2, 1)

X1 35
Note here that the two corners of the region are A(0,3) and .B(2,1).The value of
MaxZ(A)=6 and MaxZ(B)=8. But there exist number of points in the shaded region for
which the value of the objective function is more than 8.For example, the point (10,
12) lies in the region and the function value at this point is 70 which is more than 8.

An unbounded solution does not mean that there is no solution to the given LPP, but
implies that there exits an infinite number of solutions.

Use graphical method to solve the following LPP.
1. Max.Z=7/4X1+3/2X2 2. Max.Z=3X1+2X2
St: St:
8 X1+5X2 < 320 -2X1+3X2 < 9
4X1+5X2 < 20 X1-5X2 > -20
X1 > 15 X1, X2 > 0
X2> 10
X1, X2 > 0
Answer: No feasible solution Answer: Unbounded solution
3. Max.Z=3X1+2X2 4.Max.Z=X1+X2
St: St:
X1-X2 < 1 X1+X2 < 1
X1+X2> 3 -3X1+X2> 3
X1, X2> 2 X1, X2> 0
Answer: Unbounded solution Answer: Unbounded solution
5. Max.Z=6X1-4X2 6.Max.Z=X1+1/2X2
St: St:
2X1+4X2 < 4 3X1+3X2 < 12
4X1+8X2> 16 5X1 < 10
X1, X2 > 0 X 1 + X2 >8
Answer: Infeasible solution -X1 + X2 >4
X1, X2 > 0
Answer: Infeasible solution

I. Solve the following LP problems using the graphical method.
1. Max.Z=15X1-10X2 2.Max.Z=2X1+X2
St: St:
4X1+6X2 < 360 X1+2X2 < 10
3X1+0X2< 180 X1 +X2 < 6
0X1+5X2< 280 X1 - X 2 < 2
X1, X2 > 0 X1 -2X2 < 1
Answer: X1=60 , X2 =20 X1,          X2  >0
and Max.Z=1,100 Answer: X1=4, X2 =2
and Max.Z=10

3. Max.Z=10X1+15X2 4.Min.Z=3X1+2X2
St: St:
2X1+X2 < 26 5X1+X2 > 10
2X1+4X2< 56 X1 +X2 > 6
-X1+X2< 5 X1 + 4 X2 > 12
X1, X2 > 0 X1,          X2  >0
Answer: X1=4 , X2 =2 Answer:X1=1,X2=5
and Max.Z=230 and Min.Z=13
4. Min.Z=-X1+2X2 4.Min.Z=20X1+10X2
St: St:
-X1+3X2 < 26 X1+2X2 <40
X1 +X2 < 6 3X1 + 4 X2 > 30
X1-X2< 2 4X1+ 3X2> 60
X1, X2 > 0 X 1,       X2  >0
Answer:X1=2 , X2 =0 Answer:X1=6,X2=12 and
Min.Z=-2 and Min.Z=240

II.A manufacturer produces two different models; X and Y, of the same product .The
raw materials r1 and r2 are required for production. At least 18 Kg of r1 and 12 Kg of r2
must be used daily. Almost at most 34 hours of labor are to be utilized .2Kg of r1 are
needed for each model X and 1Kg of r1 for each model Y. For each model of X and Y,
1Kg of r2 is required. It takes 3 hours to manufacture a model X and 2 hours to
manufacture a model Y. The profit realized is $50 per unit from model X and $30 per
unit from model Y. How many units of each model should be produced to maximize
the profit?
Answer: 10 units of model X, 2 units of model Y and the maximum profit is $ 560.

III.A manufacturing firm produces two machine parts P1 and P2 using milling and
grinding machines .The different machining times required for each part, the
machining times available on different machines and the profit on each machine part
are as given below:
Manufacturing time Maximum time
required (min) available per week (min)
Machine P1 P2

Lathe 10 5 25,000
Milling Machine 4 10 2000
Grinding Machine 1 1.5 450
Profit per unit ($) $50 $100

Determine the number of pieces of P1 and P2 to be manufactured per week to
maximize profit.
Answer:X1=187.5 , X2 =125 and Max.Z=21,875

IV.A person requires 10, 12 and 12 units of chemicals A, B and C respectively for his
garden. A liquid product contains 5, 2 and 1 units of A, B and C respectively per jar.
A dry product contains 1, 2 and 4 units of A, B and C per carton. If the liquid product
sells for $3 per jar and the dry product sells $2 per carton, how many of each should
be purchased in order to minimize cost and meet the requirement?
Answer: 1 Unit of liquid, 5 units of dry product and Min.Z=$8

The graphical method to solving LPPs provides fundamental concepts for
fully understanding the LP process. However, the graphical method can
handle problems involving only two decision variables (say X1 and X2).

In 19940’s George B.Dantzig developed an algebraic approach called the

Simplex Method which is an efficient approach to solve applied problems
containing numerous constraints and involving many variables that cannot be
solved by the graphical method.

The simplex method is an ITERATIVE or “step by step” method or repetitive

algebraic approach that moves automatically from one basic feasible solution to

another basic feasible solution improving the solution each time until the optimal
solution is reached at.

The simplex method starts with a corner that is in the solution space or
feasible region and moves to another corner of the solution space improving
the value of the objective function each time until optimal solution is reached
at the optimal corner.
Scope of solution of LPP by simplex method

Following types of problems are solved by simplex method:

 Maximize Z with inequalities of constraints in “< “form.

 Minimize Z with inequalities of constraints in “>“form.

 Maximize Z with inequalities of constraints in “>“form.

 Maximize Z or Minimize Z with inequalities of constraints in “< “, “>“or



 Maximize Z with inequalities of constraints in “< “form

Solve the problem using the simplex approach
Max.Z=300x1 +250x2
Subject to:
2x1 + x2 < 40 (Labor)
x1+3x2 < 45 (Machine)
x1 < 12 (Marketing)
x1, x2 > 0
Step 1
Formulate LPP Model

Step 2

Standardize the problem
i.e Convert constraint inequality into equality form by introducing a variable
called Sack variable.
Slack Variables:
A sack variable(s) is added to the left hand side of a < constraint to covert the
constraint inequality in to equality. The value of the slack variable shows
unused resource.

A slake variable emerges when the LPP is a maximization problem.

Slack variables represent unused resource or idle capacity. Thus, they don’t
produce any product and their contribution to profit is zero.

Slack variables are added to the objective function with zero coefficients.
Let say that s1, s2 and s3 be unused labor, machine and marketing hours,

Max.Z=300x1 +250x2 + 0 s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3

2 x1+x2 + s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3= 40
Standard form
x1+3x2 +0s1 + s2+ 0 s3= 45
x1 + 0s1 + 0s2+ s3= 12
x1 , x2 , s1 , s2, s3 > 0

Step 3
Obtain the initial simplex tableau
To represent the data, the simplex method uses a table called the simplex table
or the simplex matrix.
==> In constructing the initial simplex tableau, the search for an optimal
solution begins at the origin. Indicating that nothing is produced;
Thus, first assumption, No production implies that x1 =0 and x2=0

==>2 x1+x2 + s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3= 40 ==> x1+3x2 +0 s1 + s2+ 0 s3= 45

2(0) +0 + s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3= 40 0 +3(0) + 0s1 + s2+ 0 s3= 45
s1= 40 – Unused labor hrs. s2= 45 – Unused machine hrs.
==> x1+0s1 +0s2+ s3= 12

0 +0s1 +0 s2+ s3= 12
s3= 12 – Unused Marketing hrs.
Therefore, Max.Z=300x1 +250x2 + 0 s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3
=300(0) +250(0) + 0(40) +0(45) + 0(12)
In general, whenever there are n variables and m constraints (excluding the
non-negativity), where m is less than n (m<n), n-m variables must be set equal
to zero before the solution can be solved algebraically.
a. Basic variables are variables with non-zero solution values.
Or: basic variables are variables that are in the basic solution. Basic
variables have 0 values in the Cj-Zj row.
b. Non-basic variables are variables with zero solution values.
Or: non-basic variables are variables that are out of the solution.

==>n=5 variables (x1 , x2, s1, s2, and s3) and m=3 constraints (Labor, machine
and marketing constraints), excluding non-negativity.

Therefore, n-m=5-3=2 variables(x1 and x2) are set equal to zero in the 1st
simplex tableau. These are non-basic variables. 3 Variables (s1, s2, and s3) are
basic variables (in the 1st simplex tableau) because they have non-zero solution
variables column

Real or decision
Basic or Solution
Profit per unit

variable column

Step 3

Slack variables

Construct the initial simplex tableau

Solution quantity

Initial simplex tableau



Profit per unit row

Cj 300 250 0 0 0
equation rows

41 Profit row

Net Profit row

/Indicator row/
X1 X2 S1 S2 S3

40 R1
0 S1 2 1 1 0 0

45 R2
0 S2 1 3 0 1 0

0 S3 1 0 0 0 1 12 R3
Zj 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cj - Zj 300 250 0 0 0

Step 4:
Choose the “incoming” or “entering” variables
The entering variable is the variable that has the most positive value in the Cj
- Zj row also called as indicator row. Or the entering variable is the variable
that has the highest contribution to profit per unit.
a. X1 in our case is the entering variable
b. The column associated with the entering variable is called key or pivot
column ( X1 column in our case )

Step 5:
Choose the “leaving “or “outgoing” variable
==> In this step, we determine the variable that will leave the solution for X1
(or entering variable)
 The row with the minimum or lowest positive (non-negative) replacement
ratio shows the variable to leave the solution.

Replacement Ratio (RR) = Solution Quantity (Q)

Corresponding values in pivot column

Note: RR>0
 The variable leaving the solution is called leaving variable or outgoing

 The row associated with the leaving variable is called key or pivot row (s3
column in our case)
 The element that lies at the intersection of the pivot column and pivot row is
called pivot element(No 1 in our case)

Step 6:
Repeat step 3-5 till optimum basic feasible solution is obtained.
Or: repeat step 3-5 till no positive value occurs in the Cj - Zj row.
 Divide each element of the pivot row by the pivot element to find new
values in the key or pivot row.
 Perform row operations to make all other entries for the pivot column equal
to zero.
2nd simplex tableau

Cj 300 250 0 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 Q

0 S1 0 1 1 0 -2 16 R’1=R1-2R3

0 S2 0 3 0 1 -1 R’2=R2-R3

300 X1 1 0 0 0 1 12 R’3=R3
Zj 300 0 0 0 300 3600
Cj - Zj 0 250 0 0 -300
3 simplex tableau

Cj 300 250 0 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 Q

0 S1 0 0 1 -1/3 -5/3 5 R’’1=R’1-R’2

250 X2 0 1 0 1/3 -1/3 11 R’’2=R2/3

300 X1 1 0 0 0 1 12 R’’3=R’3
Zj 300 250 0 250/3 650/3 6350
Cj - Zj 0 0 0 -250/3 - 650/3

Since all the Cj - Zj < 0 optimal solution is reached at.
Therefore, X1=12, X2=11, S1=5 and Max Z=6350

A Juice Company has available two kinds of food Juices: Orange Juice and
Grape Juice. The company produces two types of punches: Punch A and
Punch B. One bottle of punch A requires 20 liters of Orange Juice and 5 liters
of Grape Juice.1 Bottle of punch B requires 10 liters of Orange Juice and 15
liters of Grape Juice.

