Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface and Ground Waters

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Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface and Ground Waters Used for Irrigation along
River Tatsawarki in the Kano, Nigeria

Article  in  IOSR Journal of Engineering · August 2013

DOI: 10.9790/3021-03830109


26 887

1 author:

Mustapha Bichi
Bayero University, Kano


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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)
e-ISSN: 2250-3021, p-ISSN: 2278-8719
Vol. 3, Issue 8 (August. 2013), ||V3|| PP 01-09

Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface and Ground Waters Used for

Irrigation along River Tatsawarki in the Kano, Nigeria
Bichi, M. H., Bello, U. F.
Department of Civil Engineering, Bayero University, Kano-Nigeria.

Abstract: The Tatsawarki River, which is one of the major tributaries of the Kano River, receives all domestic
and industrial waste waters from the southern part of Kano metropolis. The river, with no natural flow in the dry
season, is extensively used for, irrigation, fishing and domestic water supply. Surface water samples were
collected from three different points along the river and ground water samples were collected from three
irrigation areas along the river. Control samples were collected from locations away from the river. The samples
were analyzed for physic-chemical parameters (Temperature, pH, TDS, Turbidity, Electrical conductivity,
Hardness, Nitrates, and Nitrites) and heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Co, Cd, Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn). The results show that
the water is generally unfit for irrigation as the physic-chemical parameters reveal higher values than the WHO
guideline values for irrigation water quality as well as the values obtained in the control samples. The
concentrations of the heavy metals in the irrigation water were also found to be higher than the FAO guideline
values with the exception of Fe and Pb which were found to be below the FAO guideline values. All irrigation
water samples were also found to have higher metals level in comparison with the levels obtained in control
sample with the exception of Pb. It is recommended that the standards for different end uses be reviewed in
order to recognize the variation in risks and benefits; and a more realistic, gradual and strategic implementation
of the standards should be ensured with achievable targets set. Effective market-based incentives to reduce
pollution, such as the 'polluter pays' principle, or grants, subsidies and tax credits for environmentally friendly
behavior should also be encouraged.

Keywords: Ground water, Heavy metals, Industrial pollution, Irrigation, Surface water,

Industrialization is considered vital to the nation's socio-economic development as well as to its
political standing in the international community. While development aims at bringing about positive change in
human life, uncontrolled consumption of natural resources both in developed and developing countries have
inadvertently led to environmental degradation, pollution, incurable diseases, poverty, social conflicts
(Osibanjo, 2009). The impairment of water quality due to the introduction of pollutants is a problem of
industrial cities around the world. The uncontrolled releases of waste effluents to large water bodies have
negatively affected both water quality and aquatic life (Udosen, 2006; Dan’azumi & Bichi, 2010a, b).
Heavy metals are major pollutants in water bodies because of industrial and municipal waste discharges
into the environment without proper treatment. To a small extent these heavy metals find their way into
human bodies via food, drinking water and air. These metallic chemical elements are toxic or poisonous at
low concentration. However, at higher concentration they can lead to poisoning as a result of
bioaccumulation in the human body. Aikman (1983) has reported that high concentrations of heavy metals in
irrigation water can result in death of crops, interfere with uptake of other essential nutrients, or form
objectionable deposits on fruits and render the edible portion of plants toxic to human and grazing animals.
In Nigeria, improper disposal of untreated industrial wastes has resulted in colored, murky, odorous
and unwholesome surface waters, fish kills and a loss of recreational amenities. A significant proportion of the
population still relies on these polluted surface and ground waters for drinking, irrigation, fishing and other
domestic uses. According to one World Bank report (1990), advisors warn that water contamination has the
second highest potential for future negative impacts on GDP and in Nigeria alone, higher incidences of water-
related diseases cost the country an estimated US $1 billion annually through increased health costs and lost
productivity, and put 40 million people at risk. In greater Kano, waste water treatment facilities are virtually
non-existent, such that poor people, including those who engage in urban farming practices to make a living,
cannot afford defensive sanitary practices. Local surface water is of vital importance, and the shallow ground
water supplies found in fadama depressions where much of the peri-urban agriculture takes place, are highly
polluted with urban and industrial contaminants (Binns et al, 2003).
Dike et al (2004) have observed that rapid increase in populations coupled with other factors such as
urbanization, rapid industrial development, mining, agriculture etc result in huge accumulation of wastes and
pollutants which end up in water bodies such as rivers, streams and lakes thereby polluting them. Heavy metals
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Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface and Ground Waters Used for Irrigation along River Tatsawarki in

are also present in virtually every area of modern consumerism as such it is very difficult for anyone to avoid
exposure to any of the harmful heavy metals that are so prevalent in our environment. Heavy metals toxicity
represent an uncommon, yet clinically significant medical condition, if unrecognized or inappropriately treated,
heavy metal toxicity can result in significant morbidity and mortality (Ferner, 2001). This paper examines the
level of pollution in the surface and ground waters that are used for irrigation of crops along the highly polluted
Tatsawarki River in the Kano River basin.


