Research Full Thesis English

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STUDENT. ID. 1291867

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

English Education Department


1438 H/ 2016 M

Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements

for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)
in English Education Department

STUDENT. ID. 1291867

Sponsor : Dra. Widhiya Ninsiana, M. Hum.

Co-Sponsor : Ahmad Subhan Roza, M. Pd

Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty

English Education Department


1438 H/ 2017 M



These researches aimed at describing the speaking difficulties
factors at the eight grade of SMP Islamterpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari
East Lampung.
The research type is qualitative in the form of field qualitative.
The data collecting methods used observation, interview and
documentation. The research was conducted toward the students at the
eight grade of SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari East
Lampung. The research informant are ten (10) students. The data was
gathered from the resulth of observation and interview at the eight grade
of SMP islamterpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung in academic
year 2016/2017.
One of the result of this research is the students difficulties factors
in speaking at SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung,
in form of: Inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation, and
mother tongue use. Inhibition Student are worried about making mistake,
fearful of criticism, or simply shy. Nothing to say student have no motive
to express themself. Low or uneven participation just one participant can
talk at a time some learners to dominate, while other speak very little or
not at all. Mother tongue used the learners who share the some mother
tongue tend to used it because it is easier and because learners fell less
exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue, based on indicator above
mother tongue is 53% because the student in class or outdoor often used
Indonesian language then English, 27% nothing to say something the
student difficult to show idea because lack vocabulary and not confidence
when to speak,13% low and uneven participation, when the teacher ask
something just some student respont and answer, 7% student inhibition,
the student afraid when to speak English and shy in front of class.
The conclusion of the research shows that all of the students of the
eight grade of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari East
Lampung have difficulties in their speaking. The researcher suggest that is,
the student must be practice in their speaking in class and outdoor class to
built confident and add vocabulary, and join to english course.
(keyword: English Speaking Difficulty Factors, Qualitative Research)




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan masalah faktor-

faktor kesulitan berbicara bahasa Inggris siswa kelas VIII SMP Islam
Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari Lmpung Timur.
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian qualitative dalam bentuk lapangan.
Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan
dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas kelas VIII
SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari Lmpung Timur Informan
penelitian ini adalah sepuluh (10) orang siswa. Data dikumpulkan dari
hasil observasi dan wawancara di SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia
Batanghari Lmpung Timur pada tahun 2016/2017.
Temuan penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor kesulitan berbicara
bahasa Inggris ditinggkat dasar SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia
Batanghari Lampung Timur yaitu: Penghambatan, tidak ada yang
berbicara, kurang berpartisipasi, dan penggunaan bahasa ibu.
Penghambatan siswa khawatir berbuat kesalahan, takut kritikan dan malu.
Tidak ada yang berbicara siswa kurang motifasi untuk mengekspresikan
diri mereka. Kurang berpartisipasi hanya satu atau dua percakapan siswa
yang mendominasi, sementara yang lainya berbicara sedikit atau tidak
sama sekali. Penggunaan bahasa ibu siswa memiliki kecenderungan
menggunakan bahasa ibu karena lebih mudah, berdasarkan indikator di
atas penggunaan bahasa ibu 53%, siswa didalam kelas maupun di luar
kelas sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, 27% kesulitan untuk
mengekspresikan karena kekurangan kosakata dan kurang percaya diri saat
berbicara. 13% partisipasi rendah , ketika guru menanyakan hanya
beberapa yang merespon dan menjawab. 7% penghambat siswa, siswa
takut ketika berbicara bahasa inggris dan malu berbicara di depan kelas.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada kesulitan
pada siswa dalam kemampuan berbicara. Berdasarkan penelitian, peneliti
menyarankan bagi siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara
siswa. Mereka harus sering praktek berbicara bahasa Inggris misalnya
siswa selalu berlatih di kelas atau di luar ruangan untuk membangun
kepercayaan dan menambah kosa kata, dan dapat mengikuti bimbingan
belajar bahasa inggris diluar sekolah untuk menunjang speaking siswa.

(keyword: English Speaking Difficulty Factors, Qualitative Research)

vi vi

        

He uttereth no word but there is with him an observer ready.( Qaaf:18)


This andergraduate thesis would highly be dedicated to:

1. Almighty Allah SWT, thanks God all about the precious gift inside to me.

2. My beloved family, especially my parents Mr. Wiji Sukarto and Mrs. Suesti

who always pray, support, and advice my study.

3. My beloved almamater IAIN Metro.


Thank to Allah, who that has given the writer blessing and mercies, so he

could finish him Thesis entitled “A STUDY ON ENGLISH DIFICULTY



particial fulfillment of the requirments for obtaining of English education

department of IAIN Metro.

First of all, the writer would like to express thanks to Mrs. Dr. Widhiya

Ninsiana,M. Hum as the first advisor who has contributed expertise and idea to

assist the writer. The writer also wishes to express this thank fullness to Mr.

Ahmad Subhan Roza, M. Pd as the second advisor who has given knowledge and

experience in finishing this thesis. The writer also gives thank to all family and

friends who have given support and spirit, so the writer could finish this paper.

Finally, the writer welcome any suggestion and critic for the improvement of

this thesis and hopefully this thesis will be useful for my self and all the readers.

Metro,18 february 2017

The Writer,

STUDENT. ID. 1291867


COVER ........................................................................................................... i
TITLE ............................................................................................................. ii
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... iii
APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... v
RATIVICATION PAGE ............................................................................... vi
STATEMENT OF RESEARCH ORIGINALITY ...................................... vii
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... ix
DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................... x
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. xi
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................. xii
LIST OF TABLE ........................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF THE FIGURE ................................................................................ xv
LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of The Study .................................................... 1
B. Focus of Study ............................................................................. 4
C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study................................... 4
D. Prior Research ...................................................................... 5

CHAPTER II THEORICAL REVIEW ...................................................... 8

A. The Concept of Speaking Ability ........................................ 8
B. Type of Speaking ................................................................ 10
C. The Process of Speaking ..................................................... 11
D. The Strategies of speaking ................................................... 15
E. The Elements of Speaking .................................................. 16
F. The Aspects of Speaking ..................................................... 19
G. The Factors of Students difficulties. .................................... 22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ...................................................... 24
A. The Characteristics of Study ................................................ 24
B. Data Source .......................................................................... 25
C. Data Collection Technique .................................................. 26
D. Data Analysis Technique ..................................................... 27
E. Research Approach ............................................................. 29

CHAPTER IV RESULT OF THE RESEARCH ........................................ 30

A. Description of Data ............................................................... 30
1. General Description of SMP Insan Mulia Batanghari ... 30
B. General Description of Research Data ................................... 38
C. Interpretation .......................................................................... 45

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 49

A. Conclusion ............................................................................. 49
B. Suggestion .............................................................................. 50



1. Table 1 the pre survey data of the student' ................................................ 3

2. Table 2 The aspect of speaking ability...................................................... 20

3. Table 3 the head master of SMP Insan Mulia Batanghari ........................ 31

4. Table 4 the condition of teacher and officialemployes at SMP IT Insan

Mulia ......................................................................................................... 32

5. Teble 5 The quality of SMP IT INSAN MULIA ...................................... 34


1. Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model ............................. 27

2. Organization Structure Of Smp It Insan Mulia ......................................... 35

3. Location Sketch Of Smp It Insan Mulia ................................................... 36


1. Appendices 1 Research Instrument

a. Research instrument

2. Appendices 2 Research Data

a. Dokumentation of the research

3. Appendices 3 Research Latter

a. Surat Bimbingan Skripsi
b. Kartu Konsultasi Bimbingan Skripsi
c. Surat Izin Research
d. Surat Tugas Penelitian dari Ketua IAIN Metro
e. Surat Keterangan Penelitian dari Kepala Sekolah SMP Islam
Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari



A. Background of The Study

Language has an important role in our life because the function to

communicate in our life. It makes us able to communicate the information

about something that we need. English as we know is one of the most

important foreign.