From each of bottle of Punch A a profit of $4 is made and from each bottle of
Punch B a profit of $3 is made .Suppose that the company has 230 liters of
Orange Juice and 120 liters of Grape Juice available

a. Formulate this problem as a LPP
b. How many bottles of Punch A and Punch B the company should produce in
order to maximize profit? (Using the simplex method)
c. What is this maximum profit?

Juice needed for one bottle of
Juice Punch A Punch B Juice Available
Orange Juice (lt) 20 10 230
Grape Juice (lt) 5 15 120
Profit per tent $4 $3
Let X1= the N of bottles of punch A produced.

X2= the No of bottles of punch B produced.

 LPP Model
Max Z=4X1 +3X2
20X1 +10X2 < 230 Orange Constraint
5X1 +15X2 < 120 Grape Constraint
X1, X2 > 0 Non-negativity constraint
 Standard form
Max.Z=4x1 +3x2 + 0 s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3

20 x1+3x2 + s1 +0 s2 = 230
Standard form
5x1+15x2 +0s1 + s2+ = 120
x1 , x2 , s1 , s2, >0
Where, s1 =Unused orange juice
s2 =Unused grape juice

Initial simplex tableau

Cj 4 3 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

0 S1 20 10 1 0 230

0 S2 5 15 0 1 120
Zj 0 0 0 0 0
Cj - Zj 4 3 0 0

2nd simplex tableau

Cj 4 3 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

4 X1 1 1/2 1/20 0 11.5

0 S2 0 25/2 -1/4 1 62.5

Zj 4 2 1/5 0 46
Cj - Zj 0 1 -1/5 0

Optimal simplex tableau

Cj 4 3 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

4 X1 1 0 3/50 -1/25 9

0 X2 0 1 -1/50 2/25 5
Zj 4 3 0.12 0.08 51
Cj - Zj 0 0 - 0.12 -0.08

X1= 9 bottles of punch A
X2= 5 bottles of punch B
s1 =0
s2 =0

Solve the following LPPs using the simplex method
1. Max.Z=3x1 +5x2 2. Max.Z=20x1 +10x2
Subject to: Subject to:
x2 < 6 5x1+4x2 < 250
3x1+2x2 < 18 2x1+5x2 < 150
x1, x2 >0 x1, x2 >0
Answer: Answer:
x1=2, x2 =6, s1 =0 , s2=0 and MaxZ=$36 x1=50, x2 =0, s1 =0 , s2=50 and MaxZ=$1,000


 Minimize Z with inequalities of constraints in “> “form
There are two methods to solve minimization LP problems:
1. Direct method/Big M-method/
 Using artificial variables
2. Conversion method
 Minimization by maximizing the dual
 Surplus Variable (-s):
 A variable inserted in a greater than or equal to constraint to
create equality. It represents the amount of resource usage above the
minimum required usage.
 Surplus variable is subtracted from a > constraint in the process
of converting the constraint to standard form.
 Neither the slack nor the surplus is negative value. They must be
positive or zero.
1. 2x1+x2 < 40 ==>is a constraint inequality
x1= 12 and x2= 11==> 2x1+x2+s = 40 ==>2(12)+11+s = 40
==> s=5 unused resource

2. 5x1+3x2 < 45
x1= 12 and x2= 11==> 5x1+3x2+s = 45 ==>5(12)+3(11)+s = 45
==> s=0 unused resource (No idle resource)
3. 5x1+2x2<20
x1= 4.5 and x2= 2==> 5x1+2x2- s = 20 ==>5(4.5)+2(2)-s = 20
==> s=6 unused resource
4. 2x1+x2 >40
x1= 0 and x2= 0(No production)==> 5x1+2x2- s = 20 ==>5(4.5)+2(2)-s = 20
==> s=-6(This is mathematically unaccepted)
Thus, in order to avoid the mathematical contradiction, we have to add
artificial variable (A)

 Artificial variable (A):

Artificial variable is a variable that has no meaning in a physical sense but acts
as a tool to create an initial feasible LP solution.

Type of constraint To put into standard form
< --------------------------------------------- Add a slack variable
= ---------------------------------------------Add an artificial variable
> ---------------------- Subtract a surplus variable and add a slack variable
Big M-method
/Charnes Penalty Method/
The Big-M Method is a method which is used in removing artificial variables
from the basis .In this method; we assign coefficients to artificial variables,
undesirable from the objective function point of view. If objective function Z is
to be minimized, then a very large positive price (called penalty) is assigned to
each artificial variable. Similarly, if Z is to be maximized, then a very large
negative price (also called penalty) is assigned to each of these variables.

Following are the characteristics of Big-M Method:

a. High penalty cost (or profit) is assumed as M
b. M is assigned as a coefficient to artificial variable A in the objective function
c. Big-M method can be applied to minimization as well as maximization
problems with the following distinctions:

i. Minimization problems
-Assign +M as coefficient of artificial variable A in the objective
function Z
ii. Maximization problems:
- Assign–M as coefficient of artificial variable A in the objective
function Z
d. Coefficient of S (slack/surplus) takes zero values in the objective function Z
e. For minimization problem, the incoming variable corresponds to the
highest negative value of Cj-Zj.
f. Solution is optimal when there is no negative value of Cj-Zj.(For
minimization case)

1. Minimize Z=25x1 +30x2
Subject to:
20x1+15x2 > 100
2x1+ 3x2 > 15
x1, x2 >0
Step 1
Standardize the problem
Minimize Z=25x1 +30x2 +0s1+0s2 +MA1+MA2
Subject to:
20x1+15x2- s1+A1 = 100
2x1+ 3x2 –s2+A2 = 15
x1, x2 , s1, s2 ,A1 ,A2 > 0
Step 2
Initial simplex tableau
The initial basic feasible solution is obtained by setting x1= x2= s1= s2=0
No production, x1= x2= s1=0==>20(0) +15(0) - 0+A1 = 100 ==> A1 = 100
x1= x2= s2=0==>0(0)+3(0) - 0+A2 =15==> A2 = 15

Initial simplex tableau

Cj 25 30 0 0 M M

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 Q RR

M A1 20 15 -1 0 1 0 100

M A2 2 3 0 -1 0 1 15 15/2=7.5

Zj 22M 18M -M -M M M 115 M

Cj - Zj 25 -22M 30- 18M M M 0 0


Once an artificial variable has left the basis, it has served its purpose and can
therefore be removed from the simplex tableau. An artificial variable is never
considered for re-entry into the basis.
2nd Simplex Tableau

Cj 25 30 0 0 M

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A2 Q

25 X1 1 3/4 -1/20 0 0 5 R’1=R1/20

M A2 0 3/2 1/10 -1 1 5 R’2=R2-2 R’

Zj 25 75/4+3/2M -5/4+1/10M -M M 125+5 M 49

Cj - Zj 0 45/4-3/2M 5/4-1/10 M M 0
3rd Simplex Tableau

Cj 25 30 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

25 X1 1 0 -1/10 1/2 5/2 R’’1=R’1-3/4 R’’2

30 X2 0 1 1/15 -2/3 10/3 R’’2=R’2/3/2

Zj 25 30 -1/2 -15/2 162.5

Cj - Zj 0 0 1/2 15/2

Cj - Zj > 0==>Optimal solution is reached

X2=10/3 and MinZ=162.5

As long as an “A” variable is available in the solution variable column, the
solution is infeasible.

2. Use the penalty (Big-M) method to solve the following LPP
Min Z=5x1 +3x2
Subject to:
2x1+4x2 < 12
2x1+ 2x2 = 10
5x1+ 2x2 > 10
x1, x2 >0
Min Z=5x1 +3x2 +0s1+0s2 +MA1+MA2
Subject to: If no production
2x1+4x2+s1 = 12 ==>x1 =x2=0==>s1=0 (Solution Value in the initial simplex tableau)
2x1+2x2 +A1 =10 ==>x1 =x2=0==>A1 =15 (Solution Value in the initial simplex tableau)

5x1+2x2 –s2 +A1=10 ==>x1=x2=s2=0==>A2=10(Solution Value in the initial simplex

x1, x2 , s1, s2 ,A1 ,A2 > 0
Initial Simplex tableau

Cj 5 3 0 0 M M
SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 A2 Q

0 S1 2 4 1 0 0 0 12

M A1 2 2 0 0 1 0 10 5

M A2 5 2 0 -1 0 1 10 2
Zj 7M 4M 0 M M M 20 M
Cj - Zj 5 -7M 3- 4M 0 -M 0 0

2nd simplex tableau

Cj 5 3 0 0 M

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 Q

0 S1 0 16/5 1 2/5 0 8

M A1 0 6/5 0 2/5 1 6
5 X1 1 2/5 0 -1/5 0 2
Zj 5M 6/5M +2 0 2/5M -1 M 10+6 M
Cj - Zj 0 -6/5M +1 0 -2/5M+1 0

3rd simplex tableau

Cj 5 3 0 0 M

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A1 Q RR

3 X2 0 1 5/16 1/8 0 2.5 20

M A1 0 0 -3/8 1/4 1 3 12

5 X1 0 0 -1/8 -1/4 0 1 -

Zj 5 3 -3/8M +5/6 M/4-7/8 M 12.5+3 M

Cj - Zj 0 0 3/8M -5/6 -M/4+7/8 0

4th Simplex tableau

Cj 5 3 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

3 X2 0 1 1/2 0 1

0 S2 0 0 -3/2 1 12
5 X1 0 0 -1/2 0 4
Zj 5 3 -1 0 23
Cj - Zj 0 0 1 0

X1=4, X 2=1, S1=0, S2=12 and MinZ=23

3. Use the penalty (Big-M) method to solve the following LPP
Max Z=2x1 +x2+3x3
Subject to:
2x1+ x2 + x3 < 5
2x1+ 3x2 +4x3 = 12
x1, x2 , x3 >0

Initial Simplex tableau

Cj 2 1 3 0 -M

SV X1 X2 X3 S1 A1 Q

0 S1 1 1 2 1 0 5 2.5

-M A1 2 3 4 0 1 12
Zj -2M -3M -4M 0 -M -12 M
Cj - Zj 2M+2 3M+1 4M+3 0 0

2nd simplex tableau

Cj 2 1 3 0

SV X1 X2 X3 S1 A1 Q

3 X3 1/2 1/2 1 1 0 5

-M A1 2 3 4 0 1 12
Zj 3/2 -M +3/2 3 2M+3/2 -M -2M+15/2
Cj - Zj 1/22 M-1/2 0 -2M-3/2 0


3rd simplex tableau

Cj 2 1 3 0

SV X1 X2 X3 S1 Q

3 X3 1/2 0 1 3/2 1.5

1 X2 0 1 0 -2 2 Not defined

Zj 3/2 1 3 5/2 13/2

Cj - Zj 1/2 0 0 -5/2

4th simplex tableau

Cj 2 1 3 0

SV X1 X2 X3 S1 Q

3 X1 1 0 2 3 3

1 X2 0 1 0 -2 2
Zj 2 1 4 4 8
Cj - Zj 0 0 -1 -4

Cj - Zj < 0==>optimal solution

X1=3, X2 =2, X3=0, S1=0 and Max Z=8

Find the optimal solution using simplex method
1. Min Z=10x1 +5x2
Subject to:

2x1 + 5x2 > 150
3x1+ x2 > 120
x1, x2 >0
Ans: x1=450/13, x2 =210/13 and Min Z=$540

2. Min Z=4x1 +5x2

Subject to:
x1 + 2x2 > 80
3x1+ x2 > 75
x1, x2 >0
Ans: x1=14, x2 =33 and Min Z=$221

3. Min Z=7x1 +9x2

Subject to:
3x1 + 6x2 > 36
8x1+ 4x2 > 64
x1, x2 >0
Ans: x1=20/3, x2 =8/3 and Min Z=212/3

To get an initial feasible solution

Types of constraint Presence of variables in the initial solution mix

1. < (Slack) Yes
2.> *(Surplus) No
*(Artificial) Yes
3. = (Artificial) Yes


1. Mixed constraints
Max Z=6x1 +8x2

Subject to:
x2 < 4
x1+ x2 = 9
6x1+ 2x2 >24
x1, x2 >0

 Standard form
Max.Z=6x1 +8x2 + 0 s1 +0 s2+ 0 s3-M A2- M A3
x2 + s1 =4
x1+ x2 + A2 =9
6x1+2x2 - s3 + A3 =24 Standard form
All Variables >0

Initial simplex tableau

Cj 6 8 0 0 -M -M

SV X1 X2 S1 S3 A2 A3 Q

0 S1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4

-M A2 1 1 0 0 1 0 9
-M A3 6 2 0 -1 0 1 4
Zj -7M -3M 0 +M -M -M 24

Cj - Zj 7M +6 3M+8 0 -M 0 0

Ans: At the 4th tableau: X1 =5 ,X2 =4 ,S3 =14 and MaxZ=62

For the initial basis, use artificial variables for constraints that have them.
Otherwise, use a constraint slack variable. Hence, surplus variables will not
appear in an initial solution.

2. Two incoming variables

/ Or Tie for entering variables/
In order to break this tie, the selection for the key column (entering variable)
can be made arbitrary. However; the number of solution can be minimized by
adopting the following rules:
1. If there is a tie between two decision variables, then the selection can be
made arbitrary.
2. If there is a tie between a decision variable and a slack (or surplus)
variable, then select the decision variable to enter into basis first.
3. If there is a tie between slack or surplus variable, then selection can be
made arbitrary.
If the equation is max Z:


SV X1 X2 S1 S3 Q

Cj - Zj 5 2 5 0

In such a case,X1 is the entering variable

3. Infeasibility
A situation with no feasible solution may exist if the problem was formulated

Infeasibility comes about when there is no solution that satisfies all of the
problem’s constraints.

In the simplex method, an infeasible solution is indicated by looking at the
final tableau .In it, all Cj - Zj row entries will be the proper sign to imply
optimality, but an artificial variable (A) will still be in the solution mix.

Minimization case

Cj 5 8 0 0 M

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 A2 Q

5 X1 1 1 -2 3 0 200

8 X2 0 1 1 2 0 100
M A2 0 0 0 -1 1 20
Zj 5 8 -2 31-M M 1,800+200M
Cj - Zj 0 0 2 M-31 0

Even though all Cj - Zj are positive or 0(i.e the criterion for an optimal solution
in a minimization case), no feasible solution is possible because an artificial
variable (A2) remains in the solution mix.
4. Unbounded Solutions
No finite solution may exist in problems that are not bounded .This means
that a variable can be infinitely large without violating a constraint.

In the simplex method, the condition of unboundedness will be discovered
prior to reaching the final tableau. We will note the problem when trying to
decide which variable to remove from the solution mix.

The procedure in unbounded solution is to divide each quantity column

number by the corresponding pivot column number. The row with the
smallest positive ratio is replaced. But if the entire ratios turn out to be
negative or undefined, it indicates that the problem is unbounded.

Maximization case

Cj 6 9 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

9 X2 -1 1 2 0 30 30/-1=-30
Unacceptable RRs
0 S2 -2 0 -1 1 10 10/-2=-5

Zj -9 9 18 0 270

Cj - Zj 15 0 -18 0

Pivot Column
The solution in the above case is not optimal because not all Cj - Zj entries are
0 or negative, as required in a maximization problem. The next variable to
enter the solution should be X1.To determine which variable will leave the
solution, we examine the ratios of the quantity column numbers to their
corresponding numbers in the X1 or pivot column. Since both pivot column
numbers are negative, an unbounded solution is indicated.

 No unbounded solutions, no outgoing variable will exist.

5. Degeneracy

/Tie for leaving basic variable (key row)/
If there is a tie for the smallest ratio, this is a signal that degeneracy exists.
Degeneracy can occur right in the first (initial tableau).This normally happens
when the number of constraints is less than the number of variables in the
objective function. Problem can be overcome by trial and error method.

Cj 5 8 2 0 0 0

SV X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3 RR

8 X2 1/4 1 1 -2 0 0 10 10/1/4=40

20/4=5 Tie for the smallest ratio

0 S2 4 0 1/3 -1 1 0 20 indicates degeneracy.
0 S3 2 0 2 2/5 0 1 10 10/2=5

Zj 2 8 8 16 0 0 80

Cj - Zj 3 0 -6 -16 0 0

Degeneracy could lead to a situation known as cycling, in which

the simplex algorithm alternatives back and forth between the same non-
optimal solutions, i.e, it puts a new variable in, then takes it out in the next
tableau, puts it back in ,and so on.
One simple way of dealing with the issue is to select either row (S2 or S3 in this
case) arbitrary. If we are unlucky and cycling does occur, we simply go back
and select the other row.
When there is a tie between a slack and artificial variable to leave the basis, the
preference shall be given to artificial variable to leave the basis and there is no
need to apply the procedure for resolving such cases.
6. Multiple Optimal Solutions
Multiple optimal solutions exist when non-basic variable contains zero
on its Cj - Zj row.

Maximization problem

Cj 3 2 0 0

SV X1 X2 S1 S2 Q

2 X2 3/2 1 1 0 6

0 S2 1 0 1/2 1 3

Zj 3 2 2 0 12

Cj - Zj 0 0 -2 0


X1=0, X2=6, S2=3 and MaxZ=12 or: X1=3, X2=3/2 and MaxZ=12

The Cj - Zj value of the Non-basic variable (X1) is 0.Thus, there is alternative

optimal solution.

1. Solve the following LPP by the simplex algorithm
Min Z=6x1 +8x2
Subject to:
x1+ 2x2 > 80
3x1+ x2 > 75

x1, x2 >0
What are the values of the basic variables at each iteration?
Which are the non-basic variables at each iteration?
Ans:X1=14, X2=33, and
2. At the 3rd iteration of a particular LP maximization problem, the following
tableau is established:


SV X1 X2 X3 S1 S2 S3 Q

5 X3 0 1 1 -2 0 0 5

6 X1 1 -3 0 0 0 1 12
0 S2 0 2 0 1 1 -1 10

Zj 6 -13 5 5 0 21 97

Cj - Zj 0 16 0 -5 0 -21

What special condition exists as you improves the profit and move to the next
iteration? Proceed to solve the problem for optimal solution
Ans: Degeneracy; X1=27, X2=5, X3=0, and

3. Covert the following constraints and objective function into the standard
form for use in the simplex method
Min Z=4x1 +x2
Subject to:
3 x1+ x2 = 3
4x1+ 3x2 > 6
x1+ 2x2 < 3
x1, x2 >0


Min.Z=4x1 +x2 + 0 s1 +0 s2+ M A1+M A3
3x1+ x2 + A1 =3
4x1+ 3x2 -s1 A2 = 6

x1+ 2x2 + s2 =3
All Variables >0
4. Solve the following LPP using simplex method
MaxZ=9x1 +7x2
Subject to:
2x1+ x2 < 40
x1+ 3x2 < 30
x1, x2 >0
Ans: X1=18, X2=4, and MaxZ=$190
5. Solve the following LPP to show that it has alterative optimal solutions.
a. MaxZ=6x1 +3x2 Ans: i. X1=4, X2=0, and MaxZ=24
Subject to: ii.X1=5/2, X2=3, and MaxZ=24
2x1+ x2 < 8
3 x1+ 3x2 < 18
x2 < 3
x1, x2 >0

b MinZ=2x1 +8x2 Ans: i. X1=32/6, X2=10/6, and MinZ=24

Subject to: ii.X1=12, X2=0, and MinZ=24
5x1+ x2 > 10
2x1+ 2x2 > 14
x1+ 4x2 > 14
x1, x2 >0
6. Solve the following LPP to show that it has unbounded solution.
a. MaxZ=-2x1 +3x2

Subject to:
x1 <5
2 x1-3x2 < 6
x1, x2 >0
b. MaxZ=3x1 +6x2
Subject to:
3x1+ 4x2 > 12
-2x1+ x2 < 4
x1, x2 >0
7. Solve the following LPP to show that it has no feasible solution.
a. MaxZ=-2x1 +3x2 Ans: X1=2, X2=0, A1=2 and MaxZ=4-2M
Subject to:
x1 - x2 > 4
x1+ x2 < 6
x1 <2
x1, x2 > 0
b. MaxZ=3x1 +3x2 Ans: X1=0, X2=2, A2=2 and MaxZ=4-4M
Subject to:
2x1+ x2 < 2
3x1 + 4x2 > 12
x1, x2 >0

Assignment 1
1. A workshop prepared two articles A and B .The time required at different
stages and profit per unit are shown below. Formulate the LP model
Cutting Machine Packing Profit per unit($)
center product

A 2 1 1 50
B 1 2 0.5 60
Total capacity 80 100 50

2. A farmer use his land to produce rice and wheat .Labor required per acre
and profit per acre given below. Formulate the LP model

Labor per Profit per

Community Allocated area in acres
acre(hrs) acre($)
3. A
Rice X 2 100
Wheat Y 3/2 60
Total 200 300
company produces two types of container K and L. Each product has
resource requirements and profit contribution as follows:

Resource K L Total resource available

Material(Kg/unit) 1 2 10Kg
Labor(Hr/unit) 6 6 36Hr
Profit 4 5
In addition, because of demand, a maximum of 4 units of container K
units of be produced. Obtain the optimal solution using graphical

4. Personal Mini Warehouses is planning to expand its successful Orlando
business into Tampa. In doing so, the company must determine how many
storage rooms of each size to build. Its objective and constrains follow:

Maximize monthly earnings= 50X1 +20X2

Subject to:
2X1+4X2<400 (Advertising budget available)
100X1 +50X2<8,000(Square footage required)
X1 <60(Rental limit expected)
X1 X2>0
X1=Number of large spaces developed
X2=Number of large spaces developed
(Use graphical method)
5. Solve the following LP formulation graphically
Subject to :
X1 >80
X1 + X2>3000
X1 , X2> 0

Assignment 2
Solve the following LPP by simplex method
1. Max.Z=4X1+3X2 2. Max.Z=2X1+3X2
Subject to: Subject to:
X1+2X2<10 7X1+4X2<28
4X1 +3X2<24 7X1 +12X2<52
X1 , X2> 0 X1 , X2> 0

3. Max.Z=3X1+5X2
Subject to:

X1 <4
X1 , X2 > 0
4. Max.Z=3X1+2X2 +3X3 5. Max.Z=5X1-2X2+3X3
Subject to: Subject to:
2X1+X2+X3<2 2X1+2X2-X3
3X1 +4X2-X3>8 3X2-
X1 , X2, X3> 0
X1 , X2 ,X3>
6. Max.Z=X1+X2
Subject to:
X1 , X2 > 0


One important application of linear programming has been in the area of the
physical distribution (transportation) of resources, from one place to another,
to meet a specific set of requirement.
This chapter describes two special –purpose algorithms: the transportation
model and the assignment model. Model formulation and manual solution are
covered for each of these classes of problems.