2.1 The Project Area
Kano is the centre of Nigeria's tanning industry, and is home to 70 percent of the country's tanneries
(World Bank, 1995). The waste bi-products from these tanneries have high concentrations of the heavy metals
chromium and cadmium, and a 1989 study, which monitored the activities of 15 tanneries in Kano, found that in
all cases permissible limits for effluent discharge were violated, with the exception of pH and temperature
(World Bank, 1995). Osae-Addo (1992) adds that not only do down-stream fish and crops become heavily
contaminated by heavy metals, but human health is further threatened in urban and peri-urban Kano, because
over 60 percent of local people depend on rivers and groundwater aquifers in the area for water. The Kano River
basin is the main source of water supply to the metropolitan Kano with a population of over 3 million people.
Two of the major industrial areas of Kano, Sharada and Challawa, are also situated within this basin.
River Tatswarki and its tributary, the River Salantan (Fig. 1), are the main drains of the southern part of
Kano, with no natural flow in the dry season. The river receive the entire waste water from sharada phase 1
industrial area, as well as waste water from the residential areas of Tarauni, Gandun Albasa, Gyadi-gyadi,
Na’ibawa and Kumbotso (Bichi and Anyata, 1999).

2.2 Water Sampling

Surface water samples were collected at three different points along River Tatsawarki. Sample
S1: at the beginning of the project area; Sample S2: before its confluence with the waste water channel from
Tamburawa water works, and Sample S3: before its confluence with River Challawa (Fig. 2). For ground water
sampling, the irrigation area was divided in to four zones (Table 1), with zone ZD being located away from the
river to serve as the control.
Sample collection was done using the standard procedure described by the Department of waters
affairs and forestry Pretoria (SA) DWAF (1992) in order to achieve an optimal level of success in
sample collection. The following parameters were recorded at the site of collection: name of sample,
zone and time and date of collection, place of collection and pH.
Two litres (2L) polyethylene bottles after being thoroughly washed with detergent ,rinsed with water
and then distilled water and then soaked in 5% for 24 hours were used for collection of the
river water and irrigation water samples from tube wells along the banks of the river. The samples ar e
preserved using 1-2 ml of concentrated in order to get a required pH of 2.2 to 2.8. Ice packs
were used to keep the samples cool and refrigerated in order to stabilize the metal before analyzing.

Figure 1: Map of the Project Area (Google, 2011)

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Figure 2: Location of Sampling Points

Table 1: Ground Water Sampling Points

ZA Tsafe irrigated farmlands G3
ZB Gidan kwanso irrigated farmlands G2
ZC Magami irrigated farmlands G1
ZD Kwarin Matage as control Control

2.3 Physico-chemical analysis

The physic-chemical parameters investigated are pH, temperature, turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids
(TDS), Electrical Conductivity, hardness, Alkalinity, Nitrates and Nitrites. The analysis was carried out using
the Standard methods (AWWA, 1990).

2.4 Analysis of Heavy Metals

2.4.1 Pre-treatment of Samples
The open-beaker digestion (OBD) method was employed using as described by Dike et al
(2004) for the chemical analysis of water samples. 50ml of the water samples was measured into a
beaker and 10ml was added. The beaker and the content were placed on a hot plate and
digested until the brown fumes of escaped. The heating continued until the content reduced to
10ml; the content was then washed into a 50ml volumetric flask and made up to the mark. The digest
obtained was subjected to determination of the metals.

2.4.2 Determination of Heavy Metals

The analysis/measurements of heavy metal concentration were carried out with an Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer (AAS). All concentrations were determined using the absorbance made with air-acetylene
flame. Eight working solutions were prepared from the stock solutions for each of the metals by
successive serial dilution and each of the standard solutions was then aspirated into the flame of AAS
and the absorbance recorded in each case. A plot of the concentration against the corresponding
absorbance gives the calibration curve of each metals. The samples, after aspirated into the flame and the
absorbance obtained were then extrapolated from the calibration plot to obtain the corresponding

The results of the analysis of the physic-chemical parameters for the surface water samples are
presented in Table 2 and those for ground water samples in Table 3. The WHO guidelines for irrigation water
quality and the FAO (1992) criteria for irrigation waters are included in Tables 2 & 3 and 5& 6 respectively for

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Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface and Ground Waters Used for Irrigation along River Tatsawarki in

comparison. The results for sampling points located away from the polluted rivers are also included and these
serve as controls.