English language is one of foreign language in our nation Indonesia.

It’s important in education aspect. English language is not only used to

educational aspect but also used to international or global language is

supported by its wide use in a range of fields such as politics, diplomacy,

international trade and industry, commerce, science and technology, the

media, information technology, and popular cult pure. Because of that

English language is to be useful for our lives.

In Indonesia, English language was only learned by schools but also

people uncommon with speaking English language in their environment.

English language is regarded a foreign language learners in Indonesia.

Learners or students whose learning English language they are difficult to

listening about English language as their basic to mastering English


In the some kinds of research, taken from English’s undergraduate

research, there is possible explanation for a problem of phenomenon.


There are many occurred at any stage of an investigation, some research

have been discussed to four skills namely listening, speaking, reading and

writing. One of four skills that must be learnt by the students is speaking.

It is very important for them to be able to speak English, because speaking

is basic capability to mastering of foreign language including English


Speaking is a speech production that becomes a part of our daily

activities, and other says that speaking means creative process, an active

interaction between speaker and listener that involves thought and

emotion. Speaking involves three areas of knowledge. They are mechanics

(pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary), so speaking is ability of people

to showing our idea to communicate with other.

Speaking English does require expertise especially for English not

same as Indonesian. The key is often to get used to speak it will be easy in

daily activities and what is more domain have influence in speaking.

Furthermore, speaking material is too difficult to be understood by the

students. It has been known that the students faced many difficulties to

speak English fluency. Sometimes the students have less confident. It

becomes a major factor when a person is not able to speak but he is not

confident it self.

In this case, the researcher did pre survey in SMP IT Insan Mulia on

January 23, 2017 by conducting the observation. The researcher did the

pre survey among 27 students. The pre survey has aim to investigate the

student’s difficulties in speaking. Based on the pre survey which has been

done, it was shown that there was data score from the teacher. The table

below is the result of the pre survey:

The Pre Survey Data of The Students’ Speaking
No Score Total of students Category Percentage

1 81-100 3 High 11,11%

2 71-80 7 Medium 25,92%

3 61-70 17 Low 62,97%

Total 27 100%

Based on the data above, it is know that 11,11% is high category for 3

students, 25,92% is medium category for 7 students, and 62,97% is low

category for 17 students. The Competents Standard (CS) score in SMP IT

Batanghari especially in english subject is 72. Referring the data above the

researcher assumes that they have low score in speaking subject. It was

investigated that the students have many difficulties in speaking subject,

they are not interested in speaking subject. They do not have enough prior

knowledge in English subject. They also have difficulties in vocabulary,

grammar, and in understanding English conversations. Therefore, it is

considered that it is important to overcome and to analyze more on the

student’s difficulties in speaking subject.

Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in

conducting a research entitled” A Study On English Dificulty Factors


Among Eight Graders Of The SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia

Batanghari East Lampung”.

B. Focus of Study

1. The Limitation of The Problems

The researcher focuses on entitled A Study On English Dificulty

Factors Among Eight Graders Of The SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan

Mulia Batanghari East Lampung”.

2. The Formulation of the Problems

Based on the background above, the problem arises as follow:

a. What are student’s difficulties factors in speaking at Eighth

Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari of

East Lampung?

b. Why do the students speaking difficulty factors become hard

cbarrier in speaking at the Eighth Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu

(IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung?

c. How to overcome the student’s difficulty factors in speaking at the

Eighth Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari

East Lampung?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

1. Objectives of study

Based on the problem formulation above, the problem objectives

of this study are :


a. To find out the student’s difficulty factors in speaking at the

Eighth Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia

Batanghari East Lampung.

b. To insvestigate the factors that cause the student’s difficulty in

speaking subject at the Eighth Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu

(IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung.

c. To know the student’s difficulty factors in speaking at the Eighth

Graders of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari East


2. The benefits of the study are:

a. For the tudents

The first benefit of this study is for the students as additional

knowledge in speaking and helps the students to feel confidents in

speaking performance.

b. For the teacher

The second benefit is for the teacher as an input supporting of the

teacher of English in teaching speaking. Moreover, it will aware

them about their students’ difficulties in speaking and help the

teacher in teaching process.

c. For the headmaster

The last benefit of this study is for the headmaster can be used

information and reference to improve learning English in the


D. Prior Research

This research entitled “A Study On English Dificulty Factors Among

Eight Graders Of The SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari

East Lampung”. doesn’t conduct yet by the other research. The research

found some similar researches entitled Teaching Speaking : “Activities to

promote speking in a second language on the internal TSEL (Journal on

english as a foreign language) written by Hayriye Kayi”.1

Hayriye Kayi analyzed the teaching problems in speaking ability.

Teaching speaking is a very important part of second language learning.

The ability to communicate in a school language clearly and efficiently

contributes to the succces of the learner in shcool and succes later in every

phase of life. Therefore, it is esential that language teachers pay great

attention to teaching speaking. Rather than leading student to pure

memorization, providing a rich environment where meaningful

communication takes place is desired. Referring to the Hayriye Kayi

research, this present research is also to know how the teaching problems

in speaking subject. It is aimed to describe the process and technique in

speaking subject especially in speaking performance. The similarity

between this journal and the writers research is in form speaking ability.

The writter finds some related researches that have been conducted by

Merawati. Her research about speaking skill entitle “An analysis on the

Kayi, Hayriye. 2006. Teaching Speaking; Activities To Promote Speaking In Second
Language. Article. teaching speaking. Html.

teaching speaking problem at the eleventh graders of state Madrasah

Aliyah (MAN) 2 Metro- Lampung the academic year 2016/2017”.2 In line

with the writer’s research, there are difference and similarity betwen this

study witht present study is in form of the topic that are analyzed. Mera’s

research analyzed teaching speaking problem. The similarity between

Mera’s research and the writers research is in form speaking.

The next, writter finds some related researches that have been

conducted by Ahmad Wasbir. His research about “An Analysis on Student

Pronounciation Errors in Speaking at The Eleventh Graders of SMA PGRI

1 Punggur”.3 In line with the writer’s research, there are difference and

similarity betwen this study witht present study is in form of the topic that

are analyzed. Ahmad’s research analyzed of Student Pronounciation

Errors in Speaking. The result of this research shown that there are many

errors of the use pronounciation in speaking English. In addition, it

explains how pronounciation is used in the students’ speaking.

Based on the three prior researches mentioned above, it can be seen

that the researcher’s research to give brief description about the factor of

the student’s English speaking difficulties in the SMP Islam Terpadu (IT)

Insan Mulia. This research is characterized as a new research because it

has some differences in object analysis. The prior researches focused to

Merawati, undergraduete thesis : An analysis of the teaching speaking problem at the
eleventh grade of state madrasah aliyah (MAN) 2 Metro- Lampung the academic year, 2013.
Ahmad Wasbir, undergraduete thesis :An Analysis of Student Pronounciation Errors in
Speaking at The Eleventh Graders of SMA PGRI 1 Punggur, 2013.

analyze speaking ability. Meanwhile, this research focused to analyze

factor of student’s speaking.