Both transportation and assignment problems are members of a category of
linear programming techniques called network flow problems.
Transportation problem deals with the distribution of goods from several
points of supplies (sources) to a number of points of demands (destinations).
Consider a corporation engaged in the manufacture of products. Most of such
big corporations are of “multiple-product” and “multi-unit” organizations
having production units situated at different places. Items are produced for
sales. Sales take place at different markets which are, again located at different
places. It is not feasible to co-locate production and market. Markets are
located away from the manufacturing places. Hence products are sent to
factory warehouses set up near market outlets. Cost of product consists of
production cost and distribution cost.

Cost of product = production cost + distribution cost

Distribution cost consists of mainly the transportation cost of items from its
production (manufacturing) center to the warehouses. Transportation
techniques are designed to minimize the distribution costs. In order to identify
products, it is necessary to workout per unit distribution cost of each product.
We also know the production capacity of each product in each factory is not
fixed. The holding capacity of a warehouse or potential sales in each
marketing center is again a fixed quality which cannot be exceeded.
The characteristics of transportation problem are as follows:
1. A limited supply of one commodity is available at certain sources or origins.
2. There is a demand for the commodity at several destinations
3. The quantities of supply at each source and the demand at each destination are
4. The shipping or transportation costs per unit from each source to each destination
are assumed to be constant.
5. No shipments are allowed between sources or between destinations. All supply and
demand quantities are given in whole number or integers.
6. The problem is to determine how many units shipped from each source to each
destination so that all demands are satisfied at the minimum total shipping costs.
 Uses of transportation techniques:

1. Reduce distribution or transportation cost
2. Improve competitiveness of product
3. Assist proper location of warehouses
3. Assist proper location of new factories or plants being planned.
4. Close down warehouses which are found costly and uneconomical.
 The objective of transportation problem is:
1. To identify the optimal shipping routes-minimum cost route
2. To identify the maximum amount that can be shipped over the optimum route
3. To determine the total transformation cost or the profit of transportation
3.1.1. The Transportation Method
The solution algorithm to a transportation problem may be summarized into
the following steps:
Step 1:
Formulate the problem and set up in the matrix form
The formulation of the problem is similar to the linear programming. Here the
objective function is the total transportation cost and the constraints are the
supply and demand available at each source and destination respectively.
Step 2:
Obtain an initial basic feasible solution
There are 3 methods to find the initial feasible solution.
1. North-West Corner Method (NWCM)
2. Least Cost Method (LCM)
3. Vogel’s Approximation Method (VAM)
The initial solution obtained by any of the three methods must satisfy the
following condition:
i. The solution must be feasible
It must satisfy all the supply and demand constraints
ii. The number of positive allocations must equal to m+n-1, where m=the
number of rows (or origins or supply centers) and n= the number of
columns(or destination centers or demand centers)
m=3 origins and n=4 destinations ==>m+n-1=3+4 -1=6 (i.e. the
transportation model should have 6 occupied cells).

If the number of occupied cells < m+n-1==> degenerate solution will result
Step 3. Test the initial solution for optimality
Testing for optimality can be made using three approaches:
i. Stepping stone approach
ii. Modified distribution method
If the current solution is optimal, then stop. Otherwise, determine the new
improved solution.
Step 4 Repeat step 3 until an optimal solution is reached
3.1.2. Linear programming formulation of the transportation problem
Suppose that a firm has three factories /sources of supply/ & four
/point of demand/. The firm's production capacity at the three factories, the
demand for the four distribution centers located at various regions & the cost
of shipping each unit from the factories to the warehouses through each route
is given as follows:

Destinations (dd) =j

W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6 5000

7 5 2 6000
F3 2 5 4 5 2500
Requirements of 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500

( Units of
Using all the above information
i. Express the following transportation problem as an LPP
Let xij =The amount of commodity to be transported form source i (i =1,2,3) to
destination j( j= 1,2,3,4).
Then the objective function of the problem (minimization of the total
transportation cost) can be formulated as:
MinZ = 3x11 +2x12 + 7x13 +6 x14 +
7x21 +5x22 +2x23 + 3x24 +
2x31+5x32 +4x33+5x34
Subject to the constraints
a. Supply constraints:
x11 +x12 +x13 +x 14 =5000 F1 supply constraint
x21 + x22 + x23 +x24 =6000 F2 supply constraint
x31 +x32 +x33+x34 = 2500 F3 supply constraint
b. Demand constraints:
x11 + x21 + x31 = 6000 W1 demand constraint
x12 + x22 + x32 = 4000 W2 demand constraint
x13 + x23 +x33 = 2000 W3 demand constraint
x14 +x24 + x34 = 1500 W4 demand constraint
xij > 0 for all i& j
In the above LPP, there are m x n = 3x4 =12 decision variables & m + n = 3+4
=7 constraints. Thus, if this problem is solved by the simplex method, then it
may take considerable computational time.
ii. The network representation of the transportation LPP is called Net work
Origin Destination centers
(Sources of Supply) (Point of demand centers)

F1 50000 3 W1 6000
6 7
F2 6000 5 W2 4000
W3 2000
2 5
F3 2500 5 W4 1500

This LPP has 12 shipping routes. The objective is to identify the minimum
cost route (Least cost route).
There are several methods available to obtain an initial feasible solution. Here
we shall discuss only three different methods to obtain the initial feasible
This method does not take into account the cost of transportation on any
route of transportation.
The NWCM gets its name because the starting point for the allocation process
is the Upper Left-hand (Northwest) corner of the transportation table.
Therefore, allocate to the Northwest corner as many units as possible.
Northwest corner rule
The following set of principles guides the allocation:
1. Begin with the upper left hand cell (Left, upper most in the table), & allocate
as many units as possible to that cell. This will be the smaller amount of
either the row supply or the column demand. Adjust the row & column
quantities to reflect the allocation.
2. Subtract from the row supply & from the column demand the amount
3. If the column demand is now zero, move to the cell next to the right, if the
row supply is zero, move down to the cell in the next row.
If both are zero, move first to the next cell on the right then down one cell.
4. Once a cell is identified as per step (3), it becomes a northwest cell. Allocate
to it an amount as per step (1)
5. Repeat, the above steps (1) - (4) until all the remaining supply and demand
is gone.

1) Consider the following transportation problem:

Store Store Store Store

1To 2 3 4
Plant 1 19 30 50 10
70 30 40 60 9
Plant 2

Plant 3 40 8 70 20 18

8 7 14 34
Demand 5
a. Develop an initial feasible solution using the NWCM
b. Compute the total cost for this solution.
a. Table: Initial feasible solution
Store 1 Store 2 Store 3 Store 4 Supply

Plant 1 19 30 50 10
5 2
70 30 40 60
Plant 2 9
6 3
40 8 70 20
Plant 3 18
4 14
8 7 14 34
Demand 5

Check that the solution is feasible or not:

==>m + n-1; m=3 and n=4  3+4-1= 6 cells occupied (Feasible solution)
The total transportation cost of the initial feasible solution derived by the NWCM is:
Route Unit Per unit Total
From To Shipped X cost ( $) = Cost ( $)
Plant 1 Store 1 5 19 95
plant 1 Store 2 2 30 60
Plant 2 Store 3 6 30 180
Plant 2 Store 4 3 40 120
Plant 3 Store 4 4 70 280
Plant 3 Store 4 14 20 280
Total Cost= $ 1015

Note: NWCM does not consider the cost factor for allocation.
1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem using NWCM. Compute the total cost for this solution
A B C Supply
S1 2 7 14 5
S2 3 3 1 8

S3 5 4 7 7
S4 1 6 2 14
Demand 7 9 18
Answer: X11=5, X21=2, X22=6, X32=3, X33=4, X43=4, and Total cost =$102
1. Total Supply= Total demand ===> Balanced TP
2. Total Supply ≠ total demand ===> Unbalanced TP
3. Convert the unbalanced TP into a balanced TP by using dummy
destination/dummy source.
* If total Supply > Total demand, then create a fictitious or artificial
destination called dummy destination
i.e: total Supply > Total demand===> Add dummy column
* Excess demand (Supply < demand)
- Add a dummy source
- Add a dummy row
Note: the cost of “shipments” to the dummy is usually set at zero ==> No real
Develop an initial feasible solution using NWCM
Table: Unbalanced transportation table
R S T Supply
A 1 2 3 100
B 4 1 5 110

Demand 80 120 60 210


R S T Supply
1 2 3
A 100
80 20
4 1 5
B 110
100 10
0 0 0
Dummy 50
Demand 80 120 60 260
Answer:X11=80, X12=20, X22=100, X23=10, X33=50 Total cost =$270
Consider that Harley's Sand & Gravel Pit has contracted to provide topsoil for
three residential housing developments. Topsoil can be supplied form three
different “farms" as follows:
__ Weekly Capacity
Farm (Cubic Yards)
A 100
B 200
C 200

Demand for the topsoil generated by the construction projects is:

Weekly Demand
Project (Cubic Yards)
1 50
2 150
3 300
The manager of the sand & gravel pit has estimated the cost per cubic yard to
ship over each of the possible routes:

Costs per cubic yard to
From Project # 1 Project #2 Project #3
Farm A $4 $2 $8
Farm B 5 1 9
Farm C 7 6 3

Develop the initial feasible solution using NWCM & compute the total cost for
this solution.
LCM is the method used a minimum cost in the allocation.
It begins a solution by sequentially assigning to the ratios or cells with the
minimum cost as many units as possible. The first allocation be made to the
cell with the lowest cost (the highest profit in a maximization case)
The Least- Cost Method yields not only an initial feasible solution but also
one that is close to optimal in small problems.
1.Suppose that a firm has three factories / sources of supply /& four
warehouses/point of demand/ .The firm's production capacity at the three
factories, the demand for the four destination centers located at various
regions & the cost of shipping each unit from the factories to the warehouses
through each route is given as follows:
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6 5000
F2 7 5 2 3 6000
F3 2 5 4 5 2500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500

a. Develop an initial feasible solution using NWCM & Compute the total cost
b. Develop an initial feasible solution using least-cost method & compute the
total cost.
Initial feasible solution
W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
F1 3 2 7 6
Factory 5000
F2 7 5 2 3 6000
1000 4000 1000
2 5 4 5
F3 2500
1000 1500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500
m= 3, n =4 ==> 3+4 -1 =6 occupied cells (Feasible)
Routes Units Unit Total
From To Shipped X Cost =Cost
F1 W1 5000 3 $ 15000
F2 W1 1000 7 7000
F2 W2 4000 5 20000
F2 W3 1000 2 2000
F3 W3 1000 4 4000
F3 W4 1500 5 7500
Total transportation cost =$55,500