Table 2: Results of Physico-chemical Parameters for Surface Waters used for Irrigation
S/No Parameters WHO Control S1 S2 S3
Guideline Sample
for irrigation
1 Temperature(˚C) 30 27.60 27.10 26.90 25.60
2 Turbidity (NTU) 25 0.00 932 701 538
3 Suspended Solids 30 1.00 781 478 164
4 Total Dissolved Solids >320 1087 1508 1496 1580
5 pH 6-9 6.71 8.07 7.89 7.76
6 Conductivity(μS/cm) 2250 2550 2850 2590 3030
7 Alkalinity (mg - 75.00 1120 942 305
8 Hardness (mg/l) - 98.76 225.36 183.63 103.25
9 Calcium (mg/l) - 33.35 73.54 36.58 28.84
10 Magnesium (mg/l) 0.20 4.93 10.41 8.32 6.35
11 Chloride 140.0 64.16 303.99 101.10 128.31
12 Nitrates (mg/l) 0.2 0.15 0.00 0.06 0.09
13 Sulphates (mg/l) 250.0 44.0 248.0 73.0 102.0
14 Sulphides (mg/l) - 0.01 2.80 0.74 0.36

S1 – Samples collected at point A (upstream)

S2 – Samples collected at point B (midstream)
S3 – Samples collected at point C (downstream)

Table 3: Results of Physico-chemical Parameters for Ground Waters used for Irrigation
S/No Parameters WHO Control G1 G2 G3
Guideline Sample
for irrigation
1 Temperature(˚C) 30 27.60 27.40 27.50 27.40
2 Turbidity (NTU) 25 0.42 1.20 33.00 247.00
3 Suspended Solids (mg/l) 30 1.00 2.00 30.00 227
4 Total Dissolved Solids >320 1087 1563 1716 1053
5 pH 6-9 6.71 6.20 6.58 6.32
6 Conductivity(μs/cm) 2250 2550 2680 3520 2240
7 Alkalinity (mg - 75.00 315 725 490
8 Hardness (mg/l) - 98.76 799.08 343.42 219.97
9 Calcium (mg/l) - 33.35 286.78 110.67 69.39
10 Magnesium (mg/l) 0.2 4.93 17.52 13.47 11.28
11 Chloride 140.0 64.16 645.49 676.09 377.03
12 Nitrates (mg/l) 0.20 0.15 0.17 0.08 0.00
13 Sulphates (mg/l) 250.0 44.0 240.0 55.0 12.0
14 Sulphides (mg/l) - 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.02

G1 – Samples collected at Magami Irrigated farmlands

G2 – Samples collected at Gidan-kwanso irrigated farmlands
G3 – Samples collected at Tsafe irrigated farmlands

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Table 4: Water Classification in Terms of Hardness

Hardness Total hardness
classification (mg/l CaCO з)
Soft Less than 50
Reasonably soft 50 to 100
Slightly hard 100 to 150
Reasonably hard 150 to 250
Hard 250 to 350
Very hard More than 350
Source: Schutte (2006)

Table 5: Results of Heavy Metals in Surface Waters used for Irrigation

S/No Parameters FAO Control S1 S2 S3
Guideline Sample Aver-
for irrigation age
1 Chromium (mg/l) 0.1 0.8 8.8 8.5 9.1 8.8
2 Copper (mg/l) 0.2 1.2 4.7 4.7 5.3 4.9
3 Cadmium (mg/l) 0.01 4.1 17.0 12.2 12.0 13.7

Zinc (mg/l) 2.0 2.0 11.4 10.3 9.6 10.4


5 Cobalt (mg/l) 0.05 0.5 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.9

6 Iron (mg/l) 5.0 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.5 1.0

7 Lead (mg/l) 5.0 1.9 1.4 1.1 1.4 1.3
8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.2 0.9 2.5 3.2 3.5 3.1

S1 – Samples collected at point A (upstream)

S2 – Samples collected at point B (midstream)
S3 – Samples collected at point C (downstream)