A. The Concept of Speaking Ability

According to Jack C. Richard, Speaking is used for many different

purposes, and each purpose involves different skills. When we use casual

conversation, for example, our purposes may be to make social contact with

people, to establish rapport, or to engage in the harmless chitchat that occupies

much of the time we spend with friends.4 Then, Scott Thorn burry said

Speaking is a speech production that becomes a part of our daily activities.5

Furthermore, Chaney explains that Speaking is the process of building and

sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a

variety of contexts.6 It can conclude that, speaking is ability to showing our

idea with the other people to conversation about something,

Beside that, Gert and Hands stated that speaking is speech or utterances

with the purpose of having intention to be recognized by speaker and the

receiver processes the statements in order to recognize their intentions.7 In

other hands, Brown said that Speaking is a productive skill that can be directly

and empirically observed, those observations are invariably colored by the

accuracy and effectiveness of a test-takers listening skill, which necessarily

Richard, Jack C and Renandya, Willy A, Metodology in Language Teaching :An Anthology
of Current Practice. (New York : cambridge University Press : 2002), P .201
Thornburry Scott. How To Teach Speaking. Longman p 1
Bahadorfar Maryam and Omidvar Reza, Technology in Tteaching Speaking Skill. (acme
international journal of multidisciplinary research.vol 2 issue 4 : 2014) . P 9
Efrizal Dedi. Improving Student’s Speaking to Through Communicative Language Teaching
Method at Mts Ja-Alhaq Sentot Ali Basa Islamic Boarding School of Bengkulu Indonesia. 2012.

compromises the reliability and validity of an oral production test.8 Based on

the definition above, it can be inferred that, speaking is ability to communicate

with other people to get information, knowledge etc.

In addition, Martin Bygate said that Speaking is often thought of as a

“popular” form of expression which uses the up-prestigious zcolloquial

register: literary skills are on the whole more prized.9

Meanwhile Brown, Burns & Joyce, explain that speaking is an interactive

process of constructing meaning which is comprised of producing and

receiving information.10 Morever Florez stated that speaking is an interactive

process in constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving, and

processing information orally.11

Where as, Michelle Maxom states that Speaking is the most important skill

in English language teaching. It’s almost impossible to have true mastery of a

language without actually speaking it.12 While Underwood says that speaking

means creative process; an active interaction between speaker and listener that

involves thought and emotion.13

Brown dougles , Language Assessment Principles And Classroom Practice,( san francisco :
longman, 2003), p. 140
Bygate Martin, Language Teaching. (New york. Oxford university press, 1987), p.3
Kosar Gulten and Bedir Hasan. Strategies-based instruction : a means of improving adult
EfL learners ‘speaking skill’ . international journal of language academy. Vol 2/3 autumn. : 2014
Harchegani, Muhammad Kiani and driends. The effectivness of self – directed –learning
method in teaching speaking skill to iranian EFL learners.(International research journal of
applied and basic sciences. Vol 7 (9): 2013.). P 565
Michelle Maxom. Teaching English as a Foreign Language for dummies.( England :
Chichester, West Sussex: 2009.). P 183
Akhyak and Indramawan Anik. Improving the student’s english speaking competence
through stoey telling (study in Pangeran Diponegoro Islamic Collage (STAI)of Nganjuk, East
Java, Indonesia).( International journal of language and literature: 2013). Vol 1 no.2. p 19

Then, Kathleen B. Egan said that Speaking is at the heart of second

language learning. It is arguably the most important skill for business and

government personnel working in the field, yet it appears particularly

vulnerable to attrition.14

From the definition above conclude that speaking is process of building

and sharing meaning through the use verbal and nonverbal symbols in a

variety of context.

B. Type of Speaking

Nation and jonathan said that speaking as apart of work or cademic study

may involve presenting reports or presenting a view point on a particular

topic. According to Brown this type of speaking have several important

features. These features have implication for teaching. Lets us look at each of

them in turn. They are including:15

a. It is transactional that is, its purpose is to communicate information

rather than to maintain social contactas is the case witht most

interactional speaking.

b. In involves taking a long turn, that is, it is notusually presented as a

dialogue but requires speaking for several minutes in a comprehensible

and organized way.

c. It is influenced by written language, often it will involve speaking

from notes and will involve academic vocabulary.

Egan, Kathleen B. Speaking a critical skill and a challange, caligo journal, vol 16 no.3,
Nation and newton, Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and speaking, ESL and applied linguistict
series, (new york, london: Taylor

d. The speaking is done in the learner’s “careful” style in a clear and

deliberate way with opportunity for the speaker to monitor the


e. It often needs teaching as it is a skill that is not a part of type language


Beside on the statement that the researcher assume that one of the

important aspects of speaking is there is communication and interaction

between listener and speaker, so it will make the good understanding about the

object that spoken. And then it is the process of building and sharing

meaning there the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, an a variety of


C. The Process of Speaking

The speaking process includes activities that occur prior to, during, and

after the actual speaking event. For example, before speaking, the speaker

might determine the actual content of the message, how it should be

presented, and what kind of udience will be hearing the message.

Etymologically, the word speaking is derived from word”speak” and thus

speaking ability process is talk the subject about something, have

conversation with subject, use your voice to say something, mention subject

or describe something/object, and be able to use a particular language.

Speaking with other, as we have seen, can push learner and their output

and make them notice gaps in their knowledge.16 Most people probably take

Ibid, p.130

for granted their ability to speak, not thinking much about it until they have to

addres an audience or attend an important interview,. Every time you speak,

not just when giving to talk or being interviewed, you are both coveying

information relevant to the subject being discussed and presenting your self.17

Cameron state that speaking is the active use of language to express the

meaning so that other people can make sense the meaning.18 It is labels

“receptive” and”productive” use of language can be applied, will use their

from previous experience of langage use daily activity.

Brown said that four components are generally are gecognizing in

analysis of speaking process. That is conversation process, pronounciation

process, fluency and acuracy process and sociolinguistic competent process

(affective and interaction), more detail four components frame as below.19

a. Conversation process

Conversation was a form of interactive. Other explain in

conversational develop the conversation with the finding that

conversation is casual talk that is primarily interpersonal is by far the

most widespread function of speaking.20 We can call it as human

interactive, because it happens spontaneous between two or more

people who were response reactions to that had previously been said.

Robbert barras, speaking for your self, Aguide for student. (London new york: rout ledge,
taylor & francis e-library, 2006), p.1.
Lyne cameron, teaching language four young learners, (cambridge: cambridge university
press, 2001), p.40
Brown H Douglas, Teaching By Principles An Interactive Approach To Language
Pedagogy, second adetion, (san francisco state university : longman, 2001), p.268-269.
Scoot thornbury, How to Teach Speaking, (england:longman, 2005), p.128-129

b. Pronounciation process

Pronounciation refers to the candidate’s ability to produce

comprehensible utterances to fulfil the task requirements, it is refers to

the production of individual sound,the appropriate of word, and use of

intonation of covey be intended meaning.21 Pronounciation was one of

important aspect in ESL. Pronounciation was the way for the student to

produce cleverer language whenthey speak.

Other explain that pronounciation teaching deals with two

interrelated skills recognition or understanding the flew of speech, and

production or fluency in the spoken language.22 However to obviate the

necessity for such non sensical statement as is pronounced, the

generally use well’s lexical sets to define the phonological item to wich

want to refer.23

c. Fluency and accuracy process

Speaking english fluency is good for many learners of english.

fluency means being able to communicate your ideas without having to

stop and think too much about what you are saying. However, many

learners also have the goal of spoken accuracy. Speaking accurately

means that you speak without errrors of grammar and vocabulary24.