W1 W2 W3 W4 Capacity
3 2 7 6
F1 5000
1000 4000
7 5 2 3
F2 6000
2500 2000 1500
2 5 4 5
F3 2500
Demand 6000 4000 2000 1500 13500

Routes Units Unit Total

From To Shipped X Cost =Cost
F1 W1 1000 3 $ 3000
F1 W2 4000 2 8000
F2 W1 2500 7 17500
F2 W3 2000 2 4000
F2 W4 1500 3 45000
F3 W1 2500 2 5000
Total transportation cost =$42,000

m= 3, n=4 ==> 3+4-1 =6 occupied calls (Feasible)

Least- Cost method is better than the NWCM because it considers cost
2. Develop the initial feasible solution for the following TP using the least-cost
method (LCM)
D E F G Supply
A Destination 1 5 3 4 100
B 4 2 2 5 60
C 3 1 2 4 120
demand 70 50 100 60 280

The 1st allocation should be made to the cell with the least-cost. Cells AD & CD
both have the lowest cost f $1. Cell AD is selected 1st because more units can be
allocated to it (70) than to cell CE (50).
Cell CF is filled in 1st since a larger quantity (120-50-70) can be placed there.
Then, the remaining requirement of 30 for column F is allocated to cell BF &
source B's supply is reduced to 30.
The initial solution by the least -cost method
D E F G Supply
A Destination 1 5 3 4 100
B 4 2 2 5 60
30 30
C 3 1 2 4 120
50 70
70 50 100 60 280

Routes Units Unit Total
From To Shipped Cost =Cost
A D X 1 $ 70
B F 70 2 60
B G 30 5 150
C E 30 1 50
C F 50 2 140
70 Total transportation =$470

m=3, n=4 ==> 3+4-1 = 6 occupied cells (feasible)

3. Develop an initial feasible solution using LCM
R S T Supply
A 1 2 3 100
B 4 1 5 110
Demand 80 120 60

R S T Supply Solution
A 1 2 3 100
80 10 10
B 4 1 5 110
Dummy 0 0 0 50
Demand 80 120 60

Total transportation cost=80x1+10x2+10x3+110x1+50x0=$240

Three garment plants are available for monthly education of four styles of
men's shirts. The capacities of the three plants are 45,000, 93,000 and 60,000
shirts. The number of shirts required in style "a" through "d" are 28,000,
65,000, 35,000 & 70,000, respectively. The profits, in $ per shirt, at each plant
for each style are shown below.
Table: The garment plants' profit.
1 8 12 -2 6
2 13 4 3 10
3 0 7 11 8
How many shirts of each type to produce in each plant so that profit is
Answers: Total profit= $2,119,000
(Hint: Select the largest per unit profit, first & use largest-profit method)
2. Determine an initial feasible solution to the following transportation
using LCM

A B C D Supply
S1 1 5 3 3 34

S2 3 3 1 2 15
S3 0 2 2 4 12
S4 2 7 2 4 19
demand 21 25 17 17
VAM is preferred to the other two methods described above. In this method
each allocation is made on the basis of the opportunity (or penalty or extra)
cost that would have incurred if allocation in certain cells with minimum unit
transportation cost were missed.
In this method allocation are made so that the penalty cost is minimized. The
advantage of this method is that it gives an initial solution which is nearer to
an optimal solution or is the optimal solution itself.

VAM determines the penalty for not using the minimum cost routes, where
the objective is to avoid large penalties so that the penalty from not using the
routes is minimized.
The steps in VAM are as follows:
1. Calculate penalties for each row (column) by taking the smallest & the next
smallest unit transportation cost in the same row (column). This difference
indicates the penalty or extra cost which has to be paid if one fails to
allocate to the cell with the minimum unit transportation cost
2. Select the row or column with the largest penalty & allocate as much unit as
possible in the cell having the least cost in the selected row or column
satisfying the conditions. If there is a tie in the values of penalties, it can be
broken by selecting the cell where maximum allocation can be made.
3. Adjust the supply & demand & cross out the satisfied row or column
If a row or column is satisfied simultaneously, only one of them is crossed
out & the remaining row (column) is assigned a zero supply (demand) .Any
row or column with zero supply or demand should not be used in
computing future penalties.
4. Repeat step 1 to 3 until the entire available supply at various sources &
demand at various destinations are satisfied.
1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem using VAM. Row difference or Row penalty
or opportunity cost

2 0 - - -

Warehouse 2 2 2 2 5
A B C D Supply
Factory F1 2 2 0 4
5 20
F2 5 9 8 3
15 5 5
F3 6 4 3 2
Demand 20 15 20 5 60
Column difference 3 2 3 1
or Column penalty
or opportunity cost 3 2 - 1

1 5 - 1
5 9 - -

5 - - -
m= 3, n=4 ==> 3+4-1 =6 Occupied cells (feasible)
The transportation cost associated with this solution is:
Total cost= 5x2 + 20x0+15x5x9 =+95x3+10x4= $185
2. A dairy firm has three plants located in different regions. The daily milk
production at each plant is as follows:
Plant 1: 6 million liters.
Plant 2: 1 million liters, &
Plant 3: 10 million liters
Each day the firm must fulfill the needs of its four distribution centers.
Minimum requirement at each center is as follows.
Distribution center 1: 7 million liters
" " 2: 5 " "
" " 3: 3 " "
" " 4: 2 " "

Cost of shipping one million liters form each plant to each distribution
center is given in the following table in hundreds of dollar.

Distribution Center
D1 D2 D3 D4
P1 2 3 11 7
P2 1 0 6 1
P3 5 8 15 9 Find the initial basic
feasible solution by:
a. North-west corners method
b. LCM
c. VAM if the object is to minimize the total transportation cost
a. Total cost = $11, 600
b. Total cost= $11,200

D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply Row Penalty
P1 2 3 11 7 6 1 1 5 -
P2 1 0 6 1 1 1 - - -
P3 5 8 15 9 10 3 3 4 4
Demand 7 5 3 2
7 5 3 2
1 3 5 6
3 5 4 2
3 - 4 2
5 - 15 9

m+n -1 +3+4-1 =6 ==>the solution is non-degenerate.

The total transportation cost=$(1x2+5x3+1x1+6x5+3x15+1x9) x100 = $ 10,200

1. Determine an initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation
problem by VAM
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 21 16 15 3 11
Source S2 17 18 14 13 13
S3 32 27 18 41 19
Demand 6 10 12 15
2. Determine an initial feasible solution to the following transportation
problem using
b. LCM, &

c. VAM
D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
A 11 13 17 14 250
Source B 16 18 14 10 300
C 21 24 13 10 400
Demand 200 225 275 250


Once an initial solution is available, the next step is to check its optimality. An
optimal solution is one in which there is no opportunity cost. That is, there is
no other set of transportation routes (allocations) that will reduce the total
opportunity cost. Thus we have to evaluate each unoccupied cell (represents
unused route) in the transportation table in terms of opportunity cost.
The purpose of the optimality test is to see if the proposed solution just
generated can be improved or not. The solution to be checked for optimality
must be non-degenerate i.e the no of occupied cells must be m+n-1.
The Procedure for testing optimality is analogous to that of the simplex
method. A distinction is made between basic variables, those associated with
occupied cells & non-basic variables, those associated with the empty cells.

For each empty cell, the effect of changing it to an occupied cell is examined.
If any of these changes are favorable, the solution is not optimal & a new
solution must be designed. A favorable change means an increase in the value
of the objective function in maximization problems or a decrease in
minimization problems.
Optimum solution to a TP can be obtained by following two methods. These
methods are much simpler compared to simplex method of an LPP.
A. Stepping stone Method
B. Modified Distribution method (MODI Method)
A. Stepping-stone method
The Stepping-stone method is an iterative technique for moving from an
initial feasible solution to an optimal solution in transportation problems.
For the stopping- stone method to be applied to a transportation problem, one
rule about the no of shipping routes being used must be observed. The rule is:

“The No of occupied routes (or squares) must always be equal to one less than
the sum of the no of rows plus the no of columns."
i.e Occupied shipping routes ( squares) = N o of rows + No of columns - Non
degenerate solution.
Rules for drawing each closed loop:
1. Select an unused square (cell) to be evaluates.
2.Beginning at that cell, trace a closed loop going clockwise draw an arrow to an
occupied cell in the same row ( or column).
3. Move vertically or horizontally (but never diagonally) to another occupied
cell “stepping –over” unoccupied or occupied cells (if necessary) without changing
them. Follow the same procedure to other occupied cells until returning to the
original empty cell.
4. Begin with a plus (+) sign at the unused cell, place alternative (-) signs and plus
signs on each corner square of the closed path just traced.
i.e At each turn of the loop ( the loop may cross over itself at times), plus and
minus signs are alternately placed in the cells, starting with a + sign in an empty
5. There must be exactly one cell with a + sign and exactly one cell with a - sign
in any row or column in which the loop turns.
6. An even no of at least four cells must participate in a loop and the occupied
cells can be visited once and only once.
7. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until an improvement index has been calculated for all unused
squares (cells). If all indices computed are greater than or equal to zero, an optimal
solution has been reached (for minimization problems). If not, it is possible to
improve the current solution and decrease total shipping costs.
In a non-degenerate problem, there is only one possible way of drawing the
loop for each empty cell.
How to find the value of a cell evaluator
The value of a cell evaluator is the sum of the per unit shipping costs in the
gaining cells less the sum of the per unit shipping costs in the losing cells of
the closed loop. This evaluation process must be extended to all unoccupied
1. The test of optimality for a minimization (cost) problem:

If one or more of the cell evaluators is negative, the existing solution is not
i.e.: For minimization (cost) problems, all the cell evaluators must be
positive for optimality.
 Analysis of test:
Check all the empty cells and select for improvement the one with the
largest improvement potential.
 If the solution is not optimal, the next step in the transportation
method is to find a better solution. The operations in this step are:
a. Identify the “incoming" cell (the empty cell to be occupied)
In a minimization case, the incoming cell is located by identifying
the most negative cell evaluator.
b. Design an improved solution
-By shifting units form cell to cell
2. The test of optimality for a maximization (profit) case:
: Is the reversed of minimization case
-If one or more of the cell evaluators is positive, the existing solution is
not optimal.
i.e: for a maximization (profit) case, all the cell evaluators must be
negative for optimality. If any cell evaluation is positive, the solution is not
optimal. Note:
 A cell evaluator of 0 indicates the existence of another solution just as
good as the current solution. Thus, in the final solution, if cell
evaluators of 0 exist, this indicates the existence of multiple optimal
 If two or more cells have the same value, then either may be selected.
 If two or more of the "losing" cells contain the same no of units, both
will become empty simultaneously and a “degenerate" solution will
 For the minimization case; when one or more cell evaluators are
negatives, the cell with the largest negative should be brought into
solution because that route has the largest potential for improvement
per unit.