Table 6: Results of Heavy Metals in Ground Waters used for Irrigation

S/No Parameters WHO Control G1 G2 G3 Aver-
Guideline Sample age
for irrigation
1 Chromium (mg/l) 0.1 0.8 4.0 4.0 2.0 3.3
2 Copper (mg/l) 0.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 2.7 1.8
3 Cadmium (mg/l) 0.01 4.1 9.0 8.0 15.0 10.7

Zinc (mg/l) 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.5 6.8 5.8

5 Cobalt (mg/l) 0.05 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.9
6 Iron (mg/l) 5.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.5 1.5
7 Lead (mg/l) 5.0 1.9 1.4 1.0 1.9 1.4
8 Manganese (mg/l) 0.2 0.9 5.0 2.5 3.0 3.5

G1 – Samples collected at Magami Irrigated farmlands

G2 – Samples collected at Gidan-kwanso irrigated farmlands
G3 – Samples collected at Tsafe irrigated farmlands

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4.1 Physico-Chemical Parameters
4.1.1 Sulphates
The irrigation water exhibits sulphates in concentrations within the WHO guidelines for irrigation
water of 250mg/l, with the surface water showing a higher value of 248mg/l at point A (beginning of the
research area), 73mg/l at point B (midway into the research area just before the waste water channel from
Tamburawa water works) and 102mg/l at point C (before the confluence with river Challawa) showing a
contribution of sulphates from the new Tamburawa water works, the groundwater shows a value of 240mg/l at
Magami irrigated farmlands, 55mg/l at Gidan-kwanso and 12mg/l at Tsafe irrigated farmlands. All values
obtained show higher values than that obtained in the control irrigation water (Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.2 Nitrates
The nitrates concentrations obtained were found to be within the set guidelines of 0.2mg/l, the
groundwater shows a higher nitrates concentration of 0.17mg/l at Magami irrigated farmlands, 0.08mg/l at
Gidan-kwanso irrigated farmlands and no nitrates were found in groundwater used in Tsafe irrigated farmlands
(Table 3). The surface water exhibits no nitrates at point A, 0.06mg/l at point B and 0.09mg/l of nitrates at point
C. While the control sample exhibits a nitrates concentration of 0.15mg/l (Table 2).

4.1.3 Sulphides
The sulphides in the irrigation water showed higher concentrations in the surface water as it exhibits a
concentration of 2.8mg/l at point A, 0.74mg/l at B and 0.36mg/l at point C (Table 2). The groundwater exhibits
no suphides at Magami irrigated farmlands, 0.01mg/l at Gidan-kwanso and 0.02mg/l at Tsafe farmlands, while
the control irrigation water exhibits 0.01mg/l of sulphides (Table 3).

4.1.4 Chlorides
The chloride concentration obtained in most of the irrigation water samples were higher than the WHO
guideline value of 140mg/l, with the groundwater exhibiting much higher concentrations of 645.49mg/l at
Magami farmlands, 676.09mg/l at Gidan-kwanso and 377.03mg/l at Tsafe irrigated farmlands. The surface
water shows a value of 303.99mg/l at point A, 101.1mg/l at B and 128mg/l at point C, while the control sample
has a concentration of 64.16mg/l (Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.5 Magnesium
The magnesium content of both surface and groundwater used as irrigation water in the research area
were found to be higher than the guideline value of 0.2mg/l, with the groundwater exhibiting higher values than
the surface water which indicates the presence of magnesium naturally in the soils. The concentrations obtained
were also higher than that obtained in the control irrigation water though it was also higher than the guideline
value of 0.2mg/l (Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.6 Calcium
The concentration of calcium in the groundwater samples were higher than the concentration obtained
in the surface water samples, with both concentrations higher than the value obtained in the control sample of
33.35mg/l with the exception of surface water at point C having a value of 28.84mg/l. The high concentration
obtained in the groundwater can also be attributed to the calcium bearing rock/soil in the irrigated farmlands
(Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.7 Hardness
With reference to classification of water in terms of hardness (Table 4), the surface water used for
irrigation falls in the class of reasonably hard to slightly hard and reduces down the river, the groundwater was
found to be in the class of very hard to reasonably hard while the control irrigation water was found to be
reasonably soft (Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.8 Alkalinity
The alkalinity in mg/l of CaCOз in the irrigation water were higher in surface water with a value of
1120mg/l at point A, 942mg/l at B and 305mg/l at point C, the alkalinity in groundwater samples were found to
be 315mg/l at Magami irrigated farmlands, 725mg/l at Gidan-kwanso and 490mg/l at Tsafe irrigated farmlands,
while the control irrigation water shows an alkalinity value of 75mg/l (Tables 2 and 3).