Fluent english is a high intermediate advanced-level course in english

Ibid, p. 105
Geoffrey, christopher, roger, and peter, Teaching Speaking As A Foreign Language, second
edition revising, (london & new york (routledge, 2003), p.49
Robert burchfield, The Cambridge History Of English Language, four volumes english, in
britain and overseas: origins and development, (cambridge university press, 1994). P 388
Learning english better speaking, A guide improving your spoken english, (BBC World
service, p2,

as a second or foregn language. It is designed to meet the needs of the

intermediate level student in vocabulary, grammar, listening,

comperhension, idiomatic usage, and pronounciation.25

Fluency is the soul of any language, so of English. Fluency

transform your personality as a charismatic and magnetic one. Fluency

is the great booster of yourself-confidence.26 If it’s fluency, try to focus

on making sure your friends understands what you’ve said, not on

avoiding mistake. If you have a problem with tenses, try to correct your

self only when make a tenses error don’t think about other mistakes.

Fluency are rather strongly affected by language problem. Speech

as fluent and efforts less as that of native speaker. Language imprsoves

the fluency of non-native production: the problemm lies in the accuracy

of such production. When it comes to english, may not be useful for

non-native users around the world as it may not contribute to fluency.27

There are observable sign that can be used to measure changes in

fluency, according to nation and arevart and nation found that an

activity that was designedto bring about in increase in fluency also

resulted in a reduction of errors and an increase in grammatical


Raifsnider and christoper, living language fluent english, advenced ESL, P8.
Mahendre Saraswati, Speak English Fluently, (publiser upkar prakhsan), p 5,
David, Trinity, Dublin Op.Cit, p 61,
Nation and newton, Op. Cit, p 152.

d. Socialinguistic competence process

Sosiolinguistic competence was one component in language

competences, one of the major obstacles learning to speak and to

speaek is not the multiplicity of sound, word, etc. But rather the

interactive most communication.29 Sosiolinguistics competence knew

how to use and respond to language apporopriatelythe people

communication. It is the ability to procedure utterance appropriate to

thesocial situation in which they were spoken.

D. The Strategies of speaking

Teachers and texbooks make use of a variety of approaches, ranging from

direct approaches focusing on specific features of oral interaction (e.g., turn-

taking, topic management, andquestioning strategies) to indirect approaches

that create conditions for oral inteaction through group work, task work, and

other strategies.30

Ability strategy instruction help the students become purposeful, active

hears who are in control of their own speaking ability. Robert barras

highlights some strategies for speaking ability as follows : (1) using speaking

four your self; (2) use conversing; (3) use disscusion your work; (4) choosing

the right word; (5) using word effectively;(6) use preparing a talk or

Brown H Douglas, Op. Cit, p269.
Jack C richards, Teaching Listening And Speaking, From Theory And Practice, (canbridge:
cambridge university press, 2008), p 19.

presentation; (7) preparing visual aids; (8) speaking to an audiences;(9) use

finding information; (10) and speaking in a interview.31

E. The Elements of Speaking

The ability to speak fluenty presupposes not only knowledge of

languagen features, but also the abillity the process information, language and

and the features, knowlege of language features and conversational strategies

that success face interaction depended on knowled.

As aserted by jeremy hermer the elements of speaking ability are the


a. Connected speech

Effective speaker of english need to be able not only to produce

the individual phonemes of english >as in saying” i would have gone”

but also to use fluent connected >as a saying “ i’d’v gone. The

connected speech should improve student in activities designed

specifically to improve their connected speech.

b. Expressive devices

Native speakers of english change the pitch and stress of particular

Parts of utterances vary volume and speed, and show by other physical

and non verbal (paralinguistic) means hoethey are felling (especially in

face to face interaction).

Robert barras, Op, Cit.
Jeremy Harmer, Op, Cit. P 269.

c. Lexis and grammar.

Spontaneous speech in mark by the use of a number of a common

lexicalbphrase, especially in the performance of certain languagr

fuction teachers should be suplied a variety of pharase for different

fuction such as, agreeing, expressing, suprise, shock, or aproval.

Produce at various stage of an interaction.

d. Negotiation language

Seek clarification to show the structure of what we are saying, and

clarification when we are listening to someone else talk that Effective

speaking benefit from the negotiation language.33

e. Language processing

Effective speakers need to able to process language in heir own

heads and put into coherent order. Language processing involvels the

retrieval of words nd phrase. Speaking activities inlanguage lesson is

to help students develop habits of rapid language processing in english.

f. Information processing

Quite apart from our response to other’s felling, we also need to

able to process the information they tell and speakers need to be able

to process the information the moment they get it.

g. Interacting with other

Most speaking involves interaction with one or more participant.

This means that effective speaking also involves a good deal of

Ibid, p. 269-271.

listening from someone else talk. The understanding of how the other

participant are feeling, and knowledge of how linguistically to take

turn or allow others to do so.34

f. Conversational rules and structure

The futher categories of discourse such as conversational it is

opening, interrupting, topic shift, and closings. This constitutes rules

and structure language that often we utilize while we converse in


h. Survival and repair strategies

We need to be able to use repair strategies when listening

interactive situations in the other if face to face conversation isto be

successful. These ask repetitions of formulaic expression they are

repeating up to of conversation breakdown etc. Then these repair

strategies we abililities being able to pharapharase, being able to an all

purpose, and being able to appeal for help.

i. Real talk

The involve spontaneous face to face conversation outside from

language speakers, to more then just the kind of question that are

commonly found course books. These are sometimes well formed and

used take no account ellipsis looked at treanscripts in conversation and

Ibid, p. 271.

found using questioning reformulation, multifunctional question form

and which function both suggestion and criticism35

F. The Aspects of Speaking

Speaking as a productive skill, is very complex requiring the

simultaneous use of a number of different abilities, which often develop at

different rates. In other word speaking as one of the most important skill in

english has some aspects. According to David P. Harris there are four aspects

of speaking that are generally recognized in analyses of the speech process,

should has one of the following component, namely.36

a. Pronounciation

The way in particular person pronounces the words of the

language. In fact, I made pronounciation the major focus of my early

effort, and I recommed this to you as well.37 It should looks like native

speaker do intonation. According to Harmer state that all of these the

component of pronounciation while teaching learning.38

b. Grammar

The rules in a language for changing thb. e form of words and

joining them into sentences. It consist of part of speech, basic word

Jeremy harmer, The Practice Of English Language Teaching, fourth edition,
(cambridge:longman, 2009), p. 343-344.
David P. Harris, Testing English As A Second Language, (New York: Tata Mc Graw-
Hill publishing book company Ltd, 1969, p.81.
Steve kaufmann, The Linguist : A Personal guideto language learning, (Canada: Published
Canada, 2003), p. 124.
Jeremy Harmer, Op.Cit. p.253

order and tenses. Some errors in use of santences structures and

grammatical forms but these do not interfere with comprehension.39

c. Vocabulary

The word that people use when they are talking about the

particular subject. They have many vocabulary, and speech on all level

include they can different what are adjective, noun, verb adverb and so

on and they can speak with using their ability.

d. Fluency

The ability to speak a foreign language easily and well. Then

fluency is the soul of any language, so of English. Fluency transform

from personality as a charismatic and magnetic one. Fluency in the

great booster of yourself-confidence.40

Speaking as one of the most important skill in english has some aspects.

The aspect of speaking, should has one of the following elements, namely:41

Table 2. The Aspect of Speaking Ability

Assed aspects Score

Pronounciation Have few of foreign accents 5

Always intelligible, though one is 4

conscious of define accent.