 The loop starts and ends at the selected unoccupied cell. Every corner
element of the loop must be an occupied cell.
1. Use NWCM to find initial feasible solution and test the solution for optimality.
Project Project Project ss
F1 4 2 8 100

F2 5 1 9 200
F3 7 6 3 200
dd 50 150 300 500
Solution: Initial feasible solution

Project Project Project ss

F1 4 2 8 100
Project 50
Project Project ss
F2 A 5 B 1 C 9 200
F1 4 100 2 100 8 100
F3 50 7 50 -6 + 3 200
F2 5 1 200 9 200
dd 50 150+
100 300
100- 500
F3 7 6 3 200
Dd 50 150 300 500
m=3, n=3==> 3+3-1=5(Non-
degenerate solution)
Total transportation cost = $[50x4+50x2+100x1+100x9+200x3] = $1900
Evaluation path for the unoccupied cells

Table: Test of optimality

Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
(F2 ,A) +5-4+2-1=+2
(F1 ,C) +8-9+1-2=-2
(F3 ,A) +7-4+2-1+9-3=+10

(F3 ,B) +6-1+9-3=+11

The negative value for cell (F1, C) indicates an improved solution is possible.
For each unit we can shift into that cell, the total cost will decrease by $2. The
next question is how many units can be reallocated into that cell while
retaining the balance of supply and demand for that table?
The Stepping- stone path for cell (F1, C) is:
The + Signs in the path indicate units to be added, the - signs indicate units to
be subtracted. The limit on subtraction is the smallest quantity in a negative
position along the cell path. There are two quantities in negative positions, 50
and 100. Because 50 is the smaller quantity, that amount will be shifted in the
following manner: Subtract 50 units from each cell on the path with a - sign
and add 50 units to the quantity of each cell with a + sign in it.
With each iteration (new solution), it is necessary to evaluate the empty cells
to see if further improvements is possible.
The distribution plan after reallocation of 50 units is:
A B C ss
F1 4 2 8 100

F2 50 5 1 50 9 200

150 50
F3 7 6 200
Dd 50 150 300 500

Table: Test of optimality

Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
(F1 ,B) +2 -8+9-1 =+2

(F2 ,A) +5 -4+8-9 =0

(F3 ,A) +7-4+8-3 =+8

(F3 ,A) +6-1+9-3= +11

Because none of these no is negative, this is an optimal solution. Therefore, the
total cost for the distribution plan is:
The total transportation cost = $ (50x4 +50x8 150x1+50x9 +200x3) = $1,800
2. Consider the following TP
R S T Ss
A 1 2 3 100
B 4 1 5 110

Dd 80 120 60 0
a. Obtain the basic feasible solution using VAM
b. Obtain the optimal solution
c. What is the optimal shipping cost?
a. Initial feasible solution
R S T ss Opportunity cost
1 2 3 100
A 1 1 1 1
80 10 10

3 3 - -
B 4 1 5 110
0 - - -
Dummy 0 1100 0 50
dd 80 120 60 260
Opportunity 1 1 3
3 1 2
cost 1 2 3
1 2 -

Note: Include the dummy cells to select the opportunity cost under VAM
b. Test of optimality.
Table: Test of optimality
Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
+4-1+2-1= +4
(B,T) +5-1+2-3= +3

+0-1+3-0= +2
+0-2+3-0= +1
Since none of the cell evaluators is negative, the above feasible solution is
Thus, accordingly the distribution is as follows
A Supplies 80 units to warehouse R
B Supplies 10 units to warehouse S
C Supplies 10 units to warehouse T
B Supplies 110 units to warehouse S
c. The total optimal shipping cost is = $240
Consider the following transportation problem

Store Store Store

1 2 3
A 12 20 15 50

B 9 11 4 15
C 20 14 8 55
Dema 25 50 45 120
a. Develop an initial feasible solution using the NWCM. And compute the
total cost for this solution.
b. Evaluate the solution using the stepping-stone method. Is the solution
optimal? Explain.
c. What is the total cost for the optimal solution?
B. Modified Distribution Method (MODI Method)
It is another logarithm to test the transportation solution for optimality.
The MODI method allows us to compute improvement indices quickly for
each unused cell without drawing all of the closed paths. Because of this, it
can often provide considerable time savings over the stepping-stone method
for solving transportation problems.

MODI provides a new means of finding the unused route with the largest
negative improvement index. Once the largest index is identified, we are
required to trace only one closed path. Just as with the stepping-stone
approach, this path helps to determine the maximum N o of units that can be
shipped via the best unused route.
Steps in the MODI Method
The steps to evaluate unoccupied calls are as follows:
1. For an initial basic feasible solution, calculate Ui and Vj ;for rows
and columns and set
Cij = Ui + Vj for all occupied calls (i , j)
i.e: Cell cost= Raw Index +Column Index

2. For unoccupied cells, calculate opportunity cost by using the


Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj); for all j and j.

Where Kij is the cell evaluator or opportunity cost

3. Examine the sign of each Kij

For minimization case:
i. If Kij > 0, then current basic feasible solution is optimal.
ii. If Kij = 0, then the current basic feasible solution will remain be
unaffected but an alternative solution exists.
iii. If one or more Kij < 0, then an improved solution be obtained
entering unoccupied cell (i, j), in the basis. An unoccupied cell
having the largest negative value of Kij is chosen for entering
into the solution mix (new transportation schedule)
4. Solve the problem as you did using the stepping-stone method.
i.e. construct a closed path (or loop) for the unoccupied cell with
largest negative opportunity cost. Start the close path with the
selected unoccupied cell and mark a plus sign (+) and in this cell,
trace a path along the rows (or columns) to an occupied cell, mark
the corner with minus sign (-) and continue down the column (or
row) to an occupied cell and mark the corner with plus sign (+) and

minus sign (-) alternatively. Close the path back to the selected
unoccupied call.
Locate the smallest quantity allocated to a cell marked with a minus
sign. Allocate this value to the selected unoccupied cell and add it to
other occupied cells marked with plus signs and subtract it from the
occupied cells marked with minus signs.
5. Obtain a new improved solution by allocating units to the
unoccupied call and calculate the new transportation cost.
6. Test the revised solution for optimality.
 Any initial feasible solution will do: NWCM, VAM Solution, or any
arbitrary assignment.
 The stepping- stone method is efficient for small sized transportation
problems. For larger problems, however, the MODI method is
1. Obtain an optimal solution to the transportation problem by MODI method
given below:

Project Projec Projec Supp

N 1o
t t ly
Farm 4 2 8 100
Farm 5 1 9 200
Farm 7 6 3 200
3 50 150 300 500

Both the MODI and the stepping - stone method will yields the same values.
Conventionally, we begin by assigning a value of zero as the index for row 1
(U1=0). Once row index has been established, it will enable us to compute

column index numbers for all occupied cells in that row. Similarly, once a
column index number has been determined, index numbers for all rows
corresponding to occupied cells in that column can be determined.
Consider the initial feasible solution of the given example by NWCM as
shown below:
Initial solution, NWCM

Proj Proje Proje Suppl

ect ct ct y
Farm 4 2 8 100
1 50
Farm 5 1 9 200
2 100 100
Farm 7 6 3 200 U3=-7
3 200
Dem 150 300 500
and 50

Vj V1=4 V2=2 V3=1

To determine Cij , use the occupied cells.
For instance, C11=4, C12=2, C22=1, C23=9, and C33=3
Cij= Ui + Vj
==>C11= U1 +V1==>4=0+ V1==> V1=4 , U1=0 by convention
==>C12= U1 +V2==>2=0 +V2==> V1=2
==>C22= U2 +V2==>1= U2+ 0==> U2=-1
==>C23= U2 +V3==>9= -1+V3==> V3=10
==>C33= U3 +V3==>3= U3+10 ==> U3= -7
Cij≠ Ui + Vj (For unoccupied cells)
For instance, from the above information, C32 ≠ U3 + V2==>6≠-7+2
Table: Test of optimality
Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj)
(1,3) C13 – (U1 +V3)=8-(0+10)= -2
(2,1) C21 – (U2 +V1)=5-(-1+4)=+2
(3,1) C31– (U3 +V1)=7-(-7+4)=10

(3,2) C32– (U3 +V2)=6-(-7+2)=+11
In this case, we found hat cell (1, 3) had an evaluation of -2, which represented
an improvement potential of and $ 2 per unit. Hence, an improved solution is
The stepping-stone path for call (1, 3) is:

Proje Projec Projec

ct t t
4 2 8 100
Farm 1
50 50
5 1 9 200
Farm 2
100 100

Farm 3 7 6 3 200
Dema 150 300 500
nd 50

The distribution plan after reallocation of 50 units is:

Proje Projec Projec

Supply Ui
ct t t
4 2 8 100
Farm 1 U1=0
50 50
5 1 9 200
Farm 2 - + U2=1
+ 100 100 -
7 6 3 200 U3=-5
Farm 3
Dema 150 300 500
nd 50

Vj V1=4 V2=0 V3=8

Cij= Ui + Vj
==>C11= U1 +V1==>4=0+ V1==> V1=4 , U1=0 by convention
==>C13= U1 +V3==>8=0 +V3==> V3=8
==>C23= U2 +V3==>1= U2+ 0==> U2=1
==>C22= U2 +V2==>1= 1+V2==> V2= 0
==>C33= U3 +V3==>3= U3+8 ==> U3= -5
Table: Test of optimality
Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators

Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj)
(1,2) C12– (U1 +V2)=2-(0+0)= 2
(2,1) C21 – (U2 +V1)=5-(1+4)=0
(3,1) C31– (U3 +V1)=7-(-5+4)=8
(3,2) C32– (U3 +V2)=6-(-5+0)=+11
Because none of the cell evaluators is negative, this is an optimal solution.
Thus, the total cost for the distribution plan =$1800
1. Obtain an optimal solution to the transportation
problem by MODI method given below.

D1 D2 D3 D3 Supply
19 30 50 10 7
Farm 1

70 30 40 60 9
Farm 2

Farm 3 40 8 70 20 18

Deman 34
8 7
d 5 14

2. A company has four ware houses a, b, c and d. It is required to deliver a

product from these warehouses to three customers A, B and C. The
warehouses have the following amounts in stock:

Ware house: A B c d
No of units: 15 16 12 13
And the customer’s requirements are:
Customer: A B C
No of units: 18 20 18

The table below shows the costs of transporting one unit from warehouse to

A B c d

8 9 6 3

6 11 5 10

C 3 8 7 9

Find the optimal transportation routes.

3. A manufacturer has distribution centers at X, Y and Z. These centers have
availability 40, 20, and 40 units of his product. His retail outlets at A, B, C, D
and E require 25,10,20,30 and 15 units respectively. The transportation cost
(in $) per unit between each centre outlet is given below:

Distribut Retail outlets

X 55 30 40 50 40
35 30 10 45 60
40 60 95 35 30

Determine the optimal

distribution to minimize the cost of transportation.
4. A company has factories A, B and C which warehouses t D, E, F and G.
Monthly factory capacities are 160,150 and 190 units respectively. Monthly
warehouses requirements are 80, 90,110 & 160 units respectively. Unit
shipping costs (in $) are as follows:
A 42 48 38 37
40 49 52 51

39 38 40 43
C 97
Determine the optima distribution for this company to minimize shipping
3.4.1. Degeneracy
A condition that occurs when the N o of occupied cells in any solutions less
than the No of rows plus the No of columns minus 1 in a transportation table.

i.e. No of occupied calls < m+ n -1 .....................Degeneracy

If the No of occupied cells = m+n-1, then the solution is non- degenerate.