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4.1.9 Conductivity
The conductivity exhibited by the irrigation water was higher than the WHO guideline value of
2250μS/cm with the highest value obtained in groundwater from Gidan-kwanso farmlands having a value of
3520μS/cm (Table 3) followed by surface water at point C after the waste water from Tamburawa water works
with a value of 3030μS/cm (Table 2). These can be directly related to the high concentration of total dissolved
solids in the two samples and the least conductivity value was obtained in groundwater from Tsafe irrigated
farmlands with a value of 2240μS/cm, while the control irrigation water exhibits a value slightly higher than the
guideline value.

4.1.10 pH
The pH of the irrigation water along river Tatsawarki was within the guideline range of 6 – 9, the
groundwater exhibit a pH of the acidic range while the surface water exhibits a pH in the alkaline range. The
trend of the pH in the river was found to be of the descending order with the lowest pH value at point C which
can be attributed to dilution with waste water from Tamburawa water works which is of the acidic pH (Tables 3
and 3).

4.1.11 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

The concentration of total dissolved solids was in conformity with the WHO guideline as all values are
greater than 320mg/l. The highest concentration was observed in groundwater from Gidan-kwanso irrigated
farmlands with a concentration of 1716mg/l followed by surface water at point C having a TDS concentration of
1580mg/l the least TDS concentration was observed in groundwater from Tsafe irrigated farmlands with a value
of 1053mg/l, while the control irrigation water was found to be having a TDS concentration value of 1087mg/l
(Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.12 Suspended Solids

The suspended solids in the surface water used for irrigation in the research area was significantly
higher than the 30mg/l WHO guideline for irrigation water, while the suspended solids content of the
groundwater was within the acceptable limits with the exception of groundwater from Tsafe irrigated farmlands
which has a value of 227mg/l suspended solids. All values observed were found to be higher than the value
obtained in the control irrigation water with a value of 1.0mg/l (Tables 2 and 3).

4.1.13 Turbidity
The turbidity of the surface water used for irrigation along river Tatsawarki was well above the set
guideline value of 25NTU with a highest value of 932NTU at point A, 701NTU at point B and 538NTU at point
C (Table 2). The groundwater exhibits a high turbidity at Tsafe farmlands which can be attributed to the high
concentration of suspended solids in the water and/or presence of some metals like manganese and iron (Table
3). The turbidity of the control sample was found to be 0.4NTU.

4.1.14 Temperature
The temperature of the irrigation water along river Tatsawarki was in the range of 27.4˚C – 27.5˚C for
groundwater and 25.6˚C – 27.1˚C for surface water, while the control sample exhibits a temperature of 27.6˚C,
all temperatures are lower than the 30˚C guideline for irrigation water (Tables 2 and 3).

4.2 Heavy Metals in Irrigation Water

4.2.1 Chromium (Cr)
The concentration of Chromium found in surface and groundwater used for irrigation in all the irrigated
farmlands was significantly higher than the FAO/WHO guidelines for irrigation water quality of 0.1mg/l, with
the surface water exhibiting higher value of 8.8mg/l on average (Table 5) and the ground water exhibiting an
average chromium concentration of 3.3mg/l (Table 6). The concentration of chromium exhibited by both surface
and groundwater used for irrigation were found to be higher than that found in the control irrigation water
having a value of 0.8mg/l. The surface water shows a value of 8.8mg/l at point A (the beginning of channel from
Tamburawa water works) and a concentration of 9.1 at point C (just before its confluence with the Challawa

4.2.2 Copper (Cu)

The concentration of Copper in the irrigation water in all the irrigated farmlands was higher than the
value of 0.2mg/l set as guideline for irrigation water by FAO as the surface water shows a higher concentration
of 4.9mg/l average (Table 5) and the groundwater exhibiting a concentration of 1.8mg/l on average (Table 6).
The Copper concentration in both surface and groundwater was higher than that obtained in the control sample

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which has a value of 1.2 mg/l. The concentration of Copper in River Tatsawarki maintains a value of 4.7mg/l
from point A to point B and then rises to a value of 5.3mg/l at point C. Therefore, signifying a contribution of
copper from the waste water from Tamburawa water works through its waste water channel.