Pronounciation problems necessitate

Cyriil j. Weir, Language Testing And Validation: An Evidence-Based Approach, (new
york:palgrave macmillan, 2005), p. 196.
Mahendra saraswati, Op. Cit. P 5.
David P. Harris, Testing English As A Second Language, (New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Company, 1969), P.81.

concentrated listening and occasionally 3

lead to misunderstanding.

Very hard to understand because of

pronounciation problems. Most 2
frequently is asked to repeat.

Pronounciation problems so severe as to

make speech virtually un intelligible. 1

Grammar Makes few (if any) noticeable errors of 5

grammar or word-order

Occasionally makes grammatical and/or

word/-order errors which do not, 4
however, obscure, meaning.

Makes frequent errors of grammar and

word order which occasionally obscure 3

Grammar and word order errors make

comprehension difficult. Must often 2
rephrase sentences and/ or restrict him to
basic patterns.

Errors in grammar and word order so 1

severe as to take speech virtually
Vocabulary Use of vocabulary and idioms is virtually 5
that of native speakers.
Sometimes uses inappropriate terms
and/are must rephase ideas because of
lexical inadequacies.
Frequntly uses the wrong word :
conversation somewhat limited because
of inadequate vocabulary.
Misuse of word and very limited
vocabulary makecomprehension quiet
Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to

make conversation virtually impossible.

Fluency Fluency as fluent and effortless as that of 5
native speaker.

Speed of speech seems to be slightly

affected by language problems. 4

Speed of fluency are rathe strongly 3

affected by language problems.

Usually hesitant often forced into silence

by language limitation. 2

Speech ishalting and fragmentary as to 1

make conversation virtually impossible.

G. The Factors of Students difficulties.

According to Zhang argued that speaking remains the most difficult skill

to master for the majority of english learners, and there are still incompetent

in communicating orraly in english. Ur said that, there are many factors that

cause difficulty in speaking, and they areas follows:42

1. Inhibition

Student are worried about making mistake, fearful of criticism, or

simply shy.

2. Nothing to say

Student have no motive to express themself.

3. Low or uneven participation.

Only one participant can talk at a time some learners to dominate,

while other speak very little or not at all.

Al-hosmi, Samira, Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learner, 2014,

4. Mother tongue use

Learners who share the some mother tongue tend to use it because

it is easier and because learners fell less exposed if they are speaking

their mother tongue.

In addition, Rababa’h pointed out that there are many factors that

cause difficulties in speaking English among EFL learners. Some of these

factors are related to the learners themselves, the teaching strategies, the

curriculum, and the environment. For example, many learners lack the

necessary vocabulary to get their meaning across, and consequently, they

cannot keep the interaction going. Inadequate strategic competence and

communication competence can be another reason as well for not being

able to keep the interaction going.

Some learners also lack the motivation to speak English. They do not

see a real need to learn or speak English. Actually motivation is the crucial

force which determines whether a learner embarks in a task at all, how

much energy he devotes to it, and how long he preservers. The

development of communicative skills can only take place if learners have

the motivation and opportunity to express their own identity and relate

with the people around them.

The data collected on this issue revealed that there are three major

speaking difficulties encountered by the students at this level, and they are

linguistic difficulties, mother tongue use, and inhibition.


1. Linguistic Difficulties Data collected through observation showed

that students struggle to find the appropriate vocabulary item when

trying to speak in English, which reflects their insufficient

vocabulary repertoire. Data collected from the student interview

supported this because one of the students reported, We want to

speak, but we don’t know the word The interviewed students also

pointed out that they find it difficult to build sentences when they

try to express their ideas. One of them said, We do not know how

to say it. Although teachers spend a long time teaching grammar

rules, students still cannot form short sentences when they try to

speak in English.

2. Mother Tongue Use This problem is strongly related to the

previous one, which are linguistic difficulties. During my class

observation, I noticed that students tend to speak in Arabic when

they discuss the rubrics of different tasks, and when I asked them

about the reason for that in the interview; they explained that by

saying, We do not know how to say it. They meant how to discuss

their ideas in English, so they shifted to Arabic. Therefore, the

inadequate vocabulary repertoire and weak sentence building skills

are the reasons for using the mother tongue.

3. Inhibition It was noticed during the class observations that

students’ participation was very low. This is because of the

previously mentioned reasons to inhibition. Students explained that


their fear of making mistakes in front of their classmates was the

reason for not speaking in the class. They expressed that, saying,

They will laugh at us if we make mistakes . . . Unlike what is found

by other studies, Omani learners in grade 5 are highly motivated to

speak English, and they can see the need for that when we meet

somebody who speaks English, we can speak English.



This chapter emphasizes the description of research method that will

be implemented this research. It includes the explanation about

characteristic reseach, data source, data collecting tehnique, data analysis

technique and approach.

A. The Characteristics of Study

Qualitative research is one of research types that can be used in

education scope beside quantitative and class room action research. To

address a research problem, qualitative research is a method that is best

suited in which we do not know the variable and need to explore.43By

using this method the researcher explored the phenomenon of difficulties

student in speaking.

Furthermore, since this study elaborated information on one

particular setting, on a small social unit, it was also considered as a case

study. The typical case study is an intensive investigation of one individual

or particular small unit such as a school, a class or a group. This research

elaborated the phenomenon of translation performed by a number of

students in a class. Therefore, it is called case study research.

In line with the terminology, the main topic of this research is to

know the factor difficulties in speaking. The problem that had been paid

John W. Creswell, Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative research, (USA: Person, 2012), Fourth edition, p. 16

attention in this research is the factor difficulties in speaking. The students

may make difficult in speking English.

B. Data Source

In this research the researcher divides the sources into two items.

They are primary and secondary.

1. Primary sources

The primary data of this research is observasi and interview

in SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan Mulia Batanghari.

2. Secondary sources

Secondary source offers interpretation or analysis based on

primary sources. They may explain primary sources and often uses

them to support a specific thesis or argument or to persuade the

reader to accept a certain point of view. The secondary source in this

research is documentation, the books, journals, e-books and articles

that are related to the research.

C. Data Collection Technique

Generally, qualitative findings grow out of three kinds of data

collection: (1) In-depth, open-ended interviews; (2) Direct observation;

and (3) Written documents. In this research the researcher used those ones,

namely interview, observation and documentation for collecting data.


1. Observation

Observation is an activity in which the research takes field notes on the

behavior and activities of individuals at the research site.44 Here

researcher will use non participant observation in which the researcher

does not directly interact with the participant. The thing that will be

observed in this research is the eight students of SMP Islam Terpadu in

order to get the data about the factor speaking english difficulties.

2. Interview

The researcher will use interview as one of data collecting techniques.

The aim of interview is to find out from people those things we cannot

directly observe.45 Therefore, interview is the prominent source in case

study. In this case, the researcher will interview the teacher and

students to gain the data about the reason of student difficulties in


3. Documentation
Documents can be a valuable source of information in qualitative

research. Creswell cited that documents represent public and private

documents. Public documents provide in the form of minutes from

meeting, official memos, and newspaper. The examples of private

documents are personal journal and diaries, letters, and personal

John W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches, Second Edition, (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2000), p. 222
Michael Quinn Patton, Qualitative Research and Evaluation Method, Third Edition,
(USA: Sage Publication Inc., 2002), p. 340

notes.46 Documentation also saves time since transcription is not

required. Accordingly, the secondary data needed are documented as

data resource in the form of documentation. In this research, the

researcher will take the data from the documentation of school such as

the total of students, teachers, school history and the condition of the


D. Data Analysis Technique

This research applied the Miles and Huberman model to analyze the

data that has been collected. The procedure is shown in the following


Figure 1. Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model47

Data analysis using Miles and Huberman model was conducted as follows:

1. Data collection is the first step in which the researcher collected all

data which was used to complete the research.