The degeneracy in the transportation problems may occur at two stages:

1. when obtaining an initial solution
2. During improvement (or at any stage while moving to wards
optimal solution.
To resolve degeneracy, we processed by allocating a very small quantity close
to zero to one or more unoccupied cell so as to get m+n-1 number of occupied
cells. This amount is denoted by a Greek letter  (epsilon) or (delta). This
quantity would not affect the total cost as well as supply and demand values.
 = Almost zero
In a minimization transportation problem, allocate the smallest transportation
cost to.
In a maximization transportation problem, it should be allocated to a cell that
has a high pay off value.
Insert  when it is able to create a closed loop for each occupied cell.
The purpose of epsilon/delta is to enable evaluation of the remaining empty
cells. The choice of location for the epsilon/delta can be somewhat tricky:
some empty cells may be unsuitable if they do not enable evaluations of
remaining empty cells. Not all choices would be acceptable.
Actually, the No of epsilon/deltas needed will equal the difference between
the No of completed cells and m+n-1.Howerver; you will only be exposed to
the most common case in which one more completed cell is needed.

The epsilon/delta cannot be placed in a cell which later turns out to be in a
negative position of a cell path involved in reallocation because epsilon/delta
will be the “smallest quantity a negative position “ and shifting that minute
quantity around the cell path will leave the solution virtually unchanged.
Consequently, a certain amount of trial and error may be necessary before a
satisfactory location can be identified for epsilon/delta.
Example; - 1. Solve the following transportation problem.
1 2 Supply
1 3 3 50
2 4 6 30
50 30 80
Using NWCM and MODI, the initial solution is:

1 2 Supply Ui

3 3
1 50 U1=0
50 
4 6
2 30 U2=3
Demand 50 30 80
Vj V1=3 V2=3

Cij= Ui + Vj
==>C11= U1 +V1==>3=0+ V1==> V1=3, U1=0 by convention
==>C12= U1 +V2==>3=0 +V2==> V2=3
==>C22= U2 +V2==>6= U2+3==> U2= 3
==>C33= U3 +V3==>3= U3+8 ==> U3= -5
Note: m=2 and n=2==>2+2-1=3==>Occupied cells=2< 3 (Degeneracy)
Table: Test of optimality
Unoccupied cell Cell evaluator
Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj)
(2,1) C21 – (U2 +V1)=4-(3+3) =-2
The optimal solution is:

1 2 Supply Ui
Cij= Ui + Vj
3 3 ==>C11=U1+V1==>3=0+V1==>V1=3,
1 50 U1=0
50 30 U1=0 by convention
4 6 ==>C21= U2+V1==>4= U2+3==> U2=3
2 30 U2=1
30 ==>C12= U1 +V2==>3= 0+ V2==> V2=
Demand 50 30 80 3
Vj V2=3

Table: Test of optimality

Unoccupied cells Cell evaluators
Kij = Cij– (Ui + Vj)
(2,2) C22– (U2 +V2)=6-(1+3)= +2

The total cost= $(20x3+30x3+30x40=$270

3.4.1. Alternative Optimal solutions
The esist6ane of alternative optimal solution can be determined by an
inspection of the opportunity costs, Kij for the unoccupied cells. If an
unoccupied cell in an optimal solution has opportunity cost of zero, then an
alternative optimal solution can be formed with another set of allocations
without increasing the total transportation cost.
XYZ Tobacco Company purchases tobacco and stores in warehouses located in the
following four cities.

warehouse location Capacity (Tones)

City A 90
City B 50
City C 80
city D 60

The warehouses supply tobacco to cigarette companies in three cities that have the
following demand:

Cigarette Company Demand (Tones)

L 120
P 100
Q 110

The following railroad shipping costs per tone (in hundred dollars) have been

Warehouse L p Q
A 7 10 5
B 12 9 4
C 7 3 11
D 9 5 7
Because of rail road construction, shipments are temporarily from warehouse at
city A to L Cigarette Company.
A. Find the optimum distribution for XYZ Tobacco Company.
B. Are there multiple optimum solutions? If there are alternative
optimum solutions, identify them.
3.4.3. Prohibited Transportation Routes.
The situation may arise such as road hazards (snow, foods, etc), traffic
regulation etc, when it is not possible to transport goods from certain sources to
certain destinations. In this case, the appropriate cell may either be completely
crossed out or a very large per unit transportation cost assign to it (M)
The Assignment Problem(AP) refers to the class of LPPs that involves
determining the most efficient assignment of people to projects, salespeople to
territories, contracts to bidders ,jobs to machines, and so on. The objective is

to assign a number of resources to an equal number of activities so as to
minimize total costs or total time or maximize total profit of allocation.
The problem of assignment arises because available resources such as men,
machines, etc have varying degrees of efficiency for performing different
activities such as job. Therefore, cost, profit or time of performing the different
activities is different.
The AP is a special case of TP under the condition that the number of origins
is equal to the number of destinations. Viz. m=n .Hence assignment is made
on the basis of 1:1.
Following are the assumptions:
 Number of jobs is equal to the number of machines or persons
 Each man or machine is loaded with one and only one job.
 Each man or machine is independently capable of handling any of the jobs being
 Loading criteria must be clearly specified such as “minimizing operating time”
or “maximizing profit” ,or “minimizing production cost” or “minimizing
throughput (production cycle) time ” etc.
 The AP is considered as a special TP in which the supply at each source and the
demand at each destination are always one unit.
 Since the supply and demand are always equal to one unit in each row and column,
there is no need to write them in the assignment table.
Service costs of different team assignment ($ in thousands)
Table: The assignment table
Z1 Z2 Z3 Zone
Team Service
20 15 31 ====> Team Z1 Z2 Z3
S2 17 16 33 20 15 31 1
S3 18 19 27 S2 17 16 33 1
S3 18 19 27 1
DD 1 1 1

The above problem can be presented as a LPP as follows:
MinZ = 20x11 +15x12 + 31x13 +17x21 +16x22 +33x23 +18x31+19x32 +27x33
Subject to the constraints
a. Supply constraints:
x11 +x12 +x13 =1 S1 constraint
x21 + x22 + x23 =1 S2 constraint
x31 +x32 +x33 = 1 S3 supply constraint
b. Demand constraints
x11 + x21 + x31 = 1 Z1 constraint
x12 + x22 + x32 = 1 Z2 constraint
x13 + x23 +x33 = 1 Z3 constraint
xij either 0 or 1 for all i , j
Since all xij can be either 0 or 1, there will be one assignment in each supply
constraint and one assignment in each demand constraint.
As in the transportation problem, assignment problems can be balanced or
not. In a balanced case, the number of objects to be assigned equals the
number of objects to which they are assigned. Unbalanced problem can be
balanced by adding a dummy (dummies) with zero cost coefficients.
3.5.1. Methods of solving assignment problems
An assignment problem can be solved by the following methods:
1. Enumeration method
2. Simplex method
3. Transportation method
4. Hungarian method Hungarian Method/Food’s Technique/
The Hungarian Method (developed by Hungarian mathematician D.Konig) of
assignment provides us with efficient method of finding the optimal solution
without having to make a direct comparison of every solution. It works on the
principle of reducing the given cost matrix (the principle of matrix reduction)
to a matrix of opportunity costs, which means that by subtracting and adding
appropriate numbers in the cost table or matrix ,we can reduce the problem to
a matrix of opportunity costs.
Opportunity costs show the relative penalties associated with assigning
resource to an activity as opposed to making the best or least-cost assignment.

If we can reduce the cost matrix to the extent of having at least one zero in
each row and column, then it will be possible to make optimal assignments.
Steps in solving assignment problems:
Step.1. Develop the cost table from the given problem
If the number of rows does not equal the number of columns and vice versa,
then a dummy row or dummy column must be added. The assignment costs
for dummy cells are always zero.
Step 2.Find the opportunity cost table
The transformation of the cost matrix to what is termed as a total-opportunity
cost matrix. It involves two operations:
a. Perform row operation
I.e. locate the smallest element in each row of the given cost table
and then subtract that the given cost table and then subtract that
from each element of that row
b. Perform column operation
I.e. in the reduced matrix obtained from 2(a), locate the smallest
element in each column and then subtract that from each
element of that column. Notice that each row and column, now
have at least one zero value.
Step 3.Test for an optimal assignment
I.e. test the table resulting from step 2 to see whether an optimal assignment
can be made. The procedure is:
a. Draw the minimum number of Horizontal and /or Vertical lines necessary
to cover all zeros costs.
 Draw the lines by trial and error but always try to cover two or
more zeros with one line.
b. Count the number of the lines
 If the number of lines equals either the number of rows or
columns in the table, an optimal assignment can be made.
 If the number of lines is less than the number of rows or
columns, an improvement is possible (we proceed to step 4).
Step 4.Improve the present opportunity cost table (matrix)
This is done by the following operations:
a. Find the smallest entry in the uncovered cells (cells with no lines through them)
and subtract it from all entries in the uncovered cells.

b. Add the same smallest entry to those cells in which the lines intersect (cells with
two lines them)
c. Cells with one line through them are transferred (i.e. unchanged to the improved
In those problems where the first improvement does not yield an optimal
solution, we keep on improving the solution by repeating step 4 until an
optimal solution is achieved.
Step 5: Make an optimal assignment
An optimal assignment should be made to cells with a zero entery,
maintaining the one-to-one requirement

If more than one optimal solution exists, a trial-and –error approach can be
used to find all possible combination assignments in the zero cells.
Note that multiple optimal solutions are possible.
1. A computer center has three programmers. The center wants three
application programs to be developed. The head of the computer center, after
studying carefully the programs to be developed, estimate the computer time
in minutes required by the experts for the application programs as follows:


(Estimated time in
1 120 minute)
100 80
2 80 90 110
3 110 140 120
Assign the programmers to the programs in such a way that the total
computer time is minimum.
Steps 1 and 2:
a. Perform row reduction
The minimum time element in row 1, 2, and 3 is 80, 80 and 110 respectively.
Subtract those elements from all elements in there respective row.
The reduced time matrix is:
Table: After row reduction

-80 1 40 20 0 105
-80 2 0 10 30
-110 3 0 30 10
b. Column reduction
Since column B has no one ‘0’, perform also column reduction. The minimum
time element in columns A, B and C is 0, 10 and 0 respectively. Subtract these
elements from all elements in their respective column to get the reduced time

Table: After column reduction


1 40 10 0
2 0 0 30
Step 3: Test for an optimal
3 0 20 10
a. Draw the minimum number of horizontal and /or vertical lines necessary to
cover all zero times (costs).
Table: Test of optimal assignment


40 10 0

0 0 30

0 20 10

b. Count the number of lines

If the number of lines is equal to the number of rows/columns, the optimal
solution is obtained. Thus proceed directly to step 5.
Step 5.Make an optimal assignment

An optimal assignment should be made to cells with a zero entery,
maintaining the one-to-one requirement.