4.2.3 Iron (Fe)

The concentration of the metal Iron in the irrigation water in the research area was within the guideline
limit set by FAO of 5.0mg/l (Tables 5 and 6). The groundwater shows a higher iron concentration of 1.5mg/l on
average than the surface water having an average concentration of 1.0mg/l. This can be attributed to the
dissolution of iron bearing rock and/or soils. The iron concentrations obtained in the irrigation water used along
the river were found to be higher than the value obtained for the control irrigation water which exhibits a
concentration of 1.0mg/l. The trend of iron concentration in the river increases from 0.7mg/l at point A to
0.9mg/l at point B and 1.5mg/l at point C, showing that the concentration of iron in the river cannot be solely
attributed to industrial pollution but also the nature of the rock and soils beneath and around the research area.

4.2.4 Manganese (Mn)

The concentration of manganese obtained in the irrigation water for both surface and groundwater in
the research area was higher than the FAO guideline value of 0.2mg/l. The groundwater exhibiting the highest
concentration value of 3.5mg/l average than the surface water which exhibits average concentration of 3.1mg/l
against a concentration of 0.9mg/l obtained in the control sample, these essentially shows the presence and
dissolution of manganese bearing rock and/or soils in the irrigated farmlands. The concentration of manganese
in the river shows an increasing trend from 2.5mg/l at point A to 3.2mg/l at point B and 3.5mg/l at point C
which also signifies the presence of manganese naturally along the river course (Tables 5 and 6).

4.2.5 Lead (Pb)

The concentration of lead in the irrigation water in all irrigation water both surface and ground water
were found to be below the FAO guideline value for irrigation water of 5.0mg/l. The groundwater shows a
higher value of 1.4 mg/l, while the surface water exhibits a value of 1.3mg/l with both concentrations lower than
the 1.9mg/l obtained in the control sample (Tables 5 and 6). This can be related to the fact that there is
significant mobility of the metal to the groundwater as the soil from the control farmland bears the highest
concentration of lead. The concentration of lead in the research river has a value of 1.4mg/l at point A, 1.1mg/l
at point B before the waste water channel from Tamburawa water works and 1.4mg/l at point C before its
confluence with river challawa, these shows a contribution of the metal from the waste water from Tamburawa
water works.

4.2.6 Zinc (Zn)

The concentration of Zinc obtained in the irrigation water was higher than the 2.0mg/l FAO guideline
for irrigation water, with the surface water exhibiting the highest concentration of 10.4mg/l average and the
groundwater having an average concentration value of 5.8mg/l, both surface and groundwater exhibiting higher
concentrations than the control irrigation water which exhibits a value of 2.0mg/l. The concentration of Zinc in
the river shows a falling trend, with point A having a concentration value of 11.4mg/l, point B 10.3mg/l and
9.6mg/l at point C which shows a dilution by the waste water from Tamburawa water works (Tables 5 and 6).

4.2.7 Cobalt (Co)

The concentrations of the metal cobalt in the irrigation water samples from the irrigated farmlands were
found to be higher than the 0.05mg/l FAO guideline for cobalt concentration in irrigation water, surface water
exhibits higher concentration value of 1.9mg/l on average and the groundwater shows an average value of
0.9mg/l, both having a higher cobalt concentration than the control irrigation water which exhibits a
concentration value of 0.5mg/l. The concentration of cobalt along the river was found to be fairly the same;
point A and point C having a concentration value of 1.9mg/l and point B 1.8mg/l (Tables 5 and 6).

From the findings of the research it can be concluded that the concentrations of the heavy metals in
irrigation water is very high and unfit for the purpose as the metals were found to be higher than the FAO
guideline values with the exception of Fe and Pb which were found to be below the FAO guideline values, all
irrigation water samples were also found to have higher metals level in comparison with the levels obtained in
control sample with the exception of Pb. Also, the irrigation water is generally unfit as the physico-chemical
parameters investigated reveals higher levels of turbidity, suspended solids, TDS, conductivity, magnesium and
chlorides higher than the WHO guideline values for irrigation water quality and the values obtained in the
control irrigation water.

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From the findings of the research it is recommended that the standards for different end uses be reviewed in
order to recognize the variation in risks and benefits; and a more realistic, gradual and strategic implementation
of the standards should be ensured with achievable targets set. Environmental and health impact assessments
should be conducted in order to ascertain the damaged that is being done so as to start thinking of the remedy.
Effective market-based incentives to reduce pollution, such as the 'polluter pays' principle, or grants, subsidies
and tax credits for environmentally friendly behavior should also be encouraged.

[1] Osibanjo, O., Historical perspective of environment and development nexus, Paper presented at IPAN 2-
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