Jhon W. Creswell, Research Design, Second Edition, p. 223
Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman, Qualitative Data Analysis, Second Edition,
(London: SAGE Publications, 1994), p. 12

2. Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing,

simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data that appear in

written up field notes or transcriptions. In this step, the researcher

collected and selected texts containing lexical cohesion as the main

object of research.

3. Data display includes the process which the researcher showed up

the data collected in the form of tables, charts, networks and other

graphical formats.

4. Conclusion involves a process to infer what the analyzed data


Therefore, it is concluded that the analysis of data has some

functions in analyze research data that include in; tomake the

meaningful raw data, to test null hypothesis, to get the significant

results, to describe inferences or to make generalization, and to

calculate parameters.

E. Research Approach

In qualitative inquiry, Cresswell suggested there have been some steps

in conducting this research, as follow:48

1. Identifying research problem. The first step is to select the

phenomena to analyze. In this case, the researcher analyzes the

difficulties English speaking.

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, (Boston: Pearson Education, Inc., 2012), p. 57

2. Reviewing the literature on the problem. The researcher reviews the

relevant literature to gain more understanding and insight into the

factor difficulties faced by students in speaking

3. Specifying a Purpose and Research Questions. This step provides

critical information about the direction of a research. The purpose of

this research is to find out the kinds, factors, and solutions of the

difficulties in speaking.

4. Collecting the data, the next step involves executing the research

plan. This study embraces observation, interview and documentation

to obtain the comprehensive data.

5. Analyzing the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher takes the

form of words (description, observation, interview, and

documentation) to be organized and categorized.

6. Interpreting the findings and stating conclusion. The researcher

presents the interpretations and the explanations in the speaking


7. Reporting results. This is the last step in which the researcher reports

the procedures, findings, and conclusion in their research.



A. Description of Data

1. General Description of SMP Insan Mulia Batanghari

SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari is a private school which was

establized in 2005, it is located at Majapahit street Batangharjo 41C,

Batanghari. East of Lampung. just like another private school is

owned by private instution. it was under of Lampung Insan Mandiri

Foundation (Yayasan Lampung Insan Mandiri). It gives fullauthority

to the head master to handle teaching and learning process.

it has been lead by the following principles :


The Head Master of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung

NO Nama Year

1 Abdul Mujib, M.Pd 2011-212

2 Agus Waluyo, S.Sos 2012-2016

It has two programs, they are formal program, islamic boarding

school program and full day program, there are the student

organization of intermediet school (OSIS ) extraccurriculars in this

school such as PRAMUKA IT, Youth science club of tunas satya


kirana, Insan Mulian Engish Club, Nasyid Soutussalam, footsal and

Arabic Club.

SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari has three class room, one head

master and administration room, one teachers room, one mosque, one

coperation of school, one library room, two boarding rooms of boy and

two boarding rooms of girl, one kitchen, one werehouse and thirteen

toilet rooms.

The human resources available to support teaching learning

activities consist of.

a. Head Master

b. Two vice head master

c. Twenty three teachers

d. One administrative staff

e. One librarian

The number of teachers and official employees in academic year of

2015/2016 are 25 that can be identified as follows:

Table 9
The Condition of Teachers and Official Employees at
SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari
The Last
No Name Sex Occupation

1. Agus Waluyo, S.Sos Male Head Master S1


2. Joni Ali, S.Pd. Male a. Vice Head Master S1

(Curriculum Relation)

b. Sciences Teacher

3. Amin Suyono Male a. Vice Head Master SPG

(Students Relation)

b. Pramuka IT Teacher

4. Bambang Wahono, Male Social Teacher S1


5. Fitria Oktaviana, S.Pd. Female English Teacher S1

6. Julianto, S.Pd. Male Indonesian Teacher S1

7. Madiyono, S.Pd.I. Male a. Religious Teacher S1

8. Miftah Hujannah, S.Pd. Female a. Treasurer S1

b. English Teacher

9. Puji Astuti, S.Pd. Female Sciences Teacher S1

10. Suroyo, S.Pd. Male PPKN Teacher S1

11. Tri Wahyuningsih, S.Si. Female Mathematic Teacher S1

12. Yunta Fi’atun Amanah Female a. Guidance and PGA


Counseling Teacher

b. Librarian

13. Muhammad Hanifudin, Male Mathematic Teacher S1


14. Muhammad Husain, Male Sport Teacher S1


15. Ganjar Eko Utomo, Male Arabic Teacher S1


16. Mulyono, S.Pd.I. Male Tahfidz and S1


17. B. Wahyudi Male TIK Teacher SMK

18. Siti Rohaela, S.P. Female Sciences Teacher S1

19. Ian Antono Male Tahfidz Teacher SMA

20. Ensya Wisti Agniya, Female Indonesian Teacher S1


21. Dewi Renita Sari, S.Pd. Female Lampung Language S1


22. Defiani, S.Pd.I. Female Arabic Teacher S1

23. Khalimatus Sa’diyah, Female SBK Teacher S1


24. Andrean Harmoko, S.E. Male PMA Teacher S1

25. Nur Hikmah Arifin Male Office Boy SMA


Source : Observation Result at SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari on january


The quantity of the student at SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari in

the academic year 2015/2016 is 77 can be identified as follows:

Table 10

The Quantity of SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari Students

Academic Year 2015/2016

No Class Data
Male Female

1 VII 12 16 28

2 VIII 21 14 35

3 IX 7 7 14

Total 163 189 77

Source : Observation Result at SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari on

january, 2017.

Organization structure of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari in the

academic year 2015/2016.

Yayasan Lampung Agus Waluyo, S.Sos School Committee

Insan Mandiri Principle

Miftah Hujannah, S.Pd. Fitria Oktaviana, S.Pd.

Treasurer Chief of

Amin Suyono
Vice of Headmaster Joni Ali, S.Pd.
(Students Relation) Vice of Head Master
(Curriculum Relation)

Yunta Fi’atun Amanah Teachers


Figure 8.

Organization structure of SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari in academic year of


= Line Commando

= Line Coordination

Source Observation Result at SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari on january

: 2017.

Location Sketch of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari in Academic Year


Figure 9
Location Sketch of SMP IT Insan Mulia of Batanghari
in Academic Year of 2015/2016.
Source Observation Result at SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari on january,

: 2017.

Vision of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari, is very simple, they are

“Having achievement, Islamic and Independent”. The Vision describes

in mission as follows:

a. Construct the right belief generation, glorious morals, and

devout well based on The Qur’an and Sunnah.

b. Make the English and Arabic as the second language after


c. Make lovely and friendly education environment based on

honesly and model.

d. Construct the leadership soul of teacher and student.

e. Improve and complete the facilities and infrastructure of study

primarily on developing the library and laboratory.

The goals of SMP IT Insan Mulia Batanghari East Lampung

are, quality output, professionalism, have a certain quality, and

religious. To reach the goals, it has some strategy such as,

a. Accomplished of forming the moslem personality that having

character and be able to memorize the Qur’an.

b. Generate the graduate that mastering English and Arabic


c. Realized the life of citizen of school that apply the value of

islam in daily life even in the school or the outside of the


d. Accoplished the healthy zona between the citizen of school,

the commitee of school, and society.

e. Created the school environment that clean, beatifull and

comfortable tomake the study condition conductive.

f. Generate the graduate who able to compete for continuing to

the next higher education stairs.