Table: optimal assignment

40 10
3 30
0 0
0 1
0 10
In optimal assignment, start with row/column having one zero and cancel the
alternative zeros(x)
The pattern of assignment among programmers and programs with their
respective time (in minute) is given below:

Programmer Program Time (in minutes)

1 C 80
2 B 90
3 A 110
Total time=280 minutes
2. A department has five employees with five jobs to be performed .The time (in
hours) each man will take to perform each job is given in the effectiveness matrix.

A 10 I 5 II13 IV
15 V16

B 3 9 18 13 6
C 10 7 2 2 2
D 7 11 9 7 12

E 7 9 10 4 12

How should the jobs be allocated, one per employees, so as to minimize the
total man-hours?
Table: After row reduction

-5 A 5I 0II III
8 IV
10 V
-3 B 0 6 15 10 3
-2 C 8 5 0 0 0
-7 D 0 5 2 0 5

E 3 5 6 0 8
Since the number of lines less than the number of rows/columns, an
improvement is possible.
Step 4. Improve the present opportunity cost table
This is done by the following operations;
a. Select the smallest entry (element) among all uncovered elements by the
lines and subtract it from all entries in the uncovered cells.
b. Add the same smallest entry to those cells in which lines intersect (cells
with two lines them).
c. Cells with one line through them are unchanged to the improved table.
Table: After improvement

8 IV
12 V
B 0 4 13 10 1
C 10 5 0 2 0
D 0 2 0 0 2

E 3 3 4 0 6

Since the number of lines equals to the number of rows/columns, the solution
is optimal.
Table: Optimal assignments

A 7 8 12 11

B 04 13 10 1

10 5 0 0
D 00 2 2

E 3 3 4 6

0 0

The pattern of assignments among jobs and employees with respective time (in hours)
is given below:
Job Employees Time (in minutes)
A II 5
B I 3

C V 2

E IV 4

Total time=23 Hours

3. A manager has prepared the following table, which shows the costs for various
combinations of job-machine assignments:
(Cost in ’000s))
1 20 A 15 B 31
Job 2 17 16 33
3 18 19 27
a. What is the optimal (minimum-cost) assignment for this problem?
b. What is the total cost for the optimum assignment?
Table: After row reduction Table: After
column reduction

1 5A 0 B7
2 1 0 8
3 0 1 0

Table: After improvement

1 4A 0 B6
2 0 0 7
Table: Optimal 3 0 2 0 Assignment


1 4 6
Job Machine Cost(in $)
1 B 15000
2 2 A 7 17000

0 0
3 2
3 C 27000
Total optimal assignment=$59000
Certain situations can arise in which the model deviates slightly from that
previously described. Among those situations are the following:
A. Multiple Optimal Solutions
While making an assignment in the reduced assignment matrix, it is possible
to have two or more ways to strike off a number of zeros. Such situation
indicates multiple optimal solutions with the same optimal value of objective
function. In such cases the more suitable solution may be considered by the
In multiple optimal solutions, no unique 0 will exist at some point, resulting
in more than one choice for assignment and hence, more than one optimal
solution. It should be noted that all optimal solutions will yield the same value
of the objective function.
1. Given this final assignment table, identify two optimal solutions.
(Estimated time in
A 4 minute) 0 0
Job B 0 3 2
C 1 0 0
The first assignment must be B-1, because B-1 is the only 0 that appears in a
single row or column. Having made that assignment, there are two choices for
the remaining two rows, and two choices for the remaining two columns. This
results in two possible solutions, as shown:

(Estimated time in
A 4 minute)
Job B 0 3 2
C 1

2. The foreman of a machine shop wants to determine a minimum cost matching for
operators and machines. The foreman has determined hourly cost for of four operators
for the four machines, as shown in the following cost table.
(Estimated cost
Operator 70 in80
$) 75 D64
2 55 52 58 54
3 58 56 64 68
4 62 60 67 70
a. Determine the minimum-cost assignment for this problem
b. What is the total cost for the optimal assignment?
c. Is there an alternative optimal assignment? What is it? Calculate the total
cost for the alternate optimal assignment.
Table: After row reduction Table: After column
Table: Optimal Assignments
1 6 A 16 B11 D
2 3 0 6 2
3 2 0 8 12 1 4 A 16 B5 D
4 2 0 7 10 2 1 20
3 0 20 12
4 0 0 1 10
0 0

a. Optimal Assignment b.
Operator Machine Cost(in $)
4 A 62
3 B 56
2 C 58
1 D 64
Total cost =$240

c. Yes!
Operator Machine Cost(in $)
1 D 64

2 C 58
3 A 58
4 B 60
Total cost=$240
Alternative optimal assignment

B. Maximization case in assignment problems

There may arise situations when the assignment problem calls for
maximization of profit, revenue, etc as the objective function. Such problem
may be solved by converting the given maximization problem into a
minimization problem by the following procedure:
i. Find the largest profit coefficient in the entire.
ii. Subtract each entry in the original table from the largest profit
The transformed assignment problem so obtained can be solved by using the
Hungarian method.
1. A company has four territories open, and four salesmen available for an
assignment. The territories are not equally rich in their sales potential. Based
on the past performance, the following table shows the annual sales (in $)
that can be generated by each salesman in each territory. Find the optimal
assignment and the maximum expected total sales.

A 42 35 28 21
B 30 25 20 15
C 30 25 20 15
D 24 20 16 12
Convert maximization problem into minimization problem by subtracting all
elements from the highest element (i.e 42)
Thus, the equivalent cost table is:
A 0 3 6 9
B 0 1 2 3 113
C 0 1 2 3
D 0 0 0 0
Thus, after improvement of the table, the optimal assignment is:
A 0 2 4 7
B 0 0 0 1
C 0 0 0 1
D 2 1 0 0

The pattern of two alternative optimal assignments among territories and salesmen
with respective sale is given below:

Assignment set I Assignment set II

___________________________________ _________________________________

Salesman Territory Sales($) Salesman Territory Sales($)

A I 42 A I 42
B III 20 B II 25
C II 25 C III 20
D IV 12 D IV 12
Total= $ 99 Total= $ 99

Five salesmen are to be assigned to five territories. Based on the past performance, the
following table shows the annual sales man in each territory. Find the optional
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
S1 26 14 10 12 9
S2 31 27 30 14 16
S3 15 18 16 25 30
S4 17 12 21 30 25
S5 20 19 25 16 10
C. Unbalanced Assignment problem
The Hungarian method of assignment requires that the number of columns
and rows in the assignment matrix be equal. However, when the given cost
matrix is not a square matrix, the assignment problem is called an unbalanced
problem. In such cases a dummy row(s) or column(s) are added in the matrix
(with zeros as the cost elements) to make it a square matrix. After making the
given cost matrix a square matrix, the Hungarian method may be used to
solve the problem.
MEGA printing press, a publisher headquartered in Addis Ababa, wants to
assign three recently hired college graduates, Marta, Bakcha and Hirut to
regional sales districts in Mekelle, Bahir Dare, and DireDawa. But the firm
also has an opening in Gambela and would send one of the three there if it
were more economical than a move to Mekelle, Bahir Dar and Dire Dawa. It
will cost Br. 1,000 to relocate Marta to Gambela, Br. 800 to relocate Baklcha
there, and Br. 1,500 to move Hirut. What is the optimal assignment of personnel to
Bahir Dire
ce Mekelle
Dare Dawa
Marta Br.800 Br 1,100 Br 1,200
Bekcha Br. 500 Br 1,600 Br 1,300
Hirut Br. 500 Br 1,000 Br 2,300

To balance the problem, we add a dummy row (person) with a zero relocation
cost to each city. City
C1 C2 C3 C4(Gambela)
P1 800 1,100 1,200 1,000
Person P2 500 1,600 1,300 800
P3 500 1,000 2,300 1,500
Dummy 0 0 0 0
Table: After row reduction
Table: Optimal Assignment
Thus, an optimal assignment can be
made at zero cells (squares). C1 C2 C3 C4

Person City P1 100 0 100 0

P2 0 700 400 0
Dummy(No person) Dire Dawa
Hirut Mekelle P3 0 100 1400 700

Bekcha Gambela Dummy 400 0 0 100

Marta Bahir Dare

Cost =Br.(0+500+800+1,100)=Br.2,400
D. Restrictions on Assignments
In certain instances, it may happen that a particular match or pairing may be
either undesirable or otherwise unacceptable. For example, an employee may
not have the skills necessary to perform a particular job or a machine may not
be equipped to handle a particular operation. In such cases, the cost of
performing that particular activity by a particular resource is considered to be
very large (written as M or  ) so as to prohibit the entry of this pair of
employee-job into the final solution. When such a restriction is present, a letter
(M) is often placed in the table in the position that would represent a paring.
Analysis is performed as usual except the M is ignored throughout the
analysis. That is, M is not used in any reductions, nor is any value added to it
or subtracted from it during the course of the analysis.
1. In the modification of a plant layout of a factory four new machines M1,
M2, M3 and M4 are to be installed in a machine shop. There are five vacant
places A, B, C, D and E available. Because of limited space, machine M2 can

not be placed at C and M3 cannot be placed at A. the cost of placing of
machine at place i (in $) is shown below.
2. Location

M1 9 11 15 10 11
Machine M2 12 9 - 10 9
M3 - 11 14 11 7
M4 14 8 12 7 8
Find the optimal assignment schedule.
As the cost matrix is not balanced, add one dummy row (machine) with a
zero cost element in that row. Also assign a high cost, denoted by M, to the
pair (M2, C) and (M3, A).
Apply the Hungarian method to solve the problem

Table: Optimal

M1 9 11 15 10 11 M1 0 2 6 1 2
M2 12 9 M 10 9
M3 M 11 14 11 7
0 0
M4 14 8 12 7 8 3 M 1
M5 0 0 0 0 0

M3 M 4 7 4

M4 0 0 0 0 0
7 5 1


The total minimum cost ($) and optimal assignments made are as follows:

Location Costs ($)
M1 A 9
M2 B 9
M3 E 7
M4 D 7
M5 (Dummy) C 0
Total = $32

1. A car rental company has one car at each of five
depots a, b, c, d and e. A customer in each of the five towns A, B, C, D and
E requires a car. The distance in (in kilometers) between the depots and
towns where the customers are, is given in the following distance matrix:


a B c D e
A 160 130 175 190 200
B 135 120 130 160 175

C 140 110 155 170 185

D 50 50 90 80 110
E 55 35 70 80 105

How should the cars be assigned to the customers so as to minimize the

distance traveled?
A e

B c

C b

D d

Minimum distance = 570 km
3. An airline company has drawn up a new flight schedule involving five
flights. To assist in allocating five pilots to the flights, it has asked them to
state their preference scores by giving each flight a number out of 10 .The
higher the number , the greater is the preference. Certain of these flights are
unsuited to some pilots owing to domestic reasons. These have been
marked with a X
Flight number

A B c D e
A 8 2 X 5 4
B 10 9 2 8 4
C 5 4 9 6 X
D 3 6 2 8 7
E 5 6 10 4 3

What should be the allocation of the pilots to flights in order to meet as many
performances as possible?
(Hint: The problem is to maximize the total preference score)

Pilot Flight No Preference Score

A 1 8
B 2 9
C 4 6
D 5 7
E 3 10
Total 40


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