B. General Description of Research Data

Based on the observation class the researcher get the data, the

firstly in learning process at the class. The students are invited by the

teacher to speak english and they do not show good natural respon. They

are confused with the meaning of the utterances in speaking english

although the questions are often listened by the student. The student

respon in speaking english is very short an simple such as “yes” or “no”,

and then They students are also confused in using vocabulary in speaking

english. The students also have less confident in speaking english.

Secondly, the students have bad pronounciation. The thirdhly, the students

have lack vocabulary, the students have in sufficient speaking habit. The

fourthly, in speaking english the students tend to translate word by word,

the last the students have less motivation in learning english.

According to Zhang argued that speaking remains the most

difficult skill to master for the majority of english learners, and there are

still incompetent in communicating orraly in english. Ur said that, there


are many factors that cause difficulty in speaking, and they areas


5. Inhibition

Student are worried about making mistake, fearful of criticism, or

simply shy.

6. Nothing to say

Student have no motive to express themself. if get the question do not

say something or speecless.

7. Low or uneven participation.

Only one participant can talk at a time some learners to dominate,

while other speak very little or not at all.

8. Mother tongue use

Learners who share the some mother tongue tend to use it because it is

easier and because learners fell less exposed if they are speaking their

mother tongue.

Based on observation on January 24, 2017 within 27 students,

researcher analyzed of speaking difficulties factors at the eight class

of the SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari, as follows:

Al-hosmi, Samira, Speaking Difficulties Encountered by Young EFL Learner, 2014,

The data has code to make reader understand easier. The code as follows:

Explanation of code:

T : Teacher
S : Student
S1 : Student 1
S2 : Student 2

1. Inhibition, Student are worried about making mistake, fearful of criticism,

or simply shy.

The teacher ask the student to repeat the sentence after teacher say.

T : it is no trouble for you.

(the teacher point out one of student in the class)

S1 :it is ,,,,(malu miss), ulangi miss

(it is,,(shy miss.repeat again miss)

SI : It is no trouble for you.

Data above show that the student shy to speak english, because

occured within a sentence and in word form. Base language is Bahasa

Indonesia and second language is English

T : ok, today we study about simple present perfect, ada yang masih

ingat apa itu simple present perfect? raise your hand? any body to

explain about this material, coba, ayo mas yang pojok,,


(ok, today we study about simple present perfect, any one memorize

what is simple present perfect? raise your hand?any body to

explain about this material, tray, lets brother in the corne please,,)

S : (just smile ,,,)

Data above show that the student not say something, he is confuse to

answer used english language, afraid if get mistake when answer.

Inhibition becomes one of the obstacles for the students to speak in

English because it influences students speaking fluency and self confident,

in addition inhibition inhibition is harmful because it can obstruct their

idea in speaking.

Forthemore, in order to overcome the problem ofinhibition, the teacher

should motivate the students in order not to being shy and afraidto speak

in english.

2. Nothing to say, Student have no motive to express themself. if get the

question do not say something or speecless.

T : What day to day?

(the teacher ask to student about day)

S2 : mmmm,,,,,,(diam, bingung ketika menjawab)

(mmmmm,,,,silent,confused when to answer in english, the student just

know in indonesian language, for example “senin” but not say just silent

and smile.)

Data above showing that the student nothing to say something, the

student just know in indonesian language nothing expression in english

language, because occured within a sentence and word form. Base

language is Bahasa Indonesia and second language is English.

T : ok, today we study about simple present perfect, ada yang masih

ingat apa itu simple present perfect? raise your hand? any body to

explain about this material, coba, ayo mas yang pojok,,

(ok, today we study about simple present perfect, any one memorize

what is simple present perfect? raise your hand?any body to

explain about this material, tray, lets brother in the corne please,,)

S : (just smile ,,,)

Data above show that the student not say something, he is confuse

to answer used english language, afraid if get mistake when answer.

Nothing to say becomes one of obstacles for the student to speak

english because the student can not express the idea in english language,

fortheremorein order to overcome the problem of nothing to say the

student must be add to vocabulary, grammar pronounciation and ect. The

teacher should give input to the student.

3. Low or uneven participation, Only one participant can talk at a time some

learners to dominate, while other speak very little or not at all.


T : any body ask about material today? ayo siapa yang ingin


(any body ask about material today?)

S : No miss,,(just some student answer, the student less in motivation

in english)

Data above include that the studeny low in participant, because just some

student respont in class.

Low participation becomes one of obstacles for the student to speak

english because any two factors internal and external, for the student feel

not able in english between the other student in the class is internal factor

and the teacher less care with low student so the student just silent and

afrain when to speak english, fortheremore in order to overcome the

problem of low participation the student must increase motivated in

english and the teacher can care with all of student in class

4. Mother tongue use, Learners who share the some mother tongue tend to

use it because it is easier and because learners fell less exposed if they are

speaking their mother tongue.

T : Nabila zahira

S : Sick.
T : Send message to me?
S : No miss, abis olahraga tadi pingsan, kemudian izin

(no miss, after sport she is faint, and bact to home.)


Data above show that the student did not used english language well,

she still used her mother tongue because occured within a sentence and in

word form. Base language is Bahasa Indonesia and second language is


S1 :buat percakapan tentang my hoby kelompok kita.

(make conversation about my hoby our group)

S2 : ok,,kamu duluan yang tanya ke aku.

(ok, you the first to ask me)

Data above included that the conversation use combine language,

indonesian and english, because occured within a sentence and word form.

Base language is Bahasa Indonesi and second language is English.

S1 : Diulang lagi ya, once upon a time in one sumer’s day, there was

Grasshoper that was cheeping and singing to its hear’s content in a

field. Salah pasti.

(Let’s repeat. Once upon a time in one sumer’s day, there was

Grasshoper that was cheeping and singing to its hear’s content in a

field. I’m sure that’s wrong.)

S2 : Padahal salah.

(Actually that’s wrong)


Data above included combine between mother tongue and english,

because used language combine. Base language is Bahasa Indonesia put

on the first sentence is phrase, second language is English and every

structure appropriate grammatically.

T : Thank for your attention guys, don’t forget always study hard,

I’m sorry if our speech have a mistake and last say

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

(May Peace and Mercy and Blessings of Alloh be upon you)

S :.ok miss, siap, Walaikumusalam wr,wb.

Data above included mother tongue in conversation, because occured

within a sentence and word form. Base language is Bahasa Indonesia, the

second language is English and the third language is Arabic. Speaker

given greeting with Arabic because it is habbit in SMP IT Insan Mulia,

and then the student answer as indonesian language too.

T : When we discuss something we need a solution or solve the


based on the topic. Yes, itu yang disebut dengan discuss. (Yes, we

can say that is discuss)

S : ok miss, membuat kalimat terkait present perfect ya miss,,

(ok miss, make a sentence about present perfect)


Data above used mother tongue, because occured on the top of sentence

form Bahasa Indonesia into English which completely in other language.

Base language is Bahasa Indonesia and second language is English.

T :Oke, saya rasa cukup ya, sudah jam 12.(OK, I think that’s all, its 12

o’clock.) Next or tomorrow we long paper ya (yes). Kita bertemu

dihari Kamis minggu depan. (We will meet on Thursday next week)

S : Alhamdulillah. (All praise to Allah)

Data above included that use combine language, because occured

within a sentence and word form. Base language is Bahasa Indonesia and

second language is English.

Mother tongue become one of obstacles for the student to speak english

because the student make the habbit mother tongue in daily activities, they

are comfortable use the mother tongue like indonesian or javanies. The

student can acccustom english language foe example english day program,

and the teacher can support this program.

C. Interpretation

In this research, the interpretation of the student english speaking

difficulties factors at the eight grade of SMP Islam Terpadu (IT) Insan

Mulia is classifying into table, chart or graphic. Table, chart or graphic

could be used to make the data easy to be understood. In this research,

researhcer presents the table that represent of the data after analyzed

Diagram 1

The following diagram describes the indicator of student difficulties in


13% 7%

53% mother

According to the data analysis showing that the student have

difficulties in speaking, based on indicator 7% student inhibition, 13% low

motivation, 27% nothing to say, and then 53% mother tongue.

Based on observation on January 24, 2017 within 27 students,

researcher analyzed of the factors speaking difficulties in the eight class at

the SMP Islam Terpadu Insan Mulia Batanghari. The interview referred to

10 students. The researcher provided the participants based on

qualification of foreign language informants.

Interviewing is an important way to researcher to check the accurancy

of to verify or refute the impression gained to observation. The researcher

used informal interview, this type of interview tends to resemble casual

conversation pursuing the interests of both the researcher and the


informants are the research participations in turn. The interview includes

questions related to speaking.

There are three questions relevance in speaking problem.

1) What are the difficulties in speaking English?

2) What are the factors difficulties in speaking english?

3) How to solve your problems in your speaking?

These are the result problem formulation

1) Releted to the question number one “What are the difficulties

in speaking English?”these arethe responses: Having less

intention in learning english because the student not

understand about meaning pronounciation and lack

vocabulary, being difficult in contructing the sentences orally,

being afraid in the speaking engliash because of being difficult

in comprehending and using grammar, being hard in

pronouncing the words and spelling sentences, having less

interest in learning english, having less spirit in learning

english, being hard in pronouncing the words, being difficult

to translate indonesian word in to english when speaking

english naturrally, there is no support from the environment,

having lack vocabulary and difficultyor confuse to answers

when someone give question.


2) Releted to the question number one “What are the factors

difficulties in speaking english?” these arethe responses: being

shy in speaking in front of people, having lemeted vocabulary

and be afraid wrong when to speak something, never speaking

english, being difficult in contructing the sentences orally,

English is not same with indonesian language, being hard in

pronouncing the words, being confused with structure and

grammar, being afraid in having mistake when speaking

english, not being confident in speaking english, being

difficult to translate indonesian word in to english when speak

english naturrally.

3) Releted to the question number one “How to solve your

problems in your speaking?” these arethe responses: having

great aim in learning english and trying to have speaking habit,

listening to the english music and watching english movie,

studying hard and often trying to speak english, always try to

speaking english, always trying to speaking english, trying to

like english subject first, always studying english. Student 8.

Having great self confidence in speak english, there must be

environment that support to speak english, always trying to

speak english.

Based on the result of interview and observation above, in can be

conclude that the students have the difficulties in speaking subject. they

were less comprehension on the understanding meaning,use mother

tongue, lack of the vocabulary, inhibition, pronounciation fluency and



A. Conclusion

According to the data analysis showing that the student has difficulties in

speakingg. Speaking remains the most difficult skill to master for the

majority of english learners as follow: Inhibition, Student are worried about

making mistake, fearful of criticism, or simply shy. Nothing to say, Student

have no motive to express themself. Low or uneven participation. Only one

participant can talk at a time some learners to dominate, while other speak

very little or not at all. Mother tongue use, Learners who share the some

mother tongue tend to use it because it is easier and because learners fell less

exposed if they are speaking their mother tongue, based on indicator above

mother tongue 53% because the student in class or outdoor often used

indonesian language then english , 27% nothing to say something the student

difficult to show idea because lack vocabulary and not confidence when to

speak, 13% low and uneven participation, when the teacher ask something

just some student respont and answer, 7% student inhibition the student afraid

when to speak english and shy in front of people.


B. Suggestion

From this research, the researcher wants to give some suggestions for

the readers. The first is for students, it is suggested to be more confidence in

speaking performance in front of class or the other place. The conclution of

the research shows that there were difficulties on the students in speaking

ability. The student must be learn more about speaking for example the

student always practice in class or outdoor class to build confidence and

vocabulary, and join english course to get knowledge about speaking.

The second is for the teacher, practically, from this research the

researcher suggests to the teacher may be able to help the students to solve

the problems related to speaking performance. Therefore, the students can

improve their speaking as well.

The last is for the next researchers, the researcher does hopes that the

result of this study can lead the next researchers who conduct research in the

same field as the reference or comparison that might be informative to the

researches. Hopefully, further researchers are going to be interested in using

actual and more corpuses to cover the limitation of this research.


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Data collection Instrument

Student 1

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English

Student : Having less intention in learning english

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Being confuse in diferring pronounciation of indonesian word and


Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Being shy in speaking in front of people.

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : Having great aim in learning english and trying to have speaking


Student 2

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Being difficult in contructing the sentences orally.

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Being hard in pronouncing the words

Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Having lemeted vocabulary.

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : Listening to the english music and watching english movie.


Student 3

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Being afraid in the speaking engliash because of being difficult in

comprehending and using grammar material in speaking.

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Having lack vocabulary

Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Never speaking english

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : Studying hard and often trying to speak english


Student 4

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Being hard in pronouncing the words

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Not mastering english

Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english

Student : Being difficult in contructing the sentences orally

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking

Student : Always try to speaking english


Student 5

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student :Having less interest in learning english

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student :Being difficult to translate indonesian word in to english when

speaking english naturrally

Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student :English is not same with indonesian language

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student :Always trying to speaking english.


Student 6

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student :Having less spirit in learning english.

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Dont’ like english

Researcher : What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Being hard in pronouncing the words

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : Trying to like english subject first


Student 7

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Being hard in pronouncing the words

Researcher :Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Having limited vocabulary

Researcher :What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Being confused with structure and grammar

Researcher : How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : Always studying english


Student 8

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Being difficult to translate indonesian word in to english when

speaking english naturrally.
Researcher :Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Being shy when speak english

Researcher :What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student :Being afraid in having mistake when speaking english

Researcher :How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student :Having great self confidence in speak english


Student 9

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Rerearcher :What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student :There is no support from the environment

Rerearcher :Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student : Having lack in vocabulary

Rerearcher :What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Not being confident in speaking english

Rerearcher :How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student : There must be environment that support to speak english.


Student 10

Date/Day :Monday, january 16, 2017

Question about speaking:

Researcher : What are the difficulties in speaking English?

Student : Having lack vocabulary

Researcher : Why do you feel difficult in speaking English?

Student :Being confused with structure and grammar

Researcher :What are the factor difficulties in speaking english?

Student : Being difficult to translate indonesian word in to english when speak

english naturrally
Researcher :How to solve your problems in your speaking?

Student :Always trying to speak english.



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The names of writer is Evie Mulyani. She was

born in Endang Rejo on Marc 18, 1993. She is the fourth

child of happy couple, Mr. Wiji Sukarto and Mrs.


She graduated from TK Endang Rejo in 2000.

Then, in 2006 she graduated from SD Negeri 1 Endang

Rejo, After finishing her study, she continued her study

in SMP Negeri 1 Seputih Agung and graduated in 2009. After that, she continued

in SMA N 1 Seputih Agung and graduated in 2012. Then, she continued her study

in English Education Study Program StrataI ( S1 TBI ) in State Institute Of

Islamic Studies (IAIN) of Metro 2012 until now.

The writer followed the college organization (UKM), There was UKM

LDK Al-Ishlah as the staff Kaderisasi in 2014-2015, and then leader in

Kemuslimahan in 2015-2016.

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